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Mac D.

Mobile L.: Poppin' the chat cherry
Why is Dead Wife about
Mac D.: that's Missing Daughter actually
Space (GM): that's not dead wife, but kotomine's daughter who is older
Mobile L.: Oh, damn
Space (GM): dead wife is faceclaim
Mobile L.: Ah
Mac D.: Rin looks to be in a better mood
Mobile L.: She got chiller with age
Space (GM): she's let her hair down
Mac D.: "the twintails were too powerful. i had to beat back the ladies with a s
Mobile L.: "The ladies and Shirou"
Mac D.: don't miss this intense training montage
Mobile L.: Granny don't fuck around
Mac D.: so we got deidre
Space (GM): i found new opening credits
Mac D.: daugher
backalley alliance leader
Mobile L.: Pee-ano
Claudia Hortensia: get out of my face
Kazuma Kuwabara: sorry miss
Sakura Tohsaka: ...get out of my face.
uhp, sorry
Mobile L.: I can hear all his lines in his voice
Mobile L.: beautiful....
Deidre Harker: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...oh, sorry
Deidre Harker: ...Could you please get out of my face.
Rin Tohsaka: ...!
Rin Tohsaka: Hey! I can't see!
Kazuma Kuwabara: dammit sorry
Mobile L.: Poor Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: yipe!!
Mobile L.: :O
Kazuma Kuwabara: kuwabaraentersthescene
Space (GM): now to add more fuckboys
Mac D.: did jam un-scrap the Nun idea
Azureberry J.: No.
Mac D.: did you have a NEW idea
Gein Mender: they see me rollin
they hatin
Azureberry J.: Yes.
Mac D.: do tell
Mobile L.: Need another pic for Gnther?
A relink, I mean

Space (GM): nah, i got it

Mobile L.: A'ight
Gein Mender: why is
kotomine's dead
rei clone wife here
Mobile L.: It's the daughter
She just looks like Mummy
Mac D.: that's his missing daughter with dead wife as faceclaim
Space (GM): it's the future so she 's older you see
Roland: Hey.
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be here or not.
Azureberry J.: She is not a magus at all.
Kazuma Kuwabara: yo sup roland
eldritch s.: mind if i fill out my sheet
Space (GM): just do brawn spirit mind finesse
eldritch s.: wow roland looks less high
Kazuma Kuwabara: i think you're dead, bro!
Mac D.: is she still a Mean Nun
Roland: Yeah, that's true.
eldritch s.: did it
Mobile L.: Is comedy Mind or Spirit?
Mac D.: both
eldritch s.: potentially finesse
Mobile L.: Ooh
Mac D.: a little bit of braun too
Mobile L.: Hrrrm
Comedy is all
eldritch s.: gein, smart, beef, weak-willed
Mac D.: space
Azureberry J.: Nah. Now she's dork. Who is also a psychic A temperature psychic.
Mac D.: space gein is
Gein Mender: I'd like to know why we are in the void.
Mac D.: are you still using the Crona pic
Space (GM): gain ain't transparent
Mac D.: o
Space (GM): he just got white background
Mobile L.: Gein is faux-transparent
Azureberry J.: It doesn't fit my vison of the character.
Gein Mender: Please don't diss me.
Mac D.: rivux worked VERY HARD half-assing that shoop you know..................
Space (GM): hey jam
Azureberry J.: Tell Riv I am sorrrrrryyyyyy.
Gein Mender: I fit right in here.
My style almost doesn't clash with the other art.
Mac D.:
space make an NPC out of this
Azureberry J.: Ya space?
Space (GM): you hearing this
@duff: never
Mac D.: space this is the result of riv's blood sweat and tears
Azureberry J.: Oh this? Yes. Am very pleased.
Mobile L.: Jangle
Space (GM): good
Gein Mender: if he does not i will
Space (GM): my plan for this song is: "only use in final battle"
Gunther: Heh...
Gein Mender: it will clash with the art of fothe but it will gappen

Kazuma Kuwabara: yo, gunther!

Gein Mender: is that porky minch
Space (GM): gunther is also faux transparent
Azureberry J.:
Gein Mender: Hey, kid, get back in your video game.
Azureberry J.: I found this gem.
Mobile L.: Porky is faceclaim
Space (GM): is that jotaro kujo
Mac D.: is she a hallway monitor
Gunther: I don't... get what you're talking about, old man.
Gein Mender: Thighbelts are not in fashion. They never were, trust me.
I'm not old.
I'm just "wise of skin".
Kazuma Kuwabara: You look pretty old, Grandpa....
Azureberry J.: No she just really likes that hat.
Mac D.: she should be a hallway monitor
Gein Mender: Hey, listen here, I don't got no grandkids.
Mac D.: she looks like she takes JUSTICE very seriously
of the HALLS
Azureberry J.: But that would make her Naoto. And trust me I've thought of that.
Gein Mender: Also, I'm pretty sure they tell kids not to talk to old strangers i
n shades.
Mac D.: naoto is a detective not a hallway monitor
Space (GM): hey guys
Kazuma Kuwabara: But we're all stuck in this huge box together!
Space (GM): while i brush my teeth
could you fill jam in on the differences betwween fate/still night and fate/stay
Gein Mender: Sure, I, a fictional character will do so.
Mac D.: shirou's not an emiya he's a fujimura
Gein Mender: Let's start with the basics, I feel.
Mac D.: sakura was never sold off to the matous and became a vampire
Mobile L.: Rin had Green Archer and lost an arm
Gein Mender: So there was a vampire named D.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, old man! You're not s'posed ta know any o' that!
Gein Mender: He fought with Charlemagne, and during that battle he sould have di
ed, which would have caused fate/stay night.
Azureberry J.: Waaaaait a sec.
Gein Mender: Him surviving caused a series of events to twist the world into fat
e/still night.
it's been more than a seconmd
Mac D.: the emiyas were all killed by vampires which includes illya
Gein Mender: shush
Gunther: ...Then I guess this guy is... thinking outside the box.
Azureberry J.: That would mean Sakura has lived for a loooong ass time now. Or a
te A LOT of people. Because vampires start off as zombies if their not born vamp
Gein Mender: no no
Space (GM): not all of them
Gein Mender: allow me to explain
Satsuki Yumizuka: yo whutup
Gein Mender: pls
Gunther: ...Heh. Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hold on, she's a vampire!?
....don't tell her i was checkin' her out
Gunther: ...Well that really sucks for you, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunther, you turncoat!

Gein Mender: the survival of d caused a sort of ripples in the water thing, whic
h resulted in shirou being adopted by taiga, as the fire that burned is parents
didn't happen, but they were killed by an unrelated housefire
sakura wasn't given to the matous
Gunther: How could I be a turncoat? I'm... wearing a jacket.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That's a kinda coat, dummy!
Gunther: ...It really isn't.
Gein Mender: and became a vampire during fate still night, the process of which
was somehow accelerated immensely
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shaddup!
Space (GM): in extremely rare cases
Gein Mender: kotomine was still a half-way okay person to be around
Space (GM): when someone has a good magical bloodline
they skip a step or two
Mac D.: oh yeah
Gein Mender: rin lost her arm to d in part of his plan to rig a grail war
Space (GM): i read it on the wiki it must be true
Azureberry J.: Well anyway! My char idea.
Mac D.: kotomine isn't a child-murdering psychopath in this version
he's a crime-less psychopath in this version
Mobile L.: He's just a guy who kinda gets a boner from suffering
Space (GM): continue lecturing this is IMPORTANT
Mobile L.: Shirou works at 7-11
Gein Mender: the emiyas died
and were turned into ghouls by d
and then murdered again
Space (GM): by nikola tesla
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man, where's Urameshi!? I gotta shake off this stir-craziness b
y pounding his face in!
Azureberry J.: The idea is that she's waaaay too into manga and anime and shit,
and genuinely thinks dressing like that is cool. This doesn't make her popular.
Gein Mender: he was a real asshole
Mac D.: i still think she should have been appointed hallway monitor
and takes the position very seriously
Yusuke Urameshi: it was his hat, mr. krabs
Gein Mender: What are you kids talking about?
Gunther: Kuwabara... I think being trapped at the side of this box has made you
a little...
Yusuke Urameshi: he was number 1
Kazuma Kuwabara: urameshi, i hear you
get out here
Gunther: ...Edgy.
Gein Mender: Hey, don't ignore.
Azureberry J.: Tell you what Duff. I will flip a coin. If it comes up heads I wi
ll add that.
Yusuke Urameshi: i need you to avenge my hideous fate kuwabara
Gunther: Oh... nothing.
Mac D.: heads i win tails you lose
Gein Mender: roll a die
Mac D.: roll a d2
Yusuke Urameshi: oh YEAH was everyone in here when i played the ~new op~
Kazuma Kuwabara: why can't you come back to life?
roland came back to life!

Yusuke Urameshi: roland's a bitch

Kazuma Kuwabara: urameshi you
Gunther: When he was dead, was he...
Kazuma Kuwabara: you're upside down
Azureberry J.: One is heads two is tails.
Yusuke Urameshi: yes
Gunther: ...Rolan' in his grave?
Azureberry J.: rolling 1d2
= 1
Gunther: ...Heh.
Mac D.: AW YE
Gein Mender: Stop making puns.
Roland: i resent that remark
Roland stabs gunther with durandal
Gein Mender: I have lived through enough to have to tolerate this.
Gunther: No.
Mac D.: aiight we gonna get this prac sesh rollin or what
Gunther: Everyone over the age of thirty says that.
Space (GM): naut yet
lemme just set things up
Kazuma Kuwabara: quit yer whining, old man
Space (GM): listen tot his again it's cool
Gein Mender: I'm going to ask you to stop this.
Space (GM): did you guys get your stats up
Kazuma Kuwabara: the show's about to start
Gunther: ...And I'm going to say... no.
Azureberry J.: Her name btw is a Wait I gotta pick something japanese huh?
Gimmie a sec.
Space (GM): here jam
i have a list
Gein Mender: This really is great.
Gunther: Greating on your nerves?
Gein Mender: Being stuck in a crowded room with three chuckleheads.
Gunther: Hehhh.
Mac D.: done and done
Gein Mender: Laughing at your own jokes makes you look like an asshole.
Space (GM):
Gunther: I know.
Gein Mender: You don't need a lot of help with that, though.
Gunther: I know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guess you could say his puns are a joke!
Space (GM): duff he only has -1 mind
Gunther: ...Heh!
Mac D.: yes
Gunther: Good one, Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: Please stop.
Gunther: No.
Gein Mender: This is going to give me a heart attack, do you want a dead old man
on your hands?
Gunther: You sound like my brother, except old.
Gein Mender clutches his chest
Azureberry J.: Asumu Mizono. I'm going with that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, old man! Don't have a heart attack, or the cops'll show up

Gein Mender: Grrghg...

Narrator: The party enters the church - it's getting to be petty packed.
Kazuma Kuwabara: They'll come in and make a....cardiac arrest!
Narrator: Buncha weid assholes milling about...
Gunther: ...Heh!
Heh. Heh. Heh.
Gein Mender thrashes to the ground
Mac D.: hello Lost Servants
Space (GM): will add your dude in a sec jam
Gunther: ...Should I... CPR him?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Good idea...
Gunther: I don't know if I can do that, but I will try.
Gunther tries to CPR Mender
Kazuma Kuwabara: I heard if you do it in time to a song, it works better!
Gein Mender: Jesus Christ, get off of me!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!
Kazuma Kuwabara seizes up and starts to shiver
Gunther: I'm saving you. Was death what you wanted?
Azureberry J.: Hey wait she would be part of the DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE
Space (GM): jam gimme that pic of ur dude
Gein Mender: I was makign it up!
Gunther: ...Oh.
Mac D.: jam the COIN TOSS WAS MADE
Gunther: Good one.
Azureberry J.:
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!....
Gunther: But that was a sloppy dismount.
Gein Mender: I think the other guy is probably dying, though.
Kazuma Kuwabara: G-guys!....
Gunther: I would have played dead.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I'm getting......It's the Tickle again!!
Gunther: ...Oh.
Gein Mender: The tickle...
Azureberry J.: I'm just saying if she was hall monitor.
Lancer: This sure is a nice wall...
Kazuma Kuwabara: There's some insane supernatural energy about this place!...
Gein Mender: That's what they call a french hooker, I think...
Gunther: ...Hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look over there!
Gunther: You're funny, old man.
Gein Mender: You're a little young to be getting those, kid.
Thanks, kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That dude, with the moustache! You guys see him too, right!?
Gunther: You're welcome.
Gein Mender looks at him
Gunther: Where?
Gein Mender: He looks like...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right here!!
Gunther tries to peer through his bangs at the TESLA
Gein Mender: That man from those papers, a while ago.
Yeah, I remember that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh!

Gein Mender: The pedophile with a submachine gun.

You remember that, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You mean the Fuyuki Pedophiles!
Gunther: ...He looks like he's probably crazy.
That's bad.
Gein Mender: Yeah, those guys.
Gein Mender looks around
Mac D.: I thought those guys got shot down in a gunfight ten years ago!
Gein Mender: In fact...
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY! That's my line!
Gein Mender: They all look like the Fuyuki Pedophiles!
Kazuma Kuwabara: W-What!?
Gunther: My brother's schoolmates accused me of being a gaijin pedophile. It was
rather amusing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you telling me this church.....
Space (GM): jam i added your character lemme just add the pic
Gunther: You should have seen it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Is haunted by pedophiles!?!?!
Gein Mender: Most churches are.
Azureberry J.: How old is Kuwabara?
Claudia Hortensia: Yes. That is correct.
Gunther: Can we call a priest?
Gein Mender: Jesus!
Gunther looks at Claudia
Claudia Hortensia is in the vestments of a priest
Mac D.: Vague Teens
Claudia Hortensia has hella bandaged arms
Gunther: ...Hi.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks and sees Claudia
Gunther: Can you make the pedophiles go away?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, woah!
Claudia Hortensia: That is beyond my calling.
Gein Mender: That would be great, yeah/
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sorry to break this to ya, miss, but your church is haunted!
Azureberry J.: They should go the same high school. And Kuwabara be consistently
Gunther: People say I look boyish. What if they make that assumption?
Mac D.: well
Gein Mender: Okay, so you're just going to let the violent pedophiles run around
the church.
Claudia Hortensia: It is no concern of mine.
Gein Mender: You're a really shitty priest.
Hey, assholes!
Gunther: Yes?
Gein Mender: Get out of the church!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You're not gonna get many visitors for the sermon on sundays if
you don't exorcise these pedo ghosts....
Gein Mender: Can a church even be haunted?
Azureberry J.: So does anyone else see santa in the stained glass?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Clearly, yeah!
Rin Tohsaka: D-did someone say.... g-g-g-ghost...?!?!?

Gunther: ...The power of Christ compels you.

Gunther in a
Mac D.: i DO
Gunther: The
Mac D.: I AM
Gein Mender:

flat monotone
power of Christ compels you.
I think we said it a few tines,

Rin Tohsaka screams

Rin Tohsaka dives out a window
Gunther: The power of Christ compels you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah!
Gein Mender: Does that guy have an eGunther: ...Heh.
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who was THAT lady?
Gein Mender: Is she okay?
Charlemagne: Aaaaaaaaaaaa....! (vanishes)
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gunther: Okay, I got them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, it worked!
Gein Mender: Hey, it worked.
Lancer: Love this wall...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, gimmie a cross!
Gein Mender: The power of Christ compels you!
Asumu Mizono grumbles
Kazuma Kuwabara: The Power of Christ Compels You!!
Gunther: The power of Christ compels you.
Asumu Mizono: Doors are were made for a reason....
Gein Mender: The power of the holy ghost compels you!
Lancer: Wait...? The wall... it seems so far away.... (vanishes)
Kazuma Kuwabara: AW YEAH!
Claudia Hortensia: ...Hm.
Gunther peers at Asumu through his ENORMOUS BANGS
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now it's your turn, Moustache!
Deidre Harker: No!
Kazuma Kuwabara turns to Caster, holding out his FINGER CROSSES
Gein Mender: Hey, when did the lady with the hat get in here?
Deidre Harker crashes through the ceiling, landing on Kuwabara's head
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ye, though I walk through the shadow of-GUH.
Kazuma Kuwabara falls over
Gein Mender: There is a door.
Gunther: ...Heh.
Deidre Harker steps off, straightening her tie
Asumu Mizono: OH GOD!
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up
Gein Mender: A perfectly serviceable door.
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY! What's the big idea!?!
Gunther: There are pedophiles here.

Asumu Mizono: Are you okay miss?

Gein Mender: She looks pretty okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Is SHE okay!? What about me!?
Asumu Mizono steps over Kuwbara
Gunther: You look okay.
Deidre Harker: You mustn't banish these ghosts! They're the only thing keeping A
venger from entering this -- oh, I'm fine, thank you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: AGHGein Mender: Avenger?
Kazuma Kuwabara: The Avenger? Who's the Avenger??
Deidre Harker: It's too late...!
Gein Mender: That sounds like a good thing.
Mac D.: i just noticed
Gunther: That's the American superhero team, right?
Gein Mender: I don't think this is very good.
Mac D.: that Deidre is a recolored Bazette
Avenger: Oh, it is not a good thing!
Space (GM): you j u s t noticed
Gunther: We should let them.
Avenger: With my coming, there shall be an eternity of duckness!
Mac D.: i don't know hollow atraxia as well as i know stay night
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
What the-!?
Gunther: They can beat up the scrawny pedophile, probabl
Deidre Harker: Oh, god...
Kazuma Kuwabara: He's....he's huge!
Avenger: Did you think I could so easily be trapped in the world of television?
I am Israel, he who fights with God.
Gunther: ...I guess not.
Claudia Hortensia: ...Mankind is doomed. Rin Tohsaka was right to run.
Asumu Mizono: What...what is that?
Avenger: I am the Alpha and Omega.
I am the Sweet Genius.
Gunther: Are you Israel the country?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....He's so bald!
Deidre Harker: That is Avenger. All the evils of this world.
Gunther: ...Because you're about that big.
Avenger: Behold, my amazing form, these tattos are made from the finest icing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guess you could say his intentions are as plain as the hair on
his head....
Gunther: ...Heh!
Avenger: Now, you shall be devoured by Eternal Cake.
Yusuke Urameshi: kuwabara
kuwabara you gotta do something
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Yusuke Urameshi: i believe in you kuwabara
Gunther: Why are you here? Where is the American superhero team?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...But...But what can I do?.....Icing Tattoos, Urameshi! How do
I compete with that!?
Avenger: I am here to bring you all to my... world of deserts.
Asumu Mizono: This NOT conducive to learning enviornment!
Yusuke Urameshi: you know what to do, kuwabara
Gunther: Oh.
Yusuke Urameshi: you've known all this time

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....

Avenger: You will learn the beauty of baking!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Swing my sword at it?
Gunther: I eat dessert sometimes.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
god damn it kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: What! That's how I solve ALL my problems!
Asumu Mizono: Take your empty calories eleswhere!
Yusuke Urameshi: ...yes
Avenger: And now that dessert will eat yoYusuke Urameshi: yes do that
Gunther: Do you need us because your world is...
Gunther: ...Desserted?
Yusuke Urameshi: quick... he's on the attack...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, if you say so, Urameshi!....
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, Cake Man!
Kazuma Kuwabara steps up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Get a taste of THIS!
Kazuma Kuwabara holds out his hand, producing a ball of SPIRIT ENERGY
Gunther: He's not very funny, except for that he doesn't have hair.
Avenger: I am keen to see what you present.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Spirit Sword!
Gunther watches impassively
Kazuma Kuwabara attempts to mold the spirit energy into a blad
Space (GM): it's the big show
Azureberry J.: Hey how do I turn my avvie around again?
Gunther: ...Oh.
Avenger: you cannot
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +3
= 35
Gunther: A giant pedophile.
Avenger: I am not pedophile.
Gunther: But what about him?
Kazuma's energy erupts... into a blade of pure light!
Azureberry J.: Sankyu.
Avenger: That man might be.
Kazuma Kuwabara grips it in two hands
Avenger: Oh, what a presentation?
Gunther: I am twenty six. You can't molest me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, big guy! Take THIS! Hyaaaaaaa!
Kazuma Kuwabara LEAPS UP and attempts to bring his Spirit Sword down on Avenger'
s delicious chest

Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +1

= 35
Narrator: His blade collides into Avenger's icy chest...!
rolling 4d8 + 6
= 27
Asumu Mizono: Oh what is this?
Avenger: N-aaggghhhhhh....
Mac D.: jesus i didn't realize he had Dimension Sword
Avenger: Acting!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Avenger: Though that hurt very much!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Acting!?
Narrator: lookit that healthbar
tis avenger's turn
Gunther: ...Heh.
Avenger: Now, for my first test...
Be inspired by...
Asumu Mizono: I call hax.
Avenger will roll to see how harmful the inspiration he chooses to throw at them
Avenger: rolling 3d20
= 15
Mac D.: pffffffffffFFF
Gunther: Oh.
Avenger throws a cute little pug at them
Space (GM): fantastic
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Huh?
Gunther: That's boring.
Asumu Mizono: Oh no.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hey, a puppy!
Asumu Mizono: STAY BACK!
Space (GM): taking a picture for fox
Avenger: Make me a dessert inspired by these little pup.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got a problem with dogs, Mizono?
Gunther: Is she feeling a bit...


Gunther: ...pugnacious?
Asumu Mizono: SHUT UP!
Gunther: Heh.
Gunther SIZES Izzy up and tries to think of a good joke for him

Mac D.: you look like you weigh a ton

a ton....of bricks
Mobile L.: I'mma steal that
Gunther: ...You're so large, you must weigh a ton.
A ton...
...Of bricks.
Avenger: I assure you that I do.
Avenger: No, that would be me
Deidre Harker: ...I like dogs...
Mobile L.: Ah, I forgot to stat him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaaaw, come on! Dogs aren't so bad, Mizono!
Here, look! C'mere, boy!
Kazuma Kuwabara pats his knees
Sakura Tohsaka crashes through a wall
Avenger: I am your worst fears made flesh.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I heard there were puppies here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah!
Mobile L.: 3 finesse, 2 mind, 1 brawn, -1 spirit, I guess
Asumu Mizono: See?
Mac D.: wow he's quick on his feet huh
Mobile L.: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 28
Avenger: I am afraid was not to my taste!
Mobile L.: Jokes require some finesse
Gunther: ...Oh.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Gunther: Damn.
Asumu Mizono: Mizono ist stated either.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I wanna see the puppy.
Mac D.: the effectiveness of his jokes are proportional
Avenger: You are no Sweet Genius!
Space (GM): whot's her stats jam
Mac D.: to how funny they find them
if they find them hilarious, they are not afflicted
Avenger wabes his hands at him
Mac D.: if they do not, the universe forces an ironic punishment upon them
Gunther: I am rusty. They would not let me watch Key and Peele yesterday, as I h

ad to take Franz to his polo game.

Gein Mender: Well...
Gunther: It was boring.
Gein Mender pulls a squirrel skull out of his pocket
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man....where are all these black cubes coming from!?
Gunther: Franz cannot play polo very well.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Azureberry J.: 1 finesse, 2 mind, -1 brawn, 3 spirit
Sakura Tohsaka puts Kuwabara in a chokehold
Gein Mender: We can deal with this late.
Gunther: ...Got a bone to pick with him, old man?
Sakura Tohsaka: I.
Kazuma Kuwabara: OWowowowowowoow! What!?
Sakura Tohsaka: Wanna pet.
The dog.
Gein Mender tries to open up his reality marble
Gunther: ...'Cuz you sure are holding one.
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 44
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, okay, pet the damn dog!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara holds up the puppy
Azureberry J.: Wait make that 3 mind. 2 spirit sorrty
Gunther: Why are you fighting over a dog?
That's asenine.
Kazuma Kuwabara: She's being a real bitch about it!
Gein Mender: Get out of the way, this is going to go south!
Kazuma Kuwabara points at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaaaaah?
Gunther: ...Heh!
Narrator: The party materializes inside the reality marble of Gein Mender.
Gunther: A pedigree bitch, with papers.
Good one.
Sakura Tohsaka pets the dog
Gein Mender: i meant to just
Sakura Tohsaka is content
Gein Mender: suck him into it
Narrator: c u r s es
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Can ya let me go, now?
Sakura Tohsaka: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, c'mon!!!

Gein Mender: Oh, shit..

Kazuma Kuwabara: This isn't fair! I don't hit girls!
Mobile L.: BRB
Deidre Harker: What? What's happening?!
Sakura Tohsaka: I wanna rub its belly.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just take the dog!?
Asumu Mizono: Don't rub its belly.
That's their plain don't you see?
Sakura Tohsaka: SHUT UP!!
Sakura Tohsaka hurls Kuwabara at Asumu
Kazuma Kuwabara: WAAAAAAGH
Space (GM): asumu's turn, also
Asumu Mizono: AAAAH!
Goddamit Kuwabara not now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: HOW IS THIS MY FAULT!?
Asumu Mizono: It just is.
Space (GM): the party has a good dynamic going alreddy
Sakura Tohsaka rubs doge belly
Sakura Tohsaka is happy
Kazuma Kuwabara gets up, steamed
Claudia Hortensia: ...Old man, why are there so many dead bodies here?
Mac D.: "don't ask stupid questions."
Asumu Mizono: Let me take care of this right quck.
Space (GM): oh YEAH we gotta teach jam how to do the new and improved rolling
Mac D.: i still use text macros it works fine
Azureberry J.: How do you do this?
Space (GM): go to your character sheet
lemme get a screenshot
Mac D.: so space where is yuuka
Gein Mender: sorry i got roped into something
Space (GM): also guys be sure to write up bios for your chairs
@duff: haven't added her yet
click the button to roll, it's e z
Mobile L.: Bak
Space (GM): @seer: is ock
Gein Mender: ...
It just came like that.
Claudia Hortensia: I... see.
Gunther: Wow, old man, I didn't expect to be at your family reunion.
Gein Mender: ...
Kid, unless you want to end up like these people, shut up.
Gunther: Calm down.
Claudia Hortensia: Quit your bickering. This is a house of god.
Mac D.: is yuuka not a character space
Gein Mender: No, actually its a reality marble.
Mac D.: o there we go
Kazuma Kuwabara: It's way too big to be a marble!!
Azureberry J.: rolling 1d8 + 3 for damage

= 7
Azureberry J.: Oooooh.
Gunther: ...Hello.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Azureberry J.: I think that was wrong hold up.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y-Yuuka!? When'd you end up in the giant marble!?
a machine gun pops out of Yuuka's chest
Gein Mender: How the hell did you get in here?
Yuuka strikes a pose, firing at Avenger
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah!!
I didn't know you could do that!
Avenger: Oh nooooooo
Gunther: ...That rack of yours is...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, wait, she can't hear me.
Gunther: ...Bangin'.
Avenger: I'm still acting.
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY!
Space (GM): you know what i need
a ba-dum-tish sound effect
Avenger: These dead bodies, their bones could be used as flour.
Mobile L.: BRB again
Kazuma Kuwabara puts Gunther in a chinlock
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don
Don't EVER make those kind of remarks at Yuuka!!!
Sakura Tohsaka: Whosa good doggy....? Yes you are! Yes, you are....
Avenger: i am marking those who fail to be up to snuff
Mobile L.: bek
Avenger: for my ultimate attack
Just so you know, people!
Gunther: Up to snuff? Because this looks to have been a snuff film of epic propo
Avenger: I am winking right now, do you see it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY! I'm TALKIN' to you, Fatty!!!
Avenger: This is a clever aside.
Gunther: ...Oh.
Why not?
Azureberry J.: So is it still my turn or did you skip me? Its prolly best if you
skip me for now.
Space (GM): kuwabara has a mustache
Kazuma Kuwabara: Beacause, Uh......
Space (GM): hok will do
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....It's......It's not nice!
Deidre Harker: Kuh...
Deidre Harker shoots at avenger's glasses
Azureberry J.: I don't see a roll button
Avenger: Also, the old man was no sweet genius
Gunther: I am not actually flirting with her, I am merely making a comment on he
r chest-housed gun.
Space (GM): what do you see?
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind

= 22
Deidre Harker SUPAH CRITS
Deidre Harker: rolling 2d8 + 3 for damage
= 15
Avenger: Oh no, I cannot make desserts without my eye!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You don't talk about a lady's chest like that, ya bastard!!!
Gunther: Oh.
Avenger: Nor can I make clever asides!
Gunther seems incredibly unfazed
Kazuma Kuwabara: Grrrrrr!
Azureberry J.: Posting screenshot.
Gunther: Calm down.
Deidre Harker: git outta here caster
Azureberry J.:
Avenger: Can we please undo that heart sound, it meddles with my concentration.
Space (GM): click the button that says normal
Azureberry J.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 12
Oh okay.
Space (GM): yepper
i find it easier than the macros
Avenger: The pain of the bullet in my eye...
Azureberry J.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 14
Avenger: It inspirs me!
You, Deidre, are a Sweet Genius.
Azureberry J.: Okay so it works from a seperate window that's handy.
Gunther: Eye am amazed at this development.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got an eye for talent.
Space (GM): yo guys
Avenger: Is someone going to hit me or can I kill everyone now.
Space (GM): when i get the high schoolm ap added shall we go there
Mac D.: yas
Mobile L.: Who turn?
Avenger: the turn order thing is busted
it displays nothing

Asumu Mizono: Hold your horses..

Space (GM): weird
Avenger: i refreshed btw
Space (GM): it's kazuma's turn
Avenger: close it and open it again
Gunther: Did getting inspired psycheclops you up?
Avenger: no it's still not showing anything
Space (GM): bizarre
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright!
Mobile L.: Can't c nothin neither
Azureberry J.: Also the turn order is blank for me too.
Avenger: readd everyone
Mobile L.: Yes please
Space (GM): fuck turns
go nuts
Kazuma Kuwabara: Stand back, guys! I'm gonna cut right through the Cake Dimensio
n and bring an end to this Sweet Genius!
Avenger: No...
Gunther: I'm sure we'd all like a slice of this spectacle.
Avenger: You cannot cut the eternal cake!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Watch me!
Kazuma Kuwabara LEAPS
Kazuma Kuwabara: A mullberry's a tree!
Kazuma Kuwabara brings the sword down upon the Cake
Avenger: Mmmm... mullberry...
Avenger: i imagine this nessecitates a roll
Space (GM): roll for spirit
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +3
= 36
Avenger: No!
I am not ACTING!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heh.....told you!
Avenger: ...
Gunther: Do you dislike the cut of Kuwabara's gib?
Avenger: With my dying breath.
I shall declare
The Sweet Genius.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lemmie cut you off there!
Gunther: Heh!
Avenger: And eliminate all other contestants!
Avenger casts his dark power to feed all but Kuwabara to the Eternal Cake
Avenger: rolling 3d20

= 27
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Hey! Who said you could-!
Sadly... his power is weakened...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now, Yuuka! Finish him off!!!!
...oh, wait
Avenger: However, I did mark three of you as not being Sweet Geniuses
The bell rings.
Avenger: Which means I do this.
rolling 4d8 + 9
= 21
Gunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?....A bell?...
Ah... it was all just a dream...
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up from his desk
Gunther: Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bwuh!
Gunther: Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Gein Mender reads the paper
Gein Mender: Yes, this is the school...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Ah, man.....what a weird dream....
Yusuke Urameshi is being a delinquent and reading manga in class
Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his eyes
Gein Mender: Where all those years ago- the Fuyuki Pedophiles invaded...
Gunther: Zzzz...
Yuuka writing something
Asumu Mizono: What's happened? Why are we on the grounds?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hmm hm hm hmm....~
Gein Mender: I'll find these fuckers.
Gunther is just contentedly passed-out at a desk
Sakura Tohsaka sideeyes Satsuki something fierce
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Hmph.

Gein Mender folds up the paper

Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his neck and notices Urameshi
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: No one runs around with submachine guns molesting kids in my town.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hm!
Kazuma Kuwabara gives him the STINKEYE
Gunther is snoring loudly
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Eh?
Yusuke Urameshi frowns
Yusuke Urameshi: What is it this time, Kuwabara?
Asumu Mizono: HEY you two!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nothin'....Just lookin at your stupid face pisses me off!

Tohsaka 's gaze turns to Gunther

Tohsaka: ...
Kuwabara: ...?
Tohsaka: Hey.

Kazuma Kuwabara loks back at Asumu

Yusuke Urameshi: Well, I think you oughta-Gunther does he even go to school here?
eldritch s.: Heh...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka gets up
Sakura Tohsaka walks over to his desk
Asumu Mizono: Piss each other off afterschool will ya?
Mac D.: gunther must ask himself
Gein Mender: What a load of shit.
Gunther: Zzzz....
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Mac D.: "why am i sleeping here"
Sakura Tohsaka SLAMS her textbooks down on his desk
Gein Mender: ... What the hell am I doing in a high school?
Mac D.: "i don't even go to this school"
Yuuka doesn't notice
Gunther: !
Gunther blinks
Satsuki Yumizuka jumps a bit
Satsuki Yumizuka: Eep!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Hmph.
Kazuma Kuwabara turns up his nose
Gunther: ...Hello.
Yusuke Urameshi: Whatever...
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and leans back in his chair like a thug
Yusuke Urameshi kicks his feet back on the chair like a delinquent
Yusuke Urameshi: *desk

Gunther: Is... Franz out of class?

Gein Mender: ... Where'd my segway go...?
Kazuma Kuwabara kicks his feet up even higher
Sakura Tohsaka: Do you even go here?
Gunther: No.
Yusuke Urameshi leeeeeeeeeeeeans back
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
...Are you a pedophile?
Kazuma Kuwabara LEEEEEEANS further
Gein Mender looks for his segway
Yusuke Urameshi leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans
Asumu Mizono is sitting straight backed.
Yusuke Urameshi: W-wha-Yusuke Urameshi falls out of his chair
Gunther: No. I'm here to pick up my brother.
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 32
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heh! Hahahahaha-woah!
Kazuma Kuwabara falls out afterwards
the segway is nowhere to be found
Gein Mender: That's right, some punkass kid stole my shit..;.
Asumu Mizono: Urameshi are you okay?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...So you're sleeping in a desk.
Gein Mender enters the class room
Gunther: I was tired from standing. He took a long time.
Mac D.: oh god space put the grid back on
Yusuke Urameshi: Agh... yeah, I'm fine... man, who the hell built these seats, a
nyways? Can't even handle some leaning backwards...
Mac D.: i can't not unspin kuwabara
Yusuke Urameshi gets back up
Gunther: Where is he?
Space (GM): i don't understand duff
Mac D.: put the grid back on
Space (GM): it is on
Gein Mender: Have any of you seen a kid with a segway come through here?
Mobile L.: The grid is off for us
Mac D.: oh god
Asumu Mizono: Well they aren't supposed to do that.
Mac D.: oh GOD
Gein Mender: it's on for me
Space (GM): do you have the mouse pointer selected
Mobile L.: Yes
Mac D.: yes you FOOL

Yusuke Urameshi: Too bad for them...

Mac D.: i refreshed they're back
Space (GM): good
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...W-hey! Aren't you worried if I'M okay!?
Gein Mender knocks on a desk
Sakura Tohsaka: I don't see why I should tell y-Satsuki Yumizuka: ?
Satsuki Yumizuka looks at Gein
Gein Mender: I'll ask again.
Asumu Mizono: Yeah I guess....
Kazuma Kuwabara gets back in the chair
Gein Mender: You seen a kid with a segway come through here?
Kazuma Kuwabara: HMPH...
Mobile L.: He's my brother and my parents will be upset if I am late.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Gunther: I said this
Gein Mender: That's my segway they have.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Oh! I saw Tohsaka with a segway on the way into school!
Sakura Tohsaka: .................................
Gein Mender looks at her
Gein Mender walks towards her
Gunther: He's been going to parties with kegs and they're especially anal about
that he gets home.
Gein Mender: Where'd you put it?
You sell it coke?
Sakura Tohsaka: I gave it to him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Geez, did the bell ring yet? I'm tired of sitting around in
this snoozefest...
Sakura Tohsaka points at Gunther
Asumu Mizono what I just said
Gein Mender: Who the hell is hOh.
Gunther: ...Hm?
Gunther looks up at Gein
Gein Mender: Where's the segway?
Gunther: I have seen no such thing.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka starts sneeeeeeeaking off
Gunther: Where's Franz?
Asumu Mizono: It wouldn't be a SNOOZEFEST if you paied attention for once Kuwaba
Gein Mender: Oh no you don't!
Gein Mender runs after her
Asumu Mizono: *paid
Kazuma Kuwabara: How can I pay attention to such a BORING class?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...!!!
Gunther: ...Wait.
Sakura Tohsaka burssts intoa sprint

Gein Mender begins to sprint after her

Gunther squeezes his bulk out of the desk and goes to PURSUE
Asumu Mizono: Boring!? Why...wait what is this class?
Gein Mender: branw of finesse
Kazuma Kuwabara: You don't even know!?
Asumu Mizono: Do you?
Gein Mender: brawn or finesse
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, OBVIOUSLY, it's...
...Urameshi, what class is this.
Mobile L.: I'd say finesse CHASE MUSIC
Sakura Tohsaka: yeah finesse
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 9
Yusuke Urameshi: It's study hall, Kuwabara.
Sakura Tohsaka picks up speed, outrunning this old man
Kazuma Kuwabara: It's STUDY HALL, Mizono!
Gunther is FOLLOWIN as well
Kazuma Kuwabara: God...
Gunther: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 17
Gein Mender: Get that god damn kid!
Asumu Mizono: Well. Okay. Good night then.
Sakura Tohsaka: Huff... huff...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Isn't it afternoon?
Gein Mender grabs the squirrel skull out of his pocket and throws it right at he
r head
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 2 for Brawn
= 15
Gunther: ...Oh she's... boned.
Sakura Tohsaka KLUNK

Gein Mender: Heh.

Sakura Tohsaka: Agh--!
Asumu Mizono: Why yes.
Gunther: Heh.
Sakura Tohsaka trips and falls right in front of the NEXT CLASSROOM
Gein Mender runs up to her
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Gunther: ...Heh!
Sakura Tohsaka THUD
Gunther: ...That was great.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...?!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at his desk and sees Sakura
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Gunther: Good jo
Gein Mender grabs the skull
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah, hey!
Sakura Tohsaka starts to get back to her feet
Gunther sees that Gein ran over there
Kazuma Kuwabara gets outta the desk and runs to the door
Gein Mender: Where the segway?
Sakura Tohsaka: St-- stay away from me!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Tohsaka, easy!
Asumu Mizono: ....Is someon fighting in the hall?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What's going on!
Gein Mender: Give me.
Sakura Tohsaka: Can it, Kuwabara! This pedophile wants my segway!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!
Gein Mender: It always fucking goes there.
Kazuma Kuwabara cracks his knuckles
Gein Mender: Stop.
This punkass kid stole my segway!
Sakura Tohsaka simultaneously cracks HER knuckles
Sakura Tohsaka: That's a lie.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ya like fiddlin' kiddies, do ya? How bout you try and pick on s
omebody your OWN size...
Gunther just stands there, eyeing the spectacle in progress
Gunther: ...Heh.
Space (GM): ROLL for initiative (1d20)
Gein Mender: Kid, kid, vouch for me!
Mobile L.: Make him face the spectacle
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 1d20
= 5
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20 + 1

= 15
Sakura Tohsaka: rolling 1d20
= 2
Gunther: I'm twenty-five.
Gein Mender: Same difference.
Asumu Mizono: Oh god there's a peadofile on campus.
Gunther: He is probably not a pedophile.
Mac D.: he looks fifteen
Gein Mender: I am not a pedophile!
I don't even like kids!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I bet that's what pedophiles say when they get caught!
Mobile L.: He's youthful because homunculus fuckery
Space (GM): excuse me while i find fight scene music
also jam type /roll 1d20
Mobile L.: Please make Gnther face the scene
Asumu Mizono: rolling 1d20
= 14
Kazuma Kuwabara: This school's got a HISTORY of dealin' with invading kiddly did
dlers, Gramps!
Gunther: rolling 1d20
= 12
Gein Mender: same for gein
Gunther: He is probably not a pedophile, though.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And how do YOU know that!?
Gunther: I was accused of similar things a second ago.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You know, I've never seen YOUR face around here either, Punk...
Gein Mender: Sorry about this
Space (GM): g-g-g-gein
Gunther: I come here infrequently
Gein Mender punches Kuwabara in the schnoz
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gunther: My brother goes here. Where is he?
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 2 for Brawn
= 17
Yusuke Urameshi: gosh - this sure is a nice wall
Gein's sucker-punch strikes him entirely unprepared...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: AGH-!!
Narrator: rolling 1d8 + 2 for damage

= 4
Kazuma Kuwabara is laid flat on his back
Narrator: A-A-A-ASUMU
Gein Mender: Nothing personal!
Gunther: ...No one knows where Franz is.
Asumu Mizono: Pedophile or no this will NOT go unpunished in MY hallway!
Gunther: No one.
Asumu Mizono points a finger at Gein sending a fist of his way
Space (GM): must find d
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 10
Gunther: Not a soul here has laid eyes on Franz Glaznov.
Gein Mender: Probably noShit!
Gein does a sick matrix dodge to avoid it
Gunther: ...Okay.
Narrator: G-g-g-gunther
Gein Mender: Can you keep dingus and dumbas occupied?
I want to get my stuff back.
Gunther: I guess.
Asumu Mizono: Dammit.
Space (GM): i see that DUFF is the only person to have written a character bio
Gein Mender: All of this for a segway.
Mac D.: only i care
Gunther EYES Sakura weirdly
Gein Mender: I hope you're all happy.
Azureberry J.: I'll write one laaaater/
Sakura Tohsaka strikes a defiant pose like https://satchiikoma.files.wordpress.c
Gunther: It's odd that you're throwing all of these baseless accusations around.
Gein Mender: This is stupid.
Gunther: ...Because you're about to get thrown into the wall.
Gunther: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 18
Gein Mender: Heh/
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
...That wasn't a very funny joke.

...Tough crowd.
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his knees, rubbing his nose
Gein Mender: I thougt it was okay
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Nyrrrgh....It's personal now, Gramps!
Azureberry J.: This is not stupid. You're obstructong the peaceful enviornment o
f this learning facility.
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet and hurls a punch at Gein's face
Gein Mender: I did tell you it wasn't personal.
Gunther: It wasn't. I've gone rusty again.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It is now! Hah!
Gein Mender: No, that would be the punkass kids here.
Gunther: But that's alright. I recover quickly.
Asumu Mizono said that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +2
= 40
Gein Mender: Who stole my segway.
Kuwabara's fist - meet Gein's sunglasses!
Narrator: rolling 1d8 + +2 for damage
= 0
Gein Mender: -NOUGH!
Gunther: ...Heh.
Gein Mender: how
Space (GM): no clue
Gein Mender: magiv
Gunther: Right in the kisser.
Kazuma Kuwabara fist pumps
Gein Mender: Unless I kiss people with the bridge of my nose, no.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...My turn.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! You picked the wrong guy to mess with!
Gein Mender rubs his face
Gunther: ...It's... an expression.
Asumu Mizono: You kiss people with the bridge of your nose?
Sakura Tohsaka: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Brawn
= 14
Gein Mender: You were the one who picked a fight with me!

Is this special ed?

Kazuma Kuwabara: You messed with ME by messin' with a girl, chump!
Gunther: No.
Sakura Tohsaka 's hands glow with what appears to be circuitry as she hurls a fi
st at Gein's gut -- roll to dodge or somesuch
Gunther tries to APATHY ROLL out of the way
Gein Mender tries to kick her in the stomach
Gunther: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 44
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 2 for Brawn
= 21
Narrator: Gunther does an incredibly sick roll away, while Gein -- sends her fly
ing with that kick
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?!
Narrator: rolling 2d8 + 2 for damage
= 8
Kazuma Kuwabara watches Sakura go flying
Gein Mender: Don't try that magic shit with me!
Sakura Tohsaka: A--aaaahh--!!!
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You-!....
Sakura Tohsaka skids as she lands
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Asumu Mizono: You bastard!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, NOW you're gonna get it!!!
Gunther: This is deteriorating rapidly.
Gein Mender goes to grab her by the collar and escape with her
Gunther: I just want to find Franz.
eldritch s.: what do i roll
Space (GM): fuhnesse
eldritch s.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse

= 16
Asumu Mizono: Even such scum as Kuwabara has the decency not to hit a girl.
Gunther: ...Maybe Franz stole the segway.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! What Mizono sSakura Tohsaka is snatched up by the old man ex-mafia dude
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gein Mender: SHE'S MAGIC!
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY!!
Sakura Tohsaka: H-- let go!!
Gunther: Maybe he got asegway with it.
Kazuma Kuwabara gives chase after them
Sakura Tohsaka kicking + scrreaming
Gunther: Heh.
Narrator: A-A-A-SUMU
Sakura Tohsaka: Never...!
Asumu Mizono tries to freeze the ground under Gein.
Gein Mender: These people are going to get me arrested, you fucking asshole magu
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 11
Gunther continues to be a massive, pale spectating creep
Narrator: The ground underneath Gein's feet freezes - he slips and slides...!
Mac D.: so does Mizono start out with magic
Gunther: ...Hey, that reminds me.
All of you should...
...Chill out.
Gunther tries to FREEZE the whole group
Gunther: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 29
Gein Mender: Is everyone here magic>
Narrator: The group - while not frozen solid - is covered in a thin sheet of ice
, and finds their movements impeded as a result.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?

Sakura Tohsaka: W-what's...?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: W-w-w-w-here did all this ice come from!?.....
Gein Mender: i assume decreased rolls related to movement
Kazuma Kuwabara: T-t-t-this ain't gonna stop me, ya b-b-bastard!
Narrator: yesh
Azureberry J.: its not magic. She's a psychic that controls temperature. .
Mac D.: psyker's are a thing in type moon
Gunther: ...So. Hey. All of you are being irrational.
Azureberry J.: Yes.
Mac D.: o k
Gunther: It's making things hard for me.
I don't like that.
Kazuma Kuwabara tries making his way over to Gein and kicking him in the head
Gunther: ...Hey.
Kazuma Kuwabara roll 3d20 +1
Gein Mender: I would like to get my things back without being assaulted.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +1
= 49
Space (GM): (the bios for sakura and deidre have been upd8ed)
Gein Mender: Fucking ow!
Are you on meth, stop that!
Gunther: ...You're not listening.
Space (GM): rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Gunther: Franz could be off doing some lewd act of debauchery as we speak.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lay your hands on her again, and I'll stomp you FLAT!
Space (GM): rolling 1d8 + 0 for damage
= 7
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka gets to her feet
Gein Mender: This is ssault, get off!
Sakura Tohsaka and hurls a punch at Kuwabara
Sakura Tohsaka: I can take care... of myself!
Gunther: ...You don't even care, do you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh-!?
Woah, what!?
Azureberry J.: We are not actually starting the real session right. Cuz I have j

ust been fucking around.

Kazuma Kuwabara tries to duck
Space (GM): oh god no
Gunther: This will cease to be important in about twenty minutes.
Azureberry J.: Oh GOOD.
Gunther: Franz being lost will not.
Space (GM): yeah the first campaign ain't even fiinshed
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +1
= 27
Gunther: Stop being angry.
Bob and weave, Kuwabara. He ducks right under her blow.
Gein Mender gets to his feet
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at her from his crouching position
Sakura Tohsaka >:/
Gein Mender tries to kick Kuwabara in the dick
Kazuma Kuwabara: Tohsaka, what was that for!?
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 11
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 2 for Brawn
= 15
Gunther: You're all really stupid, and not in an amusing way as of right now.
Gein Mender: i accidentall mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!?!?
Gein Mender: Little shit.
Mobile L.: Stadrick gets mind for his dick attacks
Kazuma Kuwabara: HGH-!!!....GAAAAAH-....
Kazuma Kuwabara crumples to the ground
Mobile L.: Y naut Gein
Asumu Mizono: Now that's just cruel.
Gunther: ...Terrible.
Gein Mender: Kicking me in the head was cruel!
Kazuma Kuwabara: THIS IS A MORTAL SIN!!!

Narrator: A-a-a-asumu
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Dick.
Sakura Tohsaka kicks Kuwabara a bit as well
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh- ow!!
What gives, don't help the kidnapper!!
Gunther: The difference between this scuffle and my present plight is that mine
has actual, long-lasting ramifications.
Mac D.: are satsuki and yuuka still blissfully unaware
Gein Mender: THis will to!
Asumu Mizono: I see I'm gonna have to whip out the big guns.
Space (GM): yuuka's deaf
satsuki doesn't give a shit
Gein Mender: I might get arrested and charged as a pedophile!
Mac D.: well YEAH
Gunther: ...True.
I think everyone will be tried for assault at this point.
Asumu Mizono raises her hand, and the temperature of whole hallway starts to dro
Gein Mender: Brrr,,,
Asumu Mizono: Kuwabara get up and cover me for a minute.
Space (GM): the whole place is just becoming super frigid
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, c-c-c-come on!!.....It's getting even c-c-older!?
Gein Mender: I am way too old for this shit!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sorry, Mizono, I don't think I'm ever gonna w-w-walk again!...
Gunther: And yet none of you are chilling.
Azureberry J.: That is end of my turn btw.
Gein Mender rubs his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: No amount of c-c-cold is gonna extinguish my b-b-burning spirit
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Quit your whining, my god...
Azureberry J.: Just get up and do it!
Asumu Mizono said tha.t
Gein Mender: At least no one is going to kick you in the head!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You are the worst hostage ever, t-t-tohsaka!!
Sakura Tohsaka: I said quit it!
Sakura Tohsaka kick
Kazuma Kuwabara: No! They'll just kick me in the-OW!
Narrator: gunthar turne
Gein Mender: ... Well, she is
You're awful kids.
Gunther: This present feud of yours, perhaps you should all...
...Sleep on it.
Gunther tries to make them VEDDY SLEEPY
Gunther: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 25
Gein Mender: No, I need to get my segway.

Sakura Tohsaka: That joke sucked too!!

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....You're making p-p-puns at a time like this!?
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara shakingly gets to his feet
Kazuma Kuwabara: I'm gonna f-f-f-finish this right now, Old Man!
Asumu Mizono: Well they're a little funny.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hooooah!
Kazuma Kuwabara BODY BLOW
Kazuma Kuwabara roll 3d20 +2
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +2
= 34
Space (GM): are you guys enjoying this little false session so far
Mobile L.: Hill yiss
Gein Mender: of ocurse
Mac D.: u know it
Gein Mender: HOUGH!
Asumu Mizono: Wait so who is Gunther?
Mac D.: are we even keeping track of hit points
Space (GM): fuck that
Gein Mender: i don't even have them
Space (GM): hm
Mobile L.: A horrible, creepy homunculus who is obsessed with humor and jokes
Space (GM): want me to end this so that we may figure out hit points
Asumu Mizono: No I mean who's his player?
Gein Mender: sure
Mobile L.: Me
Asumu Mizono: Ooooh. Okay.
Narrator: The lights flicker and die.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Gunther: ...This just got... Dark.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who turned out the lights!?
Gunther: Heh.
Narrator: A man watches them, from the edge of the hallway.
Azureberry J.: Wh?
Narrator: In his hand is a bloody longsword.
Gein Mender: Okay, if you so much as fucking hit me again, I will tear off your
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Roland: ...Tch.
Gunther: ...Hm?
Gein Mender: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, who's that guy!?
Asumu Mizono: I'll have to file a complaint with-Gein Mender: Just wonderful.
Asumu Mizono: Um...
Gein Mender: Fuck this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Welp, better start studying for my Spirit Detective License

Gein Mender jumps into his reality marblr

Narrator: Activate the Tiger Dojo?
Mobile L.: Y
eldritch s.: y
Mac D.: ....n
Asumu Mizono: y
eldritch s.: overuled
Mac D.: curses!...
Taiga: Hello! Welcome to the Tiger Dojo, the strange hint corner where we point
and laugh at your failures!
Gunther: ...Heh.
Asumu Mizono: What?
Gein Mender: It was all tbeir fault!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Is this where I take the test to become a Spirit Detective?
Gein Mender: Also I didn't fail shit, I got out of there.
Taiga: As you can see, this ending, sadly, was unavoidable! In a practice sessio
n like this, the only thing to do is to wait for eventual death at the hands of
a fallen paladin.
Gunther: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wow, what? That's weak!
Gein Mender: You are incredibly useless.
Asumu Mizono: You were accosting a defenseless girl.
Gein Mender: She is magic,
Taiga: To avoid this fate, try not to be in a practice session in the first plac
e! This has been Tiger Dojo no. 1!
Gunther: You're all being really stupid.
Gein Mender: And she stole my segway.
Kazuma Kuwabara:, that was a great show
Asumu Mizono: How can we know it your segway?
Narrator: tiger dojos ar fun
Gein Mender: She took if from me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: wonder what happens next episode?
Gein Mender: And then I found people who identified it was her.
And she started running.
That's pretty bulletproof if you ask me.
Mac D.: you know all this really did was make me really, really want to not wait
until the end of still night to start this
Mobile L.: Bluh, same
Space (GM): haaaaaaaaaahahaha
hey guys
Asumu Mizono: She could have ran because of your creepy mug?
Space (GM): let's work on health
Mobile L.: Hm?
eldritch s.: gein mender vs saber
Mobile L.: Oghey
Gein Mender: Asshole.
Mac D.: we all get 40/4
eldritch s.: that's fair
Mac D.: *40/40
don't we
Space (GM): people had less in the previous roll20
and they wree servants
Mac D.: really?
Space (GM): yeah caster had like 36 or 32
Mac D.: well caster is caster
Mobile L.: Little twig man
Space (GM): i feel random joes should have less health than servants, at least a
t the start
Mac D.: awright that's fair

Space (GM): how about

Mac D.: 30/30
Space (GM): 5 toughness = 20 health
Mobile L.: Would Gnther be any more or less sturdy than a normal humen?
Space (GM): actually no
7 toughness = 28 health
@mobile: i don't beleieve so...?
lemme ask fawke
eldritch s.: seems fair
Mac D.: fair 'nuff
28 health it is
Space (GM): lemme add it
Mac D.: ...spaaaace
Space (GM): fox says gunther
eldritch s.: i really like gein's face
Mac D.: spaaaace i wanna start right awaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Space (GM): would be tougher
@duff: well to bad we don't have anyhting planend
Mobile L.: B)
Mac D.: spaaaace plan things so we can start right awaaaaaaaaaay
Space (GM): gunther = 8 toughness, 32 health
eldritch s.: maybe it'e related to my obsession with keel lorenz
Mobile L.: Sweet
Mac D.: we can have the group do silly mundane things at the start while we fini
sh up on still night
Mobile L.: Younger!Keel is kool
Mac D.: i'm totally down with that how bout you guys
eldritch s.: sure
Mobile L.: I yam
eldritch s.: but should i prevent me from running fothe
i will kill all of you
Mac D.: what do you say space
Mobile L.: Fair. We're still behind on FOTHE.
Mac D.: will you do Silly Slice of Life: The roll29
Space (GM): fawkes: We could do the Kindergarten Die Hard in the Hollow Night bo
[12:02:32 AM] Fawkes MacLeod: Rather than Still Night
eldritch s.: what
Mac D.: i could do that
Space (GM): jam could be here then is the upside of that
Mac D.: oh shit that's right seer doesn't know about Kindergarten Die HArd
Space (GM): we'd have to work out kindergarten die hard for seer' schair
Azureberry J.: What about me?
Space (GM): just a little minisession subplot
tell em duff
Mac D.: well you SEE
Fate/Kindergarten Die Hard is a side story taking place during fate still night
Deidre, while out teaching Sakura the Ways of the Vampire
finds herself and Sakura trapped in a hostage situation
where an elite group of D's Dead Apostles, led by the legendary Neko Arc D
eldritch s.: what
Mac D.: have taken over a kindergarten being watched over by everyone's favorite
substitute teacher
Faiga Tujimura
Mobile L.: A tiny, but still evil D
Who is also a itty

Mac D.: little do the vampires know, that this kindergarten has a REPUTATION
of having the most hardcore student body in all of Fuyuki City
Azureberry J.: Wait.
Mac D.: and they're plans for domination are about to be stopped by a fierce bat
allion of shit kids
Azureberry J.: I just realized I pretty much made Ira Gamagori.
Mac D.: the decade-younger muppet babies versions of the hollow night party
Space (GM): @jam: who
Azureberry J.: A character from Kill la Kill.
Mac D.:
Space (GM): don't lose your waaaaaaaaay
Mac D.: by the way space do you have those muppet babies characters set up
which means, seer
Space (GM): nope
Mac D.: you need to find Even Younger Keel
Space (GM): we could literally just find
Mobile L.: Did he died
Mac D.: JAM
Space (GM): a small child version of gein
and say that this is a non-canon carnival phantasm-esque thing
Mac D.: search for a faceclaim for little muppet babies mizono
canon is important
gein could be at the kindergarten for Mob Reasons
Azureberry J.: Kay. Hold on. Writing Bio.
Mac D.: why does Future Rin have her still night journal bio
Space (GM): it hasn't been writ yet
Mac D.: hogay
Mobile L.: Would early!Gnther retain memories of the kindergarten shenanigans?
Mac D.: he might
"I don't go to school anymore"
"why's that?"
"......Various reasons."
Mobile L.: The kickoff event for his life as a dropout shutin
Space (GM): this crack team
Mobile L.: The crackest
Space (GM): would young gunther have a shitty 5-year-old snese of humor
Young Gunther: When is... naptime?
Because I... peas.
Azureberry J.: Yo so space. I was thinking of having a mentor NPC for Mizono. Si
nce someone has to teach her how to do the temperature thing.
Or at least control it.
Young Kuwabara: HMPH.
Space (GM): we were actually gonna have gunther be the mentor guy for the entire
Young Kuwabara: A tough grown-up like me doesn't gotta nap!
Space (GM): he'd teach them all how to control their various supernatural stuffs
Azureberry J.: Oh really?
Young Gunther: ...Oh. Well I'm sleepy.
Space (GM): and that's how they'd level up yeah
Azureberry J.: Kay that works.
Young Gunther: And you should probably also be sleepy.
Young Kuwabara: You're never gonna become a grown-up if you let naptime control
your life, Gunther!
Space (GM): i'm just
picturing kuwabara with the exact same voice
Young Gunther: I may not.

Mac D.: just picture it pitched up

Young Gunther: I can live with this.
Space (GM): oh
oh my god
Young Kuwabara: Ya can't be a kid forever!
Mobile L.: Gruff small kid
Young Gunther: I... probably can, though.
Young Kuwabara: Can not!
Young Gunther: ...Can so.
Young Kuwabara: Can not!
Young Gunther: ...Can... Soda. Soda can. Heh.
Azureberry J.: I found it.
Young Kuwabara: ...Darn it, Gunther!
Young Gunther: I'm very funny.
Space (GM): the one on the right right
Azureberry J.: ya.
Young Kuwabara: Grown-ups don't kid around!
Space (GM): i make it now
Young Kuwabara: They gotta take life SERIOUSYL!
You ever seen a grown-up do their taxes?
I did, once, Man.....I've seen things!
Young Gunther: My dad says cusses when he does his taxes. It's funny.
Young Kuwabara: That's another thing grown-ups do! Swear!
Young Gunther: Swears are funny.
Young Kuwabara: It's a sign of being a grown-up when you can swear and you don't
get yelled at for it!
Gunther, keep your voice down!
Young Gunther: ...Butt.
Young Kuwabara: You want miss Tujimura t'hear ya!?
Young Gunther: I guess not.
What would happen?
Would it not be naptime?
Mac D.: It'd be Tora-Shinai time....
Young Kuwabara: Said me!
Young Gunther: Heh. That's a funny word.
Young Asumu: Kewabara! Why you messin with Guntha?
Young Kuwabara: I'm teachin' him how to be a grown-up!
Young Gunther: There's no messing. We're talking about cusses.
Young Kuwabara: Yeah
I think it's a secret language adults use...
Young Asumu GASP
Young Gunther: My dad says really long, colorful cusses.
Young Kuwabara: What do you think they mean?
Young Asumu: Cusses is bad things. My mommy say so.
???: ...Wh-- CUSSES?!
Young Gunther: They usually involve someone getting something, but it's bad.
Young Kuwabara: That's what they want you to think, Asum...!!
Young Gunther: Oh.
Faiga Tujimura: You kids aren't supposed to be thinking about cusses!
Mac D.: i laughed
Young Gunther: We're not?
Young Kuwabara: You can't control our minds, Adult Scum!
Faiga Tujimura: Of course not! Cusses are for adults!

Young Gunther: Heh. Scum/
Faiga Tujimura pulls out Tora-shinai
Young Gunther: Scum is a funny word.
Young Kuwabara turns to the others wistfully
Faiga Tujimura: What did you say, Young Kuwabara?1
Young Kuwabara thumbs up
Young Asumu: But didn't you just say you were growed up Kewebawa?
Faiga Tujimura: *?!
Young Gunther: Are you gonna die?
Is she gonna make you die?
Young Kuwabara: ....Carry on my will, guys.....Never let the world forget Kazuma
Faiga Tujimura bop
Faiga Tujimura: Bad child! Bad child!
Young Kuwabara: Ow!
Faiga Tujimura bop bop bop

Kuwabara rubs his head, sniffling

Gunther: ...You're not died.
Kuwabara: Ow, ow, ow ow!
Tujimura: That's what you get!
Gunther: You must have a strong head.
Asumu: Nooooooooo! Kewebawa is died!
Kuwabara: That smaaaarts!....
Gunther: Smarts... That sounds like



Tujimura sheathes her blade

Tujimura: Justice has been served.
Gunther: Farts.

Faiga Tujimura goes to depart

Young Gunther: Heh.
Faiga Tujimura stops
a chill goes through the air
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Young Asumu: Stop cussesin.
Faiga Tujimura: ...
Young Kuwabara: ....Was nice knowin' ya, Gunther.
Faiga Tujimura slowly turns to look at Gunther
Young Gunther: ...Are you gonna make me die next?
Faiga Tujimura: ..................

Tujimura kneels down

Asumu: Oh no. She gonna get Guntha for cussesin.
Tujimura: What did you say to me.
Gunther: ...The question or before that?

Faiga Tujimura bop

Young Gunther:
Faiga Tujimura turns and leaves
Young Gunther is stonefaced
Young Asumu: NOOOOOO!
Young Kuwabara: ....
Young Gunther: ...I didn't died.
Young Kuwabara: Yer a real man now, Gunther.
Young Asumu: Oh.
Space (GM): hey mobi you shoudl a kindergarten map
Young Gunther: That was boring.
Mobile L.: I shoulllld
Space (GM): am now adding the villainous enemies
Mobile L.: I think I have all the correct tiles
Mac D.: theoretically you could just take one of the classrooms and move out all
the desks
Mobile L.: Put down some nice rugs and toys
Mac D.: u know it
Mobile L.: Hm HM
Mac D.: basically just use the same map as the classrom
and alter some of the furniture
*High School
Mobile L.: Hill yiss
Mac D.: gooooo
Neco-Arc D: Tch... oh, man.
I bet this school's gonna be ripe for the takin'...
Young Asumu: Huh?
Young Kuwabara: ...?
Young Asumu: Takin where?
Young Gunther: ...Ripe.
That sounds funny.
Young Kuwabara: Is that a talkin' cat?
Neco-Arc D: That's right. I'm a talking cat. Isn't that right, Bubbles?
Young Gunther: Are you from Yo Gabba Gabba?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Young Kuwabara: Woah!
Young Asumu: Two kitties.
Neco-Arc D: ...No, we're not.
Young Kuwabara: I ain't never seen a talking cat before!
Young Gunther: Sesame Street?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Neco-Arc D: .........
Young Kuwabara: Wh-hey! Get outta my face!
Young Gunther: ...Is she telling lies?
Neco-Arc D: It is useless to resist her, boy. She is implacable.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Young Kuwabara: I'm gonna sneeze!....
Young Gunther: Heh.
You fooled me.
Good job.
Young Kuwabara: ...Eh.....Eeeh.....AAAAAAH-CHOO!
Young Asumu: What's impalkabubble?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Waaaaaaaahhhhh--!!!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles is blown away
Young Gunther: ...Do you have a cold?
Young Kuwabara: Nah...just a nose fulla cat fuzz...

Neco-Arc D: ...Oh, dear.

Neco-Arc Evolution: Psst!
Hey, girl!
Young Asumu: Wha...?
Young Gunther: Heh.
Cat fuzz.
Neco-Arc Evolution: I need you... I need you to help me do something for me. I h
ear Sakura Tohsaka's coming here, and I'm her biggest fan. When sh gets here, yo
u think you could snap a pic of me and her together?
Neco-Arc D: ...
Neco-Arc D facepalms
Young Gunther: ...Are you from Wow Wow Wubzee?
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY, CATS.
Young Asumu: Snap a pic?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Neco-Arc D: What is it, small child.
Young Gunther: ...He growed up.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Yeah! With this camera, see...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not him! Over HERE!
Neco-Arc Evolution hands her a camera
Neco-Arc D: ...Eh...?!
Young Gunther: Why are you bigger?
Kazuma Kuwabara rams through the wall in a DeLorean
Young Asumu: So how do I snap picks with that?
Neco-Arc D: ...!!!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Gah!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Eep! Eep! Eep!
Young Gunther: Is this like the tree thing you talk about?
Kazuma Kuwabara: The timeline's all outta whack! I gotta take these kids with me
Young Asumu: Oh no.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nope! Nope! Nope!
Young Gunther: That sounds boring.
Young Asumu: He dieded.
Neco-Arc D: They're my HOSTAGES, you fool...!
Young Gunther: Sausages?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Save me, small child! He's huge!
Young Gunther: ...I'm not hungry right now.
Neco-Arc D: No!! Hos. Ta. Ges.
Young Asumu: What should I do!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not until another five minutes, they're not!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Call the police!!!
Young Gunther: Is that a cuss?
You're a hostages.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Neco-Arc D: Wh--?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You threw the timeline outta balance, and it's time for KAZUMA
KUWABARA to set things right!
Neco-Arc D: No...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: and his trusty pal, MECHA-GUNTHER.
Young Asumu: Okies!
Neco-Arc D: Oh... oh, dear God...!
Gunther: ...Is it time?
Roland: Hello.
I am the police.
Kazuma Kuwabara: yeah! get outta the car!

Roland: Yes.
Gunther: Okay.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Hey... that's not a cop...!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah, nuts! It's the TIME-FUZZ.
Young Asumu: Um....I think the kitty needs help.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hurry, Gunther!
Roland: Oh, I'll help him alright.
Gunther: Children, come with us.
Neco-Arc Evolution: H-hey, what're you-- agh!!
Neco-Arc Evolution runs off
Young Asumu: Okay~
Gunther: ...Oh, wait
Young Kuwabara: You guys got snacks?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Wait! Wait! Wait!
Gunther follows Kuwabara off
Neco-Arc D: No! Get back here!!
Neco-Arc D grabs Young Kuwabara
Young Gunther: ...I said I'm not hungry. Why don't you listen.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We're taking off, Gunther! Fire Photon Torpedoes!
Young Asumu: I'm hungy....
Neco-Arc D: You fools...!
I have this child as a hostage!
Gunther: Okey-torpe-dokey, cap'n. Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Pew Pew!
Brakka brakka brakka! Pew Pew!
Neco-Arc Bubbles is sitting on the dash of the car
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Full speed ahead, nyan!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubbles Cannon, FIRE!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: NyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAN
Neco-Arc Bubbles shoots lasers out of her eyes
Gunther: Sorry to burst your... Y'know. Heh.
Neco-Arc D: NooooooOOOOOOOOOO
Gunther FIRE
Neco-Arc D is sent flying
Space (GM): this
this night was a thing
of beauty
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, yeah! We saved the past, Gunther!
Kazuma Kuwabara holds up for a high five
Gunther: Yayyyyy.
Gunther unenthusiastically slaps Kuwabara's hand
Neco-Arc Bubbles high-fives both of them at the same time
Kazuma Kuwabara: I'm gonna ace this senior project for sure!
Gunther: ...Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Delorean! Awaaaaay!

Kazuma Kuwabara the car takes off into the sky

Space (GM): seer got botted from the computer
Mobile L.: :C
Mac D.: he missed magic
Space (GM): wants to explain the kindergarten
Azureberry J.: Aw.
Mac D.: did he miss my explanation of it
Space (GM): yesh
Mac D.: you can do it then
Azureberry J.: Imma have to go soon.
Space (GM): it's k we ain't doing much
Mac D.: we did something beautiful today
Mobile L.: We did
We so did
Bubbles is gr8
Space (GM): squad
Mac D.: now i want to do high-school Slice of Life bullshit
the most fearsome vampires i've ever seen
Mobile L.: Spooky
Space (GM): otaku
Azureberry J.: Well this is a Type-moon thing. Slice of Life is like a mandatory
part of it.
Mobile L.: Dirty liar
Space (GM): how much of fate/still night was slice of life
Mobile L.: Does she wish she was on Yo Gabba Gabba?
Mac D.: not much
but now we are playing Literal High School Students
Mobile L.: Little chunks
Space (GM): we'll have to UP that shit
Mobile L.: And dropouts
Mac D.: so now that part is mandatory until we finish still night
Space (GM): we're nearing the final push i think
Space (GM): oh do you guys wanna slice of life
Mac D.: screen wiiiipe
i'm up for it
Mobile L.: Fuk yeah
Can Franz be an NPC?
Mac D.: any excuse to keep saying things as Kuwabara
Space (GM): sure but not rigth now cause im lazy
Mobile L.: A'ight
Azureberry J.: I'm here for another 20min I think.
As long as my conscience and my doritos will let me.
Yusuke Urameshi quietly snoozin at his desk
Mac D.: "Gunther sits at a desk, once again wondering why he is in this school"
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hm hm hm hm hmm...!~
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
...So annoying...
Kazuma Kuwabara Kuwabara is staring at the ceiling, bored out of his mind
Asumu Mizono be patrolling them halls.
Space (GM): sakura won't actually appear during the high school stuffs btw
due to the whole vampire thing
Sakura Tohsaka: ....

Sakura Tohsaka quietly tries sneaking outta class

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uuuuugh.....
Gunther has again nosed into the classroom in a futile attempt to locate Franz a
nd has again fallen asleep at the desk
Gunther: Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks to the left
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Sakura Tohsaka tiiiptooooe
Kazuma Kuwabara looks to the right
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Gunther: Zzzz...
Asumu Mizono has not noticed Sakura just yet.
Kazuma Kuwabara glances at Asumu
Gunther: Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Gunther
Sakura Tohsaka tiiiiiiiiiiiip
Azureberry J.: Oh god the map disappeared.
Sakura Tohsaka tooooooooooooe
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...psst!....gunther!...pssssst!
Gunther: ...Mruh?
Mobile L.: reefrash
Kazuma Kuwabara gestures to Asumu
Kazuma Kuwabara: she wants to hear somma yer jokes!....
Gunther: ...Oh.
Gunther awkwardly shuffles his desk to face Asumu
Azureberry J. looks at Gunther
Gunther: ...A man walked into a metal bar.

...It hurt.
Kazuma Kuwabara:
Azureberry J.: Whaat are you doing?
Kazuma Kuwabara shlinks to the floor and starts to slooooowly roll past Asumu
Gunther looks to her as if expecting something
Asumu Mizono blinks
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet and tiiiip toooooes to the door
Gunther: ...A duck walks up to a lemonade stand.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...?
Sakura Tohsaka turns to the door
Asumu Mizono: Hey wait. KUWABARA!
Gunther: He looks to the man who runs it and says, "Do you have any gr"

Kazuma Kuwabara SEIZE

Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: HGH-......Uh..........yeah?
Sakura Tohsaka takes this distraction to bolt off
Asumu Mizono: You for got the hall pass.
Gunther: ...Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh, uh.....right! Hall pass, yeah!
Gunther: Oh.
Gunther smiles deadly and winks at Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: Clumsy me! Here, lemmie have it....
Gunther mouths "good one"
Asumu Mizono: Its by the chalk board.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Oh, okay...
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for the boooard to get the hall paaaaass
Satsuki Yumizuka just watches
Satsuki Yumizuka seems very amused by something
Gunther fidgets uncomfortably in the comparatively tiny desk
Kazuma Kuwabara nabs the hall PASSS and whistles his way out the DOOOOOR
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Hee hee...!
Asumu Mizono: Is something funny?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Sakura didn't grab the hall pass, you know...!~
Gunther: ...Heh. Apparently.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks down the hallway, casually tossing the hall pass over his
Asumu Mizono: WHAT!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hall Pass, yeah right.
Gunther: ...Heh!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Haha!
Gunther: Heh. Heh. Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara Delinquent-Walks down the hall
Asumu Mizono: Those....those...ooooh!
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now all I gotta do is waltz on out the door, and...?
Asumu Mizono steams, and runs out the door.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the doorway of the next classroom
Gunther: ...Heh.
Narrator: Can you do it, Kuwabara...?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Huh....Empty? Class must be....!?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks and sees Asumu running out the door
Gunther: ...I should... see this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, geez-!?
Asumu Mizono: KUWABARA!

Kazuma Kuwabara quickly SLIPS into the classroom

Kazuma Kuwabara: shuts the door and gets away from it
Yuuka is quietly writing something down in a noteook
Yuuka doesn't look up as Kazuma enters
Gunther gingerly squeezes his way out of the desk
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Hoo! That was a close oKazuma Kuwabara turns and sees Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara almost shouts, but covers his mouth
Asumu Mizono: Where'd they go?
Gunther: ...Good question.
Yuuka be all writan
Asumu Mizono looks at Gunther.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [Aw, man!....What's SHE doing in here!?...]
[Okay, okay.....Easy, Kuwabara....Deep breaths.....]
Gunther looks back at Asumu with his creepy, dead (if hair obscure) eyes
Kazuma Kuwabara breathes IN....breathes OUT...
Gunther: *obscured
Asumu Mizono: Why are you here?
Yuuka mildly gets the feeling she's being watched
Gunther: ...I'm supposed to pick up my brother, Franz.
Have you seen him?
Asumu Mizono: No I haven't.
Gunther: ...Troubling.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [I just need to stand....super still! Yeah! Still as a statue!]
Yuuka: .......
Yuuka looks around
Yuuka: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: [Though....what kinda statue stands awkwardly like this? I gott
a strike a pose!]
Kazuma Kuwabara is FLEXING by the time she looks around
Yuuka: ...Oh! Hello, Kuwabara!
Yuuka slurs her speech a bit
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Yuuka and is talking at a louder-than-average volume
Asumu Mizono: Wel good luck. I have a fugitive to apprehend.
Mobile L.: Okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [No, no, no, geez-!]
Gunther: i said this
Kazuma Kuwabara: U-Uh......H-Hi, Yuuka!
Gunther: Can I spectate?
Kazuma Kuwabara smiles and waves
Yuuka waves back

Yuuka: What're you doing here?

Asumu Mizono: .....Okay.
Gunther: Good.
Gunther seems vaguely pleased
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around in a panicking and turns back to Yuuka, putting a f
inger to his lips!
Yuuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shh! Shh! Inside voices!
Yuuka tilts her head
Asumu Mizono looks at the classroom
Yuuka: Inside... voices...?
Kazuma Kuwabara nodnods
Yuuka: ...!
Yuuka thumbs up
Asumu Mizono: ...Is someone in there...?
Kazuma Kuwabara grins and thumbs up when he hears ASUMU
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!?!
Yuuka: ...?
Gunther: Maybe.
Kazuma Kuwabara immediately SLIIIIIDES over to the corner
Yuuka looks at Kuwabara funny
Kazuma Kuwabara puts that finger to his lips again
Yuuka nod nod
Asumu Mizono: No one should be in this class room at this hour.
Gunther: Oh.
Asumu Mizono heads in.
Yuuka doesn't hear Asumu, as she is deaf
Kazuma Kuwabara sweats terribly
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Yuuka: ...!
Oh, hello!
Kazuma Kuwabara hides behind the plant
Yuuka waves
Asumu Mizono waves back to Yuuka.
Gunther sleepily looks about for Franz. noluck
Asumu Mizono: Hello. Do you have business here?
Yuuka nods
Gunther leans on the doorframe
Yuuka: Teacher let me out early, so I'm waiting for my next class here.

Asumu Mizono: Oh...that's....well you're enthusiastic I'll give you that.

Gunther yawns
Kazuma Kuwabara tactical espionage action
Yuuka smiles
Yuuka: Was that all, miss?
Asumu Mizono: Did anyone else come in here?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka, shaking his head at HYPERSPEED
Gunther 's head slumps to his chest
Yuuka: I don't think so... but maybe I didn't hear them. (smiles a little at her
own joke) Who are you looking for?
Gunther: ...Hehh...
Gunther fuckin fell asleep standing up
Asumu Mizono: Two people Tohsaka, and Kuwabara.
Yuuka: Oh... I don't think I could help you with that. I'm sorry.
Kazuma Kuwabara gives a tiny fist pump
Asumu Mizono: Well alright. I should take a look around though.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!!!
Gunther snoooooooooreeeeee
Yuuka: If you want... I'm going to be reading, so if you need something, just co
me get me.
Yuuka pulls out a tabloid magazine
Kazuma Kuwabara: [Dammit.....Guard on patrol....door blocked by fat!.....]
Asumu Mizono: Will do.
Gunther "Heh"s about something in his sleep
Neco-Arc Evolution: What're you laughin' at, buddy...?
Gunther: ?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Sssh. You're dreamin'.
Gunther: ...Oh. Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [Oh, man! Oh, man oh man oh man!....]
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Hey, listen.
Does Sakura Tohsaka go to this school?
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to sit behind the plant as still as possible
Gunther: ...I don't... keep track of the roster.
Asumu Mizono stops at the plant
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....................
Asumu Mizono: Hm?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, come on... I think you'd know if it was the Sakura Tohsa
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...............................................................
Gunther: ...I'm not a pedophile.
Neco-Arc Evolution: E-eh?!
Asumu Mizono: Something is off about this plant.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Gunther: It would be weird if I kept tabs on high-schoolers other than Franz.

Asumu Mizono: Is that...?
Gunther: Whom I am related to.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!!!!
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...W-well, I have an excuse! She's my waifu!
Gunther: ...My, defensive. Aren't you...

Gunther grins
Asumu Mizono: Is that the fabled orange moss!?
Gunther: ...Catty.
Neco-Arc Evolution: .....!
Kazuma Kuwabara: [...!?]
Gunther: Heh.
I got you, cat.
Asumu Mizono: I have to take a sample.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [oh god don't move the plant don't move the plant!!!!]
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...This isn't over, you... you rat bastard...!
Asumu Mizono pulls out a pair of scissors.
Gunther: By all means, keep visiting me in my sleep.
I have to keep my material fresh somehow.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Gghh...!!!!
Neco-Arc Evolution vanishes
Gunther snoooooores
Asumu Mizono brings them clooooooser
Kazuma Kuwabara: [Code Red! Code Red!!!! I gotta use THAT MANEUVER!]
Asumu Mizono is about to slice off the tip of Kuwabara's pomp
Kazuma Kuwabara makes a pretend trap triggering noise with his mouth
Asumu Mizono: What!?
Kazuma Kuwabara BEHOLD, MIZONO
Asumu Mizono: WHAT THE!?
Mobile L.: I am giggling
Asumu Mizono: T-T-T-T-This is soooo inappropriated.
Asumu Mizono makes a HASTY RETREAT
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Gunther is sleep-blocking the door
Gunther is HUUUUUGE

Gunther: ...Zzz.
Asumu Mizono bunps into Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: [DAMMIT GUNTHER!]
Asumu Mizono: Ugh...
Gunther: ...Mrgh?
Kazuma Kuwabara continues trying to remain as still as possible
Gunther blinks and looks down at Mizono
Asumu Mizono: Get out of the way!
Gunther: ...Oh.
Gunther steps out into the hall
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara EXHALES once they clear the door
Asumu Mizono books it too the restroom.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hah......The Kuwabara Statue Tactic never fails!
Gunther curiously peers back into the classroom
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back up at Gunther
Gunther: Did I miss something.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!
...Uuuuh, nope!
Neco-Arc Evolution: I wonder... will Kazuma Kuwabara use this tactic of his in t
he roll20 proper?
Gunther: ...I think I missed something.
Mac D.: perhaps he WILL
you'll need to create a stealth sequence though
Neco-Arc Evolution: S-so sugoi...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You really didn't.
Go on, get!
Gunther: She seemed unnerved.
Gunther shoos into the hall
Kazuma Kuwabara exhales again
Kazuma Kuwabara puts his hands on his waist, grinning, then turns to Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: You're a lifesaver, Yuuka! For real!
Yuuka is deeply ensconced in readin tabloids
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......oh, right.
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to put his shirt back on and goes to have a seat at the cha
ir next to Yuuka
Asumu Mizono: Who keeps putting those things on campus? This is seriously not fu
Kazuma Kuwabara: Say, I didn't know you were into those kinda magazines!
Gunther skulks through the hall like a drowsy ghost, still looking for effing Fr
Yuuka is reading
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....

Kazuma Kuwabara kinda waves a hand
Yuuka: ??
Yuuka looks
Yuuka: ...!
Yuuka waves
Gunther: Franz... Fraaaaaanz.
Kazuma Kuwabara grins at her
Kazuma Kuwabara: Thanks for that! I owe you a lot!
Yuuka: Oh, no problem!
Kazuma Kuwabara: So, uh....Watcha readin'?...
Yuuka: I'm reading the tabloids... did you hear? They spotted the shaved bigfoot
downtown again. The same one from ten years ago!
Azureberry J.: Gotta bail see you guys;
Mac D.: nitey nite
Space (GM): nite
Mobile L.: Later, Jam
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way! For real? That's gotta be a fluke!
Yuuka: It's true! They have pictures!
Yuuka shows him the photographs of Rider being Rider downtown
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah, seriously??
Gunther decides to take some initiative and see if any of those other students k
now where the Franz at
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the pictures
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well I'll be damned.....
Satsuki Yumizuka: ....Man. I'm booooooooooooooored...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I didn't know you read this kinda stuff, Yuuka!
Gunther: Hi, Bored. I'm looking for my brother. Have you seen him.
Yuuka: Oh, it's pretty much my favorite thing!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...!
Satsuki Yumizuka yelps, flinging a book at him
Gunther does not visibly flinch
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heh heh! That's pretty cool!....
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Oh. Sorry about that!~
Gunther: I am unharmed.
Kazuma Kuwabara chalks down mental note: Buy magazines when grocery shopping
Gunther: But have you seen Franz?
Yuuka: Well, I mean... they're obviously fake, but that's still fun, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .................Fake?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Erm... Franz, huh? Hm...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......I-I mean, uh....yeah, 'course their fake! Hahaha!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Oh! I think he's in the next classroom over. head out the d
oor and take a left, you can't miss it.
Yuuka: ...?
Gunther: ...Oh. Okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ahahaha!.....So, anyway!
Gunther shuffles out. Wow, no "thank you" or anything.

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Hmph.

Other left!~
Gunther: ...Right.
Yuuka: So, what'd you come all the way here for, anyways?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh!....Well, I was walkin' down the hall, saw you were a
ll by your lonesome in this classrom!
Gunther sticks his meaty gaijin head in the door
Space (GM): ACK
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wondered what that was about, so I wanted to ask, y'know??
Space (GM): jeeeez i gotta go to bed
srry gng
Mobile L.: Oop, no worries
Mac D.: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
Space (GM): are you guys hype for this
Mac D.: y e s
Mobile L.: Veddy hype
Mac D.: i demand more tomorrow
Mobile L.: Yee
Space (GM): 8)
nite nite
Mac D.: nite
Mobile L.: Goo'night
Azureberry J.: OLIVE!
MrEForEccentric: Yes
It is I
Azureberry J.: Where is Space and the others?
MrEForEccentric: No idea, I've been doing it all over PM
I just had the roll20 open 'cause I updated Tsubasa's bio
Azureberry J.: Oh okay.
MrEForEccentric: I think I've done a rather good job of making her Basically-She
Azureberry J.: Dose she do Heroin?
MrEForEccentric: No, but she does inhale herbs like the Oracles of Delphi
And it was Opium, not Heroin
Azureberry J.: Close enough.
MrEForEccentric: Aye. But there's still a difference.
She has her own edge, at least I think. Didn't make her completely a carbon copy
of Sherlock Holmes if he was a Teenaged Girl in High-school
Young Tsubasa: And then they left me alone again
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes they did...!
Space (GM): ah you are her
eldritch s.: i am nor her
Space (GM): see that
eldritch s.: yes
his time in kindergarten must have aged him terribly
Space (GM): oh i am sure
wanna see a ~secret thing~
Youngish Gein: Yes.
Gein Mender: Absolutely.
Space (GM): the new friend
eldritch s.: who is this
hugh heffner
santa claus
Space (GM): that's a GIRL seer
eldritch s.: santa heffner
oh dear god
it's marx

Faiga Tujimura: i have no idea what you mean!

eldritch s.: where's
Space (GM): do you see the enemies that will be fought
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): neco-arc d
neco-arc evolution
eldritch s.: what is a neco-arc
Space (GM): neco-arc bubbles
you see
they are cat vampires
d regards them as an annoying, but necessary evil
hello duff i'm explaining the neco-arcs
Mac D.: oh good
Space (GM): who's your favorite neco-arc duff
Mac D.: who's the chump with the fedora
eldritch s.: d
Mac D.: bubbles
Space (GM): bubbles is the best one
eldritch s.: fuck both of you
Space (GM): what do you have against bubbles seer
eldritch s.: d is clearly superior
look at
Neco-Arc D: I am a he, you foolish fool.
Mac D.: look at how he steps on poor miss tujimura's head
establishing dominance
Neco-Arc D: I am the new substitute kindergarten teacher!
Mac D.: what missions are the Neco-Arcs usually sent to do
eldritch s.: cracksquad
the evil a-team
Claudia Hortensia: Suicide missions. The Neco-Arcs are sent to perform tasks tha
t no Dead Apostle could ever survive.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Izzat so, Miss Nun?....
Youngish Gein: Fuck, cat thing, freak.
Satsuki Yumizuka: I wonder what their blood tastes like....
Youngish Gein: Get distance, beast.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yumizuka, you are such a weirdo....
Youngish Gein: Gun have.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Their delicious, pulsing red fluids...!
Youngish Gein: You sex.
Space (GM): seer did you tell duff about youngish gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You're creepin' me out here!
Mac D.: yes tell me
eldritch s.: youngish gein isn't very familiar with japenese yet
Mac D.: what is young-ish gein doing at the kindergarten this day
eldritch s.: so i translate this with broken english
eldritch s.: he was progonally just a hired hand for the vampires before
questioning the ethics of this
Mac D.: does he ultimately throw his lot in with the toddlers
eldritch s.: yes
Mac D.: so SPACE
when can we expect to do this proper
Youngish Gein: This much fuck. I no enjoy.
Space (GM): when everyone's able - mobi made the kindergarten map
Mac D.: aw yeah

you think tomorrow

Space (GM): i'm thinking friday - but for now we can dick arund with high school
slice of life stuff
a prologue
Mac D.: works for meeeee
perhaps today can be
eldritch s.: look
Mac D.: kuwabara and gein get up to some dumb bullshit
eldritch s.: they are together
Space (GM): certianly, that works for me
Mac D.: do you have a map of the town
Space (GM): lemme just show fox paris's troy activation incantation
oh yes
Mac D.: oh gud
eldritch s.: i was thinking
Mac D.: should we invite the other available folks or just keep it with the two
of us
for this sesh
Space (GM): shreug
i'm not gonna be able to focus on being a player right now - finishing up an ess
eldritch s.: on what
Mac D.: how far done
Space (GM): careers
Mac D.: we can wait 'till you're finished
eldritch s.: careers
Space (GM): the carrerr of being a website designer specifically
eldritch s.: is that what you have in mind
Space (GM): it's sounding attractive
eldritch s.: it sounds like a shit job
just from like the idea
how would you be paid
Mac D.: probably not much of a career path
Space (GM): it's like graphic design
eldritch s.: you know what you should do
join the witcher's fucking plant team
you thought i forgot
but i never
Space (GM): i remember those folk
Mac D.: but you need to be a botanist to be in the witcher's Plant Division
Space (GM): im a botanist
eldritch s.: you know whaty ou must do
you know what seems like a poor idea
majoring in performing arts
Space (GM): ya
eldritch s.: i have a cousin who is planing on doing such a thing
i believe this to be a highly questionable decisison
Mac D.: i'm working towards a major in screenwritign
eldritch s.: that's different
Space (GM): that sounds sweet duff
Mac D.: probably not.........
Space (GM): Iiiiiiii think it sounds sweet
Mac D.: there is only one university in ohio that offers it as a major
so i'm running through community college prerequisites to transfer
Space (GM): oooho
you got this duffman

Mac D.: i cannot wait to use my learned talents to ultimate write commercials
Space (GM): i'm sure you'll write the best commercials there are
eldritch s.: you will bring billy mays back from the grave
Mac D.: my commercials will all contain secret components of a ritual
that when brought together and played all at once will resurrect billy mays
as a powerful lich lord
Clara Testarossa: german science is the greatest in the world
Space (GM): ah, excellent
Mac D.: space who is Clara Testarossa
Youngish Gein: America very nice. I know- I life.
Space (GM): her identity will be revealed in time
Mac D.: let us know when you've knocked out that essay
Youngish Gein: i feel gein is the odd one out
Space (GM): hes not an animu teen
Mac D.: he's an animu middle-aged fart
Youngish Gein: if i had been told we were making animu i would have done so
Space (GM): things just worked out that way
Mac D.: how far done are you neway
Space (GM): i need a bibliography
Mac D.: oh dear
the final challenge
Space (GM): while i'm doing that
i'll upload the new songs to soudnclod
this is the new op did i tell you guys that yet
Youngish Gein: yes
Space (GM): i like it a bunch
Youngish Gein: does young gein look ike he could be come old gein within ten yea
Space (GM): i don't think so
but i don't think it matters that much
it's a good enough mental image
Youngish Gein: it matters to me
Space (GM): use steve buscemi for him
Mac D.: unless some tragic experience reshapes his head from a triangle to a squ
Youngish Gein: well that's different art styles
Space (GM): 3.95MB of 27.47MB uploaded
Youngish Gein: close enough adapt youngish gein to resemble older gein as you se
e fit with your brains
Mac D.: don't lose focus of the bibliography now
Space (GM): but i'm making an icon for clara...
Mac D.: feeneesh essaye
Youngish Gein: penis
Clara Testarossa: yo whutup
Youngish Gein: There, hello, babe.
Clara Testarossa: do you speak german
Mac D.: "ich ben ein my dick"
Youngish Gein: I not understanding.
Clara Testarossa: sie sprechen deutsch?
Space (GM): website designers earn $55,000/yr
Mac D.: is that good
Space (GM): fairly good i'd say
gah wtf my upload bounced back down to 1 mb somehow
are you guys still there
Mac D.: yas
Space (GM): this uplaods' bein a bicht
Mac D.: you should spend the time
working on the bibliography
Space (GM): that's whut im doign
Mac D.: hokay how done are you

Space (GM): finishing up the bibliography, then gotta get mom 2 print
Mac D.: good work
Space (GM): i have a whole two sources so far
Mac D.: how many sources do you need
Space (GM): she didn't say
Mac D.: PSH two sources sounds FINE
Space (GM): i'll add TWO MORE just to be SAFE
uploading 4 tracks plus a sound affect
Mac D.: aaaw yeah
i'm fighting the kushala daora
Space (GM): fight it to rockin' tunes
Mac D.: aw ye
kushala daora more like
kushala deadora
Space (GM): did you kushala daoraoraora it
Youngish Gein: so what is the plan
Space (GM): still workin on that bibleographe
Mac D.: how much more you got left
Space (GM): 1 moar
Mac D.: go forth
Space (GM): you guys put it to a vote amongst yourselves what to do
Mac D.: we wait for our captain
Youngish Gein: fothe if possible
is there a servant napoleon
Space (GM): he'd probably be a rider
Youngish Gein: does he exist
Space (GM): not in canon i dont think
Youngish Gein: you know what also needs to happen
romance dusk needs to be run again
Space (GM): that's TRUE
Mac D.: you know you're RIGHT
Youngish Gein: however olive is
beyond the sea
Mac D.: but instead of talking about three campaigns all at once HOW ABOUT we fo
cus on this one tonite
Youngish Gein: oh i know
Mac D.: do you, Past Gein
Youngish Gein: just reminding you
Mac D.: do you really
now i have to fight teostra again
Youngish Gein: why
Mac D.: he better give me his god damn horn this time
Space (GM): horny
Mac D.: i need it for his gret serd
Youngish Gein: also
two things
why was kirei fighting people in the fg
Space (GM): oh
Mac D.: which deals EXPLOSION DAMAGE
Space (GM): god dammit
Youngish Gein: why were dark servants around
Space (GM): i'm over my upload limit
Mac D.: ooooh nooo
Youngish Gein: delightful
Space (GM): explain it duff while i make a dummy account
Mac D.: do you have to pay for a premium account to upload as much as you want
Space (GM): yup
Mac D.: is it sad that such a practice is so commonplace that i got it right on

a wild guess
Space (GM): yuuup
oh, it asks what my gender identity is instead of what my gender is
forward-thinking of soundcloud
ooh, i can input custom
Mac D.: transcommon ethnic-fluid vampirekin
Space (GM): me
i was boring and put male
Mac D.: you should have put "mayonnaise"
Space (GM): is mayonnaise a gender
Mac D.: no patrick
and then i saw a picture of someone on tumblr actually arguing for mayonnaise as
a gender
Youngish Gein: yes
i saw it too
Space (GM): that's probably a troll or a meme
Youngish Gein: it seemed legit
Space (GM): show me
but duff - the fg
Youngish Gein: it was a while ago
Mac D.:
by googling "is mayonnaise a gender"
Space (GM): tickd takes forever 2 load
Mac D.:
Space (GM): icy icy
Youngish Gein: allegedly multiple blogs were mad
i think
i would still rather have sjws
than racists
and sexists
because at least with sjws there is
Youngish Gein: that bit of well-intentioned-ish good will to most of them, even
if they go way to far with it and become assholes
it certainly shows the progress of socity that they even exists
Mac D.: i would argue that they're one and the same, just with a different coat
of paint
hey space did you get that last source
Space (GM): i'm wrassling with soundcloud
Mac D.: but did you get that last source
Youngish Gein: space we aren't afraid to kill you
Space (GM): yeah now i just gotta print
eldritch s.: upon thinking
about the void
i believe i understand the morality of the brothers
Triumphator: Giving is an unquestionable evil, so taking must be an unquestionab
le good!
this, in the context of the game, makes sense
the only way in which color can be given is in nerva form
eldritch s.: which kills the void
so to those who wish to protect it, that is an evil action
it is taken throug lympha, which is considered pure, the harvesting of which doe
s no harm
the brother's logic is weird put in the context of the game is perfectly reasona
if, then, giving is evil
the only way to open the heart of a sister is to give them nerva
eldritch s.: therefore, opening their hearts is evil
if something realting to their basic nature is evil, it could be inferred by som
eone that they would be evil also

Space (GM): kotomine would disagree

eldritch s.: kotomine can go fuck himself
Space (GM): no he's got a cool and nuanced view on things like this
but do you know who i think
is the most well-rounded character in fate/stay night
eldritch s.: hoo
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Me! Me! Me!
Mac D.: she does have many rounded features
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubbles! We got an alien invasion on our hands!
eldritch s.: if you want round
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aliens FROM THE FUTURE!
eldritch s.: look at saber
Kazuma Kuwabara: We gotta go to the future and set the timeline back in order!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubbles Rocket! Activate!
Neco-Arc Bubbles 's legs turn into rockets
Neco-Arc Bubbles flies off
Kazuma Kuwabara rides her like a surfboard
Mac D.: S O
are we all set to begin
Space (GM): neco-arcs legs turn into rockets in the fighting game
just gotta print
eldritch s.: mobile
Mac D.: pfff
oh yes shall we bring mobile into this
Space (GM): one of you schmucks pm her to see if she's up for it
Mac D.: seer you do it
eldritch s.: why me
Mac D.: cause i don't FEEL like it that's why
Space (GM): i have something to show you both
Mac D.: by god
Space (GM): fucken watch it
Mac D.: watchan it
select a god damn stage already
Space (GM): oh god this stage music
we gotta add it
Mac D.: ohohoho
eldritch s.: i pmed her
she said she will be here in a moment
Mac D.: good job
have a complementary shot of gin as your reward
getting teostra horns
is the most fucking annoying shit ever
Space (GM): you guys should play melty blood
Mac D.: HM
Space (GM): is mobi here yet
Mac D.: notyet
Space (GM): are youse guys still here
Mac D.: yas
Space (GM): whuttabout seer
Mac D.: it takes time to type when your eyes are dulled with alcohol
Space (GM): do you think mobile joined the wrong roll20
oh my god duff
they brought flumphs back for 5e

Mac D.: oh
oh jesus christ
Space (GM): this is the best thing
Space (GM):
Mac D.: are you reading one piece
Space (GM): no but i saw this on tumbereler
Mac D.: o
i wonder why mobile isn't here yet
Space (GM): is she on tvt
Mac D.: yas
Space (GM): pm her as well duff
Mac D.: just did
ramuf would like us all to know by the way
that julie is still there
Space (GM): izzat so
Mac D.: in addition: Whatever
Space (GM): didn't he say he was gonna get the rp moving today
eldritch s.: back
Space (GM): THERE's seer
hello seer
eldritch s.: whenever i see one of those "still there" post ramuf makes i feel g
Space (GM): i uaws ro bw likw rhR BUR NOQ IM KINS OD JUAR nnotws
jesus christ what
i used to be like that but now i'm just kind of mildly annoyed
Mobile L.: Bap
Space (GM): MOBILE
then, are we all here
Mobile L.: U kno it
Ahaha, Taiga
Faiga Tujimura: Who's this "Taiga"?
Mobile L.: Oop, I mean "Faiga".
Faiga Tujimura: That's better...
Mobile L.: Yey
Mac D.: oh there u are
Mobile L.: Gaijin pedo squad
Narrator: As the party makes their way through town, the words of the priest, Cl
audia Hortensia, echo in their memory...
Claudia Hortensia: We're out of groceries.
Narrator: Their mission is clear.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who's got the list?
Gein Mender: Why are we shopping for a priest?
WaitKazuma Kuwabara: S'for charity.

Space (GM): is the music playing for anyone else

Gein Mender: They don't make women priests.
Mobile L.: I can hear it
Kazuma Kuwabara: So she's a nun!
Gunther: Are you not...
priest with this development?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ya do a good deed for the church, you get extra credit!
Gein Mender: That was legitimately awful.
I am an old man, I don't get extra credit.
Gunther: You need to get a sense of humor.
Gein Mender: I have one.
It's just dead.
Gunther: That's sad.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then what're YOU gettin' the groceries for, Gramps?
Mobile L.: brb, one sec
Gein Mender: I have to make sure you two don't blow all your groecery money on c
oke or whatever is popular now-a-days.
Clara Testarossa comes walking up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! I got plenty of self-control, old man!
Clara Testarossa looks at the trio
Clara Testarossa: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Clara
Gein Mender: You have self control?
Mac D.: does she go to the high school
Space (GM): nope
Mac D.: k
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Who's that?
Gein Mender: Fine, Do not touch the wall of that building.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You can't tell me what to do, Old Man!!!
Gein Mender: Absolutely, do not touch it.
Kazuma Kuwabara runs up and just runs his hands aalllll over that building
Gunther: ...Heh.
Clara Testarossa: ...Erm.
Gein Mender: My point is made.
Clara Testarossa: Excuse me.
Gunther: ...Yes?
Gein Mender: Ignore him, he's special.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, what is it?
Clara Testarossa: You're in my way.
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY!
...Oh, uh, sorry Miss.
Clara Testarossa nods
Clara Testarossa heads into the skyscraper behind them
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wonder who she was?
It says "Weiss Corp"
Gein Mender: She seemed important.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Coulda been some kinda bigwig!
Gein Mender: She was neither big, nor wore a wig.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, listen - We gotta hurry up with these groceries, I got a p
lace to be in an hour and a half!
Gein Mender: And where is that place?
Gunther: ...Anyway, I have the list.

Kazuma Kuwabara: None 'a your beeswax!

Let's see that list...
Gein Mender: It is entirely my business.
Gunther nonchalantly forks it over
Kazuma Kuwabara gives it a read
Gein Mender: I'm not letting a junkie get near a nun, I'm pretty sure there's so
mething in the bible about that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: 'Scuse me!? I ain't a junkie!
Gein Mender: Explain the hair,
Gunther presumably didn't write the list
Clara Testarossa: pasta
sourdough baguette
pork sausage
strawberry Haagen-Daaz ice cream
Kazuma Kuwabara: What's your beef with my hair??
Clara Testarossa: hm
Clara Testarossa: sourdough baguette
pork sausage
strawberry Haagen-Daaz ice cream
desc isn't working
Gein Mender: You look like a greaser.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It's a cool hairstyle!
Gein Mender: Not anymore.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Like you would know what's cool these days, ya old fart!
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender: You know this is elder abuse.
I can call the police.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It ain't abuse 'till I hit ya, Pops!
Gein Mender: ... You're smarter than you look.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You know it! I'm gonna be a scientist.
Now c'mon, let's go get those dumb groceries!
Kazuma Kuwabara heads in the direction of the SUPERMARKET
Gein Mender: Do you have any coupons?
Kazuma Kuwabara hands in his pockets, strutting like a delinquent
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nope.
Gein Mender: Did she gives us any spending money?
Gunther follows along, looking forward to seeing STRANGE PEOPLE and giggling at
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunther has it!
Gunther: Yes.
Gein Mender: I assume its enough to buy the groeceries.
Gunther: It should be sufficient.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Didja count, Gunther?
Gein Mender: ... I wish I brought my segway,
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, a segway.
You're just the spitting image of cool.
Gein Mender: I really do not give a shit.
Narrator: The supermarket be that-a-way
Gunther: I did not count it, but I sincerely regret that. I guess it's the thoug
ht that counts.
Mobile L.: Sorry people keep talking to meeeeee

Kazuma Kuwabara goes that away. Picture that gif from Cromartie
Gein Mender: Haheheh...
Gunther: Heh.
Narrator: As they walk, they see a bored-looking woman leaving the supermarket carrying grocery bags
Gein Mender: ... I don't usually go to this part of town.
Gunther looks the bored lady over
Kazuma Kuwabara: Where d'ya get your groceries, then?
Gein Mender: Oh, I don't.
Mysterious Woman is wearing a red leather jacket over a kimono
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eh?
Mysterious Woman Unusual Attire
Gunther: Heh...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the woman
Gein Mender: I eat out of a garbage can and drink toilet water.
Gunther: Heh.
Mysterious Woman: ...
The hell're you chuckling at?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eugh! T.M.I, gramps!
Gein Mender: I go to a resteraunt, you idiot!
Gunther: A few things, concurrently, your present fashion disaster included.
Gunther WOW UH
Gein Mender: Wow there, kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then why'd you tell me you ate outta the trash!?
Gein Mender: It's called a joke.
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Pretty lousy joke.....
Gunther: I thought it was funny.
Mysterious Woman: I think you'd better shut the fuck up before I make you.
Gunther: Oh.
Mysterious Woman: That funny enough for you?
Gein Mender: Look at me, I would not look half as good if I dGunther: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Gein Mender: Wow, there, settle down, lady.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Geez, Lady....
Gein Mender: He's just a kid.
Gunther: Stop being offended. This will cease to be important in about twenty mi
Gein Mender: Kid, please shut up.
Gunther: Okay.
Mysterious Woman: ....Good.
Gunther abruptly clams up, stone-faced
Gein Mender: You need to watch your temper, lady.
Mysterious Woman: The hell is it any business of yours, gramps?
Gunther nods once
Gein Mender: You just insulted a kid I am lookign after, this is entirely my bus
Kazuma Kuwabara nervously checks his watch

Mysterious Woman is radiating a massive killing intent right now, though she sti
ll has that same bored expression
Gunther is standing there, looking just as bored
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gein Mender knows this shit when he feels it
Kazuma Kuwabara suddenly shivers and seizes up
Mysterious Woman: Maybe you oughta make sure he doesn't go stickin' his nose whe
re it doesn't belong -...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Gh-!.....Here, too!?....
Gein Mender: Don't threaten me, or these kids.
Gunther nonchalantly looks at Kuwabara
Gein Mender: Get out of my face.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around, spooked
Kazuma Kuwabara: The Tickle's goin' off again!...
Gunther pushes his big meaty paw through his bangs
Gein Mender: I didn't need to hear that.
Mysterious Woman: I was just buying groceries - tell chucklefuck over there laug
hing like a goddamn hyena at a random stranger is a good way to get himself beat
up. Or worse.
Mysterious Woman starts to leave - as she goes, they'll notice her bag only has
one thing
Mysterious Woman The Ice Cream
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Gunther: ...Period?
Gein Mender: Bitch.
Never call a woman a bitch, by the way.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I know that already, Grampaw!
Gein Mender: Good kid.
Mysterious Woman: ...?
Gunther: I will if I deem it comically appropriate.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let's just go inside and buy those dumb groceries...
Mysterious Woman moves around this gaggle of weird-looking folk
Gein Mender heads into the store
Kazuma Kuwabara follows
Gunther trudges along after him
Gein Mender: ... What's on that list again?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, lessie here...
Narrator: The grocery store is, indeed, a grocery store.
A helpful store clerk stands ready to assist them.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hi! Hi! Hi!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the list again
Gunther: ...Heh.
Gein Mender: ...
You were dead!

Narrator: Lettuce, pasta, sourdough baguette, pork sausage, strawberry Haagen-Da

az ice cream
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Huh?
Huh, huh, huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara is staring at the list and has not noticed Bubbles
Gein Mender: The Kindergarten, all those years ago...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, lessie here......We gotta find lettuce!
Gunther folds his arms and watches Gein and Bubbles
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Neco-Arc Bubbles nods enthusiastically
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
Gein Mender: How the hell did you survive?
Kazuma Kuwabara wanders off to find the GROCERIES
Narrator: roll 1d20 kuwabara
Neco-Arc Bubbles winks
Kazuma Kuwabara: 1d2
rolling 1d20
= 20
Gein Mender: No, winking isn't an acceptable answer.
Mobile L.: :O
Gein Mender: You are going to tell me exactly what Harry Houdini shit you pulled
Narrator: Kuwabara bumps right into the lettuce stand, knocking it over and spil
ling lettuce heads everywhere
Neco-Arc Bubbles :3
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Neco-Arc Bubbles vanishes in a puff of smoke
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah-...geez!
Gein Mender: That little fucker.
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to pick up the lettuce heads
Gein Mender looks aroun
Gein Mender: ... Is anyone running this place?
Neco-Arc Bubbles had a store uniform on
Mobile L. follows Gein
Gunther: no I do
Gein Mender: No, no, this is really stupid.
Gunther: Heh. It is.
Gein Mender: How does a little vampire cat run a store?
Neco-Arc Bubbles is sitting on Gein's shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! Are you chumps helping or not!
Gunther: Does it matter?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!
Gein Mender: Jesus!
Gunther looks up at Kuwabara

Gunther: ...Heh!
Gein Mender swats it
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uwaaaaaaaaahh--!
Neco-Arc Bubbles sent flying
Neco-Arc Bubbles twinkles in the sky
Gein Mender smiles
Kazuma Kuwabara puts the lettuce back and takes a head for himself, putting it i
n the cart
Kazuma Kuwabara: for pasta!
Gunther: I missed the lettuce. What happened?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nothin'! I found lettuce!
Look for pasta!
Gein Mender: Does it say what kind?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just says "lettuce."
Gunther: But it was on the floor. Did you hit the display?
Gein Mender: No, I mean what kind of pasta.
Narrator: It just says "pasta"
Kazuma Kuwabara: No!
Gein Mender: Okay.
Gunther: ...Heh. Whatever you say.
Gein Mender: It's just that there are lots of kinds of pasta, you see.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It just says "pasta" on the list!
Gunther: Pinpointing the one we need will be impastable.
Gein Mender: I mean, I used to run a place with breakfeast in bed, and I would a
lways love making the pasta.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just pick one out you'd think she'd like!
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender: There's spaghtetti, rigatoni... uh...
Narrator: The antipasta aisle is right there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Spaghetti! We're getting spaghetti!
Gein Mender: Spigatinni...
Oh, okay.
Gunther: No, get the bowties.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, those are the worst!
Gein Mender: Farfalle.
Gunther: But they look like bowties.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Next to shells....eugh, shells!
Space (GM): i wanna show this to fox
but he's vanished
Mobile L.: :<
Gein Mender: They're called farfalle, and it is the best kind of pasta.
Kazuma Kuwabara grabs some spaghetti and puts that in the cart
Kazuma Kuwabara: we need a sourdough baguette.
Gunther: That claim is farfalle-fetched.
Gein Mender: Have you ever had it?
Gunther: No.
Gein Mender: With, say, chicken noodle soup?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh, guys.
Gein Mender: It's really nice.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We're past pasta.
Gein Mender: What?

Gunther: I suppose it is.
Gein Mender: Alright, a baguette...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sourdough baguetee.
Gein Mender begins walkign to breads or what have youy
Gunther follows
Neco-Arc Evolution is hiding behind an aisle, snapping a picture of something
Gunther: Why would dough be sour? That's asinine.
Gein Mender: No!
No, what the actual fuck!
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara is looking around at the groceries, once again missing the horro
rs of his past
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, it's you guys!
Hey, c'mere! I need your help!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lessie......Sourdough, sourdough....
Gein Mender grabs his squirrel skull and throws it at him with force
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not now! We're shoppin'!
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 2 for Brawn
= 20
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...!!!!
Gunther: Gein. I'm sure this is a catastrophe, dough you needn't be so sour.
Neco-Arc Evolution is bopped in the head by the skull and knocked unconscious
Neco-Arc Evolution: Uuuughhh...
Neco-Arc Evolution has spirals for eyes
Gunther: Heh.
Right on the head.
Gein Mender tries stomping on it
Rin Tohsaka pushes a shopping cart past them
Rin Tohsaka notices the squirrel tossing
Rin Tohsaka: ...?
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 2 for Brawn
= 16
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you guys done messin' around? Didja find the bread?
Gunther: Next time use a coconut.

Neco-Arc Evolution is STOMPED

Gunther: And no.
Neco-Arc Evolution squeaks like a dog toy
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hm....Sooooourdough...
Gein Mender picks up his squirrel skull
Gunther: Heh!
Rin Tohsaka: Erm...
Excuse me, sir? What are you doing?
Gunther: ...Hello.
Gein Mender: Oh, trying to kill this little... vampire cat thing.
Gunther: Nominally, he is looking for bread.
Rin Tohsaka: ....????
Rin Tohsaka looks down at Neco-Arc Evolution
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ask her where the sourdough is!
Neco-Arc Evolution: ....!
Man, oh, man, oh man! It's my waifu, Rin Tohsaka! You guys gotta snap a pic of m
e with her, you gotta!
Gein Mender: I think thRin Tohsaka: ...????????
Gunther: Where is the sourdough.
Gein Mender: You really are a disgusting little asshole.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Erm, it's just down that aisle. With the baguettes.
Gunther: Okay.
Rin Tohsaka awkwardly pushes her shopping cart on
Gunther heads to it, "heh"ing at Rin's confusion
Gein Mender shrugs
Gein Mender: Have a ncie day, miss.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Gunther
Neco-Arc Evolution: No.... my day! Ruined!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Didja find 'em?
Gunther: I'm about to.
Gein Mender: Wouldn't have it any other way.
Gunther looks for DAS BREAD
Narrator: roll 1d20 gunthar
Gein Mender begins heading back down the aisle
Neco-Arc Evolution: You... I'll remember this!!!
Neco-Arc Evolution shakes his fist
Gein Mender: So will I.
Gein Mender smiles
Mobile L.: Yo, my internet is eating the roll for whatever reason
It suddenly got shit
Gein Mender: turn of three dee dice maybe
Space (GM): refrash
wiat no
yeah turn off 3d dice
Mobile L.: I'm afraid it'll kill the page entirely. The whole internet is shit
3D dice are already off
Space (GM): fffeck'
here lemem just

Gein Mender: so nervous still because i forgot what i wanted to do with gein and
haven't figured anything out and he feels bland
Mobile L.: bless you........
Narrator: Gunther finds.... x1 sourdough!
Mobile L.: Nah, I like Gein so far
Space (GM): i like his curmudgeony old man thing
Gunther holds it up, triumphantly, as though it were a legendary sword
Space (GM): maybe as it goes on - he's slowly confronted with the ghosts of his
past as he uses his RM more and more?
Gein Mender: yes
Mutant sniffs at Kuwabara's heels
Mac D.: as the skeletons tell meaner jokes about him
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh?
Gein Mender looks for icecream
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at the dog
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20
= 12
Mutant: ...Ruff! Ruff!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, hey there!
Narrator: Gein finds the ice cream aisle! Let's see, strawberry haagen-daaz...
Kazuma Kuwabara crouches down to pet the dog
Narrator: ...
...They're all out...
Mutant: Ruff!
Mutant rolls over
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther watches Kazuma pat the goggie
Gein Mender looks for neopolitan
Neco-Arc D: Hahaha... it's useless, Gein Mender.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaaaw!
Gein Mender: Of course it's fucking you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What is it, boy??
Mutant: Arf! Arf arf!
Gein Mender: Who else could it fucking be.
Mutant runs off in a direction - seems to want him to show him something
Gunther: Is he purebred?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!
Neco-Arc D: You've reneged on our DEAL, Gein...!
Kazuma Kuwabara follows him
Gunther: Because this baguette is pure bread.

Gein Mender: Oh what are you even talking about?

Gunther: Wait, come back.
You missed it.
Neco-Arc D: Bah. I suppose it matters not.
Mac D.: god i love gunther

Gunther trudges after the delinquent and the dog

Mobile L.: Eeee
Gein Mender: No, no that does in fact matter.
Mutant leads them outside the supermarket
Gein Mender: What
Mutant to a hot dog stand
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gein Mender: THe fuck
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh!
Gein Mender: Are you talking about?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hot dogs?
He must be a comedian like you.....
Neco-Arc D: Oh, I can't say... but your efforts are in vain...! That ice-cream y
ou search for... is out of stock!
Gunther: Heh.
Good one, dog.
Gein Mender: ...
Mutant arfs arfs at the stand
Mutant is drooling
Gein Mender acts shocked
Gein Mender: Dear god...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ooooh!
Gunther: Do you wish to be a cannibal, dog?
Neco-Arc D: Hahaha! My evil knows no limits!
Kazuma Kuwabara: He must want some of the dogs.
Gunther: And consume your fellow dogs?
I like you.
Mutant puppy dog eyes at Gunther
Gein Mender: It's not as if I couldn't just turn my head and SEE THAT FOR MYSELF
Gunther: I like you very much.
Kazuma Kuwabara: we cash to spare?
Neco-Arc D: ...!
Gein Mender: Bah is right.
Neco-Arc D: The priestess - will eviscerate you if you return without the ice cr
eam she so craves.
Mutant :c
Gein Mender: That's really great, hey, thanks for the advice.
Gein Mender grabs the neopolitan
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Aaaah, dammit!
Neco-Arc D: ...Wait what are you doing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Fine, I'll pay outta pocket.....
Gunther: We will give whatever we must for this boddhisatva of comedy.
Mutant c:
Gunther: Good boy.
Gein Mender: Neopolitan, dickhead.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks up to the stand and rummages through his pockets
Roland: Can I help ya.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, one hot dog, please.

Gunther: A dog for the dog.
Roland: Any condiments?
Neco-Arc D: ....Motherfucker...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nah, just the dog.
Gein Mender: D- 0
Roland: Good. You can get your own damn condiments.
Roland gives him the hot dog
Roland without a bun
Roland: Have a nice day, asshole.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gunther: ...Did someone ask you to make them one with everything?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, gee, thanks, douche!
Roland: Hey, you just wanted the dog.
Gunther: Because this dog has already attained nirvana.
Mutant: c:
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, another comedian!
Neco-Arc D: ...Feh....
Kazuma Kuwabara: you go, boy.
Neco-Arc D: This isn't over, old man...!
Kazuma Kuwabara offers de doge de doge
Neco-Arc D rockets off
Gein Mender begins searching for the store
Gein Mender: I'm not even that old.
Mutant eats it all in one bite
Gein Mender: in the rest of the store, i meant
for the other shit
rolling 1d20
= 19
Mac D.: the neopolitan is not hagen-daaz
and is therefore too expensive to fit the budget
Gunther: Should we let him into our ranks?
Narrator: Indeed... he finds the rest of the items without a hitch.
Gein Mender victory
Mutant perks up his ears at this
Gein Mender heads to the counter
Gein Mender: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...A dog buddy?
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That sounds great! I'm all for that!
Gein Mender opens up his wallet
Gunther: We should call him...
Kazuma Kuwabara: What d'ya say? Wanna team up?

Neco-Arc Bubbles is on his driver's license

Gunther: ...Scooby.
Gein Mender stops
Mutant: Arf! Arf arf!
Gein Mender stares
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves at him
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Scooby?
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I don't get it.
Gunther: He is a funny dog.
Gein Mender: Get out of MY LIFE!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Are you ready to check out, sir...?
Gunther: Like on the cartoon show.
Gein Mender: Oh
Kazuma Kuwabara: You mean that gaijin show?
Mutant plays dead
Gein Mender looks up. nervously
Gein Mender: Uh, yeah, sure.
Gunther: Yes. You must watch it at your earliest convenience. It is amazing.
Gein Mender: What's the total?
Satsuki Yumizuka gives him a fake smile - a bit creeped out by this fellow
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh, alright. Don't know any english, though.
C'mon, Scooby, let's head back inside!
Gunther: I could translate.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Your total comes out to be 2951 yen.
Narrator: Shit...
Gunther: ...Welcome, Scooby.
Narrator: You only have 2500 yen...!
Gunther: Welcome to the team.
Mutant: :D
Gein Mender: ...
Mutant chases his tail excitedly
Gunther seems genuinely honored to have Scooby with them
Gein Mender: D, you little bastard...
Kazuma Kuwabara heads back inside and walks over to Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! You got all the stuff?
Gunther follows
Scooby follows, wagging his tail
Gein Mender: Do you have any cash on you?
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nah. Spent it on a hot dog.
And a new friend!
Gein Mender: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh, hey, Kuwabara! Aww, is that a puppy?
Gunther: He is a good dog.
Satsuki Yumizuka pets scooby
Gein Mender: If we give you the dog will you let us go.

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Eh?

Kazuma Kuwabara: Yup! We call him Scooby.
Wait, huh!?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Aww, like the tv show~!
Gunther: No.
Gein Mender: Will you accept the dog as payment.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, screw that!
Gunther: Scooby is staying with us.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way, we ain't giving up Scooby!
Satsuki Yumizuka: I'm sorry, sir, but that's not 7-11's policy.
Gunther: You cannot use his life as a bargaining chip in this manner.
He is his own man.
Gein Mender: Well I don't have enough to pay for this.
So one of your fork over your cash.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why's that? We should have enough for exactly....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the ice cream
Satsuki Yumizuka: If you get rid of the ice cream, you'll probably have enough..
. that's the pricey kind.
Gein Mender: They had no Strawberry left.
Gunther rustles through his pockets for DOLLA
Gein Mender: No, no, we need that ice cream.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Yeah, this ain't the stuff on the list!
Narrator: Gunther has 3 euros
Gein Mender: The ice cream is non-negotiable.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Satsuki
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: So you're outta strawberry hagen-daaz?
Gunther: I have three euros. Euro not gonna take them, though, are you?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh, yeah! Yeah, this really intense-looking lady bought our la
st thing of it.
(Gunther) I'm sorry, we only take yen.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!
Gein Mender: Why do you have a euro?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks out the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: That lady-!
Scooby tilts his head
Gunther: Yen forget I said anything.
Kazuma Kuwabara: If we don't get all the groceries, I ain't gettin' extra credit
Gein Mender: Hey!
Satsuki Yumizuka chuckles at Gunther's joke
Gein Mender: Why do you even have a euro?
Gunther smiles genuinely
Kazuma Kuwabara: Think you can hold these groceries for us for a sec, Yumizuka?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Huh? Oh, sure... they might melt, though!
Gein Mender: ... No, we're not mugging that woman for fucking ice cream.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You can put the ice cream back!
Excuse me, do I look like the kinda thug who'd hit a girl!?
Satsuki Yumizuka goes to do just that w/ the ice cream

Gein Mender: I assumed you meant you were going to take the ice cream from her.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I was gonna ask for it, ya fossil!
Gein Mender: And what if she says no?
Kazuma Kuwabara: We'll pay her for it!
Gunther is still smiling
Gein Mender: If we don't have enough to afford this, we won't be able to buy it
from the woman.
Gunther: ...Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We got enough for the groceries and the hagen-daaz!
She's got the hagen-daaz!
Gein Mender: She will ask for more than its worth!
It's called a markup!
Scooby tilts his head at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: We'll have to trust her not to!
C'mon, Scoob! Gunther!
Gein Mender pinches the bridge of his nose
Gein Mender: Fine.
Gunther: What are about to do?
Gein Mender: If this fails, I'm selling the dog.
Gunther: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We're gonna go find that lady!
Gunther: I will stop you.
He is his own man.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads out the door and starts trying to TRACK HER DOWN
Scooby: ...!
Gunther: Okay.
Gein Mender: He is a dog.
Space (GM): just thought of a MAP that might be needed
Gunther: He is his own dog.
Gein Mender: A weird dog, too.
Gunther follows Kuwabara
Space (GM): will send you a goodish description of it some time later mobi
Narrator: You could head the way she went, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara does that, of course
Scooby growls at Gen
Gein Mender: This thing looks like a demon.
Gunther: He joined us of his own free will.
Narrator: Man.
Mobile L.: Sure thing
Narrator: Who're these gaijin blocking up the path?
Gein Mender: He's probably going to kill us in our sleep
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Narrator: Looks like one of them's having a nervous breakdown or something...
Gein Mender: Hey, 'scues us.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, gangway! We gotta get through!
Gunther: ...Heh.
Gein Mender: Let's just... uh, move around.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buncha weirdo foreigners...
Scooby: ...?

Scooby aproaches one of the gaijin

Rider: .....Huh?
Gein Mender: Hey, you're talking to a foreigner.
Rider looks down at the doge
Scooby: Arf!
Gunther: The one with the mustache is hilarious.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shaddup and keep moving!
Rider: Oh, hello there!
Gunther: ...Wait. Scooby.
Rider crouches down
Gein Mender: Your dog is next to one.
Scooby rolls over
Rider grins and pets
Gunther: ...Scooby. We have to move.
Gein Mender: Smart dog.
Rider: Listen, our friend is kinda busy going crazy right now....
Gunther: I can see that.
Rider: So go to your friend, okay?
(From Scooby): check your chairs
Rider: ..?
Rider turns and sees Gunther
Rider: ...Oh! Heya!
Scooby tilts his head
Rider: Is this your dog?
Gein Mender: old man party
Caster shivers like a fucking chihuahua
Gunther: Yes.
Saber: Hmph.
We hardly have time for this.
Caster: Thethe chewed up gum, everywhere... God...
Gein Mender: Listen, can we just hurry the hell up?
Rider: Aw, c'mon, it wasn't that bad, Caster!
Gein Mender: The ice cream is probably going to melt in this heat.
Caster: It is... It is a fever den. A dreadful, phlegm-soaked fever den...
Scooby: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guys! What's takin' ya!?
Scooby starts sniffing the ground
Saber: Come, we must find the pornography stand!
Gunther: We're watching the Serbian man lose it.
Rider: ...Oh! Okay, see you doggy!
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: Follow Scooby.
Rider: Saber, we're not here for that....
Gein Mender: Right, let's just walk away.
Gunther goes to follow Scooby
Caster: N-no...
Anywhere but there...
Saber: It must be stopped!
Kazuma Kuwabara follows the Scoob
Caster: The... THE FLUIDS
They continue on their quest

Rider: You guys.....

Gein Mender: Gah, so much walking!
Scooby: Yip!
Kazuma Kuwabara: This lady can really hoof it!
Scooby leads the way intrepidly
Gein Mender: I'm going to develop arhtritis and I will blame you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah, quit whinin'. S'good exercise!
Gunther follows him, strangely light on his feet for someone so fuckin chubs
Mysterious Woman gettin' a coke
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aha!!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs up
Gein Mender: There she is.
Gunther: It's all about how you breathe.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! Hey, Lady!
Mysterious Woman: ...Ah. You assholes again.
Gunther: You become fatigued if your breathing is wrong.
Kazuma Kuwabara POINTS at the ice cream
Gein Mender: I know how to breathe!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, we really need that ice cream!
Gunther: Most people think they do.
Gein Mender: If I didn't, I would be dead right now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We can pay ya back for what it's worth!
Mysterious Woman: Piss off. Or are you gonna make fun of the way I dress again?
Gunther: It is a matter of breathing efficiently. This is imperative in magecraf
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nuh uh! We just want the ice cream!
Gein Mender: ... We will give you the dog in exchange for the ice cream.
Gunther: No, that's already out of the way.
Mysterious Woman hears Gunther
Gunther: Not the dog.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No!
Mysterious Woman: ...I see. Mages, huh? I definitely don't wanna deal with you.
Mysterious Woman starts walking off
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait, wha?
Gunther: ...Damn.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, hold on!
Kazuma Kuwabara follows her
Gein Mender: That's reall great.
Gunther: Talk her down.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don't know nothing about any mages, but we really do need tha
t ice cream!
Gunther, gimmie the cash!
Gein Mender: No, I have the cash.
Gunther forks over the EUROMONEY
Mysterious Woman: Are you gonna stalk me to my home right now? That's real flatt
ering of you, but none of you are my type.
...The hell is this?

Gein Mender hands him his yen

Kazuma Kuwabara: Thanks!
Kazuma Kuwabara turns back to Woman and holds out the ice cream money
Gein Mender: We are going to get that icecream.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Here! That's how much it costs, right?
Gein Mender: Wait, no, stop!
Don't give her all of our money!
Mysterious Woman: It's not about the money. I like this damn ice cream, so I bou
ght it.
Gunther scratches Scooby's ear
Scooby: :3
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....But....the church needs it!
Gein Mender: It's for a nun.
Gunther: Priest.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And I need it! For extra credit!
Mysterious Woman: Oh, the church needs it. I guess I'd be making a charitable do
nation, huh? Fuck that noise.
Gein Mender: Women can't be priests!
You reall are just an amazing human being.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...C-come on! Please??
Gein Mender: Enjoy that ice cream, you fat asshole!
Gunther: Are you still offended?
Mysterious Woman: If you're done insulting me, then I'll just be-...
Mysterious Woman 's eyes flash
Gunther: It's been more than twenty minutes.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the hell, Gramps!?
Space (GM): roll 4 initiative
Kazuma Kuwabara: You don't call a girl fat!!
Gein Mender: Just did.
Gunther: She's not even fat. That's reaching.
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20
= 17
Mysterious Woman: rolling 1d20
= 2
Gein Mender: Shush.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 1d20
= 12
Mobile L.: Someone pls roll for me
Scooby: rolling 1d20
= 8
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20

= 8
Mobile L.: Fucking internet
Narrator: rolling 1d20
= 5
Gein Mender: scoob
Gein Mender wants to make her cry and drop the icecream
Gein Mender: Yeah, eat up, asshole!
You really need to stuff your face with fucking icream, huh!
Gunther: I know you're trying, but come on. That's shameless.
Space (GM): roll for emotional abuse
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 19
Mysterious Woman: .........
Gein Mender: When's the last time you got any, huh?
Mysterious Woman grits her teeth
Mysterious Woman pulls out a knife
Kazuma Kuwabara: Will you shut up, already!?
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: Her poor fashion choices tie into her poor lifestyle choices, and you c
ould accuse her of having poor impulse control/
Kazuma Kuwabara turns around and clocks Gein in the mouth
Gein Mender: I thought she would drop it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 +2
= 26
Gein Mender: URGH!
Narrator: Gein is, indeed, socked in his old man face.
rolling 1d8 + 0 for damage
= 6
Space (GM): HEY
what's everyone's current stats right now
i'm thinking about, at the start, doing what duff's doing
and having 0, 0, 0, -1 for stats

Gunther: Which she clearly seems to have, seeing as she pulled a knife.
Mobile L.: Hm?
Mac D.: wait what
Mobile L.: Ooh
Space (GM): you only have -1 mind
Mobile L.: Low levels
Space (GM): 0 everythng else
Mobile L.: Sounds KOOL
Mac D.: i had numbers in those slots the previous night
Space (GM): that's bizarre
what were your numbers lemme add them
Mobile L.: Hm
Mac D.: but you know what i do like that idea
Space (GM): ok gimme your numbers now
i'll hide them in the gm setion
Gein Mender: i just did them
Mobile L.: Part of the JOURNEY
Mac D.: via whisper?
Space (GM): ya
(To Space): +3 finesse, +2 mind, +1 brawn, -1 spirit
Gein Mender: See, this is now elder abuse!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Quit sayin' that crap to her!
Gein Mender: She justp ulled out a knife, dipshit!
Kazuma Kuwabara: 'Cause of you!
Scooby rushes at the mysterious woman OH NO
Caster: Poor impulse control, like I said.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Scooby, no!
Caster: Wait, Scoob.
Space (GM): roll to STOP
Caster deadpan as always
Gein Mender: Let him go.
Mac D.: brawn?
Space (GM): whatever you can justify
Gein Mender: He seems like a good dog.
Mac D.: oh wait i have plus zero in all things anywa
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara runs and tries to hold Scooby down
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 39
Gunther: Noooooo.
Scooby: ?!
Gein Mender decides he thinks its kind of cute and jumps on too
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don't attack her, Scoob!!
Scooby heldthe fuck down
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 19
Gunther: Nooooooo.
Scooby yelps as an old man lands on him
Gunther: Why did you do that.
Gein Mender: ... Sorry!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow- Hey, ease off, Pops!
Gein Mender: Someone get t knife away from her.
Gunther COOLLY looks the woman in the eyes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunther! Don't piss her off any more!!!
Gunther is gonna try to talk her down
Mysterious Woman looks back at Gunther like
Gunther: Put down the knife. This isn't worth it. If you stab one of us, it will
be very bad for you, because you are in broad daylight and will either be faced
with assault charges or murder. Words are temporary, death isn't. Think about i
Mobile L.: Please roll 4 me
Mysterious Woman: rolling 3d20
= 18
Mac D.: not a very moving public speaker
Mobile L.: Monotone
Mysterious Woman: ---Heh. Yeah, you're right. Death's permanent. Maybe that's wh
y you shoulda learned your actions have consequences.
Gein Mender: ... This woman is fucking batshit insane.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shhh!!!!
Gunther: You grossly misunderstood me.
Mysterious Woman is speaking with a decidedly more masculine/blunt tone now thou
gh that is only a thing that comes off well in japanese
Mysterious Woman rushes to slash at Gunther with her knife
Gein Mender: Hey, no!
Come at me!
Mac D.: she's changed from lady voice to Kuwabara voice
Gein Mender: No the kdi!
Gunther tries to bop it from her hand, bored-looking as usual
Space (GM): canon
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don't!!
Space (GM): oh right roll4mobile
rolling 3d20

= 39
Mobile L.: #roll4mobile
the knife clatters away, on the ground
Mysterious Woman pulls out a second one in response
Gunther: Heh. Wow.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, come on!
Gunther: Prepared.
Gein Mender jumps up and goes to punch her out
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Gunther observes impassively
Gein Mender: Rrrgh@
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 9
i miss stats
Mysterious Woman flash steps back a few feet
Mobile L.: RIP stats
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, stop!!!
Gein Mender: Hey, don't stab kids, you crazy asshole!
Stab me, if you want a fucking fight!
Gunther: To be fair, I am probably more stabbable than the average youth.
Space (GM): it'll be fun to see how the party gets along with Mysterious Woman i
n hte campaign proper
Kazuma Kuwabara: This didn't have to be so damn, complicated!! Can we just buy y
our ice cream and leave you alone!?
Space (GM): roll to persaude
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 41
Mobile L.: Is she gon' be potential ally?
Gein Mender: That's probabply my fault, sorry.
Mac D.: silver tongue kuwabara
Space (GM): oh yes
Mobile L.: Oohoo
Mysterious Woman: ...One condition.
Gunther: Name it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay! What's that?
Mysterious Woman points her knife at Gunther

Mysterious Woman before moving it to point at Gein

Mysterious Woman: I want an apology, assholes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Done!
Done and doen!
Gein Mender: Okay.
Gunther puts a hand to his chin
Gein Mender: I am sorry.
Kazuma Kuwabara immediately gets up, walks up, and kowtows
Gein Mender: For calling you fat.
And a crazy asshole.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Forgive us for our insolence!!
Gunther: I am sorry for poking fun at your clothes and otherwise provoking you t
o an emotional response.
Gein Mender: Please do not stab me, or anyone else.
Mysterious Woman: ...
Gunther deadpan as fuck
Mysterious Woman puts her knife in her pocket
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up
Mysterious Woman: ...Well? Where's the goddamn money?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh!
Kazuma Kuwabara takes out enough for the ice cream from his pocket and hands it
to her
Gein Mender checks on scoob
Gunther just watches, stone-faced
Scooby twitches
Mysterious Woman takes it
Gein Mender kneels by it
Gein Mender: You okay there, buddy?
Gunther: Is Scooby hurt?
Mysterious Woman: ...Man. Killing kids is just fuckin' sad. You're lucky.
Mysterious Woman drops the ice cream bag and walks off
Gunther: I suppose we are.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hah!
Gunther: Goodbye.
Scooby whines
Kazuma Kuwabara gets up and picks up the ice cream, standing tall in TRIUMPH
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender pets him
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Scooby
Scooby whimpers from the touch
Gein Mender: It'll be okay.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Scoob?

Gein Mender: He's hurt.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks over to him and crouches down
Gein Mender: Also probably my fault...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What?
Gunther: We must find a veterinarian.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!!
Gein Mender tries lifting him
???: Perhaps I could be of assistance...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..?
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 10
Gunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks in the direction of the voice
???: But on one condition...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eh?
What's that?
Neco-Arc Evolution steps out of the shadows
Neco-Arc Evolution: I need a picture of my waifu...
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......!
Gein Mender: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, I remember you!
Gunther: The cat.
Gein Mender: One of you lift the dog.
Gunther: Let me do that.
Gein Mender: We're taking it to an actual vet.
Gunther tries to grab the Skooks
Neco-Arc Evolution: I am a vet...!
Mobile L.: Role?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, yeah?
Where's your credentials?
Gein Mender: Get out of my face.
Space (GM): nah, no roll
Gunther HAS the DOG
Neco-Arc Evolution: I left them in my other anorak!
Gunther mechanically scratches his ear
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, I bet!
Scooby licks his face
Kazuma Kuwabara: C'mon guys, let's go find a vet.
Gein Mender: Oh, good, my doctorate is there too.
Gunther: ...You will be fine. We are going to find a vet.

Neco-Arc Evolution: ....

Gein Mender: Lead the way.
Neco-Arc Evolution hangs his head sadly
Gunther: You keep getting burned, cat.
Neco-Arc Evolution slowly walks away - down this lonely road that leads to nowhe
Neco-Arc Evolution the only road he's ever allowed to go on
Gunther dun give two shits tries to scout out a vet
Neco-Arc Evolution will he ever find happiness? true happiness?
Gunther: *and
Mac D.: hey is that rin over there feeding birds
Gein Mender grabs the knife on the ground and throws it at him
Neco-Arc Evolution: HCK-Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 12
Neco-Arc Evolution knife to the CHEST
Rin Tohsaka it IS
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gein Mender: That's for trying to kill FUCKING KIDS!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps! That's MURDER!
Rin Tohsaka looks up just in time to see the knife throw
Rin Tohsaka: ...!
Gunther still doesn't give two shits and tries to find the vet
Rin Tohsaka stands up
Gein Mender: He tried to kill kids in kindergarten.
Rin Tohsaka: For god's sake, what the hell is your problem with that thing?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well.....yeah, but maybe he's reformed!
Gein Mender: I just said.
Gunther: People. The vet.
Rin Tohsaka: It's a cat!
Gunther: The vet.
Gein Mender: It is a vampire cat!
Gunther: The. Vet.
Rin Tohsaka: ....A vampire?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You think the cat needs to see the vet now, too
Rin Tohsaka: How's it out in the sun?
Gein Mender: Yes.
I really do not give a shit.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well-- hey, is that your dog?
Gunther: Yes.
Gein Mender: Yes.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!

Gunther: He's hurt.
Rin Tohsaka: .......
Gunther: We are trying to find the vet.
Rin Tohsaka steps closer
Kazuma Kuwabara: That's also Gramps' fault!
Rin Tohsaka: Can I see?
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh.
Are you a vet?
Gunther: Do not further injure him.
Rin Tohsaka 's right hand glows
Rin Tohsaka: Nope.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Rin Tohsaka places it on Scooby
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the-!?
Gein Mender: Oh, good, magic.
Scooby: ...!
Gunther gives her a knowing nod
Scooby sits up
Scooby pants, happy as can be
Kazuma Kuwabara: Magic!? What-!?
Gunther: Good work.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You're okay!!
Gein Mender: I was worried we needed a legitimate doctor.
Rin Tohsaka smils
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Rin
Gunther sets Scoob down
Kazuma Kuwabara: How'd-...How'd you do that!?
Gunther: Magecraft.
Gein Mender: Homeopathic medicine
Gein Mender winks
Rin Tohsaka: Heh heh...
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Huh? Homeowhatsit?
Gein Mender: New Age Medicine.
Rin Tohsaka: Listen, don't worry about it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, uh....if it works, it works, I guess!
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Thanks a ton, Miss! I owe ya!
Rin Tohsaka: Oh, it's no problem!
Anyways... I gotta get these groceries back to my sister. It was nice talking to
Gunther: Alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara nods
Gunther: Goodbye.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Thanks, again!

Rin Tohsaka starts off

Gein Mender: GOod luck with that.
Be careful!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Man, hippie medicine is strange...
Gein Mender: There's a woman with a knife running around!
Rin Tohsaka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh, yeah!
Be careful with her! And don't make her mad!
Gunther: She has a terrible outfit, you can't miss her.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Wait, is she wearing a kimono and a red leather jacket?
Gein Mender: Yes.
You know her?
Gunther: Like a veritable clown.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh...ywH~
Rin Tohsaka: ...Man. Okay, I'll talk to her.
Kazuma Kuwabara: *Yeah!
Gunther: You should.
Gein Mender: She tried to stab us.
I think she needs a therapist.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, guys....let's go get the rest of those groceries!
Rin Tohsaka: How'd you set her off?
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps called her fat.
Gein Mender: ... I may have said some...
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Gunther: I laughed at her clothes.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well, I guess that explains it.
Be seeing you.
Gunther: She has good hearing, apparently.
Rin Tohsaka walks off
Gunther: Goodbye.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Okay! Groceries!
Gein Mender: ...
We were kind of assholes.
Gunther: That woman needs to reconsider her choice in friends.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh, yeah!
I coulda told you that!
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: I was merely myself.
Space (GM): so are you guys FEELIN IT
Gein Mender: Sorry for being an asshole.
Space (GM): this campaign i mean
Mobile L.: Yus
Gein Mender: it's done over
Kazuma Kuwabara: Apology accepted!
Gein Mender: *not over
not yt
Space (GM): it's not over, snake
Gein Mender: Right, let's go get those groeceries.
Gunther: I do not require an apology.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let's get those groceries now, I'm runnin' outta time!
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads BACK 2 the MARKET
Kazuma Kuwabara: C'mon, Scoob!
Satsuki Yumizuka steps out of the grocery store, locking it up just as the party

Scooby: Yip!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gunther: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, come on, no way!
Gein Mender: Listen, we nearly got stabbed over this.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Oh! Sorry, we close early on Sundays.
Kazuma Kuwabara: C'mon, we gotta get those other groceries! We have the money!!
Gein Mender: No, no, no.
Satsuki Yumizuka: I could get fired...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Aaaah, dammit!
Gein Mender: If we risk ou lives for fucking ice cream.
Kazuma Kuwabara scratches his head and huffs
Gein Mender: You can risk your job for some guys wanted to get groeceries for a
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So much for extra credit...
Gunther: We won't tell a soul.
Satsuki Yumizuka points conspiratorially to the security camera filming their ev
ery move
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Your secret's safe with us!
Gunther: ...Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh, uh.
Who watches those, anyway?
Gein Mender: One moment.
Gunther pulls down an eyelid at it
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender takes a few steps out of its viewing range
Gunther sticks out his tongue
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender goes to throw his squirrel skull at it
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Narrator: The camera is HIT by the skull...!
Which bounces off
Gein Mender: Shit.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Dammit....
Gein Mender picks up the skull
Gunther: ...Does this mean we're... boned?
Kazuma Kuwabara slumps over
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, better bring her her dumb ice cream, at least...
Gein Mender looks for a large object to use

Kazuma Kuwabara: C'mon, Gramps, give it up.

Gein Mender looks for a fucking neco arc
Gunther: Why dis she send us on this errand on a Sunday.
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 15
Kazuma Kuwabara: Probably 'cause we all had the day off..
Gunther: That was still a questionable choice on her part.
Neco-Arc D: Ohohoho...
Gein Mender grabs NAD
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hey, uh...
Gein Mender throws him at the camera
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 19
Satsuki Yumizuka: ?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Did we take care of that cat Gramps killed?
Neco-Arc D: Aah--!
Gein Mender: THanks!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gunther: ...Heh!
Neco-Arc D both him and the camera explode in a mushroom cloud
Gunther: No.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Erm...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks and sees this
Gein Mender: There we go.
Gunther: Should I hide the body?
Gein Mender dusts off his hands
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, Gramps! Will you stop murdering cats!?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...This was on my shift, you know...?
I mean, they're gonna notice that their hundred thousand yen camera got blown up
Gein Mender: Blame it on... oh, I don;t know...
How about thsoe gaijin pedophiles from way back when?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Didn't they
all die in that firey explosion?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Who's gonna believe that?
Gunther: Tell them it was a freak catastrophe.
Gein Mender: Fine, say it was a crazy old man.
That's half true.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Put emphasis on the Crazy!

And the Old!
Gunther: Yes.
He was raving and smelled of shit.
Gein Mender: Thanks.
Gunther: He had four teeth in total.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And a clubbed foot!
Gein Mender: This is really flattering,
Kazuma Kuwabara: And he was fat!
Gunther: And knock knees.
And a single, curly hair.
Gein Mender: You're bad kids.
Gunther: ...Heheheheheh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sooo.....can we buy our groceries now?
Gunther: The mind is a wondrous thing.
Gein Mender: Is that a no.
Gunther giggles to himself quietly
Satsuki Yumizuka is just looking at them, nonplussed
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I'm gonna go home now.
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Aw, man!
Gein Mender: Fine.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gee, thanks, Old Man.
Gein Mender: I give up.
Satsuki Yumizuka starts off
Space (GM): fun fact
Gein Mender: Let's just get back to the nun.
Space (GM): the convenience store was a family-operated businss
the neco-arcs were trying to go clean
Mobile L.: :<
Gunther is still giggling
Gein Mender: they were all brutally murdered by gein
Mac D.: gein mender is the hero fuyuki needs
Kazuma Kuwabara starts trudging back to the church
Mobile L.: But is he the hero Fuyuki deserves?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yo, Miss Nun.
Gein Mender: We only got the ice cream.
Gunther giggles all the way back to the church, all wheezy like Muttley or some
Gein Mender: We were nearly stabbed.
Space (GM): mom is telling me that tomorrow night when she's getting home from w
ork she's turning off the internet
this could be a problem
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, we could only get the ice cream, 'cause things happened..
Mobile L.: Shit
Gein Mender: well shit
Mac D.: you mean like the last time she turned off the internet when she said sh
e would
Space (GM): i'm pretty sure shes gonna do it
Mobile L.: Fuck
Mac D.: we shall see
Space (GM): yeah
Mobile L.: Softshoe it

Mac D.: make do with the time you have left

Kazuma Kuwabara: Here's your money, back....
Claudia Hortensia: ...What were these things?
Kazuma Kuwabara holds out the yen
Claudia Hortensia stares down at his hand
Gein Mender: The near stabbing.
A dog.
Gunther: No, the dog helped.
Gein Mender: Cats.
Gunther: That is libel.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh, some crazy lady bought the last tub of the ice cream you wa
And then Gramps here riled her up.
Gunther: She was psychotic
And horribly-dressed.
Claudia Hortensia: ...I see.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Took a bit of work, but we got it offa her!
Claudia Hortensia: Keep the money. I am sure the church does not need it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wha?
Are ya sure?
Gunther: But the groceries.
Claudia Hortensia: Certainly, it could better be served to feed the many orphans
and vagabonds in Fuyuki City.
But, what is there to be done?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...I ain't a vagabond.....
roll to not get guilttripped
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 21
Mobile L.: Donate roll 2 me
Claudia Hortensia: rolling 3d20
= 44
Mobile L.: Fitting
Kuwabara is HELLA guilttripped, gunther not so much
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Aaaah, man!...
Gunther picks his nose, nonchalant
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look, I can try and get you the groceries tomorrow! After schoo
Claudia Hortensia shakes her head sadly
Claudia Hortensia: No. It is too late now.
It is always too late...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, come on!!
You're killing me here!

Claudia Hortensia sighs and looks away

Gunther: So glum.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Tomorrow! After school!
Claudia Hortensia: What am I to do? I thought you could be relied upon...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I'm keeping the damn list! Here's your ice cream!
Kazuma Kuwabara hands her the bag
Claudia Hortensia: Take it... I do not like it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, well. Okay.
Claudia Hortensia: It was merely a test... I would have settled for neopolitan.
Gunther DISDAINS this glumness
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...But we didn't have the money for that one!
Claudia Hortensia: Ah... I am sorry. I have failed you.
Clearly, the problem is with me... I was not good enough...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Aaaagh-!!!
Don't apologize!
Gunther supposes he must resort to... CHEAP LAUGHS
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look, I'll earn up some money and get you some neopolitan and t
he groceries!
Gunther leeeaaaans on the pew
Claudia Hortensia: No.. I'm sorry, I truly am... I will go. Go and stop being a
burden to you...
Claudia Hortensia starts to leave
Kazuma Kuwabara: AAAGH- Would you stop that!?
S'like I keep gettin' stabbed in the heart!...
Gunther bears his whole weight down on it so it will fall and take him with it i
n an amusing fashion
Claudia Hortensia: Goodbye, Kazuma Kuwabara... perhaps we shall meet again in an
other world. Perhaps I shall be a better person then.
Mobile L.: Roll?
Narrator: the pew is CRUSHED under his MASSIVE GIRTH
Kazuma Kuwabara: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHClaudia Hortensia looks at Gunther
Claudia Hortensia looks like she's about to cry
Claudia Hortensia: ...That was my father's favorite pew...
Gunther looks SOOOO RIDICULOUS r/n tho
Kazuma Kuwabara is pulling at his hair
Claudia Hortensia: :ccccccccc
Claudia Hortensia: ...Goodbye...
Claudia Hortensia hangs her head
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, Nun!
Claudia Hortensia walks up the stairs

Gunther lays there in the pew rubble

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Agh...That's gonna eat at me forever, now!...
Space (GM): okay i really gotta head to bed now before mom decides she'll discon
nect it tonight or something
Mobile L.: Okay
Mac D.: :c
Space (GM): i feel the same way
Kazuma Kuwabara checks his watch
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?
Ah, geez, I'm gonna be late!
Gunther: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gotta go! Catch you guys later!
Gunther: Goodbyw.
Kazuma Kuwabara runs out the door
Gunther: *Goodbye
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay lessie here......Sign Language Classes, Hibiki Street!...
Mac D.: fin
Mobile L.: (Applause)
I have to go now
Fawkes M. (GM): The church
It is still real
Mobile L.: Fuggit, I'll pop in here real quick before I nod off
Fawkes M. (GM): Hullo
Mobile L.: Yo yo yo
Fawkes M. (GM): So, spring break has just begun
Mobile L.: You enjoying it so far?
Ey Space
Space (GM): wazzup bitchesssss
eldritch s.: i will find duff
Mobile L.: Coming in here briefly afore sleepytime
eldritch s.: and i will squeeze the life out of him
Space (GM): hey while i'm here
mobile shoop me the IMAGES
Mobile L.: Oh yes
Fawkes M. (GM): I'm doing bueno
eldritch s.: i vowed to get fothe on tonight, but this shan't be the case
today's been a day i like to call
Space (GM): fox can you help me add bios to the npcs, and by help i mean do it w
hile i add the maps
eldritch s.: a real kind of
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh, sure
At least I dun have to remain on Skype for this
eldritch s.: "phone it in day" of odd grogginess and people not giving a shit
(To Space):
eldritch s.: at least in canada
Mobile L.: Drat, sorry
Hate those kindsa days
eldritch s.: also
Space (GM): hit prt sc, copypaste into paint
hey fox
(From Space (GM)): thanku
Mobile L.: You still on a Mac, Eldy?
Space (GM): mobi i'm grabbing moar ~references~ for you
Mobile L.: I like refs
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh yes?

Space (GM): you hearin this

Fawkes M. (GM): Best in the world
eldritch s.: i do not have paint
no i stopped a whike ago
Mobile L.: Ah
On a Mac you can crop while taking screenies by hitting Cmd+Shift+4
Which is handy for avatars because then you can take them perfectly square
Space (GM): woah there are like zero reference images of this area
eldritch s.: also this isn't in a crome thing
it is in its own
stupid window
Mobile L.: Dickle
(From Space (GM)):
Space (GM): past her desk, there should be a little waiting area in the same roo
m, with couches - in front of those, like a bunch of tvs
damn how'd that not get whisered
ah well
ara.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/300?cb=20150301215349 here's the exterior
of the building if that helps any at all - the office is on the 4th floor
Mobile L.: Gotcha, can do
Kickin' tunes
Space (GM): melty blood got good music
hey fawkes
Fawkes M. (GM): Yus?
Space (GM): think we'll need the temple or einzbern manor maps
Fawkes M. (GM): Won't hurt - if this is a Fuyuki game we'll prolly return
eldritch s.: i am getting
incredibly pissefd
trying to do this
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): take a break seer
Mobile L.: Eldy, yo:
eldritch s.: i already did it
Mobile L.: Ah
Space (GM): yo dudes wanna see a cool teen hangout
Mobile L.: Show them the hangle dangle
Space (GM): an american-style restaurant
guess what it is named
eldritch s.:
i love it
the dip an' fry
big jeff's house of food
Space (GM): "lumpy's"
eldritch s.: "eat it or die"
so that image i just posted
Mobile L.: That's the map?
eldritch s.: side left is arayburnu
top left is eridu
top right is rosewater
center is andal
Space (GM): wheres grenporte
eldritch s.: bottom os dale athon
Mobile L.: Hill yiss
Space (GM): i think mysterious woman is the only character who gets her own them
e song all to herself
Fawkes M. (GM): Sounds about right
eldritch s.: does the norht look like what you expected

Space (GM): i figured there'd be more landmass

Mobile L.: Lil' icier than what I'd thought
Space (GM): fox have you heard
the new op
eldritch s.: it's only the tip of a massive landmass
Fawkes M. (GM): This it?
eldritch s.: those distance are very large
Space (GM): oh yes
@seer: oooh
Fawkes M. (GM): Jazzeh
I like
eldritch s.: the cities i name are only the major ones
adan is the capital of andal
Space (GM): it from melty blood
@seer: what happened to greenport
Mobile L.: Hig asks if any of y'all are up for a Pretend You're Xxyzz
Space (GM): sure but not right this second
eldritch s.: this is right before the gods came
Space (GM): adding maps
eldritch s.: the pit is the capital of rosewater
athon is the capital of dale-athon
spiral is the capital of arayburnu
Mobile L.: Eldy and Fox, y'all up for sum offensive cards with Hig?
Fawkes M. (GM): Nah - I'm still reeling from the quarter
eldritch s.: yes
i'm so happy i got to show you all the map
that i so long plotted and schemed to achieve
Fawkes M. (GM): BRB for dinners
Mobile L.: It's a ballin' map
eldritch s.: do young gein and the vamps get a sinister theme
Space (GM): oh yes
Mobile L.: Gein's with the vampies?
eldritch s.: he had to find work somehow
it's not easy being a sketchy gaijin
Mobile L.: Does he not have the heart to torture fat/awful/violent children?
Password is "weareallfat"
eldritch s.: no
Space (GM): prolly finds the neco-arcs annoying aswell
Mobile L.: Yep yep yep!
eldritch s.: definitely
Space (GM): he just doesn't understand how amazing bubbles is
eldritch s.: space
Mobile L.: Minimalism
Mysterious Woman: my happening pad
eldritch s.: did the vampires get many goons from average joes
Space (GM): somewhat - though, if gein didn't turn sides, he'd have ended up as
one of the Dead pretty much immediately after
Mobile L.: Lucky Gein
Hey, what's Gein's living situation?
Like, where's he stay as of the game's events?
eldritch s.: he now stas
in an apartment
owned by a mobster
the irony
Mobile L.: Oohoo
Space (GM): yakuza
eldritch s.: yes a yakuza
Mobile L.: Is it crappy or okay?

eldritch s.: it's very nice

Space (GM): you know
Mobile L.: Ah
Space (GM): the fujimura family is yakuza
Mobile L.: Gotcha
eldritch s.: yes
it is owned by a fujimura
Space (GM): shirou fujimura
eldritch s.: yes
Mobile L.: Space, you reddy for CARDS yet?
Space (GM): hmm...
eldritch s.: it is like an apartment from hotline miami
Space (GM): actually shirou alreddy has a ROLE so perhasps not
@mobi: just about finished up w/ these maps
eldritch s.: shiro's adoptive cousin
Mobile L.: Hig is threatening violence, so it's expedient that you come
Space (GM): the five-oh
tell him a wizard is never late, nor is he early
Mobile L.: Dirty coppers
Space (GM): he arrives preceisely when he intends to
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: Hig is threatening to put your magic wand in an uncomfy place for you
, Space
eldritch s.: hm
Space (GM): i have a staff, damn him
eldritch s.: i am really liking just hotline miami again
Mobile L.: Hig will do the same with your staff
Hotline Miami looks kewl
Space (GM): i welcome it
already we're racking up a heckle of a lot of maps
Mobile L.: Hig says he has no problem shoving magical objects up peoples' asses
I'm gonna be giving every party member a house
Space (GM): that's enough maps for tonight - gimme the link, but stay here, as f
ox will return soonish
Mobile L.: A'ight
eldritch s.: gein's
Mobile L.: password is "weareallfat"
Fawkes M. (GM): I am hear
Space (GM): gein is biker, is he
Mobile L.: Ritzy
Space (GM): oh hello fox
eldritch s.: only smaller
and with less people
Space (GM): urge.... to biker... increasing...
eldritch s.: good
space you will like hotline miami 2 very much
Space (GM): howo so
eldritch s.: they really
and do interesting things with the gameplay
Space (GM): sweet
Mobile L.: Hig isn't getting any younger
eldritch s.: and the soundtrack is nice as usual
Space (GM): [11:25:31 PM] You are connected as thespacephantom
[11:25:32 PM] Error: Your session has expired. Refresh the page.
[11:25:32 PM] Error: The server seems to have restarted. Any in-progress games h

ave been lost.

