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Therefore, when you see the Shikuts HaMeshomem (Abomination of Desolation), the thing spoken through
Daniel HaNavi, having stood in the Makom Kadosh (Holy Place, i.e. the Beis Hamikdash) --let the reader
understand! Mattityahu 24:15

This is a new edition of a reprint of an original teaching from “ Kol Shofar” . Many people found the teaching
challenging to their foundational beliefs. Some readers even found it unbelievable. This is an updated edition of that
teaching. We must always keep in mind that HaSatan has deceived the whole world to keep them from the True
Moshiach. Many may interpret this teaching a s“ Ch urch”bashing. It is not my motives to bash anyone, but it is my
intention to expose the false teachings found in the church. If one objectively studies the sources and history, it is very
eas i
lys eent hatthe“ Ch risti
a nit
y ”todayi snott hef ait
ht aughtbyt hee arlytalmidim of our Master Yahshua.

 9And the great Dragon, that Nachash Kadmon was thrown down, the one being called the Malshin (Slanderer)
and Hasatan, the one deceiving the whole inhabited world. He was thrown to ha'aretz and the malachim of him
were thrown down with him. Revelation 12:9
 DECEIVE:04105: planao plan-ah'-o from 4106; to (properly, cause to) roam (from safety, truth, or virtue):--
go astray, deceive, err, seduce, wander, be out of the way
 “Now t heruach plainly says that in the last times (yamim achranomim)some men shall depart from the
faith(emunah) and shall go after deceiving spirits and after the teachings of shedim (demons).Those who
deceive by FALSE APPEARANCE AND ARE SPEAKING A LIE, and are seared in their conscience.1
 “Andmany false prophets shall arise, and lead many astray. And because apostasy will abound, the love of
ma nywi l
lwa xc old. ”Matt.24:11-12 DuTillet Hebrew Text

HaSatan can only deceive a person to accept a false image based upon his lies and images projected in the mind by
words and pictures. The projected image will appeal to their own subjective nature and things that make them feel
comfortable. This false image of the Messiah has been portrayed byt he“ Chu rch”f orover 2,000 years to the whole

 25they traded2 in the Emet Elohim (the truth of Elohim) for sheker, for a lie, Romans 1:25
 TRADED: 03337: metallasso from 3326 and 236; to exchange:--change.
 3Let no one in any way lead you astray, because, unless the Mered (Rebellion), the [Anti-Moshiach] Shmad,
the Ma'al Defection, the Azivah Desertion (Apostasy), comes rishonah (first), and the Apocalypse of the Ish
haMufkarut (Man of Lawlessness-Torahless), the Ish haChatta'ah Ben haAvaddon (Man of Sin, Son of
Destruction) is unveiled... 4I'm referring to the one setting himself against and exalting himself AL KOL EL
(DANIEL 11:36), above all that are given the appellation "El" or "avodat Elohim," with the result that he sits
down in Elohim's own Beis Hamikdash, proclaiming that he himself is Elohim ... 5Do you not recall that when
I was still with you I was telling you these things? 2 Thess.2:3-5
 “Now,the beast of Revelation 13 & 17 is a dead and resurrected g-d whom the whole world worships
(Rev.13:3-4, 8, 12).He is the ANOMOS one of 2 Thess.2…TheTo rahi same ssag et hatisgoi ngt otota
destroy an image that the whole world worships. It is the image of a dead and resurrected Torah-less g-d whom
thewho lewo rl
dwo rships.”Dr. James Trimm Seven Seals/ Seven Thunders
 Little children, LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. He who does tzedakah3 is tzadik, just as He is Tzadik.He who
sins is of HaSatan, for HaSatan has sinned from Bereshith. 1 Yochanan 3:7-8

Reprinted and edited from KOL SHOFAR Volume 2 #10
To trade or exchange means they once had the truth but left it for a lie
Is Torah observant or keeps the Torah, sin is breaking the Torah.
 11
They have over them a melech, the malach of the Tehom (Abyss), the name for him in Ivrit, "Abaddon," (that
is, Destruction-Avadu) and in Elliniki (Aramaic) he has the name Apollyon-Sh’ ra 4
(that is, "Destroyer").
Revelation 9:11
 “Th eHebrew noun [Abaddon]me aning“p laceo fd estruct
ion”…I nt heBa by l
on ianTa lmudi ti soneoft he
seven names for Gehenna…Th e rei san allusion to the Greek g-d Apollo who is the g- of pestilence and
destruction. Aeschylus connects the g-d’
sna mewi ththi sver
b.’DDD of the Bible pg.1
 “Itwa spr ob abl
yhi scha ra
c t
er[Apo llo]asag -dofl a wa ndor de
rwh i
chc ausedApol l
o’ si dentifi
c at
ionwi ththe
SUN that s e e
sa ndhe arsallthi
ng s.
”DDD of the Bible pg.76

According to Rav Shaul, the man of sin, the Son of Abaddon [Apollo/the SUN] that will teach against the Torah will
be found in the Temple of YHWH, and sitting as Elohim. There would be a GREAT apostasy from the TRUTH
(Torah) that would be led by this man of lawlessness. They would worship him as Elohim, and he would sit as Elohim
in the Dwelling Place. We must note that this prophecy is given AFTER Antiochus IV and the Maccabees.This is an
apostasy that would start even while Rav Shaul was traveling and teaching in the congregations. Let us dig into history
andt heSc riptur
est of i
ndt heide nt
ityoft his“Man of Sin” .


When the TaNaK speaks of worshipping the host of heaven, it is referring to the worship of HaSatan/Zeus. The word
Zeus5 or Jupiter can be traced back to the dragon HaSatan. The Adversary has always been worshipped under the title
of Ba’alor Lord by the Canaanites. Another name for HaSatan is Ba’ al-Zebul or the lord of the heavenly habitation.

 Unge r’sBible Dictionary: “ Ba’ al

-ze-bub- the form of the name of Ba ’al (lord) was worshipped at the
Philistine city of Ekron.Ba’ al , under this aspect of worship, was viewed as the producer of flies and hence able
to control this pest, so common in the East...A N.T. rendering of the name is Beelzebub me aning ,“Lo rdo ft h e
Heavenly Ha bitation ”.Ph aris eescalled Beelzebub t he“ princeo fde mons ”.Sa t
an-the chief of the fallen
spirits.1.Scripture names and titles: Satan is also called the Dragon, the Evil One, the Angel of the Bottomless
Pit, the Prince of the power of the air, the“ g-d”oft hiswor ld,Appollyon, /abaddon, Beliel, BEEZELBUB…”
 But an angel of YHWH said to Elijah the Tishbite: 'Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of

