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Called Church Conference

There will be a called conference following the evening service on

Sunday, November 1, for the purpose of considering a proposal to
pay for needed repairs of the church bus which are in addition to the
existing 2015 Church Budget and to consider the proposed changes
to the Nominating Committee report.
World Hunger Collection
On November 1, we will collect funds for World Hunger sponsored
by WMU. Children from GA's will stand at the door at the end of
each service (9 and 11) with a container to collect monetary
donations. The money goes to Global Hunger Relief which is used
all around the world for starving people
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
November 8 is Shoebox Collection day! Be sure to pack you
shoeboxes and bring them that Sunday.


Brian & Erin Timmons and family in the death of his father,
Brantley Timmons.

Sunday October 25, 2015

Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By
Bible Study
November 4
Potato Salad
Butter Beans

Sunday, November 1
Contemporary Service
9:00 AM
Bible Study
10:00 AM
Morning Worship
11:00 AM
Church Council
4:00 PM
Ladies Bible Study
5:15 PM
5:30 PM
Evening Worship
6:30 PM
Called Church Conference 7:30 PM
Monday, November 2
Library Committee
10:00 AM
Saints Alive Rehearsal
10:30 AM
Fellowship Club
Property Committee
6:00 PM
Tuesday, November 3
Youth Prayer Breakfast
6:45 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast
7:00 AM
Wednesday, November 4
Graded Choirs
5:45 PM
640 Worship
6:00 PM
Family Supper
6:00 PM
Mission Friends/GAs/RAs 7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
War Room Bible Study
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Chancel Choir
7:45 PM
Thursday, November 5
Agents of the Apocalypse 10:00 AM
BCM @ College
6:00 PM
Agents of the Apocalypse
6:30 PM

The family of Calvin Brownhill.

November 1
Early Session Bryan & Julie Cottles and Michelle Baxley.
Extended Session Virginia Bennett, Sandra Mobley, Angela
Shockley and Carolyn Thompson.
Maggie & Greg Smith on the birth of their son, Owen Rentz Smith,
born October 21, weighing 7 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. The proud
grandparents are Kim & Onys Rents.

First Baptist


October 28, 2015

Interim Pastor Rev. Milton Gardner

Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer


Last Wednesday evening, the church was called into conference for the purpose of consideration and a vote on a recommendation from the Pastor Search Committee. Jerry Pollock,
Chairman, made a motion to approve the committees recommendation to call Rev. Milton Gardner as Interim Pastor of
First Baptist Church. After sharing Dr. Gardners resume, and
list of responsibilities, Jerry answered questions from the
floor. A vote was taken and Dr. Gardner was approved by the
congregation for the position of Interim Pastor.
Preach two services on Sunday morning and one service in the
evening. Lead weekly prayer meetings on Wednesday.
Moderate business meetings and work with the Church Council.
Serve as liaison between the church and Bowen Baptist Association.
Conduct any funerals or weddings as requested by members.
Meet with deacons monthly or when requested by the chairman.
Counsel individuals and families as requested.
Be available for contact by phone cell or home.
Give guidance to Pastor Search Committee as requested by
the committee.
Meet with chairman of deacons on any concerns in the
Visit members - those in hospital, shut-ins, and any prospective members.
Please lift your Pastor Search Committee in prayer daily.
They are: Jerry Pollock, Ron Gilliard, Richard Dykes,
Tanya Crum, Frances Edmunds, Fred Rayfield, Susan

Thank You!
The Children's and Preschool ministry would like to express our
gratitude to everyone that participated in making Trunk or Treat a huge
success! Whether it was to donate candy, decorate a car or play a
game, we really appreciate everyone's generosity and hard work. As I
type this, I am eagerly anticipating all the fun! Please check out our
Facebook group (FBC Bainbridge Children) and Instagram
(fbcbainkid) for photos!

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to fill the pulpit

this past Sunday. Preaching is always a joy and an
honor for me and I am very thankful for you
entrusting me with the great privilege of sharing
Gods word.

Family Fun Night Outdoor Movie

Saturday, November 21 7 pm Green Space
Bring your chair, blankets, sleeping bags and dress warm for our
outdoor movie night. We will be showing a double feature of a
childrens classic. S'mores and hot chocolate will be served!

Parents remember that deposits for our winter retreats

are due by Sunday, November 1st. Middle school
will be attending MOVE 2015 and High School will
be attending Strength to Stand.

You can help make our night a success! Please consider donating or
allowing us to borrow:
1. Marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers
2. Outdoor Fire Bowls and logs
3. Hot chocolate
4. YOU! and your friends!

This Sunday night our small groups will be meeting

at their normal place. Be sure to check with your
small group leader to confirm the location and the
time you will be meeting.

RAs, GAs and Mission Friends Wednesdays @ 7 pm

Are you a part of the mission program at FBC? Come join the fun and
hang with us as we learn about missionaries and how to become one
What's Happening:
November 1 AWANA Regular Night


Baby Shower For The Baxley Family

All youth and youth helpers are invited to the Youth
Room on 11/4/15 for the regular youth service where
we will shower the Baxleys with gifts for Baby
Carah Beth during meal time!
Dinner and shower food will be served!!

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