[11:25:32 PM] Error: You will need to refresh the page to start a new game.
[11:26:02 PM] Error: Not registered. Refresh the page
Mobile L.: Shit
Close the tab and try again?
That sux
eldritch s.: i have been getting constant connection things
Mobile L.: Same
Space (GM): oh shit someone's username is hououin kyouma
Mobile L.: Hig's gonna try remaking it
eldritch s.: did higg just leave
Mobile L.: Stay tuned, kids
Password is "spaceisfat"
Space (GM): rude
Mac D.: you assholes i thought we were in fothe
Space (GM): why are we doing fothe
it's 12:22 am
Mac D.: seer told me to come to The Place
i assumed that place was fothe
wait are you guys somewhere ELSE now
i'm following some fucking breadcrumb
eldritch s.: i inteded to do fothe
Space (GM): all i know is that if we start anything at this hour i'll die
eldritch s.: i mean we all said
Mac D.: but space it's the weekend
eldritch s.: "yeah, today will work"
Mac D.: hardcore allnighters
Space (GM): i never said that
eldritch s.: "that's good"
you sure as the devil did
Mac D.: did i say that
i don't remember saying that
Space (GM): i had hoped we were gonna do a fate session tonight but olive had to
go to bed
Mac D.: i don't remember any discussion of the sort happening i was playing king
dom hearts and wario world
also is this some kind of principal's office
Space (GM): no it's a business office
Mac D.: o
for what business
eldritch s.: you know
fothe has gotten very little time lately
being forced to scrounge on weeknights
Space (GM): that's when all the other roll20s are
*wait i misread
eldritch s.: it's nearly over
so i would appreciate being alloted some time to
Mac D.: space can you make Big Boss in Alpha Protocl
eldritch s.: you know
see it done with
Space (GM): you can give the main character a hella mountain man beard
eldritch s.: i always give him the beard
Mac D.: how bout an eyepatch
Space (GM): nope, but he can have hella shades
Mac D.: damn!....
i'll have to settle for naked snake then
is this the ponos's final form

eldritch s.: maybe

Space (GM): it seems spaz is up to her old tricks again and that talk i had did
basically nothing
Mac D.: space what happened to guillame
eldritch s.: i mean like it's jjust frustrating to have fothe completely stalled
because i have been working on plans for it
Space (GM): i got tired that's what happened
Mac D.: "c
Space (GM): @seer: you had a session last night
Mac D.: also what talk
eldritch s.: a short one
missing a player
Mac D.: an eventful one, however
asses were shot and vagoos were punted
Space (GM): i wouldn't call it completely stalled
or even stalled at all tbh
forsooth, that's stalled
fothe ain't stalled
eldritch s.: it's progress is slower and more unreliable than fate
it was supposed to be a more even split
i mean as a coutesy to higg i'd like to get it moved as soon as possible because
i don't like jerking him around
Space (GM): like did yesterday not count or something
eldritch s.: it was a shorter session missing a player
Space (GM): i told you guys to go on without me
Mac D.: and we did
eldritch s.: it was still missing
a player
Mac D.: and we finished the fight
the group is now transitioning into the final confrontation
which by the way is where zoro and gil are
Space (GM): is it where the boss with 6,666 hp is because i am sure as hell not
wanting to start that at 12 am
eldritch s.: no
it wasn't
Mac D.: oh is it the final final boss who has six hundred hp
eldritch s.: there was another encounter before the final one
Mac D.: oh ok
eldritch s.: but evidently we will not be beginning that encounter tonight
whether or not it will occur tomorrow either i suppose will be a surprise
Space (GM): since olive wasn't able to do it tonight i was gonna try and do it w
ith everyone tomorrow
eldritch s.: now i have to ask
is romance dusk going to be advanced
that thing has not moved an inch in weeks
Mac D.: don't rush me DAD
eldritch s.: also
fine, we can do it tomorrow
but i have to know, am i just a fucking horrible gm, i have to prod everyone to
get them to post in lumpy's, you seem to have some aversion to fothe, i would ci
nerely like to get to the base of the issue here
i'm not fishing for compliments i do not want a compliment
Space (GM): probably part of it is me being salty over olive heading to bed when
i was looking forward to doing fate all day
eldritch s.: part of why i seem like i have been molested by a lobster is becuas
e a. i am tried b. i am also salty about not getting fothe done
Space (GM): as fothe is nearing the end, so too is fate
we're prolly both getting antsy about it

eldritch s.: i looked up impasse and found this
but it isn't an impasse, white loses
white mvoes first, and you habe to move
black takes the white king
Mac D.: i looked away for five seconds and the chat is now full of tl;dr's about
eldritch s.: that was barely two sentences
Space (GM):
ndxl6wb2TQ1tw4bpso1_500.png what's your spooky halloween name
eldritch s.: that was about the same length as your response
Mac D.: nice sinister soup
fuck that i wanted to be dong demon
Space (GM): a big freaking dong demon
eldritch s.: pebble egg
Space (GM): hey duff
g56d0o1_500.gif what anime is this from
eldritch s.: penis anime
first you download
hentai onto your computer
Space (GM):
nkq65oBNPd1u4sfh8o1_500.gif suicidal anime girl
eldritch s.: now you hunt for more anime
to satiate your lust
Space (GM): this is just random stuff on my tumblr dash
eldritch s.: and select from them, your waifus
the soundtrack to hotline miami 2
is three hours long
Mac D.: that first gif i want to say is baccano
don't quote me on that thought
suicidal anime girl is Love Live
Space (GM): tell me about both of these
eldritch s.: "that first gif i want to say is baccano"
Space (GM):
Mac D.: baccano is this pretty well-known anime that takes place in prohibitionera america
that's all i really know about it
eldritch s.: there's a train
Mac D.: love live is a harmless multimedia thing about idols
eldritch s.: and a crazy motherfucker who likes killing people
Mac D.: i think it started out as a mobile game series???
Fawkes M. (GM): It's supposedly Japan's new craze
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: ask chris he is the king of sachrine anime
he will know
Space (GM): that's true
eldritch s.: for a moment i thought i said sacchrine anus
Mac D.: you shouldn't drink late at night
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: sleep deprivation has similar effects to being drunk
i can type this sentence with my eyes closed
i just did it
wow i am actually impressed

muscle memory
Space (GM): psh
i can do that
Mac D.: there's another popular idol thing called idolm@ster which is apparently
the cashest shit
i primarily remember it for this
Space (GM): my ears
eldritch s.: i am afraidf to click on it
Fawkes M. (GM): Space, whatever the hell you do
Mac D.: loadingu loadingu
Fawkes M. (GM): Do NOT add that to our Jukebox
eldritch s.: my spelling is worse with my eyes open
this is unacceptable
see in text posts my typos tend to be ironed out
it is in these posts they come readily apparent
also for the millionth time THE MAP
Space (GM): i don't understand what
i'm watching
Mac D.:
eldritch s.: let me listen to the hotline miami soundtrack in eace
Mac D.: i can feel the patriotism in that girl's voice
she is a real american
fight for the rights of every man
Space (GM): powerful like a hamburg
Mac D.: you know who else is powerful like a hamburg
Space (GM): freedom
fox are you still awake
you should add bios while we're discussing anime bullshit
Fawkes M. (GM): Ooh, yas
I made a Faiga Tujimura one
eldritch s.: no one talks to me about the blood sweat and tears i put into sword
swallow lore i refuse to write down
Space (GM): amazing
Mac D.:
Space (GM): @seer: maybe you should WRITE THEM DOWN
Mac D.: i think i'm just going to dump hulk hogan shit
Fawkes M. (GM): Heehee
eldritch s.: no one talks to me peroid
Space (GM): randy savage is cooler
@seer: you USEd to talk to me.............................................
what changed about me seer......................................................
am i not good engouh...........................
oh hey duff did you hear
Mac D.:
hear what
Space (GM): i won a waifu fight with fox
eldritch s.: i don't know
as you can see from that map
Fawkes M. (GM): grumble grumble
eldritch s.: the south east of the north is fertile
and lush
along with the islands in the inner sea
Mac D.:
oh you did

tell me about the waifu war

Space (GM): @seer: what about the north east of the south
@duff: gimme a sec
loading while we wait
eldritch s.: probably lush
Space (GM): @duff: who wins
@seer: that's pretty sexy
arable farmland gives me a boner
Mac D.: well damn
who's the woman in the glasses
Touko Aozaki: the coolest character in kara no kyoukai
eldritch s.: the inner sea
which contains dale-athon
is at a higher elevation
than most of hte north
Space (GM): wouldn't the water flow downwards then
eldritch s.: yes
it's been sealed up by several damming efforts
the whole area didn;t always
Mac D.: how is she cool
eldritch s.: be a sea
that didn't work grammatically
Space (GM): she's a badass and is a rad character with rad behavior, and kills a
dude with a familiar that appears to be a cat but is actually a void made of th
ousands of mouths
@seer: what did it be before
eldritch s.: it was more wide open land, probably lots of mountains
Mac D.: idunno space
eldritch s.: probably a few lakes
Mac D.: she's got the LOOK
eldritch s.: i say a few
a lot
Mac D.: but saber's got the PERSONALITY
Space (GM): land of a thousand lakes
eldritch s.: now it is just an inner sea
Space (GM): @duff: no touko has a better personality
eldritch s.: because of springs
Space (GM): both mobile and seer voted for her
Mac D.: sounds like you're full of shit
eldritch s.: and dams
i imagine these beautiful landscape
Mac D.: sabah reigns supreme
eldritch s.: full of high mountaisns and plateaus
and lon their bases
Space (GM): fox prove it to duff
Fawkes M. (GM): Seer didn't vote
eldritch s.: lush forests and rivers and lakes al laround
i did
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh what
I thought you remained neutral in the waifu war
eldritch s.: i betrayed you
Mac D.: what a backstabber
Space (GM): even seer canot resist

Mac D.: you think i'm gonna let a smoker into my house
Fawkes M. (GM): D-:
Mac D.: fuck that go stink up your own joint
Space (GM): this isn't your house this is shiki's
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): jesus looking mildly creeped there
Mac D.: jesus just kind of looks nonplussed
also i'm not gonna go with a girl just because she can beat up demon cats
eldritch s.: also
how is he here
if saber took out both of his eues
and his arm
Space (GM): how is who here
Mac D.: glasses indicate poor eyesight
eldritch s.: and decapitated him
Space (GM): @duff: those glasses block her mystic eyes
@seer: why would he do that
to such a nice guy
Mac D.: oh so she has THOSE too
eldritch s.: because he was possessed by roa
Mac D.: i smell rull 63 wish fullfilment
Space (GM): mikiya kokutou was never possessed by roa
@duff: wh
eldritch s.: don't start with me
Mikiya Kokutou: i am not shiki tohno
Mac D.: lack of regal attire suggest filthy peasantry status
Space (GM): wait a minute
duff loks down on the peasantry
gilgamesh looks down on the peasantry
duff has a crush on saber
gilgamesh has a cursh on saber
Mac D.: smoking habit indicates a less-than-ideal willpower and lack of self con
she's got "Yusuke's Mum" written aaaall over her
Mikiya Kokutou: i also smoke
Mac D.: typical
Mysterious Woman: smokings for chumps
eldritch s.: which idealology would andal be more likely to take
Mysterious Woman: know what i do to chumps
stab em
eldritch s.: freedom or autocracy
Gein Mender: freedom
Mac D.: post-yeman or pre-yeman
Youngish Gein: freedom
eldritch s.: pre
Youngish Gein: don't speak as me, space
Space (GM): seer you can't just vote for yourself thats not fair
Kazuma Kuwabara: yeah who would do such a thing
Mac D.: isn't autocracy a self-run governmet
i.e: free
Avenger: no
Neco-Arc Bubbles: not in the context of civilization 5! not in the context of ci
vilization 5! not in the context of civilization 5!
Mac D.: oh i googled it
Faiga Tujimura: Eww
Mac D.: wasn't andal already an autocracy anyway
Avenger: also it is the exact opposite in real lfie
Neco-Arc Bubbles: get your goddamn mustache outta here

Avenger: but in the definitions of cive five

Space (GM): hey duff
Avenger: napoleon was emperor
Mac D.: yes
Space (GM): how come neco-arc bubbles isn't your waifu
Avenger: but he is the image of freedom
Faiga Tujimura: But I have Inalienable Moustache Rights
Mac D.: do i look like i'm into bestiality
Neco-Arc Bubbles: not in this country
Space (GM): @duff: disgusting
Faiga Tujimura: Oh I'm sorry
I thought this was AMERICA
Neco-Arc Bubbles: no
its japan
Mac D.: don't you mean
Neco-Arc Bubbles: no i mean disgusting
Avenger: i think autocracy
Mac D.: you're such a killjoy bubbles
Neco-Arc Bubbles: too many urameshi
Avenger: what do you think space
Neco-Arc Bubbles: auto
Faiga Tujimura: Urameshis
You must VOUCH for our Mustcahe Rights
nents.gif/revision/latest?cb=20141228172243 freedom
if/revision/latest?cb=20141228172533 autocracy
Yusuke Urameshi: disgusting
nts.gif/revision/latest?cb=20141228172426 order
Yusuke Urameshi: i'm hiding
Space (GM): look around duff
eldritch s.: arayburnu and dale-athon are order
Mac D.: oh
eldritch s.: rosewater and andal are autocracy
Mac D.: oooooooooooooooh sHIT
eldritch s.: eridu is freedom
Mac D.: is this tomorrow
Space (GM): whattdya say guys
Mac D.: yes
eldritch s.: i would like this
Neco-Arc D: Then, so it shall be....
Mac D.: where is deidre and sakur
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Youngish Gein: What Neco be?
Space (GM): ah, good
i had forgotten
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Mac D.: the substory should start from their perspective
as a prologue
Neco-Arc Bubbles: fox - wanna do some hasty 1:30 am writing of a prologue
Mac D.: the answer is yes
Neco-Arc Bubbles: why are the children here at night
Mac D.: super detention
Neco-Arc Bubbles: is it one of those sleepover/lockin things
Youngish Gein: there is a storm
Neco-Arc Bubbles: i had one of those at shcool

Youngish Gein: caused by fucking

Mac D.: OH
Space (GM): oh my god
Space (GM): wait
then that wouldn't work
Mac D.: rider's ability fucked up the weather in the city
Space (GM): if sakura and deidre were there
Youngish Gein: they are being kept in anyway
Mac D.: so now the weather's been crazy the past few days
Space (GM): ooh, ok
Youngish Gein: just to be sure the storm doesn't pick back up
Mac D.: what are they doing in the kindergarten, space
Youngish Gein: i kind of want
a hotline miami-ish character
you know what i mean
Space (GM): hey guys
fnun family
Youngish Gein: the kind of guy who belongs there
Mac D.: pfffft
caps touko being a cool dude en espanol
did you guys died
Faiga Tujimura: I art here
Youngish Gein: yes
Fawkes M. (GM): No wait I art here
Mac D.: i am alive
space did i ever show you anything from Sword of the Stranger
Fawkes M. (GM): Mainly recapping myself
On Still Night
Space (GM): a-are you guys watching my vids....
no i dont think so
Mac D.:
Fawkes M. (GM): I watched the first one
Kirei sounds a lot more lively
Mac D.: samurai saves a shota then has a swordfight with a german
Space (GM): that sounds weird
Mac D.: are you watching the vide
Space (GM): yes
doggy no
Youngish Gein: good nught
Mac D.: are you at the sick MLG sword throw
Space (GM): ue
Mac D.: does that mean yes
Space (GM): yes
the dog's okay
Mac D.: doge will live
Space (GM): C:
this is pretty sweet
how come ive never heard of it before
Mac D.: because you're lame
Space (GM): his hand

Mac D.: the bad guys took a drug that prevents them from feeling pain
well except the german
Space (GM): ooooh
Mac D.: because he's an honolabu man
Space (GM): "haven't you lived long enough, old man"
that's a good line i'm stealing it
Mac D.: isn't his voice amazing
Space (GM): hells yes it is
that was sweet
Mac D.: aw ye
on of my favorite animu fight scenes ever
aiight i'm gettin off the den computer and headin up to bed
Space (GM): aaaite
Mac D.: it's three in the morning jesus christ
Space (GM): nite duff
Fawkes M. (GM): So
Space (GM): yo
Clara Testarossa: Goddangit I was gonna comment on the fucking song
Space (GM): hoho
Clara Testarossa: oh god
We still need to use that Other Song for its Intended Usage in Still Night
Space (GM): yessssss
Avenger: Badoopadoop
Space (GM):
watch this please
Fawkes M. (GM): Better than Archer and Kirei
Space (GM):
Fawkes M. (GM): Amazing
Trying it out and - it actually ain't bad
Space (GM): switch to eric's voice
Fawkes M. (GM): Still beats Archer
Space (GM): this is amazing holy ufck
Rejoice. Em-ee-ya Shyro. For your wish has finally come true.
Fawkes M. (GM): I know that my redeemer LAIves
Space (GM): oh my god yes
A mul buries a tree, kuaburas a man
Fawkes M. (GM): THIS. Is tha way tha whirled ends!
Space (GM): Do a bar-rel rollll.
Fawkes M. (GM): can't LET YOU do THAT, Star Fox.
Space (GM): I did NOT hit her. it's NOT true! It's BULLshit! I did NOT hit her.
I did NOT. Ohhh himark.
All eeeevils in thuh WURLD? Bring THRICE that if - you - wish to stein ME
Fawkes M. (GM): What the FACK did you just FACKing did you SAY about me, you lit
tle bitch? I'll HAAVE you know I graduated top of my CLASS - and the navy seals,
and I've been involved in numerous secret trades in Al Kwaieeda, and I have OVE
R 300 cahnfirmed kills.
Space (GM): oh my good
Fawkes M. (GM): Not enough space for the gorilla warfare bit, sadly
Space (GM): :c
this program is lovely
a treasure
Fawkes M. (GM): A Noble Phantasm
Space (GM): let's brainstorm stuff
Fawkes M. (GM): Yus
To the Skype?
Space (GM): yyeeee
Fawkes M. (GM): What the desu did you just fucking desu about me, you little des
u? Ill have you know I graduated top of my desu in the Navy Desus, and Ive been in

volved in numerous secret desus on Al-Desu, and I have over 300 confirmed desus.
I am trained in desu warfare and Im the top desu in the entire US armed desu. Yo
u are nothing to me but just another desu. I will desu you the fuck out with des
u the likes of which has never been seen before on this desu, mark my fucking de
su. You think you can get away with saying that desu to me over the desu? Think
again, desu. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of desu across the US
A and your desu is being traced right now so you better prepare for the spam, ma
ggot. The spam that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your desu. Youre
fucking desu, kid. I can be desu, desu, and I can desu you in over desu ways, a
nd thats just with my bare desu. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed des
u, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Desu and I will
use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable desu off the face of the desu,
you little desu. If only you could have known what unholy desu your little desu co
mment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking d
esu. But you desu, you desu, and now youre desu, you goddamn desu. I will shit de
su all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking desu, kiddo.
Space (GM): kawaii as f
Fawkes M. (GM): Hullo
eldritch s.: hey there
i am downloading civ 5 mods
Fawkes M. (GM): Ooh, nice
Of which sort?
eldritch s.: all of them
i love these civs
canada civ
Fawkes M. (GM): Are there Fate mods among them?
eldritch s.: haven t seen any yet
Fawkes M. (GM): Keep your eyes skyward
eldritch s.: aha
i found it
Fawkes M. (GM): Excellente
eldritch s.: gilgamesh s sumeria
arturia s britain
archer s japan
Fawkes M. (GM): Rider, Caster, and Berserker are all Greece?
eldritch s.: lancer js jreland
rider has greece
Fawkes M. (GM): Icy
eldritch s.: canada vs sumeria
Fawkes M. (GM): Can you beat the King of Heroes and his Economic Disaster of Bab
eldritch s.: canada is a veery diplomatic civ
Fawkes M. (GM): Gil has A-rank Charisma
eldritch s.: they will try to talk each other out of their pants
Fawkes M. (GM): A fight for the books
eldritch s.: "no, i will bang you"
"mongrel, only i can bang myself"
Fawkes M. (GM): Canon
I must depart
eldritch s.: bye
Space (GM): yo
MrEForEccentric: MY FACE
Lol Taiga in disguise
Faiga Tujimura: what is this disguise
Young Tsubasa: Girls don t have moustaches...
Faiga Tujimura: do you want to get put in the "time-out apple" again
Young Tsubasa: Yes. It s my only refuge from morons.
Faiga Tujimura: THAT DOES IT
Narrator: Young Tsubasa is entrapped within the time-out apple

Young Tsubasa: Victory is mine...!

Narrator: But, she is not alone...!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hi! Hi! Hi!
Young Tsubasa: Wha-?
Oh no
MrEForEccentric: Mobile
Mobile L.: Yoooo
Mapping outside areas and not using preset terrain patterns is hard
Space (GM): look
MrEForEccentric: Oh shit
Pedo Kotomine
Space (GM): keep him away from the children
MrEForEccentric: Don t have the kids meals
Space (GM): oh RIGHT
Mobile L.: Non-gaijin pedophile terrorist
Space (GM): i gotta adjust tsubasa s stats
we were gonna have everyone start at 0 to everything, with -1 to their weakness
and slowly build up in strangth
Mobile L.: Tsubabby
Space (GM): she s in the time-out apple right now
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Mobile L.: Eehee
Was she naughty?
Space (GM): -1, 3, 2, 1
MrEForEccentric: She saw through Taiga s disguise
And then when threatened with the Time Out apple, she said it was her only refug
e from morons
Mobile L.: Just like a young detective
Ahahaha, the apple being used for time-outs
F kin perf
I can t stop giggling
MrEForEccentric: Azumo is amazed
Mobile L.: "A... a entire apple?"
MrEForEccentric: It has a window
Young Tsubasa death glares from the window
Young Tsubasa what s this? Tsubasa is evolving...!
Mobile L.: (Pogeyman music)
Young Tsubasa turned into....!
Tsubasa Juufuku TSUBASA!
Tsubasa Juufuku: What in the fuc- how did I grow up so fast. One damn effective
time out apple...
Neco-Arc D: The plan was a success.
Tsubasa Juufuku: What plan...!?
Why am I so small!?
Oh- I just grew
Neco-Arc D: Ohohoho...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Stop stepping on my head
Space (GM): asumu is just boggling
Tsubasa Juufuku tokes
Mobile L.: Confused lil babby
Tsubasa Juufuku: I see everythiiiiing
Mobile L.: Oh man
I mma sound like an OCD headcase here
But Space, can you stretch the map down like, one or two squares? It looks a bit

Tsubasa Juufuku runs out of school because she is now old enough to be getting a
Tsubasa Juufuku: Stop following meeee...!
Space (GM): x axis or y axis
Mobile L.: Y axis
Space (GM): izzat better
Tsubasa Juufuku: I wanna be young again
Mobile L.: Okay, yes
Much better
Tsubasa Juufuku: TIME OUT APPLE, HELP ME!
Mobile L.: Thank you
Young Tsubasa: Yaaaay
I don t have to be a druggie yet...!
Mobile L.: Bwaaaaaaa
Mobile L.: This cacophany
Space (GM): excuse me while i grab a link
MrEForEccentric: Put on Tsubasa s theme
Space (GM): duff showed this last night
Mobile L.: Holy Jesus
MrEForEccentric: Oh no
Mobile L.: I think I have AIDS now
Mobile L.: ~
Space (GM): isn t it kawaii
She sounds like LaLa from the fuckin Teletubbies
MrEForEccentric: space
I have provided a soundcloud
of Tsubasa s theme
oh yeh
Young Tsubasa: ..!!?
Mobile L.: Hot damn, Tsubasa
That s boppin
Aggressively boppin
MrEForEccentric: Perfect
Mobile L.: Olive, I think you may have the best music taste in the whole thread,
and this is no exaggeration
MrEForEccentric: Hee
Mobile L.: Aaaaaa stranger danger
The final stages of Kotomine
Young Tsubasa: PEDO, NO PEDO-ING
Mobile L.: Squad
Space (GM): a large contingent of npcs
Mobile L.: A gaggle
Young Tsubasa: I haven t smoked...
MrEForEccentric: Also- I think I can safely say I don t have perfect taste. I th
ink some people would disagree with me on Dynasty Warriors OST
Because I fucking love it
Mobile L.: Oh God no
MrEForEccentric: Dat church

Young Gunther: squad B\

Space (GM): large squad
Mobile L.: Huh, that s not bad
MrEForEccentric: Wei is best kingdom Hopeful pain tho...
Mobile L.: I see nothing wrong with that soundtrack
MrEForEccentric: I just think it might not be in some people s taste
MrEForEccentric: Though this is also
a good track
Why are both Tsubakas here
Mobile L.: Giant squad
MrEForEccentric: Anyway
Oh the older Tsubasa is here
I mean gone
Mobile L.: Fuch, I want to FG but am impoverished for inspo
Young Tsubasa: S-stop looking at me like that Azumo-chan...
Space (GM): have gunther harass circuit
12% on my download
MrEForEccentric: I have Chen Gong outside as well.
Space (GM): 242 minutes left
MrEForEccentric: Or rather
Space (GM): ;~;
MrEForEccentric: Chen Dong
Space (GM): dong
Mobile L.: Effin hell
MrEForEccentric: Cause he always slays pink with his STRATEGIES...! STRATEGY!
Mobile L.: Expand strategdong
MrEForEccentric: His voice
Perfect smug prick
Mobile L.: Smug a f
MrEForEccentric: MASTER Lu Bu
Hey Space, you should make one of the Vampire NPCs literally Chen Gong
Space (GM): hot
MrEForEccentric: Literally Chen Gong- his genius shall be revered throughout the
Mobile L.: Also make one literally Tommy Wiseau
Because of how he answered that one AMA
Space (GM): he s at the blood church
Mobile L.: Most Precious Blood
MrEForEccentric: "In the next life, my name, my genius, shall be revered through
out the land!"
Space (GM): where is seer........................................
MrEForEccentric: who nose
MrEForEccentric: YOU
Mac D.: yes it is i
Mobile L.: Yooooooo
MrEForEccentric: AAAAA
Mac D.: calm down
MrEForEccentric: ok
Mac D.: hahahahahahahahahahahaaha
Mobile L.: Fate/Yu Yu Hakusho
Space (GM): it is our gm
Fawkes M. (GM): Hai gaiz
Mac D.: foooox

ah missed uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Mobile L.: The man of the hour
Space (GM): 17%, 226 minutes left
MrEForEccentric: Yay
Mobile L.: This is such a wonderful theme song
MrEForEccentric: Now we just need Seer
Space (GM): now
we re just waiting on
Azureberry J.: Yar hey!
Space (GM): while we wait for him get to worok on CHARACTER BIOGRAPHIES (disrega
rd if you have writ one alreddy)
Mobile L.: Ooh
Yes, I gotta crank one out
MrEForEccentric: Hee
Mac D.: oh jesus i need to shrink these images
is everyone okay where did you go
Mobile L.: I m here
MrEForEccentric: I am multitasking
Fawkes M. (GM): Space and I are CONFERRING
Mobile L.: Did the names blink out or sum
MrEForEccentric: Suddenly three characters all taken up in the FG
Mobile L.: I m making a map r/n
Space (GM): names are still here
Azureberry J.: Duff;
Mobile L.: Just wondering
Mac D.: hyes jam
Azureberry J.: OI have a conundrum. Which Seregios thing should I make first?
Mac D.: the great sword of course
Azureberry J.: I knew you were gonna say that.
Space (GM): red
MrEForEccentric: Redness everywhere
Mac D.: you know i find it funny that DmC Definitive Edition coming out has made
people come out of the woodwork again decrying the fanbase for daring to say th
e game wasn t great
when the game is literally "DMC: We Are Really, Really, Really Sorry Edition"
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa has 1000 health
Yuuka: hello kuwabara
Young Kuwabara: BUH
who s that who s thhere
Yuuka: it s me kuwabara
Young Kuwabara: who are you
are you....GOD
Yuuka: yes
Young Kuwabara: is this the rapture am i dead
Yuuka: yeah
it s probably tsubasa s falt
Young Kuwabara: that damn girl i knew she was conspiring against me
i died of COOTIES
Yuuka: now you re a ghost detective
like in that television show yu yu hakusho
Faiga Tujimura: I thought the general rule was to blame every calamity on Chet
Young Kuwabara: never heard of it
Azureberry J.: Oh that. Honestly. I don t think the game is THAT bad. But I just
think about who made it and I cannot help but angry a little. Tameem hurt his o
wn game worse than Twitter post of internet forum.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: god fucken dammit chet

Yuuka: it s pretty popular

Faiga Tujimura: Iknorite?
Mac D.: it s an okay god of war game
Space (GM): the time-out apple
MrEForEccentric: The best time-outs
Where Tsubasa goes for tokin
Mac D.: those who are sent to the time out apple
Space (GM): fucking stoners
Mac D.: they come out....changed
MrEForEccentric: Already made that joke
Azureberry J.: But its all good now because we have DMC4;Really sorry with a che
rry on top edition.
Young Tsubasa: Choo choo motherfuckers
Fawkes M. (GM): Is Tsubasa a stoner at this age still?
Mac D.: i hope they add more to it than just a vergil mode
like say
Young Tsubasa: Of course I am
Mac D.: finishing the game
Young Tsubasa: Family mandated tokin
Faiga Tujimura: Your family uses drugs
Azureberry J.: Yes a second half would be a good thing. The first half was amazi
Faiga Tujimura: And winners don t use drugs
Quid pro quo
Mac D.: is her tiny body not yet adjusted to the sick oracle ganja yet
Young Tsubasa: My body is very well adjusted to getting high
Young Asumu: Waaaah who is this? That outfit.....
Young Kuwabara: I can t believe it!....I have become...
Kazuma Kuwabara: A MAN.
Azureberry J.: BRB tryinf out Cheddar Blade.
Young Gunther: Wow, that s me, except older.
I guess I m really...
Gunther: ...Beside myself.
Young Gunther: Heh.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I can hear your lame jokes from here. They suck.
Young Gunther high-fives his older self
Gunther: Someone s jealous.
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, you re jealous because you can t get high on what I get hig
h on.
Young Gunther: I m high on
Gunther: life.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Drink some molten gold. It ll do wonders for your serious case
of life.
Gunther: You re no fun.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I am PLENTY of fun.
Young Gunther: You re aggressively anti-fun.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well you just don t find what I FIND fun
Gunther: Because it s boring. You could be emulating actually decent stoners, li
ke Cheech and Chong, but you aren t.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- I m a detective. I ain t got time for music.
Mac D.: where is space
Space (GM): yo
Young Gunther: The cast of Scooby Doo had time for music.
Mac D.: are we DOIN THIS
oh wait seer
Space (GM): we are waiting on seer

Mobile L.: Seeeeeeer

Mac D.: has he made his presence known anywhere
Space (GM): no
MrEForEccentric: He might be playing civ or something
Mac D.: is he on steam
Space (GM): bug him on steam
MrEForEccentric: He isn t
Space (GM): damn
MrEForEccentric: Offline 15 minutes ago
Mobile L.: :<
Mac D.: somebody pull him out of the bottom of the bottle and drag him in here
Azureberry J.: Oh. Oh my god.
Mac D.: wat
Azureberry J.: This Cheddar Blade has me sexually aroused.
Mac D.: uh HUH
Azureberry J.: I killed a great Jaggi in three hits,
MrEForEccentric: You shouldn t feel that way about a fictional sword
Azureberry J.: STFU. I m marrying this thing.
MrEForEccentric: Damn.
Azureberry J.: Gunther s sprite looks like he has tow heads.
Mobile L.: He reproduces by budding
Azureberry J.: *ywo
Gunther: A little two late to correct that typo.
Azureberry J.: Why can t I spell2?
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa got less kawaii as she got older
Mac D.: kuwabara got MORE kawaii
MrEForEccentric: Her hair also darkens
Mobile L.: Kawaiibara
MrEForEccentric: The Tsubasas are charging their attacks
Getting ready to grab balls
Mobile L.: Think I got me a bio
Czech it
Fawkes M. (GM): Haah
I love it
Space (GM): that s cash
Mobile L.: Yey
Olga is a bit of a psycho
MrEForEccentric: I like it
I pre-made my bio
Mobile L.: *Olivia, doy
MrEForEccentric: in my Tsubasa hype
Fawkes M. (GM): Stanislav is BENEVOLENCE
Mobile L.: That s a good, sturdy bio
MrEForEccentric: BENEVOLENCE!?
Mobile L.: Stanislav is also pretty amoral, but he s not like gung-ho pro-Grail
MrEForEccentric: You pathetic imbecile! Who wants to live in a world based on id
ealistic garbage!?
Mobile L.: He just wants mo money
Stanislav also collects lizards
Fawkes M. (GM): Does he have any mercenary skulls in his collection?
Mobile L.: No, just GLORIOUS LIZARDS
MrEForEccentric: Any Komodos
Mobile L.: Maybe one day, when he makes his comedy fortune
He has a strange, almost eugenicist fascination with how beautiful and efficient
and STRONG lizards are
No one knows why

Mobile L.: wow homophobic

chek ur prvlge
MrEForEccentric: OH NO
Mobile L.: YES
MrEForEccentric: v
Mobile L.: Iiiii DON t belieeeve iN maaaaaaaaGIIIC*.
Mobile L.: Olivia and Stanislav are also cheating on one another
MrEForEccentric: The voice break-ing
Mobile L.: And each they know that their spouse is cheating, but they don t know
that the other knows
Space (GM): 34%
181 minutes left
this download...
Mobile L.: Fawk
MrEForEccentric: Feel the power of m
Mobile L.: mejeckkkk
MrEForEccentric: The hand waving
Compare those cutscenes to this much later installment:
Jia Xu is the best
Mobile L.: (shrug)
Mac D.: space what are you even downloading
MrEForEccentric: His shrug is the best shrug
Space (GM): medal of honor frontline
Mobile L.: \_()_/
Space (GM):
MrEForEccentric: The reason Xihaou dun is the most badass:
Space (GM):
i eat weeds and trees
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa
Fawkes M. (GM): If she ever enters the FG
That should be her title
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Space (GM): fucking stoners
MrEForEccentric: I feel so informed
Space (GM):
MrEForEccentric: uwot
Space (GM):
MrEForEccentric: Up next: Sex robots of the future.
Something tells me we have something to show Trip
Space (GM):
roll call who all is here
MrEForEccentric: I am here
Mobile L.: Meeee
Fawkes M. (GM): Boop
Mac D.: i am not seer
MrEForEccentric: updated my journal
Space (GM): okay everyone go in the discussion thread and scream for seer to arr
MrEForEccentric: Ow jesus christ pain in my ear
it is midnight

I am successful
MrEForEccentric: Look- Seer is here
Aren t you seer
Space (GM): hallelujah
Mobile L.: Yo
But wait where duff
MrEForEccentric: God
Space (GM): he will return
Mac D.: my internet collapsed but i live again
MrEForEccentric: yay
Are we all here
Fawkes M. (GM): Hyesh
Space (GM): i think jam s dead
Mobile L.: Frenz
MrEForEccentric: just checkin
Azureberry J.: Nah.
MrEForEccentric: so, are we all here
Mobile L.: Eldy, say something
Azureberry J.: Nah.
MrEForEccentric: damn
Space (GM): brb phonecall
Mobile L.: I m making yer map r/n
Space (GM): seer is here, but he is not here
MrEForEccentric: I got him to come here
Mac D.: schrondinger s canadian drunk
MrEForEccentric: But he is not speaking
Azureberry J.: Yo Space.
Space (GM): ya
eldritch s.: i was doing things
i n eager to attempt to play a modded game of civ
Azureberry J.: You think it would be too much trouble to change the avvie of you
ng asumu?
Mac D.: you re doing THIS NOW
Space (GM): we re literally about to start
Azureberry J.: Kay.
MrEForEccentric: yes
Mac D.: let the show begin
eldritch s.:
latest?cb=20150320223456 moustache
Narrator: It is dark outside - night has fallen in Fuyuki City. With the forthco
ming storm, those who live near the Tiny Apple Elementary School have all gone h
ome early. But, those whose homes are far away, must reluctantly stay the night
in this school, guided by their substitute teacher, Faiga Tujimura.
Mac D.: is
is that our cue
Space (GM): hold on there s frantic messaging
Mac D.: k
Mobile L.: (waits warmly)
Mac D.: is gunther like "i m fifteen years old what the fuck am i doing in kinde
Mobile L.: Held back a grade or two
Faiga Tujimura: Alright, children! I hope none of you are strangers to sleepover

s or the like-!
Faiga Tujimura sounds enthused
Gunther: I am.
Narrator: Additionally - two small children are in the library, playing with mod
el trains.
Young Gunther: Oop, I said that
Young Kuwabara is sitting crosslegged on a pillow, HUFFING in frustration
Young Tsubasa plays with dem fuckin trains
Young Kuwabara: Man, this is the pits!
Faiga Tujimura: ...Oh.
Asumu Mizono: Choo Choo!
Young Kuwabara: There was a killer episode of Super Robot Rodeo tonight, too.
Young Tsubasa: Choo choo...? These don t look like steam trains...
Young Gunther: ...Heh. Pits.
Young Kuwabara: And I gotta spend it in school!
Faiga Tujimura: Well, Gunther - you know how your friends sometimes have these c
ool houses that you really want to stay in?
Young Asumu: Oh....
Young Gunther: No.
Young Tsubasa: It s more like- chugga chugga...
Young Gunther picks his nose nonchalantly
Young Asumu: Hm...
Narrator: In another room, a foreigner enters with his new boss, hoping that thi
s strange enterprise will go well...
Faiga Tujimura: ...Eh? What about a play date?
Young Kuwabara: How is this like a cool friend s house? School is super-boring!
Youngish Gein: So, what will doing
Neco-Arc Evolution: Awright, awright... heh heh, man, this is gonna be good...
Young Gunther: You re right about that.
Young Tsubasa looks at the trains
Young Tsubasa: Hmm...
Faiga Tujimura: Good!
Young Asumu: I got steam tain at home.
Youngish Gein: The clarity of goals is lacked.
Faiga Tujimura: Then you can think of this as a play date as long as a whole day
Neco-Arc Evolution: Alright, here s the scoop, the skinny - we re here to meet u
p with our field agent. What I heard, she s already captured a couple a interlop
ers. After we get that sorted out, we re gonna hijack the rest of this here scho
ol, understand?
Young Kuwabara: The TV doesn t even get my favorite cartoons here!
Youngish Gein: Why jack schools?
Young Gunther: I don t go on play dates. That also sounds really boring.
Young Tsubasa: Awww- I don t have any trains at home...
Neco-Arc Evolution: Well, y see, it s very-- ah... erm, well...
Young Gunther: This whole thing sounds boring.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Man! Did t the boss tell you why we gotta be here beforeh
Faiga Tujimura: ...
Neco-Arc D did not tell Gein why they gotta be there beforehand
Young Kuwabara: These toys don t look cool, either. Where s the action figures??
Young Asumu: Well...I DID. Till it melted....
Youngish Gein: No, I only get pay promised, but no thing.

Young Tsubasa: It melted!?

Young Asumu: Yeah. Too much steam.
Faiga Tujimura: ...well, I m sure we have something that you ll like, Gunther!
Young Gunther: Okay.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Well, crap.
Young Gunther continues picking his nose
Neco-Arc Evolution: I guess we just gotta ask him when he shows up...
Young Tsubasa: Wow... I guess- it wasn t made out of that steam-resistant stuff
Young Kuwabara HUFFS again
Faiga Tujimura: What do you like? Board games?
Youngish Gein: So, field agentcy?
Young Gunther: No.
Youngish Gein: Like what?
Young Gunther: Watch this.
Faiga Tujimura: ...?
Young Kuwabara: ...?
Young Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Young Asumu: I should get new one! What if we bothe get new one!?\
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, she s got our forward operating base set up already. In
the lunchroom.
Young Gunther slowly rises from his cushion and lurches towards the dollhouse li
ke some kind of swamp monster
Faiga Tujimura watches Gunther
Youngish Gein: But who is?
Young Kuwabara: ....!
Youngish Gein: She femme dog?
Young Gunther: Rrrrrrrghhhh... Blargggggh
Young Kuwabara: ....Ooooh!!
Young Tsubasa: Oooh-! But... I don t have money. And mom wouldn t allow it...
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Eh? Hey, we re not dogs, we re neco-arcs!
Young Kuwabara: Attack of the Swamp Beasts! Yeah!!
Youngish Gein: No, no like way that/
Faiga Tujimura
Youngish Gein:
Young Asumu: I
Youngish Gein:

is smirking at Gunther s antics beneath her moustache

think my mom would if I ask reaaaaaaal hard.

Young Gunther NOTICES Faiga s approval and is QUIETLY PLEASED

Neco-Arc Evolution: Eh? N-no, she s very attractive!
Young Kuwabara: ...Hey, Miss Tujimura, you re a girl grown-up, right?
Youngish Gein: On inside?
Young Gunther: I will eat everyone in this house...
Neco-Arc Evolution: Yeah, definitely! But, she s not as good as one of my waifus
Young Gunther grabs the tiny tree in his fat little kid hand
Youngish Gein nods for a second before turning to him
Young Tsubasa: My mom says- toy trains encourage travelling at too young an age.
.. I think that s pretty stupid.
Youngish Gein: Wai-fu?
Young Gunther: It s a broccoli.

Faiga Tujimura: (Kuwabara) Well, I m still pretty young, but yeah, I am!
Young Gunther: Heh heh heh.
Youngish Gein: Marrying?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, heh, heh, yeah! They re all pretty sugoi... here, lemme
show you.
Young Kuwabara: How come you got a mustache then?
Neco-Arc Evolution gets out a picture of one of his waifus
Neco-Arc Evolution shows to Gein
Youngish Gein: Polygumay?
Young Asumu: I wanna travel at a young age!
Youngish Gein look at the picture
it is
it is

Gunther CHEWS on the tree/broccoli

Tujimura: ...
a drawing of an anime girl
Gunther: Brgggghh... mrrghblrbrbrbrlllrghhh.
Tujimura: ...Some ladies have moustaches, you know?

Youngish Gein s mouth is a thin line

Young Tsubasa: But- doesn t that seem... I don t know- scary...?
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-isn t she kawaii?
Young Kuwabara: I ve never seen one with a mustache.
Faiga Tujimura: Like, my cousin... Taiga!
Young Gunther "heh"s with his mouth full
Youngish Gein: ... Sugoii.
Neco-Arc Evolution is getting all sweaty
Neco-Arc Evolution: Y-yeah!!!
Young Gunther: Mrrrghblrgghhh.
Faiga Tujimura blanched a little upon saying the T-word
Young Kuwabara looks back at Gunther
Young Asumu: Yeah it does! But scary things are fun!
Young Gunther has crammed a small plastic tree into his mouth
Young Kuwabara: ....Hey, Swamp Monster!
Youngish Gein: About boss, you tell?
Young Gunther: Blrghclrgh.
Space (GM): gunther is amazing
Young Gunther: Mm?
Young Kuwabara hops to his feet and strikes a pose
Neco-Arc D: Oh, D? Aw, he s just some old phony. For some odd reason, he looks j
ust like Neco-Arc D! Weird, ain t it?
Young Kuwabara: You won t be chomping on any more trees with the Great Mechabara
Neco-Arc Evolution said that
Youngish Gein: Maybe relationed?
Young Kuwabara: Beep Boop! KooSHIIING
Neco-Arc Evolution: Yeah, I bet...
Young Gunther: Blrtghbbllrrg, bllrghrghbbrrrrglghl bllrgh.
Youngish Gein: What want, they?

Young Tsubasa: Hm. But- there s a limit I think... I don t know. Mom is always s
aying that- outside of town- the world is harsh... I don t want it to be harsh.
Young Kuwabara: Kuwa....Cannon!!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Aw, just vampire stuff - y know, that kinda thing.
Young Kuwabara picks up a pillow and throws it at Gunther
Faiga Tujimura: (to herself, regarding the playfight) This acting was a lost art
. My class has a bright future...!
Neco-Arc Evolution starts to head for the cafeteria
Youngish Gein: Vampire?
Youngish Gein follows
Young Gunther SPITS the tree at Kuwabara s head as the pillow gets thrown
Young Kuwabara: ...!
Young Gunther: Broccoli laser.
Young Gunther BONP
Young Kuwabara gets hit in the face with tree
Young Gunther: Oof.
Young Asumu: Why?
Young Kuwabara: Aagh, sick! Swamp Thing spit!!!!
Youngish Gein: Thought it was schtick.
Kind of... dork, thing.
In the cafeteria is another Neco-Arc - one jumping up and down, waving at the tw
o of them as they enter. In addition, there are two other people in there - both
tied up and struggling to escape.
Young Gunther: It seems as though we are evenly matched, Mechabara.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Young Kuwabara: Seems so...
Young Gunther wipes drool off his chin with the pillow
Young Kuwabara wipes his fae
Young Kuwabara: We ll have to settle this once and for all!
Young Kuwabara holds out his hand in a FIST
Youngish Gein looks at the women
Youngish Gein: Hi.
Young Gunther: Apparently so.
Young Kuwabara: Two outta three! No takebacks!
Young Gunther grabs another tree
Sakura Tohsaka: Mmpfhghgh!
Faiga Tujimura calls out in her Semi Stern Teacher voice upon seeing the broccol
Deidre Harker: ...
Youngish Gein: What vampire want with women?
Youngish Gein tries to remember how much he is getting paid for this shit
Neco-Arc Evolution: I dunno...! Bubbles here said they were busy sneakin around
the school. I wonder why that was...?
Youngish Gein: Did ask?
A FAIRLY tidy sum of money - enough to pay his rent for a month
Faiga Tujimura: Hey! I m all for this sort of play, but aren t good kids suppose
d to pick up their trash?

Young Gunther is ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING with the second tree, but FAIGA
Young Gunther: Oh.
Young Tsubasa: Well... the- the world shouldn t be harsh because I don t think i
t should. My mother didn t really say much of why the world is harsh or how it i
s harsh... just that some people I shouldn t trust. She always says that every r
ose has it s thorns.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No! No! No!
Young Kuwabara: ...Psh.
Young Gunther: I don t think we re good kids, Ms. Tujimura.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Bubbles has a point - if we untied them to ask, they d yell
for help!
Young Kuwabara: Yeah!
Youngish Gein: They want help because we tie, probably.
Young Asumu: Oooh. You re good at sounding Smart Tsubasa!
Young Gunther pops Tree Number the Second in his nasty gob
Young Kuwabara: We re hardcore kids! Rebels living on the edge!
Youngish Gein: Blonde look silence.
Maybe ask?
Faiga Tujimura: Well, this is still my classroom! Even if I end up doing more da
mage than the guys in the other room.
Young Kuwabara folds his arms and sticks out his chin
Young Gunther: Bllrghblrrgh.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Heh, heh, yeah! Hey, you re pretty experienced at this kinda
thing, aren t you?
Young Gunther: Hrh. Brrgh.
Young Tsubasa smiles
Youngish Gein shrugs
Neco-Arc Bubbles folds her arms, looking skeptical
Faiga Tujimura picks up Broccoli Number One
Young Tsubasa: T-thanks! I- my father always says I m smart for my age...
Young Gunther takes the tree out
Young Tsubasa: Whatever that means.
Youngish Gein: Holler, and no good happen, understanding?
Faiga Tujimura: Either way, these are hazards!
Deidre Harker: ...
Deidre Harker nods
Young Gunther: Wait. That s a spent broccoli laser. You can t do that.
Youngish Gein removes whatever gag she has
Young Kuwabara: Yeah, it s loaded with Swamp Radiation.
Touching it turns you into a Swamp Monster, too!
Deidre Harker looks him in the eyes
Deidre Harker: ...
Young Gunther: It ll make you grow...
Three eyes.
Youngish Gein has very nonexpressive eyes
Faiga Tujimura: ...These kids are good...
Youngish Gein: What you doing here?

Young Gunther: And a zillion mustaches.

Heh. Heh.
Deidre Harker: ...You re not one of them. Aren t you?
Young Kuwabara: Two zillion!
Youngish Gein: If you talk vampire, no.
Young Asumu: I bet you are super smart! Like you could be Prime Menstruation. .
Young Gunther: Especially on where your face isn t.
Deidre Harker sizes him up briefly
Faiga Tujimura: Well, these sorts of thing happen very slowly for adults!
Young Gunther: Like your fingers.
Deidre Harker: (In English) Can you speak English?
Youngish Gein: I did not know vampire thing.
Young Tsubasa giggles
Young Gunther: Heh.
Young Tsubasa: I think that s the wrong word...
Youngish Gein: (In English) First language.
Young Kuwabara: She must be a Swamp Monster in disguise....
Faiga Tujimura: I think I ll be fine, if I throw it away very...
Deidre Harker: Great. That makes things easier.
Faiga Tujimura tosses the tree into a nearby trash can
Young Gunther: She probably is.
Deidre Harker gestures to Sakura
Faiga Tujimura: ...quickly!
Deidre Harker: I was teaching her breaking and entering.
Young Gunther: She disposed of the broccoli laser too easily.
Youngish Gein: (Strange to do that in an elementary school.)
Young Asumu: Huh? Its the guy that tells ALL the people what to do right?
Young Gunther: Suspicious.
Young Kuwabara: No mortal man could perform such a feat....
Faiga Tujimura puts her hands on her hips
Young Kuwabara: Only a swamp witch.
Young Gunther: Heh.
Deidre Harker: (Not as strange as a foreigner and a couple vampire cats in one.)
Young Tsubasa: I think so... but I don t think he s a prime menstruation... I th
ink it s- meenester?
Young Gunther: But then she d have to be green.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Hey, Bubbles! What re they saying?
Neco-Arc Bubbles shrugs
Young Kuwabara: Her dress is kinda green
Faiga Tujimura: None besides Faiga Tujimura!
Young Asumu: Oooooh. Okay!
Young Kuwabara: The cracks in her disguise are showing!
Youngish Gein: (Can you tell me what any of this is about? They haven t told me
Young Gunther: Faiga Tujimura the swamp witch, that is.
How do we reveal her true self fully?
Young Tsubasa: That s a funny word though... menstruation.
Deidre Harker: (I have no idea. I thought this place was closed. Did they hire y
ou or something?)
Faiga Tujimura: Why would you need to? I am a rebel among the Swamp Witches!
Young Tsubasa: I wonder what it means?
Young Kuwabara: A typical Swamp Witch cover story.....
Young Asumu: Hehe! Yeah! Should we ask a growed up?
Young Tsubasa: Yeah!

Youngish Gein: (Yeah, the gave me enough to pay my rent. Some little gray cat va
mpire hired me. Says our big boss is some guy named D.)
Young Gunther: All Swamp Witches are rogue, Miss Tujimura. They have no governme
Deidre Harker: ...!
(...I see.)
Young Gunther: Because they have too many mustaches to do that. Heh.
Deidre Harker: (Do you want some advice?)
Young Asumu: Okay!
Youngish Gein: (I would love that, seeing as it seems like I m working for Satan
Faiga Tujimura: Well... I plan to unite them! For a New Witch Order, built on Lo
ve and Justice!
Young Tsubasa: Lets go find an adult...!
Faiga Tujimura is she posing
Young Kuwabara: Love and Justice?
Deidre Harker: (Run. Get out of here before it s too late. No pay is worth this.
Young Gunther cocks his head like some fat little pug
Young Kuwabara: ......That s lame!
Young Tsubasa stands up a little too quickly, losing her balance and falling ove
Young Tsubasa: Oof-!
Young Gunther: Yeah. And boring.
You should unite them for love and... and...
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Eh? Oh, damn, it s the boss!
Young Gunther: Mustache!
Neco-Arc Evolution quickly steps aside
Youngish Gein: (Eh? Is it really that bad, because the guy who wons my apartment
is in the Yakuza, I hear they do bad shit.)
Young Asumu: Huh? You okay!? You got any boo boos?
Youngish Gein turns around
Young Kuwabara: I wonder if I ll grow a mustache when I get older....
Young Tsubasa gets up grinning
Neco-Arc D enters through the door
Young Tsubasa: I m fiiine
Young Gunther is obvs hung up on mustaches and their inherent humor
Young Gunther: That would be great.
Youngish Gein slaps the gag back onto her
Young Gunther: Do it.
I ll do it too.
Faiga Tujimura: ...You re right! Mustache is a superior ideal to justice!
Neco-Arc D: Ah... Deidre Harker and Sakura Tohsaka...!
Youngish Gein: Boss, good seeing.
Young Asumu: Oh. Okay.
Young Kuwabara: Alright, then!
Faiga Tujimura gestures to her mustcahe
Youngish Gein: These two crooks.
Young Tsubasa: Lets go!


Gunther: I m glad you see it our way.

Asumu: Yay!
Gunther: Heh... Mustaches...
Kuwabara: We ll take the Swamp Witch s mustache and share it!
Gunther: Yes.

Young Asumu follows Tsubasa

Young Gunther: Unite.
Young Tsubasa: Race you to Miss Tujimura!
Neco-Arc D: Excellent work capturing them, yes... what have you all uncovered?
Young Kuwabara looks at Faiga SINISTERLY
Faiga Tujimura: ...No, wait!
Young Tsubasa runs down the hall
Youngish Gein: They say they practice break in.
Faiga Tujimura: This moustache - you cannot remove it so easily!
Young Asumu: Wah!? A-alright!
Young Gunther begins ominously waddling over
Young Gunther: That s what they all say.
Young Asumu: Hey wait--!
Neco-Arc D: Hah hah haah...! Oh, what fools.
Young Kuwabara waddles equally as ominously
Young Tsubasa: hee-hee!
Sakura Tohsaka >:(
Youngish Gein is nonplussed
Faiga Tujimura back offf
Young Kuwabara: It will be ours....the mighty mustache!...
Neco-Arc D lights up a cigarette
Young Gunther: Heh.
Neco-Arc D poses, resting his foot on the chair
Youngish Gein: So, boss, can you tell what want with school?
Young Gunther: And then everyone will have a zillion mustaches.
Neco-Arc D: It is very simple.
Young Gunther: Heh heh.
Neco-Arc D: The children are our future, are they not?
Young Tsubasa throws open the door
Youngish Gein begins pacing around, looking for a sharp object
Youngish Gein: Guessing so?
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Young Tsubasa: TUJIMURRAAAA!

Kuwabara looks and sees Tsubasa

Gunther: ?
Tujimura: ...Very well! If you want this mustache, you ll have to takeKuwabara: ...Oh, nuts! Girls!

Young Asumu already breathing hard.

Young Gunther: Ew.
Faiga Tujimura: Tsubasa? What is it?

Young Kuwabara: Cheese it, Gunther!

Young Tsubasa waits for Asumo to follow in
Young Tsubasa: We have a questioooonnnn
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 17
Young Kuwabara makes a break for the door
Young Gunther: It s probably too late.
Neco-Arc D: Correct... then, as the soon to be Vampire Rulers Of The World, it i
s our goal to teach these children the proper truth, instead of those falsehoods
and lies perpetuated by the Japanese school system.
Young Gunther follows half-heartedly
Young Kuwabara: ..!?
He finds a knife amidst some cutlery left on the table
Faiga Tujimura: What is it?
Youngish Gein: What truth?
Young Kuwabara: Incoming Girl, hit the deck!
Young Kuwabara DIIIIVES
Youngish Gein sneaks the knife into his pocket
Young Tsubasa: What s Menstruation...?
Neco-Arc D: Simply put - vampires are superior, humans are inferior. No offense
meant, of course...
Young Kuwabara: Oof!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Faiga Tujimura: ...
Young Gunther does so with otherworldy finesse
Youngish Gein: None take.
Neco-Arc Bubbles nodding enthusiastically
Faiga Tujimura: .....
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...
Young Gunther: Heh.
Youngish Gein: What want these two?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hey, human guy!
Outta the way, I m snapping pics!
Faiga Tujimura: s a Secret Codeword for Adults!
Young Gunther: What if the floor has cooties, though?
Young Asumu trips and falls just short of them.
Neco-Arc Evolution is taking pictures of Deidre and Sakura
Youngish Gein tries to slip Deidre the knife
Young Kuwabara: ....!?
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse

= 12

Kuwabara looks up
Tsubasa: Oooh- a secret?
Kuwabara: Oh, geez!!
Tujimura: Yeah!
Tsubasa: I wanna find out!

Deidre Harker quietly and without fuss, takes it

Deidre Harker nods slightly
Young Kuwabara sits up and scoots back
Young Gunther: It probably does now.
Young Asumu: Uuuuugh....
Faiga Tujimura: When you get older!
Young Gunther:
Neco-Arc D: Them? Hm... well, we should decide what is to be done after we take
this school.
Young Kuwabara: She s gonna bite us, Gunther!
Young Tsubasa: But... I want to learn noowwwww
Young Kuwabara: We gotta find shelter!
Young Gunther: Oh no.
Young Kuwabara gets to his feet
Young Gunther yawns
Youngish Gein: I seeing.
No one be hurted, right?
Young Kuwabara: C mon, man! Don t nap now!
Young Kuwabara drags Gunther along the floor,
Faiga Tujimura: ...
Neco-Arc D: Of course not... they are all necessary to our master plan...!
Young Asumu just lies there
Faiga Tujimura: Alright, then!
Youngish Gein nods
Young Gunther: But... The floor is so flat and forgiving.
Young Asumu: Tired now....
Young Gunther is dragged
Faiga Tujimura: It s some form of Super Advanced Math!
Young Kuwabara: Don t do it, man! Don t give out on me now!
Neco-Arc D: ...Bubbles. Enter the air vents - you shall provide reconnaissance.
Neco-Arc Bubbles nods excitedly
Young Tsubasa: Math...? Aww. That simple...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops up to an air vent
Young Gunther: Muhhhh.
Young Tsubasa: It sounds like such a fun word...
Neco-Arc Bubbles pulls herself up
Young Kuwabara: Hrrrgh!

Faiga Tujimura: ...Yeah, it is!

Complicated, I mean
Faiga Tujimura roll with it
Young Gunther: Muhhhhh.
Young Asumu eventually waddles up.
Neco-Arc Evolution: What about me, boss?
Young Asumu: Now what was I doing....?
Young Kuwabara: .....?
Neco-Arc D: You, of course, must keep an eye on the prisoners.
Young Tsubasa: Miss Tujimura, where can I find the dictionarryyyyy?
Young Kuwabara: ....Huh?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Gosh!! Thanks, boss!
Young Kuwabara turns an ear to the door
Young Gunther: What.
Neco-Arc Evolution runs off right over to them
Young Kuwabara: ....Shh!
Faiga Tujimura: Uh...
Young Gunther: oh.
Deidre Harker sweatdrop
Narrator: Tsubasa, over there
Young Kuwabara lowers his voice to a whisper
Sakura Tohsaka sweatdrop
Narrator: There s a dictionary on the bookshelf
Young Kuwabara: I think there s somebody in there.....
Young Asumu is thinkan
Youngish Gein: Wait...
Young Tsubasa notices the DICTIONARY
Young Tsubasa: Nevermiiiind!
Young Gunther: Do they have mustaches?
Youngish Gein: Maybe Evo come with us, take picture of big occassion of new scho
Young Tsubasa runs to get it
Neco-Arc Bubbles sneakily watching from an airvent
Youngish Gein: We show to boss, I am sure he please.
Neco-Arc Evolution: B-but-- but, boss! Muh- my waifus...
Faiga Tujimura: Hold on-!
Young Asumu: Oh hey! Kawabuwa!
Neco-Arc Evolution: They re so...
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Young Gunther: Oh no.
Narrator: Roll for Mind, Tsubasa
Neco-Arc Evolution touches Deidre s hair
Youngish Gein: These lady, they tie up, no one care.
Neco-Arc Evolution: So kawaii....
Young Kuwabara: Shhhh!

Young Tsubasa grabs that dictionary

Youngish Gein: Also, that really rape.
Deidre Harker o_o
Youngish Gein: Please no.
Young Asumu: Whacha doin ?
Young Tsubasa: If it s what you say it is, it ll be in here, riiiight?
Neco-Arc D is appearing a little creeped out
Neco-Arc D: ...Let s leave him be.
Young Tsubasa starts to open it
Young Kuwabara: Buzz off, Girl! We re doing something important!...
Faiga Tujimura: ...Eh, well...
Young Gunther: There are interlopers.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Psst...!
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves at Faiga
Young Tsubasa: So... why are you acting so nervous, Tujimurrrraaaa?
Youngish Gein: ...
Youngish Gein looks at Deidre
Young Kuwabara: ....We re the only ones s posed to be stayin for the night, rig
Faiga Tujimura starts to briskly walk
Young Gunther: I think so.
Narrator: Tsubasa
Deidre Harker has eyes of "i am going to murder this cat"
Narrator: You must roll for mind
Young Asumu: Yeah.
Young Gunther: Unless our parents came.
Young Tsubasa: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 11
Neco-Arc D: Come, human, let us-Young Kuwabara: .....They don t sound like Big Sis...
Neco-Arc D opens the door to the cafeteria
Youngish Gein nods
Neco-Arc D sees the small children
Youngish Gein: Yes/
Neco-Arc D: ...
Neco-Arc D slams the door shut
Young Kuwabara looks at D
Youngish Gein: ...
Neco-Arc D: They are here.
Young Kuwabara: ........
Young Gunther: Hm?

Youngish Gein: We make good impression.

Narrator: ...Well. Despite being a supposed children s dictionary, the basic def
inition of the word "menstruation" is in there...
Young Kuwabara: ......I-Is that a talkin kitty!?
Youngish Gein: We need make.
Neco-Arc D: ...Come, then. Let us inundate ourselves.
Young Gunther finally gets his chunky lil butt up
Young Tsubasa confused and amazed face
Neco-Arc D opens the door once more
Faiga Tujimura: ...N-no reason...
Neco-Arc D enters the hall
Neco-Arc D: Hello, children.
Young Tsubasa: But this isn t math...
Youngish Gein follows him
Young Kuwabara: Talkin cat!!!!
Young Gunther:
...Are you from Yo Gabba Gabba?
Youngish Gein: No shout.
Neco-Arc D: Actually, the term is "Neco-Arc"...
Young Asumu: Whoaaaa!
Faiga Tujimura: ...It s a really hard math! For adults!
Based on... time!
Young Kuwabara: I thought this stuff was only in cartoons!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Psssssssst....!
Neco-Arc Bubbles throws a paper wad at Faiga
Young Tsubasa: Hard that you bleed from the no-no...?
Young Gunther: I think he s from Yo Gabba Gabba.
Young Kuwabara: And he smokes, too!
Neco-Arc D: We are here to help and assist you, childs.
Youngish Gein: We are new teach.
Neco-Arc D hastily puts out his cigarette
Neco-Arc D: Of course not. Smoking is bad.
Young Kuwabara: Does that mean you re grown-up Cat?
Faiga Tujimura o_o
Young Gunther: The guy can t speak Japanese.
Young Kuwabara: Yeah, he sounds like a gaijin.
Young Gunther: Heh.
Neco-Arc D: No! I am a young, cool, hip child, like yourself!
Youngish Gein: (Little shits)
Faiga Tujimura: Eh-eh...
Young Tsubasa: That s- what it says here...
Young Asumu: Oooooh A new teacher!
Neco-Arc D: This man, is my associate!
Young Kuwabara: .......Big Sis told me there we bad gaijin creeping around schoo
ls, lately....
Young Tsubasa shows the entry
Youngish Gein: No, not me!
Neco-Arc D: ...Eh...?
Youngish Gein: You see pictures, they have big beard.
Young Gunther: Talar du svenska?

Faiga Tujimura snatches the dictionary from Tsubasa and holds it up high
Young Kuwabara: .....
Young Gunther is addressing Gein
Young Asumu: What s Guy Jin?
Young Kuwabara: .....A swamp warlock.
Youngish Gein shrugs
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops onto the dictionary
Youngish Gein: WhNeco-Arc Bubbles: Hi! Hi! Hi!
Faiga Tujimura: This dictionary is outdated! It only dates back to 198Young Kuwabara: And that Cat must be his familiar!
Young Gunther: -?
Faiga Tujimura and then Bubbles
Young Gunther: That must be it.
Neco-Arc D: ...Eh?
Faiga Tujimura: ...Eh?!
Young Tsubasa stares at bubbles
Young Asumu: Swamp warlock oh on!
Neco-Arc D: I am his superior!
Young Gunther: That s a silly familiar.
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves
Young Tsubasa: Ooooh- Hi!
Faiga Tujimura drops the dictionary and jumps back in surprise
Youngish Gein: I am just guy.
Young Kuwabara: You won t turn us into moss, Swamp Man!
Neco-Arc Bubbles falls flat on her face
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oof!
Young Gunther: You re funny, Mister Warlock, even if you can t speak any languag
Young Kuwabara kicks Gein in the shin
Neco-Arc D: No! We are here to teach you children!
Youngish Gein grabs his shin
Young Tsubasa: Heee
You fell
Young Asumu: I dun wanna be moss!
Youngish Gein: Ow, kids!
Young Kuwabara: Cheese it, Gunther!
Neco-Arc D: Small children, wait--!
Young Gunther: You ll never take us alive.
Young Gunther waddles off
Fawkes M. (GM): Feck, BRB
Young Asumu: Eeee!
Youngish Gein: ... Maybe I guard prisoner, you take Evo and fix?
Young Kuwabara runs for the playroom

Young Asumu runnin.

Neco-Arc D: No-- Evolution will ruin all the things! Wait, girl-- hold up!
Young Asumu: Huh?
Youngish Gein considers his options
Young Gunther: That was close, probably.
Young Kuwabara: Dang....we gotta bar the doors!
Neco-Arc D: Please, come back! We are only here to teach new and exciting things
Young Kuwabara: ....Aha!
Youngish Gein: I have piss.
I be back.
Young Kuwabara walks over an picks up a pillow
Young Kuwabara puts it up against the door
Young Kuwabara: Perfect.
Youngish Gein heads into the cafeteria
Young Asumu: Oh? So you not gonna turn us into moss>
Space (GM): oh my god kuwabara
Young Gunther nods in stoic approval
Neco-Arc D: Of course not!
Neco-Arc Evolution has made a delicious-looking dinner for the three of them
Young Gunther: Do you think the apple could be a safehouse?
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-isn t this lovely? Isn t this romantic...?!
Youngish Gein limps over to EVO
Young Asumu: ....Well okay!
Young Kuwabara: Yeah, definitely!
Youngish Gein looks at them
Young Gunther: Good.
Faiga Tujimura: ...Amazing... so they DO exist out of my dreams...
Neco-Arc D: Excellent...! Please, get your small friends.
Faiga Tujimura to the facedown Bubbles
Neco-Arc D: They, too, should learn!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: @_@
Young Tsubasa: You have dreams, Tujimura...?
Young Gunther: How do they get apples to be big and have a door and a window lik
e that?
Young Asumu: Alright.
Young Kuwabara: I didn t think there would be an actual Swamp Invasion here....
Faiga Tujimura: ...Hey!
Youngish Gein: Evolute.
Young Kuwabara: I think they use special fertilizer.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Eh...!?
Youngish Gein: D say you help him, I guard.
Young Kuwabara: ...Agh-!
Neco-Arc Evolution whirls around
Young Kuwabara: Focus, Gunther!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Ah, but-B-but, but...
Young Kuwabara: This is serious!

Youngish Gein: Not cat D.

Young Gunther: Right.
Youngish Gein: Big D.
Neco-Arc Evolution: But, but... but-- butYoungish Gein: He outside.
Neco-Arc Evolution: B-big D--!
Faiga Tujimura attempts to call out to Bubbles
Neco-Arc Evolution: O-outside?!?!
Neco-Arc Evolution rushes out
Youngish Gein: Yes, in D-Car.
Young Gunther: Let s go in and plan something.
Young Asumu: ./me is turning the door nob on the play room
Young Kuwabara: Right.
Neco-Arc Bubbles sits up, still woozy
Young Tsubasa looks down at bubbles again
Young Kuwabara heads into the Apple
Young Gunther: They weren t counting on our apple defense.
Youngish Gein: (You still have the knife?)
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Muhhh....
Young Gunther follows Kuwabara in
Deidre Harker: (Yeah. He didn t even notice.)

Asumu in she goes.

Kuwabara: Alright, man.....what re we gonna do?
Tujimura: ...Did you fall from the sky?
Kuwabara: ...!!

Young Kuwabara lowers his voice

Youngish Gein: (Hand it over, I ll untie you.)
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yup! Yup! Yup!
Young Asumu: Huh? Guys?
Young Gunther: Did they come already.
Deidre Harker hands over the knife
Faiga Tujimura: Amazing...
Youngish Gein takes it and begins cutting the ropes
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 13
Faiga Tujimura makes a Vulcan salute
Young Kuwabara: How re we gonna stop this invasion?...
Deidre Harker is now FREE
Young Asumu: Kewabasa? Gunther?
Young Tsubasa: The sky...? Then you must be jeebus!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!

Young Kuwabara: We re just two kids! Can we even fight grown-ups?

Faiga Tujimura: I am Faiga Tujimura of Earth. I welcome you in peace!
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves back at Faiga in response
Young Kuwabara: ...!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hi! Hi! Hi!
Youngish Gein begins work on Sakura
Young Kuwabara: It s the Girl!
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 14
Young Gunther: ...Do Swamp Monsters get cooties from girls?
Young Tsubasa: Jeeebusss
Deidre Harker gets up
Young Kuwabara: ....Hey, now there s a thought...
Sakura Tohsaka is freed
Young Kuwabara: ....But what if they eat cooties?
Sakura Tohsaka looks at Gein
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Faiga Tujimura: And what is your name, kind visitor from outer space?
Young Gunther: Oh.
Young Asumu: Heeeeeey.
Young Gunther: That sounds like something they d do, probably.
Youngish Gein tucks the knife into his pocket
Young Gunther: Troubling.
Sakura Tohsaka is specifically eyeing his throat
Deidre Harker: ...Sakura.
Youngish Gein nervously adjusts his collar
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka looks away
Youngish Gein: (What, is she a vampire too?)
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Bubbles!
Youngish Gein: (Is everyone in this town a vampire?)
Deidre Harker: (She s a new one. I ve been showing her the ropes.)
Faiga Tujimura: Well met, Bubbles!
Young Asumu: Where they go?
Young Kuwabara: ....Gunther....I can t believe I m about to say this...
Faiga Tujimura said in a boisterous Star Trek-y tone
Young Gunther: Hm?
Young Kuwabara: ....But if we re gonna stop a foe this powerful....
Youngish Gein: (You d best get out of here quick, before they get back and see t
Young Tsubasa feels incredibly ignored, and so- being the sleuth she is... she d
ecides to sneak a peek at the dictionary to clarify more about some of the words

that confused her in the mentruation definition

Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!
Young Gunther stone-cold looks at him
Young Kuwabara: ....We might have to team up with the girls.
Deidre Harker nods
Young Gunther: Oh.
Deidre Harker: Before we go-- what s your name?
Young Gunther: Hm.
Young Kuwabara: And the swamp witch.
Young Asumu heads back out into the hall.
Youngish Gein: (Gein Mender, miss)
Young Gunther: I suppose it is a sacrifice we must make.
As they are all really scary and gross.
Young Kuwabara nods sagely
Deidre Harker nods
Deidre Harker: Thank you, Gein.
Young Kuwabara: Perhaps, perhaps.
Deidre Harker: Come on, Sakura, let s go.
Narrator: What is she looking for in particular? The definition is vague, but it
may refer her to another word...
Youngish Gein nods
Deidre Harker heads out into the hall
Young Asumu: Mister Cat?
Young Tsubasa she looks for the V word
Youngish Gein heads down the halls
Narrator: (Roll for Mind)
Mac D.: aw what
Young Gunther: And if we have scary and gross allies, the Swamp Monsters will ha
ve a match and be caught off-guard.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...E-eh... hey, small child!
Young Tsubasa: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Young Kuwabara: That s the spirit!
Young Gunther: Yayyy.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Small child, did you have any luck?
Youngish Gein: Evolute!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Human!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hey! Hey! Heyyyy!
Youngish Gein: Big D went to room, and they were gone!
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops up and down
Youngish Gein: They escape.
He blame you.
Young Gunther: What now?

Young Asumu: Whoa cool head band Mr. Cat!

Neco-Arc Evolution suddenly looks to be in despair
Neco-Arc Evolution: W-whhh-Narrator: You re in luck, Tsubasa - the V-word is one of the first entries under
the letter V. You could swear this was an adult s dictionary...
Neco-Arc Evolution: My waifus!!
Young Kuwabara: We might have to sneak around and find the girls.....
Neco-Arc Evolution sprints off
Youngish Gein: They went out window!
Young Tsubasa: Oooo?
Young Kuwabara: ....But we can t just go walkin around in the halls!...
Faiga Tujimura: So! What mission have you been summoned to Earth for?
Young Asumu: Huh?
Young Gunther: We need disguises.
Youngish Gein: Do not be around cat.
Young Gunther: Maybe mustaches.
Faiga Tujimura do you wanna break the news, Faiga
Young Tsubasa reads intensely
Young Kuwabara: Good thinking!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Teach! Teach! Teach! Get kid, okay?
Young Kuwabara looks around for disguises
Faiga Tujimura: *Tsubasa
Youngish Gein: That cat creep.
Touch people.
He pedo.
Young Asumu: Is he Guy Jin?
Young Gunther does so as well
Youngish Gein: No, but he pedo.
Faiga Tujimura: ...Oh? A teacher from outer space?
Youngish Gein: I gaijin, but no pedo.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!
Young Asumu: What s that?
Young Tsubasa: So... THAT is the name of no-no...
Youngish Gein: He do bad thing to kid.
Young Tsubasa sounds amazed
Faiga Tujimura looks over at Tsubasa and oh son of a bitch Bubbles she looks blu
e now
Young Asumu:
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ....???
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops over
Mobile L.: Do we role for dis-guyses?
Neco-Arc Bubbles stands on her tiptoes to try and look over Tubasa s shoulder
Young Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 36
Narrator: do it
Young Tsubasa she is looking right at the dictionary definition for the V-word
Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 23
Young Tsubasa she giggles
Young Gunther: (wh00sp)
Young Tsubasa: I think this is an adult dictionary~
Youngish Gein: They touch kid in bad place.
Narrator: Kuwabara finds... a fireman costume!
Gunther finds... a cardboard box.
Young Kuwabara: ...!
Young Gunther: ...Heh.
Young Kuwabara: Perfect!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Young Kuwabara: No one s gonna suspect the fireman!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Vagina!
Young Gunther puts it on his head
Young Kuwabara puts on the costume
Young Kuwabara: I am ready.
Young Gunther: Beep. Beep boop.

Tujimura TAKES ACTION and attempts to snatch the dictionary again

Tsubasa: Hee-hee. Sounds funny.
Gunther: Me too.
Kuwabara: Let s do this.

Neco-Arc Bubbles is hopping up and down excitedly

Young Gunther NODS
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Vagina! Vagina! Vagina!
Young Kuwabara opens the door and waddles out like a badass
Young Tsubasa tries to KEEP A HOLD of the dictionary with KID STRENGTH
Young Tsubasa: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 15
Young Asumu: Oh okay! I go tell Ms. Tujimura!
Young Gunther waddles after him, hitting the door frame because he can t see
Narrator: Tsubasa is STRONK

Youngish Gein: Yes, do.

Faiga Tujimura: I-impossible-!
Young Gunther: Ow.
I bet that was funny.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Strong! Strong! Strong!
Neco-Arc Bubbles flexes
Young Kuwabara: Stay focused, Gunther!
Young Tsubasa snatches the dictionary back
Young Tsubasa: Hee-hee
Faiga Tujimura is forced to let go of the dictionary, and wrings her hand in pai
Young Gunther finds the door and toddles aimlessly through the hall, blinded by
the box
Youngish Gein hurries off after were Neco-Arc D went
Young Tsubasa: Keep away from Tujiii!
Young Gunther: Beep boop.
Neco-Arc D is in a classroom, writing on a chalkboard
Young Tsubasa runs off with the dictionary
Young Asumu: Ms. Tujimuraaaaa!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
Young Kuwabara: .....Sounds like they re in the swamp witch s room!...
Faiga Tujimura: ...Diplomacy is going really bad, like in my nightmares...
Youngish Gein: The teach know, girls escape through window because Evo stupid.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Hey! Teacher!
Youngish Gein: They think we pedos.
Young Tsubasa runs out into the hallway with a dictionary in her hands
Young Gunther: Do you think they have her on their side?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Get class now?
Faiga Tujimura: Hm? Bubbles?
Young Gunther: Boop.
Faiga Tujimura: ...Oh!
Youngish Gein: Evo thinks the big D is here.
Neco-Arc D: ...Damn it.
Young Tsubasa: Heee!
Young Kuwabara: If she is, we ll have to beat her up!
Neco-Arc D: How the hell does he...?
Young Gunther: Oh no.
Young Kuwabara looks at Tsubassa
Neco-Arc D: Fuckin idiot...
Young Gunther: Who is out there?
Young Kuwabara: .....Just act cool, Gunther....
Young Gunther: This box has no eyes.
Young Asumu: Ms. Tujimura. There a pedo in the schook.
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves to the small children
Youngish Gein: What we do, boss?
Faiga Tujimura: ...Yeah! As long as we don t teach them anything about the V-Wor
d, alright?

Young Tsubasa gang the fuck way, you guys she s running at you with... a BOOK
Young Kuwabara: ....!?
Faiga Tujimura hears Asumu
Young Gunther does not move an inch
Faiga Tujimura: Eh? What do you mean?
Young Gunther: Beep boop?
Faiga Tujimura is now a teeny bit on edge
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No pedo! Just teach! Teach, teach, teach!
Young Gunther: I am Blindbot.
Young Asumu: A pedo. cat man.
Youngish Gein: I still be paid?
Faiga Tujimura: ...
Young Tsubasa bumps right into Young Gunther
Young Gunther: Bwuh/
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oh! Evolution, Evolution, Evolution!
Faiga Tujimura well, she might have misread the word, she thinks goddamn this di
Young Kuwabara: Woah, Gun-...Uh, I mean my box!
Young Tsubasa should I roll a brawn again
Young Gunther flops over, box coming off
Young Kuwabara: ..!?
Faiga Tujimura: Evolution? Is he a friend of yours?
Young Asumu: He have cool bandanna.
Young Gunther:
Neco-Arc D: The job is not finished.
Go out there and finish the job!
Young Gunther quickly grabs the box back
Youngish Gein: The job can t be finish.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Young Gunther: Beep boop.
Youngish Gein: They kids think we pedo!
Neco-Arc D: Well, change that, you fool!
Young Tsubasa flops out onto the floor
Youngish Gein: They want call police!
The teach know we here!
Faiga Tujimura: Where is he?
Young Tsubasa: Ooof-!
Neco-Arc D: I ve already cut all the phone lines!
Neco-Arc Bubbles shrugs
Youngish Gein: This really creep.
Young Tsubasa she has the DICTIONARY of ARCANE ADULT KNOWLEDGE in front of her
Young Kuwabara: Gunther!
Youngish Gein: I go and talk.
Young Kuwabara: Did you catch any cooties??
Young Asumu: Oh no! Is all cat man pedo?
Youngish Gein: If they call pedo, I blame you.

Young Gunther: I don t know yet.

Neco-Arc D: Good, go and get them back.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nope, nope, nope!
Young Kuwabara: Better check, man.
Youngish Gein limps out
Young Gunther lifts up his shirt and looks intently
Young Tsubasa sits up with the book
Youngish Gein: Too damn walking, wish I had
Young Tsubasa: You guyyyysssss. Cooties don
Faiga Tujimura: ...No, I don t believe they
at least...
Young Gunther: Hmmm...
Young Asumu: Oh okay.
Young Kuwabara: Says you, Girl!
Youngish Gein: Kid, where are all kid?
Young Kuwabara: Listen, you can t be runnin

something mvoe for me.

t exiiist
are! They seem like friendly aliens,

around like that!

Faiga Tujimura is gonna burn this dictionary first thing tomorrow

Young Kuwabara: This place is being invaded by a swamp warlock and his cat minio
Young Tsubasa: But- I need to keep this away from Tuji!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: We gotta learn!
Young Asumu: Wait aliens!?
Young Gunther: We have to stop him or else.
Young Tsubasa holds the dictionary up proudly
Youngish Gein: ...
Faiga Tujimura: Yeah!
Youngish Gein: I am not warlock.
Young Gunther: What s that?
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Young Gunther: Oh no.
Young Kuwabara turns around
Faiga Tujimura: Visitors who fell from the sky!
Young Kuwabara: ....Agh!!
Young Tsubasa sees the man
Young Kuwabara kicks him in the other shin
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yup! Yup! Yup!
Young Gunther DUCKS under the box MGS style
Youngish Gein: (Motherfuck!)
Young Asumu: Did that hurt?
Youngish Gein falls onto the ground
Young Gunther: Did you killed him?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh!
Neco-Arc Bubbles nods excitedly
Young Kuwabara: I don t think so! Swamp things are tough!
Young Tsubasa: heee- you go, Kuwabara!
Young Kuwabara: We gotta find Swamp Witch, hurry!
Youngish Gein: Kid!
Faiga Tujimura: Well, as long as you re not injured - you re not, right Bubbles?

Young Gunther scrambles into a wall, still boxed

Young Kuwabara runs around Gein and into the room
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nope! All good!
Young Gunther: Ow.
Young Kuwabara notices the door is open
Neco-Arc Bubbles makes OK symbol w/ hand
Youngish Gein: Kid!
Young Kuwabara backs out and closes the door
Young Asumu: yay!
Youngish Gein clutches his knee
Young Kuwabara KICKS the door open like a boss
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Faiga Tujimura: Great!
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves to Kuwabara
Young Gunther is running into the same wall ad-infinitum
Youngish Gein: (... I fucking hate kids)
Young Kuwabara: The anti-swamp squad is here!
Young Tsubasa thinks about something to do about this guy
Young Gunther: Girl. You have to do something.
He s bad.
Young Kuwabara: ...?
Youngish Gein: Boss, come out, they here!
Young Kuwabara notices gunther is lagging behind
Youngish Gein: I am kicked!
Young Kuwabara: ....Guntherbot, c mon!
Faiga Tujimura: Now - Asumu, Bubbles, do you know where we can find the others?
I want to make sure diplomacy will go very well with these aliens!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Sit down, sit down, sit down! Class is in session!
Faiga Tujimura: ...Oh!
Young Gunther: Beep boop, where s the door?
Faiga Tujimura: There they are!
Neco-Arc D is in a faraway classroom and cannot hear
Young Tsubasa just sits there pleasantly with a dictionary
Young Gunther: Heh/
Young Kuwabara: Follow my voice, dingus!
Youngish Gein shouts "Boss"
Young Gunther: Okay.
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 11
Neco-Arc D: ...?

Neco-Arc D pokes his head out his door

Young Kuwabara: Hurry, before the smoker cat arrives!
Young Gunther does so
Young Asumu: No ma am.
Young Kuwabara then strides in like a champ
Neco-Arc D: ...Yeesh. No thank you, ma am.
Young Asumu sits down
Youngish Gein: They in other room, all of them!
Neco-Arc D quietly sneaks back into the classroom
Faiga Tujimura: Kuwabara! Can you bring the others? We have a new substitute tea
cher for today!
Say hello to Bubbles!
Young Gunther follows, facing away from everyone
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hi! Hi! Hi!
Young Kuwabara POINTS
Young Kuwabara: That ain t a substitute teacher at all!
Young Tsubasa: That s another word for Vagina, isn t it...?
Youngish Gein: What?
Young Kuwabara: She s a swamp minion!
Youngish Gein: WHy kid talk about vag?
This fuck!
Young Tsubasa: It was in here!
Young Gunther: Oh no.
Young Tsubasa proudly holds the dictionary
Young Gunther: They re in here, too?
Young Gunther peeks from beneath the box
Youngish Gein: You let me see...
Faiga Tujimura: ...Yus! A trusted friend and ally of your teacher, Faiga Tujimur
Youngish Gein sits up
Neco-Arc Bubbles strikes a pose
Young Asumu: Whaaaaa?
Young Gunther: Beep boop, this is troubling.
Young Kuwabara: ....So it is true....
....You weren t a rebel against the Swamp Lords, after all!
Young Tsubasa: No- no adults allowed!
This is miiiine now!
Young Gunther: You were a slave to the system.
Youngish Gein: No, I not adult.
Young Gunther: The swamp system.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
Youngish Gein: I big kid.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Swamp, swamp, swamp?
Faiga Tujimura: Like you said - we re autonomous! There is no system!
Young Kuwabara: A pawn in the game of swamp bigwigs!
Young Tsubasa: But you ARE adult!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!

Youngish Gein: No, I big kid.

Young Gunther: Played like a fool.
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops up on the desk
Young Gunther: In the swamp.
Young Kuwabara: I trusted you, Miss Tujimura!
Neco-Arc Bubbles starts writing on the chalkboard
Faiga Tujimura: bubbles and I stand proudly for Love and Mustache!
Young Tsubasa: You can t fool me, mister!
Young Tsubasa stands up
Young Gunther: Your words are as hollow as your mustache.
Young Kuwabara looks at the chalkboard
Young Kuwabara: ...?
Young Asumu is confused as fuck
Young Gunther: Which is to say, probably very.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Look, look, look!
Faiga Tujimura: ---?
eldritch s.: and i am arbitrarily caleld away with no advanced warning
Young Kuwabara: ....Vampires?
Mobile L.: Ah shit
Faiga Tujimura too takes note of Bubbles
Young Kuwabara: ....Oooooh!


Neco-Arc Bubbles looks exceedingly proud of herself

Young Kuwabara: Okay, so they re not swampfolk, they re vampires!
Faiga Tujimura: ...Vampires? The creatures that go bump in the night?
Is that what today s lesson is about?
Young Kuwabara: Is that right?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!
Young Asumu: Vampires!
Young Kuwabara: .....
....wait a sec VAMPIRES!?!
Young Gunther: Not Swamp Monsters?
...Did the vampires throw us off.
Young Kuwabara: So it was a cover....
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep, yep, yep!
Young Kuwabara: They were posing as swamp monsters to try and get us to turn aga
inst the Swamp Witch!

Tsubasa has decided to run off to the TIME-OUT APPLE

Gunther: We were played.
Tujimura: Very good, Kuwabara!
Kuwabara: Bamboozled!

Faiga Tujimura thumbs-up

Mobile L.: Guys, Eldy s been pulled away, he said
What do
MrEForEccentric: who knows
I gotta brb quickly
Mac D.: i am very disappointed none of the kids got to meet deidre and sakura
Space (GM): same
or did they...
Mac D.: or EVO
Space (GM): the night is still young
Fawkes M. (GM): If we could somehow pull a Second Episode where their attempt at

Breaking and Entering was successful

Mac D.: are the neco-arcs stronger than they appear
Space (GM): hohohoho
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh yes
Space (GM): while we are waiting, here s an informal poll
who is your favorite neco-arc
Mobile L.: Bubbles
Mac D.: EVO
he chases his dream with all his heart and lets nothing slow him down
Mobile L.: The "Yep, yep, yep!" gets me every time
Mac D.: he is the only true man among the
Fawkes M. (GM): Bubbles, for me
MrEForEccentric: Bubbles yeah
Mobile L.: BRB also
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa- kid that knows too much
And somehow found a dictionary with all the adult words in it
Fawkes M. (GM): It was a donation from the Tohsaka family
In particular
Space (GM): will the small children remember this night
Mac D.: probably a little bit
they may not remember specific faces
Space (GM): this... still night
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa would definitely remember it, but she wouldn t talk abo
ut it
Mac D.: did the experience traumatize her
MrEForEccentric: No, it was just the night that she learnt about the no-no
Mac D.: so it traumatized her
and shattered her optimistic view of the world
MrEForEccentric: *amazed
She didn t learn about sex
Mac D.: that comes later
MrEForEccentric: A month later
Mac D.: "okay so this is how vampires reproduce"
Space (GM): make sure she doesn t talk to evo
Mac D.: "what does reproduce mean, Mister EVO?"
"Why I ll TELL YOU"
Space (GM): urge to bring the neco-arcs into the fg rising
or even
the rp
Mobile L.: :O
MrEForEccentric: Where does the schlong go, Bubbles? Bubbles: "Vagina! Vagina! V
Space (GM): they re the best teachers
Fawkes M. (GM): Alien substitute teachers!
Young Asumu: So is there gnna be a Saver expy?
Mac D.: who is the gms favorite muppet baby so far
Space (GM): sadly that is a SPOILER
Azureberry J.: Saber
Mobile L.: Fun life lessons with vampire cat monsters
Space (GM): @duff: that is a tossup
i m leaning towards gein
Mac D.: gein isn t a muppet baby that s cheating
Mobile L.: Gein is the tallest, scraggliest Muppet Baby
MrEForEccentric: I have to dramatically alter Tsubasa s personality considering
Space (GM): then i am leaning towardsd tsubasa due to dictionary
MrEForEccentric: The first time first-session luck hasn t happened to me

Mobile L.: Gnther remains more or less the same for his entire life, give or take
some comedic sophistication
MrEForEccentric: Is when Tsubasa tries to look up information beyond kiddies
Mac D.: years of watching key and peele will do that to a bloke
Space (GM): are you guys enjoying this little prequel session
Mac D.: y e s
Mobile L.: Yeash
MrEForEccentric: yes
Azureberry J.: shore
Mac D.: are kuwabara and gunther still friends ten years later
Mobile L.: Probably, although there d be questions about why he was six for abou
t three years and then suddenly turned vague-teen
Mac D.: later bloomer
MrEForEccentric: This dictionary
Mac D.: do they hang out after school
MrEForEccentric: Was the start
Of Tsubasa s sleuthing skill
Mobile L.: I d say so, when the COMEDY SHOWS aren t on
Mac D.: and also of Tsubasa massive closet perversion
Space (GM): sounds about right
MrEForEccentric: It was on this night that Tsubasa began her reputation
Mac D.: as a master sleuth/serial shirt thief
Fawkes M. (GM): She has gained the alias
"Miss V"
eldritch s.: and i m back
Mobile L.: w00t
Space (GM): welcome
Young Kuwabara: VAMPIRES!
Young Gunther: Gasp.
Gein would hear a noise, from down the hall
Young Gunther literally just says taht
Neco-Arc Evolution: Haah-- gotcha!
Young Gunther: *that
Asumu Mizono: Vampires.
Young Asumu: Vampyas.
Young Kuwabara: Are you guys here to-....t-to eat us!?
Gein Mender looks down the hall
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nope, nope, nope! Teach!
Young Tsubasa has hidden herself away in the time out apple, giggling as she rea
ds a fuckin dictionary
Gein Mender: You made a captive!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You havin one of your flashbacks, Gramps?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Heh... Got you now, my waifus!
Gein Mender: no
Neco-Arc Evolution is dragging them down the hall, them being tied up
Youngish Gein: i also said
Faiga Tujimura: ...Vampires? Bubbles - what does your race think about them?
Young Gunther: Then you re re-educating us and making us a part of your sinister
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Great! Great! Great!
Youngish Gein: Evo, you need to get the kids to Neco D!
Young Kuwabara: So it s all a sinister vampire conspiracy!....
Youngish Gein: I look after Waifus.
Faiga Tujimura: ...I know what you mean!
They are the vengeance!
They are the night!

Young Gunther: Horrifying.

Neco-Arc Evolution: No way! They broke off the first time you...
Faiga Tujimura: They are the heroes we deserve - but not the ones we need!
Neco-Arc Evolution: ....Hey....!
Young Gunther: Heh. But they re kitties.
Neco-Arc Evolution: You want them all to yourself, don t you?!
Young Kuwabara: They already broke the swamp witch s brain!...
Youngish Gein: What?
Young Gunther: How do we unbreak it?
Young Asumu: Poor swamp witch.
Young Tsubasa loud kid laughter
Neco-Arc Evolution: Well, piss on that! I m gonna spend a little alone time with
my waifus, heh heh...
Neco-Arc Evolution drags them to the playroom
Young Kuwabara: Idunno! I don t speak girl!
Youngish Gein: No, you sick!
Young Kuwabara: Hey, Asumu!
Youngish Gein bangs on the door
Young Asumu: Oh I speak girl!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Now... lessee what s in this here apple room...?
Young Kuwabara: Can you un-brainwash the swamp witch?
Neco-Arc Evolution locks the door
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Young Gunther: Good. Talk sens to her.
Young Asumu: Okay
Neco-Arc Evolution before opening the time-out apple door
Young Tsubasa looks up
Young Gunther: *sense
Young Kuwabara: Hurry, the Swamp Warlock s coming in!
Young Tsubasa: ...?
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Oh!
Young Gunther: I ll hold the door.
Youngish Gein: The pedo has two people!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Warlock, warlock, warlock?
Young Asumu: Who is the swamp witch?
Faiga Tujimura: ...?
Young Gunther squooshes against the door
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Aah!
Neco-Arc Bubbles points at Gein s voice
Youngish Gein: He went into a room with people.
Faiga Tujimura: My brain isn t broken!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Pedo, pedo, pedo!
Young Kuwabara POINTS to faiga
Youngish Gein: Tied up.
Young Kuwabara: I ll deal with the vampire!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Old man is pedo!
Young Tsubasa looks out of the window of the apple
Young Asumu: Ms. Tuji is the swamp witch! Oh no!
Young Gunther: Nice try, warlock. We know you re one of them.

Young Kuwabara: Hey, Vampire!

Neco-Arc Evolution: Sorry, I didn t know this apple was taken...!
Youngish Gein: Who?
Young Tsubasa: Why do you have those two tied up...?
Youngish Gein: I not pedo, bubbles, you dick!
Faiga Tujimura: ...Heheh, you re learning our language well, Bubbles...
Faiga Tujimura nervous
Young Gunther: The Swamp People, who were actually vampires and have broken our
teacher s brain.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yes you are! Much pedo, much pedo, much pedo!
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops up and down
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, these? They re just my waifus...
Young Kuwabara: .....Hey, pay attention to me when I m talking to you!
Youngish Gein: Bubble, I come in there and mess with you face!
Young Gunther: Is a pedo a danger stranger?
Young Kuwabara: I m trying to be cool here!
Neco-Arc Bubbles sticks her tongue out
Young Tsubasa: They don t look like waifus...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Stranger danger, stranger danger, stranger danger!
Youngish Gein: Shush, kdi, you kick me!
Young Kuwabara: .....
....Grrrrr! Fine!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Well, they are! Look at them! A-aren t they kawaii...?
Young Gunther: You can t come in. You re a vampedo.
Young Kuwabara picks up a pillow and throws it at Bubbles
Youngish Gein: Bubble, I tell D!
Young Kuwabara: Kuwa Cannon!
Young Tsubasa just looks confused
Youngish Gein: He be very angered!
Neco-Arc Bubbles is bowled over by the pillow
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oof!
Young Asumu: Must prepare for unbrain wash!
Young Tsubasa: I think you ve hit your head...
Faiga Tujimura is as well
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...W-what?!
Youngish Gein barges into D s classrom
Young Kuwabara: Yeah! Bullseye!
Young Gunther: He s gone.
I saved us.
Youngish Gein: Bubble is telling all we pedos!
Neco-Arc D: Ah, did you recruit the-Young Kuwabara gives Gunther the thumbs-up
Youngish Gein: He in room with them!
Young Asumu: Oh no! Tuji dead now.
Young Kuwabara: Good job!
Young Gunther nods coolly
Neco-Arc D: Oh, that is her way. Do not concern yourself with her - I am sure sh
e is working to gain great trust.
Young Tsubasa just looks him dead in the eye

Young Kuwabara folds his arms and nods sagely

Faiga Tujimura feck I meant she was also confused
Neco-Arc D puts his foot up on the rocking horse
Youngish Gein: She call me a pedo.
Young Tsubasa: They can t be waifus, if they don t wanna be
Neco-Arc D: Are you one?
Youngish Gein: No!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Y-yes they can!
Neco-Arc D: Gein... do not lie to your employer.
Young Kuwabara: So what do we do with this vampire?
Youngish Gein: I AM NOT PEDO!
Young Asumu whoops
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Learn! Learn! Learn!
Neco-Arc Bubbles sits up
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Young Asumu: I know!
Young Tsubasa: Noooo a wife is a wife because she wants to be a wife!
Young Kuwabara: It s immortal!
Neco-Arc Evolution: B-but not a waifu....
Youngish Gein: I be back with people!
Young Tsubasa: They re the saaaame thiiiing
Youngish Gein: I better get pay.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Are not!!
Young Kuwabara: Gunther! Swamp Tree Cannon!
Neco-Arc D: Harrumph.
Young Asumu: Vampires bite people and make vampires. So If people bite vampires
we make people!
Young Gunther: Hup.
Young Tsubasa: Let them go- and ask them whether they want to be!
Or I ll tell Jeebus on you!
Youngish Gein pounds on the door
Young Gunther stuffs the tree in his mouth and SPITS at Bubbles
Neco-Arc Evolution: You-- wh-Neco-Arc Bubbles: E-eh--!?
Faiga Tujimura: ...I m certain that s not how it works, Asumu!
Youngish Gein: Could you please come into classroom next.
Neco-Arc Bubbles takes a tree to the forehead
Young Asumu: Gotta try!
Young Tsubasa: Do iiiit
Young Gunther: Heh.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Owwwwww...!
Young Gunther: Direct hit.
Young Kuwabara: We re beating your vampire minions, Swamp Warlock!
Faiga Tujimura: The unseen heroes of the night are committed to their job, 24/7!
Young Asumu goes to bite Bubbles
Youngish Gein: There are more minions in other room.
Neco-Arc Bubbles starts to cry
Neco-Arc Bubbles is then bitten
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Owwwwwwwww...!

Young Gunther: We will deal with them soon enough.
After we finish off this kitty.
Young Asumu: ,,,,It didn t work.
Youngish Gein: In the other room is king minion.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ....A-anyways! I gotta be in this apple!
Young Kuwabara: Damn...
Youngish Gein: He my best min.
Faiga Tujimura: Asumu! What did I tell you?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ;~;
Young Tsubasa: If you come in this apple, you ll get a sore head!
Young Gunther: One thing at a time.
Young Asumu: I had to try!
Young Gunther: We are patient.
Neco-Arc Evolution: But I wanna be in there with my waifus! You gotta go, lady!
Young Gunther grabs a pillow
Young Kuwabara: So, if we make em cry, do we win?
Neco-Arc Bubbles sniffles
Youngish Gein: Yes.
Young Kuwabara: That s how fights usually work.
Youngish Gein: Make cry very hard, you win.
Young Tsubasa: Tough! I got here first- and I ve got the book of adult stuff.
Young Gunther: Then I think we won.
Young Kuwabara: Alright!
Faiga Tujimura: Well, you hurt Bubbles either way!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: I m telling--!
Young Kuwabara POINTS to Bubbles
Young Kuwabara: Okay!
Neco-Arc Bubbles runs off to the air vent
Young Gunther: But she s bad.
Neco-Arc Bubbles starts climbing up
Young Asumu: It don t feel like winning.
Young Kuwabara: Since we beat you, you gotta be on ourFaiga Tujimura: She s an alien, so we have to make things pleasant for her!
Youngish Gein: She no alien!
She vampire.
Young Gunther: Mother and Father say one day I may have to hurt the bad people.
Young Kuwabara: Vampires aren t aliens, Miss Tujimura!
Young Gunther: I will start with the vampires.
Neco-Arc Bubbles lands in Neco-Arc D s room
Young Kuwabara: .....That s hardcore, Gunther.
Faiga Tujimura: ...Well, can t they be both?
Neco-Arc Bubbles runs off to tell on Gein
Young Gunther: I guess. It just sounds boring, though.
Youngish Gein: No, this stupid!
Fucking cat.
Young Kuwabara: Hey!
Youngish Gein limps
Neco-Arc Evolution:
Young Kuwabara: Let
Young Gunther: Heh.
Wait, come back.

back over
W-what book...?!
s make the swamp warlock cry next!

Young Kuwabara: ...!

Young Asumu: This game not so fun now.
Young Kuwabara: Aw, nuts, he s gone!
Young Gunther gives chase to the Swamp Warlock
Young Kuwabara: ....!?
Youngish Gein: Before you say thing!
Young Tsubasa: The dictionary!
It s heavy...!
Young Kuwabara: Going off on his own....the fool!
Youngish Gein: I was try to get them in room with us!
Young Gunther BOPS Gein with a pillow really, really hard
Neco-Arc D: ...Bubbles told me everything.
Look at her. She s crying-...?
Youngish Gein is knocked over
Young Kuwabara: .....Girl.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No, no, no!
Young Kuwabara looks at Asumu
Youngish Gein: These bad kid!
Young Gunther: Make this easy for me.
Youngish Gein: No, off!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Bad, bad, bad!!!
Young Gunther WALES on Gein with the pillow, stone-cold
Young Asumu: Name Asumu. Mizono, Asumu.
Youngish Gein tries to shield himselr
Neco-Arc Evolution: I want the dictionary...!
Young Kuwabara: Right.
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 13
Young Gunther just hits even harder
Neco-Arc D: ...Tch. It appears you cannot be paid for services rendered. I shall
have to do this my way.
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 22
Young Kuwabara: Our kind have been at war for as long as can be remembered.
But tonight.....just this one night.
Young Gunther: Your tears will come.
Young Tsubasa: No, you can t have the dictionary! I have taken this dictionary i
n the name of Tsubasa Juufuku!

Youngish Gein: WOW STOP!

Gein shields himself from the blows
Young Kuwabara: We must join forces to defeat the vampire menace!
Young Gunther: No.
Youngish Gein tries standing up
Young Gunther: Heh.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Then lemme in!
Young Kuwabara: And save Gunther!
Neco-Arc D heads off through the airvent
Youngish Gein: I join your side!
Young Tsubasa: No!
Young Gunther: You look funny down there.

Young Asumu: ....Do we get cookies?
Youngish Gein: We need stop vampire cat.
They crazy pedo.
Young Kuwabara: Maybe!
Young Gunther: This is easy, that you stopped.
Too easy.
Young Kuwabara: Where s the other Girl?
Youngish Gein: They want tell you bad thing.
Neco-Arc D: You, there!!
Young Asumu: Okay then!
Neco-Arc D: Children!
Young Gunther: You cannot be trusted.
Youngish Gein: They no pay me now.
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Oh, nuts!
Faiga Tujimura: Hm?!
Neco-Arc D hops up
Faiga Tujimura: ...Another alien!
Young Kuwabara: Hurry, we gotta bail!
Young Asumu: Um.... don t know. OH its Mr. Cat!
Faiga Tujimura does her Vulcan Salute again
Neco-Arc D flies to KARATE-KICK Faiga
Young Kuwabara runs for the door
Youngish Gein: Also, bubble.
Faiga Tujimura: Handshake-?!?!
Young Gunther: This is some kind of trick you re pulling on us, but it is less e
ffective because your Japanese is bad.
Faiga Tujimura is kicked and kayoed
Young Kuwabara: ....!?!
Young Gunther: Nice try, Warlock.
Youngish Gein grabs the rocking horse
Young Kuwabara: Miss Tujimura!!
Neco-Arc D: There s a new teacher in town!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Youngish Gein tries to hit bubbles with it
Young Asumu: WHA!?
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 7
Young Gunther: ?
Youngish Gein: (Suck it(
Neco-Arc Bubbles catches the horse, ripping it out of Gein s hands with vampiric
Young Kuwabara: That was a really cool kick, too....This guy means business!....
Neco-Arc Bubbles before drubbing him with it
Young Gunther: Oh wow.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Dick! Dick! Dick!
Young Gunther: Heh. Dick!
Young Gunther: Dick.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Pleeeeeease?!
Neco-Arc D: Children.
Young Gunther repeats the forbidden mantra as he runs at Bubbles with the pillow
Young Asumu: Why kick Tuji Sensei?
Neco-Arc D: Sit down.
Young Gunther: DIIIIIIIICK!
Neco-Arc D: Class is in session.
Youngish Gein tries to get out of this room of pain
Young Kuwabara: Cause he s a vampire!
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 31
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 17
Young Kuwabara: We gotta get outta here, and fast!!
Young Asumu: Oh no! What do!?
Neco-Arc Bubbles does a flip over Gunther, giving chase to Gein - who successful
ly escapes

Young Kuwabara turns and runs for the door

Young Tsubasa: Nnnno! You have to untie them, or you re not getting in here! Don
t make me, MAKE you ask permission!
Neco-Arc D: Stay here-- or you re all dead, you hear me?!
Young Gunther skids into the wall
Youngish Gein: (HELP ME!)
Neco-Arc Evolution: N-no-- no way!!
Young Asumu freezes
Young Gunther: Gosh dang you.
eldritch s.: i have question
Young Kuwabara: Aaaaah!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Kill, kill, kill!
Young Kuwabara RUN
Young Tsubasa: Don t make me do it!
Fawkes M. (GM): Chute, Seer
eldritch s.: if gein is yonger now
Young Tsubasa tries INTIMIDATION
Young Tsubasa: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Spirit
= 7
Young Gunther turns on his heels and tries to follow
eldritch s.: would he not be less rusty with his rm
Neco-Arc Evolution: You wouldn t...!
Fawkes M. (GM): Hmm
Space (GM): sounds about rite
Young Tsubasa: I woouuullld
Young Gunther: Hey, dick cat.
Youngish Gein: Fuck cat!
Young Gunther goes in for another pillow thwap
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 30
Neco-Arc D: ...Hmph.
Youngish Gein is just sprinting down the hall
Neco-Arc D: Little girl - you ve got to stay here.
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse

= 1
Young Kuwabara: ...?
Young Kuwabara notices the ONCOMING GEIN
Young Kuwabara: ...!?
Neco-Arc Bubbles does a kickin flip to dodge, landing right on Gein s fedora
Young Kuwabara turns and runs away from him
Young Asumu: Mr. Cat are you really a vampire?
Young Gunther: Whoa.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Fine! We ll just be out here!
Neco-Arc D: Yes, that is correct.
Youngish Gein: i rolled a one on that sprit
Young Tsubasa: No- you gotta let them go!
Young Gunther tries to BRAVEJUMP up there after Bubbles
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 21
Young Asumu: Ooooooh. Okay!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Never!!
Mobile L.: Fuckin tens
Young Tsubasa: They re not your waifus if they re not giving you permission!
Gunther hops, trips, and falls on his face
Young Asumu fucking runs!
He now has a bloody nose
Neco-Arc D: W-wait--!
Young Gunther: Ow.
Youngish Gein slips and falls on his ass
Young Asumu into the wall
Young Gunther: Gosh dick it.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Yes they are!
Neco-Arc D: ...Wow.
Young Kuwabara goes barrelling into the playroom
Young Tsubasa: No they re not!!
Young Gunther gets up, barely fazed
Young Kuwabara: Alright, I ll have to hide in the apple fortrNeco-Arc Evolution: --Ack-- small child!
Youngish Gein: (Fucking cats!)
Young Kuwabara: ....Eh?
Young Gunther: You re pretty good, kitty.
Neco-Arc Bubbles starts pounding on Gein s face with her fists
Young Kuwabara looks over at Evo

Youngish Gein tries punching Bubbles in the catgina

Young Kuwabara: .......Eh?
Young Asumu: Not good day....
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Young Tsubasa: That does it..!
Young Kuwabara looks over at Deidre and Sakura
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hhhk--!
Neco-Arc Bubbles is sent flying
Young Kuwabara: ......Eeeeeeeh???
Young Gunther tries to assist Gein with a TAILYANK
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 28
Mobile L.: Em effin
Young Tsubasa kicks open the door to the time out apple
Neco-Arc Bubbles misses Gunther s grasp as she crashes into the wall
Young Tsubasa and brandishes the DICTIONARY
Deidre Harker does not know what the fuck
Young Kuwabara: ....Woah!
Sakura Tohsaka same
Young Gunther: ...Heh.
Neco-Arc Evolution: O-oh man...!
Young Gunther: Direct hit, Warlock.
Young Kuwabara: Other Girl!
Youngish Gein stands up, wiping his mouth
Youngish Gein: Thank.
Young Gunther: I guess you weren t lying.
Young Kuwabara: ...!!!
Youngish Gein: We need get away from cat.
Young Gunther: That we do.
Neco-Arc Evolution: B-but-- but, my waifus....!!!!!!!!
Young Tsubasa runs at EVO and starts hitting him with the dictionary
Young Gunther: But that is temporary.
Neco-Arc D: Small child -Young Gunther: How do we stop them?

Neco-Arc D: Stay here, or else...!

Young Asumu: Huh?
Youngish Gein: I have magic.
Young Gunther: Oh. Good.
Youngish Gein: I put him in bad place.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Aah! Aah! Aah! St-stop, stop!
Youngish Gein: You don t get near.
Young Gunther: Very good.
Young Kuwabara: ...!
Young Asumu: Or else....?
Young Gunther: Okay.
Young Kuwabara: Woah, girl! You ve got sick moves~
Youngish Gein tries kicking the door open
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 6
Neco-Arc D: Or else... or else, no anime!
Young Kuwabara: ....?
Gein s foot hurts like a motherfucker
Young Kuwabara looks at Deidre and Sakura
Young Gunther: ...Here.
Neco-Arc Evolution yelps
Young Gunther tries PUNCHING it open
Youngish Gein: (ASSHOLES!)
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 7
Young Kuwabara: ....Are you two vampires too?
Deidre Harker nods
Young Kuwabara: Oh!
Sakura Tohsaka sullenly nods
Young Tsubasa keeps hitting EVO over and over
Young Kuwabara turns to Tsubasa
Gunther s knuckles bleed
Young Kuwabara: Hey, get em with the book, too!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Owwwwwwwwwww! Hey, quit it!!
Young Gunther: ...That did not work.

Youngish Gein: No, kid, you must be care.

Deidre Harker: ...!?
Youngish Gein: Do not hurt.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Young Tsubasa: Noooo! This guy is more important!
Young Gunther: I am bleeding from two places now.
Young Tsubasa hits him... in the no-no!
Youngish Gein tries picking the lock with his knife
Young Gunther: Am I gonna die?
Young Gunther sounds unworried
Neco-Arc D: Muahahahaha!!
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 15
Young Kuwabara: Here, lemmie deal with that one!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Eep--!
Young Kuwabara: My mom says I can t hit girls!
Neco-Arc Evolution stumbles back
Neco-Arc Evolution collapses
Gein successfully picks the lock
Young Tsubasa looks over the collapsed EVO and just starts wailing on him on the
Youngish Gein opens the door
Young Tsubasa: I got this!
Young Asumu: Kay so since I m stuck here wanna play a game?
Young Kuwabara: .....Uh...
Youngish Gein: D!
Young Gunther toddles in after Gein
Neco-Arc D: No, I am here to teach-Oh, gods...!
Young Gunther: We know your game, vampire kitties.
Surrender now.
Young Kuwabara: ....Well, alright, I guess if it s vampires....
Youngish Gein: Doing stupid is one thing, but you take my money, you oay!
Young Kuwabara: Ah!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Owwwwwwwww...
Young Asumu: Huh?
Youngish Gein: Give my money, or I kill!
Young Gunther: Did you kill Miss Tujimura.
Young Kuwabara goes to pick up the two toy train and DUAL WIELDS THEM, facing De
idre and Sakura
Young Tsubasa how does it feel, Evo- you are literally having the book beaten in

to you
Neco-Arc Evolution is starting to pass out
Young Kuwabara: You ain t taking over this school, vampire menace!
Neco-Arc D: You... you re all terrible!
Young Asumu: Ms. Tuji got kicked in the head.
Deidre Harker: ...1
Youngish Gein: MONEY!
Young Gunther: No. You.
Deidre Harker: ...!
Young Gunther: Heh.
Youngish Gein: YEN!
Deidre Harker frantically shakes her head
Youngish Gein: GIVE NOW!

Tsubasa just keeps on going

Gunther: Euros.
Kuwabara: Hyaaaa!
Gunther: Eueros are money.

Young Kuwabara rushes up to Deidre

Young Gunther: Also rubles.
Neco-Arc D: You all deserve to... to die!
Youngish Gein: I want yen.
Young Kuwabara: .....Uh......Er.....
Neco-Arc Evolution passes out
Youngish Gein: Is that no.
Young Gunther: Well, you deserve to...
Deidre Harker: ...
Young Kuwabara pulls in, pulls back, pulls in, puuuulls back
Young Gunther: ugly.
Deidre Harker: .........
Youngish Gein tries to punt D
Young Gunther: Heh.
Young Tsubasa looks at the passed out EVO
Young Gunther: Heh heh.
Young Tsubasa: Aww....
Young Kuwabara then kind of half-heartedly taps the train against her head
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 10
Young Kuwabara: ...U-Uh! That wasn t too hard, was it!?
Neco-Arc D flies back a ways - but his feet turn into rockets, slowing his traje
Young Tsubasa: Well-! Time for you to have a time out, mister! Girls won t be yo
ur waifu if you don t ask their permission!

Young Tsubasa takes the passed out EVO

Deidre Harker shakes her head
Young Tsubasa throws him into the time-out apple
Young Gunther runs at D and tries to chomp his tail
Youngish Gein: Give yen, you live.
Young Asumu: Whoa rocket feet!
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 30
Young Kuwabara: ....Oh, good!
Neco-Arc D flies up out of reach of Gunther
Neco-Arc D s arms turn into machine guns
Young Kuwabara: Hoo....Not sure how much more I can take this!...
Youngish Gein: No touch KIDS!
Young Kuwabara: ....Hey, how come you re tied up anyway?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Muhhh...
Young Gunther: Oh.
That s cheating.
Deidre Harker: Mmph.
Youngish Gein: RUN!
Young Tsubasa: I heard that!
Young Asumu: Nooooo stop Mr. Cat!
Young Kuwabara: I can t understand you with that thing in your mouth, y know!
Neco-Arc D: Haha... aahaahahahahahah.... AAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAH!!
Young Gunther nonchalantly toddles to the other side of the room
Young Tsubasa closes the door to the Time-out apple
Deidre Harker: :|
Young Asumu goes to tackle him
Young Gunther PAUSES
Youngish Gein tries to get Gunther and Asmu out of the way
Young Kuwabara: ...HM....
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 5
Young Tsubasa: You stay in there alone!
Young Gunther tries to drag Faiga
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20

= 35
Young Asumu: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 17
Young Kuwabara: ...Well, I GUESS I could take it off. But only if you promise no
t to bite me!
Gein gets them out of the way - but at a cost.
It feels like he s getting pelted with hundreds of paintballs...!
Youngish Gein: (NGH...)
Deidre Harker nods
Youngish Gein s life flashes before his eyes
Young Kuwabara: Okay!
Pinkie promise!~
Young Gunther sets the play house on top of Faiga
Young Kuwabara holds out his hand
Faiga Tujimura cleverly disgused
Young Kuwabara PINKY OF HONOUR extended
Young Gunther: Stay in here if you want to live.
Deidre Harker looks at her hand, which is tied behind her back
Azureberry J.: That will be the only good roll I have.
Young Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh.
Young Tsubasa clutches her dictionary to her chest
Young Kuwabara waddles over behind her
Young Tsubasa: Hm!
Neco-Arc D tackled by a SMALL CHILD
Neco-Arc D: Hck--!
Youngish Gein looks down at his chest
Young Kuwabara extends the PINKY OF HONOR again
Young Gunther then GRABS the soldier and tries to drub the tackled D with it
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20

= 28
Lucky, Gein - it s... probably only a flesh wound?
Neco-Arc D: Ow! Ow! Fuck!
Youngish Gein: Grk....
Asumu Mizono: Stop Mr. Cat!
Deidre Harker pinky swears
Young Gunther: Heh heh heh! Fuck!
Young Kuwabara: Alright!
Youngish Gein examines his wounds
Young Kuwabara walks back over and undoes the gag
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 19
Young Gunther is only hitting harder now
Young Gunther: Fuck! Dick! Ahs-hoole!
Yeah. A flesh wound. You ll live, Gein.
Deidre Harker: Thanks.
Could you get Sakura s, next?
Young Kuwabara: Who, the other vampire?
Deidre Harker: Yeah.
Young Kuwabara: Idunno....she didn t pinkie promise.
Young Gunther goes to uppercut D with the plastic soldier
Youngish Gein gets up
Deidre Harker: She won t eat you.
Young Gunther: rolling 3d20
= 35
Neco-Arc D: Hgggggguuuuhhhhhhh--!!!!!!
Young Tsubasa looks at the other three
Young Kuwabara: She better not, or it s your fault!
Young Tsubasa: I say let her go!
Youngish Gein is presumably dripping with blood
Young Kuwabara walks over and takes off Sakura s gag

Young Gunther: Heh. Ha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Youngish Gein: D...
Sakura Tohsaka just glares at him
Youngish Gein: (Next time... finish the job.)
Neco-Arc D Hrrrgh...!
Young Kuwabara: .....Geez...
Neco-Arc D rockets up, away from the children
Young Gunther looks kind of terrifying r/n
Youngish Gein pulls out his squirrel skull
Young Asumu: Whoa whendid you learn to do that Guntha?
Young Kuwabara: You re scary.
Neco-Arc D: ...Eh...?!
Young Gunther: I don t know.
Deidre Harker: She s just like that.
Youngish Gein: (Say goodbye.)
Young Kuwabara: Well she s scary!
Young Tsubasa is just smiling
Young Gunther: It must be my secret powers.
Young Tsubasa: I liked that!
Youngish Gein: can i do the gate of boneylon
Neco-Arc D: (do it)
Wh-- whaaaaaaaaat...?!
Young Tsubasa: Waifu-man got what he deserved!
Young Kuwabara: So what re you vampires doing here, anyway??
Youngish Gein peers through the eye of the skul
Young Gunther looks at Gein
Deidre Harker: ...Yeah. Thanks for that, by the way.
Youngish Gein a laser fires into the eye, made red
Young Asumu: You have secret powes?
Sakura Tohsaka: We were visiting.
Young Gunther: I must.
Sakura Tohsaka: It s none of your business.
Youngish Gein the eye widens considerably into a portal
Young Tsubasa: Noooproblem.
Young Gunther: And so does he.
He can do magic.
Youngish Gein bones begin flying out
Young Kuwabara: It so is! This is where I go to school!
Neco-Arc D: Ghk-----!!!!
Youngish Gein at the vecolity of rockets
Young Gunther: Because he is a swamp warlock.
Neco-Arc D is bludgeoned and pierced and impaled on bones
Neco-Arc D pinned to the chalkboard
Young Kuwabara: Your vampire boss kicked our teacher in the head!

Deidre Harker: That isn t our boss.

Young Gunther watches the carnage
Deidre Harker: He wants us dead.
Young Gunther: ...He has a skeleton army.
Young Kuwabara: Wha-dead?
Youngish Gein walks up to him and begins looking through his pockets, wary of be
ign bitten
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 8
Young Kuwabara: Whyzat?
Neco-Arc D has a nickel
Neco-Arc D not any yen, but a nickl
Youngish Gein: ...
Young Tsubasa looks confused
Young Tsubasa: Huh...?
Youngish Gein: You are shit.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Young Tsubasa: What s going on?
Young Gunther: Shit.
Deidre Harker: It s complicated.
Young Asumu: Is it my turn?
Youngish Gein: You gone now.
Young Gunther: Sure.
Deidre Harker: Just try to stay out of it from now on.
Youngish Gein: Yes, hit him.
Then I lock away he.
And bone.
Young Kuwabara: ....Yeah, well, I didn t care all that much, anyway!
Young Gunther: We have to make him cry.
Young Tsubasa: Awww... I hate being out of the loop...
Neco-Arc D: You... you all--!!!
Youngish Gein: No one does not pay me.
Young Asumu: Kay!
Youngish Gein: And escapade unharm.
Young Kuwabara: What do we do with em, Tsubasa?
Young Gunther: Heh. Your bad Japanese is really funny, Mister Warlock.
Youngish Gein: I only be here five year.
Young Tsubasa: They can go, I guess. They haven t done anything wrong. Waifu-man
wanted them for stuff that probably involved menstruation...
Young Kuwabara: What s that?
Young Tsubasa explains menstruation like she just learned it
Young Gunther: I ve been here four years. Do you watch the TV shows?
Deidre Harker: ....
Youngish Gein: What tv?

Deidre Harker snrk

Young Kuwabara is lost
Young Kuwabara: ...Uh.....
Young Gunther: Any TV. It s all in Japanese here, so you ll learn.
Young Kuwabara: I guess if they aren t working with the cats. But a vampire s st
ill a pretty big deal!
Young Gunther: But I like funny shows, like Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba and
Key and Peele.
Young Gunther wait what
Youngish Gein: I not have enough money for TV, I had a lot, but man stole.
Young Kuwabara: What if they eat us if we cut em loose?
Youngish Gein: I find that man and get back.
Young Gunther: Oh.
Young Tsubasa: But- vampires aren t ALL bad, right? I mean- dracula was just one
bad boy...
Young Kuwabara: I still don t trust the scary one...
Young Gunther: That sounds boring.
Youngish Gein: It is.
He live here.
Deidre Harker: You can trust her, she s friendly.
Young Asumu: Hmmmmm....I just wondering?
Young Gunther: Are you gonna get him with the skeletons?
Young Kuwabara: She doesn t look friendly...
Youngish Gein: No, I get him with my fist.
Skeletons special.
Yes, girl?
Young Gunther: Oh.
Neco-Arc D is struggling to escape
Young Gunther: That s also boring. Skeletons are funnier.
Space (GM): DUFF
lunar is sending you vibes, she says
Mac D.: oh OH
Young Asumu: What if---Hey where he going?
Young Tsubasa nods
Young Tsubasa: I say they can go!
Youngish Gein: Hurry, before he get way!
Space (GM): just vibes
Young Gunther: Hit him and make him cry.
Young Kuwabara: ...Okay...
Young Gunther: Before we have to re-get him.
Deidre Harker: Could you untie us?
Young Kuwabara: ...But if they try anything funny, hit
Deidre Harker: ...Do you know how to untie things?
I tie

Tsubasa nods
Tsubasa: Will do!
Kuwabara: Well, duh.
my shoes all the time!
Tsubasa: Kuwabara- you untie them!

Young Kuwabara walks over and FUCKS UP THAT ROPE

Young Tsubasa: Hitting people with books is tiring.
Deidre Harker: Great. Thanks.
What s your names, kids?

em with the book!

Young Asumu flash freezes the air around Neko D.

Young Kuwabara: Lessie....loop here....and a tuck there....
Young Gunther lies down on the floor next to Faiga
Young Tsubasa: I am Tsubasa Juufuku!
Young Kuwabara accidentally tightens the rope
Young Asumu: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 11
Young Kuwabara: Uhp! Hold on...
Young Gunther: Zzzz...
Sakura Tohsaka: Gck--!
Young Kuwabara: ....There we go!
Young Kuwabara undoes it
Neco-Arc D shivers, painfully
Young Gunther: Zzz...
Young Kuwabara: I m Kazuma Kuwabara! Remember that name, cause it s gonna be fa
mous one day!
Youngish Gein: Can I put him away. now?
Deidre Harker nods
Young Asumu: Yeah I think he done.
Deidre Harker: Come on, Sakura. We ve got to get going, it s almost dawn.
Young Tsubasa: Not if I get famous first.
Sakura Tohsaka nods and absconds
Youngish Gein: Bye, Dick.
Young Gunther: Zzz...
Young Kuwabara: I ll get double famous!
Deidre Harker ditto
Young Tsubasa: Triple famous!
Youngish Gein tries pulling him and the bones into the RM
Young Kuwabara: Quadruple famous!!
Neco-Arc D: You can t... you can t do this..-------!
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 11
Young Tsubasa: Quintuple famous!
Neco-Arc D is dragged into Gein s mental world
Young Kuwabara: ....Nuts, what s the one after that?
Young Tsubasa: I think it s sextuple...

Youngish Gein tucks it back into his pocket

Young Kuwabara: The-one-after-that famous!!
Young Gunther just sleeps through the whole spectacle
Youngish Gein: NowYoung Tsubasa: Uhm... Well- I ll still get there first!
Young Asumu: Now what?
Youngish Gein: We must make pedo cry,

Kuwabara folds his arms

Gunther: Zzz...
Asumu: Ooookay.
Kuwabara: No way! Kuwabara s gonna be a legend in no time!

Young Asumu nudges Gunther

Young Tsubasa: Nuh-uh! I already know adult words!
Young Kuwabara: All I gotta do is finally beat that Urameshi!....
Youngish Gein begins heading for the apple room
Young Gunther: ...Mrrhgh.
Young Gunther opens an eye
Young Tsubasa: I bet I could beat him!
Youngish Gein: ... Where is cat?
Young Kuwabara: Could not!
Young Tsubasa: Could too!
Young Kuwabara turns and reflexively kicks Gein in the shin again
Young Asumu: Come on We gotra finish.
Youngish Gein: URGH!
Young Tsubasa: Hee
Young Gunther: Okay.
Youngish Gein is also covered in blood
Young Kuwabara: Swamp Warlock!
Young Kuwabara backs up
Young Gunther yawns and gets up
Young Tsubasa prepares the dictionary
Young Kuwabara: Be careful, Tsubasa! He s covered himself in ketchup to power up
Young Tsubasa: I think that s blood!

Kuwabara brandishes the trains

Kuwabara: ....B-....Blood!?
Tsubasa: I think he s menstruating...
Kuwabara: That s gross!

Young Gunther peers into the apple room, ALSO BLEEDING

Young Tsubasa: But like- through the skin!
Youngish Gein: Cats...
Shot me.
Young Kuwabara: Swamp Warlock really is a pedo!
Youngish Gein: I am NOT PEDO!
Young Tsubasa: Get him!
Youngish Gein: WHERE IS CAT!

Young Gunther: Wait.

Young Kuwabara: Haaa!
Young Tsubasa: Oh- you mean Waifu-man?
Young Gunther: Waiiiiit.
Young Gunther: Waiiiiiiiiiiit.
Young Kuwabara: ...Huh?
You re alive!!
Youngish Gein nearly cries
Young Gunther is also bleeding
Young Kuwabara: Oh, ew, Gunther! Don t menstruate at me!
Azureberry J.: We beat Mr. Cat.
Young Tsubasa: Do you mean Waifu-man Warlock?
Youngish Gein: ... Yes.
Where is he?
Young Tsubasa: He s in there! I beat him with the book!
Young Gunther: I can t help it.
Young Tsubasa points at the Time-out apple
Youngish Gein limps to the apple
Young Gunther: I beat the warlock up, and he is on our side now. He put the the
gray-haired cat in a place with skeletons.
Young Kuwabara: Oh!
Youngish Gein yanks the door open
Young Kuwabara: You made him cry?
Young Gunther: Yes.
Neco-Arc Evolution @_@
Young Gunther: And he stopped.
Young Tsubasa: Don t let him out- he was bad!
Young Kuwabara THUMBS UP
Young Kuwabara: You re a real man, Gunther!
Youngish Gein grabs him and tries to drag him into boneland
Youngish Gein: rolling 3d20
= 25
Young Gunther: Okay.
Neco-Arc Evolution cannot escape as he is unconscious
Youngish Gein: Stupid cat.
Youngish Gein looks for Deidre and Sakura
Young Gunther: If I m menstruating, will I die?
Narrator: There s some loose rope here, by the train set...
Young Asumu: Did we win?

Young Kuwabara: Maybe, Idunno.

Youngish Gein smiles
Young Kuwabara: But at least you ll die a man!
an amused chuckle comes from the hall
Young Tsubasa smiles at Asumu
Young Gunther: True. And I guess that s what counts.
Youngish Gein perks up
Young Tsubasa: We won!
Young Kuwabara: ...?
Youngish Gein: ... What?
D: Heh... I should have expected that, shouldn t I?
Young Asumu: Yay!
Young Gunther: Oh.
Youngish Gein: ...
Young Kuwabara looks out the hall
Young Kuwabara: ....Woah!
Youngish Gein: You big D?
Young Asumu: But Guntha is menstruating.
Youngish Gein: Kids, get behind!
Young Tsubasa: I found out what Menstruate means!
Young Gunther: The cat got bigger and escaped the skeletons.
Young Kuwabara: You re ugly, Mister!
Young Gunther: And stopped being a cat.
Yes. Very ugly.
Youngish Gein: Kids!
Young Tsubasa: I ll say later though- man looks dangerous.
Young Gunther: Does your mom think your face is a butt?
Youngish Gein: Behond!
Behind get!
Young Kuwabara: I bet she thinks it s a butt!
Young Gunther: Heh!
That s great.
D: (tosses a briefcase to Gein, just looking amused at the kids)
For services rendered.
Young Gunther: He s a butt, and he s proud.
Young Tsubasa: You look like you should get out in the sun more!
Youngish Gein catches it
Youngish Gein is terribly confused
Young Kuwabara: A true manbutt...
Youngish Gein: ... (What?)
Narrator "D" That d be pretty deadly. Take care, now...
D: That d be pretty deadly. Take care, now...
Young Kuwabara: Are you here to eat us, too? I ll kick you in the shins!
D: (and then he walks away)
Young Gunther: Oh.
Young Kuwabara: ....
Young Asumu: ...
Young Kuwabara: ...Yeah, you better run!
No one messes with Kazuma Kuwabara!
Young Tsubasa: Oooh.

Youngish Gein opens it

Narrator: Well.
Young Gunther: I think we scared him off with by calling him ugly.
Narrator: That s certainly enough pay for a month s rent.
Young Kuwabara: what a baby...
Youngish Gein smiles like a serial killer
Youngish Gein snaps the case shut
Young Gunther: Did you get your euros, Mister Warlock?
Youngish Gein: ... Yes.
I did.
Young Gunther: Okay. Good.
Young Kuwabara: What s a yuro?
Youngish Gein: Money.
Young Gunther: It s money in Sweden.
Youngish Gein stands up
Young Tsubasa: Oh- I could look it up!
Young Kuwabara: Oh!
Why do you want Swedish money in Japan?
Young Tsubasa: Aw...
Youngish Gein: ... Reasons.
Young Kuwabara: You re weird, Warlock.
Young Gunther: Are you gonna buy Swedish stuff?
Young Kuwabara: Is the invasion over, or do I gotta kick you some more?
Young Gunther: Mother can t ever find Swedish stuff here.
Youngish Gein: May I will? And so if what I weird?
I be going home.
Young Asumu: I want swedish stuff.
Youngish Gein: You kid all get to teacher.
And sleep.
Young Gunther: Okay.
Young Kuwabara: Hah! You guys are losers!
My sis gets cheese from switzerland all the time!
Young Gunther: Swedish stuff is boring.
Youngish Gein: Yes, all furniture.
Young Gunther: Except the cheese.
Young Asumu: Oh.
Youngish Gein tries to find the exit
Young Gunther: Goodbye, Mister Warlock.
Youngish Gein: Goodbye.
Young Kuwabara: ....Hey, what happened to Miss Tujimura?
Narrator: There s a recently-shattered window - right near the playroom.
Young Gunther: Ahss-hoole.
Young Asumu: Bye Bye!
Young Gunther tries to imitate his English badly
Youngish Gein just begins to gingerly climb out, nervous
Young Asumu: She got kicked by Mr. Cat.
Young Tsubasa: Sayonara fuckface!
Young Kuwabara: Well I saw that.
Narrator: Gein s in luck. It s a straight shot outside.
Young Tsubasa said cheerfully
Young Gunther: Heh!
Space (GM): jesus tsubasa

Young Gunther: Fuckface/

That s great.
MrEForEccentric: She overheard a movie once
Young Gunther: But we have to make sure Miss Tujimura is okay, probably.
Young Asumu: Fuckface.
Young Gunther: Come.
Young Kuwabara: Yeah!
Youngish Gein: Wow, what!
Youngish Gein falls out the widnow
Young Tsubasa: Don t know what it means butAh well!
I think it means something nice
Young Gunther: Fuckface.
Youngish Gein lands on a car
Young Gunther: Heh.
Youngish Gein his car
Mrs. Tujimura is passed out still, it seems...
Young Tsubasa: I heard it in a mooovieee
Young Gunther pokes Faiga
Young Gunther: Did you die
Young Kuwabara poke poke poke
Young Asumu poku
Space (GM): 79 minutes left on my download
jesus christ
Young Tsubasa: Oooh- I know what will wake her up!
Young Kuwabara: If you re dead, don t say anything.
Mobile L.: Gawd damn
Faiga Tujimura is a very heavy sleeper
Young Tsubasa: Everyone- repeat after me!
Young Tsubasa starts chanting vagina
Young Kuwabara: ...?
Young Gunther: Vagina.
Young Kuwabara: What s she saying?
Young Gunther: Heh.
It sounds funny.
Young Asumu: Vagina?
Young Gunther: Vagina.
Young Kuwabara: Do you think it s some kinda Girl Hex???
Young Tsubasa: Hee- closeeee~
Young Gunther: Dick. Fuck. Vagina. Ahss-hoole.
Faiga Tujimura erryone better chant - that includes you, Kuwabara
Young Asumu: What is iiiit?
Youngish Gein:
Young Gunther: Vagina.
Young Tsubasa: I ll explain later!
Young Kuwabara: ...Alright, uh....Vagina!
Young Gunther: Vagina.
Youngish Gein this is the sound of Gein s car alarm
Young Tsubasa: Vagina!

Young Kuwabara: Vagina!

Space (GM): poor gein
Young Asumu: Vagina
Narrator: No effect seemingly at first, until...
Young Gunther: Heh.
Young Kuwabara: Vaaaagiiiiiinaaaaa!

Tujimura bolts up like in a nightmare

Kuwabara: ..!?
Gunther: It worked.
Tsubasa: I told you!

Youngish Gein rolls off the side of his car

Young Asumu: Yay!
Space (GM): fox ilu
Young Gunther: We made her stop dying.
Young Tsubasa: I told you chanting vagina would work!
Young Kuwabara: We brought her back to life!
Young Gunther: Yayyyy.
Young Kuwabara: We made Tujimura into Jeebus!
Faiga Tujimura looks around
Youngish Gein: (Mother... fucker...)
Young Tsubasa: Vagina is a giver of life!
Young Gunther "hehs" at the car alarm noises
Young Kuwabara: Vajeebus!
Faiga Tujimura seems to have a still-spinning head
Youngish Gein shuts his car up
Mobile L.: omg Olive
Youngish Gein climbs into his car
Faiga Tujimura: ...Kids? I had the weirdest dream...
Young Gunther: Are you still sleepy, Miss Tujimura?
Young Kuwabara: You got kicked in the face by a vampire
And died.
Youngish Gein gets out of his car ebgins looking for the briefcase, which he dro
Young Tsubasa: That s what I heard!
Youngish Gein: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Young Gunther: But we saved you.
Young Kuwabara: But we brought you back to life with witchcraft.
Young Tsubasa: We saved you with vagina!
Young Gunther: And so did the warlock, but he s gone.
There it is - it s lying on the ground by him. Thankfully, it s still closed.
Faiga Tujimura: ...Vampires? Witchcraft?

Faiga Tujimura: ...Oh, right! The alien cats!
Youngish Gein wipes the broken glass off his coat, grabs the case, and gets into
the car
Young Gunther: They re all gone.
Faiga Tujimura: Alien VAMPIRE cats, at that!
Young Kuwabara: That s right!
Young Tsubasa nods
Young Gunther: They got skeletoned.
Youngish Gein weighs his options
Young Kuwabara: We beat em up and sent em packing, don t worry!
Space (GM): i just want you all to be reminded
Young Tsubasa: I hit one of them with the book!
Space (GM): this session is canon
Youngish Gein: ... Does Japan have good healthcare?
Mobile L.: Glorious
Azureberry J.: Beautiful
Youngish Gein: (Fuck it... I ll live.)
Faiga Tujimura: Amazing! You children are true Allies of Justice!
Faiga Tujimura still seems to think it s a game
Young Kuwabara: Yeah!
Youngish Gein starts his car and begins to drive off
Young Gunther: And Mustache. Heh.
Young Kuwabara hops into the air and freezeframes
Young Tsubasa: Ally of justice...? I am justice!
Young Tsubasa grins
Young Gunther still has blood on him
Youngish Gein: tusbasa is light
or l
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa is L, obviously
Kazuma Kuwabara: And that s the story of how I single-handedly saved our school
from a bunch of pedo otaku!
Mobile L.: She has the hair for Light
Faiga Tujimura grins also
music begins to play as Kuwabara freezeframes
Youngish Gein accidentally hits a speedbump to hard and bangs int othe roof
Asumu Mizono: Shut up kuwabara.
Faiga Tujimura: Now - what game will we play next, children?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I hit the pervert with the book, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, yeah, okay, you helped.
Youngish Gein begins driving off
Tsubasa Juufuku: You just stood there and watched me do it!
Gein Mender: I can t walk right because of that, you know.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Wait-- that was you guys?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, what was I supposed to do, hit the girls?
Gunther: I learned what "dick" and "fuck" and "vagina" were. It was an important

Kazuma Kuwabara: What was that, Sakura?
Asumu Mizono: I don t remember any of that.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Devil children.
You were all...
Devil children.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gunther: Heh.
That we were.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re creepin me out, Tohsaka.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- that s flattery.
Gein Mender: You think this is funny, I have a legbrace.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Stay away from me.
Sakura Tohsaka runs off
Gein Mender: I have to see a doctor about my knee.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Sheesh, what s her deal?
Asumu Mizono: What s wrong with her?
Gunther: That makes it hilarious.
Gein Mender: Do you know how expensive that is?
Tsubasa Juufuku: She was one of the girls, you imbecile!
Gunther: Beat on by a bunch of kids.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You shouldn t have done jobs with otaku then, Gramps!
Gein Mender: Oh well.
Space (GM): SO
Kazuma Kuwabara: What?
Gein Mender: After that, I got my money back.
Space (GM): was that everything you had hoped and/or dreamed for
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way, Juufuku.
Mobile L.: It was more
Kazuma Kuwabara: She d be like, a zillion years old now. Use your head!
Gein Mender: That, and the money I got from D, I lived happily.
Azureberry J.: Was gud ja!
eldritch s.: that was great
Tsubasa Juufuku: But she s a vampire! Vampires don t age!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Tsubasa, they weren t vampires, vampires aren t a thing!
eldritch s.: let s get the old and young cast next to each other
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sheesh, I figured you d grown outta thsi stuff by now.
Tsubasa Juufuku: They TOTALLY were!
Azureberry J.: This time I agree with Kuwabara.
Asumu Mizono said that.
Gein Mender: They sure were.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got way too much imagination for a girl your age, Juufuku!
Gein Mender: I am pretty sure. anyway.
Gunther: Heh.
Tsubasa Juufuku: A girl MY age!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, well you re old and crazy, gramps.
Gein Mender: Stop that!
Fawkes M. (GM): Now that I thought about it Taiga was calling an elementary scho
ol kid by his last name
Gein Mender: You crippeled me, I can sue you!
Gunther: Your Japanese was abysmal.
Mac D.: he demanded as such on the first day of school
Gunther: And yet you still knew all the swears.
You re amazing.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well, whatever- that was before I discovered my visions.
Gein Mender: Of course.
Fawkes M. (GM): Faiga s a sub teacher, isn t she...?

Space (GM): yes

Gein Mender: If you live in an apartment run by a mobster, you pick up on swears
Space (GM): i m gonna delete all the young pcs now
Gein Mender: no...
Youngish Gein: GOOD BYE, ME
Mac D.: no stop
Youngish Gein: MY YOUTH IS DEAD
Young Kuwabara: i don t want to disappear
Young Gunther: If I die, I can be replaced
Space (GM): oh fiiiiiine
Mac D.: there can be more hilarious flashbacks in the future
Asumu Mizono: Yay! I m not dying!
Gein Mender: I m glad I took that job.
Gein Mender: Not because I met you.
Mobile L.: Me, yo
Gein Mender: But because I made a lot of money.
MrEForEccentric: Flashback to when Tsubasa taught the class sex ed
Space (GM): lemme just change my battery
Gein Mender: Extra Curricular question, kids
Gunther: Hm?
Gein Mender: What is best in life?
Kazuma Kuwabara is noticeably battered from yet another battle with Urameshi
Gunther: Humor.
Gein Mender: Wrong.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Love?
Gein Mender: Double wrong.
Gunther: You re wrong.
Azureberry J.: Justice
Gein Mender: Super wrong!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Milkshakes?
Gein Mender: Close.
Gunther: Boring.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was going to say that next
Kazuma Kuwabara: Milkshakes are better.
Space (GM): hey fawkesshould we bring in npcs
Asumu Mizono: Money?
Tsubasa Juufuku: They re kind of interchangeable
Gein Mender: Money can do everything!
Gein Mender: It can get you justice!
And humor!
I can t by myself food with love.
Gunther: Only some kinds of humor.
Gein Mender: I can t make myself laugh at a milkshake.
I can t bribe a woman to lvoe me with justice.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- whatever. I m going to go get myself a vision.
Tsubasa Juufuku takes out some herbs
Mobile L.: Gein s headcanon voice is now Grunkle Stan
Gein Mender: And I can t get justice with humor.
No, you re not getting high in a diner.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Goin to the corner to smoke up.

Gunther: Puff puff puff. Heh.

Gein Mender: Get back here!
Space (GM): fox are you theeere
Gunther: Smoke on de ganja, all a de time.
Gein Mender: It s a gateway drug!
Gunther: Heh.
Tsubasa Juufuku: But you can t even get high on this stuff, only I can!
Asumu Mizono: Oi seriously Tsubasa?
Gein Mender: Soon you ll be buying meth!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes!
I need to see the future!
Gunther: I dunno. Cheech and Chong never took meth.
Gein Mender: How do you know?
Gunther: They seem to stay on the weed.
I follow them rather closely.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts smokin up
Gein Mender: You stalk Cheech and Chong?
Put the joint down!
Kazuma Kuwabara: That stuff messes with your head, Juufuku.
Gunther: No, just their material.
They re a good example of stoner comedy.
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s kind of the point to get the vissioooonnnn
Gein Mender: Unless they did meth on-stage, you wouldn t know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y know you can t actually see the future just by smokin , right
Asumu Mizono: If we get arrested I m not vouching for you Tsubasa.
Gein Mender: Put the joint down.
Gunther folds his arms
Tsubasa Juufuku: You re wrong, Kuwabara. This is ORACLE herbs.
Gunther: They re not meth people. You know what meth people look like.
Gein Mender: You know, it s ballsy to do it in public.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh huh, Suuuuure
Tsubasa Juufuku: And besides- this isn t technically an illegal drug
They wouldn t recognize iiiit
Gunther: You ve probably sold stuff to meth people.
Gein Mender: No, I know, I;m just being a dick.
Gunther: Oh.
Gein Mender: I am not a drug dealer!
Gunther: Sure.
Space (GM): fox died
Gein Mender: I never have been a drug dealer.
Mobile L.: :<
Asumu Mizono: What the hell?
Gein Mender: My only crime is I owned a motel in the bad part of time.
Kazuma Kuwabara periodically checks his watch
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hrrmmm..
Gein Mender: *town
Gunther: Sure.
Tsubasa Juufuku enters a trance in the corner
Space (GM): time travel motel
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh I m here
Gein Mender: Oh, there she goes.
Asumu Mizono: You waiting on something Kuwabara?

Gein Mender: High as a kite.

Mobile L.: : >
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh,
Gein Mender: I ll be right back.
Gunther: You think she s gonna get the munchies?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I just gotta be somewhere in a little bit, is all!
Gunther: Wait.
Gein Mender: Probably.
Space (GM): i like this song
Asumu Mizono: You re going to fight Urameshi again aren t you?
Space (GM): i think it ll be the slice of life song
Tsubasa Juufuku trannnnnccceeeee
Kazuma Kuwabara: What? No way! I did that already
Tsubasa foresees..
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gotta build up my strength for tomorrow s fight!
Gein Mender goes to bring Tsuaba over to them
Asumu Mizono: Godamm--eh Then what ARE you doing?
Gunther shoves some greasy fast food into his maw
Kazuma Kuwabara: None of your beeswax!
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at the spiral, what could it mean...?
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 8
Narrator: The spiral shifts, turning into an image of Faiga Tujimura
Wearing Gein s glasses
(he does not scceed btw)
Gein Mender: Hrgh...
Asumu Mizono: You know I have to keep an eye on you Kuwabara. Otherwise you ll d
o something unusually stupid.
Gein Mender sits next to her
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to interpret it to the best of her abilities
Gunther chuckles at Gein from afar
Gein Mender looking casual
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 8
Kazuma Kuwabara: You ain t the boss o me, Mizono! Specially not outside of scho
Narrator: Faiga s mouth turns into a shark s maw

Tsubasa Juufuku this just confuses her further

Narrator: Her teeth are growing and stretching and bAD TRIP BAD TRIP
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to snap the fuck out
Gein Mender keeps an eye out for cops
Asumu Mizono: You don t listen to me in school anyway. You d have better grades
if you did.
Gunther plods over to the Tsubasa table to gawk
Narrator: Guys it would appear
Tsubasa is not having a good time of things
Gunther: ...Heh.
Tsubasa Juufuku the trance is real
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, right!
Gein Mender grabs her shoulder acroos the table
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Tsubasa
Gein Mender tries shaking her
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Ah, geez....
Asumu Mizono: Oh goddamit! Tsubasa!
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Gunther: Tsubasa. How many fingers am I holding up?
Narrator: tsubasa the wORMS ARE TOUCHING YOU
Gunther (it s three)
Tsubasa Juufuku: EWAAAAAH!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I told you that stuff is no good!
Mysterious Woman enters the restaurant just as Tsubasa flips out
Gunther: Wow.
Mysterious Woman: ...?
Mysterious Woman looks over in her direction
Mysterious Woman: ...
Mysterious Woman decides she doesn t care and goes to get some food
Gein Mender: Don t worry.
It ll all be okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, snap out of it, Juufuku!
Gein Mender: Get me a glass of water.
Gunther: Tsubasa, what does my face look like right now?
Tsubasa Juufuku: WORMS
Gunther: ...Heh. Wow.
Tsubasa Juufuku: SKIN
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ooooh, what do I look like?

Gein Mender: Don t hurrt about it or anything

Narrator: Slowly, the dinner crowd starts filing into the restaurant
Asumu Mizono: She s out of it. We need to get her home.
Gein Mender sighs
Gein Mender: lazy asshole
Tsubasa Juufuku: AN ASSHOLE
Gunther: She smoked the special screamo kush.
Gein Mender: Lazy assholes.
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-hey!
Gein Mender splashes her in the face with a pop
Tsubasa Juufuku blinks
Tsubasa Juufuku leaves her trance
Tsubasa Juufuku: Really!? Coke?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Tsubasa Juufuku deep sigh
Gunther: Don t snort it.
Gein Mender: I wanted a glass of water, blame these asshole.
Asumu Mizono: You had everyone worried.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So didja see the future?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I just messed up the interpretation.
Gunther: But she was gonna further misinterpret my face.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at Kuwabara
Narrator: Some people are looking over at you guys weirdly
Tsubasa Juufuku: I- think I did. Don t know how to interpret it though
Gein Mender turns to them
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh huh.
Gein Mender: Take a picture, it ll last longer!
Gunther: Hello.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, whatever! These people are starting to look at us funny..
Gein Mender: You get off, looking a someone have a panic attack!?
Gunther makes a weird face at them
Tsubasa Juufuku shakes her head
Rin Tohsaka: ...Just concerned, that s all...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Weird...
Rin Tohsaka goes back to her burger
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, we oughta bounce.
Gein Mender sits back down, and old fuck
Gein Mender: *an
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- guys. Quick question. Is Tujimura still alive?
Gunther: But I have to finish my fries.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh?
Gein Mender: I don t see why not.
Gunther goes back to his table
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dunno, haven t seen her since kindergarten.
Asumu Mizono: Me neither.

Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, exactly.

Asumu Mizono: Maybe she quit.
Gunther crams all the fries in his mouth and walks back
Kazuma Kuwabara: She probably left town.
Mac D.: brb restroom
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm...
Well- I saw her
Wearing your glasses
Tsubasa Juufuku points at Gein
Gein Mender: Why?
Gunther: Mrrfrrghh rghrfrgh frgh, mrrr.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know! I m not perfect at the oracle stuff yet
I messed up the interpretation
Gein Mender: Does that mean I m really Faiga?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Because that s when stuff got... WEIRD
Gunther has a mouth fulla fries and looks like a huge, fat squirrel
Asumu Mizono: She s still high.
Gunther: Mrghfrgh/
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m not high, dammit
Gein Mender: No, don t talk with your mouthful.
Gunther: Mrr, frghgh fghhhrgg. Hrr.
Asumu Mizono: Uh-huh.
Rin Tohsaka noms that hamburger, looking back at Clara
Gunther: ...Rrgh rrgh frghfgrh?
Gein Mender: Eat. Your food.
Gunther: Bwrrrghhh...
Clara Testarossa is poking at that salad of hers
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Rin Tohsaka: Not so hungry?
Gunther begrudgingly chews his fries
Tsubasa Juufuku: You just don t quite understand the oracle thing.
Gein Mender: I do.
It s called weed.
Gunther GULPs
Gein Mender: I took some when I was your age.
Asumu Mizono: What Mender said.
Gein Mender: A little dope.
Tsubasa Juufuku facepalms
Gein Mender: You know what you need to see?
Clara Testarossa: I ate earlier.
Mac D.: kback
Gein Mender: A little movie called Reefer Madness.
Tsubasa Juufuku: This- is not weed. People without the oracles blood can t get
high off of this.
Gunther watches the PROBABLY GAY THING happening at the other table
Rin Tohsaka: Ah... damn. Maybe I should ve picked somewhere else.
Gunther: Heh. Reefer Madness is a classic.
Gein Mender: I sm going to show you Reefer Madness.
Tsubasa Juufuku: My family has to keep a farm of this stuff. The herb originally

comes from Delphi.

Gunther: Do so.
Asumu Mizono: Never seen it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: And it is not Marijuana
Gein Mender: You all need to see it.
It is a herb.
Gunther: Yes.
Clara Testarossa: I guess I m just used to better tasting salads.
Gein Mender: That you smoke.
Gunther: It s amazing.
Gein Mender: And makes you see things.
Close enough.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes, it is...
Rin Tohsaka: Heh... well, sorry. I m on a bit of a budget, these days.
eldritch s.: i thought clara said
Tsubasa Juufuku: It allows me to see premonitions of the future.
Kazuma Kuwabara checks his watcha gain
Tsubasa Juufuku: Though it will always be vague.
At best
eldritch s.: "i m just used to tossing salads" and i thought it was very sexual
and i was confused
Space (GM): oh my god
Gein Mender: That s really great.
I bet ti makes you hungry, too.
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, actually.
Clara Testarossa: You pay more than you make?
Gunther: Smart idea, toking up in a restaurant.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m completely fine.
Gein Mender: That s what everyone says.
Gunther: Next time do it in White Castle. Heh.
Gein Mender: Heh.
Asumu Mizono: Can we just go now?
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, that s right. I mean, don t get me wrong, it s worth it, but
I still have the right to grumble about it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, lets just go.
Gein Mender stands up
Gein Mender pays their bill
Gunther is half-heartedly eavesdropping on Team Salad Toss
Clara Testarossa
Kazuma Kuwabara:
Tsubasa Juufuku:
s me
Kazuma Kuwabara:

I guess the fact that you all don t believe it actually benefit
Oh, damn, I m gonna be late!

Kazuma Kuwabara gets up out of his chair

Gunther: Oh.
Clara Testarossa: Obliged. I ll pay next time.
Gunther: For what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nothin ! See ya!
Kazuma Kuwabara goes RIGHT out the door
Gunther: Goodbye.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, let s see if I got the directions right this time.....

Rin Tohsaka: Great. I appreciate it.

Tsubasa Juufuku looks completely fine, as if she wasn t in a trance just now
Gein Mender: I pay the bill and no one thanks me.
You re shitty kids.
Gunther: Where do you think Kuwabara went?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Eh, I just kind of expect it from you, now
Gein Mender: To go have sex with his boyfriend, I don t know!
Kazuma Kuwabara is ON THE PROWEL for a SPECIFIC STREET
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 26
Clara Testarossa smiles a bit
Gunther: Thanking you will not negate your purchase.
I see no point.
Narrator: Indeed, Kuwabara finds this street...!
Gein Mender: This is why you re bad kids.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aha! Nailed it on my first try!
Gunther: Niceties mean little.
Rin Tohsaka: So... I know we re not supposed to talk about this in public, but w
hat s the progress on...
Rin Tohsaka gestures vaguely
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Asumu Mizono: If its any consolation Thanks.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And Mizono thinks I m dumb! HAh
Clara Testarossa: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, lessie here, Sign Language Lessons.....
Clara Testarossa: ...Slower than I was hoping.
Kazuma Kuwabara eyes all the buildings
Gunther is still eavesdroppin
Gein Mender: Can we go, now?
Gunther: Sure.
We weren t stopping you.
Asumu Mizono: Let s.
Gein Mender: hm
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, I need to catch up with my family. I m actually running o
ut of the Delphi herbs.
Rin Tohsaka: Ah...? Well, don t worry about that. It s a process. It s understan
dable it ll take some time.
*that it ll
Space (GM): team rusty trombone
Mobile L.: Ahahaha
Oh nooooo
Mac D.: team crusty piccolo
Gein Mender: that s why she s alone
Tsubasa Juufuku heads off down the street, going for her parent s house
Space (GM): mobile quick

Azureberry J.: Blue waffles are gud

Space (GM): the map for the juufuku house
Mobile L.: Is it one I made already?
Clara Testarossa: But I also can t take my sweet time.
Space (GM): nope
Gein Mender: no a blue waffle is
Kazuma Kuwabara is still scouting for that sign language class
Mobile L.: Okay. What s it look like again?
Gein Mender: well
Rin Tohsaka nods once
Rin Tohsaka is quiet after that
Clara Testarossa: ...
Gein Mender steps out
Narrator: Shit, Kuwabara...
Clara Testarossa salad pooooke
Narrator: it s closed on saturdays
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Aaaaah, dammit!!
Mobile L.: Or, well, not again, as I haven t made it.
MrEForEccentric: Remember the fun fact: Tsubasa has an apartment and doesn t liv
e with her parents...!
eldritch s.: also options for team rustry trombone is an alternative:
Mobile L.: Ooh
eldritch s.: team clap trap
as in the clap
Mobile L.: Little apartment?
Oh dear
eldritch s.: keheheheheheh
MrEForEccentric: She does keep an apartment to herself yes
Kazuma Kuwabara: I can t believe I what m I gonna do?.....
Mobile L.: Nice or crappy apartment?
Also, bee are bee
Gein Mender: Hey, it s a dog!
MrEForEccentric: She is very messy
Scooby: Ruff!
Gein Mender: Hey there, pal.
Who s your owner?
Gein Mender checks for a collar
Scooby is a stray
Kazuma Kuwabara grumpily skulks around town
Gein Mender: Come with me, lil buddy.
Asumu Mizono: Um....gein.
Gein Mender pets him
Gein Mender: Yes?
Scooby happy pant
Narrator: As Kuwabara skulks, he sees...
Asumu Mizono: That...might not be safe.
Gein Mender: It s fine!
Gein Mender: I have my rabies shot.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?

Asumu Mizono: Well alright then.

Asumu Mizono giving the dog a wide berth
Mac D.: you cowards
Gein Mender: dog
Claudia Hortensia is a-walken through town
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
....ah, crap!
Claudia Hortensia has bandages covering her arms
Mac D.: i forgot was the grocery session canon or not
MrEForEccentric: I see no Tsubasa anywhere
Space (GM): nope
Mac D.: Hokay
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender pets Scoob
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Yeesh, what happened to her?.....
Hey, lady! You lookin for a hospital?
Claudia Hortensia looks up
Claudia Hortensia: Excuse me?
Asumu Mizono: Where did Tsubasa get off too?
Tsubasa Juufuku decides to stop by her apartment to double check some stuff
Kazuma Kuwabara: A hospital! You look in pretty bad shape!
Claudia Hortensia: Ah.
Tsubasa Juufuku mostly a quick check to see what she needs in town
Claudia Hortensia: It looks worse than it is, certainly.
Gein Mender: No idea.
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches, hands in his pockets
Kazuma Kuwabara: So what happened?
Claudia Hortensia: ...
Claudia Hortensia seems a bit uncomfortable w/ this delinquent approaching
MrEForEccentric: Where Tsubasa is right now- is literally her apartment
Canon now
Claudia Hortensia: It is nothing. Merely a condition of mine.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks like someone straight out of Cromartie
Kazuma Kuwabara: Condition, huh? You sick?
Claudia Hortensia: ...
Claudia Hortensia silently begins unwrapping the bandages on one of he arms
Claudia Hortensia: *her
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gein Mender begins walkign to his apartment with Scoob
Asumu Mizono: I
Claudia Hortensia s arm oozes dark blood from hundreds of small puncture wounds
, all running along the length of her entire arm
Asumu Mizono: Will see you later Gein.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?!?!

Woah, lady! That looks bad!
Claudia Hortensia begins wrapping it back up
Claudia Hortensia: It is nothing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We gotta get you to a doctor, seriously!
Tsubasa Juufuku chills out for a bit
Gein Mender: Yeah, you too.
Claudia Hortensia: I have lived with this pain my whole life. It is nothing.
Gein Mender: Come on, buddy!
Asumu Mizono is just walkin along now.
Tsubasa Juufuku decides to call up dearest mother
Mobile L.: Back, gonna make the hizznouse
Kazuma Kuwabara: That doesn t mean it ain t bad!
What if it gets, like, infected or something??
Space (GM): just make apartments for both tsubasa and gein
Gein Mender: gein s is very hotline miami
Claudia Hortensia: It won t. These wounds were inflicted upon me by my very own
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait, wha?....
Claudia Hortensia closes her eyes
Gein Mender: Wait, hsit..
MrEForEccentric: For Tsubasa s- basically just think about what Sherlock Holmes
apartment would look like if he was a teenaged girl
Mac D.: by the way is Claudia emenating magic
Claudia Hortensia: When I am in the presence of evil, hundreds of spikes pierce
my arms.
Gein Mender peers at the guys blocking him
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......!
....Wait.....Wait a sec!...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Come on, pick up...
Kazuma Kuwabara: You have that kinda thing too??
Tsubasa Juufuku waiting for her dearest mother to pick up the phone
Gein Mender stares
Claudia Hortensia: Yes, that is correct.
Rider: Caster....
Narrator: Seems a mustachioed fellow is standing on that there roof...
Rider: Caster, please come down.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I have something like that, too!
Asumu Mizono: Is looking at the man on the roof.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Only....It ain t as serious as having spikes in your arms...
Saber: This is madness, aster!
Rider: Caster, come on.
Claudia Hortensia: Is that so?
Saber: Please, come down from there.
Claudia Hortensia: Then it seems you were blessed, while I was cursed.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Woah.....So....does that make us long-lost twins or someth
Claudia Hortensia: I doubt it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh....
.....I call mine The Tickle.

Claudia Hortensia: That is good for you.

Caster: II KNOW! I know you think I am mad, but I cannot so much as breathe the s
ame air around which lies those ACCURSED PEACHES!
Rider: What s wrong with peaches, Caster?
Tsubasa Juufuku hangs up
Asumu Mizono: What?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well, I ll just have to arrive unannounced
Caster: They... They frighten me... I know it seems like foolishness to you, but
The odor, and the... the fuzz...
Tsubasa Juufuku heads back out onto the street
Kazuma Kuwabara: Cause when I m near ghosts and stuff, it feels like somebody s
tickling my spine!
And then I get dreams where I m visited by dead old ladies and stuff!
Asumu Mizono: I like peaches....
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sometimes they re nice.....Most of the time, they re not.
Claudia Hortensia: ...
Asumu Mizono said Mizono rto herself
Tsubasa Juufuku stretches a little
Caster: ...I am sure you do, young lady, but I am a certifiable madman, and I do
Rider: Caster, they re just fruit!
Fruit can t hurt you.
Tsubasa Juufuku notices the men down the alleyway
Tsubasa Juufuku: What the...?
Caster: I KNOW THAT! I know...
Rider: Just calm down, and come down the ladder.
Rider: This isn t something to kill yourself over!
Claudia Hortensia: ...Perhaps you could find work with the church.
But, if not, then we have nothing to discuss.
Claudia Hortensia nods stiffly
Claudia Hortensia: Good day.
Claudia Hortensia walks off
Caster: How can... How can I live in a world where simple fruits drive me to hys
terics, Rider?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
....Hey, hold i....
.....Man....What was her deal?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well... I think I m just going to- head to my parents...
Caster: Why was the gift of life bestowed upon a man terrified of fruits?!
Asumu Mizono: Caster zRider? is this some kind of play?
Tsubasa Juufuku walks down the street
Saber: Caster!
Kazuma Kuwabara continues thugwalking down the town
Saber: Enouhg of this!
Kazuma Kuwabara practically LOOKING for trouble

Saber: We have work to do.

Rider: Yeah!
Tsubasa Juufuku look there, Kuwabara
Tsubasa Juufuku a Tsubasa
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, hey Juufuku.
Caster: ...ngghhhhhhh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara
Rider: It s okay, come on...
Saber: ...
Caster slinks his way to the ladder, proverbial tail between his legs
Kazuma Kuwabara: Still high?
Tsubasa Juufuku: No!
Caster: B-but if I see one more peach... I... I will do something foolish...
Saber: You will not.
Rider: Don t worry, we ll make sure peaches don t touch you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you suuure?
Tsubasa Juufuku: If I was still "high" I d still be in a trance, and having a vi
Gein Mender tries to squeeze by them
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 6
Caster: Oh, you say that now, but just you wait, Saber!
Caster cliiiiiimbs on down
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe you still are!
Maybe this is aaaaaall an illuuuuusion!
Saber: You will see.
Scooby whines
Caster well pretend he does, I cam
Caster: *can t move the token
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara, do you want me to test this theory by kicking you in
the balls?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, ma am!
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s what I thought.
Gein Mender slips back to Scoob
Gein Mender: We ll take the long way around.
Kazuma Kuwabara grumbles
Scooby nods
Kazuma Kuwabara: So what re you doin;.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was going to show up to my mothers
I m running out of my- well- herbs.

place unannounced because

Kazuma Kuwabara: Your mom s your dealer?

Man, that s messed up.
Gein Mender heads into his apartment complex
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes.
Scooby follows
Tsubasa Juufuku: My mom is my dealer.
Mysterious Woman takes note of Gein s dog as they pass her in the halls of the a
Kazuma Kuwabara: My sis d kill me if she ever saw me with anything that LOOKED l
ike a drug!
Mysterious Woman: Nice dog.
Gein Mender: Thanks.
Tsubasa Juufuku: The herb is only a drug to those who are Oracles, like my famil
y s girls...
Mysterious Woman pets him, then continues on her way
Gein Mender fumbles for the keys to his apartment
Gein Mender unlocks the door
Gein Mender heads in with scoob
Scooby happeh doge
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y know, you always say that. But you were screamin at Gunther
about worms ten minutes ago....
Space (GM): so even though this roll ain t started proper yet
how are yall enjoyin
Mac D.: l o v e
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes- because I was misinterpreting the vision.
Gein Mender: tes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh Huuuuh.
Space (GM): if there is TROUBLE then give me feedback so i can solve
Tsubasa Juufuku: Also- generally the oracles needed peace and quiet, y know?
Gein Mender: the very end of the plo
t, scoob s true role is revealed
Space (GM): scoob is D
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t usually get shaken up whilst in a trance.
Y ever heard about how you shouldn t wake up a sleep walker?
Kind of like that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Listen, Juufuku, I dunno what you re mom s been tellin ya, but
visions and oracles and magic stuff like that ain t real!
..... Cept for ghosts.
Ghosts are real.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Space (GM): 95% download
16 min left
Asumu Mizono starts heading home
Tsubasa Juufuku: Y know something? I actually had a premonition yesterday that y
ou d tell that story of the vampires in a diner.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, yeah right!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not even kidding.

Though yes, it s hard to prove now...

Kazuma Kuwabara: And I totally had a prediction that you d make that prediction
two nights ago!
Tsubasa Juufuku glares
Tsubasa Juufuku: Do you want me to try and do a prediction right now?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wh-Out on the streets!? No way, you ll get hurt!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Relax. It s not like I ll mess up twice in one day.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m serious! You could get hit by a car or something!
Look, I won t make fun of you anymore, just don t do that!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was going to sit down on a bench, you imbecile!
Mobile L.: Would Tsubasa own a compooter?
Kazuma Kuwabara: And what m I supposed to say about the screaming girl on a park
bench to people walking by?
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Mobile L.: A ight
Gein Mender: she has a bong
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was only screaming because I messed up the interpreting...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look-...If you really want to show me, let s just go inside som
eplace empty!
Tsubasa Juufuku: And Gein started to shake me.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: al right
Asumu Mizono Sits down to marathone some Yatterman night till morning.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I guess that s what you say to all the girls- but- if you insis
Kazuma Kuwabara scratches his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: Geez....Wait, what!?
It ain t like that!!
Tsubasa Juufuku smug grin
Tsubasa Juufuku: You make it too easy.
Kazuma Kuwabara grrrrrr
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Let s.....Let s just go, alright!?
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Lead the way, lover-boy.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Would you stop!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hee-hee.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You ain t even my type!
Kazuma Kuwabara stomps off to somewhere quiet, steaming
Tsubasa Juufuku follows
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to his house
sadly kuwabara s SISTER is out at WORK
Tsubasa Juufuku: You sure, it ain t like that? Cause this looks like your place
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....Sis shouldn t be home. We go in, you do your drug th
ing, then you get out!
Tsubasa Juufuku how did she know it s your place
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Wait, have you been here before!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, I just do my homework.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....

...That s seriously creepy, Juufuku...

Tsubasa Juufuku: It s detective work.
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Space (GM): i didn t know he lived in osa*p
Mac D.: drag him to wherever he s supposed to live
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, let s make this quick!
Space (GM): ain t no picked locations or nothign
Tsubasa Juufuku nos
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes. Because you re clearly busy.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Grrrr...
Kazuma Kuwabara stomps inside
Tsubasa Juufuku follows indoors
Kazuma Kuwabara: There! Now hurry up!
Kazuma Kuwabara sits at the table
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right, patience.
Tsubasa Juufuku sets down the herbs
Space (GM): 6 minutes until my download...!
Tsubasa Juufuku starts lighting them up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just to prove- that it s only me that s affected by the smoke..
Just- try it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-Not a chance! Don t push this stuff on me!
Space (GM): D.A.R.E. to resist drugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: It isn t even "stuff" to you!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I said no!
Tsubasa Juufuku: It- won t even effect you!
It just smells nice to non-oracles!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I let you into my house, I ain t gonna let you push your habits
on me!
No means no!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Fiiine.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to inhale the smoke
Space (GM): roll mind
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 13
Narrator: She sees... an alley.
It s dark. It s night.
A corpse lies, slumped against the wall.