Samaria, and say unto them: Is it because there is no Elohim in Israel that ye go to inquire of Baal-zebub the g-
d of Ekron? 2 Kings 1:3
 “ …i tisa ssume dt ha the(Baal-Zebul) was a g-d who could cause and HEAL diseases.F. Baethgen (Beitradge
zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte 1888)…Th iscanbec ompa redt ot hefa c
tt hattheGr eek sc al
ledZeus as
healer( Clemens Alexandrinus, Protrepticus 2:38.4) …I tma ybea ddedt hatt hisf actc on firmsUr gar itic
inc an t
ationsi nwh ic hBa ’ali si nvok edt odr ivea wa yt hede monofdi s
e ase.
”Dictionary of Deities and
Demons in the Bible pgs.154-155
 In Yisrael, Satan is called Ba ’al-Zebul, the prince of the demons. The Westminster Bible Dictionary shows
tha t,“Be ’elzebu list hepr inc eofde mons …a ndBaalzebul signifies lord of the heavenly habitation, which is
pertinent to the argument in Matt.10:24-26. ”24 A talmid is not above his Rebbe nor an eved (servant) above
his Ba'al Bayit (master). 25It is enough for the talmid that he be as his Rebbe, and the eved as his Ba'al Bayit. If
they called the Ba'al Bayit (the master of the house) "Ba'al-zibbul," how much more the anashim (men) in his
bais. 26Therefore, do not fear them; for nothing has been veiled which will not be unveiled; and nothing has
been hidden which will not be made known. Matt.12:29-30 29Or how is someone able to enter the Bayit
haGibbor (the house of the strong man) and confiscate his furnishings unless he binds the Gibbor (strong man)
first. Then he will plunder the Bayit haGibbor. 30The one not with me (Moshiach) is against me (anti-

Aramaic for loose or permit
“ZeusistheSot er-Savior par excellence. As such, he receives prayers and dedications from individuals, groups of every sort, and
ome nti
retown s…Ze us ,my t
h i
c a lima geoftheSt oicLOGOS,be comesc omma nderov erthee ntir
ec os mos .
”DDD of the Bible
pg.938 Zeus the savior is only a title of Dionysus the sin-bearing Bacchus. The Two Babylons pg.72
 “Bysome Beelzebul is thought to mean Ba’ alzebel –the dung g-d, an expression intended to designate with
loathing the prince of all moral impurities. It is supposed, at the same time, that the name Beelzebub, the
Philistine g-d of the flies, was changed to Beelzebul (g-d of dung) and EMPLOYED IN AN APPROBRIOUS
’sBi bl
eDi ctiona rypg .152
 Yahshua identified Ba ’alze bulas HaSatan in Matt.12:24-26. 24But, having heard this, the Perushim said, "This
one does not cast out shedim (demons) except by Ba'al-zibbul, the Sar HaShedim (the Prince of Demons)."
But knowing their thoughts, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Every Malchut that is divided
against itself is made desolate, and every ir (city) and bais (house) that is divided against itself will not stand.
And if Hasatan casts out Hasatan, he is divided against himself. How, therefore, will the Malchut Hasatan
stand? 27And if I by Ba'al-zibbul cast out the shedim, by whom do your banim (sons) cast them out? Therefore,
they will be your shofetim (judges).
 “Butt hisna me (Ba’a l-Zebul ) as identified with the serpent, clearly reveals itself as one of the distinctive
na me so fSa tan…Fr om a llthis
,t hi
si nfere nceisuna v oi
da b l
et hatSa tan,i nhi so wnpr ope rna me ,mus tha ve
been the great g-d of their secret and mysterious worship, and accounts for the extraordinary mystery observed
on the subject.6”The Two Babylons by Rev. Alexander Hislop pg.280

From the above quotations, we learn that Ba ’al rHa

-Zebul is just another name fo Sa t
a n,theAdv ers ar
y ,ort
he“ Princ e
or Chief of the demons or false elohim of the ancient world. The title BA’AL(lord) clearly reflects that Ba’
al-Zebul is
the Supreme g-d in the area or nation where this false deity was worshipped.

 The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible: “ BEL-(Akkad. He who possesses, subdues, rules)The title of the stat
g-d of Babylon, Marduk…t het i
tle( Ba ’
al)de no t
e sth es up rema cyoft heg-d in a certain locality, or refers
generally to the specific attributes or sphere of the interest of g-dsandme n…MARDUK, the g-d of Babylon, is
denoted. He is the Mesopotamian counterpart of the Canaanite BA’ AL; Like Ba’alhe is proclaimed KING as a
result of his victory. Satan came to be reverenced then as BEL-MARDUK, the Chief of the g-ds inBa bylon.”
 Unge r’sBi bleDi c
tionary :“ BEL (BAL), the patron g-d of Babylon identified with MARDUK, head of the
Babylonian pantheon. The Hebrews called him MERODACH. As a SUN g-d his festival was celebrated in the
spring at the beginning of the year, since thes un ’
sr a yswe ret henthemos tpot entinr evivingna t
Babylonians paid him SUPREME tribute and exalted him to the HEADSHIP of their pantheon shortly after
 “ I
nHebrew, Ba’ alZe vuv,u suallyin terpr
eteda s“ l
-rdo fthef l
ies”andt akenas an epithet of Satan in Medieval
my thol og y.”Mythological Dictionary
 Old Testament History by Charles Pfeiffer speaks of Satan gaining the worship from the Babylonians as their
true g-d:“ Thust hee ntir
ep a ntheon[ s pea
k i
ngofMarduk] acknowledges the supremacy of the g-d of Babylon.
Since Marduk was the g-d of Babylon, this myth (Enuma Elish) sought to convince the world that Babylon
was the supreme nation, and it worshipped the supreme g-d!A similar development took place in ASSYRIA
[the place of the Ephraimite exile] where ASSHUR was acknowledged as the supreme g-d. ”
 In Jeremiah 50:2, the name of Marduk is paralleled by the word bel (Heb. lY), a transliteration of the
Akkadian attribute of Marduk, belum, "lord" (Sumerian EN), which he inherited in the second millennium
from Enlil, the "former" most powerful god of the Mesopotamian pantheon. Encyclopedia Judaica
 “ I
nps eude pig rap hi
cl it
e r
atur e,Belial (BEL) is especially well attested as the proper name of the devil, the
powerful opponent of Elohim, who accuses people and cause them to sin. This dualism is rooted in
Zoroastrianism7, the religion of the successive Iranian empires within whose borders vast numbers of Jews
lived for a millennium, in which DRUG (falsehood, wickedness) is opposed to ASA (righteous ness,justi
c e)
DDD of the Bible pg.170

