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c   Author of: ³The Quest for the Nine Veils´


It was a normal day, in the life of human existence. I¶ve found no day to equal another, but this
was a day of days. Of course, it was merely prelude to a cause. The question was there, floating
in the air like deadly butterflies. What is the meaning, no, the purpose of love? What is LOVE?
Many of us are constantly seeking, searching, wishing, wanting, begging, praying, abusing,
raping, and killing in the name of love. Where does, did, love come from? What is it? Why do
we need it so badly?

Most would say, ³GOD so loved.......´, and therefore love comes from God. But if that is true
then we must be farther from God than we choose to believe. Why are we addicted to the search
for love? We need it, we want it, and we find it in all the wrong places. Or, maybe, we look in
the wrong places, and find the wrong types of love. Our need for love leaves us grasping at every
passing comfort as if it will save our souls. Yet we know in every failed attempt there was a
glimmer of something substantial. But still the question remains, what is Love?

To answer that question, we need to live for a while. Love is the most pure form of energetic
communication. Love is actually less an emotion than a process of acclimation. The only true
emotion is fear. Therefore, if an emotion, Love becomes: ³The fear of losing comfort or
success.´ Whatever makes you comfortable, whatever makes you feel successful you learn to
love. Love then becomes merely an extension of the pack, clan, tribe, territorial instinctual
response. Love in this scenario is a need to be near others, a simple want of companionship. But
it is not just clan that draws our greatest of intentions. We find that we love things as well as
people. We love animals. We love places. We love images and moments in time. We love nature
and beautiful landscapes. Love is truthfully an attachment to comfort and peace and the care of
others. So now the question is not, ³What is love?´, but is Love a good thing.

To find love, true love, you must first learn to love yourself. Then you must recognize your
ability to share that love with another. But, is it truly safe or necessary to love? Think of all the
failed crushes, all the destructive relationships you¶ve seen or been part of. Is the love of
someone something we should spend so much time attempting to acquire? Think in financial
terms. If you had $500.00 and love cost $10,000, would it be logical for you to attempt to
purchase that item? That is how we should be thinking emotionally. We don't weigh the
outcomes when we attempt to love. We see the objects we want and we attempt, in many self-
deprecating fashions, to obtain whatever we want. When I say objects, I mean people as well, for
we are objects.
Most will not appreciate being referred to as an object, but that is all we are. We are solid masses
occupying limited spaces. The concept of individuality is a hamper to most human beings.
Selfishness and arrogance fuel most people¶s expression of individuality. Most people think
themselves as singular and not part of the whole. We see ourselves as outside of the natural laws.
With our quest for intellectual superiority, our arrogance and our self absorption, causes us to
devolve several thousand years. We end up with the same mind state that thought the Sun
revolved around the Earth. Just like many of us feel the world revolves around ourselves.
Unfortunately, this is where the need for love actually stems from. Because we feel the world
revolves around , we start looking for someone to agree with us. You can't have a religion with
only one follower. So we seek others to worship us as we worship ourselves. Of course, if we
can't find a willing convert, you can always purchase a slave.

Did I just say that? Of course I did. That is exactly what we do. It's not as simple as that most of
the time. Don't forget the theatrics. The show must go on. So we all invent masks, costumes, and
disguises. Many of us treat our relationships like a robbery. Some have elaborate plans on how to
get in and get out. Some are master manipulators and con-artists saying, ³let¶s be friends´, after
having drained you emotionally. Some simply smash in and grab all that they can before it¶s
over. If love was truly free, we wouldn't have to look for it. Anything you have to look for is
either lost, or hidden, in which case it wasn't meant to be easy to find. Love is a quest for a better
lifestyle, a better way of living, a more comfortable environment, and someone to share it with.
The quest is not meant to be merely a search for love. That would be a waste of life if all you
sought was love. The quest is all encompassing. That is why love alludes so many of us. We only
seek what is outside of us when seeking love. How do you love someone else when you can't
love yourself? Love is not a possessive action, though most of us are possessive when we love.
Love is the life that GOD gave to you. You love whenever you share that life with others. I love
you. Thank you for letting me share.








In the beginning of human verbal communication, as we evolved from the stray grunts and
postulations, languages came to be. The ability to communicate in structured forms easily
reproduced by others allowed for instruction to be passed from one generation to another. As in
all things made by humans, there is a skill level. Those with the highest skill level in language
are the scribes. The only one higher than the scribe is the priest or; the keeper of law or tales, the
messenger, he who has the word of god. The tales were used to teach the legend or history of the
tribe. How did we get here? What is our purpose? For each tribe and group of people, the tale
was slightly different depending on the conditions of their survival. But we all have a tale. It is
the legend of your blood line. It is the word in your flesh.

The question is«.. Which Tale is your tale? How many of the legends have you acquired? How
many stories have you read? There are an infinite number of stories. The difference is in the
telling. It was once told, that the tales were once sung. They were the Psalms, and the Songs of
Solomon, The tones of Khufu, as well as others .You must find yourself in all stories. There is a
character in each story that you read that makes you say, that could be me. Once you know the
possible characters you could play, you can find your specific sequence of opportunities. Not
everyone can be the quarterback. Don¶t waste your life trying to be the quarterback when it is
your job to be the score keeper. Each of us comes to this world with a specific mission to
complete. Unfortunately we get so caught up in living another¶s life that we miss our own

