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Baylen 1

Kevin Baylen
Ms. Griffin
AP English Composition
28 August 2013
As a state of being, acceptance is characterized by the act or process of accepting
(thefreedictionary). Acceptance is the way a person feels towards a certain subject or topic.
These feelings could often be accompanied by approval or belief ( Other
definitions of acceptance such as a formal agreement by a debtor to pay a draft or bill, are more
specific towards certain situations. This broadness and specificity of acceptance allows it to act
as a universal term, used to describe a person's feelings in multiple different situations.
Acceptance, in these contrasting situations, have similar definitions, however, based on
context, the overall meaning contrasts as well. "Her acceptance into the club," is an example of
acceptance being used in a formal, concrete way, in which her acceptance is specific, without any
interpretation ( In the differing condition, "torn jeans received no acceptance at
the country club," acceptance is not formal, no one is creating a contract displaying their
disapproval, it is used as a state of being (thefreedictionary). Even though both of these examples
used the same word, due to the multiple definitions, the word in context held varying meanings.
The sense in these meanings of acceptance are unique to the word, however, there are
similarities to other words. Synonyms, including approval, credence, and belief, create a
diversity of vocabulary (thefreedictionary). Each would be an option of alternative in a sentence,
though each would hold different connotations. In addition to similar words, situations, as well,
are attributed to acceptance. Acceptance is like letting go or giving in, acceptance is like being
okay with eating the entire cake. The acceptance of a subject, in this example, is accompanied
with the feeling of calmness, though if without acceptance, the situation would be accompanied
by regret. Acceptance has similarities to other words and conditions, but it contains its distinct

Baylen 2

As well as resembling others, acceptance is the antonym of words and is the opposite
feeling in some situations. Acceptance is the direct negation to rejection. Acceptance is not
the intolerance of a topic or the disbelief of a proposition.
The meaning of acceptance was not always how it is used today. Acceptance has evolved
and grown into its present definition. The root word, accept, was taken directly from the Latin
word "acceptare," meaning to take or receive willingly (Online). As well as deriving from Latin,
it also was taken from Old French "accepter," meaning to take what is offered (Online). Over
time the word accept was adapted to the present.
In any situation, acceptance can hold a different connotation depending on the context. As
well as similarities, such as approval, acceptance has many contrasting words, such as rejection.
Changing over time, the acceptance used and known today has evolved, growing its unique
features and distinguishing characteristics.

"acceptance" TheFreeDictionary. Farlex, Inc., n.d. Web. 27 August 2013

"acceptance" LLC, n.d. Web. 27 August 2013
"accept" Online Etymology Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 August 2013

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