“…th edr ag on- theDe v i
suniversally recognized symbol- wa swors
hippedbyth eRoma nistsofPoi ctie r
sun de rthen ameof“
g oodSt .Ve rmi n e”!Th eTwoBa bylonspg .
Note: This is also the view of traditional Xtianity- Satan VS. YHWH-good verses evil. This is the fruit of the tree of the
k nowle dgeofg ooda nde vi
l!Th isist hetruer ootoft hisdoctr
in eofdu
ywithinth e“ c hur
c h ”.
 “Wi thhisexalt
a t
ion,Marduk assumed the name BEL (Lord, from the title Belu;cf.Canaanite Ba’alas well as
the Hebrew Adonay, Greek Kurios)a shisprope rname …Merodach is mentioned in Jer.50:2, where he is the
g-d of Babylon, an is referred to also under the name of BEL. As Bel he occurs also in Jer.51:44 and
”DDD of the Bible pg.548
 A "matter of beliyya'al" is a base thought (Deut. 15:9), and "rivers of Belial" (Ps. 18:5) are hellish currents of
adversity. In post-biblical literature—especially in the pseudepigrapha—Belial8 (usually written Beliar) is the
name of the Prince of Evil, i.e., Satan—a view which no doubt underlies the practice of the Vulgate (and of
Theodotion, Judg. 9:22) to reproduce the word by transliteration in certain passages of Scripture. Belial is the
spirit of darkness (Test. Patr., Levi 19:1; 1QM 13:12). Evil men are dominated by him or his attendant spirits
(Test. Patr.: Ash. 1:8; Levi 3:3; Joseph 7:4; Dan. 1:7; Ben. 6:1), and the world is currently under his sway
(1QS 1:18, 24; 2:5, 19; 1QM 14:9; Mart. Isa. 2:4). His will opposes Elohim's (Test. Patr., Naph. 3:1), and
he wields a sword which causes bloodshed, havoc, tribulation, exile, death (or plague?), panic, and destruction
(ibid. Ben. 7:1–2), or catches men in the snares of lewdness, lucre, and profanity. Jewish Encyclopedia
 (Zadokite Document 4:13ff.). Belial will ultimately be chained by Elohim's Holy Spirit (Test. Patr., Levi
18:12) or cast into the all-engulfing fire (ibid. Judah 25:3), and his attendant spirits will be routed (ibid. Iss.
7:7; ibid. Dan 5:1), and discomfited by the Messiah (ibid. Dan 5:10; ibid. Ben. 3:8). There will be a final war
in which he and his partisans will be defeated by Elohim and Elohim's partisans, aided by heavenly cohorts
(1QM 1:5; 15:3; 18:1, 3). The latter now abide in the second of the seven heavens (Test. Patr., Levi 3:3).The
concept of Belial as the opponent of Elohim probably owes much to Iranian dualism, where the eternal
antagonists, Asha (Right) and Druj (Perversity) are portrayed as destined to engage in a final "Armageddon,"
aided respectively by heavenly and earthly partisans, ashovans and dregvants. (In 1QS (2:20–21; cf. 4:23;
9:21), these terms are reproduced exactly as benei zedek, "sons of righteousness," and benei awel, "sons of
perversity.") The Iranian picture was validated, however, by the authority of the biblical text Zechariah 14:5,
"YHWH my Elohim will come and all the holy ones [will be] with you" (LXX: "and all His holy ones with
Him"). In the third book of the Sibylline Oracles (65–74), Belial is identified with a deceiver and miracle-
monger whose line hails from Sebaste, i.e., Samaria. This is thought to refer to Simon Magus. Jewish
Encyclopedia CD Rom
 ‘ .
The PRINCE9 that shall come and destroy the city and the Set-Apart Place.”Daniel 9:26
According to Revelation chapters 17 and 18, Babylon is a world system that will deceive the very elect if possible.
Millions will fall prey to this system that demands worship and opposes the True Elohim, YHWH.Babylon is the
whol eMa tr
ixoft hiswor lda nda llthati
si nittoser
v eman ’
se go.It is the Tower of Bavel!
 1After these things I saw another malach coming down out of Shomayim having great samchut (authority; and
ha'aretz was illuminated by the splendor of him. [Yechezkel 43:2] 2And he cried in a kol gadol, s aying ,

Fallen, fallen is Bavel HaGadol. It has become a habitation of shedim (demons) and a beit hasohar (prison) of
every ruach temei'ah and beit hasohar (prison) of every (unclean) bird and a beit hasohar (prison) of every
unclean beast. And has become detestable, [Yeshayah 13:21, 22; 34:11,13-15; Yirmeyah 50:39; 51:37;
Zefanyah 2:14,15] 3because of the yayin of the wrath of her zenut all the goyim (nations) have drunk, and the
melachim (kings) of ha'aretz committed zenut, with her, and the merchants of ha'aretz by the resources of her
luxury became rich." [Yechezkel 27:9-25]
 4And I heard another kol out of Shomayim saying, "Come out of her, my people, so that you may not
participate in the chatta'im of her, and some of her makkot (plagues) you may not receive", [Yeshayah 48:20;
Yirmeyah 50:8; 51:6, 9, 45; Bereshis 19:15] 5because her chata'im have piled up reaching up to Shomayim,
and Elohim remembered the unrighteousnesses of her. [Divrey Hayamim Bais 28:9; Ezra 9:6; Yirmeyah
51:9] Revelation 18:1-5

According to Ung er’s,this was a name for Satan, the personification of all that is bad.
This could be Titus or a future ANTI-Moshiach from Rome.
Please note that it was Nimrod who established the kingdom Bavel10 or Babylon (Bereshith 10:8-9).Babylon is a type
of the anti-Moshiach (YHWH) religious and moral sys t
e m.Ba b yl
on’ swor s hipwa sdomi natedbyt hewor shipoft
“hos t
so fh e
a ven” .Ni mrodsna meme a ns“ rebell
ion” ; he is the archetype of all that rebels against the Torah of YHWH.
Ni mrodwa sa“ mi ghtyhunt erbeforeYHWH” .Ni mr odi st hes amea st hef al
s ede ity of Marduk the Babylonian
Mercury. Jeremiah s awt hep ossi
tyofr eadi
ng“ Namra Udu (shining l ight =Lu ci
fer)”,ar ead ingthatwoul dha
made the identifications with Nimrod almost certain.
YHWH spoke to Yahshua HaMoshiach and Daniel HaNavi to reveal a mystery to Yisrael that the latter-day Bavel
would establish the worship of Satan/Ba ’al-Zebul a s“
heworld. This false messiah would sit in
the Temple (Bayit Hamikdash) built in the last days.
 13
Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said unto that certain one who spoke: 'How long shall
be the vision concerning the continual burnt-offering, and the transgression that causes appalment, to give both
the sanctuary and the host to be trampled under foot. Daniel 8:13 JPS
 27
And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause the
sacrifice and the offering to cease; and upon the wing of detestable things shall be that which causeth
appalment; and that until the extermination wholly determined be poured out upon that which causeth
appalment.' Daniel 9:27 JPS
 11
And from the time that the continual burnt-offering shall be taken away, and the detestable thing that causes
appalment set up; there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Daniel 12:11 JPS
 KJV: “
Wha ti sme a ntbyt he“ Abomi na t
iont hatl ayswa s
tus gain greater understanding
concerning this term as we look at some other sources.