Who am I? That is how you begin. Look in the mirror and ask who am I? Most of us don't know
ourselves. We barely know what we've become by the time it is necessary to ask this question. It
was once given to us to exclaim ³I am somebody´! We were pressed to be able to say that. Go!
Find yourself, become somebody. How many like what they became? How many had an
adequate amount of information or the necessary opportunity to make an educated attempt at that
quest. Many chose the most available characterization offered at the time. There are many
mothers and fathers that would rather not be. There are many doctors and lawyers who don't
truly care about truth or healing. How many of those individuals that we allow to hold our lives
in balance, are in positions they give little care for. Each of us must take 100% responsibility for
our existence.
Many have stood face to face with their parent at one point in time screaming ³I didn¶t ask to be
born.´ Unfortunately they couldn¶t be farther from the truth. Each of us chose to come here. It is
scientifically proven that the average male releases hundreds of thousands of spermatozoa during
each ejaculation. Only 
makes it to fertilize the egg. If that is not a conscious and active
choice to exist, I don't know what is. So, stop complaining about your choices of poor
consciousness. If you thought God gave this to you for free, think again. Only a devil would
think that 30 days is the same as cash. It took God 7 days to set it up, which left him seeking rest.
It was made Sabbath and hallowed, so that you might remember. For Our sins, he gave his son
that, even in our ignorance, we might still be saved. Yet, we wish to be free of pain and
suffering. We are being allowed to exist. No matter how one chooses to see it, there are many
situations and diseases presented for our downfall. Each of us should be aware of the choices and
situations we find ourselves faced with each day. It would be very comforting to think, we
actually know what it is that we are doing from moment to moment. In actuality, we merely
respond to impulses that are presented to us at any given cycle. As in any skilled event, practice
and training become relevant to the individual who intends to master their being. We must not
merely react to situations, but become educated and pro-active in our own reasoning. We must
know our true needs, compared to our wishes and wants. If we live for the outer worlds we will
find ourselves easily led astray. Find yourself, your true self. For some, this will be harder than
for others. Some of us have so many creations of ourselves, it will be hard to find which of them
are the true self. The longest journey begins with the first step. Who Am I?

For all things are equal, in the fact that they exist. Energy, though constant, changes form and
frequency. Though all things are possible, the probability of control is most times negated. The
equation must balance for the appearance of functionality. For all things are equal, in the fact that
they exist.

All that exists in the universe is embedded in a fabric of gravitational influences. These cause
revolutionary cycles, which perpetuate motion throughout the dimensional spheres. What goes
around truly does come back around. The question is; is it the same as when you left it? The
answer is always No. That is why you must take care how you live. Have you ever played the
game where you whisper in one person¶s ear and they pass the message around till it comes back
to you? Well life is the same way. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and
expect them to do unto you as you have done unto them. This is a good focusing mantra. For as a
person thinks so are they. Or my favorite, I think, therefore I am, therefore, I am whatever I think
I am. If you take the time to calculate your thoughts you may find that the price of your life is
more than you can pay.

If you think it, it is already done, at least in the realm of thought. Do not think that thought has
no weight or measure. Whatever you think only lacks initiative to become an act. So learn to
weigh your reason. Or simply think before you act. In this day of ³Gotta Get Mine´, we don't
take the time to sit and contemplate our actions, or the resulting future that will be born from
them. You must remember that reality is created from our dreams and imaginations. Humans
have dreamt of flight for thousands of years. Many were killed as heretics for these thoughts. It
only took two brothers with money and daring to make these dreams a reality. Now, flight is a
boring concept to this generation. What if no one ever thought of flight, medicine, government?
Thought is the seed, the cornerstone to all that exists, with thought comes the sound and the

You must take care on what you allow your mind to focus. Whatever is in your daily focus will
be part of your life. You must be careful of what concepts are in your daily speech. You must
weigh your words with more accuracy than you weigh your thoughts. Your thoughts are fairly
safe from public opinion. What you say however is not. It does not matter how you practice,
plan, or prepare, ³what goes in a man defiles not the man, but what comes out is from the heart.´
You cannot speak what is actually on your mind. The synapse processes travel at the speed of
light. In speaking, you attempt to convert light energy into sound waves. Much of the energy,
and relevant information, is lost in the translation. Don't let your mouth write a check your flesh
can't cash. It's not always what you say, but how you say it. Or, more importantly, who you say it

Be careful what you wish for! You just might get it! A wish is merely an opportunity that you are
not willing to invest your purest potential in seeing through to fulfillment. Unfortunately, as you
think the words of your wish, the accompanying images of the myriad possible solutions to
obtain the desired outcome, resolve the necessary parameters for such an event to exist. This
merely leaves your active involvement for it to reach fruition. Most people spend their lives with
countless anxieties over what ifs, and if only statements. The only thing that can truly keep you
down, the only thing that renders you unsuccessful is your own self-limitations. Who knows
better, what you are actually capable of than you. I don't care who it was in your life that caused
you to believe that there are things you cannot do. They lied! There is nothing in the universe
that can't be done. The question is merely probability. For most people, if I asked them if they
could pull a school bus with just their own strength, this second, the answer would be no. Take
the same person after two years of strength training and the probabilities change. The question
now is not can you do this or that thing, but are you willing to do what it takes to make it happen.

They say it is necessary to believe in the human spirit. I say, there is no such thing as a human
spirit. There is much documentation on the animal spirit. Again, much information exists
concerning a human soul. Which, I assume is why there is a necessity to believe in the myth of
the human spirit. People, in general, are lazy. That is why we all get caught in the trappings of
convenience. Everyone wants to be king for a day. The family vacation is one of the most
alluring temptations offered to legitimize most democratic governments, ³The pursuit of
happiness´. We all want a moment in time, where we can put our feet up and be waited on by
others. Customer service is the backbone of most industries. Unfortunately, time has shown it
was always the greatest servant that proved to be the best king.

How many truly wish to serve. Most people abhor positions of servitude. We'll serve as long as
we are promised some dividend on our service. That's not service, that is a job. It is this
ignorance that causes most failures. Service is free. It should be freely given, and be received
with similar graciousness. Many people fail to receive service adequately. This, in turn, causes
spiritual friction. Every nuance in existence has a corresponding corrective measure. How does
one ride a see-saw by one's self......Balance! It all comes down to weights and measures.
Everything has a price and the ledger is balanced heartbeat by heartbeat. Life is not promised.
Death is the only absolute. Karma is to be feared.
ALL IS FAIR...............................!

What is your breaking point? When is enough really enough. What does it take for you to lose
control? There are many experiences in this life that leave you wishing for more control. There
are times when the fight just doesn't seem fair. Unfortunately ³All Is Fair!´ We are animals, no
matter how you theorize creation or evolution, humans came last. Therefore all that came before
us is part of our chemistry. The primary law of nature is that the strongest survives. Now strength
can come in many fashions and degrees. There is strength in numbers, strength of will, and
strength of character. Physical strength is of course the first thing that pops into many a mind,
but it is the least impressive when speaking of strength. If physical strength was so relevant the
microbes would not be the building blocks of life. Therefore it is not only strength but a
willingness to change and adapt that proves survival.

