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Tute 3 Introduction to IT management

Bejal S Brahmbhatt [30098204]

1. What is the purpose of project integration management?

A= its purpose is to coordinate all the work across a project to ensure
the right choices and trade-offs are made, customer needs are met, and
the project is ultimately successful.

2. What is the purpose of a project charter? Why can a project charter

serve as an agreement or contract? Why is a project charter a useful
communication tool?
A= The purpose of project charter is to Identify project need, cost,
duration and creates acceptance to begin.
Project charter is a useful
communication tool because it involves the entire stakeholder and as
communication it includes all the feedback of customers also.

3. Imagine you are the project manager on a small mobile app

development project. The app will be used by officials and fans
during and after matches at local sporting clubs. The app will allow
scoring and storage of all game match statistics, player histories,
club details etc. The app will eliminate the need for paper based
scoring, and will enable club secretaries to submit match results in an
efficient timely manner to league officials for collation. The team
consists of, you a programmer and a tester. Key stakeholders include
the association president, secretary and several officials. You have
three months to complete the project which commences next week.
The project budget is $10,000 which has been funded by the
federal government sporting communities grant scheme.
Develop a project charter for this project. Use the template below.

Project Charter
Project Title: sports club match tabulation
Project Start Date: 5th July 2013
Finish Date: 5th October 2013


Budget Information: $10000 by the federal government

Project Manager: Bejal S Brahmbhatt 0433343350

Project Objectives:

To develop a match information and score count system which will

keep track of the relevant statistics and club information.
To discard and change the old paper based system
To increase the efficiency of the match information system


Reviewing the adjusting system.

Gather information and formulate requirement.
Formulating a design and implementing plans.
Identify resource funding.
Development and testing.
Providing the progress reports to the stakeholders.
Implementing project and
Make the project live and finalising.

Roles and Responsibilities





Sign-off: (Signatures of all above stakeholders. Can sign by their

names in table above.)
Comments: (Handwritten or typed comments from above stakeholders,
if applicable)

4. Compare and contrast the required readings for this week Arnstein
(2001), Larson and Larson (as cited in Richardson & Butler, 2006), and
Schwalbe (2010, pp 151-154). Discuss the rationale for variances in the
content of project management plans (PMP). Develop a table of
contents for a typical PMP.

Scope management plan

Requirements management plan
Schedule management plan
Cost management plan
Quality management plan
Process improvement plan
Human resource management plan
Communication management plan
Risk management plan
Procurement management plan
Stakeholder management plan

5. Discuss the importance of following a well-integrated change control

process on information technology projects. Provide three suggestions
for integrated change control on information technology projects.
The process of reviewing all change requests, approving changes, and
managing changes to deliverables, organizational process assets,
project documents and the PMP

Maintain the faith of stakeholders in the project developed.

To achieve the efficiency, changes are important.

Three suggestions for integrated change control on information

technology projects.

Influence factors that create changes to ensure that

changes are beneficial
Determine a change has occurred
Manage changes as they occur

6. Refer to the mobile app project from question 3. The project keeps
stalling as officials at local sports clubs keep changing their minds about
the functionality, and design of the app.
Develop a change control process to manage changes and scope of the
o Divide process into two or three phases
o Short listing and reviewing changes
o Implementation and testing
7. What do you think the real problem was in this case?
A=The real problem was very short time constraint for big project.

8. Was Nick Carson a good project manager? Why or why not?

A=No, because he didnt covered all aspect of the project elements.

9. What could Nick have done to be a better project manager?

A= He should






10. What should top management had done to help Nick?




A= Provide with more time, some training and supervisor to guide him
on his work.

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