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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

Marketing of Services 560

Semester Two, 2013
Unit study package number:


Mode of study:


Tuition pattern summary:

Weekly 3 hour seminar

Credit value:

25 Credits

Result type:

Grade and mark

Approved incidental fees:

Information about approved incidental fees can be

obtained from our website. Visit for details.

Scheduled times and Venues:

Wednesday 17:00-20:00 Building 408 Room 1500

Name: Dr Deepa Sharma Acharya
Phone: 9266 4757
Consultation times: Monday 14:00-16:00
Unit Coordinator:
Name: Dr Robyn Ouschan
Phone: 9266 4230
Building-Room: 408.2005B
Consultation times: Wednesday 11:00 -12:00 Thursday 12:00-13:00

Administrative contact:


Elizabeth Martella




Building : Room:


Learning Management System: FLECS - Blackboard (

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WA 00301J, NSW 02637B

Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

Acknowledgement of Country
We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous Elders, custodians, their descendents and kin of
this land past and present.

This unit addresses the unique needs and challenges of service organisations. The unit deals
with the challenges of managing the intangibles of services and the need to integrate
operations management and human resource systems in the design of service organisations.
Students draw on frameworks and tools developed in the services marketing scholarly and
applied business literature to develop a service orientation and service leadership.The unit
applies strategies to leverage relationships with customers and staff for the enhancement of
customer value and service excellence.

The theme of this course is that service organisations possess several unique characteristics
that require a distinctive approach to marketing strategy - both in its development and
execution. This course builds upon and expands on the traditional marketing management
concepts and models and adapts them to the services environment.

You will also become familiar with some unique frameworks and concepts specific to the
marketing of services such as the expanded marketing mix and the gap model and customer
relationship frameworks to enhance customer loyalty. Since many services have a significant
people component, time will be dedicated to examine customer participation in services and
internal marketing strategies to motivate service personnel. Service blueprinting is used to
analyse the process and the physical environment in which services are delivered. Unique
marketing research approaches to monitor service performance (e.g., mystery shopping,
critical incidents analysis, SERVQUAL instrument) are also covered in this unit.

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WA 00301J, NSW 02637B

Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

Unit Learning Outcomes


On successful completion of this unit students can:

1) Blueprint and map services to manage operational, human resource
and physical evidence requirements in service processes
2) Evaluate customer focused relationship marketing strategies to retain
3) Monitor, manage and enhance service quality and customer value to
align service design with customer standards
4) Apply internal marketing strategies to retain and motivate employees
5) Use advanced technologies to enhance customer engagement in
services processes.

Curtins Graduate Attributes

Apply discipline
knowledge, principles
and concepts

Think critically,
creatively and


Use technology

Recognise and apply


Demonstrate cultural
awareness and

Access, evaluate and

Utilise lifelong
learning skills

Apply professional

Find out more about Curtins Graduate attributes at the Office of Teaching & Learning

Learning Activities
The primary mode of delivery for this unit is weekly face-to-face seminars. Part of the
seminars focus on enhancing your knowledge of analytical services marketing frameworks,
and as such will entail a more traditional lecture style of delivery. This will enable students to
critically analyse the cases and address the leadership issues covered in the subsequent
A variety of learning strategies are employed including student driven case facilitations, online postings, formal presentations and peer reviews. This unit requires you to facilitate group
discussions and formally present and defend your work. Peer review and feedback feature
throughout the learning tasks. In addition to learning from each other, the tasks will teach you
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WA 00301J, NSW 02637B

Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

to demonstrate leadership, professional behaviour and ethical practices. Subsequently you

will learn to communicate appropriately to the discipline, audience and purpose.
Your work conducted on-line and the time you spend on peer evaluations (relating to the
cases and leadership issues) replace two of the face-to-face seminars. The assessment
items are elaborated on in the Detailed information On Assessment Tasks section of this

Referencing style
Students should use the Chicago referencing style when preparing assignments. More
referencing information can be found on this style from the Library web site: This site provides a summary
reference guide (Chicago Author-Date 16th-ed) and a tutorial (Referencing i-tutorial) which will
help you understand referencing and avoid plagiarism.