 Abomination: #8251: Shiqquts;disgusting filthy, idolatrous, an idol, a detestable thing

 “Th es i
ng ula
rno un siqqus ( abomi na t
io n)asady sphe mism me ani ng“ g-d or g-dde ss”a ppe arsseentimes in
theMa soreti
ct e
xto ft heHe brew Sc ripture
…t heabomi nation of desolation (Dan.11:31,12:11) which most
modern interpreters identify with the statue of Zeus Olympios which Antiochus IV Epiphanes set up in the
Temple of YHWH at Jerusalem on December 6th in the year 167 BCE.It is likewise generally agreed that the
latter designation of Zeus Olympios is a play upon Ba’ alShame m, Master –Lord of Heaven, which is the
Phoenician title of both Canaanite Hadad and Greek Zeus, who were perceived to be the same deity under
different names just as mutatis mutandis, modern Moslems, Christians, and Jews perceive Allah, YHWH, and
Adonai as different names for the same deity. DDD of the Bible
 The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible: Abomination that makes desolate: an enigmatic phrase found in
Daniel, 1 Maccabees, Matthew, and Mark. In Daniel 9:27 we have SHQUTZYM MSHMM (Hebrew); in 12:11
SHQUYN SHMM; and in 8:13 HSHQUYN MSHMM.These for the mome ntc anbet ranslated“ desol
abomi nations”a ndt he“ de s
ol ati
ngt rans gre
ssion”.Th ereare grammatical peculiarities, but first we must deal
with the words themselves.SHIQQUS is a term used almost exclusively for idolatrous objects and Gentile
deities under a BY-NAME in order to avoid pronouncing some potentially dangerous name (cf.Old Nick for
Satan), and while BOSHETH (a shameful thing) was usual, shiqqus was also used. Thus, in the phrase
“a bomi nationt hatma kesde sol ate”thet erm probablyindi c
a tesaf o reig
nde i
tyors omes ymbolc onnect
edwi th
it…TheGr eekt heonomi cZe u sOl ympi oswa stranslat
e di ntot heSe mi t
icl ang ua gesa sBa’ alSh amen, as
Phoenician inscriptions and the Syr. of 2 Macc.6:22 testify. Literally t
hisme ans“ the L-rd of He ave
phrase shiqqus is substituted for the hated word Ba’aland shamayim is a pun on shamen, the Phoenician style
of shamayim.Thus the Gentilet it
le“ the L-rdofHe aven”t heJ ews ubstitut
e d“ thede testedt hi
ngwhi ch
appa l
ls”.Butin Daniel the phrase refers to the altar of Zeus (Jupiter/Bel-Zebul/Satan) which Antiochus
Epiphanes erected o nYHWH’ sona l
taro fburnto f
ng .This emptied the Temple of true worshippers and in
Jewi sht ho ug
ht ,ofYHWHHi ms elf
.”Th esourcecon t

Bavel or Babylon means –confusion.
Jewish Encyclopedia , Vol.9 pg.310
The Greek form of the Indo- European SKY-G-D …J upiter( Jovis Pater)…LORD ov erg-dsa ndme n…Hes its
enthroned i n ma jesty …Th isf orm i ss ubs equ ent
BLESSED ONE OF BLESSED ONES..JUPITER: The great sky-g-d of the Latin (Roman) people, worshipped on
everyhi ll
topi na nci
entI ta l
y.Ide nt fie
dwi thZEUS…”
 The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop: “ Amongthe names of the Babylonian g-dwa st hena me“ Ba’ al
Shamen” ; The L-rd of the Heaven which is the name of the SUN, but also, of course of the SUN-G-D.But
Ba’ alS hame nalsopr operlys ignifi
es“ TheL-r dofOi l”a ndwa sevidently intended as a synonym of the Divine
Name, THE MESSIAH. This accounts for the fact the body of Babylonian BELUS was represented as having
been preserved in oil. And for the same reason, no doubt, it was at ROME the statue of SATURN (Satan) was
hollow a ndf i
lledwi tho il.
” ...Pg.264 of the same source: “ He(the son- DAGON) was called BELUS the l-rd
and she (the mother) BELTUS12,“ MyLa dy” .Heis the SUN-G-D and was called Ba’ alShame n“ TheL-rd of
He aven” ,she( t
hemot her)a st hemoon-g-ddess Melkat-Ashemin “ theQu e enofHe av en”.Sh ein Babylon was
worshipped under the symbol of the dove. .
 The Jewish Encyclopedia Vol.1 pages 80-81: Abomination of Desolation: ”(SpeakingofDaniel 9:27,11:31,
and 12:11); The context of these passages leave no room for doubt as to what was intended by this somewhat
odd expression; namely the transformation by Antiochus Epiphanes of the sacred Temple at Jerusalem into a
he atheno ne…Th es ug gestionofma nys chola r
s -Hoffman, Nestle, Bevan, and others- that shiqqus shamen , as
a designation for Jupiter i ss implya ni ntentiona lpervers i
onofheu sua la ppe llat
ion“ BA’ ALSHAMEN”( L-rd
of Heaven) is quite plausible, as is th perversion of BEELZEBUB into BEELZEBUL in Mark 3:22…The
rabbis as a whole consider that the expression shiqqus shamen refers to the desecration of the Temple by the
erection of a ZEUS statue in its sacred precincts by Antiochus Epiphenes.Some rabbis, however, see it as an
illusion to Manasseh, who, as related in 2 Chron.33:7 ,set up a carved image in the house of Elohim. [NOTE
by Rav Ed: 2 Chron.33 states that Manasseh, the king of Yehudah (Judah) raised up altars to Ba’ aland
erected ASHTORAH POLES (ASHERIM-phallic symbols) in the Temple and worshipped the SUN and
 “ Th ev eryna meZeus, in which the Sanskrit root dyaus and the Latin dies (the day) are found, evokes the idea
of the luminous sky. Originally, then, Zeus was the g-d of the sky and atmospheric phenomena. He was the
lord of the winds, of the clouds, of rain, both destructive and beneficial, of the thunder. He resided in the ether,
theup pe rpartofth ea ir,andonmount aintop s.”The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology


The Scriptures and sources above show very plainly to those with an open mind that Ba ’al(l-rd) is he same personage
as HaSatan. Ba’ al-Zebul is the prince of the demons and the L-RD of HEAVEN. The L-rd of Heaven is called ZEUS,
and worshipped under the name Jupiter. Satan then is worshipped under the names ZEUS or Jupiter. Satan is also the
prince of the power of the air, the g-d of this world, Beelzebub, the evil one, the serpent, and the great dragon.
According to Daniel, the L-rd of Heaven is also called the L-rd of Oil or a false Messiah (anointed one) sitting in the
Temple of YHWH.He is also known as the Sun-g-d.The false Messiah in Hebrew is Shiqqus Shamen or the L-rd of
Heaven. According to 2 Thess.2:3-12 the son of perdition or sin (the Torahless man) or lawless13 one would sit as
Elohim in the Dwelling Place of Elohim, showing himself as Elohim and that this would be according to the working
of HaSatan by doing deceptive signs and wonders.

