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The Narrators Journal Entry (#1)

I see many things, and I take note of each and every one.
I see the sun rise each and every morning.
I see the sun set, unleashing a beautiful orange throughout the sky.
I see the all the wonders, and horrors of the world at the same time,
because I have too.
Scratch that-I am cursed to. Well, its not really a curse. Its what I am
meant to do. I am the words that are written in stories, and the pictures that
are shown. In other words
I am the Narrator.
My job may seem easy, but really. Its quite difficult. Taking note of
the villains evil laugh, and how the hero wins his victory.
Alice and Nigel are the protagonists of this story, who literally begged
me to narrate it, because Im the best at what I do. I can still hear their
begging voices ringing inside my head.
Anyway, enough about that. The reason why I like narrating this story is
because it teaches many lessons that you will learn as you read. Even
though it teaches everyday lessons, such as forgiving, and persistence, my
favorite lesson is what it means to be a Hero. Even I misjudged the qualities
of a Hero, when I know so much about them. It doesnt matter about how
much strength a Hero would have, or how brave he would be. What mostly
matters is that a Hero is loyal, shows courage, generosity, wisdom, and
intelligence. And those arent even all the qualities to being a hero, there are
thousands to someones opinion.
Before I start the story, I just want to say that Alice and Nigel have
taught me many things, as I taught them many things, and I hope that this
story shows you what it truly means to be a Hero, and leaves a place in your
heart forever.
Just as it did in mine

Chapter 1: Meet the Newmans

As usual, it was not a quiet day for the Newmans. The Newmans
consisted of a Dad, and four obnoxious children. Mrs. Newman died last year.
It just happened suddenly, a tragic moment for the entire family. Mr.
Newman was a man in his late forties, and has done his best job raising
these children. However, money was scarce ever since he lost his job as a
journalist for the New York Times. He is an author, but he didnt get anyone
interested in his latest book, because he never found the right person. Since
he plays an important part in our story, we will talk about him some more
Taylor Newman was the eldest child. Being what an older sister should
be, Taylor is responsible, and loves to boss her younger siblings. However,
she was also kind, and compassionate, and took the role as the woman in the
house ever since Mom died. Mothers death, probably affected her most. It
amazes me, how a loss can affect a human, especially if its someone close
to you. I never experienced grief before, so I dont know how it feels.
Ben is the youngest member of the family. At eight years old, he still
believes in fantasy and fairytales. Now dont get me wrong, he is still pretty
smart, and like any eight year old, he still believes in magic, such as Santa
Clause, and thinks that there is a monster hiding in his bed. The main
protagonists are Alice and Nigel, and even though they are twins, they dont
know how they can be related.
Alice, loves science, and was the top of the class in her old school. And
now she must reach up to be the top in her new school. Alice loves reading
about anything she can get her hands on, and has read 300 books so far (the
parents make the kids list all the books they read since they were born, and
Alice has the longest list in the family). While she is the smart twin, Nigel is
considered the sporty twin, who loves to play soccer, prank, and his
specialty, video games. Both twins, however, love pretending that they are
knights who are chosen to save a magical kingdom, and thats the only thing
that keeps them on the same level.

No one seems to like the word new, especially if it meant a new house,
a new neighborhood, and going to a new school. Also, no one liked being the
new kid, because you some had a hard time making friends. (Their last name
was New-man for goodness sake!) But one thing that Alice and Nigel liked
about being twins was the fact that they were never alone; they always had
someone to pester, annoy, and spend time with. The Newmans were moving
to Pennsylvania, which was pretty far from their home, was in a small city in
New York.
The Newman family was heading their way to their new home, and it
was very cramped in that car to fit four kids, scratch that, four loud and
obnoxious kids, that always had to shove each other to be free from the
small space. Each of the kids had something to do; Taylor was listening to the
music, and playing on her phone, Ben was shoving Alice in order to set his
arms free from almost being squished, and of course, Alice was trying to read
a book, while Nigel was playing video games.
Hey, quit shoving into me! Nigel complained
Its not my fault; Ben is the one shoving me! Alice said, defending
herself. Being the smallest member of the family, Ben needed to push
forward, backward, and sideways as hard as he can to finally have some
space, and that meant risking another Alice and Nigel argument. After a few
seconds has gone by, Nigel started moving wildly while lifting his elbows into
Alices face to give his fingers more area to move around in.
Nigel, stop shoving into me this time! Alice complained to Nigel.
Ill stop if you stop Nigel said simply.
You wont would you? Alice asked.
You know me so well Nigel replied sarcastically.
Dad! The twins shouted in unison. Since Dad was getting old, he
decides to let the children solve their own problems, because when they get
involved in the argument, it can lead to an entirely new argument that has
nothing to do with what the original problem is. Im pretty sure that they do
this quite often, it does seem like it, dont you think?
The shoving went on and on until Ben shoved Alice completely into
Nigel, finally releasing Ben from the small gap between Taylor and Alice. The

