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Ronald E. Jackson, Chairman

PO Box 123
Essex, NY 12936
Date: March 21, 2010
To: Ed Cox, NY State Republican Chairman
Subject: Endorsement of Steve Levy
Dear Ed,
Eleven days ago I copied you on a letter that expressed my concerns about your infatuation with the
bank account of Steve Levy, and the dangers of splitting the party. Your announcement that the
courtship has been consummated with a double ring marriage makes my disappointment in your
leadership complete.
I was one of your earliest supporters. I though you did well in the 2008 Presidential campaign and I
believed your pledge to unite the party and fill its coffers. Unfortunately, to date, you have done
neither. The State Committee bank account is nearly bare. Where is the money you promised? Who
are you to criticize others about fundraising? This year when Scott Brown has shown that Republicans
are capable of winning anywhere, we are advancing into the heart of the campaign season - for so
many positions with so many great Republican candidates - with virtually empty pockets in the State
Instead of uniting our Party, you are dividing it at the very moment when we need to come together.
Our Republican candidate, Rick Lazio, has just secured the Conservative endorsement. Chairman
Long, and his Executive Committee, has put principles first. They chose a man who has not only
talked the talk, but walked the walk when he was a Congressman. They will work hard to raise funds
and work hard to get Rick Lazio elected. We should be uniting as Republicans, joining the
Conservatives, and rallying behind Rick Lazio. We must do everything possible to help him defeat
Andy Coumo. History shows that a Republican cannot be elected Governor without the support of the
Conservative Party. You have said as much yourself.
You have thrown Republican Principals out the window and sold yourself to the highest bidder. Please
don’t insult our intelligence by calling Steve Levy a “conservative” Democrat that can lead our party.
His record is easy to read and very clear. No Conservative, of any ilk, would support Elliot Spitzer,
Barrack Obama, and call the stimulus “manna from heaven” or vote to elect Shelly Silver Speaker of
the Assembly. This year’s election is about real change. The voters will demand it. A flip-flopping,
Shelly Silver supporter trying to buy the Republican nomination is the wrong candidate.
Any New York State Republican Chairman who chooses lucre over principals needs to step aside and
let an honorable, principled man head our Party. I call for your immediate resignation.

Ron Jackson
Essex County Republican Committee

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