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BROWNS MILL AQUATIC CENTER COMPANY’S CONTRACT AND VIOLATIONS ATTACHMENT 7 Question: USA Pool Management caused DeKalb County concern and the county had a need to address the lack of certified lifeguards assigned to Browns Mill Pool in 2011. Why did DeKalb County allow USA Pool Management to keep the contract? This is the same company involved in the near drowning of a 14 year old at Browns Mill Pool. Why did two companies have contracts to ensure CPR Certifications in 2011? Is Mike Cotter related to Doug Cotter? Page 8 of 8 enn From: Haywood, M. Maceo Sent: To: alton, Kelvi Subject: FW: Brown Mill Poo! FYI From: Sheppard, Al F. ‘Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 3:47 PM Ce: ‘’; Haywood, M. Maceo ‘Subject: Brown Mill Poo! USA Pool Management Staff, ‘This email comes with great concern and the need to address the lack of certified guards assigned to Browns Mill Pool. | asked James(USA manager) to meet us at the pool on yesterday( 5/26/1) to set up and small swim test for the lifeguards that were assigned to Browns mill. ‘To everyone surprise , over half of the guards were not able to complete a ‘the pool length twice and going down to retrieve the brick. ple test. The test consisted of swimming ‘There should not be any guards who have not completed the official certified swim requirements to work at our Browns Mil location ( per contract). | was disappointed to find that USA pool would send guards without the proper training. We expect immediate action taken to correct this lack of recourses for guarding our pool. In addition, a card with picture ID must be attached to the certification of each of the guards working at Brown Mill Pool. | have requested verbally that the cards of each of the guards be provided on Wednesday the 26" of May. ‘Again, corrective action must be swift in the manner,( time is the essence) as we are protecting lives daily at the Brown Mil facility.{ p00! opens( 5/28/11) Also ,please refer to the contract on certification of guards assigned to the Browns Mill pool... Sincerely, AIF. Sheppard Reereation Program Manager, Athletics/Aquatics Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs 1300 Commerce Drive, Suite 300 Decatur ,GA 30030 404-371-6270 Office 404-371-3088 Fax ‘afshepoa@dekalbcount Imagine Your World without Parks and Recreation! FS From: Hall, Nina A. Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:13 PM To: Walton, Kelvin Subject: Fur Dynamo Swim Club ‘Mr. Walton, without circulating this email, can you help me to determine why Dynamo may not have been paid for services last year? I believe they had a contract with the county. To: Hall, Nina A.; Williams, Karen Ce: mike cotter ; Bob Anderson ; ‘Sent: Tue May 18 18:44:16 2010 ‘Subject: Dynamo Swim Club Nina and Karen, 11am writing to share with you some good news and some bad news. The good news first; the Aetna Get Healthy, Get Swimming program that CEO Ellis helped start through his support of Dynamo’s grant application, has been a terrific success. We are in the home stretch and we are on the verge of running out of Dresden Elementary School students to teach howto swim. It has been a lot of fun too for all involved. We are now gearing up to apply for another Aetna grant for the next school year, so | will bein touch to secure another letter of support from CEO Ells if you have time to make that happen. Now for the bad news. Try as we might, we are having trouble getting the DeKalb County Swim League working efficiently. As you know, DeKalb County partners with Dynamo to run the swim league. And there are over 2,000 swimmers involved. We need to get this right, especially after the problems last year with the state meet entries. But there are fundamental problems that we are running into through our work with the Parks and Recreation staff. We had hoped that we could resolve these issues without getting the CEO Ellis involved, but that does not seem to be the case. In addition to the problems we are experiencing this year, Dynamo has not been paid the $11,000 DeKalb County owes us for running the league last year. As a parent run, nonprofit that experiences cash flow problems like many other small organizations, we cannot continue to fioat this amount of money. We have coaches to pay anda swim league to run. | do not anticipate that we would need more than thirty minutes of the CEO's time. If you could give us some times and dates for a meeting, we will assemble the right people to brief him on the