Learning Resources
Essential Text
You will need to purchase the following textbook in order to complete this unit:
Zeithaml, V. A., M. J. Bitner, and D. Gremler, 2013, Services Marketing: Integrating Customer
Focus Across the Firm , 6th ed. Boston,USA :McGraw-Hill. ISBN: ISBN-13 9780078112058.
Curtin Library Database
A good start for locating relevant articles for the Case Facilitation and Leadership Issue is to
use the Curtin library database system (
and search under the databases (e.g., Business Source Complete, Emerald, ProQuest).
Academic Services Marketing Journals
Journal of Service Research;
Journal of Services Marketing;
Services Marketing Quarterly;
Managing Service Quality;
International Journal of Service Industry Management;
Journal of Retailing;
Service Industries Journal;
Service Science;

It cannot be over emphasised how important it is to read widely.


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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

Assessment Schedule

discussions and
leadership issue


Date due

Unit Learning
Assessed (LOs)

30 %

1. For the case participation be prepared to discuss

each case in class and submit a case facilitator
evaluation form at the end of each case discussion
(worth 15% i.e., 5 marks per case).
2. Leadership issues reviews for session 1 and
session 2 must be posted on Blackboard within one
week after the presentations (worth 15% i.e., 7.5
marks for each review session)
Submit your case answers including an originality
report from turn it in; slides, student handouts, article
abstract/s, and a complete reference list
electronically on BB prior to the allocated case

Case facilitation

discussion and

Within two days after the case facilitation:
i. Submit your evaluations of case participants to the
lecturers mailbox at the School of Marketing office.
ii. Post your case slides and summary of the case
discussion on Blackboard.
Submit and present a proposal for the allocated
leadership issue in week 4.
35 %

Submit the written report including an originality

report from turn it, slides and student handouts
electronically prior to the scheduled leadership issue

LO1 to LO5
All the outcomes
listed in the Unit
Learning Outcome

LO1 to LO5
Emphasis of
learning outcome is
case specific

LO1 to LO5
Emphasis of
learning outcome is
topic specific

Detailed information on assessment tasks

Assessment 1: Case discussions and postings

For this unit students have to prepare for and actively participate in all the case discussions
and Leadership Issue presentations. Active class participation is essential. Your attendance
is formally required. Be considerate, as your attendance, preparation and involvement in
each session, and peer reviews have a significant impact, not only on your learning
experience, but also on the experience of other students. The following paragraphs in this
section describe in more detail what your participation entails with respect to the i)
Leadership issue presentations and ii) Case discussions.

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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

1. Leadership issues participation (worth 15% i.e., 7.5% for each Leadership Issues session)
Questions for the Leadership Issues are listed at the end of this unit outline. During the
issues seminars students are expected to raise additional points in class. Within a week
after the presentations you must revisit each presentation and post a brief review of each
presentation (three to four points per leadership issue) on the specific leadership issue
discussion boards. You should address how well services marketing concepts have been
applied to address the leadership issue. Be specific about what you found particularly
valuable and insightful. Outline points that need clarification, and suggest better alternative
ways concepts could have been applied. Provide your own examples to support your
2. Case discussions participation (worth 15% i.e., 5% for each case)
Your student colleagues who have been assigned to facilitate the case discussion will
observe and evaluate your contributions to case discussions. To help you to contribute you
should prepare your own answers which you can refer to during the discussion. This will also
demonstrate to the facilitator that you have prepared for the case. The questions for each
case are listed at the end of this unit outline. Each facilitator will complete the Case
Participation Assessment Form (available on Blackboard) which allocates a grade and
provides specific comments for each of the discussants in his/her group. You also get to
evaluate your case facilitators and have to submit a Case Facilitation Assessment Form
(available on Blackboard) to the lecturer at the end of each case discussion.
Assessment 2: Case facilitation
Every student has to perform the role of a case facilitator. Facilitators will be assigned a case
during the first seminar session. The questions for the cases are listed at the end of this unit
outline. The duration of the facilitation is 40-45 minutes. Facilitators are charged with three
core responsibilities:
1) to guide the case discussion;
2) to provide a synopsis of the group discussion;
3) to accurately and fairly grade each individual's participation in the discussion.
To guide the discussion, each facilitator should prepare a summary handout for students
which highlight the services marketing concepts that are particularly relevant to the case
study questions and prompt students to contribute their own answers. To support your points
and to broaden the discussion you are required to incorporate at least one additional
academic article in your discussion. To facilitate the discussion it is important to integrate
the concepts and issues raised in the article into your answers to specific case study
questions. Facilitators are advised to formulate additional questions of their own to prepare
students for the discussion of the case questions.
Facilitators must post their answers and a summary of additional points discussed during the
facilitation on the case specific discussion board within two days after the case discussion.
This will enable students to learn from the discussions of other groups. To make this task
easier, facilitators are required to take notes during the discussion. The additional points
should reflect the depths of the discussion that was reached and the facilitators ability to
synthesize the issues discussed. Thus, the core points outlined on the posted summary of
additional points should expand on the notes prepared by facilitators prior to the discussion.
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WA 00301J, NSW 02637B

Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

Each facilitator must complete the Case Participation Assessment Form (available on
Blackboard) which contains the case discussion participants name, student number, the
allocated grade and specific comments. The Case Participation Assessment Form has to be
submitted to the lecturers mail box at the School of Marketing office within two days after the
case discussion. Marks given by the facilitator may be adjusted either upwards or downwards
to ensure across the board equity in marks allocation. In addition to all the posted and written
material submitted by facilitators, the assessment will take into account the observed
performance of each facilitator during the case discussion. This will also help determine the
accuracy of the facilitators grading. Facilitators will be penalised if they break the rules and
unfairly boost a students mark. Thus, take the time to study the marking key (i.e., Case
Participation Assessment Form) prior to the facilitation exercise. Facilitators are also formally
assessed by their discussion group participants at the end of the session as they will be
completing and submitting a Case Facilitation Assessment Form (available from
Blackboard) to the lecturer.
In summary, facilitators have to submit the following material electronically on Blackboard
prior to the scheduled case discussion:
1) Prepared case answers, slides, student handouts - including an originality report from
turn it in.
2) Copy of the student handout/s;
3) Abstract of the academic article/s;
4) Complete reference list for your slides; student handouts and case answers.
In addition, within two days after the discussion facilitators have to:
5) post their discussion slides and the summary of points raised during the discussion on
this units case specific Blackboard discussion board.
6) submit the Case Participation Assessment Form (available from Blackboard) to the
lecturers mail box at the School of Marketing office.
You need to reference all the sources of information you have used (including the prescribed
text, websites and the academic article/s) on your slides, student handouts and your
answers. Use the Chicago referencing style to reference all the material and be sure to
include a complete reference list on your slides, handouts and the case answers.
Assessment 3: Leadership issue presentation, discussion and report
Every student has to present and lead one of the leadership issues listed at the end of this
unit outline. The leadership issues will be assigned during the first seminar session. You are
required to present your analysis in the form of a report (2000 words), power point slides and
student handouts. Your report should include:
a brief description of the type of service you are applying the critical issue to (using
service classification frameworks and a blueprint),
a critical analysis using relevant services marketing concepts and frameworks to
address the issue and identify problems;
make specific recommendations of how the organisation should be dealing with the
leadership issue.

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WA 00301J, NSW 02637B

Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

The report must be written in a professional style (i.e. also include a title page, abstract,
contents page, appendices and a reference list).The duration of the presentation should be
20 minutes.
You are required to use specific services marketing tools and frameworks to collect
information, to conduct your analysis and to present your findings to the class. In addition to
the prescribed text, service industry and service organisation specific information (e.g.,
advertisements, brochures, website information, photographs, news paper articles) you will
be referring to, you are required to incorporate at least two relevant academic journal
articles to support your analysis and/or recommendations. You need to reference all the
sources you get your material from (including the prescribed text, websites and the academic
articles) for the information you present in your slides, student handouts and the report. Use
the Chicago referencing style to reference all the material and be sure to include a complete
reference list on your slides, handouts and the report.
You will have the opportunity to elaborate on some of your points during the class discussion
following the presentations. As a discussion leader you must be prepared to encourage
students to contribute to the discussion (e.g., provide thought provoking and informative
slides; pose specific questions; distribute interactive handouts). Within one week after the
presentation, students will post their review of each Leadership Issue presentation on the
allocated discussion board. The Leadership Issue Assessment Form (available from
Blackboard) will be used to guide the evaluation of the presentation and the report.
To help you get started and to give you feedback early on, a Leadership issue workshop is
scheduled for week 4. For this task you have to prepare and present a one page proposal
1) Identifies specific service provider/s your report will focus on.
2) Identifies specific services marketing frameworks you are going to use to address the
allocated leadership issue
3) Outlines a timeline for all the tasks you need complete
4) Lists two academic articles you will use to guide your analysis/recommendations.
In summary, the due dates for the Leadership Issue tasks are:
1. Submit a one page proposal in week 4.
2. Submit the report, slides and student handouts including an originality report from turn
it electronically on BB prior to the scheduled leadership issue seminar time.
3. Give a presentation at the scheduled leadership issue seminar time.

