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Literary clubs can enhance critical thinking, reading and writing;
facilities achievement through extracurricular activities and link theory to
practice. Encouraging students from elementary to college level to become
involved with literary clubs increases their motivation and achievement, and will
help them become critical thinkers and readers, as well as creative college level
The English clubs that are being opened in many schools are part of
a program to promote learning of the language and provide opportunities for
interaction between the learners and the teachers, which is vital for making
learning of the language easier and enjoyable.
The importance being given to learning of
English arises from the
realization that it can prove Greater scope for job
opportunities within and outside the country and

proficiency in English help the child remains tuned to

developments in all fields of knowledge. The primary
club is to enable students to develop confidence in
using English and make them enjoy the learning
Literary clubs provides the opportunity to
interact with the other members of the club on topic
related to language and literature. The clubs conducts
different programs to ensure the active participation of
the students of the club and creates awareness about the
importance of being in touch with literature and
It provides opportunities for the students
to have an idea about various literary figures across the
world and discuss about the impact of literature on
common psyche of our culture too. It encourages the
members of the club to participate in different literary
and other cultural events conducted in and out of the
schools and campus.

Literary Clubs introduce reading to students as an interactive, social

experience. Also referred to as Literature Circles, are meant to give students an
opportunity to use what theyve learned about reading and understanding text in
a student-directed and social context. This will guide teachers to help students
develop a sense of community and accomplishment as they participate within
their groups. When the specific strategies and skills of active participation in
these clubs are taught, students learn the habits of lifelong readers who form
communities around the books they read. Literary Clubs provide a bridge for
students to, in time, read more difficult texts and are an excellent way to engage
poor readers, at-risk students, reluctant readers and English Language learners
The literary club facilities reading success,
the teacher should use any method, techniques, or
strategy that will hone students skills and increase
their interest in critical thinking, reading, and writing
performance. Sometimes, this means just motivating
students to discover creative ways to enhance their own
literary skills. Janet Emig states this very clearly:
learning doesnt always follow teaching but leads a
marvelously independent life of its own. Book clubs

and Literature Circles are a fun way to encourage

collaborative reading strategies. Students can rotate
through different roles and hopefully will work
together to engage with the texts.


To inculcate within its members elite oratory skills, interpersonal


interpersonal skills, communication skills needed for personal interviews,

group discussions, etc.
To help the members explore the depths of literary criticism and analysis
as well as develop a sense of literary appreciation.
To help them groom their personalities so that they feel confident about
To eradicate any fear lingering in one's mind regarding proficiency in any

To help the members do away with the menace of Stage Fear.
To encourage the students skills for creative
writing and expression.
To introduce them to the literatures of various


Debates: Parliamentary and Presidential

Block and Tackle
Creative Writing
Just A Minute (JAM)
Group Discussion
Critical analysis of Books and Movies

A literary club is a group of people interested in literature. In the
modern sense, this refers to a society that wants to promote one genre of
literature or a specific writer. Literary Club gave its members a suitable platform
to hone their literary talents with productive suggestions, healthy criticism and
heartfelt appreciation. It introduced them to the wider horizons of literature in

diverse languages. The Club gave them a sense of belonging in a group where
their individuality and talents were respected and instilled in them a sense of
confidence to speak out. Thus, Literary Club triggered conducive thoughts in its
members, encouraged them to give it expression and inspired them to the course
of progressive action. The main goal of literary club is to motivate reluctant
readers and to help students become competent and enthusiastic readers. The
programs expanded and involved more students; it produced heightened
motivation and literary achievement.

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