issues. Since the swim league gets underway next Tuesday, we would like to meet as soon as possible. Thank you. Sincerely, Bill Sapp. Board Member —————$—$—$—$—_—$—_—_—_—_—_—_—— rr — From: ‘Walton, Kelvin Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 5:13 PM To: Hall, Nina A. Subject: RE: Dynamo ‘Wowit! kelvin L. Walton, CPPB Director/Chief Procurement Officer DeKalb County Department of Purchasing and Contracting 4300 Commerce Drive, 2nd floor Decatur, GA 30030 Ph: 404-371-2737 Fax: 404-371-7006 kiwalton@co ‘Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 5:12 PM To: Walton, Kelvin Subject: FW: Dynamo From: Wilson, Roy ‘Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 4:46 PM To: Hall, Nina A. ‘Subject: FW: Dynamo FY... From: Wilson, Roy Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 4:46 PM ‘To: Sheppard, Al F. Ce: Scott, Howard R.; Billups, Marvin F.; Anderson, John A.; Hickman, Denise ‘Subject: FW: Dynamo This needs to be resolved yesterday! Al Sheppard | understand you have the check for last year and this year. You need to make contact with Dynamo and hand deliver their payment no later than Noon on Friday. This has gone on much too long and | want it resolved. Hall, Nina A. Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 3:28 PM To: Wikon, Roy; Billups, Marvin F. Subject: RE: Dynamo (Okay, we need to get Dynamo paid, so let me know if | can assist in getting their payment to them, From: Wilson, Roy wursday, June 10, 2010 3:24 PM To: Hall, Nina A.; Billups, Marvin F. ‘Subject: RE: Dynamo Scott Howard in my office picked the check up on May 27. Al Sheppard picked it up from Scott to deliver to Dynamo. Mike Cotter with Dynamo was to pick it up from Al which he hasn't done but he knows al has it. By the way, this $11,201 is from 2009 and we also have this year’s check ready for pick up. Hope all this makes sense.......RW From: Hall, Nina A. Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 3:17 PM To: Wilson, Roy; Billups, Marvin F. Subject: FW: Dynamo Importance: High Gentiemen’ Can you help me to track down the check for Dynamo Swim Club in the amount of $11,201.50? | understand that P&R was to pick up from Accounting. We need to get to them ASAP or have it picked up. ‘Thanks, Nina A, HALL | SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO ‘CEO BURRELL ELLIS, DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT ‘330 W. PONCE DE LEON, DecaTUR, GA 30030 (OFFICE: (404) 371-6304 | Fax: (404) 371-6281 | EMAIL: NAHALL@CO.DEKALB.GA.US NOTE: rece 3, 2010, A ADHES ance To est @o~cucouNTrEs ov From: Silver, Alan C. ‘Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:25 PM. To: Hall, Nina A. ‘Subject: FW: Dynamo Parks signed for the check. So they must've done the mailing. If you need for us to stop payment, void and re-issue please advise. Judy and | are the only ones authorized to do this in AP. Unfortunately, we're both out of the office until ‘Monday. Normally we allow 15 business days before we stop payment. it cost to stop payment. ——— From: Walton, Kelvin Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:05 AM To: White, Ara Subject: RE: Safety Audit / Classes July 1 & July 2%¢ ‘Thanks for always being on top of your responsibilities! Kelvin L. Watton, CPPB Director/Chief Procurement Officer DeKalb County Department of Purchasing and Contracting 1300 Commerce Drive, 2nd floor Decatur, GA 30030 Ph: 404-371-2737 Fax: 404-371-7006 From: White, Ara Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:03 AM To: Walton, Kelvin Subject: Safety Audit / Classes Need to know what 2 days would be good for you ~ we need to have 30 people from our department take the CPR course = with this, Risk Management will come to our location to give the class (our main conference room) - this needs to be @ mandatory class as we need this for our Safety Audit, ‘Also, | need to email everyone in P&C to see who all have a current CPR Card as well as 4 current DDC (Defensive Driving) card. Just need your ok and I will set up the rest — dates included if you want me to. Please advise. Thanks, Ara — From: ‘Anderson, John A. Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 9:28 AM To: Walton, Kelvin ce: Knight, Nathan; Sheppard, Al F. Subject: FW: Dynamo Contract (3) Attachments: 2011 Swim League Coordinator ResponsibilitiesDynamo (2).doc; Dynamo Contract @).doc Kelvin, Attached is the scope of service and annual swim contract between DeKalb County and the Dynamo Swim Club. We ‘would like the contract to be effective for 3/1/11. In the past, it has been handled by Dawn Spivey. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Al ‘Sheppard or myself. Thank you. John A. Anderson ‘Administrative Operations Manager DeKalb Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs 1300 Commerce Drive Decatur, GA 30030 404.371.3091 - office 404.734.4878 - cell From: Sheppard, Al F. Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:26 PM To: Anderson, John A. Cc: Alexander, Crystal S.; Billups, Marvin F.; Underwood, Carol 3. ‘Subject: Dynamo Contract (3) John, Contract for 2011 management services (Summer Swim League, Dynamo Swim Club) thx. Al AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SWIMMING LEAGUE COORDINATOR SERVICES DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ‘THIS AGREEMENT, made as of 3/1/11 by and between DEKALB COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as the "County"); and Dynamo Swim Club (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"), shall constitute the terms and conditions under which the Consultant shall provide Swim League Coordinator services for Parks and Recreation Department, as requested, in DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual cotenants and agreements herein set, forth the County and the Consultant herby agree as follows: ARTICEL I. AGREEMENT TIME ‘The services to be performed under this Agreement shall commence on 3/1/2011. 2011, and shall be completed no later than 9/31/2011: ARTICLE I. PAYMENT DeKalb County shall pay the Consultant for Swim League Coordinator services in the amount of $9000.00 for the 2011 season. Payments on account of said fee for basic services shall be made payable as follows: Consultant shall submit bi-weekly invoices and the County shall pay the Consultant for services performed. In case of termination of the Agreement before completion of the work, the Consultant will be paid only for the work completed as of the date of termination as determined by the county. ATRICLE III. SCOPE OF WORK The Consultant agrees to provide all professional Swim League Coordinator services that are necessary to operate (see attachment), as requested to do so by the County. For the purposes of this Agreement, "services" shall include but not be limited to the attached Addendum. ARTICLE IV. GI RAL CONDITIONS ‘A. Accuracy of Work. The Consultant shall be responsible for the accuracy of the work and any error and/or omission made by the Consultant in any phase of work under this Agreement. B. Additional Work. If the Consultant is asked by County to perform ‘work beyond the scope of this Agreement for which payment is desired, he shall notify the County in writing, state that the work is considered outside the basic scope of work of this Agreement, give a proposed cost for the additional work, and obtain the approval in writing from the County prior to performing the additional work for which he is to be paid. The County shall in no way be held liable for any work performed under this section which has not first been approved in writing by the County. Reviews and Acceptance. Work performed by the Consultant shall be subject to review and acceptance in stages as required by the County, Acceptance shall not relieve the Consultant of his professional obligation to correct, at his own expense, any errors in ‘the work. ‘Termination of Agreement. The County may unilaterally terminate this Agreement, in whole or in par, for the County's ‘convenience, or because of failure of the Consultant to fulfill the obligations of this Agreement in any respect. The County shall terminate by delivering to the Consultant, with at least (3) days notice, a notice of Termination specifying the nature, extent and effective date of termination. If terminated by the County, the written notice shall be sent to the Consultant, addressed as follows: ____Dynamo Swim Club. 3119 Shallowford Road. Chamblee, GA 30341 All notices sent to the above address shall be binding upon the Consultant unless said the Consultant in writing changes address to the County. If this Agreement is so terminated, the Consultant shall be paid provided hereinbefore. Indemnification Agreement. As between the County and the Consultant as the other party, the Consultant, shall assume responsibility and liability for any damage, loss, or injury, including death, of any kind or nature whatever to person or property, including employees and property of the County, caused by or resulting from any error, or omission of the Consultant, or the negligent act of the Consultant or its subcontractors or any of their officers, agents , servants, or employees, arising from the performance of the work under this agreement. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County and all of its officers, agents, servants, or employees, arising form the performance of the work under this Agreement. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County and all of its officers, agents, servants, or employees from and against any and all claim, loss damage, charge, or expense to which they or any of them may be put or subjected by reason of any such damage, loss or injury. The Consultant expressly agrees to defend against any claims brought or actions filed against the County, where such claim or action involves, in whole or in part, the subject of the indemnity contained herein, whether such claims or actions are rightfully or wrongfully brought of filed. Georgia Laws Govern. This Agreement shall be governed by and constructed and enforces in accordance with the laws of Georgia. Venue. The Agreement shall be deemed to have been made and performed in DeKalb County, Georgia. For the purposes of venue, all suits or causes of action arising out of this Agreement shall be brought in the courts of DeKalb County, Georgia. Modification. This Agreement may be modified or amended by t the County to reduce the scope of work or project description upon (G) days written notice. Status. The relationship between the County and the Consultant shall be that of owner and independent contractor. Sole Agreement. The Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the parties. No representations oral or written not incorporated herein shall be binding on the parties. No amendment or modification of this agreement shall be enforceable unless approved by the action of the Board of commissioners of DeKalb County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be ‘executed in three counterparts, each to be considered as an original by their authorized representative, the day and date hereinabove written. By: (SEAL) Signature (SEAL) ‘Name (Typed or Printed) Dynamo Swim Club, Swim League Coordinator DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA by Dir. BURRELL ELLIS Chief Executive Officer DeKalb County, Georgia ATTEST: ATTEST: Signature Micheal J. Bell Ex Officio Clerk of the Marilyn Boyd Drew Chief Executive Officer and Name (Type or Printed) Director, Parks and Recreation Department Title Board of Commissioners of DeKalb County, Georgia APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Attomey Signature ‘County Attorney Name (Type or Printed) ul 12, 1B. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21 League Coordinator Responsibilities Schedule and conduct all DSL meeting prior to and after season Notify all teams of meetings. Promote and publicize all league activities in local media. Recruit new teams for DSL. Answer all questions regarding league operations, rules and competitions, ‘base upon county and state rules Prepare and implement DSL budget for 2011 season, Forward teams payments to the county’s Recreation Office 1300 Commerce Dr. Decatur Ga. 30030 ( Attn. Aquatics Office) Maintain and update DSL Rule Books and current meet manager information to teams. Secure, train and schedule officials for all league meets. Maintain DSL website throughout the year, send information to the county’s liaison to update the county’s website ‘Track all coach’s First Aid and CPR Certifications. ‘Schedule meets for regular season, trophies/awards are ordered by the county Conduet coaches” rule and stroke clinie prior to first splash. Assist Public Park pools with swim team operations, including training coaches on DSL procedures and rules. Publish and disputes Bi-weekly DSL newsletter during season. Handle all disputes and protests forward to the county for ruling. Keep track of results from all meets during each season, and post to county website Set up and operate DSL Championship Meet © Working with Parks Department and Aquatics Staff for meet setup. Scheduling volunteer workers for meets. Schedule team warm-up schedule for meet. Selecting officials for meet Handling all entries for the meet, and forward fees to the county(see address above) ‘Secure automatic timing and computer seeding for meet. Plan and create Heat Sheet for League Championship each. Provide results from meet to local media., and post of website for public viewing © Emails meet results to teams at the conclusion of the meet. Set up and operate qualifying swimmers for GRPA State