Fair assessment through moderation

Moderation describes a quality assurance process to ensure that assessments are
appropriate to the learning outcomes, and that student work is evaluated consistently by
assessors. Minimum standards for the moderation of assessment are described in the
Assessment Manual, available from
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WA 00301J, NSW 02637B

Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

Late Assessment Policy

This ensures that the requirements for submission of assignments and other work to be
assessed are fair, transparent, equitable, and that penalties are consistently applied.
1. All assessments which students are required to submit will have a due date and time
specified on the Unit Outline.
2. Accepting late submission of assignments or other work will be determined by the unit
coordinator or Head of School and will be specified on the Unit Outline.
3. If late submission of assignments or other work is not accepted, students will receive a
penalty of 100% after the due date and time ie a zero mark for the late assessment.
4. If late submission of assignments or other work is accepted, students will be penalised by
ten percent per working day for a late assessment submission (e.g., a mark equivalent to
10% of the total allocated for the assessment will be deducted from the marked value for
every day that the assessment is late). This means that an assignment worth 20 will have
two marks deducted per working day late. Hence if it was handed in three working days
late and marked as 12/20, the student would receive 6/20. An assessment more than
seven working days overdue will not be marked. Work submitted after this time (due
date plus seven days) may result in a Fail Incomplete (F-IN) grade being awarded for
the unit.

Pass requirements
Given that this is a significant unit of your Masters, the following are automatic expectations
of all students:

participate in all the case and leadership issue discussions; and .

In order to pass this unit the following conditions must be met:

an overall composite mark of 50% AND demonstrated capability in all of the unit

Plagiarism occurs when work or property of another person is presented as one's own,
without appropriate acknowledgement or referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence. For
more information refer to
Plagiarism Monitoring
Work submitted may be subjected to a plagiarism detection process, which may include the
use of systems such as Turnitin. For further information see

Additional information

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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

It is your responsibility to ensure that your enrolment is correct - you can check your
enrolment through the eStudent option on OASIS, where you can also print an Enrolment

Student Rights and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of all relevant legislation and policies and
procedures relating to his or her rights and responsibilities as a student. These include:

the Student Charter

the Universitys Guiding Ethical Principles
the Universitys policy and statements on plagiarism and academic integrity
copyright principles and responsibilities
the Universitys policies on appropriate use of software and computer facilities

Information on all these things is available through the Universitys Student Rights and
Responsibilities website at:
Student appeals:

Recent unit changes

We welcome feedback as one way to keep improving this unit. Students are encouraged to
give unit feedback through eVALUate, Curtins online student feedback system (see Recent changes to this unit include:
1. Rescheduled both leadership issues towards the end of the semester.
2. Replaced one of the cases with another case.

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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

Program calendar

29 Jul









PreWeekly Tasks
Assessment Due
Orientation week - no scheduled classes
Foundations of
Allocate Case Facilitation and Leadership Issue.
Course outline
Overview of assessment tasks
Practice case discussion:
Angling Experience
(copy from Blackboard Week 2 seminar slides)
Case Angling
Answer the questions listed at the end of the case
The gap model Experience
of SQ and
Read the following article (link is provided on Blackboard
Pomering et al
Week 2 material): The three articles for this week's
Ch2 & Ch3
practice leadership issue can be accessed from the
Curtin library
Use the Business Source Complete database to
Practice leadership issue:
1. Describe a restaurant experience which exceeded
your expectations and identify factors which
influenced your expectations.
2. Additionally, suggest how restaurants can use self
Ch1 to Ch3
service technologies to enhance the dining
experience for customers.
articles by
Read the following articles (link to articles is provided on
and market
Meutor et al
Blackboard Week 3 seminar slides):
1. Meutor et al (2000) Self-service Technologies:
Ch4 & Ch5
Kincaid et al
Understanding Customer Satisfaction with
Technology Based Service Encounters
Kincaid et al (2005) An Exploratory Study on the
Impact of Self-service Technology on Restaurant
3. Strenk (2008) The Future of POS 5 High-tech ways
to show how customers interact with restaurants
Allocated Leadership Issue workshop:
Submit and present a one page proposal which:
1. Identifies specific service provider/s your report will
focus on.
2. Identifies specific services marketing frameworks
Ch1 to Ch5
you are going to use to address the allocated
design and
leadership issue
Outlines a timeline for all the tasks you need
Ch8 & Ch9
4. Lists two academic articles you will use to guide
your analysis/recommendations.