 “[ Re f
erringto2The ss.2]Int hes pir
ua lunde rs
tanding,itisthef als epor trayaloft heg entil
eMo s hiachc all
e d
J-sus as opposed to the historical Yahshua who has been seated in YHWH’ sTe mpl e,theBodyofMos hiach,
andha sc aus
edma ssivef alli
nga wa y
.”Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky Notes, Restoration Scriptures pg.1263
 “Th isev entma yinv olveaChr isti
ana r
my[ abomi nat
ionofde solati
on ](ore venth ea r myofaChr is t
ianna ti
invading Jerusalem, taking over the rebuilt Temple and dedicating it to Jesus Christ. Since Christian theology
ha sittha t“J
ESUS”a boli
s hedt hes acr
ificesa ndo f
ng s,t
he ywoul da lsop utane ndt ot hese,thusf ulf
Da niel9:27.”Dr. James Trimm , Seven Seals /Seven Thunders

Also known as ISHTAR (Easter)/Venus. She was called the consort of BEL and known as Sarpanitu-the silver shining one
The Aramaic reads unrighteous. The Greek uses a
nomos“ t
h er
ei snotTor a
h”or“ wit
houtTor ah”.Si nceTorah is emet (truth)
then Torahless-ness would be lie. See Matt.7:23.
Yahshua or Jesus
"And there is no Yeshu'at (SALVATION)Eloheinu in any other, for there is no other Shem (NAME) under
Shomayim that has been given among bnei Adam, by which it is necessary for you to be spared [the Mishpat
YHWH in the Yom HaDin]." Acts 4:12


They all agree that it is a Greek/ Latin and not the Hebrew Name of the Messiah.

 “ YODy is the initial of the name of Jesus. It is unfortunate that a name so dear and so sacred is pronunced in
ama nnersodiffer
entf rom t hatoftheo rigina lwor d.Thel atters oun dedv erymuc ha sifitwe re“ YA-SHOO-
AH” ,a ndwa sagre
e ab l
et ot hee ar.
”Story of the Letters and Figures by Hugh M. Skinner 1905
 All the Divine Names in the Bible by Herbert Lockyer 1972: “ J esusis the Greek form of the Hebrew name
Jos hua ,whichit
fi sac o ntra
c t
ionofJ ehos h ua .”
 “Th ename Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, wh ichme a
ns“ YHWH i sSa l
on.” .
Encyclopedia International , Vol.10
 “Th epe rs
onalnameofChrist. The na meme a ns“ Ya hwe hi sSa lvation
”a ndwa sac ommonna mei ntheN. T.
time s.”TheLa y
man’ sBi b leEnc ycl
ope dia
 “Je sus.Thesame as Joshua, Yehoshua, from yasha ‘ hes ave d,de live
red,t opu ttoas tateo fs afety.
Cl arke ’sComme ntaryont heBi ble
 “Je sus:Th ewor dist heGREEK r ende ri
ngofawe ll
-known Hebrew name. It was YAHOSHU first, then by
inner Hebrew phonetic change it became YOSHUA, and by a still la terno rth
e r
ndi alectals hift,YESHUA. ”
Anchor Bible

The True Name of the Savior, Yahshua ,andHi sFa the

r’sTr ueNa me ,YHWH,a
tthat Revelation 14:1 in
the GREEK was intentionally mistranslated by the KJV translators.

 1And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand,
having his Fathers name written in their foreheads. Rev. 14:1 KJV/ RKJV
 1And I looked, and --hinei!-- the Seh (Lamb, Yeshayah 53:7) having taken his stand on Mount Tziyon and with
him the 144,000 having ha-Shem of him and ha-Shem of HaAv of him which had been written on the
metsakhim of them.OJBC
 1And I saw, and lo! The Lamb, standing upon the mount Zion,—and, with him, a hundred and forty-four
thousand, having his name andhi sFa t
her’snamewritten upon their foreheads. Rotherham
 1And I saw, and lo the lamb having been standing on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred forty-four
thousands, having the name of him and the name of the Father of him having been written on the foreheads of
themselves. Greek Diaglot
 And I looked and behold, a lamb was standing on the mountain of Tziyon and with him [were] one hundred
forty-four thousand who had his name and the name of his father between their eyes. HRV Version Dr.

The NASB also reads as the Greek and Aramaic texts dictates. There then must be a similarity between the Name of
the Lamb and the Name of His Father. The KJV translators took the liberty to OMIT the words “ HisNa mea nd”.They
both have the SAME NAME –YHWH. Ya hsh
ua’sNa mecontains the Name of His Father, YAHshua, and He is also
YHWH.I ftheFa milyhast heFa ther’sNa me ,t
henHi ssonmus tha vehi sNa meals

 And I bow my knees toward the Father of our Adon Yahshua the Moshiach, from whom all the mishpochah
which is in heaven (shamayim) and on earth is named... Eph.3:14-5
 Wha tisHi sNa mea ndHiss on’sNa me ,ify ouc ant
ell?Mishle 30:4b

An alternate reading for Tehillim 72:17 in the center column reference of the KJV reads: “
to c
on ti
nueHi sFa ther’sNa mef orever.

Scholars agree that the name of the successor to Moshe was Joshua/Yehoshua/Yahoshua. His name was not Joshua14
(with a J) as we find in the English Bible. The Greeks substituted Yehoshua with IESOUS; the same name they used
for Yahshua in the Brit Chadasha.The Romans (Latin) came and substituted it with IOSUE (Josue) in the Hebrew
Scriptures. This became Josua in German and Joshua in English. But, in the Brit Chadasha they used IESUS for
Yahshua/Yehoshua/Joshua! In the Hebrew, we will not find the word JOSHUA. It is written Yehoshua.After the
Jewi shBa bylonianc aptivity,wef indas ho r
tenedf or
m“ YESHUA”i nafewplaces. They omitted the second and third
letters. Everyone who can see can clearly see that Yehoshua/Yahoshua/Yahshua and IESOUS/IESUS are not the same
Here Comes the Sun

Like all authoritative sources, the name of the Messiah is Jehoshua/Yahoshua/Yehoshua or Joshua. It also states that
it is adapted from the Greek, but the truth is that the Messiah was Jewish not a Greek. The Messiah had a Hebrew
name given to Him by the angel-Yahshua.The word IASO is the usual Greek form, while IESO is the ionic dialect of
the Greeks. According to the Liddell and Scott Greek-English Lexicon, page 816, under the word IASO, there is a
direct connection between Ieso and Iesous.

 Philogische Wochenschrift by Hans Lamer, No.25, 21 June 1930, pp.763-765, says the ionic IESO is the
Greek G-ddess of healing. It read s
:”The ychanged IESO into a regular masculine IESOUS.THIS WAS EVEN
 According to Bux and Shone, Worterbuch der Antike, unde r“Jesus”wer ead :“J e
Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin) is adapted from the Greek, POSSIBLY FROM THE NAME OF THE GREEK

If the above is true, then the name of our Master which most people commonly use goes back to a long lost form of a
GREEK G-ODDESS of healing. But to the Greeks, who venerated a healing g-ddess IESO, a Savior named IESOUS
must have been most acceptable. The Hellenisation was rather clever and deceptive.

