Photography Essay

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Assignment Background
U.S. Image Capture Market Forecast PMAI (Photo Marketing Association
International): 2011-2016: The total number of images captured by digital still
cameras and camera phones is expected to approach 90 billion in 2012, and
will reach 118 billion images in 2016. They estimate 55% of these
photographs will be of children.
According to the marketing research group InfoTrends, mothers take more
photographs than any other demographic group. This tradition of women
preserving the photographic history of their families dates back to the
Victorian era when women typically kept and assembled the family photo
albums. In those days, photography was very specialized and difficult to do;
therefore, professional photographers took most of the family photographs.
However, with the advent of the simple to use Kodak Brownie Camera in
1900, anyone could take photos and women assumed the role of primary
chronicler of the family through keeping of the albums and taking the allimportant snapshots. Photography became more private and informal. People
could more easily capture intimate family moments, such as bath time with
For this assignment, you will read about two scenarios where parents depict
family intimacy through photography in very different ways with very different
Below are links to two news stories. Both involve parents that took
photographs of their children that some people consider provocative. The
purpose or reason for making the photos is somewhat different in each case.
In the first story published by the Arizona Republic, A.J and Lisa Demaree of
Peoria Arizona, found themselves under police investigation, placed on a sexoffenders list, and had their children placed in Child Protective Services after a
Wal-Mart Photo Center employee acting on the companys "unsuitable print
policy "reported the couples bath time snapshots of their children to the
police. The authorities deemed the photos to be child pornography. The
parents were eventually cleared of the sexual abuse charge and they later
regained custody of their children however, the couple now has a $75,000
legal bill and is suing both the State of Arizona and Wal-Mart. ABC news also
covered this story and broadcast an interview with the parents, which you can
find on YouTube. I dont understand it at all, A.J. Demaree told ABC news,
Ninety-nine percent of the families in America have these exact same
The second story is a 1992 New York Times editorial arts review about the
work of a now well know fine art photographer, Sally Mann. The articles
title, The Disturbing Photography of Sally Mann, sets the tone for a discussion
about a photographer who takes nude photos of her children for the purposes
of creating " sensual" works of art, which according to the article, sold very
well to art lovers. Even now, twenty years later, Christies auction house has
47 of the photos for sale from a private collection ranging from $5,600 to
$68,000 each. Mann, who lives in Virginia, has avoided police prosecution.
She describes her photos as, natural through the eyes of a mother, since she
has seen her children in every state: happy, sad, playful, sick, bloodied, angry
and even naked. However, her work is still controversial. The U.K.
newspaper, The Independent published an article in 2010, Art or Abuse? A
lament for lost innocence (linked below). It includes a discussion of her work

in a wider dialog regarding the societal sensitivity to and censorship of

photographic artwork involving nude children. You can see Manns
photographs of her children by doing a Google image search for Sally Mann.
Be aware, the pictures do involve nudity.
The Discussion Tasks:
Write a Position Statement:
1. For this discussion post a Position Statement that addresses any of the
below questions. Feel free to address other pertinent issues on these
basic topics beyond the specific questions listed.
1. Do you believe the Demarees and/or Mann acted immorally or
unethically by photographing their children nude?
2. Do you believe either the Demarees bath time snapshots or
Manns Immediate Familyphotographic series constitute child
3. Do the Demarees or Manns photographs deserve the same
guarantees under the First Amendment against charges of
obscenity as the written or performed works of Henry Miller and
William Burroughs?
4. Do you believe the photographers in either situation have
exploited their children?
5. Why do you think the Demaree family underwent such difficult
police scrutiny for their photos whereas Mann has not?
6. How do the Demarees and/or Manns photos break or adhere to
any culturally accepted norms regarding photographs of
7. How you feel about the ethics or morality of either the
Demarees or Mann posting the same nude pictures of their
children to Facebook instead of merely making personal prints or
hanging the photos in a gallery?
Our Position Statements are short (300 words or more) research-based papers
where you take an informed stand or position on a topic and then argue your
position using your research as support. A key element is the concept of
taking an informed position. That means that you should be able to back up
your position with evidence based on research from credible sources. In other
words, you need to know what you are talking about and be able to prove it.
A Position Statement is an opinion, however unlike the opinions posted to
most blog sites, your work in PHOTO 100 must be critical and scholarly. Base
your Position Statement supporting arguments on facts and evidence. Include
at least three (3) footnoted authoritative references to validate your position.
Use primary source quotations, statistical data, etc. to help build your case.
The basic Position Statement structure is as follows:
1. Introduction
1. Identify the issue and state your position on it.
2. The body
1. Background information
1. What does the reader need to know?
2. Supporting facts
1. Evidence should logically lead to the position presented in
the introduction.
3. Discuss various sides of the issue
3. A conclusion

1. Summarize the main concepts and ideas without repeating

2. Suggest solutions to potential problems you address in your
position (i.e. courses of action)
Grammar and spelling should both be at college level. Your instructor will
reject late or incomplete assignments.

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