The will to survive is the most impressive of strengths in the universe. All that exists exudes a
will to survive. Regardless of its beginning, a being¶s will is to survive until it is destroyed. All
things are destroyed, or simply diminished until the situation is mute. A mountain may war with
the wind and rain for millennia, but eventually it will become a hill. The key is to be flexible to
change. Don't allow your intention to become so intense that it causes fractures in the cohesion
of your identity. As you developed throughout your existence, you will have invented certain
tactics and ideas of the best methods to survive, as the being you are. Most become comfortable
in the ponds where they've found the most success. When thrown into larger waters, however,
they find that they are now preyed upon. The predator / prey positions are more about, perception
and posture, than physical strength or ferocity. Through flexible reasoning you can find your
greatest potential in all situations in which you find yourself involved.

Always be prepared to change. All things are temporary. There is no fault in seeking comfort,
but it is more prudent if you simply seek to be content. You truly cannot have it all. Where
would you put it? Who will care for it all? If you are not truly in physical possession of it at all
times, you don't truly have it. You merely have access to it. The more you possess, the more you
become enslaved to the situations that provided those possessions. You have to decide what you
truly want to spend your life on. For you too are property, you too can be possessed. We are all
being hunted. There is always someone, or group of beings, who wished to have what you
possess. You decide how your life will go with each decision you make. If you haven't calculated
your reason properly, it is no one's fault but your own in how your life turns out. The greatest
stumbling block to survival is ignorance of you own abilities. ³Know thy enemy, Know thyself ³,
very astute reasoning. You are your worst enemy.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. If you are not actively involved in your own thinking process,
then someone or something else is controlling your mind. Most individuals lack the courage and
audacity to say ³Here I Am! ³ It takes the involvement in a team, group or order for most people
to shine. Where is the human arrogance now? In all truth and reality, it has been you against the
world since birth. You merely had blockers, in your family and friends, to guide or protect you
throughout your journey. Regardless of the pain, pleasure, or comfort these relationships bring,
you have merely used these associations to shield yourself from the world. If you're scared, say
you're scared. Fear is a healthy emotion. It is the only true emotion. But, if you fear life, sit
down, stop moving, and meditate on a solitary existence.

Courage is merely the ability to take action or responsibility in the face of fear. If you truly value
life, live courageously. Live a life of truth and acceptance. Know yourself! Be you! Take
responsibility for who and what you are. You may get a chance at another life, but you get only
one chance at this one. Live to leave a legacy! Someone is always watching. What is to be said
when you're gone? Is it you they'll be talking about. Or, was it someone you were trying, or
pretending to be? Don't look back. What is done is done. Now is all that matters.

Now, what will you do? If you made it this far into the book, don't you think it is time for a
change? But, that is not the point of this quest. Can you change? Should you change? What will
you change into? The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Who is in control of your mind? Is it your
voice that you hear first in every decision? Are you truly thinking what is in your best interest as
you decided? Do you know your own personal needs? Are you truly aware of your true self?

If you truly wish to change, what do you wish to change to? Are you merely running from one
form of yourself to another? Do you truly know who you are? Or, at least what you were meant
to be. Change is always necessary, but not always needed. It is not what you do, but how you do
it. Most times, it is merely a need to correct inefficient habits to find a bit of balance in one's life.
But is it life you are seeking? This is a world that worships death. Remember, there was a war in
heaven, which made all this possible or necessary. If you seek life, then live for the life you seek.
Live as if you are there now. I recently asked an individual; ³If you had a million dollars, right
now, what would you do? ³ Their first statement was; ³First off, I would...´ If you have to say,
first off, you have no active plan in your existence. If you have an active, working, plan for your
existence, change of any sort will not change who you are, what you are or what you are doing.

Always do you! Find out who you are. Then find out what you are. Find your purpose. Find your
function. Find your value to yourself and others. Only with an accurate inventory of your
knowledge, skills and abilities, can you conduct fair and efficient commerce in the spiritual
markets. Any portion of your being, which you are unaware of, or afraid to gain knowledge of,
will be weighed against your success spiritually. You control the outcome of your existence. If
you are not willing to take control of the being you are to become, someone or something else
will. There can be only one. Are you willing to be the one in control of your life? Find you. Be
you. Love yourself. Take responsibility for your existence. FIN.



It is obvious, that the average individual is incapable of living a solitary existence. We have been
programmed to think that we truly cannot live without the company of others. That is false. We
were born alone, and we will die alone. That is the process of life. If you have found another in
this existence that shares enough similarity to, or acceptance of your way of living, then you are
truly a blessed individual. It is very efficient to share the loads in life. You will always find those
whose assistance to you, and assistance they gain from you, changes both of your existences.
Communication is the key. How well do you communicate your needs to others? How well do
you respond to others' demands of you? Remember it is always business, never personal.

Economics run by the law of supply and demand. Who is asking for what? Where is the most
efficient source for that demand? Where is the most lucrative market to exploit the supply of that
demand? If the products in question are Love and Friendship, the law still applies. You are now
offering several personal hours of your life, as well as many potentially traumatic emotional
experiences, to some individual or groups of beings. What do you believe you are worth? If you
were to put a price on your time, what should it cost others to utilize your time and talents?

Never sell yourself short. Each of us has a set of abilities that no one else has. You must know
your own abilities. Find that which makes you different from all others. Value your uniqueness.
It is this resource that you control in each marketable conversation. Communication is the key.
You cannot communicate your needs if you have no idea of who you truly are. You cannot have
efficient and marketable trade, if you don't know the value of your product. You must sell
yourself in all situations.

How much are you worth? If you bring nothing, you must be looking for charity. Nothing from
nothing leaves nothing. Build upon the image of your most successful vision. Make it happen.
The only one who can stop you from living your dreams is you. No one else can see your dream,
or share in the dreaming. You must find the needed material in your spiritual identity to fashion
the reality of your dream. You were born with all the needed equipment to renovate your
individual reasoning. Unlock the codes in your nature to release your greatest potential. It is
when you shine with your own light that causes people to take notice. It is the radiance of
independence that attracts others to your way of being. Live to love yourself, so you can love to
live as yourself.