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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing







Weekly Tasks

Ch6 & Ch7

Case Facilitation
Session 1

Ch 1 to Ch 5,
Ch 8 & Ch9

Answer the
Caterpillar case
questions listed at the
end of this unit

Text case 8:

delivering and

Ch11 & Ch12

Case facilitation
session 2


evidence, the
and integrated
Ch10, Ch14
Case facilitation
session 3

For case facilitators

Submit case answers, article abstract,
slides, handouts, reference list at the
beginning of the session.
Post slides and discussion summary
on BB and submit the case
participation evaluation form to the
lecturers mailbox, within 2 days after
the presentation.
------------------------------------------------For case participants
Be prepared to discuss the case in
class and submit the case facilitator
evaluation form to the lecturer at the
end of the session.

Case facilitation
session 1


Assessment Due

Curtin non-teaching week (i.e., no seminar)

and service


Case Facilitation
Session 2
Ch1 to Ch 9

Text case 1:

Answer the case
questions listed at the
end of this unit

For case facilitators

Submit case answers, article abstract,
slides, handouts, reference list at the
beginning of the session.
Post slides and discussion summary
on BB and submit the case
participation evaluation form to the
lecturers mailbox, within 2 days after
the presentation.
-----------------------------------------------For case participants
Be prepared to discuss the case in
class and submit the case facilitator
evaluation form to the lecturer at the
end of the session.
For case facilitators
Submit case answers, article abstract,
slides, handouts, reference list) at the
beginning of the session.

Ch1 to Ch9,
Ch11 & Ch12

Text case 3:
United Breaks

Unit Code and Name

Date published
This unit is managed by School/Dept. and Faculty

Case facilitations
session 3
Answer the United
Breaks Guitars case
questions listed at the
end of this unit

Post slides and discussion summary

on BB and submit the case
participation evaluation form to the
lecturers mailbox, within 2 days after
the presentation.
------------------------------------------------For case participants
Be prepared to discuss the case in
class and submit the case facilitator
evaluation form to the lecturer at the
end of the session.

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WA 00301J, NSW 02637B

Curtin Business School

School of Marketing









Weekly Tasks

Curtin non-teaching week (i.e., no seminar)

For case facilitators
Submit case answers, article abstract,
slides, handouts, reference list) at the
beginning of the session.

demand and
capacity and
services pricing

Ch1 to Ch12 &


Services and the

bottom line

Text case 6:
Jyske Bank

Case facilitations
session 4
Answer the Jyske
Bank case questions
(listed at the end of
this unit outline).

Ch13, Ch15
& Ch16



session 1

Ch1 to Ch9,
Ch11 & Ch12

Leadership Issues
1. Mystery
2. Service delivery
1. Customer
Questions for the
leadership issues are
listed at the end of
this unit outline.



Assessment Due

Post slides and discussion summary

on BB and submit the case
participation evaluation form to the
lecturers mailbox, within 2 days after
the presentation
-----------------------------------------------For case participants
Be prepared to discuss the case in
class and submit the case facilitator
evaluation form to the lecturer at the
end of the session.

For Leadership Issue presenters

Submit your report and slides
electronically on BB before the
seminar (5pm 16 October).
Give a 20 minute presentation in

In class seminar replaced with online Leadership Issues 2 reviews. Post your reviews on the
allocated discussion boards (for each presentation) by 5pm 23 October.
Leadership Issues 2



Session 2

Ch1 to Ch16


For Leadership Issue presenters

Submit your report and slides
electronically on BB before the
seminar (5pm 30 October).
Give a 20 minute presentation in

Questions for the

Leadership Issues
are listed at the end
of this unit outline.



In class seminar replaced with online Leadership Issues 2 reviews. Post your reviews on the
allocated discussion boards (for each presentation) by 5pm Wednesday 6 November.

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.

That will be the beginning. (Louis L'Amour)
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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

List of case facilitation and discussion questions

Case session 1: Caterpillar case (Text case 8)
1) What did the assessment with the pilot dealerships reveal about the service quality gaps?
Identify issues for each gap.
2) Construct a blueprint of Caterpillars service which involves customer service agreements (CSA).
Use it to highlight the critical points of contact with customers.
3) What service features do customers expect in the CSAs? What additional information does
Caterpillar require to establish customer focused service standards? How should they obtain this
4) Should they offer different CSAs to different segments of general construction? How are the
expectations of Do it for me or Do it myself segments likely to differ?