Tsubasa Juufuku has a peaceful look about her

Tsubasa Juufuku is fully in-trance now
Kazuma Kuwabara sits there, tapping his finger against the table impatiently
Narrator: Footsteps approach. Their forms are shadowy, they are indistinct.
And, just like that - the vision fades.
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to grab a hold of the corpse before it fades
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Tsubasa Juufuku mental hold
Narrator: The corpse - wears one of their school uniforms.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to look at the shadowy forms
Narrator: it is TOO LATE the vision faded
Tsubasa Juufuku is back in the room, snapping out of the vision
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: So?
Tsubasa Juufuku shakes her head a little
Tsubasa Juufuku: You re... not going to like this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Eh?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I saw an alley at night. One of our- fellow students...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Wh-....
...Is this another one of your ribs, Juufuku!?
This ain t funny!
Tsubasa Juufuku shakes her head
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, it isn t a joke.
That s what I ve forseen.
A death at our school.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, I ve let you have your fun long enough!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Or at least... someone who wears our uniform.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now get!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Kazuma Kuwabara is angry
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sorry I couldn t give you a better premonition like- I don t kn
ow. Tomorrow s weather.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Will you get out already!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know how to control what to premonition yet.
Al right, al right.
I m going.
Tsubasa Juufuku heads outside
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and huffs out his nose, frowning
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....A student dying....She thinks that s funny?...
Tsubasa Juufuku mutters under her breath
Tsubasa Juufuku though it s indistinct
Tsubasa Juufuku walks down the street

Tsubasa Juufuku seemed pretty damn serious

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Dammit....What a croc...
Mobile L.: Sorry, this mapping s takin a bit
Tsubasa Juufuku is heading to her parents house
Mac D.: space have you perhaps considered
adding Ys music to the jukebox
Narrator: lemme see
Mac D.:
Azureberry J.: You know what series I got reminded of.
Kazuma Kuwabara is still in his house
Kazuma Kuwabara bein a GRUMP
Narrator: ys has sweet tunes
Mac D.: you bet it fuckin does
MrEForEccentric: Hee
I just realized
Mac D.: who among you wants
to go watch more yu yu hakusho in a taima
Space (GM): i am literally just about to play medal of honor frontline
Mac D.: CURSES............
MrEForEccentric: Ah, damn it would be spoilers
Mac D.: is medal of honor more important than your friends
Space (GM): this game is very nostalgic to me and also i have been waiting for t
he past 4-5 hours to download
Mac D.: mrrgrrgrr
Space (GM): ahm sorre
Azureberry J.: Duff is channeling Bravely Default.
Space (GM): c-can t
can t we still talk here
Mac D.: i GUESS
Space (GM): or... or i could join the taima
i just...
would be...
Mac D.: hmmph....
don t bother
it s not the same...........
Space (GM): :c
MrEForEccentric: Arkantos and Saber the annoyed ones
Space (GM): they oughta form a club
MrEForEccentric: The club of annoyed individuals
Space (GM): btw olive did you seeeee
MrEForEccentric: What
Space (GM): check your character dropdown
MrEForEccentric: Ah yes, Lancer
Though I was not much in the mood for playing Lancer as well
Space (GM): aiite
Mac D.:
Space (GM): just making sure ya didnt miss and feel left oute
Mac D.: hey space use this at the death scene
MrEForEccentric: How is Kuwabara going to react when the death happens
Space (GM): it won t be a death scene it ll be a stumbling upon a corpse scene
MrEForEccentric: And Tsubasa would be like- "Called it"
Gein Mender: if this ess is done
i will be playing civ

Space (GM): conquer those fuckers

Gein Mender: wiht mods
Mac D.:
Space (GM): destroy everythign
Mac D.: go to 17:00
Gein Mender:
Mac D.: kuwabara is not a man who reigns in his emotions
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa when she s
proved right
Gein Mender: the rat man
Mac D.: the body s not even fucking cold tsubasa
is she going to laugh at kuwabara right there as he s crying his eyes out
MrEForEccentric: Totally
Before hitting on him
Space (GM): oh my god medal of honor is giving me nostalgia just from the openin
g music
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa: "So... with him dead, I guess you re single now"
Mobile L.: Aaaa fawk, I was 2slow
Still making the Tsupartment
But I keep getting sidelined
Mac D.: are you also making the kuwapartment
Mobile L.: That will come shortly thereafter
Mac D.: Kuwabara: [LOUD ANGRY SOBS]
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa: "Tear your shirt off, and cry into the rain for dramat
ic posture. Make sue you re kneeling and raising your gaze and fists at the heav
Mac D.: Kuwabara:[VOMITING]
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa: "... Nevermind, I think I prefer Gunther now"
Mac D.: space fox did we ever come up with a solid consensus on what Dimension S
word does
MrEForEccentric: I don t think my starting trait is even on the character sheet
at the moment
Mac D.: i haven t written out any of my character traits either
what will tsubasa s reacion be when Kuwabara summons his first spirit sword
MrEForEccentric: "Wow, compensating?"
Mac D.:
"sword, get long"
Mobile L.:
Is the Tsupartment to your liking?
MrEForEccentric: Perfect
Mobile L.: Yey
MrEForEccentric: The only thing I d say is make the left half slightly more mess
AlsoAnother thing Tsubasa would sayMobile L.: Like with papers littered?
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa: "Kuwabara, why do you need to hold it near your dick e
verytime you summon it"
Mobile L.: A ight
I can litter hella papers
MrEForEccentric: I guess she exclusively eats microwave food, since another thin
g I d say is- that I see no cooker
Mobile L.: Boop?
MrEForEccentric: Excellent

Mobile L.: Yey

MrEForEccentric: For art s sake I ll just say the cooker is there just not shown
due to scale
Mobile L.: I could pop a stove in if you want
MrEForEccentric: That would be excellent
Mobile L.:
MrEForEccentric: Perfect
Mobile L.: Yey
MrEForEccentric: If you ever do her parent s house, remember that there d be a g
reenhouse part
Mobile L.: A ight
Ooh, someone made greenhouse tiles, too
MrEForEccentric: And the hubby is an accountant
Mobile L.: So he d have a big desk
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Big salary
He is the one who pays for Tsubasa s apartment
Mobile L.: And all the dank kush
MrEForEccentric: Yesh
Tsubasa does not lie about the fact that the drug only affects oracles though
If anyone else tried smoking it, it d basically just be a nice smell
though kind of similar to incense
Mobile L.: Ah, I see
So no contact highs?
MrEForEccentric: nooo
Unless they happened to be both female and related to her
Mobile L.: Ah
MrEForEccentric: She tokes and it don t affect noboddy
Mobile L.: Harmless weed
Making Gein s apartment
Mac D.: i am back from shower
Mobile L.: Do you feel fresh n clean?
Mac D.: yas
has anyone here seen casshern sins
Mobile L.: I ve seen just a couple snippets
But I recall this poppin theme
Mac D.: it s breddy gud
Mobile L.: It looks good
Mac D.: if the grimmest of dark
Mobile L.: I like grimdurgh
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa Juufuku- her homework is mostly tokin
Mobile L.: Dank kush
MrEForEccentric: But now I sleep
Mobile L.: A ight. G night, Oloive
Space (GM): nite
oh man
this game though
i m getting like hit in the face with nostalgia
Mobile L.: Oohoo
Space (GM): it s one of those games where it s very clear they had a lot of resp
ect for the actual history that the game is based on
also you can shoot a nazi in the groin
Mobile L.: Nazi groin shots are super historical
Space (GM): ikr?

Mobile L.: Sorry for the sporadicness, am mapping the Geinpartment

Space (GM): is k, im shooting nazis on a uboat
Mobile L.: Shoot em up
Space (GM): 8)
Gein Mender: fucking penises
my first game of civ gone
very poorly
eldritch s.: the daedra start in a shitty location in the cyrodil mod
no gold
i ended up going int odebt
Space (GM): ooh, geez
eldritch s.: and my one hp
my gold producing tiles
pillaged by barbarians
i quit at that point
Space (GM): jeeeez
eldritch s.: there was no hope of recovery
Space (GM): that sounds painful
eldritch s.: it started okay
and just slowly
Space (GM): thats how my civ games go
eldritch s.: and the wonder i wanted to build which would bring in gold
was built by the fucking wood elves
mehrunes dagon had to tolerate debt
which is fucking stupid
that s my problem with a lot of civs like that
Space (GM): that doesn t seem a daedraish thing
eldritch s.: why the fuck would you put up with debt
or shit like that
you are mehrunes fucking dagon
and why wouldn t the other nations want to kill you on sight
it s stupid
mehrunes needed to be hilariously op
Space (GM): what s his special civ abilities
eldritch s.: basically:
once in a blue moon a barbarian you kill will join you
you are good and beating up city states
and your units always fight at full strength
eldritch s.: not useful when you can t have any units
Space (GM): wow that s literally just
eldritch s.: because you have no money
Space (GM): the same as a couple other civs
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): not even unieuq abilities, damn
@mobile: aww yea
eldritch s.: and the real spit in the face is
Mobile L.: Gein hause forthcoming
eldritch s.: it was called
"malevolent and overpowered"
friend, you have some stupid ideas about what overpowered means
Space (GM): wowww
eldritch s.: granted
i have alos downloaded
the reapers
and a canada civ
maybe i m just not good at running a destructive civ
eldritch s.: maybe if it were ai it would have been an engine of death and destr

but i just didn t get any gold income
Space (GM): water the other civs like
eldritch s.: didn t try them
Space (GM): dam
eldritch s.: i am somewhat eager to
but seeing as civ crashed when looking at demogrpahics that will be it for now
Space (GM): how wll does civ run on your compy
eldritch s.: eh
sort of
it s good to play
but starting up it takes a while
Space (GM): oh same
eldritch s.: and i have all settings on low
Space (GM): also same
eldritch s.: i had it on high once
never again
the reapers are overpowered though
and they can only win through domination
Space (GM): oooh
eldritch s.: Trait: (The Harvest) Can only lose through destruction. Defeated en
emies are Indoctrinated. Captured cities increase growth by 2%. Starts with one
Capital Ship.
UU: Husk. Replaces Warrior. Faster movement. Free. Available to Steel.
UU: Husk. Replaces Longswordsman. Faster movement. Free. Available forever.
eldritch s.: UU: Destroyer. Replaces Artillery. The same strength as a Rocket Ar
tillery. Can t capture cities. Cost 2 Iron.
UU: Oculus. Replaces Triplane. Anti-Armour. The same strength as a Jet Fighter.
Terrible vs cities. Costs 1 Oil.
UU: Capital Ship. Replaces GDR. Has 2 tiles range. Can Paradrop 10 tiles away. C
an t capture cities. Can only be built in Dark Space.
Space (GM): jeeeeeeeeeesus
eldritch s.: dds a Cthulhu-ruled civ to the game, focused on faith and conquest.
Brave New World Only
Civ Traits:
Leader: Cthulhu
eldritch s.:
Trait: 33% of faith per turn is added to capital science. Holy sites produce dou
ble yield (including Piety bonuses), +1 production and +1 food.
Unique Buildings: Blood Shrine. Unique R lyeh replacement for the shrine. +1 Fai
th per every 4 Population. +1 food for ocean and coast tiles.
Unique Unit: Shoggoth. Unlike the infantry, which it replaces, the somewhat more
expensive Shoggoth comes with all the abilities of a worker. It terrifies nearb
y units, heals every turn and heals when it defeats an enemy.
eldritch s.:
Bias: Ocean
Space (GM): oooooh
Mobile L.:
Tried to make it Hotline Miami-y, but few tiles were so neon
eldritch s.: very nice
Mobile L.: Yey
eldritch s.: you know what would be good
for evil civs
you wouldn t get a warmonger bonus for takign their cities
so people wouldn t get on your ass for killing the reapers
Space (GM): or moctezuma
cause he
always wars, ever
eldritch s.: ximican

Mobile L.: With that, my restless soul departs

G night, dawgs
Space (GM): nite
eldritch s.: the bomber animation is painfully long
it s so fucking stupid
Space (GM): how long
eldritch s.: it s like a minute
of it flying over
Space (GM): laame
eldritch s.: and then it sends one bomb
MrEForEccentric: WORD UP
Space (GM): yo yo yo
MrEForEccentric: Wwww
T-they were one-shots!?
Space (GM): who
MrEForEccentric: The Necos...
Space (GM): hahaha
that s what i want you to think, certainly
MrEForEccentric: Evo haunts Tsubasa s dreams
"You will never be waifu material"
And she s like
Tsubasa Juufuku: Nooo! I will prove you wrong!! I will be the Kawaii-est!
Lancer: You will never be as kawaii as Greek Jesus
Space (GM): wwatch out tsubasa
you re boxed in
Tsubasa Juufuku nosebleeds
Space (GM): we have
a lot of female npcs
MrEForEccentric: Last time on Fate Still Night, we had too many manly men
Now we have too many chicks
Space (GM): it occurs to me
we don t have many enemies
MrEForEccentric: Make more enemies
I could even give you an idea
For who could be
The- enemy
of Tsubasa
Space (GM): moriarty
MrEForEccentric: Like personal rival
I was actually going to go more along the lines of Cassandra
And sayThe son of Cassandra and Ajax the Lesser
Who is a Dead Apostle
Not like a powerful one
MrEForEccentric: Just really old
Space (GM): hooho
older is stronger
MrEForEccentric: You know about Ajax the Lesser tho, right
That is the cliche that older is stronger
And he just kind of uses it
To say
"Yeah I could wipe the floor with you"
And bluffs it
MrEForEccentric: Among other vampires
Space (GM): whos ajax the lesse
fawkes look
MrEForEccentric: Here s a wiki arti

Space (GM): \look at my folders for chairs

Fawkes M. (GM): Noice
Space (GM): ajax stole cassandra
MrEForEccentric: Yes
He is basically a dick
And also a very good contender for being a Lancer
unlike our actual Ajax Lancer
Space (GM): ajax is shielder
we need more enemies
MrEForEccentric: One of them is literally Hitler
Hitler dead apostle d
Fawkes M. (GM): Yus
We do
MrEForEccentric: Night time
Space (GM): darkness
MrEForEccentric: DUCKNESS...
Fawkes M. (GM): Ducks
MrEForEccentric: Perfect
We have Roa as the main antagonist right
Space (GM): ya
MrEForEccentric: Have that one OSAP guy as a henchman
Space (GM): oh shit
MrEForEccentric: Like he doesn t even care about shit, he s just a dead apostle
"Ugh. I guess I have to kill you guys, now..."
"This is such a drag"
"Life is so boring and meaningless, y know?"
"So I figured when he bit me- fuck it, why not help a psychopath? I ve got nothi
ng better to do, now I m a vampire"
Space (GM): damned emo vamps
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Make him pretentiously emo and apathetic
He s just there because he ain t got nothing better to do than follow Roa s orde
Angura kei outfit too
Just cause of course
"Angura kei is the darkest visual kei style. The clothes of the style tend to be
mostly black, but with spikes and chains. Make-up is worn dark and heavy. The s
tyle has been compared to the modern goth"
Space (GM): emo
MrEForEccentric: Exactly
Japanese Emo Vampire
His nickname is Jev
Fawkes M. (GM): What if that s his real name?
MrEForEccentric: Sure
Why not
Fawkes M. (GM): If we named Vampire 3 "Thriceman"
MrEForEccentric: You guys can name the Japanese Emo Vampire Jev
Literally worked at the OSA-P
In town
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Spirit

= 11
Is there some vicious whispering going on here
Space (GM): yes
Fawkes M. (GM): The planning
MrEForEccentric: Sheeyit
I knew it
You guys makin Evo return
Fawkes M. (GM): We must find a way, Space
Space (GM):
MrEForEccentric: That works for Jev if you do some color editing on the clothes
Space (GM): oh that s not jev
Fawkes M. (GM): Dem religious symbols
MrEForEccentric: oh damn
Space (GM): he s a jewish christian buddhist
Sisigou.png/revision/latest?cb=20130207134911 Make a character out of this guy
Space (GM): i dont know who he is but he looks harcore
MrEForEccentric: He is from Apocrypha
Space (GM): MAYBE he is a MOB guy on the hunt for GEIN or soemthing related to t
hose lines
gordo what the shit
MrEForEccentric: M-my waifu...
Space (GM): that s rin and sakura
Fawkes M. (GM): IIRC they re formless shadows of the Edelfelt sisters who took t
he form of those other sisters?
Space (GM): ooh
Fawkes M. (GM): Their Saber-class Servant was split between them as two separate
Space (GM): was it arturia saber
Fawkes M. (GM): I dun think so but that Saber s formless shadow took the form of
Arty and Arty Alter
MrEForEccentric: I m just giving you images you could use
I think- if you made her hair more brown- I have found Tsubasa s mom: http://vig
Space (GM):
da_re_sophia_ri.png/revision/latest?cb=20111016012520 who this
MrEForEccentric: Sola Ui is cool
Fawkes M. (GM): Feck
MrEForEccentric: She was Lancer s second Master in Zero
Fawkes M. (GM): I am being summoned somewhere
Space (GM): seeya
i ll brainstorm w/ fox l8r
for now i ll crop a buncha heads
MrEForEccentric: Yeee
Space (GM): i think he was alreddy slated to appear
MrEForEccentric: But what about
Space (GM): science guy
MrEForEccentric: oh shit
Space (GM): ikr
MrEForEccentric: Well I ran out of people to throw at you
Space (GM): thats k
MrEForEccentric: Jev tho
Tsubasa needs someone who is a bully in the school as an enemy. Someone who is s
ick and tired of her sleuthing shit.
Someone who is very similar to Shinji
But isn t Shinji
Space (GM): why not shinji
MrEForEccentric: You KILLED Shinji
Don t forget thouhg
Also- I notice a distinct lack of Shirou
Does he die
Space (GM): no he s just not gonna play a roll in the story
MrEForEccentric: Aight
Mom s back
Will be sporadic at best
Space (GM): aaite
MrEForEccentric: So what s up
Put on Tsubasa s theme
Space (GM): im watching carnival phantasmuh
MrEForEccentric: d-damn
So what is carnival phantasm even
Space (GM): it s like a zany slice of life anime featuring various type-moon cha
MrEForEccentric: oooh
Does it have Taiga
Space (GM): you re goddamn right it has taiga
MrEForEccentric: Fuck yes
Taiga is best waifu
Space (GM): good
MrEForEccentric: bee rrr bee
I am back
Space (GM): yo
quick question
can you see anyone in the enemy folder
MrEForEccentric: Except the living dead
Space (GM): ah so he s the only one you can see
MrEForEccentric: Is that Tsubasa s enemy
Space (GM): nah h s a canon dude
MrEForEccentric: ohhh
Space (GM): doge
MrEForEccentric: Doge is bigger than everyone
Space (GM): hueg
MrEForEccentric: I don t know how to whisper
Shall I tell you on skype
Space (GM): type /w Space [words]
currently, we have
22 npcs

not counting the oneshots

MrEForEccentric: Hoh shit
How many are girls
Space (GM): 12
MrEForEccentric: the majority
Space (GM): 13, now
MrEForEccentric: oh no
I wonder how me and Mobile are supposed to compete with such a large roster of N
Space (GM): whatever do you mean
MrEForEccentric: Clearly Adeva needs more NPCs that we can slowly kill off and k
eep you guessing
Maybe introduce an entire classroom
That gets crushed in the second fight
Space (GM): hoho
MrEForEccentric: With errant footsteps
Space (GM): 10 allies
like 15 enemies
MrEForEccentric: So you ve basically fixed the lack of enemy problem
Space (GM): yeah we re good on enemies now
MrEForEccentric: Is Satsuki an enemy
Space (GM): wanna see some
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Space (GM): behold
MrEForEccentric: Yeey
Which one is Cassandra s daughter
Did you see the MOMMA JUUFUKU I linked
Space (GM): no
MrEForEccentric: Let me just
Find her again
Space (GM): do you want her to be an npc
MrEForEccentric: Ssshhuuurrreee
Space (GM): expect her to get killed off within the first 2 eps
Rikudou3.png/revision/latest?cb=20130824122225 See this with brown hair
Oh of course
Tsubasa s mom does sleep around a little.
Space (GM): i SEE...
MrEForEccentric: Yes
She finds it helps with oracle-ing
Can I tell Duff about JEV?
Space (GM): sure
since i m not sure if hell actually appear
MrEForEccentric: D-damn
Space (GM): hey olive
MrEForEccentric: Yeah
Space (GM): would you be for or against a sesh today
of still night i mean
MrEForEccentric: Of Still night?
How long would it last
Space (GM): iunno
MrEForEccentric: And what time would we be starting
Space (GM): depends on when seer gets here
MrEForEccentric: Hmm
I mean
It is Sunday

Space (GM): it d be shortish and if you gotta go to bed we could do a to be cont

inued thing
MrEForEccentric: Aight
Space (GM): let s summon seer
MrEForEccentric: What- r/n?
Space (GM): just in case
MrEForEccentric: ok
Space (GM): didst thou summon
MrEForEccentric: I thought you were
Do you want me to interrupt his civ game
Space (GM): ask him if he want to still nite
MrEForEccentric: He was plotting fothe but still night is acceptable. He said to
me to pester when the time comes as he is playing modded Civ V
Space (GM): tell hiim that space is just eager to get still nite done with so we
can move onto hollow night and also how is civ going
also - meet me in still night roll20
MrEForEccentric: Aight
Mac D.: haiiiiii
Space (GM): yo
this one ain t it
Mac D.: let it play
o ok
Space (GM): do you like that song duff
Mac D.: i do
Space (GM): same
Mac D.: hey do you think fox is still up
Space (GM): he is
Mac D.: is he on his phone
Space (GM): i dont think so
Mac D.: invite him iiin
Space (GM): tsubasa theme
chck out the character sheets
i added folders
Mac D.: o damn nice
yeah this is more a general character theme
i can see it being used when she s getting her DETECTIVE ON
wait no i can see her fighting with it too
space why is yuuka an anemey
Fawkes M. (GM): Hey yo
Space (GM): shes not
Mac D.: she s in the enemies folder
Space (GM): close that folder]
helo fox
Mac D.: oh
so they re not in any folder
Space (GM): nope
duff do you want a sneep peep
Fawkes M. (GM): Hallo
What doth thou need me for?
Mac D.: yas
Space (GM): we s shootin the shit
Mac D.: oh we just wanted to spend time with you
i updated kuwabara s bio to mention his lack of magical ability
Fawkes M. (GM): Poifect
Space (GM): better watch out
Mac D.: is that s scooby s rival
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: p e r f e c t

are these all bad guys

Space (GM): that s a good question duff
Mac D.: which one is the one kuwabara fights
Space (GM): i m thinking
Mac D.: it s that fucker with the popped collar isn t it
Space (GM): and this is a spoiler
Fawkes M. (GM): Whisper it
Space (GM): dont say anything mac duff
Mac D.: his opponent is kotomine kirei??????
Space (GM): sssh
Mac D.: oh nooooooo
Space (GM): do you wanna see eveyrone elses opponents
Mac D.: you bet i do
Space (GM): so far ive only got tsubasa and gein s
Mac D.: who s tsubasa s rival
Space (GM): vampire lady oracle
Mac D.: oho
Space (GM): cassandra s kid
Mac D.: do they have a battle of trying to out-predict each other s moves
Space (GM): ya
Mac D.: that s amazing i love it
who s that blond kid
Space (GM): which
Mac D.: top right
is that Roa
Space (GM): nope
Fawkes M. (GM): "The next thing you re going to say is "the next thing you re go
ing to say is "the next thing you re going to say is..."..."..."
Mac D.: oh heavens
Space (GM): lessee
well i guess the majority of these dudes are human
what do we talk about now
Mac D.: kuwabara s social life
Space (GM): tell me of it
who s his best bud
Mac D.: also play me Asumu s Badass Theme
Space (GM): lemme add it
Mac D.: not bad
Space (GM): it s k
tell me now
is there a man among you here
is there one who values courage, over life
Mac D.: is that an araya line
Space (GM): it s the protomen
Mac D.: ooooo
okay so lemmie see
the closest thing kuwabara would probably have to a best bud is gunther
Space (GM): hey btw fox
Fawkes M. (GM): Yesh?
Space (GM): i told duff about the ~special circumstances~ of this setting
without spoiling still night
Mac D.: which gunther probably replies with Grudging Tolerance
Fawkes M. (GM): Ooh
Mac D.: he gets in trouble with asumu a lot, and tsubasa loves to mess with him
Space (GM): in this setting kuwabara is a hardcore loner not a gang leader right

Mac D.: well you didn t make any gang members so

let s not also forget his crush on yuuka
which is the reason he s secretly taking sign language classes
Space (GM): if i made any more npcs we d die
from the overload
btw how much does kuwabara know about pro wrestling
Mac D.: he s probably a huge mark
big fan
Space (GM): so would he know about rin s stint as a professional wrestler
Mac D.: don t be ridiculous
dynamite RIN has twintails
rin tohsaka does not
fuckin duh
Space (GM): hah
Mac D.: why did rin decide to become a pro wrestler
Space (GM): for charity
a professional wrestler who donates their entire salary to childrens hospitals g
ets good PR
Mac D.: not bad
is it also because Luvia was doing it
Space (GM): fox did we decide if luvia died or not
i kinda wanna lean towards no
Fawkes M. (GM): I m pretty sure we did
Did decide, anyhoo
Mac D.: how many more people must you kill
Space (GM): we killed the meidos
Fawkes M. (GM): And Akiha
Three fifths of the heroines dead with one NPC
Space (GM): i just realized something fawkes
did we kill off ciel or no
Fawkes M. (GM): As long as Roa lives
Ciel can t die
Space (GM): yeah
thats the realization irealized
should ciel appearate
Fawkes M. (GM): Wynaut?
Space (GM): sweet she ll be a high school student
remind me when i m not lazy and i ll add her
Fawkes M. (GM): I shalt
Mac D.: btw space did fox hear the music i linked
Fawkes M. (GM): Vhat song was this?
Mac D.: there are two
this is the song that plays during the big fight before kuwabara dies
Fawkes M. (GM): Tense
What s the second?
Mac D.: play that shiet
this is what plays post-death and is Kuwabara s Badass Theme
Fawkes M. (GM): Noice
This should have a Small Radio Cameo beforehand
Mac D.: i think there s a slower variant we could play
this should be a bad guy s theme
Space (GM): nobunaga
Mac D.: listen
Space (GM): this is fcukin sweet
Mac D.: u fuckin bet it is
give it to a bad guy
Space (GM): i will
Mac D.: is this Gunther s badass theme

Space (GM): nah i just added it because

Mac D.: will there be a jet-flying scene now
Space (GM): i ve got a need
a need for speed
Mac D.: is this the sex music
Space (GM): this is the sex music
Mac D.: so people in fate have sex underwater
Space (GM): apparently
this song is going to get more use than in the last campaign
Fawkes M. (GM): Teehee
Fawkes M. (GM): ROMANS
who s sticking pipe cleaners in everyone s eyes
Space (GM): they re shooting lasers
seer look
it s the mob
so what should be on the ajenda for tonight
Fawkes M. (GM): Hmm
Mac D.: wrestling
eldritch s.: conqueroro worm
Mac D.: space did we tell fox about the wrestling arc
eldritch s.: if we re going to be hinest here
Space (GM): no one knows of the wrestling arc
eldritch s.: the raven isn t the scar lovecraft poem
Mac D.: and of the villainous enigma
eldritch s.: *scary
Mac D.: mask de bara
eldritch s.: you want scary
try the conqueror worm
Space (GM): but the raven is poe
Fawkes M. (GM): Mask de Bara sounds scarier
eldritch s.: i meant poe
Mac D.: i absolutely loved lovecraft s other work
Space (GM): tell me about this dr. worm
Mac D.: lord of the rings
Space (GM): heading down to the basement brb
Mac D.: don t let the paint kill you
eldritch s.: willem defoe will tell
you for me
Space (GM): no the paint is in my room upstairs
fox can you handle satsuki while i get set up
also duff whisper to him your idea for satsuki
Fawkes M. (GM): Wait what?
eldritch s.: listen to that reading and understand why i like the poem
Mac D.: wow you didn t tell him a thing did you
Space (GM): i forgot
Mac D.: you EEEEJIT
Space (GM): tell
Mac D.: i am in the process
Space (GM): is music playing
Fawkes M. (GM): Don t you
Forget about me
Space (GM): im leaving that on the soudntrack
eldritch s.: Transcendentalism is a religious and philosophical movement that de
veloped during the late 1820s and 30s[1] in the Eastern region of the United St
ates as a protest against the general state of spirituality and, in particular,
the state of intellectualism at Harvard University and the doctrine of the Unita
rian church as taught at Harvard Divinity School.

Among the transcendentalists core beliefs was the inherent goodness of both peo
ple and nature. They believe that society and its institutionsparticularly organi
zed religion and political partiesultimately corrupt the purity of the individual
. They have faith that people are at their best when truly "self-reliant" and in
dependent. It is only from such real individuals that true community could be fo
hello graham
Space (GM): but yes fox can you play satsuki as fast food worker
@seer: ooohohoho
Fawkes M. (GM): Pointers on her personality?
Space (GM): she s bright and cheery in an anime fasion
eldritch s.: she loves the feeling of catpaper against her eyes
Mac D.: hey SEER
tell me
Space (GM): that too
eldritch s.: she flagellates homeless men
Mac D.: how has Saber spent the past ten years since still night
eldritch s.: so he is still around
Mac D.: what has he been doing
eldritch s.: it depends on how still night ends
Space (GM): tell them what rider s been doing
Mac D.: rider s been doing what he said he d do when it s all over
work to help wayward vampires find stabillity in their lives
did you plan for saber to die in still night, seer
eldritch s.: i have no plans
Fawkes M. (GM): Space, where should I spawn Satsuki?
Space (GM): i alreddy got her
at the front of lumpys
Mac D.: we theorized that Saber spent the last ten years reconquering the united
Fawkes M. (GM): I see ya
eldritch s.: therefore, all that transpires does so according to my design
he didn t rule the united kingdom
he ruled francia
Space (GM): no the holy roman em[oire
Mac D.: and now rules over it as a crazy despot who consults a wax dummy of Rola
nd for advice
eldritch s.: which was france and germany
plus other places
that he conquered
Mac D.: o ok
eldritch s.: this is unrelated
Space (GM): hed probably be at least a minor celebrity
eldritch s.: you know who is the son of charlemagne
louis the first
Mac D.: Charles Mayn: Fashion Model
Space (GM): louie louie
eldritch s.: aka.
the first of the louis , you know, the french ones
Space (GM): we need diner music
eldritch s.: sixteen louis later
they get their heads reomved
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, old man!
Are you daydreaming about french kings again? C mon, I m starvin !
eldritch s.:
Gein Mender: Get your own meals, deadbeat!
Space (GM): here
i got one

Satsuki Yumizuka is whistlin while polishing the countertop

Kazuma Kuwabara: No way! You owe me, Gramps!
Gein Mender: You still owe me from gimping my leg.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Think of it as getting your good karma back after killing those
Gein Mender: What?
Why would I kill a cat?
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, let s go.
Kazuma Kuwabara has a seat at a stool
Gein Mender sits next to him
Space (GM): this is prolly my favorite persona 3 song
Gein Mender: Would you like a toy with your meal?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Do they got the hot wheels?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Welcome to Lumpy s, you two! What would you two gentlemen like
to order?
eldritch s.: canon voice for gein is carl from up, btw
Gein Mender: ... One second.
Space (GM): amazing
Mac D.: you said carl and i immediately thought of aquateen hunger force
Gein Mender: I ve been going here for five years. and I never figured out why th
ey call it Lumpy s.
Who is Lumpy?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Good question!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Was it some kinda nickname?
the door to Lumpy s swings open
Yuuka enters
Kazuma Kuwabara: Musta been a guy who got beat up a lSatsuki Yumizuka: I ve been working at the Kyoto Lumpy s for two years and I sti
llKazuma Kuwabara notices Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!!!!!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara immediately looks forward again
Gein Mender: Honestly, it sounds like a name you d call a disease victim.
Yuuka: Oh, hello, everyone! It s busy today, isn t it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: [Aaawa, nuts!]
Satsuki Yumizuka: Well, it s something you ll remember!
Gein Mender looks around
Satsuki Yumizuka notices Yuuka
Gein Mender: ... Yeah. Real busy.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Welcome to Lumpy s!
Gein Mender: I ll have a caeser salad.
Yuuka: Afternoon, Sacchin!
Satsuki Yumizuka writes that down
Yuuka sits down next to Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara SWEATS LOUDY
Kazuma Kuwabara *loudly
Gein Mender looks at him

Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey, Yuuka! Would you like your usual?

Yuuka: Yup!
Gein Mender: ... Are you on dope?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What?
Satsuki Yumizuka: One Triple Krabby Supreme, then!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just-....It s stuffy in here, is all.
Satsuki Yumizuka looks at Kuwabara
Gein Mender: You look like you just climbed out of a swimming
Kazuma Kuwabara: Cause it s stuffy!
Satsuki Yumizuka: You seem like you could use something cool.
e? Yuuka likes them a lot!
Gein Mender: Stuffy does not equate to soaking your seat with
... Sure.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
....Yeah, uh....Sundae sounds good...
Satsuki Yumizuka: Any burgers or fries along with that?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, sure!
Gein Mender: I think they call them sundae because a bunch of
d kids not to have malts on sunday.

What about a sunda

religious guys tol

Space (GM) is just humming

Gein Mender: Yeah, I ll have some fries with that.
Yuuka did that
Yuuka a bit loudly
Satsuki Yumizuka nods
Gein Mender: And now no one gives a shHoot.
Satsuki Yumizuka: (to Kuwabara) What about you?
Gein Mender: About malts.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Fries!
Gein Mender: ... I wonder why that is
Satsuki Yumizuka: (Kazuma) Sure!
Gein Mender: Malts are delicious.
Kazuma Kuwabara taps his fingers nervously
Gein Mender: Have you ever had a malt?
Satsuki Yumizuka: (Gein) You want me to try and get one made?
Gein Mender: Oh, really?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nope-...Can t say I have!!!....
Gein Mender: That d be great.
Satsuki Yumizuka: We have a pretty good recipe! No one seems to order them, thou
The door opens
Gein Mender turns to Kuawbara
Satsuki Yumizuka: No problem! Gimme a few minutes...
Gein Mender: Seriously, calm the hell down.
Satsuki Yumizuka heads into the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara: Calm....Right!....Tooootally calm.....
Yusuke Urameshi walks up to the counter, hands in his pockets
Yusuke Urameshi when he sees

Kazuma Kuwabara turns to notice

Yusuke Urameshi kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yusuke Urameshi sitting next to Yuuke
Kazuma Kuwabara: URAMESHYusuke Urameshi: Damn, Kuwabara. I didn t know you were into that kinda thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara notices Yuuka again and clamps up
Yusuke Urameshi goes over to the pinball machine
Gein Mender: Stop shouting.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [.....Dammit, not here! Not with her around!.....]
Yuuka is completely and totally unaware
Kazuma Kuwabara gives Yusuke such a stinkeye as he walks over to pinball
Gein Mender: Who is this kid?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......That s Urameshi....
Gein Mender: You act like he s some kind of Nazi.
Is he a nazi?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What-No?
He s just somebody who goes to my school!
Gein Mender: ... And why do you hate him?
The door opens
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Yuuka again, then leeeeans in close to Gein
Gein Mender: Wow, it really is getting busy in here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .... Cause he s a dirty punk, that s why!...
Mysterious Woman sits down at a table
Mysterious Woman: ...
Mysterious Woman checks her watch
Kazuma Kuwabara: One o these days, I m gonna beat him!...
Gein Mender: That s really great.
Gein Mender looks at Urameshi
Gein Mender tries to see if he looks dirty
Yusuke Urameshi not really - but he sure plays a mean pinbal
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Kazuma Kuwabara SNAPS back upright
Gein Mender turns back to him
Gein Mender: He doesn t look dirty.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...I didn t mean it like that!

Satsuki Yumizuka returns from the kitchen, a buncha food in tow

Gein Mender: I meant the other kind of dirty.
But not that kind.
Yuuka looks over at the two of them - noticing Satsuki in the process
Kazuma Kuwabara: Trust me, I know renegades when I see em!
Gein Mender: Renegades, really?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Here we go! A burger, a salad, a malt, a milkshake, and a Trip
le Krabby Supreme!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
....Don t tell him I said this, but he s probably the toughest bastard in school
Yuuka: Thanks!
Gein Mender: What s next, are you going to confront the vagabonds for their impu
dence upon your omnibenevolent self?
Yuuka immediately begins digging in
Satsuki Yumizuka lays out the food in front of who ordered it
Gein Mender smiles
Gein Mender: Thanks.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t use those big words at-...Oh, thanks!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Mm!
Kazuma Kuwabara bites into his burger
Mysterious Woman: ......
Gein Mender tries the malt
Kazuma Kuwabara: As I was SAYIN !
Satsuki Yumizuka nods with a smile
Mysterious Woman checks her watch once more
Kazuma Kuwabara: As a fellow tough guy myself, I know competition!
eldritch s.: it s been laced with cyanide
gein dies
Jason Artimenner: haw haw
Narrator: If it has, you wouldn t know. It s a good malt!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ya can t have two lions as top of the pride, y know!
Satsuki Yumizuka walks up to Mysterious Woman
Gein Mender: Sure, sure.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Welcome to Lumpy s! May I take your order?
Gein Mender: You want to be the alpha dog.
Kazuma Kuwabara: There s no "want to be!"
Mysterious Woman: Nah. I m waiting for someone. She s supposed to get here soon,
so I ll wait til then.
Gein Mender: If you need to beat himl that implies he s higher than you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Once I wipe with the floor with Urameshi, I ll be a legend!
Gein Mender: Alpha is higher.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hah! As if!
Gein Mender: So, you want to be him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What-no!
Gein Mender: Mind your own business, kid.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey, I can t help it if you guys are yelling.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s know, what do they say in class!?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Alright! If you need anything, though, feel free to ring that
bell on the table!

Mysterious Woman: Kay.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Like-....The unstoppable force and whatever..
Gein Mender: I think you mean this guy over here.
Satsuki Yumizuka
Kazuma Kuwabara:
That s us!
Gein Mender: The
Kazuma Kuwabara:

heads back to the kitchen

Two great powers, locked in eternal struggle!
unstoppable force and the terrible hair.
Hgh-!....Why, yooou!....

Gein Mender snickers

Yuuka: Hey, come on. His hair isn t that terrible.
Yuuka said with a smile
Kazuma Kuwabara goes back to eating his burger, steaming
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?
Gein Mender: You re right, my hair used to be worse.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yuuka, you were-....Were you watching us??
Gein Mender: I had a mullet, if you can believe itl.
Yuuka: Might ve been!~
(Gein) Really?
Do you have pictures?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: No, I burned them all.
Yuuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara turns beet red, and slouches back to his good
Kazuma Kuwabara *food
Gein Mender: I had to dispose of all the evidence.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Kazuma Kuwabara gets up and walks over to Gein
Yuuka: ...???
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Gramps!! How bout a hug!?
Kazuma Kuwabara wraps an arm around Gein
Gein Mender: Wow, get off of me!
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Don t friggin let her know about that stuff!......)
Gein Mender: What stuff?
Clara Testarossa enters - and takes a seat at a table near the mysterious woman
Gein Mender: I was making a joke about my mullet!
Mysterious Woman: You re late.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ( careful about that stuff! Don t just go bl
abbing to her about your creepy old job!)
Gein Mender: ... What?
For the last time, I didn t kill any cats!
I haven t killed any body!
Kazuma Kuwabara: (You know what I m talking about!!)
Gein Mender whispers
Gein Mender: What, the mob?
Clara Testarossa: Traffic. I thought it would be at its best this time of day.
Gein Mender: All I did was clean up after other people.
Mysterious Woman: Should ve walked.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (That s still not somethin you should tell her!)
Gein Mender: If someone murdered a guy in your house, you d want to scrape them
off the floor.

I wasn t!
I was joking about my mullet!
Yuuka thinks this is a pretty long hug going on
Clara Testarossa: Well...
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Well....then I m warnin you ahead o time, then!)
Yusuke Urameshi has just been smirking at the two of them this whole time
Yusuke Urameshi leaning against the bar
Gein Mender: Do you think I am touched in the head?
Clara Testarossa motions to the cane in her right hand
Gein Mender: Get off!
Yusuke Urameshi: You two lovebirds having fun over there?
Kazuma Kuwabara gets off of him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, good hug!
Mysterious Woman: Guess not. Oh well.
Gein Mender: That s really nice.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t be gross, Urameshi!!
Gein Mender: Implying that there s something gross going on between a boy and hi
s grandpa.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...?!
Gein Mender: Get out of here, sicko!
Yusuke Urameshi: W-wait, you re his...?
Gein Mender points at Urameshi
Gein Mender: HEY!
Yusuke Urameshi: WH----Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh-....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah, uh.....That s right, Urameshi!!
You oughta be more respectful around my family!!
Clara Testarossa: If it s what it takes.
You know that, don t you?
Gein Mender: Get out of here before I throw you out!
Yusuke Urameshi: ...You re a dirty old man, aren t you?! Goddamn, alright, I m g
oin , I m goin ...
Clara Testarossa points a thumb at Shiki s eyes
Mysterious Woman: ...Guess Tohsaka s told you some things.
Gein Mender sits back down
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Nice one, old man!)
Gein Mender smirks
Yuuka is looking at both of them funny
Gein Mender: That s how you win a fight.
Kazuma Kuwabara sits back down, eating more fries
Yuuka: ...What was that all about...?
Gein Mender finishes his malt
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh...!....It was nothing!
Gein Mender begins on his fries

Clara Testarossa: You were in the tabloids. Be thankful that nobody listens to t
hose anymore.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So, uh..............How was your day, Yuuka??
eldritch s.: ever since they talked about the gainjin pedophiles
Mysterious Woman: Guess that reporter had a spare camera on him, huh?
eldritch s.: no one trusted the tabloids
Mysterious Woman: Did he snap a pic of the one I cut in half, too?
Yuuka: Erm.... it was fine, Urameshi.
Space (GM): now I M doin it
Mac D.: it s infectious
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hehe!....That s good, that s good!
Gein Mender listens to team salad toss s conversation
Clara Testarossa fishes a smartphone out of her pocket and after a bit of search
ing pulls a picture of a tabloid cover with that thing Shiki cut out of the fram
eldritch s.: i still fidn that misreading funny
Clara Testarossa: *partially out
Fawkes M. (GM): Teehee
Mysterious Woman: ...Tch. Well, I guess it can t be helped.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So, uh......School! You doing okay at school?
Mysterious Woman: You ve talked to Aozaki about payment?
Yuuka: Erm, I guess... I ve been having trouble with some of the material in [Ge
in s Class], though.
Clara Testarossa does indeedily notice they re being watched
eldritch s.: english
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Mysterious Woman doesn t seem to give a shit if they re being watched or not
Clara Testarossa and then nods at Shiki
Gein Mender: ...
Mysterious Woman: Great. What s the address?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh.....Well, maybe I could help ya out!
Gein Mender wasn t watching, just listening
Yuuka: Mender-sensei is here, too, so it can be a study session!
Gein Mender finishes his fries
Gein Mender: ... Payment...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Y-....Yeah.....Study Session! Great.....
Clara Testarossa: 42 Warabi Way.
Gein Mender takes out his pen and writes on his napkin
Gein Mender writes it down, subtly
Mysterious Woman: I ll be there around midnight.
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 13

Mysterious Woman leans back in her chair

Gein Mender: ...
Clara Testarossa nods
Gein Mender tucks it into his pocket
Mysterious Woman: ...Say, Testarossa.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Gramps!
Gein Mender: What is it?
Mysterious Woman: You know those people?
Clara Testarossa: What?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yuuka needs some help with English! So we re gonna lend a hand!
Gein Mender: Alright...
Mysterious Woman: Hm.
Clara Testarossa: ...They re semi-regulars.
Gein Mender sits inbetween them
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Clara Testarossa: At least Rin says so. She s usually the one who takes me here.
Mysterious Woman smirks
Kazuma Kuwabara tries scooching around him and poking his head above his head an
d shoulders
Mysterious Woman: Is that right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Hey!....
Yuuka: ...Erm...?
Gein Mender: Get off of me!
Yuuka has gotten her study materials out
Gein Mender gets out of the chair
Clara Testarossa: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: W-Woah!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara falls over onto the floor
Gein Mender: Forcing an old man to walk around the building...
Yuuka just awkwardly looks at them, a bit nonplussed, holding her notebook
Clara Testarossa subtly looks off to the side
Mysterious Woman: Heh!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh......
Mysterious Woman: Well, it ain t any of my business.
Gein Mender: You alright there, kid?
Mysterious Woman: Speaking of which... I think our business is over with.
Mysterious Woman gets up
Kazuma Kuwabara HOPS to his feet
Mysterious Woman: See you around.
Mysterious Woman heads out
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hah! You think a little fall s gonna phase me?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Clara Testarossa: Likewise, Ryougi.
Space (GM): hm
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, it didn t!
Space (GM): hey gein

roll mind
Clara Testarossa does ditto
Kazuma Kuwabara gets back in his seat
Gein Mender mutters Royugi
Gein Mender writes it down
The name s unfamiliar to him.
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 8
Yuuka: Right!
Gein Mender: Huh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, so! English!
Satsuki Yumizuka emerges from the kitchen behind the bar
Gein Mender: What are you have problems with?
Yuuka waves to her
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at Satsuki
Yuuka was not looking at Gein when he said that
Gein Mender: ...
Yuuka: It was great!
Satsuki Yumizuka: So! How did you enjoy your meal?
Gein Mender: It was very nice, thank you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Pretty good, yeah...
Gein Mender taps Kuawbara on the back
Satsuki Yumizuka beams
Gein Mender hands him some yen
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks
Satsuki Yumizuka: Here s your bill!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...OhGein Mender whispers
Gein Mender: You pay for it.
Yuuka fishes out her wallet
Satsuki Yumizuka puts it in front of Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....Lemmie pay for it!
Kazuma Kuwabara holds out the Yen
Kazuma Kuwabara: Will this cover for me and the old man?

Satsuki Yumizuka takes it

Yuuka: Oh, I have 500 yen.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Well, you re about 500 yen short...
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender stoic
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What? Hold on a sec-!
Kazuma Kuwabara fishes through his pockets to see if he has any yen on him
Yuuka offers a 500 yen note, along with the money for her food
Gein Mender isn t good with japenese money
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, hey, no way!
Yuuka smiles
Satsuki Yumizuka: No, it s okay! Yuuka can cover for you!
Yuuka: Yes, it s fine!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Thank you!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Ngh....
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender glances at Kuawbara
Yuuka smiles
Satsuki Yumizuka gives a wink in Yuuka s direction before taking the dirty dishe
s into the back
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down
Yuuka: Okay!
Gein Mender: Right, so!
What problems are you having?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh...Right...
Yuuka: Well, it s basically stuff relating to this reading we re doing...
Yuuka takes out her book
Yuuka: rolling 1d20
= 15
Space (GM): seer what book is it
Mac D.: English For Fucking Idiots
Space (GM): ablest
eldritch s.: what does the roll mean
Space (GM): i don t actually know
Mac D.: fifty shades of gray
eldritch s.: eat it
Mac D.: the kama sutra
eldritch s.: 120 days in sod- no
what would gein assign...
Mac D.: goodfellas: the novel
eldritch s.: no
Mac D.: oh wait
Space (GM): something by hunter s thompson
Mac D.: the godfather is a book
eldritch s.: no

Fawkes M. (GM): The Catcher in the Rye?

eldritch s.: fear and loathing in las vegas
Mac D.: SEELE employee training manuals
eldritch s.: no
i have it
the gayest mage this side of los angeles
Fawkes M. (GM): Do it
Mac D.: absolutely perfect
Yuuka: Well, first of all... it s kind of hard to write a summary of chapter 13.
The whole thing is just a stream-of-consciousness word dump about vaginas...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-......Uuuuh???
Gein Mender: It s actually a satire of what people would assume from the title.
Toshaka was actually really thinking ahead to how the novel would be percieved.
Mac D.: is gein going to completely overanalyxe the book
Gein Mender: And she wanted to mock that.
Yuuka: Ohhh...!
Faiga Tujimura s cries of despair can be heard in the wind upon hearing the V-w
Yuuka: ...Did you guys hear something...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....But-....What s that gotta do with....
Gein Mender: The whole thing really is an exploartion of the stresses of life wa
s a gay woman, to the point where she compares it to being a "mage" in how out o
f the ordinary it is.
Yuuka looks really freaked for a moment
Gein Mender looks around
Yuuka: ...Never mind.
Mac D.: you mean the something yuuka could never hear
Space (GM): no she heard that
Mac D.: her cries reached even the dea
Gein Mender: And that stress took her into drug abuse and into an unhealthy rela
tionship with ehr sister.
Yuuka: I think I understand...
Gein Mender: This, in turn, ended up in some ugly places, as you will see in a f
ew chapters.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What s this....gotta do with English?.....
Gein Mender: It s the book I ve assigned the class.
Yuuka: So, all this stuff about vampires - that s a metaphor for the people who
kept trying to push drugs on her, or is it a metaphor for the people who shunned
her lifestyle?
Gein Mender: I would ask if you even read it but I know you haven t
Kazuma Kuwabara: But....ain t the point of English to learn English?....
Gein Mender: It s a metaphor for the drug dealers, yes.
It s also to learn about major literary works.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Since when?
Gein Mender: Since forever.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I thought we were gonna do stuff like words and sentences!
Gein Mender: We did that earlier.
We re still doing it now, just putting it into practice.
Yuuka: I see... I really like how she does an autobiography. It s not quite true
events, or inspired by them even, but it s more of a poetic, sort of abstract r
epresentation of the events, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender: Any schmuck can recite "the cow was happy", but to understand forei
gn works takes some effort.
And yes, that s right.

Kazuma Kuwabara just kind of grumpily puts his chin on the counter
Gein Mender: The characters of the Lost Servants represent potential fates for h
Fawkes M. (GM): Lit Class, TLDR
Gein Mender: Caster is a neurotic wreck.
Saber is a bitter, lonely man.
Rider is denying the world as it is, and becoming some unrealiastic pollyanna.
And Lancer... I think he represents acceptance.
Mac D.: and gazing fondly
Yuuka: He seems the most... content, y know? Out of the four of them. But, at th
e same time... i don t think it s a natural contentment, y know? The way he star
es at those walls...
The door swings open
Kazuma Kuwabara slides the bill along the counter with his finger to occupy his
some lady goes to sit at the counter
Gein Mender: Of course. He represents drugged out, apathetic acceptance of the w
orld and how it treats others. The lack of will to resist against societKazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over and sees Some Lady
Gein Mender looks at her
Gein Mender has he seen her before?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hmph.....
Kazuma Kuwabara goes back to being glum
Rin Tohsaka she is an enigma to him
Rin Tohsaka a mystery
Rin Tohsaka well i mean
Gein Mender: ahem
Rin Tohsaka he probably saw her on a date with clara here
Gein Mender turns bacj to Yuuka
Clara Testarossa they re totally porking
Gein Mender: Hey, Kuwabara.
Yuuka: ...?
Gein Mender: Care to chip in?
Yuuka turns to Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?
...Oh, uh....
....But I didn t read that book...
Yuuka: You didn t?
Gein Mender: Maybe formulate some theroies.
It s good to have someone to bounce ideas off of, at least.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh.....No...
Yuuka: But, it s our assigned reading...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, uh....
.......Did-....Did I say I didn t read it!?
I mean, uh....
Yuuka: How far are you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m uh....working on it! Yeah! Not done yet, though! Taking my

Gein Mender: Don t say anytYuuka: But...
Gein Mender: ...
They re not halfway yet.
Yuuka: You said you were taking your time, how are you past everyone else...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh!
I guess I m a faster reader than I thought! I didn t even realize!
Gein Mender is completely stoic
Gein Mender is enjoying this a bit
Kazuma Kuwabara: I should probably stop till everyone else catches up, heheh!
Yuuka: So, what do you think?
Gein Mender: Yeah.
Good job there, bookworm.
Kazuma Kuwabara scratches the back of his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh........................
..........It......was.................pretty good?
Yuuka: You didn t read it, did you, Kuwaara?
Gein Mender: Say this:
Kazuma Kuwabara: I so did!
Gein Mender: "As I was sniffing cocaine off of the sleeping stomach of my sister
, I realize I had gone too far."
Kazuma Kuwabara: I mean-....W-What do you take me for some kind of slacker!?
Gein Mender: Say the god damn quote.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (...Wait, what!?)
Gein Mender: It is a quote from the novel, dickhead.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (What kind of creepy shit are you giving us, gramps!?)
Gein Mender: No worse than, say, Fifty Shades of Magenta.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Alright, uh.....)
Yuuka looks dubious
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Lessie, um......
....I remember this part about......sniffing her sister s stomach?
Yeah, what was that about, amirite?
Gein Mender: Cocaine off of it.
Yuuka: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara: And Cocaine! Oh, the cocaine!
Yuuka turns back to Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lots of it!
Dark stuff!
Yuuka: Are you telling him what to say, Mender-sensei?
Gein Mender pinches his nose a bit
Yuuka: I kind of figured...
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Gh-!?
Yuuka turns back to Kuwabara
Yuuka: You should read it, Kuwabara. It s actually really good, you know?
Kazuma Kuwabara has facedesked
Gein Mender: That was so bad, I couldn t keep it going.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Uh.....Y-Yeah, I ll.....I will, for sure....

like so
Yuuka: Great! You re probably really far behind, so maybe you should talk to Men
der-sensei about makeup work...
Rin Tohsaka seems to be waiting
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Right....Makeup work, yeah.....
The door opens once again
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What was the book called again? Something about gay mages i
n Los Angeles?.....
Gein Mender fishes out his pocket copy
Yuuka: That s close enough...
Gein Mender hands it to him
Space (GM): is gein rin s biggest fan
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at the cover
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Huh...
Kazuma Kuwabara sets the book down on the counter
Gein Mender: I ll get you a full one when you get to class.
eldritch s.: he is
in fact
Space (GM): sup, fawkes
Fawkes M. (GM) also takes a seat at the bar
eldritch s.: her biggest fan
Sibyl did that
Rin Tohsaka: Evening.
eldritch s.: i didn t know you were a woman
and terrifiyng
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Right, so, uh.....
Gein Mender: Just give it back in good condition, alright?
Yuuka: Yup.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Are you all caught up, and stuff?....
Yeah, no problem!
Gein Mender: I ve been meaning to get that signed.
Sibyl: Lovely evening, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s great!
Rin Tohsaka: It s good enough. I mean - you d know better than I would about eve
nings, right? You re more used to them, and all.
eldritch s.: link the cover of the gayest mage this side of los angeles
Space (GM): gimme a sec
Gein Mender: Word of advice, kid.
Don t take anything in that book literally.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Wha? Why s that?
Gein Mender: It s all metaphor.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Really?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You sure? Where d you hear that?
Space (GM):
Gein Mender: I ve read it five times.
Sibyl: They re all the same after a while. The lovelier nights are the ones wher
e you don t freeze.
Gein Mender: And published my own companion guide to it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wow, geez man....
Gein Mender: You get something new every time you read it.
Rin Tohsaka: I guess I ll have to take your word for it. You won t be getting an
ything, will you?

Kazuma Kuwabara: Only thing I can do five times on repeat is watch Dynamite RIN
Rin Tohsaka hastily makes like she didn t hear that
Kazuma Kuwabara: You watch any wrestling, Gramps?
Gein Mender: I used to.
Sibyl: ...
Gein Mender: But it got too silly.
Sibyl smirks
Gein Mender: Men in spandex thongs running around.
Snorting at me.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Tch.
Gein Mender: Ridiculous.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Geez, I think we watched different kinds of wrestling...
Sibyl: Did you see a ghost?
Rin Tohsaka: Let s just move on.
Gein Mender: I stopped watching a few years before you were born, porbbaly.
Maybe its changed.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Anyway, there was this one wrestler from, like, five years ago
who I m a huge fan of!
eldritch s.: defenceless anus
is that a quote from it
Sibyl: Heh. How s Testarossa?
Kazuma Kuwabara: She just swept in one day as a nameless rookie, and in no time
flat took the whole federation by storm!
Space (GM): no of course not rin is a better writer than that
Gein Mender: Really?
Kazuma Kuwabara: And then, as quick as she came, she vanished one day...
Rin Tohsaka: She s doing fine.
Rin Tohsaka can t help but overhear and look discomforted
Gein Mender: Huh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But the mark she left on the sport is undeniable!
Sibyl is placating her and not bringing it up - for now, at least
Kazuma Kuwabara: I used to watch her all the time when I was a kid, she was amaz
She had a dropkick like you wouldn t believe!
Sibyl: I couldn t come until I knew she was leaving.
Gein Mender: That s nice.
Rin Tohsaka: Well, that s probably for the best... how long were you waiting?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh-! Uh...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Yuuka
Yuuka has been politely listening, though it s clear she doesn t care much for w
Yuuka: Oh, it s fine.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sorry, I didn t mean to go off like that!...
Space (GM): has seer seen dynamite rin
Mac D.: i find the idea
Sibyl: Less than usual. I m guessing she didn t actually eat?
Rin Tohsaka: No. She was meeting someone.
Gein Mender: no
Mac D.: of Rin seeing, of all the things she wrote about in her biography, her w
restling career to be too shameful to discuss
to be hilarious
Space (GM): she has her priorities
Gein Mender: dear god
I want you to finish chapter one by tomorrow.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What?
Aw, what?
Can t I go at my own pace??
Gein Mender: And then tell me what you think the loss of her arm means.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh....
Sibyl: The tabloid girl?
Gein Mender: Your own pace is not reading it
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....That...she lost her arm?
Gein Mender: Metaphor!
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah...
Kazuma Kuwabara: The heck could her losing an arm be a metaphor of??
Rin Tohsaka is clearly preoccupied by eavesdropping
Gein Mender: Read the book and your find out.
Space (GM): does he think losing her arm is a metaphor for the loss of innocence
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaagh...Alright!
eldritch s.: the realization that something is missing in her life
the loss of the illusion of it being there
Space (GM): this illusion
eldritch s.: it is romantic love
Sibyl: ...Good literature helped keep me occupied.
eldritch s.: which leads her to discover she is gay
and starts her downward cycle
Rin Tohsaka: So you ve read...?
Rin Tohsaka is reluctant to say "my book"
eldritch s.: los angeles is a metaphor for the
ideal life
Space (GM): amazing
eldritch s.: of virtue
Space (GM): simply amazing
eldritch s.: she is the gayest this side
the wrong side
she has no virtue
Sibyl smirks
Gein Mender yawns
Gein Mender: What time is it?
Rin Tohsaka: Well... it is pretty popular, after all...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hold on, lemmie check....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the clock
it is Pretty Late
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Looks pretty late.
Gein Mender: Is it midnight?
Sibyl: Do you think it will last?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh.....
Sibyl: I have a lot of books that tell of heroes that nobody remembers.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well, I m sure it ll last at least for now. I m a pretty popular
news item these days.
Kazuma Kuwabara checks to see if it s nearing Midnigt

it is past midnight
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Oh, geez...past midnight, already??
Gein Mender: Son of gun.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I didn t even know Lumpy s stayed open this late...
Gein Mender: Sorry, but I have something to look into.
Gein Mender stands up
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Sibyl: Do you revel in it?
Rin Tohsaka: I don t really think that s a great word for it.
Gein Mender: If you don t see me tomorrow, look at...
Gein Mender reads off the adress
Gein Mender: that he wrote down
Sibyl: But you don t hate it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....
Narrator: 42 Warabi Way
Rin Tohsaka: That s true. I don t hate it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Are you dealin drugs or something?
Gein Mender: No, shut up!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, alright!
Gein Mender: I heard something sketchy and I want to find out what it is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just keep that stuff outta my life!
Gein Mender: It s probably already ther.e
Sibyl: Hmm. Neither do I hate the stories of my parents.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Alright, uh....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Yuuka
Yuuka: What are you guys talking about...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So, uh....
Gein Mender wabes as he heads out
Sibyl: And my conception.
Gein Mender begins jogging to the place
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, just some boring stuff!
Groceries, and whatever.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well, I wouldn t either. it s important to embrace your origins,
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 15
Gein s in pretty good shape for an old man
He arrives there, pretty quick
It s a bar
Sibyl nods
Sibyl: Better than denial.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Heh, listen to me. I sound like...
Gein Mender chews his lip

Rin Tohsaka glances over her shoulder

Gein Mender steps inside
Gein Mender tries seeming shady
Sibyl looks where she s looking
Rin Tohsaka no one there
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...So......
....You wanna.....iunno....walk home?
There were people in this bar.
Gein Mender: o thriceman
Living, breathing human beings.
There aren t anymore.
Sibyl: ...Reminded of him?
Yuuka: Oh, sure!
Gein Mender: apparently neither is gien
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay! Let s go!
by which i mean there are neatly bisected corpses strewn about
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet
Gein Mender looks from side to side
Rin Tohsaka: Well, all this talk about origins...
Gein Mender pulls out his squirrel skull and knife
Yuuka also does so
Gein Mender wrinkles his nose
Gein Mender: ... Shit.
Gein Mender sneaks around, trying to determine what the fuck went on
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 17
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 17
Kazuma Kuwabara heads over and waits at the door. Ladies First!
Sibyl: I don t care much for them, to be honest.
Space (GM): hold on finding music
eldritch s.: a bnch of people ran around with scissors
Sibyl: If you re awakened to yours, won t you become a slave to it?
eldritch s.: this is what happens
Narrator: These people were all killed.

Murdered neatly, by a sharp knife.

Yuuka follows him to the door
Rin Tohsaka: That s what they say.
Kazuma Kuwabara gestures to let her through first
Mysterious Woman steps out of a back room, blood staining her white kimono
Mysterious Woman spots Gein
Yuuka smiles at him, and walks through the door
Sibyl notices the emptiness of Lumpy s
Sibyl: Care to stay? The diner doesn t close till the last burger is cooked at t
hree in the morning.
Rin Tohsaka: That s fine with me.
Sibyl: Mm.
Sibyl smirks
Kazuma Kuwabara grins goofily and follows after her
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heheh!...Pretty nice night, wouldn t ya say?
Yuuka does not know he s saying something
Space (GM): oh no seeeer
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Oh, uh......right, damn.
Sibyl: I wonder what Testarossa thinks?
Kazuma Kuwabara watches her as they walk
Rin Tohsaka: I m sure she s got other things on her mind. Besides - she s not so
jealous that she won t let me talk to an old friend.
Yuuka insert visual novel-esque description about how pretty she is in the moonl
ight or some dumb anime bs here
Kazuma Kuwabara: [Her hair in the moonlight.....It s like.......A masterfully wh
ittled bokken......]
Sibyl: Heh. If it would make her comfortable - I stopped courting a long time ag
Kazuma Kuwabara: [A well-done beef patty cooking in a late-night barbecue!....]
Sibyl: Around the time of Christ, if I remember correctly...?
Yuuka: Are you talking, Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh? Oh, uh, nope.
Rin Tohsaka: I m sure that d help, if she knew.
Yuuka: Are you talking to me right now?
Sibyl nods with a smirk
that smirk fades very quickly, though
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Yuuka grins
Kazuma Kuwabara taps her shoulder and shakes his head nope
Yuuka: See, was that so hard?
Rin Tohsaka: ...Anyways. It s almost time, isn t it?
Sibyl: ...Yeah.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Heh...Sorry!
Rin Tohsaka: Shoot.
Kazuma Kuwabara scratches his head again

Sibyl: I have to ask you something, though.

Yuuka seems to find this amusing
Kazuma Kuwabara grins
Sibyl: When you re ninety years old, and Sakura s by your deathbed, holding your
Kazuma Kuwabara: So, uh.....your place far away?
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rider: "psh, yeah right."
Yuuka: Not really... we re getting close, I think.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh!
Sibyl: ...She ll get used to it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...So, uh....It sounded like you go to Lumpy s a lot!
Yuuka: Yeah! Yeah, I m a regular there.
Sibyl: Even if she can t tell ahead of time.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka looks away for a moment
Kazuma Kuwabara: That sounds pretty cool! Do regulars get special bonuses?
Yuuka: Not really.
Sibyl: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Psh. They should.
Yuuka: I ll have to ask Satsuki about it next time... if not, I bet I could use
the deaf card.
Fawkes M. (GM): Hold on so is Yuuka deaf or no?
Space (GM): ye
Mac D.: ya
Fawkes M. (GM): Icy
Mac D.: she reads lips and it s implied her voice is slurred and too loud
Fawkes M. (GM): Ooh
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, c mon, Yuuka...
the door swings open
Sakura Tohsaka: It s time. Are you two ready?
Yuuka: Heh heh... hey, I m just kidding, y know!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah....
.....No one gives you grief for that in school anymore, right?
Sibyl nods and gets off her stool
Rin Tohsaka wordlessly does the same
Yuuka smiles
Yuuka: Kuwabara, really... you don t need to worry about that.

Tohsaka just looks at Sibyl for a moment

Tohsaka: ...You two have a nice talk?
Kuwabara: You kiddin me? That kind of stuff ain t right!
We did.
It s not as much of a big deal as you re making it out to be...
How s the night, Sakura?
Tohsaka: ...Let s get going, then.

Sakura Tohsaka heads out

Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t care, nobody should treat you badly for something like
Sibyl exits, pursued by a bear
Rin Tohsaka ditto

Space (GM): things we gotta plan

Yuuka: It s not as bad as it used to be...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who s still doin it? Gimmie names and faces, so I can find
and teach em a lesson!
Yuuka: Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Yuuka: ...


Yuuka looks away

Yuuka: Almost there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Oh! Already?...
Yuuka doesn t notice, as she ain t looking at him
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches the house
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....This the place?
Yuuka: Kuwabara-Yuuka turns to look at him
Yuuka: This is my house.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at her
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh...right.
....Hey, uh.....Yuuka.
Yuuka: Yes?
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Alright.....which ones were they?....)
Kazuma Kuwabara ponders for a moment, then clumsily signs "have a good night" to
her in sign language
Yuuka: ....!
Yuuka grins
Yuuka before signing back "Thanks, you too!"
Kazuma Kuwabara doesn t actually knows what that means, but smiles and nods anyw
Yuuka smiles a bit longer
Yuuka and heads inside
Kazuma Kuwabara watches her go
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Hah......
Kazuma Kuwabara turns and walks down the road, feeling a bit more chipper
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
.....I m out past midnight! Sis is gonna kill me!!!!!!!!!!1
Kazuma Kuwabara starts making a mad dash to his own home
Space (GM): good sesh?
i am sad seer vanishd
Mac D.: lovely sesh
Space (GM): yesh
Mac D.: maybe tomorrow you could bring him in and finish his
Space (GM): yesh

Mac D.: and if i m around i can come watch

Space (GM): ah hello
Mac D.: well hai
bring in fox too so we can hang out
Space (GM): he can t right this sec
Mac D.: o ok
Space (GM): check your chairs
Mac D.: john cena berserker
can you shoop
Space (GM): hhhhhhhhhhhhm
Mac D.: is there anyone in the nasuverse powerful enough to defeat john cena
Space (GM): probably not
Mac D.: john cena gets hit with enuma elish
kicks out at one and a half
Space (GM): god damn it vince
are seer/mobile present
because i m assuming olive has went to bed
Space (GM): olive s still here
mobile s here
seer ain t
Mac D.: oh shit he s still up
do you think you might be able to drag him into a slice o life
Space (GM): can you grab them both mom requires my attention
Mac D.: i will try
Space (GM): did it work
Mac D.: we were too late with olive
mobile has yet to be determined but i m sure she s up for it
seer did say something about being late on tuesdays right
Space (GM): yeah
he ll probably wanna do fothe so maybe we should try to get in what we can
Mac D.: kuwabara and gunther s excellent adventure
Space (GM): while gein is being harassed by shiki
Mac D.: shiki s a Good Guy right
Space (GM): heh
Mac D.: spaaaaaaace
oh also
i ve been thinking of getting a new faceclaim for hollow night rider
Space (GM): oho?
Mac D.: like art of some muscular dude with a ponytail wearing a t-shirt and jea
Space (GM): ooooho
Mac D.: will you be able to provide
Space (GM): i
i am not sure
i can picture waht you are thinking of
Mac D.: just imagine rider in a ponytail and a t-shirt and jeans
my god
my GOD
John Cena: HUSTLE
Space (GM): true final boss
Mac D.: you should shoop a title belt on him too
Space (GM): too late
Mac D.: oh noooooo
Rin Tohsaka: Damn...! Guess it s time to retake my title...!

Mobile L.: Benis

Space (GM): hey mobile
Mobile L.: Oh my gahhhh
Space (GM): can i have the link to the imgur gallery of the backgrounds for holl
ow night again
Mobile L.: Sure thing
Still have a couple maps to make
Space (GM): sweat
Mobile L.:
John Cena: I M THE CHAMP.
Mobile L.: John Cena v. Gordon Ramsay
Mobile L.: We waitin on Eldy?
Mac D.: seer mysteriously disappears on tuesdays
Space (GM): i m just adding stuff
Mac D.: we don t know where he goes but he doesn t return until fairly late
will this be a continuation of last night s session space
Space (GM): nope
sadly fox might not be able to make it due to current fg shenanigans
Mobile L.: L<
Mac D.: noooooooooooooooooooo
Mobile L.: :<
Space (GM): well
lemme actually axe
he say prolly
Mobile L.: We could always kinda go slow with it to make room for Eff Gee
Mac D.: prolly as in "prolly able to come" or "prolly not able to come"
Space (GM): @duff: prolly not but im giving him mobiles suggest
also making a cop npc
Mac D.: so what crazy adventure is in store for the dynamic duo tonight
Space (GM): the cop npc shall be used
Mac D.: ohoho
Mobile L.: Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna dooooo
Mac D.: cops interrogate kuwabara and gunther
Space (GM): sadly the only pics of this guy are either too small or not transpar
ent pngs
Mac D.: will you be forced to break the golden ru;e
Space (GM): nnnever
Mobile L.: Didja add my song yet, Space?
Space (GM): i require it again
Mobile L.:
It s apparently something Back composed, but did not perform
Mac D.: space is the cop Mad Bull 34
Mobile L.: Is that the fireman from Rescue Heroes long-lost brother?
Space (GM): rescue heeeeroes
Mac D.: being a cop in the mean streets of Anime America is hard work
Mobile L.: Wh
Mac D.: attaching grenades to your pubes is a well-known tactic in the NYPD you
didn t know this?
Mobile L.: I thought that shit was illegal
Mac D.: not in Anime America it isn t
Mobile L.: By gawd

Mac D.:

disgusing yourself as women of the cloth is also a well-known law enforcement st
Mobile L.: Does he ever double up and become the grenade pube nun?
Mac D.: uh
Mobile L.: Fuck. Yes.
I like this cop already
Mac D.:
Mobile L.: That is a trustworthy mustache if I ever saw one
Mac D.: wh
where d space go
Mobile L.: I unno
He died
Mac D.: nooooooOOOOOO
Mobile L.: I was gonna pester him to Eff Gee
Mac D.: rip in pace
Mobile L.: Pray for his safe return
Mac D.: i don t know how to make crosses
Mobile L.: Copy this one
There s some alt key voodoos on Windows
Mac D.:
Mobile L.: Please, Orthodox Jesus
Mac D.: o Lord Cena help space overcome the odds
Mobile L. lights up a bunch of Holy Santos candles
Mobile L.: Whew
Thank God
What happent?
Mac D.: technical difficulties he says
Mobile L.: Ah, okay
Mac D.: AH
Mobile L.: HE BACK
Space (GM): my internet dieded
Mobile L.: I hate when that happens
Mac D.: it s been happening to me often
Space (GM): wanna see your friendly neighborhood police officer
Mac D.: yes
Mobile L.: Show us the dirty copper
Mac D.: is that adachi
Space (GM): this isn t persona you fool
Mac D.: he looks like adachi
so are gunther and kuwabara being interrogated by police for [BLANK]
Space (GM): yes actually
lemme just go to the restroom and i will return with the slice of life
Mobile L.: [BLANK]?
Mobile L.: (eyebrow raise)
Space (GM): gunther s an obvs gaijin pedophile
Mobile L.: A cannibal, too
Mac D.: a reasonable man wouldn t hide his eyes with his hair
Mobile L.: Or wear crocs
Mac D.: what s the matter gunther

don t want people to see you CHECKING OUT LITTLE GIRL BUTT
Gunther: tch.......... whoof want to know????
Mac D.: still working on stuff space?
Mobile L.: He said he had to address his humen bodily needs
Mac D.: oh right
hummens do that, i always forget
Mobile L.: We can t all emit perfume samples from our pores like the Ascended On
Mac D.: if only
Officer Daisuke looks through the files in front of him, glancing up at the two
youngsters also in front of him
Officer Daisuke: So... you kids wanna explain to me what you were up to?
Kazuma Kuwabara leans back in his chair, folding his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: I was takin a walk! That illegal or somethin , now?
Mac D.: how does officer daisuke escape this cubicle
Officer Daisuke: It is when you re waltzing though an abandoned JSDF base. Those
places are dangerous, y know.
Space (GM): the secret door
Kazuma Kuwabara: I like goin to quiet places!
Gunther boredly picks at a stain on his jacket sleeve
Kazuma Kuwabara: Good for.....what s it called....interspection?
Gunther smiles a little bit
Gunther: Interception.
I think that s the word.
Officer Daisuke: Really, now...
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, that s something from Gaijin Ball!
It s a word for like.....thinking!
Gunther: ...Hm. Perhaps.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lookin inside yourself and other wuss crap!
Officer Daisuke clears his throat politely
Gunther: Why is this such a federal issue, officer.
Officer Daisuke: As it happens, that area s closed down. Some unsavory business
went down there a couple nights ago.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Wait, really?
What happened?
Gunther leans forward a little, very mildly intrigued
Officer Daisuke: Can t say. I m sure the papers are gonna be buzzing about it by
tomorrow, so you might as well just wait.
Space (GM): i m making a dynamite rin npc
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....What, you didn t think I committed a crime or something th
ere, did you???
Mac D.: you know i love you right
Space (GM): does mobile know of dynamite rin
Mac D.: shhh don t spoile it
Mobile L.: Is she rassler Rin?
Mac D.: will she be appearing tonight
Space (GM): hmm...
Officer Daisuke: Criminals often return to the scene of the crime after they ve
committed the act. Usually, it s because they re worried they ve left behind som
e crucial bit of evidence.
You know, in a case like this, the penalties for being an accomplice to the crim
e are just as steep as those the criminal gets?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-....Hold on, I didn t even know anything happened!

Officer Daisuke was looking at Gunther when he said that

Officer Daisuke: Is that right?
Gunther: ...Assuming I were a criminal, I would not be so careless as to leave a
nything behind in the first place.
That would just make unnecessary work. Do I look like the sort who enjoys unnece
ssary work, officer?
Gunther deadpan as fuck
Officer Daisuke: You want my professional opinion?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So.....Wait?? Are we going to jail!?!
I can t go to jail! My sis d kill me!!!!
Gunther looks up at Daisuke
Gunther: Not particularly, but this won t prevent you from stating it.
I am innocent, though. So is he.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Completely innocent!!
Officer Daisuke: We ll see. Where were the two of you last Tuesday night at 2 AM
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh.....
.....Sleeping, probably! That s pretty late.
eldritch s.: did gein shit his pants and die
sorry for vanishing last night
Mac D.: yes
Space (GM): nah i was waiting on you before i went on
oh it s fine
wanna finish?
Mac D.: roll a new character
Mobile L.: Have someone drag the Geinster in for questioning
eldritch s.: sure
Mac D.: we could make it a flashback
daisuke flashes back to interrogating gein
Space (GM): i was just gonna do both concurrently
Gein Mender looks from back to back
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: At the donut shop, eating all of your peoples food.
Mac D.: oh hokay
Mysterious Woman: Just couldn t leave well enough alone, could you?
Gunther: ...Heh. At home, actually. Sleeping.
Officer Daisuke: Uh huh. Do you kids got anyone who can verify this for you?
Gein Mender: for the sake of my grove i m going to be listening to coconuts - si
lver lights
is this acceptable
Space (GM): i can just add it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Call my sister!
eldritch s.: no but i mean
because it s spooky
and being in a place
with dead bodies
Space (GM): it s on soundcloud and i got hotline miami music anyhow
eldritch s.: is spooky
Space (GM): right now i m playing some
Gunther: My parents would be more than glad to do so.
eldritch s.: i know you are
Gein Mender: Call me curious.
Mac D.: was last tuesday night the setting of the last slice o life sesh
Space (GM): nope it was a random date
Gein Mender: Looks like I was right.
Mac D.: oh hokay
Mysterious Woman: So what re you gonna do, old man?

Gein Mender: There s always something fucked up going on.

Officer Daisuke: Well, gimme their contact information.
Gein Mender: I d like some answers, if you don t mind.
Mysterious Woman: Is that so?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, home number s [HOME NUMBER]
Mysterious Woman: What if I say no?
Gunther rustles around in his pocket for a piece of paper
Gein Mender: Eh, doesn t make much of a difference.
If you kill me, it doesn t matter to you if I know or don t know.
If I kill you, it doesn t matter to you if I know or don t know.
You have nothing to lose either way.
Gunther eventually pulls some rumpled little paper wad out and hands it to Daisu
Mysterious Woman: That s assuming an awful lot, gotta say.
Mysterious Woman s knife drips blood
Gein Mender: I am in a resteraunt filled with corpses.
Officer Daisuke unfolds it and looks at it
Gein Mender: Call it inituition.
Or common sense.
Gunther It just says
Gunther "UPDOG"
Mysterious Woman: Heh.
Who s your boss, old man?
Gein Mender: I don t have one.
Officer Daisuke: Interesting number.
Gunther looks at him expectantly
Space (GM): gah i just realized
eldritch s.:
ream.png yes, yes definitely
Space (GM): i m gonna have to make a sprite for mystic eyes!shiki
eldritch s.:
mi.jpg BooBz
Space (GM): and the image is too big for pixlr
Officer Daisuke smiles at him
Officer Daisuke: It s funny, but we re being serious here.
Mobile L.: We can use our imaginations
Gunther: ...Oh.
Well, okay.
The landline is [NUMBER].
Officer Daisuke smiles
Officer Daisuke: Be right back.
Officer Daisuke heads to a back room
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gunther sighs tiredly

Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther

Mysterious Woman: Just came here outta your own curiosity?
Gein Mender: Yeah.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dude.....if I m late again, my Sis is gonna do god-knows-what t
o my wrestling DVD s!
Gein Mender: I thought I d walk in on a drug deal or something.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I can NOT go to prison!
Gein Mender: But it never goes easy.
Mysterious Woman: It wasn t a deal. It was a hit.
Gein Mender: It always ends in bodies.
Big hit.
Gunther: Just calmly explain to her that this man is what is known as a "tightas
s" and pray that all will be well.
Mysterious Woman: Lotta Dead Apostles.
Kazuma Kuwabara chews his fingernails in stress
Gunther: Unless someone outright framed us, it should all check out.
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther yawns
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So....What do you think happened at the base?
Gein Mender: What, you mean like from The Gayest Mage This Side of Los Angeles?
Gunther: I don t know, probably some sort of boring drug thing.
Gein Mender: What a load of horseshit.
eldritch s.: oh shit artimminer
o thriceman
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eugh....I don t want a reputation as a junkie!
eldritch s.: DO NOT MOCK ME I AM SLOW
Mysterious Woman: What?
Gein Mender: What you read it?
I assume that s where you snatched it from.
Gunther: Calm down. You re the most straight-laced delinquent in town.
Mysterious Woman: What the hell re you talking about?
Gunther: Like I said, we d have to be framed...
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and sagely nods
Gein Mender: Dead Apostles.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah....Yeah, that s right! Ain t a thug cleaner than me!
Gein Mender: That s what the vampires in the book are called.
I think it s some kind of church metaphor.
Or drug dealers?
Gunther: And your thug buddies can vouch for you, I m sure.
Gein Mender: Fuck, now I m confused...
Gunther: And you re ethnically Japanese, too.
eldritch s.: gein lives under a rock as far was magic goes
Gunther: I suspect there may be a bit of profiling here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?
Gunther: You know. Suspicious gaijin.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, you do look kinda sketchy, to be honest...
eldritch s.: what is this cop investigating
Mac D.: they were caught at the JSDF base
eldritch s.: why
Mac D.: they were taking a walk
and apparently SOMETHING happened there a few days ago
Mysterious Woman: Well, it doesn t matter much to me what you think.
eldritch s.: a few days ago
so it couldn t have been fate still night
Gunther: I only intend to look foreign and unaware of myself. I did not foresee
that my aesthetic would be taken in this way.

Gein Mender: I assumed so.

Either way, you killed a bunch of people with that knife, I guess?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I mean, with the hair, and the messy shirt...
I don t think I ve ever seen your eyes, man!
Gein Mender: If that s true, you have to be legitimately magic.
Space (GM): gah fuck gimme a sec
Gunther: ...Though perhaps I could play it up a little bit. Heh. Do suspicious g
aijin things in a way that wouldn t get the police called on me.
Ali G never had the authorities come after him.
Saber: don t sell pronography, boy
i m warning you
Rider: saber don t bother the children
Gunther: fuk u gramps i do wot i want
Saber: he is selling smut
i will kill all of them
Mysterious Woman: Could be. You re wrong on one point, though.
Rider: saber we have to go to work
Gein Mender: What s that?
Caster: ew fat pervs xC
Mysterious Woman: My knife wasn t their cause of death.
Gein Mender: That s great.
Mac D.: "it was my EEEEEEEYES"
Shiki Ryougi: It was my eyes.
Gein Mender: You just dipped it in the blood because it s fun.
Mac D.: "[shoots lasers]"
Space (GM): duffffff
Gein Mender: That s just really amazing.
Gein Mender looks down
Gein Mender begins backpeddling
Mobile L.: Shiki confirmed for X-Men s Cyclops
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 13
Shiki Ryougi starts walking towards him
Shiki Ryougi: Where are you going?
Gein Mender: Out.
Shiki Ryougi: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....He s taking a while, isn t he?
Shiki Ryougi is now in front of him
Gunther: He sure is.
...Maybe they ran out of donuts back there.
Shiki Ryougi: Why shouldn t I kill you where you stand?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, I get it!
Gein Mender: Let s see...
I m an old man?
I m a teacher?
That s about it.
Gunther: Heh. Dirty coppers.

Gein Mender: I m kind of fucked, honestly.

Shiki Ryougi: That s true.
You re no killer.
Gein Mender: No.
Shiki Ryougi s eyes fade
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Gunther: I forget whether or not they were this inefficient in Sweden.
Mysterious Woman looks bored as ever
Kazuma Kuwabara leeeeeans his chair back
Mysterious Woman: Then there s no point in killing you.
Gein Mender: I d like to think so.
Mysterious Woman: But, then again... you might go to the police, right?
Gunther reaches a hand under the Bangs of Void and rubs his eyes, stifling a yaw
Gein Mender: Listen, if I call the police, I am incriminated in all hell in this
An gaijin in sunglasses walks into a bar.
Walks out with shoes covered in blood.
It s suspcious.
Officer Daisuke returns
Officer Daisuke: Well, everything checks out.
Mysterious Woman: Smart man.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh! Really?
So we can go home?
Gein Mender: If that s it for this near-death experience, I d like to go home.
Mobile L. is already starting to nod off
Gunther: no me
Officer Daisuke: Of course! It s obvious you kids aren t criminals. Next time, j
ust remember to stay out of crime scenes, alright?
Kazuma Kuwabara NODS
Gunther: Mmm...
Mysterious Woman: Fine by me. See you around, then... or maybe not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right! You got it, Officer!
Mysterious Woman walks out of the bar
Gein Mender takes one last look around
Kazuma Kuwabara hops to his feet and heads for the door
Space (GM): kuwabara
roll mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, Gunthrolling 3d20 +3
= 23

Gunther: ...Zzz...
Gein Mender pull out his notebook
Space (GM): increased because he is a wrestling fan
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kuwabara catches a glimpse of the officer s calendar...
Gein Mender flips through pages of notes on TGMTSA
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Huh?
Gein Mender opens to his page on Dead Apostles
Gein Mender circles it
Gunther: Zzzzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara takes a closer look
Gein Mender creates a new page, titlted "Weird Shit"
_Rin_01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150214183145 here s this month s image
Gein Mender copies the adress and shit, along with the word Dead Apostles with a
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Gein Mender writes the words "Killer eyes"
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, I remember watching this match!
Gein Mender steps outside
Officer Daisuke lights up
Officer Daisuke: Really...?
Gein Mender: okay you can turn it off now
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Dynamite RIN hits Great Luvia with a top-rope bulldog!
Narrator: That was one night ago. Gein is now (fox can you handle)
Officer Daisuke: Man...! I didn t take you for a wrestling fan, kid!
Kazuma Kuwabara: She only got a two-count, though....
...Oh, yeah! I love it!
Gein Mender spent that night looking up the words "dead apostle" on the internet
jit s mostly pages about the apostles of christ and such
Gunther sleeps right the fuck through wrestling talk like a chumpass
Officer Daisuke: Heh, nice. Who s-Space (GM): does gein have any internet friends
Gein Mender: no
Officer Daisuke notices Gunther
Officer Daisuke: ...Heh. Guess we bored your friend to tears, huh?
Gein Mender slept in that morning
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? Oh, Gunther does that a lot.
Gunther: ...Zzzz... Hehhh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Gunther!
Gein Mender gave up on searching for things in his notes
Gunther: ...Muh?
Gunther looks up

Gein Mender stands up and puts on his coat

Kazuma Kuwabara: You dozed off again!
Gunther: Oh.
Are we done?
Gein Mender heads out
Kazuma Kuwabara: We just started talking about wrestling!
Gunther: Oh.
Gein Mender checks the time on his watch
Officer Daisuke: Anyways, I d better not keep you kids waiting.
It s about lunchtime for both of them
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, right!
Gein Mender looks for his segway
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, see you, Officer!
Thankfully Sakura did not steal it
Gein Mender which is borrowed by most of the people in his apartment
Officer Daisuke: You kids stay out of trouble now!
Gein Mender steps on his segway
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heheh, yeah!
Gein Mender starts it
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, Gunth!
Gunther sluggishly gets up and heads for the door, tokenly nodding to the office
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for the door
Gein Mender rides down to Lumpy s like a good pensioner
Gunther: Glad that s over.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah, but....
....Now I m curious.....What happened at that base?
Saber: i killed ten pornogrophers
Rider: saber we talked about this
Gunther: It will likely be in the news if it s interesting at all.
Avenger: i created the eternal cake
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man.....You don t think I walked passed a murder or something,
did you??
Gunther: "Interesting" meaning "if people died", in this case. And I doubt it.
Some eighties tune is playing in this ostensibly fifties diner.
John Cena: i won the world heavyweight cake champion
Gein Mender parked his segway outside
Gein Mender looks for the gang
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....I hope not....The last thing I need is more ghosts chasing
me around in my dreams!
Gein Mender: ... They re late.
Fuckin kids.
is Gein inside the building?
Gein Mender yes
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, anyway, wanna head to Lumpy s for a bite to eat?
Gunther: Sure. I m hungry, I guess.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright!

Satsuki Yumizuka waves at Gein

Gein Mender flips his notebook open again
Gein Mender: Oh, hey there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Maybe Yuuka will be there agaaaaaaaaaaaaain!~)
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey! You want something to eat?
Kazuma Kuwabara cheerily heads for the diner
Satsuki Yumizuka: Or another malt, maybe?
Gein Mender: Yeah, I think I ll have the same as last time.
Gunther follows Kuwabara, bored as ever
eldritch s.: gein likes routines
he often has the same things
every time
Kazuma Kuwabara comes inside
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaaah! I m starvin !
eldritch s.: Be careful there, kid, or Yuuka will have to buy you lunch again.
Gunther: Hi, Starvin . I m Gnther.
Gein Mender: i said that
Satsuki Yumizuka: Alright!
Satsuki Yumizuka notices the gang
Kazuma Kuwabara delinquent-walks over to the counter and sits down, giving Gein
the stink-eye for his comment
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hey to you to, Gramps.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey, Kuwabara!
Gein Mender going through his notes, writing things down
Gein Mender it s all in english
Gunther seems quite pleased with himself and hops his fat ass up there
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Yumizuka. I m feelin like chili fries today!
Satsuki Yumizuka writes that down
Satsuki Yumizuka: Coming up!
Gein Mender: (... A hit... Who? Why? Dead Apostles... hm.)
Satsuki Yumizuka turns to Gunther
Satsuki Yumizuka: What would you like, sir?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: Watcha writin about, old man?
Gunther: A double cheeseburger with extra mayo, a large order of fries, a large
order of onion rings...

Gein Mender: Oh, nothing.

Gunther: ...And a small, diet soda.
Gein Mender: Just about that booHey, that reminds me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Gunther: Heh.

Gein Mender: Did you read the first chapter?

Space (GM): small diet soda
gotta keep healthy after all
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Uh....I, uh.....
......It was really late when I got home!
Gein Mender: Read it now.
Mobile L.: For Your Health
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What? Right now?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Coming up!
Satsuki Yumizuka heads to the back
Gein Mender: When the food comes, hand it back, I am keeping it clean.
Not all of it.
Just some.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....I don t got the book on me, right now....
Gein Mender: ...
I gave you.
Gunther waits, staring up at the ice cream mascot thing
Gein Mender: My.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, I mean-....I m keepin it at home, not my school bag!
Gein Mender turns to him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y know, so it doesn t get beat up or something!
Gein Mender: If your "dog" eats it.
There will be words.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah, woah, I m a cat person, anyway!!
Gein Mender: Good.
Gunther studies the ice cream thing as though it were a Picasso in a museum
Gein Mender turns back
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Sheesh.....
eldritch s.: how long has the book been out
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....What re you even writing about? Didn t you read the book,
like, eight times?
Space (GM): not too long - a year
Gein Mender: Five.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Five times?
voices can be heard in the background
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What more could ya write about it??
in the kitchen, I mean
Gunther eavesdrops, expression unchanging
Gein Mender: These are my personal notes.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Here ya go, Chef!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Gein Mender: There is a lot to analyze.
eldritch s.: it s
gordon ramsa
Satsuki Yumizuka: Just some fries, and.
John Cena: i am not a chef i am a wrestler


Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh, the malt!
eldritch s.: "AMETUER"
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hold on. We don t have that many fries or onion rings?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........?
Satsuki Yumizuka: He s ordering our entire stock?
Saber: don t worry
Saber: this happened to me, too
Gunther very quietly "heh"s
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Oh no, this is bad!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
....Hey, uh....Yumizuka!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Doesn t the food truck usually come in at this hour?
Gein Mender: Must be really bad if they re screaming about it.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Daylight savingsSatsuki Yumizuka hears Gein
Satsuki Yumizuka uwabara
Satsuki Yumizuka: *Kuwabara
Satsuki Yumizuka pops her head back out the door
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Uh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s goin on?
Gein Mender: We didn t hear anything.
Gunther quickly reverts back to bored-looking
Avenger: fawkes do you see
oh whoops
Satsuki Yumizuka: is
is that
Space (GM): yes
Avenger: bastard
Satsuki Yumizuka: heeheehee
Gein Mender snaps his notebook shut
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...We just gotta make these to order, that s all!
Gunther goes back to picking at the stuff on his sleeve
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh........Okay, then.
Gein Mender: Gunther.
Gunther: ?
Gein Mender: How s life been treating you? I didn t see you yesterdday.
Satsuki Yumizuka rapidly nods before heading back into the kitchen
Gunther: Oh. Same as usual, nothing particularly interesting on my end. You?
Gein Mender looks side to side

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hrm...

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Hang on. I have to run?
Gein Mender leans in
Gein Mender: I...
Kazuma Kuwabara taps his fingers on the counter to amuse himself
Satsuki Yumizuka: It s eight kilometers and heading away?
Gein Mender: I...stubmeled on...
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Gein Mender: A...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Gein Mender: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka: I won t let you down, sir! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGein Mender gulps
Gein Mender: A murder.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s up, gramps?
you coulda sworn there was a sonic boom coming from the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........Wait-..
...A what!?
Gunther: ...O...
Gein Mender: Shut up!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!
Gunther looks over the counter towards the kitchen
Gein Mender: I went to that adress.
Kazuma Kuwabara gulps himself, then lowers his voice
Gein Mender: It was a bar.
Kazuma Kuwabara: mean that place you had to go?
Chef pokes his head out of the kitchen door
Gein Mender: Bodies everywhere, all sliced up.
Gein Mender looks at him
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Chef: Yo, sorry, but your food s gonna take a bit.
Gunther: Hello. Okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Chef
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh, don t worry! No problem!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Chef ducks back into the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Are you serious!?)
Gein Mender: I am completely serious.
Gunther: That sounds unpleasant.
Gein Mender: The lady who ate here, who was talking about the address.
She nearly killed me too.
Said it was a hit.
Kazuma Kuwabara: A hit!?...
Gein Mender: On the bar.
Kazuma Kuwabara: There was an assassin here!?
Gunther: The entire bar.
Gein Mender: Called them a bunch o- Shut up.

Kazuma Kuwabara: (Right. Sorry....)

Gein Mender: Said they were a bunch "Dead Apostles".
Gein Mender looks from side to side again
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....(What re those?)
Gein Mender: ... Said she didn t kill them with her knife.
Said she did it with her eyes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (She sounds nuts!)
Gein Mender: Her fucking face.
She was bored.
Gunther: Troubling.
Gein Mender: ... Dead Apostles... they re from that book.
The one I told you to read.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Wait, what?)
Space (GM): (hey guys)
Gein Mender: They re what they call the talking vampires.
Space (GM): (did you see)
Mobile L.: wat
Space (GM): (who the chef was)
Gein Mender: shriou?
Mobile L.: Green Archer?
Mac D.: ichigo kurosaki
Space (GM): (laugh with me fox)
Gein Mender: fuck you
and your dog
Space (GM): (mobile s right btw)
Mobile L.: Yey
Gein Mender: wh
Mobile L.: The "yo" gave it away
Space (GM) cackles hideously
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Wait, so she thought they were vampires!?)
Gein Mender: The Dead Apostles were the thinking, smart vampirs.
Or a metaphor for drugs?
Kazuma Kuwabara: (She sounds completely off her rocker!)
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: Or something.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Maybe she s responsible for that incident at the base the cop
talked about, too....)
Gein Mender: Whatever it was, she killed a fucking bar and was bored.
Fawkes M. (GM) chortles with Space (GM)
Gein Mender: What?
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Oh, uh, yeah.)
(Gunther and I were arrested.)
Mobile L.: Would a magus family like the Glazkovs know about vampurrs?
Gein Mender: Wow.
Space (GM): ya
Mobile L.: Thought so
Kazuma Kuwabara: (We were just taking a walk!
Gein Mender: I knew this was coming.
What was i- Oh.
Not a drug offence?
Not an assault?
there are crashing sounds in the kitchen

Kazuma Kuwabara: Geez, gramps, what s with the lack of faith in me?
Gunther: It was only amusing for the first thirty minutes.
Gein Mender turns to the kitchen
Satsuki Yumizuka: CHEF
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the door
Satsuki Yumizuka: THEY ARE
Gunther: The officer was a tightass.
Satsuki Yumizuka: HEEEEERE
Chef: Jesus Christ...
Gunther: ?
Chef pokes his head through the door again
Chef: Any of you got a cell phone?
Gunther ogles the door
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....
Gein Mender: No, I m old.
Chef: You mind callin emergency services? Thanks.
Gunther: What for?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uuuuuh????
Chef heads back into the kitchen
Gein Mender: Who cares, just call the,!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Gunther sighs and dials Japan 911
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Should we, uh....
Gein Mender: ...
119 Operator: Fuyuki City Emergency Services, what is your emergency?
Gein Mender: Did you dial 911?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So, uh, anyway......the murderer!
Gein Mender: Don t report the murder, by the way.
Gunther: There is an unspecified incident going on in the kitchen of the restaur
ant Lumpy s. I was asked to call emergency services.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-....Why!?
Satsuki Yumizuka: X_X
Gein Mender: I can think of two reasons.
Chef: Stay with me, Yumizuka!!
Gein Mender: One: they ll think I did it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....What-!?
Satsuki Yumizuka: C-chef...
Gein Mender: Two: I promised the lady not to, and if I do, she ll fucking kill m
119 Operator: An ambulance is on its way, sir.
Gunther: I believe the cashier is injured.
Satsuki Yumizuka: I... do not...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Is....Is Yumizuka gonna be okay?
Satsuki Yumizuka: These customers...
Gein Mender: Probably.
Satsuki Yumizuka slips back into unconsciousness

Gein Mender jumps over the counter

Gein Mender peeks into the kitchen
Chef: ...Damn. You re gettin a raise as soon as you get back from the hospital.
Kazuma Kuwabara hops over as well and peeks over Gein s head
Gunther is the calmest person to dial 119 ever
Satsuki is lying on the floor, unconscious
Chef: ...! Oi, out of the kitchen!
Gein Mender: What the hell happened?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Didn t realize the food industry was so tough...
Chef: Out!!
Chef hurls a pan
Gein Mender: I m not in the kitchen, I m peeking iwhich hits the wall
Gein Mender recoils
Gunther just stays perched on that stool like a fat bird
Kazuma Kuwabara FLINCHES and follows him back
Kazuma Kuwabara: Geez!....
Gunther: Is she alive?
Gein Mender flinches upon hearing a siren
Kazuma Kuwabara: She looked pretty alive, from what I could see over the pan!
Gunther: Okay. Good.
Gein Mender: ... She wasn t dead.
Gunther hangs up and stuffs the phone back in his pocket
Gein Mender: I know that for sure.
paramedics pile in
and charge into the kitchen
Gunther watches them impassively
Kazuma Kuwabara watches them confused
Gein Mender: I hope we haven t killed her.
Gunther: That would be an undesirable outcome.
they bring her out on a stretcher
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t ever wanna work in a kitchen.......
Gein Mender does a robot voice
Gein Mender: "Undesirable outcome."
Gunther: ...Heh. Heh heh. Oh my God.
Gein Mender: She d be dead.
That s pretty damn undeisrable.
Chef pokes his head out the kitchen
Gunther: Of course... Heh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara braces for another pan
Chef: Yo, I ll get to working on your stuff now. Sorry bout the wait.
Gunther: Okay.
Gein Mender: No, it s fine.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh.....thanks@

Chef ducks back into the kitchen

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Do you think.....she s gonna strike again??
Gein Mender: She said it was a hit.
Hitmen tend to do it more than once.
Mobile L.: Bee are bee
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe that book can give us clues....
You read it a million times, you probably know it back and forth by heart!
Gein Mender: She didn t know about the book.
When I mentioned it, she was confused.
That s the most fucked up part.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe it s some kind of premonition thing....
Like.....the book was secretly about her spree of murders this whole time!
Predicting the future!
Gein Mender: Well, other than the multilated b...
the door swings open again
Gein Mender: Jesus Christ.
Gein Mender flips open his notes
Gein Mender flips through them
eldritch s.: so
what exactly
is discussed in
Mobile L.: bek
eldritch s.: the gayest mage this side of los angeles
are the events of still night mentioned
Mac D.: i would assume yes
Space (GM): the events of fate/still night + rin s life afterwards - any pro wre
stling mention
eldritch s.: ...
Chef steps out, carrying so much fuken food
Mac D.: as well as her describing in great detail her violent BDSM fantasies inv
olving Caster
Gunther has been quietly smiling to himself for the past couple minutes
Gein Mender: First things first.
Chef: Hey, here s your stuff.
Chef sets it all out
Gein Mender: I think Toshaka was Dynamite RIN
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Gein Mender: Oh thanks.
Mobile L.: Oh, you can t forget those
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh!
Sibyl takes a seat at the bar
Kazuma Kuwabara: Thanks!
Kazuma Kuwabara starts digging into his chili fries
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Mph?
Mobile L.: Uh oops I think my connection died. Apologies for late sent messages
Chef: Now, Satsuki ran 10 kilometers in under ten minutes to get this here, so I
don t wanna hear any complaints about how it tastes sweaty.
Chef nods to Sibyl
Kazuma Kuwabara swallows and looks at Gein

Chef: Be with you in a sec.

Gein Mender: She talkes about hte match you described in detail.
Space (GM): no no
minus the mention of wrestling
Gein Mender eats his malt a bit
eldritch s.: oh
Mac D.: the book explicitly leaves out her wrestling career
eldritch s.: than redact all that
Mac D.: hokay
Kazuma Kuwabara EATS
Sibyl: Satsuki s taking a break, Chef?
Gein Mender: Amublance
Chef: Yeah, a hospital break.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Some kinda accident....
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara says with a mouthful of food
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender is trying to piece together
Gein Mender the magic, and the mystery
Kazuma Kuwabara: [OMFGROMFNOMF
Sibyl: ...Hmm. I knew something was up when I saw the ambulances.
Two days ago.
Chef: Eh?
Gein Mender mumbles to himself in English
Sibyl: Forget it.
Gunther: Does she have some sort of condition.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Sibyl: Is now a bad time to order?
Chef: (to Gein, in English) Come again?
(Sibyl) Nah. What ll it be?
Sibyl: My usual.
Gein Mender was talking about "How could this happen, if it s about the future,
than what are Dead Apostles"
Gein Mender: ...You speak English?
Chef: Heh. Born and raised there. Well, anyways, I ll leave you to your talk abo
ut Dead Apostles. Comin right up, Sibyl.
Chef heads back to the kitchen
Sibyl: Thank you.
Gunther tried to eavesdrop with the English he osmosed from American TV and movi
Gein Mender: (Wait, you know an-)
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What were you guys talking about?
That was English, right?
Gunther: (Vat conversation you are haveeng? Heh.)
Gein Mender: YeaYou speak English too?
Gunther: (Some of, yes.)

Kazuma Kuwabara: What s he sayin ?

Gein Mender: He s just talking about our conversation.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, well don t leave me outta the loop!
Gein Mender: Nothing, I just found out the chef was born in England, I think.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh! He DID look pretty gaijin....
Gunther: Mm. I didn t glean that.
Gein Mender: He might know something about the...
Gein Mender clears his throat
Gunther: I didn t glean that either.
Gein Mender: You know whats.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....You mean the murdGunther picks his unhealthy burger back up
Gein Mender: No, the DA s.
Defence Attorneys.
Gein Mender winks
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..................?
Gunther: The Dudes Asses.
Gein Mender: You know, the ones who are doing all the drugs?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh.....Not...really..
Sibyl is softly humming some old Trojan war song as she covertly eavesdrops
Gein Mender: Oh, let me tell you...
Gein Mender whispers
Gein Mender: There is a woman right over there, I am making shit up.
Gunther keeps eating
Kazuma Kuwabara: (...Wh-....OH! Oh, okay, I got it!)
Chef returns
Gein Mender: Yeah, lots of drugs.
It s terrible.
Chef: Here you go.
Gein Mender has finished his meal
Chef gives Sibyl her usual
Kazuma Kuwabara: Drugs re pretty terrible, yeah!
Gein Mender: (Wait, I d like to ask you something.)
Gunther: You know what they say.
Hugs, not drugs.
Gein Mender: (You know what a Dead Apostle is?)
Kazuma Kuwabara: People who take em are losers!
Chef: Heh.
eldritch s.: her usual
tossed salad
Chef: (Who wants to know?)
eldritch s.: HEHEHEHEHEHEH
Gunther: ...Aside from Cheech and Chong.
Gein Mender: (I do.)
Sibyl: (nods) Much obliged.
Gunther shovels about sixteen zillion fries into his mouth
Chef: (Yeah, they re from that book, aren t they?)

Chef smirks at her

Sibyl cuts into her burger patty with cutlery
Kazuma Kuwabara eventually finishes his chili fries
Gunther: ...Hrf.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaaah, good stuff!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....You okay there, Gunth?
Gein Mender: (... Yeah. They are. I just heard there s a group of... well, a cer
tain kind of people who call themselves that.)
(I m doing a bit of an investigation, you see.)
Chef leans back against the wall, arms folded
Gunther nods and subtly gestures to the amusing spectacle that is someone eating
a burger with a fork
Sibyl what a dweeb, rite?
Chef: (Is that right?)
Gunther 4fuckinreel
Gein Mender: (Yeah.)
eldritch s.: i have never seen
Gunther downs all this salt and starch with DIET SODA
eldritch s.: a person eat a burger that way
Chef: (Probably just a buncha LARPers. You ever hear of Vampire: The Masquerade?
eldritch s.: like never in my life
Mobile L.: Neither have I
Gein Mender: (No, what is it?)
Mac D.: i think that s a common way to eat burgers in japan actually
eldritch s.: unacceptable
Mobile L.: Also in some parts of Europe, right?
Chef: (Ah, never mind. Just some roleplaying thing. It was big over here a few y
ears back.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Sybil
Gein Mender: (Huh. Well, I hope it just some LARPers. The last thing this town
needs is a gnag...)
that burger looks fookin RAWWWWW (really rare but wth)
Sibyl looks up at Kuwabara
Chef: (Sorry, pal. I m not the kinda guy you d ask about that stuff. Maybe your
buddy knows more about gangs? He looks the type.)
Gunther continues to be silently amused and starts on his onion rings
Kazuma Kuwabara leans in and whispers to Gunther
Gein Mender: (Heh, nah. He seems like it, but I really doubt it.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What about her? I mean, she looks a little old for you, don
tcha think?
Gunther: ...Wait. What.
Chef: (Guess you re SOL, then... heh, sorry I can t help ya.)

Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, you could try and ask her out, but Idunno.....
Gein Mender: (That s fine, thanks anyway.)
Chef: (No problem.)
You fellas need anything else?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Or, what, is there something on her face or something?
Gein Mender has already finished his food
Kazuma Kuwabara: What am I supposed to be lookin at here, Gunth?
She s lookin at me and it s gettin kinda awkward, hurry up!
Gein Mender: What are you two talking about?
Gunther: ...What.
Gein Mender: Also, no, just the bill.
Gunther sounds genuinely perplexed for once
Sibyl: Am I making you uncomfortable?
Gunther: No.
Chef: Gotcha.
Chef back to the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t mind us! We re just lookin out the window!
Gein Mender: There s no window on that side of the building.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Seriously Gunther, is this another one of your jokes?)
Sibyl: If you say so.
Sibyl smirks
Gunther: (Do you think I was... flirting with her.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (I dunno, Gunth! Were you?? I can read you about as well as I c
an read Gramps dumb book!)
Gein Mender: What s you just say?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nothin !
Sibyl: (Seriously, boys?)
Gein Mender: ... Better have.
Gunther leans in REALLY close so Sybily can t hear
Gunther: (I was merely amused by the way in which she was consuming her hamburge
r. It was atypical, ergo, humorous.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (....Oh, that?)
Gunther: (Yes.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (I see people eat burgers like that all the time...)
Gunther: (...Really?)
Gein Mender: Eat what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Yeah!)
Eat these delicious onion rings!
Space (GM): gein is hard of hearing in his old age
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look at em!
Masterful cooking!
Gunther: Yes.
Gein Mender: they re whispering and he s not listening very closely
Gunther GRABS and EATS a handful
Gein Mender: I m not senile.
Kazuma Kuwabara: See? He love s em!
Gein Mender: ...
Sibyl is enjoying the racket
Gein Mender: (Are you talking about sex?)

Kazuma Kuwabara: (Wh-...NO!)

Gunther is covertly pleased that this miscommunication is entertaining Sibyl
Gein Mender: (I don t think we re the people who you want to talk to about it)
Gunther: (Thaf s nogh wahgh...)
Gunther swallows
Kazuma Kuwabara: (That wasn t what we were talking about, Gramps! Gunther was po
inting out some joke to me!)
Gunther: (...Heh. This is amazing, honestly.)
Gein Mender: (Well what s the joke?)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (He thought the way that lady was eating her burger was funny,
that s all!)
Gunther: (She s eating her burger with a forrrrrk.)
Gein Mender: (What, you mean with a knife and fork?)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Yeah!)
Gunther: (Yessss.)
Gein Mender: (Did you just fall of the turnip truck, everyone here does that.)
Gunther: (I don t pay close attention when I eat in public.)
Gein Mender: (It s goddamn stupid, but they do it.)
Gunther: (Perhaps I should change that.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (What s so stupid about it?)
Gein Mender: (No, please don t stare at other people eatig)
Gunther: (You re supposed to use your hands.)
Gein Mender: (That s not how you eat a burger, it s just sinful.)
Gunther: (Heh...)
Mac D.: are they all still staring at Sibyl while they whisper to each other
Mobile L.: Probably
Mac D.: the answer should be yes
Gein Mender: (That s like if I did this to the onion rings...)
Gein Mender stabs the onion rings with a knife and fork
Gein Mender slices them in half
Gein Mender meticulously removes the deep fried part
Kazuma Kuwabara: (I ve seen people eat em that way, too!)
(Well, okay, maybe not that extreme...)
Gein Mender then shoves both the onion and the deep fried part in his mouth
Gunther: Heh...
Sibyl: (This isn t a banquet. Do table manners really matter?)
she also doesn t have any bun or condiments on said burger
eldritch s.: can they hear her
Gein Mender whispers
Gunther bites his lip to keep from blowing his cover
Gein Mender: (See, that s just fucking sick.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (....She s lookin at us funny, now...)
Gunther: (hhhehheheheheh...)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (You think she took that as a challenge, Gramps?)
Gein Mender: (She s probably a serial killer.)
Gein Mender looks at the food they have left
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Oh, come on!)

Gein Mender: (Only a serial killer eats like that.)

Kazuma Kuwabara: (My sis eats burgers like that!!)
Gunther buries his head in his hands, trying to choke the CHUCKLES
Gein Mender: (That is like having a soup and crackers. And then drawining all th
e soup, and then sprinkling the crackers on, before eatin the crackers.)
Sibyl ain t stopping with her HORRIBLE BURGER ATROCITIES
Gein Mender: (And then you kill someone with the bowl because you are fucking in
Space (GM): gunther is me r/n
Kazuma Kuwabara: (I have seen regular people eat their burgers like that, old ma
n! Just cause gaijin don t do it doesn t meant it s weird!)
Gunther is sort of almost vibrating with stifled guffaws
Gein Mender: (Wow, listen here, you little racist. I have accepted a foreign cul
ture very well for an old man, but this is way too fare.)
(I took the penis parade, but not this)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Oh, who s bein racist!?)
Gein Mender: (Not this fucking shit.)
Gunther: ...Ahahahah... Hhh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: (You re one to talk about crazy killers coming from Gun Land!)
Gunther: I... Hehhhh... I have to... go and... Hehhh...
Gunther is red in the face
Gein Mender: (At least we eat burgers like normal human beings!)
Gunther: HehhhhhhI llberightback!
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Man, you re just bein an old fart again!)
Gein Mender: (What, do you eat pizza with a knife and fork too!?)
Gunther dashes into the restroom
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Excuse me?)
(Do I look like some kinda queer to you?)
Gein Mender: (...)
Gunther [muffled maniacal laughing]
Gein Mender: (Eating a burger with no buns, and con condiments, with a knife and
fork is okay.)
(But eating a pizza with a knife and fork is too much>)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Look, you re making a huge leap, here.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (That s like comparing dipping your fries in milk shake to thro
win babies off cliffs!)
Gein Mender: (Wait, what the fuck did you just say about milk shakes?)
Gunther isn t really letting up in there
Gein Mender: (... Actually, that one doesn t soud too bat.)
Gunther Anyone else who would happen to be in the men s room would think there s
a fucking serial killer in there
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Yeah, it s like a combination of salty n sweet.)
Chef looks at Gunther funny as he washes his hands
Gein Mender: (... I ll have to try that. But not the weird burger thing!)
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Alright, whatever!)
(Let s just stop looking at her, I m getting weirded out!)

Gunther is laughing so hard he s crying at this point

Gein Mender: (I wasn t even looking at her.)
(You re the one who has been staring at her for the past few minutes.)
Sibyl dun seem to mind the male attention
her burger is now d o n e
Chef: ...
eldritch s.: i think she d like
Mobile L.: Is she posing like in the sprite?
eldritch s.: a hotdog
Chef heads off to the kitchen
eldritch s.: a little more than a hamburger
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Gunther: Ahahahah... Hahahahahaha... Hahahaha... Heh... Hehhhh.. Hehhhhhhh...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks away from Sybil, whistling
Gein Mender checks the time
Gunther exits, breathless but looking genuinely very happy
Gunther: Hehhh... Hehhh heh heh...
Sibyl starts pulling bills out of her wallet and putting them on the bar
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther so happy
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Chef: ...!
Gunther: ...You people... Hehhh... Are amazing... Never change. Ever...
Chef rushes out of the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara is genuinely disturbed
Chef: Hey, is that gonna be all for today--?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Geez, Gunth......Did you huff paint or some.....Huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Chef
Gein Mender is checking the time
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh, yeah I was done!
Chef is not a very good waiter, seeing as how he completely forgot to get their
check since then
Sibyl: I m done.
Gein Mender: I m done.
Chef: Kay, her you go!
Gein Mender puts his money on the counter
Chef gives them their bill, then stops
Chef just takes the money from the both of them
Gunther "heh"s tiredly and slurps down the rest of his drink
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, lessie here

Chef clearly is not used to waitering

Kazuma Kuwabara roots through his pockets for CASH
Sibyl: ...Isn t it sad, Satsuki?
Your boss really needs you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......??
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Sybil
Gein Mender: Hey, you okay?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You know her, too?
Gein Mender: Are the drugs kicking in?
Gunther digs around in his jacket s pockets
Sibyl: Comes with being a regular.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oooh! You too, huh?
Gunther: It s not drugs... I m high on life.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, I was wondering, do regulars get secret benefits?
Gunther pops a messy wad of cash on the counter
Chef waits for the dosh
Chef quickly snatches up the money and heads back into the kitchen
Chef: ...!
Sibyl: Not that I know of. Except that you can ask for "your usual."
Chef pokes his head out of the door
Chef: Have a nice night!
Chef then goes to the kitchen 4real
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh! I should come up with a usual.....
Gunther tokenly nods to Chef Green Archer
Kazuma Kuwabara turns to face the counter again and give his money when he notic
es Chef is gone
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Wha?...But, I didn t.....Guess I ll just leave it on the counter, then!
Sibyl hoists her purse onto her shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara puts down de cas
Sibyl: It takes time.
Sibyl exits
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
...What was she talkin about?
Gunther: ...Eheheheh... Oh God, wow...
Space (GM): For Some Reason the only house i have added is kuwabara s
Gunther: No idea.
Mobile L.: Rectify this
Space (GM): but i m a lazy fuck
Mobile L.: Rrrrrectify this
Space (GM): but i m doing spanish homework
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Y know, I m kinda worried about Yumizuka....
Mobile L.: :<
Gunther: Do you think she has a condition.

Kazuma Kuwabara: You think we could go see her at the hospital?

....Ah-, hold on, that might give her and other people the wrong idea.....
Space (GM): a hospital room map is needed
Gunther: Hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, maybe if we all visit together, it won t seem weird!
Gunther: Perhaps.
Kazuma Kuwabara: How bout it? Gunther? Gramps?
Mobile L.: It ll take me a sec
Gunther: I have nothing else of import to do.
Mac D.: hurry fox distract us till then
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! And how bout you, old man?
the sounds of a scuffle come from the front of the restaurant
Mobile L.: where eldy
Gein Mender: soory was afk
Dynamite RIN: CENA!!!
Gein Mender: Sure, that souds alright.
I ve been going here for a while...
John Cena: RIIIIIIN.
Gunther: ?
Gein Mender: Yeah, ever since I got here, in fact.
Mobile L.: Sporadic while map happens
Gein Mender turns around
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender flips up his glasses
Avenger rushes in
Avenger: ... I know nothing about wrestling, but...
Avenger: I will grind your bones into powder!
Avenger: Isn t that Nikola Tesla?
Wait, we did?
Dynamite RIN: E-eh?!
Avenger: I could have sworn we murdered him in his sleep.
Avenger: I remember becuase I used his blood in my red velvet cake.
Avenger: Which will be served after will kill RIN.
Avenger: Yes, she is no Sweet Genius.
I am counting down the moments!
Dynamite RIN: TCH...!
Avenger: Nine

Avenger: Eight
Dynamite RIN: .......
Avenger: Two
hey guess who s being returned in a stretcher
Avenger: Thirteen
Satsuki Yumizuka me!
Avenger: Nine
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Avenger: One
Avenger: Six
John Cena: WHAT!?
Avenger: Three
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I...
Avenger: Nine
Dynamite RIN: HAH!
Avenger: Two
Avenger: I need sisoosrs, sixty one!
Avenger: No... impossible!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Your mistake...
Avenger: Quickly, John, let s cheat!
Satsuki Yumizuka gets off the stretcher
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Was turning your back on me.
John Cena summons forth his Noble Phantasm
Dynamite RIN: Aw, hell...!
Avenger summons the eternal cake
Dynamite RIN tags Sasuki in
John Cena charges
Mobile L.: Fuckin hell I just made the map
Space (GM): you missed pro wrestling
Mobile L.: And my internet dieded

Mac D.: was this another of saber s hallucinations

Mobile L.: Is it still needed?
Space (GM): yes
to both
Mobile L.: Okay, thank God
Mac D.: we were just waiting while you worked on it
Mobile L.: I was worried for a sec
A ight
Rider: Saber.....Saber, why are you staring at that diner?
Saber: RIN
Rider: ....You burned more drugs again, didn t you?
Rider: Come on, let s get you to the hospital....
(To Space):
Caster: It sit s going to be alright, Saber...
There there.
Detox is... It hurts for awhile, but then it sit s all better, okay?
Rider: I ll go take Sakura to one of those internet cafe s she likes while you t
ake care of this.
Saber: HELO ME
Caster: Saber... Shhhh...
Rider: C mon, Sakura, Saber s just having one of his moments....
Sakura Tohsaka: Is he gonna die?
Rider: Naaaah...
Caster: O-oh no, of course not!
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Rider: Naaaaah....
Caster: He s going to be juuuuuusr fiiiiine, right Saber?
Rider: C mon! Let s go to the internet cafe...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Did you guys sign up on that site I showed you...?
Caster: ...Which one?
Rider: Which one was that, again?...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
eldritch s.: pornhub
Rider: I remember signing up to something.....
Mobile L.: Redtube
eldritch s.: gaymenwithfacial hair dot org
Caster: Was it... Was it Twitter?
Mac D.: our avatars are in a room together
Mobile L.: Oh God, save her
After a while, the party arrives at the hospital.
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches the RECEPTIONIST
Receptionist: How can I help you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hi, uh....we re looking for Satsuki?
Satsuki Yumizuka.
Space (GM): feck my computer s musics died

Gunther brushes a hand through his bangs

Gein Mender: im going to slit your throat
Mobile L.: I can hear the musics
That s not nice, Gein
Space (GM): there we go
Young Kuwabara: gein stop
listen to me
the ghost of young kuwabara
Gein Mender doesn t get a chair
Gein Mender: i killed you
Young Kuwabara: kill this
Gein Mender: all those years ago......
Receptionist: She s in room 4-A.
Young Kuwabara kicks him in the shins
Gein Mender dies
Gunther: Okay.
Gein Mender doesn t get a seat
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, thanks!
Kazuma Kuwabara heads thataway
Mobile L.: Chivalry has fuckin died
Gein Mender heads into the room
Satsuki Yumizuka is a teeny tiny bit lucid
Kazuma Kuwabara peeeeeks into the room
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh.....Yumizuka?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Gunther trudges in after them and observes the GRIM SPECTACLE
Satsuki Yumizuka weakly turns her head in Kuwabara s direction a tiny bit
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s me, Kuwabara! And Gunther, and Gramps!
Gunther: Hello.
Satsuki Yumizuka: H-Hey...
Kazuma Kuwabara: We wanted to visit you to see how you were-oh.
Oh, man, yeesh...
Gunther squeezes into that chair on the end.
it s not thaaat baaad
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I screwed up, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Screwed up? No way!
That food was top-of-the-line, just like always!
Gunther: It was.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunth couldn t get enough of it, he was shoving so much down hi
s gob!
Gein Mender: Definitely.
Gunther: Heh.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka weakly smiles
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Then... I made it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sure did!
Gunther: So it seems.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Jeez....what happened to you, anyway?

Mac D.: these

are jars of urine
Mobile L.: Nah dawg it s pills
Space (GM): they re keepsakes
Mobile L.: I checked
Space (GM): they remind her of home
Mobile L.: There s overturned ones that have little pills spilling out
eldritch s.: her limbs
have flown off
Mobile L.: RIP
Space (GM): she ll be fine
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I...
...I ran after the truck...
...On the other side of Fuyuki...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....You chased down a truck on the other side of town!?
Satsuki Yumizuka nods weakly
Kazuma Kuwabara: The wait was, like, five minutes!!!
eldritch s.: her eye is a gaping pit
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...It ran over my leg before I could get the food...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh g-....Is it broken?
eldritch s.: the leg
the arm came off during transportation
it was a freak accident
Gein Mender: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Y...
...It... could be worse...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ah, man!....
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Do not grieve...
...Soon... I shall become one... with the Root...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t grievin ! I m bummed-out!
Gein Mender: ... I think the painkillers are kicking in.
eldritch s.: suok
Gunther: (That must be some strong shit. Heh.)
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...One of you... will light our darkest hour...
...Till that day...
...When all are one...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Geez, she s really out of it...
Gein Mender: Shhh... shhh...
Satsuki Yumizuka gets kayoed after the painkillers set in
Space (GM): poor satsuki
Kazuma Kuwabara scratches his head
eldritch s.: her internal organs
are just
all over the walls
Gunther: She must not have eaten before they gave her the meds.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, we gotta do something for her.
Gunther: Draw on her face>
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-No!
Gunther: ...Oh. What then.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Iunno.....
Anyone got any money left, we could give her what we got.
It might be noticed
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..?
That Satsuki has some burns where her skin is exposed
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What the-...?

Gunther: ...Hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: How d she get burned?
Gunther: Fry grease?
Gein Mender looks at them, close up
Gein Mender is pretty experience with injuries
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Narrator: That s... wow, that s really weird. They re not chemical burns... fire
*or grease burns
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Maybe she got burned by the truck engine?
Gein Mender: Not grease burns.
This was done by a fire.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So it must have been the truck engines!
Gein Mender: No.
Narrator: You could ve sworn she didn t have these burns when she was working th
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, what else could it have been?
Gunther: Did the vehicle ignite after it hit her?
Gein Mender: ...
She didn t have the burns when she was at work.
So at somepoint between now and then. she was burned by fire.
Gunther: Troubling.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Do....
...Do you think....the chef lit her on fire for doing a bad job!?
Gein Mender: Are you insane? Of course not.
Gunther: He said something about giving her a raise. I doubt it, unless he was a
Kazuma Kuwabara: But think about it!
The Chef really didn t want us looking into the kitchen..................
Chef steps into the room
Gunther: ...Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara clams up
Chef: ...Ah. Looks like she s already got visitors.
Gein Mender: Hey.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh-......Yeah..
Gein Mender: ...
Chef: How s she doing?
Gein Mender: The painkillers just kicked in.
Kazuma Kuwabara: She s, uh.....She s resting now.
Gunther: Yes.
Gein Mender: ... Look at this, though.
Chef: ...
Gein Mender points at the burns
Fawkes M. (GM): Did anyone find Satsuki s last words to be familiar?
Chef: ...Yeah. She s gonna be getting a raise.

Space (GM): vaguely familiar

Mac D.: i have seen transformers yes
Space (GM): oooh
Fawkes M. (GM): GUD
Gunther yawns
Gein Mender: These aren t chemical burns. this is fire.
How does someone get a burn with fire when her leg is run over by a truck?
Chef: You d have to ask her.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara nudges him
Gunther: ...Mm?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Stay awake, man...
Gein Mender: She didn t have it at work.
Gunther: I ll try.
Chef: I know that. I saw her, too.
Gein Mender: So at some point today, she was burned by fire.
That doesn t sit right with me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Maybe she just forgot to mention it to us...
Chef: You and me, both.
Gein Mender: ...
What if she didn t chase the food truck across town?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ?
What do ya mean?
Gein Mender: What if she was injured and didn t want to talk about what happened
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, she got the food, right?
Gein Mender: On the way back?
Chef: What are you saying, old man?
Gein Mender: I doubt anyone burned her in the ambulance or in the hospital?
Chef isn t speaking with that jokey tone he used at the restaurant
Fawkes M. (GM): She probably went so fast that she caught on fire due to air fri
Gein Mender: So it must have happened before that point.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nah, man, those fries tasted too good to be bought from a super
Chef: She wasn t burned when she left.
Gein Mender: I know that.
Gunther: Is her leg broken?
Gein Mender examines
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 6
Kazuma Kuwabara also checks
eldritch s.: hey he cleaned up dead bodies for a living
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1

= 24
well it s under her sheet
Gunther: We should ask a doctor.
Gein Mender gingerly removes the sheet
Gein Mender looks
oh yeah that s very obviously broken
Chef: ............
Gunther: ...Troubling.
Kazuma Kuwabara flinches at the sight of it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-...geez!
Chef: You happy now?
Gein Mender tries to determine how exaxtly it was broken, if anythign is fishy
Gein Mender isn t flinchy
Gunther is unfazed
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 13
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-..You can t just manhandle her!
Gein, have you seen what it looks like when a human s leg is run over by a food
Gein Mender is cold
well you HAVE NOW
Gein Mender really isn t fazed, has seen worse
Chef puts the sheet back over her leg
Gein Mender: ... Her leg was run over.
Doesn t explain the burns.
Chef: You don t look like a doctor.
Gein Mender: I m not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t a doctor either, but that leg looked messed up to me.
Gein Mender: But I know a fair bit about injuries.
Gein Mender pushesh is sunglasses back up
Gein Mender: I ll have to ask when she wakes up.
Chef: Gonna wait here that long?
Gein Mender: No, of course not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I can t stay here all night, I already got an earful from my si
ster last night...

the door opens

Gunther droops a bit in his seat
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
eldritch s.: i worked hard on that
Deidre Harker: I came here as soon as I could-Mobile L.: goodbye, injuries.........
Deidre Harker: ...Who re they?
Gunther: ?
Chef shrugs
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh-....Uh....
Gein Mender: Regulars.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, regulars!
Classmates, too.
Deidre Harker: ...
Deidre Harker looks to Chef
Kazuma Kuwabara stares at Deidre
Kazuma Kuwabara: ................................
Kazuma Kuwabara narrows his eyes at her
Chef: Well, I m glad you guys are so concerned for her.
Deidre Harker: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara can t help but feel as if she s seen her somewhere before
Kazuma Kuwabara: .................................
Deidre Harker: ...
Deidre Harker looks at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara blinks and shakes his head
Gein Mender: Kid, what are you doing?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh! Uh....nothin , just had something on my mind.
Gein Mender is old
Deidre Harker: ...Haven t we met somewhere?
Chef: ...?
Gein Mender: ...?
eldritch s.: ooc i do not recall
Space (GM): the kindergarten
Mac D.: have you forgotten
eldritch s.: oh shit
Gein Mender: ... !
Gein Mender: ... Harker?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You know her, Gramps?
Gein Mender: ... Ten years ago.
Deidre Harker: ...Ah. That was you.
Chef: ...?
Gein Mender: You haven t aged a day/
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wow, some memory for an old guy...
Gein Mender: ...
I have, though.
Maybe a few days.
Deidre Harker: So it goes.
Gein Mender: What are you doing here?

Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you a regular too?

Mobile L.: test. Had to move to a shitty internet spot
Gein Mender: test reieved
Mobile L.: yey
Deidre Harker: What kind of a guardian would I be if I didn t come make sure she
s okay?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-...Oh!
Gein Mender: ... You re her guardian?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you her mom?
Gein Mender: HUh.
Chef elects to keep quiet for now
Gein Mender: Small world.
Deidre Harker: Not biologically.
Deidre Harker nods to Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oooooh....
Okay, sorry!...
Maybe we oughta scoot out...
Chef: That d be for the best.
Gein Mender: Yeah.
Sorry about your daughter.
Deidre Harker: ...
Thank you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay....I hope she gets better, soon!
Gein Mender nods
Gunther drowsily observes
Kazuma Kuwabara hops to his feet
Chef: You re not the only one, pal.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh! Uh....
Kazuma Kuwabara roots through his pocket
Chef: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara pulls out the Yen he had left and puts it on her bedside table
Kazuma Kuwabara: Almost forgot to tip her!
Chef smiles
Chef: You re alright, kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara has a goofy grin on his face
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heheh!....
Kazuma Kuwabara then clears his throat and puts a tough face on
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, Gunther...
Gunther: ...Mm? Oh, okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads OOOUT the door
Gunther squeezes out of the chair and follows
eldritch s.: a servant
and a vampire
Mobile L.: And most likely another vampire
Mac D.: rider s work has not been in vain
Mobile L.: A man ahead of his time
Kazuma Kuwabara: [LATER, AT CASA DEL BARA]
Space (GM): sleepover y/n

Mobile L.: Sleeeepover!

eldritch s.: an old man
Mac D.: gein would not be caught dead sleeping over
eldritch s.: sleeping over
at the house of a minor
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: no
Mac D.: do you have a character for Kuwabara s Sister
Space (GM): i do not
she works odd hours
Mobile L. puts on a Disney movie and gives y all makeovers
eldritch s.: a burgalar
is in their house
Mac D.:
eldritch s.: i will play that man
Mac D.: bom
a burglar neco-arc
Mobile L.: What if he s just over there, but then an awful thunderstorm rolls in
and he s forced to stay the night?
eldritch s.: "fridge tax"
Mac D.: the neco-arcs are homeless
eldritch s.: disgustging
Mac D.: and attempt to burgle kuwabara s house
Mobile L.: Discrimination
Space (GM): neco-arc bubbles sleeps in kuwabara s closet
eldritch s.: i want to be a hamburgalar
Space (GM): he still hasn t found out
Mac D.: eventually after hearing their sob story kuwabara decides to let them li
ve there
Space (GM): lemme make a burglerer npc for seer just so hes not left out
the neco-arcs will come another day
Mac D.: hok
Space (GM): in the meantime you guys do sleepover bs
Kazuma Kuwabara walks in, throwing off his shoes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why d you follow me all the way to my house, again?
Gunther kicks off his dingy Crocs
eldritch s.: "i m here to kill you"
Gunther: My room is being fumigated for roaches.
eldritch s.: put on something more cheerful
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, okay.
Sis ain t here, so I m gonna have to explain when she gets home.
Make yourself at home, I guess!
eldritch s.: meanwhile gein is busy paying rent to the yakuza
Gunther: Alright.
Space (GM): and buying kibble for scooby
Gunther: Franz would not let me stay in his room.
eldritch s.: what is the middle name of franz
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why s that? He picky with his privacy or something?
Mac D.: hornsausage
eldritch s.: "he is a chronic masturbator"
Mobile L.: His middle name is Helmer
Mac D.: i like Hornsausage better
Gunther: Yes. He s incredibly anal about it.
Gunther is already flipping through the TEEVEE channels

Kazuma Kuwabara goes to the FRIDGE in pursuit of SNACK

Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, just don t make a mess!
Gunther: I won t.
Space (GM): where and when do you want the burglar to enter
eldritch s.: now
Gunther tries to find Comedy Central or the Japanese equivalent
eldritch s.: at the door
oh my fucking god
is that clip art
Space (GM): yes
Mobile L.: Ahahahaha
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt knoks on the door
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt : thak you for this
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, could you get that?
I m getting my food on!
Gunther: Mhm.
Gunther begrudgingly rises from his spot and cracks open the door.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt stands outside, wearing a broken pair of glasses
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Good morning, young sir or madam!
I am the Tax Collector from the ...
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt checks a piece of paper
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ... The what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lessie....beef, cheese.....Where s the salami?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I can t read htis.
Gunther: ...Heh.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: The Government, whatever.
I am here to collect tax.
On this house.
Gunther: One moment.
Neco-Arc Bubbles peers up at Kuwabara from a cabinet
Gunther calls back to Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gunther: It s a tax collector, apparently.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at the cabinet?
Neco-Arc Bubbles slams it shut quickly
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I am an apparent Tax Collector, yes!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Tell em to come back later! Sis is out!
Gunther: Alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara opens the cabinet
Gunther: You have to come back later. The lady of the house is not here.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: No, this can t wait.
The Government needs to inspect for Firdge Tax.
Gunther: ...Say, speaking of fridges.
The cabinet is empty...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Gunther: I happen to be a fridge repairman.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Coulda sworn......

as in, the food that was there is gone, too

Gunther: While you re around, could you tell me something?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Oh, then you understand the need for fridge taz
What it is it?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks through the other cupboards
Gunther: ...Is your refrigerator running, presently?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: No, it was taxed.
Neco-Arc Bubbles is nomming on a bag of cheetos
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wh- Hey!
Gunther shuts the door in Jingleheimer s face
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ...
Gunther walks back to the couch
Kazuma Kuwabara reaches out to snatch her
Gunther: Idiot...
Neco-Arc Bubbles throws the bag at him and scampers off
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt attempts a clever disguise
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt sticks on a mustache
Kazuma Kuwabara throws the bag off his face
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt knocks on the door again
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why, you little-!
Neco-Arc Bubbles climbs into the airvents
Gunther click click click cli
Kazuma Kuwabara: Get that too, Gunther!
Gunther gets up and opens the door again
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Vwai hallo!
It is me, the baron von Jingleheimer, king of Denmark!
Kazuma Kuwabara grabs a broom and stares at the ceiling, watching for any signs
or sounds of movement
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt what an awful accent
Gunther: ...Eheheheheh. Heh. Heh.
there s a quiet thumping
Gunther: Hello.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I request access to this home.
Kazuma Kuwabara pokes at the spot with the broom
Kazuma Kuwabara: Get out here, you little-!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Eep!

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: So I may polish my crown.

Neco-Arc Bubbles scamper scamper
Gunther: ...Eheh. Why, though?
Neco-Arc Bubbles lands in the bathroom
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara gives chase with the broom
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Shit.
Neco-Arc Bubbles slams the door shut and locks it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Diplomacy is not working.
there is a sudden power outage
Kazuma Kuwabara pounds on the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! Get ouGunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!
Gunther: Oh dear.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt vanishes
the lights flicker back on
the bathroom is a secret as it is locked
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What in the-....That was weird....
Gunther sighs and switches off the TV
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: No one stops a Schmidt.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Open up, dammit!
Gunther rolls up his sleeves
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No! No! No!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt examines Kuawbara s room
Kazuma Kuwabara: Get out here, you little thief! Own up to your crimes!
Gunther trudges into the kitchen, looking for a broom
He will take note, of this peculiar shrine
They re all pictures of some teenaged boy...
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ... Religious?
Mac D.: there is also a punching bag with the boy s face on it
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Oh...
What the fuck?
Mac D.: and a sign on the wall
Gunther keeps looking for a broom
Looks like Kuwabara s got the broom...
Gunther looks instead for a mop
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ...

Kazuma Kuwabara is prodding the door with the broom

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is afraid
Kazuma Kuwabara: I said open up, Cat!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ... I think I ve made a very bad decision.
Neco-Arc Evolution pokes his head down behind John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hey, buddy, whatcha lookin at? Oh, his hate shrine? Yeah, t
hat s pretty messed up...
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ...
Mac D.: "how do you know it s a hate shrine?"
"buddy, i know shrines"
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I think the drugs are kicking in.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: And this is clearly some kind of pedophilia thi
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Gunther! Help me get this door open!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I ve gotta stop this before its too late.
Neco-Arc Evolution: No, no. That s a hate shrine, pal.
Gunther: ...Did you corner the intruder.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: That creepy fat man must be stopped.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Eh?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: The one outside.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Eh...???
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I think he s a serial killer.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! The cat s locked itself in the bathroom!
Gunther: ...Cat?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I bet he s going to try and kill me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! It s pilfering our food...
Neco-Arc Evolution: Well - well, that s very nice, but I got a question.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Not on my watch, drug induced hallucination!
Gunther: ...Kuwabara, I will be right back.
Neco-Arc Evolution: I need some - listen, wait, I neeed help!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt locks the door
Neco-Arc Evolution: I need a picture of my waifu!
Gunther tries to locate THE SCHMIDT
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Help me get the door open at least!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ... What?
Gunther cups a hand to his ear
Neco-Arc Evolution: M-my waifu, Sakura Tohsaka! In - y know, in all these days,
she s still as beautiful as ever!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ...
If I get you a waifu pic...
WIll you help me stop the serial killer?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, absolutely!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Alright.
Gunther listeniiiiiiing
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Where can I find a picture of this...
Mac D.: do you think yusuke has a hate shrine to kuwabara
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Saki Yura Tosika
Space (GM): he just has a hate photograph
Mobile L.: No, Yusuke is an insensitive dildo
Kazuma Kuwabara is looking around for a key

Mobile L.: He doesn t hate as much

As purely
Neco-Arc Evolution: Maybe under his bread?
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, where is it??...
Neco-Arc Evolution: Erm, I mean - his bed?
Mobile L.: As beautifully as Kuwabara
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt looks under the bed
he finds a single, moldy loaf of bread
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Helloooo?
Gunther silently closes in on Kuwabara s room
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Anyone dNeco-Arc Evolution: ...Under the bread?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Under the bread!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt grabs the bread and shoves it in his mouth
Mac D.: gunther senses the joke
and zones in on it
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Mgghgfuck
under the bread is a maroon envelope
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Under the red...?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt grabs it
Gunther is salivating just a little
Kazuma Kuwabara FINDS THAT KEY
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt opens it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aha! Got it!
Kazuma Kuwabara unlocks the bathroom door and barrels
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gotcha now, Cat!
there is a photograph of a dude, but it s cut off at the neck
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Under the head?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Eek!!!
Gunther: !
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt shoves that in his mouth, too
Gunther salivates harder
Kazuma Kuwabara DIVES to catch her
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is hunting for that sakura pic
Neco-Arc Bubbles is snabbed
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 28
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No, no, no, no!
Gunther tries to silently crack open the door

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: locked

Kazuma Kuwabara: HAH! Gotcha!
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 17
he gets a papercut from eating paper
door s locked
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: MMGMFHCUK
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Erm..?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: AaaaaAAAA! No, no, no, no, no!!!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ITHURURTSSGUHFGF
Kazuma Kuwabara walks out of the bathroom and looks at Gunther, holding up Bubbl
Neco-Arc Bubbles flailing
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! I caught the cat!
Gunther scans the area for a bobby pin
Gunther: ?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is still trying to find the picture of Sakura
Gunther: Oh.
Oh wow.
a gust of wind blows
Gunther: That cat is vaguely...
a photograph
into jingleheimer s face
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!!!!!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt he grabs it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
sadly it is a photograph of sakura matou
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt and shows it to Evolution
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ISGHTHSHER
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Hey, no! That s a phony!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Vaguley what?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: WHGHFHGHG
Gunther: ...Never mind. I want you to stay calm as I explain.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt swallows
Gunther: Can you do that for me?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, uh, okay.
Yeah he swallowed blood
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: You help me, I find the pic later.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Wh-- hey, that s not the deal!
Neco-Arc Bubbles listens intently
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I am altering the terms.
Gunther: (There is another intruder in your house.)

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Pray I do not alter them further.

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Neco-Arc Evolution: You can t do this!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Really? Is it another cat?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Just did.
Neco-Arc Evolution: D-dick...! Well, I - I got some help for you right here...!
Neco-Arc Evolution runs up to him
Neco-Arc Evolution snaps the camera in his face
Gunther: (No, the man from the door. He crept in when the power went out.)
Neco-Arc Evolution the FLASH
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: JESYUSCHRIST
Gunther: (Stay very quiet.)
Neco-Arc Evolution: Ha-HAH!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh, geez!....A burglar?
Neco-Arc Bubbles looks frightened
Gunther: (Yes.)
Kazuma Kuwabara: D you know where he is??
Neco-Arc Bubbles shivers
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: MOTHERFUCKR
Gunther: (He is in your room.)
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is gunning around in circles
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Evo, evo, evo!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......My.....Room?
Neco-Arc Bubbles points at the door
Gunther: (How do I get in?)
Kazuma Kuwabara: THE BURGLAR IS IN MY ROOM!?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Haha! That s what you get, creepazoid!
Gunther: ...Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara tosses Bubbles to Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: Catch!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt tries to snatch Evo and shove him in his mouth
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Waah!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs up and SHOULDER TACKLES that door
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20
= 45
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...! Hey, w-Gunther tries to snatch her from the air

Neco-Arc Evolution is shoved into his mouth

Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 16
Neco-Arc Bubbles is swiftly caught
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: MRHGFHGGHFHD
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 25
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: FDMHFRHFGFHRF
Kuwabara s shoulder smarts like a motherfucker
Gunther: ...Heh. You.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Bubbles?
Gunther: ...Kuwabara, let me.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: UKKGHFUCGHIBG EATGHT YIFG
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow ow ow ow, that was a mistake!!
Neco-Arc Evolution: AAH AAAH AAH AAH
Gunther backs up to charge the door
Neco-Arc Evolution is repeatedly batting him in the face with his camera
Kazuma Kuwabara presses his face against the door
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Erm...
Gunther: Move.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt runs face first into the wall with Evo in his mo
Neco-Arc Evolution: AAaaaaaaAAAAAAA
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh?
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 16

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt runs right through the shrine

Gunther plows right through the door
Kazuma Kuwabara turns and looks at Gunther but it s TOO LATE
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20
= 17
Kazuma Kuwabara: HAGHBowling Jingleheimer over
Neco-Arc Evolution: Aaah!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Eep!
Kazuma Kuwabara is sent bowling into the room right after Gunther
Gunther slides through, taking Kuwabara with him
Gunther: You.
Kazuma Kuwabara is flat on his face
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: FUGHGF
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Urrrrgh.....
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: KDCUGFHGNRF
Neco-Arc Evolution: BUBBLES!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: DHEJD
Gunther swings Bubbles at JJJSchmidt
Neco-Arc Evolution: HELLLLP MEEEEEE
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: SSERAK
Kazuma Kuwabara hops to his feet, nose bleeding slightly
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: DJFJDKD
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 15
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!!!!!!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: FJDKI
Neco-Arc Bubbles is used as a blunt object, breaking schmidt s gargantuan nose
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt tries to throw his flashlight at Gunther s dick
Kazuma Kuwabara: Burglar!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20

= 18
Gunther: ...Heh!
it misses, shattering a picture of Urameshi
Neco-Arc Bubbles: @_@
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?!
Neco-Arc Evolution: @_@
Kazuma Kuwabara: YOU SON OF A BITCH.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt tries to swallow Evo
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20
= 38
Kazuma Kuwabara kicks him RIGHT in the gut
Gunther stoops down to restrain the injured crook
Neco-Arc Evolution is swallowed
Neco-Arc Evolution: Haagh--!
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 23
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: URHG...
Neco-Arc Evolution and then is thrown up by the gut kick
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Now! t-UGHG
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt pukes on Gunther
Neco-Arc Evolution: Eeeeeew so gross so gross
Gunther: ...Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t puke in my room!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: E-evo!!!!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: NOW, TIME TO USE MY ULTIMATE POWER
Kazuma Kuwabara: Everybody! In the kitchen! NOW!
Kazuma Kuwabara POINTS
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: THE WORLD
Neco-Arc Bubbles scampers off there, along with Evo
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20

= 47
Gunther hefts JJJ over his shoulder
both the neco-arcs freeze suddenly
neither gunther nor kuwabara are affected
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: ... SHit.
Gunther: ...Heh.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...W-wait, he s not that anime guy...?
Gunther carries him to the kitchen
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I have a terrible power.
Kazuma Kuwabara picks up Evo and heads INTO the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara plops him down on the table next to Bubbles
Neco-Arc Evolution: Muhhhhhgh....
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: BUT I HAVE ANOTHER ULTIMATE POIWER
Gunther: Oh?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt tries tovomit on everything
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20
= 45
Kazuma Kuwabara sits down in the chair and leans back, looking like a pissed-off
yakuza boss
everything is covered in vomit
Kazuma Kuwabara: Mind explaining what you re all doing in my HOUSE?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gunther is unfazed
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt yses this as a distraction
Gunther: Wow.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt runs into the wall
Gunther tries to get him by the collar
Kazuma Kuwabara wipes the puke off his pompadour
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse

= 8
Gunther slips and falls
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt stands up
Gunther PLONK
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt tries to break into the sister s room
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?!
Kazuma Kuwabara gets up to TACKLE Schmidt
Gunther tries to get back up and CONTINUE PURSUIT
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 16
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 6
Kuwabara misses and tackles Gunther
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: schmidt is getting so lucky
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20
= 22
Mac D.: his luck just ran out
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: for trying to bust into sister s room
Gunther sighs
Schmidt s hand catches on fire
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: AAAAAAAAAAGH
Kazuma Kuwabara GRABS his legs
Kazuma Kuwabara: No one s allowed in my Sister s room!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt waves his bruning hand around

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I M ON FIIIIIIRE

Gunther: ...Heh. How d you managed to do that?
Gunther gingerly tries to get up and pounce this fool
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 9
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: THIS FUCKING DOOR
Neco-Arc Bubbles pounces on Schmidt at the same time, increasing Gunther s roll
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nya!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt tries to catch bubbles on fire
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20
= 25
Neco-Arc Bubbles chomps down hard on his burning hand
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: AAAAAAAAAGH
Gunther: Eheheheheh.
You are so bad at this.
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet
Neco-Arc Evolution is hard at work cleaning up the puke
Gunther: It s like Home Alone.
Neco-Arc Evolution: S-so gross..
Gunther: Except with vomit.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I HAVE
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ultimate Power this!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: SQUID POWERS, ACTIVATE!!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to punch John in the nose
Kazuma Kuwabara roll 3d20
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt tries to ink his pants
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: rolling 3d20

= 22
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 20
John pisses himself as he is punched in the face by Kazuma Kuwabara
Heh. Wow, okay.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: RAAAAAAAAAGH
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now get out of my house!!!
Gunther drags John to the door
Kazuma Kuwabara pulls Bubbles off of him and puts her back on the table
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: NO ONE BEATS A SCHMIDT
Gunther: If he s half as inept as you, send him on over.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oof!
Gunther TOSSES Schmidt out the door
Neco-Arc Evolution has rendered the kitchen spotless
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hoof... just some good old-fashioned elbow grease, that s al
eldritch s.: except for the urine
Neco-Arc Evolution: ..!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Woah- when d?....
Neco-Arc Evolution hurries to clean the piss
Gunther walks back in, covered in piss and vomit
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Clean!
...Not so clean...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther, grinning
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heh....Nice job!
Gunther smiles back
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: I M CALLING THE POLICE
Gunther: A pleasure.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt shouted from outside
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at the Neco Arcs
Gunther: Can I use your bathtub.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Now....what about these cats?

Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Gunther: They seem to have changed their tune and have taken a decidedly Cindere
lla-like role.
Neco-Arc Evolution: P-please, sir, please, after-- af- after the... the incident
, we w-- we were left homeless! Please, sir, we ve had to live on the streets!
Gunther: Heh... Little cat butlers.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and looks adopts the POINTY-CHIN FACE OF INTIMIDA
Neco-Arc Evolution: The streets! There aren t any w-waifus there...
Neco-Arc Bubbles shirks back
Neco-Arc Bubbles falls off the table
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oof!
Gunther: You should keep them. Cats are funny as butlers.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Homeless cats, huh?.....
Neco-Arc Bubbles sits up
Kazuma Kuwabara puts a finger to his chin
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hm.....
Gunther s jacket drips with JJJ Schmidt s body fluids
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Alright, fine! You can stay! But you gotta pull your weigh
t around here!
Neco-Arc Evolution: R-really!?
Neco-Arc Evolution bows deeply
Neco-Arc Evolution: Th-thank you, sir!! I promise you -- you won t regret it!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sis never let me keep pets before, but maybe she ll change her
mind if you re good at helping around the house!
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops up and down
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Help! Help! Help!
Gunther: Heh.
Space (GM): a good session
Mac D.: a lovely session
Space (GM): i desire your thoughts and impressions
Mac D.: but where pray tell
is Neco Arc D......
Space (GM): oh he s dead
Mobile L.: He Neco Arc Died
eldritch s.: in gein s rm
Mac D.: poor D
will the neco arcs become recurring characters now
Space (GM): ya
Mac D.: AW YE
Mobile L.: How Kuwabara Got Free Housekeeping: A Love Story
eldritch s.: neco arc d is stuck
with a bunch of skeleton
Space (GM): what d you guys think of the NEW NPCS introduced
eldritch s.: good
Mobile L.: I like flirty gal
Mac D.: every time we do this shit my hype grows evermore
Space (GM): oho
Mobile L.: Expand hype
Space (GM): we gotta get cracking on still night so we can

actually get it finsihed before doing a sequel

Fawkes M. (GM): Spess
Do I have to bring in Lumpy s!Satsuki to the FG?
Mac D.: yes
Mobile L.: Do that posthaste
eldritch s.: you could also
post in
Mac D.: she forms a serial killer-fighting duo with kuwabara
eldritch s.: real lumpy s
Space (GM): it is 12:55 am
eldritch s.: at some point
Space (GM): i am going to finish this spanish homework and go to bed
eldritch s.: not right not
Space (GM): do it fawkes
Mac D.: hokay
eldritch s.: and discover the dark depths of antediluvian evil
Space (GM): hey mobile
find duff his pic
Fawkes M. (GM): I shalt
One day
Space (GM): @seer: darkest dungeon
eldritch s.: i came up with lumpy s first
Mac D.: yeah i need a pick of a guy with rider
eldritch s.: and antediluvian was a word before that
Mac D.: r s figure and facial haird
wearing a casual shirt and jeans
Space (GM): i kno
Mac D.: was talken to mobul
Space (GM): was talken to seere
Mac D.: dammit it s late
Space (GM): hhehee
eldritch s.: "you re not a very nice person, are you"
Space (GM): hey MOBILE get casual future outfits for every lost servant
eldritch s.: duff
Mobile L.: Wait, what? My innernet died again
eldritch s.: what are your thoughts of bloodborn
Mac D.: WELL
Space (GM): duff needs a pic of a guy with rider s figure and facial hair wearin
g a t-shirt and jeans
Mac D.: i ve gotten about as far as the second area you visit after the first bo
Mobile L.: Ooh, can do
Space (GM): also if you can
Mac D.: which is a bullshit boss btw
@mobile: drawed plz
Space (GM): could you find casual outfits of all the lost servants
Mobile L.: Wiv my hands?
Mac D.: so far it s basically been souls with no blocking
Mobile L.: Or the hands of some other individual?
Mac D.: which i would say is P GOOD
but i have heard that the amount of weapons and armor in the game are
fucking pitifully small
like there s only like nine armor sets in the whole game i ve heard
Space (GM): jesus
Mac D.: the game s aesthetics are great though
which would look nicer at a framerate that wasn t vomit-inducing
Mobile L.: Rider as the ultimate pedo gaijin: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.c
Space (GM): jesus
Mac D.: good lord

this is GOOD but i need somebody with a cheery expression

eldritch s.: what the fuck have i fo
Mobile L.: Gonna have to find something friendlier and less implicative of heroi
n addiction
Mac D.: hahahah i ve actually been in threads on imageboards the dev made to upd
ate on his progress
Space (GM): wh
oh yandere simulator
Mac D.: it s basically Hitman starring a Yandere Girl
Space (GM): i showed fox that
Fawkes M. (GM): It s a work of art
Mobile L.: Saber after embracing the drugs and never turning back: https://s-med
Space (GM): i d buy it
Mobile L.: Jesus, some of these pics
Space (GM): holy shit saber
eldritch s.: no sbaer
Mac D.: in his neverending quest to destroy porn
eldritch s.: see you know i could
Mac D.: saber has inhaled all the drug fumes
Mobile L.: Ajax after huffing paint for sixteen years
eldritch s.: see ys i suppose being a saire
but then
you change her panties for powerups?
Mac D.: oh the game is basically taking the piss
the Senpai is literally named Senpai
eldritch s.: wow
Space (GM): @mobile: whre do you find these
@duff: if sempai notices you do you win
Mac D.: the goal is to make sempai love you
by getting every other girl in school out of the way
Space (GM): excellent
Mobile L.: A Pinterest for character design
Caster and Rider Fusion Dance:
Mac D.: dayumn
Space (GM): hoho
hell, get rid of the bird and that s rider after shaving
unfortunately it is a tiny jpg
Mac D.: how dare you imply that rider would EVER shave
Space (GM): he is samson the facial hair is his power
Mobile L.: Saber after getting his life together again: https://s-media-cache-ak
Mac D.: that is Producer Nappa
seer did you lose interest in bloodborne in favor of yanderes
Space (GM): i know i did
Mobile L.: Shit, if this guy was colored in properly and had more beard/head hai
Mac D.: i m thinking business casual for his attire
Space (GM): snazzy and stylish
Mobile L.: I getcha
Space (GM): also
it s 1 am
i sleep now
Mac D.: gud nat
i shall retire to slumber as well

PM me whatever you find mobile sankyuuuuu

Fawkes M. (GM): Farewell, Spess
Space (GM): gudbai frens
Mac D.: gudbah
Mobile L.: Can do, dawg
Goo night
Rider s no-good twin brother, come to cause a ruckus: https://s-media-cache-ak0.
Fawkes M. (GM): Still about, Mobile?
Mobile L.: Yep, sifting through some dude s bara-filled gallery
Fawkes M. (GM): How s it look?
Mobile L.: The muscles and crotch bulges are strong with this one
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh geeze
Mobile L.: It s for the greater good.........
Fawkes M. (GM): Spock approves of this rhetoric
So do all 250,000 Spock slashfics
Mobile L.: Eehee
Picturing a huge, rippling muscle Spock coming at Kirk in some kind of yaoi pon
farr trance
Aaaa fuckin Christ, why do they not have shirts
Fawkes M. (GM): Shirts are for the WEAK
Fun fact about Gilgamesh
When he decides he s not playing around anymore and gets serious
_stay_night_3314012_800_600.jpg He ditches errything above the waist
Mobile L.: Wow, I always pictured him as having a scrawny little dweeb body
Damn son
The muscles were hiding
Fawkes M. (GM): He got those muscles through the World s Greatest Benchpress
And the original 5-Minute Biceps
Mobile L.: Does he have a Bowflex among his treasures?
Fawkes M. (GM): The World s Greatest Bowflex
And the World s greatest Shake Weight
Mobile L.: Ahahaha
I could see him Shake Weighting
Fawkes M. (GM): Dear god
I can too
Mobile L.: With that awful smirk of his
Okay, you know what?
If the party ever has to get new clothes for whatever reason or if there s some
kinda outfit change thing
Gnther will be sporting a black tracksuit
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh heck yeah
Mobile L.: This will be a thing somehow
Smug blonde anime man
Fawkes M. (GM): Can t leave home without them
Mobile L.: I found this guy, and he s perf, but there s smutty shit in the drawi
ng and his face fuckin creeps me out really bad:
So I think I m just gonna shoop a head from the Paul Bunyan artist guy (who also
makes some smutty bara shit) onto that body and see if it works.
Ooh, or...
I could shoop Middle Dude s hair to be reddish brown
Fawkes M. (GM): The second one seems less
Overtly bara-y
Mobile L.: Yeah, my thoughts exactly

Same artist as the first, BTW

Fawkes M. (GM): Dang
(Also about to migrate to phone - wanna take this to Skype, if you wanna keep ch
Mobile L.: Sure, but I m only gonna be up for about thirty more minutes
Battery is slowly draining
Fawkes M. (GM): Ooh, alright
Mobile L.: Lemme go ahead and get logged in
Fawkes M. (GM): Alright
I ll make the move
Mac D.: hai
MrEForEccentric: Schalom
Space (GM): yo
MrEForEccentric: Why is Evo squashed
Mac D.: playan the bloodbornes while we wait
Space (GM): duff fill olive in on the slice of life happenings so far
Mac D.: they re scaled for kitty size
Space (GM): he s squashed because that s how small he is
Mac D.: okay SO
Space (GM): he was only big because the kindergarteners were tiny
MrEForEccentric: i c
Mac D.: kuwabara had a heartwarming moment with yuuka after hanging out with her
and Gein at a diner and being assigned to read The Gayest Mage This Side Of Los
because Gein is an English teacher you see
MrEForEccentric: I see
Mac D.: and instead of teaching the japanese students English he makes them over
analyze shitty books
MrEForEccentric: Bad teacher
Tsubasa would not recommend
Mac D.: basically your typical English teacher
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa only has eyes for one English book- Dracula
Mac D.: anyhoo the diner was visited by some MYSTERIOUS PATRONS
namely Rin, and some New NPC s
MrEForEccentric: ooh
Mac D.: who had their own conversations Gein eavesdropped on
Gein overheard a street one New NPC was going to at Midnight and followed her
and came across a MASS MURDER in a bar
MrEForEccentric: oh shit
That s not slice of life
Mac D.: and had a run-in with New NPC herself
meanwhile kuwabara walks yuuka home
the following day Kuwabara and Gunther are arrested for taking a walk through th
e old abandoned military base
Space (GM): (new npc refrained from murdering him because he wasn t a killer, so
it wouldn t be fun)
Mac D.: when a few days ago, SOMETHING OF IMPORTANCE happened there
so they were suspected but then let off the hook
Space (GM): the detective is a fan of wrestling
MrEForEccentric: Aah
Mac D.: he and kuwabara have a short bonding moment over it
where we get a first glimpse of Rin s past career as a pro wrestler
the legendary Dynamite RIN
MrEForEccentric: You actually made it canon
Top notch
Mac D.: fuck yes we did
moving on, the group do a bunch of silly bullshit in the diiner
when they find out that Satsuki hurt herself trying to catch up to a delivery tr
uck to get the food they ordered and was rushed to the hospital

they decide to visit her and they have a nice talk until she goes to sleep
they then notice that aside from her truck-related injuries, she also has burns
on her skin
MrEForEccentric: Meanwhile Tsubasa is too busy tokin
Mac D.: burns that could have only been done by a fire.........
anyway after that Kuwabara heads home and Gunther crashes at his place
Space (GM): (don t forget)
(the chef)
Mac D.: oh yes the CHEF
otherwise known as should i spoil it
Space (GM): hint it
Mac D.: he s a bit inexperienced in the food industry
a bit green
MrEForEccentric: RYUUNOSUKE!??
Space (GM): you fool
MrEForEccentric: But
The Greatest Cool
Mac D.: ANYWAY they catch the neco-arcs
MrEForEccentric: yes
Mac D.: and hear the story about how they ve been cold and homeless since the fa
iled kindergarten mission
kuwabara decides to take them in as pets because Evo does a bang-up job at clean
MrEForEccentric: Does Evo have PTSD concerning Tsubasa
Mac D.: he doesn t read books anymore that s for sure
i gotta go pick up my brother, so do a solo sesh with Tsubasa while i m gone
MrEForEccentric: ok
Space (GM): i was just about to make fooood.....
MrEForEccentric: well
Space (GM): lemme add her apartment
MrEForEccentric: ok
Mac D.: k will be back
Space (GM): hes lost to us now
MrEForEccentric: Yes
He is gone
Why does Kuwabara have a shrine in his room
Are those pictures of Yuuka
Space (GM): that s his hate shrine to urameshi
MrEForEccentric: Ohhhh
"hate" shrine
Space (GM): indeed
MrEForEccentric: Look how neat everything is compared to Tsubasa s crib
Space (GM): thanks to the hard work of neco arcs
MrEForEccentric: Neco Arc D was going to be Tsubasa s cleaner, but he rebelled o
ut of being overworked
Space (GM): no he died
MrEForEccentric: Damn
Space (GM): sadly her home will never be clean
Tsubasa Juufuku is chilling out in her living room, feet on her table. Just sort
of twirling a pen between her fingers
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm...
Space (GM): tsubasa s home music
MrEForEccentric: Perfect
Tsubasa Juufuku she looks at her homework for English
Looks like you gotta read more of that weird book...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Why should I give a fuck about this American trash? Seriously.

This isn t going to help me at all.

Tsubasa Juufuku throws the book into her sink
Tsubasa Juufuku gets up from her chair
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ugh... I need to get some groceries. 7/11 s still open, right?
Tsubasa Juufuku checks the clock
It s only 4:30. Should be fine.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hm. Well, time to grab some shit, and get going. I ll talk to S
cotty when I get back..
Tsubasa Juufuku goes over to her couch to grab her bag, and heads out the door
Space (GM): pardon me while i hastily add the 7-11 map
MrEForEccentric: Gotta keep you on your toes
The walk there is pretty uneventful. Seems the town is as bustling as ever...
Tsubasa Juufuku is perfectly happy with this, keeping her cool
Tsubasa Juufuku "This town never really changes does it...? Makes it quite borin
g for someone like me. I need to go to somewhere like Tokyo. That probably has m
ore interesting shit going on."
Ah - there s the 7-11.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Finally...
Tsubasa Juufuku heads inside
It s fairly uneventful. The cashier s here, and there s some westerner getting a
n icee.
7-11 Guy drumming his fingers on the countertop
Tsubasa Juufuku nods to the cashier, before just looking at her list... First st
op- Tea
7-11 Guy gives her a nod back
The tea aisle is pretty well-stockd, it appears
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm...
Tsubasa Juufuku picks out some Earl Grey. "Scotty says this kind of stuff is goo
d. Typical Brits. Eh, I ll try it anyway. Pick up some meals next"
Seems they ve got some selection. Prepackaged deli sandwiches, prepackaged insta
nt ramen, TV dinners... None of this stuff si probably gonna be any good.
Jason Artimenner: ...Aw, c mon...
Jason Artimenner bangs on the side of the icee machine a little
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to ignore the IMBECILE OF THE WEST, as she sighs a little
deciding to just grab some general groceries
Jason Artimenner: ...Dammit. Yo, cashier! Your thing s outta ice!
Their selection is few and far between, here...
7-11 Guy: Ohp, hold on there... sorry about the wait, sir.
7-11 Guy goes to refill the machine
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs and just gets what she can, also picking up some of those
instant ramen
Jason Artimenner scowls
Jason Artimenner starts looking through the refrigerated section for alcohol

You got.... x1 groceries!

Tsubasa Juufuku gives herself space for a confident smile of satisfaction. She t
hen decides to check out the freezer section for ICE CREAMS...
Ice cream sandwiches, ice cream tubs, ice cream onna stick....!!!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku picks out some of dem Ice lollies. And then goes to the magazin
e section to peruse the wares
7-11 Guy hops back behind the counter
7-11 Guy: It s back in action, baby!
Mac D.: AS AM I
There are SO MANY MAGAZINES! but most of them are either tabloids or pron HELLO
Jason Artimenner: Cool. Thanks.
Jason Artimenner gets his icee
the door to the 7-11 opens
Tsubasa Juufuku decides to pick up some of
pick up pron...? (OR DID SHE...)

dem tabloids, because why would she

Kazuma Kuwabara strides in with his usual swagger, ON THE HUNT

Kazuma Kuwabara on the hunt for what exactly
7-11 Guy gives a casual wave to Kuwabara
what does he HUNGER FOR
Kazuma Kuwabara uuuuh
Kazuma Kuwabara he s looking for cat food
Kazuma Kuwabara nods to the cashier and looks around
Jason Artimenner heads up to the counter
Jason Artimenner looks hideously out of place
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lessie.....Where s.....
Jason Artimenner purchases his various items
Kazuma Kuwabara peruses the aisles
Tsubasa Juufuku seems happy with what she has gotten, sneaking some of the lewd
magazines in between the tabloids to avoid embarrassment
Tsubasa Juufuku she gets in queue
Kazuma Kuwabara noticing Mister Tough Guy out the corner of his eye
Jason Artimenner walks out of the store, nearly bumping into Kuwabara
Jason Artimenner: Oi. Watch it, punk.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hoof!
Tsubasa Juufuku walks up to the counter to purchase her items
Kazuma Kuwabara puts his hands in his pockets and looks up
7-11 Guy: Hi, welcome to 7-11. Will that be all for today?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ... Scuse me? How bout you watch it.

Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah. Just put it on the Juufuku tab.

Tsubasa Juufuku hands over the card
Jason Artimenner: You re right in front of the door, kid. Gotta be a real idiot
just to stand around gawking like that...
7-11 Guy: Sure thing.
Tsubasa Juufuku it is a credit card
7-11 Guy rings it up
7-11 Guy: Your total comes to about [money amount]
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m a customer too, chump! Walk around me if you re in such a h
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Jason Artimenner: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sure.
Jason Artimenner folds his arms, leaning his head back
Jason Artimenner: . . .
Jason Artimenner grins after a moment
Jason Artimenner: See you around.
Jason Artimenner walks past him
eldritch s.: my first instinct was right
Kazuma Kuwabara watches him go, narrowing his eyes
Space (GM): wassup
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Hmph!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: death
7-11 Guy thumps up
7-11 Guy: You have a nice day, now!
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Kazuma Kuwabara turns back to the aisles in search of CAT FOOD
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thank you, and you too.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to head out with her bag of groceries
Gein Mender: ... Hey, does thus plTsubasa Juufuku avoids eye contact with Kuwabara due to PREMONITION...
Gein Mender: What the hell are you all doing here?
Kazuma Kuwabara legitimately did not notice she was there
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was getting groceries...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at Gein
Gein Mender: It s just funny that we all end up here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh, hey Gramps.
7-11 Guy: Guess it s one of those coincidences, haha!
Kazuma Kuwabara turns and notices Tsubasa as well
Tsubasa Juufuku: We live in the same town... It really isn t that amazing.
7-11 Guy wow did this random guy just interject into your conversation
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh! Jufuuku, too.