You are never alone. In this dimension, all things are all things. Every atom of all existence is
drawing on the energy matrix of all other atoms in existence. We are all energy vampires. We
need the attention of others to verify our existence. You can't have a religion with only one
follower. We need others to share in our sense of being. If everyone agrees to your existence,
then you must not be crazy in being what you are. Unfortunately, if you continue to seek the
agreement of others to form your existence, you can never be you, only what others would accept
of your being. But, what would you make of yourself? Can you still dream? Is your imagination
still healthy? You can be any and all things that you imagine. The how and why are the only
questions. Are you willing to do, or learn, what is necessary to accomplish your goal? What is
the purpose in becoming that which you truly desire to be? Once you become this thing, are you
going to need verification of the change? If you lose weight, is it a reality before someone says,
³My, how you've changed.´ For whom does your bell toll? What is the purpose of change in
your life?

Change is the only constant in the universe. For energy is constantly changing in form or
frequency. It is through the tracking of these changes that perception is born. It is through the
tracking of the changes in our perceptions that our realities are born. The world, as a whole
should be used more as a mirror to reflect the need for change in your existence. Not in the sense
that you should resemble the world, but more, how much does the world resemble the state of
your consciousness. If you are unhappy with the state of the world, how much more is that
unease reflected in your individual state of being. You may not be able to immediately exact
change upon the world. But, you can always make changes in yourself. ³All the world's a
stage.....´ Just as actors change costumes and roles, you too can adjust your perception of self
and others. The object is to control the change in your existence, not the existence of all. The
only true control is control of self. You choose all that exists in your perception, for you must be
present to perceive. If you find that you don't agree with what you perceive, change your

Communication is merely the sharing of ideas and/or information. How well you communicate is
measured by the types of ideas and the level of information you share with others, as well as,
whom you share them with. The wisest man is he who knows that he knows nothing. Most
people believe that they have a hold on things. Most people truly think they have something to
share. You must know that what is important to you is also important to the person you intend to
communicate with. Many times we share information with the wrong individuals simply because
they are present when the idea is in our minds. That is a waste of energy for both parties. By the
time you find the right person, you'll have exhausted the proper emotional energetic level to
make the impact that you initially intended. This is why communication and conversation are not
the same things. Each of us must begin to censor our own need to exploit our opinions. There are
many things you have discovered in this existence that have served you well in your survival. All
that you have learned will not be relevant in all situations, or to all people. Therefore, you must
learn to cater to your audience. Be certain that what you share with another is immediately useful
to that individual.

The backbone of all relationships is communication. Whether it is a relation of love or business,

the communication of ideas, wants or needs, will be the deciding factor in the life of that
relationship. In all relationships someone will play the customer or prey, while another will be
the provider or predator. There is always a level of sacrifice when dealing with another human
being or group of beings. The key is limiting the amount of sacrifice or the amount given to
achieve a desired goal in communication. The root of this word is commune, or to come
together. How much do you bring to each relationship? How much do you hope to receive? What
value do you place on that which you bring or receive? What type of being do you seek when
attempting communications? How well do you build relationships? What role do you play in
your relationships?

I like to break the word down as such: Relationship (to relate to one on a ship). If you were on a
sinking ship, is the person you are with the type of person who would save your life? Would that
person help you survive? If the answer is no, then that is not a healthy relationship. Are you the
type of person who would provide for another in that situation? Every relationship, no matter
how short a time you are involved, causes changes in your life or reasoning. It is therefore very
important to be careful who you get involved with and how deeply you get involved.

Don't let your needs go unnoticed. Make sure that you acquire what it is you initially got
involved to obtain. Communicate your intentions and conduct equilateral business. ³Neither
borrower nor lender be.´ Remember, it is always business. Your emotions are just as valuable as
your money. Be sure to get the full value out of the emotional energy you put forth in all that you
do. In all partnerships, get involved with a being that will honor the contract that you set forth, so
that you all are provided with your individual needs.

It is never easy to pick wisely in situations of dire proportions. Sometimes the enemy of my
enemy is also my friend. Sometimes those that were presumably friends, become our enemies. It
is therefore prudent to be wary of giving too freely of our will and provisions. You must first see
to your needs before you can truly be of help to another. If you both drown, then you've only
found companionship in death. You must have the ability to provide some service to another
before adding your presence with any permanency.

 Having written the previous portion of this book, I requested the opinions of those that had read
it. Most replied that it was full of good advice but they were unclear as to the direction of my thinking.
There are those who have questions concerning the religious tangents I¶ve presented. Some query about
my political intentions. The majority, however, merely wanted more. I have found that satisfaction is a
fractious matter. Can we ever get our fill of anything? I wonder what any of us could do if we were truly
solitary. I too enjoy the company of others. I simply choose not to depend on any but my own ability.
That is not to say that I don¶t welcome the assistance of others. It is merely that I rarely ask for that
assistance. I¶ve found that, in most situations, the more you ask for help, the more you need to ask for

That is the purpose of this book. I am simply asking the question, can you truly make it on your
own? How many will answer that question with all honesty? How many can answer that question
honestly. If you have the ability, calculate your entire existence. How much of whom you are is of your
own design? Who or what made you what you are? Do you know these answers? Do you care to know
these answers? That is the direction of my thinking.

It is my thinking, at this moment, in this cycle of this we perceive as existence, that I was born a
vagabond. I was an unwanted child in most situations in early life. There were very few instances where I
found peace when involved with people. Many times I¶ve reverted to the saying, ³if you want something
done right, do it yourself.´ It is more to my experience that if you want it done the way „ want it, do it
for yourself. So I began to find my own peace away from people. Many days I could be found on the edge
of the lake reading a book. I learned to read when I was four. Maybe  
is the wrong word for what I
do. At the age of four I learned to eat books. I was able to digest knowledge. I didn¶t know what it was I
was doing. My mother, I don¶t know if she knew. What I do know is that if I asked her a question she
didn¶t have the answer to she would buy me a book on the subject.

I started school late, because of my birth date. For a semester my mother took me to college with
her. Some of my happiest memories were in that school. Of course, this also laid the pattern for the rest of
my educational life. Many times I would sit with my mother¶s friends while she was in class and they
would read to me from their books. Unknown to all was the fact that the information took root. I
understood the information sometimes better than they did. To them it was just a cute little trick. I became
somewhat like their mascot. Some would take me with them to their labs. I learned how to print
newspapers. I learned how to run television stations. It was that first trip to the Biology lab that gave me
my love for medicine and science. Outside of that environment, however, my level of comprehension was
not as well received. No one had need of a smart-assed five year old telling them what was proper. So I
spent my days at the library or in the forest. At the age of six I began school. Kindergarten by this time
was unnecessary; I merely helped the teacher pass out particulars. After that my lessons began in the
study of human nature.