 1I would that you might bear with me in a little tipshus (foolery). Do bear with me! 2For I have kinah for you a
kinat Elohim, for, as a shadhan (marriage-broker), I betrothed you to one ish (husband) to present you as a
chaste betulah to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach; [Hoshea 2:19; Shir Ha-Shirim; Eph, 5:26-27] 3but I fear lest
somehow as the Nachash deceived Chavah by his cunning [Bereshis 3:1-6,13] your machshavot should be led
astray from a simple and pure devekut to Elohim's Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. 4For if someone shows up and
preaches another Moshiach, another "Yehoshua," than the one in our drashot, or if you receive a different
"Ruach Hakodesh" from the one you received or a different Besuras HaGeulah from the one regarding which
you were mekabel, you put up with that well enough. 2 Cor.11:1-4

There is no connection between the Greek /Latin name IESOUS /IESUS/JESUS and the Hebrew Name-
Ya hshua /Yaho shua .
Th eFa ther’s True Name- YAH or YHWH cannot be found in the Greek word IESOUS, the Latin
IESUS, nor t heEng lishJes us.
Ya hshuas ai
dHec amei ntheFa th
er’sNa me( Yochanan 5:43, 17:11-12).
What I find strange is that in every translation from the Hebrew, the name of HaSatan is left unmolested as it is
transliterated rather than translated. Everyone who reads the Bible knows the name of Satan, yet few know the True
Name of the Father and the Son. Those TRUE Names have been changed or hidden from the public by the various
translators. Why did they keep the name J oshuafo rYe hos huabu tc ha
ng edt h eSa v
sNa met oaGr ee kn ame ?
NOTE: The 1611 KJV uses IOSHUA-YAHSHUA- (the I pronounced with a Y sound) for Joshua son of Nun. So
those claiming KJV only have to use Yahshua rather than the Greek name -Jesus!
Further syncretism can be found in the Oedipus Aegyptics by A. Kricher.It it the name of the son of Isis is revealed
as IESSUS , which signifies ISSA , whom they call CHRIST in the GREEK.ESUS was a Gaelic deity that was the
same as ODIN the Scandinavian SKY-G-D.This Celtic g-d was also identified with MARS, and by others as
MERCURY. Just as IASO, IESO, IESOUS are derived from the Greek word for healing-IASIS.We find ISIS (ESU) and
her son, HORUS (HER) regarded as healing deities also.


In the Aeneid by Virgil, IASION is mentioned under he spelling of IASIUS.He was one of the sires of TROY, but
from Italy. He is seen as one of the founders of a religion, rather than a race of people. IASION is also known under the
names of AETION and EETION, a lover of the g-ddess Demeter that was killed by ZEUS. This sacrificed g-d is also
known as Dionysus, Tammuz, Attis, Adonis, and IASIUS! All were the story of the son of g-d, born of a virgin,
tragically killed, rising again, with his death bringing fruitfulness to all mankind.

 “Attis:young fertility deity beloved by the great earth-g-ddess, of the general category exemplified by Adonis,
Tammuz ,Ba’a l
,Os i
ris,e t
c .
Hewa sb elove do fCy be le,andwhe nhef ellinlov ewi thamor talprincess, Cybele
drove him mad. In his frenzy he castrated himself and the violets sprang from his blood as he died. THREE
DAYS LATER Cybele caused his body to be resurrected. His rites were orgiastic, as were those of the other
yr e
ligions …Th reeda ysof sorrow followed during which his followers mourned and sought for
s .Wh ent heyf oun dhi m ont het h i
rdd ay ,th eref ol
lowe dap eriodo fwi l
dr ejoi
Dictionary pg.26

Attis15 was a l
soc all
ed“ Th eGoodShe ph erd ”,thes onoft hev i
rg i
n Nana. The festival of his death and resurrection
took place from MARCH 22ND to 25th, when a pine tree was felled and an effigy of ATTIS HUNG UPON IT (a
Crucifix?).ATTIS was slain and hung on a tree, after three days he rises again to much celebration, the followers having
the i
rs i
nswa shedi nbloo da ndt husbeing“ bor na gain” .
The Romans looked back to the Greeks and the mythical Trojans for their cultural roots, especially when it came to
religion. Most Romans would have heard of IASION/IESOUS and would have known these facts about him: He was
the son of a g-d, his mother was a virgin, he was healer, he died tragically, and He rose again and ascended. His
symbols consisted of Wedding, wine, mother, grain, and Holy Child. I mention this because the name IASION or
St. Jerome noted that the supposed birth place of JESUS was actually an earlier shrine to TAMMUZ/ ATTIS! The
VATICAN HILL was the center of the ancient ATTIS CULT. Remember that the Romans believed that IASIUS and his
family to be the founders of Troy, Rome, and the mysteries. Hence, Rome became the center for the ATTIS cult.
That name was Atys, or Attis, or Attes, and the meaning will evidently appear from the meaning of the well-known
Greek word Ate, which signifies "error of sin," and is obviously derived from the Chaldean Hata, "to sin."

 SMITH'S Classical Dictionary, "Atys." The identification of Attes with Bacchus or Adonis, who was at once
the Father of the g-ds, and the Mediator, is proved from divers considerations. 1. While it is certain that the
favorite g-d of the Phrygian Cybele was Attes, whence he was called "Cybelius Attes," from Strabo, we learn
that the divinity worshipped along with Cybele in Phrygia, was called by the very name of Dionusos or
Bacchus. 2. Attes was represented in the very same way as Bacchus. In Bryant there is an inscription to him
along with the Idaean g-ddess, which is Cybele, under the name of "Attis the Minotaur" (Mythol.). Bacchus
was bull-horned; it is well known that the Minotaur, in like manner, was half-man, half-bull. 3. He was
represented in the exoteric story, as perishing in the same way as Adonis by a wild boar (PAUSAN). 4. In the
rites of Magna Mater or Cybele, the priests invoked him as the "Deus propitius, Deus sanctus," "the merciful
G-d, the holy G-d" (ARNOBIUS in Maxima Biblioth. Patrum), the very character which Bacchus or Adonis
sustained as the mediatorial g-d.

Atys or Attes signifies "The Sinner." Now to Attes, this "Man of sin," after passing through those sorrows and
sufferings, which his worshippers yearly commemorated, the distinguishing characteristics of the Messiah was given.
He was identified with the sun, the only g-d; and Adonis. It is sufficiently known that the first part of this statement
was applied to Adonis; for the annual weeping of the women for Tammuz was speedily turned into rejoicings, on
account of his fabled return from Hades. But it is not well known that Paganism applied to its mediatorial g-d the
predicted incorruption of the body of the Messiah. This was the fact, we learn from the distinct testimony of
Pausanias. "Agdistis," that is Cybele, says he, "obtained from Jupiter, that no part of the body of Attes should either
become putrid or waste away." Thus did Paganism apply to Attes "the sinner," the incommunicable honour of Messiah,
who came to "save His people from their sins"?

Attis and Cybele worship was adopted by ROME in 204 BCE
 3No one you should delude by any turn; because, if not may come the falling away first, and may be revealed
the man of the sin, the son of the destruction, 4he opposing and lifting up himself above all being called
elohim or an august object, so that him into the temple of the Elohim to be seated, openly showing himself,
that he is elohim. 2 Thess.2:3-4
 ATTIS, whose role in respect to Cybele was analogous to that of TAMMUZ to the Babylonian ISHTAR, or
ADONIS to the Phoenician ASTARTE. Like them he was a vegetation g-d: the Phrygians honored him under
the name PAPAS, THE FATHER! The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology,Pg.150

As the quote above explains, ATTIS, was called PAPAS or POPE/PAPAL16 –father. The Pope, being the
representative of the Roman system, is a type of Nimrod or Osiris. It is also commonly known that in the Vatican, the
bonze statue of St. Peter i
sana ncie
n tpa gans tatueofJUPI TER,whi chwa s“san
ed”i nt
oPeter. The link between
Rome17 and SUN worship continues.

