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Theories of the first cell in the world

AI Oparin and JB Haldane, who postulated that the emergence of life was
preceded by a period of chemical evolution, proposed the first set of testable
hypotheses about the origin of life. Probably there was very little free oxygen and
the major elements that make up all living things as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon
and nitrogen were available in air or water. There was abundant energy as heat,
rays, radioactivity and solar radiation. Under these conditions, microenvironments
relatively protected from the bad environmental conditions; there were formed
molecules increasing complexity they would. The chemical evolution would have
been followed by the pre biological evolution of polymolecular systems; the
complexity continued increasing and led to the appearance of a simple
In 1953, Stanley Miller provided the first experimental evidence for the theory of
Oparin. Miller showed that almost any power source can convert single molecules
in a variety of complex organic compounds. Although it is now considered that the
early atmosphere was not like the one simulated by Millers experiment, but his
experiment showed that the spontaneous formation of organic compounds from
simple inorganic molecules is possible.
In 1988, James A. Lake, University of California, Los Angeles, published the
results of its investigation into the nucleotide chains on ribosomes (particle of the
essential cell for the production of proteins), of several kinds of cells.
This work demonstrated that the older cells are eocitas which live in hot water
containing sulfur; and that his descendants were divided into two branches, one of
which descend prokaryotic (no distinct nucleus) living organic material or feed on
what they themselves produce, which can be methanogens, Halobacteria and
eubacteria; and the other branch descended eukaryotic (as we humans).
The man seems to descend directly from eocitas and prokaryotic be distant
cousins. However, the results of this research, there are still disputes these
In short, from the scientific perspective, the first cell was of a bacteria with the
capacity to evolve into the water then over a long time and very slowly continued
to evolve, it is not yet known how, as more complex organisms who eventually did
begin to populate the earth thousands of years later.

live. [Cited on May 11th, 2015]



FILOSOFIA.LAGUIA.2000.COM. The origin of the first cell. [On line].
[Cited on May 11th, 2015]

Jorge Enrique Pereyra Marroquin II D

Jorge Enrique Pereyra Marroquin II D

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