Now I could give a run down on all the ugly and painful situations that I¶ve survived. We¶ve all
seen the movies of how those with increased intelligence are treated in this society. Add to that a good
dose of racial profiling and domestic abuse and you¶ve got yourself a real tear jerker. Unfortunately, or
fortunately, depends on which way you look at it, I have an interesting temper. I¶ve never seen it myself,
but I am told that I¶m very impressive when angered. They say God moves in mysterious ways. I¶ve never
seen mystery. I just see people who don¶t pay attention to God.
This brings us to religion. Allow me to do a backlog here. I was born in 1971, what I am about to
describe took place in 1977. I was 6 years old. As I stated before, I spent most of my time alone. I had
few friends. So many days I would wander the town investigating my surroundings. One day I was
perusing the recyclables, ³digging in the dumpster´, when the church bus pulled up and asked if I wanted
to go to church. Now I had never gone to church before, so I saw this as an opportunity to learn. I talked
to my mother and she agreed that it would be good. She sent my older brother and sister with me. Did I
mention that I am the youngest of three, like I said a real tear-jerker? So I went to church, no problem.
Then they went and gave me a bible. Now I¶ve told you about me and books. I spent the next week eating
my way through this book. I read all about creation and angels, demons and devils. I had begun to spend
my time studying why people treat different people the way they do. That is what I was reading when I
was alone. Books on biology, books on sexuality, books on mythology, psychology, history, these are the
books I read at 6 years old. Now I read the bible for the first time. The next Sunday I went back to church
seeking further answers to the questions I found in the bible.

Let me stop here. This is the day that changed my entire view of the world around me for the rest
of my life. I¶ll refer back to this day often. On this day, as we were headed for the bus stop, a pack of wild
dogs came running from the woods around the lake. They were approximately three hundred yards away
from where we were. We were approximately one hundred yards from the bus stop. There was a building
twenty yards from where we were. There was a picnic table ten yards from the building. This is the
situation, I¶m 6, my brother is 10, and my sister is 7. There are 10 wild dogs running at us. We are on the
way to church.

My brother grabbed my sister and ran for the building. I followed as fast as I could. When they
made it to the building my brother locked me out. I was forced to seek shelter on the top of the picnic
table. I made it seconds before the dogs reached me. The dogs surrounded the table. In my mind I could
feel the teeth tearing at my body. I curled into a ball in the middle of the table and waited for the first bite.
Somewhere I could hear a voice saying look up. When I did I was looking into the eyes of a huge dog.
The words ³we will not harm you´ echo in my mind to this day. At the moment I heard those words, all
the dogs sat down and rested. A few minutes later, they saw a man jogging around the lake and went after
him. When I felt composed, I went down to the bus stop to wait for the bus. My brother and my sister
went home.

Imagine if you will my state of reasoning at this point. I¶ve just been abandoned by my family,
and I¶ve just been saved by a dog. I¶ve just finished reading the bible for my first time. I¶ve just been
given my first glimpse of what could be seen as God¶s will. I¶m on my way to church where I hope to
find confirmation.
The morning service went fine. I appreciated much of what the minister said, especially after my
morning. Soon, it was time for Sunday school. In Sunday school they were teaching the story of Moses.
They gave us pictures to color. Let me say this, most of my life, I have been in situations where I was the
only black, ³African American´, however we are described now, person present. This was one of those

This was my first true taste of racism. I happened to color Moses brown like me. This caused a
stir amongst the teachers. They asked me why I chose that color. I simply stated that it said so in the bible.
They informed me of my error. They said Moses was white. I then stated that if Moses was white, the
story in the bible makes no sense.

I¶m black; most of us are born knowing racism. As I said, this was just my first time facing it
alone. I had a few questions. The story states that as a babe, Moses was placed in a basket and floated
down river. It states that he was found by the pharaoh¶s daughter and claimed as her own. That is the
basis for the story. My questions were:

1: Where is Egypt located?

Answer: Africa

2: What race predominates in Africa?

Answer: Blacks, Nubians

3: How then can a black woman take a white child and claim it as her own and no one says a

As you can imagine this didn¶t sit well with those teachers. They told me that God is white and
that white people are God¶s chosen. I told them, if God made the sun, why would his chosen be allergic to
his creations. I then asked if God created man in his image, and he is white, where my people came from.
They took me to the minister. He attempted to tell me of the curse of Kush so on and so forth. In the end
they asked me not to come back to their church. So as in all things I was left to self-discovery. Since then
I have studied most religions and spiritual thinking. I¶ve studied philosophies from around the globe. I¶ve
studied myths and legends from numerous nations. I¶ve studied history and diplomatic treatise. I¶ve
studied war tactics and maneuverings. None have shown that they know God. None have outshined the
others. Like most people said about the first part of this book, they all have a lot of good advice to give,
but still they leave you wanting.


All that exists, regardless of shape or size, has a center of its mass. This also refers to the
center of gravity, or the point where the effects of gravity are equal along the surface of the
object. This is the position where the object can be said to be equally balanced. When a being
begins to see the need for mental or spiritual adjustment, the first act is to begin to find your
center. With all that we allow into our lives and reasoning, it is necessary to separate what are
you and yours from all the influences around you.

Throughout this book series I will continue to ask the question, ³Who are you?´ This is
why meditation is necessary. You must be able to find your true nature. In ancient times it was
given that during adolescence children had to undergo a rite of passage to be able to claim adult
status. No matter the culture, this was done to bring out the true nature of the individual. This
was done so that none could claim participation in the unfolding of the child¶s character. For
males this usually consisted of 30 days and 30 nights in the wilderness. Where his animal
abilities were roused and utilized for survival. Upon his return he would claim his true name.
This would be the name of the spirit that the boy, now man had found within himself. Some
were called ³Running Bear´, ³Lion Heart´, ³Fighting Tiger´ and ³Thor¶s Son´. For most women
the tasks were of a domestic nature, but taken no less seriously. A girl had to prove she could
care for a family and give wise counsel before she was allowed to call herself ³Woman´. Women
to this day are the true leaders of the family. No matter the man¶s power, it is the woman¶s law
that rules the house. That is why it is important to know whose law rules the woman, and where
a man derives his power. Who are you? Why do you seek change?