Team. Hire and manage coaching staff for GRPA State Team, Make all arrangements for State Team including: © Meet entries and rosters. © Team competition. Pre team meeting prior to Sate Swim meet Inventory and store remaining DSL supplies from Receive vendor's bids to provide vending for the Emory County meet. ‘The county will award and receive payments for vending, county swim. — From: Albert, Wayne Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 4:57 PM To: Walton, Kelvin Subj FW: Haw Creek Importance: High FYI From: Lambert, Charles ‘Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 4:29 PM To: Albert, Wayne; Haywood, M. Maceo Cc: Mendez, Diane; Shepler, Scott H.; Decker, Colin J.; Winters, Jeff T.; Peterson, Derrik D.; Martinez, Hugo L.; Kinnemore, Garry V. ‘Subject: RE: Haw Creek Importance: High | will make it a point to be there also since | am continuing to be concerned that you are trying to force an Issue on us ‘that is neither appropriate nor practical not to mention not approved or authorized by Watershed, | also do not appreciate being bypassed on something this important to the County. Charles Charles Lambert Deputy Director, Construction and Maintenance Department of Watershed Management 790-621-7231 770-621-7205 fax Leadership DeKalb Class of 2009 From: Kinnemore, Garry V. Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 3:39 PM To: Lambert, Charles Cc: Mendez, Diane; Shepler, Scott H.; Decker, Colin J.; Winters, Jeff T.; Peterson, Derrik D.; Martinez, Hugo L. ‘Subject: FW: Haw Creek Importance: High Update Ibert, Wayne Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 2:21 PM To: Kinnemore, Garry V. Subject: RE: Haw Creek Garry, | will be on site tomorrow at 10am with Haw Creek to look at the Issues you are having. 1 Wayne From: Lambert, Charles Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:12 PM ‘To: Mendez, Diane; Kinnemore, Garry V. Ce: Albert, Wayne; Haywood, M. Maceo Subject: RE: Haw Creek We asked for a specific electronic clean-up to remove the fire extinguisher powder from in the equipment as well as on ‘the equipment, floor and room. That is why the quote is high and itis a limited field that does this work. | will sill need the work we requested done as we requested it. We did our due diligence with our experts and sought the companies that could do this type of work. Haw Creek is outside the contract on this as itis not a water or sewer damage issue. They also told me they could not do this work on the day we sought emergency quotes. They were not asked to do this and | will very strongly protest if they get paid for this since it was neither approved by us nor done properly. There is still a residue on the stuff on the areas they did clean of this corrosive powder per my inspection yesterday. | am somewhat upset as this system is what makes the plant operate and we keep playing these purchasing games on If the plant fails because | could not get the service | needed from purchasing delays it will be noted in the report to EPD and the public if our ability to supply water is compromised. Charles Charles Lambert Deputy Director, Construction and Maintenance Department of Watershed Management 770-621-7231 770-621-7205 fax Leadership DeKalb Class of 2009 From: Mendez, Diane Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 11:03 AM Tor Kinnemore, Garry V. Cc: Lambert, Charles; Albert, Wayne Subject: RE: Haw Creek According to Purchasing, no one authorized Haw Creek to do the job, maybe there were some miss-communication. But there was a big difference in the quotes. Servpro quote was $5,016.40 and Haw Creek quote was only $469.46. Servpro, probably would not have gotten the job anyway, once it was quoted out. Thanks! From: Kinnemore, Garry V. Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 9:53 AM To: Mendez, Diane Subject: RE: Haw Creek Diane, did Mr, Lambert call this vendor in to do this job? What happened here? We sent up a requisition for Servpro to decontaminate the Scott Candler Control Room and find out Haw Creek has already done the job. Please respond back so know what is transpiring. Order 867503 Status Approved Buyer Albert, Wayne Buyer Phone ‘Supplier. HAW CREEK RESTORATION ‘Supplier Site CUMMING Lic ‘Supplier Phone (770)231-8054 Supplier Contact (CotteiDoug) Garry V. Kinnemore Maintenance Coordinator Dekalb County Watershed Management Scott Candler Water Treatment Plant phone: 770-391-6059 From: Mendez, Diane Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 10:40 AM To: Kinnemore, Garry V. Ce: Albert, Wayne; Lambert, Charles ‘Subject: Haw Creek Good morning Garry, Per our conversation this morning in reference to Haw Creek doing the work to decontaminate the Scott Candler Control Room, server cabinets, etc. I'm not sure who gave them permission to do the work, | will contact Purchasing, Thanks! Diine Headey, Diane Mender Reauiston Superson Inastractur Procurement Team Pub Works Watershed Mart Tet aoe ari ase Fa 4043712257 dmendez@dekalbcountyae.nov Coming together lew hearing, Keepin gether is progress. Working together ts cuscess. REV. 09/09/09 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HEARING TYPE BUSINESS AGENDA / MINUTES ACTION TYPE Preliminary MBETING DATE: August 28, 2012 SUBJECT: Purchases DEPARTMENT: _ Purchasing and Contracting PUBLIC HEARING: _0 YES NO XX ATTACHMENT: x YES 0 No INFORMATION Kelvin L. Walton, Director/Chief CONTACT: Procurement Officer PAGES: PHONE NUMBER: (404) 371-2737 PURPOSE: ‘To consider award for purchases as attached. ‘NEED/IMPACT: To provide for items and service to carry on the operation of the County. Approval will contribute to the efficient operation of the County by providing for needs of various departments. RECOMMENDATION(S): See end of each subject on attached. Unless otherwise noted, the recommended firm is low bidder as well as having met specifications LOW BIDDERS PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DEPARTMENT LBI. MORELAND AVENUE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT: INVITATION NO. 11-100228 for use by the Department of Public Works - Transportation Division. Consists of landscape improvements in the median of Moreland Avenue (S.R.42) from Bailey Street to south of Cedar Grove Road. Improvements include planting of bushes and new ground cover at selected locations. Five (5) bids received. Recommend award to low bidder meeting specifications: Ed Castro Landscape, Inc., 1125 Old Ellis Road, Roswell, GA 30076 AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED: $187,450.00 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contract and all associated documents. NOTES: 1. Department: Department of Public Works - ‘Transportation Division 2. Contract Description: Landscape Improvements 3. Contract Term: 120 Days 4. Contract Effective Date: Within ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed 5. Contract Expiration Date:December 29, 2012 6. Contract Type: Construction 7. Funding: GDOT 8 ADDITIONAL BIDDERS: SD &C, Inc. 809 Park North Blvd. Clarkston, Georgia 30021 TOTAL: $267,384.60 Johnson Landscape, Inc. 6025 Matt Highway Cumming, Georgia 30028 TOTAL: $310,767.63 Shaheed’s Construction Company, Inc. 2739 Waters Road, 8.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30354 TOTAL: $362,337.65 Desmear Systems, Inc. 2130 LaVista Executive Park Tucker, Georgia 30084 TOTAL: $565,600.00 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DEPARTMENT LB2. JANITORIAL SERVICES (ANNUAL CONTRACT): INVITATION NO. 3002376 for use by Facilities Management. Consists of providing janitorial services for various DeKalb County owned buildings. Sixteen (16) bids received. Recommend award to low bidders meeting specifications: Item Nos.: 1, 5., 22., 28., and 51 KSL Professional Janitorial Cleaning, LLC, Post Office Box 957922, Duluth, GA 30095 ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $83,330.00 Item Nos.: 2., 4., 6 thru 8., 10 and 11,, 13 thru 21., 23 thra 27,, 29 thru 31., 33, thru 41, 43 thru 48 and 50 ‘OJS Systems, Post Office Box 2797, Acworth, GA 30132 NOTES: — 1. LSBE Participation 20% ESTIMATED AMOUNT: 666,640.00 Item Nos.: 3.,9., and 12 Imagann Cleaning Service, Inc., 2640 Lithonia Industrial Blvd., Lithonia, GA 30058 NOTES: 1. LSBE-DEKALB, MBE, WBE 2. LSBE Participation 20% 3. DeKalb County Firm ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $49,998.00 Item Nos.: 32 and 42 D&A Building Services, Inc., 321 Georgia Avenue, Longwood, FL 32750 NOTES: 1. LSBE Participation 20% ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $33,332.00 Item No.: 49 Haw Creek Restoration, Inc., 239 B Castleberry Industrial Drive, Cumming, GA 30040 NOTES: 1. LSBE Participation 20% ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $16,700.00 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED: $850,000.00 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DEPARTMEN LB2. JANITORIAL SERVICES (ANNUAL CONTRACT): INVITATION NO. 3002376 (CONTINUED): NOTES: 1, Department: Public Works-Facilities Management Division 2. Contract Description: Janitorial Services 