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Comparison chart Pioneer Water Tanks & GRP/ Pressed Steel tanks

Pioneer Cylindrical Zincalume Water Tanks

Cylindrical design ensuring the weight of the
water is evenly distributed. There are no weak
points or areas subjected to greater structural
stresses from the hydrostatic load. The roof is
self supporting using HDG Roof Trusses there
are no Supporting columns or internal bracing
Pioneer tanks are lined internally using a
Heavy Duty, reinforced PVC water-tight liner
membrane system. All Pioneer liners are food
grade, custom factory manufactured & pretested. Liners are suited for storage of potable
water, salt water, grey and black water.
Pioneer tanks are designed for installation
onto a Reinforced Concrete Ring Beam
Foundation filled internally with clean
compacted sand. A ring beam foundation is
relatively simple & fast to construct at a
fraction of the cost of a GRP foundation 80%
cost saving compared to an equal capacity
GRP / Pressed Steel tank foundation.
Pioneer tanks are designed to last more than
25 years. Using a liner ensures there is no
contact between the steel structure and the
stored water.
Pioneer tanks use a unique V- Lock, corrugated
steel wall for rigidity. The internal liner and
tank shell are designed to move independently
of one another to with-stand earth movement
All Pioneer tank components are readily
replaceable at minimal cost. Pioneer tanks are
easily dismantled for relocation / installation.
Pioneer tank liners are flexible providing very
strong structural and waterproofing
capabilities in tanks up to 10 metres high with
no leakage or structural issues.
10 year warranty no maintenance required.
Pioneer tanks are designed to perform in
excess of 25 year and parts are easily replaced
at minimal cost beyond warranty

GRP / Pressed Steel Water Tanks

Rectangular or square shaped tanks
experience greater stresses / loading at the
corners. Accordingly, these tanks require
substantial internal or external bracing
support to prevent structural failure when
filled with water.
Sealant is used for water- proofing and is
sandwiched between each panel section then
pressed together with the bolting system of
tank. These areas are more leakage prone.
Water is permanently in contact with the nuts,
bolts & steel bracing.
GRP tanks require an expensive full concrete
slab with rows of concrete footings to support
the tank base. GRP tank foundations are
expensive. Water-proofing Joint integrity
between the panels is often compromised as a
result of any imprecise foundation works.
GRP tanks require a considerable amount of
internal steel bracing which directly contacts
the stored water. Bracing frequently corrodes
over time often leading to structural failure.
Non flexible structure any ground movement
often results in leakages from the joints.
Repairs are complicated and in some cases
cannot be resolved.
Problems with GRP / Pressed Steel tanks are
generally time consuming and often difficult to
Tank floor and walls are limited in flexibility.
The maximum height of GRP structures is
4 metres. At this height, greater stresses are
placed on the tank floor and walls. GRP tanks
require periodic bolt tightening and
maintenance for leakage issues
10 year warranty. Tanks often require
maintenance works within this time.

Pioneer Tank

GRP Tank

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