Without knowing who and what you are, how can you know what to change? You must
know yourself, better than any other thing in existence. You must be in control of your own
reasoning. A cat can never be a dog and a fish can never be a bird, no matter how one wishes. If
you do anything for another¶s satisfaction you are a servant. If you act under the pressure of
another¶s demands you are a slave. As you calculate your need for change you must be aware of
the reasoning behind your need. If you attempt to change any portion of your being against or
without your intentional reasoning it will be temporary at best. Many harbor the mental, physical
and emotional scars collected from the many failed attempts to satisfy another person. All that
you do must be done by your own reasoning, only then can you take full responsibility for your
All that you are, or will be, is the result of a decision. When you begin to live for and by
the decisions you make, you begin to make better decisions. Every decision you make brings you
closer to a better life, or leads you closer to your death. You can gauge your decision making
ability by the results that you find at the end of each day. If you find prosperity, health and
happiness, some might say you have good decision making abilities. Again it starts with who you
are. What do you see as being prosperous? Are you willing to make the proper decisions to
accomplish that prosperity? Do you know yourself well enough to know if you are able to make
the proper decisions?

You must begin to discover your true nature. You must find the center of your being. You
need to calculate your reasoning. Find your voice. Speak your name. Stand up and claim your
experiences. Take the pain of your past and turn it to the power the guides your future. You are
the only one who can keep you down. You are the only one that can cause your failure. Find the
true state of your being. Calculate your need for change if change is needed. Maintain your

Once you initiate balance it is easier to govern movement in your existence. It is from the
state of balance that you seek change in the motion of the energy around yourself. Once you find
the center of your being, you can easily achieve balance in the most trying situations. Understand
centering is not balance. They are not the same and neither can exist without the other.

During the process of attaining your center, or the center of any matter, you will have at
some point taken the measure of the object or situation. Having gained the center, you now have
a point from which you can calculate changes in the degree of movement. The expression of
changes in movement are stated as plus or minus zero i.e. (-1, 0, +1). There is no Good or Bad.
Those are children¶s games and fairytales. These are merely titles given to human intention.
Again, I say take responsibility for your existence. When dealing with spiritual matters, it is
necessary to maintain balanced reasoning. Whatever state of balance you have achieved, at the
moment you are faced with a spiritual situation that is your relevant zero. It is from that point
that you begin to measure the changes in your life or reasoning. The result will gauge how well
your state of balance was before the incident. You will either find yourself in a more constructive
state of being. Stating that you had a +1 or higher degree of change from your previous zero or
you¶ll have a -1 or destructive change from your previous zero. Depending on your desired
outcome, it is from this point that you now calculate further change. Either you attempt to return
to your previous zero, or you continue to calculate along the spiral of change you now find
yourself in.

As I said before, change is neither good nor bad. For it can be both at the same time. It
can also be more of one than the other, which then gives a degree on scale of intensity. This then
causes us to attempt to calculate an arc or curve of change. In Geometry, they use both the x and
the y axis to demonstrate the image of these curves of energetic movement. In spirituality,
however, pain and suffering as well as joy and pleasure are used to express the axis of results and
measures. So a result of -3, +5, might be acceptable to a person, where 3 measures of pain to
achieve 5 measures of pleasure is a fair trade. Just as a result of +5, -3, where 5 measures of joy
with 3 measures of suffering, in the case of a grieving parent who must bury a child who was
suffering from a disease. So as you calculate change in your existence, you must be aware of the
curves you create. You must become responsive and responsible for the changes you cause in
yourself, for you may cause changes in others. It is very difficult to control change outside of
your reasoning, so be aware of your environment. It may be more prudent to change
environments than to manipulate yourself or others. If you find that you can achieve greater
balance in the situation in which you find yourself, then simply ensure that your relevant zero
and any curve created from that point does not intersect with any that is not a voluntary
participant. It is not polite to stumble when dealing with spiritual matters. That is why it is
necessary to gain some initiation or find a partnership or order that will give constructive
guidance to your search.

V    : the relationship between two or more people or organizations that are

involved in the same activity.

When building partnerships, you need to ensure that the person or people you are
entering into this relationship with have your best interests in mind. In most instances the person
you see as your partner has similar skills or ideas as yourself. Therefore you might find security
in the fact that, in your absence, all that you hold dear might be cared for in a manner similar to
your own reasoning. That, however, is not always the case. In this age, it is most often a financial
or conceptual contract that forms most partnerships. Anytime money is involved, anytime a
contract is signed, anything you must have a license or permission to do is business. Business is
never personal, even when it is personal business.

 : a company or other organization that buys and sells goods, makes products, or
provides services.

Any relationship built on financial terms has value only in terms of potential dividend. It
is judged and measured by its financial by-product. The moment it fails to produce above its
spending margin, it is scheduled for liquidation or termination. You must be aware of your
options in any financial relationship. Depending on your needs, more often than not, your wants,
a financial partnership might be the answer. I have found that most people, however, are seeking
something with a bit more permanence and stability when seeking a life partnership. Some of the
more flexible partnerships are built on trust.

: the position of somebody who is expected by others to behave responsibly or


I would like to say the majority of relationships are built on trust. It is very difficult to
truly get to know anyone. We hardly know ourselves. It is nearly impossible for any one person
to catalog their life in such a way as to make the totality of their experiences easily packaged and
transferable. Most of us simply have a collection of stories that we hold in significance. Some of
the facts of the stories can become extremely convoluted over years of telling, re-telling and
editing for appeal. So we are left with the simple act of trust. If we find that a person feels non-
threatening, we allow for a general feeling of trust to develop. After continued exposure that
simple bond will solidify and allow for a deeper meaningful relationship built from that initial
seed. This is why we must insure that the energy given to create the initial bond is pure to allow
for a long-lasting appreciation. Again this is why it is necessary to know your true self. All
falsehood bears itself out sooner or later. Therefore if you truly intend to build lasting
partnerships, they must be built from the most stable position possible. In construction terms, this
is considered the foundation.