Case session 2: case (Text case 1)

1) Why was Zappos so successful? What evidence is presented in the case of the companys
success? What general strategies can you identify that lead to their success?
2) Construct a detailed blueprint of Zappos service process? What are the critical points of customer
contact with the company and what are customers expecting in these critical moments of truth?
3) To ensure service excellence suggest specific hard and soft measures Zappos can use to monitor
their service performance.
4) What challenges or changes in strategy would you anticipate for Zappos following its acquisition
by Amazon? Can the company continue with the same strategy why or why not?

Case session 3: United Breaks Guitars (Text case 3)

1) Construct a blueprint of Uniteds service, and use it to highlight potential service failure points
specifically relating to the handling of luggage.
2) Identify strategies United can put in place to minimise service failures relating to the handling of
3) Evaluate Uniteds response to the service failure Dave Carroll experienced. Use service recovery
frameworks to discuss what they did wrong.
4) Watch the United Breaks Guitars you-tube video from Dave Carroll. How should companies
prepare to meet the challenges presented by user-generated complaints, videos, and other media
spreading across social media?

Case session 4: Jyske Bank (Text case 6)

1) Construct a detailed blueprint of Jyskes banking service process and use it to highlight the
changes the bank made to become more customer focused.
2) Describe the strategies Jyske Bank used to deliver service quality through people. Discuss all the
dimensions of service quality.
3) How and why did Jyske Bank empower their employees? What have been the benefits? What are
the potential costs?
4) Discuss how electronic delivery of banking services can be used to enhance the relationship banks
have with their customers

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Curtin Business School

School of Marketing

List of Leadership Issues

Session 1
1. Mystery Shopping Analysis
Construct a service blueprint to describe the service process of a recreational service (e.g., going
to the cinema). What are the most important encounters in the process for determining your overall
impressions? Construct a mystery shopping instrument to monitor the service. Apply the
instrument to monitor the service of two competing service providers and justify your ratings.
Based on your findings, provide suggestions for improvements for each of the service providers.
2. Service Delivery Process Analysis
Develop a detailed blueprint for an on line retailer (e.g., Coles on-line shopping). Compare and
contrast this blueprint to one for the same service delivered via more traditional channels (i.e.,
shopping at a Coles outlet). Illustrate how the process, physical evidence, interactions and
potential failure points differ. Suggest how the service provider can fail proof both types of service
delivery processes.
3. Customer Relationship Analysis
Chose a specific business in a service industry you are familiar with which has an ongoing
relationship with a customer (e.g., bank, medical centre, gym). Construct a blueprint of the service
and discuss how the process differs for first time customers versus experienced customers.
Estimate the lifetime value of a customer for this business. You will need to make assumptions to
do this calculation, so make your assumptions clear. Using customer relationship marketing ideas
and concepts, describe a relationship marketing strategy to increase the number of lifetime
customers for this business.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Session 2
1. Servicescape Analysis
Describe the servicescape of a medical service provider (e.g., your dental surgery). Construct a
service blueprint and highlight important tangible components throughout the process.
Additionally, provide a diagram of the layout and use the servicescape framework to describe the
frontstage of the service. Illustrate clearly how the servicescape impacts on customers and
employees in terms of positive and negative cognitive, emotional and physiological responses.
Based on your analysis recommend specific changes to the servicescape.
2. Integrated Services Marketing Communications Analysis
Identify a service organisation that you believe provides integrated services marketing
communication. Construct a blueprint and highlight how communication is integrated throughout
the process. Include the organisations website, advertisements, PR initiatives, servicescape
features and corporate communication to illustrate how they have integrated different types of
communication with customers. What should be added, changed or deleted to facilitate integrated
services marketing communication. Additionally, suggest strategies the service organisation could
use to leverage and integrate customer-generated media in their communication efforts.
3. Customer Participation Analysis
Think of a service which requires as a high level of customer participation for the service to be
successful (e.g., health club, university). Construct a blueprint of the service and highlight the
activities customers engage in throughout the process. Discuss the different ways customers
contribute to the service and suggest strategies the service provider can use to encourage
effective customer participation.

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