Gein Mender is weirded

Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey.
Gein Mender: ... So.
Do they sell kibble here?
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
7-11 Guy: Yeah, uh, with the rest of the pet food! Right in the back.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got a dog, old man?
Oh, hey! Is there cat food, too?
7-11 Guy: You bet!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Juufuku
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah?
Tsubasa Juufuku seems confused
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was saying HI.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh, uh....Hi.
Gein Mender: Yes, I dog.
Gein Mender heads to the dog food
Tsubasa Juufuku: Anyway... I m just going to get going... I gotta get home.
Ice cream ll melt.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh....okay. See you around, then.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: See you at school, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, you too!
Gein Mender: ...
Fuckin ice cream.
Kazuma Kuwabara watches her go
Tsubasa Juufuku out the door she goes...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh....Wonder what was up with her.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for THE BACK
walken walken
MrEForEccentric: Ice cream combined with buying pron
Kazuma Kuwabara: Didn t even know you had any pets, Gramps!
Gein Mender: What s that supposed to mean?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, y know.
Tsubasa Juufuku is heading back to her place
Gein Mender: I would ask if I did.
*wouldn t
Kazuma Kuwabara: You didn t seem like the kinda person who d like pets!
Gein Mender: I used to have a pet squirrel.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You don t like much else that breathes, that s for sure...
she arrives at her home
Gein Mender: His name was Jeremy.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh!
7-11 Guy is genially listening to their conversation
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs in relief
Kazuma Kuwabara: Never heard of keepin a squirrel for a pet before.
7-11 Guy: I had a pet hamster! I named im Hamtaro. Heh, that little guy was cut

Tsubasa Juufuku and starts to put her groceries away
Gein Mender: I hadn t either, but then he just started living in my medicine cab
Kazuma Kuwabara looks like that cashier
Gein Mender: So I let him stay there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y mean, like the show?
Tsubasa Juufuku gets one of the lollies out, and starts suckin
7-11 Guy: Yeah! Yeah, just like the show!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh...

on it

Gein Mender grabs a bag of dog food

Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Gein Mender: I think I ll name the dog...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, so how long ago was that?
eldritch s.: names
Mac D.: it s Scooby
Tsubasa Juufuku heads onto her computer
Space (GM): Keaton
Mac D.: this has already been decided
eldritch s.: it s a stray
MrEForEccentric: Yboocs
eldritch s.: gein now gets to rename it
MrEForEccentric: It s Gaelic
Hey, Tsubasa!
eldritch s.: yboocs
It seems like you re gettin SKYPED!
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Jingles.
Tsubasa Juufuku sarcastically
Gein Mender: i said that
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh, I wonder who it could be.
Tsubasa Juufuku checks it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Jingles?
Gein Mender: Yes.
That s a good name for a dog.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s a pretty lame name for a dog!
Gein Mender: You just have to shit on everything I do.
it is a friend of yours, from the internet - but not the usual one!
Kazuma Kuwabara: S not my fault you ooze lameness, gramps.
Tsubasa Juufuku raises an eyebrow
Gein Mender: What would you name the dog?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Who...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hm....
Space (GM): what s tsubasa s screenname again
MrEForEccentric: Miss_Sleuth
eldritch s.: bigtits mcfuckmachine
Kazuma Kuwabara: I d name it.....Ono!
Space (GM): excuse me while fox and i rapidly try to come up with a screenname
MrEForEccentric: Yoko Ono
Gein Mender: Like Yoko Ono?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? Who s that?

MrEForEccentric: I predict Gein

Gein Mender: I d rather just name it Lenno=You don t know who Yoko Ono is?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....No
Gein Mender: She s John Lennon s wife.
Well, was.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That o the Beetles, right?
I ve heard of the Beetles before.
Gein Mender: Yes, he was one of the Beatles!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh....Guess I gotta try again.
Gein Mender: He was the one who struck it out on his own.
Kazuma Kuwabara: How about..................
Gein Mender: And made "Imagine:
And some other shit.
MrEForEccentric: British Music with Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara has tuned out Gein, lost in thought of what to name the dog
Gein Mender: My favorite was probably...
MrEForEccentric: RINGO
eldritch s.: i want to roll a d3 because he doesn t like lennon
Space (GM): do it
MrEForEccentric: Just pick Ringo
eldritch s.: how do i roll a d3
no olive
MrEForEccentric: Yes
R i n g o
Space (GM): type /roll d3
eldritch s.: was ringo the one who made yellow submarine
Kazuma Kuwabara: How about.....Daisuke!
AliaStark: hey, sleuth! c:
eldritch s.: rolling d3
= 1
i forgot to give each a number
Miss_Sleuth: Oh, hey! What s up?
eldritch s.: 1 is ringo
2 is paul
Kazuma Kuwabara: Daisuke s a pretty cool-sounding name....
Miss_Sleuth tries to remember who the fuck this is
eldritch s.: 3 is george
AliaStark: nm
eldritch s.: rolling d3
= 3
i know nothing about george harrison so fuck it
lets go wih ringo
You think she goes to your school...? Well, she did say she lives in Fuyuki.
eldritch s.: that was a huge farce
AliaStark: just chillaxing
Gein Mender: Yeah, but not for a dog.
Miss_Sleuth: Oh, cool- same here. Just got back from groceries. Quick questiony know what time it is in Scotland?
Gein Mender: Ringo was the best Beatle.
But you can t name a dog Ringo.

Kazuma Kuwabara: You gonna call him Ringo?

Gein Mender: Or Star.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ringo s a better name than Jingles!
AliaStark: uuh
Gein Mender: Shut uo.
AliaStark: hm
am not sure
Gein Mender: I ll name him George, fuck it.
AliaStark: why do you ask?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So....Didja just find him?
Miss_Sleuth: I have a friend over there. Waiting for him to come online.
Gein Mender: I found him a few days ago.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh!
AliaStark: i could google it! c:
Kazuma Kuwabara: Small world, I just got a couple stray cats.
Caught em tryin to pilfer my cheerios last night!
Miss_Sleuth: That d be pretty damn cool of you Alia. I mean- I d do it myself, b
ut I m currently enjoying a lolly too much.
Gein Mender: Huh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But then they told me how they were both homeless, and man, I c
ouldn t stand the sight of cats bein sad!
Gein Mender: ... Wow wow.
A stray animal.
Talked to you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, both of em.
AliaStark: haha alright!! just gimme a sec
Kazuma Kuwabara: Imagine that, talking cats!
Gein Mender: Alright that sgoodI mnotgettingintothisshitrightnow
Kazuma Kuwabara: Evolution s great at cleaning, too.
Gein Mender tries to rush by him
Gein Mender stops
Kazuma Kuwabara: And-..Woah!
Gein Mender: ...
Miss_Sleuth: Aight. Oh- just remind me, since my memory s kind of fuzzy right no
w. Who were you again? I think I lost the note of who my Skype contacts are behi
nd their names.
Gein Mender: Evolution.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, that s his name!
The other one s named Bubbles!
She doesn t know as many words as Evolution, so maybe she hasn t spent as much t
ime learning...
AliaStark: looks like it s 2 am there
aw, you don t remember??
Miss_Sleuth: Damn, 2 AM? I m going to be waiting an age... Yeah- I know. Pretty
shitty for the girl "Most likely to be a great detective or Criminal Mastermind"
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hey, maybe I could help her on the way! Imagine me, the fir
st man to ever teach a cat to speak!
Gein Mender: ...
I d like to see them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That d look good on a scientist s resume, for sure!
AliaStark: i think we met on tumblr or something???not sure either
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? Oh, sure!
Gein Mender puts the dog food on the counter
Gein Mender: What s the total?

Kazuma Kuwabara grabs some cat food and gets in line

7-11 Guy: That ll beeeeeeee...
7-11 Guy scans
7-11 Guy: [yen amount]!
Miss_Sleuth: Ah, cool. Aight- I was just curious.
Gein Mender forks it over, having money to spare
eldritch s.: gein s income
mob money
money from d
Tsubasa Juufuku takes out her notebook and starts searching for anything she mig
ht have taken down on this person
eldritch s.: profits from his tgmtsola companion guide
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 17
eldritch s.: and teaching money
7-11 Guy takes it, putting it in the register
7-11 Guy: Have a nice day!
Mac D.: k enough of john lennon
back to the weaboo hiphop
eldritch s.: hotline miami
(her blog is kinda nsfw as f)
Gein Mender: Yeah, you too.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks up to the counter
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heeeere ya go!
eldritch s.: tsubasa bookmarks it
Tsubasa Juufuku Oh NOW she remembers who she is.
Kazuma Kuwabara drops the bags on the counter
Miss_Sleuth: So, what s up otherwise, Alia?
MrEForEccentric: She already had it bookmarked, Seer
eldritch s.: hahahahahah
MrEForEccentric: Can t bookmark something twice
eldritch s.: they are for her
Mac D.: dammit the music s not playing anymore
AliaStark: just rping
eldritch s.: they are like her heroin
Mac D.: oh there it goes
eldritch s.: it s playing for me
7-11 Guy: Lemme just...
7-11 Guy scans it
7-11 Guy: Okay, your total is [number]!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hokay!
Miss_Sleuth: Ohhh, yeah. Who you RP-ing at the moment?

Kazuma Kuwabara roots through his pocket for the money his sister gave him to ge
t cat food
eldritch s.: gein mender
an old man
Mac D.: kazuma kuwabara
eldritch s.: she is secretly god
Mac D.: wait NO
mask de sakur
AliaStark: ayaka!! she s doin pretty good
eldritch s.: mask de smith
Mac D.: mysterious lucha heroine
AliaStark: talkin with squall
eldritch s.: squall
Mac D.: gavin tudor
eldritch s.: what are you trying to pull
morton forhman
Miss_Sleuth: Ah, that s that- Ultimate Dream series, right?
Mac D.: Harvey Homerun
Miss_Sleuth: I still remember when I tried RP-ing that self-insert to Dracula...
Bad days...
Mac D.: so does kuwabara have enough for the CAT FOOD
Gein Mender waits
AliaStark: i thought she was nice
Kazuma Kuwabara pays for that shit
Miss_Sleuth: She literally just moaned about how Dracula couldn t return her aff
ections due to being a vampire.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alrighty!
Kazuma Kuwabara picks up his bags and HOOFS IT
AliaStark: well
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, my house ain t too far away!
AliaStark: i mean
i bet he could
Gein Mender: Alright.
AliaStark: it d just be a big effort
Gein Mender follows after him
AliaStark: but it d be worth it
Miss_Sleuth: Really? Looking back on it I m just kind of thinking that fucking a
vampire s kind of like fucking a corpse.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for HOOOME
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hopefully my Sister s not around. Else she ll drill me for brin
ging another person home again...
eldritch s.: oh before i get
Miss_Sleuth: Not that I know how one goes about fucking a corpse, because I migh
t investigate some things- but I d rather tackle the psychology of necrophilia w
hen I m a responsible adult.
eldritch s.: *forgt
AliaStark is silent for some time
Kazuma Kuwabara: Took me ages to keep her from kicking our Gunther last night!
eldritch s.: i had two ideas i want to make sure are at least recorded somewhere
Space (GM): go
Mac D.: pm em to spess
eldritch s.: why

Mac D.: or whisper em

Space (GM): tell em
Mac D.: well are they spoilers involving your character
eldritch s.: no
Miss_Sleuth: What?
Mac D.: oh okay go ahead
Kazuma Kuwabara kicks off his shoes and heads inside
eldritch s.: some kind of creepy, overzealous public servant going by "the Peopl
e s Surgeon"
AliaStark: never mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: Coast seems clear! Make yourself at home.
Mac D.: can i steal that idea and turn it into a wrestling gimmick for later use
Miss_Sleuth: I guess my point is- I am glad that I am out of that phase of crush
ing on Dracula.
eldritch s.: and a sociopathic take on the rpg protagonist who takes keepsakes f
rom the people he kills to use thier power and personality in some kind of weird
killer7 shit
Mac D.: does Tsubasa still secretly lust for him
Miss_Sleuth: And I am VERY glad that I haven t tried reading another book since.
Especially not Frankenstein.
Space (GM): @seer: that s sweet
MrEForEccentric: Deep and hidden in the vaults of her heart
AliaStark: i gtg
AliaStark logs out
Gein Mender takes off her shoes
AliaStark well
AliaStark that was weird
Gein Mender: *his
Gein Mender sets down the bagf
Neco-Arc Evolution steps into the living oom
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes! I knew the weird out the porn-maker tactic would work!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Ah, good - good afternoon!
Gein Mender: ...
It s you.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Even though most of that is kind of true...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Evo!
Gein Mender: I didn t believe it when he said it was.
But there you are.
Neco-Arc Evolution: H-...!!!!!
I-it s...! Hey, it s you!
Kazuma Kuwabara heads into the kitchen and DROPS it on the kitchen table
Gein Mender: You are going right back in that skull!
Neco-Arc Evolution: N-no! I-- please, don t-- you can t!!
Gein Mender: I can and will!
Neco-Arc Evolution backs the fuck away
Neco-Arc Evolution: N-no!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks and sees Evo
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender: You worked with that crazy son of a bitch!
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s up?

Kazuma Kuwabara turns and sees Gein walk in

Neco-Arc Evolution: Th- that was-- that was years ago!!!
Gein Mender: You tied women up and... did God knows what with them!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Woah, hey, Gramps!
Tsubasa Juufuku chills a bit, and decides to finish off her lolly on her bed. Re
ading some of the tabloids, keeping the computer running in case someone else tr
ies contacting her
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you tryin to kill my cat??
Gein Mender: No!
Just lock him away.
Neco-Arc Bubbles is sitting on the kitchen chair
Neco-Arc Bubbles rummaging through the groceries
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-..No way!
Neco-Arc Evolution: H-he s evil!!!
Gein Mender: ... You!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles looks up, cat food in her hand
Kazuma Kuwabara looks and sees bubbles
Gein Mender: Kick me in the hed, will you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hey, hey! Don t start eating now!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!!!!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles meows in fear
Gein Mender: I didn t lock you away the, but I sure as hell will now.
Gein Mender pulls out the skull
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Neco-Arc Evolution: NO!!!!
Neco-Arc Evolution charges to tackle his legs
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, seriously!
Gein Mender tries to punt him
Kazuma Kuwabara walks up WOAH TACKLE
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20
= 53
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Neco-Arc Evolution is punted into a wall
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hm... I wonder what Kuwabara s doing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY!
Neco-Arc Evolution: AAH!
Kazuma Kuwabara walks up and starts pushing him out of the kitchen

Gein Mender: You won t get me again, you son of a bitch!

Neco-Arc Bubbles: ......
Gein Mender reluctantly goes with him
Neco-Arc Bubbles goes back to eating cat food
Kazuma Kuwabara: We need to talk, Gramps!
Gein Mender: Yes, we do.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What re you doing, kicking my cats like that!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hm... What was a Westerner doing in town though...?
Neco-Arc Evolution: ......
Gein Mender: When you were in kindergarten.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks out of her window
Neco-Arc Evolution flops off the wall, landing with a thud
Gein Mender: They were sent, with a third cat.
To brainwash you into working for vampires.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Wait, you mean that night?
Gein Mender: And tried to kill your teacher and me when we intervened.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
...The weren t.....weird otaku.....they were talkin cats?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Vampire talking cats.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Okay, now you re just bein ridiculous.
But....Wow! Talkin cats!
Gein Mender: No, this isn t good.
I locked away Evolution.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So whatever happened to that third one?
Gein Mender: D?
Space (GM): dead
Kazuma Kuwabara: His name was a letter?
Gein Mender: I think he s still in my Reality Marble...
One second...
Gein Mender checks
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Your.....What-now?
there is a tiny neco-arc skeleton in there
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....Old Man?
Gein Mender: ... No, he s dead in there.
Tsubasa Juufuku passes the time blissfully
Kazuma Kuwabara: Old man, didja take your meds today?
Gein Mender closes up abruptly
Kazuma Kuwabara: You kinda zoned out, there.
Gein Mender: I checked my Reality Marble.
It s a long story.
Those cats are a part of it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Gein Mender: The third one is dead.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Is that another weird thing to do with that book?
Gein Mender: Probably not?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Whatever, just don t involve me in your funny delusions.
Gein Mender: I don t know, I The talking cats are okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara: s been like ten years!

Gein Mender: But none of this shit is.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I mean, I see the talkin
Gein Mender: You don t want to see what I see.


Tsubasa Juufuku passes the time, staring at the ceiling, lolly still in her mout
Kazuma Kuwabara: They re like ghosts! I believe em cause I see em with my own
two eyes!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hm...
Gein Mender: Now.
If you want.
I will let these cats be.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, I d appreciate that.
This house has never been so tidy!
Gein Mender: But if one comes at me, I am hitting the hell out of it.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to think about trying to practice her premonition, but tr
ying to perceive certain things
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, yeah, I got it...
Kazuma Kuwabara walks back into the kitchen
Tsubasa Juufuku she gets up
Tsubasa Juufuku grabs the herbs from her bedroom closet
Neco-Arc Bubbles has eaten half the bag by now
Neco-Arc Evolution: @_@
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, guys! Gein s not gonna take you awa...Hey! That was for dinner!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ?
Gein Mender shakes Evolution
Kazuma Kuwabara snatches up the bags
Neco-Arc Evolution: WuuuUuUuUUuUUUuUuuuUUhhh?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
But, but, but--!
Tsubasa Juufuku goes into her living room to properly set everything up for a TR
Kazuma Kuwabara: But, nothin ! You ll spoil yer appetite!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...
Gein Mender: Wake up.
Neco-Arc Bubbles sad kitty
Kazuma Kuwabara puts the food away in a CUPBOARD
Tsubasa Juufuku sits down at her table
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-I m up, I m-- AAH! Don t eat me!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Right...
Something to predict...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Evo
Gein Mender: Why would I eat you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: S okay, we talked things out!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Something specific...
Gein Mender: You re disgusting.

Gein Mender drops him

Neco-Arc Evolution: Oof--!
Kazuma Kuwabara: He ain t gonna take you to the pound or whatever.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Neco-Arc Evolution: R-really? That s...
Tsubasa Juufuku thinks about trying to predict what happens between Kuwabara and
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, that s just irresponsible, right?
I m not an oracle.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to burn the herbs
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll just try and figure out what that Westerner might be...
Kazuma Kuwabara: But!
Gein Mender: Well, I ve seen what I needed to see.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I just found out you were the guys who took over my kindergarte
n class that night!
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and looks down COMICALLY STERNLY
Gein Mender: Have a nice time, I ve got to take care of my dog.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So how about an apology for that!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
Gein Mender begins heading out
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Teach, teach, teach!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Seeya, Gramps.
Miss_Sleuth starts to get into her trance
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! That time!
Tsubasa Juufuku TSUBASA does that
Gein Mender closes the door behind him
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 13
A hazy image appears in her mind.
Tsubasa Juufuku feels calm, trying not to mess this up
The man stands there. He flips a coin.
He smiles, and removes his glasses.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at the man more closely
eldritch s.: his eyes are dicks
His eyes are a pale green.
Mac D.: tsubasa s eyes are vagoos
eldritch s.: he
eldritch s.: JAMS THEM IN
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-it -- it was just a job.....!

Tsubasa Juufuku wonders what this means...

Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, izzat so!.....
eldritch s.: why is the fucking song underwater
He levels his shotgun at something ahead of him. The image clears.
Ahead of him are two men.
Mac D.: dude underwater sex is the best sex
eldritch s.: unda da sea
One is a man clad in a black longcoat. The other is the beaten and battered body
of Kazuma Kuwabara.
eldritch s.: it s bettah down wherah it s wetta
Coughing, he falls to his knees. The gun goes off.
eldritch s.: unda da sea
Tsubasa Juufuku "Kuwabara...!? What s going on here...? Why am I getting these k
inds of premonitions?"
The vision fades.
Mac D.: that reminds me of this
Tsubasa Juufuku allows the vision to fade
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Space (GM): oh my god
MrEForEccentric: Wow
Neco-Arc Bubbles nodding rapidly
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Job! Job! Job!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I... ugh, why can t I get this oracle thing down!? These vision
s don t tell me anything, do they...? Just- results! I don t know what paths lea
d to them...
Space (GM): nyohoho
Tsubasa Juufuku: I should- talk to my mother. Ask about how I can improve... OrI guess... whether I should TELL Kuwabara that he might get shot... Or someone
SAVES him from a guy in a Trenchcoat...
Damn this fucking vagueness!
Out of context visions.
Kazuma Kuwabara FOLDS his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Brilliant.
Neco-Arc Evolution OTL
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-I m so sorry, sir! It won t happen again, I swear!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Again! Again!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, that s all I wanted to hear!
Tsubasa Juufuku cleans up her drugs
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Neco-Arc Evolution looks up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! But you re doin
Neco-Arc Evolution: Y-yessir!

extra chores for a while!

Tsubasa Juufuku takes out her phone

Tsubasa Juufuku hangs for a moment looking at her mother s phone number
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... She ll probably just want me to get back into the family bu
siness in return for help...
But then she s the only person I actually know who d actually understand this st

Space (GM): i wonder where did seer go
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! I feel like givin
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Wrestling? What s that, again?

one of my old wrestling tapes a wat

Kazuma Kuwabara heads into his ROOM

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What? You don t know what wrestling is??
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nope! Nope! Nope!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, you guys don t know what you re missin !
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-it s some kind of... spectator sport, isn t it? I saw an a
nime based on it, once!
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s more than just a sport!
Tsubasa Juufuku just sits down at her computer
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hold on, lemmie find one o my favorite matches: Rin vs. Great
Luvia, Summer of 2017!
Neco-Arc Evolution: R-Rin...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, Dynamite RIN!
I just call her Rin cause it s easier.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Ah...
Kazuma Kuwabara pulls out THE SACRED TAPE
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...! Shiny!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! Let s get watchin !
Kazuma Kuwabara excitedly heads for the Teeve
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops off her chair and follows, sitting next to Kuwabara
Neco-Arc Evolution settles for an armchair that i entirely too huge for him
Tsubasa Juufuku decides to check whether Kuwabara is even online
Kazuma Kuwabara puts in the tape and hits that remote
Mac D.: does kuwabara even own a computer
Space (GM): maybe he got skype on his phone
Mac D.: that ll work
what should his internet name be
the neco-arcs watch, excitedly
YOU describe this match while i do math homework
Space (GM): hmm
Smile Bomb?
also they ll just chat while you re gone so hah HAH
Space (GM): ohhh nooo
Miss_Sleuth: Hey, Kuwabara.
Mac D.: make a Smile_Bomb character before you go
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara pulls out his phone and looks at it as the tape plays
Miss_Sleuth it s from HER
Space (GM): i did
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara tippity taps
smilebomb: ya wats up juufuku?
Miss_Sleuth: Oh, I was just checking in with you. Didn t try measuring your dick
against a westerner on the way home, right?

smilebomb: no!
Miss_Sleuth: Oh, good- yeah try avoiding those dick measuring contests. You ll p
robably lose. Especially against guys with Trenchcoats.
smilebomb: dammit juufuku r u just heer 2 make fun at me?
Miss_Sleuth: Maybe. Or maybe I m just being cryptic and vague.
I mean- I am bored, but that kind of has nothing to do with it.
MrEForEccentric: Duuufff
was grabbing dinner
MrEForEccentric: Grr
smilebomb: im gonna log off!
Miss_Sleuth: Dammit, Kuwabara. Sheesh- I try breaking the ice with dicks and it
doesn t work. I don t understand you guys sometimes.
Oh- and that is a joke, Kuwabara.
smilebomb: did u have something to say or not??????????
Miss_Sleuth: Well, am I interrupting something?
smilebomb: im just watchin ressling with my cats
Miss_Sleuth: Then yeah. Kind of. I mean, I did have another premonition just now
. Not joking, here. But- At some point. Unless we somehow prevent it. You re gon
na get beaten up by a dude in a Trenchcoat... or the guy who s holding a Shotgun
, who has pale green eyes.
smilebomb takes a little while to respond
Miss_Sleuth: I have no idea of the context, either
smilebomb: is this another drug thing?????
Miss_Sleuth: It s another O r a c l e thing. There s a difference. And believe i
t or not, I actually am concerned about how my visions lately are so... dark.
Usually they re just inane bits of information or random events.
smilebomb: maybe its a sine u shud stop takin drugs juufuku!!!!
Miss_Sleuth: Hey, my Mom took the same drugs I do all her life from Teenage year
s onwards. And she only turned out slightly promiscuous. But that s just her.
smilebomb: ew tmi!
Miss_Sleuth: Hey, I didn t say she actually does shit.
You think I want to know?
smilebomb: luk r u scared im gonna die or somefin?????
Miss_Sleuth: Well, I didn t say you were dead... You looked pretty beat up, anyw
I have no idea who in the vision is supposed to be our friend.
smilebomb: wat u see in drugs aint reel life u know juufuuku
Miss_Sleuth: It s not real life YET, Kuwabara
That s the point of PREMONITION
smilebomb: im gonna be fien don t worry
i ll look out 4 doods /w shotguns how about that?
Space (GM): i m actually laughing
Miss_Sleuth: Make sure you notice their eye color too. Speaking of which- that 7
/11 guy. Did you notice his eye color at all? He seemed pretty shifty.
Not the cashier.
smilebomb: the chump????
Miss_Sleuth: Yes
smilebomb: na i wuzn t lookin at him that closely
u cud smell him a miel away tho lol
Miss_Sleuth: Yeah, I know. He was in there even before I was.
smilebomb: he s probably just a dum gaijin on vacation or sumfin don t worry
Miss_Sleuth: Maybe he s a pedophile like that old news story.
smilebomb: lol maybe
Miss_Sleuth: Fuyuki- Top destination for gaijin pedophiles!
smilebomb: i ll b sur to b careful if i see any shotguns dont u worry
Miss_Sleuth: Be wary of trenchcoats too. That s what the other guy was wearing
smilebomb: k ya sure
Miss_Sleuth: Again, I have no idea who was on your side if anyone.
Fucking out of context visions are a bitch

smilebomb: i was probably beatin up urameshi

Miss_Sleuth: Pretty sure neither of them were Urameshi. Unless I had a premoniti
on of Urameshi getting all goth on us.
smilebomb: he WOULD lol
hey juufuuku
Miss_Sleuth: Yeah?
smilebomb: seriously think about quittin those drugs ok?
i m worried about u
Miss_Sleuth: Do I really need to explain how this isn t like normal drugs.
smilebomb: ya ya you say it like a million times every day
maybe see a doctor or something at least? for me? as a favor?
Miss_Sleuth: I was going to talk to my mother about how everything seems so doom
y recently.
smilebomb: ya don t talk to ur mom
u shuld probably talk to a profeshinal
Miss_Sleuth: My mom IS a professional in these visions.
smilebomb: i mean a doc!!!
Miss_Sleuth: She tried to get me in on the family business and shit.
smilebomb: seriously do that an i ll b on the lookout for any doods in shotguns
and trenchcoats ok?
Miss_Sleuth: So you want me to talk to a doctor about a drug problem only people
of my blood-type can actually get
smilebomb: jeez what else did ur mom tell u
nvm i really wanna watch this match
Miss_Sleuth: That my dad was number 42.
smilebomb: w o w
Miss_Sleuth: That was a joke.
At least I HOPE it was. She was kind of drunk at the time.
smilebomb: juufuku i really wanna watch this match
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Ouch!!!
Miss_Sleuth: Al right. I guess I ll let you get back to your homoerotic muscling
Neco-Arc Evolution: W-woah, nelly!!
smilebomb: hey!!! that s not what wrestling is!!!
Miss_Sleuth: I have two words: Ancient Greece.
smilebomb: what s that gotta do with pro wrestling???????
Miss_Sleuth: Well, considering the origins of wrestling date back to that place.
smilebomb: talk about it l8r
Miss_Sleuth: Al right. Just try not to join anything called a Sacred Band. It s
probably a gay mafia group, or PMC.
smilebomb: ??????????
Miss_Sleuth: To get this reference- just put in The Sacred Band of Thebes on Wik
150 pairs of male lovers.
smilebomb: >:C
smilebomb logs out
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Tch!.....What s she know?....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back up at the TV
Tsubasa Juufuku: Tch. What an imbecile...
MrEForEccentric: The Sacred Band of Thebes is a real thing
Neco-Arc Bubbles is watching super excitedly
Space (GM): hot
Kazuma Kuwabara: So? You guys like it?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yeah! Yeah yeah yeah yeah!

Neco-Arc Bubbles bounces up and down in her seat

Neco-Arc Evolution has hearts in his eyes
Neco-Arc Evolution: S-so gorgeous...
Kazuma Kuwabara turns and WATCHES
Space (GM): oh i heard bout these guys
MrEForEccentric: Yes
seems the match is already midway
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
the Great Luvia has Dynamite RIN pinned, and is slapping her in the face repeate
Great Luvia: Fuahahahahaha!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wonder what match he was even watching...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit!...C mon, RIN!!
( Course, I already know the finish, I ve only watched this match like a million
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well, time to watch some anime, I guess
Dynamite RIN HUP
Tsubasa s skype pings
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hm?
Tsubasa Juufuku checks it
Dynamite RIN escapes from the pin with a surge of force
AliaStark: hey.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh.
Miss_Sleuth: Hey again.
AliaStark does not respond
Miss_Sleuth: What s up?
Neco-Arc Bubbles attempts to suplex Kuwabara s foot
AliaStark: can we talk?
Miss_Sleuth: Sure. I mean- I m not doing anything.
AliaStark: what you said bothered me
AliaStark is typing
AliaStark is no longer typing
Miss_Sleuth: Which part?
Kazuma Kuwabara FISTPUMPS
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Rrgh..!!!
AliaStark: about vampires.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara turns his foot over
Tsubasa Juufuku: Why did I respond to this... I could be watching Extreme Magica
l Girl Super Fun Storm.
Neco-Arc Bubbles goes for the PIN
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, crap!
Miss_Sleuth: What?
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Neco-Arc Evolution glances back at them

Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Oh! Oh, uh, am I the ref?

AliaStark: you remember.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guess so.
Miss_Sleuth: Yeah. I was kind of jesting, mostly.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Uh... um, one!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hrrrrgh!
AliaStark: it still bothered me.
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to fake-kick-out of the footpin
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nnngh--!
Miss_Sleuth: Is your family from Transylvania or something...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles stumbles back
Miss_Sleuth: Like- what bothered you
About it.
AliaStark: i m a vampire
saying fucking a vampire is like fucking a corpse
is what bothered me
Miss_Sleuth: Oh.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I have fucked up, somewhere.
Why didn t I write shit like this down?
Miss_Sleuth: Well- I m sorry. I didn t- know.
Don t think you actually ever told me you were a vampire.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ....Raaagh...!!!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles pulls a tiny steel chair out from under the armchair
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
AliaStark: well i am.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the-....Where d you get that!?
Neco-Arc Evolution is watching the tv again
Neco-Arc Evolution: Ooh... those twintails, hehe...!
Neco-Arc Bubbles starts bopping him on the foot with it
Neco-Arc Bubbles it doesn t hurt
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Rrrrrgh!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-....Hey, foreign object!
You seein this, ref??
Neco-Arc Evolution: Do you think I could get her number...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles then runs back to the wall
Neco-Arc Bubbles kicks off it, charging for his foot
Miss_Sleuth: Sooo... Uh- I mean. I guess... thinking about it- I was probably ex
aggerating. Like- it probably wouldn t be like that.
At all.
AliaStark: uh huh
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back down at Bubbles
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, no!
AliaStark: it still hurt
Neco-Arc Bubbles LEAPS
Neco-Arc Bubbles hits her head on the coffee table
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Ow, ow, ow!

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, geez! You okay there?

Miss_Sleuth: I am sorry. I didn t mean anything by it.
Neco-Arc Bubbles is clutching her head
Neco-Arc Bubbles: @_@
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Wh-- wh- hey, what happened?
Miss_Sleuth: Hell- I did have a crush on Dracula once...
AliaStark: i accept your apology.
Miss_Sleuth: Damn sexy Wallachian Prince.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Little bit o roughousing!
AliaStark: wallachia?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Is she gonna be okay?
Miss_Sleuth: Wallachia, Romania. Same thing.
Y know- Vlad the Impaler? The inspiration for Dracula.
AliaStark: oh
thought you meant something else
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, you okay there, Bubbles?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oooogh....
Miss_Sleuth: Something else?
Neco-Arc Bubbles lies down on her side
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Woah, hey.
AliaStark: yeah. that s whati said.
*what i
Kazuma Kuwabara pauses the tap and crouches down by her
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, what s up?
Miss_Sleuth: Not sure what else there is for Wallachia.
Neco-Arc Bubbles shivers
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara feels her forehead
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Owwwwwww....
there s a bump on it
Neco-Arc Evolution hops off the couch, going over to her side
Neco-Arc Evolution: Are you sure she s gonna be okay, man?
AliaStark: okay cool
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe she got a concussion.....Should we go see a vet??
Miss_Sleuth: So- uh. What cha planning on writing?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Erm... maybe? How- how can you tell?
AliaStark: what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Idunno, I ain t a vet!
Miss_Sleuth: You re a writer, aren t you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: It looks like she hit her head pretty bad, though.
AliaStark: i guess
Kazuma Kuwabara: And getting hit on the head can cause a concussion, so.....Yeah
Miss_Sleuth: Can t be that embarrassing, can it.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Aw, man... I dunno any vets around here.
AliaStark: im not really writing anything
Kazuma Kuwabara: Can t be too hard to find one, I know this town like the back o
my hand!
Kazuma Kuwabara picks up Bubbles
AliaStark: not many ideas except for ayaka
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Kuwabara?....

Miss_Sleuth: Ah, right. I might try my hand at RP-ing again someday

Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, what?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...DQ...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles looks at him
AliaStark: cool.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at her
Tsubasa Juufuku: I should probably check whether it was an art blog...
Tsubasa Juufuku does that
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Miss_Sleuth: Who do you think I should play?
she s pmuch just reposting shit, in addition to written smut
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Nah, no DQ.
it s not that great
AliaStark: maybe someone from that anime?
Neco-Arc Bubbles smiles
Neco-Arc Bubbles: (to Evo) Bell...?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, uh... ding, ding?
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops up suddenly
Neco-Arc Bubbles: VICTORYYY!!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Miss_Sleuth: Oh, I don t think I could play as anyone from Extreme Magical Girl
Super Fun Storm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You damn cat! You had me worried!!!
AliaStark: why not?
Kazuma Kuwabara shakes her
Neco-Arc Bubbles: It---!!
Kazuma Kuwabara sits back down in the chair in a HUFF
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...???
Neco-Arc Evolution just goes over to his chair
Miss_Sleuth: Well, it s the same reason people don t really play those warriors
from Dragon Testicle Z
Neco-Arc Evolution: What s kayfabe, Kuwabara?
AliaStark: ?
Miss_Sleuth: Too powerful.
AliaStark: ah
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s stayin in character when you re wrestling!
Miss_Sleuth: I mean. It isn t any ordinary Magical Girl show.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...!
Ah, that s what she was doing!
Miss_Sleuth: First episode- the moon is literally destroyed
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah....cheeky little...
AliaStark: yeah good luck with that irl
Neco-Arc Bubbles: :3
Miss_Sleuth: It s probably possible.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But you re not supposed to break kayfabe when the match is over
Miss_Sleuth: It d just be an absurdly high ranked mystic code, right?

Neco-Arc Evolution: Why d she do that...?

AliaStark: no.
on that level, it s sorcery.
MrEForEccentric: Fun fact- I have actually seen the first two episodes of Fate/K
Space (GM): is it any good
MrEForEccentric: Because boredom in school mornings + Crunchyroll app = weird de
Mac D.: what is the current Gay Girls percentage in the show
MrEForEccentric: I am not sure how to feel about it
So far0% in actual show
In the opening
Mac D.: CLEARLY the show is not worth watching yet
MrEForEccentric: There s dat subtext
In the opening theme/cinematic
It was still setting the scene and shit
Miss_Sleuth: True.
Space (GM): i wonder where seer went
Kazuma Kuwabara: Probably so she could weasle her way out of a DQ, the little...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Heel! Heel!
Space (GM): why does tsubasa have arrows in her
Mac D.: i too wonder what dank dark hole seer has disappeared in
Miss_Sleuth: Ah well. I wouldn t be interested in being a Magical Girl anyway. P
robably a more provocative profession than Oracles.
John Cena: Yeah, yeah, Heel....
MrEForEccentric: Because she is wounded by Kuwabara not returning effections
Kazuma Kuwabara: Said me.
Neco-Arc Bubbles flexes
Neco-Arc Evolution: D you think she could make it on the pro circuit?
AliaStark: i like the outfits
Miss_Sleuth: It depends on the show for me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: With that kinda craftiness? Probably...
Miss_Sleuth: I think they re pretty revealing for- what- 13 year olds?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Though, she might get stepped on.
AliaStark: yeah
Miss_Sleuth: It d take some getting used to for me.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Well.. hey, do you think they hold beginner tryouts? You cou
ld check that out for her!
Miss_Sleuth: If I was wound up with a situation like that.
AliaStark: probably wont
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, yeah.
Miss_Sleuth: That s what a lot of protagonists think.
Kazuma Kuwabara: World s first cat pro wrestler, imagine that!...
In fact....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at his phone and searches THE WEB for such a thing
AliaStark: do you think youre protagonist material
Seems Newbmania is coming up in a couple weeks...!
Miss_Sleuth: I dunno. I got the looks. I ve got the drive. I have the identifiab
le and resonant attribute of my messy apartment.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!
Oh, nuts! I totally forgot about Newbmania!!
AliaStark: do you have any quirks
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Newbmania?
Miss_Sleuth: Yeah, course.
I m like a detective.
I find the shit people don t expect me to find.
AliaStark: so your pretty much poirot

*you re
Miss_Sleuth: Who
AliaStark: nbm
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s a competition held for rookie amateur wrestlers every year
, and it s watched by all the feds!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ....!!!!!
Miss_Sleuth: Is this another one of those lame Western Crime stories?
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops up and down excitedly
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hey, yeah!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Winner gets a load of prize money, too!
Neco-Arc Evolution: M-money?!
Neco-Arc Evolution has yen signs in his eyes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Wooooah! How much?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I think it s like......eighty thousand yen?
AliaStark: here
Neco-Arc Evolution: Woooooah!!!!
Neco-Arc Evolution falls off his chair
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey...with that kinda money, we might be able to buy a better T
One that isn t CRT!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: HD! HD!
Miss_Sleuth: So... You re saying I m Belgian?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I could watch Dynamite Rin s matches in high definition!!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Yeah... and so could I!!!
AliaStark: yes
with a mustache
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright then, it s settled! In a few weeks, we re headed to New
Miss_Sleuth: Mustache doesn t suit me. Besides, I prefer being Japanese.
And if not that- give me British, I guess
Neco-Arc Evolution: Awesome!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Wrestling name?
AliaStark: is that right
Miss_Sleuth: Yes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hm....
Idunno, what do you wanna be called??
AliaStark: well
i gotta go
it s getting late
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hm...
Miss_Sleuth: Aight. Sorry again for the- vampire thing.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ......Dude Bubbles!
AliaStark: it s fine
Tsubasa Juufuku holds off on saying "I m sure you re brilliant in bed"
AliaStark logs off
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Uh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh thank god...
Now for anime.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You sure? That s kinda...

Tsubasa Juufuku starts to get back to EXTREME MAGICAL GIRL SUPER FUN STORM!!!!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, it s your wrestling name, so....guess it s up to you!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...
Neco-Arc Bubbles frowns
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hmm...
...Cactus Bubbles!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Neco-Arc Bubbles: 8)
Mac D.: hahahahah I GEDDIT
Neco-Arc Evolution: That s, uh... hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s a fine name!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yay!
Neco-Arc Bubbles claps
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! Now we just gotta find you a place to train....
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hm....
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to think of a PLACE IN TOWN
Tsubasa Juufuku enjoys watching her HIGH OCTANE MAGICAL GIRL ANIME
Maybe that old gym in town...? the one that does not have a map yet
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...The old gym could work!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Jim?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, gym!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Who s Jim?
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, Gym!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gym! A gym!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Many Jim?
Kazuma Kuwabara SIGHS
Neco-Arc Evolution: I mean, it s a pretty popular name, y know...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll just take you there!
Kazuma Kuwabara hops out of his chair
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, let s go!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yeah!
Neco-Arc Bubbles climbs up onto his shoulder
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh! Ah, I ll just... yeah, I ll just stay here, thanks.
Hold down the fort!
Leave the tape here, please?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not gonna emotionally support yer friend, Evo??
Neco-Arc Evolution: W-well, um...
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re as essential to this team as any of us!
Kazuma Kuwabara picks him up and plops him down on his other shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s roll!
Neco-Arc Evolution: B-but... I, uh, I gotta study Dynamite RIN s technique!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, I know that like the back o my hand!
Neco-Arc Evolution: But...........
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s roooooll!

Kazuma Kuwabara heads OUT the door

and WE RE OFF to the gym that does not have a name or map yet
Mac D.: better get to WORK space
Space (GM): but that s mobile s job...
Mac D.: and mobile s not here
means you gotta PINCH-HIT
Tsubasa Juufuku is meanwhile still watching her anime
Space (GM): i like the persona 3 soundtrack
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wow, spacious gym!
Neco-Arc Evolution: I, uh... this is outside, Kuwabara...
Mac D.: how do we drag tsubasa into the outdoors
Space (GM): an excellent question
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? Oh, right. My eyes had to adjust
Neco-Arc Bubbles points
Neco-Arc Bubbles: That-a-way!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You sure? Do you know where this place is?
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops off his shoulder and runs that-a-way
eldritch s.: her phone rings
Space (GM): seer lives
eldritch s.: doing things
Better Hurry Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...QQ
eldritch s.: "Bzzt Bzzt"
Kazuma Kuwabara runs after her
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, wait up!!
Space (GM): maybe is gein taking dog for a walk?
eldritch s.: "Hey there! We ve got a a real mess over here! We need you to clean
up all the garbage at 123 Piano Lane... Oh, and try to hurry, alright? We don t
want to attract rats."
Mac D.: perhaps tsubasa could get a VISITOR
Space (GM): hotline miami
Mac D.: like idunno her mum or somebody
Space (GM): i ve already got a PLAN
Mac D.: oh gud
Space (GM): is gein walken the doge
Gein Mender: sure
MrEForEccentric: But she s watching anime
Mac D.: maybe mum wants to watch anime too
George: Woof!
Gein Mender is walking his doge
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait up, Bubbles!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Dog, dog, dog!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? Dog?
George: ...?
George tilts his head
Kazuma Kuwabara peers over the corner at Gein and George

Gein Mender: What is it, boy?

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh!
George growls a little bit
Kazuma Kuwabara: That must be Gramps dog...
Gein Mender turns around
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Eep!
Neco-Arc Bubbles sprints past the two of them
Kazuma Kuwabara: Think it s got a problem with cats, too?....
Dammit, Bubbles!
Kazuma Kuwabara gives CHASE
Gein Mender: Hey there, kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heygramps!
George gives chase after Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara ZIPS past him
George: Ruff! Ruff!
MrEForEccentric: True
Gein Mender is dragged along
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-!!
Kazuma Kuwabara HOOFS IT after Bubbles
Neco-Arc Bubbles goes barreling into Tsubasa s room
MrEForEccentric: But I am designing the basic framework of the anime that she is
Kazuma Kuwabara DIVES in to snatch her
Tsubasa Juufuku looks up
Tsubasa Juufuku: What the...??
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gotcha, you little-!
Tsubasa Juufuku: KUWABARA!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..?
Neco-Arc Bubbles darts away
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at Tsubasa
Neco-Arc Bubbles hides under the bed
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh- Tsubasa! Is this yourGeorge runs into Tsubasa s door
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at her computer
Tsubasa Juufuku: It is!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Tsubasa Juufuku that there is a magical girl anime
George: Ruff! Ruff ruff ruff ruff!
Gein Mender nearly trips

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Huh....Didn t think you were into that kinda thing.
Gein Mender: C mon boy!
Tsubasa Juufuku: This one s different.
George is pawing at her door and whining
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!!
Gein Mender: ....
Gein Mender opens it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t let the dog in!
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Th-that dog...
It s a monster...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-!!
George comes barreling in
Neco-Arc Evolution: Aah!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: WaitGein Mender is dragged with him
Tsubasa Juufuku: You re basically
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oooooh, geez!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Barging in here
Gein Mender: Ghk!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Looking for refuSERIOUSLY!??
Kazuma Kuwabara runs INTO THE ROOM
Neco-Arc Evolution: It s gonna eat us!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wait
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!!
George charges for her room
Gein Mender: C mon George, sit!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Crap, we re cornered!!
George: Ruff! Ruff ruff ruff!
George sits
Tsubasa Juufuku glares at Evolution
Tsubasa Juufuku: YOU
George: :D
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...!
Gein Mender: Good boy.
Neco-Arc Evolution: G-ghk--!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gein Mender scratches behind his ear
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Tsubasa and Evo
George rolls over
Tsubasa Juufuku: Youuuu
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Woah, wait wait!
Tsubasa Juufuku evil grin
Gein Mender gives him a blly rub
Kazuma Kuwabara: He s my cat, now!
Neco-Arc Evolution: SHE S GONNA EAT ME!!!

Neco-Arc Evolution hides under the bed with Bubbles

Tsubasa Juufuku: I still have the dictionary
Kazuma Kuwabara: Would you quit freakin him out!?
George happy dog has forgotten his rage
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- I m sorry
Space (GM): jesus christ that s terrifying
Tsubasa Juufuku: Is the one
What barged into my home
And has now just decided to run under my bed?
He doesn t know what s under there. Like- knives.
Neco-Arc Bubbles fearful noises
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Neco-Arc Evolution starts searching to see what s under here
Mac D.: does tsubasa s voice get really disjointed and unpunctual when she s flu
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Tsubasa Juufuku jesus christ, Evo- it s the motherload
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: We were gettin chased by a dog!
Tsubasa Juufuku: And you came here!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, no! Bubble came here, and I tried to catch her!
Gein Mender: You re a good dog.
George nods in agreement
Tsubasa Juufuku: So it IS the cats!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hey, Kuwabara, c mere! I found stuff!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! It s the cat s from Kindergarten, yes!
Gein Mender: Man, this place is a real shithole...
Kazuma Kuwabara: But they re my pets now, they ve cleaned up their act!
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, I mean- that it is their fault
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Evo
George: ...?
George looks around
Neco-Arc Evolution shows him the stuff from under the bed
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, what re you doin rooting through other peoples thin...?
What s this stuff?
Tsubasa Juufuku notices
Tsubasa Juufuku oh god
Space (GM): what is it olive
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at it
Gein Mender pets him again
Gein Mender: dildosa
MrEForEccentric: It s the stash

George whines
Gein Mender: What is it?
Neco-Arc Evolution: What re all these magazines?
Tsubasa Juufuku: N-none of your business!
George points his paw at Tsubasa s room
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Yeesh, Tsubasa.
Gein Mender: ... Let s go and see, boy.
Gein Mender walks him over there
George scratches
Tsubasa Juufuku:
Gein may notice
the book
Kazuma Kuwabara:
in the sink
Kazuma Kuwabara:

at the door
Christ! This is just one invasion ater another!
...I mean-...Put that stuff away!
We re leaving!

Gein Mender looks at it

Neco-Arc Evolution: But we just got here!
Tsubasa Juufuku: IT WAS UNDER MY BED
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! And now we re LEAVING!
Tsubasa Juufuku: IMBECILE!
Why, it s Tsubasa s school-issued copy of The Gayest Mage This Side Of Los Angel
Tsubasa Juufuku: YOUR CAT DUG IT OUT!
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender opens the door
Neco-Arc Evolution: C-can I keep it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s the even MEAN!?
Gein Mender: Are you doing fucking drugs in here?
Neco-Arc Evolution: But--!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Put it back where you found it!
Gein Mender: Why the FUCK is that book in the sink!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ghk-..
George barks to punctuate Gein s speech
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: NO, GRAMPS!
Neco-Arc Evolution: (Kuwabra...)
Gein Mender: What the fuck is even going on in here?
Neco-Arc Evolution: (Is he always so shouty...?)
Gein Mender: Are you dealing him drugs?
Tsubasa Juufuku: NO!
Gein Mender: I bet that s what you re doing!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I SAID NO, GRAMPS!
George starts sniffing around for drugs
Gein Mender: Using the pages to make joints!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, there was that one time you tried...
George sniffsniffsniffsniff

George sniffs Kuwabara

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
George sniffs under the bed
Gein Mender lets him sniff around
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Look- can you all just LEAVE!?
This is my apartment!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I
George sniffs around her closet
Kazuma Kuwabara: am trying!
George: Arf! Arf!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Seriously!?
Your dog!?
Gein Mender: ... What s in there?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks under the bed to grab Bubbles and Evo
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes- it is my herbs. And no you can t take them!
Neco-Arc Evolution is looking through her stash
Neco-Arc Bubbles is taking a nap
Gein Mender: Stop doing drugs!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I said put those down!!
George barks at Tsubasa
Gein Mender: And get that godammn book out of the sink.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Eep!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Jesus- fucking- christ. It isn t even like that!
Neco-Arc Evolution throws them out from under the bed in a panic
Neco-Arc Evolution they hit Gein s heel
Gein Mender looks down
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to SCOOP up Bubbles and Evo
Gein Mender picks one up
Adult Magazine
Gein Mender: ...
Neco-Arc Evolution: L-let s go!
eldritch s.: is it english
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Go! Go! Go!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Really sorry about this, Juufuku!!!
eldritch s.: answer the question
MrEForEccentric: It s in JAPAN
Tsubasa Juufuku: YOU OWE ME
Gein Mender throws it
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: NOW ALL OF YOUOUT
Kazuma Kuwabara makes a LINE for the door
Gein Mender: We are not speaking about this again.

Tsubasa Juufuku: NO!

Gein Mender: Read the novel.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I HOPE NOT!
I already did!
It s shit!
Gein Mender: George, come!
George sniffsniffsniff
Gein Mender: ...
George: Arf!!!
George paws at her closet
Tsubasa Juufuku: Take your dogAnd get out of here.
Gein Mender: C mon George.
Gein Mender tugs his leash a bit
George whines, but follows
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thank- you!
Gein Mender: You have shit taste.
Kazuma Kuwabara is standing outside, EXHALING THE STRESS AWAY
Tsubasa Juufuku: Coming from the connoisseur of sewage
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Man... that was a misadventure.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright......Now more running off!!
Gein Mender: Don t talk to me that way, you porn-hungry junkie!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Okay, okay, okay...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Jesus
Space (GM): saber s legend is carried on
Tsubasa s phone rings
Gein Mender walks out
Tsubasa Juufuku checks her phone
eldritch s.: gein is just doing it to annoy her
es tu madre
Kazuma Kuwabara walks down the street, in search of that DAMN GYM
Tsubasa Juufuku picks up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, mom...?
Gein Mender wipes off his coat
Ms. Juufuku: Tsu-chan... have you changed your mind, yet?
eldritch s.: "thanks for keeping my porn safe"
Kazuma Kuwabara gee whizz hope there aren t any more CRAZY MISADVENTURES that ge
t in his way
thhere is a GEIN
Tsubasa Juufuku: Mom. I thought I already said that I don t want to be a Magical
- I mean- Oracle.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Keep....Your damn dog in check, Gramps!!
Ms. Juufuku sighs
eldritch s.: Yeah, I should probably do that.
Gein Mender: no me

Ms. Juufuku: It s fine, really... the Juufuku blood is thinning out, anyways. Th
is is just speeding it up.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: dick
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....You wouldn t know where the old gym is, would you?
Gein Mender: No, not really.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Damn.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Is this a way of guilt-tripping me into trying to find some pow
erful magus boyfriend?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I was taking Bubbles there to help her start her trainin for N
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mean- I know YOU married an accountant.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Heel! Heel! Heel!
Gein Mender: That s nice.
eldritch s.: space
Ms. Juufuku: I m not trying to do anything, dear. I m just concerned.
eldritch s.: there are two gein s and kuwabaras
George heels
Space (GM): the timestream warped
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Kazuma Kuwabara: Pretty nice day, Alternate Timeline Gramps!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Concerned about what?
Ms. Juufuku: For you, dear.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What re you doin just takin your dog for a walk
Tsubasa Juufuku: You know I can handle myself, mom...
Gein Mender: I was just walking George, yeah.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, don t let me stop ya.
Ms. Juufuku: You keep telling me that. It isn t right for a girl your age to be
away from home.
Gein Mender: Alright.
See you.
Gein Mender goes back to walking the dog
Kazuma Kuwabara: Seeya, old man.
Kazuma Kuwabara watches him go
Kazuma Kuwabara turns and continues his SEARCH
George trots along happily
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara wary of any potential Wacky Misadventures
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah?
Neco-Arc Evolution: I m hungry, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, the cat food s back home...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- I m sorry. But- you know that I didn t want to stay aroun
d with the- family business breathing down my neck. I mean- forgive me if I don
t want to be a glorified fortune teller, but I d rather try using premonition mo
re actively.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You walk and talk like people.....that mean you eat people food
, too?
Ms. Juufuku: Who am I to tell you how to live your life? Just your mother. That
s nobody.
Do what you want, Tsubasa.

Ms. Juufuku hangs up

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt steals all of Tsubasa s porn while she s on the
Tsubasa Juufuku: WaitNeco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hm...
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: Keheheh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, then! Let s go to Lumpy s.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Lumpy s?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, it s a diner I go to!
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s just mom as always.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nice place!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Sounds kinda... gross...
Gein Mender: This tow is really dog friendly.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to make sure the porn is beneath the bed again
Kazuma Kuwabara: Trust me, the food ain t bad!
Space (GM): testing nighttime effects
don t mind me
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt stole all of it
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I really wish I had a better place to hide the stash...
Space (GM): ah, that works
does that work duff
eldritch s.: i do not
Mac D.: does what work
eldritch s.: see anything
Mac D.: is the screen supposed to be dimmer
Space (GM): seems i gotta make the aura VISIBLE
eldritch s.: make sure you have it set so players can see
Mac D.: there we go
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): ta-pow
eldritch s.: try making it
a bit more
blue ish
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for LUMPY S
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
eldritch s.: no, too blue
Space (GM): ye
Tsubasa Juufuku sits down, and cannot press resume just yet
Mac D.: no i think it s fine
Tsubasa Juufuku calls her mom back
Space (GM): lemme look up a color swatch picker
She doesn t pick up.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Dammit.
eldritch s. walks George.
Gein Mender: i do too
Tsubasa Juufuku tries again
Mac D.: suffering from depression as a result of familial tension?

come to lumpy s
Space (GM): howsat
Mac D.: g o o d
eldritch s.: good
i always liked it
Mac D.: is bubbles the Nightbringer
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: when terms that when used rather lightly in fantasy, like lich, or
become propers nouns of a sort in some work, something intimidating and importan
Kazuma Kuwabara LUM PYS
Mac D.: remember when dragons were a huge deal
eldritch s.: i mean in arthurian mythology if some one was a wizard, that was fu
cking scary
Tsubasa Juufuku: Come on, mom... pick up.
Kuwabara heads up to Lumpy s, just as Gein walks past
Mac D.: We keep bumpin into each other, Gramps!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Said Me: Kazuma Kuwabara!
Gein Mender: ...
This is freaking me out a bit.
eldritch s.: this is an odd example but in adventure time, i like how there is o
ne lich
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, don t mind me, just grabbin a bite to eat!
It goes to voicemail
eldritch s.: and instead of just being an evil magic skeleton
Mac D.: ya i like that too
eldritch s.: it s this thing
that is the antithesis of all life
Gein Mender: Oh.
Gein Mender checks the time
Gettin kinda dark out...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Mom. Please call me back... I do actually need to talk to you a
bout something. I know I don t really... deserve it. But I really do need your h
elp. You re the only one I can turn to.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at his shoulder cats
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hope you guys got money, cause I m spent!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Money, money, money~!
Kazuma Kuwabara: That a "yes?"
Gein Mender: Are dog allowed in this resteraunt?
I d assume no.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dunno....
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Look, there s a...
Gein Mender: Could you ask?
MrEForEccentric ends the voicemail
Neco-Arc Evolution points to a post for tying leashes around
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, hey!
Tsubasa Juufuku ends the voicemail, evn
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...

Tsubasa Juufuku sighs

Gein Mender: Oh, good.
Gein Mender ties George to the stand
Tsubasa Juufuku phone stare...
Gein Mender: Hey there, buddy.
I ll bring you back something to eat.
Mac D.: deep concern over horrifying visions of the future?
George: Ruff!
Mac D.: come to lumpy s.
Gein Mender walks in
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, let s go!
Kazuma Kuwabara follows
Tsubasa gets a text
Tsubasa Juufuku reads that shit instantly
"Get something to eat. You ll feel better."
eldritch s.: what other fantasy terms are used very lightly
Space (GM): demon
eldritch s.: that could be scary when used as a proper known
Mac D.: but who s it from............
eldritch s.: The Demon
it s from su madre
Mac D.: God
eldritch s.: The God is already a concept in Christianity and Judaism
Mac D.: [Noun] God
Tsubasa Juufuku texts back "But- mom. It s serious. I m not... overreacting. I k
now you literally just called me after I had a hectic moment."
eldritch s.: And Islam
and several other religions
"You need to calm down first."
Mac D.: anything and everything lovecraftian
eldritch s.: yeah
i mean in actual lovecraft
a shoggoth drove several people nutsa
and wasn t even harmed
Tsubasa Juufuku texts back "Mom. I am calm."
eldritch s.: yet people treat them like cosmic canonfodder
Kazuma Kuwabara comes in and has a seat at his usual spot
"You don t sound it."
Gein Mender takes a seat
the neco-arcs sit at the bar
Tsubasa Juufuku texts back "Well maybe not just then but... I m calmer now."
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Chef steps out
Chef: Oh, you guys. Hey again.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, hey!
Chef: ...?

Chef looks at the Neco-Arcs

Gein Mender: Hey there.
She doesn t respond
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh- they re with us.
Chef: Huh. Well, we got some doggie ice cream in the back. Think that ll be good
for cats?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Gein Mender: Wait, are dogs allowed in?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just ask em what they want, they can talk/
Chef: Oh, yeah. As long as you got him on a leash.
Chef nods to Kuwabara
Gein Mender: ... I ll be right back.
Gein Mender heads outside
Tsubasa Juufuku texts- "Look. I just need to talk to you, al right? Without the.
.. family business getting in the way again."
Chef turns to the three of them
Chef: So, guys, what ll it be?
Gein Mender gets George
Gein Mender: C mon, boy.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hoagie! Hoagie! Hoagie!
Gein Mender takes him inside
George pants
Kazuma Kuwabara: A burger and fries, with a vanilla shake!
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-I ll have, uh... hm...
Chef: Aw. Nice dog there, guy.
What re you havin ?
eldritch s.: green archer has earings
i am looking up close
Space (GM): he s stylish
eldritch s.: which side is the "gay side"
Space (GM): i have no idea
eldritch s.: right is gay side
that s his left ear
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Evo
Gein Mender: hanks.
I ll have a malt and some fries...
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hmmmmm.... uuh, erm... Hm....
Gein Mender: George, waht do yo uwant?
Tsubasa Juufuku waits
Neco-Arc Evolution: Do you have...? Wait, no...
George: Arf!
Gein Mender tries to guess
Her mother doesn t respond for the longest time.
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20

= 30
...Maybe some of that ice cream...?
Gein Mender: A doggie icecream?
George: Arf!
George pants
Tsubasa Juufuku decides to sit down on her couch
Chef: Sure thing.
Chef looks at Evolution
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hm... I wonder.. do you guys think the barbeque...? No, that
looks huge...
Hm, well, er... I do love me some onions... Jeez, this is tough.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just pick a burger or somethin . That s what I do when I can t
Neco-Arc Evolution: Okay, okay. Uh, chef-man! I ll have your finest BBQ Burger!
Chef: Sure thing. How do you want it?
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: (medium well.)
Neco-Arc Evolution: Uh, m-medium well!
Chef: You betcha. I ll be back out in a bit.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Neco-Arc Evolution exhales
Neco-Arc Evolution: Man.. that was tough...!
Kazuma Kuwabara stares at the counter
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hope Yumizuka s doin okay...
"What is it you need?"
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Space (GM): phone call
i will return
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, that reminds me!
You read today s paper, old man?
Tsubasa Juufuku "Can we talk about it over the phone, please?"
John Cena: it will be okay, tsubasa
spend some time
with me
hallucinatory john cena
Miss_Sleuth: No. I m going to use my online persona to personally say- That I do
not dig guys who participate in homoerotic sports.
Gein Mender: NO.
What d say?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...I was hopin you d read it!
I wonder if it said anything about whatever happened at that base....
Gein Mender: I can pick it up later.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright..
Figure anything out about that, uh.....that "thing" that happened at the bar?
"I can t, dear."
There is a knock at her door
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Thing?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t worry about it, Bubbles.
Tsubasa Juufuku texts back "Okay just... as soon as you can, okay?"

Neco-Arc Evolution: What about me?

Tsubasa Juufuku goes to answer her door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not you, either!
Ms. Juufuku: Can I come in?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Y-yes
Tsubasa Juufuku opens the door
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sorry it s a mess...
Ms. Juufuku: Don t worry. That s what my apartment s like, too.
Neco-Arc Evolution: But why...?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- i know. Still...
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s serious stuff...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Lets- sit at the table.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Unless you guys....happen to know what happened at the old mili
tary base a couple days ago.
Space (GM): sorry was trying on pants
Ms. Juufuku nods and walks over, shutting the door behind her
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku looks genuinely worried
Neco-Arc Evolution: Huh? What military base?
Ms. Juufuku frowns, her face betraying her clear concern
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah, nevermind, don t worry about it!
Ms. Juufuku: What happened?
Neco-Arc Evolution: But Kuwabaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s not anything specific, in a way but... I mean- it hasn t h
appened yet, I guess
Kazuma Kuwabara: But nothin !
Tsubasa Juufuku: Recently, I ve been having- problems. With my visions. They nev
er seem- clear, or... give me a message. They always seem out of context... and
recently all of them have pointed to- well. Doom, in a way...
A dead classmate... one of my friends beaten on the floor, beside a man in a ter
nchcoat- with another pointing a shotgun at him.
Ms. Juufuku: ....
Ms. Juufuku looks away
Ms. Juufuku: That s all of them...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: But, but, but!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buuuuut nothin !
Space (GM): seer please return
Tsubasa Juufuku: So far... Apart from- when I messed up my interpretation. And m
y trance got interrupted.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...
Neco-Arc Bubbles folds her arms in a huff
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Butt!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey!
Ms. Juufuku: ...Ah.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look- it s really heavy stuff, and I don t want to bother every
random person with it, okay??
Ms. Juufuku decidees talking about the premonitions she s been having isn t gonn
a help
Ms. Juufuku: It was like that for me, too, you know. When I was your age.
Neco-Arc Evolution: But... but, Kuwabara! We re your friends, Kuwabara! How - ho
w can Bubbles trust you to train her if you re keeping secrets??

Tsubasa Juufuku: Really? Is it just- inexperience, that I m not able to choose w

hat I see?
Kazuma Kuwabara: This ain t got nothin to do with wrestlin !
Neco-Arc Evolution: Does, too!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Does not!
Ms. Juufuku: It s more... well, ultimately, the predictions are filtered through
your perceptions, aren t they?
Have you been feeling... well, lately?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Do! Do! Do!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Does not!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know. I thought I was doing al right. But- when I messe
d up that interpretation... I guess that must ve messed with my visions too.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Do!!
Ms. Juufuku: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: G-Aaalright, fine!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Though- it is difficult when my friends just all think I have a
drug problem.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But if you tell anybody else, you re gonna get it!
Tsubasa Juufuku: And I ve tried explaining it- but- they don t get it.
Ms. Juufuku: They wouldn t ever have gotten it. Just... make them think you ve g
iven it up. Do it in private.
Neco-Arc Evolution: U-understood! Yeah, your secret s safe with us!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, fine, come in close.
Neco-Arc Evolution leeeeans in
Neco-Arc Bubbles leeeeeans in over Evo s shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara looks shifty-eyed for a bit before leaning in himself
Kazuma Kuwabara: (....Gramps found a bunch of people killed in a bar!)
Neco-Arc Evolution falls off his stool
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- I don t want to do this behind the backs of some of my clo
sest friends. If they found out- they d think it s even MORE of a problem.
Neco-Arc Bubbles also falls
Ms. Juufuku: It looks like you re stuck.
Kazuma Kuwabara: See? I told ya!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m mostly concerned about the... doom.
Neco-Arc Evolution: That s... that s really serious!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! I know!
Don t you dare tell anybody!
Ms. Juufuku: You re still a teenager. Those are... trying times. If you have a g
loomy mindset, then you ll get gloomy premonitions.
Neco-Arc Evolution: W-wait, you can t just... c mon, give us the deets!
Tsubasa Juufuku: What did you do?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Tsubasa Juufuku: When you were- my age.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Alright.....He met the woman who killed em there, too!)
Neco-Arc Evolution has just climbed back to the stool when he says that
Neco-Arc Evolution falls again
Neco-Arc Evolution on top of Bubbles
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oof!
Kazuma Kuwabara: (He said she said somethin about killin them with her eyes...
.said they were all somethin from that dumb book gramps likes....)
(Dead Disciples, or whatever...)

Ms. Juufuku: I... well, I took a break. But that didn t help any. It s... it s l
ike a calling. You understand, don t you? You can feel it in your blood.
Neco-Arc Evolution: D-DEAD APOSTLES?!
Kazuma Kuwabara SLAPS his hand over Evo s mouth
Kazuma Kuwabara: SHHHHHHHH!
(Yeah! That s what they re called, now I remember!)
Neco-Arc Evolution: Mmfh mpmmh mmhmhhhph!
Kazuma Kuwabara: (What, did you read the book, too?)
Kazuma Kuwabara puts his hand off his mouth
Neco-Arc Evolution: Mmmmhhmhm, mh mh mh mmphm mmmhm mmhhhm!
Neco-Arc Evolution clears his throat
Tsubasa Juufuku: I can feel the call to- look to the future, yeah. But- I don t
want to just tell it how it is... I want to be able to- change how things are su
pposed to be.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Th-they re here?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Huh?
Who s here?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oh, man... that s... that s...!!
Neco-Arc Evolution faints
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Woah, hey!
Ms. Juufuku: ...Yeah. That s how I was, too.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubbles, what s his deal?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Then- why did you... go back to being an oracle?
Neco-Arc Bubbles makes fangs with her fingers
Neco-Arc Bubbles laughs like Dracula
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, yeah, they re vampires in the book, right?
Ms. Juufuku: There s a certain... comfort. In knowing the future. If you ve made
your peace with it.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Kazuma Kuwabara: We know that, already!
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I guess...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps says it s some kind of code, or
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s not my future that I worry about,
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe the book is predicting the woman
Tsubasa Juufuku: And I wish my prophecies weren t so...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hmmmm....

s attacks before they ha

Neco-Arc Bubbles shakes her head

Ms. Juufuku: Whose future is it? Your friends ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? What do you think it is, then?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m sure... I think- I keep seeing a future related to one of t
hem in particular. Do you- remember Kuwabara?
Ms. Juufuku: The one with the hair?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes.
Neco-Arc Bubbles shrugs
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Drawin a blank, huh?
You think you can wake Evo up?
Ms. Juufuku nods

Neco-Arc Bubbles shakes him

Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah... him in particular, I think.
Gein Mender: back, sorry
what did i miss
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mean- I never see myself in the visions.
Space (GM): fill him in duff
Mac D.: Tsubasa and Mumsy are discussing STRESSFUL ORACLE SHIT
Ms. Juufuku: Maybe that ll change...?
Mac D.: kuwabara just told the neco arcs about the incident at the BAR
aaand that s about IT
eldritch s.: also
why does everyone in the thread seemingly have this big boner for wig
Mac D.: she s nice
Tsubasa Juufuku: Maybe.
eldritch s.: i mean she s nice but i mean it s bizarre
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s only- two visions so far...
So I guess it could be a phase.
But if something IS coming...
Gein Mender nodded off
Space (GM): she s sweet
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
eldritch s.:
Ms. Juufuku: Nothing s coming. Don t worry.
eldritch s.:
finnandjake/images/4/48/The_Lich_King.png fucking love the arm tendons
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
....Hey, Gramps!
Mac D.: also this is a day late but can i preemptively nominate "Wow, Listen her
e you little racist" for Best Line Of The Game
Space (GM): yes
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at her
Tsubasa Juufuku: Really?
Ms. Juufuku nods, smiling
Ms. Juufuku: I would have picked up on something.
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to see whether she can observe any sort of hiding the trut
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 13
Mac D.: seer did you die again
There s a hint of something, but it s not malice
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Well, if you say so... but- if you are hiding something. I
d want to know. Even if it does make me- gloomy.
Ms. Juufuku: Hey. C mere.
Ms. Juufuku hugs her
Gein Mender: What?

Tsubasa Juufuku hugs back

Kazuma Kuwabara: You dozed off.
Gein Mender: No, I did not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You so did!
Gein Mender: Didn t.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I let the cats know about the thing at the bar while you were o
ut and everything!
Didja know they read the book too?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I just don t want to see bad things happen to people... Kuwabar
a s an imbecile, but I don t like seeing a vision of him being beaten.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh....Aaah CHOO!
Ms. Juufuku: I wouldn t, either.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Neco-Arc Evolution sits up
Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his nose, sniffling
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Kazuma Kuwabara looks and sees Evo back up
Chef: Yo, I got food!
Chef starts passing out items
Gein Mender: Really?
Chef: Sorry bout the wait. Deep-fryer broke.
Gein Mender: It s fine.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Tell dad I said Hi. But- thanks. I guess it might just be a
- phase.
Chef: Now, then... if you need anything, gimme a holler. Just don t get too loud
, you ll wake the neighbors.
Chef heads back to the kitchen
Ms. Juufuku: It s gonna be okay, Tsubasa. It s gonna be alright.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods slowly
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah...
Gein Mender gives George his food
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?...Oh, alright! Thanks!
Kazuma Kuwabara digs in
Gein Mender starts on his own
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just- stay safe mom. I wouldn t want to lose you... even if we
do- disagree.
Ms. Juufuku smiles, sadly
Ms. Juufuku: It s okay, sweetie. I m not going anywhere.
George: Arf!
George nom
the neco-arcs dig in as well
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Good.
Tsubasa Juufuku half-joking tone
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mean- I still need somone around to ask for tips in my premon

ition skills...
Ms. Juufuku: Heh. Yeah, true.
Tsubasa Juufuku: And I don t know how to grow that- plant we rely on.
Ms. Juufuku: ...Ah. Right. Speaking of...
Ms. Juufuku pulls a plastic baggie out of her pocket
Ms. Juufuku with the herb
Ms. Juufuku: In case you were running low.
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thanks, mom.
Ms. Juufuku smiles and hands it over
Kazuma Kuwabara: [OMFGROMFNOM
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll put it with the rest later.
Neco-Arc Evolution: ORMGFSCARF
Neco-Arc Bubbles: CHOMP
Kazuma Kuwabara: So, uh, Evo!
Ms. Juufuku: I think I should bring you the seeds, too. Next time I visit?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t have much of a garden though...
Neco-Arc Evolution swallows
Neco-Arc Evolution: Yes?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What was up with that reaction?
Ms. Juufuku: Clear some space.
Neco-Arc Evolution: What reaction?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Would I really be able to grow it in this environment though?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You passed out!
Neco-Arc Evolution: When?
Ms. Juufuku: You could always come back home, if it came to that...
Kazuma Kuwabara: When you said something about someone being "here!"
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah...
I guess I could.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Eh???
Tsubasa Juufuku: My room s still like how I left it, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You know!
(When I mentioned the Bar thing!)
(And the Dead Apostles!)
Neco-Arc Evolution: .......
Neco-Arc Evolution goes back to eating
Ms. Juufuku: I cleaned everything up. So you d have something nice to come back
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Hey!
Tsubasa Juufuku smirks a little
Neco-Arc Evolution hums loudly
Tsubasa Juufuku: Really, you re giving me more effort to make things comfortable
Ms. Juufuku: I thought you d like it...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, don t twist my arm to tell you then just ignore me!!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Gosh, this sure is a nice burger!
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, no- of course I would. Just... I feel like it s best that I
keep to myself, for now. Home feels... like a shrine. A workplace.

Kazuma Kuwabara: I m talkin to you, Evo!

Neco-Arc Evolution: Hey, Bubbles! Can you teach me how to do a suplex, someday?!
Ms. Juufuku: ...Well, alright...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Do you know somethin ?? You KNOW somethin , don t you!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m- sorry. But it s just how I feel. I don t want to be constr
icted by- well- the path of an oracle. I don t want to settle down so soon.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Keep it down!!
Ms. Juufuku nods, once
Ms. Juufuku: ...Whatever it is you do...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Ms. Juufuku smiles
Kazuma Kuwabara LEANS in
Ms. Juufuku: I m sure you ll do great.
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles back
Tsubasa Juufuku: It- means a lot to hear that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Spill it, already!....)
Neco-Arc Evolution: Keep it down-er...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: (I m already whispering!)
Paul: Hey, I m on the menu!
Hey Sakura, order me!
Sakura Tohsaka: Get down from there...
Paul: Actually, I kind of glued myself up here......Help?
Ms. Juufuku nods
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I m gonna go blog about this. Bye.
Paul: Sakura, nooooooo!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Down-er...!
Space (GM): we need a faceclaim for the rest of the servants
Kazuma Kuwabara: (I ain t goin any more down! Just talk!)
Neco-Arc Evolution: W-well, I, erm... forget I asked!
Tsubasa Juufuku decides her mother isn t one to ask advice about what to do abou
t friends that ve seen your pron collection. As though Ms. Juufuku is Ms. Juufuk
u, she is still mom.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I can t, now!
Bubbles, help me out here!
Tsubasa Juufuku: So...
I m glad you came over.
How have things been?
Mac D.: "Why honey, it s perfectly normal for girls to collect prawns!"
Ms. Juufuku: Well enough. The business is going fine as always.
Neco-Arc Bubbles is in a food coma from eating a hoagie as big as her head
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Good, good.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Aaaagh-!
Look, this is important, Evo!
Neco-Arc Evolution: It s nothing!! I can t say!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I trusted you enough to tell you, now you gotta trust me enough
to spill the beans to me!
That s Wrestler s Honor!
Neco-Arc Evolution: I m not a wrestler! That s Bubbles!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then that s Man s Honor!
Neco-Arc Evolution: I m a cat!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then it s honor among friends!

Tsubasa Juufuku: Anyway- is there anything else, mom...? Because- I mean. I gues
s I ve gotten everything off my chest... So- if you need to get back home... You
can go. I know that you- sometimes work 24 hour...
Ms. Juufuku: What time is it?
Tsubasa Juufuku checks the clock
Neco-Arc Evolution: ....Aaaaww, dammit!!!
it is hecka late
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s pretty late, mom.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now, c mon!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Look - this is for your own - this is for your own safety, o
kay? And Bubbles, and your sister, this- you don t wanna get wrapped up in this,
trust me!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Isn t that what I said!?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Well, it s true-er!
Ms. Juufuku: Alright.. then I ll be going.
Ms. Juufuku stands up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Quit it with the "-ers" and just tell me!
Ms. Juufuku: It was nice talking to you.
Tsubasa Juufuku: And you, mom.
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles
Neco-Arc Evolution: I caaaaaaaaaaan t!
Ms. Juufuku smiles back, giving her another hug before she heads out
Tsubasa Juufuku: Stay safe!
Ms. Juufuku: Be seeing you, Tsubasa.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then I guess you won t be watching anymore of my Dynamite RIN m
Neco-Arc Evolution: G-Tsubasa Juufuku sighs, feeling a lot better
Neco-Arc Evolution: G--ghk--!!!!
If that s what it takes.
Tsubasa Juufuku and decides to check back on her computer
Neco-Arc Evolution: I can deal with that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Hmph! You got nerves of steel all of a sudden, cat...
Neco-Arc Evolution: This is important...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: If it s important, I oughta know about it! So I can tell the po
lice and let them handle it!
Mac D.: experience a bonding moment with your frequently-conflicted-with mother?
come to lumpy s.
Neco-Arc Evolution: No! No, no, no, no! No police!!
MrEForEccentric: Is your mom a whoracle?
Come to lumpy s
Kazuma Kuwabara: What?? Why not!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Because then they re in danger, too!
Kazuma Kuwabara: The cops? In danger!?
How serious is this!?
Mac D.: tsubasa sees a shit ton of ads on her computer for lumpy s
Neco-Arc Evolution: That s it! No more talking for me!
Neco-Arc Evolution zips his lips

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Dammit, Evo! Me and Gramps have already been dragged into th
is more than I d like!
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa: "What the shit"
Neco-Arc Evolution folds his arms, turning and looking away
Kazuma Kuwabara: And if you re not gonna tell me, you re gonna have to take it u
p with him!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hmmph!
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to resume her MAGICAL GIRL ANIME... which has some girl w
ith a Scythe fighting another girl with a baseball bat
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit!....Bubbles!
Mac D.: the show is filled with commercials for lumpy s
MrEForEccentric: "Dammit, I don t want a fast food chain infiltrating my anime"
MrEForEccentric: "This is worse than that time I tried to watch that Mecha anime
, that had Burger King as a sponsor"
MrEForEccentric: "Just leave my Extreme Magical Girl Super Fun Storm alone, damm
Mac D.: the magical girls all look at her
"tsubasa, you must go to lumpy s"
MrEForEccentric: "Some of you are dead by this season! What the shit is this con
tinuity rape for the sake of advertising?"
Mac D.: "he is so lonely, tsubasa. the cats won t talk to him anymore."
MrEForEccentric: "Talk to my mom. He ll be less lonely."
Mac D.: "that s gross, tsubasa"
"you know what s not gross the food at lumpy s"
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa- will pimp out her own mom
Mac D.: where did SPESS go
MrEForEccentric: Good question
Mac D.: brb grabbin a coke
a coke is now in my possession
MrEForEccentric: ok
But I m afraid
I must sleep
Mac D.: nooooo
ok gud nacht
MrEForEccentric: good nacht
Space (GM): nite olive
srry was migrating to basement
Mac D.: you came too late!.....
do you think seer is gone for the night
Space (GM): maybe, maybe not
mobile said she d take a shower and post in the fg/maybe roll20
this was some time ago
fox ll be good for roll20 soon, but for now we re rping over skype
he s heading home
Mac D.: hahahah my internet exploded again
but now i m back bby
mobile told me over PM she can t do so tonight
the way she typed i think something was bothering her
Space (GM): aw
oh, man
i hope she s okay
Mac D.: maybe it was something that happened during the day
i might ask tomorrow
hey how about

a rider flashback
Space (GM): sure - but to where
Mac D.: perhaps a day on his job as a ruthless Vampire Rehabilitator
is he on his own tonight
Sakura Tohsaka steps out from the shadows of the building
Sakura Tohsaka: Hey.
Paul adjusts his jacket, and looks over at Sakura
Paul: ...Oh! Sakura!
Hah...You always manage to sneak up on me..
Sakura Tohsaka smiles
Sakura Tohsaka: I guess it comes with the territory.
Are you ready to go?
Paul: Yeah, I m ready.
Sakura Tohsaka nods
Sakura Tohsaka: So, what s our plan tonight?
Paul: The usual....We look around, try and be helpful.
Sakura Tohsaka nods
Sakura Tohsaka: Sounds good to me...
Alright, let s get toing.
Paul nods and walks down the road
Sakura Tohsaka: So...
Paul: Mm?
Sakura Tohsaka: How have the others been doing?
Paul: Pretty good, actually! They re doing a great job trying to readjust.
....There ve been.....a few bumps in the road, but nothing that can t be bounced
back from.
Sakura Tohsaka: I m glad to hear it.
Paul: And how about you? Are things okay?
Sakura Tohsaka: They re okay. We re doing good work here, so that s what matters
the most.
Paul nods and smiles at her
Paul: I
*I m glad things are working out...
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah. Things have definitely improved since... well, you know.
Paul: And how about you personally? Make any new friends?
Sakura Tohsaka: A couple, yeah. They re either vampires or they re on the intern
et - you think that last one counts?
*second one
Paul: I don t see why it wouldn t!
Sakura Tohsaka smiles again
Sakura Tohsaka: I actually... I joined this new roleplay, online, and I think th
ings are going pretty good so far!
Paul: Roleplay?.....That s one of your writing things, right?
Sakura Tohsaka: Oh. Right, um, it s... yeah! It s basically pretty much a collab
orative writing thing.
Space (GM): i need a less "i hate everything" sprite of sakura
Paul: You should show me what you ve written, sometime! I hear all of this, but
I never get to see any of it...
Sakura Tohsaka: Well, erm... heh, it s actually, ah... heh heh...
...Oh, look, it s OSA*P! Heh, think they d let you back in by now?
Mac D.: hope yo

u like shooping
Space (GM): too cheery
there must be a balance
Rider: Hah! You think ten years is a long enough for them to forget?
Paul: this is going to be difficult to unlearn
Space (GM): should i get rid of the class versions
Mac D.:
maybe not yet iunnp
Sakura Tohsaka: Maybe they re under new management?
Space (GM): that is a good one
Paul: Could be....they re likely closed, though.
Let s keep going.
Sakura Tohsaka: Sounds good.
...Hey, Paul.
Paul: Mm?
Sakura Tohsaka: Do you keep up with wrestling that much?
Paul: Oh! Wrestling s still popular this day and age?
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah, professional wrestling, it s called.
Paul: My boys at the logging company would hold competitions for fun. Host betti
ng pools and everything!
Sakura Tohsaka: Heh... it s a bit bigger than that, now. They have, like, stadiu
m seating and everything.
Paul: Wow....That sounds like something I need to see!
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah! The reason I m asking...
Mac D.: here s an idea i had
involving Rider s past
Sakura Tohsaka: Well, Rin s signing up to be a pro wrestler.
Space (GM): tell me
i wanna hear
Mac D.: well he spent most of his life running a logging company
which he built after spending his youth roughing it in the forest
Space (GM): ooh
Mac D.: at some point due to some event Paul decided to return to a life of isol
ation with Babe in the wilderness for the remainder of his life
which was a very long time
and the isolation caused him to regress mentally
and Babe ended up passing away before he did
so he ended up dying quietly in the woods friendless and alone
and that was his one sole regret before dying
Space (GM): oh
oh that s sad
Mac D.: this is why he puts such importance on basic human interaction
Space (GM): i like rider a lot
Mac D.: and why he s so empathetic towards people who isolate themselves or don
t seem to have friends
now that he s spent a decade in civilization living among people again
he s becoming more lucid and returning to the way he was when he ran the logging
Space (GM): cleaned up his act
Mac D.: i think he s also starting to lean towards more pacifistic tendencies
and he feels quite a measure of guilt for the way he handled dealing with kelby
and lorelei
no matter how justified it was
Space (GM): what about roa how does he feel about him
Mac D.: he s unsure if any non-aggressive method will work, but if one presents
itself, he d be more than willing to try
oh hey fox i was talking about rider
Fawkes M. (GM): I

@Duff: Which one?

Space (GM): this one
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh dang
He s dyed his beard
Space (GM): timeskip
Mac D.: it s darkened with age and wisdom
Space (GM): (also, dufffff)
Mac D.: alternatively he dyed it a shade of purple to make sakura happy
naaah that doesn t look purple enough
Paul: Really? Rin?
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah! She s planning on calling herself "Dynamite RIN."
Paul: I had no idea she was interested in that sort of thing.....
Ooooh, that s an exciting name!
Sakura Tohsaka: Well... from the way she was talking about it, it s a PR thing,
mostly. Which I don t really get, but... yeah, it s gonna be something!
Paul: Will it be live? Can I watch it on my cable box?
Sakura Tohsaka: I think so, yeah. I could probably record it, if you can t.
Paul: Well, I d appreciate that!
Paul walks along the road, hands in his jacket pockets
Sakura Tohsaka follows, generally in a good mood
Paul smiles to himself at Sakura s cheery demeanor
Sakura Tohsaka: ...?
Space (GM): fawkes you still there?
Mac D.: good job champ
Fawkes M. (GM): Who should I play?
Mac D.: ideally a vapmire
Paul: So! Have you been seeing anybody?
Sakura Tohsaka blinks
Sakura Tohsaka: W-what?
Paul: You know....
Sakura Tohsaka: I - I-- I haven t--!
Paul: Really? Aw, that s a shame. Nobody quite boyfriend material yet?
Sakura Tohsaka: Well...
Sakura Tohsaka takes a minute to compose herself
Sakura Tohsaka: Well, the thing is... there haven t been any guy vampires. So, u
Paul: ....Sticking with vampires, huh?
There s a soft sound behind Sakura.
Sakura Tohsaka: Well, it...
Paul: ...?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Let s talk about this some other time.
Paul looks behind him in Sakura s direction
Sakura Tohsaka also turns to look
There s nothing.
Though, illuminated by the streetlight - is that a teeny splotch of blood?
Paul: .....
Sakura Tohsaka: ......
Paul looks at Sakura
Sakura Tohsaka looks back at him after a second

Paul: Can you take the rooftops?

Sakura Tohsaka: Got it.
Sakura Tohsaka climbs up the side of a building
Paul starts patrolling the roads at higher speed
Paul doesn t find anything so far, but Sakura does notice another splotch of blo
Sakura Tohsaka: .....
Paul: ...?
And another.
Paul looks up at a roof
And another.
Sakura Tohsaka: Over here. Hurry.
Seems to be one of those trails of blood...
Paul nods and LEAPS onto the rooftop, landing near Sakura
Paul notices the blood trail
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Be careful, okay?
Paul smiles at her
Paul: Since when am I not careful?
Paul turns and puts his serious face back on, following the trail of blood
The trail leads to an alley - where else?
Paul: ....Of course.....
Paul slowly approaches the alley
Fawkes M. (GM): FECK I must brb
Space (GM): seems the Nightbringer must be on the token layer for the aura to ap
Mac D.: space let us amuse ourselves while we wait
Space (GM): oho
Mac D.: oh wow is it literally an aura emanating from a character
Space (GM): yea
Mac D.: that s amazing i love it
Space (GM): it s an easy way to fake the effect of a night cycle
without having like a separate night map
Mac D.: you re a smart boi u know that
Space (GM): 8)
Sticking out from under a dumpster is someone s bloodied leg.
Sakura Tohsaka: .....
Paul looks over
Paul: .....
Paul approaches the dumpster, and knocks on it like a door
Sakura Tohsaka hangs back
Paul: ...Hello?
No response.
Paul takes a knee and inspects under the dumpster
Paul: Helloooo?
Mac D.: are you gentlemen whispering to each other

There s nothing aside from this than a leg.

Space (GM): noap
Paul: ....
It s literally a severed, bloodied leg.
Paul pulls the leg out and holds it up
Paul: Oh, dear....
Gein Mender: i am back
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Mac D.: we re doing a flashback
Gein Mender: i am revitalized in my soul for fothe and such things
Space (GM): hello
Mac D.: unfortunately mobile has spirited away
to bed
eldritch s.: i know
Mac D.: so you re stuck with US
eldritch s.: i am still revitalized in my soul for things where i am the gm
Space (GM): what caused this revitalization
It s a leg.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka looks away
eldritch s.: just a slow building of
Paul sets the leg down on the ground
Paul: Sorry....
eldritch s.: and some ideas
and being in a good mood
Space (GM): that s basically how i feel ever since we started doing these slice
of lifes
i am glad to hear
hey seer wanna hear something annoying i been meaning to tell you about
Paul: Alright....Let s keep looking. I can dispose of the leg later.
eldritch s.: what is anoying
Space (GM): you know how hotline miami 2 ends
Mac D.: i doooo
cuz i whore spoilers
eldritch s.: yes i spoiled myself like a fuck
duff and i are going to a special place in hell
Space (GM): I Do Too Now Apparently - just from reading random things on tvt tha
t aren t even hotline miami pages
Hang on, Paul - that leg still has a pant leg on it.
eldritch s.: the people who read the spoilers first
Space (GM): i don t wanna know the context
the one thing i been trying to keep myself spoiler-free on
Paul: ....?
Space (GM): and i failed...
Paul inspects the PANTS
eldritch s.: yes, it ends with biker coming out of the closet to futits
you need to face the reality
Space (GM): it changes how i am going to play him
oh i forget did me and fox tell you guys about the sbr plot
biker s servant is gilgamesh
Mac D.: you DID
eldritch s.: what
oh this
i m tempted to try a hotline miami 2 character in the fg

It seems to have someone s ID in it.

Mac D.: do the cop
eldritch s.: just because i actually do like the game
Mac D.: manny pardo yes
Space (GM): i wanna
Paul: ...Huh?
Space (GM): i wanna get this game very soon
Paul checks the ID
eldritch s.: fuckin manny pardo
see from anyone else that d be badass
but from him
eldritch s.: it sounds so fucking childish
Space (GM): play as one of the fans
eldritch s.: i like the fans
Mac D.: did you like gottagetagrip
eldritch s.: all the characters mix up the gameplay a bit
Space (GM): i heard there s one character where you play as two people or someth
eldritch s.: yup
a fan
Space (GM): that s sweet
It s one "Ayako Mitsuduri".
eldritch s.: do you mind
gameplay spoilers
like just mechanics
Paul: ...Ayako....Mutsuduri....
Space (GM): i am leaning towards a complete no spoiler policy
Paul looks at Sakura
Space (GM): are you gonna talk about the reporter dude
Sakura Tohsaka: .....
Paul: Do you know anybody with that name?
eldritch s.: do you know his gimmick
Sakura Tohsaka: ...She went to school with me and Rin.
Space (GM): pacifist run
Paul: .....
eldritch s.: yeah
Space (GM): which turns to berserker rage
eldritch s.: that s so cool
Space (GM): ikr?
Paul: ....We ll check there.
Space (GM): it s completely unexpected for hotline miami
eldritch s.: going berserk does havoc to your score
Sakura Tohsaka: Well, she s... probably as old as Rin, now.
Space (GM): ooh
eldritch s.: it wants you to play pacifist
Paul: ...Oh! Oh, right....
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Was as old as Rin.
Paul: ....I forget how fast time goes, sometimes.....
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Yeah. Me, too.
eldritch s.: also his moustache
Sakura Tohsaka doesn t look a day older than when she was bitten
Paul: ....Did you have any idea where she might have worked?
eldritch s.: i ve listened to its soundtrack a few times

Sakura Tohsaka shakes her head

eldritch s.: as in the whole thing
Sakura Tohsaka: I barely knew her.
eldritch s.: it almost seems
Space (GM): is it good
eldritch s.: less offputting in its way
Paul: ...Hm....
eldritch s.: but more bangin
Space (GM): ooooho
Paul: ....We ll have to find another trail, then. Let s keep looking.
eldritch s.: like hm s soundtrack was
Space (GM): would you say hotline miami 2 is as a whole more or less banging tha
n 1
eldritch s.: kind of creepy, even when it wasn t
i really think hm2 is a worthy sucsessor
Space (GM): eeee
Paul continues the hunt
eldritch s.: also they say it s the last hm
Sakura Tohsaka sticks to the rooftops
Space (GM): but then the after-credits thing
which is the thing i was spoilered on
eldritch s.: i have heard it is the last hotline miami
Space (GM): fox do you care about hotline miami 2 spoilers
eldritch s.: so it s interesting
also i didn t get to see the janitors being evil
because the lp i saw
Space (GM): hahaaha
eldritch s.: didn t go into biker s stuff
Space (GM): that s a shame - i liked biker s gameplay more than jacket s
Paul will find another girl, bloodied and seemingly unconscious on the sidewalk.
Paul: ....!
eldritch s.: biker is scuh a douche
Paul runs over and immediately checks for a pulse
Space (GM): he s so fun
i wanna bring him back maybe
eldritch s.: i like the character design in hm2, for the people who have faces
No pulse, Rider. And she s bloodied as hell.
Paul checks the legs
Both legs. And she s wearing a skirt.
eldritch s.: also you hvae ti tryst a nab]
*trust a man
Mac D.: use your words
eldritch s.: with the name
manny pardo
it s just
not a name that intimidates me
Paul: ...
Paul checks her neck
eldritch s.: it sounds like something you say like you re whining to your mon
Space (GM): hhhehe
eldritch s.: he s caving my skull innnnnnnn
Bite marks.

Paul: ...Alright....
Paul gestures for Sakura to come over
eldritch s.: david young henning vs jacket
*not henning
Space (GM): is 2 more or less violent
eldritch s.: jut david young
Satsuki Yumizuka walks over
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
eldritch s.: like noticably
Satsuki Yumizuka: oh excuse me
eldritch s.: it s not that it zooms in
Sakura Tohsaka: there we go
eldritch s.: it is just
caually violent
in a way
like more intestines
and shit
Space (GM): i saw this gif on tumblr
of a mob dude getting his face bisected by a skateboard
eldritch s.: yeah
Space (GM): amazing
eldritch s.: like
in hm1
you shoot a guy
there s blood
he falls
that s basically it
Paul gestures to the girl
eldritch s.: sometimes a limb comes off
in h,2
his torso
is just fucking ripped open
more often than not
Space (GM): ohoho
Paul: Let s get her inside.
eldritch s.: it sneaks more violence in
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Alright. Where?
Paul: Is the usual place far from here?
Sakura Tohsaka: It s a ways. We ll have to go slower if we re carrying injured.
Space (GM): is the plot good
???: ...Mmm...
Did she just mumble?
Paul: That s fine.
Paul looks back down at her
eldritch s.: so far it s very nice
it hasn t taken on off yet
it s been a lot of build up
Space (GM): ooho
She blinks, slowly.
eldritch s.: and character introduction
Sakura Tohsaka: ....
eldritch s.: i ve been watching a slow lp so we ll see
Paul: ...

eldritch s.: i mean i know endings spoilers but

it s all about how they re
you know
it can sound one way on paper
and then in practice
Sakura Tohsaka: yeah
eldritch s.: it s different
thanks sakura
???: ...
Sakura Tohsaka: you re welcome seer
....You re going to be okay. Try to relax.
???: O...Okay...
Paul: What s your name?...
eldritch s.: also space
instead of trying to bring in fate people into that
crossover rp ferg proposed
Space (GM): hotline miami
eldritch s.: you should have thought of your true loyalty
that fucking town
Space (GM): oh my goodness
???: ...Y...
eldritch s.: that would end in so much insane lying and bullshit
???: ...Yumizuka...
eldritch s.: or some dickholes from morrowind
Satsuki Yumizuka seems to be breathing heavily
Space (GM): m o r r o w i n d
eldritch s.: or the
Space (GM): house telvanni is better
eldritch s.: can t hear you over our theme song:
Paul: Okay, Yumizuka. We re going to take you somewhere safe, and we re going to
take care of you, okay?
Try to rest, for now...
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka nods
Satsuki Yumizuka weakly
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Hey...
Paul: ...Mm?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I m thirsty. Can you get me something to drink?
Sakura Tohsaka: Don t think about that.
Satsuki Yumizuka has her red eyes shine in the moonlight
Paul: We ll get you something to drink once you r safe. Okay?
For now, try think about something else.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...No... I really need...
Sakura Tohsaka: Where is it you go to school?
eldritch s.: i m trying to think
Sakura Tohsaka gestures to Paul that they really need to get going right now
eldritch s.: how many ocs do i play vs established characters

Paul nods
eldritch s.: couting roll20s
it s more ocs
Space (GM): i think it s more ocs
Satsuki Yumizuka: H... Homu...?
Satsuki Yumizuka still pretty dazed
Paul gets to his feet, carrying Satsuki
eldritch s.: not conting roll20s
Paul: Upsie-daisy!
eldritch s.: it s more ecs i think
Satsuki Yumizuka: Eh...?
eldritch s.: it s pretty even
Satsuki Yumizuka is carried
Space (GM): still more ocs
eldritch s.: if i count ones
Paul: Time to get going!
eldritch s.: i mean to bring back in
Sakura Tohsaka: What s it like? I haven t been there in ages.
eldritch s.: but just don t
Paul starts walken
Rider spots a woman, just ahead
Paul: ...?
What s she doing going for a walk at 2 AM?
eldritch s.: i think one of my problems with the synthesis ending of me3 is
Paul tries to get a better look
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I... I like it...
Space (GM): fuckn heck my i key is acting up
eldritch s.: it comes with no real
draw back
Space (GM): you give away your humanity
eldritch s.: it s a deus ex machina option
not really, there is no sign of it in the game
She s clad in a simple kimono and black leather jacket.
eldritch s.: it is just the perfect, pretty little transhumansit option
Space (GM): me3 had dumb writer
eldritch s.: i dislike that
th original endign was foreshadowed
Mac D.: you know what s really dumb
eldritch s.: what
Sakura Tohsaka: That s good. It s a nice school, isn t it?
Mac D.: in a society of weightless holoblades
let s give the bad guy a regular-ass sword
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Yeah. The Archery club... Senpai...
eldritch s.: That was stupid
most of the things with me3 are
Satsuki Yumizuka coughs a bit
eldritch s.: kind of stupid
when given some thought
Sakura Tohsaka: Easy....

eldritch s.: control is what the illusive man wanted

Mysterious Woman stops walking, as she spots the three of them
Paul gestures to get Sakura s attention
eldritch s.: and synthesis is what saren wanted
so basically
Paul then gestures towards Mystery Woman
eldritch s.: it s fucking stupid
Mysterious Woman: ...
eldritch s.: the whole thing is just so asinine
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
eldritch s.: what kind of painkillers were they taking when they had this nice
interesting ending
about entropy
which was foreshadowed
in the second game, by7 haestrom
and then said
Paul looks back at MW, quietly
eldritch s.: "NAH FUCK THAT NOISE"
that fucking kid too
you know
i oculd have accepted
the catalyst
eldritch s.: had it not been
that fucking kid
Mysterious Woman: Lovely night.
Paul: ....Yeah.
eldritch s.: like do you know what i mean
Paul: Don t mind us.
Space (GM): annoying small child
eldritch s.: it was just
it was a hard thing to swallow
but then it s that fucking kid saing it
Mysterious Woman: Wasn t planning on it.
Mysterious Woman continues going her way
Paul: ....
eldritch s.: why couldn t they have just gotten someone who could voice a reaper
to do it
i loved all the reaper voices
Paul keeps walking, cautiously
eldritch s.: i liked sovereign the best
Space (GM): (also did fawkes die)
eldritch s.: i killed him
Mac D.: why seer
Space (GM): wanna go back to the diner
eldritch s.: because i could
Space (GM): oh wait he s here
Fawkes M. (GM): Sorry needed to go do something
eldritch s.: i actually really liked sovereign
Mac D.: the correct answer was "to measure my abilities"
eldritch s.: his voice
his lines
Mac D.: seer are you bored

Satsuki Yumizuka is still quarter-lucid

eldritch s.: the music that plays when you meat him
i m not in a gein mood atm
Mac D.: oh okay we ll keep at this then
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Let s hurry.
eldritch s.: i m just rambling because i have a bunch of thoughts coming from no
Sakura Tohsaka: Yumizuka?
Paul nods and walks
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Mm?
Sakura Tohsaka: My name s Sakura. And this is Paul. We re going to help you, oka
Paul: We sure will!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Help? I feel fine...
eldritch s.: i am trying to think
how i would make
someone like
Paul: We have a lot to talk about. Just rest for now.
eldritch s.: a supporter of the gods in fothe
Sakura Tohsaka: You re going to feel better soon. It s going to be alright.
eldritch s.: sympathetic
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Space (GM): that one paladin
Satsuki Yumizuka is thirsty but isn t saying anything about it
eldritch s.: i don t know how i would make him sympathetic though
Paul: ....Say, I ve never tried Archery before.
Space (GM): hes trying to do the right thing
Paul: What s it like?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...It s tough, you gotta... follow through and all that...
eldritch s.: yes but
the thing is
i want to mak him genuinely
Paul: Follow it.
eldritch s.: evoke sadness for his state at a certain point
Space (GM): play sad music
Mac D.: is the big building the their destination
Space (GM): sad music helps
nope i m adding the map of it
Mac D.: hokay
eldritch s.: also
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
eldritch s.: did you notice who was standing by the archangel
in fothe
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Are you part of the club?
eldritch s.: other than the "cunt elder"
Space (GM): the gross looking dude
eldritch s.: who
Paul: The archery club? Heh... Fraid not.
eldritch s.: there was birdman
and another gentleman
Mac D.: whered the music go
Space (GM): i turned it off fr some reason
Mac D.: this must be addressed
Space (GM): @ser: the guy w/ the wird name
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Then...
Paul: ...?
They re getting close.

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Ah. Sorry, I forgot.

Paul: Don t worry, I m sure it ll come back to you.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka keep the distractions coming
Paul: School sounds pretty nice. How about after school?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Eh...
...Did Kuzuki-sensei assign homework...?
Paul: What does he teach?
Satsuki Yumizuka furrows her brow to think
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...We re here.
eldritch s.: alom allswel
you remember him, don t you
Space (GM): ya
Paul: ...Ah-..Let s hurry inside.
eldritch s.: you remember how he died
Space (GM): he died?
Paul hurries inside with Satsuki in tow
eldritch s.: he was stabbed
by the general
after pretending to be ibeid
Space (GM): oh right
Sakura Tohsaka shuts the door behind them as they enter
Sakura Tohsaka: You re going to be safe here.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Where...?
Mac D.: god damn sakura s house is rockin
Sakura Tohsaka: It s my house. You re going to have to be here for a while, okay
? Loke a sleepover.
Space (GM): *like
@seer: is he ok
Paul sets her down on the couch
Satsuki Yumizuka: Heheh...
Space (GM): sakura s room
Satsuki Yumizuka pomf
Space (GM): rin s
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Will we have food and drinks...?
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah. Rider, could you get her something?
Paul: Can do.
Sakura Tohsaka doesn t wanna leave him alone with her
eldritch s.: i had a thought and lost it
also he may be
or he may not be
Space (GM): icy, icy
Paul heads into the kitchen
Paul checks the fridge for blood bags
Satsuki Yumizuka has regained the strength to move her right arm
There s a goodly amount of them.

Satsuki Yumizuka is now starting to lick the back of her hand, blood and all
Paul: Here we go.....
Sakura Tohsaka: What re you doing, Yumizuka?
Paul pulls out a blood bag and a straw
Paul walks back into the living room
Paul: Here you go.
Paul hands her the blood bag and straw
Space (GM): hey seer
eldritch s.: yes
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Thir0
Space (GM): you should find a faceclaim for Saber After 10 Years
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Thir...
eldritch s.: even older man
Satsuki Yumizuka takes the blood bag
Space (GM): nah he d still look the same age
Satsuki Yumizuka siiiiip
eldritch s.: he s ancient
wizaened old crag
Paul: That better?
Paul has a seat on one of the stools
eldritch s.: he may have lost the beard, i dunno
i ll see what i find
Mac D.: he goes from looking like a king to looking like a history teacher
Satsuki Yumizuka: Yeah...
Satsuki Yumizuka drinks it like a kid drinking apple juice
Sakura Tohsaka: ...There s something we need to talk to you about. Is that alrig
eldritch s.: so i looked up charlemagne on deviant art
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Mm?
Space (GM): random anime dudes right
eldritch s.: so many question
Satsuki Yumizuka looks up from her straw - more lucid than before
eldritch s.: horses
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
eldritch s.: so many horses
Sakura Tohsaka looks to Rider
eldritch s.:
what the actual fuck
lipstick horse
Space (GM): did his internet explode
fox do you wanna continue our skype rp whilst we wait
@seer: that s pretty majestic
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh, sure


eldritch s.:
5ecagc.jpg maybe this guy
only problem is its a profile shot
Paul: ....Listen....Things are....going to be different, now.
eldritch s.:
tsuu.jpg he shaved and softened, maybe
Space (GM): i can t picture charlemagne without the beard
eldritch s.: so that would be a good picture
because he s changed his image
and you won t be able to tell
if they look anothing alike
Satsuki Yumizuka: Different, like...?
Satsuki Yumizuka sloooooowly looks down at the blood bag in her hand
Sakura Tohsaka: ......
Paul: ....Different like that.
eldritch s.: those were the only ones that would fir
Satsuki Yumizuka: .......
Space (GM): i kinda prefer the profile shot
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...........!
Space (GM): i ll make avvies of both of them
see a side-by-side
Paul: Easy, now...
eldritch s.: i started being partial to the without beard
It finally clicks - Satsuki drops the blood bag in a panic
Paul: Easy, deep breaths.
Satsuki Yumizuka: I-i-i-is that...
eldritch s.: we ll habe to see them next to each other, though
Paul nods
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Do you remember what happened tonight?
Satsuki Yumizuka looks down at herself - covered head to toe in blood
Satsuki Yumizuka: No, I justI-I don t reallyeldritch s.: hm
Paul: You were attacked.
Satsuki Yumizuka: B-by who?
eldritch s.: though i ve not read it, ligeia seems like an interesting poe story
Sakura Tohsaka: A vampire.
Paul nods in response to Sakura
Paul: ...A vampire...
Satsuki Yumizuka: L-like in the movies? Dracula?
Paul: Like in the movies, yeah.
Space (GM): read it
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Paul: Which means now.....
Satsuki Yumizuka puts a hand to the back of her neck
eldritch s.: there is an audiobook on youtube
Satsuki Yumizuka and flinches when she touches a raw wound
eldritch s.: it s like an hour
Sakura Tohsaka: ...You re one of the lucky ones. You re alive.
Space (GM):

eldritch s.: opinions, friends

Space (GM): depends on the direction you wanna take him
eldritch s.: i think
time has softened him a bit
Paul: ....There s been some changes in you, as a result.
eldritch s.: both men look kind of
Space (GM): beardless, then?
eldritch s.: i think so
Paul: You re not going to age anymore, for starters...
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
eldritch s.: it s also nice and different
i like people s look changing over time
Space (GM): yesh
Paul: And you re also stronger and tougher.
Satsuki Yumizuka is starting to slow her breathing a bit, though her heart is st
ill thumping
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
Space (GM): would he call himself charles or charlemagne
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Paul: And, of course......the obvious.
eldritch s.: charles
or carl
Paul gestures to the blood bag
eldritch s.: probably charles
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...A-am I gonna need more?
eldritch s.: he has some dignity left
Paul nods
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Charles: penis
Paul: Don t worry. My job is all about helping you.
Space (GM): looks good
Charles: unlimited penis works
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Thanks...
Paul: I have connections in the Red Cross, they can provide blood for you regula
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Really?
So, I won t have to...
Sakura Tohsaka has been keeping quiet for now
Paul: Not it can be helped, no.
eldritch s.: so what is going on with satsuki, i ve been distracted
Space (GM): i really like these new character designs
oh this is just
a flashback to when she was bitten
rider and sakura are helping her acclimate
eldritch s.: she was bitten|?
Space (GM): ohp, yes
spoiler alert
Paul: You won t be able to go outside during the day anymore. The sun ll burn yo
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
eldritch s.: was it by
count dracula
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...What about school, andSpace (GM): it s a secret
Sakura Tohsaka: Don t worry about that for now.

Paul: With any luck and a little bit of time, that problem ll be taken care of s
eldritch s.: can charles cameo in this them
Paul: We re going to do everything we can to make sure you can still live a norm
al life.
Mac D.: i don t see why not
eldritch s.: also both my fate characters are old men
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Thanks... Paul, right?
Mac D.: charles would probably be able to lend rider a hand in his rehab job rig
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): i was gonna have sakura go grab him
Paul smiles at her
Sakura Tohsaka: Do you have any family?
Paul: Yeah, Paul. Like the lumberjack!
Charles: known neither to life
nor to death
these hands will never hold any penises
so i pray
Satsuki Yumizuka: (Sakura) ...No. I ve made do on my own.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka: (Paul) ...Heh. I like his stories.
Paul: ....Oh...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I m going to go grab someone. Be back in a bit.
Sakura Tohsaka heads out to the garden
Mac D.: what is Charlie s job on the Vampire Rehab Team
eldritch s.: religious support
Charles stares at the bond
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Mac D.: "hello, filthy spawn of hell"
Charles: ...
Is there another?
Mac D.: "do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior"
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Well, at least I don t have to explain to them...
Paul: ...?
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah. She s shaken - I m not much for comfort, so I d like you t
o come help.
Satsuki Yumizuka sighs
Charles: As you wish.
Satsuki Yumizuka: I could use another drink right now...
Charles: I take it she is a recent convert?
Paul: Let s take it slow, for now.
Charles rises
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah. Since tonight.
Charles: I see.
Charles heads into the house
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Charlemange?
Paul looks and sees Charles
Charles: Yes
Sakura Tohsaka: How have you been?
Charles: Well.

Sakura Tohsaka nods

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Right.
Charles: My breathign exercises have been going well.
Sakura Tohsaka: Good.
Sakura Tohsaka leads him out into the room
Paul smiles and nods at Charles
Sakura Tohsaka: Yumizuka? Here s someone I d like you to meet.
Charles takes a seat
Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at Charles
Charles: Hello, my name is Charles.
What is yours?
Mac D.: "you better not have any god damn porn on you"
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Satsuki Yumizuka.
Charles: It is good to meet you Satsuki, if only we had met under better circums
Mac D.: can we bring Deidre into this in some way as well
Space (GM): certainly, in a bit
Charles: This is a place of peace, if you had not already discovered from my fri
Mac D.: perhaps via phonecall
Satsuki Yumizuka nods
Space (GM): have rider use his new-fangled technology
Charles: I take it they have welcomed you to stay for a time?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Yeah, they have.
Charles: Good.
Paul nudges Sakura
Sakura Tohsaka: Yes?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Are there any others here?
Paul whispers to her as Satsuki pays attention to Charles
Paul: (How are we on supplies?...)
Charles: It is a large house, it draws many guests and requires a few to maintai
We do not shut out doors to those seeking refuge.
Sakura Tohsaka: (We ll need more.)
Paul: (Right....)
Charles: I do not recall, are there any others here at the moment?
Paul sits up
Paul: Scuse me for sec, don t mind me.
Sakura Tohsaka: Right now - it s just us.
Sakura Tohsaka nods to paul
Charles: Ah, then you shall have your choice of room.
Paul heads into the garden and pulls out his CELLULAR MOBILE COMMUNICATION DEVIC
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Paul dials that numbur
Satsuki Yumizuka tries to stand - strength has returned to her legs
It rings for a few moments before someone picks up.

Charles: I understand that this is a trying time.

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Do you have a shower?
Charles: But be assured, you have people who are here for you.
Robin: Yo. Need something?
Satsuki Yumizuka is head to toe in blood
Charles: Ah, yes, I believe we do.
Charles rises
Charles: there isn t one on this map
Paul: Hey, Sakura says we re running low on supplies, and we have a new arrival.
Charles: nor a stairwell
Space (GM): picture them in the mind s eye
Robin: Right. Lemme grab Deidre.
Charles: I will take you there, if you would follow me.
Paul: How are things over there?
Satsuki Yumizuka nods
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Thank you.
Charles nods and takes her to a shower
Charles: It is no problem.
Robin: Goin pretty well. I m thinking about opening up a restaurant.
Paul: Is that so? Well, they re gonna need something to occupy their time...
Satsuki Yumizuka enters, closing the door behind her
Robin: Really, now...? Well, I ll keep that in mind. Hold on a sec.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I think she s taking it well.
Charles stands around
Charles: Surprisingly so.
Deidre Harker: Paul?
Paul: Deidre!
Charles: Perhaps there is a reason for it?
Sakura Tohsaka: She seems... I don t know. Strong.
Maybe that s the wrong word for it.
Paul: How ve you been! Everything going well?
Deidre Harker: Well enough. We re settling in just fine over here. How about you
? Robin said you needed something.
Space (GM): Still Night Class Reunion
Charles: It perhaps is the wrong word.
Paul: Yeah. We need to restock, and we have a new resident.
Charles: Some are strong, but the change affects them quite aversely.
Some seem weak, but they fare quite well.
Deidre Harker: How soon do you need me by? I can be there in an hour or so.
Charles: It is like the saying.
"If you wish to test someone s character, give them adversity".
Paul: Whenever you can manage. She seems to be adjusting pretty well, to be hone
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah. S what you are in the dark.
She s gonna be there all the time, now.
Deidre Harker: Better or worse than Sakura did?
Charles: It is to be expected.
So, how did you find her?
Paul: Seems to be a bit better!
Sakura Tohsaka: We were on a walk. Found a severed leg behind a dumpster. From t
here, it was just... following the trail.
Mac D.: will paul and charlie be going back out on a vamp hunt tonight
Charles: I take it the leg was not hers?
Deidre Harker: Too bad they can t all be that easy...

Space (GM): probably not tonight - but the next flashback

Mac D.: it can end with a transition
Sakura Tohsaka: No. It was someone me and Rin went to school with.
Charles: ...
Space (GM): you mean like a fade to black when i m about to pass out
Charles: Did she do it?
Sakura Tohsaka: There s no way of knowing.
Mac D.: i mean like them leaving the mansion followed by a few more words THEN a
fade to black
Sakura Tohsaka: We only found the leg.
Space (GM): ooh, yes
Charles: My condolences.
Paul: ....We do what we can. And we do it as well as we can.
Sakura Tohsaka shrugs
Sakura Tohsaka: I didn t know her.
Charles: She is still dead, there is someone in world who needs to have those wo
Hopefully they will recieve them.
Deidre Harker: Yeah. It s more effort than anyone else would ve gone to. We d be
lost without you guys.
Charles rubs his hands together
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Yeah.
Paul: Aaaaw, stop!
Paul scratches his head
Charles: It s cold tonight.
Deidre Harker smiles
Deidre Harker: I mean it, here.
eldritch s.: do servants get stronger with age
Sakura Tohsaka: I ve stopped noticing.
eldritch s.: is nice old man saber more of an asskicker than fat mean sbaer
Paul: Hah...Well, it takes a village. Where would we be without your support?
Space (GM): at this point he s probably at full servant strength, instead of jus
t Player Character Servant Strength
eldritch s.: i imagine he s still chubby
not as fat
Mac D.: fat mean saber is cornerd
wait no
Deidre Harker: You d probably be stealing from blood banks instead of borrowing
Mac D.: old nice saber is cornered
he cricks his back a little and summons both joyeuse and durandal
Charles: ... Do you not feel the cold?
The bathroom door swings open.
Sakura Tohsaka: I ve gotten numb to it, I think-Charles turns to the door
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka is standing there, clad in a bathrobe and holding her bloodied
clothes in a bundle
Paul: We wouldn t exactly know how to make the transition smooth, either! You ve
taught us a lot.
Charles: Ah, I will take those.
her hair s also wet and all
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Are you sure?

Charles holds out his hands

Charles: Yes, they should be cleaned.
Deidre Harker: Heh... well, Sakura s been just as much help with that as I have.
Satsuki Yumizuka hands over the bloodied clothes
Charles takes them
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Hey, Satsuki?
Paul: And whoooooo taught Sakura?
Deidre Harker: Yeah, yeah...
Charles shuffles to the cleaning room
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hm?
Deidre Harker you can tell over the phone that she is grinning
Paul: Heh!.....So, about an hour?
Charles begins scrubbing the clothes out
eldritch s.: what do i roll for cleaning
Mac D.: your Old stat
Satsuki Yumizuka: Finesse
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I know things seem bad now. But... well, I ve been in your sh
oes before. And it gets better. Just try to keep that in mind, okay? It ll help.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
eldritch s.: old man state is fivemilliom
Deidre Harker: Right, right. I ll see you then, okay?
eldritch s.: rolling 3d20
= 36
Satsuki Yumizuka gives a tired smile at Satsuki
Paul nods
With practiced hands, Charles scrubs out the blood.
eldritch s.: his finesse was zero with durendal
Paul: Hey, maybe we can play cards before you go.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Thanks, Sakura.
eldritch s.: i love that
no shit stat
Sakura Tohsaka smiles back
Fawkes M. (GM): Does he still have the Durandal finesse boost?
Sakura Tohsaka: Don t worry about it.
eldritch s.: i would imagine
Mac D.: graceful old codger
Deidre Harker: I d like that.
Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at a nearby clock
eldritch s.: if he is at full servant power i would assume, anyhow
Paul: Try and drag Robin along. I know how much he loves gambling!
Charles hands them out the window to dry

Charles: *hangs
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Should I stay up until dawn? Because, y know...
Deidre Harker: He s gonna end up beating us all if I do, you know that.
Paul: I dunno....I ve been practicing my poker face.
he s gazing fondly at a wall
Sakura Tohsaka: You won t need to sleep as much. Usually, you should be fine jus
t sleeping a bit during the day. It s your choice, though - it s pretty tiring,
Deidre Harker: Heh. Well, I guess we ll see. See you then.
Paul: Right, see you!
Paul hangs up
Space (GM): gilgamesh comes to reclaim the Greatest Wall In The World
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh, alright.
Mac D.: they dual to the death
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
eldritch s.: both die
Paul heads back inside
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...H-how do you...
Paul pokes his head in
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Pass the time if you can t go outside?
Paul: Hey, hey, hey, how s everyone doing?
Charles begins heading back, drying his hands
Charles: I am quite good, yes.
Paul walks in
Sakura Tohsaka: I read. And write, too.
Paul: We ll be getting visitors in about an hour.
Sakura Tohsaka: (Paul) Yeah. Me too.
Paul: That s right! Sakura talks to me all about her writing.
Satsuki Yumizuka nods in response to Paul
Space (GM): "i read and write = i spend all my time on tumblr and roleplays"
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...You write?
Paul: You try and get anything published, yet?
eldritch s.: oh my fucking god
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah! Heh, it s... well, I can t really say just yet. My, uh, my
sister - she wants me to help ghostwrite her autobiography. Spice it up a bit.
Mac D.: that is a man in an officer s coat and a katana singing like a musical
Space (GM): metal
eldritch s.: he s not singing
Space (GM): hahaha
eldritch s.: he is lip syncing
Space (GM): oh my god
eldritch s.: to the actual song
Mac D.: oh
Space (GM): fucking amazing
Mac D.: OH wow
i m sad now
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Oh. That s actually pretty cool!
Space (GM): oh my GOD
christopher lee

Satsuki Yumizuka: I could never get the hang of it. Do you think you could...
Paul: Sure, she can!
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah, definitely!
eldritch s. shows up, an old loser
Charles: i am too
Mac D.: now now seer
you re not old
Charles: Your clothes are drying, they will be ready in a few hours.
Fawkes M. (GM): What do you want played?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Thanks! (smiles)
Mac D.: space what do we want played
Charles nods, smiling
Satsuki Yumizuka: (Sakura) I d love that.
Paul smiles at the two of them
Paul then his smile fades as he puts a hand on Sakura
Satsuki Yumizuka is definitely a lot less shaken than before

s shoulder and looks down at her

Sakura Tohsaka looks at him

Charles: ... Oh, right!
I just remembered.
I keep planning on getting a plaque made.
... But I forget what I wanted on it.
Paul: Can you get her accustomed? I m going to head back out.
Space (GM): charles reminds me of ben franklin
Sakura Tohsaka nods
Charles: why
Space (GM): the hair
Satsuki Yumizuka: A plaque?
Paul smiles at her
Charles: Yes, something to set out our purpose.
Paul: ....You did an amazing job, you know.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Hmm...
...Can I try and help?
Sakura Tohsaka: Heh... hey, no way. You re the one we ve got to thank, here.
Charles: I was thinking of...
That was it, Matthew 25
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
Space (GM): a note while i m still thinking of it
i ve lost it
Satsuki Yumizuka has not been to the Kotomine Church, tis seems
Charles: It is a verse in the bible, you see.
It says:
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Fath
er, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
Paul: I mean it, you handled things perfectly out there.
Charles: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave m
e drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye
came unto me.
Sakura Tohsaka: So did you.

Charles: Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an
hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
Paul: Me? Nah....I could barely keep up.
Charles: When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed th
Paul: You re the star of the show, here!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Shouldn t it be a bit shorter?
Charles: Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
Well, I was getting to the exact part I wished for the plaqu.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh.
Charles: And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Ina
smuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have don
e it unto me.
That was it.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
...It means we should help everyone, right?
Paul looks up at Satsuki
Charles: It will still be sizable, but it is quite a bit less painful that pinni
ng a bible to the wall.
Paul: ...Yup! And that s exactly what we re here for.
Charles: And yes, it does.
Sakura Tohsaka nods
Sakura Tohsaka: This whole thing - it was all Paul s idea.
Paul: Oh, psh-...Was not!
Charles: It was, in fact, your idea.
Paul: You guys got the whole thing together, I m terrible at that kind of stuff.
Sakura Tohsaka: But you came up with it, right?
Charles: But without your vision, we would have nothing to build.
Paul: Hey, what good s an architect if there s nobody to lay the planks?
Charles: Please, let us not throw the credit around like blame.
It is a joint accomplishment.
Space (GM): it ll be weird to go back to still night
where everyone is sad and borderline crazy
Mac D.: a charming, heartfelt moment
cutting back to blood and violence and screaming
Fawkes M. (GM): The bloody journey makes the destination sweeter
Mac D.: "Hey, Charlie, what did you do before all this?..."
"Well, you see, child...."
Charles: i burned down porn stores
Space (GM): "i shed the blood of the saxon men"
Charles: and hallucinated gordon ramsay
There s a knock on the door.
Charles moves to the door
Paul: ...?
Oh, it s been an hour already?
Charles opens it
Paul: Man, how time flies...
Robin is standing there carrying like 5 huge boxes
Paul: Hey! Need help with those?
Robin: Yo, someone gimme a hand here? I m about to drop these.
eldritch s.: he slams it in his face
Paul takes them off his hands
Robin: Sweet, thanks.

Paul: Hoof!
Paul carries them over and sets them down in the kitchen
Robin: Heya, Charlie. How ya doin ?
Charles: I am quite well, thank you.
Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at Sakura
Paul dusts off his hands and walks back in
Charles: I have been trying to log our income and expenses.
Robin: That s the spirit. Makin money?
Paul looks at Satsuki
Charles: It is quite difficult when there is no incom.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey, so... do I just take a room?
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah. The, uh, the one with the smiley face is mine.
Charles: And keep a log of our visitors.
Paul: Not much of a smile...
Robin: Ah... oh, ouch. If you guys need any help, just ask, alright?
Charles: The first step to competent administration is record keeping.
Satsuki Yumizuka looks at it - that s a smiley face, all right
Charles: I will be sure to
Sakura Tohsaka: ...It s smiley enough.
Paul: Oh-...before you go, Robin!
Charles: Thank you for your generosity.
Robin: Yeah?
Oh, no problem.
Paul gestures to Yumizuka
Charles is writing in that big fucking book
Paul: This is Satsuki.
Charles with a pen and quill
Robin waves casually
Charles: *quill and inkwell
Robin: Yo, Satsuki. I m Robin Hood. How ya doin ?
Paul: Satsuki, this is Robin. He s one of the people who ll be helping us out.
Satsuki Yumizuka blinks
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I m doing well. Better.
Robin: Aces. Nice meetin you.
Hey, uh, by the way...
...Nah, it can wait. See you around.
Robin heads out
Paul: ...Hey, w-...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Hey, Charles?
Paul: ....Ah...Forgot to ask him where Deidre was
Charles: Yes?
Sakura Tohsaka: That s a smiley face, right?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
eldritch s.: is that his room
Paul: ...Oh!
Space (GM): nah it s sakura s
Paul looks back at Satsuki

Charles moves to look at it

Charles: ...
Is it meant to be?
Paul: Deidre s the one who gets us the blood we need. She s a vampire, too!
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah! ...Well, it is now. When I spraypainted it there, it was s
upposed to be a frowny face.
...Heh. Rin was so mad...
Charles: It looks neither upset nor pleased.
Paul: Don t be afraid to ask her about anything if she s around, she knows more
about this kinda stuff than any of us!
Charles: That is the perfect expression of apathy.
Satsuki Yumizuka nods
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Really?
Satsuki Yumizuka: I will.
Charles: Yes.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Huh.
Paul: Alright, well....
Sakura Tohsaka sounds genuinely surprised
Charles: I am sorry to say.
Paul: ....Guess, all there s left to say is, make yourself at home!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Thank you, again.
Paul gives her a friendly grin
Space (GM): i think this is the most heartwarming these sessions have got
Mac D.: it s made better by the fact that we ve watched their struggles
Space (GM): oh yeah for sure
before, they were crying and putting on happy faces and demolishing wooden statu
now they re supporting one another and have fancy haircuts and working together
Paul: ....Alright, think you can hold down the fort, Sakura?
Sakura Tohsaka: Yup. I got this.
Paul: Atta girl! If Deidre shows up, let her know I went back out.
Sakura Tohsaka: Will do... where re you going, though?
Charles slowly makes his way to a barrel labelled
Charles: "Inappropriate Materials"
Paul: ...Y know...Clean-up.
Charles just kind of sets it out
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Ah.
Satsuki Yumizuka follows Charles with her eyes
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
Sakura Tohsaka: Charlemagne, are you going with?
Charles: Oh, yes.
Let me just put on a coat.
Paul: Will you be alright? I can probably do it myself.
Charles is getting his coat
Charles: I will be quite fine, I assure you.
Charles puts it on
Paul rubs his neck
Paul: Alright....
Paul looks at the girls
Charles: My doctors could not keep me on my deathbed, you will not keep me here

Paul: We ll be back soon!
Space (GM): charlemagne:
gear/images/1/1a/Mgs4-1-lg.jpg "it s not over, paul, not yet"
Sakura Tohsaka: Be safe.
Paul: Of course!
Charles: We will be.
Satsuki Yumizuka is keeping silent for now
Paul heads out the door and starts walking down the dirt road
eldritch s.: she is distured b the prospect
of giving up her porn
Charles heads out too
Sakura Tohsaka: ...You doin
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Yeah.

okay, Satsuki?

Charles stops the hunched old man shuffle

Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey, do you have any pajamas?
Charles walks like a normal person
Paul: ....You really like playing the part for the kids, don t ya?
Satsuki Yumizuka: This bathrobe s a bit too stiff to sleep in, and I d rather no
t... well...
Charles: I like to think it comforts them.
Paul: I m sure it does...
Remember: Diplomacy first.
Charles: Yes, of course.
Sakura Tohsaka: Oh, yeah. Yeah, uh... we got some of Rin s old stuff we never bo
thered to throw out, lemme go see if, erm...
Sakura Tohsaka goes to rummage through surplus cloghing
Satsuki Yumizuka waits
Sakura Tohsaka returns with a set of pajamas
are they the cat pajamas
Paul walks down the road cricking his neck
they are indeed
Satsuki Yumizuka takes them
Satsuki Yumizuka: Thanks.
So, that room you went into...
It s open, right?
Sakura Tohsaka: It s my sister s room. But... well, she s not around Fuyuki much
anymore, so it should be okay.
Space (GM): me and fox are frantically trying to come up with a vampire
Satsuki Yumizuka: Alright.
Space (GM): please wait warmly
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I ll go and...
Mac D.: so you re not at passout point yet
i m so proud of you
Space (GM): nah
Satsuki Yumizuka starts to head to Rin s old room, eventuallyclosing the door be
hind her
The Lost Servants hear the shuffling of feet.
Charles: i am nearing pass out

Space (GM): oh damn

Mac D.: shall we stop for seer s sake
Space (GM): yes - this way we can just fade to black
eldritch s.: i try not to go later than like
Space (GM): 1:30 is my cutoff point
eldritch s.: twelve tops anymore
Mac D.: it s 2:00 right now
eldritch s.: except on weekends
Space (GM): did you guys like that flashback
eldritch s.: not in canadia
Space (GM): would you like to see more things of its ilk
eldritch s.: the gaijin pedos
Space (GM): i remember what i was gonna say
these flashbacks
all take place before the epilogue of fate/still night
this will be Important
oh it looks like
charlemagne got that fake eye from aoko after all
Mac D.: oooh goodness
Fawkes M. (GM): It needs to glow red whenever he gets pissed
Mac D.: what will the EPILOGUE be like goodness gracious
Space (GM): it s really too bad that i ve spoilered roa s involvement
that was gonna be the twisty hook
Mac D.: PFFT
who else could have been truly
Fawkes M. (GM): Iunno
Night of Wallachia or something?
Mac D.: did you come up with a way to take the lost servants out of the picture
for the duration of the game
Space (GM): yeah - i think so, at least
Mac D.: they don t die right
Space (GM): fuck no they don t die
Mac D.: aw ye
also i was going for a Good Dad Vibe with ten-years-older rider how d i do
Robin: Aces!
Faiga Tujimura: A much better dad than I was!
Mac D.: pfff
Space (GM): can i draw your attention to the screen please
Mac D.: my attention is drawn
Space (GM): compare/contrast
Mac D.: saber
shaved, humbled
Space (GM): maybe
he was bald the whole time
the crown
Mac D.: hoooooo shit
eldritch s.: i did always say he was balding
Mac D.: cleaned up hair
trimmed beard
eldritch s.: rider just cleaned up
Mac D.: no longer wears overalls
Space (GM): was rider s LARP character based on his life as a logging company du
Mac D.: basically yes
Space (GM): tell seer about rider s life
Mac D.: oh did space get rider s life backstory yet i do not think he did

eldritch s.: saber now looks like a monk

Mac D.: can you open the chatlog without your computer exploding
Fawkes M. (GM): You didn t give the mandatory three act play, Duff
Space (GM): fox remembers
Mac D.: is he bitter
Fawkes M. (GM): Not really
Just confuzzled
Space (GM): that s his secret
eldritch s.: no
Mac D.: okay then i will describe it here
eldritch s.: i like the cast list
i was about to go to bed
Space (GM): the folders
Mac D.: would you like to hear rider s story or go to bed
Space (GM): leave it here for tomorrow, the description of his life
eldritch s.: i m going to bed now
Fawkes M. (GM): Whatever is most convenient for us
eldritch s.: good night
Fawkes M. (GM): Night
Mac D.: okay night
i ll tell it to him later
and then there was three
the power trio
Space (GM): i m gonna set up the dojo then head to bed
Mac D.: hokay be sure to let me see it
Space (GM): of course
Fawkes M. (GM): Actually, Duff
Would it be more viable to send it to us via Skype and/or PM?
Mac D.: but don t you know the backstory now fox
i am looking at the roll20
Space (GM): the token i have for making something night or not is called
Mac D.: ooooohohohohoho
Space (GM): shes very scary
Mobile L.: Benis
Space (GM): hay hay hay
Mobile L.: Hola
Space (GM): behold the compare/contrast
Mobile L.: Dayyyyymn, son
Chazzle s mellowed out
Space (GM): he dun did shave, he did
would caster call himself nick or nikola
Mobile L.: I think he d split the difference and go by Niko. That s the Serbian
pet name for Nikola.
Space (GM): ooh, i like
also - what s gunther s theme again? i cannae find it
Mobile L.: Lemme dig it out of my PM box real quick, one sec
Aw yeah
Is Ajax a member of this family or nah?
Space (GM): yesh
assuming olive desires it
Mobile L.: Cool. He ll be the aloof vampire rehab fellow
Space (GM): stares fondly at the new vampires
did you read last night s sesh?

Mobile L.: Yep, I had a peek. Massive d awws.

So that s how she got the burns, she was out in the sun.
Poor gal
Space (GM): she had to get to the truck
Mobile L.: Bless her heart
Space (GM): i am pleased with this new folder system for chairs
Mobile L.: Dude, same
Very neat and handy
Space (GM): more compare/contrast
Mobile L.: Aaaa, Shiki
Space (GM): i am happy with that effect
oh did you get a chance to see the various enemies
Mobile L.: Haven t just yet
7-11 Guy: sup
Mobile L.: Is the 711 Guy title like the Dread Pirate Roberts title?
Space (GM): it is passed on through trial by combat
Mobile L.: Aww, she s a cute enemy
Space (GM): hhhehe, that s a he
Mobile L.: Oh dear
Space (GM): Young Person Enemy
Mobile L.: Purdiest of purdy boys
Space (GM): majestic
Mobile L.: Pup pup pup
Is that a boy too?
Space (GM): ye
Mobile L.: My gawd
Space (GM): that one is also a boy
Mobile L.: Is he their dad?
Space (GM): nope
Mobile L.: Is he nonetheless disappointed at their life choices?
Space (GM): he s actually
this one s employee
Mobile L.: Is that one a boy?
Space (GM): no that s a grill
Mobile L.: Thank God
Space (GM): hhhe he hehee
Mobile L.: Is this Flirty Burger Girl s asshole older brother?
Space (GM): no thats a grill
Why is everyone so drog?
Space (GM): animu
i forget - did i tell you about this guy
Mobile L.: @dril
Not yet
Space (GM): he s completely unrelated to all the vampire stuff
and is from america, on the hunt for gein
Mobile L.: Oh wow
He s fuck t
Space (GM): you ever see no country for old men
Mobile L.: Oh god, yes. Is he like Chigurh?
Space (GM): if he emoted more and was a biker dude
Jason Artimenner: e s got a familiar last name
Mobile L.: Related to Thriceman?
Also, he s totally:
Space (GM): certainly, it is apossiblity
oh my god
who he

Mobile L.: He s from Raising Arizona, also a Cohen Brothers movie

Space (GM): ooo
Mobile L.: #goals
That guy I showed you is also sorta like Anton Chigurh, except quieter and maybe
more physically intimidating
Raising Arizona is a must-watch
Space (GM): is that small child named arizona
Mobile L.: Yep, he s Baby Arizona
There s a lot of fuss made over him, even though he is but a small baby
Space (GM): oooh
Mobile L.: It comes on TV every now and then. record it if you catch it.
Space (GM): shall do so
Mobile L.: Every Lost Servant got all ~serene~ and shit over the timeskip
Space (GM): they re no longer frazzled due to d s machinations
Mobile L.: They smoked Tsubasa s ganja
Space (GM): they both look like it
rider just kinda looks o_O
Mobile L.: Natural herbal remedies
If Ajax gets any more chill than his present day self, he s gonna be falling asl
eep in his future pic
Space (GM): amazing
Mobile L.: Stone and Box are kinda concurrently whinging on BW r/n :|
Space (GM): i have chosen to tune them out
Things That Are Not Rly Worth It
Mobile L.: Stone has drunkenly(?) threatened to quit on low self-esteem grounds
at least five times now and it s like >:?
Space (GM): do you think he ll still hang about
Mobile L.: Yeah, I think so. I think he s just lonely and intoxicated or somethi
I feel bad for him, but every time he does it, it s unprompted
And then he just kinda forgets it and goes back to normal
Space (GM): s h u g
there s an r in there somewhere
Mobile L.: It fell to the second line
Space (GM): eep, gotta grab my charger
Mobile L.: Mm, Box, I go several days without FGing all the time and it does lit
tle to harm me
A ight
Space (GM): test
Mobile L.: Hallo
Space (GM): i m not sure if box is really taking a break or if he s just like st
aring longingly at the fg but not posting
Mobile L.: I think it s the latter
I ve done some of the latter too, tho :P
Space (GM): dost thou wisheth to fg, speaking of which
eldritch s.: i ve come to collect
Space (GM): yo seer
i was thinking
we could fothe tonight, then do still night on friday?
eldritch s.: yes
that s fine
Mobile L.: RE: FG: My inspo kinda shriveled up, though I d like to soon.
eldritch s.: that s what i be;ieved we were going to do
where the hell is duff
Space (GM): eye dee kay
eldritch s.: motherfuck
Space (GM): hey seer check this out
Mobile L.: Somebobby Skype he

eldritch s.: yeah, skype him

i saw
Space (GM): im eating dinner right now - will when done
eldritch s.: one wonders waht change lancer will undergo
Space (GM): yesh
Mobile L.: I predict he ll be so mellow in the future, he ll be sleeping in his
eldritch s.: they all look a bit older
Mobile L.: Just old enough
Tesla s on the meds in the future
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: is he now
eldritch s.: i think i have more characters to ocntrol
than a player should be allowed
Avenger: p
Space (GM): how many
Charles: e
Mobile L.: No one man should have all that power
Gein Mender: n
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt: i
Saber: s
Space (GM): that is a goodly amount
@mobi: whut does that mean
Mobile L.: Long live the race
Space (GM): i se
*i see
*yo se
eldritch s.: yo se
Mobile L.: Which I think refers to Chicanos/Latinos in general
eldritch s.: yose
Mobile L.: *S
Space (GM): we can t all do fancy squiggly letters
eldritch s.: si
Mobile L.: Pues, es posible, solo necesitas aprender
eldritch s.: i m just trying to think
Mobile L.: It s hard to do on a Windows
eldritch s.: the cast of fothe is going to spiral wildly out of control
just with the numbers
Mobile L.: Lots of upcoming characters?
Space (GM): just copy/extend campaign
eldritch s.: i know
but i mean
Space (GM): delete the ones you don t need
eldritch s.: each empire
has a new castr
Space (GM): oho
loads and loads and loads of characters
eldritch s.: eridu has lots of politics so of course
characters up the anus
i seee characters as
tokens in a way
their lives, anyhow
they have use to me when they re alive, but i always want to "cash them in"
eldritch s.: at some point
if you catch my drift
Space (GM): my goal is to make an emotional connection be formed between the pla
yers and the npcs, to make their inevitable demise all the sweeter

i think we are both evil gms

eldritch s.: i mean
i knew that
in the nameless city
i wanted to fucking smash
whoever the payers got involved with
Mobile L.: Seeing characters as expendable tools is the ideal GM mindset
eldritch s.: it s not even expendable
i flat out want them all dead
it s just a matter of whether or not their use alive outweighs their use dead
Mobile L.: I for one see all my PCs that way, most of the time
eldritch s.: my pcs are always different
i regard their deaths very shrewdly
unless they re oneshots
Mobile L.: Someone stop me, I m gonna fuckin Arena
eldritch s.: a mistake
latest?cb=20140822144548 mustache
Space (GM): mobile
don t
eldritch s.: it is a bad idea
Space (GM): fg instead
eldritch s.: never before has the aerna been so full
of assholes
and dickheads
to quote hm2:
Mobile L.: But I am morbidly attracted to it
eldritch s.: "Man, this party stinks. I fucking hate these people."
Mobile L.: Hee
eldritch s.: that is a quote, verbatim
Mobile L.: Very appropos
Space (GM): who s your favorite pro wrestler
Mobile L.: Nacho from Nacho Libre
Space (GM): did you see the part where neco-arc bubbles was gonna become a wrest
Mobile L.: Ooh, I missed that
Space (GM): it will be a sub-arc
the training of bubbles, and finally, the competition
Mobile L.: Is she gonna fight Dynamite Rin?
Space (GM): dynamite rin hasn t entered the arena
not after that fateful night, five years ago...
Mobile L.: Did she have a drug-related thing happen?
Space (GM): that s entirely possible
Mobile L.: Eehee
Space (GM): i m adding wrestling themes for various enemies now for Some Reason
Mobile L.: Do iiiiiit
Space (GM): 7-11 guy s theme is Cult of Personality and i have decided you guys
will be wrestling a robot
Mobile L.: Aw fuck yeah
Arm wrestling or regular wrestling
Space (GM): pro wrestling
assuming your chars join the TOURNEY as well
Mobile L.: I think Gnther would be down for it
There s much comic potential in such a thing
Space (GM): what will be his wrestling name
Mobile L.: Hmmmm
I ll have to think on that
Space (GM): also find a pictur if at all possible
Mobile L.: A ight

Space (GM): is a seer still a here

Mobile L.: I unno, is he?
eldritch s.: am i
Mobile L.: are youuuuuu?????
Space (GM): come, friends, to a world of pure imagination
eldritch s.: she goes up against the ultiamte warrior s ghost
Space (GM): i wonder what the ultimate warriors theme is
eldritch s.: my heaven from silent hill
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: did you skype duff
Space (GM): yeah - he ll be in a bit he just gotta finish his hunt
eldritch s.: did you see what box just did
Space (GM): no
eldritch s.: made a crack about liman
patting the back
but if someone were to do that to him
Mobile L.: sign...........
eldritch s.: hypocrisy irritates me probably more than any other trait
Space (GM): if he ever says something like that bout one of my characters i will
call him out
oh hello fawkes
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh hai
Mobile L.: Fizznox
Fawkes M. (GM): What art thou discussing?
eldritch s.: like i can take
a lot of things
but not hypocrisy
Space (GM): box being hypocritical with regards to making cracks about character
Mobile L.: RE: Rasslin : This might work, but MY EYES
eldritch s.: oh fuckign christ
Space (GM): amazing
eldritch s.:
Fawkes M. (GM): As expected of the man
@Mobile: Bootiful
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: do not
show that to trip
Mobile L.: Is that Robo-Meido 9000?
Space (GM): gah im gonna have to go into gimp to edit a mugshot of her
eldritch s.: he will try to fist it and his hand will be turned to paste
Mobile L.: He ll fist it, only to find a garbage disposal vagoo
Space (GM): jam it in
Fawkes M. (GM): ...You lost me
Space (GM): shirou
7-11 Guy: Yeah?
I do what with my ponos again...?
Space (GM): form a cult around it
7-11 Guy: I SHALT
Space (GM): M-my god...!!!
7-11 Guy: JOIN IT
Space (GM): n-no!...
7-11 Guy: VERY WELL

Fawkes M. (GM): feck BRB

Mobile L.: Garbage Disposal Vagoo Bot operational
Mac D.: i thought we were doing fothe
Space (GM): we are but no one is in there
Mac D.: i m in there
Space (GM): look duff
Mac D.: wat
Space (GM): it s niko
Mac D.: where point to him
Space (GM): are you on the town map
Niko: what up, BEEYOTCH?
Paul: YOU
Niko: ME
Mech-Hisui: Beep-beep!
Paul picks up Mecha-Hisui and swings her like a bat
Mech-Hisui: ..!!
Mac D.: so mobile what s gunther s wrestling name
Niko tries to intercept the incoming robot to the face
Mobile L.: Hmmm
Would Suspicious Gaijin be too tacky?
Mac D.: who gets CM Punk s opening
that s not much of a rasslin name no
7-11 Guy: look in my eyes, what do you see
Mobile L.: You gotta help me, G
Mac D.: hugh morris
Space (GM): GIGA Gunther
Mobile L.: I like GIGAGUN
Mac D.: but would gunther like GIGAGUN
or would he prefer.....
Mobile L.: Ooh
Space (GM): ohoo
Mobile L.: Punther it is
Space (GM): dumb idea: use panther from the protomen as a faceclai
Mobile L.: Oh mai gah
Space (GM): isgud?
Mobile L.: Lemme find a pic
Mac D.: space how well do you think you can shoop/draw a luchador mask onto kuwa
bara s existing faceclaim
Space (GM): poorly
Mac D.: then you re just the man for the job
Mobile L.:
Mac D.:
somebody needs to draw a luchador mask on this face
Mobile L.: Lemme get my tablet and some courage
Mac D.: i believe in u
Space (GM): meanwhile i make (raul?) punther s token made up
what s punther s music gonna be
also duff what should neco-arc bubbles s music be

and dynamite RIN s

Mac D.: who has cult of personality
Space (GM): 7-11 guy
Mobile L.: What s the most humorous song the Protomen have ever done?
Mac D.: what s HIS wrestling theme
Space (GM): beards going nowhere
Mac D.: *name
Space (GM): @mac: proabbly just his real name
Mac D.: pffft
Space (GM): up until then he is just known as "that 7-11 guy"
Mobile L.: Beard s Going Nowhere, and the joke will be that he has no such beard
Space (GM): themes needed:
Mac D.:
for Cactus Bubbles
Space (GM): mobi beards going nowhere ain t on soundcloud
you must add
Mobile L.: Will do
Mac D.: what nationality is Luvia
Space (GM): she s swedish and her thing is basically "haughty noblewoman"
eldritch s.: come with me
Mac D.:
how bout this
Space (GM): @seer: lemme finish adding the stuff i be adding
eldritch s.: no
Mac D.: yes
eldritch s.: i will kill you
bring higg
Mac D.: i ll kill you first
Mobile L.: She and Gnther would be able to speak DE SCHWEDISH, then
eldritch s.: she and
Space (GM): duff this is amazing
Mac D.: wrestling is amazing
eldritch s.: i wiil be in fothe
Mac D.:
and this for RIN s theme
play all the themes for mobile and fawkes to hear
Space (GM): playing all the themes
Mac D.: not all at once you asshole
stop this
Mobile L.: Guys, I m gonna be gone for a bit. Having issues with my trackpad, go
nna try to fix it
Mac D.: stop this right now
Space (GM): aaaite, no worries
Mac D.: aiight we can wait
Great Luvia: Fufufu! This is my theme!!
Mac D.: space with mobile out of commission the duty falls upon you
Space (GM): imma get to work on tourney brackets
let s migrate to fothe while i do so
Mac D.: you must create Mask De Bara
are you creating mask de bara
Space (GM): no im aking tourney brackets
Mac D.: mobile is AWOL space

Space (GM): be patience

Mac D.: there s no one left to do it
we re running out of time
Space (GM): why
Mac D.: time is slipping away
you are the only hope
are you gonna put a tiny mask on bubbles too
Space (GM): mobile is
Mac D.: aaaaaw
is Cactus Bubbles going to cut scathing promos
Space (GM): Yep! Yep! Yep!
Mac D.: monster heel
Space (GM): wh
Mac D.: it s a wrestling term
"monsters" are wrestlers who have the gimmick of beating down jobbers and slowly
moving up the card, gaining an undefeated streak
Space (GM): like the undertaker?
Mac D.: like how undertaker was initially booked
his winstreak is only for wrestlemanias, he tends to lose on other pay-per-views
*WAS only for wrestlemanias
Space (GM): i SEE
Mac D.: but when he first debuted he was a straight monster
Space (GM): let us migrate to fothe
Mac D.: i m already there
we ve been WAITING ON You
Space (GM): my friends
eldritch s.: oh good he has link
turn this off pls
Mac D.: what s the matter seer
got a problem with rassling music
eldritch s.: i like mellow music to just
from a session
Mac D.: this is mellow to the Great Luvia
eldritch s.: so
how was that whole adventure
"": mari gold
Mac D.: it bo d my jangles
Mobile L.: It was sexy and danger
"": 5 star dicks out of 5
Space (GM): i rubed it
"": so what the FUCK
do i do in the meantime
Space (GM): you want a dude in hail t ye
Mac D.: we could probs squeeze you in
we re learning to handle bigger groups
eldritch s.: i ll squeeze you in all night long..........
"": :^)
Space (GM): who wants to be my guy to bounce ideas off for hail t ye
eldritch s.: memememe
Mac D.: i m that guy for fate
Space (GM): also mobi - are you made the cactus bubbles icon
@seer: 8)
eldritch s.: swordswallow is my baby
Mobile L.: Oop, lemme get to that
Mac D.: i am unsure if i can be that for two at once but i can sure TRY
Mobile L.: And find a kitty mask
eldritch s.: i am so happy with that
eldritch s.: i learned how to fights

Mac D.: quick play his theme

Space (GM): the wrestling circuit
@seer: 8)
"": 5%
eldritch s.: who was
Space (GM): be strong hig
eldritch s.: your favorite
"": emperor
Space (GM): butcher
Mobile L.: Still still Butcher
"": no wait butcher
Mobile L.: I m gonna gay marry her
"": can they both be my favorite
eldritch s.: why do you like the emperor
Mac D.: mine is zhuma
eldritch s.: the butcher will appear somewhere
Mac D.: cause she s lovely
Space (GM): i wanna see punther and mask de bara interact
Mac D.: does mask de bara talk in the kuwabara voice with a spanish accent
Space (GM): he probably talks exactly like kuwabara
eldritch s.: she is very unstable
Space (GM): if only because my brain literally cannot picture kuwabara voice + s
panish accent\
Mac D.: and that is why she s great
eldritch s.: copied campagin
Mac D.: does he use spanish word
"": did mobile make this
eldritch s.: just in case you are not
in the thing
Space (GM): she did
eldritch s.: cleaned out the chatlog
and playlist
Space (GM): @seer: oho
Mac D.: space do you have a ring map
Space (GM): @duff: proobably
not just yet
need a gym map 2
Mac D.: but where will the wrestlers interact
if not in the RING OF HONOR
Space (GM): it s a work in progres...!
how does gein feel about pro wrassling
eldritch s.: i ve found the steven unibverse soundtrack
even without watching the show i like it
Mac D.: he s too old to like it
eldritch s.: and he is just
about it
because he lost a lot of money on a bet once
Mac D.: hahahahaha i love it
Space (GM): how does he feel about all these damn kids joining
Mac D.: is he initially very grumpy about being dragged along to watch
eldritch s.: "dickheads"
Mac D.: but then starts seeing all the betting pools....
eldritch s.: and he begins getting really into it

Mac D.: this is a thing of beauty we are creating here
also space
whispering u sometin
(From ""): hey comehere
Space (GM): 6 wrasslers so far
Mac D.: are we gonna make two more to fill in the Chump and Dweeb spots
Space (GM): was gonna save those in case tsubasa and/or azumu would become wrass
Mac D.: ooooh ya good idea
you know what i should make
a pro wrestling roll20
Space (GM): ye
Mac D.: i should make a system revolving around cutting promos
and how over you get with the crowds
"": hey duffy
Mac D.: and i could potentially have as many people as i want in it because we d
on t need everyone in at once
"": duffy hey
Mac D.: yes hig
"": no
Space (GM): would it be a big production
Mac D.: what do you say to that space
Space (GM): or something small and indie
i am fucken for it like aces
Mac D.: oh well hig s loss
Space (GM): as long as
i get to be
a player
Mac D.: oh yes
"": you ve tainted it with anime i won t let you taint it with pornogrophy
Mac D.: it d probably be a big federation
there s always a spot open hig
for when we re enjoying roll20 goodness
and you re sitting by yourself
Space (GM): we need a vine macmathon expy as the central antagonist
Mac D.: because you refused my offer
yes we do
"": ...really?
Mac D.: of course hig
"": ............
Mac D.: we need to come up with mechanics involving promo-cutting and popularity
with the crowd
like ever player has an Over stat
"": what about rkos and john cenas
Mac D.: *every player
"": those are wwe things right
Mac D.: yes
and it rises and falls depending on the actions of the player and the success of
Space (GM): what does it affect
"": roll 1d2 to determine rko success
Mac D.: that s what we need to determine
"": bolster finesse when bouncing off of the wall
Mac D.: perhaps you could cash in a certain amount of Over to increase a rol

Space (GM): so it s advantage

Mac D.: that s IT
essentially i think yes
Space (GM): good
Mac D.: doing things like cutting good promos
and being good at being either a heel or face
i.e. doing a good job at roleplaying
"": so space will always lose yes
Mac D.: gives you a point of Heat
you can spend a point of Heat to increase a roll you make before you roll
Space (GM): @higg: but of course
duff help me come up with a gimmick
Mac D.: for your wrestling character?
Space (GM): is "sweaty weeb" a good gimiick
Mac D.: hmmm
for a comedy jobber, maybe
how about a guy like Sodom
a White Samurai
Space (GM): h m
Mac D.: there s your moniker
"The American Samurai"
Space (GM): does he wear a us flag on his head
Mac D.: he can if you want
Space (GM): good
Mac D.: but it d make more sense if he wore the flag like
a samurai stomach wrap
"": my wrestler will be a former US president
Mac D.: i will accept this
Space (GM): ooh
which president
"": a fictional one
Mac D.: want me to make the roll20 now
"": do it
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): do it
your amazing
Mobile L.: : >
Cat wearing a cat mask
Mac D.: shit where is she
oooooOOOOH shit
hey mobile
Mobile L.: Yus?
Mac D.: are you interested in joining my roll20 wrestling federation
Mobile L.: It sounds illin , but I think I ll have to decline for now
"": mobile doesn t like men
strong almost naked men
Mac D.: she can play as agrill
Mobile L.: You know how I feel about men, Hig
I might have a job here in a few weeks, and that s prolly gonna whittle my time
down pretty tiny
Mac D.: oh dear
will you still be able to have time for hollow night
Space (GM): making the simoleons
Mobile L.: I think so, if I manage my time right
Mac D.: good, good
you won t work weekends, will you
Mobile L.: Hopefully not. I ll need to get a schedule to know for sure, but I ll
try to make em give me weekends off

Mac D.: jawsome

hey SPACe should i go with Blank Campagin
"": what s the setting gonna be called
Mac D.: CCW
Cosmic Championship Wrestling
Space (GM): blank camiagn?
Mobile L.: Can I be a spectator, though?
Mac D.: when selecting modules
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: hokay
Mobile L.: Yey
"": 7%
Mac D.: should i use tavern tales char sheets
"": yes for now
Mac D.: hok
Space (GM): be strong
join up, nerds
Space (GM): exxcellente
Mobile L.: Pushing bangs away from eyes = valid wrestling costume
Space (GM): should i migrate there
Mac D.: idunno should we go there
"": that s where the party is
Mac D.: or hang out in hollow night and do hollow night stuff
Space (GM): it s 12:30 am
Mac D.: DISCUSS hollow night stuff
"": 4%
Space (GM): lets discuss wrassling in there
Mac D.: hokay
Space (GM): i never felt like
Mac D.: i missed u
Space (GM): dodododumdo
Mac D.: oh so much
Space (GM): let s muster the troops
Mac D.: hok
SOME-body s been pilfering the school s paper towels!.....
Yusuke Urameshi: it was me
Mac D.: There s only one detective hard-boiled enough to take the case
Yusuke Urameshi: yusuke urameshi
master criminal
Kazuma Kuwabara: urameshi how could yooooou
Yusuke Urameshi: i did it to test my abilities
Kazuma Kuwabara: i thought we were thugs of honor
Yusuke Urameshi: nyehahahaha
Mac D.: i warned him
Space (GM): where is everyboddy
Mac D.: did you pm them
Space (GM): i thought YOU were gonna
Mac D.: do i look like i am in any condition to mass-pm
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: i am not
Space (GM): dam

Mac D.: hiiiiii mooooooobiiiile

Space (GM): wanna hear the latest news from he rp OH HI MOBI
Mobile L.: O hai Duff, hai Space
Mac D.: pray for me for i am down with the sickness
Mobile L.: Be well, my child
Mac D.: cough cough
Mobile L.: Icy had some kinda bug last night, but she lucked out and had it go a
way after just one fever
Space (GM): disturbed
Mac D.: perhaps i will power through it
i am after all a genetic superman
i actually don t get sick very often
maybe once or twice a year?
Mobile L.: Damn
Did you get sick a lot when you were a kid?
Mac D.: you KNOW
i don t think so
Space (GM): mighty immune system
Mobile L.: Adonis DNA
Space (GM): hey mobile have you heard about yandere sim
Mac D.: if appendicitis can t kill me what can
Mobile L.: The eff is that?
Mac D.: it is
a yandere sim
you must win the affections of Sempay
Space (GM): it s a thing of beauty
Mac D.: by getting rid of the competition....
Mobile L.: Do you play as some kinda knife-happy pink haired chick who screams a
t intervals?
Mac D.: no you play as big boss
Space (GM): there s a button for laughing
if you mash it your laugh gradually becoems crrazier and crazier
Mobile L.: God bless
Space (GM): there acaully is a big boss mode
Mac D.: you need to keep your sanity in check however
Space (GM): where you gain an eyepatch and cigar
eldritch s.: IT IS A
Mobile L.: Oh my God
eldritch s.: POOR SHEPARD
Mac D.: OH NO
eldritch s.: WHO BLAMES HIS COCK
Space (GM): there s also an attack on titan mode but who cares
hey SEER HAVE YOU HEARD of yandere simulator
Mac D.: yah he talked about it before remember
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): oh RIGHT
eldritch s.: and yes i had
Mobile L.: Bee are benis
eldritch s.: none can stand before
eldritch s.: my PAIN-EES
Space (GM): hey duff guess what happened in the rp
Mac D.: i want a soundbite for that NNNNDEEEESPAAAAIR
what happened in the rp
Space (GM): everyone got teleported i guess but more importnatly
gil got a change of outfit
Mac D.: my god
the STYLE of royalty

Space (GM): it s practical

they re in a winter place now
Mac D.: seer did you curse me with disease
eldritch s.: yes
Mobile L.: Back
eldritch s.: i love the dev of yandere simulator in those videos
Mobile L.: Gil is Macklemore
Space (GM): is jam aboot
eldritch s.: "Now, you could bully her until she kills herself..."
Mac D.: you think this will kill me
Mobile L.: I unno, put out the dragnet for him
eldritch s.: wait
Mac D.: you think think this will eat away at my body
eldritch s.: we should put the bow on
and finish the epilogur
Mac D.: you will need three times this much to end ME
Space (GM): hehehhee
eldritch s.: great gilgamesh
Mobile L.: Hig s talking to Male Parental Unit r/n
Dunno when he will be untied
Space (GM): tell him i said hi
Mac D.: is he in trouble
eldritch s.: when it becomes possible
do it
Mobile L.: Nah, I think they re talking about astronauts or something
eldritch s.: i did caligraphy in art today
Mobile L.: Ooh
Space (GM): was it sexy
Mobile L.: I love caligraphy
eldritch s.: because the sisters who run the school are also in japan and run a
school there, we go to translate words into japenese
Mobile L.: Dayyyyyumn
Mac D.: that s a favorite form of writing of the the people of california
eldritch s.: with foreign students
Mobile L.: "Check out my illin flourish, brah! It s hella squiggly!"
eldritch s.: i mostly made a page full of things my dad would like
john lennon
the Dead: this roll20 has 67 characters in it
Mac D.: paint fumes
eldritch s.: yeah he loves that
ireland, because he traces a lot of our roots their
Mobile L.: Lotta fuggin characters
Space (GM): many peep
eldritch s.: peace
Mobile L.: Satan
eldritch s.: my father isn t a communism
but he did always raise me to take ap ositive view of it as an ideal
if not in practice
Narrator: What s going on in school today? Oh, nothing much... Just an average d
ay, like any other...
English class...
eldritch s.: we have long conversations about history and politics, it s all ver
y nice
Kazuma Kuwabara has his head facedown on his desk, snoozing

Kazuma Kuwabara s pompadour is holding him up

eldritch s.: i put my real name on it
the year he was born on it
the word work
Mobile L.: Awww
Yuuka watching Gein intently so she doesn t miss a word
Yusuke Urameshi doodling in his notebook
eldritch s.: and then i made a seperate one
with the words
Satsuki Yumizuka not doing shit because this is fox s chair
eldritch s.: green cqbin
because my grandparents, his parents
live in a green cabin
Mac D.: where IS fox
eldritch s.: out by the lake
Space (GM): sporadic
Mac D.: oh no
Gunther s desk snoozing again like an enormous toolmeister
Mobile L.: Yeah, I m still waitin on him IFG
eldritch s.: also
it s really weird
Space (GM): seer class is in session............................................
eldritch s.: when a teacher talks to you about the
grades of other people
just let me blather i am a bit excited right now
Mobile L.: That s a little personal of them
Space (GM): let s draw dicks until then duff
Mac D.: i am too weak to draw dicks
draw them all on gein s face
o THERE you are
Space (GM): hello jam we re drawing dicks
Mac D.: jam you should have come faster i m gravely ill
Azureberry J.: I was asleep.
Mobile L.: If Duff coughs through the internet, cover your face
Mac D.: i just did three times
Mobile L.: Drink some manner of hot beverage
Mac D.: the sink far away.....
Mobile L.: Be strong
Azureberry J.: Its okay Duff. A bit of Tender Love and Jam will cure you.
Narrator: suddenly an elite squad of professional wrestlers invades the school
Mac D.: get your hands off me
Mask de Bara: HA HAAAA
Cactus Bubbles: Nyehehe!!
Great Luvia: Fuahahahahaha!
Mask de Bara: So la center de education!
Mech-Hisui: Beep-beep.
Mask de Bara: You know what I think about education!?
Punther: Children of Fuyuki! Do not be alarmed, we re here to liberate you from
your daily brainwashing sessions!
Asumu Mizono: Now what?
Punther POINTS all dramatic-like

Mask de Bara: I think it can get edu-caved in!