All things begin from a position of infinite possibility. All probable solutions are a
product of clarity of perception and skillful artistry. Whatever the medium to be used for
transformation, it must first be prepared for the change to have any permanence. That includes
you as a medium. To build a house you may find you must chop down trees or demolish a pre-
existing structure to clear a space for construction. In painting you may first need to scrape off a
previous layer of paint before putting a fresh coat down. In the case of human nature, we find
that a person must UN-learn or reprogram inefficient behavioral patterns before gaining new
skills. Whatever the project, you must clear space or prepare for change.

When clearing space, you must know what you are willing and able to recycle.
Something must be sacrificed for any permanent change. Again, you can¶t have it all, so you
know you can¶t keep it all. What in your life, in your memory, in your experiences are you
willing to let go of. It is this sacrifice that will pay for the transfer fees. Usually when a family
prepares for a move, one of the things that they will do is have a yard sale. This simple act
accomplishes two things. It recycles unneeded materials and it produces financial resources that
can be used to cover moving costs.

There are costs when moving through the spirit realms also. There are similar methods of
managing spending. You must sacrifice to find energy for change. In science they are referred to
as the laws of energy conversion and conservation. If you want a new relationship, you have to
get out of the old one. You want a new job; you need to arrange for time and transit resources.
You want a new life; some part of your old life must die to be reborn. Nothing in life is free.
Anything of value should be earned.

This is a very time oriented task. It cannot be completed overnight. Most often it is not
completed in one lifetime. Mastery of your being is a quest; it is an art form. For millennia man
has formed tribes, orders, and religions to attempt this expression of pure will. It is the cost that
destroys many attempts. What are you willing to give up gaining yourself?

After having found the adequate space or property, you may find that you must break-
ground or prepare the earth to receive a new foundation. This can involve anything from raking
up debris, digging up soil, roots and rocks to minor or severe demolition techniques. When you
attempt to break-ground spiritually, you are the ground in question. The techniques are still the
same. You might merely need to, (rake) or sweep the cobwebs from your mentality. You may
find there are some paths or methods of thinking that you just never allowed your mind to focus
on. You might have to dig through unhealthy attitudes and experiences. Or, you might find you
have to fully demolish racial, sexual or spiritual prejudices to achieve room for a new foundation
in your being.

This is where most individuals fall short. Most people find that they are unwilling to
restructure their lives simply to achieve spiritual balance. As in anything, it usually takes a near-
death experience before many even think to adjust their reasoning. Even then the change is not
permanent only temporary until they find they feel ³normal´ again. I¶ll tell anyone, temporary
change is more expensive than permanent change. Spiritual practices should not be attempted by
anyone not intending to complete at least one full cycle of change. Depending on the level of
attunement, a cycle is usually 6 months to 3 years. Half attempts at spiritual excellence cost 3
times as much as one full attempt. You must first sacrifice to begin the attempt. Then you must
sacrifice all that you may have learned when you end the attempt. You will sacrifice again when
you attempt to gain any measure of the life you once lead. However you wish to ?V  your
life, do as you will. For those who seek value in their effort, you must continue to break-ground.

In breaking ground, it has been noted, there are 3 common methods; raking, digging and
demolition. You might only need to implement one of these techniques in your attempt to
reconstruct your mental and spiritual foundation. For others you may find you¶ll start with one
and end needing to use another or all three. It is interesting to find how little you truly know
about yourself. This ignorance can be a joyous discovery, as you find you can accomplish things
you never thought to even try. Or, it may bring devastation, as you uncover memories of pain
and degradation that have been repressed and forgotten over the years. You may begin to see
yourself as an archeological site. You may begin to utilize these techniques in unison. You dig a
little then brush away the excess dirt and dust to uncover the detail of previous lifestyles and
mental positions. You might find you need to demolish a series of painful experiences and then
clear out the ruble to find a jewel of wisdom gained from the episode as a whole. However you
decide to prepare yourself as the property in question, remember take your time. Don¶t fix it if it
ain¶t broken. There are some things that merely need a little attention to become bright and
usably efficient.

After having broken ground and prepared the area for change, you must now create the
form or the shape of this new foundation. If you find yourself part of a group or order, they most
likely have some ritual to accomplish this task. For those who find themselves on a solitary
quest, you must find a vision. In construction, the foundation can either be use to accent the
vision or its focus can be specifically to support an enormous weight. Here, I ask again, what is
the purpose for your change? When shaping your mold it is important to have a definite outcome
firmly in your mind. How large a change are you attempting to make? How long is it going to
take to complete this change? How much are you going to have to sacrifice to accomplish this?
These are questions that you can¶t readily answer. These questions will continue throughout your
quest and the answers change at every crossing. When shaping your mold, it is prudent to take an
account of the possible changes that may take place inside and outside of your intended change.

A mold is merely a frame on which something is formed or built. The shaping of the
mold is when true structuring and artistry is applied. This is where your planning and reasoning
skills are truly put to the test. Can you bring a reality from your dream or is this just an attempt to
live out a fantasy? Without a strong, clear and stable mold no foundation will hold under

Your reason for change should apply some pressure to motivate your movements. Your
need for change should have caused you to begin planning methods to accomplish this activity.
How detailed is your reasoning? How well do you plan?

In construction, many foundations use a layering technique to provide for settling and
flexibility in their structure. In a spiritual foundation you need layers of knowledge, experience
and wisdom to provide similar strength and flexibility.

