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Q-1 Fill following sentence with suitable prepositions

1. I think we should apologize .. him.
a) To
b) At
c) For
2. Do you believe .. life after death?
a) In
b) At
c) On
3. When did you arrive .. France?
a) In
b) On
c) To
4. Those books belong .. the top shelf.
a) In
b) On
c) Both answers are correct
5. When did your interest .. philosophy begin?

a) In
b) At
c) On
6. We had a long discussion .. politics.
a) About
b) At
c) For
7. We might go camping it depends .. the weather.
a) On
b) With
c) From
8. My father never showed if he was disappointed .. me.
a) At
b) With
c) About
9. People have always been very kind .. me.
a) To
b) With
c) For
10. Could you explain this rule .. me?
a) To
b) With
c) At

Q-2 Fill following with suitable article

My mother is ______English teacher. I am ____student. When I get home from school, I
watch _____ programs on TV. Thats _____best part of my day. _______I watch are for
______children. I am ___ child, so I think they are funny.
Im ______little excited because its ______ Friday. There are ______lot of good shows on
TV today. ____I usually watch is at 3:30. Its about _______animals. Also, Im excited
because my mother is making _____rice for dinner.
Later, after eating dinner and doing my homework, I go to my room and read ______book
for 30 minutes. Then I turn off _______light and go to ______bed.
Moving to ______United States was _____most exciting thing I have ever done. I moved
last year to _____ New York. New York is _____exciting city, full of ______adventure. In
fact, I met _____ famous actor on _____bus yesterday!
Today, I have ______ job interview at ______financial company. _____ has _____offices
all over ____world. Im not sure that I have _____skills to get hired. I hope so. ____s office
is on _____Main Street. Thats ______same street my friend works on.
Q-3 Write out the sentences adding capital letters, commas, full stops and question marks:
1. it is my birthday in june i would like a book by charles dickens

2. do you know what time it is i have to go soon

3. does your train leave before eight o'clock

4. i like dogs cats horses and elephants

5. how do i get to the library in washington

6.he told me the dog was a dalmation uncle drives a silver bmw

8. did she say her name was lucy or jane

9. i like to cook i like to make cake bread and pie

10. in london i saw jack john and fred


Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.

1. He sings a song.

2. The boy killed the spider.

3. Help him.

4. Farmers sow maize in the rainy season.

5. Are you writing a letter?

6. The workers were digging a canal.

7. I will finish the job by the end of this week.

8. Have you finished your job?

9. They have informed him of his mothers death.

10. They took all the necessary precautions.


Q-6 Use the words in the following list to complete the sentences. All of the sentences are
passive. Use any appropriate tense build cause confuse divide expect frighten invent kill offer
order report spell surprise surround wear
Build, cause, confuse, divide, expect, frighten, invent, kill, offer, order, report, spell,
surprise, surround, wear
1. The electric light bulb

was invented by Thomas Edison.

2. An island __________ by water.

3. The -ing form of "sit" __________ with a double t.
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory __________ next year.
5. The class was too large, so it __________ into two sections.
6. A bracelet __________ around the wrist.
7. The Johnson's house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire __________ by
8. Ben got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffic court, he __________ to pay a fine
of $100.
9. I read about a hunter who __________ by a wild animal.
10. The hunter's fatal accident __________ in the newspaper yesterday.
11. I didn't expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there. I __________ to see
her there.

12. Last week, I __________ a job at a local bank, but I didn't accept.
13. The children __________ in the middle of the night when they heard strange noises in the
14. Could you try to explain this math problem to me again? Yesterday in class I __________ by
the teacher's explanation.
15. A: Is the plane going to be late?

B: No. It __________ to be on time.

