Video Israeli Soldiers Run Over Palestinian, Attack Medics

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Video: Israeli soldiers run over Palestinian,

attack medics

Object 1

Ali Abunimah-31 October 2015

This video shows Israeli soldiers in a military jeep deliberately running over a
Palestinian youth at high speed on Friday and then attacking medics and journalists.
Separately, on Saturday, Israeli occupation forces shot dead a Palestinian youth in the
northern occupied West Bank.
The incident in the video occured during confrontations between Israeli occupation
forces and Palestinian youths in the town of al-Bireh near Ramallah in the West Bank.
At about 30 seconds, the Israeli jeep can be seen heading at high speed directly toward
a running Palestinian youth, and driving over him.
The videographer then approaches the stopped jeep and the victim of the attack can be
seen lying on the ground injured.

Still shows Palestinian youth after he was deliberately hit by Israeli army jeep.

Israeli soldiers prevent Palestinian medics from treating him, violently shoving them
and ordering them away.
The video was shot by Muhammad Shousheh of Jordans Roya TV.
Attack on medics
The Israeli gunmen then begin shooting pepper spray into the faces of medics and

Still shows Israeli soldier firing pepper spray against journalists and medics.

Palestinian medics can be seen suffering the effects of the chemical spray.
An Israeli soldier continues to attack the medics with pepper spray even as they
evacuate one of their injured colleagues on a stretcher.
Double violation
Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) spokesperson Erab al-Furqaha told The
Electronic Intifada that her organizations medics ran over to the injured youth after
he was hit by the jeep, but the soldiers prevented the team from reaching him.
She said the medics told the Israelis they wanted to provide first aid and would not
prevent his arrest, but soldiers would not allow it.

Still shows Israeli soldier attacking a Palestinian medic with pepper spray as he attempted to assist an
injured person.

Five medics and volunteers were at the scene, al-Furqaha said. It is a violation of
international humanitarian law to prevent medics from doing work and furthermore
preventing the injured from getting medical care. This is a double violation.
The youth was arrested by the Israeli soldiers without being given immediate medical
attention, said al-Furqaha, who believes he is being detained at Hadassah hospital.
He was in a critical situation, she added. They should have brought their own
medical team if they did not want to allow Palestinians to help him.
The victim, named as Maher Ghanem al-Froukh, is said to be in stable condition.

Gas until you die

Object 2

Another video reveals the gratuitously violent and perhaps genocidal mindset of
Israeli occupation forces who invade Palestinian towns and villages.
It captures the sound of Israeli soldiers announcing over a loudspeaker to residents of
Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem on Thursday that they would gas them until they
People of Aida, we are the occupation army. If you keep throwing stones, we will hit
you with gas until you die. The children, the adults, the elderly, an officer states.
He repeats the threat a second time: Go home or we will gas you until you die.
Maan News Agency reported that after the announcement, occupation forces fired
tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets indiscriminately in the streets.
The use of force was so extreme that children from Aidas two community centers and
residents of nearby houses had to be evacuated to another part of the camp, Maan
added, and at least one youth was taken to hospital with respiratory problems.
Alongside the disconcerting language used to inspire terror among the residents the
majority of whom werent involved in the stone throwing the film provides evidence
of a member of the Israeli army admitting to the potentially lethal application of tear
gas, Maan noted.

Palestinians have reported at least three deaths following tear gas inhalation in recent
They were Hebron activist Hashem al-Azzeh, 54, who died on 21 October, 65-yearold Huda Muhammad Darwish who died in occupied East Jerusalem on 19 October
and 8-month-old Ramadan Muhammad Faisal Thawabta who died in Beit Fajjar
village near Bethlehem on Friday.

Youth shot dead

An image circulated on social media of Mahmoud Talal Mahmoud Nazzal.

On Saturday, Israeli occupation forces shot dead Mahmoud Talal Mahmoud Nazzal, 18, from
the town of Qabatiya near Jenin in the nothern West Bank.
Israel claimed the youth had attempted to stab one of its officers at al-Jalama
checkpoint, Maan News Agency reported.
Israeli forces extrajudicially executed another teenager, 16-year-old Ahmad Muhammad Said
Kamil, at the same checkpoint a week ago. Again, Israel claimed he attempted to carry out a

Video captured the extrajudicial execution of Kamil, but did not show any attack.
Human rights groups have expressed alarm at Israels apparent policy of summary
executions of Palestinians in circumstances where they clearly present no threat to its
occupation forces or civilians.
On Thursday, video captured clear evidence of a war crime: Israeli occupation forces
executed 23-year-old Mahdi Muhammad Ramadan al-Muhtasib in Hebron as the
injured man lay on the ground.
Nazzals death on Saturday brings to 72 the number of Palestinians killed this month.
This number includes five Palestinians who died as a possible result of tear gas
inhalation, delayed medical treatment due to checkpoints and medical neglect by
prison authorities.
Nine Israelis have been killed in the same period.
Also on Saturday, thousands of Palestinians joined the funeral for 5 Palestinian
children killed by Israeli occupation forces in Hebron in recent weeks in apparent
summary executions.
Israel returned their bodies on Friday. Confrontations between Palestinian youths and
Israeli forces erupted after the funerals.
At least four Palestinians were shot with live ammunition, Maan News Agency
reported citing medical sources.
Charlotte Silver contributed reporting from Jerusalem.
Posted by Thavam

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