Great Luvia: School is for chumps and commoners!
Cactus Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Cactus Bubbles nodding enthusiastically
Mask de Bara: C mon, squad! We got nerds to bully...
Punther: Heh! That s right, the machine overlords thought they could break your
spirits, but they were WRONG!
Mech-Hisui: Affirmative. Beep-beep.
Mask de Bara: You said it, Hisui!

s head swivels 90 degrees to look at Punther

Punther stares at Mech-Hisui for an uncomfortably long time

Mech-Hisui: ...
Mask de Bara: ..Eh?
Who s this little pip-squeak?
Cactus Bubbles: Pip-squeak!
Mask de Bara looks down at Asumu
Asumu Mizono: Here comes a NEW CHALLENGER!
Punther: ...YOU SAID IT, COMRADE! The de-education starts NOW!
Punther fist-pumps violently
Asumu Mizono: I won t tolerate this. Any of it.
Mask de Bara: Oh yeah?
Great Luvia: Fool!!
Great Luvia points dramatically
Mask de Bara: You and what ARMY?
Punther: ...Ow. I-I think I sprained it...
Great Luvia: You cannot hope to match our wrestling acumen!
Mask de Bara: We got an elite squadron of highly trained combatants!
Mech-Hisui: Punther. My readings indicate you are a wuss. Beep beep.
Punther: ...That s what the Illuminazis want you to think, Hisui!
Cactus Bubbles: Train! Train! Train!
Asumu Mizono: My faith in this system more than enough to beat you!
Cactus Bubbles shadowboxes
Punther: Don t believe their LIES!
Mask de Bara: Oh! Your faith in the system?
Now comes the part we throw our heads back and laugh!
Mech-Hisui: My readings were quite clear on this matter. Furthermore, statistica
l analysis shows that you are fat and ugly.
Mask de Bara: Ready?
Mech-Hisui: Beep beep.
Great Luvia: On three!
Great Luvia: One!
Mask de Bara: Two!
Cactus Bubbles: Three, three, three!
Mask de Bara throws his head back
Mask de Bara: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Cactus Bubbles simultaneously throws her head back

Cactus Bubbles: HE HE HE
Punther: I am humanity s brightest light, it s most shining rebel star in the bl
ack, swirling darkness of the capitalist apocalypse!
Mech-Hisui: Dweeb.
Punther does some shitty kung-fu poses
Asumu Mizono System Suplex s Punther
Mech-Hisui: My programming indicates snapping your spine would not violate the f
irst directive.
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 8
Punther s massive girth is simply too much for this scrawny teen to lift...!
Asumu Mizono: The RNGesus does not favor me today.
Punther: ...What s this? A citizen s arrest?
Are you drinking their Kool-Aid, little sister?! ARE YOU?!?!?!
Asumu Mizono: Its a MINOR SET BACK!
Derby McGraw: Looks like Mizono s patented System Suplex can t lift up the treme
ndous weight of Punther!
But hang on!
Punther: And is this turncoat reploid agent they call Hisui your little crony???
Derby McGraw: Is there some dissension in Team Educitioner s Ranks!?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Y-y-you know, Derby, I don t think anything can lift his wei
Mech-Hisui s arms turn into gatling guns
Derby McGraw: Perhaps a ten-ton crane!
Mech-Hisui: What was that, Punther-unit?
Beep beep.
Derby McGraw: WOAH, and Mech-Hisui s brought out the chainguns!
Asumu Mizono: What the fuck?
Neco-Arc Evolution: That s not even her final attack!
Derby McGraw: That s a foreign object! Grounds for automatic disqulification! Bu
t does the ref see it?.....
Asumu Mizono: That s not even a wrestling move.
Neco-Arc Evolution: H-huh...?! Oh, I m the ref! What m I looking at-Great Luvia hits Evo with a steel chair
Punther: I know your game, Hisui! I don t believe your lies! You think bullets a
nd carnage can snuff out the light of FREEDOM!?
Mech-Hisui: Yes.
Derby McGraw: *What s the ref doing on the commentary de-OH!
Derby McGraw: And Luvia NAILS my ref fellow commentator with a steel chair!
Mech-Hisui: Your singing is atrocious.
Derby McGraw: We need a substitute! Where s Jorji!?
Punther is just oversinging in a thick accent
Great Luvia: Passed out in the locker room. I think he s high.
Derby McGraw: Dammit, Jorji, we re live!

eldritch s.: i keep vanishing

Asumu Mizono: I m going to seriously hurt you.
Space (GM): are you back seer
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): ok it s time to do things for REAL
Mac D.: we wrestled while you wer gone
eldritch s.: but my teacher talked about the gpa
not the gpa
just the class average
of the grad eleven class
and it was bizarre
Derby McGraw: This is Derby McGraw from from CCW, tellin you goodnight!
eldritch s.: it was in the sixties, apparently
Mobile L.: Fuckle
Azureberry J.: Alright so what are we doing for real?
Mac D.: and that is what you can generally expect from the wrestling roll20
slice o life
Mobile L.: Fook yeah
Kazuma Kuwabara is still fast asleep, his pompadour propping him up on his desk
Gein Mender holds up his copy of "The Gayest Mage This Side of Los Angeles"
Kazuma Kuwabara: zzzzzzz.....zzzzz.....
Gein Mender: Alright, class.
Did you all read your assigned chapters?
Space (GM): lemme upload the cover for jam s benefit
Yusuke Urameshi: Nope.
Gein Mender: give jam a sypnopsis
Yuuka: Yessir!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Zzzzz.....
Gein Mender: Thanks for your honesty, Urameshi.
Gunther: Zzzz...
Gunther why is he even here
Azureberry J.: Oi...Kuwabara. Wake up.
Asumu Mizono said that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......
Narrator: an autobiography
Gein Mender: But, you didn t read the book.
So I want you to read something else.
Mac D.: "and for that, ten days in the bone pit"
Gein Mender begins writing on the board
Asumu Mizono: Um...Teacher.
This is smut.
Gein Mender: One second.
Gunther: Zzzzzz...
Gein Mender: Is not.
Yusuke Urameshi folds his arms, looking disintererested
Kazuma Kuwabara: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Gein Mender writes a word in english on the board
eldritch s.: Prognosticate

Gein Mender: What is that word, Urameshi?

Yusuke Urameshi squints
Yusuke Urameshi: Prog... gnostics?
Gunther drools a puddle on his desk
Gein Mender: And it is not smut, it contains content which is, perhaps, a bit se
nsitive, but it isn t meant for sexual gratification.
Have you read any of the book?
And close.
Asumu Mizono: I m fairly certain what I read last night was some form of erotica
. I am now under punishment because because of it.
Gein Mender: Prognosticate.
Define it, Urameshi, without a dictionary.
Well, Mizono.
Yusuke Urameshi: E-erm.....
Gein Mender: Would you call the Birth of Venus smut?
Yusuke Urameshi: ...............................................................
Asumu Mizono: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara dreams of wrestling....and that distant goal.....that plasma-scr
een tv!...
Yusuke Urameshi: ...............................................................
Gein Mender: Well then there s your problem.
Tell you waht.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...............................................................
Gein Mender: I ll find you, and only you, a new book to read.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...............................................................
Gein Mender heads to his desk
Yusuke Urameshi: ...............................................................
Asumu Mizono: Well alright.
Gein Mender digs around in it
Yusuke Urameshi: ...............................................................
Kazuma Kuwabara falls out of his desk

Gein Mender begins staking books

Yusuke Urameshi: ...............................................................
Gunther dreams of the hollow solitude of the void... but then Jim Carrey pops up
eldritch s.: Everybody Poops
Gunther: ...Hehhh... Zzzz...
there is laughter amongst the class
at kuwabara
eldritch s.: the Bernstein Bears
Gunther: ...Hehhhh hehhh...
Space (GM): ah hello fox
eldritch s.: Twilight
Fawkes M. (GM): Eyy
eldritch s.: ho wait
Fawkes M. (GM): I m juggling something RL right now
eldritch s.: oh wait
Atlast Shrugged
Mobile L.: 50 Shades of Gray
Kazuma Kuwabara: Zzzzzz.......-snrk-..zzzzzzzz...
Gein Mender those are the books he stacks
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Aw, man. He s still sleepin ?
Gein Mender: These are what I call toilet paper book.
Mac D.: the kama sutra
Gein Mender: I want you to read Atlas Shrugged.
Mobile L.: Finnegans Wake
Gein Mender tosses her Atlas Shrugged
Gunther: Zzzz...
Asumu Mizono fumbles to catch it
Space (GM): roll 4 finess
Gein Mender: It s by a nice lady called Ayn Rand
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 7
Mac D.: the twist is that gein mender interprets atlas shrugged as glorified por
Gein Mender: As you ll find out in the "About the Author" sheets I hand out.
She fumbles, sending it flying
Space (GM): i need a banana peel sound effect
Gein Mender: Also, what does (Prognosticate) mean, Urameshi?
Mobile L.: (slip_n_fall.wav)
Gein Mender walks over to Kuawbara
Yusuke Urameshi: Uh, erm... I forgot.
Asumu Mizono: Ow...
Kazuma Kuwabara: zzzz....
Gunther: Zzzz...
Gein Mender: You have one minute to remember.
Hey, Kuwabara, wake up.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Zzzzz......stone cold hit s th stunner.....stone cold......ston

e cold.......
Gein Mender pinches him in the shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Gunther: Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara FLAILS awake
Kazuma Kuwabara: G-OW!
Gein Mender lets go
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around, confused
Gein Mender: Please don t think I teach kindergarten.
It isn t naptime.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at Gein, rubbing his eyes
Asumu Mizono is going to recover Atlast Shrugged.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...W-Wait, I wasn t sleepin ! I was restin my eyes a bit!
Gunther: Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara gets back up to his chair
Gein Mender: You fell out of your desk.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Musta been a deep not-sleep!....
Gein Mender pinches Gunther in the spot between the neck and the shoulder
Gunther: ...Mmrgh.
eldritch s.: there is a spot there which hurts like a motherfucker when pinched
in particular
Gunther lifts his head, wincing just ever so slightly
Gunther: Hello.
Mac D.: i have been pinched there
Gein Mender: It s not naptime.
Mobile L.: Does it hurt like amother?
Mac D.: yes
Mobile L.: Brrrr
eldritch s.: i ll pinch you in a place............
Mac D.: and i have pinched others there
like seer........
Gein Mender steps to the desk
Mobile L.: Sugoii
Gein Mender: ...
Who wrote titty on the board?
Yusuke Urameshi: It was Kuwabara!
Gunther sighs and props his head up on his hand
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-what!?
Azureberry J.: Ey sp all my stats are Zero. That supposed to happen?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hang on a sec!
Gein Mender: I mean, congratulations on your grasp of English Slang.
Mobile L.: That s a big titty
Space (GM): ya
Mac D.: ya we start at the beginning with 0 stat boosts
Azureberry J.: Kay. Just making sure.
Gein Mender: Whoever wrote that, come on up, I ll actually give you some marks o
n it.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?.....Wait, seriously?

Gein Mender: I m dead serious.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...!

Kuwabara kicks to his feet

Urameshi: Wait, I lied, that was me!!
Kuwabara: Well, alright then! It was totally me!
Urameshi: No, it was me!

Gunther folds his hands and smirks

Kazuma Kuwabara: I have a habit of sleepwritin , ya see!....
Kazuma Kuwabara gives Urameshi a stinkeye
Space (GM): was gunther actually the one who wrote it
Mobile L.: Yes
Gein Mender: It s not the first time I ve seen people fight over a titty.
Asumu Mizono: ....They re seriously doing this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! Think you can just take the credit for other people s work
Yusuke Urameshi: I ain t takin credit for anything! I wrote the titty!
Gein Mender: You know what.
You both get marks.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, right!
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender: If you can explain to me.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Eh?
Gein Mender: What a titty is.
Why you wrote it.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Erm...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .............Oh...........
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Gein Mender: And construct a sentence with it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...................Uh..........

Urameshi scratches the back of his neck

Kuwabara: ....Okay, uh.........
Urameshi: ...It s a very... titty day?
Kuwabara: ......The word the book?........

Asumu Mizono is now amused.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....And......I read the whole thing overnight.........An
amt about it.....

I dre

Kazuma Kuwabara: An , uh......wrote it in my sleep!
Yusuke Urameshi: It means.... rainy...????
Kazuma Kuwabara: It goes like, uh.......
Gein Mender: Urameshi, tell me what Prognosticate means and I ll forget what you
just said.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Um....
Yusuke Urameshi: Erm.... I guess it means...
Mobile L.: I m gonna dieeeeee gawd
Asumu Mizono: Why do I have to hear about Kuwbara s private time?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....."I, uh......snorted the titty off my sis stomach......."

Gein Mender: ... That is

Actually it.
Yusuke Urameshi: Yes!
Yusuke Urameshi fistpumps
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-....Hey, what about me!?
Asumu Mizono: Wait that s not even--!
Gunther is violently surpressing guffaws
Yusuke Urameshi s themesong plays
Gein Mender: That s wrong, by th way, Kuawbara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What!?!
Yusuke Urameshi sits back down, like 8)
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yusuke, gnashing his teeth
Gein Mender: Prognosticate means to fortell or prophescize.
Fawkes M. (GM): OKAY errand is done
Gunther shudders a little from the stifled laughter
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Rrrrrgh.....You got a death wish, Urameshi!
Space (GM): someone recap fox
Mobile L.: We learned about titty
Gein Mender: A titty is a breast.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey, at least I m actually paying attention, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Gein Mender: So who can tell me why someone decided to write english slang for b
reast on the board?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-.....A-....A-!?...
What kinda class IS this!?
Gein Mender: I didn t write that!
Space (GM): oh my god
Kazuma Kuwabara: I get enough of this in biology, thanks!
Mobile L. sweats in his seat, biting down on his lip
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well neither did I!!
Gunther does that shit
Fawkes M. (GM): Mobile, I didn t know you were a dude
Gein Mender: I was trying to trick the one who wrote it into coming forward.
Mobile L.: My dirty secret is out
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, guess what!
You messed up and got the wrong guy!
Asumu Mizono: Only you would perv out in a biology class Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So take that, Gramps!
Gein Mender: Okay, can someone please tell me who did this?
Sakura Tohsaka: that s what you think asumu
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Asumu, steaming red
Space (GM): hhehehehe
Kazuma Kuwabara: S-Scuse me!? That s slander, dammit!!
Azureberry J.: ...
Gunther is physically shaking
Gein Mender: If I m not told I m just going to randomly hit people.

Asumu Mizono is just cannot find words

Yuuka: ...?
Gein Mender: And write cursewords on your tests to other teachers.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m an honorable man, dammit!
Yuuka: Is... is that really necessary, Mender-sensei?
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Also art thou willing to still FG? Sorry for curving out
Gunther looks like he s gonna have an aneurysm
Gein Mender: No, but it gives me an excuse to me mean to kids.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got the guts, Gramps!?
(To Fawkes M.): Sure, one sec
Azureberry J.: Oh hey SPACE!
Gein Mender: Yes, definitely.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Go on, hit me! I won t even tell a teacher!
Space (GM): whut
Azureberry J.: The thing.
Gein Mender: First.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and HUFFS
Gunther: ............................
Gein Mender leans into Gunther
Azureberry J.: Do not forget.
Space (GM): way ahead a youse
Gein Mender: Who wrote the titty?
Azureberry J.: Sankyu.
Gunther looks like he s high on cocaine
Gunther: ........................
Gein Mender: The titty, Gunther.
Who could it have been.
Gunther: ...........................................
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Man, he s strung out!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...No....He s just tryin not ta laugh....
Asumu Mizono: Why is he here? Didn t he graduate?
Gein Mender: Did you do it, Gunther?
Kazuma Kuwabara shakes his fist at Gunther
Gein Mender: Did you commit the crime of the century?
And write the tity?
Gunther: .......................................................................
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t a comedy act, dammit! Quit your snickerin !
Gunther: ...Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Gein Mender: There we go.
Gunther: ...Heh.
Gein Mender: You get the mark.
And a visit to the principal.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hah!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....But....Gunth ain t even a..
Gunther: II m not evenheheheheheenrolledahahahahahahaha!
Gein Mender: Don t care.
I m a teacher.

Kazuma Kuwabara sits down and folds his arms, huffing

Gunther: ALL AT ONCE!
Gein Mender: I m not paid to do anything but teach.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...more like a dictator...
Narrator: fade to black amidst gunther s insane laughter
Gein Mender: Say dictator in English.
Gunther: Ahahahatittyahahahahahaha!
Asumu Mizono: Is there some chance we re going to learn anything today?
Gein Mender: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara snorts
Asumu Mizono: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Dikku!)
Gein Mender: (Dictator)
Kazuma Kuwabara: PSH....Close enough.
Narrator: should i switch the scene si o no
Gein Mender: no
Not even close.
(Dikku) isn t even a word.
Gein Mender: It sounds more crass than an- will you shut the hell up?
Kazuma Kuwabara: It totally is!
Gein Mender: I speak english as a first language.
(Dikku) isn t a word.
Yusuke Urameshi throws his copy of the smut at Gunther
Yusuke Urameshi: Oi, shut up!!
Gunther: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Gein Mender: (Dick) is a word.
(it s not smut)
Kazuma Kuwabara: It is, and I saw it on the internet!
Gein Mender: Oh you did not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re pronouncin it all wrong! Some teacher!
Yusuke Urameshi: (o i kno)
Gunther slumps forward onto the front of his desk
Gein Mender pulls out his phone
Yusuke Urameshi: ...?
Gein Mender: Spell it.
Yusuke Urameshi goes to retrieve his smut
Gunther: ...Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms higher up on his shoulders and puts on his smug p
ointy delinquent face
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Dikku s) what you are, old man....
Gein Mender: Are you stupid?
Gein Mender looks up Dikkus
Asumu Mizono: He didn t....
Gunther is passed out with the most deranged look
Yuuka: ...
Yuuka scoooots away from him

Yuuka and is now sitting right next to Kuwabara

Gein Mender:
u_by_thecanadianbrit-d55tfe0.png what i found
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Kazuma Kuwabara tenses up right quick
Mobile L.: Sugoiiiiii~!
Gein Mender shows it to him
Gein Mender: Not a word!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at it
Asumu Mizono: Um...Teacher. Should I take Gunther to the nurses office?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Yeah, well if it ain t a word, how come it got results!?
Yuuka: May I see?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Checkmate, pops!
Gein Mender: Dictator isn t Dikku s!
Gein Mender shows her
Mobile L.: Zzzz...
Asumu Mizono: Alright.
Gunther: no I snored
Yuuka: That s... Kuwabara, that isn t a dictator. It s a furry.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You ain t a dictator! Yer a (Dikku!)
A what?
Gein Mender: It got results because it is a stupid way of saying a dick!
Yuuka: Never mind...
Asumu Mizono: Gunter can you get up?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Which means I m *right!(
Kazuma Kuwabara basks in the glory
Gunther: ...Zzzzzz...
Gein Mender: (Biggus Dikkus) is a Monty Python gag.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, yeah.....I m gonna be a Scientist!
Yusuke Urameshi throws his shoe at Kuwabara
Asumu Mizono: Ugh....
Yusuke Urameshi: Can it, ya dope!
Kazuma Kuwabara CLONK
Gein Mender: YCou really are not.
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Thou still FG-ward?
Kazuma Kuwabara: HGH-!
(To Fawkes M.): Oop, yep, hold on
Kazuma Kuwabara tumbles off his desk again
Asumu Mizono attempts to lift the Gunther
Yusuke Urameshi: Heh.
Gein Mender: Also, you said that wad Dictator, not Dick.
Space (GM): roll strangth
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn

= 14
Gein Mender: So double checkmate.
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet, steamed and no longer looking at GEin
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yyyyyyyooooooou-!!
Asumu HEAVES and lifts the fat swede with massive strength
Gein Mender: Hey, enough with the violence.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey, now. Don t go starting fights in class, Kuwabara. Teach ll
get mad.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No! That s our traditional gesture of challenge!
Asumu Mizono carries him off grunting
Gein Mender: Urameshi, to the Principal s office for throwing a shoe.
Mac D. Space not in class. he s honorable remember
Gunther: Zzzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...No way!
Gunther is limp and weighs a fuckton
Yusuke Urameshi: Wh-- no way!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I gotta fight him after school!
Gein Mender: Yes!
Yusuke Urameshi said at the same time as Kuwabara
Gein Mender: Too bad.
No one throws shoes at each other in this room.
Gunther: Zzzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit!....I told you, nothin but a big (Dikku!)
Gein Mender: Oh also, ASSIGNED READING!
Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah... yeah, he really is a (Dikku...)
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Yusuke Urameshi goes to grab his shoe
Gein Mender writes the assigned chapters on the board
Gein Mender: We could have read in class.
Or talked about it.
Kazuma Kuwabara flashes a look at Yuuka and looks up at the board with a notepad
Gein Mender: But no.
Yusuke Urameshi before heading to principals office
Kazuma Kuwabara: Mhm....Mhm.....Right!.....
Yuuka: ...?
Azureberry J.: I m just gonna dump him in the library
Mobile L.: I m just imagining sudden Japanese voice cut-ins for the (dikkus)
Space (GM): works4me
Gein Mender: We needed to talk about titties.
And dikkus.
And throwing shoes.
And books.
Gunther: Zzzzzzzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara puts his notepad away
Azureberry J. plop!
Gein Mender: Anyway.
Gunther doesn t even stir

Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, see ya tomorrow, ya old (Dikku)!

Asumu Mizono: Are you serious?
Gein Mender: Can you tell me what happened in the previously assigned chapters.
Wait, class isn;t over yet.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh?
...Aw, man, what?...
Gunther: Zzzz... Zzz... zzzzzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara plops back down
Yuuka whispers to Kuwabara
Asumu Mizono snaps a finger in his face
Kazuma Kuwabara puts up a finger
Yuuka does not know what whispering sounds like and thus talks in a normal voice
Gunther still has that deranged look
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara shakes his head
Gunther: ...Hehhhh... Zzzz...
Yuuka: We got to the part where -Kazuma Kuwabara: Mm--mm! I got this, I promise!
Yuuka: ?
Gein Mender: Good kid.
Asumu Mizono: Gunther. Hey, wake up.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back up at Gein and begins to attempt to review the assign
ed reading to the best of his ability, as he actually did pull an all-nighter re
Gunther: ?
Gunther lifts his head
Gunther: Hello.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 29
Gein Mender: ...
Mac D.: he tried
Gein Mender: write up the summary
Mac D.: don t pull all-nighters, kids
Mobile L.: Poor Kuwabara........
Well... he definitely did read it, but he s got a bit of a spotty recollection.
Space (GM): write it up duff
Asumu Mizono: You are a heavy sleeper. And also heavy in general.
Gunther: Mhm, heh... I feel like something very good happened.
But I have no recollection.
A shame...
Asumu Mizono: You wrote Titty on the board and disrupted our class.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, so, uh.....She flew out to Kamurocho in the, uh.....ya
kuza boss s private jet.....
Gunther: ...Really?

Kazuma Kuwabara: An joined the underground fightin cicuit...

Asumu Mizono: Yes really!
...Eheheheh... Oh wow.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....She, uh.....killed three dudes in the ring! Yeah, it was br
utal....Or, uh.....was it two guys....
Asumu Mizono takes deeeeep breaths.
Space (GM): kamurocho eh duff
Gunther: I really wish I hadn t passed out. That sounds like it was amazing.
Asumu Mizono: Are you okay? You looked out of it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then there s like fifty pages where takes h
er clothes off, and uh.......oils up and cannonballs into a swinnin pull fulla
money and, uh.......
I-I ain t feeling good talkin about this, Gramps! Ain t that enough!
Gunther: Yes. I have narcolepsy, and sometimes it s hard to rouse myself from it
Gein Mender: Yes.
That s not actually what happened but its close enough.
Good job.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....AW-...what!?
Gein Mender: Don t read all night.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I stayed up all-...!
Asumu Mizono: Oh gosh. I didn t know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender: It s preatty close.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and looks down
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....dammit....
Gein Mender: Good job on actually reading it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....yeah, whatever....
Gein Mender: Most of the class... where the hell are they all?
Gunther: Heh, you didn t? I suppose I am better at managing it than I had though
Kazuma Kuwabara is all THUG GLUM
Mac D.: it s the dulcet tones
Asumu Mizono: I guess so. I should go back. But considering today s subject matt
Mac D.: of silence
Gein Mender: ...
Azureberry J.: Everyone skipped class.
Gunther: ...Eheheheheh... Are you gonna play hooky because of a little titty?
Gein Mender: Can someone point out an example of figurative language in the book
so far?
Mac D.: save the thug
Space (GM): i m going with my standard explanation of
there s students there but just generic npcs that i havent bothered to make an i
con of
Yuuka s hand shoots up
Gein Mender: Yes, Yuuka?
Azureberry J.: Of course not! That book though.
Asumu Mizono said that,
Yuuka: In the previous chapter, there was a simile, comparing cocaine to coffee!
Gein Mender: Very good.
And why did Toshaka do that?

Kazuma Kuwabara absent-mindedly watches Yuuka as he sits

Gunther: Some books have colorful language... Like "titty"... Heh.
Yuuka: I think, to provide a better frame of reference for people who only have
caffeine addictions, not cocaine addictions.
Asumu Mizono: It didn t have titty, it had...other things.
Gein Mender: That s very good.
Gunther: Such as...?
Yuuka anime description of how her hair glows under the harsh school lighting go
es heere
Gunther looks genuinely curious
Gein Mender: Kuwabara!
Quick, who is your favorite character?
Asumu Mizono: I m not gonna say! Go steal one from class if you re that interest
Gunther: ...Heh. If you say so.
Space (GM): is music playan
Mobile L.: Nope
Mac D.: nahp
Asumu Mizono: Ech...
Azureberry J.: No muzak
Mac D.: stardick s will is inherited
Gein Mender: duff
Mac D.: SHIT sorry
was getting some water
Mobile L.: Asumu has become an honorary Gl adesh
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Uh!!!
Gunther just sits there, trying to make his brain remember the Titty Incident
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Just cause I read the book don t mean I actually cared about
it, damn!!....)
Asumu Mizono: A what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh.....
Azureberry J.: A what?
Gein Mender: Jeebus?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait-, no!
Uh...(Jeeesus Chlist!)
Mobile L.: A member of my magical lizardman OC s family
Yuuka: (whisper-that-is-not-actually-a-whisper) Sakura. Say that.
Mobile L.: ./injoke
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....i changed my mind it s sakura.
Azureberry J.: Oh kay.
Gein Mender: That s good.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!!
Gein Mender stands right next to Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....She s.........
Yuuka: ........
Kazuma Kuwabara: .............
Yuuka sweatdrop
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........Nice?
Gein Mender: Nice how?

Yuuka taps Kuwabara s knee under the desk

Gein Mender: Not a typical view.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nice nice!
Yuuka starts signing to him with her hand
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Asumu Mizono: Well I m going back now. They will not be able to say I skipped cl
ass at least.
Kazuma Kuwabara glances out the corner of his eye
Gein Mender: Back it up.
Gunther looks all pensive as he tries to conjure the tiddy memories from the mur
k of his unconscious
Gunther: Oh, okay
Gein Mender: What does she do that s nice?
roll to interpret it kuwabara
Gunther: Have fun, I guess... Eheheheh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 20
Mobile L.: :<
Press 1 if you feel bad for Kuwabara
Uh.... uhhhhhh.... Something about a.... car?
Dan Blackmore: 1
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh......
Gein Mender: 1
Kazuma Kuwabara: She......was...... a car......
Gein Mender: And?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....She......
Gein Mender leans in a bit
Yuuka signs some more
Kazuma Kuwabara: (THINK ON YOUR FEET)
Kazuma Kuwabara glances again
Asumu Mizono: Wait...
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 41
Asumu Mizono: I think I m lost.
Gunther is soothed by the quiet of the library
Asumu Mizono: How....
She cared about her sister, but she didn t show it much

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!

Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Yuuka s hand has abruptly stopped
Kazuma Kuwabara: She cared a lot about her sis! But she wasn t much of a shower,
so she didn t get the hint!
Asumu Mizono: There we go.
eldritch s.: gein is holding a gun to her head
Yuuka: ....
Gein Mender: ... Good.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Asumu Mizono: ......................................
Kazuma Kuwabara tiny fistpump
Kazuma Kuwabara: (yes!_
Gein Mender knowingly smiles at him
Gunther trudges back into the hall
Kazuma Kuwabara steathily signs "thanks thanks thanks" to Yuuka
Gein Mender: Now!
Gunther s path is blocked by penises
Gein Mender: For you, Mizono...
Gein Mender writes her assigned reading on the board
he s boxed in
Gunther: I am probably going to pass out again.
Gein Mender: I want you to read these chapters and get back to me with a summary
of them tomorrow.
so he does
Gunther plonk
Gunther: Zzzzzzz....
Asumu Mizono: Yessir.
Gunther sleeps on the floor like a fuckin hobo
Gein Mender nods to her
Gein Mender turns to Satsuki
Space (GM): fawkesmcclodu are you here
Gunther dreams of random dicks
Gein Mender: Tell me, what are your thoughts on the book so far?
Fawkes M. (GM): Yas I am
Space (GM): be zhe satsuki
Mac D.: sink water in a big cup is Not That Great
Space (GM): meanwhile i am going to get osmethign to drink
Fawkes M. (GM): Set the scene - what s she doing?
Mobile L.: :<
Gein Mender: Can you tell me a word that gave you many problems?
Azureberry J.: Why Duff?
Space (GM): in school - gein asked how she feels about the book
Mobile L.: Have your folks get you some ginger ale
Mac D.: don t taste GREAT

cherry 7-up
that s ginger ale right
Mobile L.: It can be if it makes you feel better when you re sick
Azureberry J.: Water sho9uld not have a taste.
Mac D.: but it does
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Well, I think Miss Tohsaka did a wonderful job writing this
Space (GM): that s what ahppens when you drink tapwater
Gein Mender: Really?
Gunther [snores in Swedish/Russian]
Mac D.: water from a well and water from a water tower taste drastically differe
Mobile L.: It s ~THE CHEMICALS~
Satsuki Yumizuka: Yeah! The vivid descriptions of her life, loss, and all the lo
Mac D.: the MINERALS
Gein Mender: the government
Gein Mender nods
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...It s like she minored in poetry just to write it!
Gein Mender: I m glad you re liking it.
Mobile L.: Your pineal gland will be calcified so you can t open your third eye
Gein Mender: Now!
Mac D.: does sakura know that satsuki read this book
Space (GM): yesh
Gein Mender: Is there anyone here having trouble with any of the vocabulary?
Mac D.: does she get extremely uncomfortable when she talks about it
Gein Mender: Anyone at all.
Space (GM): no she just laughs
and laughs
Mac D.: the poor girl
Satsuki Yumizuka shakes her head
Kazuma Kuwabara: Naaah....
Yuuka: No, sir!
Gein Mender: Good, good!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at THE BELL
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...c mon....
Gein Mender: I guess I m earning my paycheck afterall...
Gein Mender looks at the rocket
Gein Mender: What is this.
Mobile L.: Gein is teacher of the year
Space (GM): you thought it was gonna be a dick
but no
it s a rocketship
youe all sick
Gunther: Zzzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: yes
Mac D.: i am
SPEAKING OF WHICH the bell rings
Space (GM): press 1 if you feel bad for duff
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Mobile L.: 1
Gein Mender: Class dismissed.
Satsuki Yumizuka gets up, stretching

Kazuma Kuwabara hops out of the desk and look back at Yuuka, tapping her shoulde
Yuuka starts heading out, gathering up her stuff
Yuuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, thank you so much, Yuuka! You re a damn lifesaver!
Yuuka: Oh, don t worry about it!
Gein Mender: You re not whispering, Kuawbara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t even care!
Kazuma Kuwabara goofy grin
Kazuma Kuwabara delinquent walks out the door like a CHAMP
It might be noted
Gein Mender: It s a good thing I m off the job now.
Satsuki s lookin a lot better
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender: Oh, Satsuki.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at her
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, uhSatsuki Yumizuka: Mm?
Gein Mender: I m glad to see you re alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara sees that Gein s got this
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka smiles
Gein Mender: You take it easy, you hear me?
Gunther is still sleeeeeepin in the hall
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Yes, sir!
Kazuma Kuwabara smiles and heads for the door again, stretching his arms
Yuuka starts out
Yuuka sees Gunther
Yuuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara passes by Yuuka
Gunther: ...Zzzz...
Satsuki Yumizuka bows before heading out
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at Yuuka
Gein Mender: Have fun reaing Atlas Shrugged, kid
Gunther gawd how can anyone sleep that much
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ah, don t mind him. He ll be up in a sec.
Gein Mender: I sure as hell couldn t.
Yuuka: ...Do you think he s...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: He s fine!

Gunther: Zzzzz...
Azureberry J.: Xeo Brando enters.
Gein Mender: ...
Are you okay, kid?
Did she just dump you in the hallway?
That asshole.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright.....I ll wait for him at the usual spot.
Gunther: ...Zzzzz...
Gein Mender slaps him softly
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for The Usual Spot
Gunther: ..Bwuh...
Gunther looks up
Gunther: Hello.
Gein Mender: Hey, you okay?
Usual spot s pretty empty...
Azureberry J.: What are doing out here?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll wait inside till he shows up...
Gunther: Yes. I just fell asleep again.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks over to a wall and leans against it
Gein Mender: Okay.
Chef: You re gonna buy something, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara puts on his COOL POSE
Gunther looks at Asumu
Gein Mender: Just don t pass out in public again.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gimmie the usual.
Gunther: Hello.
Gein Mender: Try getting some sleep.
Gunther: Okay.
Chef: You bet.
Gein Mender: Or else next time I take your wallet.
Chef to the kitchen
Gunther gets up
Gunther: ...Heh.
Azureberry J.: He has Narcolepsy
Mac D.: more like
Gein Mender: Do you have narcolepsy?
more like
Gunther: Yes, I do.
Gein Mender: necrophilia
Mac D.: Dorkolepsy
Gein Mender: Huh, I didn t know that.
Mobile L.: There are two kinds of people
Mac D.: ponoses
eldritch s.: those who can can count
Mac D.: and vagoos
Gunther: I guess I ve been handling it pretty decently then.
eldritch s.: those who can t7
Space (GM): hey mobi
eldritch s.: and those who say fuck the system
Mobile L.: S?
Space (GM): i think theresa is the only person who noticed ren s flown the coop
Gein Mender: I d say so.

Mobile L.: Poor Ren

So forgotten
She looked for him one day and was sad to find his room empty
Mac D.: does he meet back up with aven
Mobile L.: If the G-Man can hunt Aven down
Gein Mender: Well, good luck
Space (GM): is aven killing combine and telling freeman not to forget to reload
Gein Mender: also
is higginbid free
Gunther: Okay. Goodbye.
Mobile L.: Yep, he s now free
Mac D.: we did fothe yesterday, i want to do slice o life tonight
eldritch s.: i just wanted to put a bow on fothe
Asumu Mizono: I have to go home now.
Mac D.: oh we will
eldritch s.: as that has a plot
Mac D.: s not goin anywhere
eldritch s.: well as i ve said
Mac D.: but we re already in the middle of this
eldritch s.: many times
Gunther nods tokenly
eldritch s.: i am going somewhere
Gunther: Goodbye.
eldritch s.: for a wekk
starting sunday
Mac D.: i can wait a week for an epilogue
Mobile L.: Maybe we could re-Slice O Life after the FotHE?
Space (GM): spring break s gonna be the week of wrestling
Mobile L.: I unno, s up 2u
eldritch s.: the thing is slice of like
can be done without me
fothe cannot be finished without me
Space (GM): that feels fair enough to me
Mac D.: jam s gonna be waiting
eldritch s.: i m just trying to keep thngs
nice and efficient
Space (GM): either way we do this someones gonna be waiting
jam or higg
Mobile L.: Utilitarianism
Asumu Mizono: I dun care much.
eldritch s.: the thing is jam will be waiting less than higg will
Mac D.: alright we ll do the fothe epilogue and come back to this after
eldritch s.: yes that was what i wanted
Mobile L.: w00t
Mac D.: ya
eldritch s.: saturday is still free
Space (GM): no no saturday is still night
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): ba-dum-tish
eldritch s.: free for still night
Fawkes M. (GM): Hopefully Olive will be too
eldritch s.: go to the eridu one
i never want to go back to the first one again
it is such a pain to lad
Mac D.: hallo
Space (GM): welcome, x-chickens
Mobile L.: Hallo

MrEForEccentric: Hyes
Space (GM): i never felt like
do do dum do do
Mobile L.: Bitch, me neither! Da fuq.
Mac D.: do do do dum do
Miss_Sleuth texts Kuwabara "I m going to give your cat amnesia if he doesn t for
get what he saw, btw. That goes for you too, Kuwabara."
Kazuma Kuwabara reads this text
Kazuma Kuwabara is mortified and doesn t reply
Jack sits at a nearby booth - waiting for the other Lost Servants to arrive.
Mobile L.: where eldy
Miss_Sleuth adds another text "That, or I ll see what I ve got on you in my note
Space (GM): good questin
Mobile L.: Also, bee are bee
Mac D.: what DOES tsubasa have on kuwabara in his notebook
Mobile L.: Go on while I m AFK
Mac D.: what sort of things would an honorable man have to hide
Space (GM): duff e
MrEForEccentric: His crush on the deaf girl, obviously.
There are many things Tsubasa could have
Paul walks into the diner, scanning it for Jack
MrEForEccentric: By the way I don t see the diner
Paul sees him, then smiles and waves
Paul: Hey!
Space (GM): refresh
i never felt like du du dum dum duh
MrEForEccentric: Yeah I still see Tsubasa s apartment
Space (GM): OH
i thought you were seeing a black screen
easily fixed
Jack nods to Paul
Jack: Hey, Paul.
Paul has a seat in the booth
Mac D.: did we decide what Ajax was spending the past ten years doing
MrEForEccentric: He s probably been on a tour of Greece for some time
Mac D.: tesla too
paul and charlie have been doing the vampire rehab thing
Paul: It s been a while, how ve you been?
Space (GM): if they weren t already in fuyuki, then rin s called them there very
hasn t said why
Mobile L.: Tesla s on THE MEDS for his OCD and has been also been helping with t
he vampire rehab
He s also taking care of all the pigeons in Fuyuki
Mac D.: he wasn t in the last flashback because he was off his meds
Jack: Same as always, I suppose. Getting used to this modern world is strange, s
till. Still not sure why Rin called me back, personally.
Mac D.: and was in an alley somewhere burying himself in pigeons
Friend Loggins: Coo?!
Mobile L.: He had to be admitted to the psych ward after some kind of awful, pea
ch-related relapse

Paul: Maybe she just wanted to have a reunion. She s been pretty busy, lately...
Space (GM): this is like a couple of months after the satsuki sesh btw
Jack: Hm.
Paul: And I haven t heard about anything big happening..
The door swings open
Space (GM): do you guys think seer will arrive
Jack nods
Mac D.: perhaps in seven hours
Jack: Still. I visited the city my brother founded.
Niko walks in, only slightly perturbed by the interior of this dining establishm
eldritch s.: making snide remarks of me, eh
i ll kill your dog
Mac D.: seer, i would never >_>
Space (GM): yeah
Niko: ...Paul! Jack!
Niko waves and smiles
Paul: Really? How was it?
Paul looks over and sees
Paul: Oh! Niko!
Jack waves at Niko as well
Niko: Ahaha, it s been awhile, has it not?
Jack: Indeed it has.
Space (GM): lancer: -sadly gazesPaul: Yeah, how ve you been, buddy?
Jack: Cyprus was- well. A lot more eastern than I expected it to be.
Paul scoots further in the booth to give niko a seat
Niko: Oh, much better than before. That whole thing was...
Niko scoots in
Niko: ...Yes, much better. And yourselves?
The door swings open.
Jack: I m back from my tour of the Mediterranean. It was- interesting.
Charles: You shouldn t run off like that.
Paul: ...?
Paul looks over at Charles
Charles: It s cruel to expect an old man to keep up.
Paul: Oh!
Jack scoots over
Paul: Hah-...Sorry!
Niko smile-nods to the Chazzle
Niko: ...Mediterranean, ah? That sounds relaxing.
Charles: Ah, it is good to see you again, Lancer.
Jack: Please- call me Jack, Charles.
Jack nods to Niko
Jack: It was quite relaxing, aye.
Charles: It is a force of habit.

The door swings open.

Jack: Better than "pikeman" at lest
Niko: Is the food as wonderful as they s
Paul: ...?
Niko: !!!
Paul looks over and sees Rin
Rin Tohsaka looks around
Charles looks at her
Jack notices Rin
Jack: Ah- the woman of the hour.
Rin Tohsaka notices them
Paul: ....Wow, all near the same time...
Niko: Oh, good! The gang is all here, as they say!
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Paul waves and smiles
Rin Tohsaka isn t smiling
Niko nods to Rin.
Paul: ...?
Rin Tohsaka walks over to them
Rin Tohsaka just sits here
Niko: ...Uh...
Rin Tohsaka: Hey. Nice to see you guys again.
Charles has both hands on the table
Niko clears his throat
Charles: It does not seem like it.
Paul: ....Yeah, you too....What s the matter?
Jack: I take it you didn t summon us for an ordinary reunion.
Rin Tohsaka: ...There s no easy way to say this, so I ll just be blunt.
Niko: ...Go ahead.
Paul: .....Uh oh...
Rin Tohsaka: I ve been doing some research. On your... conditions.
Charles: Ah, and what have you found?
Paul: .....Oh?
Rin Tohsaka: The... that is to say, your life expectancy.
Paul: .....
eldritch s.: lancer and saber
are staring at each other
Niko: ...That.
Jack seems strangely content
Mobile L.: they gon kiss
Mac D.: they re both looking down
what are they looking a

Rin Tohsaka: Yeah. Normally, Servants shouldn t last long after the Grail is des
troyed. But all the mana from it...
Mobile L.: Respective dongs
Charles: their dicks
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well, you already know. You re all here, right?
Charles: Yes, I would assu,e/
Niko nods
Jack: Yes. Though I take it- not for long.
Rin Tohsaka: It s...
Paul: ....Yeah....Sounds like we re running out of time.
Charles: I imagined that it would run out.
Rin Tohsaka: ...That s the thing.
I have absolutely no idea.
Paul: ...?
Rin Tohsaka: You could drop dead five minutes from now, or five hundred years.
Charles: No one has any idea when they are to die.
Paul: .....
Charles: That is simply the way things are.
Niko: ...Yes, true enough.
Paul: ....Hm...
Rin Tohsaka: ...Yeah. That s right.
Jack: Then- I suppose we do as the hedonists do. Live as if there is no tomorrow
Paul: .....I guess I have to start thinking about planning ahead, then.
Charles: I do not feel my death coming yet, if that is any consolation.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Yeah, that should be... How are you guys feeling?
Niko: ...Oh, ah...
Much, much better.
Paul: Me? I m feeling fine...
Jack nods
Charles: I have been fairing well.
Jack: I am doing well, also.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Niko seems more relaxed than he was circa Still
Rin Tohsaka smiles like in the token
Rin Tohsaka: I ve got some better news.
Charles: Oh?
Niko: Oh?
Paul: Oooh!
Jack: Hm?
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, did you think I just got you all here to tell you you might d
ie sometime?
Niko: Eheh, certainly not.
Charles: Yes.
Rin Tohsaka pulls something out of her pocket
Paul: Kinda.
Jack shrugs
Paul: ...?
Jack: I didn t know what to expect.
Rin Tohsaka hands them all out - one for each person
Paul takes his and looks down at it

Niko gingerly takes a THING

Paul: Hm?
Jack looks at his
Charles examines it
Jack: A gift?
They re tickets - to some sort of sporting event. "GrappleMania...?"
Charles: GrappleMania?
Paul: ...!
Niko: ...Oh! ...Oh.
Paul: Oh, that s right!
Niko: ...Hm.
Paul looks at her, smiling
Rin Tohsaka smiles at them
Jack has the biggest damn grin
Charles has a "what is internet" face on
Niko sees that Paul is happy and smiles a little more
Paul: Sakura told me all about this, thanks!
Niko: It s, ah... It s a sporting event, Charles.
Charles: Oh, wonderful!
Paul: I looked up ticket prices, and they were really expensive.
Rin Tohsaka: I m gonna be wrestling there - you guys are gonna be able to make i
t, right?
Charles: Yes, I believe so...
Paul: Of course! Wouldn t miss it.
Niko nods eagerly/confusedly
Jack: You never told me you wrestled, Rin! I might have to show you a few moves
from my day. Of course I will show. After all- I was quite the wrestler myself.
Rin Tohsaka: You were?
Rin Tohsaka lights up
Jack: Of course. It was a standard past-time for Greeks.
Niko is amazed to see Jack this happy
Charles: I have never seen such a sport...
I, myself, was always a horse rider, or a hunter.
Paul is also kinda blown away by his newfound mellowness
Rin Tohsaka: Hehe, great. One of the old experts, huh?
Niko: It s... It s quite the spectacle, or so I am told!
Jack nods
Paul: My boys at the logging company used to do it for fun!
Jack: Yes- though I may have had close defeats with those of the Son of Tydeus,
and Odysseus...
I was still quite the wrestler indeed.
Charles: I hope that these tickets did not cost you too dearly.
Niko: Well, it seems as though we have some experienced wrestlers in our ranks,
Perhaps we novices could learn a thing or two.
Rin Tohsaka: Oh, I got them for free. Friends and family, right?
Niko looks at Charles when he says that

Jack nods
Rin Tohsaka: Heh... hey, we should show them how it s done.
Paul smiles
Jack: Yes, why not?
Paul: ...?
Charles: Yes, it would be nice to learn about the new sports...
I have been rather out of touch.
Jack: I ve already visited enough of the world I lived in- as it is today- why n
ot enjoy something that I once did?
Niko: I think you will quite enjoy it, Charles.
It s... certainly unorthodox, but it s a fine spectacle.
Paul: You oughta get out of the mansion more, Chalie!
Niko: A damn fine spectacle.
Charles: I apologize, I have been spending too much time in the garden.
Jack: Of course- I m sure these days you don t have your sport quite as bloody a
s we might have it. But I m sure it ll be entertaining nonetheless.
Niko has his hand resting on a dried old ketchup stain and doesn t seem to give
a shit
Charles: Rin, I have been meaning to ask you...
Rin Tohsaka still has her twintails btw
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah?
Charles: I had heard that you had written a novel.
Rin Tohsaka: ...!
Paul: ...Oh, yeah!
Sakura told me you had her ghostwrite it.
How is it? Is it popular?
Rin Tohsaka: Oh, right! Haha, yeah. She added... quite a bit of stuff to it!
Charles: ...
All those years ago.
In the van.
Rin Tohsaka: I hear it s on the New York Times bestseller list, actually...
Rin Tohsaka: ...?
Charles: I had been having one of my...
Less lucid episodes.
Jack: Hm.
Paul: That s great! I should tell Sakura...
Charles: Two voices were on the radio.
One was yours.
Rin Tohsaka looks at Charlemagne
Rin Tohsaka: ...?
Charles: The other was a man s.
Niko pretends he isn t listening carefully (#TRIGGER WARNING)
Jack listens
Charles: They were doscissing the success of your novel.
By the same title.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Huh.
Charles: Don Duan.
Rin Tohsaka: That s... kind of weird, Charles.
Don Duan...
Rin Tohsaka pauses
Paul: Definitely spooky...

Rin Tohsaka: ...Never heard of him.

Charles: I understand this.
That is good.
Jack: Sounds Iberia- I mean Spanish.
Charles: He was a desoicable man.
Niko: ...Eheh. Hm.
eldritch s.: brb
Rin Tohsaka: ...Hey, have you guys read it?
Paul: Hm? Ah, I haven t had the time lately, sorry...
Jack: I haven t had the opportunity to. I believe where I ve been, I would have
had to read it in Greek or Italian Translation.
Or some sort of Slavic.
Paul: I think Sakura owns a copy, though. I ll ask to borrow hers.
Jack: The barbarians seem the same as always up north.
MrEForEccentric: Ajax the racist towards Balkan states
Rin Tohsaka: Ah... maybe you guys could get it from a library?
Niko: Oh, I haven t gotten the chance just yet either, terribly sorry. I ve been
positively absorbed in tending to Milinka s little squabs.
Niko wut
Paul: ...?
Paul looks at Niko
Rin Tohsaka: Milinka?
Paul: Is that one of your...?
Jack raises an eyebrow
Niko: ...Oh, I haven t told you? One of the pigeons I care for...
she had babies.
Jack: That s good news.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Man. How many pigeons do you have now, Niko?
Rin Tohsaka in a joking tone
Niko: Ah, it would take me inordinately long to count.
Paul: I think he took every pigeon in the city...
Niko: Yes, eheh. I consider the ones that don t roost at my apartment family as
Such wonderful creatures...
Paul: I m seen some in sweaters when I take walks...
Rin Tohsaka: You re a really busy guy, you know that?
Jack nods
Jack: Hm.
Niko: Well, one has to keep his time productive and meaningful, yes?
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, that s true.
Niko: One of them didn t look like it would make it, but I did not give up on th
e little fellow, and he has much improved.
Niko has gone into grandma talking about her cats mode
Jack: Healing s good as always then, is it?
Niko: Oh, certainly, especially when it s dear, sweet little pigeons...
Rin Tohsaka: i m nuclear
i m wild
Niko may be less nutty, but he s still a weirdo
Rin Tohsaka: ...The, ah, vampire rehab is going good, too.
Paul nods
Paul: Sure is.


Niko jk
Jack: That s good news. I did worry, while I was visiting Thra- Bulgaria.
Paul: We got three new ones in, recently!
MrEForEccentric: Ajax has a problem with places in Europe- he ll use ancient nam
Mobile L.: Jack is the strong
MrEForEccentric: He is
Jack: Three new ones?
Space (GM): do you suppose the lost servants are minor celebrities for being liv
ing historical figures
Mobile L.: If they re Openly Historical and not closeted
Paul: Yeah. Our methods have still been improving lately.
Space (GM): given Circumstances At The End Of Still Night
Paul: And when they re in, it s usually pretty smooth, after that.
Space (GM): it d seem likely that they re probably open
eldritch s.: If we were not so tied up here. I think I would go to visit France.
Mobile L.: Then yes
Charles: fuck
Jack pats Charles on the back
Paul: ....Of course, you have to worry about the sudden bloodlust attacks, somet
Jack: You should visit it.
Rin Tohsaka: They ve been getting better about that, though.
Paul: Oh, definitely.
Jack: I took the time to visit my world.
Charles: Of course, I would also have to visit Germany as well.
Paul: You should have seen it when we started out, Satsuki put me through a wall
Rin Tohsaka: She did?
Paul laughs and says this in a joking tone
Charles: Hm.
Paul: Yeah, it turned out fine, though.
Charles: It is a shame Francia was divvied up.
Niko: ...I should poke by Smiljan sometime. New York, too.
Jack: Hm.
Jack nods
Charles: I heard crossing borders is irritating.
Space (GM): niko goes to new york
happens across paris diomedes odysseus and hector ganging up on achilles
decides to go back to fuyuki
Jack: It s a shame that Greece fell as it did, too. Even after that Macedonian s
howed such promise.
Niko: I wonder what they did with the Hotel New Yorker... It s supposedly still
Mobile L.: (grandpa_simpson_revolving_door.gif)
Charles: Ah yes, Alexander the Great.
Rin Tohsaka nods to Paul
Jack: I suppose, because he wasn t a true Greek, he couldn t make it last.
Charles: A simply magnificent campaign.
Niko idly scratches at the ketchup stain on the table
Rin Tohsaka: By the way... how has Sakura been doing? I haven t had the chance t
o check in - just got here from the airport.

Jack: I won t deny that. But he certainly was no nation-builder

Charles: Of course.
That title goes to Rome.
Jack bitterly
Jack: Yes... Romans.
Charles: Though, I am biased.
As I was the Holy Roman Emperor.
Paul: Oh, she s doing great! I think having all these people living with her is
doing her some good.
Jack nods
Paul: She gets along really well with them, too. She s like a big sister!
Charles: Without Greece, Rome would be nothing.
Faiga Tujimura: Fact: the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an
Niko nods
Rin Tohsaka: Really? That s great!
Jack: That s good.
Charles: Who was it that said "Greece had taken her rude conqueror"?
Rin Tohsaka: She s gotten a lot better lately.
Jack: Hm...?
Niko: It s... It s remarkable, really.
Charles: I remember hearing the phrase.
Paul: Yeah, I think........I think she s gonna be fine.
Jack: One of the Roman Historians?
Niko: As do I. She s a strong young woman.
Charles: Perhaps.
Paul says this with a twinge of finality
Jack: Still.
Rin Tohsaka: ...?
Jack: I actually picked up a copy of that play
That was written about me.
Charles: And?
Jack: Sophocles is an excellent dramatist.
What else can I say?
Charles: Hm.
It is good that it had something going for it.
Paul: ....Dunno how much she knows about managing money, so I can have Charlie t
each her that if she needs it...
Niko sweeps the dried ketchup dust from the table with the side of his hand
Rin Tohsaka is about to say something when someone walks up to the booth
Charles: I imagine there would be nothing more offensive than having a poor play
Niko: Heh. Better him than m
Paul: .....?
Jack chuckles
Jack: Yes, aye.
Though- a poor adaptation would also be shameful.
Robin: Heh. If I knew you guys were comin here, I woulda cleaned the tables bet
Niko: ...Oh!
Jack nods to Robin

Paul: .....Ah!
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Paul: Robin, how are you?
Robin: Doin fine, thanks for asking. Deidre s good, too.
Jack: Ah, that s good.
Paul nods, smiling
Niko: Tell her we send our regards when next you see her.
Paul: Do we have to order something before you throw us out for loitering?
Robin: Will do.
Heh. Yeah, that s about right.
Not that we got many people, but...
Robin looks around
Robin: Well, we re new. We ll get customers soon enough.
Paul: ..Oh!
Maybe we could get a famous sponser....
Paul eyes Rin
Niko: Oh, I m sure you will... The decor is... Young people will enjoy it.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Maybe.
Robin gets out a notepad
Robin: So, what ll it be?
Paul: Ribs, please!
Jack: Have anything Greek?
Robin: We got gyros.
Charles: Oh, would you have roast beef, perhaps?
Jack: I ll take it
Robin: You bet.
Niko: A small salad for myself, and an iced tea.
Robin writes these all down
MrEForEccentric: brb
Robin: Alright, cool. You want anything, Rin?
Rin Tohsaka looks up
Rin Tohsaka has not actually looked at him for this whole conversation
Rin Tohsaka: Just a burger.
Paul: ....?
Robin: Gotcha.
Paul takes note of this
Paul: ...
Paul has a look of concern
Robin seems entirely unperturbed by this
Robin starts to the kitchen
Rin Tohsaka: ...Anyways.
Charles: So that novel, what is it about?
Paul: Sakura told me it was an autobiography.
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah. About... y know, the Grail War. And right after.
Charles: ...
That is how it was described in my episode...
MrEForEccentric: back
Jack nods

Jack: Right
Niko: Hm...
Rin Tohsaka: ...Huh.
This is troubling.
Jack: So... people know that historical figures walk among them?
Charles: Perhaps my first guess was correct, and they were visions...
... I hope not.
Niko: Well, ah... I have had a few... curious visitors.
Paul: I don t know.....You think a lot of Japan knows about Paul Bunyan?
Charles: I assume that they would.
Niko: They wanted to know about... uh... crystal healing? Whatever the hell that
is. And free energy...
Rin Tohsaka: Well... the Association is out in the open, now. I thought it was g
ood to be honest about all that stuff.
Jack: I ve mostly been in Greece. I don t imagine they would single me out.
eldritch s.: master hp lovecraft
Jack: After all- I m Greek too.
eldritch s.: 1930s
let me check something
Paul: Well, it s easier to do our work if I m not famous.
Rin Tohsaka: You know, if you told someone there, you d probably get a guarantee
d job at a university.
eldritch s.: lovecraft died in 37
Niko: No one yet has mentioned the teleforce ray... or the earthquake machine...
Mobile L.: Oohoohoo
Space (GM): 2 masters, 2 servants
Niko: Just... crystal healing and perpetual motion and... government conspiracie
Space (GM): who wants to be a master who wants to be a servant
Mac D.: it s set in WWI right
Space (GM): wwii
Mac D.: i want to be a nazi master
Space (GM): lessee
Mobile L.: Serrrvunt
Jack: Hm. I suppose if people found out I was alive and present- I d be the firs
t case of someone recovering from a successful suicide.
I bet the "psychologists" would have fun with me.
Space (GM): tohsaka, matou, einzbern, edefelt, nazis, potentially lovecraft, Sec
ret Last Entrant
Niko: ...You know, that might not be such a bad idea.
Space (GM): the number works out well
MrEForEccentric: Servant
Mac D.: Lovecraft and Nazi bond over their mutual hatred of jews
Space (GM): good we ve got it sorted
classes available - everything except saber assassin and berserker
Niko: You live yet to tell the tale. It might help to volunteer yourself as a ca
se study.
Mac D.: someone play Avenge
Space (GM): avenger is an npc
he takes up berserker s slot
Mac D.: but you SAID....
Mobile L.: Gotta find a Heestorickle Figyuh
Rin Tohsaka: Well, you re not in the same state you were before, right?
Mobile L.: Someone COOL
Mac D.: who would be the Servant of Nazi
Space (GM): why not a mythological dude
eldritch s.: i claimed lovecraft also
why nazi
Space (GM): stroheimu
MrEForEccentric: Arminius?

Mac D.: because i want to be a nazi seer

does this bother you
Mobile L.: Depends on what kinda mythological figure
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): what mythologies are you versed in
Mac D.: too bad herr juden
eldritch s.: i know
MrEForEccentric: So I am going Servant, right
eldritch s.: somethings about aztec
Space (GM): yus
Mobile L.: Indian (kinda), Mexican/Aztec (kinda), Greek (kinda-sorta)
MrEForEccentric: Just checkin
Mobile L.: What would La Llorona be, classwise?
Space (GM): lemme google
eldritch s.: oh i know norse
Mobile L.: And she could double as La Malinche/La Chingada
Space (GM): either rider or caster
oh yeah the nazis were big on norse mythology
gods can t be summoned as servants though is i think the rule
Mobile L.: We could just say that La Llorna = La Malinche, because she was based
on La Malinche
eldritch s.: maybe montezuma
Mac D.: who were some famous not-gods in norse mythology
Mobile L.: I think she d be a Caster
eldritch s.: then i could make constant montezuma s revenge jokes
Mobile L.: There s no horses in Mesoamerica
MrEForEccentric: Hey space
Are you sure
Space (GM): riders basically just
MrEForEccentric: Assassin is off-limits
Space (GM): focus on their noble phantasm
Mobile L.: Hmmmm
MrEForEccentric: Because Hernan Cortez.......
Mobile L.: She rode the fuck outta him
Mac D.: guess that makes paul a pretty bad rider
eldritch s.: possible figures:
Space (GM): @olive: assassin s one of the only spelled out servants in the third
grail war
Mobile L.: Poor La Malinche
Mac D.: seer do you know any norse non-gods
eldritch s.: um
MrEForEccentric: oh ohk
eldritch s.: niddhoggr
that fucking squirrel on yggdrasil
Space (GM): sigurd
eldritch s.: wayland
MrEForEccentric: Suddenly Dumas
Mac D.: isn t sigurd just siegfried
Space (GM): of course sigurd is already a servant in apocrypha
no no siegfried is sigurd
eldritch s.: wayland would make a good rider
i think
MrEForEccentric: a smith
eldritch s.: maybe a caster
Space (GM): OOH OOH
Mac D.: HOOO

eldritch s.: grendel

Mac D.: but i can t have a saber
Space (GM): beowulf caster
Mobile L.: Duuuude, dibs on Rider for Malinche
eldritch s.: i know
Space (GM): well wait duff
you wouldn t be playing the servant
Mobile L.:
MrEForEccentric: I m going to call Archer class.
Mac D.: but i want to force my tastes on whoever i am ordering around
eldritch s.: i call master hp lovecraft
Mobile L.: Or...
eldritch s.: he will piss people off
Mobile L.: This one looks Fate-y
Space (GM): oho, yes
Mac D.:
Mobile L.: Lancer Malinche
Mobile L.: I liek
Space (GM): all of you
save these pictures
olive lemme here YOUR dieas
hey duff are you there
MrEForEccentric: Trying to think of a good Archer that I haven t already used so
mewhere else
Mac D.: i am here
Space (GM): lee harvey oswald
MrEForEccentric: Actually
eldritch s.: Throughout his life, selling stories and paid literary work for oth
ers did not provide enough to cover Lovecraft s basic expenses. Living frugally,
he subsisted on an inheritance that was nearly depleted by the time of his last
years. He sometimes went without food to afford the cost of mailing letters.[8]
Eventually, he was forced to move to smaller and meaner lodgings with his survi
ving aunt. He was also deeply affected by the suicide of his correspondent Rober
t E. Howard. In early 1937, Lovecraft was diagnosed with cancer of the small int
estine,[19] and suffered from malnutrition as a result. He lived in constant pai
n until his death on March 15, 1937, in Providence.
Mobile L.: Hm?
Mac D.: he didn t live in the thirties you BOOB
MrEForEccentric: You cool with Malinche as a Rider
Space (GM): oh that s right
MrEForEccentric: Or can you boop her to Lancer
I want to Attila the Hun
Mobile L.: Oohoo
I m down w/ the clown
Mac D.: what should be Nazi s name
MrEForEccentric: Attila The HUn
Mobile L.: Peter
Space (GM): the germans in fate have really weird names
lemme get a list
MrEForEccentric: Wielding the Sword of Mars
At the head of the Hunnic Horde

Mobile L.: That pic makes me think that Malinche is super bitter
Space (GM): Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern
llyasviel von Einzbern
Irisviel von Einzbern
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): etc etc
weird sounding names
Mobile L.: Peatyerugh
eldritch s.: also
Mobile L.: Von Jnglehpper
eldritch s.: according to assholes
the sword of mars
was also durendal
MrEForEccentric: Oh no
Mac D.: Heinricchson Schfelvast Van Belger
Space (GM): duff i hope you realize
Mobile L.: PERF
eldritch s.: it never
21ea08578cfc9f02164c.jpg Ajax
eldritch s.: ends
MrEForEccentric: I mean Attila
Rider Attila
Space (GM): Henricchson Schfelvast Van Belger will always appear as non-cyborg s
troheim in my mind
MrEForEccentric: Suits the Nazi master
Hun to Hun
Mac D.: even after he becomes Cyborg Stroheim
eldritch s.: i want to see hp lovcraft get into a fight
with a nazi
Space (GM): will Henricchson Schfelvast Van Belger become Cyborg Stroheim
Mac D.: yes
yes he will
Mobile L.: Maybe Malinche s NP would be La Llorona, somehow? Or would that be to
o Caster-y/weird?
eldritch s.: a fist fight with a cybord nazi
Space (GM): @mobile: that d be gud
MrEForEccentric: Anyways
Space (GM): @duff: fucking amazing
Mobile L.: w00t
MrEForEccentric: I m going to go for Attila Rider
Mac D.: after experimenting on hapless subjects for many years
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: Dew it
Mac D.: eventually he loses parts of his body
MrEForEccentric: He has his horde, and his Sword
Space (GM): Attilla and La Malinche
eldritch s.: or
Space (GM): Lovecraft and Henricchson Schfelvast Van Belger
eldritch s.: there is an alternative
Mobile L.: Who gets who?
Mac D.: and his Nazi Scientist buddies tell him they can do a completely unteste
d highly risky extremely painful likely lethal surgery
eldritch s.: i prefer lovecraft but
Space (GM): yes who gets whom

Mac D.: to put ROBOT PARTS in him

eldritch s.: there is a poe story
ligeia, recall
Mac D.: and he just throws himself onto the operating table and shouts at them t
o do it
eldritch s.: the namesake ligeia survives death by possessing other people
Space (GM): Roa
eldritch s.: maybe link that up to it or something
Space (GM): go w/ lovecraft
eldritch s.: that was the plan
MrEForEccentric: His Sword of Mars probably links up with his ability to call fo
rth the HORDE
Mobile L.: Lovecraft git the Mayan gurl?
Mac D.: will lovecraft and nazi bond over their hatred of jews
eldritch s.:
hey he married a jew
MrEForEccentric: Since it was said that the Sword was what gave him authority
Space (GM): duff this is going to be Henricchson Schfelvast Van Belger s theme
Mac D.: GOOD
eldritch s.: he can t hate them that much
Mac D.: oh
should he be
an ancestor of Clara
Space (GM): nah
Mac D.: oh ok
Mobile L.: Who wants MALINCHE?
eldritch s.: lovecraft will ger racist to her, probably
Mobile L.: They ll both be racist to her
She s kinda fucked
MrEForEccentric: Who is the lesser racist
eldritch s.: "Savage, to me!"
Space (GM): how will lovecraft and Henricchson Schfelvast Van Belger decide to t
eam up
Mobile L.: "Hm, you re a lot like Hernan... Except not as handsome."
Mac D.: well the world is in danger
eldritch s.: lovecraft probably will
Space (GM): it ain t in danger it s just a Holy Grail War
MrEForEccentric: Attila: "YOU WILL MAKE A GREAT WIFE"
eldritch s.: be disgusted
Mac D.: perhaps
they re put in a very dangerous situation at the start
Space (GM): oho
eldritch s.: at the nazism thing
Mobile L.: "Hon, I m already spent."
Mac D.: and they mutually agree to work together to survive
MrEForEccentric: "Damn. Well, guess I ll just have to kill you instead."
Space (GM): i m working on making icons for he various participants and servants
Mobile L.: "We ll see about that."
I just get the vibe that she d be super, super bitter
MrEForEccentric: "Hah. I m the Scourge of God. You think you can stand up to me?
Mac D.: Heinrichhson would probably act polite to her
Mobile L.: "I m the mother of Mexico. I d say it s a decent enough match."
Mac D.: but very very thinly mask his racialism
Mobile L.: Just like Hernan-kun~

MrEForEccentric: "One pitiful country compared to the might of Rome. I felled Ro

Mobile L.: "Mm, yeah, they all seem to think us pitiful."
eldritch s.: lovecraft would just
Space (GM): also skype
Mac D.: roight
Space (GM): is lovecraft sad he didn t summon a shoggoth
MrEForEccentric: So I guess Lovecraft will get Attilla?
Mac D.: heinricchson would smugly laugh at all of lovecraft s frustration
MrEForEccentric: Attila even
Space (GM): heinricchson - malinche, lovecraft - attilla?
Mac D.: works for me
MrEForEccentric: Yes
eldritch s.: lovecraft would be
ncredibly pleased
none of his deities exist
MrEForEccentric: OR DO THEY...?!
Space (GM): does lovecraft just accidentally summon a servant
eldritch s.: yes
Mac D.: while trying to summon a shoggoth
eldritch s.: in the wiriting of his novel
MrEForEccentric: Accidentally the scourge of god
Space (GM): i like the idea of him basically just blundering upon it like ryuuno
suke did
MrEForEccentric: Pretty damn suitable
Mac D.: does he actually believe that his writing is real
eldritch s.: he was getting a feel of occult rituals
Mac D.: does he really believe that much in his own hype
eldritch s.: and it exploded in his face
MrEForEccentric: Accidentally the scourge of god
eldritch s.: no he doesn;t
MrEForEccentric: Attila the freakin Hun
eldritch s.: he does worship the egyptian gods, though
Mac D.: what a weeeeeirdo
Space (GM): tell me more about Henricchson Schfelvast Van Belger
Mac D.: he s a fairly high-ranking officer
MrEForEccentric: How would Lovecraft react
Mac D.: he s fighting on the warfront instead of sitting around in germany like
a coward
MrEForEccentric: To Attila being summoned
Mac D.: he has a tank
eldritch s.: probably
thinking there has been a break in
Space (GM): does he get shipped off by hitler due to his having magic circuits
eldritch s.: or he s gone insane
MrEForEccentric: "Wow, you re the one I m supposed to serve?"
Mac D.: no he goes of his own will
he yearns for combat
Space (GM): do the nazis not even know about the holy grail war
Mac D.: and the idea with fighting of Conquerers of Old pleases him
*of fighting with
Space (GM): ooh
Mobile L.: Back, sorry
I like this matchup
MrEForEccentric: "I m not sure what s more insulting, the fact this was a mistak
e, or the fact you re so pitiful"
Mac D.: and of course there s the whole "get a wish" thing
which would bring him and his country great glory if he attained it

Space (GM): ooo

Mobile L.: Wishes for a Nazist utopia like a good Hitler Youth
eldritch s.: "I- wh- who are you?"
MrEForEccentric: "Just call me Rider, worm. Who I am doesn t concern you, yet."
Mac D.: he d probably wish for that or a promotion
Mobile L.: Aww
Space (GM): what would lvoecraft wish for
Mac D.: the death of all jews
MrEForEccentric: That s IF Attila doesn t stab him in the back
Mac D.: except his wife of course
MrEForEccentric: And try to take the grail
eldritch s.: lovecraft
would probably
money, maybe
he doesn t want to be involved in this so he didn t think of any neat wisah
Mac D.: he wishes for his own pet shoggoth
MrEForEccentric: Attila would wish to be reincarnated, and given a second chance
to build a great empire. He s given Russia.
Mobile L.: "I wish black people weren t real!"
MrEForEccentric: He is Putin
eldritch s.: you know in the last years of his life he lightened up on the racis
Mac D.: but did he lighten up seven years before his death
Mobile L.: "I wish black people were real, but maybe not next to me!"
eldritch s.: The adult Lovecraft was gaunt with dark eyes set in a very pale fac
e (he rarely went out before nightfall).[8] For five years after leaving school,
he lived an isolated existence with his mother, primarily writing poetry withou
t seeking employment or new social contacts. This changed in 1913 when he wrote
a letter to The Argosy, a pulp magazine, complaining about the insipidness of th
e love stories in the publication by writer Fred Jackson.[9] The ensuing debate
in the magazine s letters column caught the eye of Edward F. Daas, president of
the United Amateur Press Association (UAPA), who invited Lovecraft to join the o
rganization in 1914.
MrEForEccentric: I m trying to think
eldritch s.:
MrEForEccentric: How to make Attila s horde
Not a rip-off of Ioni Hetaratori
Mac D.: "i wish for a house"
"on top of a mountain"
Space (GM): it s difficult
Mac D.: "with indoor plumbing and heating and a bottomless fridge"
Space (GM): maybe - it s not a noble phantasm, just an army?
Mac D.: "so i can just not have to fucking look at people"
eldritch s.: so apparently
MrEForEccentric: What do you mean
Mobile L.: Shit, what would a woman who s been used and trampled on all her life
wish for?
eldritch s.: lovecraft was
incredibly friendly
Mobile L.: Huh
Space (GM): @mobil: maybe
eldritch s.: to other aspiring authors
Space (GM): her wish is kind of like
eldritch s.: through his letters
Space (GM): paris s wish, in that she wants her homeland returned to its former
eldritch s.: he had a bunch of author firends who said he was really nice to the

Space (GM): or maybe she wants spain destroyed
MrEForEccentric: So, Space
Do you think
It could be kind of like
Mobile L.: The descendants of the Mayans have a crazyass renaissance and murder
MrEForEccentric: Chen Gong s shit
Mobile L.: Yeah, fitting
MrEForEccentric: But in a Hunnic flavor
Mobile L.: She only wants the best for her children
Space (GM): yesh
MrEForEccentric: And the source is the sword of mars
Space (GM): @olive: also yes
eldritch s.: Among his correspondents were Robert Bloch (Psycho), Clark Ashton S
mith, and Robert E. Howard (Conan the Barbarian series). Many former aspiring au
thors later paid tribute to his mentoring and encouragement through the correspo
MrEForEccentric: So he basically just summons a few warriors at a time
To do his bidding
From his sword
Space (GM): yesh
hey mobile
eldritch s.: A few days after his mother s death, Lovecraft attended a conventio
n of amateur journalists in Boston, Massachusetts, where he met and became frien
dly with Sonia Greene, owner of a successful hat shop and seven years his senior
. Lovecraft s aunts disapproved of the relationship. Lovecraft and Greene marrie
d on March 3, 1924 and relocated to her Brooklyn apartment; she thought he neede
d to get out of Providence in order to flourish and was willing to support him f
inancially.[citation needed] Greene, who had been married before, later said Lov
ecraft had performed satisfactorily as a lover, though she had to take the initi
ative in all aspects of the relationship.[citation needed] She attributed Lovecr
aft s passive nature to a stultifying upbringing by his mother.[citation needed]
Lovecraft s weight increased to 200 lbs on his wife s home cooking.[citation ne
Space (GM): what s la malinche s np again
maybe her spear turns into quetzalcoatl
eldritch s.: "oerfirned adequately as a lover"
Mobile L.: Ooh, yes
That or some kinda La Llorona tie-in
MrEForEccentric: He of course rides a horse which gives him the capability of li
ke- leaving fire in it s wake, as Attila basically plunders all that stand in th
e way of its path
Basically if he charged a group of people on that horse
It d throw them around
And that s his other Noble Phantasm, the first being the Sword of Mars which can
summon the Horde s warriors
Space (GM): migrating to basement
MrEForEccentric: What think Space
Space (GM): i diggedy
eldritch s.: lovecraft was buddies with houdini
Mobile L.: Ooh
Space (GM): while im thinking of things to tell
the servants would know what nazis are
eldritch s.: so in the 30s
Space (GM): just to give la malinche some more "wow fuck this guY"
eldritch s.: lovecraft lived in providence
and never left
Mobile L.: Malinche would prolly be like "Yeah, okay, you re my Master, cool...
(secretly fuck you, tho)"

Space (GM): he went to fuyuki on a writer s retreat

eldritch s.: he never left japan
Mobile L.: She d probably be a backstabber too
Space (GM): @mobile: would she let him die to get a new master
eldritch s.: and probably would have gone to europe first
MrEForEccentric: He calls his horse Tribute
Mac D.: is thirtie s fuyuki the setting
eldritch s.: also i meant to say he never left america
Space (GM): yea thirties fuyuki
Mobile L.: If the new Master was more suitable for her purposes, yes
Space (GM): @seer: recently he s been having these strange dreams
Mobile L.: She just wants that wish
eldritch s.: maybe
Mac D.: will it be a warzone
Mobile L.: She wants to finally provide for her poor kids
eldritch s.: he was kidnapped by some guy
Space (GM): not quite a warzone but there s nazis and the imperial army
Mac D.: hok
Mobile L.: Prove to them that she hasn t turned her back on them or betrayed the
Space (GM): fighting might break out between teh two
MrEForEccentric: Attila would see detestable Roman-inspired ethics
Mobile L.: Stop being remembered as La Chingada and finally be a heroic, strong
mother like they deserve
Space (GM): fun fact there are eight masters in this grail war
MrEForEccentric: Attila is DEFINITELY going to be a backstabber
Mobile L.: Lotta Masters
Space (GM): the edelfelt sisters only count as 1
lemme grab a pic
MrEForEccentric: Rider and Lancer make a pact to get their masters killed
Space (GM): how would rider and lancer get along
MrEForEccentric: Last until the end
Space (GM):
MrEForEccentric: They would both hate the guts of their masters
Mobile L.: They might commiserate
Assuming Atilla wouldn t be a total boor to her
She low-key hates that
MrEForEccentric: I m going to give Attila
A very
Gil personality, but also a very ISKANDER personality
Space (GM): ooo
MrEForEccentric: He s Noble, arrogant
Mobile L.: 30s!Rin and Sakura
MrEForEccentric: He ll treat her with some respect, but that doesn t mean he s g
oing to be humble
Space (GM): yesh
@olive: what are the finer things in life for him
Mobile L.: Malinche is prolly gonna just be a wholesale Claudia ripoff, minus th
e psychotic tendencies
Space (GM): ooooo
Mac D.: does she ever [Revenge!]
Mobile L.: Hell yeah she does
MrEForEccentric: The finer things in life, are a good amount of gold, a good str
etch of land to call home, and warriors to call your brothers.
eldritch s.: lovecraft is going to be very
Mobile L.: That s her whole goal
eldritch s.: nerdy
and shy

as he was in real life

Mobile L.: Malinche s prolly gonna bully him
MrEForEccentric: Basically someone Attila would not like as a Master
And he s no Iskander
Mobile L.: Assuming they have much contact
MrEForEccentric: So he won t get the Waver treatment
eldritch s.: how would lovecraft
scrape together the funds needed
to get to japan
Space (GM): he wins an all-expenses paid writers retreat contest
to the mysterious island of japan
Space (GM): first boss will be Avenger
eldritch s.: but the was was on, was it not
Space (GM): not just yet
but very close to war
MrEForEccentric: Attila is going to be such a bully to lovecraft
eldritch s.: lovecraftm ihgt just
MrEForEccentric: He s basically going to be the one calling the shots
Space (GM): will this grail war give lovecraft inspiration for his books
eldritch s.: and try to make him shut up with his command spell
Mobile L.: Malinche can hold him down while Attila takes his lunch money
eldritch s.: i mean lovecraft really could not take criticism
Mac D.: heinricchson will find his lack of mental fortitude pathetic
MrEForEccentric: This will make betrayal inevitable
eldritch s.: what s sad is he wouldn t get angry
he would actually withdraw
and get very nervous
Mobile L.: Tragic Post-Victorian Sperglord
eldritch s.: thats why his career just fucking imploded
Space (GM): i think everyone will just completely overlook
Mac D.: "you see, zis is vy we must exterminate you all"
eldritch s.: he couldn t work up the nerve to market his works
Space (GM): these four incompatible chumps
MrEForEccentric: Attila would very well decide to sever his connection to Attila
I mean
Mobile L.: Simmering hatred all around
eldritch s.: also being in japan might flat out give him a nervous breakdown any
MrEForEccentric: If Lovecraft isn t careful, and manage to keep Attila amused
Mobile L.: Would Lovecraft do better if by some time paradox, he got Nikola Cast
eldritch s.: yes
Mobile L.: They could be mental misery and torment buddies
MrEForEccentric: He s stuck with the Scourge of God as a Servant
Mobile L.: And quietly mutter about the shifty ethnic folk........
Mac D.: and a nazi with a crazy spanish lady as a servant for a buddy
eldritch s.: also do humans gets stats in fate
Mobile L.: *Mayan lady
eldritch s.: if so lovecraft would have like z luck
Mac D.: pah
MrEForEccentric: Really the Nazi would probably want the Hun on side
eldritch s.: he had really awful luck
Mobile L.: (Yells at you in Nahuatl.)
Mac D.: you still there space?
eldritch s.: "If- We appear to be at a... turning point in our venture. I-if, ah
-... Perhaps we should carefully consider our options, lest we open up the metap
horical caburncle that we stand poised on."

Mac D.: someone should go check tvt and see if he s said anything about losing h
is internet
Space (GM): no no
i m still here
Mac D.: oh hokay goo
Space (GM): just getting pics for the masters
Mac D.: hoookay
Space (GM): hey do you guys
wanna mouthwords over skype
eldritch s.: i cannot
Mac D.: n o
MrEForEccentric: I cannot speak
Space (GM): onoire
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: "lol ur a chumpass"
Cannut Skype, sleeping family members
eldritch s.: "Wh-what are you doing... Servant?"
Mac D.: do you want to have the talk punctuated by constant disgusting coughing
Tsubasa Juufuku totally skipped school because she didn t give a fuck about goin
g in today
Mac D.: detectives don t NEED school
Space (GM): man is it tough to find
Mac D.: they r already smart enoug
Space (GM): pictures
eldritch s.: lovecraft didn t graduate from highschool
Kazuma Kuwabara is still leaning on the wall in the diner, trying to look like a
Tough Guy
eldritch s.: he had a nervous breakdown right before he did
Mobile L.: "Mm, I m praying to my gods that you ll grow a pair and quit being so
insufferable. You?"
Miss_Sleuth another text, Kuwabara- "Seriously. Amnesia."
Kazuma Kuwabara hears the buzzing of his silence cellphoner
eldritch s.: "W- Vulgarity!"
Kazuma Kuwabara sweating
eldritch s.: "H-how befeitting, of a savage."
Mobile L.: "Pah. You a Catholic or something?"
Miss_Sleuth another text... "You should never have come to my home, Kuwabara."
eldritch s.: "Hmph."
Mac D.: "Now, now, zere is no need for petty insults...."
Mobile L.: "Hey, he s kinda begging for it. He sounds like those stuffy old prie
eldritch s.: "No, I do not believe in the god s of your people, nor the God of m
Mac D.: "The young dark girl was lived in quite an advanced culture.....for her
Mobile L.: "...Oh. Okay, no gods. How original."
Space (GM): i might have to use
MrEForEccentric: Attila: "Phah. You all fall the same."
Space (GM): Older Waver as a faceclaim
Mobile L.: "And yeah, he s got it on the nose there."
"Better watch it, Wimpy."
Mac D.: "Is it fair to mock savages for living in an age of savagery?
eldritch s.: "I-I am n- I am- All of you, stop this."
"No, but she d-doesn t reside in such an age now."

Mobile L.: Fuck, brb

MrEForEccentric: Attila: "Go ahead and kill him. I m not going to stop you, so l
ong as someone else decides to pick me up"
Mac D.: "True.....Perhaps she should look into being.....civilized...."
eldritch s.: "N- but you are my Servant!"
MrEForEccentric: "By contract, sure."
eldritch s.: "N- You- I-I...
Mac D.: "Ah, Herr Luvkraft, you must learn to assert yourself!"
eldritch s.: "I should have e-exoect as much."
Mac D.: " is it you Americans say it.....put your foot down...."
"Yes.....right upon is insubordinate head."
Space (GM): g
i found the church supervisor
eldritch s.: "W-words hold no meaning f-for- for dignity and r-reason."
Space (GM): do you want to see him
eldritch s.: yes
Mac D.: yes
Space (GM):
Mac D.: o ya
eldritch s.: "Hold no m-meaning for... savages."
MrEForEccentric: "Hmph. It s amazing to think you have power over me"
Mac D.: "Ah, but he does!...."
eldritch s.: "B-by contract, you said"
Mac D.: "You musn t forget, with a mere passing of breath, he can make you fall
upon your own sword."
eldritch s.: "F-fine... I command you to prot-protect my existence, barbarian!"
Mobile L.: (Just stands there lookin quietly sour)
MrEForEccentric: -gets bound by Command SpellMac D.: "Fitting, for a former king to die like a dog for disrespecting his supe
MrEForEccentric: "You will regret this day."
eldritch s.: "B-but not as much as you will."
MrEForEccentric: "The day you tried to tie a leash upon the Scourge of God."
Mobile L.: "Mmm... You boys quite done squabbling yet? I though dark little barb
arian girls weren t worth your precious time."
eldritch s.: "The Scourge of Nothing."
Mobile L.: *thought
eldritch s.: "The God you speak of is nothing but empty, vast space."
MrEForEccentric: How COULD Attila try to betray him after a command spell like t
eldritch s.: exactly
MrEForEccentric: Get him to use up his Command spells
Mobile L.: "Pfah. You must be great at parties."
Mac D.: he could find as many loopholes as possibles to hurt him
MrEForEccentric: Then he s no longer bound
Mobile L.: Poor Lovecraft
I feel bad for him already
eldritch s.: he is treated badly not for being racist
but because he s a loser
MrEForEccentric: Y know Attila would probably cut Lovecraft s throat before he d
get out that command spell of protecting him
Mac D.: i m betting the Mayan wouldn t have much nice to say about the White Dev
il, either
Space (GM): this party will have the most friction
Mobile L.: She just grudgingly tolerates Whitey until he runs his mouth
Space (GM): it ll be amazing
Mac D.: "like a good darkie"
Mobile L.: She feels great because now she an hurt people who are shitty to her.

She couldn t before
MrEForEccentric: Makes Lovecraft a mute with his sword
So he can t command him
eldritch s.: he would try to kill himself if that happened
well actually he would kill himself if he took awau his power to write
MrEForEccentric: "Try to command me, and I ll remove your hand. Do we have a dea
eldritch s.: he would probably try to constantly send letters to his writing bud
Mobile L.: Press 1 if you feel prematurely bad for Lovecraft
eldritch s.: "Y- you can t do this."
Mac D.: "i command you to not remove my hand"
MrEForEccentric: "Oh, I won t remove it then... I ll just cripple it."
-stabs the handeldritch s.: "Agh!"
Space (GM): 1
eldritch s.: "I-I ll do whatever you want!"
Mac D.: "to BE NICE TO ME"
MrEForEccentric: "Good. Then we re in agreement. You just supply me with Mana, a
nd give me support. And we ll do fine. I can handle it."
Mobile L.: Yeah, Malinche would just looooove Lovecraft, because now the nasty f
oreign conqueror man is the scared little one
eldritch s.: lovecraft doesn t know the first thing about magic
he ends up just guessing
Mac D.: does she give the masters guff for being racists
eldritch s.: he does know a lot about chemistry
MrEForEccentric: How would Malinche feel about Attila
eldritch s.: and astrology
Mobile L.: Yeah, but just by smarting off to them
Mac D.: while being racist herself and not realizing the fact
Mobile L.: Pretty much
She s super racist
Mac D.: i think everyone in this party is a huge racist
eldritch s.: lovecraft is passive-aggressive racist
MrEForEccentric: Attila isn t a racist
He s just
eldritch s.: he s more just neurotic and afraid
Mobile L.: I think Malinche would sorta be okay with Attila, but still quietly r
esent the whole conquistador thing
MrEForEccentric: Not very good with people who think they can command him
Mac D.: he s an equal-opportunity rape n pillager
MrEForEccentric: He likes toppling empires
Mobile L.: She d probably get uncomfortable memories of Cortes
eldritch s.: if caster
is bluebear
and he uses
the necronomicon
MrEForEccentric: The difference between him and Cortez is
eldritch s.: lovecraft would shit his pants
so hard
MrEForEccentric: Attila dismantled an empire
Cortez built one
Mac D.: should i use K s for all my hard C s as Heinricchson
Mobile L.: But Cortez helped topple the Mayans
They had an empire

Mac D.: Herr Kastur

MrEForEccentric: I think the Romans would be a different thing
eldritch s.: actually
MrEForEccentric: Since
If you look at it this way
eldritch s.: the mayans fell before the spanish arrived
MrEForEccentric: Cortez was like Roman
eldritch s.: the aztecs were the ones that were fucked up
along with the incas
Mobile L.: Ooh
MrEForEccentric: Mayans were seen as the Barbarians
Mac D.: who fucked up the mayans
eldritch s.: they just fell due to
MrEForEccentric: Attila could be a freakin hero to her
eldritch s.: lack of food and disease
Mobile L.: Then she d prolly dig him, yeah
Mac D.: wow
what a lame way to go
eldritch s.: what they did is they kept
MrEForEccentric: Because he s the Barbarians teaching those Empire bastards a th
ing or two
eldritch s.: cutting down the forests
Mac D.: you know what i want to see shit off
eldritch s.: which stopped the rain in those areas
which killed the crops
Mac D.: Ancient Native American Empire wars
Mobile L.: They could be barbarian buddies
eldritch s.: and then people started dying
Mobile L.: Yeah, dude, me too
That d be illin
eldritch s.: the incas were fucked by the spanish though
MrEForEccentric: "I can promise you a new empire, Malincha- if you ride by my si
eldritch s.: see what happened is which i thought was stupid as
the king offered them
Mac D.: still here space?
eldritch s.: enough gold to fill his cell
Mobile L.: (Gets very mildly animu at him)
eldritch s.: if they let him go
so what they did was
they started putting the gold in the room
and then the spanish just killed him before they got all the gold
like fucking retards
Mobile L.: "...Hmph. I guess I could trust you. What do I have to lose, other th
an these buffoons?"
eldritch s.: like the room wasn t even
a third full
and they just killed him
Mobile L.: Wow
MrEForEccentric: -smirks- "Exactly. And these buffoons are much like those arrog
ant Romans, or- those Spaniards of your time. It ll be fun to dismantle their dr
"Raise our banner, atop their burning homes"
eldritch s.: lovecraft commands him as he s talking
Mobile L.: "...Yeah, let s fuck em up. Let s fuck em up together."
Space (GM): i have a question
how would Lovecraft and Nazi fight
Mobile L.: Meep?
eldritch s.: lovecraft would try to be a pacifisct

and probably wouldn t want to fight on his own

Mobile L.: Rest in pieces
MrEForEccentric: Pacifist teaming up with one of History s prominent Conquerors
eldritch s.: he would probably use a gun if pressed
MrEForEccentric: They really are going to be the barrel of laughs team
Mac D.: i m thinking
Mobile L.: Lovecraft be like:
Mac D.: either a gun-and-sabre style
or a variety of firearms
or like a Minion Master system where he commands Nazi soldiers
eldritch s.: lovecraft mentions one othe characters in the dunwhich horror using
an elephant gun
MrEForEccentric: Attila already is a Minion Master with Huns
eldritch s.: so maybe that
he just happens to find one
Mac D.: and then of course when he s Cyborg he fights with Chaingun Arm
eldritch s.: maybe something ties in with his mysterious dreams
and he has a book of
magical spells
Mobile L.: Lovecraft:
Space (GM): i am trying to give someone blue hair in photoshop
and failing utterly
Mobile L.: Gimme them
MrEForEccentric: "Lovecraft, make a contract, become a magical author"
Space (GM):
eldritch s.:
aa2028869e8091edf4a9c52_r.jpg elephany gun
Mac D.: hubba hubba
MrEForEccentric: Big gun
eldritch s.: the recoil would fuck him up
MrEForEccentric: Attila be like- "Gimme that, you probably can t handle it"
eldritch s.: i mean he weighed like
180 pounds at myst
150 i think???
near the end of his life
eldritch s.: i know that by 1930 he was closer to
less than 180
Young Tsubasa: Am I alive at this time
Mac D.: no young tsubasa
Mobile L.: Helllllll naw
Mac D.: you were not even sperm
Young Tsubasa: Or was I... A GLINT WITHIN A GLINT
eldritch s.: he was like
5 11
Mobile L.: Tesla was only 140
And he was 6 feet even
He looked like Skeltor towards the end of his life
Space (GM): didu geddit mobi
Mac D.: are sperm living things
Mobile L.: I did, yep
Space (GM): sweat
Mobile L.: I m gonna try to fix that hair
MrEForEccentric: Pretty sure they are
Kind of
They ARE Cells

eldritch s.: it just says that lovecraft was very gaunt and thin
Mac D.: imagine if you remembered your time as a sperm
eldritch s.: and that he lost a lot of weight
so i don t know the recoil would still fuck him up
MrEForEccentric: I imagine it would be a senseless experience for the most part
eldritch s.: space
did you see what i said
Space (GM): about what
eldritch s.: about magic book
Space (GM): yes
i dig
eldritch s.: i was just thinking that lovecraft is basically
as a characyer, the opposite of op
Mobile L.: How blue? Like, Matou blue?
Space (GM): maybe he could unlock its potential around the same time the cyborg
upgrade happens
eldritch s.: he has a servant who hates him
Space (GM): yeah she s the matou
eldritch s.: yes
Mobile L.: Aw yeah
I guessed it
eldritch s.: he has very few skills
he s poor
he s shy
he doesn t like fighting
Mobile L.: He s Shinji
eldritch s.: playing him is hard mode basically
he is a total shinji
MrEForEccentric: Attila: "Don t worry. I won t kill you immediately."
eldritch s.: attila is a total gil
MrEForEccentric: He s a Gil that actually has a heart somewhere
And can be very damn noble
IF you re on his good side
eldritch s.: just not with lovecraft
MrEForEccentric: No, because he is basically disappointing him from the get-go
Mac D.: play smile bomb
Miss_Sleuth sends another text "Always watching you, Kuwabara. Always watching"
Mobile L.: Malinche s theme
eldritch s.:
Kazuma Kuwabara SWEATS LOUDLY
Tsubasa Juufuku: Peek-a-boo
eldritch s.:
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?!?!
Kazuma Kuwabara slips and falls on his back in shock
Kazuma Kuwabara: GUH-!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Amnesiaaaaaaa
Mobile L.:
Tsubasa Juufuku slinks back out of sight
Kazuma Kuwabara gets up, and dusts off his school jacket, watching her slink awa
Young Tsubasa: Amnesiaaaaaaaa....
Kazuma Kuwabara: W-Would you get outta here!?
Lancer: Amnesia.
Space (GM): oooh

hey mobile do you still hve it open

Mobile L.: Oop, no
Space (GM): ooh, aite
no worries this is good
Mobile L.: I could re-edit, though
Pretty easily
Space (GM): could you like lighten it/make it a tiny bit less intense
Mobile L.: Sure thing, one sec
Space (GM): your a hero
Mobile L.: I think I m gonna darken Malinche s skin a bit too. She s just a touc
h too pale
Space (GM): oooh
MrEForEccentric: I am sleep
Mobile L.: Beeb beeb
Space (GM): nite olive
Mobile L.: Goonight
Hell, Malinche might end up falling in love with Attila
Mac D.: nitey nite\
Mobile L.: They could be a fucked up Servant Bonnie and Clyde, almost
Space (GM): hohoho
Mobile L.: Although it d be hard for her to come to trust him
Enough to open up romantically, I mean
Space (GM): final battle
"i love you"
"oh cool -stab"
Mobile L.: Eheh
Space (GM): excellent
eldritch s.: i wonder what will happen to lovecraft
Space (GM): ded
eldritch s.: don t you
think there is the slight chance
that against all odds
he makes it
i love the idea of hp lovecraft winning a grail war
Mobile L.: If shit plays out miraculously, Malinche might end up taking pity on
him and Maybe Possibly not killing his ass
eldritch s.: purely because everyone was too busy killing each other
Fawkes M. (GM): I LIVE AGAIN
eldritch s.: space
Space (GM): fawx
eldritch s.: tell him
Space (GM): of what
mobile tell him bout the servantos
eldritch s.: of the masters
Mac D.: ahga aaaaa there you r
Mobile L.: We have a polite Nazi and HP Lovecraft, AKA Shinji Ikari as masters a
nd Attila the Hun and La Malinche as Servants
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh, nice
eldritch s.: guess who is who
Mobile L.: Nyehehehehe
Fawkes M. (GM): I hope this won t put too much of a damper on Servant choice, bu
t - wouldn t the lack of Angra Mainyu in the Grail stop Anti-Heroes from being s
@Seer: Hmm
Space (GM): they re not antiheroes

at least i wouldn t say so

do you guys wanna see the masters
Fawkes M. (GM): Duff is definitely the Nazi, Olive is definitely Atilla, and Lov
ecraft is a tossup between Seer and Mobile
eldritch s.: yes
Mac D.: oh
Space (GM): mobile speaks spanish
eldritch s.: olive is an irl nazi
Mobile L.: Which one of us, tho?~
Mac D.: oh so i m definitely the nazi
eldritch s.: fascist
Fawkes M. (GM): @Space: Depends on how La Malinche is seen
eldritch s.: he supports telling kids to childrne
Fawkes M. (GM): Yeah
The proof is all there
Space (GM): let s plot who the other servants are
eldritch s.: by the way i m lvoecraft
Fawkes M. (GM): Figures
Space (GM): tell fawkes about their relation-ship
eldritch s.: everyone hates lovecraft
Mobile L.: This is "I fucked up while alive and just want to provide for my kids
, AKA Mexico" Malinche
eldritch s.: LORELEI
Mobile L.: She s super bitter, tho
Space (GM): nah, that ain t lorelei
eldritch s.: all of them are women
Fawkes M. (GM): Actually Lorelei s faceclaim was male
Space (GM): eiri is a dude
eldritch s.: a long haired
effeminate man
Fawkes M. (GM): Heck - Lorelei was originally a dude but we realized that name i
s better feminine
eldritch s.: lovecraft is nervous
i mean his racism isn t as bad as people say, especially in the later parts of h
is life
like people make it out as if he was like king of the kkk
eldritch s.: but he was just neurotic
Mobile L.: La Malinche, now racially correct:
She s an angry, sad old woman trapped in a sexy young body
eldritch s.: you know what i mean when i say it was a different flavor of it, ra
ther than the beating and mrudering kind, he d just write nasty things
Space (GM): my internet crapped out and i panicked
eldritch s.: i mean already he s a better human being than the nazi
Mobile L.: Fuggity
Now that you re back, Space:
Fawkes M. (GM): @Mobile: So she s like Caster Rin in that regard?
eldritch s.: unlike attila he s not a rapist
Space (GM): hey DUFF
Mobile L.: She s a helluva lot more damaged, and she can be a real bully
Mac D.: hyes
Space (GM): wanna fight
eldritch s.: so it s a tossup between him and malinche as to who is the better h
uman being
out of the pcs
Mac D.: hmmmMMMM
hold on lemmie get a drink of water

Space (GM): FOX

Mobile L.: Malinche has Been Through Some Fuckin Shit Son
Space (GM): quick gm someone
Mac D.: and drag
Space (GM): we s doing slice of life
Mac D.: my god damn rusty ass out of bed
give me tips to wake up
Mobile L.: Brush your teeth. Gum stimulation helps.
Fawkes M. (GM): Should I Satsuki, Clara, or Sibyl?
eldritch s.: lovecraft is the greenest of the ps, so to speak
Mac D.: wow really?
i never knew that
Space (GM): sibyl meets kuwabara and watches him and urameshi fight
eldritch s.: team salad toss
Mobile L.: It for me did when I was in college. You gotta give em a good brush a
nd it ll just kinda rouse you
Fawkes M. (GM): You know what
Space (GM): a QUESTION
Fawkes M. (GM): I m gonna bring in all three
Space (GM): would it be a spoiler to see the servantos of the next war
eldritch s.: no
Fawkes M. (GM): Hmm
Mobile L.: Show me them
So Malinche can know who to smart off to
Space (GM): one or two of them are gonna be ones that might be good to be SEECRE
T about so i won t show them
Mobile L.: Oghey
eldritch s.: also
who would win
a jaeger or an eva
Mobile L.: I d say the Jaeger
eldritch s.: i have been unable to decide
Mobile L.: (has not watched Pacific Rim)
eldritch s.: how the fuck have you not
you re sick
Mobile L.: I haven t gotten the chance
eldritch s.: sick
Mobile L.: I was in college when it came out
Mac D.: alright i m ready to go let s DO THIS
eldritch s.: sick
Fawkes M. (GM): Don t Evas have the advantage of an AT field?
eldritch s.: no
i mean what fucks the evas a bit is the umbilical cable
Fawkes M. (GM): Snap that and wait it out
Space (GM): h m...
do you guys wanna see the spoiler servant or not
eldritch s.: yes
Mobile L.: S
eldritch s.: who would win jaeger or eva
Space (GM): jaeger
eldritch s.: why
Kazuma Kuwabara continues his tough bloke lean on the wall, shaken up a little b
y Tsubasa s threatening texts, but trying his damnedest to look ALOOF AND SERIOU
Mobile L.: Evas are meat under there. Imagine being a person smacked by a big ro
bot. You d get a concussion and shit.
Fawkes M. (GM): I dunno, Space - I personally think these Spoiler Servants shoul
d be kept Spoilery

eldritch s.: and yet

Mobile L.: Just show us the non-Spoilers, then
Space (GM): i kinda feel the same
eldritch s.: i get the feeling
evas would also be able to beat certain kaijua
though as i say that i become unsure
because those things were fucking beefu
eldritch s.: evas have prog knive
and those fucking gun things
Mac D.: jet jaguar could go toe to toe with kaiju
and EVAS are basically Jet Jaguars
eldritch s.: and i don t know how strongs these things are
like in
lifting power
and things like that
Sitting on the stool of one of the bars, idly waiting and looking at the clock,
is a Sibyl
eldritch s.: i m trying to think of the greatest fea of strength shown by an eva
Kazuma Kuwabara conceal your eyes with your pompadour kuwabara. yeah, that makes
you look SUPER COOL.....
Mobile L.: When it tore the other Eva s shit open during the Bardiel thing
Or when Asuka lifted the boat
eldritch s.: the only question is how hard that was to do
the boat yes
Mobile L.: It was a BIG boat
Sibyl: Do you intend to intimidate me?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?
Mobile L.: The Eva seemed pretty effortless doing that
Kazuma Kuwabara: (...Is....Is she talkin to me!?....Wait, dammit!)
eldritch s.: i think an eva could take a kaiju
Kazuma Kuwabara: (Okay, uh....pretend you didn t hear her! Maybe she ll get the
hint with that!)
Kazuma Kuwabara does not respond to her
eldritch s.: could an angel take a kajui, grantedm that really varies from angel
to angel
Mobile L.: I don t think Sachiel could take one
Sibyl: Heh. Either you re timid or you re hard of hearing.
had to make assassin quick
Kazuma Kuwabara: (...Wh-....timid!? Aw, heck no, lady!)
(Okay, now I gotta respond, ta protect my pride! But I still can t give her the
wrong idea......Okay, uuuuuh!....)
Space (GM):
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Tch...
Kazuma Kuwabara turns his head slightly
Kazuma Kuwabara away from her
Mobile L.: Ahahaha, Gil
whoof want to know???
Sibyl smirks, reminded of a Living Dead she encountered a good while back
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
(....She bought it!)
(Heh....flawless as ever, Kuwabara!)
eldritch s.: leliel could take a kajiu i think

Space (GM): seer didja seeeee

eldritch s.: leliel could probably take a jaeger
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: Yeah, it could
eldritch s.: gilgamesh
Mobile L.: I always assume the Angels are female
eldritch s.: i always assume genderless
but then refer to them as male out of convenience
Mobile L.: Except for SPECIAL FRIEND
eldritch s.: we never see their junk
Mac D.: is gilgamesh a nazi in the thirties
eldritch s.: they could just be a ken doll
Sibyl rings a bell
Sibyl on the counter
Mobile L.: I think Angels probably reproduce through some weird, nonsexual means
Or not at all
Satsuki Yumizuka emerges from the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....(Ghk-!?)
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up slightly
Mobile L.: Maybe they were all just made in a set number
eldritch s.: that s what i thought
Kazuma Kuwabara: (....Oh!.....Oh....She s just orderin .....)
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back down, quick as a whip
Space (GM): Archer - Night of Wallachia
Lancer - Henricchson Schfelvast Van Belger
Caster - Eiri Tohsaka
Rider - H.P. Lovecraft
Assassin - Touki Matou
Avenger - Leysrich von Einzbern
Space (GM): nooooooo
eldritch s.: arael could take a jaeger very easily
Space (GM): my secrets...
Mobile L.: I ll pretend I didn t see that
eldritch s.: as will i
because think with a jaeger
if one of the pilots gets
Mobile L.: w
eldritch s.: the other would get dragged in too
and they would be incapacitated
Mobile L.: Eegh
the door opens
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey, Sib! Did you need anything?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Mobile L.: Yeah, that d fuck things up pretty badly
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at the door
Sibyl: Just double the size of my order. I ll pay double.
eldritch s.: and they don t have the lance
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
eldritch s.: so i think arael couldn t be easily killed
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Space (GM): fawkes did you see
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Hmph.

Space (GM): i ll put it on skype as well

Mobile L.: That d be a pretty one-sided fight
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Uh, do you think you need that much?
Kazuma Kuwabara: So you made good on your challenge, Urameshi.....
eldritch s.: ACTUALLY
the greatest feat of strenght
and evs does
Kazuma Kuwabara: Coming to the Usual Spot like this....
eldritch s.: is with
and holding that fucking thing
Sibyl thumbs over at Kuwabara and Urameshi
Mobile L.: Oh! Oh yeah, that
Yusuke Urameshi: What, did you think I was gonna be a no-show?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Erm, alright.
eldritch s.: a jaeger couldn t take that
Mobile L.: That motherfucker was
Satsuki Yumizuka heads back into the kitchen
Mobile L.: huge
eldritch s.: i don t think a jaeger could take arael
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Heh! I had my fears ya d chicken out! You ve getting soft la
Space (GM): do you guys want gein and gunther in here
eldritch s.: *ramiel
Mobile L.: Ah gahd, dare I?
Yusuke Urameshi: Don t go makin crap up, Kuwabara. If anyone s getting soft, it
s you.
Sibyl: Much obliged, Satsuki.
eldritch s.: armisael would fuck up a jaeger too
Mobile L.: I m afraid I ll get fussed at if I m up too much longer
eldritch s.: basically all of the "special" angels can take jaegers
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, yeah!? You wanna make try and make GOOD on all that big tal
Mobile L.: Does that make Evas stronger, then?
eldritch s.: a jager couldn t survive in lava
so they wouldn t be able to take the lava one
Yusuke Urameshi: Y know what, Kuwabara?!
Yusuke Urameshi rolls up his sleeves
eldritch s.: i think evas are actually much strong than jaegers
Mobile L.: Well damn
That s cray
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re on!!
Kazuma Kuwabara rolls up HIS sleeves
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s head for the USUAL Usual Spot!
eldritch s.: also
were the angels
before the events of eva
there must have been
Yusuke Urameshi nods
eldritch s.: i wonder what those angels were like
Mobile L.: Hmm
Kazuma Kuwabara gets off the wall and walks out the door with a HUFF

Yusuke Urameshi FOLLOWS

Kazuma Kuwabara heads for....the USUAL USUAL Spot!
Kazuma Kuwabara which is the street right outside the diner
Mobile L.: Schet, y all, I hate to just go, but I d better get some sleep
Space (GM): nite nite
Mobile L.: G night
Mac D.: hokay....
Yusuke Urameshi heads out there after them
Fawkes M. (GM): Noite
Space (GM):
gilgamesh op pls nerf
Mac D.: well geez gil
Kazuma Kuwabara stops on his heel and turns around to face Yusuke
Yusuke Urameshi: So... you ready, Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara cracks his knuckles
Kazuma Kuwabara: Always, ya dirty punk!
Kazuma Kuwabara CHARGES in and goes to throw a punch
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gyaaaaaaaaah!
Space (GM): rolle
i think seer and fox died
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 30
Mac D.: do you want to stop this for now
Fox is here
Mac D.: and then the next time we do it other people can stumble onto the fight
in the street
Space (GM): shore
Mac D.: ho KAY
Space (GM): do you guys wanna plan stuff for the Upcoming Upcoming Roll
Mac D.: actually i am this close to passing out
but before i go
space do you have an ESTIMATE for when you giddof the plane and settle down in c
Space (GM): not rly
why do u axe
Fawkes M. (GM): I would like to know as well
Mac D.: well on the off chance we can do it tomorrow
Fawkes M. (GM): Since
I resolve to restrict myself after Sunday
Mac D.: :c
Space (GM): seer said he d be sporadic starting tomorrow
Mac D.: well yah but how bout the others
Space (GM): fox what s next on the agenda for still night
i am not sure
Fawkes M. (GM): We got through
Mac D.: guess we ll cross the bridge when we get to it

k i m going to collapse now i love u all

Space (GM): nite nite
Fawkes M. (GM): Night
Space (GM): yu
Mac D.: mea
Space (GM): get in there will you, and grab the others
Mac D.: k
MrEForEccentric: Ya yo
eldritch s.: in unsung heroes
Mobile L.: Shyit, I just missed Fawkes
eldritch s.: i want the portraitg
of manny pardo
Mobile L.: Who?
Space (GM): oh no that fawkes convo was from like days ago
Mobile L.: Ah, I see
MrEForEccentric: Sooooooo
What do
eldritch s.: not the serial killer
The party will happen across Urameshi ad Kuwabara having a fistfight outside Lum
py s
Kazuma Kuwabara: HOOWAAAAAAAH!
Space (GM): let s have all the unsung heroes as hotline miami prortraite
Yusuke Urameshi: RaaaaaaaAAAGH--!
Mac D.: but seer i ll miss the anti spiral
Kazuma Kuwabara: HOOF!
Gunther presses his fat face against the glass door to witness this unmissable s
Gunther: ...Heh.
Gunther is watching from within Lumpy s now because I fuckin suck at reading com
prehension and don t wanna change it
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku facepalms
Gunther: Look at them go.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hurk--!!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know. So senseless
Kazuma Kuwabara: HURRRRRGH!
Yusuke Urameshi: Hai--- YAH!
Gunther: What do you think drives them to do it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Repressed lust, probably.
Gein Mender rides up on his segway
Gein Mender with scoob
Gunther: ...Eheheh. Homolust. I could vaguely see that.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know, right?
George: Woof!
Gein Mender: Homolust, what the fuck?
Mobile L.: fuk brb
Gein Mender: I mean, what the flip?
Tsubasa Juufuku: You can swear around us, Gein.
Gein Mender: You should not have said that.

Now I will never stop.

Kazuma Kuwabara: SPINNING BIRD KICK!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Eh, I don t give a fuck.
Gein Mender: You will here some really terrible things that will keep you up at
night now.
Your innocence will be destroyed.
Tsubasa Juufuku doesn t look like she believes you
Tsubasa Juufuku: You think I have innocence?
Gunther: I ve heard worse.
Gein Mender: Eh, at least plausable deniability.
Maybe a plea bargain.
Yusuke Urameshi: TIGER FIST!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Still don t believe you
Kazuma Kuwabara: HGCK-!?
Gunther: Innocence is just something they tell you that you have to keep you fro
m swearing.
Kazuma Kuwabara is sent to the floor
Kazuma Kuwabara: UWAH!.....UWAH!....UWAH!....
Gunther: There is honestly no such thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [thud]
Gunther: ...Ow.
Gein Mender: So, uh, what re these guys doing?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Anyway, I m going to grab a table.
Yusuke Urameshi: Heh.
Yusuke Urameshi dusts off his hands
Gunther: Fighting, apparently. Because homolust.
Tsubasa Juufuku heads for a table
Gein Mender: Again with the homolust.
Yusuke Urameshi walks away, whistling cheerily
Kazuma Kuwabara achily tries getting to his feet, battered and bruised
Gunther: He has a shrine to Urameshi in his house. I think he has some feelings
he s not comfortable with.
Gein Mender: Is this some kind of Freudian thing? Do you have the homolust?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ngh!...Dammit, don t you walk away from me!! This ain t over!!!
Gein Mender: Oh.
Gunther: Mhm... Heh.
Yusuke Urameshi stroll stroll
Gunther: Kuwabara will probably need some ice for that.
Gein Mender: Let s ask the chef.
Tsubasa Juufuku relaxes into her seat at the table, looking out the window
Chef strolls up to her table
Kazuma Kuwabara: One day, Urameshi! One day!!...
Gunther goes to the counter
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hck-!
Kazuma Kuwabara slips and falls to the ground again
Chef: Yo. What can I getcha?
MrEForEccentric: "Holy shit you re small"
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Aaaagh.....

Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh, I ll have a hot chocolate.

Gunther waits for a person
Chef: You bet.
Gein Mender: Hm...
Chef hops back over the counter
Chef: How bout you folks?
Tsubasa Juufuku stares out the window thoughtfully
Gein Mender: Hey there, I ll just have what I had last time, thanks.
Chef: You bet.
Chef looks over at Gunth
Space (GM): i gotta make a list
of what everyone usually orders
Kazuma Kuwabara is still there on the street, Tsubasa. Lying on his back
Tsubasa Juufuku knocks on the window
Gunther: Can I have some ice for my injured friend.
Gein Mender: gein: malt, dog sundae, fries, sometimes a salad
Kazuma Kuwabara slowly turns his head toward the window
Kazuma Kuwabara man check out that shiner and puffy face
Kazuma Kuwabara: Muh...?
Tsubasa Juufuku points a thumb towards the counter
Chef: Your, ah...?
Chef looks out the window
Chef: Ah. Gotcha. Comin right up.
Chef heads to the back
Gunther: Okay.
Gunther waits for him.
Gein Mender: ...
My twin brother is in town.
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up and gets to his feet, grumbling
Gein Mender: I saw him on the bus.
Gunther: Oh?
Gein Mender: Well, twin-half brother.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads back inside the Lumpy s
Gein Mender: Yeah.
I didn t say anything.
He looks like shit.
Gunther: Are you estranged.
Gein Mender: Not really, I just am not permitted to talk to him.
Gunther: Oh. That s a shame.
Gein Mender: ... It s about work.
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: Yeah.
His name s Keel.
eldritch s.: hehe
Gunther: Heh. Odd name.
Gein Mender: I thought so too.

MrEForEccentric: So who is hoping the others have the sense to read his page
Mobile L.: Meeee
Gein Mender: stop this song
i m losing my mind
MrEForEccentric: Lets hope spaz decides to read the page
Mobile L.: I can BW it
MrEForEccentric: Good idea
Gein Mender: what page
Space (GM): wh
MrEForEccentric: The guy in the sign up
Gein Mender: ih
Space (GM): oh yes
Gein Mender: Yes, Keel Lorenz/
Never thought I d see him around these parts/
Mac D.: kuwabara doesn t got a character on the map
Gunther: Eheheheh. That surname is even weirder.
Gein Mender: Thank christ he s my halfbrother.
I forget, exactly...
Kazuma Kuwabara shuffles his way to the counter, beaten to shit and defeated
Gunther: What s he like.
...Oh. Kuwabara.
Tsubasa Juufuku keeps relaxing at her table
Tsubasa Juufuku has her phone and shit
Gunther: You should have stayed where you were. I was getting you ice.
Gein Mender: He s great at parties.
Hey, kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara sits down at the stool, grimacing
Gunther: How s Urameshi.
Chef returns, balancing food and an icebag on a tray
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shaddup!
Chef: Yo, catch.
Chef tosses the icebag to Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to catch
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 46
Chef smoothly dishes out food to the rest
Gunther: ...Excellent.
Gein Mender gives Scoob the sunday
Chef hops over the counter, bringing Tsubasa s hot chocolate
George: Ruff!

Kazuma Kuwabara resumes his grumpy expression and buts the ice bag against his f
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles at Chef
Chef: Here ya go.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thanks.
Chef: Hey, are those your buddies over there?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, kind of. I m just sticking here for a moment, though.
I prefer tables over counters.
Kazuma Kuwabara: time.....just gotta do some more morning exercise, th
at s all! I ll thrash him for sure, next time!.....
Gunther: Hm.
Guess what, Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: Did you try a dick kick?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-No!
Gein Mender: There s your problem.
Chef: Yeah, alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That isn t honorable at all, old man!
Gunther: But it s funny.
Gein Mender: It s a fight.
Chef: Well, I ll be in the back, so if you need anything just holler.
Chef hops back over the counter
Gunther: And effective.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t want to win like a damn cheater!
Gein Mender: And easy.
Space (GM): hey duff
Gein Mender: Here, let me show you.
Tsubasa Juufuku drinks her hot chocolate
Space (GM): wig plays monset hunter did you know
Mac D.: i DID
Gein Mender gets out of his chair
Gunther watches intently
Gein Mender takes the dick kick stance
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Are you-!? Stay the hell away from me
Gunther: He s just demonstrating.
Your dick is safe... Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......I know how to kick!
Gein Mender begins demonstrating his SECRET TECHNIQUE
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to tune out the boys-being-boys
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20

= 38
Gunther: Good.
...But guess what, Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: There s an art to it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: There ain t no art in kicking somebody in the schlong!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Gein Mender: You have to dig it right in there.
Gunther: Mister Mender has a twin half-brother... Heh... Named Keel Lorenz.
Gein Mender: He s on,t
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh?
What kinda weird name is that??
Gein Mender: Only a twin because he looks like me.
Gunther: A weird weird name.
Gein Mender: Not an actual twin.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Is he French?
Gunther: It sounds German, to me.
Tsubasa Juufuku wishes she had more intelligent company, sometimes
Tsubasa Juufuku feels that this is one of those times
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: Same
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs, sipping that hot chocolate
Mac D.: mobile confirmed to assault children for liking cartoons
MrEForEccentric: I would throw them on the train
not the train tracks
That d be murder
Space (GM):
Gein Mender: the ollege
Mac D.: olive confirmed for kidnapping children for liking a cartoon
MrEForEccentric: Didn t say I d get on the train WITH them
Kazuma Kuwabara presses the ice against his face more
Kazuma Kuwabara: Rrrrgh.....
Mobile L.: Down with animation, up with live action, I say
Space (GM): live action moe anime
eldritch s.: he s sending them to the camps
Mobile L.: Kill All Toonies
eldritch s.: you re evil, olive
Gunther: Will you be needing ibuprofen for that.
MrEForEccentric: Evil is sexy
Kazuma Kuwabara: I can walk it off!
No way I need to be medicated for any o Urameshi s lame punches!...
Gein Mender: Can t walk off a dick kick.
Gunther: Heh. Whatever you say.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Would you quit it, gramps!?
Tsubasa Juufuku sips that hot chocolate, letting the hour drag on
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Tsubasa
Space (GM): olive is it almost 5 am
MrEForEccentric: yes
I could be making pudding
For Angela
Space (GM): go to bed

MrEForEccentric: but rugrats reference

Space (GM): i deleted tsubasa sleep now
MrEForEccentric: holy shit
Cruel angel
Space (GM): it s okay olive you re safe
MrEForEccentric: submitting your thesis
Space (GM): go to the night
Tsubasa Juufuku eventually heads out
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh.....Wonder what she was doin by herself.
MrEForEccentric: Holy shit guys
It s Rock s birthday
Mobile L.: Rock who?
Mac D.: my word
do i have to post ric flair olive
MrEForEccentric: Rockman
Mobile L.: :D
MrEForEccentric: anyway
I go to the winds
Space (GM): nite
Mac D.: gud naght
Mobile L.: G night
Gunther: No clue.
Probably thinking about her next toke... Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh.....Yeah, probably!......Eheheheheheheheh....
Kazuma Kuwabara nervous laughter
Gunther tilts his head slightly to the side
Gunther: Is something amiss.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hm? Oh,! Naaaah!
Gunther: Something is very obviously amiss, but okay.
I ll assume it isn t worth it to press the issue.
Claudia Hortensia: I heard talk about... drugs?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Gunther looks at Claudia
Kazuma Kuwabara is startled right off his stool
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bwuh!!
Gunther: Hello.
Claudia Hortensia: ...You mustn t do such things.
Gunther: I know.
Kazuma Kuwabara achingly gets back onto his stool, putting the ice bag to his he
ad again
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, lady! And we weren t....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks and sees her
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh! I remember you!
Yes, she was...
Yes, you swear you ve seen her before, but what...?
...It fades.
Claudia Hortensia: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Huh....That s weird.....Coulda sworn I recalled the details!....
But I definitely remember that face!

Claudia Hortensia: ...The time is not yet right.

Gunther: ...Hm?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Huh?
What do ya mean the time ain t righ?
Gein Mender is still practicing his dick kicks
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got a curfew or something, lady?
Gunther watches Gein
Claudia Hortensia starts out
The party hears howling - like hundreds of thousands of mad dogs
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara starts again, and looks around
Gunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: W-What was that!?
Gunther: ...Who let the dogs out? Heh.
looking out the window, they will see
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh?....
test?cb=20121001232344 those shadows behind her
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?!?!
Gunther raises an eyebrow under all that hair
Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his eyes a bunch before looking out the window again
Gunther silently tries to interpret what he sees
Oh those are probably all her familiars
Gunther: ...Hm.
That are systematically swarming into houses and wiping out the entire town
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?!?!!?!?
Gunther slowly gets up and starts for the door, an odd sense of purpose in his s
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara sees Gunther go and gets up to hobble after him
Gunther: Stay back.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, wait! Gunth, what re you doin !?
Yes this catches attention of the dogs
Gunther: Get behind cover.
A whole mass of them swarms for the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?!?!!*
Kazuma Kuwabara moves behind a table quick as a whip
Kazuma Kuwabara: *What
Gunther grabs a barstool and tries to use it to bar the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s going on!?!?
Mobile L.: Roll?
Kazuma Kuwabara: W-Where d all these dogs come from!?
Space (GM): certainly
dammit there s no pic for the hollow ataraxia bad end on the internets
i ll have to make it later
Mobile L.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 5
They surge right through
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!!!!
There s hundreds - no, thousands of them
They quickly swarm over the two of them
Kazuma Kuwabara picks up a stool and starts wildly swinging
Gunther swings at them, stone-faced
It s no use.
In a matter of hours, the entire town is decimated.
Bad End
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaaaaaaaagh!!!
Space (GM): that s probably not gonna happen in the actual plot
Mac D.: cut to kuwabara in bed at home
Space (GM): since i don t have a bad end pic
Mac D.: mana transferrance
Kazuma Kuwabara bolts upright, shouting
Kazuma Kuwabara: BWAH!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Bwah?
Mobile L.: WOW. HOT a WHAT, babahabhiat
Kazuma Kuwabara turns to Bubbles startled
Kazuma Kuwabara: BWAH!!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: BWAH!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara breathes heavily, in a cold sweat
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Wha....My....My room?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at the clock
Mac D.: they gotta get that mana somehow mobile
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
...Woah! Wait!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at his body, checking for bruises and such
he personally fine
Mobile L.: I don t got no mana........ (feels_guy.jpg)
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....So.....was it really all a dream?....
......Then that means.....
Kazuma Kuwabara hops out of his bed in joy
Space (GM): "i din t get beat by urameshi"
Kazuma Kuwabara: I didn t lose to Urameshi again after all!! Yes!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara counts with his fingers
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, that turns back my win/loss record to.......0-143!
Yes! This is a sign! I was mentally preparin !

Keep the house clean, Bubbles!

Kazuma Kuwabara heads out the door to his room
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just you wait, Urameshi.....This time, I ll be the one to the t
hrow the first shoe!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs out the door
Mac D.: g
Space (GM): making bad end pics
Mobile L.: waitin 4 Spiritu de Espacio
Mac D.: guys i was so scared
Space (GM): were we still goign
Mobile L.: We were, pretty sure
Space (GM): compare/contrast
Kazuma Kuwabara runs along the road, FILLED with a newfound confidence
Mac D.: tesla looks sadder
as does ajax
Mobile L.: He s merely contemplative
Having mental chill for once
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: Rip in penis
Gunther is writing something on the side of a building with a sharpie
Gunther: Eheheheheheh..
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Gunth!
Gunther looks up
Gunther: Oh. Hello, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey....funny question, but where were ya, last night?
Gunther: At home, watching Mrs. Doubtfire. Why do you ask?
Kazuma Kuwabara FIST PUMP
Kazuma Kuwabara: Haha, YES!
So it WAS all just a bad dream!
Gunther: Oh?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! A horrible dream! Where I lost to Urameshi again!
It was a premonition....My body was subconsciously preparin me for today s bout
Kazuma Kuwabara pounds his fist
Gunther: ...Hm. I see.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll lay him flat for SURE this time! Watch me!
Gunther: Should I go ahead and get some ice.
Space (GM): hey mobile
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heh.....Yeah, Urameshi s definitely gonna need it!
Gunther: ...Eheh. I m sure he will.
Space (GM): after cloud shows up could you have g-man show up to bus the squad a
nd ren, i think i gotta be getting to bed soon
Mobile L.: Sure thing
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, I m gonna go find the bastard!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs off down another road in search
Gunther watches him go
Gunther: ...He s gonna get destroyed.
Gunther finishes writing "For a good time, call [Franz s cell number]" on that w

Space (GM): hahaha

Mobile L.: Franz has reasons for resenting his non-bro
Kazuma Kuwabara: the little bastard
Space (GM): i wonder where spaz went
Mobile L.: She s prolly writing that dude s rejection message
Space (GM): ah. yes
quick get rid of the quarian
Mobile L.: Let s GET HER
Space (GM): i like this song it ll probably get heard a lot
Mobile L.: Nice
Space (GM): btw fox has ent me something th
e king of heroes
Mobile L.: Should he just, like, vanish them?
Mac D.: all your things are my things
Space (GM): yus
Mobile L.: A ight
Space (GM): @duff: accurate
hey wanna see gilgamesh after this plot
Mac D.: of course
do you mean in the form we talked abooooout
Space (GM):
pirate king
Mac D.: WHAT
no not that gil not
Space (GM): hhhhhhhhhhhhheheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehe
Mac D.: is he so assblasted that he can t beat zoro by the end that he just says
fuck it and driinks a youth potion
Space (GM): his reasons for youth potion are essentially the same as his reasons
for it in hollow ataraxia
"FUCK you guys are stupid this is stupid i m out peace"
will his rivalry with zoro continue unabated
Mac D.: is he nice and kind and just to everyone
but then the second he locks eyes with zoro again he reverts to old gilly
Space (GM): gilgamesh looking at everyone else:
gilgaesh looking at zoro:
Mac D.: gil you shota bitch
Space (GM): hah hahhahahahaha
Mac D.: would he be like "would you strike a child zoro"
Space (GM): no, no
"would you strike a child zoro :3"
Mac D.: then zoro would punt him across the street
so space tell me
has mobile made any secret plans with you involving gunther as i have involving
Space (GM): no, none whatsoever
Mac D.: oh that s a shame
am i truly the only one
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: so
now what
Space (GM): moon s bright tonight
full, too
Mac D.: what s that mean for you
Space (GM): not much
Mac D.: HM

would you like to turn in

Space (GM): not yet
my back hurts
Mac D.: oh okay
oh damn
if could be here....
Space (GM): yus
sadly my back hurting precludes any hope of rping
Mac D.: that s fine talking is just as swell
Space (GM): i can t decide if my favorite fg character to play as is caster or g
reen archer
Mobile L.: Green Caster
Space (GM): true
green caster
st. patrick
Mobile L.: Me lucky charms!
Mac D.: new roll20 idea
holy grail war
cereal mascots as Servants
Mobile L.: Cap n Crunch as Saber
Space (GM): dibs on lancer frankenberry
Mac D.: berserker tony the tiger
Space (GM): h m
spaz is resistant to my attempts to get her to read fate
Mobile L.: :<
Space (GM): well since i don t want this to go to waste
duff do you wanna download realta nua
Mac D.: eeeeh?
that s a ps2 game right
Space (GM): no it s for pc
it s the porn-less adaptation of fate
*updated release
Mac D.: i m pretty sure garbage laptop can t take that shit
Space (GM): it s ez-pz unless your laptop is garbage as f
Mac D.: oh it is
Space (GM): :c
nobody wants to fate............................
Mac D.: but i fate with you all the time.....
Space (GM): but not Actual Reading........................
Mac D.: space reading is har
Space (GM): well duff
if you won t read then
help me get spaz to read
Mac D.: oh christ no
Space (GM): it s one or the other duff
or the other
Mac D.: i can choose to do neither
Space (GM): you could but then i d lose respect for you as a man
Mac D.: oh, that s all?
psh ez pz
Space (GM): tch
are you still on le mac
Mobile L.: I am, yes
Space (GM): damn, then i can t shill you on visual novels either...
will either of you be free tomorrow
Mobile L.: I think so, maybe. I ll have THINGS HAPPEN on Friday ad Saturday, but

they may be afternoon only

Space (GM): good then i can shove you guys into a taima to watch the ubw movie
Mobile L.: Oohoo
Space (GM): 8)
Mac D.: shore i can do that
can we watch more yu yu hakusho after
Space (GM): prbubbly
Mac D.: hooraaay
Mobile L.: When will we watch more Heighlahnder?
Space (GM): good QUESTION
Space (GM) sideeyes duff
Mac D.: in tiiiiime
Space (GM): is this the same timeframe that cyberswallow will have
Mac D.: ahahahahahahahaha
Space (GM): :
Mac D.: seems it s just us now
Space (GM): now it s just me
and you
Mac D.: indeed
now what
Space (GM): i could blab at you about stuff you re indifferent about
Mac D.: oh boy sounds FUN
Space (GM): so this siracha chex mix isnt that great
Mac D.: oh dear
Space (GM): that s right
it has these weird dried-out cheeto bits
Mac D.: aren t cheetos already dried
Space (GM): even more dried
Mac D.: oh geez louise
Space (GM): ikr
and theyre not crunchy
Mac D.: oh that s even worse
Space (GM): yeah and the bagel chip bits are like
straight-up dried out
Mac D.: oh dear oh dear oh dear
Space (GM): wouldnot recommend
Mac D.: was never a fan of chex mix anyway
Space (GM): you
you what
Mac D.: never a fan
thought everything in it is usuall too dry and tastes funny
Space (GM): what is your prefrerred snack
Mac D.: hmmmmm
Space (GM): i approve
Mac D.: aw yeah
Space (GM): yknow
Mac D.: yus
Space (GM): just because you CAN make a pringle taste like cheeseburger
oesn t mean you SHOULD
Mac D.: ahahahahaha
you know what else are terrible
Space (GM): wh
Mac D.: the salt and vinegar pringles
i don t know how they made the best kind of potato chip taste bad as a pringle b
ut they managed it

Space (GM): oh god

Mac D.: you know what tastes even WORSE
Space (GM): wh
Mac D.: the tortilla pringles
Space (GM): hhhh
a tortilla is a type of chip already
how, pringles guys
Mac D.: and that s a whole subgenre
they have flavors of tortilla pringle
Space (GM): howwwwwwwwww
Mac D.: don t ask me
Space (GM): gdi pringles
the only good pringle is normal pringle
Mac D.: well and the pizza pringles
Space (GM): ive not had those but im wary of them
ive just tried barbeque, taco, and cheeseburger pringles
Mac D.: they re pretty good i feel
Space (GM): any food pringle is anathema to me
Mac D.: oh jaysus
Space (GM): they taste pretty much exactly like their respective item, but with
the texture of a pringle
Mac D.: oh ew
ew ew ew
no man should suffer that
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: halright space i do believe i m gonna turn in for the night
seeu tomorrow my brother of the road
Space (GM): fare well duff
Mac D.: SO
what will we be doing today
Space (GM): get olive
Mac D.: olive go bug seer on steam
MrEForEccentric: My...
Mac D.: olive FOCUS
MrEForEccentric: Seer isn t on steam
Mac D.: is he on tvt
Space (GM): he is
Mac D.: go gettim
MrEForEccentric: Man
I can t wait
To use my Myr Deck
Space (GM):
pe=card look at this ugly mofo
MrEForEccentric: Let me tell you- that a card of yours has inspired me Duff
Mac D.: was it coat of arms
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Mac D.: o h n o
did someone go get seer
MrEForEccentric: I haven t
Space are you doing so
Space (GM): i thoughtt you were
Mac D.: one of you go do it i m building a deck
Space (GM): same
Mac D.: olive goooo
MrEForEccentric: Sent

Mac D.: did you guys hear about the new deus ex game coming
MrEForEccentric: Also
Welcome to the matrix
Mac D.: well did you
MrEForEccentric: I have vaguely seen it mentioned
Mac D.: i am excited
MrEForEccentric: excellent
Space (GM): same
MrEForEccentric: I do not own any deus ex
Mac D.: they are Good Games i hear
i ve only played human revolution but i fucking love that one
i actually got the collection today on steam so i will be able to experience the
MrEForEccentric: I ve heard that you steer the fuck away from Invisible war
Mac D.: oh yeah that one is bad
MrEForEccentric: By the way
Space (GM): tell
MrEForEccentric: I was going to ask something but then that d be sorta-spoilers
for Adeva
Space (GM): do it anyway
MrEForEccentric: I need a background for a Taiga-dojo like thing. Starring Chen
eldritch s.: 52
i made a terrible mistake and now i have to cut off limbs over it
52 planned npcs, no, unacceptable
Mac D.: goodness graciou
eldritch s.: 24 are absolutely mandatory
so are two others
so 26 cannot go under any circumstances
i d like to know what we;re doing
MrEForEccentric: I believe we re just going to mess around
Mac D.: brb
k back
Space (GM): hey duff
Mac D.: yes
Space (GM): whats the purpose of snow-covered lands
Mac D.: for the purpose of my deck it s because Christmas
The party sits together, enjoying lunch
eldritch s.: this offends me much less
Mac D.: seer has a problem with women singing
Kazuma Kuwabara is digging into a burger with GREAT ENTHUSIASM
eldritch s.: it annoys me after a while
on the same tiny loop also
some guy
from saskatchewan
uploaded drakengard soundtrack
to soundcloud
eldritch s.: for roll20 purposes
Mac D.: he s a trooper
Space (GM): ooo
George: Arf!
eldritch s.: his picture was that of that picture of cronos eating the baby
Tsubasa Juufuku enjoys a nice hot dawg
Gein Mender none too hurddily eats his food, patting George

Kazuma Kuwabara: Man....Had a crazhy dream lasht night!!

Kazuma Kuwabara says with a mouthful of food
Gein Mender: Eh?
Space (GM): hey wanna see the deck i made
Mac D.: no
Space (GM): damn
Kazuma Kuwabara swallows
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, it was horrifyin !
Gein Mender: What happened?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I got beat by Urameshi again!!
Gein Mender: I think that actually happened.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh, and shadowy dogs ate everybody, or somethin .
Tsubasa Juufuku: I guess you like to live out your nightmares.
Gein Mender: George, would you eat anybody?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, shut up! It s gonna be a win for me this time, I can feel
George: Ruff!
Kazuma Kuwabara: That dream was, like, mental trainin .....
Gein Mender: ... Good to know.
Gein Mender pats him
Tsubasa Juufuku: You could always kick him in the balls.
Remember that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-....No!
Gein Mender: We talked about this.
Mr. Crybaby here doesn t want to.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I keep tellin ya, I ain t stooping that low!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kick him in the eyes, then
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Gein Mender: Then he s just gonna keep beating you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not a chance! With this subsconcious preparation, I got all his
moves mapped out in my brain.......
Gein Mender: You think I ever won in life by playing fair?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know I wouldn t play fair.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, now you re old an ugly!
That s karma!
Gein Mender: I also have a lot of money.
A dog.
A nice apartment.
A job.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, I got a nice place, too!
And cats! Two of em!
Gein Mender: You don t own your house.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Talkin cats!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I have a place of my own.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, we saw....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Amnesia.
Kazuma Kuwabara: WhTsubasa Juufuku: AmNesia.
Kazuma Kuwabara gulp
Kazuma Kuwabara goes back to his burger
Tsubasa Juufuku: You never saw my place
Kazuma Kuwabara EATS NERVOUSLY

Gein Mender: And you have amnesia.

That s what you get for playing fair.
Tsubasa Juufuku eats more of her hot dog
Space (GM): aaaaRGH i just remembered something i was gonna have tomoe tell the
party that s Very Important
Gein Mender: I wonder how that kid is liking Atlas Shrugged.
you can just say she did retroactively
Space (GM): maybe if they meet again...
Mac D.: yeds
Gein Mender: how important is it
I bet she s just loving it.
Space (GM): not plot important but it s good to tie up loose ends
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s it about?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Atlas Shrugged...?
Gein Mender: It s about some asshole.
And his asshole friends.
And they do asshole things.
And it was written by an asshole.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That ain t much of a description...
Gein Mender: And it is just a huge piece of shit.
And its very long.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Psh- I d sooner tackle that- "Sherlock Holmes" guy. Whoever tha
t is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Does it got any of the creepy stuff you re makin us read?
Gein Mender: You don t know who Sherlock Holmes is?
Tsubasa Juufuku: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eh?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t care either.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Even I know who that guy is! The detective, right?
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: I heard he was an opium addict.
MrEForEccentric: Found my MTG OC behind the Samurai deck:
Gein Mender: He s you, but english.
Space (GM): oooooh
Gein Mender: And a man.
Space (GM): my mtg oc is a squirrel
Gein Mender: And more pleasant.
Space (GM): but i kinda wanna make another one
or even one for each deck...!
Gein Mender: And more fit.
Tsubasa Juufuku: How- is that remotely like me?
Gein Mender: And probably smarter.
He s not you, essentially.
Mac D.: space you should be gming
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I hope your arteries clog.
Gein Mender: Oh, they will.
But not today.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Space (GM): i am
Tsubasa Juufuku: Then I ll wish for tomorrow s heart attack.
Kazuma Kuwabara EETAN
Space (GM): i m gming an npc
Gein Mender: Anyway, Atlas Shrugged is about.

A rich woman who runs a rail company.

And how she gets red up with the Government putting regulations on her business.
And so do all the other companies.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Does she kill a ton of people and take a ton of drugs?
Gein Mender: And there s some other stuff about metal.
And then she goes to a gulch ran by a guy called John Galt.
And then I threw the book at the wall.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sounds like banal business bullshit.
Gein Mender: But apparently she delivers a seventy page speech about business.
And they fix America.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Jeez, you got a real beef with this book.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just do what I do- throw it in the sink
Gein Mender: I am okay with throwing that one in the sink.
But not The Gayest Mage This Side of Los Angeles.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, what if it was all interpretive stuff?
You know, like in that other book?
Tsubasa Juufuku rolls her eyes
Gein Mender: Oh, it is.
But it s terrible.
It s all abour Objectivisim, which is a political philsophy.
Basically it says the Government should go fuck off and let business owners do w
hatever they want, and there should be no welfare for the poor.
Kazuma Kuwabara: still sounds better than drugs and bangin ghosts......
Kazuma Kuwabara said under his breath
Tsubasa Juufuku: Y know it s great to hear you complain about a silly little boo
k that s basically someone standing on a soapbox and preaching but... I feel the
need for shopping.
Gein Mender: That s nice.
Tsubasa Juufuku: So see you guys around.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sheeya!
Gein Mender: I mean, destroying a copy of TGMTSOLA is nearly as bad as burning a
copy of Phonecall: New YCork
Tsubasa Juufuku gets up
Gein Mender: *york
Kazuma Kuwabara said with more burger in his mouth
Tsubasa Juufuku starts heading for the door
Tomoe Takatsuki eats her burger
Gein Mender: I remember Phonecall: New York.
Tsubasa Juufuku notices TOMOE
Kazuma Kuwabara: More books?.......................
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- hey- haven t seen you around before, I think.
Tomoe Takatsuki: ?
Oh... hello.
Gein Mender: A novelization based off of a film based off of a video game.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: What brings you to Fuyuki?
If I can ask- of course.
Tomoe Takatsuki: I ve lived here my whole life.
Tsubasa Juufuku "Whoops."
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who d want to read that??
Gein Mender: Me.

It was great.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Well.....didja see the movie?
Gein Mender: It was about this man in a turkey mask.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh! Same here actually. Guess we just haven t seen each other a
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: the video game?
Gein Mender: Yes, a leather jacket and a turkey mask.
Tomoe Takatsuki: I ve seen you here.
You come here often, right?
Gein Mender: I am not good at video games.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, that s undertandable!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sure do. If only because those imbeciles over there are apparen
tly what I have to make do with for face to face social contact.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Cause yer old and stuff.
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Video games weren t around when you were a kid, right?
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh, them? They seem nice enough.
Gein Mender: No, they weren t.
We I was a kid, we d throw rocks at tin cans.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man, must have been hard bein
a kid in the stone age...
Gein Mender: Yeah. A velociraptor mauled my brother.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, then! No time like the present!
I got a couple old game systems sittin around at home you could borrow!
Gein Mender: You d do that for me?
Space (GM): "i got this old one called a ps4, but it doesn t have any games"
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sure, I don t use em much.
Mac D.: "now the GAMESPHERE, that shit was a legend"
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- I guess. Nice enough.
eldritch s.: more like an xbox one
actully no its a ps3
it has one game
beyond: two souls
Mac D.: pffft
how about Dense Monsoon
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...Hm. I wonder if my older friends are in town.
i wish that last one was a joke
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh.....gramps?
Gramps, are you blanking out?
Tsubasa Juufuku: They probably are, y know. I always thought I knew this place r
eally well but- I seem to see new faces all the time.
Gein Mender: Sorry, I was just thinking about something.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bout what?
Gein Mender: Oh, just dinosaurs.
But, thanks.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Maybe it s tourist season.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No problem! Had to clear up space in my room anyway.
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Maybe.
Mind if I take a seat?
Gein Mender: When we re done here I ll come over
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, Big Sis ll probably still be at work.
eldritch s.: also

gein mender
was born
than my father
that is bizarre
Tomoe Takatsuki: Sure, that s fine.
Tsubasa Juufuku sits down
Tsubasa Juufuku: Name s Tsubasa Juufuku.
Gein Mender: What does your sister do?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? Oh, she works at some office.
Mac D.:
Gein Mender: Really?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah. She usually gets home pretty late.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Tomoe Takatsuki. It s good to meet you.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gein Mender: Hard hours.
Tsubasa Juufuku: And you. Must have some crazy stories being here your whole lif
e, huh?
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up with another mouthful of burger
Gein Mender: If you re ever low on cash, I can help out.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Mph?
Kazuma Kuwabara swallows
Gein Mender: I have more than I know what to do with.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh, I wouldn t say so. I live a pretty quiet life.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh......Don t worry about that, we re pretty well-off right
Tsubasa Juufuku smirks a little
Gein Mender: That s good.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Aw, c mon. Everyone has at least one adventure, don t they?
Tomoe Takatsuki: Have you had one?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I did in preschool.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh?
Tsubasa Juufuku nods "I won t tell her the whole story... probably won t believe
eldritch s.: wait a second
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, if you got so much cash, what re you doin as an English t
eldritch s.: what year is this plto
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- I stole a dictionary while there was a storm and I had to
stay the night. It was an adult dictionary too.
Tomoe Takatsuki: like 2015-2020
Tsubasa Juufuku chuckles slightly
Gein Mender: It s nice to have a steady source of money in case tings go bad. Be
sides, I d probably get bored.
Tomoe Takatsuki: In a preschool?
Mac D.: should we assume
that still night is like
Tsubasa Juufuku: I kind of got a head start on sex ed.
Mac D.: 2015 or 2005

eldritch s.: i thought

Tomoe Takatsuki: still
Mac D.: like generally
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don
Tomoe Takatsuki: cuase
Mac D.: oh okay

that still night was 2015

night is 2005
around whatever timeframe stay night should be in
t think they ever found out how it got there.
that s when stay night is

Tomoe Takatsuki chuckles a little

eldritch s.: allow me to fuck with my math then
Tomoe Takatsuki: That s... do you still have it?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Of course!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, you could do other rich guy things to keep from gettin
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s like- my favorite book because of my history with it.
Kazuma Kuwabara:! Rich guys play a lot of golf, right?
eldritch s.: gein was therefore born in 1955
Mac D.: he s younger than i thought he was
eldritch s.: he s like sixty
he s not like eighty
Gein Mender: I hate gold.
fuck it, gold
he s hard of hearing
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, golf.
Gein Mender: OhI hate that too.
Though I like the hats.
And having a slave.
That s what a caddy is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well geez, what do ya do to have fun?
Gein Mender: Read books, walk George.
Watch TV.
And spend a lot of time marking tests.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What shows do ya watch?
Gein Mender: Let s see...
The news...
MrEForEccentric: Space did yo die
Gein Mender: Entertainment of Kings...
Space (GM): i thought you were gonna say somethign else
Gein Mender: The Talking Corpses...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, I heard o those shows!
Gein Mender: The Werewolf Memoirs.
MrEForEccentric: i was naht
Kazuma Kuwabara: Those are pretty big right now, right?
Gein Mender: Yeah.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Well, it s definitely an interesting adventure.
Gein Mender: I used to watch Chemical Criminals, but it ended.

Tsubasa Juufuku nods

Kazuma Kuwabara: How d it end?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ve kind of lead a life a bit like that, actually.
Gein Mender: I can t say. In case you end up watching it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah, I actually don t watch too much TV!
Gein Mender: You never know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I tape wrestling and watch anime and movies, but that s about i
Gein Mender: What anime and movies?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lessie.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Like- I was kind of- a sleuth during middle school.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, the new Super Robot Rodeo remake has been going for a cou

ple weeks!
Gein Mender: Uh huh.
Tsubasa Juufuku: If you were a bully- chances are- I was probably going to find
dirt on you, and find some way of getting you to stop.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So far, it ain t been as good as the original. Some of the char
acters are kinda off from their originals, and there s too much CG!
Gein Mender: That s bound to happen with remakes,
Tomoe Takatsuki: What about now?
eldritch s.: who is her moriarty
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll give it a couple more weeks t change my mind!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Eh, I still kind of do the same as always.
Gein Mender: Who know,s you may end up liking it better than the original.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- another fun little fact- I was Number one student "Most Lik
ely to turn out a great detective or Master Criminal"
Tsubasa Juufuku seems to be proud of that
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way! Super Robot Rodeo s like, my favorite ever!
Tomoe Takatsuki looks a little surprised
Tomoe Takatsuki: That s something they can test on these days?
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa has no Moriarty yet
Gein Mender: What s i about?
Sibyl: it s probably going to be me
Tsubasa Juufuku: Heh- no, probably not. It was one of those jokey awards.
eldritch s.: duri g tsubasa s examination
the test giver
begins having a nervous breakdown
and runs out of the room, pressing the emergency alarm
Tomoe Takatsuki: Ah... I see.
eldritch s.: there s a swat raid
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well see, there s this intergalactic war goin on between a par
liamentary empire an
*an a democratic republic!
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Kazuma Kuwabara: And they fight in robot cowboys on robot horses!
Gein Mender: Uh huh.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Still- I like that little title.
Gives me choice.
Gein Mender: Gn
Gein Mender coughs
Gein Mender: Nearly choked on a fry.
That sounds neat.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! It s considered one of the classics!
Tomoe Takatsuki: Which one would you prefer?
Gein Mender: What s the remake doing differentl with the characters?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Personally, right now? I kind of prefer detective.
eldritch s.: she speaks with the test giver the next day
Tsubasa Juufuku: Or is that just what an aspiring criminal would say?
eldritch s.: and she drives him to suicide
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, you know, "modernizin " em, they say. To "appeal to a wi
der audience."
They re makin the empire come off as more evil an
MrEForEccentric: She turns out to be Nikola, not Moriarty
Tomoe Takatsuki: I ve never met one.
Kazuma Kuwabara: *an the republic as more good, the original was way more ambig
Gein Mender: Ah.

Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- it s a fiction thing, probably.

Tomoe Takatsuki:
eldritch s.: she gets a magic cat
and literally transforms into nikola
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, but aside that, there s Yo-Yo-Hokasu: Phantom P.I.!
MrEForEccentric: Chen Gong dies
Gein Mender: Phantom P.I?
eldritch s.: gila tho
Space (GM): fuggin theresa
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! He s a guy who dies, and then becomes a phantom and solve
s phantom crimes!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Though I don t know- don t watch much TV in the old way, I gene
rally just stick with streaming services.
And I haven t ever chosen a crime show.
Tomoe Takatsuki: I don t watch television, either, so we re similar there.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well anyways- nice talking Tomoe. Guess I ll see you around!
Tsubasa Juufuku gets up and finally leaves
Tomoe Takatsuki: Have a nice day.
Tsubasa Juufuku leaves the diner
MrEForEccentric: I need to slep
Space (GM): nate
Mac D.: still here
workin on a deck
Space (GM): i m plaiyng fox
eldritch s.: he s dead
Space (GM): damn
eldritch s.: for some
peculiar reason
Tomoe Takatsuki continues eating her burg
eldritch s.: my family has decided to aquire
a pringle stockpile
we haven t had pringles in years
Space (GM): oo
eldritch s.: well except for the plane ride when they were given out
was that the pop
that my family now cannot stop
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: i have done it
it is complete
pirate deck
Space (GM): oh
oh my god
still there?
Fawkes M. (GM): Boopadoop
Space (GM): look at my new face
Fawkes M. (GM): Gil s Friendly Face
Souren Araya: gonna take a
Space (GM): enough of these chumps
let s check out the new chumps

Fawkes M. (GM): Extra chumps!

Space (GM): many extra chumps
plus a witch on the holy night chump
i find that easier to remember than Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
Fawkes M. (GM): Eh, if you abbreviate it as Mahoyo
Space (GM): vs berserker
Derby McGraw: roar
Rani V: i m rani the fifth, i am, i m rani the fifth, i am, i am
enough of these schmucks
Sibyl: What s wrong with schmucks?
Space (GM): they re lame
Sibyl: :-/
Space (GM): do we think 4 is a good number for these guys
they d be the stronkest bosses
Fawkes M. (GM): Sounds good
That s one more stronkest bosses than Still Night will have
Space (GM): heeeee
still gotta stat out d
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh yeah
Space (GM): should sibyl be in the same unrelated enemies column as this fella
Fawkes M. (GM): Yus
Jason Artimenner: whutup babe
Sibyl: Could be worse.
How s Thriceman?
Jason Artimenner: he s DEAD
you b i c h
Sibyl: Yeah, I know.
Mobile L.: EXIT. _____ restart.
Mac D.: what should gunther and kuwabara do today
Mobile L.: Hmmm
Mac D.: something stupid and cool
Mobile L.: Definitely
Mac D.: solve a mystery of a kidnapped girl
Mobile L.: They should try to do parkour
Mac D.: kuwabara and gunther are hanging out and doing parkour
when they overhear that the mayor s daughter HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED....
Mobile L.: And it s up to them to use their PARKOUR SKILLZ to thwart the plot
Fawkes M. (GM): So, guys - I have been petitioned to run a surprise errand
Mobile L.: Ooh eck
How long do you wager this errand will take?
Mac D.: should it be long
Fawkes M. (GM): It s picking up dinner - and I m guessing we gotta eat it afterw
Mobile L.: Ah
Mac D.: can you eat at the computer
what are YOU doing here, judas....
Mobile L.: Any way to get Space in here for the interim?
eldritch s.: i am not judas
Fawkes M. (GM): I don t want to force him
Lancer s Judas
Mobile L.:
Mac D.: we will see how this plays out

i can wait
Mobile L.: Same here
Fawkes M. (GM): Alright
Sorry about that, guys
Mac D.: mobile will you stop posting tumblr animals
Mobile L.: No worries, it s cool
B-but muh kitties...
eldritch s.: haha
hotline miami 2:
Chris Thursten from PC Gamer gave the game a 57/100, criticizing the meaningless
characters, alienating rape scene, rigid playstyle restriction, inconsistent AI
, frustrating and unavoidable death as well as technical issues. He summarized t
he review by saying that "Restrictive design decisions sap the energy from a ser
ies that revels in it, and technical issues deal the killing blow."
"it s hard so i don t like it"
Mobile L.: Wow uh
eldritch s.: "the rape scene whixh isn t in detail and is satirical and i cant s
kip made me vomit on my dick"
*can skip
"the ai is shit so the game is playable so i m mad"
Mobile L.: The buttmad is tangible
Space (GM): oh i thought fox was gonna gm
eldritch s.: 57/100
Mobile L.: He is, but he has to run an errand
eldritch s.: what a dipshit
Mac D.: he actually criticized the rape scene for existing, and also the fact th
at it was skippable
eldritch s.: what a dickhead
Mac D.: when the whole reason the scene was MADE skippable was due to a PC Gamer
article complaining about it
eldritch s.: hm2 isn t perfect, nothing is, but it is a solid fucking game
it is really good
Space (GM): i would argue that it s better to have something like that
rather than to just tip-toe around the subject of rape and never bring it up
eldritch s.: and the improvement from the first one is spectacular and deserving
of praise
but no
Mobile L.: What a weenie
Mac D.: this has basically been every game review for the last
ten years?
Fawkes M. (GM): I have a bit of time before I gtg, actually
Mobile L.: Oohoo
Fawkes M. (GM): Should I initiate something?
Space (GM): whose jack atlas
Mac D.: this is why i use youtube exclusively whenever i want to look at video g
eldritch s.: another review which asn t as bad
"e criticized the over-sized maps, as well as the game for being overly difficul
t, frustrating as enemy attack players where they can t be seen from the camera
angle. and restrictive as the game enforced players to play on certain way very
aka. hotline miami being hotline miami
Fawkes M. (GM): Character from another animu
I am being dragged
Derby McGraw: We ve got QUITE an episode of Fate/Hollow Night for your tonight,
ladies and gentlemen!
Mobile L.: RIP Fox

Derby McGraw: After our Narrator comes back, of course!

Space (GM): damn i wanted to gripe about stuff at him...
Derby McGraw: The mayor s daughter has been kidnapped, and only two dudes have p
arkour hardcore enough to rescue her!
Yuuka: help me kuwabara
you re my only hope
Kazuma Kuwabara: i will find you my love
no matter how many flips it takes
Mac D.: so yuuka is the mayor s daughter then huh
Gunther: B|
eldritch s.: who is the chief of police
Touko Aozaki: i am
eldritch s.: does she know of gein
Space (GM): how long has he lived in the nippon
Mobile L.: you d best be trollin
eldritch s.: twenty years
Mac D.: akuma s teenage years were rough
Space (GM): she probably doesn t give a damn then
not like hes hurting anyone
Mac D.: except cats
Touko Aozaki: youre going down you fuckhead
Mac D.: what do bubbles and evo do in when they re in the house along
eldritch s.: do you really want to know
Mac D.: yes
Mobile L.: They tear up the toilet paper rolls, but then panic and buy new ones
before Kuwabara finds out
Space (GM): mobile nailed it
Mobile L.: Evo gets especially antsy about being caught and is all melodramatic
about it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...You guys messed with the TP again!?
Neco-Arc Evolution: E-eh! It wasn t us! It was... Gunther!
Gunther: ...Oh?
Neco-Arc Bubbles hastily nods
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You think I m gonna believe that!?
Gunther: I don t remember doing that, but... Heh, it would be ridiculous if I di
Space (GM):
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunther d throw it over somebody s house or somethin !
Gunther: Damn straight.
Mobile L.: A modern prophet
Space (GM): so um
eldritch s.: it has to be intentional
Mobile L.: Yez?
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: Did you just post something? I can only recall staring at an innocent
, blank screen for a few seconds.
Mac D.: are pornbots a thing on tumblr now
Space (GM): yes, but that s not a bot
eldritch s.: i fucking hate those people
Mac D.: i bet you that s a bot
eldritch s.: i ll kick them in their cunny

Space (GM):

eldritch s.: oooookay
Mobile L.: end it
Mac D.: h a h
eldritch s.: i chase women all the time
with a knife
into my basement
Mobile L.: A fine gent you are, sir
Mac D.: i m pretty sure the rules are more lax in canada
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): hey can i realtalk with you guys for a sec
Mobile L.: Sure
Space (GM): i am trying to motivate myself to post in the rp
but i cannot
eldritch s.: imagine gil s juk being saved by his armor
Space (GM): will you guys... post with me...
eldritch s.: i can;t
you two chucklefaces can
Mobile L.: If I started now, I d just drop off again soon afterwards. I m about
to start being busy
eldritch s.: it up to you duff
Space (GM): i need someone to bounce off of so i don t feel alone
eldritch s.: you re not alone space
i ll always be there
right beheind
Mobile L.: I feel ya, and I d like to pitch in, but I also don t want to be a fl
ake for the eight zillionth time
Mac D.: but i ALSO cannot find the strength to fg right now.....
Space (GM): but the rp duff
not the fg
Mobile L.: Sorry, man
Mac D.: oh the RP is fine
Space (GM): help me....
Mobile L.: What a pleasant individual
Mac D.: white people are PROHIBITED from this anti-racism rally
you know how whites are, the racists
Mobile L.: Jews and Gypsies? What are thoooooose?
eldritch s.:
Mac D.: "what is ireland"
also i like how he plugs his other picture
"8 reasons why i poo standing up"
Mobile L.: aaaaaa no
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: >:?
Space (GM): rude
Mac D.: um exSQUEEZE me btw mobile
the gypsies were um SOUTH ASIAN
Mobile L.: um, it s not your job to educate mOh wait, fuck, I got it backward
Mac D.: typical cis white Uncle Tom Woman
Mobile L.: Motherfucker I am transblapck
...ass well as yellow
Mac D.: a chocolate twinkie
Mobile L.: Moist, delicious and marginalized
Fox, r you bak?
Mac D.: HE IS
Fawkes M. (GM): I m in a really bad mood right now
But if you need me to GM, then I will

Mac D.: oh geez what happened

Fawkes M. (GM): Nothing important
Mobile L.: You don t gotta if you don t feel like it, man
Mac D.: we re not going to push you
that s what SPACE is for.......
Mobile L.: Aw man. I hope he s alright.
Mac D.: me too
Mobile L.: Tonight on That Totally Fucking Happened, Yep...
Mac D.: i too remember when a television show radically changed my home life
thank you, Blues Clues.......for everything......
Mobile L.: The handy dandy notebook was within us all along, in our hearts...
Mac D.: lonely
Mobile L.: Same :<
Maaaaan, I think I m just gonna go have a bath now
Space (GM): cya
Mobile L.: Maybe we could try again tomorrow?
If it s possible, that is, and I m totally cool if it isn t
Mac D.: well of course
i m ALWAYS open
Space (GM): so you have come
eldritch s.: i was watching a fallut footage
and this came on
and i thought
Space (GM): hehe
oh hey pixlr got an update
eldritch s.: why was i called to life
Space (GM): so we could do a minisesh like we used to
eldritch s.: this will apparently be a microsession
Space (GM): duff oughta be here soon...
eldritch s.: since gein is american
i want him to sing the american anthem at some point
waving the american flag
Space (GM): forth of jul
eldritch s.: while and eagle flies overhead
Gein Mender: oh say can you see
by the dawn s early light
what so proudly we hailed
at the twilight s last gleaming
Gein Mender stabs a bad guy with the american flag
Gein Mender: whose broad stripes and bright stars
through the perilious fight
o er the ramparts we watched
were so gallantly streaming
fucking america
eldritch s.: see there is a fundamental difference there
canada and the us
Space (GM): whotsat
eldritch s.: in the us towns formed around saloons
in canada towns formed around churches
america is more fun
but canada is nicer
the flanders of the world
Space (GM): ooh
eldritch s.: also

compare the anthems:

Space (GM): aah hup brb for a moment
eldritch s.: o canada: O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
eldritch s.: O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O say can you see by the dawn s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight s last gleaming,
eldritch s.: Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
eldritch s.: welcome
Azureberry J.: Ia.
Space (GM): hai hai hai
duff s not here yet but until then talk in a diner
eldritch s.: oh by the way
you americans
guess where the words of your anthem came from
Space (GM): battle of 181
Mac D.: AY
eldritch s.: the time canada did some shit
our sole accomplishment
Space (GM): gg
Gein Mender sits at the table of Lumpy s, with his dog.
Gein Mender chews his fries
The door swings open, as Azumu and Kuwabara enter
Kazuma Kuwabara struts in, ready to get his GRUB on
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heheh! And then I said "A mulberry s a tree....."
Asumu Mizono: ....Really?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! And then I punched him!
Asumu Mizono: As expected.
Gein Mender: Even hearing the ass-end of this story I can already tell it was gr
Gein Mender pets George
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh?
Oh, Gramps!
Asumu Mizono: Hello teacher.
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to take a seat at the table
Gein Mender: Hey, kids.
Gein Mender adjusts his shades
Gein Mender: The School Board s been a real pain in the ass lately.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Howzat?

Asumu Mizono sits near Kuwabara, if only to keep an eye on him.

Gein Mender: Trying to scam me out of my time off.
They tried counting the time I had to lay low because I spilled a drink on my La
ndlord as "vacation time"
I tried telling them that hiding out in a shitty hut with a bunch of homeless me
n isn t a vacation, but noooooo.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Geez, bein a teacher sounds cutthroat!
Asumu Mizono just stares at Gein.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s why I ll never be one!
Asumu Mizono: I plan on being a teacher.
Gein Mender: It s a lot of fun.
You get to babysit a bunch of whining kids.
And tried to get them to learn.
It s great.
Asumu Mizono: I know right?
Asumu Mizono is not being sarcastic.
Gein Mender: Isn t that right, George?
Gein Mender scratches his ear
Gein Mender: Yup.
Hey, speaking of fun, how is Atlas Shrugged going?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Asumu
Asumu Mizono just now notices George.
Asumu Mizono freezes up.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?
George: Ruff!
Asumu Mizono: D-D-D-D-D-D-DGein Mender: Duh/
Kazuma Kuwabara: That ain t a Duh, that s a Dog.
Asumu Mizono: Iknowwhatitis.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What s up with you, all of a sudden?
Gein Mender: He doesn t bite.
eldritch s.: werewolves.mp3
Space (GM): we need a wrestler persona for azumu
Mac D.: postin in RP
Asumu Mizono: I m certain.
Asumu Mizono switches to a father away seat.
Gein Mender pets him
Gein Mender: Don t worry, George.
She ll come around.
George tilts his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
......Oooooh, I get it!
She s scared of dogs!
Asumu Mizono: I am NOT. There is a complex list of reasons why I am currently pu
tting distance between me and the canine over there. But fright is not one of th

Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh?

Like what?
Asumu Mizono: Like the fact that fur might get in my burger. That would be an un
fortunate occurance.
Gein Mender: I don t think he would.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But he s on the other end o the table!
Gein Mender: Would you George?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dogs can t shoot fur!
You re totally scared o dogs, Mizono!
Asumu Mizono: Am not, quiet you.
Gein Mender: C mon George!
Gein Mender pats the seat
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey look, another one!
George hops onto the seat
Gein Mender pets him
Gein Mender: Good boy.
Asumu Mizono: Where!?
Space (GM): sorry for being sporadic
making a logo
Gein Mender: i have the creeping sensatiob
eldritch s.: that solaire may be a non-entity
Space (GM): everyone s focusing on one dude r/n
eldritch s.: no i just get the feeling
Mac D.: i ll need to find a way to rectify this
eldritch s.: make solaire the chosen one
rename the plot
solaire: the movie
Mac D.: solaire 2: this time it s persoulnal
Space (GM): guys i need your executive decision
Mac D.: go on
Space (GM): how does this logo / title screen look
Mac D.: sick
eldritch s.: great
Asumu Mizono: P good.
Space (GM): cool that s now the logo
did the minisesh halt...
Mac D.: well nothing s going on bro......
Space (GM): :c....
i m starved for inspiration r/n
eldritch s.: i can phsyically starve you
until you re inspired
Space (GM): good
eldritch s.: they defeat the pirates
and the plot ends
that was quick duff
Space (GM): no slowdown
you know seer i can see solaire and shirou getting along well
eldritch s.: why
Space (GM): heroes of justice
eldritch s.: duff
recieve your compliments
Mac D.: git outta my face holy man
eldritch s.: i will brb so if people start calling for by blood save me
Mac D.: no

Space (GM): duff do you wanna continue fg bs or will you die from a juggling acc
Mac D.: well we re not doing anything HERE
i m sure i can handle the fg
Space (GM): u post or me
i ve lost whatever the last post was
Mac D.: i posted last rememebr
Space (GM): on it
done it
eldritch s.: i took longer than i thought
Mac D.: did you die
eldritch s.: i had to talk to my mother on the phone because she s been away for
the week
Space (GM): howre things
eldritch s.: told her about the trip itenerary that we might be going on next ye
she s fine
Space (GM): so hey seer when you asked me between those european cities
was that to decide wehere to go
eldritch s.: i was torn between them but ultimately i didn;t have a choice
Space (GM): ooh
eldritch s.: my father agreed with you
Space (GM): good, good
eldritch s.: we re going all over italy
Space (GM): "that space has got a real head on his shoulders" is that what he sa
eldritch s.: it s quite the trip
Space (GM): damn......
gonna go to venice?
eldritch s.: we ve got
eldritch s.: pisa
monte carlo
Space (GM): that sounds fuckin sick dude
eldritch s.: assisi
Space (GM): be sure to eat good food so i can be jealous
eldritch s.: sorrento
they say italy is their best trip
but it s also the most busy and rushing around-y
Space (GM): yeah i d bet
with all the places
Mac D.: are you gonna see petrified corpses
eldritch s.: probably
Mac D.: are you excited
eldritch s.: it will take every power i have to not violate them
Space (GM): who invented mozzarella sticks do you think
eldritch s.: a man named mozzarella
and his cousin
Space (GM): wikipedia says it s an italian invention, from one "gyro zeppeli"
eldritch s.: that s great
i think vandal
oh and monaco
Mac D.: italy s greatest invention

eldritch s.: it specifically mentions

going to see the roman forum
and the sistine chapel, the colosseum
Space (GM): the forum
eldritch s.: this one will be quite the trip
Space (GM): see the ancient forum roleplays
eldritch s.: yes
julius caeser played as romulus in this spot
Mac D.: go to the ancient roman bar
see the ancient roman shitposting
eldritch s.: apparently
up until last year
Mac D.: it s a little comforting to know that
eldritch s.: you could have alcohol with meals
Mac D.: even thousands of years ago
Space (GM): I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls.
My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates mens behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femi
Mac D.: shitposting has remained a constant
eldritch s.: fucking romans
Space (GM): I.7.8 (bar; left of the door); 8162: We two dear men, friends foreve
r, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.
Mac D.: it reminds me that we re only human
and that s a cozy thought
Space (GM): that word square, though
look at that
it s the same forwards as backwards as left as right
eldritch s.: quick link that to the thread
Mac D.: space
do you think thousands of years from now
eldritch s.: I.7.1 (in the vestibule of the House of Cuspius Pansa); 8075: The f
inances officer of the emperor Nero says this food is poison
Mac D.: people will read our bullshit and feel our friendship from across the ag
eldritch s.: holy shit
look at that
some one actually wrote
"[x] was here"
these were just us but ancient romans
Space (GM): i hope so
Mac D.: II.2.3 (Bar of Athictus; right of the door); 8442: I screwed the barmaid
eldritch s.: II.3.10 (Pottery Shop or Bar of Nicanor; right of the door); 10070:
Lesbianus, you defecate and you write, Hello, everyone!
Space (GM): We three dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know o
ur names, they are Space, Duff, and Seer.
eldritch s.: II.7 (gladiator barracks); 8792: On April 19th, I made bread
III.5.1 (House of Pascius Hermes; left of the door); 7716: To the one defecating
here. Beware of the curse. If you look down on this curse, may you have an angr
y Jupiter for an enemy.
these are like youtube comments
Space (GM): i like that bread-making guy
i bet he was really proud of the bread
eldritch s.: link it to the dicuss
Space (GM): you
i have to pretend to be japanese women online
eldritch s.: III.5.4 (exterior of a small house); 8903: Gaius Sabinus says a fon
d hello to Statius. Traveler, you eat bread in Pompeii but you go to Nuceria to

drink. At Nuceria, the drinking is better.