Q-7. Fill in the blanks with the Present Simple or Present Continuous:
1. The kids .. (play) outside at the moment.
2. My father usually . (read) the newspaper in the evenings.
3. I (write) an e-mail right now.
4. You (eat) my sandwich now.
5. . (you / want) a cup of coffee?
6. My friend and I .. (watch) TV now.
7. My son . (not / like) spaghetti.
8. The baby . (sleep) now.
9. My father usually . (wash) his car on Sundays.
10. He .. (take) his wife out for a dinner every month.
11. She . (not / enjoy) watching football.

12. Margret and her sister .. (listen) to the radio now.

13. Terry usually (work) on Saturdays, but he . (work) today.
14. We . (go) to a concert tonight.
15. (he / go) to work by bus every day?
Q-8 Put the verbs into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.
1. I __________ (see) Sue in town yesterday but she __________ (look) the other way.
2. I __________ (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They __________ (go) to
Berlin and I __________ (go) to Madrid. We __________ (have) a chat while we were
waiting/waited (wait) for our flights.
3. I __________ (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man __________ (step) out into the
road in front of me. I __________ (go) quite fast but luckily I __________ (manage) to stop in time
and __________ (not/hit) him.
4. Jane __________ (wait) for me when I __________ (arrive).
5. What __________ (you/do) this time yesterday? I was asleep.
6. Did __________ (you / go) out last night? No, I was too tired.
7. Was Carol at the party last night? Yes, she __________ (wear) a really nice dress.
8. How fast __________ (you / drive) when the accident __________ (happen)? 1. John
__________ (take) a photograph of me while I wasn't looking (not/look).
9. We were in a very difficult position. We __________. (not/know) what to do.

10. I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last __________ (see) him, he __________ (try) to find a
Job in London.
11. I was __________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I __________ (hear) footsteps
behind me. Somebody __________ (follow) me. I was frightened and I __________ (start) to run.
12. When I was young, I __________ (want) to be a bus driver.
13. Mr Smith never __________ (wake) up in time in the mornings and always __________ (get)
into trouble for being late; so one day he __________ (go) to town and __________ (buy) an
alarm clock.
14. To get home he __________ (have to) go through a field where a bad tempered bull usually
__________ (graze).
15. This bull normally __________ (not chase) people unless something __________ (make) him
angry. Unfortunately, as Mr Smith __________ (cross) the field, his alarm clock __________ (go)
16. This __________ (annoy) the bull, who immediately __________ (begin) to chase Mr Smith.
Q-10 Fill in the blanks with Simple Past or Past Perfect Tenses.

1. When I ---- (arrive) home last night, I ---- (discover) that Jane ---- (prepare) a beautiful candlelight

2. When I ---- (turn) the radio on yesterday, I ---- (hear) a song that was popular when I was in high
school. I ---- (not hear) the song for years, and it ---- (bring) back some great memories.

3. Last week, I ---- (run into) an old friend of mine. We ---- (not see) each other for years and both of us
---- (change) a great deal.

4. When Emilio ---- (enter) the room, I didn't recognize (not recognize) him because he ---- (lose) so much
weight and ---- (grow) a beard. He ---- (look) totally different.

5. When Oprah Winfrey ---- (get) her own TV show in 1986, she ---- (work) as a news reporter for a long

6. In 1976, 60% of families ---- (be) couples with children but by 1996, this ---- (fall) to 51%.

7. Several senior employees ---- (leave) the company by the time the new manager ---- (arrive) last week.

8. Until the new software ---- (purchase), the staff ---- (struggle) to keep the accounts' records up to date.

9. I ---- (see) that movie three times last year

10. When my supervisor ---- (pop in) my office the other day, I ---- (work) on the project for nearly three

Q-11 Past or Past Perfect Tense Simple: Fill in the correct form.
1. Mary ___________________ (give) me Tony's address before she left.
2. When the boys arrived at the cinema, the film ___________________ (already, start).
3. Before we reached the station we saw that we ___________________ (lose) our way.
4. All the tickets ___________________ (be) sold before the concert began.
5. They took a shower after they ___________________ (finish) the game.
6. I asked Mr Green how many books he ___________________ (read)
7. Mum asked me why I ___________________ (not tidy) up my room.
8. Bob was sorry that he ___________________ (told) me the story.
9. Alan watched TV after he ___________________ (have) lunch.