The abbreviated form of IESOUS is IES or I.H.S. –Greek (in Greek the capital E is H).This is the same I.H.S. found
on the altars of many Christian churches. They claim I.H.S. represent the name of Jesus or Iesous Hominum Salvator-
iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma. But WHO does the I.H.S. really represent? If the ancient Roman worshipper of
Isis cast his eyes upon these letters, how would HE read them? He would read them- Isis Horus Seb, or Mother, Child,
and Father in the Egyptian trinity. I.H.S. is also the mystery name of the g-d, Bacchus18.In the Hebrew Scriptures he is
called Tammuz! Tammuz was the returning SUN Deity that was also known as ICHTHUS19 or fish. Tammuz derives
from the Sumerian word Dumuzi, the righteous son who was a shepherd. In Egypt he was known as Osiris and Adonis
among the Phoenicians. The birthday of Tammuz was celebrated on December 25th! He was worshipped as g-d
incarnate, thus the SUN incarnate on the earth. Once again we see the link to SUN worship.

 “Wha tevert heme aning so fI.

H.S.ma ybeg iv en,theFACTr e ma
inst hati twa sapa rtofthena meBACCHUS
…Yout henmus trealizet hatt
heyha vede ce ptively linked the Messiah J-sus to the pagan g-d BACCHUS or
H. S.”E.W. Bullinger- The Apocalypse notes page 396
 Ezek 8:14-15 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of YHWH's house which was toward the north; and
see, there sat the women weeping for Tammuz. Then said he to me, Have you seen [this], son of man? You
shall again see yet greater abominations than these.

One can clearly see how the early worshippers of Bacchus (Tammuz, Dionysus, Osiris, Adonis, NIMROD) were
made welcome in the early Roma n“ church”byt h eu seoft heini t
sofBacchus I.H.S. and the use of the SUN g-d
name IESOUS!Even the usage of the CROSS links the Roman church to Bacchus/SUN worship. The Bishop of
Carthage, Cyprian, in the year 258 CE exhorted Christians to pray towards the east at SUNrise.20

 “Th emy t
ha ndr it
ua lofAdonis, with the weeping for the slain youth and joy at his resurrection was imported
from Syria, where he is identified with Tammuz. His name is also Syrian, from the Semitic Adon, l-rd or
master, and has the SAME MEANING AS BA’ AL” .Mythological Dictionary
 “. .Thet rueo r
iginalf o
r m oft hel et
terT–the initial of the name of TAMMUZ...That the mystic Tau was
ma rkedi nba pt
ism ont hef oreheadsoft h
te dint heMy st
eries…Toi d entifyTAMMUZ with the sun it
wa ss ome time sjoine dtot hec ircl
eoft hesuna nds ome t
ime si nsertedint hec ircle…Thec rossthuswi dely
worshipped, or regarded as an emblem, was the unequivocal symbol of BACCHUS, the Babylonian Messiah,
for he was represented with a head-band cover
e dwi thc rosse s.
”The Two Babylons by Hislop

Acc ordingtoWe bster
’sPa palc ome sf romthe Latin –papalias, papa. The GREEK Papas, Pappas is the English word-pope
ac cor
di ngt oWe bster’s
Augustine called Rome –t hes econ dBa by lon .
Te rtull
ianwr ot
et hat
,“ Babylonisafigureoft hec ityofRome .”
Bacchus, the g-d of wine and ecstasy, is the Latin form of the Greek Dionysus.
By the time the Roman Bishop was called Pontifex the Savior began to be called Ichthys, or the Fish, identifying him with
DAGON- Th eTwoBa by l
on’spg .252
Come out of Her pg.5
The name of Dionysus me ans“ Sono fZeus”or“ theGifto fZeus” .
Greek etymologies make ZEUS his father. He is
equated with Osiris. He is mentioned in 2 Macc.6:7; 14:33, and 3 Macc.2:29 in the UNDERTAKINGS WITH
ANTIOCHUS IV! According to 2 Macc.6, in 168 BCE Antiochus Epiphanes pressed the Hellenisation of
Yerushalayim by dedicating the Temple to ZEUS Olympios. He replaced the Shabbat with a monthly birthday of the
king and compelling the Yisraelites to worship DIONYSIA with a procession of ivy.lso, after his victory over
Ant iochus ’s on,Ant iochusV,De metriosISot erwi s
he dt hee x tradition ofJ udasMa cc be
slocalg ov er
threatened to destroy the Temple of YHWH and TO BUILD A TEMPLE OF DIONYSOS IN ITS PLACE! As to the
Yehudim living in Mitzrayim, Ptolemy IV threatened to stigmatise them with the mark oft he“i
vyl eafsignof
Dionysos (3 Macc.2:29).
Under the influence of neo-Platonic writings and Christian soteriology, Dionysos developed into a savior figure
whose reign, following the reign of ZEUS, would bring an age of peace and happiness. The importance of Dionysos is
reflected in the poem Dionysiaka by the Christian Nonnos of Panopolis in the 5th Century CE.22

 “Iacchus: the name Dionysus was hailed in the Eleusinian mysteries, sometimes equated with Bacchus,
”Mythological Dictionary
although at Eleusis Dionysus was regarded as the son of Zeus and Demeter.

According to the Greek religion, Apollo, their SUN-g-d, had a son by the name of Ascepius, the g-d of healing. His
son was connected with the SUN.Acepius had some daughters, one who was called IASO or IESO.She was the Greek
g-ddess of healing. Because t he i
rg r
a ndfather ’sa ndf a t
he r’sc onne
ont oSUN wor sh i
p,s het ooisi
nthef ami l
SUN g-d deities. Therefore the name IESOUS (English- Jesus) being derived from IESO, can be traced directly back to
SUN WORSHIP! The sons of Zeus, (the sky g-d) had variations of the same name –IASUS, IASION, IASIUS.In India
we find some similar names of false deities such as ISSA or ISSI, as other names for the deity SHIVA!
There is also a similarity to the Egyptian ISIS. Isis had a child whom she named ISU or ESU, which sounds exactly like
Jesu in the African Scriptures.

 The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible: “ thegeneral importance of the SUN-g-d in the Empire [speaking
of SUNday worship].Indeed, this g-dwa st het itu l
a rydi vi
yofCon st
a ntine’sf ami ly
rom t he4th
Century there is an increasing assimilation of Christ to the SUN-g-d, the Christos Helios .