Space (GM): spam
eldritch s.: V.1.26 (House of Caecilius Iucundus); 4091: Whoever loves, let him
flourish. Let him perish who knows not love. Let him perish twice over whoever f
orbids love.
V.3.9 (House of Cosmus and Epidia; right of the door); 6702: Aufidius was here.
V.5 (just outside the Vesuvius gate); 6641: Defecator, may everything turn out o
kay so that you can leave this place
Space (GM): these make me happy
eldritch s.: VI (on the Street of Mercury); 1321: Publius Comicius Restitutus st
ood right here with his brother
Mac D.: i know right
eldritch s.: VI.6.1 (House of the Olii; on the Via Consolare); 139: The city blo
ck of the Arrii Pollii in the possession of Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius is ava
ilable to rent from July 1st. There are shops on the first floor, upper stories,
high-class rooms and a house. A person interested in renting this property shou
ld contact Primus, the slave of Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius.
Mac D.: it s nice to know that some things never change even after millenia
eldritch s.: VI.13.19 (House of Sextus Pompeius Axiochus and Julia Helena; left
of the door); 4485: Hectice, baby, Mercator says hello to you
Space (GM): oh my god
@seer: baby was slang even back then
Mac D.: Herculaneum (bar/inn joined to the maritime baths); 10677: Apelles the c
hamberlain with Dexter, a slave of Caesar, ate here most agreeably and had a scr
ew at the same time.
eldritch s.: VI.14.20 (House of Orpheus); 4523: I have buggered men
Space (GM): make these into your sigs
eldritch s.: VI.14.36 (Bar of Salvius); 3494: In one bar, a picture depicts two
men playing dice. One shouts, Six! while his opponent holds up two fingers and say
s, No, thats not a three; its a two. By the door of the bar, another picture shows
rt man driving a group of men out. Above his head are the words, Go on, get out o
f here! You have been fighting!
VI.14.37 (Wood-Working Shop of Potitus): 3498: What a lot of tricks you use to d
eceive, innkeeper. You sell water but drink unmixed wine sick fucking burn
Space (GM): ouch
eldritch s.: VII (House of the Tetrastyle Atrium); 2060: Romula hung out here wi
th Staphylus.
VII.1.40 (House of Caesius Blandus; in the peristyle of the House of Mars and Ve
nus on the Street of the Augustales); 1714: It took 640 paces to walk back and f
orth between here and there ten times
VII.2.48 (House of Caprasius Primus); 3061: I dont want to sell my husband, not f
or all the gold in the world
VII.7.5 (House of the Calpurnii); 4783: Crescens is sweet and charming
VII.12.18-20 (the Lupinare); 2192: Sollemnes, you screw well!
VII.12.35 (Vico d Eumachia, small room of a possible brothel); 2145: Gaius Valeri
us Venustus, soldier of the 1st praetorian cohort, in the century of Rufus, scre
wer of women
Space (GM): screwer of womne
eldritch s.: VII.12.35 (Vico d Eumachia, small room of a possible brothel); 2163:
The warmest hello to Saenecio Fortunaus, wherever he may go.
Space (GM): VIII (Street of the Theaters); 64: A copper pot went missing from my
shop. Anyone who returns it to me will be given 65 bronze coins (sestertii). 20
more will be given for information leading to the capture of the thief.
VIII.1 (above a bench outside the Marine Gate); 1751: If anyone sits here, let h
im read this first of all: if anyone wants a screw, he should look for Attice; s
he costs 4 sestertii.
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1824: Let everyone one in love come and see. I want to
break Venus ribs with clubs and cripple the goddess loins. If she can strike thro
ugh my soft chest, then why cant I smash her head with a club?

eldritch s.: VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1811: A small problem gets larger if you
ignore it.
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1820: Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so mu
ch that they hurt worse than when they every have before!
Space (GM): chie
eldritch s.: VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1852: Pyrrhus to his colleague Chius: I g
rieve because I hear you have died; and so farewell.
Mac D.: ancient roman waifu wars
eldritch s.: i think i found a related pair
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1880: Lucius Istacidius, I regard as a stranger anyone
who doesnt invite me to dinner.
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1880: The man I am having dinner with is a barbarian.
Space (GM): ohoho
i wonder what s the story behind that
eldritch s.: VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1882: The one who buggers a fire burns hi
s penis
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1904: O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffi
ti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin.
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1926: Epaphra is not good at ball games.
IX.8.3 (House of the Centenary; in the latrine near the front door); 5243: Secund
us defecated here three time on one wall.
Mac D.: ancient roman git gud
eldritch s.: Herculaneum (on a water distribution tower); 10488: Anyone who want
s to defecate in this place is advised to move along. If you act contrary to thi
s warning, you will have to pay a penalty. Children must pay [number missing] si
lver coins. Slaves will be beaten on their behinds.
that s great
in the water distirbution tower
"do not shit here"
Space (GM): beaten on their behinds
eldritch s.: it is really neat
all of the grafiti
Space (GM): ikr?
it s nice
eldritch s.: name a song
that embodies fear to you
Space (GM): hm
the ocean doens t want me today, probably
Mac D.: eh wot
Space (GM): to answer seer
Mac D.: o ok
that sounds like a modest mouse song name
Space (GM): tom waits
Mac D.: ooooooOOOH ok
does What s He Building In There count
Space (GM): i think so
fear mixed with paranoia
Mac D.: it s not much of a song
Space (GM): what s he BUILDING in there.....................................
eldritch s.: those aren;t sings
Space (GM): eh
Mac D.: he has no dog
he has no friends
Space (GM): oh have you heard
army ants
Mac D.: eh
Space (GM): the tom waits song i mean
its freaky
Mac D.: is taima still broke as hell

i want to play sad and purty one piece music

eldritch s.: it is
it s been that way for a week or so
Space (GM): ya
Mac D.: damn....@
i could always just link it here
but who am i kidding you re not going to listen to it....
Space (GM): im doing math notes
Mac D.: just as i thought.......
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): honorifics
eldritch s.: shirou
"bb-b-b-b-b.... how...."
"s-she- her acting was so LEGIT"
"n-nothing was.... even suspicious... at a-all...."
"i-i need to reevalutate life now"
he becomes emo
Mac D.: psh
Space (GM): crawling in my skin
Mac D.: so space
would you like to hear
eldritch s.: he becomes like sakura
they hand out together listening to my checmical romance
Mac D.: about the fightan moves me rivux and fox came up with for Roger
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: hok so
eldritch s.: sweep the leg
Space (GM): wax on, wax of
Mac D.: his fighting style is basically canon haki taken to the furthest extreme
we can think of
so you know how Armament Haki works, right?
Space (GM): remind me
Mac D.: you essentially encase things in an armor made of your spirit
or willpower
so like bodyparts, weapons
the works
it makes them far more tougher
able to deal more damage and take more damage
Mac D.: the extreme version came up with is basically an offensive form of the e
where Roger projects a field which exerts an enormous inward pressure inside it
Space (GM): ooh
Mac D.: like imagine he creates a big bubble
and inside that bubble is the pressure of the marianas trench
Space (GM): i like that a lot
Mac D.: so he can put his hand to the ground and make it crumble and facture
or he can grab a dude and make him implode
for Conquerer s Haki
eldritch s.: solaire - already a great therapist
Mac D.: he can command natural phenomena
like summoning natural disasters or dismissing them
his will is so strong, it overpowers the will of the planet
Space (GM): marble phantasm...!
Mac D.: that s where fox got the idea
Space (GM): ohoho
Mac D.: i described it to rivux as "Roger makes a tornado go away by yelling at
Space (GM): i love this
Mac D.: aw ye

Space (GM): quick post in the fg before i forcemyself to sleep

Mac D.: aaa
don t leave me
Space (GM): how s roger feel about the strange avenger
Mac D.: he s not all on board the whole "killing everyone" train
Space (GM): that s for the best
he ll like her when her mood has swung back to the opposite end i am sure
Mac D.: she s a big weirdo
Space (GM): cruel...
Mac D.:
straw hat antics
Space (GM): i gotta bed soon
maybe 1-2 more posts
Mac D.: oh noooooooo
Space (GM): i m not staying up late again
it s already almost 1
Mac D.: :c......................................
eldritch s.:
solaire just has
a very kind voice
Space (GM): now i sleep
night friend
eldritch s.: night
was this a ruse all along...................
Mobile L.: Spaaaaace come heeeeeeere
He comes
Mac D.: oh there you are
didja summon fox or is that my job
Space (GM): your
Mac D.: so lazy....!
Mobile L.: Hallo
Mac D.: faaaahks
Mac D.: he s not....SAYING anything..........
Fawkes M. (GM): ............
Space (GM): .....
Mac D.: do you think we startled him
Space (GM): it s going to be okay, fawkes...
Mobile L.: Indoor voices
Mac D.: we should show him we re not a threat
shhh....c mere
Space (GM): talk soothingly
Mobile L. holds out hand for Fox to sniff
Fawkes M. (GM) sniff sniff
Mobile L.: See? Friends...
Space (GM): ssh... don t make loud noises or he ll RUN AWAY
Fawkes M. (GM) wags tail
Mac D.: d aaaw
Mobile L.: Yey
Space (GM): alright how do we do this here thing fox
Mac D.: you must craft
a bogus journey
Space (GM): let s not plan anything whatsoever

Fawkes M. (GM): I have no clue, man

Mac D.: we will start with nothing
and end with ART
Mobile L.: All we need is a bogus journey in which we save the mayor s daughter
Mac D.: possibly involving sick parkour
Mobile L.: The rest... is in the hands of imagination
Mac D.: cue opening....
Space (GM): i make no promises as to this sessions canonocity
the opening song isnt playing
Mac D.: it is for me
Mobile L.: Me too
Mac D.: shall i set the scene
Narrator: i was gonna
Mac D.: oh ok go for it
Narrator: It s just another ordinary day at the Kuwabara household... oh, but wh
at s this? Neco-Arc Bubbles and Kuwabara are watching wrestling on the televisio
n! Ahh, it truly is an ordinary day...
...Hm? A knock at the door?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeeeah! Get him! Put him in the Walls of Jericho! Break the wal
...Eh? Whozat?
Kazuma Kuwabara walks over and opens the door
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Wall! Wall! Wall!
Why, it s his friend, Gunther!
Gunther: Hello.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! Hey, Gunth.
Ya caught me during Wrestling Time!
Kazuma Kuwabara returns to the couch
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hi! Hi! Hi!
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves at Gunther
Gunther: ...Oh. This means you re busy, then?
Hello to you too, cat.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Naaaah, what didja need?
Kazuma Kuwabara drinks from his glass of water
Gunther: Well, I was contemplating doing some parkour and wondered if you could
join me.
It d be... heh... interesting if we tried it together.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Parkour? You?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Park?
Neco-Arc Bubbles looks up
Gunther: Heh, yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eh? Bubbles, do you know what Parkour is?
Neco-Arc Bubbles nods enthusiastically
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Park! Park! Park!
Kazuma Kuwabara puts a finger to his chin
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hmmmmm....
...Sure, I got this thing recording, anyway!
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet

Neco-Arc Bubbles promptly goes to steal Kuwabara s seat

Gunther: ...Excellent.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Didn t take you for a fan of parkour, Gunth!
Gunther: I ve been looking into it for... Hm, reasons.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Didn t really take you for a fan of movin around period.
Gunther: I don t usually. But that s boring, and I don t enjoy being bored.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, then! Let s go work on our sick ninja moves!
Know any good spots?
Gunther: There s probably some buildings and reasonably clear areas downtown.
Space (GM): oh dear
Kazuma Kuwabara: GUNTHERRRRR
Space (GM): K U W A B A R A I N T E N S I F I E S
Kazuma Kuwabara: THE POWER
Gunther: ...Heh! You re really messed up.
Oh my God
This is perfect.
We re freaks.
Space (GM): E N G A G E W A R P D R I V E
Gunther giggles fiendishly and undulates
Gunther: ...Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...I still feel kinda stretched ou- Oh, there we go!
So where we doin this, Gunth?
Mech-Hisui: Beep-beep!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks toward the BEEB BEEB
A woman in a maid outfit is rocketing away atop a rooftop
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?
Mech-Hisui and carrying several pizza boxes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah!
Mobile L.: Uhp, my screen jacked up for a sec
And a familiar delivery lady is rocketing right after her
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....She must be really good at parkour....
Satsuki Yumizuka: OI!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Eh?? Yumizuka!?
Gunther: ...Oh wow.
Satsuki Yumizuka: NO DOSH, NO SERVICE!
Gunther: Eheheh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wow.....
...This place must be freerunnin central!
Gunther: ...Well, what are we waiting for? Let s join them.
Gunther Naruto-runs towards a building wall
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Woah, hold up!
Kazuma Kuwabara Naruto-runs after him
Gunther BRAVEJUMPS and tries to WALLRUN
Space (GM): roll finesse
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 32
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 15
Gunther sticks it, naruto-running impressively.
Satsuki Yumizuka GOES FOR A LEAP
Kuwabara follows close behind...!
Gunther tries to WALLJUMP up to the roof
Satsuki Yumizuka: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + for Finesse
= 15
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 15
Satsuki BRAVEJUMPS across the gap, just as Gunther arrives!
Kazuma Kuwabara attempts a SICK backflip across the building to catch up
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 28
Mac D.: rip
Gunther lands like some kinda shitty ninja
Satsuki Yumizuka has a sudden attitude shift from RAGE to friendly
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey, Gunther! Kuwabara!
Kuwabara crashes through the skylight of the game center

Kazuma Kuwabara CRAAASH

Gunther: ...Heh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....buuuuuuuuh........
Gunther: ...Ow...
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Eh...
Kazuma Kuwabara stumbles back out onto the street, shaking his head
Space (GM): getting chase music
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ooookay, TAKE TWO!
Gunther: Eheheh...
Kazuma Kuwabara tries wallrunning up the game center
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 35
Gunther attempts to breach the gap with a leap of his own
Kuwabara makes it up easily
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 12
Gunther lands it, narrowly avoiding the hole Kuwabara made...!
Kazuma Kuwabara hops up and puts his hands on his waist in TRIUMPH
Gunther: Hup.
But...! The thief is getting away!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Satsuki
Satsuki Yumizuka keeps running while talking
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heya, Yumizuki! Didn t know you were into parkour, too!
Gunther follows WITH HASTY
Space (GM): is ther emuisc planan
Mobile L.: Yas
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wh-..hey! Don t just ditch me like that!
Kazuma Kuwabara FOLLOWS
Satsuki Yumizuka: It s a talent we have to learn for thieves like this...
Mobile L.: Now put down the booze
Gunther: What did she steal?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Diamonds? Cash? Cash Diamonds??
Gunther: Heh...
Satsuki Yumizuka: Pizza! Nine boxes of it!

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Pizza?

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Well, she paid for five, but still!
Gunther: Wow.
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 9
She leaps onto the post, kicking off to land on another buildin!
Gunther hovers for a bit in mid-air, looks down, looks back up helplessly at Kuw
abara and Satsuki, and falls.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 29
Gunther: ...Eheheh...!
Gunther THUD
Satsuki Yumizuka: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + for Finesse
= 5
but Satsuki crashes right into him
they both all
Space (GM): *fall
Kazuma Kuwabara: HWOAGH-!?
WOOOOOASatsuki Yumizuka: Ghk--!!
Kazuma Kuwabara THUD
Satsuki Yumizuka THUD
Gunther: Ahahah... It s so much harder than it looks...
Satsuki Yumizuka: Damn you...!
Mech-Hisui successfully makes her escape...!

Kazuma Kuwabara looks up as she escapes

Gunther: ...What.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Damn!....Her parkour levels were....just too strong.....
They ve all crash-landed just outside of a TV shop
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at the teevees
The televisions in the window are all tuned to the same channel - the local news
Satsuki Yumizuka is interrupted by the LOCAL NEWS
Gunther stares boredly at the telly
It seems that the terrorist organization, Fifteen Blessings, has set up shop i
n Fuyuki City!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gunther yawn
Kazuma Kuwabara: Fifteen Blessings!? Now WAY!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Gunther Booooooring
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who s Fifteen Blessings?
Space (GM): roll to know who fifteen blessings is
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 4
Satsuki Yumizuka: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + for Mind
= 8
Space (GM): Gunther knows that they re a Swedish trap-rock band that formed last
year, made eight albums in the span of a month, and then disbanded due to irrec
oncilable creative differences.
Satsuki thinks it s an h-game.
Gunther: Mm. Just some stupid band.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Wait, those hot bird-men?
Gunther: I thought they broke up, though...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh....So they re back in town, then?
Gunther: ...Wait, what.
Heh, I don t remember any bird men in the band.
Are they furries now?
Eheheh, that would be great if they were...
Kazuma Kuwabara: A band of bird men?....Geez, music these days is weird...
Satsuki Yumizuka: No, no, no! I m pretty sure that... never mind.
Gunther: Furries are hilarious.

We need to find these guys.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I guess it s no big problem, right?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Yeah, well - if they re a terrorist group now...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe that s a marketing stunt!
Gunther: ...Furry... (giggle-snort)
Satsuki Yumizuka: Yeah, maybe. If it sells...
...Though, aren t they a bit too niche?
Gunther: Oh my God... Eheheh... We have to see them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s see where they re playin . Think it s a concert?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at the telly
Gunther just giggles quietly to himself
Satsuki Yumizuka: Last I checked, only Kaito was a singer...
Kazuma Kuwabara: well, ya only need one vocalist for a band!
Satsuki Yumizuka: What about if they want harmony?
Gunther: I knew that one guy looked like a weirdo...
Kazuma Kuwabara: what kinda edgy rock band want s harmony?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Edgy? Pretty sure that Fifteen Blessings had nothing but soft,
airty music.
Gunther: ...No, no, you re remembering wrong. They were trap rock.
Space (GM): gonna have to go soon
fox can you hold down the fort
Mobile L.: Aw, dickle
Mac D.: oh NOOOOO
will you be back
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh god
Mac D.: fox i believe in you
Space (GM): i will
Mobile L.: Yu can du et
Space (GM): fox believe in yourself
Mac D.: how soon will you be back you think
Space (GM): well i m dropping off my application then heading to dinner
Mac D.: ah ok
see you then
Fawkes M. (GM): See ya
Kazuma Kuwabara is still lookin at that telly
Fawkes M. (GM): (What sort of application?)
Mac D.: (a.....)
(....JOB application...)
Space (GM): at GAMESTOP
Fawkes M. (GM): Godspeed, Space
Mobile L.: Ya gotta BELIEVE
The television shows the leaders of Fifteen Blessings... giving a speech right n
Gunther: ...Ah.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the TV
Kazuma Kuwabara then tuuuuurns his head to the speechgiver
Gunther watches closely to find out what the horrid furry band is up to
well they re not within view

Kazuma Kuwabara oh
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey....looks like they re right in front o that building!
The big one in town!
Gunther: Wow. So they were right under our noses.
???: Fools. You think that you are the justice-makers in this brave new world...
In reality, you are the ones who are blind. Your rash actions will bring nothing
but collapse.
Gunther: ...The frontman has aged like milk. It s only been a year.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Is this the pre-song bit?
Gunther: I think he is on the meth.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I think? He looks a lot different now...
Gunther: Heh... Meth furry terrorist band...
???: Now, Rin Tohsaka - we, on behalf of the world, implore you to bring your co
ven back into the shadows.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......?
???: If you do not, then we will have no choice but to respond in turn.
I know you can hear me. Are my terms clear enough?
Gunther: ...Is this spoken word or something.
They took a bad turn
This sucks.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe it s a musician callout?
Gunther: Hm.
??? smirks
???: Good. Then I hope to hear from you soon.
the clip ends
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Gunther: ...You want to see if they re still there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! I wanna see if there s gonna be a riot or somethin .
Gunther: Maybe we can get some footage of their opener.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...What do you think happened to them?
Gunther: Meth.
Meth does that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Music industry s tough, man...
Gunther takes out his phone and makes for the BUILDIN
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, let s go
Kazuma Kuwabara follows Gunther
Space (GM): meth furry
Gunther rolls his camera and peers out at the terrorist furry meth band
Satsuki Yumizuka also follows
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Man.
Space (GM): duff please keep me updated of the happenings on skype
Kazuma Kuwabara peeks over Gunther s shoulder
Mac D.: you GOT IT
Space (GM): *kokutou
Mac D.: they must be communing in secret....
Mobile L.: (eyebrow waggle)
Translator s note: kokutou probably does not mean plan
BRB gettin a DRANK
Mac D.: HOK
Fawkes M. (GM): Ahh
Did I die?

Space (GM): don t die

Fawkes M. (GM): I typed something up but it didn t reach the server
Mac D.: copypaste
Sure enough, there is that same person, rallying a bunch of people from a stage!
Hard to hear him over a really loud crowd, though...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh?
I can t hear nothin , Gunth!
Kazuma Kuwabara he tries to make his way closer
Thick crowd - roll for Brawn
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 28
Nope - looks like the crowd s too thick to even wade into...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oof-!....
Geez, they re packed in like sardines!....
Though, you may pick up certain words they re saying if you listen closely enoug
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?...
Kazuma Kuwabara gives a liste
Roll for mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 18
Mobile L.: Baq, Icy wanted to show me sum
Tax evasion ... Heaven s Feel ... Hisao Necktie ... man, this is a really wei
rd speech.
Gunther also listens in
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?....Man, I don t get politics at all...!
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 19
Gunther hears it clearly and precisely
Gunther well WOT IZZIT THEN
Mobile L.: G-... guys...?

Mac D.: i am still here

we whether this storm together.......
Mobile L.: Did we kill our friends?
Mac D.: you know i BETCHA we did
Mobile L.: Damn
RIP ;_;7
Oh nooooooooooo
Mac D.: what HAPPENED...!?
roll is bullying fox
Mobile L.: Aw damn
Fuckin Roll
Did he try to retrieve something from the archive?
That killed me once
Fawkes M. (GM): AAAAAAH
Mobile L.: Fruggin thing
Mac D.: fox i missed u
Mobile L.: He rises again
7-11 Guy: How can they call themselves civilians when they don t contribute to s
ociety in the least? They ve been evading taxes around the world ever since the
rest of us had to pay taxes!
the rest of the crowd seems to agree with him with yells of "Yeah!" and so forth
Gunther: ...They went all political, it seems.
And boring.
Let me see if I can talk them into playing something.
Gunther throat-clearing
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man, good luck!
Satsuki Yumizuka: You sure? I don t think this is...
Gunther: Hej. Tar du frfrgningar?
Kazuma Kuwabara: This crowd s thicker than molasses...
....Theee heck was that?
Gunther: Swedish.
Gonna have to speak up, Gunther. The crowd is almost deafening...!
Gunther: They re also Swedes.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...See? What d I tell ya!

Gunther is somehow still stoic and bored-sounding despite screaming over the cro
The man on stage does not hear you, but a man in the back of the crowd does...
???: Vad menar du , god vn ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Uuuuuh.....
...Translation, Gunth?
Gunther: He asked me what I was saying, and I will now clarify that I was trying
to make a request.
Jag ber fr att se om de tar begranden. Jag vill att de ska spela Freebird.
the man grins
???: Begran ? Hah ! Du kom till rtt frilans gitarrist !
Gunther: ...He s a guitarist, he says.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh!
Tell him to play a chord or somethin so this crowd ll pipe down!
Gunther: Okay.
Bra. Se om du kan spela ett ackord fr att gra publiken tyst ner.
???: Tja , jag har inte min gitarr just nu . Kanske efter rallyt r ver ?

Gunther: ...Oh. He does not have his guitar.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Damn.....
Gunther: ...Ett gonblick, sir.
Satsuki Yumizuka seemed to be spaced out when Kuwabara called to her
Satsuki Yumizuka: Eh?
Gunther tries to push through the crowd in an attempt to get to the front
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got big lungs, don t ya? Try and see if you can t get the b
and s attention!
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 14
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Wait, are you sure that this is a band?!?!
The journey is long and arduous, Gunther, but you eventually make it near the fr
ont of the crowd!
Gunther: ...Good.
Kazuma Kuwabara: A band that s doin too much damn talkin ! Ask em to play a so
ng, already!
Gunther: Hej. Nr kommer ni att sluta prata och spela?
The man shushes the entire crowd with a raised hand.
Gunther vacantly stares through his bangs
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Gunther: N?
Kazuma Kuwabara shouts from the back of the crowd
7-11 Guy: ...Got something to say, little man? Let s hear it!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Play somethin , has-beens!
Gunther: ...Eheh... Little.
...But yes, when are you going to play?
You don t even have anything set up yet.
7-11 Guy: Play? Like a song?
Gunther: Yes.
The crowd is muttering.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What kinda two-bit excuse for a concert is this!?
Gunther: You are the recently reunited Swedish trap rock group Fifteen Heavens,
are you not?
7-11 Guy: ...
...Ha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahaha!
The crowd laughs with him, semi-nervously.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What s he laughin at?
Gunther: ...Ha... Eheheheheh. What s going on.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunth, what s he laughin at??
Gunther is aaaaaaaall the way up front

7-11 Guy: You don t understand, little man. This is our song. The song of the wo
rld and how it s supposed to work!
Gunther sneaky bastard must ve pushed through while you weren t looking
Kazuma Kuwabara: Your song sucks!
Gunther: ...Oh? So you do spoken word now?
That s boring.
And pretentious.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Boooo!
7-11 Guy: Yeah. Easier to get the message across7-11 Guy is interrupted by Kuwabara
Gunther: ...Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Boooooo!
7-11 Guy: ...Well, well. Figured one of you would crash this sooner or later.
Gunther: You re all a bunch of no-talent, methhead furries.
You should feel bad.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Gunther...
Satsuki Yumizuka had snuck through the crowd and is whispering to him
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, boo em with me, Guitar Guy! Boooo!
Gunther: ...What.
???: Va?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Booooooooo! Like that!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Ithinknowmightnotbethebesttime.
Gunther: Now why is that. I m getting a decent rise out of these clowns.
7-11 Guy: Hah! What re you gonna do, magus? Hypnotize this crowd against us?
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
Gunther: ...Oh.
???: ...Boo?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! That s how ya do it!
Gunther: So you re a methhead furry no-talent hack from a one-hit wonder group t
hat knows about that.
You re a real freak.
Kazuma Kuwabara cups his hands
Kazuma Kuwabara: Boooooooooo!
???: ...Vnta , vnta . Varfr r du bua honom ? Han har rtt id !
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?
Uh.....Translation, Gunth?
Gunther: ...
This man agrees with the lead singer for whatever reason.
But why.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eh??
But the song sucks!
Maaaan, people ll call anything
7-11 Guy: ...It is the song of truth and justice! Am I right?
Gunther: Vad sgs om denna grupp som intresserar dig, sir?
7-11 Guy the crowd goes "Right!"
Kazuma Kuwabara: Where s the music!?
Gunther: Listen, I know many bands are tempted to go political, but it always en
ds terribly.
It s boring and no one cares.

???: De tycker inte om dessa magiker som str samhllet . Och inte heller jag !
Kazuma Kuwabara: What d he say?
Gunther: They re forwarding some sort of agenda against my ilk.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What? Fat people"
7-11 Guy: ...Ilk, huh?
Gunther: I didn t really take them for radicals, but there you go.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Guys...
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s there to riot about over fat people?
What s up, Yumizuka?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...You guys may wanna get out of here as soon as you can.
Satsuki Yumizuka is already starting to wade back through the crowd
Gunther: Did someone call the cops.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What for?
7-11 Guy: Ilk. So, you re a magus?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Hey! Where re you goin ??
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at him
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Magus?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Izzat Swedish for "fat person?"
Gunther: Well. He s the one who tossed out the accusation in the first place.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at the guy
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oi! You can t call Gunth fat! Only I can do that!
Gunther: ...Eheh...
This is a very fringe cause, you know.
It will probably not sell you many records.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Who holds a huge protest over fat people?
Gunther tries to stifle his laughter
7-11 Guy: Fat people? No, I mean magi! Witches and warlocks!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?
Man, you re trippin !
Gunther: Must be the meth.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t mistake the swedish word for "Witch" with the one for "Fa
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: So...What is this, some LARP thing?
7-11 Guy: Meth? Look, I don t care what news network you re from, but there s no
way you re gonna defame the Fifteen Blessings like this.
Gunther: I think maybe it s some sort of publicity stunt.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, man!
You didn t tell me this was some NERD band!
Gunther: They re probably trying to cop the ICP s aesthetic or something.
7-11 Guy: .....
Gunther: And they re doing a piss poor job of it.
7-11 Guy: ...Look, kids. Get out before I make you get out.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You can t make me get out, ya nerd!
Japan s a free country!
It s written in the Declaration of Independence!
Gunther: Look, can you at least play something before you leave.

I feel as though we turned out for nothing.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! If I paid to come here, I woulda asked for a refund!
7-11 Guy: This isn t a concert!
Gunther: Like I said, going political is a dreadful move.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I can see that!
It s a nerd gathering!
7-11 Guy: ...Y know what, Blackmore, just... just put something on the jukebox.
Gunther: Play Freebird.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t play Freebird, Gunth ll have a heart attack!
Gunther: Do it.
I dare you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re gonna kill him, man! I m telling you!
This one time Freebird played on the jukebox at the restaurant!
Dan Blackmore: Let me play something that will make a compromise
7-11 Guy quietly seethes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dude almost suffocated on the floor right there!
Gunther: I ll join your faction if you put on your fursuits and dance to it.
Dan Blackmore: It will placate you, and emphasize our mission.
Gunther: I ll pay you actual money... Eheheheh...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gunther: ...Oh well.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I heard this song, before!
Gunther: I ll still pay you to dance in the fursuits!
The crowd, after a bit of muttering, eventually starts to groove to this!
Gunther: C mon, don t be...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Gunther snickers like Muttley
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I don t get it.
Gunther: Geddit... Cuz... Cuz they re furries and dressed as bird men... Ehehe
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh!
Oh, okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wonder where Yumizuka went?
7-11 Guy: Furries?!?!
Gunther: ...Hm. She probably thought they were gonna bring in the riot police or
Is this a different band.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Do they do that for LARPin ?
Gunther: There are only so many Swedish trap rock groups.
7-11 Guy: Gah- this isn t that whole plagiarism thing, is it?
We re in Japan!
They re in Sweden!
Gunther: Hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ooooi! Yumizukaaaa!
Gunther: That s troubling.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t think the police are comin ! Where you at??

7-11 Guy: How else could Jojo violate so many copyrights?

How tall is Kuwabara compared to the average man?
Gunther: Well. I still think going political was a terrible move.
Kazuma Kuwabara pretty tall
7-11 Guy: How?!?!
This. Is. Political.
Then he should be able to see Satsuki taking a breather behind and out of the cr
Gunther: If the Swedish Fifteen Heavens are trying to copy your style, I underst
and that you would want to be avant-garde and edgy to throw them off, but you re
alienating most of your potential audience with this admittedly obscure message
you re forwarding.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! There she is!
7-11 Guy: This isn t obscure!
Kazuma Kuwabara make his way over to her
7-11 Guy: *Mages are evil. How hard is that to understand?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Psh, Nerds, amirite?
Gunther: Oh? How many other current groups are trying to cater to the anti-magus
7-11 Guy: We have a lot of cells in a lot of cities!
7-11 Guy dude looks like he has a super high blood pressure
Gunther tries his best not to start cackling
Gunther: Oh?
But what are your record sales like?
Mac D.: the girl has been very quiet
She is awfully robotic, yes
Gunther: This is still a very niche market, and if you base your whole brand aro
und them, you will ultimately lose money.
7-11 Guy: Eight million views on YouTube. Look us up!
Gunther: ...Hm. Okay.
Gunther does just that
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Oi! You okay, Yumizuka?
Mobile L.: BRB, gotta use the bathroom
I ll be quick
Oh, hey - looks like there are two videos about them that are gaining trends. On
e of them is titled "A Message to Rin Tohsaka", while the other is "Cult Leader
Gets Stood Up By Kenny Loggins And A Fat Guy"
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Yeah, I m fine. Thought I was gonna get torn to pieces ther
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wassa matter, afraid o crowds?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Crowds that woulda torn me apart if they found out.
Gunther: ...Hhhhhh...
Gunther just stares down at that tiny screen and cackles inspidly
7-11 Guy: ...Hey, what s so funny?
Gunther No words... only chortles...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh....Found out about what?
7-11 Guy >_>
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...You know magi, right?
Gunther: ...HehehehehO-oh myhehahahah... God...
7-11 Guy: What?

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Aw, come on, Yumizuka! You ain t fat!

Gunther: ...This washehehehehsuch a good idea-HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...What? No! Of course I m not!
7-11 Guy: ...That s it. Rani, get me some aspirin.
the girl nods then heads inside
Gunther [maniacal cackling intensifies]
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then what re so worried about??
Satsuki Yumizuka: They don t like magic. I m magic.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
...Geez, are you into this kinda stuff, too?
Didn t take ya for a LARPer.
Satsuki Yumizuka sighs
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Never mind.
We still need to find that pizza thief, don t we?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, yeah!
I m gettin pretty bored o this nerd rally anyway...
Hey, Gunth!
Gunther has gone into one of his post-cackling narcoleptic fits and is sleeping
in the middle of the crowd
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Can you get him?
Gunther: Zzzzzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! Yeah, lemmie justKazuma Kuwabara makes his way over to him and DRAAAAAGS him over to Yumizuka
impromptu grocery store run, be back in a bi
Satsuki Yumizuka: Aww
SHIKI: See ya
Fawkes M. (GM): feck
Be safe
This is fuckin amazing so far
Fawkes M. (GM): Heee, thanks
I tend to forget the map pieces
Due to a combo of being too used to the FG and this TRACKPAD
Mobile L.: Gotcha
Fuckin trackpads
I feel bad for other!7-11 Guy
Fawkes M. (GM): He just wants to be a respected terrorist-slash-Muggle-cult-lead
Gunther rekt him too hard
Mobile L.: Gunther enjoys rekking people in an entertaining manner
Fawkes M. (GM): It s a wonderful talent
You know, this is probably not gonna be how we ll characterize him in Actual Hol
low Night
Mobile L.: Gotcha
Same with the food-stealing mafia guys in Furies
Gunther feels the need to shield his innocent friend Kuwabara from the horrible
Fawkes M. (GM): He is oblivious
Mobile L.: I m eager to see how the reveal will go down
I have vague plans regarding said reveal
Fawkes M. (GM): inb4 he thinks that Rin s arm shoots fancy tracer rounds or some
Mobile L.: Hee

Fawkes M. (GM): How you hanging?

Mobile L.: Pretty good, just chillin here with Pee Wee
Fawkes M. (GM): (just playing music for fun)
Ooh, nice
Mobile L.: Yep
How bout you?
Fawkes M. (GM): Pretty gud
Still worried about my physics class
Mobile L.: Haven t got the grade back yet>
Fawkes M. (GM): Not yet
Next week
Mobile L.: Gotcha
Hoping it s good news
Fawkes M. (GM): Yeah
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): I d only fail if I did REALLY bad, but considering my 45/
100 on my second midterm it s a valid possibility
(To Fawkes M.): I bet you passed
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): I hope so, too
Mobile L.: I should prolly get going on those lizard village maps while we wait
Fawkes M. (GM): Ooh, alright
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Or maybe a prototype Death Note one?
(To Fawkes M.): I kinda started on one, but I haven t gotten far yet and I m wor
ried it ll be grody
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): What s it look like?
(To Fawkes M.): It s gonna be one of part of the city, and so far I just have as
phalt and a couple buildings
(To Fawkes M.): Sadly few decent city assets, but I ll make use of what I ve got
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): You got this
(To Fawkes M.): We shall see
(To Fawkes M.): fuq yeh
(To Fawkes M.): Eheheh
(To Fawkes M.): I don t usually go for metal, but Maximum the Hormone is legit p
retty good
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Oh, definitely
(To Fawkes M.): Either gonna have some buildings be off-scale or veer towards un
iformity and use only building assets from one source for this mockup
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Whatever looks the best, right?
(To Fawkes M.): Yep. Lucky for me, the thing I have in mind is Japanese and mode
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Perfect...!
(To Fawkes M.): Yey
Mobile L.: Welqum 2 live
Mac D.: sankyu
Fawkes M. (GM): Hello~
Mobile L.: Do we COCTINUE?
Mac D.: Haaaay~
so long as fox has the nrg
Fawkes M. (GM): Where were we again?
Mobile L.: We were gonna try to catch the pizza thief again
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh, right
Kuwabara was trying to drag a sleeping Gunther
Mac D.: izzat a brawn roll
Fawkes M. (GM): Wynaut
They re in a crowd

Gunther Snoooooooore
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 47
Kazuma Kuwabara STRONK
Gunther has pleasant dreams of telling Father about how he humiliated a terroris
t group
Space (GM): JOJO
Mobile L.: Eyyyyyy
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh hai
fox is exhausted
Mobile L.: Jesus, take the wheel
Kazuma Kuwabara DRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGS him back to Satsuki
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hoo! Damn, he s a heffer......
Gunther: Zzzzz...
Space (GM): give me a recappu
Mac D.: read back as far as you can
Space (GM): Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Can you get him?
Mac D.: and take the skype recap i gave you
Space (GM): i tried opening the chat archive and died
Mac D.: and put two and two together
Space (GM): there a gap
Mac D.: not REALLY
like all that happened was that Kuwabara talked to Satsuki
and she was like "i m scared i m magic"
and kuwabara was like "YOU RE A NERD TOO"
and she was like "go get gunther"
Space (GM): did the police arrive yet
Mac D.: and so he got gunther
no there have been no police
Mobile L.: They embarrassed the terrorists and are gonna go try to stop the pizz
a thief
Mac D.: are they really terrorists
Fawkes M. (GM): No need for the police
Mac D.: they haven t even committed any acts of terrorism
Fawkes M. (GM): They turned this into a Kenny Loggins sorta-concert
Mac D.: unless they re secretly holding the mayor s daughter hostage
Space (GM): so i got this siren for nothing...
Mobile L.: Damn...
Mac D.: damn....!
Space (GM): well i ll use it anyways
The sound of police sirens fills the air.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the-...Police really


respond to this stuff!?

Gunther just baaaaaaarely stirs

Gunther: ?
Fawkes M. (GM): Kenny Loggins keeps playing
The crowd hastily disperses as a squad of police cars fill the area.
Kazuma Kuwabara is currently still in the process of dragging Gunther away and t
hus is near the crowd
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh man!!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Satsuki
A detective steps out of a car, flashing a badge and shouting into a megaphone
Gunther lifts his head
Touko Aozaki: Attention, Fifteen Blessings! You are hereby ordered to end your c
riminal activities and surrender! We have you surrounded!
Gunther: ...Did they have meth?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh!? Hang on a sec-!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, you re awake.
Get up, fatass!
Gunther: Heh. I heard sirens.
Gunther yawns and gets to his feet
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, the police are here...!!!
Gunther looks down at his phone screen at the video again
Gunther: ...Oh. Oh yeah. Eheheheheh...
the police are busy securing the area
7-11 Guy: "Criminal?!?!"
Officer Daisuke: You kids again?
Gunther: They got humiliated and busted.
7-11 Guy: This is just a rally, officer!
Gunther: Sucks to be them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! I remember you!
Gunther: So I guess they have meth, huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and clucks his tongues
Touko Aozaki: A rally of wanted terrorists! Sorry, but your little games aren t
working here. Come quietly or we ll be required to use force.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Can t be helped....That s what happens when you do drugs!
Officer Daisuke: Man. I didn t figure you guys to be radicals.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait, what!?
7-11 Guy: Oh, really? You and what magical army?
Gunther: Oh? We were just hassling the radicals, officer.
They don t like me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hold on, yeah! We thought this was a concert!
Touko Aozaki: Do you really want to ask?
Officer Daisuke is making that exact face
Gunther: I like them, though.
Officer Daisuke: You kids better get out of here, alright? Don t wanna get caugh

t up with the rest of them.

Gunther: Hm.
7-11 Guy: ...........................
Gunther: But they re funny and ineffectual.
Rani V: ...We have a hostage.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y-You got it! No problem!
Rani V: We ll kill her if you try anything.
Gunther: ...Hostage.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s just-....Wait, huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Rani
Touko Aozaki: ...
Gunther: Oh wow.
7-11 Guy: ...Yeah. A hostage!
Officer Daisuke: ...
Gunther: Hell of a band. Heh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, man, oh geez!
These nerds are crazy!
Rani V: Call off your men. Or she dies.
Gunther: What are they gonna do, make her cook meth for them?
Touko Aozaki: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I didn t wanna get caught up in this! I m only sixteeeen!
Touko Aozaki: ...Heh.
Touko Aozaki raises up the megaphone again
Touko Aozaki: You re just making it harder on yourself! If you got a hostage, sh
ow her already.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t wanna die before I get my license! Before I can beat Ur
7-11 Guy: ...Uh...
...Rani, where are they?
Officer Daisuke frowns
Gunther: Calm down, now.
Officer Daisuke: You re not gonna die.
Officer Daisuke: You re-...Man. Is he like this?
Rani V: Inside.
Gunther: Sometimes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay-...okay! Breathe IIIIN.....Breathe OOOUT...
Rani V: Come in and we slit their throats.
Gunther: Kuwabara, I don t think they re capable of doing much more than sucking
at everything.
Rani V: Let s go.
Rani V heads inside
Dan Blackmore does so as well
7-11 Guy also heads inside
Touko Aozaki: ...Jee-sus Christ.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright...Alright...yeah, just gotta keep my cool.....
Touko Aozaki: ...And will someone turn that damn music off?
eldritch s.: what the fuck did i just walk in to
Mobile L.: Hallo
Mac D.: a hostage situation
Space (GM): a hostage situation
caused by a furry swedish trap-rock band

eldritch s.: you continue to work behind my back...

Space (GM): do you want in on the bogus adventures
Mobile L.: You woz at skle
eldritch s.: no i was just bored
Mobile L.: When we started
eldritch s.: i have been home
for three hours
Space (GM): do you want in
on the bogus adventures
eldritch s.: i don t know what i want
Mobile L.: (eyebrow waggle)
eldritch s.: yes sure
Mobile L.: Yey
eldritch s.: i was just going to play one of hte games i bought on steam
Mobile L.: And fug, lemme make my Lumpy s post whilst there is a lull
Space (GM): hte spaghetti
eldritch s.: i cannot tell you how much
i look forward
to hail t ye
and is that adachi s unshave brother
Officer Daisuke: ...Listen, you guys head home.
You ll hear all about this on the news.
Touko Aozaki is talking on the phone with the police commissioner
Touko Aozaki: Yes... yeah, we -- no. No, they ve got more than one hostage? ...Y
ou re sure.
Touko Aozaki rubs her temples
Touko Aozaki: ...The mayor s daughter?
Gunther: But we were doing parkour.
Touko Aozaki: You have got to be shitting me, chief...
Gein Mender rolls up on his segway
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....The mayor s kid? aw, nuts.....
Gein Mender: C MON GEORGE.
Gein would see a police barricade around this building
Kazuma Kuwabara: This is serious, Gunth! We can do parkour someplace else.....
George: Arf!
Gunther: ...Oh. Now we definitely can t do parkour.
Gein Mender swerves to a stop by the barricade
Kazuma Kuwabara: We totally can! Look at all these buildings!
eldritch s.: is this the school
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over
eldritch s.: it keeps changing what it is
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Izzat Gramps?
Officer Daisuke: ...Listen, I have to go secure the area. Don t do anything stup
id, alright? You kids have adult supervision now.
Officer Daisuke ambles off
Space (GM): now its a skyscraper
Gunther: Yes, but Gein is here, and he can t properly join us because he would h
urt himself.
Gein Mender tries sliding over the hood of the car
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps can watch us do parkour!

Somewhere else!
Gein Mender: *hood
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 16
Kazuma Kuwabara: Somewhere that ain t a Terrorist Hostage Situation!
Gein Mender: unlike saber this old man isn t clumsy as fuck
Mobile L.: Finely aged suave
Gein Mender: What the shit have you kids been doing?
Gunther: Those guys are hilarious. It s a shame they had to go and make it all b
oring and dire.
We were doing parkour, but then we found terrorist trap rock meth furries who ha
ve other terrorist trap rock meth furries ripping them off, and now there s a ho
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heavy stuff!
Gein Mender: The shit you kids get into.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now the police are here, and I don t wanna get shot!
Space (GM): gein roll mind
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 19
Gunther: It was innocent enough, we swear.
Gein Mender: genius suave old man
nothing gets past this guy
Gein realizes that they re talking about Fifteen Blessings, the anti-magus terro
rist coalition that s been making headlines recently. These guys don t fuck arou
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: Mhm.
Gein Mender: Oh- maybe you kids should go home.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I wanted to do cool ninja flips, not get stuck with crazy dange
rous nerd stuff!
Space (GM): while i m thinking of it
Gunther: Why. They re ineffectual.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Home! Home sounds good!
Gein Mender: Listen- c mere.
Gein Mender waves them in for a huddle
Gunther: We would just be letting them win.

Gunther huddles
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh?

Kazuma Kuwabara huddles

Gein Mender: Listen.
I know who you re talking about.
They re called Fifteen Blessings.
Gunther: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, we know!
Gein Mender: And while they may seem really fucking pathetic.
I m telling you.
The floor is the level of shit you can take.
And they re at the top of the skyscraper.
Gunther: But I humiliated them.
Gein Mender: TheOh.
You re in it now.
Gunther: Hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You had me before you started talkin , Gramps!
Gein Mender backs away a little bit
Gein Mender: Listen.
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, we gotta get outta here!....
Gein Mender: They don t like magic shit.
Gunther: That I gather.
Gein Mender: They will shove a submachine gun right up your ass.
Gunther does not seem worried in the slightest
Gein Mender: Listen to meI know this kind of shit.
Space (GM): i have to brb but keep going
Gein Mender: Let me handle it.
You just skedaddle.
Gunther: You re not going to engage them are you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You heard the old man, Gunth!
Gramps has the police on his side, don t you worry!
Gein Mender: No- I m going to outplay them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Johnny Law s gonna take care of this right quick!
Gein Mender: The police.
Kazuma Kuwabara: S-s-so can we go now??
Gunther: ...Mm.
Gein Mender: I don t think the police are okay with this- me being in this spot.
I probably should have asked.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, yeah, right!
Gunther: Maybe we ought all go.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Will they bust you for bein in the mob if they see ya?
Gein Mender: I m not in the fucking mob!
Gein Mender whispers
Gein Mender: My landlord is, asshole!
Gunther: Right.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oooh, okay!
Yeah, all the m-m-more reason ta skeedaddle!
We don t wanna get in the police s way, right?
Gein Mender: Well someone needs to stop the terrorists..
Gunther: Perhaps not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s what cops are for!
Gein Mender: I don t think the police can stop them- not without a lot of dead p
ig- I mean officers.

Gunther: Hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well a dead ol man and two dead highschool students ain t gonn
a help!
Gein Mender: AhBut the thing is.
I m a smart old man.
Gunther is a spooky highschool student.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But you re an old old man!
Gein Mender: And you re a strong one.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t stronger than bullets, Gramps!
Gein Mender: Oh.
So when there s real danger, your balls shrivel up, is that it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I got a long, prosperous life ahead o me and I don t wanna thr
ow it away on crap that don t involve me!
Gunther scratches his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: What can I even do! I ain t Superman, Pops!
Gein Mender: Who s that one kid you hate?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi?
Gein Mender: I bet you fifty dollars Urameshi would go in.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, he would not!
Gein Mender: Would too.
Kazuma Kuwabara: If a badass like me knows better than to get shot, he does too!
Gunther yawns
Gein Mender: Or maybe he s more of a badass than you are?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re talkin crazy, Pops....
Gein Mender: Prove you re the tougher guy, then, or I ll make you admit Urameshi
has more balls than you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ain t no kid in Fuyuki High tougher than Kazuma Kuwabara, and t
hat s *fact!(
Gunther picks at a hangnail
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you tryin ta kill me Gramps!
Imagine how my Sis would react if she found out I died!
Gein Mender: I m an old man, I m going in!
Gunther: I can go in, too.
Kazuma Kuwabara: She d kill herself, just so she could kill my ghost!
Gein Mender: Gunther s going in.
Space (GM): back
Kazuma Kuwabara: You guys are nuts!
Gein Mender: George is going in.
Kazuma Kuwabara: He s a dog!
Gunther: If you would like to stay, that is your prerogative, and I would not bl
ame you.
George: Arf!
Gein Mender: No, we have nuts.
Gein Mender begins scanning the place out
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 18
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t dumb enough to get filled with bullets just to prove my

Gein Mender: fucking magic old man
Gunther: But if you elect you go, that is also your prerogative.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t electin nothin !
Space (GM): They don t have their perimeters covered up all that well. But charg
ing right in is likely to either get you shot by the police, or to spook the ter
rorists and make them shoot the hostages.
this has suddenly become die hard
Gein Mender determines the next course of action.
Gein Mender raises his hand
Kazuma Kuwabara: You guys wanna go get shot, fine by me!
Gein Mender: We have to sneak in.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll be sure to give a eulogy at both your-...what!?
Gein Mender adjusts his shades
Gein Mender: play mgs songs
Gunther: Hm.
Gein Mender tries assuming the stealth stance
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 11
solid gein
Gein s back smarts a bit, but he strikes a nice Naked Snake pose.
Gunther also tries to go all STELF
Gein Mender: Urgh.
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 10
Gein Mender begins trying to sneak around back
Gunther mimicks Gein, but just kind of looks silly more than anything else.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Gunther: ...Heh!
Gunther tippy-toes on after him
Kazuma Kuwabara stays on the street, looking at them like "Oh, come on!"
George tilts his head at Kuwabara, then follows the squad
Gunther: ...If you stay, be safe and get inside some sort of building.
George creeping along

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....

Kazuma Kuwabara paces nervously
Gein Mender looks at what s around back
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Couple o crazy-....What re they thinkin !?...
There s a shipping entrance for trucks, for unloading cargo and the like
Gein Mender sneakrs towards it, looking for any TURRORISTS
Gein Mender: do i roll
Gunther wonders if Father and Mother will be able to make another of him if he d
ies doing this
Gein Mender: if so, what
Space (GM): hm...
roll mind
Gein Mender: just imagine this old man
sneaking around the building
Space (GM): Old Snake
Gein Mender: in his business casual
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 9
his luck s run out
Space (GM):
Gunther BACKUP scans through his prodigious bangs
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 12
Gein Mender: gunther has x-ray vision
There s a guard, standing there. His back is to Gein. Gunther notices another gu
ard, to the left, about to spot Gein.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Mobile L.: Homunculus eyes
Space (GM): "i have special eyes"
get down
Gunther does so
Gein Mender follows instructions
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara peeeeeeeeeks over the railing to see if they re dead yet
The guard walks on by them, whistling.
He can t see them from where he is....

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....dammit!...

Gein Mender: Gunther.
Give me a rock.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....dammit, dammit, dammit!....i m hauntin your asses if this
kills me!....
Gunther slight-nods and feels around for one
there s a loose brick
Kazuma Kuwabara assumes his own STEALTH CROUCH and attempts to make his way to G
unther and Gein
Space (GM): rolle finesse
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 36
Gunther grabs and hands it off
Kuwabara makes it, sneaking right up behind the three of them.
Gein Mender takes the brick
Gein Mender looks at how the guards are positioned
Gunther slight-nods to Kuwabara
There s the one with their back to them, keeping an eye on the police
and the second one walking up to relieve him
Gein Mender: so they an see each other
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...if this goes south, this was your stupid idea, not mine!....
aye, but they can t see the party
Gunther: heh. just stay close to me.
Gein Mender tries lobbing the brick away from the entrance so they fuck off
Kazuma Kuwabara: shut up...
Gein Mender: if you want a roll ask for one
Guard: "Eh? What the hell?"
2 "What was that?"
"No idea. Go check it out."
The second guard nods, going to see where the brick landed
The first one remains there, on alert
Gein Mender tries sneaking up behind the first guard and choking him out if he s
not looking in his direction
Space (GM): roll brawn
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 9
old man

Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!

what s gramps-!?
The guard elbows Gein in the kidney the moment he feels his arm around him
Space (GM): *his neck
Gein Mender: Mfuck
George: Arf!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
George rushes up
George and lunges for the guard with his rabid fangs
Space (GM): something to note
Gein Mender: Do something you fucking asshats!
Space (GM): George is one of those mutants
from still night
Kazuma Kuwabara: I told you this was a stupid idea!!!
Gein Mender: i figured
Guard: "A-aah! AAAAAAAAH!"
Gunther goes in and swings for the guard s head
The second guard rushes from checking out that brick
Gein Mender tries to get his wind back
Guard2: "Wh-- Freeze!"
he levels his gun at them
Kazuma Kuwabara runs up and tries to get Gein to his feet
Kazuma Kuwabara: Can we run now, or do you wanna-!?
Kazuma Kuwabara holds up his hands at Guard2
Gein Mender searches for a rock to throw at the guard s head quickly
Kazuma Kuwabara: D-d-d-don t shoot!!!
he s got a gun pointed at you guys it probably wou dnlt be wise
Gein Mender: well gein is on the ground
Guard2: "C-call off your dog!
Gein Mender: gunther is standing
there s one right there
Kazuma Kuwabara: Call off the dog, Gramps!!
Gein Mender: George, that s enough.
Mobile L.: Izzit 2early to use the magycks?
Space (GM): it s probably the right time
Gein Mender puts on a senile old man voice
Space (GM): or did you mean
in terems of character progression
Mobile L.: I mean plotwise
Gein Mender: W-who are you... young fellow?
Mac D.: do you want to blow kuwabara s mind so soon
Space (GM): 2early
Mobile L.: Hokay
George: ...Arf?
Gein Mender: I w-w-was just coming through for my milk...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
George tilts his head, viscera dripping from his mouth

Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!!

Gein Mender: And my grandchildren- they wouldn t listen when I said this was the
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, Gramps has, uh....He s old, y know??
Guard2: "Th-that s... get out of here! Now!"
The door inside is right behind the guard...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gladly! Yeah! Absolutely!
Gein Mender: Y-yes, mister young man...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s go, GRANDPA.
Gein Mender rises
Gein Mender looks surprised
Gunther: Wewe don t want trouble...
Gein Mender: S-sir!
What s that inside!
Gunther suddenly sounds nervous
Gein Mender points at the door
Gunther: Grandpa...?
The guard, is still a little shook up, enough to be fooled by that obvious ploy,
as he looks back for a half-second
Kazuma Kuwabara: gramps what are you-!?
Gein Mender sends George at him as he picks up that rock and lobs it at his head
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 2
Gunther runs in to deck the guy
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, come on!
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 10
Space (GM): oh my god gramps
Gein Mender: he beans himself in the head
The rock bounces off his helmet, but Gunther s fist sends him reeling
enough for George to leap on him and tear his throat out
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Gein Mender brushes himself off
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-...Oh, nasty!...
George: Rrrr.... rrrrrrr.....
Gunther lets loose of beating him unconscious and steps back
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! There! You got to play super spy! Now let s leave!

Gein Mender: Alright.

Gunther instantly regains his compuse
Gunther: *composure
Gein Mender: Do we know how many there are?
Space (GM): there are now 2 dead bodies
Kazuma Kuwabara: Jesus....Could see my life flashin

before my eyes!...

Gunther looks for cover to drag them behind

Gein Mender stuffs them in his RM
Kazuma Kuwabara was conveniently looking away and hyperventilating
Gunther oop, or that
Gunther: ...Are we backing out or not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We are backing out!
Gein Mender: Do we know how many there?
*there are
Kazuma Kuwabara: Probably lots!
And they have guns!
Gein Mender: Oh!
There s a muffled shriek from inside.
Gein Mender: About that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Gein Mender grabs a gun
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, geez, oh, man!...
Gunther grabs the other
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender stuffs the bodies into the RM
Yuuka: D-don t...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...........
Gein Mender: C mon, let s be fucking rambo.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait a sec-!?
Kazuma Kuwabara puts an ear to the door
Gunther: ...That sounds familiar.
Gein Mender checks for the ammo
Space (GM): the doors open
Gein Mender walks in
Kazuma Kuwabara puts an ear NEAR THE ENTRANCe
Gunther follows, all STELF like
Gein Mender: metal geriatric solid
There s two terrorists, strapping something to
a hostage
Kazuma Kuwabara peeeeks in
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..............
Gunther: Guns of the Fatriots
Gein Mender: Assholes.

You can t see who it is, but she s sobbing quietly

Mobile L.: That was me making that joke
Gein Mender: Step away from the girl.
Gein Mender aims the gun
They look up
Gunther also aims
Gein Mender: Try anything, you die.
Guard3: "Shit...!"
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to move in and get a closer look
Gein Mender: Back away.
Guard4: "Try anything, we ALL die!"
He stands up, holding a detonator in his right hand
Gunther: Are you really.
You can see a bomb strapped to the hostage s chest.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gein Mender: I want some answers.
What the FUCK are yu doing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, come on, Gramps!
Yuuka tears are streaming down her face
Yuuka: P-please, don t...
Kazuma Kuwabara: They have BOMBS and......!?!
Gein Mender: Shut up kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at the hostage
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Is.....Is that?.....
eldritch s.: i want you to picture
an old man
with an assault rifle
Guard4: "Put the guns down. Nice and easy. And we don t blow up this whole damn
building. Understand?"
Gein Mender: I don t think so.
You owe me some answers.
Guard3: "...Y-yeah! We re prepared to die for our cause..."
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Guard3 doesn t look prepared at all.
Gunther: Are you really.
Gein Mender: No, you re not.
What the fuck are you all doing here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......You PUNKS.
Gein Mender: Shut up, kid!
Guard4: "We want Rin Tohsaka. We want her to come here, alone.
Gunther: Why.
Yuuka looks up
Gein Mender: So holding this little girl hostage is how you do it?
Yuuka: K-Kuwabara...?
Guard4: "Sacrifices have to be made! Those wizards are a blight!"
Kazuma Kuwabara has FIRE BURNING IN HIS EYES
Gunther stoic as fuck
Gein Mender: What did they do?


Gein Mender: KID.
Guard4: "You wanna play with me, kid? You wanna fucking play games?!"
he brandishes the detonator
Gein Mender: Move and you die!
Guard3: "Don t shoot! Don t shoot!"
Gein Mender: Move another muscle- I ll put a hole in your skull.
Guard 3 sweats, gulping thickly.
Gein Mender: You re going to put the detonator down, you re going to put the gun
s down, and I won t kill you.
Guard4: "I don t think so."
He holds the detonator in the air.
Gunther: Kuwabara.
Don t.
Guard4: "You have until 5. One. Two. Three."
Gein Mender looks at Guard three
Guard4: "Four. Fi--"
Guard 3 turns and fires his gun at Guard 4 s skull
Yuuka screams
Gein Mender: You.
Guard 4 falls.
Gein Mender: There are more of you>
Guard3: "St-stay back! Don t come near me!"
Kazuma Kuwabara: AAAAAAAAGH
Gein Mender: Listen.
Yuuka wheels his gun back around to them
Gein Mender: Just put the gun down.
Yuuka: *guard 3
yuuka is not that badass and has a bomb strapped to her chest
Gein Mender: I ll put mine down.
Kazuma Kuwabara RUNS at him and goes to TACKLE
Space (GM): brawn
Gunther: Kuwaba
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 51
Yuuka: KUWABARA--!
Mac D.: the power of love
Kuwabara spear tackles Guard 3 RIGHT into a pillar. The pillar cracks slightly.
Guard3: "HGK--!"
Gein Mender rushes over to Guard three
Gein Mender points the gun at him

Kazuma Kuwabara starts PUNCHING him in the FACE

Gein Mender: Get off him.
Gunther goes to Guard 4 s corpse, keeping watch over the detonator
Guard 3 has fallen unconscious.
Gein Mender: I said get off her you fucking moron.
Kazuma Kuwabara throws him to the floor, wiping his nose
Gein Mender: Shit.
Yuuka is just in tears and panicked
Gein Mender: Out like a light.
Get her out of that thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right!
Gein Mender: I ll scout around.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks over to Yuuka
Gein Mender looks for any signs of more TERRORISTS
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 15
Gunther keeps watch for other guards, gun at the ready
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, you alright?...
Gein Mender: sherlock mender
Mobile L.: Should I roll too?
As it so happens, they hear footsteps. Lots of them.
Gein Mender: brb
Space (GM): ono
Gunther stands guard by the detonator
Mac D.: seer was never seen again
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the contraption on Yuuka, wiggling his fingers
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hokay.....Hokay....I can do this!...
Yuuka looks up at him
Yuuka: Y-you... you came...
Kazuma Kuwabara smiles at her
Yuuka: Idiot! Why did... they have guns, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hah! What good are guns against The Hardest Bastard in Fuyuki h
....Did-.....Did they hurt ya?...
Yuuka: No... no, they just...
Yuuka looks down at the bomb on her chest.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Man, what human trash, doin
Awright, I can get this off ya, don t worry!...

this to an innocent girl.......

Kazuma Kuwabara carefully and nervously attempts to unstrap the bomb

Luckily, it seems it was just connected to the detonator. No timer or anything.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh...thank goodness!....I was afraid you were gonna be...
Yuuka: We-- we have to get out of here, before...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right! We can let the cops handle the rest....
Gein Mender: i gathered me food
It s strange. The cops haven t come in yet, even hearing the gunfire.
Gein Mender: people are over, potluck
Yes so there s lots of footsteps converging on their location
Space (GM): don t die seer
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Aw, geez!...
Gunther: ...Get out, take her with you.
Gein Mender drops the gun
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
They hear footsteps from behind them, too.
Gein Mender walks out hands up
Kazuma Kuwabara: But-...Gunth, what about you??
Gein Mender: Don t worry, I m not armed!
Gunther: I will be fine.
Gunther follows suit
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Gunther: Go.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..........
A woman walks past Kuwabara and Yuuka, headed right towards the terrorists.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Alright....
Mysterious Woman: You kids had better get going.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Yuuka: ...C-come on...
Yuuka gets to her feet
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Gein Mender walks out towards the police
Kazuma Kuwabara nods
They all aim their guns at him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right, let s go!....
Gein Mender: Not armed!
Gein Mender gets down on his knees
Kazuma Kuwabara takes Yuuka s hand and heads out as well
Mikiya Kokutou: It s alright! They re hostages!
Gein Mender: I m not a terrorist.
Kazuma Kuwabara looking at all the PO-LEESE
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
a detective steps forward
Gunther follows them out, hands raised
Mikiya Kokutou: Come on, this way-Mikiya Kokutou ushers them towards a waiting SWAT van
Gein Mender: We got the girl out.
Gunfire erupts from inside the building.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Hostage crisis aver-

Gein Mender stands up and heads to the van

Kazuma Kuwabara flinches at the GUNFIRE
Gein Mender trying to ignore the gunfire
Yuuka doesn t flinc
Kazuma Kuwabara: W-woahwoahwoah!
Yuuka just gets into the van
Kazuma Kuwabara hurries into the van as well
George: Arf!
George climbs in after them
Gunther vaaaaaan
Gein Mender: where is out snake eater
gein mender and snake eater have the same sylabbel count
Space (GM): what a thrill
A few hours later...
Space (GM): help me find a clock ticking sound effect
Gein Mender: gunfire is still going
Mikiya Kokutou scribbles something down on a notepad
Mikiya Kokutou pushes up his glasses
Mikiya Kokutou: So... you were all hostages, right?
Gein Mender: is this man with the guardian units of nations
I m going to run this through you again.
We snuck into the building.
Took some guns
And got the girl out.
Gunther is slep again
Mikiya Kokutou blinks
Mikiya Kokutou: That s... wildly illegal.
Kazuma Kuwabara is just looking at Yuuka right now
Gunther please don,t beeb beeb,,,
Gein Mender: So we should have let the girl die?
Mikiya Kokutou: We already had one of our specialists going in. All the hostages
got out fine.
Gein Mender: They had a bomb set up on her chest and a crazy asshole with the de
Gunther: Zzzzz...
Mikiya Kokutou: ...Well, she could have cut it.
Mikiya Kokutou looks back at his notes
Mikiya Kokutou: Can I get your names again?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh?
Gein Mender: I m Gein Mender.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....Kazuma Kuwabara, officer...
Gunther: ...Zzzz...
Gein Mender: I teach english at Fuyuki High School.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...That s Gunther.

Gein Mender: These kdis are my class, and I take full responsibility for their a
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, come one, Gramps!
Gein Mender: If this is illegal, I don t want them going down with me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We ain t babies, we ll all take the fall.
Gein Mender: They re good kids.
Even if he s stupid.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Hey!
Gein Mender points at Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heeey!...
Mikiya Kokutou: ...
So, let s see if I ve got this straight.
All four of you were hostages?
Gein Mender looks at him
Gein Mender nods
Mikiya Kokutou: That s what it says here.
Mikiya Kokutou gestures to his notes
Gein Mender: Helpless ones, too.
Mikiya Kokutou: Right, good...
Gunther wakes up a little
Mikiya Kokutou s phone rings
Mikiya Kokutou: ...?
Mikiya Kokutou picks it up
Gein Mender: I m feeling very traumatized.
Mikiya Kokutou: Detective Kokutou here. What is it? I m interviewing a...
Gunther: ...Oh. Are we still here.
Mikiya Kokutou: ...
Mikiya Kokutou blanches
Mikiya Kokutou: Yes... yes, hold on.
Gunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...??
What s gotten into you?
Mikiya Kokutou: Yes, I ll put him on speaker.
(to the party) There s someone who wants to talk to you.
Gunther: Oh?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh? Who?
Mikiya Kokutou puts the phone on speaker
Gunther: ...Yes. She is.
Gein Mender: Isn t your daughter deaf.
Yuuka: ...?
Yuuka trying to read their lips to get the gist of this convo
Gunther wipes the drool off his face
Gein Mender: This isn t going to work over the phone sir.
Yuuka, it s your father.
Yuuka: I-it s--?

Gein Mender: He wants to know if you re alright.

Yuuka: I m alright, daddy! Don t worry! Kuwabara saved my life!
Gein Mender sits there
Gein Mender sullen
Space (GM): cant get no respec
Gunther looks over at Gein
Gein Mender: He doesn t know who that is, Yuuka.
Mayor: ....WAS IT -THAT- BOY.
Gein Mender: He wants to know if it was *that& boy.
Yuuka: Yes! With the pompadour!
Gunther: Heh...
Mayor: .....
Mayor gives a long, heeeavy sigh
Gein Mender looks around the room
Gein Mender winces as his pride is maimed
Gein Mender: .me tries to find something he could pin to his lapel
Gunther doesn t like this
Mikiya Kokutou: Yes?
E-er, yes sir?
Space (GM): rolling 1d20
= 12
Gein finds a Fuyuki PD pin
Gein Mender takes it
Mikiya Kokutou blanches
Mikiya Kokutou: U-understood, sir!
Mayor: KNOWING -THAT- BOY........
Gein Mender: i think through a text medium the mayor has given me ringing in my
Mobile L.: Just that loud
Mikiya Kokutou: Yes sir!
Mikiya Kokutou snaps to a salute, before realziing this is a phone conversation
Gunther: ...Heh.
Mayor you can almost hear the Old Man Gang signs the Mayor flashes
Space (GM): kokutou is fun
Gein Mender pins the pin to his lapel

Mayor hangs up
Gein Mender: I ll take this in place of my medap;
Mikiya Kokutou: Alright, ah... all of you are free to go. No charges.
Gein Mender: No wonder Yuuka s deaf.
Mobile L.: where duff
Gein Mender stands up
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms, frowning
Space (GM): duff was mayor
Mobile L.: Oooooooh
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....My hair s cool, don t care what that old fogey thinks.....
Yuuka: What did he say?
Gein Mender: He said we can all go.
Oh- also
Gunther bends down to fuck with his shoelaces
Gein Mender: Where s my dog?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Mikiya Kokutou: Ah, hold on, let me go get him.
Mikiya Kokutou heads to a back room
Gein Mender: Wait!
Mikiya Kokutou: ?
Gein Mender takes off his sock and hands it to him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, yeah! Was wondering what happened to George....
Gein Mender: So he doesn t bite you.
Mikiya Kokutou: Er...
Mikiya Kokutou nods
Mikiya Kokutou and heads there
Gunther then remembers he doesn t have shoelaces because he wears Crocs
Gunther: ...Damn.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Space (GM): oh my god gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara suddenly gets a sudden epiphany
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Wait.....Mayor s daughter.....
Mikiya Kokutou returns with George, on a leash
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....That old fart s the mayor!?
Mikiya Kokutou: Alright, here you-- oof!
Gein Mender: C mon George!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re the mayor s kid!?!
George leaps over the barricade, immediately running over to Gein
Gein Mender pets him and scratches his ears
Yuuka blinks

Yuuka: You... didn t know?

Kazuma Kuwabara: No!
George: Arf! Arf!
George pants
Gein Mender: what does the mayor look like
Who s a good boy?
Space (GM):
Gein Mender: You are, yes you are.
George: Arf! Arf arf!
Yuuka: ...Wow, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Mobile L.: I knew he had a mustache
Kazuma Kuwabara: What?
Yuuka: Come on, let s go before they shoo us out...
Space (GM): timuskippu
Gein Mender: i pictured something more like this
Mobile L.: Eehee
Mac D.: you know that s exactly who i pitched to space
Gein Mender: only big and fat
Mobile L.: Someone needs to draw the Powerpuff mayor in Type-Moon style
Gein Mender: yes
And so, the party ended up watching wrestling at Kuwabara s house.
Gein Mender: gein never lets people in his house
Space (GM): gein s house don t have a map yet i think
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Yeah, YEAH! Cobra clutch, COBRA CLUTCH!
Gein Mender: well technically his apartment
Kick her in the balls!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Cobra! Cobra! Cobra!
Space (GM): oh right
Gein Mender: Dick! Dick! Dick!
Space (GM): we need the gym map too
to train neco-arc bubbles
Mac D.: YES
Space (GM): so, guys
Mac D.: that s the next thing we do
Space (GM): was that a good session
Mac D.: Y E S
Gein Mender: that was swell
Mobile L.: Fuck yeh
Space (GM): i had fu
did fox have fun
Mac D.: so is it canon
Gein Mender: gein mender used his criminal skills
Space (GM): that was
very, very VERY broad strokes canon
Mobile L.: Semi-canon
Gein Mender: did they save yuuka from terrorists at some point
Mac D.: oh i m sure THAT part happened
Fawkes M. (GM): I did
Space (GM): that s about it but it wasn t NEARLY as dramatic
Mac D.: the flying mecha maid was probably an embelleshment
Space (GM): the kenny loggins too
Gein Mender: i came in late
Fawkes M. (GM): Thing is, I established 7-11 Guy as Someone Completely Different
from what we had planned

Mac D.: kuwabara added a lot of embelleshments to the story when he told it to e
veryone else
Mobile L.: Did Gnther still humiliate the cult leader?
Space (GM): oh those enemies weren t
Gein Mender: gein got fucked over is the part he lingers on
Space (GM): the actual enemies you ll face
just standins
Mobile L.: Gotcha
Space (GM): of course gunther did
Mobile L.: Yry
Mac D.: kuwabara mistakes the person
Fawkes M. (GM): Fifteen Blessing really is just an H-game
Mac D.: who led the rally
Space (GM): i wanna use this song for something in actual hollow night
Mac D.: for the 7-11 guy
Gein Mender: give gein a machine gun again
Mac D.: in his retelling of the story
Space (GM): i was saving it for when shit went down and they got discovered by a
ll the terrorists
Gein Mender: and watch everyone die
Space (GM): so do you guys wanna do character rebuilding in hail t ye 2
Gein Mender: yes
i love this song
Space (GM): i do tooooooooooo
hotline miami 2 has a great ost
Gein Mender: i thought so too
Space (GM): yes yes let s migrate
Gein Mender: i ll be there
Space (GM): i ll give fox the link
Gein Mender: you can be square
Space (GM): ending song
Mobile L.: Might do mine a wee bit later. I think I gotta go to bed soon
Space (GM): haaight
Mobile L.: We woz up early
But I will ud8 Ignacio
Ah man
Space (GM): sleep is for the weak
Mobile L.: I had forgot how fun Gnther is
Space (GM): 8)
Fawkes M. (GM): What song is this, Spess?
Space (GM): i think it s one of the realta nua opening songs
for fate, i think
Fawkes M. (GM): Doesn t sound like one
Maybe Ataraxia?
Mac D.: i think it was through this session
that i finally nailed kuwabara s initial character
Space (GM): yus
@fox: no i m certain it s realta nua
eldritch s.: generally when you suggest to migaret
you migrate
Space (GM): that s true
let s go fuckos
oh but this song is cash...
Fawkes M. (GM): Just us again...
Mobile L.: Yepper
Looking at ye archives
Fawkes M. (GM): Don t let your compy conk out
Mobile L.: It managed to load it after awhile
Fawkes M. (GM): Excellence

I just have the Still Night archive open in one window

Mobile L.: Oh damn
That one always kills my computer
Fawkes M. (GM): DICH
Says the third post there
Mobile L.: eat a dich
Fawkes M. (GM): You wanna migrate to Skype?
Mobile L.: I would, but I think I m about to have to crash
Been goin a long time today
Fawkes M. (GM): Awww
It s only 9:30...
Mobile L.: I knowww, but I was up since 7:30
Are you gonna be around tomorrow?
Fawkes M. (GM): Hopefully, yeah
Mobile L.: A ight. If it s cool and we re both free, we can Skype then
Fawkes M. (GM): Excellence
Mobile L.: A ight, I m gonna get in my pajamas and whatnot now
Excellent sesh. G night, Fox
Fawkes M. (GM): Night, Mobile
Mobile L.: Ayyyy, the Glazkov clan
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: Happy family
Best parents
Best son
Kazuma Kuwabara has the craziest dream about four dumb fucks who blow up a grail
Mobile L.: Best fake son
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Nn....NNUH.....NUUHHH.....
eldritch s.: what they like broken into his fucking house
Space (GM): they re hiding in the bathroom
eldritch s.: wh
Mobile L.: I m sure they have their reasons
Mac D.: we need to bring shirou to Dr. Reanimator
MrEForEccentric: Where s the computer
eldritch s.: her laptop is hidden
because of all the illicit searches
MrEForEccentric: Better hiding spot than Tsubasa
Mobile L.: It s somewhere in her bed
Like, on the pillow
Sakura Tohsaka waits idly in the darkened mansion for the guests to arrive
eldritch s.: d walks in
Mac D.: "SWERVE"
A few days ago, the four Lost Servants had received a letter. They were told to
meet Rin at her home - it was something urgent. They had all known her long enou
gh to figure that out.
eldritch s.: "thought i was dead, eh!?"
Mac D.: is this where we start
Space (GM): who comes first
Niko dong ding
Sakura Tohsaka goes to get the door
Sakura Tohsaka: Who is it?
eldritch s.: i d ding his dong
Niko: ...It s, ah, it s me, Miss Sakura.
Sakura Tohsaka: Just you?
Paul stands directly behind Niko, holding several plastic bags

Paul: IIIII brought snacks!

Sakura Tohsaka like immediately brightens
Niko: Oh, no, the others are with me as well.
Sakura Tohsaka opens the door
Niko smiles
Jack also nods walking into view
Niko comes on in, first wiping each foot thrice on the welcome mat
Charles caches up to the rest of them, holding some other plastic bags
Paul steps inside, giving Sakura a hug
Niko: So good to see you again!
Charles: Please... do not go so fast...
Sakura Tohsaka the hug
Sakura Tohsaka: Are you guys doing okay?
Paul: Doing great! How about you?
Niko nod nod nod
Sakura Tohsaka: Oh, you know.
The usual.
Jack: I m fine.
Paul sets the bags over by the couch
Paul: Ahhh, okay. The usual.
Charles: I am as I always am, quite good...
Sakura Tohsaka: Um... Rin s gonna be here soon, so - make yourselves at home, sh
e said?
Niko: Right, wonderful! Thank you.
Paul: Alrighty! I feel pretty homey here, anyway.
Paul sits down on a stool by the coffee table
Sakura Tohsaka: Alright, um... catch up or something.
Charles sets the platic bags down o nthe table
Jack he seats himself on the couch
Charles takes off his shoes
Sakura Tohsaka heads into her room
Niko smiles and plants his bony ass on one of those chair doohicklies.
Paul: So how ve things been for you guys, lately?
MrEForEccentric: I can t see whether there s a fourth chair so Ajax is just anti
Charles: What do you mean? We see see eachother quite often...
Paul: Well, I mean...In the time since the last time.
Jack: Hmm. Not so much for me.
It has to be said.
Charles: No, that is true...
Space (GM): i m really happy with how all the lost servant faceclaims turned out
Mobile L.: Yo, same
Charles: How have your travels been, Ajax?

Mac D.: da bess

Jack: They ve been uneventful. Peaceful.
Space (GM): A Jack
Jack: Tourists sometimes wanted to take my photo by the statue to me.
Charles: I hear Greece is in quite a state, however...
Jack: Oh, indeed. But- it is home.
Paul: How about you, Tesla?
Space (GM): he neglects to tell how he was mugged outside the parthenon for his
Charles: by the greek pm
Paul: The birds all okay?
Charles: That is good...
Jack: I also walked upon troy. Visited my- well- once grave.
Charles: I have contemplated visiting Europe, once again...
But the shelter is rather demanding...
Niko: Quite well, I actually had the chance to give a lecture to some fans yeste
rday in the park.
Jack: Yes... I m surprised how Troy has turned out.
Paul: Really, now?
About what?
Jack: I did not imagine it would become so... Turkish.
Niko nods and loosens his antiquated dork tie a little
Niko: Mainly about my theories, mostly the ones from before my death, but I mana
ged to get into some speculative material towards the end, which is always nice.
Charles: Yes... how the borderd has shifted
Niko: They, ah... Some of them were rather insistent about perpetual motion, how
Charles: I will never be able to visit my dear Francia as I would have beem....
Niko: Which I thought we knew was a crock of... silliness, by now.
Paul: Ahh, sounds......pretty sciency!
Niko: Oh, indeed!
Jack: And a united Greece, even. But- still- you would be able to visit it, Char
les. The borders between those states are relatively light.
Charles: Yes, there is a Union...
Niko: I even managed to sell a few of them on pigeon husbandry, believe it or no
Charles: I never would have thought to have seen such a thing.
Jack: Indeed. The things they have done since our times- its almost a miracle.
Paul: That so? Are there even any pigeons left for anyone else?
Jack: But- it rests upon our shoulders, does it not?
Were we not there when we were- perhaps things would be different.
Charles: Yes. We helped make this future.
Jack: And our deeds- are worth remembering.
Niko: Eheh, I m sure there are... some. I mean, all of them certainly aren t wit
h me constantly.
...Although I do believe I ve at seen them all, at this point...
Paul: You ever thought of goin on a birdwatching trip?
Charles: But we should focus on the here and now.
Niko: Yes, I ve entertained the thought, particularly to see how the populations
in New York City are faring.
Paul: ...Oh, right! What do you think Rin wants to talk about?...
Jack: Indeed, so... I wonder what Rin wishes.
I do not know. I could hazard a guess.
Charles: Likely it is something serious.
Niko: ...Yes, of course.
Paul: Yeah, probably.....
...Might be about us, again...
Charles: No one visists....
Speak of the devil... there s a knock on the door.

Rin Tohsaka: Sakura?

Niko: !!!
Paul: ...Uhp!
Jack: Do you remember-?
Jack looks up at the door
Paul gets up from the stool and goes to open the door
Jack: Ah.
Niko swivels around to face the incoming Rin
Charles stands up
Paul: Hey, hey!
Rin Tohsaka is standing there, in a new red coat
Jack remains seated
Rin Tohsaka: Oh-- oh, you re all already here?
Niko: Hello again, Miss Tohsaka! Yes, indeed.
Paul: Yeah, arrived a couple minutes ago.
Jack nods
Paul: How s it been?
Charles: Yes, not too long ago...
Rin Tohsaka: It s been...
Rin Tohsaka isn t smiling
Paul: ....?
Paul s smile fades
Paul: ....How so?
Charles: Take a seat, RIn.
Charles tries guiding her to the couch
Rin Tohsaka enters
Paul goes back to the stool
Rin Tohsaka: ...Good to see you all again.
Jack nods
Charles: Yes.
Niko nods
Niko: Same to you...
Paul: Good to see you too, but what s....
Jack: Indeed... but- what is it you wish of us?
Mobile L.: jesus charles get down from there
charles no
Rin Tohsaka: There s... it s something that d be better shown. I don t know what
it means, but it s... worrying.
Mac D.: charlie baby you re outta control
Mobile L.: charrrrrllllles
Paul: ...?
Rin Tohsaka: There s been a string of... serial murders. In town.
Paul: ....!
Niko: ...Goodness...!
Paul: Oh, geez.....Dead Apostle?

Rin Tohsaka: A mother, an... entire family...

Rin Tohsaka shakes her head
Rin Tohsaka: No.
Paul: .......
Jack: Hm...
Rin Tohsaka: The most recent one, it s... a schoolboy. Named Yusuke Urameshi.
Paul: ...I see....
Niko: ...God... That s... sickening...
Charles: ...
Paul: ...?
Jack: Hm. I figured.
Paul looks at Charles
Niko: ...You think...?
Rin Tohsaka: ....
Charles: We knew what we were doing.
Only postponing him return.
Paul: .....
Niko: ...Well... It had been long enough, I suppose...
Jack nods
Paul: How long s it been....ten years, now?
Jack: Its the only explanation I can think of.
Rin Tohsaka: Just about.
Paul: So we need to find him, then.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka stands up
Charles: We must find a way to keep him imprisoned for longer...
Rin Tohsaka: He s not trying to hide himself.
Rin Tohsaka goes to open the door
Paul: ....What?
Charles: He s calling us out
Jack: ... Grudges never die.
Rin Tohsaka: Come on. It s not very far from here.
Niko tightens his antiquated dork tie again
Paul: ....Alright...
Niko: ...Mm.
Niko rises
Jack gets up
Paul stands up and looks towards the door to Sak s room
Paul: Sakura, we re going out!
Charles follows her
Sakura Tohsaka: Okay!
Paul: Help yourself to the snacks1
Sakura Tohsaka said that a little too fast to have been doing anything but eaves
dropping from her door
Niko: We will be back soon!
Paul looks back to Rin

Paul: Alright, ready to go.

Rin Tohsaka nods
Rin Tohsaka and starts heading out
Paul follows
Niko straightens his hair and follows
Charles: just stop for a moment
appreciate this
you have the people facing opposite directions on either end
and then you have hte people leaning their gaze opposite direction in them iddle
i fucking hate you
Mobile L.: c o m p o s i t i o n
MrEForEccentric: Handstands
It s a fairly short walk, like she said. They happen across an alley-- all taped
up like a crime scene. indeed, there s a woman with a police badge leaned again
st the wall, smoking a cigarette.
Paul looks around
Jack silently watches from the side
Touko Aozaki: So... the Lost Servants, huh.
Touko Aozaki exhales
Mobile L. steels himself
Niko does that shit
Niko: ...Yes, ma am.
Jack nods
Niko nods as well
Paul: Evening, officer!
Touko Aozaki: Go on in. She owes me for this, so you four d better make sure she
doesn t forget it.
Yeah, yeah.
Paul: ....Uh...
Paul looks at Rin confused
Rin Tohsaka silently steps over the tape
Rin Tohsaka: Well, are you coming?
Charles walks into the scene
Paul: .....Right, right, yeah...
Paul follows
Niko smile-nods and is internally like "wow, grump"
Space (GM): he walks right through the tape
Charles: yes
bubmbling old man
Niko follows as well, gingerly stepping over the tape
Jack steps over the tape too
Rin Tohsaka: ...Here it is.

Paul: ...Eugh...
Jack: ... Pleasant.
Charles looks at the body
Niko cannot help but blanche a little bit since it s been so long since he s see
n blood
Lying ahead of them is the mutilated body of a boy in a school uniform.
Charles how is it cut up
His eyes appear to have been gouged out. His entire body was cut up with what lo
oks like a knife - there has to be dozens of very deep slashes.
Paul: .......
Charles: ... Revenge.
Written on the wall, in blood, is the word Charlemagne
Paul: ...Definitely.
Niko looks just as much as he needs to and then averts his eyes.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Niko: ...Yes, it must be...
Jack: Indeed. Grudges never die.
Paul: Can t believe he d just go after random strangers over this, though.....
Charles tries to determine what kind of knife made the cuts
Charles: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 11
Niko inhales deeply, then exhales.
MrEForEccentric: Charlemagne Hlmes
it s very hard to tell exactly, but it s certain that these were very cold, meth
odical cuts - there was a purpose to each one of them. They had to have been mad
e post-mortem.
Charles: Thankfully, most of there were post-mortem.
This was surgical.
Jack: Yes... I suppose so. Getting ink for his writing.
Jack points to the wall
Charles: When was he found?
The eye-gouging... wasn t.
Paul: .....
Rin Tohsaka: Just an hours ago. I pulled some strings to hold off the investigat
ion. See if you all could... find anything.
*an hour
Charles tries seeing if the body is fresh
Niko isn t even looking anymore and is just sorta staring at a pile of junk to h
is side
Jack: I see...
Charles: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind

= 8
Paul is looking around the alley for CLUES
Charles: he pokes it with a stick
Paul: rolling 3d20 -1
= 41
rigor mortis hasn t set in
Charles: It s recent.
Paul feels a... presence, over here.
Paul: ....?
Paul goes over there
Mobile L.: s00per sleuth
Space (GM): Paul Bunyan Spirit Detective
The... it s something, but you re not sure what. It fades.
Paul: ....What...?
Mobile L.: urameshiiiiiiii
Charles: Has anyone notified the family?
Niko: ...Hm?
Rin Tohsaka: Not yet.
Niko looks over at Paul
Charles: Perhaps... spare them the details...
Rin Tohsaka: ...From... what Touko could tell, there was someone else at the sce
ne. After he was killed.
Paul: ..?
Someone with Roa?
Rin Tohsaka: Look.
Paul looks
Jack looks
Rin Tohsaka points at boot-prints in the blood
Space (GM): roll mind
Paul: rolling 3d20 -1
= 30
Jack: What the hell was my mind
Paul - they are indeed boot prints
Space (GM): like 0

Niko makes himself look

Paul: ....well, they re boots....
MrEForEccentric: Was it? I swear it was like1
Space (GM): fine roll 1...
MrEForEccentric: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 12
Niko: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 50
Jack - they re of a smaller size than an adult s, but not too small
Charles searches the scene for any ~evidence~
Charles: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 8
Niko -- they match the pattern of the school uniform s boots exactly
Jack: ... Small feet. A teenager?
Charles finds the chewed remains of 87 Spongebob stickers in a dumpster
Niko: ...Those are his exact boots... The victim s.
Charles takes them
Paul: ....So...he s in the body of a student?
Mobile L.: charles pls...
Niko nods
Niko: That narrows it down.
They call to you, Charles... why not... give em a taste?...
Charles: That only makes sense.
THey would be young.
They would have to be,
Niko: Yes...
Jack: Hmm.
Charles: If they were odl enough they could have fended him off with their iwll.
Why would he have been in an alley...?
The body was not transported here...
Niko: ...Perhaps it was someone he trusted.
And he was lured.
Charles: We will look for his friends...

Charles examines the electircal box

It provides power to the building.
Charles: no shit
is there anything suspicious
Niko looks it over just cuz he wants to know if it s shit or not
it s a potential fire hazard
all those wires
Charles looks around at the very end of the alley
Charles: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 13
Niko: ...Miss Tohsaka. Something must be done about that box.
Charles feels that vague presence, too
Niko: It s a fire hazard.
Jack: Hm...
Rin Tohsaka: ...Now s not really the time.
Charles: ... Speak to me...
It fades.
Charles begins patting the wall
Charles: Is there anything here?
Niko: ...Right. I will... I will consider attending next city council meeting, i
f the investigation will not conflict with it.
unfortunately it s just a wall
Rin Tohsaka: You ll have time. You er not going to be on the books or anything.
Niko is BOUND AND DETERMINED to fix this box problem along with the murder
Niko: Perfect.
Space (GM): after this if y all are feeling it
Jack: So. Just like old times.
Space (GM): we never did actually stat out the new party s trait progression
Charles: oim really feeling eht
Rin Tohsaka: I hope it s not just like old times. I don t wanna lose another arm
Mobile L.: Ah yes
Charles: I do not want to lose an eye.
Jack: That was before you met us though.
The eye- I ll give you.
Rin Tohsaka: That was old times, wasn t it?
Niko: I would not like to be committed again...
Charles: I would mislike being poisoned and lit on fire.
Jack: ... Well- not exactly like old times then.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka puts a hand to her cross necklace for a moment
Niko: ...Improved old times. We are better, stronger people.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Is there anything else here?
Charles: And getting into a highspped chase with teachers.
Niko: More capable.
Paul: ...Niko s right.

Charles: And hospitalizing a man.

Jack: Yes, yes. We get it Charles.
Charles: And having a psychotic episode due to PEyote.
Paul: If we could take him out that easy the way we were before, he doesn t have
a chance against us now.
Niko: ...And we will solve this mystery with utmost maturity and decorum.
I know it.
Jack: ... Lets not be too confident.
He has probably been gathering strength.
Charles: He no longer has his mystical eyes...
Niko: ...Well, of course, but we shall give it our all.
Rin Tohsaka: As far as we...
Charles: He will be less powerful.
Rin Tohsaka: ...No, he doesn t have them.
Niko thinks to himself "and fix that fucking awful box, JEEZUS"
Charles: This makes imprisonment an appealing office.
Niko nod nod nod
Rin Tohsaka: Until when?
Jack: ... We ll see how easy it is when we meet him.
Charles: I intend to never free him.
It will delay his next coming.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka looks back at the corpse
Rin Tohsaka: Let s not talk about it here.
Niko: ...Could he, perhaps, be brained and kept on indefinite life support?
Charles just deadens himself to the gore
Charles: Perhaps...
Paul: Right...should we go back to the house?
Niko: ...Yes, I believe we re... done here.
Jack: Hmm.
Jack nods
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka starts heading out
Paul looks back at the corner for a brief moment
Paul: .....
Mobile L.: (Rin does a backflip)
Paul scratches his head
Paul: ...Coulda sworn I saw.....
Niko: ...Hm?
Paul: ....No, it s nothing.
Let s go.
Paul goes
Niko nods and follows
Mobile L.: now kiss
Jack he follows
Space (GM): look at jack s face
you can just feel

look at everyone s face except for paul

you can feel the hidden desire
Mobile L.: they wanna fuk :-)!!!!
Space (GM): paul is just like o_O
Mobile L.: "guys, whoa, hold on"
MrEForEccentric: He wants to use his spear
Space (GM): alright now s a good stopping point
MrEForEccentric: ye
Space (GM): let s plot and plan
Mobile L.: I like this mystery
It s compelling
eldritch s.: urameshi is dead
just like the comedian
Mac D.: rip rider s dream
Space (GM): shit...
Mac D.: i KNEW IT
Space (GM): i m sorry...
MrEForEccentric: You were always forgetting something
Space (GM): i knew i d forgotten something...
Mobile L.: We must do it sometime here, then
Space (GM): we can do it here after rider s tragic sacrifice
Mac D.: e-eh
Space (GM): it s all very sad
Mobile L.: (eyebrow goes uuuuuuup)
MrEForEccentric: r i p
Mobile L.: BRB for just a bit
Gein Mender: 1. hail t ye when
Gein Mender: 2, we need jam
Space (GM): jams gone
Kazuma Kuwabara backhands gunther
MrEForEccentric: Heh?
Gein Mender: it would be rude to run the first session without him
Space (GM): meme it up
no not the first session
we re statting out
their traits
at the start it s wimpy minor shit
Mac D.: they start out with +0 in everything yes
Space (GM): like kuwabare getting increased rolls to detect magic bullshit
eldritch s.: 1. hail t ye when
Space (GM): we already have everyone stats planned this is for traits
seer was good and statted out gein s marble
@seer: soon
tomorrow, remind me
and i ll spend all day planning
Mac D.: we TECHNICALLY statted out kuwabara we just never put it to paper
eldritch s.: tomorrow i have to drive for half an hour
Space (GM): yes
MrEForEccentric: I think we did that for Tsubasa as well
eldritch s.: sorry i mean an hour and a half
Space (GM): no everyone
got their stats out
how they ll end up

i have them saved

but the traits
i don t hav saved, seer s the only one who saved his
Mac D.: no i am referrin to the traits
Space (GM): @seer: no worries
@duff: we did or kuwabara i kind of remember them but not very well
see this is just
we already did this
but didn t write any of them down
Mac D.: we decided on Spirit Sword but we still haven t really settled on a thin
g for Dimension Sword yet
MrEForEccentric: I know Tsubasa s was fighting using knowledge
Space (GM): there s 5 ranks
you start at rank 1
Mac D.: is there a trait for each rank?
Mobile L.: Hup
After all this time
I still suck at trait progression
Like, bad
Space (GM): a trait for each rank yes
Mac D.: aiight coo
still got some WURK to do
Space (GM): it d be good if fox was herebut he ain t
Mobile L.: Werq it
MrEForEccentric: Well could my first trait be the ability to do the prediction s
Space (GM): yes
MrEForEccentric: Since that s kind of part of her character to begin with
Where should I put this kind of thing down
Space (GM): i put it down on her sheet, under character sheet
lemme just fiddle with everyone s stats
20 health per
Mac D.: alright so
Rank 1 Trait is gonna be The Tickle
eldritch s.: rank 4 is the french tickler
Mac D.: which increases his roll for detecting magic bullshit
such as GHOSTS and whatnot
MrEForEccentric: At which rank would an intuition towards the right thing to do
The optimum chance of success
eldritch s.: ah, chrissie posted, esxcellent
Space (GM): i don t wanna give that to you guys because that s too easy
Mac D.: what the Tickle?
Space (GM): no what olive said
the tickle is a good rank 1
Mac D.: ohhh hok
MrEForEccentric: Aight... well. I ll have to figure out other ways to use knowle
dge then
Identifying weaknesses?
Space (GM): literally attack someone with it
like rank 2 should be giving them their attack
because before that they just do 0d6
eldritch s.: gein gets hsi attack at 3
he can trap people in his marble at 2
MrEForEccentric: Could I identify weaknesses at Rank 3 or do you think I d have
to do that shit at Rank 4 or 5
eldritch s.: it fucking amuses me that neco=arc d died in his marble
Space (GM): five
Mobile L.: Dead cat corpse

Ah dicks, would rank 1 be just the basic humormancy he had in the trial sessions
, or would it have to be something a little less?
eldritch s.: so how did the grail mud get on d
Space (GM): a little less
Mobile L.: Hmm
Space (GM): @seer: he was drawing more power from it
the grail mud actually didn t really do anything to him
he was always a lying asshole
MrEForEccentric: Would identifying dangers be Rank 4?
eldritch s.: now wait A SECOND
Mac D. Space or maybe a trait called Foreign Object which gives him some kinda b
oost when using environmental objects as weapons
Space (GM): yes
Space (GM): gonna hit you in the eye
with a foreign object
Mobile L.: Awww yeh
Space (GM): i like that, that s his rank 2?
Mac D.: anyway space how s that sound
yeah but what would the bonus be
eldritch s.: you fucking told me he wasn t lying when he said he wanted to make
a better world, not like to me, but i ro;led good and it said d wasn t bsing him
Mac D.: like a damage boost or something else?
Space (GM): 2d8, instead of his normal 1d8
he wanted to make a better world
for himself
Mobile L.: Fuq
eldritch s.: was he doing some like eric cartman-esque mental gymnastics or some
Space (GM): maybe i forogt
i apologize seer-sama
eldritch s.: see i like the idea of him
fooling himself into believing his lie
Mac D.: Rank 3 is Spirit Sword
MrEForEccentric: Hmmm...
What to make Rank 3...
eldritch s.: i like saber thought he was good until the very end
Mobile L.: how to rank a 1
Space (GM): spirit is really good
rank 1 should either be like a noncombat utility
Mac D.: i make a 3d20 roll and the size and power of the sword is dependent on t
he result i get
Space (GM): or just something that increases rolls in one specific way
Mobile L.: Increase rolls to make people laugh
eldritch s.: what do you mean he was really good
Mac D.: what was the table we agreed on space?
Space (GM): i liked him a lot
i dont remember but i think it had 4 spaces on it
Horrible, Bad, Good, Fantastic
wait duff are you sure this wasn t
for dimension sword
Mac D.: nono
MrEForEccentric: Imperfect Observation- +2 increased rolls when investigating a
sene? - rank 3
Mac D.: we haven t figured out what to do with Dimension Sword yet
Space (GM): +2 increased rolls?
Mobile L.: Like, does it have to be a useful utility?

Space (GM): not necessarily

it can be whatever your heart desires
MrEForEccentric: As in- its an increased roll, with an additional +2
Space (GM): how bout just an increased roll
Mac D.: i think the table went in like increments of 3 s or 4 s?
MrEForEccentric: Aight
Space (GM): i think we should have a small table for ease
MrEForEccentric: I suppose Mind would be kind of good by this point
Mac D.: 1-4, 5-9, 9-13, 14-19, 20
Mobile L.: M f in humor boost, beeyotch
Mac D.: Spirit Knife, Spirit Shortsword, Sprit Sword, Spirit Greatsword, Acciden
tal Dimension Sword
Space (GM): (-1), (+0), (+1), (+2), (+3) dice
how s that sound
Mobile L.: Probably decent for defusing situations or whatever
Mac D.: idunno
Mobile L.: Me gusta
Mac D.: i want Spirit Sword to be a more effective tool than Foreign Object
MrEForEccentric: I have a lot of shit for before a fight and support things
Space (GM): well you have a consistent 2d8
eldritch s.: why are we naming all the tiers
Mac D.: well only when he wields a random object he picked up
Space (GM): vs a 1d8, a 2d8, a 3d8, and a 4d8
names are nice seer
MrEForEccentric: Space can you look over my traits?
Space (GM): aye capn
eldritch s.: gein s tier names:
Space (GM): they look good to me olive
eldritch s.: Hollow Bones, Boned, What a boner!, King o bones
Space (GM): she s probs not gonna be a frontline fighter
MrEForEccentric: Aight cool
Space (GM): @seer: ilu
MrEForEccentric: I understand she is not a frontline fighter
Space (GM): just chechen
MrEForEccentric: Ranged attacks
And support shit
Basically Lancer without the confusing thing of "I have a spear, and I m a tank.
Mac D.: how should we determine the frequency at which kuwabara can summon a Spi
rit Sword
Space (GM): once per battle
Mobile L.: Bcuz I am slow, level 2 is where we start getting offensive?
Space (GM): yeah level is the attack
eldritch s.: he makes an offensive joke at level 2
Mobile L.: A ight
eldritch s.: it gives enemies heart attacks
Space (GM): cutting wit
Mobile L.: Oh Jesus
Space (GM): biting sarcasm
Mac D.: the trait should be called "Pull The Trigger"
Mobile L.: hm
MrEForEccentric: Cutting Words is Tsubasa s thing
Mobile L.: Pull the Trigger (piglet)
Gnther is shitlord bermensch
eldritch s.:
what should his Rank 4 be

Mobile L.: Could it be differentiated somehow from Tsubasa s cutting words? I m

seeing rank 3 material, just past basic jokemancy
Space (GM): yusuke shows up to shotgun bitches
Mac D.: kuwabara gets pissed
Space (GM): @mobile: melee jokemancy
MrEForEccentric: Harnessing the art of slapstick
Mac D.: i was thinking it could have something to do with Kuwabara s ability to
manipulate his spirit sword into various lengths and shapes
Mobile L.: Oh my gah, yes
eldritch s.: what about george
Space (GM): he makes it a dildo
george is a good dog
Mobile L.: Looney Toons shit
Mac D.: but i m trying to think of how this can be applied mechanically
Mobile L.: Anvils
Mac D.: well in Yu Yu Hakusho he turns it into like
Space (GM): i m reminded of the time in the dresden files
MrEForEccentric: Anvils from nowhere
Mac D.: polevaults and fly swatters
Space (GM): where dresden had an item that caused supernaturally bad luck
Mobile L.: Pies made of that menthol shaving cream that fuckin stings your eyes
Space (GM): so he hurled it at a vampire, who caught it
Mac D.: he fought a dude who could regenerate from every wound
Space (GM): and a frozen chicken fell out of the sky and caved his head in
and everyone just
Mac D.: so he turned his sword into a big flat fly swatter
Space (GM): took a moment to marvel at the sheer insanit yof it
Mac D.: to disintegrate every part of him
Space (GM): @duff: that works, do that
Mobile L.: Eehee
Banana peels
Mac D.: so how would we mecanically apply that
what would it do within the game rules
Space (GM): well he can do it
he can make things like that
tavern tales is a freeform system to allow that
eldritch s.: give me all your bee syrup
Space (GM): my wife is pregnant
eldritch s.: not everything has to have a mechanic
there doesn t always have to be a rule
Mac D.: well i m trying to think of how exactly he d make frequent use of it...
Space (GM): use it in scenarios it s needed
Mac D.: how many of those will there be
Space (GM): duff you know how in dnd a ten-foot-pole is the most useful item you
can have
Mac D.: H M M M M
Space (GM): be c r e a t i v
Mac D.: well alright
eldritch s.:!SI-creature-Jygg
Space (GM): jiggle lag
eldritch s.: when this comes to an end
Mac D.: and then rank 5 is of course Dimension Sword
eldritch s.: that will be the end of saber charlemagne
his grand finale
Mac D.: which we STILL haven t quite figured out what it will do
eldritch s.: the last you will ever see of him
Space (GM): maybe not...
eldritch s.: if you make a sequel you ll end up on the pain train
Space (GM): there s still another heaven...

you never know seer...

eldritch s.: which is a prequel
Space (GM): who knows what the future holds...
who knows what the past holds...
eldritch s.: in the 1930s
Space (GM): who knows the mysteries of the third holy grail war...
MrEForEccentric: Apart from that already revealed in canon
eldritch s.: none of the servants are charlemange
Mobile L.: Hmm
eldritch s.: except its a different canon, olive
Space (GM): most of it is only vaguely canon
eldritch s.: this is the au
MrEForEccentric: true...
eldritch s.: oh d would have been alive then
will d get a cameo
Mobile L.: So increased laffs > humormancy > slapstickmancy
Space (GM): what would those do stat-wise
@seer: d stole the holy grail from the mages
Mobile L.: I d say for #1, he gets increased humor rolls
#2, uhh... regular ol attacks? Some shit?
Space (GM): ranged?
Mobile L.: Yeah, ranged
Space (GM): slapstickmancy - melee 2d6?
Mobile L.: Sure, that works
Mac D.: aiight Dimension Sword: consistent 4d6, can cut through things that cann
ot be cut
eldritch s.: wil the stories of the lost servants and the goof troop here run in
Mac D.: *4d8
Space (GM): the lost servants will show up as like semi-npcs at times
Mac D.: oooo
Mobile L.: Gud
Space (GM): the paths will cross
eldritch s.: burning down love hotels
Mac D.: i ll assume our PC s won t encounter our respective Lost Servants
Mobile L.: Fixing faulty wiring
Space (GM): probs not no
gunther s rank 4 = heal people s spirits with humor?
Mobile L.: Eyy, that sounds GUD
Best Medicine
Space (GM): 2d6
Mobile L.: (fist-pump)
Is there a rank 5?
Space (GM): yeah
eldritch s.: oh i don t have a rank five
Mobile L.: king_harkinian_hrrm.wav
Space (GM): oh you should get a rank 5
make king o bones rank 5
eldritch s.: what coul be fourth...
Mobile L.: Maybe something where you laugh so hard, you get organ damage? I m th
inking of the old banker from Mary Poppins laughing himself to death about the w
ooden leg named Smith joke
eldritch s.: he summons two skeletons to fight for him?
Mac D.: gunther s rank 5 should be learning the Funniest Joke In The Universe
eldritch s.: hm
Mobile L.: Oh yas
Space (GM): yes to both
Mobile L.: And it does Fist of the North Star shit to you
Mac D.: capable of inducing laughter so hard it ruptures the person on a molecul

ar level
Space (GM): the party has to shield their ears
eldritch s.: 4th tier - Dem Bones
Mac D.: the ritual of gunther learning it very nearly destroys him
Space (GM): he summons the heroic spirit that embodies the concept of humor
Mobile L.: His durable homunculus body is the only thing keeping him together
Mac D.: who should be that heroic spirit
Mobile L.: It s probably some extremely raunchy variant on "the aristocrats"
Mac D.: the ghost of George Carlin
Mobile L.: YES
eldritch s.: it s donald trump
Mobile L.: no...
Mac D.: Donald Trump secretly knows the Funniest Joke In The Universe
Space (GM): it s the font of his power
eldritch s.: it s his life
Mobile L.: He hides it in his hair
Mac D.: he is our planet s Chosen Keeper Of The Knowledge
Mobile L.: We are in good hands
eldritch s.: gunther has to defeat donald
for the power
Space (GM): donald passes the burden onto him
Mobile L.: Gnther must make a pilgrimage to the dark Trump tower
Mac D.: his body burns away as his spirit ascends to the Throne of Chuckles
Mobile L.: Tragically beautiful...
Mac D.: does everyone start with -1 in a stat
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: ohgood
Space (GM): 0 in all stats, -1 in one
Mac D.: i thought kuwabara was just that dense
Space (GM): he is
MrEForEccentric: I put it in brawn
Mac D.: i was actually unaware that magic was supposed to be a publicly known th
ing when i had him be oblivious to his social circle s abilities
but it makes it funnier this way
Space (GM): yeah that was a spoiler
Mobile L.: Eehee
Space (GM): okay here lemme put it this way
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nobody told ME magic was a thing!
Space (GM): magic and heroic spirits
are publicly known
literally anything esle that s supernatural
isn t
even homunculi
Mac D.: pffft
MrEForEccentric: Things like Oracles probably aren t common knowledge either
eldritch s.:
Mac D.: "Ghosts? Yeah fucking right" said the wizard as he shot lightning at the
ghost of gengis khan
Mobile L.: I have a wonderful thing in mind for Gnther s reveal
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): giving this thing a persona feel would be good
eldritch s.: what char aligment would you give your chars here
old man persona
we need a sucsessor to shinji
someone so disgustingly prickish
Space (GM): gunther - true neutral
kuwabara - chaotic good
eldritch s.: he just soaks up all the hate
Space (GM): gein - true neutral

eldritch s.: and becomes a legend

Mobile L.: Gnther is True Neutral, although he could swing either Neutral ____ wa
y if his directive pushes him to do so
Space (GM): asumu - lawful good or lawful neutral
eldritch s.: we need
a terrible prick
Mac D.: george is an asshole to other dogs
eldritch s.: no
i mean
Mobile L.: Would there be stats for the Funniest Joke in the Universe?
eldritch s.: like shinji
Space (GM): btw
eldritch s.: also technically goeroge ins t a dog he;s on to the mutants
Space (GM): i ve updated some npc s profiles
@mobile: na
mutant dog
Mobile L.: Oohoo
Mac D.: george is the dog rider punted out the fourth story window
Space (GM): by some i just mean rin
Mac D.: he is naturally afraid of tall bearded men now
Mobile L.: So it d do an instant organ failure if it pulls off right?
Space (GM): yres
eldritch s.: also
what was d s name
Mobile L.: :) :) :)
Space (GM): he s forgotten
eldritch s.: but it existed and you re going to tell me
Mobile L.: Punchline of the North Star
eldritch s.: he was a moor
Space (GM): i can t pull a medieval moorish name out of my hat
eldritch s.: pull ito ut of your ass
Mac D.: play mask de bara s theme
eldritch s.: also is smilebomb who tsubaa talked to on the web really kuwabara s
Space (GM): smilebomb is kuwabara s account
eldritch s.: oh i thought it was some random stranger
kuwabara picked a very
cherry name
Mobile L.: How about
"Dhu l-Nn"
Miss_Sleuth: Who the fuck is Sherlock Holmes.
Mac D.: it s a reference to the song
eldritch s.: i know that
Space (GM): that works 4 me
Mac D.: also think about it
eldritch s.: i am WELL AWARE
Mac D.: is Kuwabara not a bomb of smiles
eldritch s.: no
Mobile L.: For D s true name, I mean
eldritch s.: he s a man
Mac D.: he picked it cause he s "the bomb"
Space (GM): Dhul l-Nn
Mobile L.: He s the smiliest bomb
That is why Gnther likes him
He s funny
Mac D.: awwww shit YS
eldritch s.: his existene amuses him

Mac D.: Possible Origin Story

Mobile L.: He is one the very few people for which he does not feel utter apathy
Mac D.: gunther has an existential crisis over his own life
contemplates suicide
Great Luvia: this is the best theme for luvia tbh
Mac D.: on the the bridge kuwabara walks by and gunther say something kuwabara l
aughs at
eldritch s.: is luvia all that great
Great Luvia: she s fantastic
Mobile L.: Eee
Mobile L.: I ve sort of entertained the idea that Gnther has died a few times and
they keep the bodies in the basement
But IDK how plausible that would be
Space (GM): good
Mobile L.: As far as replacing a homunculus goes, that is
Space (GM): im not sure
Mobile L.: I know he died once as a child
Right when it was convenient for him to have sudden puberty
Space (GM): yeh
Mobile L.: he beeg
Mac D.: too many snacks
Mobile L.: (ODs on spam)
Space (GM): now whot
Mobile L.: Hmm
I unno
Mac D.: HMMM
what do you think we should do space
Space (GM): fox is on phone let s tell him how it went
Mobile L.: Aw yeh
And then I can ask him how much homunculi can conceivably be replaced
Fat!Rei Ayanami
Do we migrate to Skype?
Space (GM): yeh
Mobile L.: Kool
Oop, I mean
Space (GM): look
Fawkes M. (GM): Team Rocket
eldritch s.: are you going to jump me or osmething
Brutal Knight: No.
eldritch s.: why am i here
Space (GM): gonna do a practice sesshion, but before that we should get jam s du
de statted out since jam is about
Mac D.: sup gaybois
eldritch s.: i still can t get over how neco-arc d is dead
Space (GM): neco-arc Dead
Mac D.: neco arc d-ceased
eldritch s.: i ve been looking for t
his song for over a year
Mac D.: we shall wake demo 7 got an update
Space (GM): jam is not on skype it seems.... ...
eldritch s.: pm him


Mac D.: where s olive
eldritch s.: he said he will still take pms from us
Space (GM): i will next he posts maybe he s just away
Mac D.: jam says he s on his way
eldritch s.: it seems like
the stakes
will have to be smaller in thisp lot
Space (GM): oh yeah
eldritch s.: seeing as the character we re fighting
was a side-villain
a minor antagonist
dispatched in like
three rounds tops
in still night
Mac D.: perhaps it SEEMS smaller at first
and than ramps up into something even larger......
eldritch s.: also we re playing as normal humans
Space (GM): this is a photograph of me and fox
eldritch s.: none of our characters could take a servant
or berserker
or probably
*d probably
Azureberry J.: I am here now...
eldritch s.: why the ellipses
Space (GM): hello...
eldritch s.: oh and none of them could take some of the vampires that the lost s
ervants took on
so yes the stakes would have to be lower
Fawkes M. (GM): As a headsup - I m multitasking on hoework
Space (GM): battle theme right here
Azureberry J.: Because....I dunno.
Fawkes M. (GM): *homework
Space (GM): hoework
eldritch s.: hoework
Azureberry J.: Work hoe.
Fawkes M. (GM): Yes, hoework
Mac D.: now all that remains is olib....
Space (GM): and mobile
you fool
alright let s help jam get his traits up
eldritch s.: this is ot th real thing
Space (GM): jam i rmeember you pmed me them but i ma fool and didn t write them
Azureberry J.: Oh okay, so should I just start from the begining?
Space (GM): would it be too much to hope that you still have those pms in your i
or are you like me and get a metric fuckton of pms like every day
hey hey, there s the high roller
MrEForEccentric: Yer
Azureberry J.: Unfortnately My PM box goes crazy every day.
eldritch s.: my creation
Space (GM): so we ll ave to start from scratch
Azureberry J.: It looks like a necromorph.
Space (GM): i m gonna use kuwabara as an example of what the progression should

be like
the first one should be something really weak, yet abnormal
kuwabara gets increased rolls for detecting supernatural shenanigans
the second one is your first attack
kuwabara gets wrestling ability, doing 1d8 + brawn, but does 2d8 when using a fo
reign object
third one is probably main technique, kuwabara gets spirit sword
Space (GM): fourth one is like some useful technique or non combat thingwith you
r powers
and the fifth one is a stronk attack
Azureberry J.: Okay, so just for the sake of clarity the general gist of Mizono
s powers is a very specific form of telekenisis that affects air molecules.
Mobile L.: Wuzzup, homos
Azureberry J.: Hey Mobi1
MrEForEccentric: Word-up
Azureberry J.: So anyway,
Space (GM): also mobile i sent ou a private messag
Mobile L.: Ah, let me see
Mac D.: ay yoooo
Space (GM): also also mobile could you add the gym to here
Mobile L.: Ah yes
Gimme just a sec
Azureberry J.: Her first power would be her being very sensitive to temperature
to the point where its like mental infrared. I imagine that d give her an increa
sed roll in decting people.
Space (GM): haaight
Mobile L.: Already shared this with Space, but if anyone s interested in Tesla,
I found maybe the most thorough biography of the m f er ever
Space (GM): the professional wrestling will proceed as planned
Mobile L.: Aw yeh
(From Anachronistic Inventor): good day
Mac D.: per
(To Space): u fab
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa likes ice cream cones
Mobile L.: She s sizing it up
To devour
MrEForEccentric: It is happy to be devoured. Look at its face
That is joy in the prospect of being eaten my japanese schoolgirl sherlock holme
Space (GM):
MrEForEccentric: Accurate
Mobile L.: blaze it the fuk up
MrEForEccentric: Get high- see the future
Space (GM): i m hyped for this roll20 you guys
Mobile L.:
MrEForEccentric: Information gatherer
Space (GM): okay i m just gonna count how many characters are in this roll20
11 allies
16 named enemies
Mobile L.: Shyet, that s a lot
Space (GM): 33 other npcs
59 npcs
restraint is for other people
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Azureberry J.: The second trait, just to be really weeb is Aikido. Its basically

CQC Mizono s not a master but its enough to take down a bully. 2d8 against an o
pponent bigger than her. .
Or how about an opponent in a compromised emotional state.
Like if they re angry.
Space (GM): this is good for me
good synergy with gunther
he can piss them off with shitty jokes and she can grapple the fuck out of them
Azureberry J.: Yes. This is good.
Mobile L.: Aww yeh
Battle bros
Space (GM): this means she would always get 2d8 against Berserker
just picture that
teenage girl hurling lancelot around
Mobile L.: I like this
Space (GM): it is good
Azureberry J.: Mizono s also not a large person.
Mobile L.: This will be entertaining
eldritch s.: of course spac must outdue me
in npcs
Space (GM): like 90% of these are canon characters
eldritch s.: of course
Fawkes M. (GM): STR stats are never proportional to size
Space (GM): arty is stronger than archer and his massive biceps
Fawkes M. (GM): Gets wrecked in arm wrestling all the time
Space (GM): OH OH
i was gonna ask for good wrestling music
but then i realized
eldritch s.: i used a pucnh out song in the nameless city
Space (GM): where d you find it
Mobile L.: Budding
eldritch s.: it was von kaiser s theme
it was on soundcloud
Mobile L.: F real, though, this fuckin biography:
Space (GM): this is good training music, listen to this
Mobile L.: "In the center of a large thin circle of observers stood the imposing
figure of Tesla, wearing a crown of two pigeons on his head, his shoulders and
arms festooned with a dozen more, their white or pale-blue bodies making strong
contrast with his black suit and black hair, even in the dusk. On either of his
outstretched hands was another bird, while seemingly hundreds more made a living
carpet on the ground in front of him, hopping about and pecking at the bird see
d he had been scattering."
Space (GM): holy
Mobile L.: Context: they were trying to get Tesla to accept a medal he didn t wa
nt, and a dude went looking for him only to find that
(From Space (GM)): could you find a sick combat theme for Dane Tesla as well
(To Space): Oohoo, sure thing
(From Space (GM)): actuallyi think i found a cool one
(To Space): Ooh! Lemme see
(From Space (GM)): this one thats playin right now
Azureberry J.: Her signature technique is gonna probably be pk freeze/pk fire ba
sically. If she concentrates enough she freeze things or cause flames to appear
in a certain radius around her. I imagine this ll be a status effect attack.
(To Space): Ooh, yes. I dig
Azureberry J.: Her fourth one would be using the air to make sounds for distract
ing folks.
Mobile L.: Ayy, that s useful
Azureberry J.: And the fifth one is this.

9aTIc on a much much smaller scale.

Space (GM): so is it like a big xplosion of fire
Azureberry J.: Well its more like, just straight heat rather than fire.
Space (GM): o
such a thing would probably affect the party members if they got caught in it
as a heads up to yall
MrEForEccentric: sunlight yellow
Mobile L.: Convection
MrEForEccentric: There s a mini gunther
I jsut noticed
He s multiplying
We must stem the tide of Gunther
Mac D.: SO
anyone else we gotta do?
Space (GM): nope that s all the pratymembers
Azureberry J.: Ye.
Space (GM): roll call who s here so we can do a practice sesh
MrEForEccentric: ya yo ya yoo-hoh-hooo
Mobile L.: Meeeee
Azureberry J.: I am the here.
Mobile L.: ANd yas, he s budding
This is how homunculi reproduce
Mac D.: heeeeere
Mobile L.: Nature is beautiful
Space (GM): i m gonna grab a quick bite to eat
Mobile L.: Uhp, but BRB a sec. Not gonna be long at all
MrEForEccentric: Aight
Space (GM): yall can start while i m gone if you so wish
Mobile L.: Bep
MrEForEccentric: b r the b, grabbing a drinken
eldritch s.: seems space did not see fit to put gein s toekn on the map
Asumu Mizono: -mizono be chillin in a both with a burgSheesh... what a BORING day...
Space (GM): type /me to do actions
Space (GM) in this fashion
Azureberry J.: I furgot.
eldritch s.: jam hs roll20 d before
Space (GM): its been so long
Mac D.: is this before or after urameshi s death
Space (GM): before
Asumu Mizono was doing that.
Space (GM): urameshi s death heralds... the beginning of the plot
Gein Mender is eating his daily malt
George: Ruff!
Gunther has dozed off (again...) and is just kinda laying in a random spot on th
e floor
Gunther: Zzz...
Gein Mender: Hey, Kuwabara.
Wake tubby up before a rat carries him off.
Kazuma Kuwabara is slumped over in his chair, head on the table
Kazuma Kuwabara: Muuuuuuhhhhhh....
Asumu Mizono: What s wrong with him?
Gunther: Zzz...
Gein Mender mutters "asshole kids" under his breath

Gein Mender stands up

Gein Mender pokes Gunther with his shoe
Gunther stirs a leeeeetle tiny bit, rolling over into a drool puddle (eugh...)
Gunther: mrrghh...
Tsubasa Juufuku is just kind of doing homework over there, and having a smoothie
Gein Mender gets him a little harder
Gein Mender: Wake up.
Asumu Mizono similarly gets up and pokes Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: You can t sleep on the floor.
Space (GM): it s a nice day outside, very sunny
Gein Mender: Or else a dog is going to eat your face one of these days.
Gunther lifts his head and peers up at Gein, yawning.
Gunther: ...Hello.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Whaaaaaaaat?.....
Gein Mender: I ve seen it happen.
Gunther: ...Heh. Have you really.
Gunther slooooowly sits up, wiping his face on his sleeve
Asumu Mizono: Now, don t get this wrong Kuwabara, its nice to see you quiet for
once, but what is up with you?
Gein Mender: It was in america. Anything can happen there.
Kazuma Kuwabara shifts irritably in his seat
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m just BOOOOOORED.
Gunther: Hm. But this isn t America.
Gein Mender: There are dogs in Japan, too.
Asumu Mizono: Bored? How could you be bored?
Gein Mender: And you have a face.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Whaddaya MEAN "how?"
There s jack squat to do!
Asumu Mizono: There s a lot to do.
Gunther: Perhaps the dogs here have better etiquette.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nothin fun!
Gein Mender: George!
George tilts his head
Gein Mender: Do you have good etiquette?
George: Ruff!
Gunther: It s certainly true of the people here.
Tsubasa Juufuku overhearing Kuwabara and Mizono
Gein Mender: Yeah, the Japanese are great.
Not like my hometown.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Better than being bored and working.
Asumu Mizono: Hmph, you should refine your sense of-mmm....
Gein Mender: Those people were assholes.
George: ...!
Asumu Mizono moves to the other side of Kuwabara.
George barks at Kuwabara
Gunther: Mm. That sounds about right.

And no, I don t.

Space (GM): roll to understand the tongue of animals
Gunther: I am a gaijin barbarian.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 18
it is a dog that is barking
Gein Mender: Granted- the roads were the dustiest. The windws the gustiest. The
gates, the rustiest, and the pies were the crustiest.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Sense o what? Boredness?
Mobile L.: Timmy fell down the well and we ll never know
Gunther: ...Heh. I want to visit America someday.
Asumu Mizono: ........
Gunther: It seems an entertaining place.
Gein Mender: It s nice if you just stay away from everything entertaining.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Cause I m gettin that PLENTY refined right now! S like a bore
dom grindstone in here!
Gein Mender: Otherwise you run the chance of getting jumped and killed.
Tsubasa Juufuku keeps working at her homework
George: Arf! Arf arf! Rruuf...
Gunther: That s hardly worth it.
Asumu Mizono: Kuwabara, its imperative you don t move from that spot.
George: ...Grr...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
George goes over to Tsubasa
Kazuma Kuwabara: What for?
Gein Mender: In the casinos, bars, allies, clubs, theaters, circuses, carnivals,
George: Arf!!
Asumu Mizono: Nothing important.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks down at George
George: roll to understand the tongue of dog
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up
Tsubasa Juufuku: You feel like eating Math homework, boy?
George tilts his head
MrEForEccentric: Mental?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then what m I supposed to be not movin for??
George: ye
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 12
Asumu Mizono: Its passed....

George: "Hey! The new gym is open!"

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh...Alright.
Tsubasa Juufuku: The gym s open?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wazzat?
Gunther: But there are more obscure venues for entertainment, are there not?
Gein Mender: Granted, I haven t lived there in twenty years, maybe things are be
tter there now.
Oh, sure.
Gunther: Walmarts, for example. I have heard a lot about the ones in the US.
Gein Mender: Heheh... that s not much different then the zoo.
Tsubasa Juufuku thinks for a moment
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oi, Juufuku! What s that you said about the gym??
Gunther smiles a wry little smile
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at Kuwabara
Gunther: Perhaps better. Heh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Somehow I got the impression from George that a Gym s open.
Y know the one.
Gein Mender: Sure, you could go down to the river and poke a dead body with a st
ick, but otherwise, other then the dangerous things, not much to do.
Kazuma Kuwabara stands uo
Kazuma Kuwabara: Seriously!? There s an idea!
George rolls over
Tsubasa Juufuku: I have no idea how I even understood dog- or whether a dog is a
suitable source.
Asumu Mizono watches George
Tsubasa Juufuku: ButGeorge happy doge
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey, I don t want to be doing math all day here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dog, shmog! Visitin the gym sounds like a great idea!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just let me finish finding x.
Kazuma Kuwabara puts a foot on the table and POINTS towards the door
Gunther: I m sure I could find something. My standards are not particularly high
Kazuma Kuwabara: No time for that! It s time ta SIEZE TH DAY!
Asumu Mizono: People have to eat off of that...
Gein Mender: You could go to a comedy club, but there are some fucked up comedia
George starts nibbling at her algebra
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara bums his fist in his hand
Tsubasa Juufuku pats George on the head
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, that s right! Bubbles gotta train for the competition!
Gunther: Oh, so I ve heard. Heh, that makes it better.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- I wasn t being serious about eating my homework!
George starts devouring it
George hungry dog

Tsubasa Juufuku takes it away

Asumu Mizono: Who is bubbles?
Tsubasa Juufuku before much damage
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubbles is my cat!
Gunther: Some of the best comics are very fucked up.
Asumu Mizono: Oh.
The homework is 1/4th eaten, and there is a lot of dog slobber on the rest
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ewww...
Gein Mender: Yeah, that s what makes them funny.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Lemmie stop by my place to go get her.
Tsubasa Juufuku thanks god that the 1/4 was the stuff she didn t do yet.
Tsubasa Juufuku and puts the rest in a separate compartment in her bag
why not... take a break for now... and go with your friends
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs and does so
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the others
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll see you guys at the gym, alright?
George follows, tail wagging
Tsubasa Juufuku: Gym, right- yeah?
Asumu Mizono: Very well.
eldritch s.: i imagine
as being like
Gunther: Exactly. That is mainly why I want to go to America.
eldritch s.: the most
Azureberry J.: Will BRB
eldritch s.: terrifying
fucking demonic dog
Space (GM): absolutely
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! It s go time!!
eldritch s.: that like crawled out of a nightmare
Space (GM): smile dog
Kazuma Kuwabara heads OUT the door and to the KUWABARA RESIDENCe
eldritch s.: no beyond smile dog
like an actual monster
Mobile L.: He s a sweet boy, though
Lovely pup
Like a big, slobbery rottweiler
Tsubasa Juufuku follows Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: WHO ARE YOU
Charles: Where do you come from, Gunther?
Kazuma Kuwabara: WHO ARE YOU
...Hey... you re me!
Gunther: aaaa, stranger danger, gtfo you old pedo creep
Kazuma Kuwabara: KUWABARA IT S ME
Gunther: I was born in Sweden.
eldritch s.: oop
Shizuru Kuwabara is repairing the sink
Tsubasa Juufuku: The timelines are breaking...!

Gunther: My father is from Russia, though.

eldritch s.: like imagine
Mac D.: there are still two shizurus
Neco-Arc Bubbles is watching her
eldritch s.: a dog, with a mouth so full of teeth
that the fangs are sonstantly vissible
Kazuma Kuwabara opens the door and peeks inside
eldritch s.: and it s slathering constantly
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Bubbles! Where you at!
eldritch s.: with giant blood red eyes
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Here! Here, here!
Gein Mender: How s it in Sweden?
Kazuma Kuwabara: We re goin to the gym! Your trainin
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!

starts now!

Neco-Arc Bubbles hops off the counter

Neco-Arc Bubbles: Werewolf gimmick! Werewolf gimmick! Werewolf gimmick!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Eh??
Tsubasa Juufuku decides to meet Kuwabara there at the gym
Neco-Arc Bubbles climbs onto his shoulder
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Grrr...
Neco-Arc Bubbles suplexes his ear
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hgh-!!
Neco-Arc Bubbles howls
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, save it for the gym!
Asumu Mizono to the gym
Gunther: That was a very long time ago, but from what I recall, it was boring.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks out towards the kitcehn
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll be back later, Sis! I m takin the cat to the gym!
Gein Mender: The Swedes are hippies, are- Where the hell are they going?
Shizuru Kuwabara: Don t hurt yourself!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not a bad place.
Gunther: ...The gym, I think. I guess we should follow.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, yeah.....
Gunther: Yes.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wrestling ring and everything.
Shizuru Kuwabara: (...Why is he taking the cat to the gym?)
Gein Mender: Okay.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, let s go Bubbles!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Gao!
Gein Mender: If anyone asks me to wrestle with kids, though, I m backing off fro
m that.
Gunther: Not particularly entertaining hippies, either.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads out and TO THE GYM
Gein Mender heads to the Gym
Gunther: ...Heh, you shouldn t.
That would be amazing.
Gein Mender: That s what got my uncle convicted.

Space (GM): quick

Gunther: Eheheheheh, oh God...
Space (GM): i need like some dojo music
Mac D.: why not the temple music
Gein Mender: Nice gym.
Space (GM): i don t remmebr which one that was
Mac D.: the one with like the oriental flute
Asumu Mizono: Is that your cat?
Gein Mender: racist
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Asumu
Tsubasa Juufuku: The hell did you bring your cat for!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eh?...Oh, yeah! Say hi, Bubbles!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!
Asumu Mizono: It looks....familiar....
Gunther: Hm. Very well equipped.
Eheh, the cat...
the master of the gym stands in the ring, face framed in shadow.
Dan Blackmore raises one hand.
Dan Blackmore: Silence.
Asumu Mizono: ...
Mac D.: i
* m still at kuwabara s house is there a gym map...
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at the Dan
Mobile L.: Yas
Mac D.: ere we go
Mobile L.: Move the Duffster
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at THE GRANDMASTER
Tsubasa Juufuku like "Uwotm80"
Dan Blackmore: You have come to the newly-opened Blackmore Gymnasium... for your
diligence, you are to be commended.
I will not tolerate weakness in my pupils.
Gunther ogles the Danster
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Wuh? Pupils?
Dan Blackmore: As of today, you five...will be my apprentices.
Gunther: ...Oh?
Gein Mender rolls his eyes behind his shades
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait, huh??
Dan Blackmore: First. We must determine your strength.
Asumu Mizono blinks
Tsubasa Juufuku: Do we have a choice in this?
Dan Blackmore points at Gein
Dan Blackmore: You.
Dan Blackmore points at Tsubasa
Dan Blackmore: You.
Enter the ring.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein and Tsubasa
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... He s- literally an old guy.

Gunther: ...Eheheheh. Good luck.

Gein Mender: Listen, wrestling with kids is what got my uncle sent to jail for t
hirty years, I dont think so.
Mobile L.:
It George
Dan Blackmore stares down at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hang on-...I m just here to train my cat!
Dan Blackmore: *[murderous intent]
[murderous intent]*
Gunther tries to choke back laughter
Gein Mender: You think I m joking?
Asumu Mizono "Oh dears" silently.
Tsubasa Juufuku: H-hey, I don t think i like that implication, y know?
Gein Mender: What implication?
My uncle wrestled with a kid for his weed and got sent to jail.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Gein Mender: What.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs, just facepalms
Gunther not doing a very good job of choking back laughter
Asumu Mizono: ....Weed
Dan Blackmore: Silence.
Gein Mender: Marijuanna.
Dan Blackmore: There is no question here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Crime runs in yer blood, huh?
Dan Blackmore: You shall become my apprentices.
Gein Mender: Fine, fine.
Dan Blackmore: I can feel it.
Gein Mender mutters creepy old fuck
Kazuma Kuwabara: I didn t sign up for this!
Gein Mender gets into the ring
Dan Blackmore: Now. Old man and young girl. Enter the arena.
Gunther fuckin sits on the treadmill and watches
Tsubasa Juufuku: O-kay?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara exhales in exasperation
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops off Kuwabara s shoulder
Gein Mender: I don t want to hit a girl.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh?
Neco-Arc Bubbles goes to lift weights
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at Bubbles
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...OhNeco-Arc Bubbles: Uuuuuuughhhh...!
Neco-Arc Bubbles is scrawny
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Think you can lift that, Bubs?

Kazuma Kuwabara walks over to her

Tsubasa Juufuku: Still a bit of a mismatch...
Dan Blackmore: This will be a battle of wits.The first apprentice to leave the b
ounds of the ring is the loser.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: N--yes! Yes, yes, yes...!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- wits?
Neco-Arc Bubbles falls over lifting it
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- I can do that.
Bring it.
Gein Mender: Tsubasa, leave the ring.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Fuck that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh- geez!
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to take the weight off her
Dan Blackmore: The first test has been passed.
Gein Mender: Wow, gonna be an asshole about this, then?
Space (GM): roll brawn
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 31
Tsubasa Juufuku: Eh?
Gunther smiles and observes
Kuwabara struggles, but Bubbles refuses to let go!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubs, c mon! We ll start with smaller stuff!
Dan Blackmore: Now, grapple and throw each other, in the way of the akido master
Neco-Arc Bubbles: N-no...! No no no!
Gein Mender: The reason we re here is because we re not masters.
Gunther moves to another treadmill to get a better look
Tsubasa Juufuku: Akido?? But I haven t learnt that.
Gein Mender: So we can t do it in the way of the masters.
Dan Blackmore: Then, do it in the way of the annoying and rude amateurs.
Gunther: Heh...
Asumu Mizono: ....!!!!
Gein Mender: That, I can do.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You ain t gonna win nothin with a buncha busted
_give it!_
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No....!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- okay...
Neco-Arc Bubbles starts pulling it back
Gein Mender walks over and goes to try and throw Tsubasa out of the ring
Space (GM): do a brawn
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, Bubs!....Rrrrrrgh!....
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 9
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to resist!
Space (GM): do a brawn to resist
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 31
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 10
Gein Mender: please fail
Tsubasa shoves the feeble old man back!
MrEForEccentric: Both failures
Kuwabara yanks it away
Space (GM): it was an opposed check
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah HAH!
Gein Mender: im not feeble
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ha!
Gunther: Eheh.
Gein Mender: Do you just get off on hurting old people?
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to go in
Tsubasa Juufuku and tries to tackle
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Uuugh...
Neco-Arc Bubbles falls back, exhausted
Kazuma Kuwabara sets the weight down
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 15
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 12
Kazuma Kuwabara: You can t start all the way at the top, Bubs! You re just gonna
hurt yourself!
Neco-Arc Bubbles has already passed out
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Damn.....
Tsubasa tackles her english teacher to the mat
Gunther: Eheheheh!
Kazuma Kuwabara picks her up and plants her on his shoulder, then looks back to
the scuffle in the ring
Gein Mender: Ow!
My hip!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Gein Mender: My back!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah, hey!
Tsubasa Juufuku gets back up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Does that count?
Gein Mender: Augh!
She broke my hip!
Azureberry J.: Hey don t we get a +2 and a +3 and -1 for our states?
Gein Mender is lying
Dan Blackmore: He is not out of the ring. That move served little purpose but to
injure your opponent.
Space (GM): you start out with
Mac D.: not at the start
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh.
Gein Mender: Augh!
Space (GM): 0, 0, 0, -1
to emphasize wwweaness
Azureberry J.: Oh okay.
Mac D.: we progressively earn our stat bonuses as we go
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to just start rolling Gein out the ring
Gein Mender tries sweeping the leg
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 8
Gunther: Hehehahaha!
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn

= 17
Gein kicks at her leg in vain, but is rolled painfully to the floor.
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa 2stronk
Gein Mender: this is the worst fight
Dan Blackmore: The match has been decided.
Azureberry J.: Goodness...
Asumu Mizono sait that.
Gein Mender: Fucking asshole kids....
Tsubasa Juufuku raises her fists in triumph
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at Gein
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ha! Still have it in me from those dictionary days!
Asumu Mizono: Are you alright sensei?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Geez....Should we call a hospital?
Gunther seems to have ENJOYED THIS SPECTACLE and is just giggling like an awful
Dan Blackmore: Now.
Gein Mender: I was FAKING it!
Dan Blackmore points at Gunther
Dan Blackmore: You.
Gunther nods and trudges over, still giggling
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! So ya aren t hurt?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Should I leave?
Gein Mender: No.
Dan Blackmore: You will face the obese child.
Gein Mender: Hey!
Don t call Gunther obese!
Gunther: Heheheheheh... Oh my God...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wait- what?
Am I justKazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! He s just fat!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Facing everyone or something?
Asumu Mizono: No comment.
Dan Blackmore: The battle will commence until you are defeated.
Gunther: Don t be a square, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Okay, if you insist...
Space (GM): imagine how
fucking illegal and insane this would be in real life
go to a gym with your buddies
Mac D.: shush
Mobile L.: Pokemon gym
Space (GM): a fucking old man forces you to fight each other
i m laughing at it
Mobile L.: Same
Gunther definitely is, too
Gein Mender: Kick her as, Gunther!
Tsubasa Juufuku goes over and tries to shove Gunther out the ring
Space (GM): sumo him gunther

Tsubasa Juufuku:
= 18
Kazuma Kuwabara:
Space (GM): holy
Gein Mender: she

rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn

Don t hit girls, Gunther!!

shit tsubasa
s hulking out

Gunther tries to hold his own against the Tsubasa

Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
MrEForEccentric: Knowledge is power
Gunther gets unceremoniously shoved over the ropes
Gein Mender takes his jacket off and starts swirling it in the air
Gunther: Hurf!
Dan Blackmore: The victor has been decided.
Gunther: Eheheheheh!
Gein Mender was about to start chanting Gunther when he fails
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wow.
Gein Mender: Shit!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Geez.....
Asumu Mizono: Well that was something.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I had no idea that would work...
Dan Blackmore: Idiot boy, enter the ring.
Gunther: Th-this isehehehehehahaamazing...
Gein Mender: Heheheh!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? But Gunth already went!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Guess I hit the center of mass, huh?
Space (GM): yoooooooooooooooooooooo
Asumu Mizono: He s talking to you Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: He s talkign to you, Kuawabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wh-? He is?
Dan Blackmore: Enter.
The ring.
Gein Mender: I think he s a good judge of character.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, shut it!
Fine, fine, I ll get in the ring.....
Gein Mender: What s twelve times two.
Tsubasa Juufuku gets ready

Kazuma Kuwabara climbs up

Kazuma Kuwabara: So what am I doin ?
Gein Mender: Yeah that s what I thought.
Dan Blackmore: The match has begun.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait, huh-!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Throwing eachother out the ring
Gein Mender puts his jacket back on
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...I m fighting, now!? I can t fight a girl!
Gunther just watches and grins from his spot on the floor
Tsubasa Juufuku she s already going in to throw Kuwabara over the ropes by his s
Dan Blackmore: Five points from the girl. Do not explain to your enemies your pu
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 16
Gein Mender: Points?
Gunther: Eheheheh
Space (GM): tsubasa s killing it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah- what-!?
Gein Mender: Oh, come the fuck on.
This shit is rigged.
MrEForEccentric: I don t even know either
Brawn is the dump stat
Gein Mender: me climbs into the ring
Kazuma Kuwabara reflexively attempts to back away from the approaching Tsubasa
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 29
Kuwabara is tossed right on top of Gunther
Gein Mender goes to trhow her off as she tosses our Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: GWAAAAAH- Oof!!
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 12
Gunther: HEHEHEHurffff
Tsubasa Juufuku: E-eh?
Gunther: .......eheheh........
Dan Blackmore: The match has been decided.
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to resist
Asumu Mizono: Um...
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 13
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Ooogh....What even happened.....?
Tsubasa manages to shove him back with great force
Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his head
Dan Blackmore: Very good. A true warrior keeps all of their enemies in sight.
Now, hat girl.
Enter the ring.
Gunther: Eheheh... She s amazing.
Asumu Mizono: H-hat girl?
Gunther: Ahahahaha...
Dan Blackmore: Hat girl.
Tsubasa Juufuku just rubs the back of her head
Gunther: Oh wow.
This is amazing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, why s she Hat Girl and I
Dan Blackmore: The match has begun.
Asumu Mizono: Okay.
Tsubasa Juufuku: WellKazuma Kuwabara: *I m not Pompadour Boy or something!?
Tsubasa Juufuku prepares herself
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why you gotta be mean to me!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Come on then, Mizono!
Gunther more other cackling
Gein Mender looks at bubbles
Asumu Mizono deep breath
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Zzz... zzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh....
Gein Mender nudges her with his shoe
Kazuma Kuwabara rolls off Gunther
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Muhhhhh...
Gein Mender: Bubbles.
Asumu Mizono Attempts to throw Tsubasa
Neco-Arc Bubbles slowly opens her eyes

Gein Mender: I want you to throw the girl with brown hair out of the ring.
Do it, I ll buy you catnip.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Huh?...
Asumu Mizono: rolling 3d20 -1
= 39
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Cat.... nip....!
Tsubasa Juufuku she sees this, and attempts to use Mizono s momentum against her
, to throw her out of the ring behind her
Gunther just keeps watching and giggling to himself
Gein Mender: And the old man, too.
MrEForEccentric: Can I use finesse for this?
Space (GM): ya sure
Gunther looks supremely contented
MrEForEccentric: Just so I m not always using brawn
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 9
Neco-Arc Bubbles rushes right for it
MrEForEccentric: Finally falls
However, Tsubasa is tossed out of the ring, landing right on top of Neco-Arc Bub
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Oof!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Gein Mender: HA!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah, Bubs!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ooof!
Dan Blackmore: We have... a victor.
Tsubasa Juufuku laughs
Asumu Mizono: Oh...sorry about that Kuwabara....
Kazuma Kuwabara steps over Gunther and approaches them
Gunther: Ahahahahahaha!
Dan Blackmore: Girl. You are the only one worthy to be taught in this dojo.
Tsubasa Juufuku gets up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- wait!
That s hardly fair!
Asumu Mizono: ....Really?
Gein Mender climbs into the ring

Tsubasa Juufuku: That s one victory compared to like- 3 in a row!

Gein Mender: Here s a present, you arrogant prick.
Gein Mender tries tossing him out
Dan Blackmore: All others! You are allowed to use my equipment. But don t think
for a single second that I ll teach you what I know...
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 6
Asumu Mizono: ...!
Dan Blackmore suplexes Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well gee, thanks-...!?
Gunther: !!!
Gein Mender clutches his chest as this happens
Gein Mender: Rrrgh!
Asumu Mizono: T-teacher?
Gein Mender: I m havign a heart attack!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah.....
Gein Mender begins flailing his legs
Dan Blackmore pins him
Gunther is just maniacally laughing at the whole spectacle, crying a little
Gein Mender continues feigning a heart attack
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Tsubasa Juufuku just pouts a little
Kuwabara, that name is familiar...!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ah well
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait....Blackmore!?.....
Gein Mender feigns it really hard
Asumu Mizono: ...You know this man Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t believe it!?
Dan Blackmore: Ring the bell! Ring the bell!
Kazuma Kuwabara leaps into the ring
Gunther doesn t stop cackling, the prick
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y-....You re Dashing Dan Blackmore!?!
Mobile L.: poor Gein...
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs

Kazuma Kuwabara is geeking the FFFFUCK out

Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- good work, Mizono.
Asumu Mizono: Thank you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way, no way, no WAY! You were a LEGEND in the eighties!
Dan Blackmore: RAAAAGH
Tsubasa Juufuku: I still have no idea how I even won against the others
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Dan Blackmore lifts Gein up over his head
Gunther slows down a little, panting
Dan Blackmore: ...Oh? A fan?
Gein Mender tries kneeing him in the head
Tsubasa Juufuku: Never been one for muscles...
Gunther: Hhhh.... eheheheh... hhhhhh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!!
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Dan Blackmore is kneed in the head with great pain
Dan Blackmore: --!?
Dan Blackmore stumbles back
Dan Blackmore falls
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wh-...!?
Asumu Mizono: ....!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dan!!
Gunther: ....hhhhhhHEHEHEHEHEHhhh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!
Gein Mender: FUCK.
Gunther: oh my... god...
Gein Mender: ONE OF YOU.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Gein Mender: FUCK YOU!!!
Gunther: HHhhehehehHEHAHehehhh...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the HELL, gramps!? You can t just brain Dashing Dan like t
Asumu Mizono: Is...he oka?
Dan Blackmore is unconscious...
Asumu Mizono goes over to Dan?

Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- I knew you were faking, Gein.

Gein Mender: SHOVE IT!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dan Blackmore is here, Pops! BLACKMORE!
Asumu Mizono: It was not very convincing teacher....
Gein Mender: I could have been dead you little shit.
Leonardo B. Harway: Ah... am I interrupting something?
Gunther: o-ohhhh my god........
Asumu Mizono: He s just unconscious.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Huh?
Asumu Mizono: .....
Asumu Mizono looks at Leo
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at the mysterious blond......
Tsubasa Juufuku looks
Gein Mender: ...
Leonardo B. Harway look at this fucking rich kid holy shit
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not much.
Gein Mender: Do you own this place?
Leonardo B. Harway: Hello. I m Leonardo B. Harway, of Harway Industries.
Gein Mender jumps down
Gunther glances at him between painful, breathless chuckles
Leonardo B. Harway bows slightly
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Asumu Mizono: H-hello...
Leonardo B. Harway: I ve just recently bought this gym, and I ve come back here
to check on my latest investment.
As I can see, it s...
Leonardo B. Harway looks at this crazy fuckin scene
Leonardo B. Harway: ...Going along well???
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait- this is YOUR gym??
Gein Mender: Yes, it s great.
Asumu Mizono: Yes! Just fine!
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gunther hackcoughcackle
Kazuma Kuwabara: I thought this was Dashing Dan s gym!
Gein Mender leans on the treadmill
Tsubasa Juufuku: I figured it was.
Leonardo B. Harway: Oh, he s merely the head instructor.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I read.
Leonardo B. Harway waves a hand dismissively
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh....Damn, how d you get Dan Blackmore to be your head ins
Asumu Mizono: I m you can call me Asumu.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Does he always decide his students purely on a King of the Hill
Leonardo B. Harway: Well, I see I m interrupting with... whatever it is you peop

le do when exercising. Please, carry on.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Leonardo B. Harway just completely deflected all of that
Kazuma Kuwabara: Asumu!!!
Leonardo B. Harway and leaves
Kazuma Kuwabara looks straight at her
Asumu Mizono: What?
Gein Mender: ... Shit, I should have made a scene of my injuries.
I could have gotten a settlement.
Dan Blackmore: .....................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOO
Kazuma Kuwabara hops down and runs up to her
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Dan Blackmore leaps off the top rope to piledrive Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: Listen, you gotta gimmie your right to be his student, you GOTT
Gunther: .......!
Gein Mender tries leaping out of the way
Gunther: Ahhhhehahahahahehhh...!
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 11
Asumu Mizono: I will not.
Dan Blackmore slams into the floor just seconds after Gein leaps
Gunther: I-it keeps hhhhehehehehappening...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: What-...!?
Dan Blackmore: ...
My... my head...
Dan Blackmore sits up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sorry that I got in your way, Kuwabara.
Asumu Mizono: I doubt I even can.
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Gunther: Pfffheheheheheh...
Dan Blackmore: What a pain...
Dan Blackmore looks
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sure you can!!
Dan Blackmore: ...Oh, you re all my new students?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just tell him you d rather I be your student!
Gein Mender: ... Yes.

Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Dan

Gein Mender: Shut up, Kuwabara.
Dan Blackmore: Well, my apologies, I seem o have fallen asleep.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......I.....I am??
Gein Mender: Yes we are.
Dan Blackmore clims onto the map
Dan Blackmore: *mat
Gein Mender: You hit your head.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Eh?
Asumu Mizono: He forgot...
Dan Blackmore: Of course! That s why you re here, isn t it?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Is this going to be a rematch or something?
Gunther: Eheh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....YES
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, you BET that s why we re here!!
Gein Mender: Hey, buddy, you hit your head.
You might want to get that looked at.
Dan Blackmore: Oh, there s no sparring to be had just yet. Come, first let s wor
k on your stamina. Everyone to the treadmills!
The training continued like normal...
Gein Mender tries
Tsubasa Juufuku trained half-heartedly
Asumu Mizono: At least your showing interest in SOMETHING Kuwabara.
Gunther seemed fuckin bushed for someone who hadn t even trained yet
Eventually, it s time to leave.
Mac D.: meanwhile shiki watches porn
Mobile L.: :-)!!!!
Azureberry J.: You mean Sakura.
Tsubasa Juufuku stretches
Space (GM): no no that wasn t sakura
Gein Mender climbs onto his segway, as he is tired
Mysterious Woman: :)!!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks more energized than ever
Gunther: ...That... That was... amazing...
Kazuma Kuwabara and giddy as hell
Tsubasa Juufuku: It was pretty fun, yeah.
Azureberry J.: Is it tohno?
Gein Mender whistles foe George
Space (GM): na
Kazuma Kuwabara: Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap! I m the student of Dashing Dan
Freakin Blackmore!!!!
Space (GM): tohno s ded
Gunther looks like he s about to pass out, but he seems happy
Gein Mender: *for
Gein Mender whistles again
Azureberry J.: What kind of world is this?

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?

Space (GM): just blame it on magic shenanigans and leave it at that
Mobile L.: Some things happened
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around for Bubbles
Neco-Arc Bubbles is riding George in battle
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hm.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Tonight we dine in hell!
George: Arf!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Bubs, quit foolin around!
Gunther: ...Eheheh...
Asumu Mizono is watching bubs and George
Mac D.: hey look it s satsuki
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Aww...
Mobile L.: Bee are bee
Tsubasa Juufuku just stands by the side
Space (GM): i m still pleased that
my token to change this map to night
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ZA
Mac D.: unstoppable
Asumu Mizono: Wh
Neco-Arc Bubbles: WARUDO
MrEForEccentric: I find it humorous that Tsubasa managed to defeat all but Mizon
o in the ring
She s the range support
And information gal
Space (GM): alright so how did you assholes like that minisession
MrEForEccentric: I liked it
Mac D.: kuwabara has a reason to live
Gein Mender: that was nice
Azureberry J.: Is gud
Mac D.: so when does the actual game start?
Space (GM): i was actually gonna suggest
Gein Mender: Hey. Bubbles, come with me, we re going to buy some Catnip
Space (GM): wanna do kuwabara s first solo session
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Catnip, catnip catnip!
Mac D.: i would LOVE to
Gein Mender: C mon, you too, George.
George: Arf!!
they both valiantly ride
Gein Mender heads off to the pet store
Space (GM): alright so let s decide everyone s hooks first
hooks for adventure
i know urameshi dies
Mac D.: kuwabara s got his hook
Space (GM): i have a secret hook plannedfor tsubasa
gein s got the mob after him
MrEForEccentric: Yee
Gein Mender: also gei
probably wants to protect his students
Space (GM): yes
Gein Mender: because he s not a terrible person
MrEForEccentric: His students that ignore his heart attack

Space (GM): hey jam

Gein Mender: when hr has to chooxe
Azureberry J.: Ya?
Gein Mender: between himself
Space (GM): would asumu be willing to adventure solely to find out who killed ur
Mac D.: he fakes heart attacks all the time they ve learned to ignore him
Gein Mender: yes
Mac D.: the Old Man who Cried Cardiac Arrest
Gein Mender: the first time everyone was really worried
Azureberry J.: Most likely.
Gein Mender: wwhat would have been the first time he faked a heart atack
Space (GM): alright cool
MrEForEccentric: Except Tsubasa because she can see the future
Mac D.: to get out of paying a bill
Mobile L.: Beeb beeb
MrEForEccentric: Psh you don t die yet, silly
Space (GM): hey mobile
Mobile L.: Jah?
Gein Mender: no the class wouldn t listen to him
Space (GM): would urameshi being killed and everyone trying to find out who did
Gein Mender: so he starts faking an attack
to get their attentino
Space (GM): be enough to galvanize gunther into joining the party and finding th
e murder
Azureberry J.: It works because I remember Mizono is really nice to Urameshi.
Space (GM): good, good...!
Mac D.: i don t think gunther has any ties to yusuke
Space (GM): yea
Mac D.: since he doesn t actually go to school
Mobile L.: If it sufficiently interfereed with Kuwabara s ability to entertain h
Space (GM): good
alright let s get this show on the road
all these other ass butts get out of my sight
MrEForEccentric: Me...?
Space (GM): no the tokens
Gein Mender: what can i not stay
Space (GM): you guys can stay
but the tokens must die
Mobile L.: Dai
MrEForEccentric: Death in the tokens
Gein Mender: now kuwa has to learn about the meaning of death
Asumu Mizono: M-muh token...
Gein Mender: why do i not have avenger of jacob jingleheimer as options anymore
Kuwabara walks through town, on his way home from a fun night out with friends
Gunther: pah, no big deal, i can be replaced
Space (GM): i deleted them to cut down space
Mac D.: he was destroyed during the time skip
eldritch s.: bastard
right he died with the hoyl grail
Mac D.: Avenger, Assassin, and Berserker engaged in a final duel atop a mountain
eldritch s.: remember
the eternal cake exploded
MrEForEccentric: I still have Miss_Sleuth. Does this mean I can pester Kuwabara
over text.
Space (GM): yes

Mac D.: aiight i m REDDY

Fawkes M. (GM): Library s gonna close - gotta get on the move
eldritch s.: gein s is
MrEForEccentric: I will probably be replying though instead
eldritch s.: foxy_grandpa
Space (GM): seeya nerd i ll hold down the fort
alright duff ASS I SAAID
Mobile L.: I never got an interweb name
MrEForEccentric: :0!!!!!!!!
Kuwabara walks through town, on his way home from a fun night out with friends
Kazuma Kuwabara walkin down the street
Kazuma Kuwabara lookin up at that night sky
Kazuma Kuwabara: time, I ll go with Tactic Sixteen against U
With Dashing Dan s training, I oughta finally be able to beat the bastard.....!
Space (GM): roll mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 28
Space (GM): increase d
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!!!
Kuwabara feels a chill in the air.
Kazuma Kuwabara recognizes this chill
eldritch s.: kotomine s ghost
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........Oh, god...!....
Kotomine: Kirei "dildos"
Space (GM): Kirei "dildos"
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why do I gotta get the Tickle now...!?
Better hurry home....don t want any trouble with ghosts tonight!...
Kazuma Kuwabara starts picking up the pace
Just as well
eldritch s.: i thought you said he starts picking his nose
as he hears a bloodcurdling cry up ahead
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!?!?!
MrEForEccentric: Get the pickle, Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara has gone from spooked to FREAKED
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, man...Aw man, aw man, aw man!!
Space (GM):
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....A-Alright....keep it together, keep it cool...!
Mobile L.: Tesla no
Kazuma Kuwabara: If ya pretend ya don t hear it, the ghosts ll leave ya alone...
Kazuma Kuwabara slowly continues walking, fake-whistling nervously.....
Mobile L.: Mild as hell
The scream s stopped.
But as he gets closer to where it came from, he starts to smell... something.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?


Kuwabara sniff sniff....

like... brutal and vicious murder
L.: Charlemagne no
Kuwabara: .....-!?

Kazuma Kuwabara covers his mouth

Kazuma Kuwabara: Gh-....What s-...!?
Mobile L.: Kuwabara is haunted by many terrible specters
Kazuma Kuwabara nervously looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...-!!
Down that alley... there s a bloody trail.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh god, oh god...!!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around frantically
You re all alone...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Kazuma Kuwabara takes DEEP, WHEEZING BREATHS
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Okay....Okay!....No need to panic.....Maybe it s just a guy
with a nosebleed..........
Mobile L.: The whole fuckin pedo squad
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Let s just....Let s check and see.....maybe there was just
an accident, and somebody needs...
Mobile L.: Poor guy...
Kazuma Kuwabara starts slowly, shakingly following the blood trail
MrEForEccentric: Urameshi saw Madonna over an air vent
It leads to...
Mobile L.: Urameshi was just on his period
MrEForEccentric: Ajax still there
"What up bitch"
Space (GM): he s hiding in the air vents
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...................
Mobile L.: Ajax licks the knife
MrEForEccentric: I was not in control
Blood. So much blood.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .................
Kazuma Kuwabara is
Kazuma Kuwabara in complete shock
In the center of it... the mangled and mutilated corpse... of Yusuke Urameshi.
Kazuma Kuwabara can t move a muscle
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........................................
oh Charlemagne is written on the wall in blood i guess
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!!!
eldritch s.: you said that
Kazuma Kuwabara just collapses to the ground on his knees, dry heaving
eldritch s.: you said that during the investigation, space
Mobile L.: (Grisly description) and oh yeah, charlemagne, whatever
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: don t make me an asshol

Space (GM): no
i mean
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh god....Oh, GOD....
Space (GM): it s what mobile said
Kazuma Kuwabara very nearly vomits
Space (GM): a-as a joke...
Mobile L.: Kuwabara... :,c
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s-.......What s-...!?
Space (GM): boner
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back up at the gory scene
MrEForEccentric: Remember Tsubasa called it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ................!
Kazuma Kuwabara finally has it registered in his brain. That s.....Urameshi
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!...!...!!....!!......!....
eldritch s.:
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Y-.....You-.....
........Heh....Heheheh!....I get it.....It s a dream!....A bad dream!
Just like with the dogs, yeah! Just gotta......
Kazuma Kuwabara pinches his cheeks
Mobile L.: That orange dick looks like a fish
He doesn t wake up.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Heh....yeah, all I gotta....
Kazuma Kuwabara pinches again. And again
Space (GM): :c
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just gotta..........Just gotta WAKE UP!
Space (GM): :CC
Kazuma Kuwabara starts punching himself
Mobile L.: :,c
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wake UP!....Wake UP!!!!
MrEForEccentric: Would now be a good time to have Tsubasa text him to ask if he
s al right, having heard a scream? I think she does live near-ish to him.
Space (GM): does one of you want to happen across this scene while walking as we
ll or would it be better solo
oh just have tsubasa come across him
MrEForEccentric: Like- text or in person?
Space (GM): person
Kazuma Kuwabara eventually stops punching himself, looking down at the ground
Space (GM): i m petting a doge who came up to my bed
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Aaah.....Aaah......
Mobile L.: pup pup pup
Tsubasa Juufuku comes across- the scene
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Aaaah!....Aaaaaah!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara?
Mobile L.: Aaa frig, BRB for a while
Kazuma Kuwabara just sprints at Yusuke s mangled body, completely oblivious to T
Tsubasa Juufuku: What s-?
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at the body

Kazuma Kuwabara grabs it and starts punching it

Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh... oh no...
Tsubasa Juufuku cries a little
Kazuma Kuwabara: GET UP! GET UUUUP!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: N-no! Kuwabara, stop!
Space (GM): tear
Space (GM): runny nose
Kazuma Kuwabara PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH
Space (GM): he s one piece crying
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara- stop!
eldritch s.: he s real rying
eldritch s.: epople aren t cute when they cry
Tsubasa Juufuku: You ll- you don t want to go to jail, right? He s- gone...
eldritch s.: they re really gross
Space (GM): kawaii cry
Tsubasa Juufuku: N-no!
HeKuwabara, listen to me!
Kazuma Kuwabara is just jumbling his words amidst his sobs
Tsubasa Juufuku puts a hand on his shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara: DIRTY PUNK!
Kazuma Kuwabara just keeps pounding him
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to drag him away from it
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Brawn
= 10
Kazuma Kuwabara: NO-! NO, DAMMIT, LET GO!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara! You- he isn t the one who did this!
She manages to drag Kuwabara away from the scene, bit by bit
Kazuma Kuwabara: NO! LET GO!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m not letting go- leave him! He s- gone.
Someone killed him...
Kazuma Kuwabara eventually just reduces to inelegant shrieking sobs
Tsubasa Juufuku thinks "Just like my prediction..."
Tsubasa Juufuku hugs him
Tsubasa Juufuku: J-just...
eldritch s.: roa

Tsubasa Juufuku looks at the corpse, thinking "I hope they don t find Kuwabara s
finger prints..."
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know, Kuwabara...
He s- lets call the police.
Kazuma Kuwabara just cries and screams, not stopping anytime soon....
eldritch s.: who is this
Tsubasa Juufuku she gets out her mobile
Tsubasa Juufuku patting Kuwabara on the shoulder in the meantime
Tsubasa Juufuku dials emergency
Tsubasa Juufuku: Police?
911: 9-11, what s your emergency?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I need- to report a murder.
Space (GM): fade to blapck...
Azureberry J.: That one guy from bleach with the whip sword who was suddenly a g
ood guy after the first season.
Space (GM): tsubasa s home next?
Mac D.: ye
MrEForEccentric: I m cool with it
After answering the police officer s questions, the two returned to Tsubasa s ap
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m- really sorry, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara is just
Kazuma Kuwabara a mess on the couch
Tsubasa Juufuku she takes one of her chairs and sits with him
Kazuma Kuwabara isn t responding to Tsubasa s voice
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Hey- come on...
ItWe- can t let this lie down, right?
We have to find out who killed him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .................................
Tsubasa Juufuku puts a hand on his shoulder
Space (GM): did tsubasa call anyone to come over at this late hour
MrEForEccentric: I m not sure she did
Space (GM): hint: the party
MrEForEccentric: Well
She could ve done yes
eldritch s.: forsty s here
to save the day
MrEForEccentric: Sent a text on the way back
Gein got there first.
eldritch s.: what did she text him
Tsubasa Juufuku she sent the text to everyone: "Come to my place, heavy shit. Im
portant- dire news. ASAP. -Juufuku"
Gein Mender: Couldn t have just told me on the phone?

Kazuma Kuwabara is sobbing all over that fuckin couch

Tsubasa Juufuku: ... It- its something you have to hear in person...
Tsubasa Juufuku she looks pretty damn sad too
Gein Mender: Why s Kuawabara crying?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Lets- wait to see if the others- are here yet...
... Maybe its better that we re all- here for it.
Gein Mender: You re really gonna keep the sword of damocles over my head?
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right...
Urameshi isKazuma Kuwabara PUNCHES a wall
Tsubasa Juufuku: He was murdered...
Tsubasa Juufuku lets it slide
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara was the first one to find the corpse...
Gein Mender: Are you sure it s not some kind of prank?
Kazuma Kuwabara: NO!
Tsubasa Juufuku looks him dead in the eye
Tsubasa Juufuku: A blood-curdling scream is pretty far for a prank. Not to menti
on- mutilation is hard to fake...
Gein Mender he wears sunglasses at night
Kazuma Kuwabara: His eyes were............
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know, Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...GH-!!
Kazuma Kuwabara punches the wall again
Gein Mender: I faked my death before, it s not hard.
then the asumu arrive
Gein Mender: I m sure this is all some misunderstanding.
Tsubasa Juufuku just glares at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: SHUT UP!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: You really want to go there?
Asumu Mizono: ....Uh....
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at Mizono
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- uh.
Gein Mender sits down
Space (GM): awlward
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Space (GM): *k
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Gein Mender: Urameshi is dead.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes- murdered.
Asumu Mizono: .......................
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Ghhh-...!!......
Gein Mender leans back in his chair
Asumu Mizono: What?

Gein Mender: Let me take a look.

I want to see if I can figure out who kileld him.
Gein Mender stands up
Tsubasa Juufuku: The police are already on the scene, Gein...
Gein Mender: No one fucking kills my students.
Asumu Mizono: Hold now.
What did you just...??
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at Mizono
Gein Mender: He s dead.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara found him... and I found Kuwabara and him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Gein Mender: ... I can t believe it.
Why Urameshi?
He couldn t have been involved in any gangs, could he...?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I don t know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No....
Asumu Mizono: You
Gein Mender: He seemed like a good kid....
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi didn t pick sides with anybody....
Asumu Mizono: Are serious.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I am very serious...
Gein Mender walks over to Kuwabars
Gein Mender kneels down by hi,
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Asumu Mizono: ?me spretty much falls into a chair
Space (GM): is mobile here
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Gein Mender: I m sorry.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....................
Asumu Mizono pulls her hat over her eyes
Gein Mender: I should have never been as hard on him as I was, maybe that had so
mething to do with it....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ............
Kazuma Kuwabara tightens his grip on the couch
Gein Mender: I know this is hard for you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....................
Gein Mender: Do you want me to take you to your home?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mGive me some space...
Tsubasa Juufuku heads to her room
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........No...
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up
Gein Mender: You should be with family.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m going to- try and find out who did this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....No....I m goin back out there.
Gein Mender: No.
You re not.
You re just a kid.