good news was Ben finally had a chance of fresh air, and the bad news was
that Nigel dropped his game boy, causing it to shut off automatically.
Aww, man! I was about to beat Level Five! Thanks a lot Alice Nigel
said. For revenge, he decided to take Alices book and throw it to the back of
the car, but that was very foolish of him. For some reason, I feel like I will
never understand the twins, no matter how many times I tell this story,
because first they fight, than make up (Dad made them forgive each other),
and then they go back to fighting. It must be a twin thing.
Hey, what was that for? Alice said.
Dad! The twins said in unison, again.
Nigel! Mr. Newman said. Translation: You better apologize or youre
Fine, sorry Nigel moaned.
Alice! Dad said.
Sorry Nigel. Alice mocked. The car soon remained quiet for a few
seconds, and I treasured those few measly seconds, because I know you
must be as bored as I am. But you dont have to worry, the adventure will
slowly make its way through the story, just in time to amuse and excite you.
Soon, Alice started to smell something peculiar, and I thought I smelled
it too. Some sort of stink that spread across the car, and Alice probably knew
who to blame it on.
Nigel, did you fart? Alice asked.
No, and why do you always blame it on me?
Because you always smell bad, you never have considered using
deodorant, did you?
I sort of agreed with Alice on this one. Though Nigel could be innocent
on this one, what do I even know? Im the Narrator.
A tomato red color appeared on Bens cheek. Oops Ben said quietly.
Ben was the one that farted! Nigel pointed out.
Seriously? Blame it on your little brother? Thats way beneath you
Alice confirmed.

Ben did do it!

How do you know?
Smell it
Just do it!
Alice sighed in defeat, and sniffed Ben. She made a disgusted face.
Ha! I knew it, you always blame it on me because you hate me Nigel
said, offended.
Did not!
Did too!
Dad! The twins shouted in unison, for the third time...
I admit that the fights could get childish and boring, but as I said, the
adventure will weave its way through the story. If you want to, come with
me. Dont worry, were not going anywhere too far, or too close, but we will
come back just in time for the next chapter. The Newmans wont be too far
behind. Lets just say were going to the beginning.

Narrators Journal Entry #2

Have you ever believed in magic? Did you ever feel like it was inside
you, but you never found it?
I wont lie, but I will tell you this:
Magic is real.
But only characters in books find the magic. The only magic that exists
in the world of reality is imagination. You use imagination to write, to go on
adventures, all of that is magic. But not that type of magic where you create
gigantic balls of fire and all that extravaganza. Even Divertica, the world
Alice and Nigel visit, is the product of imagination.
This still is a story, so you dont have to believe every single word I say.
But the stuff about imagination and magic is definitely true. Imagination is
the most powerful type of magic there ever will be in the world of reality.
Even though Alice and Nigel do discover magic, it was fate. And I am the
Narrator, so I dont create what will happen; I am not God, to do that.
Speaking of who I am; where are my manners? I forgot to tell you what
I am, which is important. I am not Human, nor am I a Ghost or Spirit. I am a
Voice. The voice you here when you read a story.

Anyway, the Newmans are approaching Walter Manor, so we must get

going. Grab on to the pages tightly, and let my voice guide you back.

Chapter 2: Welcome to Walter Manor

Yes, as the title says, welcome to Walter Manor. Walter Manor is a two
story cottage located a few inches from a wide open forest, which is more
like the backyard. The forest is wide and the trees are quite tall and sturdy. It
is an old forest, and the leaves are already turning a red-orange color due to
the seasonal changes.
The car made a brief stop, and everyone started to examine the old
fairy tale cottage. Taylor immediately took off her earplugs and gazed in awe
at how peaceful the place was and how the light shined, making it glow even
brighter. I love how nature can do its own magic at the right times. It makes
me smile. Nowadays, people dont realize the beauty and wonders of the
A man around age sixty opened the house door, loud enough for the
entire family to turn. He had short white hair, a beard, and walked with a
cane. When you get a chance to look into his eyes, they are full of wonder
and spirit.
Hello, my name is Walter Higgins; Welcome to Walter Manor! You may
call Professor

Children, this is the man that will be sharing the home with. Its best
that we show him great gratitude for letting us move in
. Mr. Newman
looked at his children sternly, and they all replied together Thank you,
Professor. The man chuckled, and turned to Mr. Newman
Its my pleasure. And are you Harold Newman, the author? Im a huge fan of
your work The Professor said. He is a very huge fan, and youll find out soon
why. Ben, however, had his own curious matters, and asked the most
ridiculous question any eight year old would ask.
Is he Santa Clause?
Father looked at Ben, and back to Mr. Higgins. The first time I saw him,
I actually wondered myself if he was the man, Father Christmas, the Holy
Man of Christmas. Whatever you call him. Mrs. Newman gave Ben the look
that mothers give their children when they misbehave.
Child, I appreciate that you believe in magic, but I am not, nor will I
ever be Father Christmas. Now, I saw that you must have made your Father
mad, but dont worry. I get that reaction all the time The Professor said and
gave Ben a wink.
Oh, and please, please. Come inside, this chit chat wont do any
The Newmans started to explore their new home with the help of Mr.
Higgins. However, if you would look closely enough, a small figure was
standing near him. Youll find out who he is soon, because right now, that
figure is not important.
The family was making their way through the second floor, particularly
to the bedrooms. However, Alice noticed that they missed a door.
Professor, there we skipped a room Alice pointed out.
Which room?
Ben pointed to the room behind them, which mysteriously had two
knobs. Note that that is the room Alice will later sneak in too.
Oh, that room. This room is my own room, where I keep my... special
belongings, some of my own private things, and I dont want you children
mingling around, understood? the Professor said.