When you first find that you have a desire for change, you should begin to seek
information into the environment needed for that change to come about. You should learn of
those who traveled the path before you. You should learn the history and legends of the people
who first found this change. Never be so arrogant as to believe that you¶re the only one to have
found whatever path you find yourself on. This is why experience is so valuable. As you attempt
many things you will find there are many differing ways to accomplish a similar goal. After
having attempted many things you will find several paths that are more efficient and less time
consuming than others. As you develop wisdom, you will find that one path is the most efficient
for your being. It is on this path that you should build the foundation of your reasoning.
i |


Initiation is an action that causes something, especially an important process or event, to

begin, usually a secret or mysterious ceremony by which somebody is admitted to a group,
organization, or religion. Whatever path you have chosen to represent your reasoning most
efficiently, you must remember to show respect for those who have gone before you. You are
never the first in anything, except in being you. So, it is important to be aware of your
surroundings and your situation there in. Never make the mistake of false discovery. So many,
throughout history, have claimed to discovery something or somewhere, only to have it
discovered that there were vast cultures and civilizations which existed with this knowledge
thousands of years before their own existences. What is the purpose of such an action? It is
plainly disrespect in the form of self-adoration. Never seek openly for followers. Never seek
openly for fame. Anytime you beg for attention, more often than not, you will merely prove your
own limitations. Respect is necessary to fully enjoy the wisdom of those who have traveled
before you. An adequate tracker will be able to detect when the path may have become
troublesome for the traveler before them. That same tracker may see in the traveler¶s movements
and changes in position, times of struggle or injury. Using these indications, that tracker may
find shorter distances to reach a similar goal. He may find a path less traveled to avoid pit-falls
and enemies. Respect simply means to look again, or to have someconsideration or
thoughtfulness for the existences around you. Look in the mirror and begin with yourself. Do
you know you? Do you respect yourself? Only when you stop hiding from yourself and others,
can you truly take a look at the world around you.

Respect allows for the open transmission of ideas and emotions. Without respect any
relationship you enter will have some component of enslavement or ignorance involved. Respect
is earned not required. No matter a being¶s position, respect is a dual action. You cannot gain
respect without giving the same, it is the nature of its aspect. Many believe they have the respect
of the people around them, only to find they are feared or merely pitied. The fall of every nation,
government or civilization began with the loss of mutual respect.

Honor has been used as a form of address to dignitaries such as judges and mayors. It has
been said that it shows strong moral character or strength. For some it is an adherence to ethical
principles or personal dignity that sometimes leads to recognition and glory. It might be
somebody or something that brings respect or glory and is a source of pride to somebody or
something else. But in this case, I¶m thinking in terms of a code of integrity in some societies,
e.g. in feudal Europe and medieval Japan, that men upheld by force of arms, to keep a promise,
or fulfill the terms of an agreement or contract. Any involvement you have in the lives of others
is in lieu of a contract.

It is an unfortunate truth, but true it is, that no one gets involved with anything without
expecting something in the outcome. No one accepts your involvement without expecting
something out of you. The very act of being present, the fact that you possess knowledge of the
existence of a thing institutes your involvement. Your involvement institutes a contract. What
party is your contract with? Do you possess the adequate amount of respect for yourself and this
other party to honor that contract?

From the moment of conception, you were entered into a contract. Throughout your
development your mother stands in proxy and has legal guardianship of you as a commodity. At
the time of birth, you begin to sever those contracts. This is referred to as the process of
³contractions´ in birthing, which then produces an environment of labor. This all originates and
culminates with your hunger for independence and your quest for individualism. The question is
do you honor those contracts?

It must be apparent to the balanced individual, that none are of a spontaneous creation.
That means that others suffered the labor of your construction. Because of those labors, that
sacrifice, you came to this plane of existence with a price tag. The price of your flesh is the first
contract that must be honored. Which is why I ask the question do you know you? Honor thy
mother and thy father. They may not have been the best, but they got you here. Before that,
honor The Most High, whatever that may be in your eyes, for it is that energy that allows all
things to exist. It is from these contracts that you derive all sense of balance. If you fail to find
respect for those that allow your existence, you may never find the peace and wisdom to fully
honor the spiritual principals necessary to develop Honor.

Loyalty is a feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment to somebody or something. It

believes firmly in something or somebody, especially a religion or a political doctrine. A loyal
being is able to be trusted to do what is expected or has been promised. It is a solemn promise to
perform an act, carry out an activity, or behave in a given way.

Loyalty is your greatest gift to be given. Be wary of giving it away too often or too
willingly. It is the aspect of loyalty that is the true currency in the spiritual marketplace. Loyalty
is more valued than any other possession known. I would rather have one loyal person in my
corner than a world full of fans.

A loyal person is not a blind follower. If that was the case, it would be of no value. A
slave can be acquired at much lower rates. Loyalty is rare. A person must have honor to begin to
understand loyalty. Loyalty is the greatest of the binding contracts.

When you pledge your loyalty to a being or situation, you state that this being or situation
is greater than your life. Offering your existence as collateral to gain anything is a very
audacious maneuver. It should be attempted with great care and wisdom. It can truly be done
only once. So pledge loyalty to your own being first above all others. But, do you know you?

It is not my intention to attempt to present myself as some spiritual leader. It is

not my intention that people should look to me for instruction as to how they should live
their daily lives. Throughout my limited existence, in this we refer to as reality, I have
found that most people do not truly appreciate the present. The here and now is not of the
greatest import in many individual consciences. The majorities of the human species are
either mired in past exploits or are hustling to accomplish some future enterprise. There
are few who truly understand that the quest of life is life. Not many find true enjoyment
in their present existence. It is all about the struggle. While we all seek our own
perceptions of fortune and fame, we lose our attachment to the worlds around us. Each of
us was created in the image and likeness of something greater than ourselves. It is this
that regulates our destinies. A baby bird must rate its success on how well it mimics the
instinctual processes of its nature. If our nature is likened unto the Gods, then what
measure of success are we held to? How many of us are truly successful when measured
to those standards. I can¶t tell you which religion is the best for you. I can¶t tell you if
joining this fraternity or that sorority will find you great success. What I will tell you is
that the Human struggle began with a war on the highest planes of existence and it is now
being waged in the human consciousness. ³I think therefore I am, therefore I am
whatever I think I am!´

I am merely a scholar/ poet. I have seen, tasted, touched; I have found pleasure,
pain and enlightenment in many places, people and cultures of this world. I have found
that it is easier to accept rather than to deny that our differences are given as gifts, that
they are signs and guides to aide in our appreciation for the diversities of existence. We
fear the unknown, but then exclaim our worship for a god that is unknowable. It was
often said that one should stop and smell the roses. I say just stop! You might not like
roses, but you should stop and take time to calculate your existence. Take the time to look
around. Look at the present state of your living. Are you where you want to be in life? Is
the path you¶re on the best to carry you to your chosen destiny?

These are questions only you can answer for yourself. It is my intent to provide a
few techniques that have proven successful for me. If you find that they provide some
assistance to you, I will be pleased to have been of service. Please continue to join me as
we travel on this journey through this series entitled ³SPIRITUAL ECONOMICS´, this
quest for the nine veils.

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