Tsubasa Juufuku sits down on her bed

Kazuma Kuwabara: Shut up! I m gonna find who did this.....
Space (GM): smokin weed smokin weed
Tsubasa Juufuku and sets up to go into a trance
Gein Mender steps in front of the door
Gein Mender: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara stands up
Kazuma Kuwabara: I
I m gonna make em pay.....I ll make em pay*!!
Tsubasa Juufuku she begins to tap into her oracle s blood
Mobile L.: I return, homosexes
Why s the heartbeat effect still going?
Gein Mender: You re not going to throw your life away too.
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 17
Kazuma Kuwabara: No! I ll TELL you where I m gonna throw it!
Right at those bastards who killed him!
Tsubasa sees...
Gein Mender: You re not going out there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You gonna stop me, Old Man!?
Darkness. Night. The curtain of night, night s shroud, hidden in shadow, somethi
ng is-Gein Mender: Yes.
Her mother. There she is. But what is she doing?
Asumu Mizono: Kuwabara, Please...
Mobile L.: Gonna read the chatlog, may be a bit to catch up
...She is not alone.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shut up!
Just-.....What else am I supposed to do!?
Someone approaches, a figure, shadowy and indistinct, holding a knife.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!
Tsubasa s mother is killed.
Gein Mender: You need to process your grief.
Tsubasa Juufuku her eyes widen
Kazuma Kuwabara: I am!
Tsubasa Juufuku: N-noGein Mender: No.
No, you re not.
Asumu Mizono still has her hat down, is kinda struggling to make words.
Gein Mender: Sit down.
The trance ends as quickly as it began.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Make me!!
Asumu Mizono: Just...not this Kuwabara...
Tsubasa Juufuku she leaves her trance
Gein Mender: Don t make me force you.

Tsubasa Juufuku: ...

Tsubasa Juufuku just weeps
Tsubasa Juufuku it can be heard from her room
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t care what you do! I m gonna make sure Urameshi s life w
asn t in vain!!
Gein Mender: IGein Mender hears the sobbing
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara hears it as well
Gein Mender: ...
Someone needs to check on her.
Gein Mender steps away
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender knocks on hr door
Tsubasa Juufuku she doesn t answer
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Asumu
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender tries opening it
Tsubasa Juufuku its not locked
Gein Mender steps in
Asumu Mizono: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What re you gonna do, Mizono.
Tsubasa Juufuku she s just by the side of her bed
Tsubasa Juufuku weeping into her hands
Tsubasa Juufuku she has been in a trance recently
Gein Mender sits on the bed by her
Space (GM): the room smells like pot
Asumu Mizono: I don t know...
Tsubasa Juufuku: My- my mother...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gunther knockle kockle on the door
Gunther fuckin asshole was tardy
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......!
Gein Mender: ...
What did you see?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up and over at Gunther
Tsubasa Juufuku: T-they... whoever- killed Urameshi...
Kazuma Kuwabara or rather goes to the door and opens it and SEES Gunther
Tsubasa Juufuku: They re... going to kill my mother too...
And- they ll succeed...

Gein Mender: We need to call her, right now.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Gunther just lets himself in
Gunther: Yes?
Tsubasa Juufuku she does call up her mother on her mobile
Gunther: I was told it was serious.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Asumu Mizono: ./me is not feeling like saying it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Urameshi sKazuma Kuwabara is trying to say it smoothly, but it gets caught in his throat
The phone rings
Gein Mender rubs his eyes under his shades, pushing them up on his nose
It keeps ringing
It goes to voice mail
Gunther: ...Hurt?
Tsubasa Juufuku just cries more
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........
Tsubasa Juufuku: S-she... always picks up when its me...
Asumu Mizono: No....
Tsubasa Juufuku: She- she wouldn t be asleep right now...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down, clenching his fists hard
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: ...Oh.

Gein Mender thinks about this

Tsubasa Juufuku: I- I didn t even...
Gunther still looks stoic as can be
Tsubasa Juufuku just starts weeping again
Gein Mender: ... You don t always get to say goodbye.
Gunther: ...How did this happen?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
....I m gonna go find out.
Tsubasa Juufuku sniffs
Tsubasa Juufuku: I- I know...
Gein Mender has shaking hands
Gunther: That is probably not safe, Kuwabara.
Asumu Mizono: Please...
Gein Mender has a face gone very taught
Tsubasa Juufuku: It- isn t... that comforting, knowing that...
Gunther: The police can investigate.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So what?
The police can shove it!
Gein Mender: She loved you.
You loved her.
Gunther: The police are qualified.
Gein Mender: That s all that matters.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t give a crap about that!

Tsubasa Juufuku nods slowly

Gunther: ...Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Tsubasa Juufuku: If-... We- we have to know who did this...
Gunther: You are going to get in over your head.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Shut up....
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I can t just-....SIT here!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Maybe... they re the same ones who- killed Urameshi...
Gein Mender: Maybe.
You can t
Kazuma Kuwabara: If that punk thinks he can go and get killed like that......jus
t like that!....
Gein Mender: give all evil, in life.
Gunther still doesn t look particularly concerned
Gein Mender: A name.
A face.
It isn t all one thing, that wants to ruin your life.
Gunther: ...It was a murder, then.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Yeah.
Stall Gramps for me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I know I can t, but I want to find the evil that killed my
Space (GM): i just want to remind you all that like an hour ago an old man was s
uplexing gein while john cena s theme played
Gein Mender: I want to, too.
Gunther: ...Nothing will convince you otherwise?
Gein Mender really has some shaing hands
Gunther: What about your sister.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ............
Gein Mender is thinking about if this was what it was like for the people who we
re friends and family with the bodies he disposed of
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......I ain t gonna die.....Not until I take that bastard to he
ll with me...!
Tsubasa Juufuku: She- no-one would want to kill- her... she- was... a fortune te
ller. She- worked at home...
Gunther: If something happened to you, it would be very bad for her.
Tsubasa Juufuku hangs her head a little
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh god- what s dad going to think...
Kazuma Kuwabara: She d understand....
Gunther still hella fuckin calm
Gunther: Would she.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...........Yeah......
Gunther: You re certain.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Did I stutter?
Gunther puts a hand to his chin
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: ...If you absolutely must do this, Kuwabara, let me come along with you
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, Gunth.....I ain t stupid enough to pull anybody else into t
his but me!

Tsubasa Juufuku: ... He s- still away on his Business trip in Europe...

Gunther: Going alone would be suicide.
Kazuma Kuwabara: This is personal....Between me, Urameshi, and that Dirtbag...
Gunther: I have nothing better to do.
Asumu Mizono: You never beat Urameshi.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
.......Yeah....that s right...
....And now I ll never get to fight him again.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: If- he was there...
Maybe he could have...
Tsubasa Juufuku: But then...
Maybe he too would ve...
Kazuma Kuwabara: If anyone shoulda brought down Urameshi, it shoulda been me!
Tsubasa Juufuku just cries a little more
Kazuma Kuwabara: In honorable combat!
Not this cloak-and-dagger BULLSHIT!
Gein Mender: ...
Asumu Mizono: So how do you figure youre gonna beat this guy? By yourself. Huh K
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... The...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Stabbin a guy from behind in an alley don t mean nothin !
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m just- going to try again...
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender stands up
Gunther: This is about honor, then.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I just gotta find him and drag him out into broad daylight!
See how tough he is THEN!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah....Yeah, it is.
Asumu Mizono: So what if he s not an idiot?
Tsubasa Juufuku: She- can t be dead, right? I mean- she s an Oracle, like me...
she d- she d know, right? She could ve stopped it... maybe she was busy fighting
him offGein Mender: ...
Gunther: He didn t kill Urameshi honorably. He doesn t deserve an honorable deat
Tsubasa Juufuku just ranting to herself now, despite Gein leaving
Gein Mender: Everyone dies.
Gunther: Two against one is hardly honorable.
Gein Mender: Let him go.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Tsubasa Juufuku just tries calling mom again
Gein Mender: He needs this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gunther: ...He s going to get himself killed.
Gein Mender: No.
He s not.
Asumu Mizono: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I told you, I ain t gonna die.

Gein Mender: I m coming with you.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gunther: ...Good. So am I.
Gein Mender: Tsubasa s mother is dead/
Kazuma Kuwabara: What-....No! I said I wasn t gonna-...
Gein Mender: Murdered.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-....Huh!?
Asumu Mizono: ....
Gein Mender: She thinks it was the same person.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..........
Gunther: ...Disturbing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....No way.........
Someone picks up the phone
Tsubasa Juufuku hopeful for a moment
Tsubasa Juufuku: Mom!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Mom- come on...
Gein Mender: do the bob
Mac D.: "is this the krusty krab"
Mobile L.: o no
Tsubasa Juufuku: Mom- mom.
Please- are you there?
They hang up.
Gunther looks towards Tsubasa s room
Tsubasa Juufuku: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Tsubasa Juufuku just cries more
Gein Mender: he should have said the bob line
Gunther sighs quietly
Gein Mender heads out the door
eldritch s.: space
how i said
Space (GM): what do you want from me
eldritch s.: gein s landlord is yakuza
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: good
Gein Mender calls his landlord
Kazuma Kuwabara: ............
Gunther looks exactly like he does in the token pic, save for his mouth being sh
Landlord: Yes? Who is this?
Gein Mender: It s Gein.
I need to ask you something.
Tsubasa Juufuku just stays like she is in her room
Kazuma Kuwabara heads out the door as well

Landlord: Make it quick; I was about to head to bed.

Tsubasa Juufuku sat on her bed
Gunther not even gonna go near that bedroom
Asumu Mizono looks at Gein
Tsubasa Juufuku at least the weeping stopped
Gein Mender: Were either [name] Urameshi or [tsubabasa s mom] involved in any ga
ng activity?
Kazuma Kuwabara walks down the street, intending to return to the scene of the c
Landlord: Neither of those names are familiar to me.
Gunther heads back out the door, intent in tailing Kuwabara
Asumu Mizono: Goddamn idiot...
The police are already there.
Asumu Mizono runs afteer
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!?
Mobile L.: Poor Tsubasa...
Asumu Mizono Kuwabsra
Gein Mender: Alright. I m going to give you some news. They ve been murdered. On
e was a kid in my English class, the other was the mom of one of the kids I teac
Kazuma Kuwabara looks for a spying spot
Gein Mender: And it s definitely murder.
Touko Aozaki: ...
Gein Mender: I was just wondering if you would know anyting.
Touko Aozaki smoking a cigarette
Landlord: This...
This is the first I ve hard of it.
Gein Mender: Okay. Tell me if anything comes up.
Officer Daisuke: ...God damn...
Gein Mender: Sorry to bother you.
Asumu Mizono: ...
Spying spot.... there aren t many nearby
Landlord: Will do. My condolences.
Gunther silently tails the pompador kid
the landlord hangs up
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...damn...Q
Tsubasa Juufuku isn t remotely in a mood to follow
Kazuma Kuwabara: *!
Gein Mender puts his phone away
Asumu Mizono doesn t bother hiding.
Gein Mender takes off his shades for once
Tsubasa Juufuku after all, she literally just found out her mom died
Gein Mender has bloodshot, teary eyes

Mikiya Kokutou: Well, we ve finished dusting for prints.

There aren t any.
Mobile L.: Gosh, this is a sad beginning
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to at least find a spot to HIDE....
Gunther followiiiiiiiin
Gein Mender just stands behind the police tape
Touko Aozaki: Alright. I think we ve find everything we can for now, so...
Touko Aozaki notices the party
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!
Touko Aozaki: Hey, beat it. This is a crime scene.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender is a very sad looking old man
Asumu Mizono: ...
Touko Aozaki smokes
Gunther just looks serious and vaguely bored
Touko Aozaki and exhales
Kazuma Kuwabara looks like a DELINQUENT ON A MISSION
MrEForEccentric: Meanwhile in Tsubasa s world: Grief x50
Touko Aozaki: ...Is someone gonna say something?
Mobile L.: no1 stay to comfort her.........
Gein Mender points at the carcass
MrEForEccentric: Gein tried
Gein Mender: He was in my class.
Asumu Mizono: He was a friend....
Touko Aozaki: ...Ah.
Gein Mender says that on the verge of crying
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Touko Aozaki: ...I m sorry for your...
Gunther just kinda nods like "yeah, that"
Touko Aozaki eyes go to Daisuke
Touko Aozaki: (Why haven t you covered it up yet??)
Officer Daisuke hastily covers the corpse with a tarp
Touko Aozaki: ...
Touko Aozaki turns back to them
Touko Aozaki: I m sorry for your loss.
Gunther supresses a small chuckle at the awkwardness
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Gein Mender: Who would do that... to a kid...?
Gunther: ...Mm.
Asumu Mizono: ...
Touko Aozaki: We re going to do everything we can to track down this killer. Res
t assured.

Gunther sorta ogled the body before it was tarped to try to determine a cause of
probably from either having his eyes gouged out or from having his lungs ripped
out from his open chest
Gein Mender wipes his eyes
Gunther Ah, hmmm...
Gein Mender turns away
Gein Mender: I ll be back at my apartment.
Gunther totally fucking unfazed
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Touko Aozaki: ...
Gein Mender puts his shades on as he walks home
Touko Aozaki thinks Gunther gives her the creeps
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa still be cryin
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hey. Cops.
Asumu Mizono: Don t....
Gunther becomes aware of this and lowers his head in some hollow parody of solem
Touko Aozaki looks at Kuwabara, still smoking that cigarette
Kazuma Kuwabara gestures towards the corpse-shaped lump under the tarp
Kazuma Kuwabara: That was Yusuke Urameshi! Any of you know him?
Touko Aozaki: ...
evidently not
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gunther silently watches Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara narrows his eyes and gives them a look like "i m onto ur shit i
m watchin you PIGS"
Kazuma Kuwabara turns
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s go, Gunth!
Kazuma Kuwabara walks off
Gunther: ...Yes.
Tsubasa Juufuku is probably in no state to call the cops to investigate her moth
er s house
Asumu Mizono: I m sorry about him....
Gunther nods vaguely in the cops direction and turns to leave
Gunther walken
Space (GM): scene?
Mobile L.: Aye, I think
MrEForEccentric: scene
Space (GM): there you have it
good first sesh?
Mobile L.: Yas
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Mac D.: YES

i m hype as fuck when can we do this again

Mobile L.: Finally got to explore Gnther s amazing lack of empathy
Yo, about that
MrEForEccentric: Poor Tsubasa got abandoned.
Mobile L.: I m gonna be leaving for Austin tomorrow, and I ll be busy down there
a whole week
Mac D.: nuuuuuuu......
Mobile L.: I will come back on Friday, but until then, my interweb time will be
hella limited
Space (GM): due to the way this is structured we could potentially do mini-sessi
ons with less than the full contigent of people
ones that aren t especially plot improtnant
Mac D.: ooooooo das good
Mobile L.: That sounds about fair
MrEForEccentric: Ye
Space (GM): as long as ya dont mind, mobile
Mobile L.: Not at all
Space (GM): alright let s hurry so we can finish the entire roll20 before mobile
gets back
Mobile L.: >:B
Mac D.: Kazuma Kuwabara IS Kazuma Kuwabara in.....DELINQUENT VENGEANCE
Space (GM): oh right i have an anime ending song
Mobile L.: Do the cops think Gnther is a suspect now?
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): at least mildly suspicious
Mac D.: are they more suspicious of kuwabara
Mobile L.: Eheheheh, perfect
Space (GM): they re all at least people to question further
since they have a relationship with the deceased
Mac D.: excellent
eldritch s.: are they suspicious of gein
Space (GM): picture a cool credits sequence here with
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa probably called the cops before she went to bed
Mobile L.: Poor gurl
Space (GM): not much has happened so just tsubasa and kuwabara crying probs
@seer: he seems alright
but question anyway
Mac D.: naw man the squad walkin down the street
Space (GM): as the sun sets
Mobile L.: Were Gnther anyone else but himself, he d probably have gone in there
to comfort Tsubasa
eldritch s.: what are the heights of the party
MrEForEccentric: Gunther the shit-friend
Space (GM): ii picture
gein as the tallest
kuwabara second tallest
MrEForEccentric: 5 8 for Tsubasa I d say
Space (GM): then tsubasa
then asumu
then gunther
actually no
swap asumu and gunther
Mobile L.: He a gaijin foreign devil, tho
He has to be at least sorta tall
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa has foreign blood in her too
Space (GM): true... swap tsubasa and gunth
Mac D.: gein would be hunched over though wouldn t he
Mobile L.: Unless he didn t luck out on the tall lottery
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa s ancestry goes to Greece...

eldritch s.: are you implying something duff

Mobile L.: He gave himself arthritis from feigning so many heart attacks
One of these days he ll have a real one and they ll just ignore it
Space (GM): at the end of the plot he dies from a heart attack
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa tries to predict Gein s death
Space (GM): this is a nice song i like this song
Mobile L.: Same
Fawkes M. (GM): Which leads right into our Death Note roll
Space (GM): oh shit
Mobile L.: Ah yas
eldritch s.: he was kileld by kira
Space (GM): kira killed gein
Mobile L.: Fuckin Kira
Space (GM): here s the opening song too while im at it
eldritch s.: mr. e hits gunther with his car
Space (GM): mr. e for eccentric
MrEForEccentric: It was me
Mobile L.: Rip in penis
MrEForEccentric: I killed Gunther
Mobile L.: They can always make another one
MrEForEccentric: No, I ran over all of them simultaneously
It was like bowling
Mobile L.: You d have to run over Stanislav and Olivia, too
Mac D.: aiight imma go grab somethin to eat now
Mobile L.: A ight
MrEForEccentric: Multiple homicides are okay, as long as you look cool doing it
Mobile L.: BTW, can we have Stan and Ollie in the next one mebbe?
Mac D.: wendy s is open 24 hours a day let s see if they still have that policy
eldritch s.: look
Mobile L.: Hitluh
Space (GM): yeh
eldritch s.: it s hitler
Mobile L.: :)
MrEForEccentric: Flaming Office Hitler...
eldritch s.: adeva when
Mobile L.: soon.......
Space (GM): NOW what do we do?...
Mobile L.: Uhhhh
MrEForEccentric: Good question
eldritch s.: adeva will come or i will devour you
MrEForEccentric: Its 2:20 am over here
Mobile L.: It ll happen, fear not
Space (GM): mobile don t forget the sick maps for during austin downtime
Mobile L.: We re just both lazyasses
Oh, I won t
Space (GM): laugh evilly with me
Mobile L.: Maps will be so ill, I ll have to quarantine the bitches
He he he
Fawkes M. (GM): (also don t forget Tokyo)
Space (GM): hhhhhehehehehe
MrEForEccentric: Hey mobile, if you need help on cities I can pick up some of th
e workload
Mobile L.: Ah yes
MrEForEccentric: Or maps
Mobile L.: And ah yes
That would help tremendously
Just like

Try to find some way to make a tiny Italian city for stompening
eldritch s.: stalin
Mobile L.: Or like, streets
MrEForEccentric: Mmm. As in for a world map?
Mobile L.: The whole crew
eldritch s.: the fuyuki police derpartmen
Mobile L.: Eh, more like something where the MOTs will look big in comparison
MrEForEccentric: Ahh
City scape
Mobile L.: I ve tried, but I keep fuckin up
Space (GM): the entire police department
MrEForEccentric: I ll look- there s probably something I can find sprite-wise
Space (GM): i m gonig to give you all a sneak peep
eldritch s.: look
i like my hitler drawing
Space (GM): it s now that i realize
i didn t transparent-ify that picture correctly
Mobile L.: He turned out gud
Ah, the white bits
Just go back and erase it
Space (GM): yeh
Mobile L.: Gnther laughs at your misfortune and tragedy
eldritch s.: hrm
mobile, lumpy s if you could
Mobile L.: Ooh! Right on it, chief
eldritch s.: oh wait
Mobile L.: Ah, yeah
eldritch s.: it s ot your turn
i forgot
it s spaces
Mobile L.: We wuz waitin on you
Nah, he went
eldritch s.: what
Space (GM): heck off i went
Mobile L.: Space at the bottom, see?
Space (GM): my post is the latest
eldritch s.: i do see
Mobile L.: Milton being leaderly-ish
eldritch s.: i forgot
MrEForEccentric: Meanwhile Ajax is just likeeldritch s.: the porn
that the hobo stole
all those years ago
MrEForEccentric: "I m glad someone else died instead of me."
Space (GM): ajax already did die
the spike
MrEForEccentric: Yes
He don t want to go again
eldritch s.: lancer the prick
Mobile L.: Triste y gay
Space (GM): i m kinda sad kotomine is dead
Mobile L.: Me 2
eldritch s.: the cop furthest to the left
reminds me
Space (GM): but we have the next best thing
eldritch s.: of

Space (GM): he kinda does

eldritch s.: does she share kotomine s passion for dildos
Mobile L.: Dotter
Space (GM): she inherited the collection
Mobile L.: It didn t get burned?
eldritch s.: yes but does she care
Space (GM): it s invulnerable
no of course not
no one loves dildos as much as that man did
eldritch s.: what does she think about the dildos
Mobile L.: Kotomine s only passion: dildos
Space (GM): shameful and unchristian
Mobile L.: Can we have Kuwabara see Kotomine s goast?
Space (GM): ohohoohoho
Mobile L.: And Shirou s
Space (GM): ghostomine
Mobile L.: And Taiga s
Space (GM): shirou s ghost would be boring
shirou emiya s ghost, that d be something
shinji s too
Mobile L.: "Man... I m so dead and shit."
Fawkes M. (GM): Shirou meets Shirou
MrEForEccentric: Ghost of Thriceman
Mobile L.: Horse dildeaux
Uhp, I gotta go finish prepping for the Austin
See y all betches later
Space (GM): goodbai jojo
Fawkes M. (GM): AAAAAAAA
eldritch s.: ghpst kotomine
Space (GM): think i ll go post in the rp now
eldritch s.: can never
his ghost dildos
MrEForEccentric: Gobai
eldritch s.: he has no orifices
Space (GM): you know this is probably ill advised do you guys want to run a mini
session or some shit
MrEForEccentric: As a ghost- Kotomine is entirely orifice
I could do so
eldritch s.: nah
w did good for today
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa beat up 3 of her friends and cried
Space (GM): mood
MrEForEccentric: That was seriously some rolling
Space (GM): let s go to a rabbit
MrEForEccentric: Though
LikeFor real
As soon as I decided not to use the -1
It failed
Fawkes M. (GM): Lucky -1
Space (GM): the -1 gave you strangth
it s down for quick maintenance
MrEForEccentric: Still- lets go over this
Tsubasa managed to- throw a fat swedish kid

Throw a grown man

And throw Kuwabara
But as soon as she tried to be smart and redirect someone smaller than her- and
the only girlshe fails
Fawkes M. (GM): She must brawn ALL THE THINGS
MrEForEccentric: It makes it clear to me that I am luckier with brawn than any o
ther stat
And i m playing a character who _isn t_ brawn
Space (GM): alright into the rabbit now
oh now they ve suddenly loaded
the background a tlest
Mac D.: i m still in the alley
there s daisuke and touko
Space (GM): lemme try clearing my cache
that fixed it
Mac D.: ha HA there we go
so is this new church on a hill
Space (GM): the church was rebuilt due to a generous donation from the Tohsaka f
Mac D.: d aaaaw
how did kirei s daughter come to run the joint
Space (GM): she came here and asked
unfortunately i
lack pics of yusuke s parents
pretend they are there
Mac D.: yusuke only has a mom
Space (GM): :c
Mac D.:
don t you remember anything about the anime.....
Space (GM): it s been some time
MrEForEccentric: Has it...
Mac D.: i wanna watch it in the next rabbit
Space (GM): yes
MrEForEccentric: So where Tesla be bitchin
Space (GM): sadly mobile cannot make it
MrEForEccentric: Yes- but I mean IC...
Space (GM): on left - family and friends of the dead
on right - general public
oh tesla s right there
he ll just be
very quiet
MrEForEccentric: Morbidly quiet
Space (GM): he fell asleep, look
so did charlemagne
Mac D.: why did rin and her lesbian girlfriend and the lost servants attend
Space (GM): ajax there is nodding off
MrEForEccentric: They are all asleep
Space (GM): well because they know who killed
but at the same time they don t
Mac D.: where s dashing dan blackmore
Space (GM): he didn t know the kid
MrEForEccentric: So is this Urameshi s funeral
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: where does the Rich Little Shit know him
MrEForEccentric: Presumably Tsubasa s mom would be later
Space (GM): school of course
he s a new transfer student
@olive: poor fuckin tsubasa though

Mac D.: he s roa callin it now

Space (GM): see i was gonna fill this church with more people
but there s not enough room
MrEForEccentric: You have the front pews
Mac D.: there you go
MrEForEccentric: Kuwabara don t get on top of Tsubasa
Space (GM): unf
Mac D.: why s deidre and ghost girl here
Space (GM): because deidre adopted satsuki... don t you remmeber
ghost girl does what she wants
Mac D.: she just walked in and noticed everyone was sitting down and decided to
sit down too
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: still best character
Space (GM): she s an inspiration to me
Mac D.: derby mcgraw announces the funereal
Space (GM): the prominent local figure
Mac D.: where s yuuka
Space (GM): i was just about to put her there
Mac D.: did you make a character for The Mayor yet
Space (GM): i did not actually
get me art
Mac D.: we HAD art.....
Space (GM): art that s not super tiny
Mac D.:
Space (GM): good
i m going to transparent-ify that image
the bastion soundtrack is very good
Mac D.: roa tries to break into the mayor s office to make him his next victim
mayor beats the shit out of him
didn t mobile say she d be busy all week?
Azureberry J.: Hokay here we go!
Space (GM): yes
she said it s fine to do a little mini session without her
Mac D.: ahhh ok
Space (GM): this site really is useful
Mac D.: araya wtf r u doin there
Space (GM): hm
now that i think about it yes it s weird for him to be there
so long weirdo fucker
Mac D.: ghost girl sits there intimidated
all that s left is a seer
someone drag him up out of the wine cellar
Azureberry J.: Oh this site is very useful.
Space (GM): is the mayor still in your list duff or should i re-add him
Mac D.: am i still gonna play as him
Space (GM): of course
Mac D.: ya i need him re-added then
MrEForEccentric: Add golden brown cause why not
Space (GM): add wh
MrEForEccentric: the strangers- golden brown
Space (GM): find me a soundcloud link

Space (GM): add d
Azureberry J.: Well the internet has made it clear that it refuses to cooperate.
MrEForEccentric: Oh dear
Space (GM): destroy your internet
MrEForEccentric: Break the internet
Azureberry J.: If only Could.
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa hides behind the mayor
Azureberry J.: Tsubasa and the mayor are making out.
Space (GM): mmmm
with this music, i can only picture the giant mayor head as the final boss
Azureberry J.: The mayor was the killer. That s why I used his hologram haed for
the funeral.
We only see his head because he has no body, but is jealous of people with bodie
s. So he plans to kill everyone. So then no one willl have a body.
MrEForEccentric: Why can t he just use a mannequin
Space (GM): the plan s brilliant
then he can t move
MrEForEccentric: He just needs to pick up the mannequin with his neck
He can move like a chess piece
Mac D.: the end of mayorvangelion
Space (GM): fox and i are making evil plans
Mac D.: stop killing everyone
Space (GM): hhehehehahehehaeeeaheahehahahaahahahrhhehheheheheahheAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
MrEForEccentric: inb4 Deidre dies
Inb4 Araya dies.
Space (GM): inb4 tsubasa dies
MrEForEccentric: ohno
Space (GM): inb4 roa dies
MrEForEccentric: Is that even possible
Space (GM): yes
under very specific conditions
MrEForEccentric: I just realized
Most of these tokens
look far too happy for it to be a funeral
Kuwabara is PUMPED over this death
Space (GM): ditto satsuki
MrEForEccentric: And look at rich kid
Space (GM): leo is quietly please
MrEForEccentric: bastard is smirking like
"Yeah I did this."
Space (GM): it was me
MrEForEccentric: It was me oid
Space (GM): it was me iod
Tsubasa Juufuku: It was me, Tsubaka
Neco-Arc Bubbles: It was me, Bubbles!
Jack: It was me, Ajax
Space (GM): it makes me happy that there s a pro wrestling arc
MrEForEccentric: Good
Tsubasa still 2stronk
Space (GM): will she join
MrEForEccentric: No, she ll be rigging the fights
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara, I need you to go down in the 4th.
Oh wait that s boxing
Space (GM): introducing, the new friend
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hi new friend. I need you to box the mayor.

Go down in the 4th round, okay.

I got bets riding on this
Space (GM): round 1
Tsubasa Juufuku watches
Tsubasa Juufuku: An make it a good one!
Ciel TKOs the Mayor in the first round
Tsubasa Juufuku: Fuck.
You Ruined it
Azureberry J.: Ciel Sempai.
Space (GM): The New Friend
alright i m grabbing seer who s still here
Mac D.: heer
MrEForEccentric: Hear
Azureberry J.: I am.
Ohp not for long.
Space (GM): n-no...
well seer has fallen quiet any way
Azureberry J.: I ll be here for maybe another 20min.
Space (GM): seer s gone... jam s gone...
Mac D.: now what...
MrEForEccentric: Who knows...
Space (GM): let s rabbit...
Mac D.: or you could make that account now....
Space (GM): yes... gimme the link on skype
this is a nice piano version of tamo daleko
could you get it on sound cloud for me
eldritch s.: i could
Space (GM): thank you
eldritch s.: wow this church is packed
Space (GM): they all came for the funeral
eldritch s.: why is the ghost there
Space (GM): she does what she wants
eldritch s.: who is the fuckass with the blue hair and glasses
Ciel: ciel-sempai
Space (GM): another student at school
eldritch s.: kill
what s with the death girl
what is with her
blocky skin
Yuuka: because the faceclaim duff got is from a manga
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): this is good
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): you know this funeral is really just a
good guy meeting
eldritch s.: what do you mean
Space (GM): well we have 4/5 of the player characters there
4/4 of the old player characters
3 allies of the player characters
and the remaining are just good peopl who would probably help if asked
jam said he d be back around now so i m just counting the minutets
eldritch s.: minuets
Space (GM): big hero square
charlemagne looks really old without his beard

eldritch s.: mean

Space (GM): i calls it like i sees it
Rin Tohsaka: old man
get back here
eldritch s.: he s left
Caren Hortensia: god damn it old man
bad touch
seer how come you play two old men
eldritch s.: just how the cookie crumbelled
had i known the cast would have been all highschool students i would have played
a highschooler
Caren Hortensia: it s good that gein is old
he can enter bars
Mac D.: why are we here
is the squad back in black
MrEForEccentric: Shoo-papa-do-wap
Space (GM): jam is fated to be back here soon-ish
MrEForEccentric: Good
Kuwabara s peen grows at the funeral for his rival
What is the update
Mac D.: space this is the wrong intro....
eldritch s.: so
how can
the vampire
be at the church
during the daytime
*two vampirs
Space (GM): its an evening service
MrEForEccentric: Make that 4
Truth revealed
eldritch s.: hey
Space (GM): let s rock
eldritch s.: it s hitler
MrEForEccentric: Needs more flaming offices and sehcs
Space (GM): does gein have old man snacks
eldritch s.: what is that supposed to mean
Space (GM): does he carry these around in his pockets
eldritch s.: yes
MrEForEccentric: Everybody hurts
Space (GM): he defeats roa with hard candies
Mac D.: rin cries upward
MrEForEccentric: Yes
And Tesla s tears coil
eldritch s.:
Mac D.: yuuka fires her ballistic tears at hitler
MrEForEccentric: Ballistic tears
Even hitler is sad
Space (GM): where is a jam
MrEForEccentric: Who nose
Mac D.: you SAID.....
Space (GM): its what he said not me...
Mac D.: YOU SAID............
MrEForEccentric: Pester im somehow
Space (GM): well hes not on
Mac D.: your a lier....

MrEForEccentric: Eyeless Hitler

eldritch s.: finally
i make a decision that i do not want to do ooc
but would do ic
MrEForEccentric: Oh?
Space (GM): tell me
eldritch s.: i didn t want shirley to get von the drink
MrEForEccentric: Poison the drink with laxatives
Space (GM): i wonder if rider could work as SHIRLEYS servanto
eldritch s.: if there is another servant the thread would have a stroke
Space (GM): i care not
a deep, all-pervading sense of ennui
Mac D.: harrumph......
eldritch s.: space
did we decide what we were going to do next in epigram
Space (GM): no
would wilbert tell anyone in his friend circle
eldritch s.: hm
Space (GM): would he organize a group chat
eldritch s.: he would do it if he knew casey had a tulpa
Space (GM): who would he tell first whos his closest friend
eldritch s.: casey
so is the archon aesthetic just metatron from smt
Space (GM): that sort of metalic look
is just like their one texture
sorta like liquid metal terminator angels
eldritch s.:
=biblical+angels+accurate&imgrc=_ why not biblical angels
Space (GM): that but made of liquid metal
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): demiurge
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): oh jam is online it seems
MrEForEccentric: get him in
eldritch s.: shirley: now turned off from do-gooding
Space (GM): why
eldritch s.: because she did it just no with von and she disliked the experience
MrEForEccentric: Hoorah
The gang s all here?
Space (GM): hold on first question
is it spelt berenstein bears or berenstain bears
eldritch s.: idk
Azureberry J.: Berestain
eldritch s.: Yaldabaoth literally means "Child, come hither" in a certain Semiti
c language. Gnostic myth recounts that Sophia (literally "wisdom", the Demiurge
s mother and aspect of the Father) desired to create something apart from the Fa
ther to which he did not consent. In this act of separation, she gave birth to t
he Demiurge and being ashamed of her deed, she wrapped him in a cloud and create
d a throne for him within it.
Space (GM): i have always remembered it as being the former
Azureberry J.: H--how the fuck?
Mac D.: this is what happens when you make people wait, JAM
Azureberry J.: The Berestain bears destroy the universe.

eldritch s.: The Demiurge did not see her, nor anyone else, and thus concluded t
hat only he himself existed, he did not know the source of his power and did not
know that there was someone above him. The myth is full of intricate nuances po
rtraying the first separation which later turned into the entrapment of the divi
ne spark, Sophia, within the human form. This spark is latent until awakened by
a call and the knowledge of one as this divine spark is the beginning of restora
tion of Sophia as well as gnosis.
that s a fucking stupid way of spelling it
it s not said
bern-STAY-n bears
it s said
Space (GM): they said berenstein in the old cartoon
Azureberry J.: I didn t even know there was an e after the r.
Space (GM): well
lettuceb get this show on the road
The party is at Yusuke Urameshi s funeral.
It s fairly packed - on one side, his friends from school
on the other side, some random chumps who came here for some reason
The chaplain has been going on for some time now, with what is ultimately a rath
er depressing speech
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up straight, putting on an attempt at a calm face. Though t
he fact that he s half-buried in used tissues suggests otherwise.
Tsubasa Juufuku is also sat straight, she holds the now empty tissue box
Tsubasa Juufuku looks somber as well
Asumu Mizono Mizono is trying her hardest not to make a scene. She s taken her h
at off for once.
Space (GM): oh seer vanished
he s been having internet troubles today
Caren Hortensia: ...How my heart yearns within me. Amen.
Caren Hortensia shuts her bible
Tsubasa Juufuku nods, thinking "amen" as well
Caren Hortensia is looking directly at the party
Caren Hortensia: Do the friends or family of the deceased have anything to say?
Azureberry J. whispers
Asumu Mizono did that
Asumu Mizono: Kuwabara say something.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Kazuma Kuwabara just sobs
Tsubasa Juufuku nudges him a little
Caren Hortensia: ...
Azureberry J.: Let him be Tsubasa...
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Asumu Mizono: I ll go then...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll go after you...
Space (GM): googly eye

Azureberry J.: Also what might be the ETA on Seer? We should maybe slow it down
incase he shows up.
Space (GM): until his internet starts working
i agree
MrEForEccentric: Internet is not being kind to anyone it seems
Azureberry J.: It appears I still have some interweb issues.
Space (GM): destroy the internet
Azureberry J.: Also I m gonna wait a little while if that s okay with you guys.
Space (GM): no worries
Azureberry J.: K, w-where did Tsubasa go?
MrEForEccentric: She went to space
Azureberry J.: Oh god its starting.
Space (GM): oh hes on line
Azureberry J.: Ye.
Space (GM): did olive go to bed
Azureberry J.: I hope not.
eldritch s.: limey bastard
Space (GM): if he did w/o saying anything then i probably just am gonna go on
oh he back online
Azureberry J.: Okei.
Space (GM): what would your character think of sakura s fanfiction
MrEForEccentric: Sorry, my internet died a little there
Space (GM): damn you
alright is duff here
MrEForEccentric: It is pretty late here though.
Azureberry J.: Mizono would be flustered. And then read it in secret.
Space (GM): al right let s get going
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa would probably like- just create a fake account to endo
rse it
eldritch s.: gein woukd see it as amatuerish shit
Asumu Mizono gets up to saying something.
Mac D.: ye
Tsubasa Juufuku waits patiently
eldritch s.: waits warmly
Space (GM): i have dinner, continue without me
Asumu Mizono takes a deep breath.
eldritch s.: charlemagne has his beard back
Asumu Mizono: A lot of people...saw Urameshi as kind of a punk. I could see wher
e they would get that image...he spent a lot of time on the streets.
But truth be told he was a lot more than that. Anyone who spent even a little bi
t of time with him, knew that underneath he was a great guy. He would have achie
ved a lot if...if this didn t happen.
But he s at rest now. Its earlier than it should have been but he s at rest. May
he make the most of the next life.
Asumu Mizono she sits down.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku gets up
Gein Mender:
eldritch s.: shit
Tsubasa Juufuku: I d- like to open up with a few words I know... Francis Bacon o
nce said- that Death is a friend of ours and he that is not ready to entertain h
im is not at home. Today I feel- that this is more true than ever. Urameshi wasa good guy. He was always- laid back, it was hard to really annoy him. Sure he
might have picked fights here and there- but- he was good. A heart of gold. Even

so... I don t think even death expected Urameshi so soon. Taken before his time
- he was unprepared... not at home. He wasn t ready to meet death, he could neve
r have been at his age... with his heart.
I think most of us agree with what has already been said. Furthermore I find it
hard to not mourn... but- somehow I don t think he wants us to be let down like
this. That we should pick ourselves up- and move on. To remember the good times
we had with our friend- Urameshi, rather than the tragedy that took him away fro
m us.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m- not good at this sort of thing but... that s- all I had to
Tsubasa Juufuku sits back down
Gein Mender stands up
Gein Mender: ... I suppose I could have come better prepared. I was considering
reading some poem, but I don t think that is appropriate to the occasion.
A beloved friend, student, and son has been taken from us today.
Death is a natural part of life, but no one should die so young, like Urameshi d
And this injustice, this will not be suffered in silence.
The bastard who did this is going to pay, mark my words.
Gein Mender returns to his seat
Tsubasa Juufuku frowns a little
Space (GM): why are there shadow the hedgehog lyrics
MrEForEccentric: Why does Jack have ahat
Gein Mender: it s his fedora
Caren Hortensia: ...Is that everyone?
eldritch s.: what about his parents
Kazuma Kuwabara is just openly weeping at this point
Space (GM): he only has a mother
eldritch s.: she didn t come up
MrEForEccentric: Where IS his mother
eldritch s.: she hates her fucking child
Space (GM): she s indisposed at the moment
eldritch s.: look at saber
Asumu Mizono puts an arm on Kuwabara
Gein Mender opens up his hymn book
Tsubasa Juufuku stays silent
Asumu Mizono she don t look much better though.
Caren Hortensia: ...The viewing will go on until 10:00. Pay your last respects.
Caren Hortensia exits
Tsubasa Juufuku just looks down, tensing up a fist, knowing that she s going to
go through this twice in such a short amount of time
Gein Mender:
Satsuki Yumizuka: ....
Satsuki Yumizuka goes up to the coffin, with a slight limp
Satsuki Yumizuka rests her hand on the casket

Satsuki Yumizuka: ....

Satsuki Yumizuka it balls up into a fist
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka goes back to her seat
Gein Mender: ...
Sorry, kid.
Asumu Mizono: Kuwabara...
Tsubasa Juufuku stays seated for now
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I can t-....!
Ciel: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara stays put, having a big cry
Ciel looks at Kuwabara
Ciel: ...
Ciel murmurs something
eldritch s.: this would have had more of an impact
if we had anything to do
with urameshi
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: before this point
Space (GM): like shinji
eldritch s.: literally he appeared like
Space (GM): shinji had a more sad funeral
eldritch s.: three times
and then died
Asumu Mizono gives KK a hug
eldritch s.: had a funeral
that was more depressing
Azureberry J.: Shinji.
eldritch s.: SHINJI
nuclear played
it was great
Kotomine: I KNOW
Azureberry J.: I didn t think Shinji would get a funeral
Tsubasa Juufuku gets up
eldritch s.:
g/revision/latest?cb=20120731221655 THIS GUY
eldritch s.:
Tsubasa Juufuku puts a hand on the casket, whispering to herself
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll find out who did this... for you and everyone else they ve
Tsubasa Juufuku heads back to her seat
eldritch s.: there s his ghoat

kotomine rip
After some time, the funeral concludes. Dejected, the party heads to Lumpy s to
plan their next move.
eldritch s.: the old pervo rapists
Tsubasa Juufuku just looks down still
eldritch s.: paul just wasn t invited
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka sips her shake
Mac D.: paul went back to check on sakura
Charles: ... All we know then is that he is a student, at the same school.
Gein Mender: ...
Asumu Mizono has no idea where to even start
Kazuma Kuwabara is just face-down on the table
Rin Tohsaka: It s not a whole lot to go off of. Besides... I don t really think
they d let any of you back there after... you know.
Charles: They know it was a bunch of nonsense...
Chef approaches the intrepid hero s table
Charles: But however....
Tsubasa Juufuku is a little bit distracted over the whole prospect of having to
go through that again
Chef: Hey, you folks, ah...
Chef peers down at Kuwabara
Charles: Having insiders, this would be... advantageous.
Asumu Mizono looks at Chef
Jack: Indeed.
Rin Tohsaka: Insiders... Sakura can t go to school without raising suspicion, an
d she wouldn t want to do it anyways.
Gein Mender: I ll have a bacon burger.
Jack: Perhaps we could ask some of the students from the funeral? I m sure they
would want to help in any way they can.
Chef: Bacon burger.... alright. What about you guys?
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Asumu Mizono: Same thing.
Rin Tohsaka: Who should we ask?
Charles: ...
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Charles turns his head in his seat
Kazuma Kuwabara doesn t respond
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I ll have the- cheese grill sandwich with bacon...
Chef: ...Right...
Jack also looks, and looks back at Rin and Charles
Chef knows better than to pry
Charles: They were at the funeral...
Chef heads to the kitchen

Jack nods
Rin Tohsaka: Which one of us asks?
Charles: ... Who is the most personable.
Gein Mender: ...
Jack: You re more familiar with the times, Rin.
Rin Tohsaka: Right. Let me just...
Gein Mender: I would always eat bacon burgers after funerals.
Kazuma Kuwabara: [head-on-table noises]
Gein Mender: It s comfort food.
Rin Tohsaka goes over to their table, putting on a kind smile
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Mmm...
Rin Tohsaka: Excuse me...
Tsubasa Juufuku notices Rin
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- hey...
Asumu Mizono: ......?
Rin Tohsaka: I m sorry, but I couldn t help but notice... you were all at the fu
neral, right?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Yeah.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........................
Rin Tohsaka: Do you mind if I sit here?
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at the others
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sure...?
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender drums his fingers on the table
Asumu Mizono: I don t mind...
Rin Tohsaka pulls up a stool
Rin Tohsaka: My name s Rin Tohsaka. You were all friends of Yusuke, right? I m v
ery sorry for your loss.
Gein Mender goes pale
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gein Mender would normally be losing his shit right now
Gein Mender: ... Yes.
What is this about?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...................
Asumu Mizono looks at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara rolls his head to one side to look at Rin
Rin Tohsaka: There s something I have to ...
...Are you alright?
...No, probably not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....M fine, whaddaya want......................................
Rin Tohsaka: ...
I know who killed Yusuke Urameshi.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!!!!!!!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: What- you do?
Asumu Mizono:

Kazuma Kuwabara suddenly sits right the fuck up

Kazuma Kuwabara: WHAT!?
Gein Mender turns to her
Gein Mender: Who?
I ll wring their fucking NECK.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll do worse!
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Wait- if you know who it is... why haven t they been stoppe
Rin Tohsaka: It s a long story. I ll explain why this is a ... really tricky sit
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just gimmie a name! I ll find the bastard!
eldritch s.: it d d
*it s d
Rin Tohsaka: The name Michael Roa Valdamjong doesn t mean anything to you guys
, does it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .............................
Space (GM): there s d gone
there s the bastard gone
Gein Mender thinks about it
Space (GM): everyone roll mind
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 17
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 3
Space (GM): even kuwabara did better than tsubasa what the fuck
Asumu Mizono: rolling 3d20

= 34
Space (GM): wait no
he didn t
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uhhhh......
MrEForEccentric: Because my mind hasn t increased yet
Kuwabara is pretty sure that he s an old heel from the WWE
Tsubasa has no fuckin clue
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ve got no idea...
Asumu vaguely recalls hearing the name somewhere, but doesn t remember where
Mac D.: if he s old he d be from the WWF
Gein knows him from his favorite book
Mac D.: get it RIGHT
Space (GM): that s the world wildlife fund you fool
Asumu Mizono: I ve heard the name...
Gein Mender: ... No.
That s impossible.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Is he a wrestler?
MrEForEccentric: Pandas will fookin wreck ur shit
Gein Mender: No...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Asumu Mizono: Teacher?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: How is it- impossible?
Gein Mender: I thought that was just a fictionalization of the real murders....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?? What re you talkin abot?
Rin Tohsaka: ...? Where... I don t mean to be rude, but where did you get that i
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Gein Mender: ... I read the book. I assumed that it wasn t entirely true.
Rin Tohsaka: Well...
Rin Tohsaka brushes her hair back
Gein Mender: ...
Jesus Christ.
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s bad isn t it?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Wait, you know this guy, Pops?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Disguised?
Rin Tohsaka: Simply put, he s a vampiric serial killer who can reincarnate.
Asumu Mizono: What book is this?
Gein Mender: The English book you were assigned.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... That s- reassuring.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Wait, what?
Gein Mender: He steals the bodies of the young...
And hijacks them for himself.
Asumu Mizono: Wait with...
Gein Mender: Last time he was Shiki Tohno.
roll to detect suspicious energies
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Asumu Mizono looks at Rin
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 36
Gein Mender: Ms. Toshaka and some others helped put him down.
???: Ku...a..ra!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!?
Kazuma Kuwabara suddenly siezes up, looking spooked
Rin Tohsaka: Well, I didn t really...--?
Asumu Mizono has gone a little red
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: So... I m guessing... its - a fellow student.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What s-?....
Kazuma Kuwabara slowl looks in the direction the Tickle is strongest
Rin Tohsaka: ...?
Asumu Mizono looks at Kuwabara.
Space (GM): here
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...?
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka clears her throat
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, as far as we can tell... there were bloody footprints at the
crime scene, and they were the exact same boot type as the school uniform.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Who s there??.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Anyway... so- you want us to help look for Roa, because either
you re Roa and you love to taunt, or you want to take him down?
Gein Mender: ...
???: .uw..a..ra!
Gein Mender: The text.
Rin Tohsaka blinks
Gein Mender: I went to the crime scene, and it said Charlemagne on the wall,
Asumu Mizono: A school uniform...
Kazuma Kuwabara starts backing out of his seat
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who the hell s Uwara!? Show yourself!
Asumu Mizono: Kuwabara...
Rin Tohsaka: ...Uwara...? What are you seeing?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...I-I ain t afraid o you!
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at Kuawabara
Tsubasa Juufuku: What- is up...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got any idea who yer hauntin ? I m K-Kuwabara the great!
Yusuke Urameshi: Kuwabara!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!!!!!!!!!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara falls right out of his seat and onto the floor
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!??
the voice fades
Asumu Mizono: ...!
Rin Tohsaka: ...?

Kuwabara was the only one who heard such shenanigans i should note
Asumu Mizono: Are you okay Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Agh......
Gein Mender: ..
Rin Tohsaka: Does he... do this often?
Gein Mender: No.
Asumu Mizono: Sometimes...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Not really...
Gein Mender: ... Except for one time we went to a haunted house, but that was it
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well-- where was I?
Gein Mender: Him being a student.
Kazuma Kuwabara remains on the floor, a mixture of shock and befuddlement on his
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Was that......
Rin Tohsaka: Oh... yes, he s definitely a student. But my investigative team...
Rin Tohsaka gestures to Jack and Charles
Charles waves
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Can t go inside the school.
Jack nods
Rin Tohsaka: No, they re banned these days.
Asumu Mizono: So you want us to go in...
Gein Mender: ... Gaijin pedophiles.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Rin Tohsaka: Just keep an eye out for anyone suspicious.
If you find them, then tell me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh, I will.
Its not just Urameshi.
Rin Tohsaka: What s not?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Roa got my mother too, I think.
Same night.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
I m so sorry.
Asumu Mizono: ...
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I saw it in my prediction.
I m- Tsubasa Juufuku, Rin.
Gein Mender: ... Is there anything else we need to know about Roa?
Rin Tohsaka: It s good to meet you.
Gein Mender: I m Gein Mender.
Asumu Mizono: My name s Aumu Mizono.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...K-....Kuwabara....
Rin Tohsaka: It s a pleasure to meet you all... anyways, about Roa.
Kazuma Kuwabara says as he picks himself up off the floor
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Kazuma Kuwabara shakes his head a little and looks back up at Rin
Rin Tohsaka: In his last incarnation, he has an ability called the Mystic Eyes
of Death Perception. It let him cut... well, in short, it let him kill anything
he could cut with a knife.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah....What s this about a body-snatchin vampire?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Powerful.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I thought vampires were a myth!

Asumu Mizono: There is no way its a vampire.

Gein Mender: No, they re not.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I wouldn t be so sure, personally...
Rin Tohsaka: Well, he s originally a vampire.
This body might not -- that is to say, this body isn t a vampire.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And what the hell s a Mystic Ice of Death?
Izzat like, some new super metal?
Asumu Mizono: Its gotta just be a bunch of copy cats.
Gein Mender: Magic exists.
Why are vampires such a stretch.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m with Gein.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein like he s nuts
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Say what about magic?
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well, if any of you see anything suspicious, come find me, alrig
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gein Mender pinches the bridge of his nose
Asumu Mizono: ...
Gein Mender: Have you ever payed attention in history, Kuwabara?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh-....Well, yeah! Absolutely!
Rin Tohsaka reaches across to quickly steal a french fry, before heading back to
her table
Rin Tohsaka: I think that went well.
Tsubasa Juufuku doesn t want to be a dick and say "Or the fact that I predicted
Urameshi s death."
Gein Mender: If you did, the fact that magic is real would not surprise you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
....Ohhhh! I see what you re doin !
Charles: So?
Rin Tohsaka: They re going to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yer tryin to throw me off to prove that I didn t pay attention
in history!
Nice try, Gramps!
Gein Mender: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku facepalms
Asumu Mizono: Hehe...
Gein Mender: I m going to say this once.
I m not playing with you, magic is real.
Space (GM): i love this party s interactions tbh
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t pay attention that much and even I knew about magic...
but then I guess, I do come from a Magus family so...
Gein Mender pulls a squirrel skull out of his pocket
Gein Mender: Watch this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, c mon, it was a pretty good prank the first time, but......?
Gein Mender shoves a french fry into his RM

Gein Mender hands him the skull

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: Where did it go, Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around the table for the fry
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I have also predicted the future before...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh-...Wha-!?....Where d it-!?
Gein Mender: It s magic.
Azureberry J.: I will be disappoint if the french fry doesn t do something later
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, come off it! This looks like sleight o hand to me!
Space (GM): roa is murdered by a french fry
Gein Mender: Hand it over.
Kazuma Kuwabara hands him back the skull with a harumph
Gein Mender summons the fry from it
Gein Mender holds it like its gross
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!?
Gein Mender: See that?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....C mon, tell me how you did that!
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s pretty much magic
Gein Mender: I placed it into a little dimension.
And then a took it out.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Are you makin funna me or somethin ? I ve seen magic shows
before, y know, I know the stuff s rigged!
Asumu Mizono: You guy are trying to penetrate a fortress.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gein Mender stands up
Gein Mender puts the skull on the table
Gein Mender puts the fry in its eye
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well... it ll probably take an active display of magecraft to c
onvince him otherwise...
Gein Mender sits back down
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender the fry is sucked into the eye socket
Gein Mender and into the reality marble
Gein Mender: Go and check the skull.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Kazuma Kuwabara walks over and inspects the skull
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara puts the skull back down
Gein Mender: And for my next trick.
Space (GM): FOX

Gein Mender sucks the stool into the RM

Space (GM): ok fox i ll recap you
they were at the funeral
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......!?!??
Space (GM): then they
went here
Kazuma Kuwabara hops back from the suddenly vanished stool
Space (GM): and rin asked them to keep an eye out at the school for roa
Gein Mender: How d I rig that one up?
Space (GM): now gein is showing off his reality marble
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, you-.....There s gotta be-..!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around the diner
Fawkes M. (GM): Ah, gotcher
Tsubasa Juufuku: You see any mirrors?
Gein Mender: I d suck you in, but....
There s some stuff in there...
Gein Mender tugs in his collar
Gein Mender: I d rather you don t see.
Gein Mender dispenses the stool back
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well, Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........This is-....This has GOTTA be a really elaborate prank
or somethin !
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t never seen magic stuff like that my whole life! You exp
ect me to believe it s been around the whole time??
Gein Mender: One moment.
Excuse me, Ms. Toshaka.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...?
Rin Tohsaka: Yeff?
Rin Tohsaka swallows
Rin Tohsaka: Yes?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at him
Gein Mender: We re having a lot of trouble convincing our friend here that magic
Asumu Mizono sighs
Gein Mender: Could you help us prove it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What re you askin some stranger for? Is she in on this too??
Rin Tohsaka: Not without causing some property damage.
Gein Mender: Heh.
Sorry for bothering you.
Jack: Why don t I just summon my spear?
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, do that. Your armor as well.
Asumu Mizono: You don t even know who that is do you Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh? No.
Jack nods
Jack and gets up
Kazuma Kuwabara: You know her?
Asumu Mizono sighs again.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Asumu Mizono: Everyone knows her.

Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Jack

Jack walks over
Gein Mender tries to identify Jack as one of the characters from book
Gein Mender: ... Spear....
Jack he holds his hands up
Jack: Look at my hands
Nothing in them, yes?
Gein Mender: could i get an increased roll because he loves ths fuckign book
Space (GM): yse
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh....Yeah, I guess.....
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20kh1} + 0 for increased mind
= 9
Kazuma Kuwabara: But what about yer sleeves??
Gein Mender: look at this
Space (GM): roll again that was a shit roll
Jack opens his sleeves
Gein Mender: just magic
rolling {3d20kh1} + 0 for increased mind
= 19
Jack nothing there
Space (GM): THERE we go
It s Lancer, Ajax the Greater!
Gein Mender: Ajax the Greater!
Satsuki Yumizuka enters the restaurant, out of her work uniform
Jack looks at Gein
Jack: I can introduce myself, I was building up to that...
Rin Tohsaka smiles
Space (GM): ajax is mean to old people
Gein Mender: Sorry, I was just thinking out loud.
Jack: Regardless.
Jack looks back at Kuwabara
Gein Mender: lancer the prick
Azureberry J.: Ey space!
I have request.
Space (GM): gimme
Gein Mender: summon the spear already, asshole

Azureberry J.: Put this some where.

Jack brings his fists together, thumbs touching, and brings them apart, summonin
g a Dory as he becomes sheathed in light
Jack when the light fades, he is in his armour
Jack holding his spear and shield
Space (GM): holy shit i just immediately love this song
Gein Mender: i will put it on soundcloud
Space (GM): you re a trooper seer
Gein Mender is very excited
Satsuki Yumizuka is watching this display of Jack s, not wishing to interrupt it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Azureberry J.: Ye.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!?!?!!?!?
Jack: Can your science explain that?
Gein Mender: So this is it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well.....
Gein Mender: Is this the Rho Aias?
Jack nods to Gein
Jack: The same.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....You were covered in light! I couldn t seen you for a little
Jack to Kuwabara
Rin Tohsaka: Hey, old man!
Gein Mender: This shieldAsumu Mizono: He d have to know science first.
Gein Mender turns to Rin
Jack: Do you imagine I had time to change in that moment?
Kazuma Kuwabara: And-...Hey! I know stuff!
Rin Tohsaka is holding a gem in her hand, with a devious expression
Kazuma Kuwabara back to jack
Rin Tohsaka: Outta the way! Lancer, think fast!
Jack looks at Rin
Jack: Hmm?
Gein Mender jumps out of the wa
Asumu Mizono: ...?
Rin Tohsaka: Ansuz!
Kazuma Kuwabara: There s lots of ways to change super quick! And what s a Ro Aya
ss, anywRin Tohsaka hurls a red, glowing gem at Lancer
Jack he places his shield in front of the group
Jack: Rho Ais!
Asumu Mizono: Wha--!?
Jack: - is my shield.
The gem explodes against the shield in a flash, dissipating harmlessly

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!?

Kazuma Kuwabara flinches
Charles stands up
Rin Tohsaka grins broadly
Jack: Is that the end of your display?
Charles: Rather fun, isn t it?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Rin, miffed
Rin Tohsaka: Do you have anything to show off, Charles?
Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at Azumu
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the hell was that for, lady!?
Gein Mender is just amazed
Charles: Certainly I do.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh, hey.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Throwing flash bombs around, what;s wrong with you!?
Asumu Mizono: Hello.
Charles draws a gilded sword
Jack: My shield against your sword.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Kuwabara s doubting magic again?
Charles shrinks the blade down to the size of a toothpick
Satsuki Yumizuka sounds just a bit less chipper than usual
Charles: Behold, Joyeuse, the blade of thirty colors.
Asumu Mizono: Yes. He is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!?!?
Charles s blade flashes brightly in a rainbow of colors
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yep.
Asumu Mizono: Um....guys.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Charles stabs it into Rho Ais
Asumu Mizono: I-isn t this...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-....Enough with the bright lights!!
Charles: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Brawn
= 6
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...? What is it, Azumu?
Charles: fucking old men
The sword clashes with the shield, letting off a brilliant burst of rainbow-colo
red energy!!
Yet-- Ajax s shield doesn t even move an inch!
Kazuma Kuwabara covers his eyes
Asumu Mizono points to the fucking magic battle going on.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaagh!

Jack smirks
Charles: Uff!
Rin Tohsaka has her arms folded, smiling broadly
Charles: Haha!
Still as steadfast as ever.
Jack: Of course. It is what I am known for.
Paul: ....Um....
Charles: Oh, Paul, do come!
Asumu Mizono: I think we should evacuate....
Paul is standing at the doorway, having watched the fuckery occur
Charles: We are putting on a lovely peformance!
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Not this crap again.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Um, guys...?
Sakura Tohsaka immediately turns and leaves
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Paul: ....Hey, wait-...
Charles: No, wait, Sakura!
Paul: .....
Paul sighs
Charles rushes out after her
Jack dissipates his shield
Satsuki Yumizuka: Guys!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Sakura Tohsaka: --Saber?
Kazuma Kuwabara lifts one hand off his eye and looks at Satsuki
Sakura Tohsaka stops, turning back
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah?
Jack and gets back into normal attire
Paul: ...Oh!
Charles: Come now, do not be so sour.
Asumu Mizono sighs heavily
Asumu Mizono: Holy shit....
Paul sees Sakura didn t run off and walks over to her
Gein Mender is delighted
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Never mind. I thought that this was gonna escalate into som
ething, and since I work here...
Sakura Tohsaka: I didn t know you guys would be, like, having a super big fight
or something dumb.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hey, I got nothin to do with this dumb light show!
Charles: No, no, we were putting on a show for these people.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Oh... you were?
Jack: Mmm.
WellCharles: Yes.
Sakura Tohsaka: Oh.
Jack: Regardless.

Paul: .....So....What d we miss?

Asumu Mizono: I m sorry Satsuki.
Jack: I am Ajax The Greater.
Sakura Tohsaka heads back in
Jack: Son of Telamon.
Charles: Ah, I am Carolus Magnus, at your service.
Asumu Mizono: And if you had paid attention in class Kuwabara this wouldn t have
Sakura Tohsaka: ...A-and I m Sakura!
Paul: What s this gotta do with history class!?
Sakura Tohsaka: Sakura Tohsaka.
Gein Mender continues to lose it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Said me!
Sakura Tohsaka: Maybe you heard of me.
Satsuki Yumizuka: It s fine, Azumu...
Mac D.: sakura doesn t go to class right
Charles: Sakura here is one of the fines young ladies I have ever had the pleasu
re of meeting.
Space (GM): nnope
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Sakura Tohsaka: ...!
Charles pats her on the back
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Paul: Hah! Sure is.
Sakura Tohsaka brushes her hair back, blushing
Asumu Mizono: Ugh...
Gein Mender falls into his seat
Asumu Mizono: So anyway, you wanna sit with us?
Asumu Mizono talking to Satsuki
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
C-can I sit with you guys??
Jack decides to head over to his seat
Kazuma Kuwabara sits back down, rubbing his eyes
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Eh?
Gein Mender stands up
Gein Mender making room at that booth
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I ll go sit over there. This booth is a little cramped...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Are, are you sure, Satsuki?
Charles scratches his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah. Just a little.
Charles: Well, it s gotten quite busy in here, hasn t it?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Actually, sure. Yeah.
Charles: I wonder where the waiter is?
Satsuki Yumizuka SCOOOOOTS in there
Sakura Tohsaka smiles

Sakura Tohsaka goes to sit down next to her

Space (GM): satsuki is crushed
Tsubasa Juufuku up against the wall
meanwhile, in the kitchen...
Gein Mender whistles for George to come in
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oof... I m usually the waiter here, but today s my day off.
Chef: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamy eyebrows are on fire
Charles: Oh, I see.
George: Arf!
George runs into the door
Asumu Mizono: ....
Paul smiles at Sakura fulfilling her quota of being social once every seven mont
hs and goes to sit at Rin s table
Satsuki Yumizuka yells into the kitchen
Asumu Mizono: Did you hear that?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Robin!
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...?
Gein Mender pats his knee
Satsuki Yumizuka: Just - there s a fire extinguisher in the eighth drawer to the
Rin Tohsaka: Evening, Paul.
Chef: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagot it
Paul: I said I d be back, didn t I?
Tsubasa Juufuku: You keep a fire extinguisher in a drawer?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Okay, good!
Sakura Tohsaka sits in awkward silence
Satsuki Yumizuka: Well - cabinet. You know what I mean...
Asumu Mizono: Is he gonna be okay?
George finally happens in, tail wagging
Kazuma Kuwabara is resting his head on the table, rubbing his temples
George: Arf!
George sniffs at Charlemagne
Satsuki Yumizuka: Yeah, he ll be fine. Happens all the time...
Satsuki Yumizuka sheepish smile
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh. Cabinet- that makes sense.
Asumu Mizono: Poor eyebrows...
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah. How was Sakura doing?
Tsubasa Juufuku: He probably saves time on trimming them.
Sakura Tohsaka: .........
Sakura Tohsaka reaches out to take a french fry
Sakura Tohsaka looks at it
Satsuki Yumizuka: Eh, he doesn t look too bad without them...
Sakura Tohsaka: .....
Sakura Tohsaka sets it down

Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at Sak

Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
Charles pets GHeorge, having never seen the Mutants
Charles: Rather curious hound, aren t you?
George: Arf!!
Asumu Mizono obviously wants to scold Sak about school. But is holding off.
Paul: Oh, she was doing fine! Doing her usual thing on the computer
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ah well.
Gein Mender gein sits at his own seat
Rin Tohsaka: Oh.
George: ...?
George wanders over to Gein
Tsubasa Juufuku: Uhm. So- I kind of... need to get going.
Gein Mender pets George
Gein Mender: Hey buddy!
George: Arf!!
George rolls over
Paul: She seemed lonely, being cooped up in the mansion by herself, so I invited
her to come along
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Where you goin ?
Gein Mender pets his stomach
Tsubasa Juufuku: I need to prepare for- well... y know.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Asumu Mizono: Oh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Oh....
Satsuki Yumizuka looks down
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Prepare for what?
Tsubasa Juufuku nods sadly
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Her mom, uh....
Rin Tohsaka: Well... maybe that s good for her.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- so... uhm. Could you two- let me out?
Rin Tohsaka looking over at their table
Sakura Tohsaka: ....?
Charles: She just needs nurturing.
Mac D.: sak and satsuki about to kiss
Fawkes M. (GM): GAH impromptu errand
Bee arr bee
Space (GM): be strong
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thank you.
Paul: Oh, no doubt! It s great seeing her get along with people!
Tsubasa Juufuku nods politely
Gein Mender pulls out his notes on the GMTSOLA
a woman bumps into Tsubasa as she leaves
Gein Mender begins furiously scribbling in it
Sibyl: Oh, excuse me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- it- it s fine.

Tsubasa Juufuku somber

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Tsubasa Juufuku leaves
Charles: Yes.
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah...
Charles: A marked improvement.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...........................
....My name s Sakura.
Sakura Tohsaka sticks out her hand, accidentally knocking over a soda
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Kuwabara s the name.
Sakura Tohsaka: --Oh. Um.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh- geez...
Asumu Mizono: ...I know you Sakura.
Sakura Tohsaka pulls her hand back slightly
Charles seems to be waiting for something
Sakura Tohsaka: Y- you do?
Sakura Tohsaka looks up
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around for napkins
MrEForEccentric: It is 4:14 am so I must sleep
Charles: The modern world makes roast meat in such a fascinating way.
Space (GM): later nerd
Mac D.: rest you fool
MrEForEccentric: Ye
Charles: Putting it between bread, with other garnishes?
What a wonderful idea.
Asumu Mizono: Its part of my job. You need to come to school sometime.
Rin Tohsaka: They didn t have sandwiches in our day?
Paul: You never had a sandwich, Charlie?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I- um.
It s... for my health.
Charles: They didn t during my reign as King of the Franks
I have had three sandwhiches in my life.
Kazuma Kuwabara locates napkins and begins to clean up the spilled soder
Paul: .....Heh!
Asumu Mizono: For your health.
Paul: ...Did they have hot dogs when you were alive?
Charles: No.
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah, I can t... really... it s a bad idea, um...
Charles: The german fixation with sausages came later.
Sakura Tohsaka is looking down
Paul: ...That s weird, since....-snort-...You were king of the franks!
Rin Tohsaka laughs
Charles: Not king of the Frankfurters.
Asumu Mizono: Then, we will have to start visiting you. Right Kuwabara?
Paul: Ahhh, just a joke, just a joke....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh?
Sakura Tohsaka: V-visiting me?
Sakura Tohsaka looks up

Kazuma Kuwabara looks up from cleaning up the napkins

Charles: I ll have you know Francia became both France and Germany!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh...Sure, visit where?
Asumu Mizono: Tohsaka.
Paul: I gotcha, I gotcha!....
Charles: You may as well asked me if I prepared fine cheeses and drank copious a
mounts of wine.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, where s that?
Rin Tohsaka: Well, did you?
Paul: .....
Did you?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...........
Sakura Tohsaka this was a bad idea, she thinks
Charles: ... I partook in my fair share.
Paul: Seeee?
Charles: There was no shame in drinking back then.
Asumu Mizono looks at Sakura.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Sakura
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara rolls to get the hint
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 39
hint is got
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!
Oh-...Er.....I guess, but I still gotta work on....Oh- wait, that reminds me....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over his shoulder behind him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, lady!
Rin Tohsaka: Mm?
Rin Tohsaka sits up
Asumu Mizono: What are you...
Charles: ... the funeral today.
Paul: ....?
Charles: It reminded me of Kotomine.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You said this guys callin
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, that s what we think.

himself Roa s a student here, rig

Kazuma Kuwabara looks forward again

Gein Mender is searching through his notes for shit about Roa
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....That s where I ll start lookin , then...
Asumu Mizono is just like "oh boy".
Roa played a fairly minor role in the overall narrative, it seems

He had his own goal, whatever it was

Sakura Tohsaka: ...So, how are you guys doing?
Gein Mender: ... The church knew about him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
....Not great.
Asumu Mizono: ....
Rin Tohsaka: ...The woman leading the service. Did you get a chance to speak to
her, Charles?
Gein Mender writes a reminder in his notes "TALK TO PRIEST."
Charles: No, I did not.
Paul: She s......
Rin Tohsaka: She s Kotomine s daughter.
Paul: rolling 3d20 -1
= 17
Charles: How mystical, women priestPaul oh nvm
Charles: ...
Paul: ....Wait, he had a daughter?
Charles: I had thought priests were not allowed to have children.
Sakura Tohsaka: Why not?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, Urameshi s dead.
Charles: Have we returned to the same corruption that plagued the Borgias?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Rin Tohsaka: ...Some things are better left buried.
Kazuma Kuwabara saying that seems to give him some kind of odd pause
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Charles: ...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Who s Urameshi?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Charles: I wonder what Kotomine would have been doing, had he lived.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....A real punk, that s who he is.
Charles: ... He would have protected th Grail, I fear.
Rin Tohsaka says nothing
Paul: ......
Rin Tohsaka: ...Look, he was a good man.
Sakura Tohsaka: Oh.
Asumu Mizono: He was a freind.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Sorry.
Charles: He was good to us.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Actually, you know what? Scratch that, I actually feel pret
ty energetic....
Sakura Tohsaka: Oh... you do?
Paul: Yeah....He was....
....What s his daughter like, do you know?
Charles: She seemed rather aloof.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah. Pumped.
Rin Tohsaka: I haven t really spoken to her.
Charles raises his cup of soft-drink

Kazuma Kuwabara: Cause now I got a lead on the dirtbag who iced him.....
Charles: A paltry, late toast, but...
To Kotomine, and all the others.
Space (GM): what is your favorite soda
Rin Tohsaka raises her glass
Charles: root beer
Mac D.: dr pepper
Sakura Tohsaka: .....
Space (GM): duff confirmed for mad scientist
Mac D.: shut your mouth i liked it before he was so cooru
eldritch s.: Bite him peper.
Paul nods and holds up his own glass
Azureberry J.: Sunkist Peach.
Space (GM): i like cream soda
Paul: To everyone!
eldritch s.: root beer for life
Mac D.: actually you know what scratch that jam reminded me
Charles: Yes! Yes.
Mac D.: strawberry sunkist, that s my favorite
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms, his TOUGH GUY DELINQUENT aura blazing again.....
Charles: ...
Paul: .....
Charles: I still think D had noble intentions.
Paul sheepish siiiiiiip
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka a little nervous
Charles: Even if they faded.
No man does all of that for himself.
Asumu Mizono: I thought we d get a break...
Sakura Tohsaka: A... a break?
Rin Tohsaka: ...Roa did.
Asumu Mizono: From that.
Paul: .....
Asumu Mizono gestures to Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hmmmm!.......
Rin Tohsaka: And Zouken Matou... when you think of it, that s just how magi oper
Charles: ... I refuse to believe this.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Is he... always like that?
Charles: I refuse to believe in a world fueled only be self-desire.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Ahhh, I can t stay still like this!

Kuwabara stands up
Kuwabara: I m gonna take a walk...
Tohsaka: Bye...
Kuwabara: Nice to meetcha.............................
Tohsaka: Yeah..

Gein Mender slips into his seat

Kazuma Kuwabara walks out the door, slouched with his hands in his pockets
Gein Mender: Hey there.
Sakura Tohsaka: Hello.
Asumu Mizono: Hi Teacher.
Um...should we go after him?
Gein Mender: How are you doing, Mizono?
Asumu Mizono: Worried.
Gein Mender: No, let him go, he ll be fine.
Asumu Mizono: ....Alright.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Gein Mender: ...
Sakura Tohsaka: My -- my name s Sakura.
Gein Mender: Sakura?
Sakura Tohsaka: I m a friend of Satsuki s.
Gein Mender: Sakura Toshaka?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I-I dunno.
Gein Mender: I m Gein Mender.
Sakura Tohsaka: I, um... my name s, uh... Sakura Matou. Not Tohsaka.
Gein Mender probably remembers her from the kindergarten incident
he absolutely does
Gein Mender: No, no, we ve met before...!
Sakura Tohsaka: I-- I dunno what you mean.
Gein Mender: Ten years ago!
Sakura Tohsaka: Ten years? I was probably, um... six?
Gein Mender: No, no you weren t/
Sakura Tohsaka: ...............................................
Gein Mender: You looked exactly the same.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Gein Mender: We were at a kindergarten!
Sakura Tohsaka: (to Asumu) I think your teacher s kinda senile.
Gein Mender: There were stupid fucking cat vampire things!
Asumu Mizono: Vampire....what?
Gein Mender: The kids all kicked the shit out of me!
Sakura Tohsaka: He s -- he s definitely crazy, so...
Asumu Mizono: (toSak)He gets like this.
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah, I bet... crazy old man.
Gein Mender: No, no I m not senile, God damn it!
Listen, give me a second
Gein Mender searches in his RM for Neco Arc D
Gein Mender: or his remains
Paul: ....?
Paul watches Sakura from where he s sitting
fuckin cat skeleton in a frayed black sweater
Gein Mender he pulls it out
Sakura Tohsaka: [nervous noises]
Asumu Mizono: ....?
Gein Mender: This fucking thing!
Paul: ....wuh oh....
Sakura Tohsaka: Wh-- what s that??
Gein Mender: That was Neco-Arc D!
Sakura Tohsaka: .....
[nervous noises]
Gein Mender: He tied you, and that woman, uh, fuck, what was her name...?
Asumu Mizono: I don t---hm...
Gein Mender tries remembering

Paul gets up from the table

Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Paul walks over
Paul: Hey, Sakura!
Sakura Tohsaka looks up
Sakura Tohsaka: Y-yes?
Gein Mender: hey the roll still passed
give it to me
it Deidre harker
Gein Mender: Deidre Harker!
You, and Deidre Harker!
Chef pokes his head out of the kitchen
Chef: ?
Chef goes back to cooking
Gein Mender: I cut you loose, don t you remember?
Paul: Did you...remember to take care of everything back at the house?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I- I left the oven on!!
Gein Mender: ...
Paul: ..Ohp!
Gein Mender: If you want to go.
Don t let me stop you.
Paul: Yeah, you oughta go take care of that oven!
Azureberry J.: I has to go y all.
Gein Mender rubs his face
Azureberry J.: G night.
Gein Mender: bi bi
Sakura Tohsaka: Y-yeah, so... um, nice meeting you guys!
Mac D.: l8 R
Space (GM): nite nite
Sakura Tohsaka hurries away
Gein Mender: ... Mizono.
Fuck it.
Paul watches her go, exhaling
Gein Mender points at the skeleton
Space (GM): someday, fox will come back
Gein Mender: This is eternal proof!
Paul looks back over at Gein
Space (GM): and sibyl will return

Paul: ...Sorry about that, um...

Gein Mender: ...
Don t worry about it.
I m Gein Mender.
gein;s never going to get credit
for the kindergarten
Space (GM): at the very end
Paul smiles
Space (GM): when fuyuki was a smoking crater
deidre goes
Paul: I m Paul, good to see you!
Space (GM): "hey, i know you"
Paul returns to his table
Rin Tohsaka: .......
Rin Tohsaka sighs
Gein Mender just pouts at his table
Rin Tohsaka: Well, she definitely did try.
Gein Mender looks at Neco-Arc D s skeleton
Gein Mender: ... Fuck you.
Paul: ....She ll get the hang of it...
Gein Mender stuffs it back into his RM
Rin Tohsaka: I keep thinking she ll just keep getting scared away.
Mac D.: let me go on record by saying i never want to do all four/five of each g
roup at once again
Gein Mender: i do
that was great
Paul: Baby steps....
Charles is half-asleep at his seat
Space (GM): this is what i have to do every day as a gm
so many people
Charles: space
i know
Space (GM): hold me
Charles: no
Rin Tohsaka: ...Hey. Charles.
Charles: Mmm,,,>
Rin Tohsaka: You know, I doubt you re going to find out who Roa is in your dream
Charles: ...
Rin Tohsaka smiling like the token
Charles: Heheh.
It was worth a shot.
Space (GM): i want to give someone a prophetic dream now
Charles: So what must we do while we wait for the Insiders to turn up results?
Mac D.: probs tsubasa
Charles: d s ghost
Rin Tohsaka: Well... there s not a whole lot to be done aside from patrolling th
e streets. If we re lucky, we might run into him.
Charles: I doubt it.
He s a slippery sort.
Rin Tohsaka: Well, if nothing else, we might find a vampire in need of help.

Charles: Yes.
Last time, it was remarkably easy to find him.
Rin Tohsaka: He didn t try too much to hide himself, right? But he s not trying
right now, either. If anything, he wants to be found.
And we already know he s here, so... there s got to be something more than just
petty revenge.
Charles: Which implies he has some trick up his sleeve.
Rin Tohsaka: I don t like it.
Charles: ... I imagine I must get back in practice.
Tired, fat old men aren t much use in the battlefield.
Rin Tohsaka: You ve just got to grow the beard back. Paul s smart, he kept his.
Charles: Hehehe.
I m afraid it made me come off as a bit of a barbarian.
Rin Tohsaka: I don t think anyone could call a king a barbarian.
Charles: He won t recognize me if I look like a doddering old fool.
Paul scratches the back of his head
Paul: ...Heh!...
Rin Tohsaka: Really, I don t think he d recognize any of you guys.
Rin Tohsaka pauses
Charles: Maybe you.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well, Niko s hard to miss.
...Yeah. Right, yeah.
Charles: You ve done very well for yourself, Rin.
You have money, an eventful career, helped steer the course of human history.
Not all that shabby for a woman in her twenty s.
Rin Tohsaka smiles faintly, looking away for a moment
Paul grins at her
Charles: ... And a loving sibling.
That s one I never could get quite right.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka her smile fades
Charles: ...
We have not seen each other in so long.
What else has happened in your life?
Rin Tohsaka: Well, I m... currently out of the wrestling game.
Charles: Really?
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah.
Charles: You did it very well.
Rin Tohsaka says nothing
Charles: Anything else?
Rin Tohsaka: I ve been travelling, lately.
Charles: Where to?
Rin Tohsaka: Well... this is probably going to sound a little odd, but I figured
I d take a little trip to all of your old haunts.
Greece, Germany, America...
Charles: Germany and France.
Rin Tohsaka: Heh. I was pretty much just passing through most of them.
Charles: Really?
How did you enjoy it?
Rin Tohsaka: Oh, it was fine. I was jet-lagged for most of it, though.
Space (GM): FAWKES
Paul: Where d you go in the US?
Charles: And where in Germany?

Rin Tohsaka: Well, in Germany, I stopped off in Dresden. When I got to America,
I visited a little bit of New York before I went to Arizona.
eldritch s.: of course you have to whitewash paul so he s not canadian
Space (GM): he is too american
Fawkes M. (GM): Recap me?
Space (GM): gein remembered sakura, skeeving her out
Charles: That sounds lovely.
Space (GM): sakura left, as did tsubasa
now these old assholes are reminiscing
Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, I had some time before I had to do what I came there for.
Paul: What s it like? Are the cities as big as Fuyuki?
Charles: Japan is rather crowded, I must say.
Rin Tohsaka: Oh, they re definitely bigger. Fuyuki s just... denser.
Charles: At one point, I visited Tokyo...
I just wanted to see if there were any Vampires in the rest of Japan.
Rin Tohsaka: Did you find any?
Charles: I am either unskilled at searching or there are none.
Rin Tohsaka: They re rarer than you d think. And they definitely don t team up l
ike that.
Charles: Especiall since what happened to D.
Sibyl: After what happened?
Sibyl speaks up seemingly from nowhere
Rin Tohsaka: Oh, hey.
Sibyl: I m not interrupting anything, am I?
Paul: .....?
Paul looks at Sibyl
Rin Tohsaka: You guys haven t met Sibyl, have you?
Paul: Oh, uh...No I don t think so...
Sibyl smiles
Sibyl: It s a pleasure.
Paul smiles back
Sibyl: So what s your name?
Sibyl walks up to the booth
Paul: Er...Paul!
Sibyl: Mm. Rin already introduced me, but - Sibyl.
Rin Tohsaka karate-kicks Lancer out of the way so Sibyl can have a seat
Sibyl takes that seat
Paul: ....So, um....Where do you know Rin from?
Sibyl: I m a friend of her sister s.
Rin Tohsaka nods
Paul: ....Oh! You know Sakura??
Sibyl: Yeah. You know that work she does at night?
Paul: ...?
Sibyl: She s helped me out before.
Sibyl has dem red eyes
Paul: ...Ah...I getcha....
Have you been adjusting well?
Sibyl: Still feels a bit weird, but I ve managed.
Paul smiles

Sibyl smiles back

Sibyl: Rin, what s the law say about vampires again?
(goddammit space)
Rin Tohsaka: It doesn t, really. I m hoping it stays that way for now.
Sibyl: As long as none of us do anything stupid again...
Rin Tohsaka: I don t think the world s ready as it stands.
Sibyl: And they won t be for a good while. That s why we gotta be careful.
Space (GM): d-duff
eldritch s.: ahm back
Space (GM): s-seer...!
eldritch s.: dance of the dream man
is sibyl from a place where the birds are singing
and there is always music in the air
Paul: .....
Sibyl turns to Paul
Sibyl: So how s Sakura doing?
Space (GM): sometimes her arms bend back
eldritch s.: the midget is called "the man from another place"
she s his cousin
Space (GM): but doesn t she look
eldritch s.: but doesn t she look almost exactly like laura palmer
Space (GM): exactly like laura palmer
Charles: Since D s madness spiralled out of control.
I imagine that may have turned some prospective groupings off of the idea.
Rin Tohsaka: The thing about that is... it s basically completely unprecedented.
Charles: Let s hope it continues to be absurd.
Gein Mender has been eavsdropping and writing everything he hears down
Paul: She s doing well!
She seems to have things under control in her life....Has a little trouble with
social anxiety, but we re working on that,
Sibyl: That s always good to hear. She s... she s young for a vampire, isn t she
Charles: Ten years since it happened.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Charles: It was entirely preventable... unfortunate, really.
Paul: ......
Sibyl: ...She s lucky. It usually takes a hundred before a Ghoul regains sapienc
Charles: So I ve heard.
Almost miraculous.
Paul: ....At least we were there for her when it happened.
Sibyl: It was during that entire D debacle, right?
Charles: Yes.
Paul nods
Charles: One of his...
Composed of worms.
Met her end by a bus, sent her into a lake.
Paul: .....
Rin Tohsaka looking down at the table
Sibyl: ...
Charles: ... Not before at least four people died by her hand.
Paul looks at Rin
Paul: ....

Charles: And a noble boy sacrificed himself to stop her.

Good riddance to the demon.
Sibyl nods
Sibyl: Truly, it takes the noble.
Rin Tohsaka a sip of the drink
Paul puts a hand on her shoulder
Charles: But yes, Sakura was converted at a hectic time.
Rin Tohsaka is comfort
Sibyl: So I ve heard.
Space (GM): it s unfortunate bcuz my hype levels are such that i wanna do this a
gain tomorrow
but it is good to lengthen it out for mobile s sake
Sibyl: D actually invited me to join in, but I refused him.
Mac D.: i can do tomorrow as well
Charles: Good.
Space (GM): ...c:
Paul: ....
Charles: I would rather not have been made to face another on the field of battl
Rin Tohsaka looks at her
Rin Tohsaka did not know this, evidently
Charles: His ambitions would have killed everyone.
Sibyl nods
Sibyl: Joining in just would ve made it worse for everyone. Couldn t do it.
And I could tell he was a liar when I saw him.
Charles: ...
Paul: ....When d you meet Sakura, if you don t mind me asking?
Charles: Yes.
Sibyl: Around five, six years ago.
Paul: How d you meet?
Paul racks his brain to recall what happened during that timeframe....
Paul: rolling 3d20 -1
= 16
That s when... Rin joined the pro wrestling circuit
Paul h m
eldritch s.: "sak went through her lesbian experimentatio phase"
Sakura Tohsaka: gal pals
Paul: go back to be sakura
Sibyl: we got a long long night :-)
Paul: get out of my _house_
Space (GM): :)!!!!!!!!!
Sibyl: nuuuuuuuu
I heard about her vampire philanthropy program. Sought her out, and that s when

I met her.
eldritch s.: Hah!
Charles: Has she taken all the credit?
Charles is amused
Rin Tohsaka: That definitely sounds like something she d do.
Sibyl shrugs
Sibyl: The way she presents it, it s got her name all over it.
Charles: Ahahahah!
Paul: It s fine! It s a good confidence-builder for her.
Charles: Perhaps the wrong kind of confidence.
Paul: So...What did you want to meet her for? Volunteer work?
eldritch s.: d s brother
Sibyl: Just wanted to drink from the blood bank.
Space (GM): there s e gone
there s the bastard gone
Sibyl: (aaa brb)
Paul: ......Well, better there than from a person.
Charles: It s what the blood bank is there for.
Space (GM): i like how this is working out
where the old party has a bit of focus as well
Mac D.: yeeee
Sibyl: Yeah.
Mac D.: can t wait for you to kill them unexpectedly
Space (GM): :)!!!!!!!!!!!
Sibyl: Never pleasant business...
eldritch s.: What do you and Sakura do?
Charles: fuck
Space (GM): mmm
Sibyl: Mainly, we just get on the good side of the Red Cross and whatever source
s of blood bags we can find. That s the hardest step.
And, really - I don t volunteer as much as she does.
Paul: Do you keep in touch with Deidre?
Sibyl: Not a lot, unfortunately.
Charles: I saw her at the funeral today.
I didn t get to talk to her.
Paul: Yeah....Wonder where she went, after that....
Sibyl: There was a funeral?
Paul: Robin never tells me where she goes when I ask.
...Ah- Yeah.
Rin Tohsaka: That s what I was going to ask you for help on, actually.
Sibyl: Mm?
Paul: Yeah, we re looking for an old enemy of ours...
He killed a student here, and he s calling us out
Charles: Roa.
Sibyl: Valdamjong? The one who s cheated death?
Charles: Yes.
Paul nods
eldritch s.: the time cop
Sibyl: ...Well, what do you need me to do?
Paul looks at Rin
Paul: jack
jack get down from there
Rin Tohsaka: Well... you ve got a good ear for... you know, vampire business. Ke
ep an eye out for any... you know, happenings, or any info like that.
Jack: no

Paul looks back at Sibyl

Sibyl: It s not gonna be easy. Like you said - covens have fallen out of vogue s
ince ten years ago.
Sibyl smirks
Sibyl: Still, though - I think I can manage something.
Rin Tohsaka: Great. Thank you so much.
Sibyl: No problem.
Paul smiles at her
Paul: Be safe, okay?
Charles: ...
Sibyl: I ve been in worse. I think I ll survive.
eldritch s.: his beard is back
Chef finally exits the kitchen with food
Paul: ...?
Gein Mender still writes in his notes
Paul: Ah- Hey!
Chef: Alright! Yo, here s your bacon burger.
Gein Mender: Thanks.
Satsuki Yumizuka: Hey, Robin. How you holding up?
Chef is like "one sec" to paul
Chef: Doin great. Yeah, that fire extinguisher really came in handy.
Chef hands over the burger
Mac D.: how do you think kuwabara s walk s goin
Satsuki Yumizuka smiles
Space (GM): kuwabara meets roa
Satsuki Yumizuka: Sorry I had to take the day off, I just...
Gein Mender: no
Mac D.: rip kuwabara
Gein Mender: he meets
R, O, and A
Chef: Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Gein Mender: the relatives of D
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Thanks. For holding the fort and all.
Chef: No worries. You take care of yourself, alright?
Satsuki Yumizuka: I will.
Chef friendly smirk
Chef makes his way to thiiis table
Chef: Yo!
Paul: Hey! Keeping the restaurant ship-shape?
Gein Mender: you
Chef: Oh, yeah. We been having a problem with graffiti lately, but it ain t noth
ing I can t handle.
Paul: Heh....
Paul looks over at Yumizuka
Paul: ...How s Satsuki doing? I heard she had to go to the hospital a while back
Chef: She s alright. Can t come back into work yet, and she s still got a limp,
but she s alright.

eldritch s.: remember in hail t ye duff got fed up with everyone drawing dicks
Space (GM): yes
i do remember
i wonder how marked up the map will become
Mac D.: that clearly didn t phaze you
you know i feel like it takes away from some scenes
just drawing shit everywhere
Space (GM): conntinue rp with me
Mac D.: can t too many dicks
das better
eldritch s.: why do you insisist on stifling me
Paul: So she ll be okay?
Space (GM): guess you could say you got
blue balls
Chef: Yeah. She s gonna be fine.
Paul nods leaning back in his booth
Paul: That s good...Had me worried for a little bit, there.
...What happened, exactly?
Chef: Well, she ran out in the sun after a truck.
Paul: ...!
Oh, geez....Does anyone suspect anything?...
Chef: Well, some kids who saw thought something was fishy... but not in a vampir
e way, y know.
Paul: .....I hope not....I don t want her getting outed....
Gein Mender the eavsdrop mastah
Gein Mender takes a bite out of his bacon burger
Chef: See, before we came along people would just laugh off her being called a v
Now, I figure they ll be a bit less skeptical.
Paul: There ve been some aggressive activist groups forming, too...I don t like
what I ve been hearing them say what they think about vampires...
Did you hear they took over a building not to long ago? Took hostages and everyt
Gein Mender perks up at this
Chef: No, I don t keep up with the news.
Gein Mender: ...
... Fuck it...
Sibyl: I heard about that.
Paul: It was a bad situation....Things seem really tense, these days.
I m worried Sakura, and Satsuki, and the others....
*worried about
Sibyl: What do they say about vampires and red eyes?
Gein Mender looks across the table at Satsuki
Chef: Deidre s got these contact lenses she wears whenever she goes out in publi
Satsuki Yumizuka is silently eating a burger she s gotten somewhere
Gein Mender: ...
Sibyl: I ought to get some for myself. Maybe for Sakura and Satsuki, too.
Gein Mender: So, you re feeling better from your little accident?
Paul: Maybe....Wonder how Sakura would feel about contacts...
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh, it wasn t a big deal.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Probably wouldn t like them so much.
Rin Tohsaka has been quiet since Robin showed up

Gein Mender: That s good.

Sibyl: You d have to be careful with your eyes, right? Don t want to get dirt in
Chef: It ain t like she ll be goin out in public anyway.
Paul: ...?
Paul looks between Robin and Rin
Paul: .....!
Paul oh
Paul ooooh right
Sibyl: A parasol would give it away, wouldn t it?
Chef: I wouldn t risk it.
Sibyl: ...I wonder if she d like Tokyo? That city never sleeps.
Paul lowers his voice and speaks quietly to Rin
Paul: Rin, do you wanna....?
Rin Tohsaka: It s no trouble.
Chef: She d hate it. Waaay too many people.
Paul: Are you sure? The house has got plenty of ovens......
Rin Tohsaka smiles faintly
Chef: And speaking of ovens, I d better get back to mine. Nice seeing you guys.
Mac D.: take that line of of context what do you see
*out of
Paul: .....
Paul concern
Fawkes M. (GM): Rule 36 rearing its ugly third-degree burned head
Rin Tohsaka: ...Man.
Sibyl: What is it?
Paul: ...!
Paul looks at Sibyl
Paul: ...It s uh....
Rin Tohsaka: You ve had exes, right?
It s like that.
Paul: ....Yyyeah! Let s go with that!
Sibyl raises an eyebrow
Sibyl: Really, now?
Paul nod nod
Sibyl: ...Mm. Sorry things turned out like that.
Rin Tohsaka: Well, when you think about it... those times were bad, but... thing
s could have gone better, but they definitely could have gone worse.
Paul: ....
Gein Mender: my steam has run out
Space (GM): should we call it 4 2nite
Sibyl: All you can do is move forward, right?
eldritch s.: you can keep going but no more for me
Mac D.: i think this is a good spot to call it
Fawkes M. (GM): I concur
Space (GM): next time on dragon ball z
Mac D.: so space/fox what s gonna happen NEXT TIME ON HOLLOW NIGHT...?
Space (GM): school adventures
Mac D.: awwwww yeah
Fawkes M. (GM): We d tell you, but then we d have to kill you
ER I MEAN school adventures

Space (GM): so....

you all...
like it?...
Mac D.: ye c:
eldritch s.: it
Fawkes M. (GM): YEAH, SPACE
eldritch s.: this is WORSE
Space (GM) makes the ok sign with his hands
Space (GM): it STINKS
eldritch s.: than even the berserker fight
Fawkes M. (GM): YEAH
eldritch s.: you did it
you made the worst session
i have ever seen
Space (GM): actually i feed off your agony so this just makes me stronger
eldritch s.: a solid
Space (GM): i gotta tell ya it feels good to
finally be doing roll20 again
eldritch s.: A
Rani V: fucking racists
Mac D.: haven t heard much from yuuka so far
Space (GM): she hasn t heard much either
eldritch s.: look
Mac D.: kuwabara takes detective notes on his fellow classmates while gein tries
to teach
Space (GM): "what if... yuuka is d"
Mac D.: ".....NAH"
Yuuka cuts you
Kazuma Kuwabara: "i still don t believe it"
Space (GM): alright let s see
Leonardo B. Harway: new student
Rani V: new student s peresonal retainer
Ciel: not a new student, has always been here
eldritch s.: D = the old regime
Space (GM): ciel-sempai is well loved by the rest of the class
Kazuma Kuwabara: PRIME SUSPECT
Space (GM): kuwabara is a rough con with a heart of gold
do you
is d
Space (GM): it s funny because
at the start of last one everyone had allkinds of theories about who d was
but d was not hiden
Fawkes M. (GM): And now

We actually have to theorize

Space (GM): well YOU don
Fawkes M. (GM): It s really Snape
eldritch s.: ciel
well loved
Fawkes M. (GM): Rosebud
eldritch s.: actually
Fawkes M. (GM): Roa stuck his soul into his sled
eldritch s.: it s going to be the one people adore
whoever we like the most is roa
and needs to die
Space (GM): see you wouldn t expect roa to go into a girl s body
what if one of the player chars is roa
eldritch s.: no
Kazuma Kuwabara shifty eyes
eldritch s.: who are the other teachers
does gein get npcs to talk to
Fawkes M. (GM): We re really building up to Kuwabara dying and becoming the 21st
Roa right afterward
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): maybe this is a bit early but
how are you guys feeling this campaign
eldritch s.: i like it
Space (GM): is there anything... to improve
eldritch s.: don t kill pople we haven t met off and expect us to be sad
Space (GM): that s how yu yu hakusho did it
eldritch s.: i don t care
now link the rabbit
Space (GM): we need a murder to start the plot
tho i wonder what the bodycount will be
Mac D.: probably enormous with you two psycho fucks at the helm
eldritch s.:
Space (GM):
Fawkes M. (GM): I gots to move to phone, sadly
Space (GM): later nerd
Mac D.: hey GORGEOSU
Space (GM): ugly
hey duff
when should kuwabara get his costume change
Mac D.: some time after rank 3 i feel
i m glad you remembered that c:
Space (GM): i want every char to get one
Mac D.: do you have one for any of the others
Space (GM): no
Mac D.: lazy bastards......
Space (GM): they ve not given
it d be hard to find one for gein
Mac D.: i gotta drive up to the pharmacy
it s a short drive i ll be back in a bit
eldritch s.: yes
yes it will be
Space (GM): better start lookin..
eldritch s.: no
Space (GM): i wonder why you hate me
or i would have found one that was more easy
Space (GM): it s only something i decided after the fact

eldritch s.: gg
Space (GM): or, rather... blame duff
he was the one who found that second pic
eldritch s.: why does eveyone have to do it
Space (GM): you don t hhhave to do it...
eldritch s.: no i don t
how you used the name of one character from fate
with the face of another
Souichirou Kuzuki: Noticed that, did you?
eldritch s.: you think i m retarded
both were masters to a caster
however one is a terrible serial killer
Souichirou Kuzuki: Kehehe...
eldritch s.: and since he;s teaching biology
he s the serial killer
Souichirou Kuzuki: Kehehe...
eldritch s.: why does he have the other guy s name
Space (GM): he s full of secrets
eldritch s.: a horror game idea:
incorporate microphones
so that if you scream at like some shit
it could make the monster start coming for you
so you have to struggle to be silent
Space (GM): let s player field day
eldritch s.: it would stop them in their tracks
no commentary over that
Space (GM): whisper
eldritch s.: yes
no screeching pewds
Space (GM): thank god
eldritch s.: my idea will save humanity
Mac D.: i am back
Space (GM): duff seer plans to save mankind
eldritch s.: i found the way
Space (GM): he s fallen silent
Mac D.: but if you kill pewdiepie then kotaku reigns unopposed
Space (GM): now we just need jam
who has been gone al day
hopefully it s not internet troubl
Mac D.: see
MrEForEccentric: Yus
Mac D.: pewdiepie is like the screetching swedish godzilla
sometimes he s a pain in the ass and you know sometimes something s infrastructu
re gets fucked
MrEForEccentric: Sorry but I m still over-satisfied with the whole- My conlang h
as a full alphabet thing
Mac D.: but he keeps us safe from the far worse kaijus of the internet
eldritch s.: like
MrEForEccentric: and brb
Mac D.: kotaku i just said
eldritch s.: how does he stop them
Mac D.: by being much more popular and lucrative than the
eldritch s.: they re journalists, he s a let s player
Mac D.: both give games publicity
MrEForEccentric: Back
Space (GM): it s oranges and apples
eldritch s.: fuddle duddle
Mac D.: don t use that language at me

eldritch s.: space did you tell them

MrEForEccentric: Oh good, Tsubasa is at the back of the class
Mac D.: i m kicking your ass out of parliament
eldritch s.: yes evidently you did
Space (GM): i didn t
i guess duff already knew
Mac D.: i just googled fuddle duddle
eldritch s.: how the fuck does duff know about the fuddle duddle scandal
MrEForEccentric: what the hell is this
eldritch s.: pierre trudeau
a prime minister of canada
mouthed "fuck off" to opposition members
Mac D.: yes that s what google told me
eldritch s.: and then said that he said "fuddle duddle"
he also called a member of parliament a sphincter
Mac D.: space i thought the opening theme was the melty blood opening
MrEForEccentric: Wow
Space (GM): it is
i m just playing music
MrEForEccentric: Golden brown
Mac D.: if we link you soundcloud songs will you play them
eldritch s.: i loved pierre trudeau s language
oh also his kid
justin trudeau
called a politician
a "piece of shit" in a debate in 2011
MrEForEccentric: I gave you the song last time, space...
Mac D.: sounds like someone didn t take much debate coaching
Space (GM): i added it
eldritch s.:
-spine i uploaded it for you
MrEForEccentric: but not playing...
eldritch s.: ellipses
Space (GM): i added that one as well
eldritch s.: roa
MrEForEccentric: just in
case you want this
eldritch s.: get it
because he gouged out the eyes
and had his gouged
it s humourous, you see
MrEForEccentric: slaps me on the knee
eldritch s.: do you see
how remarkably clever it is
Space (GM): do you see
eldritch s.: how ~amusing~ i am
MrEForEccentric: Good
eldritch s.: o
h this is nice
MrEForEccentric: So how long will we wait for Jam?
Space (GM): well duff what s your eta
Mac D.: for Team Pathfinder?
Space (GM): ya
eldritch s.: a post apoc roll20
MrEForEccentric: I just realized, apart from Asumu, Tsubasa has to go through NP
Cs to get to anyone else
Mac D.: i expect Stooge 1 and Stooge 2 to arrive soon and Captain Hours-Late is

still up in the air

eldritch s.: speaking of pathfinder
Mac D.: shut
eldritch s.: alright, gaben
Space (GM): what do you guys think
should we wait or start now
duff s gone, fox is gone
eldritch s.: i m fine with whatever
MrEForEccentric: Same, it s midnight r/n
Mac D.: perhaps a sidestory starring tsubasa and gein
Space (GM): yess
eldritch s.: i want to do a post apoc roll20
look at this thing
this would be my char
he s not happy
Mac D.: no make another sword and sorcery roll20 so i can bring in my adol chara
eldritch s.: post-apoc adol
Space (GM): tsubasa and gein... are at lumpy s
eldritch s.: post-apoc adol
Space (GM): i wonder if anyone will be suspicious of gein hanging around with th
ese teenagers
eldritch s.: i dun wanna do a sidestory at this time
Space (GM): thought you were fine with whatever...
eldritch s.: of the two options
either doing this as planned, or not doing it
i was fine with both of the options
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa kills all the NPCs
Mac D.: Captain Hours-Late is a no-go so we re gonna go out to The Exchange inst
ead, so I ll probably be back sooner than previously expected
eldritch s.: FUCK swordswallow i should design for a post-apoc setting
Space (GM): :c
Mac D.: you know
what we ought to do
fuckin JRPG setting
Space (GM): swordswallow
eldritch s.: wtf
Mac D.: a game that s just
Space (GM): wtf do you mean wtf
Mac D.: all the JRPG conventions
fucking sacred elemental crystals
eldritch s.: no
Mac D.: everywhere
eldritch s.: no
Space (GM): p-post-apoc swordswallow
after cyberswallow s inevitable collapse
eldritch s.: but what about cyberswallow
Mac D.: is it still fantasy post-apoc or is it Fallout post-apoc
eldritch s.: are we declaring cyberswallow not canon
i don t want pure fallout
Space (GM): what does not canon have to do anything
Mac D.: because i m thinking like
Space (GM): it d be fantasy/cyberpunk post apocalyptic
riot shields and spells
Mac D.: i think it ought to be Drakengard post-apoc
medevial fantasy shit, with ruined modern settings as a backdrop
eldritch s.: yes

Space (GM): i like it

eldritch s.: ruined cyberpunk
remember what happened in andal
with all the magical fallout
Mac D.: literally soley so i can play as Doal Spaceisagit
eldritch s.: since this was my idea
i am supreme overlord of whatever
setting springs from this
Space (GM): so power hungry
Mac D.: is it going to be a role-reversal of swordswallow where i do all the wor
k and complain to you nonstop and you just veto things out of spite
eldritch s.: no i m going to ruke with an iron fist
Space (GM):
if we re not doing this i ll migrate to the rabbit come
Mac D.: you...
Azureberry J.: Hallo.
Oh god its Rani.
Mac D.: c:
Space (GM): hey jam
did you see the biology teacher
eldritch s.: if you point it out it is not clever
Azureberry J.: Wut.
Space (GM): you re not clever
Azureberry J.: Wuuuuuut.
Souichirou Kuzuki: olive can t make it
so we must decide
to wait for fox
or to surge galliantly onward
Mac D.: has he come down with a case of the sleeps
Souichirou Kuzuki: 3 am in limeytown
and fox is at dinner
tho he should be back soon
Mac D.: i can wait though i m good with either
Azureberry J.: I don t mind waiting for fox.
Mech-Hisui: good
Mac D.: i miss space
Azureberry J.: I m here.
Great Luvia: i miss fox
Space (GM): ...been at dinner nearly 2 hour...
Azureberry J.: Welll...there comes a point. Where people can catch up.
Space (GM): i ll wait until 8 o clock on the dot
Azureberry J.: Shite.
eldritch s.: two mins
Azureberry J.: I have to go.
eldritch s.: gg
Space (GM) falls to his knees
Azureberry J.: I will see you guys, sorry about that.
Space (GM): good...bye....
seer....hope you don t mind.... side story
eldritch s.: noh
Space (GM): t-they all.. have different classes... aha haaha it s a brilliantpla
Space (GM) is sobbing openly
Space (GM): t-there, i... i fixed it
eldritch s.: oh my fucking god

the lpers i watch are doing life is strange

this shit just got morally gray
oh by sidestory if you mean
eldritch s.: gein can teach this class
then yes
Space (GM): why
eldritch s.: you left i assumed you did so out of spite
becuase i was typing a messge up for you
Space (GM): no it s
my connection
i asked why when you said
morally gray
eldritch s.: well those are spoilers
Space (GM): ah... i see
Mac D.: i d love a sidestory
eldritch s.: sure
i d love to put a sidestory inside you, duff
Space (GM): well i want to wait until fox gets here solely because
Mac D.: get away from me
Space (GM): 2 new characters and i don t want to play every character in this rp
eldritch s.: c mere duff
you re never going to forget this sidestory
Mac D.: i m calling the police
eldritch s.: i AM the police
Mac D.: i m calling the MOUNTIES
eldritch s.: pfft they ll sit on their asses
the mounted police aren t mounted
isn t that fun
because that s what they are
Mac D.: not the mounty i m calling
he always gets his man
eldritch s.: the royal canadian mounted police
Mac D.: fun fact space there was a wrestler in the WWF called the mounty
Space (GM): sgt slaughter is better
eldritch s.: alright
so where in the book should they be
nearing the end
or where
Space (GM): i want to say
around the fight with roland
eldritch s.: okay
remind me when did they kill roa
Space (GM): hm
actually i think they killed roa before
the fight with roland
eldritch s.: dwarf
Space (GM): caster
eldritch s.: dwarf wizard
dirty knome
Space (GM): internet
eldritch s.: FILTHY
Fawkes M. (GM): The son of prodigies returns
Mac D.: if you say sgt slaughter was better than ANYONE ever again space i ll br
eak your fucking kneecaps
Space (GM): the fuck do you have against sgt slaughter

eldritch s.: i have to respect a wrestler called the mounty

Mac D.: the mounty always gets his fucking man
eldritch s.: can he get me
Mac D.:
Space (GM): well there s no reason we can t start
Gein Mender taps his ruler against the board
Gein Mender: put the fucking fallout back on
Space (GM): i think that s what was getting my connection
cause its so big
Gein Mender: fine i ll just listen to it myself
Is everyone listening?
Kazuma Kuwabara has a pen and notebook out, surprisingly
Yuuka paying rapt attention
Ciel is doing so as well
Satsuki Yumizuka also being attentive
Kazuma Kuwabara however, he s not looking at the board.....
Leonardo B. Harway has a faint smile on his face
Rani V: ..
Gein Mender leans lightly on his meterstick (BECAUSE HAHAHAH FUCK YOU JAPAN USES
Gein Mender: We have two new students joining us today, so I d like them to take
a stand.
Satsuki Yumizuka we actually use metersticks in physics lab, assholes
Leonardo B. Harway stands up out of his seat, calmly walking up to the front
eldritch s.: this is because metric is the supreme system
Gein Mender: Alright, if you ll introduce yourself.
Mac D.: a kilometer is smaller than a mile
eat shit, hoser
eldritch s.: it is therefore more precise, more specific, more pointed
Leonardo B. Harway: Hello, everyone! My name s Leonardo Harway, but you can call
me Leo if you like. I hope we can get along very well!
Mac D.: "it s not about the size it s about how you use it"
Leonardo B. Harway is one of those kids with, like, a natural charm
Leonardo B. Harway a kind countenance
Mac D.: the words of a very self-conscious man
Gein Mender nods
eldritch s.: a meter is larger than your feet
and yard
Mac D.: over-compensation
Leonardo B. Harway: May I sit back down, teacher?
Mac D.: another sign of low self-esteem
Gein Mender: Yes.
Mac D.: you metric-users are pathetic
Gein Mender: Alright, and let s bring up the other one!

Kazuma Kuwabara keeps an eye on Leonardo

Kazuma Kuwabara: .............................
Kazuma Kuwabara writes something down in his notebook
Leonardo B. Harway goes to sit back down
eldritch s.:
countries that use imperial
Rani V stands up
Mac D.: more over-compensation
Rani V: Good afternoon. My name is Rani.
Mac D.: "if it s popular it must be better"
eldritch s.: at what point
Rani V: It is a pleasure to be attending this class.
eldritch s.: does water boil
Mac D.: god, you re pathic
Rani V sits back down
eldritch s.: 100 celsius
at what point
does it freeze
0 celsius
Gein Mender: Alright.
Mac D.: binary thinking suggests a lack of creativity and individuality
Yuuka: ...?
Gein Mender: DOes everyone have their copy of the class book?
Mac D.: god, i feel sorry for you foreigners
Yuuka looks down at Urameshi s notebook
Rani V: I do.
Yuuka and thus does not notice Gein
Satsuki Yumizuka: Mm!
Leonardo B. Harway: I m afraid I haven t gotten one. Would you happen to have a
spare copy?
Ciel gets her book out of her bag
Gein Mender: Yes, let me go get it...
Kazuma Kuwabara writes in his notebook more, passing glances at Rani
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........................................
Gein Mender begins digging through his books
Yuuka: What is that, Kuwabara?
Yuuka loud
Mac D.: also did you call kuwabara urameshi
Yuuka: you re ugly
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Gein Mender hands Leo the book
Kazuma Kuwabara hushed voice
Leonardo B. Harway: Thank you.
Gein Mender: You re welcome.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just-...makin some notes, Yuuka...!
Leonardo B. Harway opens it up

Gein Mender: ALright, everyone!

Yuuka: Oh... about what?
Gein Mender: Who can tell me what happened last chapter?
Yuuka talking while the teacher is talking
Kazuma Kuwabara: list....
Gein Mender puts his ruler on her desk
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Yuuka: ...?
Gein Mender does not slam it, just gently puts it
Satsuki Yumizuka raises her hand
Yuuka: Oh!
Gein Mender: Yes, Satsuki!
Yuuka looks around
Yuuka gets her book out
Gein Mender retracts it
Yuuka is blushing furiously
Satsuki Yumizuka: Something about the Tohsaka family fortune being spent on a li
teral ton of cocaine, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....sorry, yuuka....
Gein Mender checks his notes for where the kiddies should be right now
Yuuka: rolling 1d20
= 17
Kazuma Kuwabara writes further in his notebook
Satsuki is right at the right spot
Gein Mender: Yes.
You see, how the book tells the story, you have the future and the past stories
interwoven, and it makes it hard to get a grasp on either coherent narrative.
Leonardo B. Harway is quietly reading the first chapter now
Gein Mender: However, Toshaka likes to put high-tension moments with each other,
so selling the estate for coke coincides with Saber decapitating Roland.
Does anyone know why Saber would be so dismayed at killing Roland, an enemy of t
heir cause?
Kazuma Kuwabara writes fervently, looking around at each and every one of his cl
Ciel raises her hand
Gein Mender: Yes, Ciel.
Ciel: Roland was one of Saber s most trusted knights while he was alive as Charl
Gein Mender: Correct!
Yuuka: ...
Yuuka "a lot of groceries," she thinks
Gein Mender: Has anyone here read the Song of Roland?

Leonardo B. Harway: I have.

Gein Mender: Good.
Kazuma Kuwabara scribblescribblescribblescribble
Rani V nods
Gein Mender: Recommended reading for this are the stories and tales where the ch
aracters originated.
I won t say all of them, that may spoil the surprise, but definitely read the So
ng of Roland.
It frames the context for characters like D, and Roland.
Satsuki Yumizuka raises her hand
Gein Mender: Yes, Satsuki?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Do you have any books to recommend for Caster s life?
Gein Mender: Read Tesla s own autobiography.
Satsuki Yumizuka nods
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Gein Mender: Now, can anyone identify the literary technique used while Rin hall
ucinates Kotomine building a phallic shaped tower?
Yuuka: Fore...shortening?
Gein Mender: No, that s an artistic concept, Yuuka.
Yuuka: Oh...
Gein Mender: Good guess.
Satsuki Yumizuka raises her hand
Gein Mender: Yes, Satsuki?
Satsuki Yumizuka: Is it a Fujimuran Rise?
Kazuma Kuwabara seems oblivious to the class going on around him...which isn t n
ew, but this time he s awake.
Gein Mender: I was going for stream of concioussness, but that works too.
Gein Mender places his meterstick on his desk
Gein Mender: duff god damn yoju
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up
Gein Mender: Can you name the blade Saber aquired from Roland?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wuh?.....Uhh.....
Gein Mender: Starts with a D.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uhhhh.....
Space (GM): it was d
Kazuma Kuwabara: Deeee......Daaaa.........Da Sword?
Gein Mender looks at him
Gein Mender starts laughing
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......What? What s so funny?
Gein Mender: Oh, Jesus Christ.... that s the best one I ve heard in a while...
Gein Mender wipes the tears from his eyes
Leonardo B. Harway smiles
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and frowns
Gein Mender: Good try, though, Kuwabara.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Hmmph....Well, whatever!

Gein Mender: It was Durendal.
Satsuki Yumizuka tries not to snicker
Ciel leans in
Ciel: It was close, Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: Now, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ahhhh, shut it.......
Gein Mender: Let s turn back the clock a bit.
Name the Vampire that the Lost Servants fought, the one that disguised a student
Kazuma Kuwabara: Does his name starts with a "D" too?
Fawkes M. (GM): AAAAAAA gotta walk dog
Gein Mender: No.
Though, D is the main antagonist of the Lost Servant s story.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Whatever....Blacula.
Space (GM): amazing
Gein Mender: Have you seen Blacula?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...That s a real movie?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh
Gein Mender: It fu-ffff-fuddle duddling sucked.
Gein Mender discreetly places a yen in the "fuddle duddle" jar
Gein Mender: Anyway...
Can anyone tell me his name?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hmph....
Kazuma Kuwabara grumpily goes back to his notebook
Gein Mender puts his ruler on his desk
Ciel raises her hand
Gein Mender winks at him through his shades
Gein Mender: Yes, Ciel?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Ciel: His name was Michael Roa Valdamjong, but he was disguised as Shiki Tohno.
Gein Mender: Yes.
Does anyone know that Shiki Tohno was a real person?
Yuuka: ...?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Leonardo B. Harway has no idea about what is going on but listens anyway
Gein Mender: Shiki Tohno was found murdered in a Mapo Tofu places.
And these murders that are described in the book, people being cut into cubes, t
his also happened.
I know, it was in the first five years of me having lived here.
Leonardo B. Harway raises a hand
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Leonardo B. Harway: Excuse me, teacher?
Gein Mender: Yes?
Leonardo B. Harway: How long ago was this?
Gein Mender: Tch... fifteen or so years?
Kazuma Kuwabara analyzes the expressions of his fellow students....

they re all listening, with various levels of attentiveness

since most of them are good students it s pretty high
Rani is paying attention but looks utterly bored
has not changed facial expression at all
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....(hmmmmmmm)...........
Kazuma Kuwabara scribble scribble, then looks at Ciel
Gein Mender: Now, people have asked the REAL Lost Servants about what happened,
well, they ve tried.
But they re slippery as all hel-heee-helheim.
Gein Mender puts another yen in the jar
Gein Mender: Never available for comment on most things.
Well, Ajax is, but he s stuck aroudn the Balans and most reporters there don t r
eally care.
Ciel she listen
Gein Mender: But these murders went unsolved, no one ever really found out who d
id it.
Ciel raises her hand
Gein Mender: Yes, Ciel?
Ciel: Didn t it say that a waitress saw them just as they killed Shiki? Did anyt
hing ever come of that?
Gein Mender: No.
Kotomine says at one point he was going to take care of it.
Ciel: It seems to me the author just... forgot all about that.
Gein Mender: It was unimportant to the ultimate story.
Space (GM): he he he...
Kazuma Kuwabara: (.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......)
Gein Mender: The whole Roa incident had little impact to anything at all.
When you think about it.
Yuuka: Yeah, he wasn t even with D.
Gein Mender: Yes.
It was a random pointless incident, Roa was just a footnote, really.
Kazuma Kuwabara: A real chump....
Leonardo B. Harway: Does this story have many such incidents?
Gein Mender: Most of them serve a greater purpose.
To establish a larger message.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not that Roa guy!
Gein Mender: Or foreshadow something.
Leonardo B. Harway nods
Kazuma Kuwabara: He was just some loser.
Gein Mender: Basically, yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bet he stunk, too!
Gein Mender: In any case.
Leonardo B. Harway: What would you say is the overall theme of this book?
Gein Mender: That s yup to personal interpretation.
I don t want to taint your thoughts with my own.
Did anyone read ahead into the next chapter? I know it left on a serve sharp, od
d place.
*very sharp
Satsuki Yumizuka nodnods
Yuuka: I didn t.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Kazuma Kuwabara returns to his notebook

Gein Mender: Good, Yuuka.

So you did, Satsuki?
Then you know what happens to you-know-who?
Satsuki Yumizuka: I do.
Gein Mender: I tear up at that bit, sometimes.
Just the perfect cap.
To everything else.
Start reading.
Ask me if you have any questions.
Gein Mender sets his fat, sexy ass down into his seat
Satsuki Yumizuka starts a-reading, even if she s read this before
Gein Mender: Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh?
Gein Mender: Read the gosh darn book.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up again
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....You sound really weird like that, Gramps.
Gein Mender: Or if you re going to pretend, at least open it.
the class reads...! ! !
Gein Mender: I can t swear on the job.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heh...
Gein Mender shakes the fuddle duddle jar, which is full to the brim
Later on...
The bell rings
Gein Mender stands up
everyone eager-ly goes to... lunch
Gein Mender: Alright, Leo and Rani, I would like it if yu could get to chapter f
Rani V nods
Leonardo B. Harway: Yes, sir.
Rani V: It will be done, my teacher.
Kazuma Kuwabara slaps his notebook shut and shoots up out of his seat
Gein Mender: Alright, Kuawbara.
Let me tell you something.
At least pretend to be your normal self.
If you re going to do this sort of thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at him
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh? Didn t it look like I was takin notes, though?
Gein Mender: You never take notes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, maybe I m bein serious about my education, now!
Gein Mender: Act like you normally do.
Take them sneakily.
Or try to remember important things.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, yeah....Got it....
Gein Mender: Also, read the book, it s helpful for what you re doing right now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw....What?
Gein Mender: Just ignore everything that talks about drugs.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I thought you said that Roa guy had a shitty bit part in it or

Gein Mender: This is about the time period when they were operating.
I was trying to ellict a reaction.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, so was I!
....DOES he got a shitty bit part in it?
Gein Mender: He has a few chapters devoted to him and a few points to his existe
nce in the story, other than being accurate historically.
And some notes about him in the footnotes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I thought you said this book was nothin but metaphor or some c
Gein Mender: It is.
But it also really happened.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait, huh? For real?
Gein Mender: It just tells it with lots of metaphors.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So she really did [BEEB BEEB] with the [LOUD NEIGHING]?
Gein Mender: Well. maybe not Ms. Toshaka s life AFTER the story.
But definitely the Lost Servants.
Also I todl you not to read thsoe chapters.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You said read the whole book!
Gein Mender: I marked them with red highlighter in all of your books.
And said I m not allowed to make you read them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ahhhhh, whatever!.....
So now what, I go to lunch and try to play it cool?
Gein Mender: Yes.
See what s going on.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright.....You got it!
Gein Mender: Who s saying what.
Kazuma Kuwabara STRUTS outta that room
Gein Mender grab the jar and heads to the staff room
Kazuma Kuwabara enters the cafeteria, LOOKIN
Gein Mender: Hey there.


Gein Mender sets the fuddle duddle jar on the table

every one is eating their lunche
Gein Mender: Alright, this should buy us all a nice lunch.
Gein Mender empties it out
Ciel and Satsuki are talking 2 the new kid
Yuuka and Rani sit alone
Space (GM): where is the fox...
Kazuma Kuwabara notices Yuuka all by her lonesome
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the group on the other end
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara a man s got PRIORITIES
Kazuma Kuwabara heads straight to Yuuka s table and has a sit
Yuuka: Oh... hello, Kuwabara!
Yuuka brightens
Kazuma Kuwabara: Heya!
Souichirou Kuzuki: Yeah. Curriculum s tricky yet tedious.
Could use all the breaks we can, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara leans back against the table, facing outward and keeping an eye

on the students on the other side

Kazuma Kuwabara: Why re ya all by your lonesome over here?
Yuuka: Well...
Yuuka looks to her right
Yuuka: They re all talking to the new studen, and I don t want to take up space
needlessly. I was considering going to sit by Rani, but she seems...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Funny?
Rani V is just staring down at her lunch blankly
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Yuuka: ...Sad.
Kazuma Kuwabara has got the suspish look
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......(HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM).......
Yuuka: Do you think someone hurt her, Kuwabara?
Space (GM): seer?...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Dunno.....Why don t we invite her over here?
Yuuka: Oh, we can move over there.
Yuuka grabs her tray
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nah, nah, hold up!
Yuuka: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Listen, think about it...
If we go to the new kid, it looks like some kinda obligation, right?
Like, duh, we re gonna dogpile the new kid on her fist day, she s the new kid
But if we invite her over here....
It s like we re sayin "Hey, what re ya doin there? You belong here!"
Feel me?
Yuuka: That s true...
Kazuma Kuwabara: That way she feels more accepted!
Just a nice gesture overall, don tcha think?
Mac D.: space phases in and out of life rapidly
Gein Mender: im back
Mac D.: a man struggling to stay alive
Yuuka: Let s do it!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got it!
Tomoe Takatsuki: What are we getting to eat?
Kazuma Kuwabara cups his hands around his mouth and shouts to Rani
Gein Mender: They give me a lot of leeway, so I don t mind the curriculum all th
at much.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oi! New girl!
Gein Mender: I don t know...
Souichirou Kuzuki: I still have some food from that catering business I do on th
e side!
Want some?
Rani V: ...
Gein Mender: Sure.
More money for a rainy day, then.
Rani V quietly looks over at Kuwabara
Tomoe Takatsuki: What is it?
Gein Mender scoops the money back into the jar
Kazuma Kuwabara gestures her to come over
eldritch s.: calling it right now
Yuuka nods, encouragingly

eldritch s.: it s human flesh

it s human meat
Space (GM): long pork
Souichirou Kuzuki: Curry!
eldritch s.: curried testicles
Souichirou Kuzuki: Pork curry. Can you eat that?
Space (GM): rocky mountain oysters
eldritch s.: pork
Tomoe Takatsuki: I can.
Tomoe Takatsuki kneels down at the table
Gein Mender: Sure.
Gein Mender sits, criss-cross-applesauce
Souichirou Kuzuki smile-nods, then heads out of the room
Mac D.: tomoe has adjusted well to existence
Rani V: ...
Space (GM): she s had a good enough time to acclimate
Rani V takes her tray then heads over to da table
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sup!
Rani V: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What s up?
Gein Mender: So!
Rani V looks up
Rani V: A lightbulb and a painted ceiling.
Yuuka smiles
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....................
Tomoe Takatsuki: Yes!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Hah! Good one!
Gein Mender: How s your class been treating you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: So, you been havin a good first day?
Rani V: I have acclimated well to this school, yes.
Tomoe Takatsuki: They are polite, it s nice.
Tomoe Takatsuki frowns a little bit
Tomoe Takatsuki: The second-years are rowdy...
Gein Mender: Hehe.
Rani V: But I cannot make a judgment until I stay for at least thirteen days.
Gein Mender: Yeah.
Yuuka: Why thirteen days?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gein Mender: You know, I once got my nose broken by a student.
Rani V: Thirteen days is a healthy amount of time to make an assessment for any
social environment.
Tomoe Takatsuki: You did?
Rani s got a near-robotic drone to her voice
Gein Mender: Yeah, I told them they interpreted Of Mice and Men incorrectly, and
they snapped.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh, dear...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Rrrrrright........Well!
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...What is Of Mice and Men ?
Kazuma Kuwabara gestures to himself
Gein Mender: It s a novel by George Steinbeck, he s an American author.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Name s Kazuma Kuwabara! Be sure to remember it, cause it s gon

na be a household name one day!

Gein Mender: Well, a novella.
Yuuka smiles faintly
Tomoe Takatsuki: What is it about?
Rani V: That is a long name. It has a lot of words. Are there any nicknames that
I can call you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......................Just callin me Kuwabara s fine.
Gein Mender: A short, clever, irritable man named George Milton, and a great big
, sweet, dumb-as-a-doorknob man named Lennie Small.
Yuuka: My name is Yuuka.
Rani V: It is a pleasure to meet you, Yukka.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh!... they are lovers?
Rani V: You as well, Kuwabara s Fine.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender: No, no. just best friends and travelling companions.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Ah... yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sooooo.....Where d you come in from?
Tomoe Takatsuki nods
Gein Mender: It s set during the Great Depression, you see.
Yuuka: Hehe!
Gein Mender: They were out of work, and had to go far away to a ranch to get it.
Rani V: I came in through that door.
Rani V points to the cafeteria doors
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...............................................................
Yuuka: No, no. He means, what country did you live in before?
Tomoe Takatsuki: Did they get the work?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Yeah! What she said!
Gein Mender: They did. But the people on the ranch, they were a screwy bunch. An
d it ended in a lot of trouble. If you want to read the book, I could just lend
you a copy. I have one.
... Provided, you d need to read English to understand it.
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...Well, maybe the library has a translation?
Gein Mender: Let s see...
Gein Mender stands up
Gein Mender begins hunting for one
Tomoe Takatsuki looks over at him
Rani V: I originated from Britain, Europe. However, my blood is of descent from
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20
= 12
where s the book
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...India, huh?....Pretty cool!
Gein Mender begins punching bane
it is in the American Fiction section
Gein Mender grabs it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So, uh....You gonna eat?

Gein Mender checks to see if it s translated

yeh it is in japan
Gein Mender walks back over, handing it to her
Tomoe Takatsuki takes it, looking at the cover
Gein Mender: It s a novella, so it shouldn t take too long to read.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Thank you, Mender-sama.
Rani V looks down at her food
Rani V: I am not hungry.
Gein Mender: No problem.
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...Where do you think Kuzuki-san is?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh...You already eat?
Gein Mender:,204,20
Gein Mender shrugs
Gein Mender: Maybe he s dissecting a pig in the lab and he s gonna feed us that.
Gein Mender chuckles
Souichirou Kuzuki walks back into the room, whistling a tune, carrying several p
lates and a container for food
Tomoe Takatsuki s eyes widen
Tomoe Takatsuki: Kuzuki-san? Did... you dissect a pig?
Rani V: I do not have a large appetite.
Gein Mender snickers
Souichirou Kuzuki: Heh... Maybe I did!
Gein Mender: He s playing.
Souichirou Kuzuki starts to set up the foodstuffs
Gein Mender: If he did, he d never admit it!
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh... heh heh heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So....Breakfast s enough?
Souichirou Kuzuki grins
eldritch s.: rani ate a whole ass for breakfast
Souichirou Kuzuki: Hope you guys like it. It s a secret family recipe!
Rani V nods
Gein Mender: Those are the best kind.
Tomoe Takatsuki: A secret...
eldritch s.: 100% human flesh
Rani V: It can sustain me for a matter of forty-eight hours.
Tomoe Takatsuki starts eating
Gein Mender eats
tastes pretty good, Tomoe
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....That so....
eldritch s.: like there s intentionally playing it up for like
th twist to be
A bit spicy, but pretty good
eldritch s.: it isn t
but then there s this shit

Rani V: ...What is so?

Tomoe Takatsuki: ...Ooh. Ooh dear.
Tomoe Takatsuki sets down her chopsticks, fanning her mouth
Gein Mender: I think I had some milk in the fridge, let me go check.
Gein Mender is doing the same thing
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wha?
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20
= 20
there s the fucking milk
Souichirou Kuzuki: ...Eh?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Naw, I said "Is that so"....
Tomoe Takatsuki: It is hot...
Souichirou Kuzuki: Oh, right! Put a bit too much spice in there, sorry.
RIGHT there
Gein Mender brings back the milk and three cups
Gein Mender pours everyone a glass of milk
Gein Mender: There, that should help.
Rani V: Why do you say "is that so"? I do not know what you are referring to.
Tomoe Takatsuki glug glug glug glug
Gein Mender: Never drink water when you eat spicy food.
Souichirou Kuzuki isn t touching his milk as he chows down on the curry
Yuuka: It s just a figure of speech.
Gein Mender returns to his meal
Space (GM): souichirou goes hard af
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, what she said again.
eldritch s.: ew space
Tomoe Takatsuki: Why not?
eldritch s.: of course watching people eat human flesh makes him go hard
Rani V: Speeches are incorporeal. They cannot have figures, can they?
Gein Mender: It makes it even hotter, because it washes away the saliva.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....No, see, a figure of speech is.......Um....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....What s it mean?
Gein Mender: Milk is naturally good at helping dull the heat.
Rani V: .....
Souichirou Kuzuki nom nom nom
Souichirou Kuzuki: ...Mm... I better get some water for this, then!
Gein Mender: Be my guest, pal.
Tomoe Takatsuki: My... Kuzuki-san really fears nothing.
Yuuka: It means...
Well, it s like an idiom. Or a synonym, or something.
Gein Mender: Nah, I m pretty sure Kuzuki would be a bit scared of Mapo Tofu, isn
t that right, Kuzuki?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah! It s one a those things.
eldritch s.: evil people in the nasuvere are naturalyl attracted to psicy food
kotomine, roa was eating it in still night, now this asshole
Souren Araya: Delicious...

Souichirou Kuzuki: Oh, that?

Well, I guess it s a _little_ scary...
(fucking markup)
Space (GM): do the *
Souichirou Kuzuki: little
Gein Mender: My cousin Louis ate Mapo Tofu once.
Rani V: Ah. I understand what you mean.
Gein Mender: He called me after he did.
He was screaming.
Souichirou Kuzuki: Heh... too much for him?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, so...........Yeah!
Gein Mender: Yeah, he didn t like spicy food in the first place, but he lost a b
Rani V: What does the idiom mean?
Souichirou Kuzuki: ...Hang on a second - what color was his hair?
Gein Mender: Brown.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It means, uh.......
Souichirou Kuzuki: Mighta seen him last time I dropped by that place, then!
Rani V: .....
Gein Mender: I don t doubt it. He s probably hiding from some of the other peopl
e who he lost bets to.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara glances at Yuuka like "HELP"
Souichirou Kuzuki: What kind of bets d he make?
Yuuka: It s just a thing people say. Like a verbal comma.
Rani V: It is an expression that will allow them to think as they speak?
Gein Mender: "I ll marry your daughter if Bob wins this cockfight"
Kazuma Kuwabara: ................
Gein Mender: Well. Bob won.
And his daughter was... not a very nice lady.
Souichirou Kuzuki: They got married?
Yuuka: Yes, exactly.
Tomoe Takatsuki respectfully listening
Gein Mender: No, he took the first flight to Japan.
Souichirou Kuzuki: Hooboy...
Gein Mender: And the guy who he made the bet too, well.
He s not the kind of gu you mess with.
Rani V: Is that so.
Is that how I use that idiom?
Gein Mender: He s the definition of "shotgun wedding"
Souichirou Kuzuki: Actual shotguns involved?
Yuuka nods
Gein Mender: Yes. More than one.
Souichirou Kuzuki: At once?
Gein Mender: Well he s in the mob, so he and his mob buddies would all have shot
Rani V nods back
Rani V: I will use that, then.
Gein Mender: And the priest would probably be in on it too
Souichirou Kuzuki: Awww...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, cool!
Gein Mender: I knew a guy who did use two shotguns.
Souichirou Kuzuki: ...Really?
Gein Mender: We called him "Smiley Joe".
Kazuma Kuwabara: So.....If you don t mind me askin , what were you doin sittin
by yerself?

Souichirou Kuzuki: Heh, fearsome!

Rani V: I was passing the lunch hour.
Gein Mender: He was a really sweet guy, he just wasn t one who you made upset.
the bell rings
Kazuma Kuwabara: By yourselGein Mender finishes his curry
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Oh, hey!
Gein Mender: Alright, I guess i gotta get back to my job.
Thanks for the curry.
Tomoe Takatsuki: It was nice to speak with you!
Souichirou Kuzuki: Hey, don t mention it.
Souichirou Kuzuki grins

Mender stands up
V: The bell is ringing.
Mender: See you both.
V: Why is the bell ringing?

Gein Mender heads to the classroom

Kazuma Kuwabara: Means lunch is over.
Souichirou Kuzuki does the same
Gein Mender begins grading tests
Kazuma Kuwabara stands, stretchin
Gein Mender: F.
Space (GM): alright so let s see
Gein Mender: F.
Rani V: And then we go to out next classes?
Gein Mender: C.
Space (GM): we have a choice
Gein Mender: F.
... D.
Space (GM): go onto another class, leaving seer in the lurch
or time skip
...............................................................the solution is o
Mac D.: i suggest time skip to final bell
Gein Mender: leave me in the lurch
Fawkes M. (GM): I got some things to look over for RL class
Space (GM): go, fox... leave me
Time passes...
The bell rings. School is out!
Gein Mender: does souchi do everything in thsi town
does he own a car dealership
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man.........That was tougher to slog through than usual......
Yuuka: I m going to head home. I ll see you tomorrow, okay?
Gein Mender cracks his back

Kazuma Kuwabara nods to her

Kazuma Kuwabara: You got it, Yuuka....
Kazuma Kuwabara seems.....somber
Yuuka: ...I m sorry about Yusuke.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
...Yeah....Me too...
Yuuka: ...
Gein Mender checks his watch
Yuuka starts to leave
Gein Mender: Normally these kids are literally running, screaming of the classes
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender: ... Especially that one time they were dissecting pigs in the lab.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks out the door, hands in his pockets
Souichirou Kuzuki: more pig
more pig
Gein Mender: Kuwabara
Mac D.: kuzuki stop touching the high school girls
gein stop raping souichirou
Gein Mender: Kuwabara.
So, how d it go?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...That new girl seems hella suspicious!.....
Gein Mender: Anything else?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, uh.....
...I, er....Didn t really talk to anybody else.
Gein Mender: Shit, you know what we need.
Check the shoe size of the killer.
Compare it to student records.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Gein Mender: Whoever ordered that shoe-size.
Is on the list.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, you re right.....and then we compare em to the footprints
at the scene, right??
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....But how re we gonna figure out the size of those prints?
Gein Mender: The school shoes are all the same.
Space (GM): they find out it s kuwabara sfoot prints
Gein Mender: And they re uniform.
So they get it through the school.
So we know what the size si going to be.
Let s ask Ms. Toshaka.
Let s hope she ll be at Lumpy s.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....She a police lady?
Gein Mender: She probably knows more than we do.
She is more capable of commiting felonies.
Or gettign other people to do it.
Than we are.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Uhh.......
Gein Mender: By getting into the records.
Just roll with it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh, right.
Gein Mender: C mon!
Gein Mender begins rushing his old ass to Lumpy s
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, hold on! Don tcha wanna know what I-

Gein Mender there he goes

Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Hey, wait up!!
Kazuma Kuwabara follows
Lumpy s is fairly quiet this time of day...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh....Pretty dead
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Doesn t looks like that lady s here, either....
Gein Mender: Do you have a phone.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh? A phone?
Gein Mender: That can look up things on th internet.
Caren Hortensia is eating a burger
Mac D.: does he or does he have an old-ass fliptop
Gein Mender: gein has a fliphone
Space (GM): rolling 1d2
= 2
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh...Yeah, here.
Kazuma Kuwabara pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to him
Gein Mender looks up "where does rin toshaka live"
Gein Mender: on bing
Kazuma Kuwabara takes notice of Caren
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
...Hey, isn t that the...?
Caren Hortensia is eating a jalapeno burger
Gein Mender: Mrmm....
Result - Fuyuki, Japan
Gein Mender tries finding a more specific answer
Fuyuki City, Japan
specifically the side of town on the left side of the river
i forget the name
Mac D.: that s the entire map right
Gein Mender tries to find an adress
no there s two sides
Kazuma Kuwabara watches Caren eat
Caren Hortensia sips her cola
Caren Hortensia swallows
Caren Hortensia: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 37
no, seer
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20
= 10
Mac D.: why s he only rollin one
roll minde
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20
= 47
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?.....
Space (GM): Miyama Shint
Gein, in fact, finds an exact address
Caren Hortensia seems lost in thought, not noticing them as she eats
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Guess priestesses gotta eat, too.....
Gein Mender: Alright, I found her adress.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh? Oh!
Gein Mender: Let s go!
Gein Mender begins running there
Caren Hortensia: ...You two were at the funeral, weren t you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Hey, y-...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Caren
Gein Mender has run off already
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh, uh-.....Yeah.
Caren Hortensia still eating, and not actually looking at him
It s a long run, Gein...
Gein Mender hops onto his segway
wise man
It s a fairly short segway trip there
Caren Hortensia: ...I am sorry for your loss.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..........
Caren Hortensia: Know that your friend is in a better place.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Kazuma Kuwabara , like before, pauses weirdly at that
Kazuma Kuwabara: ............Right.....Yeah...
Gein s starting to get to the rich part of town, with the mansions
Caren Hortensia continues eating her burger
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...........!?

Kazuma Kuwabara looks toward the door

Gein Mender continues riding by
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, crap!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs out the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, Gramps! You didn t even tell me where the address was!!
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to track Gein down
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 24
Kuwabara fuckin clue
And he went off with your phone...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ahhhh.....Dammit!
Caren Hortensia: Is there a problem?
Caren Hortensia dabs at her mouth with a napkin
Kazuma Kuwabara sits in a chair, disgruntled
Gein Mender: is there SPECIAL SAUCE
on her mouth
Caren Hortensia: naughty nun
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dumbass old man ran off with my phone!........
Caren Hortensia: What is your number?
Caren Hortensia pulls out her own cell phone
Gein Mender: oooh she s asking for his number
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh!
Uh...It s [NUMBER]
Caren Hortensia dials that in
Gein Mender:
Mac D.: kuwabara makes the panties wet
Space (GM): pussy
Kuwabara s phone starts ringing
Gein Mender answers it
Gein Mender: Hello?
Caren Hortensia: You have abandoned your young friend.
Gein Mender: Oh.
Tell him to come to [ADDRESS].
Caren Hortensia: [ADDRESS]? Very well.
Caren Hortensia hangs up
Caren Hortensia: There you have it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Is that where he is?
Caren Hortensia starts on her fries
Gein Mender: she sounds just like kotomine
Caren Hortensia: If you run, you can catch him.

Kazuma Kuwabara hops back to his feet

Kazuma Kuwabara: Great! Thanks, lady!
Caren Hortensia says nothing
Caren Hortensia has not looked at him this whole time
Kazuma Kuwabara runs out the door and to ADDRESS
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 47
Mac D.: his hardcore parkour training has done him well
Kuwabara runs with great speed, skidding down a railing with his Soap Shoes
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20
= 12
i m riding a segway fuckoff
Gein s segway can t get over a curb...
Mac D.: shit balance
Gein Mender: Shit.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 36
Gein Mender: kuwabara is going at mach ten
gein is slowly getting stuck on a curb
Kuwabara shoulder-checks his way through a crowd of people!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Outta my way!
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20
= 5

Okay, lifting up the segway isn t gonna work...

Mac D.: i literally burst out laughing
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 38
Kuwabara has the presence of mind to stop RIGHT before he bowls over Gein!
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20
= 40
Gein gets the bright idea to make Kuwabara lift the segway.
Gein Mender: Lift the segway.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gimmie my phone back, ya old bastard!
Gein Mender: Oh, right.
Gein Mender hands it to him
Kazuma Kuwabara takes it
Gein Mender: Now lift my segway.
Kazuma Kuwabara liiiiifts the segway up and over the curb
Gein Mender gets on it and speeds off
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?
Kazuma Kuwabara chases after him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, Gramps! Slow down!!
GEIN, ROLL SPIRI--oh wait there s the mansion
Gein Mender stops
Gein Mender parks is segway
Gein Mender knocks on the door
Kazuma Kuwabara runs up to him, out of breath
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I m....gonna break that stupid thing...!!
Gein Mender: I ll break you if you do.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, right...
Gein Mender rings the bell
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at the mansion
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!

Mac D.: sakura debates whether to go and open the door

???: ...W-who s there??
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to recognize the voice
Gein Mender: Gein Mender, and Kazuma Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 48
Of note - the windows of this mansion are boarded up
It s...!
Sakura Tohsaka: ...What do you want?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, hey! I remember that voice!
Gein Mender: We d like to talk to Rin Toshaka about some private business.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re the girl who was at Lumpy s last night, right?
Gein Mender: ...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...She s not home.
Gein Mender: When can we expect her?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Aw, what? Where s she at?
Sakura Tohsaka: I dunno, and that s private.
Gein Mender: This is a matter of life and death.
Sakura Tohsaka: I actually don t care?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t wanna be rude or nothin but he s right! This is seriou
s stuff!
Sakura Tohsaka: I m busy.
Gein Mender: Listen here you little shit.
You re going to tell me where she is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps, hey!....
Gein Mender: Or I m going to come in there, and KICK YOUR LITTLE INGRATE ASS!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps, c mon!!
Gein Mender jams the fucking doorbell
Gein Mender just keeps pressing it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look, she s not gonna let us in now!
Gein Mender: Fucking little asshole.
Gein Mender keeps pressing it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe if you weren t such an old turd to girls all the time....
Gein Mender: She didn t care about people dying.
Gein Mender continues to press the button
Sakura Tohsaka yells from her room, muffled
Kazuma Kuwabara: You didn t even say what it was about!
Sakura Tohsaka: Fuck off!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe she thinks we re lying or somethin !
Sakura Tohsaka: Fucking fine! She s at 7-11!
Gein Mender: THANKS.
Sakura Tohsaka: No problem!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......

Gein Mender: You heard her.

Sakura Tohsaka: ...Fucking shithead.
Gein Mender presses the button one last time
Kazuma Kuwabara: Would you stop!
Gein Mender: It s fun.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Kickin your ass is gonna be fun if you don t can it and start
segwayin !
Gein Mender gets onto the segway
Kazuma Kuwabara: At a NORMAL PACE, this time!@
Gein Mender speeds to the 7-11
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah-....Fuckin Fossil!

Kuwabara looks sheepishly back towards the door

Kuwabara: ...U-Uhh.....I m really sorry about that!
Tohsaka: Go fuck yourself!!
Kuwabara: Okay, okay, leaving!

Kazuma Kuwabara runs off after Gein

Gein Mender parks outside the 7-11
7-11 Guy: Tum-te-tum...
Gein Mender: Hey.
Kazuma Kuwabara is out of breath again
Kazuma Kuwabara: Swear to god.....I m gonna strangle you one of these days...!
Gein Mender: Did Rin Toshaka come through here?
Good for you, Kuwabara.
7-11 Guy looks at him
Mac D.: will kuwabara recognize 711 guy
and visaversa
7-11 Guy: Rin Tohsaka? The witch of Fuyuki City? The Magic Goddess?!
7-11 Guy um
Space (GM): from whot
Gein Mender: ...
Mac D.: the "convert"
Gein Mender: ... Yeah, her.
Mac D.: "*concert"
Space (GM): he wasn t one of the terrorist dudes
that was just a placeholder face
Mac D.: ah ok
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....
7-11 Guy: Nope. I d definitely recognize her. I got a picture of her as my phone
wallpaper, wanna see?
7-11 Guy shows them anyways
Gein Mender: ... Yeah.
We were told she was at th 7-11.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh..........................
Gein Mender: We re looking for her, you see. It s fairly important.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, uh....Yeah.
7-11 Guy: Really? Is it magic business? A matter of life and death??
Holy shit, are you guys wizards?!
Gein Mender: Life and death.
He s not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah actu-...What, no!

7-11 Guy is practically leaing over the counter

Gein Mender: I m out of practice.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..........
...Oh, god, more LARPers....?
7-11 Guy: Oh, man, oh man...! A real life wizard, holy shit-- erm, to what can t
his humble proprietor of goods hold this honor to, noble magister?
Gein Mender: Kuwabara, MAGIC EXISTS.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right, right, I getcha, gotta stay in character....
Gein Mender: ... I m fine, I was just looking for for Ms. Toshaka.
7-11 Guy: Sir, I-I beg you! Teach me, teach me in your magic rites and ways!
7-11 Guy is clutching a hand to his chest
Gein Mender: ...
Every night, before you go to bed.
Wish, wish hard to be magic.
7-11 Guy: I do that already, sir!
Gein Mender: One night, if you wish hard enough, you ll become a wizard.
Wish harder.
7-11 Guy: Hehe... y, you re pulling the wool over my eyes, aren t you? You think
I m not serious?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man, yer such a bullshitter, Pops......
7-11 Guy stands up on the counter
Gein Mender: Jesus Christ.
7-11 Guy: Listen up! I, Monji Gatou, have a dream!
And my dream... is to become-- a Magus Star!
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, nerd!
7-11 Guy said Star, like, in english
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just tell us where we can find that Tohsaka lady, alright?
7-11 Guy: I can show you where her house is. I go there all the time.
7-11 Guy climbs back down
Gein Mender: ...
No, we were just there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: She ain t at her house!
7-11 Guy: Oh? She s probably having magic business in some far-flung place like
Cairo, or London...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Ah, nuts! Cairo!?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Gein Mender: ... Do you know where any of the Lost Servants are?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Cairo s far away, right?
Gein Mender: Cairo is in Egypt, Kuwabara.
7-11 Guy: The Lost Servants?
7-11 Guy thinks
7-11 Guy then shrugs
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Mojji
7-11 Guy: I dunno. None of those guys are girls, right?
Kazuma Kuwabara: All the way in Egypt!?
Gein Mender: No.
7-11 Guy: It d be cool if they were girls.
Gein Mender: Sure.

Well... I ll, uh, see you around.

7-11 Guy: Wait!!
Gein Mender: Good luck becoming- What?
7-11 Guy: Are you gonna buy anything, most noble of magisters??
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nah.
7-11 Guy: Well, uh... wait!
Gein Mender buys a packet of beef jerky
Kazuma Kuwabara: We re in a hurry, guy!
7-11 Guy: Listen... I ve got a little secret for you guys, too... but money talk
s, y know?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...A secret?
7-11 Guy: Y know, squeak the wheel, get the grease, hehe...
Kazuma Kuwabara: He bought somethin , tell us!
Gein Mender gives him one hunddred yen
Gein Mender: that s a dollar i think
7-11 Guy: ...Eh? Hey, come on, a juicy secret like this is at least a thousand y
Gein Mender hands him four hundred more yen
Gein Mender: Take it or leave it.
7-11 Guy: ...Eh, I guess that s fine. But he doesn t get to hear!
Gein Mender leans in
7-11 Guy: C mon, old magister, lemme whisper in your ear...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll put down the five-fingered discount!
....Hey, c mon!
7-11 Guy: That s all from me!
Space (GM): 7-11 guy is fucking so much fun hol shit
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Aaaagh, whatever!
Gein Mender: Are you implying she was a hooker?
Fawkes M. (GM): He and Kuzuki should meet
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll be waitin outside.....
7-11 Guy: Oh, man, could you imagine??
Kazuma Kuwabara heads out the door
Gein Mender: No.
Good luck becoming a (Magus Star).
7-11 Guy: Aaaaaw, man.... he he heh....
7-11 Guy fistpumps
Gein Mender turns around and heads out
Kazuma Kuwabara: So what d he tell you?
Gein Mender: She used to be really popular on "the circuit".
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What circuit?
Gein Mender shrugs
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh....
Gein Mender: Well.
Kazuma Kuwabara: There any underground competitions in Fuyuki?
I figured you d know.
Gein Mender: I have no idea.
Let me ask my Landlord
Kazuma Kuwabara: Really? Were you low-tier in the mob or something

Gein Mender calls his landlord on his cellular phone

Landlord: Gein?
Gein Mender: Hey! I ve got a question for you.
Landlord: Make it quick, I m about to win it big!
Gein Mender: Are there any underground competitions in Fuyuki?
Landlord: I m at the cat races right now! C mon, Len, you got this one in the ba
Gein Mender: Okay, thanks.
Gein Mender hangs up
Gein Mender: Cat races.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What do you got?
Fawkes M. (GM): A cat is fine, too
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh? Cat Races?
Gein Mender: Cat races.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Cat races.
Gein Mender: Cat races.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man, this town s fuckin stupid.
Gein Mender: Yeah,
Yeah, it really is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Do you think Rin s a Cat Racer, then?
Gein Mender: And I was low-tier American mob.
Not Japanese mob.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, yeah, so is she there or not?
Gein Mender: And you shouldn t tell anyone that, either.
What do you think?
Do you think Rin Toshaka would race fucking cats?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I can t think of any other circuits round this town....
Gein Mender: She s world famous.
He could mean any kind of circuit.
And he spoke in past tense.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Got a better lead, Pops?
Gein Mender: We could wait by her house.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Won t we just get the cops called on us?
Gein Mender: Pffffft.
Probably not.
She can t see us through a door.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And the last thing I want is you anywhere near that girl anymor
Space (GM): do you want to know what the landlord sounds like
Gein Mender: yes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Look, gettin in the Cat Races would be a piece o cake!
There s bound to be a lotta people with connections there, right?
Space (GM):
Gein Mender: 7-11 guy
Space (GM): the mannequin is of rin
Gein Mender: yes
Space (GM): i can t trust my internet connection anymore
Gein Mender: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What do you know? You ever been to a Cat Race?
Maybe it s real big in this town
Gein Mender: I am not stooping to getting involved in fucking cat races.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ya stoop to swearin at a girl in her home.
Gein Mender: That s different, she had it coming.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Do you wanna avenge Urameshi s death or not, Pops?
Gein Mender: Be thankful I did have George jump in through the window.

Space (GM): you know

Gein Mender: Alright.
Space (GM): they have a cat
Gein Mender: Fine.
Space (GM): to participate in the cat races
TWO cats
Gein Mender: Get one of you cats.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s the plan! C mon.
Gein Mender follows him on his segway
Space (GM): eye m gonna start migrating upstairs
Kazuma Kuwabara starts making his way to his house, glad that he s the one leadi
ng now
Kazuma Kuwabara opens the door and slides in
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! Kitties, Assemble!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........?
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Kitties! Assemble!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, we rehearsed this......
Kazuma Kuwabara walks further into the house, looking for the cats
Space (GM): fox can you handle this while i move upstairs
Mac D.: we can wait
Space (GM): way to snub fox mccloud...
Mac D.: well i mean are any of these his characters....
Fawkes M. (GM): I m cool with being snubbed
Mac D.: fox i didn t meeeean it like that
Fawkes M. (GM): No
It s fine...
Mac D.: fox.......................................
Fawkes M. (GM): It s fine........
Mac D.: fox i.....
Fawkes M. (GM) breaks down in sobs
Mac D.: fox....!
Space (GM): you see
you see what you ve done
Mac D.: oh are you back
Space (GM): no
Mac D.: go upstairs faster
Mac D.: fox...!!
Mac D. hugs
Fawkes M. (GM) cries harder
Mac D.: it s okay, it s okay.......
Fawkes M. (GM): I HATE YOU
I HATE YOU.......
Mac D.: don t SAY that.......
Mac D.: i m sorry...............i

Fawkes M. (GM) eventually quiets down

Gein Mender: evolution should not be in a girl s bedroom
Mac D.: evolution is a mystery
Gein s phone rings
Gein Mender answers hsi phone
Kazuma Kuwabara lookin for them cats
Landlord: Gein, this is your landlord speaking! Do not, I repeat, do not, for an
y reason, seek out the cat races! The police have conducted an under-cover raid
on the premises! I m sorry, but you ll have to find some other way to pay your r
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender hangs up
Gein Mender: Kuwabara.
We can t do the cat races.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hoy! Bubbles! Evo!
What for?
Gein Mender: Th police raided it.
Landlord told me just now.
something moves out of the corner of Kuwabara s eye
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, what? Damn......Now wh...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over
Gein Mender: We wait outside her house.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t gettin brought in for stalking, pops!
Nothing there. Just a cardboard box... must be your imagination.
Gein Mender: Well then I ll do it myself.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........?
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches the box
Kazuma Kuwabara: Did Sis order somethin
Gein Mender: How should I know?

in the mail?

Kazuma Kuwabara picks up the box

The box flings itself up!
Underneath is...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
(Dun dun dun dun dun)
Neco-Arc Evolution: Kept you waiting, nya?
Gein Mender was ready to punt him into the wall
Gein Mender: Oh, thank Christ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh! There you are!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Heya, boss!
Yeah, Bubbles is taking a nap right now by the way... all that cleaning got her,
uh, plumb tuckered out.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah, I gotcha!
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: Damn....Well, I was gonna ask Bubs to come be our cat for the C
at Races, but by the sound of things, we can t do that....
Neco-Arc Evolution: Cat races??

Gein Mender: If we can t wait outside her house, what do we do now?

Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah.
Gein Mender: It s a matter of life and death.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Why not... hey, who are we stalk--er, watching?
Gein Mender: ... Rim Toshaka.
Neco-Arc Evolution leans in conspiratorially, adjusting his headband
Gein Mender: *Rin
Neco-Arc Evolution: Rin Tohsaka, eh?...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah.....
Gein Mender: We can t find head or hide of her.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait a sec....
Neco-Arc Evolution: I can get the scoop...
Neco-Arc Evolution holds up his camera
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Ohh! Right!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: Evo s pretty good at stalking girls....He could do the job, and
we wouldn t be in danger of getting arrested!
Gein Mender: Alright.
I m fine with waiting here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Don t you got your own place?
Gein Mender: Yeah.
But when he comes to give us the news, I want to be nearby.
Neco-Arc Evolution snaps to a scoop
Neco-Arc Evolution: *salute
Leave it to me!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back down at Evo
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right, good luck!
Gein Mender sits on his couch
Neco-Arc Evolution: (Maybe with this job, I ll finally have enough money to get
myself that Saber figurine....)
Kazuma Kuwabara: But if you touch her, I m kicking you out.
Neco-Arc Evolution exits out the door, rubbing his hends with glee
Neco-Arc Evolution: I don t touch the merchandise...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender: ...
What s on TV?
Space (GM): evo is fun too
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Ever watch wrestling?
Gein Mender: Yes.
I lost some teeth over it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re gonna watch more of it, in my house!
Gein Mender: And a couple thousand dollars.
... And a kidney.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
....What is with you?
Gein Mender: Don t make bets while you re drunk.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Eesh....
Gein Mender: Hey, my cousin Louis had to move to Japan in order to not marry a t
en-foot tall bearded woman.
I got off lucky.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, no more o that!

Gein Mender: I got the kidney back.

Kazuma Kuwabara: I said no more!
Gein Mender: Alright.
Let s watch TV.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Siddown, we re watchin Winterslam 95!
Gein Mender: ... I think this is the one I lost the kidney over.
Space (GM): the punch out theme is seriously great
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shut up!
Coming up, the headline match... Dashing Dan Blackmore against Dynamite RIN!
Gein Mender: I bet on the lady.
Gein Mender puts five yen on the table
Gein Mender keeps the bets low
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at the table
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....You know this is a tape, right?
Gein Mender: Yeah.
I always make bets when I watch TV.
Or wrestling.
Or any kind of competition.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....
.....Do you, a problem?
Gein Mender: You don t have to put any in this is msotly for sport.
... I don t go to casinos any more.
So it s not a big problem.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Rrright.
Fawkes M. (GM): Bring Gein to the FG
Gein Mender: It s like those people who play the game where they stab between th
eir fingers.
Fawkes M. (GM): And have him bet on everything
Gein Mender: I have nothing to gain, I just do it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender: Oh shit, did she just suplex the guy?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Dynamite RIN was one of the few woman wrestlers sanctioned to fight matches with
Her and the Great Luvia!
Gein Mender: ...
the phone... rings
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to pick it up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Kuwabara residence, whatcha want?
Gein Mender:
Space (GM): i want to watch this fucking anime
holy shit
Neco-Arc Evolution: Boss! I-it s me!
eldritch s.: dear god
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Evo, what s goin on??
Neco-Arc Evolution: She s... at her home!! Yeah, she definitely just got home!!
eldritch s.: YEAH! FUCK HIM UP!!
Gein Mender said this
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Fawkes M. (GM): I m gonna emigrate to fone
Kazuma Kuwabara: Great! Come on back home, we ll be heading out there!

Gein Mender is cheering Rin on

Gein Mender: goodbuy, fox
Fawkes M. (GM) dies
Neco-Arc Evolution: On my way!!
Kazuma Kuwabara hangs up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yo, Gramps! Evo says she s home, now!
Gein Mender: ...
Gein Mender stands up
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to pause the tape and heads OUT THE DOOR
Gein Mender steps outside
Gein Mender gets on his segway
Gein Mender races off
Kazuma Kuwabara follows, disgruntled
Space (GM): gimme un momento
Gein Mender continues heading to her house
They arrive at the Tohsaka house, making excellent time...
Gein Mender hops of the segway
Kazuma Kuwabara arrives shortly after Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Enough....-PANT-...With the god damn...-WHEEZE-....Segway!
Gein Mender rings the bell
Gein Mender: No.
Rin Tohsaka: Just a second!
Rin Tohsaka opens the door
Rin Tohsaka: ...Oh, it s you two!
Gein Mender: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Rin Tohsaka: Here, come in.
Gein Mender: We needed to ask you a question, Ms. Tohsaka.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, it s about footprints!
Rin Tohsaka: Alright. Take a seat, I ll be with you in a second... do you two wa
nt any tea?
Gein Mender: I d love some.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh...sure!
Rin Tohsaka begins to prepare tea
Gein Mender sits down
Kazuma Kuwabara sits as well
Sakura Tohsaka: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara notices Sakura

Gein Mender had his back to her

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh....Didn t know they were related...
Gein Mender: Sisters.
Rin Tohsaka comes out with tea
Rin Tohsaka: Here you are.
Gein Mender: Thank you.
Gein Mender sips his
Rin Tohsaka takes a seat herself
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh ,uh...thanks!
Rin Tohsaka: So, what did you need? Have you found anything?
Kazuma Kuwabara siiiiip
Gein Mender: Do you know what size shoes the killer wore?
Rin Tohsaka: No, not off the top of my head. I could call and ask.
Gein Mender: That would be great.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, that s what we came ta ask for...
We re gonna get the shoe sizes of all the students!
Gein Mender: The school supplies the uniform shoes, so if we knew the size, we c
ould narrow dow nthe list of suspects.
Rin Tohsaka: Let me just call the police...
Rin Tohsaka stands up
eldritch s.: sak already called the police
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Where s she get connections like that?
Gein Mender shrugs
Gein Mender: Just knew the right people.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guess you can do a lot when yer rich...
Gein Mender: Right place, right time, money.
Rin Tohsaka: Alright, I just got off the phone with Inspector Aozaki.
Gein Mender: And?
Kazuma Kuwabara: So watcha got?
Rin Tohsaka: The shoe size of the footprints was [Kuwabara s shoe size}.
Gein Mender: that s a cheap answer space you prick
Rin Tohsaka: [i don t know what his shoe size is]
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Huh!....Weird, that s my shoe size!
eldritch s.: duff what is it
Mac D.: it s [kuwabara s shoe size]
eldritch s.: no so we can actually use this
to find suspects
Gein Mender: Huh.
Space (GM): the footprints in the blood were kuwabara s footprints
eldritch s.: well then
Mac D.: excuse me while i just ring up yoshihiro togashi and ask him personally
eldritch s.: how do we knew
they went to the school
Mac D.: you dumb chump
Space (GM): you don t
eldritch s.: so that was bullshit
Space (GM): it was an ic assumption
Gein Mender: That s odd.
Rin Tohsaka: You re not the killer, are you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...No!!
Gein Mender: Kuwabara is not a killer.
Rin Tohsaka sips her tea

Kazuma Kuwabara looks visibly offended

Rin Tohsaka: Tohno Shiki wasn t a killer, either.
Gein Mender: Kuwabara isn t possessed by Roa.
Rin Tohsaka: Alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! I d never kill Urameshi!
Gein Mender: Well.
He d never kill him in THAT fashion.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Rin Tohsaka: Okay, okay. I believe you two.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You better, you dirty rotten.....
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms
Gein Mender: Kuwabara.
Rin Tohsaka sips her tea
Gein Mender: What are you doing?
You can t just randomly insult people?
People who have let you into their home and made you tea.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t wanna hear that outta you, Pops!
Now, all we gotta do is find people with my shoe size, yeah?
Gein Mender: Listen, the only reason I got mad is because she showed a disregard
for human life.
And yes.
I ll look it up tomorrow.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, right!
Rin Tohsaka: ...Hold on, if I could ask...
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got mad cause she wouldn t let you in and make you tea, ya
damn freeloader!
Rin Tohsaka: Who was the first person on the scene? Do we know that??
*one ?
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Eh?
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Gein Mender: ...
Rin Tohsaka pinches the bridge of her nose
Kazuma Kuwabara: .............Wait, what?
Rin Tohsaka: Yes, that explains the shoe size.
Gein Mender: Fuck me.
You tainted the crime scene.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What? What s goin on?
Wait, huh?
Gein Mender: Those were your shoeprints!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!?
What!? When!?
Gein Mender: When you found the body!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-....Aaaaw, crap!
Gein Mender: But, but, it s still likely a high-schooler.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, geez, are they gonna think I m the killer!?
Sakura Tohsaka: Probably.
Gein Mender: Because if he possesses infants, they re in the right age range.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t goin to pris...!?
Kazuma Kuwabara notices Sak
Gein Mender turns

Rin Tohsaka: ...

Go back to your room, Rin.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka gives them one last scornful look
Gein Mender: she s had a psychotic episode
eldritch s.: Rin: Go to your room, Rin.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....That s your fault, Gramps.
Space (GM): oh my god
Gein Mender: ... I guess it is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....A-Anyway, am I gonna get hauled in by the cops!
Rin Tohsaka: ...Well, do you have an alibi?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, uh.....
....I kinda.....Punched the body a lot, too............
Gein Mender: ...
You really made yourself suspicious as hell.
They said they didn t find prints, thank Christ.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I was distraught, piss off!
Gein Mender: Alright, let s bullshit up an alibi.
Rin Tohsaka pinches the bridge of her nose, leaning back against the wall
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....My shoes got stolen?
Rin Tohsaka deeply sighs
Gein Mender: You were studying at Tsubasa s house.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But she called the police!
Gein Mender: Fuck.
Gein Mender turns to Rin
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah, man, ah man, ah man!!.....
Gein Mender: Can you, uh...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I just wanted to avenge my friends death, I can t go to jail!!
Rin Tohsaka: I ll try my best.
Gein Mender: Thank you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh crap, oh crap, what am I gonna do?...........
Rin Tohsaka: But, look-- I can only do so much.
Gein Mender: I know.
Kazuma Kuwabara is biting his nails
Gein Mender: We have to find the killer quickly, then.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Right, yeah!
Now this quest is twofold!
Gein Mender: Before someone at the station has the same idea we did.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Avenge Urameshi, AND clear my nam!
Gein Mender: Thank you, Ms. Tohsaka.
Rin Tohsaka: Stay safe, you two.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah.....Thanks a bunch!
Rin Tohsaka: Do you have any other leads?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........
WKazuma Kuwabara is almost about to say something, but seems to think twice about
Gein Mender: A lead doesn t have to be solid, Kuwabara.
Rin Tohsaka looks at him expectantly
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara has that weird pause he s had twice before
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Nah, it s-.....It s nothin .