10. The sun ___________________ (shine) yesterday after it ___________________ (be) cold
for many weeks.
11. Uncle David ___________________ (go) to the doctor after he ___________________ (be) ill
for a month.
12. Before the police ___________________ (catch) the thief, he ___________________ (steal)
two more watches.
13. Mum once ___________________ (paint) a picture although she ___________________
(never, learn) it.
14. I ___________________ (not tell) my teacher that my mum ___________________ (help) me
with my homework.
15. I ___________________ (be) very angry when I ___________________ (see) that my brother
___________________ (eat) my apple.
16. The bike ___________________ (be) much more expensive than he ___________________
(think) at first.
17. Dad ___________________ (drive) me home after I ___________________ (fall) into the
18. Marion ___________________ (ask) me what ___________________ (happen) to me last
19. We ___________________ (eat) two Big Macs before we ___________________ (go) home.
20. Paul ___________________ (not say) that he ___________________ (take) Albert's watch.
21. The days ___________________ (become) colder after it ___________________ (snow).
22. Martin ___________________ (tell) me that he ___________________ (be) in London.
23. I ___________________ (feel) great after I ___________________ (pass) the exam.
24. It ___________________ (be) Freddy who ___________________ (clean) the room.
25. When I ___________________ (get) off the bike I ___________________ (see) that one of
those tires ___________________ (lose) air.
26. I ___________________ (be) sorry that I ___________________ (not be) nicer to him.
27. Nobody ___________________ (come) to the meeting because Angela
___________________ (forget) to tell them about it.
28. I know that I ___________________ (see) her somewhere before.
29. Because she ___________________ (not check) the oil for so long, the car
___________________ (break) down.
30. She couldn't find the book that I ___________________ (lend) her.

31. They never ___________________ (never find) where he ___________________ (hide) the
32. It was a firm that I ___________________ (never hear) of.
33. When she ___________________ (come ) in we all knew where she ___________________
34. The lesson ___________________ (already start) when I ___________________ (arrive).
35. When I ___________________ (get) to the park I found out that I ___________________
(lose) my keys.
36. She told me that she ___________________ (work) in Germany.
37. When he ___________________ (paint) the kitchen he ___________________ (decide) to
have a rest.
38. After I ___________________ (finish) the report, I saw that it ___________________ (be) too
Q-12 Fill in the correct form of the verb All tenses
1. They ___________________ in Chicago for 20 years (be).
2. I ___________________ a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see)
3. The sun ___________________ at 6:38 yesterday morning (rise)
4. The sun ___________________ when the climber reached Mount Everest. (shine)
5. I promise that I ___________________ this secret to anyone (not tell)
6. Unfortunately, just as we got to the airport their plane ___________________ off (take).
7. They ___________________ to the movies only once in a while (go)
8. I was tired yesterday because I ___________________ well the night before (not sleep).
9. Sh! Someone ___________________ to our conversation (listen)!
10. When I left the house this morning, it ___________________ (already rain)
11. I think Bob ___________________ for London this very moment.(leave)
12. The plane ___________________ off in a few minutes. (take)
13. I ___________________ up at 7 every morning but this morning I ___________________
long and I ___________________ up until 8. (get, sleep, not get)
14. I ________________________ my watch because it is being fixed (not wear).
15. This ___________________ an easy quiz so far (be).
16. They ___________________ in an apartment right now because they cant find a cheap
house. (live)