3. Contract Effective Date: Date of Award 4. Contract Expiration Date: July 31, 2013 5. Amount Spent Last Term: $7,367,093.00 6. Contract Type: Annual 7. Funding: General 8, ADDITIONAL BIDDERS: ServiceMaster Facilities Maintenance 2851 Lamb Place Ste. 10 Memphis TN 38118 Professional Image Building Services, Inc. 6136 Hillandale Drive #901 Lithonia, GA 30058 KeeClean Management Inc. 494 Bridgeport Ave. Suite 180. Shelton, CT 06484 Global Waste Group 3091 Cobb Parkway Kennesaw, GA 30152 Reflection Cleaning Service 1759 Silver Way Lithia Springs, GA 30122 A Professional Management Company 6607 Tribble Street Lithonia, Georgia 30058 Brown & Pipkins, LLC 2950 Stone Hogan Connector, Bldg. 5 Atlanta, GA 30331 Rite Way 6180 Atlantic Blvd., Suite H Noreross, GA 30071 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DEPARTMEN LB2. JANITORIAL SERVICES (ANNUAL CONTRACT): INVITATION NO. 3002376 (CONTINUED): 8. ADDITIONAL BIDDERS: Richcou Enterprises, LLC 100 Camellia Lane #120 Lithonia, GA 30058 Chi-Ada Corporation 2391 Benjamin E Mays Drive Suite #3 Atlanta, GA 30331 BASAR, 2401 Phillips Road Lithonia, GA 30058 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DEPARTMENT LB9. JANITORIAL SERVICES (ANNUAL CONTRACT): INVITATION NO. 3002376 for use by Facilities Management. Consists of providing janitorial services for various DeKalb County owned buildings. Sixteen (16) bids received. Recommend award to low bidders meeting specifications: Item Nos.: L., 5., 22., 28., and 51 KSL Professional Janitorial Cleaning, LLC, Post Office Box 957922, Duluth, GA 30095 ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $83,330.00 Item Nos.: 2., 4., 6 thru 8. 10 and 11., 13 thru 21., 23 thru 27., 29 thru 31., 33 thru 41., 43 thru 48 and 50 OJS Systems, Post Office Box 2797, Acworth, GA 30132 NOTES: 1. LSBE Participation 20% ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $666,640.00 Item Nos.: 3.,9., and 12 Imagann Cleaning Service, Inc., 2640 Lithonia Industrial Blvd., Lithonia, GA 30058 NOTES: 1. LSBE-DEKALB, MBE, WBE 2. LSBE Participation 20% 3. DeKalb County Firm ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $49,998.00 Item Nos.: 32 and 42 D&A Building Services, Inc., 321 Georgia Avenue, Longwood, FL 32750 NOTES: 1. LSBE Participation 20% ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $33,332.00 Item No.: 49 Haw Creek Restoration, Inc., 239 B Castleberry Industrial Drive, Cumming, GA. NOTES: 1. LSBE Participation 20% ESTIMATED AMOUNT: $16,700.00 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED: $850,000.00 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DEPARTMEN LB9. JANITORIAL SERVICES (ANNUAL CONTRACT): INVITATION NO. 3002376 (CONTINUED): NOTES: 1, Department: Public Works-Facilities Management Division 2. Contract Description: Janitorial Services 3. Contract Effective Date: Date of Award 4. Contract Expiration Date: July 31, 2013 5. Amount Spent Last Term: $7,367,093.00 6. Contract Type: Annual 7. Funding: General 8, ADDITIONAL BIDDERS: ServiceMaster Facilities Maintenance 2851 Lamb Place Ste. 10 Memphis TN 38118 Professional Image Building Services, Inc. 6136 Hillandale Drive #901. Lithonia, GA 30058 KeeClean Management Ine. 494 Bridgeport Ave. Suite 180. Shelton, CT 06484 Global Waste Group 3091 Cobb Parkway Kennesaw, GA 30152 Reflection Cleaning Service 1759 Silver Way Lithia Springs, GA 30122 A Professional Management Company 6607 Tribble Street Lithonia, Georgia 30058 Brown & Pipkins, LLC 2950 Stone Hogan Connector, Bldg. 5 Atlanta, GA 30331 Rite Way 6180 Atlantic Blvd., Suite H Norcross, GA 30071 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DEPARTMEN LB9. JANITORIAL SERVICES (ANNUAL CONTRACT): INVITATION NO. 3002376 (CONTINUED): 8, ADDITIONAL BIDDERS: Richcou Enterprises, LLC 100 Camellia Lane #120 Lithonia, GA 30058 Chi-Ada Corporation 2391 Benjamin E Mays Drive Suite #3 Atlanta, GA 30331 BASAR 2401 Phillips Road Lithonia, GA 30058 cd From: p& Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 3:02 PM To: Walton, Kelvin Subject: FAX Status: Error : Ref '8607340; - Ref HAW CREEK RESTORATION LLC’ Your 2 page(s) Fax to 6789470563, REF: '860734;,0;' - REFX: ‘HAW CREEK RESTORATION LLC’ has NOT been sent. ‘Queued on 7/30/2012 2:45:30 PM : 2 pages [Attempt 7/30/2012 : 2:50:45 PM : 00:00:00 : 0 page(s), Error: 16 - No Fax Device ‘Attempt 7/30/2012 : 2:56:15 PM : 00:00:00 : 0 page(s), Error: 16 - No Fax Device Attempt 7/30/2012 15 PM : 00:00:00 : 0 page(s), Error: 16 - No Fax Device

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