Yes, Professor said the children. When Father was around, he always
made the children be on their best behavior.
Now, thats it with the tour. Be free to choose youre rooms. And dont
forget; do not go in the room the Professor reminded the family. What was
so secretive about the room? You may wonder. Soon, youre going to find out.
The Newmans were in the hallway, about their new rooms, and of
course, another argument amongst the children is going to start.
Alright, lets go through the following. Taylor, will have her own room
Father started. He was interrupted by a loud YES from Taylor.
Ben, will also have his own room. While Alice and Nigel, you will have
to share. Thats it, and it is settled Oh please. Dad is trying to prevent an
argument, but obviously, that is not going to happen. I dont need to be God
to know that either.
Why do we always have to share? The twins complained in unison.
First of all, youre twins. Second of all, there are no other rooms
except mine. Third of all.third of all.. That is it, and that is final Dad said.
Nigel looked at Alice for a defense.
Dad, us being twins has nothing to do with us sharing a room. And
couldnt you sleep in the guest room? And why does Ben get to have his own
room? Alice asked.
If I said it, then you must deal with it. This family is having many
problems going on right now, and we cant afford another room. This
discussion is sealed Surprisingly, there wasnt an argument at all. Looks like
I am useless talking about what happens after, lets skip a few moments, and
see what happens there.
Nigel and Alice are all set in their room. Maybe sharing it wont be so
bad this time. Alice was fiddling with her hair, and Nigel was playing with his
soccer ball.
Nigel, what do you think could be in that room? Alice asked. Nigel
stopped playing with his ball, and curiosity also filled his mind.
I dont know, not sure. Probably some junk from the fifties. That guy is
old, he must be keeping his memories there Nigel suggested.

Alice shrugged. What kind of memories would he want to hide from

Alice, I dont know. Maybe you can go find out for yourself? Good idea
Nigel. Besides, if Alice wouldnt have. Right, let me save that for later. I
dont want to spoil the story for you; we would want that to happen. Tonight,
the real story is going to start, so lets take a trip to the past. Hold on to the
pages tight, its going to be a rough ride.

Narrators Journal Entry #3: The inside Scoop

Date: July 25, 2013.
Note: This day is approximately four months and three days
from the storys present day-the date of Mrs. Newmans death.
Yes, this is the date when Mrs. Newman died. This date is essential to
the plots entire story, because it provokes the Sorcerers uprising. We must
stay quiet-Mrs. Newman is putting Ben to sleep.
Mrs. Newman was a very gentle woman. She loved children-especially
the little ones. She was also very beautiful-she had black hair down to her

shoulders, and had the deepest blue eyes. Mrs. Newman also had one thing
that Mr. Newman is very fond of-she loved to tell stories, and always made
up bed time stories for her children. However, from this day forward, Mr.
Newman will never hear a word from her again.
Mr. Newman was writing a bit of a new novel before all that happened.
It was about children who discover a secret world hiding in the secrets of a
very strange house. Sounds familiar? As Mr. Newman was writing, a blast of
dark magic shot from the window into Mrs. Newmans soul, and she layed on
the floor-flat and not moving at all. Lifeless. Who was behind it? Youre about
to find out.
A man wearing black with five others appeared from thin air. Mr.
Newman rushed in and realized who they were. Those men from his novelminions to their Leader-The Sorcerer. But how is that possible? How are
characters from his novel-standing before him, right at this very moment?
And why do they want him-his wife?
Who-Who are you? Mr. Newman asked
Dont you know? Obviously-out of all people-why dont you know? Are
Creator doesnt know who we are the Sorcerer chuckled in an utterly
Y-Youre that man from my book, arent you? How-How can it be
possible? I am a writer, youre not suppost to be real-youre suppost to be in
the book, not out of it. And what did you do with my wife?
One-Your imagination was the one that brought me here. It is so
strong-unique perhaps-and Two-I didnt kill her, I just poisoned her. She wont
die-yet The Sorcerer said.
Dont lie-tell the truth-why are you here? Mr. Newman almost
Because I want something-youre children he said simply. Yes, he
wanted Mr. Newmans children. Particularly Alice and Nigel.

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