17. Everyone ___________________ when the earthquake hit the small town. (sleep)
18. He _________________________ by herself since her divorce (live)
19. I was angry that I ___________________ such a stupid mistake (make).
20. I predict that by 2020, man __________________________ on Mars (land)
21. He ___________________ his job a couple of years ago. (quit)
22. Our daughter __________________________ from the university yet (gradate).
23. They ___________________ any Christmas cards last year (not send)
24. She ___________________ to a doctor once a year for an examination (go)
25. They ___________________ about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk)
26. Nothing much ______________________ when I got to the meeting (happen).
27. My parents ___________________ in New York two weeks from today (be).
28. I ___________________ two mistakes in the last quiz. (make)
29. Unfortunately, our team ___________________ any games last year. (not win)
1. My family have ___________________ (buy) some land in southern France recently. They
___________________ (build) a summer house there at the moment.
2. Andy and Mary ___________________ (go) to a concert tomorrow night. They
____________________________ (look forward to) it the whole week.
3. Jonathon ___________________ (watch) the news on TV every day and it
___________________ (help) him with his English.
4. My car ___________________ (break) down when I ___________________ (drive) home from
work. I ________________________ (fix) it if I ___________________ (know) what was wrong.
But I didnt so ___________________ (have) to take it to the garage.
5. When he ___________________ (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old. He
___________________________ (already write) his first computer programme six years earlier.
6. An accident ___________________ (happen) near my house last night. A car
_______________ (hit) a young man. He ___________________ (ride) his bike when someone in
front of him suddenly ___________________ (open) a car door. Many people
___________________ (see) the accident. The police ___________________ (interrogate) them
last night.
7. Mrs Smith said that one day she ________________________ (retire) from teaching. She said
that she ___________________ (spend) her new free time learning about computers.

8. I ______________________ (not sleep) at all last night. Someone ___________________

(listen) to music all night.
9. I ___________________ (see) a film a week ago, but I _______________________ (not enjoy)
it very much because I _______________________ (already read) the book. If I
___________________ (not read) the book I ____________________________ (probably enjoy)
the film more.
10. The judge sentenced the man to eight years in prison because he ___________________
(rob) a bank.
11. They ________________________ (stand) in the queue for over an hour when the manager
___________________ (tell) them that there were no more tickets.
12. Alan ___________________ (be) in the car accident yesterday. The other driver
___________________ (lose) control of his car because he ___________________ (fall) asleep.
13. She ___________________ (not see) her father since he ___________________ (start) to
work in Marseille two years ago.
14. I ___________________ (sleep) when the fire broke out.
15. Linda phoned and explained that she _________________________ (not can) to come to the
party the next day because she ___________________ (be) still sick.
16. I ________________________ (just see) the film The Da Vinci Code.
___________________ (you see) it too? No, I ___________________ (not have) but I
___________________ (read) the book.
17. My sister ___________________ (fly) home from London today. Her flight
___________________ (arrive) in an hour so I ___________________ (leave) for the airport right
now to get there in time.
18. Unless he ___________________ (sell) more he wont get much money.
19. While he ___________________ (wait) for the bus there ___________________ (be) a
robbery at the bank. After the robbers ___________________ (go) away the police
___________________ (come) but they ___________________ (not can) to catch them.
20. I ___________________ (use) to ski when I was at the university but I
___________________ (break) a leg five years ago and since then I ___________________ (not
ski) any more.



MYSTIC, Connecticut Thousands of people came to the Mystic Seaport
recently to see the launch of a ship called the Amistad. The ships
builders used plans and tools from the nineteenth century to re-create a
wooden sailing ship. The ship took two years to build. The original
Amistad became famous in 1839. It was sailing to the United States from
Cuba. On board were 53 Africans who had been taken from Sierra Leone,
their home country, and shipped to Cuba. In Cuba, they had been sold as
slaves. It was a crime to bring new slaves into the United States. The men
who were bringing Africans to the United States on the Amistad didnt
care about the law. They had broken it before. But this time they were in
for a terrible surprise. The Africans on the ship rebelled. They killed the
captain and took over the ship. The Africans wanted to sail back to Sierra
Leone. The ships crew fooled the Africans and
took them to Connecticut instead. There, the Africans were caught, put in
jail, and tried for murder. But in the end, they won their freedom. In 1976,
Warren Marr, a magazine editor, came up with the idea of rebuilding the
Amistad. He thought it would be a good way to honor the Amistad story
(which was also told in the 1997 movie Amistad, directed by Steven
Spielberg). For more than 14 years, Marr worked to interest people in the
project. In 1990, he came to the Mystic Seaport. Thats when the project
really took off. The Mystic Seaport helped raise over three million dollars
to build the ship. The new Amistad will be both a ship and a museum. Its
first stop will be Operation Sail 2000 in New York harbor on July 4. Then it
will sail on, carrying its story of the struggle for freedom.


