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Lab3 - Topology orientation and building a small network

!! Before you start this lab install wireshark: !!

!! Don t share your wireless network !!
!! Set firewall OFF !!
!! Activate telnet client

Topology diagram

In reality we will set up the following toloplogy

Task 1: Create a Peer-to-Peer Network.



































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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity







Task 2: Connect to the Peer-to-peer Network

Step 1: Connect to the wireless network Eagleserver1/2
You will have a limited connection, why?
Our server isnt connected with the internet.
Task 3: check you Ip address
Which layer of the OSI-model is layer 3? Network layer
Which type of address is used on layer 3? Give two possible names for that specific address.
_Logisch adres of IP adres
Check your ip addres:
Click on the following pictogram:

Open command prompt

Use the command ipconfig

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

You must have an IP address in the range

Check the ip address from your lab partner and ping.


Explain the result of TTL:

TTL stands for Time To Live. The result of the TLL is 128. Its the the value used for
Windows (OS of my neighbor).

Explain the result of TTL:

64 is minimum recommended time to live in Linux machines (raspberry Pi)

What protocol is used by the ping-command? (abbreviation + full name):

The protocol that is used by the ping-command is IP or internet protocol

How many packets are sent and received by the ping-command:

There were 4 packets send and 4 received.

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

Task 4: use wireshark to capture the ping-message

Wireshark is a software protocol analyzer, or "packet sniffer" application, used for network
troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and education.
Before June 2006, Wireshark was known as Ethereal.
Download wireshark
Start wireshark. (Klik rechts en kies: Run as Administrator)
When Wireshark is launched, the screen below is displayed.

To start data capture it is first necessary to go to the Capture menu and select the interface
From the Interface drop down list, select the network adapter in use.
In this case wireless network adaptor;

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

Setting Wireshark to capture packets in promiscuous mode

If this feature is NOT checked, only PDUs destined for this computer will be captured.
If this feature is checked, all PDUs destined for this computer AND all those detected by the

Set filter ICMP

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

Packet list Pane

Packet detail Pane

Packet bytes Pane

The PDU (or Packet) List Pane at the top of the diagram displays a summary of each packet
captured. By clicking on packets in this pane, you control what is displayed in the other two panes.
The PDU (or Packet) Details Pane in the middle of the diagram displays the packet selected in the
Packet List Pane in more detail.
The PDU (or Packet) Bytes Pane at the bottom of the diagram displays the actual data (in
hexadecimal form representing the actual binary) from the packet selected in the Packet List Pane,
and highlights the field selected in the Packet Details Pane.
Each line in the Packet List corresponds to one PDU or packet of the captured data. If you select a
line in this pane, more details will be displayed in the "Packet Details" and "Packet Bytes" panes.

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

Task 5:
Step 1: ping the other end-device
Step 2: examine the different steps of your ping
Step 3: make a screenshot and highlight the steps of your ping and take a closer look at the Packet
Details Pane.
Compare the Packet Details Pane with the OSI-model and compare the Packet Details Pane with
the TCP/IP-model. Work with screenshots and explain in the comparison each layer.

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

The first thing we can see in the Packet Details Plane is the Frame. The OSI model consist of seven layers. In the
second layer ( data link) we can find protocols that describe methods for exchanging data frames between
devices over a common media. If we compare this to the TCP/IP model, this will happen in the Network Access
Layer. We can also see that Ethernet the encapsulation type is. If we take a look at the TCP/IP model , we will
find Ethernet in the Network Access Layer. Thereafter we see the frame number , the length of it and the capture
Under Ethernet we will find the source and the destination. For the OSI model , the source and destination are
given in the third layer ( Network layer). In this layer , a network header will be added . The information for where
the data comes and to where its supposed to travel will be given in the Network Layer on the basis of an IP
address. The Internet Protocol shows us the IP address from the source and the destinations IP address.
All of this happens also in the TCP/IP model but under the Internet Layer.
Eventually after the segmenting , the converting into packets and giving it IP addresses, all of this is will be
translated into bits and sent to another PC through a medium. For the OSI model , this last step happens in the
Physical Layer. In the TCP/IP model will it take place in the Network Access Layer.

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

Task 6: Raspberry PI server

Open a browser from your PC

Connect a http server:
Take a screenshot from this server.

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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity

Connect a FTP server:
If asking a password type:
User: pi
Password: raspberry
Take a screenshot from this server.

Klik on rasp.txt file and display the content:

Connect with telnet to the mail server:

Open command window
telnet 25
What is the purpose of 25? The gateway for the mailserver
Take a screenshot

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