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Le Professionnel

Enrique Puga Cital

The movie starts with a trial against who will be the principal character: Josselin Beaumont,
a french secret agent. The acusation is that Beaumont tried to kill President NJala, dictator
of Malawi. The natural punishment would be death but President decides to keep him alive
and send him as a prisoner to an re-education camp with another rebels to the
dictatorship. During his time in prison sees the reality and cruelty against people. He helps
a prisoner who in retribution helps Beaumont to escape. After their escape, they go to the
village of his inmate for evacuate all the people because the army is coming. When they are
resisting the army, his inmate dies in battle and Beaumont finally achieves to escape.
Now hes back in Paris with just one mission: Kill President NJala and people who
betrayed him. The President NJala is in Paris due to a diplomatic visit; this is perfect for
Beaumont. He decides to inform to French Secrets about his presence and his planes for
them. They know about the capacity and intelligence of Beaumont, so they assign the
mission of capture Beaumont to the Chief of the Secret Police, Rosen. Since the beginning,
Beaumont proves his extraordinary intelligence and knowledge of the police tactics. He
sends roses to Alice, part of the secret service, but also, his lover, and visit who seems to be
his wife, all this in a perfect stealth way. The secret service has many men after him but
hes one step forward everytime.
Before of the treason, his former boss, Vergera, was one his closest friends in the secret
service, then he decides to meet him for get some information. Vergera tells him about a
woman named Frederiksen (a prostitute) who stays with NJala during his visit to France.
This woman has access to an helicopter, important to Beaumonts planes. Again he has
avoided the security but this time starts a persecution through Paris, in which the winner is
Beaumont after Rosen crashed his car.
Now Beaumont calls Vergera again but this time there will be a lot of agents waiting for
him. When the meeting takes place, both of them pretend friendship but finally the truth
goes out and Beaumont tells him that he knows about the presence of all the agents outside.
But Beaumont had a plan, hed called the press; again he leaves the place after some
revelations to journalists.
Now his final plan is on the way. Rosen falls in a Beaumonts trap and finally they are face
to face. One bullet will decide their final fate. In a fraction of second Rosen distracts and
Beaumont kills him, but before to leave the place, he puts his medal to Rosen, all this to
confuse secret service. Eventually they are informed that Beaumont is dead, then NJalas
guard is reduced. NJala is an isolated french castle. Beaumont makes his way to there
avoiding all the security by threating to an agent.
Now hes finally with his final objective: NJala. Beaumont threats him with a gun and
NJala tries to take a gun in his table but nobody cheats le proffessionel. At this moment

one of the agents is ready to shoot Beaumont with an sniper rifle, just is waiting for him to
appear in his sight. Beaumont reveals that his gun has not bullets givin the gun to NJala.
Then his master plan is revealed when NJala is shooted by the agent with the sniper rifle.
The helicopter is outside waiting for Beaumont, but the First Minister must take a decisin:
kill Beaumont or allow him to leave. Beaumont is going through all security and people to
the helicopter and when hes ready to leave, the final decision is taken. The First Minister
orders to kill him.

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