1. What is the main idea of this article?

a. It was a crime to bring new slaves into united states in 1839
b. A new Amistad has been launched to help tell the Amistad story.
c. Warren Marr came up with the idea of rebuilding the Amistad.
d. The Africans who rebelled on the Amistad won their freedom .

2. Why was the Amistad a famous ship?


3. In 1839, how did the Africans on the Amistad end up in

4. Why do you think both Warren Marr and Steven Spielberg wanted to retell
the story of the Amistad?


On Being Yourself
Everyone likes to feel that he or she is special.
Unfortunately, many of us grow up believing that
were not special at all. We wish that we could be
better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had
nicer clothes or more money. Like the Scarecrow, the
Tin Man, or the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz,
we believe were not good enough just as we are. In
the movie, the Scarecrow wishes that he had a brain.
The Tin Man wishes he had a heart, and the Lion
wants courage. In the end, each of them realizes that
he already has what he needs. Most parents want us
to be the best we can be. They sometimes try to
encourage us to do better by comparing us to others.
They mean well, but the message we often get is
that were not good enough. We begin to believe that
the only way we can be special is by being better
Than someone else, but we are often disappointed.
There will always be someone out there who is better
than we are at something. There are plenty of people
around who may not be as smart as we are but who
are better at sports. Or they may not be as goodlooking, but they have more money. It is impossible
for us to be better than everyone else all the time.
Like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly
Lion, we all want what we believe will make us better

people. What we dont realize is that often we

already have inside us the very things that we seek.
Parents sometimes forget to tell us that we are
special, that we are good enough just as we are.
Maybe no one told them when they were growing up,
or maybe they just forgot. Either way, its up to us to
remind them from time to time that each of us, in our
own way, is special. What we are . . . is enough.

1. This essay was most likely written by a


Young persons

2. The author of this essay believes that

A.Not everyone can be special.
B.Smart people are more special than others.
C.The richer you are, the better you are.
D.We are all good enough just the way we are
3. Why does the author believe it is not a good idea to compare
yourself to others in order to feel special?
4. Why does the author discuss characters from The Wizard of Oz
in this essay? What point is the author trying to make?

5. What makes you special? Write a paragraph telling what you
like about yourself

Picture Composition







1. I think we should apologize to him.
2. Do you believe in life after death?
3. When did you arrive in France?
4. Those books belong in/on the top shelf.
5. When did your interest in philosophy begin?


6. We had a long discussion about politics.

7. We might go camping it depends on the weather.
8. My father never showed if he was disappointed with me.
9. People have always been very kind to me.
10. Could you explain this rule to me?

Q-5 Answers
1. A song is sung by him. (Active verb sings; passive verb is sung)
2. The spider was killed by the boy. (Active verb killed; passive verb was killed)
3. Let him be helped. (Imperative sentences in the passive voice begin with let.)
4. Maize is sown in the rainy season. (Active verb sow; passive verb is/are sown)
5. Is a letter being written by you? (Active verb is/are writing; passive verb is/are being written)
6. A canal was being dug by the workers. (Active verb was/were digging; passive verb was/were
being dug)
7. The job will be finished (by me) by the end of this week. (Active verb will finish; passive verb will
be finished)

8. Has your job been finished by you? (Active verb has/have finished; passive verb has/have been
9. He has been informed of his mothers death. (Active verb has/have informed; passive verb
has/have been informed)
10. All the necessary precautions were taken by them. (Active verb took; passive verb was/were

