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Infectious disease epidemiology methods design s to study and

examine relationships
Different applications to different diseases
o Infectious agents
o Dynamic vs. static
o Symptomatic vs. asymptomatic

9/3 Microbiology Background

Terms to know (from slides on Angel)
Mycology study of fungi
Microorganisms are responsible for production of oxygen/nitrogen, act
as decomposers, and are key elements for living organisms
Some chronic diseases like gastric ulcers are caused by bacteria
10:1 ratio of bacteria to body cell
Viruses, viroids, prions
Prions are infectious proteins
Viruses can only be seen with an electron microscope
Bacterial Growth
30 minutes to divide (compare 18-24 hours for human cell)
Exponential growth
Environment conditions influence growth
Multicellular associations increase survivability (biofilm)
Planktonic attach to surgfaeces
Cells within biofilms can cause disease
Pure Culture genetically identical
Must be aseptic, grown on agar or broth
All cells in colony descend from single cell
1 million cells produce 1 visible colony
Agar is a marine algae extract and is used to grow large amounts of
solidifies at 45 C remains solid at room temperature and even
body temperature
streak plate method to isolate individual colonies of bacteria

Environmental factors on growth

o Mesophiles 25 45 C are disease causing
If temperature rising ex. Fever, they stop
dividing and growing and allow immune system to
Review slide on detecting bacterial growth
o Can dilute colonies and then can pour or spread them
on dis
Membrane filtration, which measures bacterial contamination in water
Detecting bacterial growth
Acid production, pH detects acid from sugar breakdown
Gas production, durham tube will trap gas produced by bacteria
ATP by detecting presence of luciferase which catalyzes a ATP
dependent reaction
Wells/water sources, population centered near water supply
3 NY aqueducts for Water from upstate
Potable water that is drinkable
o Only needed for cooking/drinking
Fast moving water is usually ok
Can filter water and identify the bacteria trapped on the filter
Disinfection of Water
Ct = killing pathogens is a function of concentration and contact time
Chemical Oxidation HOCl, NH2Cl
Disinfection by products, Ozone created,
Best to maximize time and minimize concentration
Fluoride helps improve dental care
Surrogate indicator looking for things that are associated with
contamination quicker to test and can serve as an indicator that
other bacteria may be present in the water.

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