Or igenpr oc l
aime dtheSav iortobet he“ SUN” ,th e“TrueSUN” .Cy prianc al
ledtheMe ssiah“
theTr ueSUN” .Bi shop
Zeno of Verona wrote on the Christ-the –SUN as the True SUN, as the Eternal SUN. The Romans called their SUN
deity, Helios,“l-rd (KURIOS) of the he avena ndt hee ar
th” .
They sanctified the first day of the week, SUNday, as the l-r d’sda y( meaningMithras because it was the day
consecrated to him). The Unconquered SUN (the Christ of Constantine) had taken over the role of JUPITER, the great
SKY-g-d, as the protector of Rome and of the Empire.24
Later, in the 5th Centur
yCEt heGr e ekswe nts of a
ra stoc al
ltheMe ssi
a ht
he“ TrueApollo”,theSUN-deity of the
Greek Empire. In the paintings and statues that followed, the images of the Messiah with SUN-rays or a nimbus about
His head were common.

 Ereanos Jahrbuch 1943 X: “ Th eRe l

igiousp olityofCons t
antinec har
acterizedi tsel
finas tr
ikingma nne rb y
the establishment of Deis Solis (SUNday), as a mutual feast-day for the heathen and for the Christians, in the
year 321 CE.So, the heathens, the Christians, and Manicheans of the territory of the Empire thus had a mutual
feast-day, SUNday, the sign of SOL-HELIOS,t hate xc l
ude dthemf romt heJ EWS. ”
 Exo 31:13 And y ouspeakt otheb ’ naiofYisrael, saying, Keeping you shall shomer (keep) My Shabbaths; for
it is a sign between Me and you for your generation; to know that I am YHWH that sets you apart.

DDD of the Bible pg.252
DDD of the Bible pg.257
Helios means the SUN-deity
Come Out of Her pg.14
Ask Yourself

SATAN/Ze us /Bac chus /Tammuz /Ba’ al
-Zebul/Shiqqus Shamen/ the L-rd of Heaven or OIL= IESOUS! HaSatan
ha pulled off the perfect deception. HaSatan has set himself up as L-rd of the Heaven/SHIQQUS SHAMEN or L-rd of
the Oil alias the ANTI-Moshiach of Daniel and Revelation. He has taken over the Temple of YHWH (the BODY of
the Believer according to 2 Cor.6:14-18, 1 Cor.6:19) disguising himself as Elohim and worshipped as Elohim. Many
false signs and wonders have been done in the false name of IESOUS! The prophecy of 2 Thess.2:3-12 has come to
pass before our very eyes!
Our Moshiach would have NEVER been called JESUS or CHRIST/Christos25 by his Yisraelite followers. He was
called Moshiach/Mashiach in Hebrew or Mesiha in Aramaic or Messias in the Greek. If they wanted to translate the
word into English, then they should have used Anointed.
Satan has set up the false Christ, J-sus and a false Bride called the “
ch”.Inthena meofIESOUS the Shabbat was
changed to the venerable day of the sun (SUNday), the birthday of Tammuz is used as the birthday of the Messiah
(Christ-MASS-Saturnalia), and a celebration of the resurrection in honor of the fertility g-ddess
ISHTAR/Ashtarte/Ashtorath known as EASTER (the ISHTAR c u ltdi
ppedeggsinba by’sbl
oodtodye them red).YES,
the whole world has been deceived as stated in Revelation 12:9. The SUN Deity IESOUS has been enthroned in the
Temple and worshipped as Elohim.
Yisrael needs to forsake these pagan names and titles for the Jewish Messiah, Yahshua. We can only be deceived
when we allow the Greco- Roman world-view define Scriptural terms and names of the Messiah.
Yahshua (the JEWISH Moshiach with a HEBREW name) said:

 "I have come b'Shem Avi (in t

heFa ther’sName– YHWH) and you do not accept me. If another comes in his
own name, him you will accept. 44"How are you able to have emunah (faith), when you receive kavod from one
another, and the kavod from the only Elohim HaEchad you do not seek? [Melachim Bais 19:15,19; Yeshayah
37:20; Daniel 3:45 Targum Ha-Shivim (Septuagint) Yochanan 5:43

How long will you halt between two opinions? If Ba’

albe your elohim, then serve him, but as for me and my house,
we will serve the True Elohim- YHWH and His Son, YAHSHUA HAMOSHIACH.

 6Therefore be ye very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the scroll of the Torah of Moshe, that
ye turn not aside there from to the right hand or to the left; 7that ye come not among these nations, these that
remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their elohim, nor cause to swear by them, neither
serve them, nor worship them; 8but cleave unto the YHWH your Elohim, as ye have done unto this day;
wherefore YHWH hath driven out from before you great nations and mighty; but as for you, no man hath
stood against you unto this day. Yehoshua 23:6-8
 15And if it seem evil unto you to serve YHWH, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the elohim
which your avot served that were beyond the River, or the elohim of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell; but
as for me and my bayit, we will serve YHWH.' 16And the people answered and said: 'Far be it from us that we
should forsake YHWH, to serve other elohim; 17for YHWH is our Elohim, He it is that brought us and our avot
up out of the land of Mitzrayim, from the bayit of bondage, and that did those great signs in our sight, and
preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the peoples through the midst of whom we passed;
and YHWH drove out from before us all the peoples, even the Amorites that dwelt in the land; therefore we
also will serve YHWH; for He is our Elohim.' 19And Yehoshua said unto the people: 'Ye cannot serve YHWH;
for He is a kodesh Elohim; He is a jealous Elohim; He will not forgive your transgression nor your sins. …
 20If ye forsake YHWH, and serve strange elohim, then He will turn and do you evil, and consume you, after
that He hath done you good.' 21And the people said unto Yehoshua: 'Nay; but we will serve YHWH.' 22And
Yehoshua said unto the people: 'Ye are witnesses against yourselves that ye have chosen you YHWH, to serve
Him.—And they said: 'We are witnesses.'-- 23Now therefore put away the strange elohim which are among
you, and incline your lev unto YHWH, the Elohim of Yisrael.' 24And the people said unto Yehoshua: 'YHWH
our Elohim will we serve, and unto His voice will we hearken. Yehoshua 24:15-24

The word Chrestos was written as an inscription on a relief of MITHRAS in the Vatican! The SUN g-d Osiris was also
worshipped as Chrestos .Also the priests of Serapis (a SUN Deity) called themselves –the bishops of Christ.
 25
The graven images of their elohim shall ye burn with fire; thou shalt not covet the silver or the gold that is on
them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein; for it is an abomination to YHWH thy Elohim. 26And
thou shalt not bring an abomination into thy house, and be accursed like unto it; thou shalt utterly detest it, and
thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a devoted thing. Devarim 7:25-26
 3 And the esteem of the Elohi mofYi sra’el went up from the kerub, where it had been, to the threshold of the
House. AndHec a l
ledt ot h ema nc lothedwi thlinen,whoha dt hewr it
er’sink -horn at his side, 4 and YHWH
saidtoh im,“ Pa ssoni n tot hemidst of the city, into the midst of Yerushalayim, and you shall put a mark on the
forehead soft heme nwhos igha ndc ryov erallthea bo mi
na tionst hatar
ed o newi t
hini t.”Ezek.9:3-4


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