Q-8 Answers:
1. I saw (see) Sue in town yesterday but she was looking (look) the other way.
2. I met (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They were going (go) to Berlin and I was
going (go) to Madrid. We had (have) a chat while we were waiting / waited (wait) for our flights.
3. I was cycling (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man stepped (step) out into the road in front
of me. I was going (go) quite fast but luckily I managed (manage) to stop in time and didn't hit (not/hit)
4. Jane was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived (arrive).
5. What were you doing (you/do) this time yesterday?
6. Did you go (you/go) out last night?
7. Was Carol at the party last night?

I was asleep.
No, I was too tired.
Yes, she was wearing / wore

(wear) a really nice dress.

8. How fast were you driving (you/drive) when the accident happened (happen)? 1. John took (take) a
photograph of me while I wasn't looking (not/look).

2. We were in a very difficult position. We didn't know (not/know) what to do.

3. I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last saw (see) him, he was trying (try) to find a Job in London.
4. I was walking (walk) along the street when suddenly I heard (hear) footsteps behind me.
Somebody was following (follow) me. I was frightened and I started (start) to run.
5. When I was young, I wanted (want) to be a bus driver.
6. Mr Smith never woke (wake) up in time in the mornings and was always getting / always got (get)
into trouble for being late; so one day he went (go) to town and bought (buy) an alarm clock.
7. To get home he had to (have to) go through a field where a bad tempered bull usually grazed / was
usually grazing (graze).
8. This bull didn't normally chase (not chase) people unless something made (make) him angry.
Unfortunately, as Mr Smith was crossing (cross) the field, his alarm clock went (go) off.
9. This annoyed (annoy) the bull, who immediately began (begin) to chase Mr Smith.
Q-11 ANSWER Past or Past Perfect Tense Simple: Fill in the correct form.
1. Mary had given me Tony's address before she left. 2. When the boys arrived at the cinema, the
film had already started , 3. Before we reached the station we saw that we had lost our way. 4.
All the tickets had been sold before the concert began. 5. They took a shower after they had
finished the game. 6. I asked Mr. Green how many books he had read 7. Mum asked me why I
had not tidied up my room. 8. Bob was sorry that he had told me the story. 9. Alan watched TV
after he had had lunch. 10. The sun shone yesterday after it had been cold for many weeks.
11. Uncle David went to the doctor after he had been ill for a month. 12. Before the police
caught the thief, he had stolen two more watches. 13. Mum once painted a picture although
she had never learnt it. 14. I did not tell my teacher that my mum had helped me with my
homework. 15. I was very angry when I saw that my brother had eaten my apple. 16. The bike

was much more expensive than he had thought at first. 17. Dad drove me home after I had
fallen into the water. 18. Marion asked me what had happened to me last week. 19. We had
eaten two Big Macs before we went home. 20. Paul did not say that he had taken Albert's
watch. 21. The days became colder after it had snowed. 22. Martin told me that he had been
in London. 23. I felt great after I had passed the exam. 24. It was Freddy who had cleaned the
room. 25. When I got off the bike I saw that one of those tires had lost air. 26. I was sorry that I
had not been nicer to him. 27. Nobody came to the meeting because Angela had forgotten to
tell them about it. 28. I know that I had seen her somewhere before. 29. Because she had not
checked the oil for so long, the car broke down. 30. She couldn't find the book that I had lent
her. 31. They never found where he had hidden the money. 32. It was a firm that I had never
heard of. 33. When she came in we all knew where she had been 34. The lesson had already
started when I arrived. 35. When I got to the park I found out that I had lost my keys. 36. She
told me that she had worked in Germany. 37. When he had painted the kitchen he decided to
have a rest. 38. After I had finished the report, I saw that it was too late.
Fill in the correct form of the verb All tenses
1. They have been in Chicago for 20 years (be).
2. I saw a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see)
3. The sun rose at 6:38 yesterday morning (rise)
4. The sun was shining when the climber reached Mount Everest. (shine)
5. I promise that I will not tell this secret to anyone (not tell)
6. Unfortunately, just as we got to the airport their plane was taking off (take).
7. They go to the movies only once in a while (go)

8. I was tired yesterday because I had not slept well the night before (not sleep).
9. Sh! Someone is listening to our conversation (listen)!
10. When I left the house this morning, it was already raining (already rain)
11. I think Bob is leaving for London this very moment.(leave)
12. The plane will be taking/ will take off in a few minutes. (take)
13. I get up at 7 every morning but this morning I slept long and I didnt get up until 8. (get, sleep, not
14. I am not wearing my watch because it is being fixed (not wear).
15. This has been an easy quiz so far (be).
16. They are living in an apartment right now because they cant find a cheap house. (live)
17. Everyone was sleeping when the earthquake hit the small town. (sleep)
18. He has been living by herself since her divorce (live)
19. I was angry that I had made such a stupid mistake
20. I predict that by 2020, man will have landed on Mars (land)
21. He quit his job a couple of years ago. (quit)
22. Our daughter has not graduated from the university yet (gradate).
23. They didnt send any Christmas cards last year (not send)


24. She goes to a doctor once a year for an examination (go)

25. They were talking about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk)
26. Nothing much was happening when I got to the meeting (happen).
27. My parents will be in New York two weeks from today (be).
28. I made two mistakes in the last quiz. (make)
29. Unfortunately, our team didnt win any games last year. (not win)
Fill in the correct form of the verb All tenses
1. My family have bought (buy) some land in southern France recently. They are building (build) a
summer house there at the moment.
2. Andy and Mary are going (go) to a concert tomorrow night. They have been looking forward to
(look forward to) it the whole week.
3. Jonathon watches (watch) the news on TV every day and it helps (help) him with his English.
4. My car broke (break) down when I drove / was driving (drive) home from work. I would have fixed
(fix) it if I had known (know) what was wrong. But I didnt so had (have) to take it to the garage.
5. When he founded (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old. He had already written
(already write) his first computer programme six years earlier.
6. An accident happened (happen) near my house last night. A car hit (hit) a young man. He was riding
(ride) his bike when someone in front of him suddenly opened (open) a car door. Many people saw
(see) the accident. The police interrogated (interrogate) them last night.


7. Mrs Smith said that one day she would retire (retire) from teaching. She said that she would spend
(spend) her new free time learning about computers.
8. I did not sleep (not sleep) at all last night. Someone was listening (listen) to music all night.
9. I saw (see) a film a week ago, but I didnt enjoy (not enjoy) it very much because I had already read
(already read) the book. If I hadnt read (not read) the book I would probably have enjoyed (probably
enjoy) the film more.
10. The judge sentenced the man to eight years in prison because he had robbed (rob) a bank.
11. They had been standing (stand) in the queue for over an hour when the manager told (tell) them
that there were no more tickets.
12. Alan was (be) in the car accident yesterday. The other driver lost (lose) control of his car because
he had fallen (fall) asleep.
13. She has not seen (not see) her father since he started (start) to work in Marseille two years ago.
14. I was sleeping (sleep) when the fire broke out.
15. Linda phoned and explained that she would not be able (not can) to come to the party the next
day because she was (be) still sick.
16. I have just seen (just see) the film The Da Vinci Code. Have you seen (you see) it too? No, I
havent (not have) but I read (read) the book.
17. My sister is flying (fly) home from London today. Her flight will arrive (arrive) in an hour so I am
leaving (leave) for the airport right now to get there in time.
18. Unless he sells (sell) more he wont get much money.


19. While he was waiting (wait) for the bus there was (be) a robbery at the bank. After the robbers
had gone (go) away the police came (come) but they were not able (not can) to catch them.
20. I used (use) to ski when I was at the university but I broke (break) a leg five years ago and since
then I have not skied (not ski) any more.


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