Rin Tohsaka: Are you sure?

Gein Mender: No, Kuwabarw.
Say it.
It cannot be any worse than Da Sword.
Rin Tohsaka: (...Da Sword?)
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nah, it s too dumb to be true!....I was probably just hearin t
Gein Mender: Just say it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Alright, fine.
Kazuma Kuwabara inhaaaale
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....I think I heard Urameshi s ghost last night at Lumpy s!
Gein Mender: Oh.
So you will believe.
In ghosts.
But not magic.
And not vampires?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, yeah.
Rin Tohsaka: Why didn t you say something about this earlier? What did he say?
Kazuma Kuwabara: He didn t say nothin ! I thought I just heard him shoutin my n
ame at the restaurant, is all.....
......Look, forget it, I told you it was dumb....
Gein Mender: It sounds legit to me.
Keep us updated on it if anything else like that happens.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Right, yeah.....
Gein Mender: Oh, eh, Rin.
Rin Tohsaka: Yes?
Gein Mender: Just so we don t have an ordeal like we did today, could we have yo
ur number?
Rin Tohsaka: Sure, hold on.
Rin Tohsaka gives him her card
Gein Mender takes it
Gein Mender: Thanks.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ............
Rin Tohsaka: Take care, you two.
Gein Mender: Oh, one last thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Right.....Thanks...
Gein Mender: Can I talk to your sister for a moment.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Graaaaaamps.....
Rin Tohsaka noticeably hesitates
Rin Tohsaka: About what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nothin !
Gein Mender: I want to apologize.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: We re leavin ! Pops can t apologize for nothin !
Rin Tohsaka: I ll see if she wants to come out. And I m going to be in the room
with her, alright?
Gein Mender: Kuwabara, please.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m tellin you, he ll start throwin crap and screamin within
ten seconds!
Gein Mender: I am a master of tact and grace,
Muffled speech can be heard.
eldritch s.: gein leans in to sak
and makes a death threat under his breath

he mutters
"fuck off"
Mac D.: he said
eldritch s.: and then says he said fuddle duddle
Mac D.: "i can smell your cunt"
eldritch s.: rapist gein
Space (GM): is that a reference
Gein Mender: yes
Mac D.: watch the silence of the lambs you chump
eldritch s.: silence of the lambs you fucking ass
and then he flings his semen at someone
Space (GM): i thought it was something but i forgot what
Rin Tohsaka eventually comes out with her sister
eldritch s.: sakura is in the hannibal lecter gea
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Gein Mender: I would just like to say...
Gein Mender: I apologize for threatening to kick your ass and calling you a litt
le brat. I was just tired, frustrated, and I really wanted to get on with my day
Mac D.: and then he flings all his clothes off and runs off into the night
Gein Mender: I was wrong.
Sakura Tohsaka: ....
Gein Mender: I m sorry.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Sakura Tohsaka: ...I was gonna call the police.
I thought you were gonna break in.
Kazuma Kuwabara under his breath
Gein Mender: I don t think I physically could have broken in.
Kazuma Kuwabara: He probably was...
Gein Mender: I m old.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Okay.
I, um... apology accepted.
Gein Mender: Alright.
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
Sakura Tohsaka hurries back to her room
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....I m impressed, Pops!
Gein Mender: There. And I did it without screaming or flinging my feces.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, it s a start!
Gein Mender: Where s my prize.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, let s go before somethin else sets you off.
Gein Mender: Alright.
Thank you for your time, Rin.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Thanks again, Miss Tohsaka!
Gein Mender stands up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Tell your sis it was nice to see her again!
Gein Mender walks outside
Kazuma Kuwabara walks out the door as well
Space (GM): a good session
Gein Mender: ... Hey, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah?

Gein Mender: Do you want to drive my segway this time?

I can walk.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What? No way, Segways are for old people.
Gein Mender: C mon.
It s fun.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..........................................
.....Alright, I guess I can give it a try....
Gein Mender begins jogging to Kuwabara s, wanting to see the end of that wrestli
ng match
eldritch s.: i like hpw
Space (GM): did you guys have a fun
eldritch s.: sak has a stuffed animal
on her bed
yes i did
Mac D.: i had many fun
eldritch s.: imagine what would have happened
if they had broken in
Space (GM): vampire murder, taiga dojo
eldritch s.: what would rin have thought
taiga is dead, space
Space (GM): oh right it would have just been the bad end sign
eldritch s.: you ruined the game
removing the dojo
Space (GM): b-but
you just said
she s dead
Mac D.: you ruined
eldritch s.: you needed a replacement
Mac D.: the game
this is the price you pay
for killing literally everyone
eldritch s.: it s true
kotomine s ghost dojo
hortensia dojo
Ciel: ooh i know
eldritch s.: who
eldritch s.: no
Mac D.: alternatively crazy hassan discount camel dojo
eldritch s.: no
hortensia dojo
Space (GM): that s not type moon at all
Caren Hortensia: ...You have failed. Yet again...
Mac D.: berserker dojo
Caren Hortensia: But do not be ashamed. Thus is the way of all flesh...
eldritch s.: passive-aggressive
Mac D.: caren pulls out her pathetic guilt-tripping act for the dojo
eldritch s.: sakura dojo
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Assholes. I m not helping you.
Space (GM): so i wanna know
Mac D.: Great Luvia s Excellent Dojo
Space (GM): what s your read on all the npcs introduced today
eldritch s.: i like all of them
Mac D.: a colorful cast of characters i already enjoy very much
eldritch s.: even the serial killer

Space (GM): what serial killer

eldritch s.: who 100% fed gein and tomoe human flesh
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: hell
Fawkes M. (GM): Oh
eldritch s.: venice effectively gave me
two christmas present in ue4
they declared war on hungary when i couldn t
and made them release coratia and ragus
eldritch s.: two weak
friendless nations
in locations i wanted
ripe for the picking
Space (GM): kill
eldritch s.: i was about to when you called me
Space (GM): good, i spared their lives for a few hours more
duff is quiet
Fawkes M. (GM): Duff is busy, isn t he?
Space (GM): well not right now
Mac D.: yoh
Space (GM): jam and olive canot make it and mobiles on her way
Mac D.: isee isee
eldritch s.: i bet the croats will wants to remove kebab very badly when the ott
omans come and ram the stick up their ass
Space (GM): i don t understand the meme remove kebab
eldritch s.: comes from a serbian music video
on a thread whre someone asked how ot do spectator mode in eu4
Hit the  key (beside one), this brings up the debug console.
Type "observe" into it and hit enter.
Watch in awe as Austria unhinges its maw like a snake and eats Europe whole.
Space (GM): is that canon
eldritch s.: remember that video
where austria sent scorpions to eat france
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: don t fuck arond with austria
Space (GM): wonder wheres mobile
hopefully shes ok and its nothing major
Mac D.: hope so too
Mobile L.: I MADED IT
Sorry for taking, was talkin w/family
Space (GM): fox and seer get back in here
Fawkes M. (GM): Hup, I m here
Mobile L.: Yeyyy
eldritch s.: no
Mobile L.: p33n0r
BRB rill qwik, have to put the dogs up
eldritch s.: Debout! les damns de la terre
Debout! les forats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratre,
Cest lruption de la fin.
Du pass faisons table rase
Foule esclave, debout! debout!

eldritch s.: Le monde va changer de base

Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout!
Cest la lutte finale
Groupons-nous et demain
eldritch s.: LInternationale
Sera le genre humain.
Il nest pas de sauveurs suprmes:
Ni dieu, ni csar, ni tribun,
Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mmes!
eldritch s.: Dcrtons le salut commun!
Pour que le voleur rende gorge,
Pour tirer lesprit du cachot
Soufflons nous-mmes notre forge,
Battons le fer quand il est chaud!
eldritch s.: Letat opprime et la loi triche,
Limpt saigne le malheureux,
Nul devoir ne simpose au riche,
Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux.
Cest assez languir en tutelle,
Lgalit veut dautres lois;
eldritch s.: Pas de droits sans devoirs, dit-elle,
Egaux, pas de devoirs sans droits!
Hideux dans leur apothose,
Les rois de la mine et du rail
Ont-ils jamais fait autre chose
eldritch s.: Que dvaliser le travail?
Dans les coffres-forts de la bande
Ce quil a cr sest fondu.
En dcrtant quon le lui rende
Le peuple ne veut que son d.
eldritch s.: Les rois nous saoulaient de fumes.
Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans!
Appliquons la grve aux armes,
Crosse en lair et rompons les rangs!
Sils sobstinent, ces cannibales,
A faire de nous des hros,
eldritch s.: Ils sauront bientt que nos balles
Sont pour nos propres gnraux.
Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes
Le grand parti des travailleurs;
La terre nappartient quaux hommes,
eldritch s.: Loisif ira loger ailleurs.
Combien de nos chairs se repaissent!
Un de ces matins disparaissent,
Mais si les corbeaux, les vautours,
Le soleil brillera toujours!
Space (GM): sorry my dad was speaking russian
eldritch s.: you tripped his acitvation phrase
he s going to shoot obama
Space (GM): b-but my dad could already speak russian
Mobile L.: Beep
Let s still some nights
Space (GM): fox and duff?
Mac D.: ye
Fawkes M. (GM): Hup
Space (GM): lemme set shit up
Mobile L.: Fuddle duddle made me chuckle
Gein is amazing
Just another day at school...

Kazuma Kuwabara leans back in his chair, tapping his pencil against the desk
Yuuka covertly places something on Kuwabara s desk
(From Space (GM)): i have a secret plan 4 the gunth
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down
(To Space): ah lahk seekrits
It s a note
hey kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
(To Space): Should I do schet yet?
Yuuka is looking straight ahead
(From Yuuka): naut yet
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back and STEALTHILY scribbles on the note
(From Space (GM)): i m waiting until seer gets back
(To Space): A ight ;D
Kazuma Kuwabara discreetly places it on her desk
Yuuka looks down at it
Kazuma Kuwabara "yea?"
Yuuka frowns a little
Yuuka places the note back on Kuwabara s desk, but flips it over
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
On the back of the note, another note
where s asumu and tsubasa?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around and notices they aren t here
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara writes in a new note and passes it
Kazuma Kuwabara "dunno. tsubasa mite still b home cuz of her mom......."
Yuuka: ...
Yuuka nods in understanding
Space (GM): s-seer
eldritch s.: i had to get the dog
Mobile L.: Pupper
Gein Mender: Alright, class.
Everyone awake?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender: our noble gms, vanished
Mobile L.: frens dun leve pls
Space (GM): i m getitng music
Mobile L.: ah gotta ketchup
Space (GM): fox probably died
Fawkes M. (GM): Beep
Leonardo B. Harway: Are you awake, Kuwabara?

Mobile L.: stay_awake.wav

Leonardo B. Harway said with a good-natured smile
Leonardo B. Harway what a nice guy
Rani V is eeriely silent - and eerie, period - as ever
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh?
Well, uh, DUH!
Stanislav Glazkov ...What s that noise?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Course I m awake, what do ya take me for..............
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
It sounds like... marching
Gein Mender stops
Kazuma Kuwabara looks toward the door
Gein Mender sighs
Stanislav Glazkov bursts through the door, along with...
Gein Mender: Someone s stumping around like an asshoRani V: .....
Gein Mender: Mmmrrrmmmmmmm....
Stanislav Glazkov: YES, HALLO.
Gein Mender puts a yen in the fuddle duddle jar
Franz Glazkov looks incredibly sullen
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Stanislav Glazkov walks right up to Gein
Gunther peers between his family members at the class, blank face as always
eldritch s.: and they are swedes
Mobile L.: Swedes ft. Russian
eldritch s.: with slav last names
and one with a germanic given name
Mobile L.: Oh my gawd this music
Mobile L.: ilu
Gein Mender: Did you clear this with the principal?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....???
Gein Mender: Can I see those papers, please?
Gunther quietly "heh"s at his father
Franz Glazkov silently goes to take a seat
Mobile L.: u guize r fab
Space (GM): seer you motherfuccker
Kazuma Kuwabara leeeeeans in and notices
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!

eldritch s.: WHAT IS PASSPORT

Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, Gunth!
Gunther squeezes past his bro and into the desk by him
Gunther: Hello, Kuwabara.
Stanislav Glazkov marches away, the music fading as he goes
Gein Mender: Alright, I guess I ll just ask the Principal later.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So you re goin to school, now? Ah, man, I feel bad for ya...
Gein Mender: what was his accent, btw
Gunther: Mm. It s alright, though. I had nothing better to do.
Mobile L.: Russian as fuck
Gein Mender: Right...
Space (GM): stadrick-esque
Mobile L.: Dripping with kremlin and babushka and matryoshka
Ciel is a little nonplussed
Yuuka ditto
Gein Mender thinks to himself "Pinko-Fucker."
Leonardo B. Harway takes it in stride
Gunther: Heh.
Gunther studies his new classmates
Franz Glazkov: .....
Franz Glazkov looks like he wants to be anywhere but there
Rani V is as ......... as ever
Gein Mender: Well, if our new student would please stand up.
Gunther smiles warmly at Franz s pain
Gunther gives him a look like "do it, fgt"
Franz Glazkov: .......
Franz Glazkov sighs deeply
Franz Glazkov rises
Franz Glazkov: Hello. I am new to the school. Hope to have pleasant learning exp
erience with all you people.
Franz Glazkov sits back down
Gunther: Eheheh...
Franz Glazkov the withering look
Gein Mender: And your name?
Franz Glazkov: Is Franz Glazkov. Hhhello.
Gein Mender: Alright, Franz.
Gein Mender walks over to him, trying to squeeze hsi fat potbellied self behind
Rani s seat
Space (GM): roll finesse
Gein Mender: Here s your copy of the class book.
rolling 3d20

= 45
Gein Mender places it on his desk
he s still got it
gein feels mildly young again
Gunther "he he he"
Franz Glazkov stares down at the book
Gein Mender: Try catching up to chapter 20.
Gunther is having a good day today
Franz Glazkov: ...Hm.
Gein Mender squeezes back
Franz Glazkov opens it up
Gein Mender: Alright! No we re getting into the really bizarre parts!
Gunther: Oh, good.
Gein Mender: Who can tell me what happened last time.
Space (GM): damnation and balefire i forgot to place satsuki
Gein Mender probably lent gunther a copy when he wasn t in the class, he\ s just
that kind of guyu
Yuuka looks to Kuwabara
Gunther indeed has it and is just flipping through, looking for expletives and s
ex scenes
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
Gein Mender knows that those are bountiful
Rani V also looks at Kuwabara, out of imitation more than anything
Leonardo B. Harway looks at Kuwabara as well
Ciel: ...?
Ciel is not sure why everyone is looking at Kuwabara, and looks at him
Gunther studies Rani whilst she looks at Kuwabara
Gein Mender looks at everyone looking at Kuwabara
Space (GM): gunther roll mind
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 9
Space (GM): shes indian
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh......What s everybody lookin at?
Franz Glazkov silently raises one hand into the air
eldritch s.: "Someone weirder than I am...."
Gein Mender: Yes. Franz?
Gunther silently hopes she has a funny accent and returns to watching his SWEET
Rani V she s still as if a machine
Mac D.: gunther starts calling her Apu
Gunther king_harkinian_hrrrm.wav
Mobile L.: Racist Swedes
Franz Glazkov: Last chapter was death and funeral of Shinji. Very sad, very sobe
eldritch s.: he IS the pale, blond master racr
Gein Mender: Very good, Franz.
Franz Glazkov: Had, how you say, paythos.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh, yeah! What he said!
Gein Mender: Kuwabara, you re a regular Thomas Alva Edison.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms in TRIUMPH
Kazuma Kuwabara: You BET I am!
Gein Mender: In that you take the ideas of other people, and sell them off as yo
ur own.
Franz Glazkov: Is not good thing.
Gunther skims to the Shinji funeral chapter and tries to find debauchery in it
Gein Mender: Dikku.
Gunther: Eheheheh...
Gein Mender smugly puts a yen in the jar
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-Hey!
Gein Mender: Yes, anyway.
The funeral of Shinji.
Kazuma Kuwabara frowns
Kazuma Kuwabara: That was my thing......
Gein Mender: Did anyone catch anything... interesting about the prose?
Yuuka: It uses foreshadowing?
Gein Mender: ... In a way, yes.
Gunther raises a hand
Gein Mender: Yes. Gunther?
Yuuka: fucking commies
Gunther: I believe I saw some symbolism near the end, but I wanted your opinion
since you re more educated. Tell me, when Tohsaka weeps into the Brazilian strip
per s ample bosoms after the funeral, is this supposed to represent Paul s guilt
from being unable to properly console Sakura?
Gein Mender: Excellent!
That s interpretation, and that s what the soul of fiction is about.
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender: Now, another thing to keep an eye out is.
Franz Glazkov whispers
Gein Mender: The prose changed stylistically, become overwrought and comically d

(From Franz Glazkov): Is very odd literature, very weird.
(To GM): Mm. You ll understand more when you re older.
Franz Glazkov scowls
Gein Mender: This was to create a very dark comedy out of despair, as Shinji was
a very dislikable character, so that even his funeral, a time of sympathy and s
adness for him, was a secret a joke, in its own way, isn t that a bit saddening?
It s layered.
Space (GM): i think it s nice that gein is a teacher who genuinely enjoys the ma
terial he is teaching
in addition to the mob thing
Gunther: The description of Shinji s corpse in the earlier chapter was definitel
y overwrought, especially the details about the eyesockets.
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Did you whisper to moi?
Gein Mender: Yes, that was... gruesome.
(To Fawkes M.): Nah, I don t believe I did
Gein Mender: Another chapter that I am required to inform you you DO NOT have to
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Huh
Gein Mender: You can tell asmuch as they are marked in red highlighter
Gunther just smugly tossing out the biggest, most multisyllabic Japanese words e
very time he opens his mouth, and in a perfect accent
Gein Mender: Now, I have some music prepared. that Rin says her editor had playi
ng while she worked on heping wiht the chaSouichirou Kuzuki: Hey, Gein! Good news!
Gein Mender: Yeah?
Gunther: ?
Gunther looks at this fellow
Souichirou Kuzuki: You know that field trip that Tomoe and I were scheduling?
Gein Mender: No.
Souichirou Kuzuki grins
Souichirou Kuzuki: Well, the schedule shifted around, so now it s today!
eldritch s.: i ve had teachers do shit like this before so is this supposed to b
e hideously unprofessional
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
eldritch s.: not rescheduling trips but i mean having conversations during a cla
Space (GM): it can t be helped
it s not unprofessional
Gein Mender: Where is this too?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up from totally not napping
Gein Mender: *to
Leonardo B. Harway smirks quietly
Kazuma Kuwabara: Somebody say "field trip??"
eldritch s.: fox singlehandedly
destroyed the final laugh
i was going to have
at shinji s expense
RIP joke
Gunther does not seem intrigued
Space (GM): i thought it was gonna be linkin park
eldritch s.: no

Mobile L.: Ahahahaha

eldritch s.: it was this song
Gein Mender: So where is this trip to?
Gunther quietly sings "Nuclear" in ghastly, nigh-indecipherable Swenglish
Souichirou Kuzuki: You know Weisscorp, that weird, top-secret German company tha
t just opened an office in Fuyuki two days ago?
Leonardo B. Harway looks fully at Kuzuki now
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Aw, man, is this one of those boring LEARNING field trips?.
Gein Mender: If they re top secret, why are we going to a trip to their office?
Ciel: Isn t that what most field trips are like?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Not the GOOD ones.....
Souichirou Kuzuki: Hey, it s gonna be interesting!
Gein Mender: I m sure it will be.
Gunther studies Harway
Gein Mender: I had a cousin who worked in an office.
Leonardo B. Harway preppy rich kid in a suit
Gein Mender puts on his coat
Souichirou Kuzuki: Heh heh!
Gein Mender: He shot himself.
Alright, let s go!
Gunther: ...Heh.
the class files out into the hall
Gunther squeeeeeezes out of his seat with a lot of creaking and follows
Souichirou Kuzuki is christopher walken without a care
Gein Mender: gunther got the fatness of saber
Mobile L.: But the magic of Caster
Gein Mender follows after him
Rani V is trying to imitate the walking patterns of Leo
Mobile L.: Erryone fuckin has a seizure and dies
Leonardo B. Harway walking briskly and quickly
Gunther again looks at Rani, MILDLY INTRIGUED
Gein Mender: i think there was something bad in that curry you gave me
i m freaking out
Gunther: duuuude what
Rani V is walking briskly and quickly and robotically
Gunther wonders if she s........ one of THOSE PEOPLE
Leonardo B. Harway: dude look
Gunther yes, a......... pakistani
Leonardo B. Harway: it s like 3d look at that
Space (GM): the illusion od perspective
Rani V: duuuuuuuuuuuude
Satsuki Yumizuka: whoooooooooa
Gunther: best field trip ever B)

Gein Mender vomits

Kazuma Kuwabara: YOU DID THIS
Gein Mender: i save us
Mobile L.: beerb
Gein Mender: i saved us from the drugs
SHIKI: enough of this fuckery
Souichirou Kuzuki
Space (GM): alright yes so...
The party leaves for the school bus
Gein Mender: why ellipses
Space (GM): i donot kno
Gein Mender: Right.
Gein Mender is expected to sit where, exactly
the front of the bus
Gunther sits next to his bro for surveillance/torment purposes
The bus trip... is short as fuck
they probably could have just walked there
Rani V: Why did we not walk?
Gunther: Mm. Government money well spent. I hope the buses are fuel efficent.
Gunther observes the hallowed halls of this complex
The reception area, for a supposedly top-secret office, is bustling
a tour guide approaches to greet them
Mac D.: sorry had to move upstairs
Space (GM): clones
Mac D.: oh dear god there s TWO OF HEr
Clara Testarossa: We are legion.
Mobile L.: Cloning facility
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around at the reception area
Clara Testarossa is approaching the group, trying to see which of them seems lik
e a chaperone
Kazuma Kuwabara: Fancy.....
Gunther sees if he can scribble something on a pillar without anyone noticing
There s security cameras...
Souichirou Kuzuki is just idly minding his biz, not being chaperonish at all
Gunther looks directly at one of them
it stares back
Gunther staaaaaaaaaaare

Security Camera: ...............

Clara Testarossa: Excuse me - are you the tour group from Homurahara Academy?
Gunther brushes his bangs aside from one eye
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at Clara
Clara Testarossa: Are you?

Gunther then does this charming number

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh...Yeah, that s our school!
Gunther: Heheheheheh...
Gunther puts his hair back
Clara Testarossa nods
Clara Testarossa: Welcome to Weisscorp, then. My name s Clara - I m the tour gui
de assigned to you today.
Fawkes M. (GM): Seeeeeeeer
a second tour-guide is busy talking up the other group fulla NPCs but for the pu
rposes of this they re irrelevant
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, cool!
So, uh.....What kinda stuff do ya do here, alien dissections?
Clara Testarossa: Engineering, actually. We re a startup that creates revolution
ary new versions of home goods and supplies.
Space (GM): lets wait for seer a bit
Mobile L.: Yeh
Mac D.: aiight
Gein Mender: what did i miss
Space (GM): nm
Mobile L.: Not a whole lot, they just arrived at the place
Space (GM): this is our tour guide
Mobile L.: We paused for ya
Kazuma Kuwabara: s one in the morning................
Mac D.: said me
Space (GM): suck it up old man
Mac D.: heeeeeeugh....
Mobile L.: Lies, it s only 12:30
Gein Mender: Gunther/
Don t make faces into the camera.
Mac D.: maybe in your INBRED REDNECK TIME
Gein Mender: If you do, they ll know you re Gaijin scum and take you to a camp.
Gunther: Heh. Will they really.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So,, toasters and stuff?
Gein Mender: Why don t you ask the nice lady about the secret Weisscorp deathcam
Clara Testarossa: We have a toaster in the makingGunther: That old man on the streetcorner was right, then. Eheheh...
Clara Testarossa turns to Gein
Clara Testarossa: ...Excuse me.
Gein Mender was whispering
Gunther still looks bemused
Clara Testarossa has taken note of the Gunther he s whispering to
Gunther is a fat, pale gaijin with a bad haircut and stupid Crocs
Gunther: ...Hello.
Gein Mender is a fat, pale gaijin with receeding gray hair and some snappy-ish d
Mobile L.: Rep-re-sent

Leonardo B. Harway is a thin, pale gaijin with some kind of bowl cut in a red su
Clara Testarossa turns her attention to Gein
eldritch s.: all of the gaijin filth are pale
aryan master race
Rani V: hem hem
Mobile L.: No tan gainin
Clara Testarossa: Excuse me - you are the teacher in charge of this group, corre
Mobile L.: O
eldritch s.: except for the indian
Gein Mender: Yes.
Rani V: :v
Gunther smiles up at the security camera like "what now, bitch?"
eldritch s.: the indian who is apparently some manner of slave to the aryan mast
er race
i ve cracked the code
this is nazi propoganda
Security Camera makes angry eyebrows at him
Mobile L.: They say it was the Aryans who brought Sanskrit to India
eldritch s.: mighty whitey
Clara Testarossa: My name s Clara. I m the tour guide that will be leading your
Gunther :) :) :) :) :) :)
Space (GM): the security guard is barney
he ll never appear
eldritch s.: I m Gein Mender.
Space (GM): and this has no relevance to anything whatsoever
Clara Testarossa: Are you?
Space (GM): but the guy watching the camera is barney
Mobile L.:
eldritch s.: no im not
Mobile L.: ilu
Clara Testarossa: hmm hmm
Gein Mender: But I am.
Security Camera: .......................
eldritch s.: as in barney the dinosaur
Space (GM): baka seer
Gunther >:D
Security Camera: ...............................................................
Clara Testarossa nods
Gunther :3c
eldritch s.: imagine
the dinosaur
manning security camera
Clara Testarossa: Follow me. Make sure that you remain close by me - the offices
can get awfully cramped at this hour.
Security Camera: . . .
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: He d want to hug everyone he saw

Gein Mender nods

Gein Mender: No wandering off, kids.
Gunther tut
Kazuma Kuwabara is BORED ALREADY
Gein Mender: Or you ll get lost, and then you re company property.
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dunno what I m less interested in learnin .....Gramps creepy b
ook, or toasters....
Leonardo B. Harway: The lawyers would have a field day with that one...
Gein Mender: So would the papers.
Clara Testarossa: ...We ll make sure you return home safe if anything happens.
Souichirou Kuzuki: hey
Gein Mender chuckles and follows
Souichirou Kuzuki: reading is important
Clara Testarossa starts to lead the group towards some hall
Gunther: he s gonna eat kuwabara, help
Clara Testarossa: oh god
Kazuma Kuwabara: get away from me
Clara Testarossa: are you the teacher
Gein Mender: bye kuwabara
Souichirou Kuzuki: i live
Gunther: nooooooo
Souichirou Kuzuki: i hunger
run, cowards
i am souichiroustar
Gunther: kill it
Gein Mender: i played your game, you suck at this
Kazuma Kuwabara: we need a hero
Clara Testarossa: this is my first day here
Kazuma Kuwabara: we need inferno cop
Clara Testarossa: i didn t sign up for this
Gein Mender: i didn t ask for this
Leonardo B. Harway follows, happy to see Enemy Company Inner Workings And Maybe
Gunther is all :P as he moonwalks away from the camera
eldritch s.: leonardo has to hide his boner at the thought of getting company se
Leonardo B. Harway: mmm...
eldritch s.: he walks funny
Mobile L.: Jizzes his pants when he sees the newest toaster
eldritch s.: also since all fox said
Fawkes M. (GM): Fucking TRACKPAD
eldritch s.: is that it was barney
it is now canon that it is barney the dinosaur
Fawkes M. (GM): I think Silence of the Lambs
eldritch s.: and therefore i demand
Golden Wolf: o k
eldritch s.: that a man
dressed in the costume
manning the cameras
must appear
Mask de Bara: disgusting

Mac D.: gonna be 2 AM soon..............

Mobile L.: jedus
eldritch s.: or i quit
Mobile L.: Pik it uhp
Gein Mender does anything of this place remind gein of george
a certain scent lingering in the air...
Mac D.: plz.....................i can go no further.............................
...go on...............without me...........
Gein Mender sniffs
Gein Mender: rolling 3d20
= 32
good bye forever, duff
smells like dog...
Mac D. dies
Space (GM): betrayal
Gein Mender: Something in here smells like a dog.
Mac D.: nite everybody
Gunther sniffs to see if this is tru
Space (GM): l8r
Gein Mender: I don t think it s Gunther this time, either.
Gunther smells... nothing
This floor is closer to a museum than you d expect an office to look. Various ap
pliances are on display, like air conditioners and alarm clocks - some opened up
to show the inner workings.
Gein Mender pats him on the back
Gunther: Eheh... I smell nothing, though.
Leonardo B. Harway: Woah...
Gein Mender: You don t own a dog
Leonardo B. Harway is ABANDONING THE GROUP in excitement...!!!
Gein Mender: Hey!
Leonardo B. Harway: ?
Gunther: Franz smells like a dog when he gets wet.
Leonardo B. Harway looks up
Gunther: I d say that s close enough.
Gein Mender: What did I say about wandering off and being bought by Weisscorp?
Leonardo B. Harway: Oh-- yes, right.
Clara Testarossa: It s fine, actually.
Leonardo B. Harway coughs, adjusting his tie
Gein Mender turns to her, muttering
Gein Mender: You have to rule with fear.
Clara Testarossa: .....
Gein Mender: Machiavelli.

Leonardo B. Harway: Does this machine work? If I throw this lever will your enti
re operation fall into disarray?
Gunther plods over to see what Richie Rich is looking at
Clara Testarossa: ...This... this is a floor that you ll have fifteen minutes to
explore freely. You know that, right?
Some weird, technological... gizmo. You can t make heads nor tails of it.
Leonardo B. Harway: Look at this. Why, it s a...
Gunther: Hmm... Is this the fabled Gaydar?
Leonardo B. Harway: A... something!
Oh, quite, yes...
Leonardo B. Harway chortles
Leonardo B. Harway actually chortles
eldritch s.:
Gunther "heh"s heartily at his chortles
eldritch s.: no i have the fabeled gaydar
Gunther: ...Funny, I think I hear it beeping.
Leonardo B. Harway: Oh, yes it-- if Mr. Kuzuki were here, I bet it would be goin
g off like crazy!
Mobile L.: Canon Leo voive
Space (GM): good
Gunther: Is Mr. Kuzuki informed of the latest Gaydar capabilities.
One must always stay ahead.
Leonardo B. Harway: Oh, he has one of his own, I m sure.
Leonardo B. Harway turns to him, offering a hand
eldritch s.:
Leonardo B. Harway: Leonardo is the name - I don t believe we ve met.
Gein Mender: ...
Space (GM): the fabled gaydar
that s gunther s voice
Mobile L.: Oh yes
That is
Clara Testarossa folds her arms, watching Gunther and Leo from a distance
Mobile L.: P E R F
The monotone
Gein Mender: It always turns to gay jokes with kids.
You see some fancy doodad and then it becomes the gaydar.
Gunther takes his hand and oop, joy buzzer!
eldritch s.: plot twist
Clara Testarossa: It s similar to a lie detector, actually.
Leonardo B. Harway: ?
eldritch s.: it actually is a gaydar
Gein Mender: Really?
Clara Testarossa nods
turns out... he was wearing leather gloves, like a rich fuck
Clara Testarossa: I can t say a lot about the inner workings, though.
Gein Mender: I d imagine.
Gunther: ...Eheh...Hm. Gnther Glazkov. Well met.
Gein Mender: Never know who s listening.
Gunther swiftly dismounts

Clara Testarossa nods

Gein Mender: Really swell of you folks to let kids in here like this,
Leonardo B. Harway: I suppose you re an exchange student as well? My, our class
has its fair share of them, between you, me, Rani, Franz...
Clara Testarossa: You underestimate our security, Mr. Mender.
Security Camera watches Gein
Gunther: Naturalized, actually, but I can see why you d think that. Where are yo
u from.
Gein Mender: Is this the part where I m given a pair of cement slippers?
Leonardo B. Harway: Oh, I m from the United Kingdom. London, as a matter of fact
eldritch s.: just like that douche from beyond two souls
Space (GM): cut to gein getting beaten up in the basement tied to a chair
eldritch s.: the one from the party
Clara Testarossa: Not unless you try to steal something. Or trespass where you r
e not allowed.
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): oh shit
Gein Mender: Meh, I m not that stupid.
alarm klaxons go off
eldritch s.: that voice was clara
Gein Mender: That s not very good, is it?
the klaxons fade
Gunther: Ah. Then I suppose you follow the Upper-Class Twit of the Year competit
Leonardo B. Harway immediately brightens up
Clara Testarossa shakes her head
Leonardo B. Harway: Ah, Monty Python!
Clara Testarossa: It s just something experimental.
Gunther: Eheh. Wonderful show. English comedy is so interesting.
Gein Mender: I don t know very much about Weisscorp.
Mobile L.: This portion feels like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Leonardo B. Harway: I wasn t aware it was shown at all in Japan.
Clara Testarossa: come w/ me
and you ll see
wait till i bring in the oompa loompas
a world of pure imagination
god damn you fox
Gunther: It may or may not. I have DVDs.
Clara Testarossa: hey, what did i say about copiloting
fight me
bring it
Clara Testarossa fights Clara
Clara Testarossa: Ow
Leonardo B. Harway: Ah, very good...
Gunther: Mm. I also like the IT Crowd, and the original Office.
Clara Testarossa: Well, we re fairly new.
eldritch s.:
Leonardo B. Harway: My... you certainly are well-versed.
Leonardo B. Harway has turned back to the fabled Gaydar at some point, and is fi
ddling with it
Clara Testarossa: Our main office in Germany only opened less than a decade ago.
eldritch s.: charlie and the class action lawsuit
Mobile L.: You are a veritable Gene Wilder, Eldy
Gunther: It s a hobby of mine... What brings you to Japan.

Gunther looks to see wtf he s doin

Gein Mender: Really?
Leonardo B. Harway you know those love testers, where you grab a handle and it s
hows how good of a lover you are
Clara Testarossa nods
this is that thing
Cheery Voice: Please wait while your results are tabulated!
Leonardo B. Harway: ...?
Gunther mildly intrigued
Clara Testarossa: We re big in the West, actually. It s only now that we re star
ting to branch out to Asia.
it dings
And something appears on the screen
Gein Mender: How s that been going for you?
Leonardo B. Harway: ... Ace ? What does that mean?
Clara Testarossa: It s too early for the executives to say.
eldritch s.:
Gein Mender: You run a real operation here, I hope it goes well.
Gunther: Asexual, perhaps?
Leonardo B. Harway frowns
Leonardo B. Harway: Here, you try this.
Mobile L.: Fabulous
Gunther smirks
Gunther: Hm.
Gunther beeb boob bip bop
Cheery Voice: Please wait while your results are tabulated!
Leonardo B. Harway watches
Clara Testarossa: Thanks. I hope it does, too.
Gunther pushes a hand through his bangs
Gein Mender: I suppose running this must make lots of jobs.
Something appears on the screen
Gunther: ?
Clara Testarossa: What do you mean?
Leonardo B. Harway blinks
Gein Mender: Well with the security and employees and engineers.
Gunther: ...Eheheh. I must be so powerfully aphrodisiac that I broke it.
Gein Mender: I think having this would be good for the economy.
eldritch s.:
Leonardo B. Harway: Erm... let s move on.
Clara Testarossa nods
Leonardo B. Harway seems discomforted about something
Clara Testarossa: Especially with the shift in the world s state over the past t
en years...
Mobile L.: Ghey
eldritch s.: It s been interesting.
Space (GM): gunther removes his wig
Gein Mender: me say this
Clara Testarossa: hi seer

Space (GM): he was putin

the whole time
Clara Testarossa: That s all that you have to say about it?
Gunther wonders how sharp this lad is and what he s thinking
eldritch s.:
Gein Mender: It speaks for itself.
Leonardo B. Harway starts checking out all these other gizmos
Space (GM): holy shit
Clara Testarossa: You re not with or against them?
Mobile L.: Many layers to this reveal
Gunther: ...Anyway. What brings you to Japan.
Gein Mender: I really try to keep out of stuff like this.
Leonardo B. Harway: Oh... yes, my family is here on business
Clara Testarossa: That s probably the wisest thing to do.
Leonardo B. Harway picks up what looks to be a switchblade
Leonardo B. Harway flicks the switch
laser switchblade
Leonardo B. Harway: ...Look at this!
Gunther: ...Strong in you, the force is, Skywalker.
Clara Testarossa: I ve been to our office in London. There s far too much turmoi
l going on - we had to install airport-level security.
Gunther said in a very bad Yoda voice
eldritch s.:
Gein Mender: Jesus, really?
Leonardo B. Harway: ...
Leonardo B. Harway turns it off quickly
Clara Testarossa: It s where the Association is based in. Naturally, it attracts
the most trouble.
Leonardo B. Harway: Hey, Gunther... why don t you look at that painting?
Mobile L.: That is what I was thinking too, TBH
Clara Testarossa glances over at Leo just as soon as he turns off the blade
Gunther: Oh? Is it interesting somehow.
Gunther looks that-a-ways, but has one eye on Leo
Gein Mender looks at him too
Leonardo B. Harway: It s a vintage... van der Flyt, I believe.
Clara Testarossa: Sir!
Clara Testarossa calling to Leo
Leonardo B. Harway: rolling 3d20+2
= 23
eldritch s.: barney needs to show up with a gun and tell him to get down
Leonardo B. Harway she says that the moment he stuffs the knife into his pocket,
it s very visible

Leonardo B. Harway: ...Er.

Leonardo B. Harway puts it back
eldritch s.: ...
Gein Mender: me do that
Gunther: ...Hm. It looks like you ve landed yourself in some van der Shit, thoug
Clara Testarossa frowns at him
Leonardo B. Harway: ...How much is it, if I might ask?
Leonardo B. Harway has that unflappable smile back on
eldritch s.:
Clara Testarossa: It s not for sale. And if it was, you d need a permit to buy i
Leonardo B. Harway: I see...
Gein Mender: ...
Clara Testarossa has changed her tone to a more assertive one
Leonardo B. Harway: peon
Kotomine Kirei: :)
Mobile L.: :-)!!!!!!!
Space (GM): seer ilu
Mobile L.: Leo is best boi
Clara Testarossa: Please don t attempt to steal anything anymore. Otherwise, we
ll have to evict you from our offices.
Gein Mender: it was the fat kid
Gunther is just kinda Muttley giggling about this
Leonardo B. Harway: Stealing? That s a very unkind accusation to make, miss. But
if it s going to be an issue, then I ll simply keep my hands out of my pockets.
Clara Testarossa: Please do that.
Space (GM): leo is fun
Gein Mender: Kids, eh?
Clara Testarossa turns back to Gunther and sighs
Gunther: You ll need to up those Jedi mind tricks, young padawan. Heh.
Leonardo B. Harway: It s just a spot of bad luck, that s all.
Space (GM): shiiiiiit i just remembered
part of this session was to reveal urameshi s ghost to kuwabara
Clara Testarossa: Are they usually this unruly?
Gunther: One is enough.
Space (GM): welp :v
Mobile L.: What do
Gein Mender: No, Leo s been a really good kid so far.
adapt, space
Space (GM): we ll just have to find some other filler yes
Gein Mender: barney the dinosaur vs terrorists
Space (GM): i m a good person i m allowed to complain about things
Mobile L.: I m calling the cops
Clara Testarossa: ...So far? What do you mean by that?
Gein Mender: He s a new studen.t
Clara Testarossa: ...Ah.
Clara Testarossa still sounds vaguely displeased
Gunther sees what other shit there is to keep himself from falling asleep
Gein Mender: The future is now, isn t it?
Just a few days away from flying cars.

There s... there s the sound of rapid footsteps

Gunther: ?
Gunther nonchalantly looks towards the feetprints noiseses
Clara Testarossa was about to respond when FOOTSTEPPES
Clara Testarossa: ...?
Gein Mender turns to the direction of the sound
Souichirou Kuzuki RUNS UP THE STAIRS, very nearly bumping into Gein
Gunther: Where s the fire.
Gein Mender: What is it, Kuzuki?
Clara Testarossa: ...Excuse me, who are yGein Mender: He s another teacher.
Souichirou Kuzuki: Yeah, so I just found out that Tomoe and I forgot to tell the
principal about this field trip, sooooooooo...
Gein Mender: God damn it.
How do you forget to tell the principal?\
Gunther: ...Heh. Well.
Souichirou Kuzuki: I dunno, it just didn t cross my mind!
We better get back to the school before we get another kidnapping charge.
Gunther sleepily leans against the SEEKRIT MACHINE
Space (GM): kuzuki reminds me of adachi for some reason
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: Ahahahaha
Gunther: Okay...
Leonardo B. Harway: Unfortunate.
Gunther yawns and unslumps
Clara Testarossa is all o_o
Leonardo B. Harway: rolling 3d20+2
= 39
Clara Testarossa: .....
Leonardo B. Harway: Well, we d best be going.
Gunther: Mm.
Souichirou Kuzuki: ...I ll... gostartthebus.
Gunther tails Leo, still watching him for further suspicion/disquiet
Souichirou Kuzuki heads downstairs
Leonardo B. Harway is cool as cool hand luke
Gunther cannot help but admire this little fucker
Gunther really hopes he won t have to snap his neck
Space (GM): seer died
let s wait
Mobile L.: Kewl

Space (GM): i ll migrate upstairs while we do

yeah mobile thinks it s cool when her friends die
Mobile L.: Death is the only joy in this horrid spehere
Space (GM): the L. stands for Nietzche
Fawkes M. (GM): Dammit, I gotta migrate to phone
Gein Mender hurries down the stairs
eldritch s.:
Space (GM): i ll hold down the fort
after i go upstairs
Fawkes M. (GM): Kewl
Space (GM): play elevator music would you
Fawkes M. (GM): Cyan
Gunther sleepily plods after them, trying not to konk out during his descent
eldritch s.: I
Mobile L.: welqum 2 dai
eldritch s.: my internet died
Mobile L.: I hate that
eldritch s.: seems like we ll be done soon enough
with this session
Mobile L.: Yeh
We wrappin up
eldritch s.: and then soon space and i will be done with watching an lp of beyon
d two souls
Space (GM): i was actually gonna ask if yall wanted to just migrate to the rabbi
t now
eldritch s.: yes
Mobile L.: Shur
Space (GM): mobile is gonna hear seer s voice for real
eldritch s.: it s been heard before
Space (GM): well your ugly
eldritch s.: yes
i do not think mobile keeps the link lying around
put it down in here
Mobile L.: Voices r kool
Space (GM): im still migrating
eldritch s.: like a butterfly
Space (GM): i m a monarch
eldritch s.: the monarch migration is actually a real ordeal
Space (GM): see you in mexico fuckers
Mobile L.: Viva Mxico
eldritch s.: see as i ve been to mexico, even as a tourist, i can say that the n
cie parts
while poor
are not like
nearly as bad as like anyone would have you believe
Mobile L.: I think it just depends on which part you visit
eldritch s.: yeah stay away from the borders
because that s where things are going to be sour
Mobile L.: Hella fuckin tension
eldritch s.: and that s hwere all the smugglers are going to be
beautiful, too
not all like desert or some stupid shit
Mobile L.: I wanna go there before I die

My friend is from Zacatecas, and she said it s lovely there

eldritch s.: where s that in mexico
Mobile L.: Hold on, lemme look at a map
eldritch s.: see as a tourist i ve only been to the places near the coast
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: *coasts
Space (GM): discuss it in here
MrEForEccentric: Yayoyayo
Space (GM): ay
MrEForEccentric: yoho
I source too much enjoyment from Junk-bot s antics sometimes
Space (GM): jams gone...
did you summon mobile olive
Mobile L.: Beeboop
MrEForEccentric: No Duff yet
Mobile L.: This is probably the sad-angriest I ve ever written Theresa
MrEForEccentric: Meanwhile- Hats
Space (GM): i ve been meaning to throw someone at the archer-theresa-hello kitty
but it d probably be a bit of mood whiplash
Mobile L.: Hello Kitty s whole existence is mood whiplash
MrEForEccentric: Junk-bot runs the whole gamut
Because being Junk-bot is pain
Fawkes M. (GM): I really need to bring in not!Kuzuki
Space (GM): yes
i don t think duff s showing he s been gone for the past few hours
Fawkes M. (GM): 3/5 ain t bad
Space (GM): what should this next sesh be
Fawkes M. (GM): We ve already done a fucktonne of shool sessions, right?
Space (GM): yes
which is not necessarily a bad thing
alright... here
MrEForEccentric: I recall the last thing being funerals
And wrestling
eldritch s.: no they went to weisscorp last time, but you may ot have been there
Space (GM): we had a session while you were asleep, with the justification tsuba
sa was at the funeral
for her mom
MrEForEccentric: Aight
Fawkes M. (GM): We need to reintegrate Tsubasa
Space (GM): it was a brief field trip
eldritch s.: i like school sessions
Fawkes M. (GM): Illegal af
eldritch s.: makes gein feel like a teacher rather than a creepy old man
Gein gets up in the morning... time to get ready for school.
Fawkes M. (GM): It was actual kidnapping
MrEForEccentric: Gein- his only friends are school children
George: Rrrr...

s leg twitches in his sleep

Gein Mender pets George as he rises out of bed

Gein Mender it s like fucking 6:00
Gein Mender: wait
like ridiculously early
absolutely ridiculous

Gein Mender walks to the bathroom

Gein Mender gets dressed
Gein Mender: actually wait
Fawkes M. (GM): Roll spirit
MrEForEccentric: Roll spirit for fashion sense, yes
Gein Mender is about to go into his living room without having gotten dressed, s
tops dead
Gein Mender: I should puts some clothes on fire. Stupid. Stupid.
Gein Mender then goes to put some clothes on
MrEForEccentric: On fire
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 11
MrEForEccentric: Gein likes self immolation
George: you okay ethan
Gein Mender: jason
Mobile L.: Press X to Kuwabara
Gein Mender: urameshi
Gein s phone rings...
MrEForEccentric: Why does Gein have so many bottles just sitting on top of his w
ine cabinet
Gein Mender picks up the phone
MrEForEccentric: In fact why does he have a wine cabinet
eldritch s.: why would he not
MrEForEccentric: Fair point
Landlord: Gein Mender! This is your landlord speaking. Gein, there s something I
ve got to talk to you about. There s a very suspicious character lurking around
... says he s got something for you!
Mobile L.: He prolly has em in case a guest comes over
Gein Mender: How suspicious are we talking? Like, how many bottles of chloroform
out of ten?
Mobile L.: Eheheh
Landlord: He didn t look like a package deliveryman... he s a foreigner in a lea
ther biker jacket! And sunglasses...
Mobile L.: I think my headcanon Gein voice is still Grunkle Stan
MrEForEccentric: I d seek a medical professional if it takes ten bottles of chlo
roform to take you out
Gein Mender tries recalling if he s met someone liek that
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 8
He can t quite remember, but it sounds highly abnormal, especially at this early
Gein Mender: Alright. Just keep an eye out in case he does actually have a bottl
e of chloroform, alright?
Landlord: Oh-- no, never mind! He s leaving now... sad something about how he ll
just leave it with your car.
George: *said
Gein Mender: That sounds immensely like a car bomb.
Or some kind of frameup.
Who knows.
If I go to jail for there be like, cocaine in the car, will you testify for me?
Landlord: I didn t get the impression that he was a subtle man. Don t worry - I
know you re not in that kind of thing anymore. But keep a sharp eye out, alright
? Eagle-eyed Gein Mender, that s a lad!
Gein Mender: Alright.
See you later.
MrEForEccentric: Turns out he left a lifetime s supply of chloroform in the car
Gein Mender as he talks he gets himself a bowl of fruit loops and cranberry juic
The landlord hangs up...
Tsubasa wakes up in her room.
eldritch s.: fruit loops and cranberry juice
George: breakfast
Tsubasa Juufuku stretches as she wakes up
George: champions
eldritch s.: i can t decir whether
he poured the carnberry juice
into the bowl
Tsubasa Juufuku still looks a bit down
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs as she gets up
George: is this bigass plant next to the stove her weed
Tsubasa Juufuku she goes about her morning ritual, slowly. Seemingly tired still
Tsubasa had a strange dream last night.
roll mind... to uncover the secret
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 15
Tsubasa Juufuku decides to take a pen and note down what she remembers of the dr
Mobile L.: Oh shit
eldritch s.: the dick is a part of the dream

Mobile L.: is the koto

A strange man is kneeling at an altar.
eldritch s.: no it is not
it is the buddhist wizarc
for that other thing
He s clad in an overcoat - and he seems to be lost in thought, or in prayer.
Caren Hortensia: ...
Mac D.: hello i was told this is where the klan meeting is being held
Souren Araya: ...They re dead.
Caren Hortensia: Yes.
Mac D.: why did you kill my aryan brothers
Souren Araya: How much longer?
Space (GM): they had it coming
Mobile L.: Ghey ghey ghey
eldritch s.: wow souren answered duff
Caren Hortensia: It shouldn t be long. It shouldn t be long at all.
This town... is teetering on the edge. All we need is to nudge it.
Souren Araya: Yes.
The dream fades.
Mobile L.: Uh oh
Gein s breakfast is pretty weird.
Tsubasa Juufuku finishes writing down what she remembered of it in her journal.
Gein Mender: he s in the house
Kuwabara s alarm goes off.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!
eldritch s.: his break-in alarm
because gein was in his house
Kazuma Kuwabara jolts up and falls off his bed
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nya! Wake up, wake up, wake up, nya!
Neco-Arc Bubbles jumps up and down on his bed
MrEForEccentric: Double Bubbles
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buuuuh.....M up, M up....
Neco-Arc Bubbles: School! School, school, school!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aaaagh.....Can t it be a snow day or somethin ?.....
MrEForEccentric: I m not sure if the hate-shrine to Urameshi is creepier now tha
t he s dead, or if its gotten better
Space (GM): now it s a memorial
Mac D.: he s been too depressed to take it down
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nope, nope, nope.
eldritch s.: literally russian flags
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hhhhg......I am NOT feelin school today.....
I ll call in sick, or whatever....
Gunther has been watching reruns of Corner Gas since 3 in the morning and did no
t get any sleep at all.
eldritch s.: you just do not give a single shit about sweden
Neco-Arc Bubbles: fuck swedes
MrEForEccentric: That isn t even the Russian Flag, seer...
eldritch s.: it s hung sideways
MrEForEccentric: Still not the Russian Flag
Neco-Arc Bubbles: russian flad goesn t have black
eldritch s.: is that the french one
oh i thought
that was dark blr
Franz Glazkov: Brother! Quickly, wake up. We are going to schoolings soon.

Gunther does not find any of this odd and is taking sloppy notes about the curre
nt episode
eldritch s.: that s the french flag
MrEForEccentric: It would have to be white at the top anyway
Gunther: ...I am awake, Franz.
MrEForEccentric: For Russia
White top, blue middle,red bottom
Franz Glazkov: Okay, good for you. Are still going to schoolings soon.
eldritch s.: in sincerely thought
Gunther: ...Yes.
eldritch s.: those were flags
MrEForEccentric: The closest that flag is- is Austria
Mobile L.: (Pretend for me it s the Russian flag)
MrEForEccentric: I think
Space (GM): mobile
eldritch s.: so does franz have a boombox
Space (GM): hello kitty is amazing
and the best
eldritch s.: and porn in his room
Mobile L.: Eeehee, yey :)
eldritch s.: charlemagne s next target
Mobile L.: Franz has these things because he s a relatively normal teen
eldritch s.: who
who fucking owns
a boombox
Franz Glazkov: Gunther! Hurry now and eat breakfast.
Gunther brushes the stack of papers off his chest and slowly rises from the Gnthe
r-shaped dent in the middle of his mattress
Gunther trudges from his room and into the kitchen
eldritch s.: and he just leaves all the porn ot in the open
charlemagne is going to find him
Fawkes M. (GM): ( )
Gunther wordlessly scarfs the breakfast down as quickly as he can
eldritch s.: he ll crawl from under his bed
Franz Glazkov:
Franz Glazkov is eating the breakfast and half asleep
Gunther would feel this on a spiritual level if he had any heart
Mac D.: mike hawk hates furries
eldritch s.: of course gunther room looks like the den of a serial killer
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Eat, eat, eat!
Neco-Arc Bubbles has gotten him a basket of tomatoes for breakfast
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
Mobile L.: All the papers are comedy notes
In Russian and Swedish
Kazuma Kuwabara looks groggily at the tomatoes
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Where s the cereal?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Fruit, fruit fruit!
eldritch s.: that s right bubbles
MrEForEccentric: "Eat the goddamn tomatoes, kuwabara I m tired of your shit" - B
eldritch s.: they are fruit
Kazuma Kuwabara: Cereal ain t fruit!

eldritch s.: i thought those were apples

Neco-Arc Bubbles: Eeeeeat! Eat eat eat eat!
eldritch s.: who just has baskets of tomatoes
Neco-Arc Bubbles: i do
eldritch s.: where did bubbles get that
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t wanna go to schooooooool.....
eldritch s.: did you see the ghost of kuwabara s father i drew
look at him
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Investigate, investigate, investigate!
Gein exits his apartment. It s still early in the morning, and honest folk have
abandoned the streets.
His car is parked nearby.
Mobile L.: I saw
eldritch s. walks to his car
Mobile L.: dat hair
Gein Mender: fuck
the delicious taste
of mountain dew baja blast
eldritch s.: that s where kuwabara got his hair from
his papa
Mobile L.: Dew it
It looks just like normal. Doesn t look like he left anything there at all...
Mac D.: pardon me while i put C3 on the shagohod
Neco-Arc Bubbles: make a butterfly
Gein Mender: It s one hundred and fifty percent a trap.
Gein Mender looks for a blunt object he could use for a weapon
Tire iron in the trunk.
Gein Mender opens his trunk
There s a box in the trunk, too.
MrEForEccentric: Its Charlemagne
Gein Mender: Oh boy.
A small parcel, wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.
Gein Mender: "What s in the box?"
Gein Mender is quoting movies to himself
MrEForEccentric: Gein is a sad, sad man
Gein Mender shakes the box, lightly
Mobile L.: I love him
It doesn t make any noise
Gein Mender puts his ear to it, listening
Gein Mender gently opens it and unwraps it
Inside is wrapping paper. Inside of the wrapping paper is a severed human ear.
Gein Mender: Mmmhmmm.
Gein Mender closes the box
MrEForEccentric: Guess you could say
Gein was
Gein Mender rewraps it
MrEForEccentric: Hohohoho
Gein Mender: Alright.

It s going to be alright,
Mobile L.: Berserker!Van Gogh lurks around the corner
Gein Mender calls his landlord
The phone rings a few times.
Landlord: Hello?
Gein Mender: Remember the creepy fucker?
Landlord: Oh, hey! Haha, how ve you been?
Gein Mender: Great.
So the package he left, it was an ear.
Landlord: Yeah, me too! Haha.
Mobile L.: OH NOOOOO
MrEForEccentric: Held at gunpoint
Landlord: This is my answering machine, by the way. Bet I had you going there! L
eave a message after the beep.
MrEForEccentric: Gein s landlord confirmed for being a tool
Gein Mender: I hate your answering machine. Also, call me later, thanks.
Gein Mender hangs up
Gein Mender closes his trunk
Gein Mender but not before placing the tire iron and the box into his RM
Gein Mender begins drivign to work
Mobile L.: Sylladex
Gein Mender: I guess I couldn t... HEAR the ear in the b- Fuck it.
Fuck it, that was really stupid.
Mobile L.: I am legit chuckling
Gein Mender: vroom vroom
MrEForEccentric: Gunther s mannerisms are rubbing off on Gein
hey fox
Gunther: exactly as planned
Jason Artimenner: wait that s not a pm
Mobile L.: I saw nothing
Mac D.: hi jason
MrEForEccentric: JAY-SON
what, space
Gein Mender: ALright class.
I m just going to assume everyone is awake.
Kazuma Kuwabara lies his head on the desk
Kazuma Kuwabara: buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Gein Mender: If someone isn t, please, pinch them.
Yuuka pinches Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?!
Kazuma Kuwabara bolts upright
Gein Mender: If they cry, I ll ad a mark to your report card.
Kazuma Kuwabara: M up!
Tsubasa Juufuku is just looking over her journal, keeping it hidden behind her H
istory book
Yuuka: :>

Gein Mender: Anyhow.

Gunther is already dozing off
Leonardo B. Harway: Tsubasa.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah?
Gein Mender: Can anyone tell me what we did last time?
Tsubasa Juufuku not looking at him
Leonardo B. Harway: I know it s... early in the morning, ha-ha, but that s the w
rong class.
Gein Mender: As I am a senile olllld man and I can t rmember.
Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at the Tsubasa next to her, but doesn t elect to say
a thing yet
Tsubasa Juufuku: Is it?
Gunther tries in vain to keep himself awake by remembering everything that happe
ned on the past fifteen episodes of Corner Gas
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- right
Leonardo B. Harway: Heh heh...
Leonardo B. Harway s facade of humor cannot quite hide the underlying worry
Gein Mender: Jesus Christ.
Tsubasa Juufuku closes the book and gets out the english book
Gein Mender: Why are you all zombies this morning?
C mon!
Franz Glazkov: Sir, is early.
Gein Mender: ... Jesus Christ isn t a swear, is it?
Gunther: ...mrrrrgghhh... braaaaaaaainnnnssssss...
Kazuma Kuwabara plans out todays INVESTIGATIVE EFFORTS in his head
Ciel giggles a little at Gunther shenanigans
Tsubasa Juufuku: I think it is technically blasphemy, sir.
Gunther :D
There s muffled conversation down the hall
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........?
Gunther then resumes zombie-ing
Gein Mender: Bah...
Gein Mender puts a yen in the jar
Kazuma Kuwabara turns an ear towards THE DOOR
Gein Mender: Alright, wake up now.
Or the old man is going to have a heart attack, and then you ll get a teacher wh
o will punish you for sleeping in class, reading the wrong book, throwing books
in the sink, refusing to participate, etc, etc.
Gunther is silent with the hopes that Franz will say something in his shitty Jap
anese and entertain him
???: Yo. Your name Gein Mender ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....??
Gein Mender: Depends who s asking?
Kazuma Kuwabara turns a FACE towards the door

Tsubasa Juufuku sighs and looks around

???: no shush this is the eavesdropped conversation
Gein Mender: oh
Tsubasa Juufuku as in, looking around boredly
Gein Mender: Hey.
Did you all hear me.
It ll happen you know.
Don t think it won t
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes, Mr Mender. I m sure it will.
Gunther pls, franz, pls...
Gein Mender sighs
Gein Mender clutches his chest
Gunther embarass yourself...
Gein Mender: EEEEEEERGH...
Gunther you must...
Souichirou Kuzuki: Uh, no... Mr. Mender s all old and groaty, y know what I mean
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I think somebody s lookin for you, Gramps!
Gein Mender falls behind his desk
???: Why don t you tell me where he is.
Kazuma Kuwabara says, completely ignoring Gein s heart attack
Gunther: ...Eheheh...
Tsubasa Juufuku rolls her eyes
???: Else it might end up a little...
Souichirou Kuzuki: Hmmmm........
Gein Mender: Someone s looking for me?
Souichirou Kuzuki: Uh.
Gein Mender pops right up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, sounds like it.
Souichirou Kuzuki: What... what time is it right now?
Gein Mender: RIght, tell them I went to the john.
Gein Mender hides under the desk
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
???: Five.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Gein Mender: Don t ask questions!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Uh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Should we just- read then?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Souichirou Kuzuki: Hmm... five s his usual bathroom break, so I guess he s in th
e john?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Fine by me...
???: Four.

Gunther starts trying to listen as well

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Is he countin ?
Souichirou Kuzuki: ...Oh. Well, I don t know where he is unless I know the time.
???: Three.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps, I think he s countin .
Souichirou Kuzuki: Come on, I don t even have a watch!
???: Two.
Gein Mender gets up
Gein Mender shouts
Souichirou Kuzuki: Uh...
Gein Mender: I M HERE!
???: Ah, there we go.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......?
Gein Mender: No need for any of thsi stupidity.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara watches Gein from the door
Souichirou Kuzuki: Yeah! Yeah, there he is, over in the, erm...
Gein Mender: Right here.
The loud report of a shotgun goes off
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: -!
Gunther immediately gets up
Gein Mender: Fuck I hate you people.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks to the door
Kazuma Kuwabara topples backward in surprise
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guh! What wassat!?
Gunther picks up Franz and shoves him under his desk
Tsubasa Juufuku slamming her book closed
Gein Mender: Get in the classroom.
Franz Glazkov: Eh-!?
Gein Mender: Stay there.
Gunther: Stay put.
Yuuka is just
Yuuka very oconfused
Yuuka: ??
Gunther steps in front of the desk
Ciel: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara hops to his feet
Gein Mender: It s a code red.
Leonardo B. Harway: ...Oh, dead. Stay close, Rani.
Kazuma Kuwabara: The hell was that!?!
Tsubasa Juufuku backs away, and makes sure her journal is with her
Gein Mender: by report
fo you mean

or cocking
Jason Artimenner quietly struts down the hallway, resting a shotgun on his shoul
Jason Artimenner: Ahh, there s the old man.
Gein Mender does he recognize JAY-SON
Kazuma Kuwabara walks up to the door, standing next to Gunther and Franz
aye aye
Gein Mender: Ah, Jason.
Gunther crouches down so as to meat-shield Franz
Gein Mender: I always thought it would be you.
Franz Glazkov: What are y-- what is going? What is happen???
Gein Mender: You were always the type to get-off on killing old men.
Tsubasa Juufuku stays by the desk
Gunther: Shhh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sounds like an explosion or somethin ! Gramps, what s goin on
out there!
Tsubasa Juufuku keeping herself quiet and hidden, trying to listen in
Souichirou Kuzuki is lying in a pool of his own blood, breathing raggedly, withi
n the LOS of Gein
Jason Artimenner: You didn t think you d get out of the game so easy, didja?
Gein Mender: Big gun for a man with a little dick, eh? That s what we all called
you, right? No Dick Jason?
Jason Artimenner: ...
Gunther: ...Heh.
Jason Artimenner puts a hand to his glasses
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender summons his tire iron and throws it at his head while he adjsuts his
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 16
Jason Artimenner: Gh--!
Jason Artimenner takes a goddamn tire iron to the face
Gein Mender fuckign runs and goes to kick him swaure in the balls
Gunther staaaaays where he is, ensuring Franz is fully behind him
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 15
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Jason Artimenner: Hck--!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, where d he-!?
Jason Artimenner is kicked right in the crotch
Gunther: ...Eheheh...
Jason Artimenner rips off his glasses, revealing two glowing yellow eyes
Gein Mender: I know, I shouldn t kick you in the dick, but I m surprised you fee
l anything, considering you don t have one.
Jason Artimenner: Fuckin asshole!
Jason Artimenner slams the butt of his rifle into Gein s gut
class room squad roll mind
Gein Mender tries dodging to the side
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 3
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 5
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 14
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 =1
= 20
Gein Mender: old man still has got it

Mobile L.: Shit, Gunther s sleeeeeepy

no one in the classroom notices anything out of the ordinary
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s goin on out there??
Gein side-steps, quickly
Gein Mender goes to take it from him
Gunther is content with this and keeps meat-shielding Franz
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 16
how the tables are turning
wrestles with him for the gun
Jason Artimenner: no i did that
Mask de Bara: ah shit the cops
Gein Mender: fail
please fail
Jason Artimenner hears the police sirens
Jason Artimenner: Fuckin ...
Jason Artimenner goes to headbutt Gein in his old man nose
Gein Mender tries to karate chop him in the thriat before he can
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 19
Jason Artimenner: don t fuck with gein
Gein Mender: *throat
Jason Artimenner: Gaaah!!
Tsubasa Juufuku decides she s staying as far from that wall to the hall as possi
Jason Artimenner falls down, coughing
Gein Mender does i have gun
Gein Mender fires it at his legs
Gein Mender: Suck it, No-Dick!
Tsubasa Juufuku flinches
Gunther: Eheheh... I think he has this.
Jason Artimenner: Ghh... it s not over, asshole!
Gein Mender: You re lucky I don t fucking ram this up your asshole!

Jason Artimenner scampers to his feet

Gein Mender: Fuck off!
Jason Artimenner fucking legs it
Gein Mender: If I ever see you again, you re fucked!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Is Gramps okay?
Gein Mender throws the gun at his back
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Gunther: It sounds it.
Gein Mender: every fucking roll
Tsubasa Juufuku she starts to write in her journal
The gun nails him in the back -- he doesn t even stop to pick it up
Mobile L.: Gein the unstoppable
Gein Mender goes to his fellow teacher s side
The police burst in
Gein Mender: Hey, buddy, you okay?
Officer Daisuke: Everyone, on the ground!!
Gein Mender: Hey, this guy s been shot.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Now What s goin on??
Tsubasa Juufuku keep writing, and thinking
Gunther listens in as well as he can
Officer Daisuke: --Ah, geez-- you again?
Gein Mender: Will you shut up.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther, listening in
Gein Mender sits on the floor
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....You hearin anything, Gunth?
Gein Mender: Just get this guy a doctor.
Officer Daisuke: The ambulance is on its way. What the hell happened?
Gunther steely calm, like nothing s even happened, even though he hasn t moved a
n inch from Franz
Gunther can he hear what s appen?
Gein Mender: A fucker named Jason Artimminer walked in here with a shotgun.
Shot my friend here.
Mysterious Woman opens the door to the class room
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gein Mender: Wanted to kill me, too
Kazuma Kuwabara backs up from the door as the woman opens it
Mysterious Woman: Get out of here. Use the emergency exit.
Gein Mender: I fended him off, think i got him wih the shotgun.

Gunther: ...It s safe?

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Who the heck re you?
Gein Mender: After I wresteled it away.
Ran off.
Officer Daisuke looks over at the shotgun on the ground
Tsubasa Juufuku stays still behind the desk
Mysterious Woman: Hurry up and run already.
Gunther grabs Franz and legs it
Leonardo B. Harway: ...Well, we d better be off.
Franz Glazkov: --!?
Kazuma Kuwabara watches Gunther run
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Franz Glazkov: Ey, Gunther, hold--!!
Gein Mender: That would be the gun.
Tsubasa Juufuku doesn t trust this one bit
Gunther going right for that exit
Gein Mender: I threw it at him as he ran off.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at the others
Gunther like the goddamn Terminator
Yuuka: What s-- what s happeneing?
C mon,

Kuwabara looks at Yuuka

right though the fire escape
Kuwabara: .....Alright, fine!
Yuuka, we gotta move!

Gunther scans the area for any more danger/gunmen

Officer Daisuke: Geez... this is gonna be a long night.
Gein Mender: Yeah, I d imagine you ve got some paper work.
And I m probably going to get locked up for the night or something stupid.
fade to blapck
eldritch s.: tomorrow s headline
School s gotten out early.
Yuuka sits next to Kuwabara, clarly shaken
Kazuma Kuwabara sits in the booth, arms folded
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......You guys think.....
Tsubasa Juufuku is acting very reserved, looking over her journal, and thinking
Touko Aozaki: ...
Touko Aozaki blows smoke from her cigarette, looking at Gein
Gunther texts his father intently
Gunther: ...Hm?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Think it was you-know-who?
Franz Glazkov munches on a burger thoughtfully, looking at Kuwabara

Franz Glazkov: Who know what?

Gunther: ...Heh. The murderer?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... No. It wouldn t fit the modus operandi.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, that guy.
Franz Glazkov: What murderer?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Tsubasa
Gunther: Later, Franz.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....The what-now?
Gunther: It wasn t.
Franz Glazkov: No, tell me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: The calling card.
The murderer uses knives, not shotguns.
Gunther: You will miss 80% of it because we are speaking Japanese.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Maybe he uses guns on old geezers?
Franz Glazkov: Tell me in language I can understand.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I doubt that, but I suppose there are no limits on a criminal m
ind... still- I doubt it.
Yuuka: .....
Yuuka still is not fully sure what happened
Gunther switches to Russian and describes the murder in grisly, his voice even a
nd emotionless the whole way through
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey...You doin


Franz Glazkov does not seem especially shaken, asking him a few pertinent questi
Tsubasa Juufuku writes down a few more thoughts, switching to her note-journal
Yuuka: What... what was all that? Who was that woman?
Gunther "da, nyet, nyet, da"
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t got a clue....
Franz Glazkov: ...Hm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe she was a policewoman?
Yuuka: ....
Mr. Kuzuki... he was bleeding pretty badly.
Gunther: <...We must be careful, lest the killer turn their sights on our family
Kazuma Kuwabara: I hope he s alright....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Its definitely possible for him to survive that wound.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Yeah! He ll probably pull through!
Franz Glazkov: [They can handle it. I m sure of that.]
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- possible- not necessarily likely.
Yuuka is not especially reassured
Kazuma Kuwabara: He knows biology stuff, he could probably fix himself!
Yuuka: ...
Gunther: [One can never be too sure.]
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara clears his throat
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...So, uh....Anyway.

Rin Tohsaka: where is seer go

Mobile L.: Eep, i unno
eldritch s.: back
Souichirou Kuzuki: I ate him
Tsubasa Juufuku mumbles to herself "Still, this doesn t seem like the work of th
e murderer, so this is a different element... perhaps related to the dream? Seem
s unlikely.."
Kazuma Kuwabara: Did you guys know there s cat racing in this town?
Touko Aozaki: ......
Yuuka: ...Isn t that illegal?
Gein Mender: You know, this is a really nice office.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Is it?
Touko Aozaki: Is it?
Gein Mender: I wish I just didn t have to sit around and wait in it for three ho
Kazuma Kuwabara: Iunno, I just heard about it...
Gunther inhales the last of his fries and small, diet soda
Touko Aozaki: You ought to be thankful you don t work here.
Touko Aozaki types something up on her computer
Gein Mender: I d probably lose it.
Touko Aozaki: Could you describe the gunman for me?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmmnerrd...
Gein Mender: Alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Tsubasa
Gein Mender: Wore shades.
Had brown hair.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....You alright there, Juufuku?
Gein Mender: Long brown hair.
Tsubasa Juufuku taps the top of the pen against her chin, in thought, looking at
her journal
Tsubasa Juufuku: Mfine.
Gein Mender: Wore leather, a real biker kind of guy.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You look like you re bout to bust a gasket, what s up?
Gunther tries to covertly peer at the journal contents
Touko Aozaki: And you say he came there to kill you?
Gein Mender: Yes.
You can ask my friend when he gets out of hospital, he was looking for me.
Touko Aozaki: Do you have any idea why?
Gein Mender shrugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m trying to collate my thoughts, come up with explanations. F
igure out just what is going on... I haven t had many leads so far, so my guessw
ork might have some leaps to it... Its what I work with at the moment, at least
Gein Mender: His name was Jason Artimminer.
Gunther izzat the contents
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uhhhh...
Yuuka: ...You re... you re trying to figure it out?
Touko Aozaki: You know that, but you don t know why he came to kill you?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Of course.
I always figure things out.
Gein Mender: I m not psychic.

Kazuma Kuwabara: So....Do ya figure things out by writin ?

Touko Aozaki leans back in her chair, adjusting her glasses
Touko Aozaki: You know, it s not very nice to lie to a police officer.
Gein Mender: It s not very nice to grill old men who nearly got shot.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Writing helps me to put down my thoughts, yes. As well as anyth
ing of note that I should know.
Touko Aozaki: No, but it s my job.
Gein Mender: Grilling old men>
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, whatcha got so far?
Gein Mender: *?
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Gunther still covertly trying to peep at the journal, yp
Gunther: *yo
Touko Aozaki: Yeah, precisely.
Gein Mender: Listen, it s been a really hard day today.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not much... I m not sure if my dream was prophetic or fantasy.
Gein Mender: If you re going to keep me or whatever can you at least have someon
e take care of my dog?
Tsubasa Juufuku she s keeping it pretty well hidden from Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Dream?
Gunther "damn......."
Kazuma Kuwabara: You had a dream? Bout what?
Gunther takes the lid off his drink and eats his ice
Tsubasa Juufuku: You remember the priest that was overlooking the funeral?
Touko Aozaki: We re pretty much done here. But just in case we need to get back
in touch with you for questioning, could you give me your phone number and addre
Gein Mender: Sure.
Gein Mender writes them down for her and hands them over
Tsubasa Juufuku: White-haired woman?
Touko Aozaki: Alright, you re free to go. If you have any more information, be s
ure to give us a call.
Yuuka: ...
Gein Mender: Will do.
Good luck.
Gein Mender stands up
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! Yeah I remember that....
Gein Mender walks out
Kazuma Kuwabara: I mean
Touko Aozaki: Thanks.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 11

Where does Gein go from this juncture

Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- I m not sure if its related to the killer, or the shoote
r we just had... or if its another variable, and element all together to make o
ur mystery that much more complex.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just tell me what the dream was ab.....?
Gein Mender tries calling his landlord again
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around for a second
Yuuka: Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Oh- uh...Sorry.
Tsubasa Juufuku she doesn t seem to be noticing
Landlord picks up after a few rings
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Tsubasa
Gein Mender: Hey.
Gunther is just quietly listening
Tsubasa Juufuku: There was a man I didn t recognize. Shaded. Not sure who he was
... could be another member of the church.
Landlord: Gein, did you know they re showing reruns of Corner Gas these days? Di
d you ever see that show, Gein?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Okay, so.....You dreamed about some guy?
Gein Mender: Nah, I never did.
What the fuck is C- wait, no, I have something important.
Tsubasa Juufuku: He talked with the priest we know- about the town being in the
prime position of collapse of some kind... they spoke very conspiracy like.
So- no
Gein Mender: So in the ear, it was a human ear he left me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh.....Weird.
Landlord: A... a human ear?
Gein Mender: And today at school he came and tried to shoot me.
Landlord: ...
Gunther: ...Troubling.
Gein Mender: I know the guy.
Jason Artimminer.
Landlord: ...Hold on, hold on... I think I smell something, hold that thought.
Tsubasa Juufuku: They said that it just needs a nudge.
Gein Mender: From back when I was in on the...
Be careful!
Kazuma Kuwabara: A...nudge?
Gunther slow nod
Tsubasa Juufuku: I presume they re the ones to be doing the nudging in the righ
t direction
Gein Mender: that
Mobile L.: who that
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I mean, it was just a dream...
That: hat s gas. I m smelling gasoline.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Landlod: that s what i said
Mobile L.: WHO THAT
Gein Mender: Get the fuck out!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes, not even a vision. A dream. I didn t use any of my herbs.

Gein Mender begins sprinting to his apartment

The line cuts out
Tsubasa Juufuku: It was just a regular dream.
Gein Mender calls the cops as he runs
Kazuma Kuwabara: The wh-....Oh, right yeah, THAT...
Gein Mender: HEY.
Mikiya Kokutou: Fuyuki police department, what s your-Gein Mender: I THINK SOMEONE IS BURNING MY APARTMENT DOWN.
Mikiya Kokutou: Erm... what s your address?
Gein Mender: HIS LINE CUT OUT.
Gein Mender gives the address
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gunther: ...Hm...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m not sure if Oracles can have prophetic dreams as well
Mikiya Kokutou: Alright, the fire department s on its way. Don t try any heroics
, alright? Just stay back.
Gunther looks over to see if Franz is getting any of this
Gein Mender hangs up
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I can t exactly ask mom.
Gein Mender sprints as fast as his old ass will go
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 7
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein sees a thick plume of smoke off in the distance as he runs.
Sprinting while talking on the phone is taking a bit of a toll on him.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Mikiya Kokutou: well it took a toll on him
he s out of breath
Gein Mender: going to dinner
Yuuka: ......
Space (GM): hok cya seer
Mobile L.: Aaaa, the suspense
I can see the town map, FYI
Hokay, nvm
Tsubasa Juufuku: Like I said- I m taking it with a grain of salt... But just in
case I m going to keep an eye on the church a little.
Franz Glazkov: ...[Dreams?]
Gunther nod nod nod
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, uh, alright....
Franz Glazkov: ...
Franz Glazkov steeples his hands

Kazuma Kuwabara: I m still tryin to decide who I wanna grill for information fi
I m gonna take to the streets and ask some questions........
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mean- my prophecies have always been correct... As for who fi
rst- I m not sure either.
Franz Glazkov: [Ask her what they said exactly.]
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe I oughta find someplace seedy and start there! races!
Yuuka: ...
Gunther: ...Tsubasa. My brother wishes to know what exactly was said in the drea
Yuuka: ...Kuwabara. I need you to listen to me for a second.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
Yuuka: You re not a cop. This is... this is really dangerous.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks to Gunther and Franz
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well...
Tsubasa Juufuku she starts to recite the conversation from her journal
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, I know it s dangerous!...
Tsubasa Juufuku from the thing earlier
Franz Glazkov waits for the translation
Gunther flawless Russian translation
Franz Glazkov: .....
[She is not some quack fortune teller?]
Yuuka: Just... please leave this to the professionals, okay?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Tsubasa s doin it too!
Tsubasa Juufuku: That good?
Gunther: [No. She predicted her own mother s death shortly before it happened.]
Yes. Your time is appreciated.
Yuuka: ...I... I understand you guys are worried. And that you want to help find
who killed your... but - but this isn t safe. It s not a healthy way of dealing
with things.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Franz Glazkov: [...I see.]
[I will go tell Father.]
Franz Glazkov rises
Tsubasa Juufuku also predicted Urameshi s death but I think she only told Kuwaba
ra about that one
Gunther: [...If you see anything remotely suspicious, I need an immediate phonec
Franz Glazkov: [Yes. I am not a fool, I am not going to charge head first into d
anger. I ll leave that to you, brother.]
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara frowns
Franz Glazkov looks at Tsubasa
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yuuka......
Franz Glazkov: Thank you for the help. And I am sorry for your losts.
Gunther: [Yes. As you should. Text me when you are home.]

Tsubasa Juufuku nods to Franz, whilst looking back at her Journal

Gunther: ...Heh.
Franz Glazkov nods to Gunther, and heads out
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thank you.
Yuuka: Don t be like that, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Kazuma Kuwabara gives her
Kazuma Kuwabara the puppy dog eyes
Gunther: ...Seven years in this country, and his Japanese is still shit.
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yuukaaaaaaa!.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Some people just aren t good linguists.
Yuuka frowns deeply
Yuuka: Kuwabara, this is serious.
Gunther: ...True. I suppose he is at least more adept than Father.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Y-......Yeah, I know....
Gunther occasionally glances down at his phone
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm?
Gunther: I want to be sure he gets home safe.
...Oh, wait, you mean Father?
Kazuma Kuwabara: But look....What if what happened that night.....and what happe
ned today....what f they ARE connected?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes.
Gunther: ...Heh. I wish you had seen him when he came to class. Father can barel
y speak any Japanese.
It was amazing.
Yuuka: That s for the police to handle. If it is... no matter what it is, Kuwaba
ra, it isn t your burden to find out what happened. If... if you end up going th
e same way Yusuke did...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles a little
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m sure it was.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....That.....
....That ain t gonna happen. I ain t gonna die!
Gunther smiles as well
Yuuka: ...
Gunther: I will inform you next time he s around. It really is remarkable, all t
he ways he s able to mangle the language.
Yuuka: Yusuke... he would have said the same thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .............
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Yuuka: ...You guys really did care about each other, didn t you?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll look forward to it. To be honest, I haven t really mastere
d gaelic either.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks out the window, folding his arms
Gunther s phone rings
Space (GM):
Gunther: .
Kazuma Kuwabara: Peh....Cared about bein the one to bash his face in, that s al

Gunther: Franz.
Where are you.
Stanislav Glazkov s voice fucking blares from the phone
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm?
Gunther holds up a finger
Tsubasa Juufuku waits patiently
Gunther: ...Oh. Yes, Father. You have questions about that?
Yuuka: ...Yeah. You really did.
Gunther: Would you rather me tell you in Russian?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Did not!
Stanislav Glazkov: YES, OF COOORS.
Yuuka: Did too.
Yuuka has a bit of a sad smile now
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara wipes an eye
Kazuma Kuwabara: Damn punk..........
Gunther: [What is it you want to know, Father?]
Tsubasa Juufuku makes a few mental notes for later
Mobile L.: ur amazing
Space (GM): stanislav is fun
Mobile L.: You do so well with him
MrEForEccentric: All-caps fun
Gunther: [...I understand your reservations, Father. However, it is precisely th
e potential magical element that intrigues me enough to warrant my own investiga
tion. Furthermore, my schoolmate Kazuma Kuwabara, who I value, feels compelled t
o look into it. I merely wish to ensure his safety, and I will immediately drop
it at the slightest chance it could endanger the family. Is this answer satisfac
tory, Father?]
Gunther fuckin Hal 9000 monotone Russian conversation going on here, dudes
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther drone on in Russian
Gunther you heard your name mentioned, Kuwabara, if in a Russian accent to make
it more intelligible for Stan

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?

You talkin to me, Gunth?
Gunther: ...No. One moment, Kuwabara.
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, he s on the phone to his father, or brother- I think.
Gunther nod nod
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Oh!
Huh, thought I heard my name...
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa also has a lot of value in pursuing it considering her
own mom was killed.
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ah well...
I m probably going to go into a trance later. See whether I can dig up anything
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right yeah, I ll go ask around while you re doin ...that.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Gunther: [...Franz wishes to be involved, Father? This really is not his problem
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll- reconvene with you later. I d be interested in any leads
you might have.
Gunther yawns a little
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just keep at the surface if you re going alone, okay?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right!
How bad can the cat racin crowd really be?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well...
Like with all things gambling
There could be a fixer.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Some criminal element.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, yeah, it s illegal, right?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Exactly.
Gunther: [...Very well. If I find him to be endangered by this compulsion of his
, however, I would advise you restrict his involvement severely.]
Tsubasa Juufuku: Criminals are a desperate lot, so... look- just try not to get
too involved, okay? I know I only went after bullies, but they re not really- cr
And well
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll be fine, don t worry!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just- well- they re a desperate lot to not get caught...
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, do I look like a cop to you?
They won t suspect me for nothin !
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- no- but... still. They usually don t like nosy people.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Trust me, I got this in the bag!
And then the cat s gonna come out of it!
Cause, y know, cats?
Gunther: [...No, Father. I will be texting him about this. And your concerns are
Tsubasa Juufuku: Of course, Kuwabara.

Gunther: ...Heh, that was a good one.

Kazuma Kuwabara points a THUMB OF CONFIDENCE at himself
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t worry bout nothin ! Kazuma Kuwabara s man enough for thi
s job!
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles
Gunther: [...Duly noted and completely understood. Rest assured, I will make all
efforts to keep this investigation safe and free of trouble.]
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- I ll get back to you on what I see. I m not sure if the c
riminal underworld is the best place to look- but- hey- its somewhere.
Stanislav Glazkov: [GOOD. VERY WELL. GOODBYE.]
Stanislav Glazkov hangs up
Gunther sighs quietly, brushing a hand through his bangs
Yuuka: ........
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right, yeah.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
Mobile L.: bee are bee
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Yuuka: ...I really can t stop you guys, can I?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well you re not stopping me, certainly.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll be okay, Yuuka. Promise!
Yuuka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll be extra carefu, just for you!
Kazuma Kuwabara gives her a big ol doofy grin
Yuuka: ......
the sound of a pinball machine launcher-plunger-thingy can be heard from across
the restaurant
Tsubasa Juufuku: We ll also be watching each other s backs.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks toward the sound
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks as well
Rani V seems to be repeatedly pulling that thingy on the pinball machine
Yuuka does not look a tthe sound
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- anyway. I m going to head back to my place... I ll catch
you all later?
Gunther: ...Heh. Alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Uh.....
Gunther: Be advised that my brother suddenly wants in on our investigation.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I already figured
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh? Aw, man...
Gunther: That boy...
springy sound, springy sound, springy sound
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why s he wanna know? He s got no stake in this...

Tsubasa Juufuku: Anyway- see you guys later.

Gunther: I am not sure myself.
Yuuka: ...Bye, Tsubasa.
I think I ll be going, too.
Tsubasa Juufuku waves away
Gunther: Goodbye also.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh....
Fawkes M. (GM): Dammit, I can t remember what she called Kuwabara back then
Gunther just starts heading toward Rani
MrEForEccentric: i need to sleep since it s 3:35 am
Mobile L.: Uhp, gotcha
Kazuma Kuwabara: Want me to....Walk home with ya?
Mobile L.: Rest well
MrEForEccentric: Thank ye
Rani V hasn t taken visible heed of Gunther yet
Gunther wants to see what she s doing
Rani V is just pulling that launcher-thingy on the pinball machine - there s no
ball in play, nor are there any credits in the machine
Gunther looks to see if he has any paper bags or rubber bands on him
Yuuka: I ll be okay. It s only a little while from here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, uh....
Yuuka: ...
Rani V pull pull pull
Yuuka: ...You don t mind?
rolling 1d20
= 13
Gunther has several rubber bands
Gunther takes one out and takes aim for the back of Rani s head
Kazuma Kuwabara: Course not!
Gunther fires
roll finesse
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 5

Kazuma Kuwabara smiles

Mobile L.: aaaa why
Yuuka: ...Alright. Let s go.
The shot misses, instead hitting the background of the machine - this catches Ra
ni s attention, as she looks back at him
Rani V: ...
Mobile L.: ...Hm. Hello.
Gunther: i fuckin said this
Rani V: Hi Mobile
Mobile L.: GOTTA HEL
Kazuma Kuwabara: Awright!
Kazuma Kuwabara scoots out of the chair and hops to his feet
Rani V: Hi. Was that projectile yours?
Gunther: ...Yes. I was trying to startle you.
Rani V: Why?
Gunther: For my amusement. What are you doing with the machine.
Rani V: I am attempting to discern how it functions.
Gunther: Do they not have them in Pakistan.
Gunther watches for an emotional reaction to the offensive statement
Rani V: I have not been to Pakistan before.
Rani V deadpan as usual
Gunther: ...Hm. Wherever it is you come from, then.
Space (GM): gunther is mean
roll mind kuwabara
Mobile L.: He must size up the competition
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 42
Rani V: If these machines exist in my country of origin, then I have not seen on
e before. From my basis of knowledge, it is an anomaly.
Something makes Kuwabara look back over his shoulder for a second.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara peeeek
Gunther: ...Hm. This is a machine made to play a game known as "pinball".
Rani V: Pin-ball...
A majestic golden wolf stands atop a nearby building, its fur illuminated by the
light of the full moon
Gunther: Heh. Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
.....What the....?
Rani V: How does one play this game of pin-ball?
It locks eyes with Kuwabara, before turning and padding off into the night.
Yuuka: Kuwabara?
(From Rani V): Are you still up for the FG or nein?
Yuuka: Are you coming?
(To Fawkes M.): Yeh, hold on a sec, gotta do something first
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Yuuka
Gunther: Are there not instructions on the cabinet.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Didn t you see theKazuma Kuwabara he looks back

Rani V looks back
Rani V: No. I do not see any.
Mac D.: wolf does this
Mobile L.: Ahahaha, yes
It s gone.
Yuuka: Come on, it s getting dark out...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh...?
Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his eyes
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Was I......?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back and catches up to Yuuka
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Yuuka quietly walks with Kuwabaraa to her home
the mayor s house
Kazuma Kuwabara walks with her wondering if he s losing his mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Yuuka: Hey, dad.
Mac D.: they mayor should have a theme song
Mr. Mayor: DAD!?
Gunther: ...Odd.
Mac D.: acceptable
Yuuka looks back at Kuwabara
Yuuka: It s not him, dad.
Gunther: ...Would you like me to demonstrate how it is played?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....E-Err.....Hey, MisterMr. Mayor: YES, HELLO.
Mr. Mayor looks back at Yuuka
Rani V: Yes. I would like to observe.
Gunther: Stand aside, then. I will try my best to demonstrate.
Rani V nods, then steppes aside
Gunther is seriously wondering by now if she s... y know...
Mac D.: i want the mayor and stanislav to get into an argument
Yuuka: No, it s... something happened at school, dad. You didn t hear about it?
Mobile L.: Oh yes
Space (GM): oh my gogooooooOOOOOD
Mobile L.: Make this a thing, bretty blease
Space (GM): papers please theme + groose theme blare together
Mobile L.: Ahahahaha

The pinball machine awaits, Gunther. Seems to be...
Yuuka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait, wh...magical girl-themed?
Gunther cracks his knuckles, noting this
Mr. Mayor has two MIBs drag
Gunther: ...So. You see the
Rani V: Yes. I see the slot
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait- hold

Kuwabara off the estate

slot on the front?
on the front.
on, not this agai-Wooooah!

Rani V it only takes bills

Mr. Mayor: I SWEAR, THAT BOY.....
Mr. Mayor looks back at Yuuka
Gein Mender: back
may have to vanish or something stupid
who knwos
Space (GM): weird machine
Yuuka proceeds to tell the mayor...
Kuwabara, look at that plume of smoke on the horizon
Fawkes M. (GM): HUP dinnertime
Gein Mender: have i missed anything
Mr. Mayor: ....................
Space (GM): gunther called stanislav, who is helping with the investigation
Gunther: That is for any receipts you have. Pinball machines, as you may or may
not know, are part of this country s online banking system and will automaticall
y process any paper receipts you have on your person for your checkbook.
Space (GM): now gunther is teaching rani how to pinball, while kuwabara walked y
uuka home
Mr. Mayor shakes the town s very foundations
Yuuka: ...Erm.
Jeffrey: Yessir!
Gein Mender so in what state is my apartment
Kazuma Kuwabara meanwhile notices the soke
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Eh?
As gein draws closer, he can see that his apartment... is currently ablaze.
Kazuma Kuwabara heads TOWARDS THE SMOKE

Gein Mender tears a bit from his clothing

Gein Mender any liquid to dip it in
there s like one of those drainage pipes in an alley that pours water into the g
utter, you know the one
Gein Mender dips it in that, covers his motuh with the rag, and rushes in
Gein Mender trying to get George and hsi Landlord out
Kuwabara arrives just to see Gein run into a burning apartment
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps! You re....!?!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at the BUILDING ON FIRE
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, crap! What-!?
The landlord s office is on the first floor.
Gein Mender rushes to the Landlord s office, trying to open the door
Kazuma Kuwabara RUNS IN AFTER GEIN
It s forced shut. Someone s pounding on the other side...
Gein Mender: GET OUT OF THE WAY!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps!!
Landlord: S-somebody! Anybody, help!
Gein Mender tries bashing the door down
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 16
still indestructable
Gein brute-forces the fuckin door, just as the landlord dives out of the way
Gein Mender: GET THE FUCK OUT!
Landlord: Gein--!?
Gein Mender turns to Kuwabara
Landlord: ...!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I saw YOU run in!!
The landlord hastily starts gathering up files, then thinks better of it and sta
rts tossing them into the fire
Kazuma Kuwabara: I NOTICED!
Gein Mender rushes for the stairs
Gein Mender is going to save George
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh- Gramps do you WANNA die!?
Gein Mender: MY DOG.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You re dLandlord: Hey, what-- come on, kid!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ah, crap! Is he up there!?
The landlord grabs Kuwabara, trying to drag him out.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?

What the-....Hey, leggo! I can t let Gramps go in alone!!

Gein Mender on his dating profile, it would say "saving my fucking dog"
Gein Mender: as hsi current status
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to shake the landlord off
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 40
Gunther would be sighing very loudly if he knew what was happening right now
Landlord: He ll be fine, he can handle himself--!
The landlord has an iron-clad grip, but Kuwabara breaks free for a split second.
Gein Mender: i like how gein has a valid reason for having low stats like the ki
ds doo
as he s old
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gah!
Gein Mender: and they re not fully developed yet
Kazuma Kuwabara RUNS for the stairs
Gein Mender rushes trhough his room
Mobile L.: It works well
Gein Mender: GEORGE, YOU MUTT!
Roll to navigate the flames!
Space (GM): SEER
is the dramatic heavy rain
on soundcloud
Gein Mender: no
Space (GM): rats
Gein Mender: yes
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 19
Space (GM): quick grab it we can all listen
Kazuma Kuwabara: do i roll too
Space (GM): do it
Gein Mender:
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 28
Kazuma Kuwabara AAAAAA
Kazuma Kuwabara looks for the old piece a shit and his dumbass dog
Mobile L.: motherfuckin gein
Gein charges through the flames like a man possessed, surging straight for his b
edroom. Kuwabara hops from foot to foot, avoiding any burning patches.
Gein Mender: GEORGE!? GEORGE!?
George is fuckin terrified, tail between his legs
George: Rr-rruff! Arf! Arf!!
Gein Mender picks him up in his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah! Ooh! Ah! Ow! Ee! Oh! Oo!
George licks at him
Gein Mender turns to see if the way back is clear
Besides all the fire, yes. The roof makes an unsettling groaning noise.
Gein Mender rushes through the fire as fast as he can
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps!! Didja find it??
Gein Mender: IT S COMING DOWN!!!
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 18
Mac D.: shagohod status: FUCKED
Gein Mender: this man is liek the opposite of charlemagne
he is fast
Mac D.: don t fuck with his dog
Gein fuckin charges through the flames, George in his arms.
Mobile L.: Deft old man
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Space (GM): this music adds to this scene so much
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gah-...Wait, hold up!!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs after them
Gein Mender: MOVE!!
The roof finally gives way as they leave, collapsing right behind them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m movin !!
Gein Mender rushes down the stairs
Gein Mender looks around one last time for anyone in danger
Kazuma Kuwabara is also looking around as he follows
There s no time - the whole building is about to give way!
Gein Mender rushes out the door with George
Kazuma Kuwabara RUNNN

Gein Mender: I am going to find that piece of shit...

Gein, George, and Kuwabara make it out of the burning building, into the crowd o
f escaped tenants. The fire department has just made its way to the scene...
eldritch s.:
Kazuma Kuwabara stops when he hits concrete, hunched over and panting
Landlord: Jesus Christ... Jesus.
Gein Mender coughs
Landlord is just staring at the burning remains of his building in shock
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just....What the hell is goin on tonight!?...
Landlord: ...Hey! You two-- shit, get away from there! C mon, over here...
Landlord leads them away from the fire
Gein Mender sets Geroge down
Gein Mender coughs
George looks super fuckin


George whines
Gein Mender: Was anyone else inside...?
Gein Mender gives him a pat
Kazuma Kuwabara looks on at the torched building, then over to the Landlord
Landlord: No, I don t think so. It looks like everyone made it out... shit.
Kazuma Kuwabara: The hell caused that!?
Gein Mender sits on th sidewalk
Gein Mender: Not so loud.
Gein Mender checks for burns
Landlord: Someone... someone really wants your teacher dead.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Gein Mender: Was it him?
Landlord: rolling 1d20
= 2
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Gein Mender: and i mean burns on himself
Gein s got some pretty nasty-looking burns on his legs and arms.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Gramps...What s goin on?
Landlord: It had to have been.
Gein Mender: ... Well, good for universal healthcare...
Sit down, Kuwabara, don t talk loud.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Quit tellin me what to do and tell me what the deal is!
Landlord goes to take a seat on the other side of Gein
Gein Mender looks up at him
Gein Mender gives hime a stony cold fucking look
Gein Mender: *stone cold
Kazuma Kuwabara: First you re pulled outta class by some freak shootin

a gun, t

hen this...!
Gein Mender: Sit down.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Gh-....
Landlord: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Fine....
Kazuma Kuwabara has a sit
Fawkes M. (GM): What d I miss
Gein Mender: You know how you talk about...
How I used to be in the mob.
Space (GM): gein was a badass and saved his dog and the landlord from the flames
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah, is that-....Oh, geez, were you doin mob stuff withou
t tellin us!?
Mobile L.: Gunther is trying to convince Rani that the pinball machine accepts r
Gein Mender: No.
Fawkes M. (GM): Can you please repost, Mobile?
Gein Mender: I used to work for them in the US, disposing of... bodies, evidence
... sometimes...
Mobile L.: Uno momento
Gein Mender: I ran a motel where they would...
Deal with people who had loose lips, or owed them money.
And I d take care of the evidence.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Deal?
Gein Mender: Cut their throats.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Like, bribes and s...!
Gein Mender: And so I have...
Lots of incriminating evidence.
On everything they ve done.
I could sell out all of them to the cops.
But I didn t.
I told them as much in my letter, when I ran off here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........Jeez, Gramps!........
Gein Mender: But...
They ve found me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Crap....Crap, crap, crap....
Landlord: ...In the old days... guys like that, they had honor. They had respect
. They wouldn t...
Landlord looks back at his burning apartment
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down the street, running a hand through his pompadour
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....First this Roa guy, and now the Mob!?
Gunther: That is for any receipts you have. Pinball machines, as you may or may
not know, are part of this country s online banking system and will automaticall
y process any paper receipts you have on your person for your checkbook.
Rani V: Oh. What do you mean by a "paper receipt"?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shit.....What s this mean for you, Gramps??
Gunther: ...You do not know what a receipt is.
Gunther phrased deadpan, but intended as a question
Gein Mender: ...
It s kill or be killed.
I didn t want to kill Jason, because I don t like killing.
Landlord: Look, isn t there any way you could... I don t know, pay these guys of
Gein Mender: I don t think so...

I know so many of them by name and face...

Mobile L.: Fox?
Gein Mender: It woul take a lot of money.
And even then...
Gein Mender looks down
Gein Mender: I don t know.
Maybe we could at least get them to the table.
Landlord: ...I... I think I might know a guy. If that s what your decision is, g
ive me a call.
Gein Mender: Who is he?
Space (GM): mobile could you soundcloud this
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Space (GM): also brb
Mobile L.: Shur theng
Gein Mender: Kuwabara...
I m so sorry...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Rani V: Is it a paper?
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet and dusts off his knees
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....You guys are gonna need a place to crash now, right?
Gein Mender: I should never have dragged anyone in on this...
Landlord: He s...
Gein Mender: But, he could find you?
Landlord pauses, looking back at Kuwabara
Gein Mender: He could to thsi to your home.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Well, shit, who else is gonna take your wrinkly ass in, huh
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Better my house than Juufuku s or Gunth s, right?
Gein Mender: ...
Thank you, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, yeah.....I want exemption from homework for this, just le
ttin ya know!
Gunther: ...Yes, here.
Gein Mender: Alright.
Gunther tries to feed his food receipt to the machine
Kazuma Kuwabara: How bout you, Flat-Top?
Landlord: ....
Gein Mender: But if you push for any more than thaat, I ll be the one to burn yo
ur house down.
Rani V watches
Landlord: Well... I guess I m homeless now.
The machine takes the receipt...!
Gein Mender: Kuwabara s a nice kid.
I trust him.
Gein Mender pats his Landlord on the back
Kazuma Kuwabara: We got a chair and a couch in the livin room, don t fight over
Gunther: ...Hm. See, it s a good thing you have me to show you these things. Now
your banking will be smooth as an infant s buttocks.
Landlord: I can take the chair.
With a sparkling sound and a feminine giggle, the machine s digital display chan

ges to "PRESS START"

Gein Mender: Alright.
Gunther silently surprised it worked
Rani V: Is it commencing the banking process?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Also, don t let your dog eat my cats, alright?
Gein Mender: I ll try.
Gunther: Yes. That is what the sound indicates.
George has been resting his head on his paws
Gein Mender: Don t touch those cats.
George perks up a tiny bit
George: ...
George lays his head back down
Gein Mender: I ll get you a treat.
George whines
George looks back at the burning apartment
Gein Mender scratches his ears
Gein Mender: Tell us about this guy.
Gunther: Now, the thing about pinball is that it requires both physical and ment
al finesse to win.
Landlord looks around
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Gunther: They call it "the thinking man s game" in Scotland for that very reason
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! I forgot to let Gunth know I left!
Rani V: It is like a military simulation game, then?
Kazuma Kuwabara pulls out his cell and attempts to TEXT THE BOY
smilebomb: gunth!
Landlord: Do... you think we could talk about in somewhere less open? If we wait
at the scene of the crime, then he ll definitely know it didn t kill us.
Gunther: I would say it is, perhaps, more... Oh, hold on a minute. Stay put.
Space (GM): oh gunther needs an account
Rani V: ...
Space (GM): what would his user name be
Gein Mender: We could try Kuwabara s house.
Rani V holds completely still
Landlord nods
Gein Mender stands up
Gein Mender: But I think I need to go to the hospital...
Mobile L.: Dickmaster_420_69
Gein Mender winces
Gein Mender: Fuck me... this hurts...
Next time you re stuck in a flaming building, I m just saving my dog...
Landlord: Heh.
Landlord actually smiles at that

Mobile L.: Also, here, but I think it s still processing
Kazuma Kuwabara: I think I got some medical stuff at my house...
Landlord: I know a bit of first aid.
Gein Mender: Alright...
Let s go the the homeless hospital, then.
Space (GM): mobile is hero
Kazuma Kuwabara: What about my house?
Gein Mender: That is the homeless hospital.
Landlord: That s the homeless hospital.
Gein Mender: Jinx.
Mobile L.: Didja see the account name?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ooooh!
Awright, let s hurry! Last thing I want is ANOTHER trip to the police station...
Kazuma Kuwabara AND SO HE GOES
Space (GM): ohp that was the account name ok
Mobile L.: Yus
Gein Mender limps after
dickmaster_420_69: is everything alright, Kuwabara
Gein Mender: Fuck off, I was the one who they grilled like a piece of flank stea
Landlord follows
Rani V: What is that?
George trots along, tail wagging slightly
Gein Mender: You got any dog food at your house?
Other than the cats.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hah, hah, very funny....
Guess I gotta get some....
Gein Mender summons one of Neco-Arc D s bones from his RM
smilebomb: gramps place was set on fire
Gein Mender hands it to George
Gein Mender: Here you...
smilebomb: it burned down hes homless now
dickmaster_420_69: is everyone unhurt
smilebomb: hes a little burned cuz he had to get his dog
George chomps down on it
George s tail is wagging
smilebomb: hes gonna live with me now don t tell n e b o d y
Gein Mender: There you go.
Rani V: .....
Gein Mender: I wonder if I can still teach...
dickmaster_420_69: heh. I will not breathe a word of this
are you alright
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, if we re quiet, Sis won tShizuru Kuwabara is watching tv with bubbles when Kuwabara and the squad arrive
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!

Gunther looks at Rani
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...
Gein Mender is a burnt, tired, flabby old man
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at her
Rani V: .....
Landlord: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara: OH, uhh......Hey there....Sis!
George: ...
Gein Mender: Hello, you must be Kuwabara s sister.
Kazuma Kuwabara stealth texting
Gunther: ...Just a little longer. It is an important matter.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...Kaz, what the hell is this?
smilebomb: sis is gonna kill me now gotta go
dickmaster_420_69: ok goodbye
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Uhhhhh.....
Gein Mender: I m Gein Mender, your son s teacher.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Gunther: ...There. Now, where was I?
Gein Mender: Pleasure to meet you.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Who s this asshole?
Gein Mender takes his shoes off
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, he s his friend.
Landlord: My name s-Kazuma Kuwabara: Their house burned downed, so they re homeless!
Gunther: ...Oh yes.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...So, why are they here, Kaz?
Rani V: It is like a military simulation game, then?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, uhh.....I was gonna.....let em....stay?
Rani V ad verbatim
Gein Mender: We were hoping we could stay here for a while.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ....
Gunther: ...Some say it is more trying than the very fields of battle themselves
Shizuru Kuwabara smiles at them
Gein Mender: If money is an issue, I ll gladly pay.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Sorry, I ll be with you in a minute. Kazuma, could you speak w
ith me in the kitchen?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Rani V: ...
Gein Mender nods
Kazuma Kuwabara GULP
Landlord: ...
Gunther: Of course, all the death is simulated, but that has not allayed the con
cerns of parents.
Rani V looks over at the machine
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....S-Sure....S-Sis!.....
Rani V: May I see a demonstration?
Kazuma Kuwabara sheepishly scoooooots his way into the kitchen

Gunther: Why, is that not what I am here for.

Landlord chuckles, covering his mouth
Gunther cracks his knuckles
Gunther takes the spring in hand
Gein Mender breaks a small smile
Shizuru Kuwabara: Kaz, what the hell?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..W-Well, what else was I gonna do!? Their place burned down!
The machine is one of those fancy digital ones - gotta press start.
Gunther: ...Now, in order to properly initiate the pinball, the machine must see
that you have warmed up. There is a safety mechanism to ensure that you do not
injure yourself by playing it while stiff.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Is this just how life s going to be here from now on? First yo
u bring in some weird cats, next you bring in two old men and a dog-- what s it
gonna be next time, Kaz? Your school got flooded, so now the entire class has to
kick it backhere?
Gein Mender opens up his wallet
Kazuma Kuwabara: No!
Gunther: The manufacturers assume you are aware of this, sadly, so I must demons
Kazuma Kuwabara: The school s been waterproofed!
Gunther: Perhaps you wish to take notes.
Gein Mender fishes out a wad of cash and sets it down
Gein Mender nods to him
Rani V: I do not have a notepad. But I will attempt to remain attentive.
Gunther: Good.
Shizuru Kuwabara: You re missing the point. How long are they gonna be staying h
ere? Did you even think about that, Kaz?
Gunther: So...
It s just a jump to the left.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I can t have my teacher livin on the street!
Gunther jump
Gein Mender sets down a large amount of money onto the TV cabinet
Gunther: And a step to the right
Kazuma Kuwabara puffs out his chest
Gunther step
Shizuru Kuwabara: And his dog? And some-- other guy?
Kazuma Kuwabara: A real man s not gonna turn a blind eye to old farts in need!
Gunther: Put your hands on your hips
Gein Mender fiddles with its position so it is immediatly obvious when one enter
s the room
Gunther: You bring your knees in tight...
Gunther doin it
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Rani V watches, peering back at the machine

Shizuru Kuwabara lights a cigarette

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....please don t kill me!
Gunther: But, but... It s the pelvic thrust...
The machine is unchanging
Gunther: That really drives you insane.
Shizuru Kuwabara: I m going to go talk to the two of them.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, man! Sis.....
Gunther: Let s do the Time Warp again~
Gunther badly singing
eldritch s.: tilde
Rani V: ...The machine does not seem to be activating.
Kazuma Kuwabara peeeeks out from the kitchen
Shizuru Kuwabara: Okay. Who are you two?
And more importantly, why should I let you stay here?
Gunther: ...It s an imperceptible process. Like I said, it assumes you know.
Landlord decides to let Gein handle this one
Gein Mender: I m Gein Mender, I ve had to teach your brother, or try to, for a f
ew years.
Gunther: Now that I am warmed up, it will permit me to begin.
Gein Mender: I can pay our fair share and then some.
Gunther HITS the BOTTON and lemme FG post real quick
Landlord nods
Rani V watches intently
Landlord: And I m-Shizuru Kuwabara: How much?
Gein Mender: How much do you want?
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...You ll be buying your own food and you ll be paying half of
the utility bills. Understand?
Gein Mender: Understood.
Shizuru Kuwabara: And if your dog makes a mess or bothers the cats, you two are
out on your ass. Got it?
Gein Mender: Got it.
No poopy.
George tilts his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: Do not poop in here.
Kazuma Kuwabara breathes a sigh of relief
Gein Mender: Do not pee in here.
George: Arf!
Gein Mender: Do not eat the cats.
George: ...
Gein Mender: George.
George looks at Bubbles
Gein Mender: Do not eat the cats.
Neco-Arc Bubbles waves
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hi hi hi!
Landlord: (under his breath) ...Weird cat...
Gein Mender: Alright.

Shizuru Kuwabara: ...

Gein Mender: That s a fair deal.
Shizuru Kuwabara grabs the money
Gein Mender: Think of it as a gift.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Yeah, yeah.
Shizuru Kuwabara sits back down
Gunther: ...So as you did earlier, you pull the spring back.
Gein Mender limps into the room
Shizuru Kuwabara: Make yourself at home, I guess. Don t eat any of my yogurt.
Gunther booooooop
Gein Mender: Alright.
Landlord: So, about those burns of yours...
Gein Mender: George.
Don t eat her yogurt.
George has already curled up at Shizuru s feet
George: Arf!
Gein Mender: Yes, yes, the burns...
If only money could be used as burn ointment.
The ball takes off, with more sparkling FX...!
Gunther: And the objective is to hit the ball as many times as you can before th
e hole takes it. The ball is a crude representation of your enemy. All of your m
en are dead, and it is just you and he, alone, out for one another s blood...
Landlord looks to Kuwabara
Gunther keeps the ball up with the flippers
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
...Oh, right! Uh...
roll finesse, Gunther
Gein Mender: Can we get some stuff, this really hurts...
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 14
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sis? Where s the burn ointment?
indeed, the ball is deftly kept in play
Rani V: Impressive. But... why does this not resemble a battlefield?
Shizuru Kuwabara: It s with the first aid kit. You know where that is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right, thatnks!
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for THE FIRST AID
Gein Mender limps after him
Landlord heads over to the kitchen table
Gein Mender: look how sad the landlord looks
Gunther: It s symbolic, like many things in life. The cabinets are decorated dif
ferent ways to represent your hallucinations as you and your enemy slowly succum
b to hemmorrhaging.
Landlord: he s resigned

Gein Mender: Alright...

Landlord: Alright, come on over here so I can take a better look at them.
Gein Mender takes off his coat
Gein Mender rolls up his pants and sleeves
Kazuma Kuwabara has a seat in the other chair
Gunther: See, this is why the hole is at the bottom, it represents your enemy s
Landlord: Alright, lessee now...
Rani V: ...And what do the girls represent?
Ball s still in motion, Gunther - roll finesse again
Landlord rummages in first aid kit for the ointment
Gunther: Perhaps a faint memory of what was, before the war... Perhaps they are
your dear, smiling little daughters, soon to be left fatherless by the tragedy.
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 15
Mobile L.: Pinball wizzerd
eldritch s.: "This isn t burn ointment at all! It s lube!"
Rani V: ...I see.
Landlord: Go over by the sink and try to-- get your arms under the cold water un
til it stops hurting.
Gein Mender does this
Landlord goes to wash his hands
Landlord: How s it feeling?
Gein Mender: And up goes the hydroelectric bill...
Gein Mender grumbles
Gein Mender: It s painful.
Deft play - now you ve got a window for an extra ball. Roll spirit for it...!
Gein Mender: But it could be worse.
Landlord: Well, keep at it.
Landlord goes to get the ointment out
Landlord: Okay, come over here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 15
...Tell me about yourself, Rani.
Gein Mender walks over

Landlord starts applying the ointment

Landlord: So, about this guy...
Rani V: What should I say?
Gunther: ...Well, what should you say...?
...This new ball, by the way, means your enemy has received back up, and you mus
t fend them both off.
Landlord: His name s Shun Akiyama. He... heh, he s a loan shark. Runs this compa
ny called Sky Finance... but he s probably got the best loans you could ever fin
d. No interest, no collateral... you ve just gotta pass one of his tests.
Rani V: The display says that the new ball is good.
Gein Mender: Immediately this sounds terrifying.
Rani V: What makes it so good?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Gein Mender: What s he going to do, hook me up to a car battery and play twenty
roll finesse once again
Landlord: No way, it s not that kind of test.
Landlord pauses
Gein Mender: Will a car battery still be involved?
Gunther: The thrill of the battle on your dying breaths. This is a game about sa
vage impulses.
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 11
Landlord: Well... I don t really know. It s something to make sure that you re g
ood for the money. Usually it ends up with you doing odd jobs as a test of chara
Gunther: ...What is it like, where you are from?
Gein Mender: It would be shocking if one was, I d think.
god DANG, your score s sky high now
Rani V: I have inhabited a lot of urban areas.
Gein Mender: Still, color me interested.
Gunther: Oh? Is there one that you prefer over the other.
Landlord: Good.
Rani V: I do not have preferences.
eldritch s.: gunther really has rubbed off on gein
Landlord has finished applying ointment and bandaging
Gunther: ...How come.
Gein Mender leans back in his chair
Gunther is pleased about something, but does not know why
Rani V: I do not feel that it is necessary to prefer one inhabitance over the ot
Gein Mender: Where could we find him?
Landlord: Well, I know where his office is.
Gein Mender: Where s that?
Gunther: Are not some domiciles more conducive to a continued existence than oth
ers? Are not some more adequate, more safe?
(From Space (GM)): hey could you make another map... of this room http://guidesm

Rani V: All of my domiciles have been adequate and safe.

(To Space): I will do my best
(From Space (GM)): hero
Gunther: ...That is fortunate, then. But suppose one was inadequate. What would
you do?
Gunther still beepin the boop
eldritch s.: did the labdlord have a heart attack
Rani V: ....
Landlord: It s downtown. In the Shinto district.
Rani V: ...I do not know.
Landlord: (that s just where the shops and stuff are)
eldritch s.: Alright.
Gunther: ...Not even the slightest idea what you would do.
Gein Mender: Hey, Kuwabara.
Mac D.: Landlord: "Fox....DIE"
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Rani V: No.
Gein Mender: You have a map of town?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh.....
....Hey, Sis!
Gunther: ...Why is this.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Why would we have a map lying around?
Gein Mender: I always did...
Well, anyway.
Landlord: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Guess we don t.
Rani V: I have not had to think about it.
Gein Mender: Kuwabara, write the adress down in your cellphone.
a thought occurs to Gein
Gunther: Why have you not.
Landlord: *the landlord
Hey, Gein.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh....Alright.
Gein Mender: Yeah?
Landlord: Is Gein Mender your real name?
Gein Mender: I ran Mender s Motel, so I assume it is.
Rani V: Because I have not experienced such an occurrence.
Landlord: I was just thinking -- it might not hurt to use a fake name in any bus
iness dealings you re gonna have.
Gein Mender: Well, Gein is the short version of my full name,
Gunther: And why is this.
Gein Mender: Geinefferson.
That s my full first name,
Mobile L.: Ahahaha
Space (GM): oh my god
Gein Mender: People think my name sounds stupid enough as it is.
Landlord: It definitely sticks in your head.
Gein Mender: Yeah.
Let s think of a fake.
Rani V: It does not have a reason.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...How bout....
Gein Mender looks at the brand of burn oinment used
Gunther: ...How long have you been alive.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hiei?
Gein Mender: I m as Gaijin as they come, I ll have to use an American sounding n
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........Henry?

Landlord: You know, I ve always been partial to Coyote ... that s an American n
ame, isn t it?
Gein Mender: ... For an animal.
Landlord: Ah.
Gein Mender: Henry Kissinger.
There we go.
Rani V: For...
...Sixteen years.
Gein Mender: ... Is he even still alive...?
He was an old fucker.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gunther: ...You re certain.
Gein Mender: I like Henry, anyway.
Henry Pickett?
Rani V: I am.
Gunther: Not something like sixteen months.
Gein Mender: Henry Mars?
Gunther is still still pinballin
Gein Mender: Henry Shelby?
Henry Jayden?
Kazuma Kuwabara: How about Plinkett?
Rani V: No. Not sixteen months.
keep up dat finesse
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: Hm....
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 17
Gein Mender: Sure.
Henry Plinkett.
Landlord: Henry Plinkett ...
Gein Mender: ....
Gunther: What is your purpose.
Gein Mender: Am I still going to be able to teach...?
Landlord: How many vacation days do you have, Gein?
god DANG you re already over 100 million on your first ball
Rani V: What do you mean?
Gunther: Why are you alive.
Space (GM): holy fuckin damn gunther
eldritch s.: how many would he likely have if he never sued any
Gunther: What will you do.
eldritch s.: *used
Rani V: ...
Space (GM): how long has he been teaching
Rani V: ...I am afraid that I am unable to answer that.
Gunther: ...Mm.
eldritch s.: eight or some years
Fawkes M. (GM): Bee arr bee
Space (GM): like three months
Gein Mender: Three months.
Landlord low whistle

Landlord: Better cash them in.

Gein Mender: I don t take vacations.
Gein Mender calls the school
eldritch s.: magically appearing man
don t think i didn t see
Landlord: he comes in times of great need
Gein Mender continues to call the school
Remember that it is late at the night...
Tomoe Takatsuki picks up
Tomoe Takatsuki: Hello.
Gein Mender: Hello, Tomoe...
Tomoe Takatsuki: This is-- oh, it s you, Gein. Hello!
Gein Mender: Long story short...
Were you working when the guy came in with the gun?
Tomoe Takatsuki says nothing
Gein Mender: ...
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...Oh. I nodded there.
Gein Mender: That s alright.
Well, bad news.
He kind of...
Got away...
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh... oh, no.
Gein Mender: And what the police don t know yet is...
He burned down my house.
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...I-is your dog okay?
Gein Mender: I don t think anyone die- George is just fine.
But I m a bit roughed up. and I think I ll be using that vacation time I ve been
saving up.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh... yes, that s fine.
Be careful, okay? I don t want you to be hurt.
Gein Mender: I ll try...
Uh, one last thing...
Tomoe Takatsuki: Yes?
Gein Mender: This man...
He wants me dead.
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...
Gein Mender: He will stop at nothing to make sure that happens.
There is no one he won t hurt.
So I need you to be very careful.
Tomoe Takatsuki is silent
Gein Mender: Tell Kuzuki, and all the other staff, too.
Tomoe Takatsuki: He is... in the hospital.
Gein Mender: I m sorry to get you wrapped up in this, but I promise...
I promise that by the end of my vacation it s all going to be okay.
Tomoe Takatsuki: ....
Gein Mender: I m going to be under and assumed name for the next few weeks.
Henry Plinkett.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Okay. I ll remember it.
Gein Mender: Alright.
Stay safe.
Tomoe Takatsuki: You too...
Tomoe Takatsuki hangs up

Gein Mender: Bye.

Gein Mender closes his phone
Gein Mender: Alright.
I m officially on vacation!
Landlord: Hooray.
Gein Mender: Where s a bottle of champagne when you need it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...........
Landlord looks to Kuwabara
Gein Mender: It s a joke.
I don t want to get booted out because I helped myself to too much.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh....
Landlord picks a tomato off of the table
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sorry, I kinda zoned out there...
Gein Mender: I don t blame you.
This hasn t been a very good day.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: Or a good month.
Kazuma Kuwabara seems to be thinking
Landlord: We re all alive, aren t we? Even your dog s alive.
Gein Mender: We re lucky as hell for that.
Still, I m not scared of meeting up with Jones again.
God knows, he can t beat an old man in a fight.
Mobile L.: You back yet, Fox?
Gein Mender: That s why we called him No-Dick.
That and he had a small penis.
Landlord: You mob guys are crazy. You know that?
Gein Mender: Yeah.
Yeah, I know.
I don t miss it.
It was the kind of crazy you get committed for.
Fawkes M. (GM): I m back
Mobile L.: Yey
Rani V: .....
Gunther: ...Who is in charge of you.
Rani V: ...Why do you ask that question?
Gunther: You know so little, and were I so inclined, I would find it appalling.
Landlord leans back in his chair
Landlord: So, tomorrow - we find that loan shark.
Rani V: ...
Why is that appalling?
Gunther: Because it is subnormal.
Glaringly so.
(To Space):
(From Rani V): Mind if we end the pinball game here?
(To Space): It s kinda hasty cuz I rushed it
(From Landlord): that was speedy and you really are a hero thank you very much
(To Fawkes M.): Not at all
(To Space): :)
Gunther steps away from the machine
Rani V: ...Why?
Gunther, you ended your game with a score of 8,321,453,540
Gunther: Everyone else knows things. You are sixteen, or so you say, and yet it
the holes in your knowledge are absolutely glaring.

Rani V: Input the three letters for the leaderboards

Gunther: ...Right.
Rani V: ....
Space (GM): A.S.S.
Gunther that is exactly what I was gonna do, no lie
ASS it is
Rani V: ...How do you know that I do not know?
Gunther: Because you freely volunteer this lack of information when lightly prob
Rani V: You are not probing me.
Gunther: I was, all this time. I would say I probed you quite intensely. There i
s no attempt to feign normalcy.
...Not that this is always ideal or necessary.
Mobile L.: brb charger
Rani V: ...Very well.
still got that blank expression
Gein Mender: Definitely.
Mobile L.: I am not even sure why I bother to tell you this.
Gunther: i said this
Perhaps I am too bored for my own good.
Gein Mender: Alright. We re all alive.
Let s all pat ourselves on the back.
Gunther yawns and sighs
Rani V: Why are you bored?
eldritch s.: why is it all my american chars
wear shades
Gunther: I have nothing to do, presently.
Space (GM): it s the style
eldritch s.: gein is very fun
Rani V: You have this war simulator, do you not?
Mobile L.: He s also entertaining
eldritch s.: and the pleasure of those good rolls carried me
the machine makes another sparkle sound effect
Gunther: It has ceased to amuse me.
Space (GM): american jesus
Rani V: Why?
eldritch s.: actually lovecraft doesn t wear shades
Gunther: ...This is too subjective for you to comprehend.
eldritch s.: still the last two sessions have had american jesus in them
Mobile L.: Change this
eldritch s.: i just love the mental image
Mobile L.: Shades for Lovecaft
eldritch s.: of gein
throwing a tire iron at jason s face
Rani V: Can you still tell me?
Space (GM): the man doesn t fuck around
eldritch s.: it s like in heavy rain
when you throw the tv at shelby s head
i m picturig it like that
Jason Artimenner has a sledgehammer
eldritch s.: that was very fun
duff died
Gunther: ...I do not enjoy games, and I only played it to see your reaction.
eldritch s.: i think every roll in that session that i undertook was a success
Gunther: Your lack thereof is... depressing, almost.
Space (GM): yes
as a matter of fact

Mac D.: sorry i m watchin the ending of MGS3

eldritch s.: i like how after being shot in the legs
with a shotgun
jason then stands up
and books it
Rani V: Why did you wish to see my reaction?
Space (GM): interesting, is it not
@duff: get the tissues ready
eldritch s.: i mean i figured he was magic but still
Space (GM): the eyes were th emore important tipoff
eldritch s.: he got the shit kicked out of him
Space (GM): i didn t expect he d take off his glasses so soon
eldritch s.: was that session like
Gunther: Because it amused me.
eldritch s.: supposed to establish him
as a threat
Gunther: At the time...
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: and then he just got the living hell beaten out of him
Gunther: But I have about run that into the ground.
eldritch s.: by a chubby old man
Space (GM): it works fine this way too
Rani V: ...I see.
eldritch s.: imagine seeing that though
Rani V: What else will elicit a reaction from me?
eldritch s.: like if this was heavy rain
Space (GM): i imagine all the students have a newfound respect for gein
Gunther: I am honestly unsure.
eldritch s.: well were they looking
Space (GM): that is true
they were hiding
Gunther: You have only one mode.
eldritch s.: will he get credit in the news
Space (GM): they will probably not name any names
Rani V: "Mode"?
eldritch s.: will they say "a teacher foght off the gunman"
Space (GM): yeah they will
eldritch s.: how about his hosue fire
Space (GM): won t even name the landlord s name
eldritch s.: what will they say
Gunther: All there is to you is mild inquisitiveness. That can only go so far.
Space (GM): mysterious house fire burns down apartment complex
it was pierre
eldritch s.: that asshole
Space (GM): fucking quebec
eldritch s.: i was thinking of that, actually
while you were doing it
Space (GM): me too
Gunther: There is no one around to gawk if I feed you blatant misinformation, sa
y, and make a fool of you while you are none the wiser.
So there is no point to perpetuating this charade.
eldritch s.: i m curious as to what tomoe is going to tell the sutdents (if anyt
hing) or the staff
Space (GM): she s not
she ll act like she never got that call
Rani V: Why are you concerned about amusing others, if you only wish to amuse yo
eldritch s.: wow
Space (GM): it s covering his ass
eldritch s.: good

she should probably
he said he s taking a vacation
Space (GM): so he doesn t lose his job
Gunther: ...Because I feed from them. Their validation validates me, in turn. Th
ere is no point if it is only me laughing.
eldritch s.: yes
Gunther: And you cannot.
eldritch s.: what is kuzuki thinking in hospital right now
Rani V: ...Their laughter fuels yours?
Gunther: Yes.
Souichirou Kuzuki: Why did he have to shoot me in the ASS?
eldritch s.: this also provides an excuse to give gein a token change, granted,
we d need to find a token
Space (GM): let s all look for a token
eldritch s.: as he would try to disguise himself
Space (GM): a beard
Gunther: This is the only subjective thing I can experience.
eldritch s.: he shaves his nose hair and makes a fake beard out of it
Shun Akiyama: crafty
Gunther leans on the bar
Rani V: There are no others?
Gunther: No.
Rani V: ...I see.
eldritch s.: hm
i am having trouble
Gunther: ...Perhaps I should sleep. Not that this affect you in any way.
Rani V: Why would you sleep in a diner?
Space (GM):
Gunther: Why shouldn t I?
eldritch s.: that works
Rani V: There are no beds for you to sleep on.
eldritch s.: he macguyvered up a fake beard
Gunther: This has not inconvenienced me before.
Space (GM): update your token for justice
Gunther climbs up on the bar
Gunther: ...Do you sleep?
Rani V: ...Yes.
Gunther: ...Mm.
Gunther takes off his jacket
Gunther bunches it into a makeshift pillow
Gunther: ...Do you dream...?
eldritch s.: do androids dream of electric sheep
Space (GM): you know gunther hasn t really had a chance to show off his magecraf
t acumen yet
Rani V: .....
...I am unsure.
My mind is not entirely inactive when I sleep.
Gunther: ...Hm. That is typical.
Henry Plinkett: It same, a Henry.
Mobile L.: I m still on the fence about how much of his power level he d be will
ing to reveal
Landlord: I m impressed.
Mobile L.: *thus far
Space (GM): i forget does he know about gein s reality marble

Henry Plinkett: It s called toilet paper, leg hair...

Henry Plinkett whispers
Henry Plinkett: And some pillow stuffing...
Mobile L.: He remembers it faintly from his childhood
Rani V: It is?
Space (GM): something of note
Gunther: Yes. That, at least, is some semblance of normalcy and not subnormal an
d freakish.
Space (GM): reality marbles are really really fuckin rare, and the mage s associ
ation would probably cut gein up to unlock the secret of his marble if they knew
he had one
Mobile L.: Eheheh
Henry Plinkett: magic joesph mengele
Rani V: I see. That is something that is positive?
Space (GM): it s why shirou has to hide his after UBW and be just "i can make sw
ords! :)"
Gunther: Most would think so. You lack an internal gage of this, so I suppose yo
u can take the majority opinion for your own.
This is what I do, sometimes...
Henry Plinkett has never outright said he has a reality marble
Space (GM): does he know what it is
Henry Plinkett probably does
Rani V: ...I see. I will treat it as a positive, then.
Space (GM): come to think of it
is he from a magus background besides the mob stuff
eldritch s.: like maybe
Gunther: I suppose that s good, then...
eldritch s.: light entry level knowledge of magus shit
Gunther yawns deeply
Space (GM): interesting, interesting...
eldritch s.: from his background
he knwos what everyone knows now
Space (GM): worked for vampires, so he knows about that too
eldritch s.: yes
Rani V: Should I stay?
Henry Plinkett: I miss Gein s old face.
Space (GM): me too
should we
put it back
Gunther: Sure. Watch me sleep, in hopes that you will glean something from it.
I don t care.
Henry Plinkett: he s going to switch between this and the other one
Space (GM): good
Gunther kicks off his Crocs
Henry Plinkett: i imagine his time as plinkett is temporary
Rani V: OK.
Rani V stands still
Space (GM): yeah i d say so
Henry Plinkett: would jason recognize his old ass
eldritch s.: he probably hasn t see too much of old gein, seeing as he was busy
getting his ass kicked

Gunther is not gonna ask outright, but he s trying in his last fleeting moments
of consciousness to gage if Rani would be magically adept
Space (GM): not at first glance, but being old man and gaijin is pretty rare in
this town
the voice might settle it
eldritch s.: he d probably try putting on a voice
Mac D.: volgin is directly responsible for absolutely every bad thing that has h
appened in the metal gear series
Space (GM): he looks like he d try cultivating a hemingway
*hemingwayesque persona
Roll decreased mind, Gunther
Gunther: rolling {3d20kl1} + 0 for decreased mind
= 4
Space (GM): @duff: it s amazing what one davy crockett can do
Nope. No magical energy.
Space (GM): well gang
how d you like that session
Henry Plinkett: Shaken, not stirred.
Gunther nnnghhhhhhhhh they should kill her.... Zzzzzzz
Space (GM): wear a loud hawaiian shirt
Mobile L.: I loved it
Henry Plinkett: All of my clothes burned in the fire.
I m wearing the same clothes, sans jacket.
Space (GM): somehow the landlord went from being a joke to an actual character
eldritch s.: think like gray pants
white button up shirt
and suspenders
Mobile L.: I m glad he lived. I was worried this was curtains for him
eldritch s.: what sparked the landlord becoming imporant
Mobile L.: Did Gnther s random existentialist rant go okay?
eldritch s.: yes
Space (GM): nothing much beyond the fact that he s in a similar boat to gein, mi
nus the hitman out for his blood, and he has underworld connections
Fawkes M. (GM): Twas grate
Space (GM): @mobile: i liked it
eldritch s.: so let s just got back
Mobile L.: Yey
eldritch s.: on my self congratulatory
highlight real of gein
Space (GM): i am really glad he made it through the
eldritch s.: tire iron to the face, kick the armed man in the dick, steal his gu
n, shoot him in the legs
Space (GM): fire alight
eldritch s.: throw the gun at him as he runs away
Mobile L.: He a badass
eldritch s.: and then
bash down a door
run through a fire, twice, to save the dog
he is probably exhausted
Landlord: gotta get up bright and early tomorrow to get the loan
eldritch s.: is the loan shark like the origami killer

"How far are you willing to go in order to save your s- I mean get your loan?"
Shun Akiyama: amazing
eldritch s.: he constantly has to correct himself
because he keeps wanting to ask if you re ready to save your son
Shun Akiyama: okay your loan is at the bottom of that cistern
the one filled with rainwater
eldritch s.: the money is all sogg
Jason Artimenner: can you use wet money as legal tender
eldritch s.: "if you want your loan, crawl through this tunnel of glass"
"what does this have to do with my moral character"
"are you prepared to suffer to save your s- fuck, get your loan."
Mobile L.: Ahahaha
I honestly didn t think I d get to pull out the existentialism this early
eldritch s.: it was cool
Jason Artimenner: what does gunth think of rani
Mobile L.: He finds her abhorrent
eldritch s.: dic
Mobile L.: I don t think he s capable of feeling pity, but maybe something vague
ly approaching it?
Sakura Tohsaka: gunther x rani otp
Mobile L.: She s sort of like how he was when he was first created
eldritch s.: rani with gunth
watching him
as he sleeps
Mobile L.: Eehee
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: He wanted to see if she was competition, but at this point, he thinks
she s a piss-poor homunculus and that whoever made her deserves a slap
Like, Stan taught him to at least vaguely feign normalcy
Just act like you re a degenerate fuckup who kinda knows about the world
Sakura Tohsaka: what is his true self
is this the closest we have gotten to seeing it
eldritch s.: I AM THE SHADOW
the true elf
Space (GM): legolas
Mobile L.: Yes, probably
I mean, he can t feel negative emotion, but the closest thing he has is intense
eldritch s.: if he can find her abhorrent and think her maker deserves a slap
doesn t that imply he feels some anger
or disgust
Mobile L.: Some small thing resembling it. He doesn t want to slap the person be
cause that would be a lot of effort, and he doesn t want to go out of his way to
"fix" Rani, but it disquiets him and reminds him of his suicidal period
If he cannot entertain himself, it just makes him another homunculus, and he lik
es to avoid that
Sibyl: He had a suicidal period?
Mac D.: now to beat MGS4
Mobile L.: Briefly. Kuwabara snapped him out of it by being himself.
Henry Plinkett: do it
Ciel: i wanna know if you guys have any theories or whatnot on how things are un
Sibyl: Cutscenes galore
Mobile L.: I think the Kotomine lady looks evil, but the direction-pushing was s
upposed to be a good direction and the dream just cut off before she could provi
de more context
Unless I m misremembering

eldritch s.: no one says

Caren Hortensia: interesting
eldritch s.: "this city is on the edge. it just needs one final push" in a dark
room, with a scary man
and has good intentions
Souren Araya: i resent that
eldritch s.: its just the level of malice implied that is the question
HOW evil, whether than IS evil
Souren Araya: what do you two think
Mobile L.: Also, Souren is probably Caren s bro or some shit
eldritch s.: they seem like opprotunists
Souren Araya: they are not friendly friends i would say
@seer: yes i can confirm this
eldritch s.: right now i don t have a d suspect
Mobile L.: They re working agains the vampies, but for a different, maybe bad th
eldritch s.: it s likely not harway, i don t think he d raise attention to himse
lf like he ha
fuck it s programmed into my brain
Souren Araya: who is d
eldritch s.: i correct d into roa
just a wild guess
i have
Space (GM): where s roa gone
Mobile L.: Also, blondie dickass is Rani s maker guy and he s got his finger too
far up his nose to teach her anything
eldritch s.: yuuka
Space (GM): where s the bastard gone
eldritch s.: ciel
or the vampire
Space (GM): one of those four theories is very interesting and i won t say which
eldritch s.: i assumed harway;s family got someone else to maker her
Space (GM): they have money
Mobile L.: They like ETHNIC HELP because they re racist fucks
eldritch s.: or made her themselves but not with leo s direct oversight
Mobile L.: Indja
Darkest Indja
Space (GM): i was surprised by gunth s pakistan comment
it was a good gauge for guessing if there s something wonky about rani
eldritch s.: you know
Sibyl: He chose... well
eldritch s.: everything else
Mobile L.: Exactly. He wanted to see if maybe, by some stretch, she was actually
a very repressed Indian girl.
She would snapped at that, or at least tensely corrected him
eldritch s.: or maybe she s just that meek
granted she basically confirmed it
with everything else
Mobile L.: No self-respecting Indian would not jump a bit, no matter how weak
eldritch s.: who says she s self-respeting
Mobile L.: Tru
eldritch s.: so
what will gein s class
think of him now
now that he saved them from a gunman and then went on vacation
Mobile L.: Gunther feels a little safer about taking Franz to school now

Not that he was super worried

eldritch s.: will he miss gein s teaching
Mobile L.: Yes, because Gein is entertaining
eldritch s.: i wanted franz to get freaked out over his fake heart attack
Mobile L.: He probably respects Gein just slightly less than Kuwabara
eldritch s.: space and fox left us
Mobile L.: but why...
Sibyl: Nah, Fox is here
eldritch s.: get out, sibyl
Mobile L.: Ooh. yey
Space (GM): go sibyl
eldritch s.: what will gein s class think of him now
Space (GM): they re probably
a little concerned
eldritch s.: why
Space (GM): well just an abrupt vacation aftar all that
maybe he s traumatized by it
Mobile L.: BTW, Franz was also awesome
Sibyl: No
I will not leave
eldritch s.: do they think he got shot in the struggle
get out, sibyl, you fucking asshole
Sibyl: What did I do
eldritch s.: you killed ajax the lesser
Sibyl: That was my uncle
And he had it coming
eldritch s.: you fucked over the boogeyman
Sibyl: So?
eldritch s.: space damn you
Fawkes M. (GM): Unlimited Salt Works: Chris reality marble
Mobile L.: Eehee
Fawkes M. (GM): Box and I came up with an incantation for it
Space (GM): they very well might think so
eldritch s.: i like how
things gein has done or participated in doing:
saved a kindergarten, its teacher, and sakura plus harker
help save yuuka and others from terrorists
Fawkes M. (GM): He saved Lorelei
eldritch s.: defeat an armed gunman
in a school
save a man and a dog from a fire
and never
never will he ever get
any credit
eldritch s.: or even a proper thank you
Mobile L.: They ll prolly reward him handsomely at the end of the campaign, assu
ming he lives
eldritch s.: gein stole unlimited salt works from chris
and he is salty
Mobile L.: Gunther thinks that thanks are meaningless and will not give them unl
ess prompted within reason
Fawkes M. (GM): Does his RM have an actual name?
eldritch s.: no
Fawkes M. (GM): Then it s officially Unlimited Salt Works
eldritch s.: there s a salt mine in it
Mobile L.: Perf
Does Rani suspect Gunther of being a homonsexual deviant, or is that classified?
eldritch s.: a homosexual deviant
Fawkes M. (GM): Vaguely
Mobile L.: Lonk beeg cox

eldritch s.: i was thinking that kuwabara s sis would think gein and the landlor
d were gay
Mobile L.: This was probably a tactical error, then
Ahahaha, oh god
Space (GM): she does
eldritch s.: is she uncomfortable
with having
in her home
Space (GM): their money s just as good
eldritch s.: that doesn t answer the question
Space (GM): she is not
eldritch s.: progressive
Space (GM): she is a good person but a jerk
eldritch s.: like most people in rps
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: if gein sees the mysterious woman again
he will recognize her as
the fat bitch who he insulted and then tried to kill him
remember that
he tried getting the ice cream
by calling her a fat bitch
Space (GM): haha
eldritch s.: it was one of the first things we did
Space (GM): i do remember that
Mobile L.: Good times
Space (GM): aegs ago
Mobile L.: Wasn t that noncanonical, though>
Fawkes M. (GM): I feel old now
Space (GM): i am not sure
eldritch s.: it was like
on the very farthest edge
Space (GM): oh yeah what s your guys s read on the mysterious woman
eldritch s.: teetering on the abyss
she has her own goals
Mobile L.: She s good, but scary
eldritch s.: to be revealed in time
Space (GM): interesting
eldritch s.: her interests may or may not align with the party
is the loan shark going to fuck up and nearly as about saving you son
Shun Akiyama: do you have a son
Henry Plinkett: I don t think so...
Shun Akiyama: not anymore that s for sure
Space (GM): alright
the two of you that are on
eldritch s.: he just puts kids in cisterns
Space (GM): mobile are you still hre
eldritch s.: "i think this is the right kid"
Fawkes M. (GM): Wabbit season?
Space (GM): not yet
Mobile L.: Yus, soz
Space (GM): i think mobile and seer
add +1 to a stat of your choosing
Mobile L.: Ooh
Finesse is now upped
Space (GM): it looks like its still at 0
Mobile L.: Eh? Upped on my end
Lemme try again
Space (GM): there ya go

Mobile L.: Yey

rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 18
Sweet, tiny multiplier
Space (GM): I DON T KNOW
Mobile L.: Pinball Shitlord
eldritch s.: hm
i don t know what a gein-y stat would be
after today
brawn, i suppose
Mobile L.: Yeh
eldritch s.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 7
Space (GM): luck ran out
eldritch s.: good thing the unstoppable gein
didn t roll that
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 5
eldritch s.: henry plinkett you suck
Space (GM): ever find just
a great themesong
that you re glad for finding
eldritch s.: but it doesn t loop
Space (GM): yes
however it s long enough
that that shouldn t be sucha big problem
eldritch s.: alright what is it we do now
Space (GM): l
isten to this because it s sick
isn t it sick
eldritch s.: ill, even
Space (GM): c:
wanna rabbit, let s see how much it works on wisconsin internet
eldritch s.: oh dear
might as well try

Space (GM): well i mean ive done it before

but not in hd like i am accustomed to in wisconsin
eldritch s.: shut your face
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: i always go with the shittiest definition
Space (GM): wise
MrEForEccentric: Did I just hear 909
I heard 909 for a second there
Space (GM): interesting
MrEForEccentric: You have it on the list don t you!????
Space (GM): it was the death note op
MrEForEccentric: Oh
The opening thing sounds similar to 909
Oh wait
No it doesn t
Silly me
I had to listen to 909 again
Shun Akiyama: what is 909
MrEForEccentric: The opening to Souten Kouro
Shun Akiyama: oh that s not bad
yeah i like this theme
MrEForEccentric: It s fucking badass like the rest of the show
And goddammit I can t find english lyrics for the song
I know one of the lyrics is apparently "Fuck you, you goddamn chicken"
Shun Akiyama: oh
oh no
MrEForEccentric: Yes
But I mostly like it for this track
And the ones used in the show proper
Shun Akiyama: you know this show s ost is alright
MrEForEccentric: The show itself is pretty cool too...
And the entirety of it is on youtube Also it has some of the best scenes
of Lu Bu
Shun Akiyama: veins
MrEForEccentric: veins yes
I love Lu Bu s humming like
"What you got bitches"
Azureberry J.: Hoy
Shun Akiyama: ah good day
MrEForEccentric: Aye aye
Shun Akiyama: sorry i m just trying to figure out what d be a good thing to do f
or this
Azureberry J.: Will have to dinner in 30mins.
Probably won t take long tho.
Space (GM): hurm
seer and duff are on, should we just wait until then and summon them as well
MrEForEccentric: Yes, shure
Azureberry J.: If you feel like it sure.
Space (GM): hokay gimme a holler jam when you are return
Azureberry J.: Well I ve got 30mins till the caf opens, so I ll be here until th
Space (GM): alright i ll do a quick thing with you fellows
do you guys know who DefinitelyNotASpy is on steam
MrEForEccentric: No
Azureberry J.: Nope
Space (GM): me neither
MrEForEccentric: Does he have mutual friends with you
Space (GM): 3

stone, imca, and some other dude

Azureberry J.: Its a WAOA dude then.
MrEForEccentric: Most likely
Tsubasa waits in her apartment, going over her case notes.
No school today...
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: I really need to get a cork board...
Tsubasa Juufuku she looks around for a moment
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll need to figure out how to get more of the herbs too...
... Ah well- I need to see if there s any answers it ll give me.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to set up to go for a trance
Tsubasa Juufuku sitting on her bed
Tsubasa s phone rings
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh?
Tsubasa Juufuku picks up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hello?
iiiiiit s....... asumu
Azureberry J.: Should I? Or is imposter?
Space (GM): you go
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa. Hey. What are you up to?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m looking over my notes, and I m thinking of going for a tran
ce. I m in my apartment, right now.
Also, hey Asuu.
Asumu Mizono: I wouldn t be interrupting if I came over would I?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh, no- not at all. I could use a second head and all. Bounce i
deas off and all that.
Asumu Mizono: On my way then.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right, cool- see you then!
Tsubasa Juufuku stops setting up for the trance and starts to get some tea brewi
ng, as well as moving her notes to her main room table
after some time, asumu is arrive
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasaaa? You in here? Door was unlocked....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah!
Over here!
Tsubasa Juufuku sitting at her table, looking over her journals
Tsubasa Juufuku has two cups of tea at the table
Asumu Mizono jumps a bit
Asumu Mizono: Hey...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was in my room, going over this stuff but I figured it d be b
etter to do it in here. More room and all.
Tsubasa Juufuku writing something down
Asumu Mizono: Your notes...for class?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- er- that stuff s still in my room...
This is just my general hobby, and well- y know- the killer...
Asumu Mizono: To be honest Tsubasa...I don t know about this.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Eh?
What do you mean?
Tsubasa Juufuku stops writing for a moment

Asumu Mizono: You know what I mean.

Tsubasa Juufuku: As in that we shouldn t...?
Asumu Mizono: You were here the other day weren t you?
Tsubasa Juufuku: At the funeral...?
Asumu Mizono: The field trip.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... No, I wasn t. I was at my mom s funeral.
Space (GM): ohp hold on a seocnd
MrEForEccentric: Holding
Azureberry J.: Okies.
Space (GM): my apologies please continue
Tsubasa Juufuku: Aight
MrEForEccentric: Whoops
I said that
Azureberry J.: I must abscond now unfortunately. How time flies.
Be back v. soon.
Space (GM): hokay no worries
MrEForEccentric: Aight
hark a seer
Landlord: Kuwabara, there s a moneylender in the business district that I think
could help you guys out.
MrEForEccentric: Hark a duff
Mac D.: i just beat laughing octopus
Mr. Mayor: laugh and grow fat
Mr. Mayor rollerskates around town
Mac D.: that s fatman mister mayor
Mr. Mayor: don t correct me, i make more money than you ll ever see in your life
eldritch s.: it s the ORI-GAH-ME KILLAH
MrEForEccentric: Why are there dudes appearing in Tsubasa s apartment whilst she
s talking with Asumu
Why are they surrounding hem
Mr. Mayor: it s the moneylender, akiyama
Mask de Bara: they want to loan you money
lots of it
MrEForEccentric: Too much money
There are literally 6 times as many of them
Stahp, go to Greece instead
They need the money
eldritch s.: or spain
MrEForEccentric: or Italy
Mac D.: tsubasa is buried in dudes
eldritch s.: or ireland
Shun Akiyama: we have 10 characters whose names start with s
eldritch s.: or portugal
MrEForEccentric: And Asumu was as well
eldritch s.: or detroi
Mac D.: YS
Sibyl: i like this sogn a lot
Mac D.: oath in felghana is a great fuckin game
actually one of my favorites of all time
Rani V: thats pretty good
Mac D.: whose theme is it in hollow night
Rani V: it s probably just fighting music slash badass moment music
like this song a lot
Space (GM): okay so let s see
currently this roll20 is technically a
fate stay night / yakuza / yu yu hakusho crossover

Mac D.: literally perfecty

eldritch s.: fate stay night au / yakuza / yu yu hakunsho crossover
Space (GM): yes tat is true
eldritch s.: oh and add tsukihime
MrEForEccentric: In before Steins Gate
Space (GM): i think this is just the righ number of crossovers without getting t
oo silly
after a certain point it s just calling attention to it
yakuza is only in because akiyama works well for the current part in the story
MrEForEccentric: yus
Space (GM): thebastion soundtrack really is great
Yuuka: seer does this song immediately give you red flags
eldritch s.: yes
Yuuka: interesting
eldritch s.: literally the most sinister song
and it flags the character as evil
even before i knew abotu the char
this song has always been
very sinister
Ms. Juufuku: this one s less sinister i imagine
eldritch s.: don t you think
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa s mom is back from the grave
Ms. Juufuku: i was only hiding
Tsubasa Juufuku: Dammit mom
Ms. Juufuku: why don t you ever call
Tsubasa Juufuku: I tried to call you, dammit
Ms. Juufuku: oh yes that s right
Tsubasa Juufuku: You gave me dead silence, geez...
eldritch s.: would damon gant s theme suit the mayor
seeing as it is so stately
Space (GM): i gave the mayor groose s theme because i couldn t find resetti s th
eme on soundcloud
eldritch s.: if you ever need stately
go with gant
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: did gein get on the news in your little microsession
Space (GM): no it didn t get to that point at all
eldritch s.: stab with fork
Space (GM): yes yes
MrEForEccentric: Shirou stop coming back from the dead somehow
Space (GM): he s got heroic will
MrEForEccentric: No-one stays dead
Thriceman is out there
Just bitter over being the first Vampire dead
Space (GM): Vampire 3
Jason Artimenner: Thriceman Artimenner
MrEForEccentric: He s his SON
Jason Artimenner: an interesting theory
eldritch s.: or just a relation
MrEForEccentric: Son of the vampire
eldritch s.: where was thriceman from
MrEForEccentric: Heyo jam
Azureberry J.: Am back.
Jason Artimenner: america
hello jam
Space (GM): alright let s get bac kto it
Azureberry J.: So the mob thing was yesterday? I m just gonna assume Asumu was t
here and totally useless.

Space (GM): yeah the whole class had to hide in the classroom
while gein beat up the gunman
Azureberry J.: Kay.
eldritch s.: gein wasn t at school today, perhaps it should be noted (if it was
a school day)
MrEForEccentric: Did you see Tsubasa s response, jam?
Space (GM): no school today
Azureberry J.: Let me see if I can find it in the log.
MrEForEccentric: Its not there if you scroll up
Mac D.: so is this a "meanwhile while Homeless Men and Kuwabara chat" scene
eldritch s.: don t even try the log
MrEForEccentric: But I can re-type it pretty much
eldritch s.: it will lag you
and freeze the tab
Azureberry J.: Welp.
What was it? Cuz everything got wiped for me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... No. I was at my mom s funeral, that day...
Space (GM): @duff: if i m feeling baller i could run your guys s two things cocu
don t gotta do much to run tsubasa and asumu
Mac D.: no no it s fine
Space (GM): i was planning on having akiyama appear to these two first, but i ha
ve a plan
Azureberry J.: Teacher almost died.
Asumu Mizono said hat.
Tsubasa Juufuku: On- the field trip?
Asumu Mizono: *that
Someone is jumping up and down on Kuwabara s bed.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buhhhhhhh......
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Kazuma Kuwabara swats weakly at Bubbles
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, quiddiiiit!.....
Neco-Arc Bubbles: C moooooon!
Neco-Arc Bubbles shakes his shoulder
Landlord snores loudly
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, alright, I m up!
Azureberry J.: Asumu saying the feild trip was me fucking up she meant the day G
ien almost got shot.
MrEForEccentric: Oh then Tsubasa was definitely there
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up, groggily rubbing his eyes
eldritch s.: i thought we said
oh no we didn t
Henry Plinkett is already up
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Train, train, train! Hi-yaa!
Neco-Arc Bubbles piledrives Kuwabara
Landlord: ...Mmgh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- I was- no, I was there when the gunman came to school...
Henry Plinkett is walking to the fridge
George s leg twitches in his sleep
Neco-Arc Evolution is asleep inside of the fridge

Neco-Arc Evolution: Zzz... such a lovely face... zzz....

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Henry Plinkett gently grabs Evolution and puts him in the sink
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-Hey!!
Asumu Mizono: Then again do we have much of a choice anymore? They re coming int
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...Eh?
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 8
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: There is definitely something deeper, and wellNeco-Arc Bubbles: Stone Cold Bubble Stunner!!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m far too involved to stop now, its - personal.
Neco-Arc Evolution is ungracefully dumped into the sink
Henry Plinkett: Get out of the fridge, God damn it
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s a piledriver, not a stunner!!
Neco-Arc Evolution: Wh... hey, now!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Piledriver?
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa...
Henry Plinkett opens it up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Family business with that killer... but I don t think that s co
nnected with the- gunman.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, now leggo!!
Henry Plinkett looks at the juices and milk and suh
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Humph!
Henry Plinkett: what is there
Neco-Arc Bubbles lets go
there s beer
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up, rubbing his head
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s something else... maybe connected with the church if my
dream s any sort of prophetic sight...
orange juice too
Henry Plinkett doesn t start off the day with beer
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ooof.....
Kazuma Kuwabara gets to his feet, rolling his shoulders
don t touch it
Neco-Arc Bubbles hops down
Henry Plinkett tries figuring out what the brand of eggs they have would cost

Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 19
im the rainman
Kazuma Kuwabara: I got investigatin ta do today, Bubs! We can t train!
Asumu Mizono: I don t know what s connected to what but there are people trying
to kill us and I just...this is not like pulling Kuwabara away from stupid fight
Just a little under 200 yen.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: C mon, c mon, c moooooooooooooooon!
Henry Plinkett takes the eggs, places that amount of yen in the egg container, a
nd begins making omeletes
Henry Plinkett: what do i roll for omelete making
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, it isn t but...
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Neco-Arc Evolution: roll ah
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubs, this is important!
Landlord: I smell food.
Henry Plinkett presumably does the same figuring for the other ingerdeients, inc
luding a bit of cheese and such
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 15
Your nose knows,
Gein begins making a fairly good omelette. Coulda been a diner cook...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No, no, no!
Landlord sits down at the table
Asumu Mizono: I don t want to lose you guys.
Henry Plinkett gets the plates
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at Bubs, arms folded
Neco-Arc Bubbles pouts, folding her arms in imitation of him and looking off to
the side
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Humph! Humph, humph, humph!
Henry Plinkett: They don t have cranberry juice. I ll have to get that on the wa
y back from the crazy loanshark s.
Landlord: Cranberry juice?
Tsubasa Juufuku: And neither do I- which is why we need to watch each other s ba
cks in this. Kuwabara needs to do this for Urameshi s sake, and me- well- mom s
sake and... I can t help but feel there s something bigger going on here. And I
want to see it.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Aw, c mon, Bubs! This is serious! I m investigatin a murder

, here!
Henry Plinkett: These people are probably getting urinary tract infections out t
he ass...
Yeah, I pour it in my cereal.
Neco-Arc Bubbles growls
Landlord is making that face
Henry Plinkett: I m old, I m allowed to do that.
Landlord: Fair enough.
Kazuma Kuwabara frowns
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, no growlin !
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Grrrr!!!
Asumu Mizono: Kuwabara needs to stop doing things for Uramehi s sake. All he doe
s he chase after him and now he s jumping head first into god knows what.
Neco-Arc Bubbles shows off her teeth by pulling her mouth back, the effect being
overall adorable and not threatening at all
Henry Plinkett puts the omelettes on the plates
Henry Plinkett sets them down on the table
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Landlord immediately digs in
Henry Plinkett: I ll get the kid.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, I don t know what we re stepping into either...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubs, c mon!
Henry Plinkett still limps slightl
Henry Plinkett knock knock knock
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Humph!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks toward the door
Neco-Arc Bubbles goes to lie under Kuwabara s bed and pout
Henry Plinkett: It s the police, open up!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah? What izzit?
Asumu Mizono sighs heavily
Kazuma Kuwabara: You pull that one almost as much as the heart attack, Gramps! W
hatchu want
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mean, if you want- I could show you what I remember from my d
ream that would seem to point to this being a conspiracy by the church... I m no
t sure if I m starting to have prophetic dreams outside of the trances. This is
the first one, but... I have a grain of salt, but if it is... Then we ve probabl
y got a bit of a problem.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ?
Henry Plinkett: I made you breakfast.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh! Really? Thanks!
Kazuma Kuwabara heads for the door and opens
Asumu Mizono: Sure. Why not?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Watcha make?

Henry Plinkett who is the strange bearded man

Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Tsubasa Juufuku she picks up one of her journals, the one labeled "Dreams and Tr
Henry Plinkett: What?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Lets see...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......When d you get a beard??
Henry Plinkett: It s my disguise.
Tsubasa Juufuku: It was- the night after the field trip, I think.
Or- my mom s funeral, for me...
Henry Plinkett: Remember: Henry Plinkett.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right- Yeah.
Asumu Mizono: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku flicks through a few pages
Kazuma Kuwabara: So izzat a fake beard?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Looks damn convincing!
Henry Plinkett: I used to do this sort of thing.
Space (GM): closeup of the fake beard
Henry Plinkett: Came in handy.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh....
So, breakfast?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Right... I didn t recognize the guy in the dream, but- the way
I knew it was the church was- that woman who was conducting Urameshi s funeral?
She was there.
Henry Plinkett: Yes, on the table.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sweet!
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches the BREAKFAST
Kazuma Kuwabara: Morning.
Landlord: i said that
Asumu Mizono: What about her?
Kazuma Kuwabara: BRRRROTHER
Henry Plinkett eats his omelette
Tsubasa Juufuku: That and the guy looked pretty priestly- and well. They were ta
lking to each other about the town. Something being in place.
Mac D.: can you make a Solid Bara for me and a Liquid Bara for you
Tsubasa Juufuku: Like- something about- "The city is in a rightful spot for us t
o nudge it in the right direction"
Space (GM): that s far too much effort
Mac D.: but would it be worth it
Henry Plinkett: it never is
Tsubasa Juufuku: It was pretty vague... but it definitely pointed to a conspirac
y of some kind
Space (GM): too little reward
Kazuma Kuwabara consumes
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ve had a few ideas of what it could mean.
Landlord: ...So, kid - are you coming with?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Mmh?
Kazuma Kuwabara swallows
Kazuma Kuwabara: Comin where?
Henry Plinkett: We re going to get a loan from that money lender.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh!

Landlord nods
Henry Plinkett: The one who does the weird tests.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I had planned ta snoop around for info at the cat races..
Landlord: The cat races got shut down.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wha!?
Henry Plinkett: Yeah.
The day we found out about them.
Landlord: The police raided them. I was there when it happened - lost all my bet
ting money and everything.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Awww, Come on! I finally had an idea of where to go and ever
Asumu Mizono: Let s not go too far. Conspiracy makes you sound like a real pot h
Henry Plinkett: I had a cousin who ran rat races. Now that s where the money was
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know. The way they were talking was pretty out there...
Landlord: You know, I hear there s a real market for turtle races this time of y
Tsubasa Juufuku: And like I said- I am taking it with a pinch of salt...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well what other illegal crap fulla criminals can I go to to ask
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know how accurate my dreams are compared to my trance v
Henry Plinkett: Yeah, but that seems like it d be a long-term investment,
Kazuma Kuwabara: Do bad guys have, like, a bar they hang out at or somethin ?
Landlord smiiirks
Tsubasa Juufuku: If my dreams are even prophetic.
Landlord pauses after Kuwabara says this
Landlord: Mm... yes, but not the kind you re looking for.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......What?
Henry Plinkett: Isn t there a gaybar where mobsters hang out?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait, for real??
Henry Plinkett: Or at least gay mobsters.
Asumu Mizono: We know someone at least doesn t like our Teacher. Let s just star
t with that.
Landlord: I think that s a movie.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Kazuma Kuwabara: So...What kinda bar is it, then?
Henry Plinkett: What, gay mobsters, or a gaybar with mobsters?
Landlord: I don t know. I never did like those crime movies ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah...
Landlord stands up
Landlord: Well, thanks for breakfast.
Henry Plinkett: Wait.
Now I want to know too.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know- if our teacher was involved in crime in the past
it could have been that... But it seems far too coincidental for it to happen so
closely to this serial killer.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, hold up!
I need to know where that bad guy shindig is!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Like- why would a mob go after him now, and not earlier?
Landlord: I really don t think you two are gonna find your killer there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, duh.
Tsubasa Juufuku: They had to have been paid by someone, maybe.

Henry Plinkett: For me this is idle curiosity.

Kazuma Kuwabara: But maybe there s somebody there who knows a guy who knows a gu
Asumu Mizono: The obvious answer is they didn t have a reason until now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Workin up the chain o informants, that s how hard-boiled inve
stigations go down!
Henry Plinkett: ... What?
Landlord: ...Alright. It s this bar called O Thriceman s. Like your pal. Story
goes that way back when... y know, that whole nasty business happened, a massac
re took place there. Place was some kinda magus hideout.
Asumu Mizono: I don t think they did it for money.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Which could mean- if they know of us investigating Roa... that
they either work for Roa, or they re interested in letting Roa continue...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Aw, geez, a nerd hut?
Henry Plinkett: Wizard ut.
Tsubasa Juufuku: It still could ve been money.
Henry Plinkett: *hut
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t gotta be a LARPer or anythin to go in, do I?
Henry Plinkett: Wizards don t mess around.
Landlord: Well, it s not a nerd hut anymore. They all got killed.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, yeesh.
Henry Plinkett: Also, I m almost entirely certain that Jason is magic, too.
Asumu Mizono: If you re a large criminal organization money is the last of your
Landlord: Oh, yeah?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guess a place with that kinda rep WOULD attract bad guys, huh?
Henry Plinkett: Yeah.
I threw a tire iron at his head.
And he took off his shades.
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s true.
But yeah.
Henry Plinkett: And his eyes were glowing yellow.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Contacts?
Landlord: ...
Henry Plinkett: And then a shot him in the legs with a shotgun.
And he just ran off.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Wow, tough mobster.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Their tactic was probably to try and kill Gein, or scare him en
ough so that the rest of us might get scared and run from this.
Henry Plinkett: Magic,
Landlord: ...Hell, maybe you missed. Old man like you needs some prescription gl
Landlord chuckles
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t fallin for that again, Pops!
Alright, O Thricemanns! Got directions?
Tsubasa Juufuku: If they attacked because they knew we were investigating...
Henry Plinkett: Hmph.
Glowing yellows eyes, that s still a bit of a tip off.
Landlord: It s eight in the morning. The only people we re gonna find there are
deadbeats and barflies.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh...When s it usually at its busiest?
Landlord: Nighttime.
Asumu Mizono: I can only imagine one of us got their attention at some point.
Kazuma Kuwabara: WHEN at night? I ain t a dummy!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Mrmm...
Landlord: Late at night.
Tsubasa Juufuku: And wellKazuma Kuwabara: Like 10-11?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Those Lost Servants did put on that show of their magic...

It d be easy for spies...

Henry Plinkett: No, at fucking four in the morning.
Asumu Mizono: They did do that...
Kazuma Kuwabara: But that s the morning!
Landlord: Geez, kid. You think ten is late at night?
Asumu Mizono sounds slightly annoyed.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, you didn t gimmie a time!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Still- nothing we can do about that, now.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks around for a moment
Landlord scoffs at this
Kazuma Kuwabara frowns
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Okay.....How about midnight?
Landlord: That s a little better.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So I ll go there at midnight, then!
Gonna haveta find a way to kill time till then......Hmm....
Asumu Mizono: I m praying it wasn t that, because if it was it means Kuwabara no
t taking his studies seriously is what caused our teacher s brush with dead.
Henry Plinkett stands up too, washes his plate in the sink with Evolution in it
Neco-Arc Evolution: Hehe... oh, that tickles... zzz....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh- yeah. But- still- they might have found out another way, re
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Hey, Bubs!
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- hey
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Humph!
Asumu Mizono: What?
Kazuma Kuwabara: C
Henry Plinkett uses him as a rag
Kazuma Kuwabara: Looks like we re gonna go train after all!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Do you want to pop out to the 7/11 for a snack run? I just real
ized I don t have any around here...
Neco-Arc Evolution: O-oho...
Asumu Mizono: ...Sure.
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles
Neco-Arc Bubbles: wow my character sheet is fucked hold on please
Henry Plinkett: Are we going to see that moneylender or plan about going to the
evil gaybar?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right- just let me grab my jacket and keys, I ll be out with
you in a moment.
Asumu Mizono: Alright.
Asumu Mizono waits by the door
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Hhhumph!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: You guys can go see that loan shark, that sounds borin .
Henry Plinkett: But he s a special loanshark,
Landlord: It s up to you, old man.
Tsubasa Juufuku after a few minutes comes back with her jacket on
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sides, I don t want Bubs to be pouty all day.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right- lets go!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Humph...

Tsubasa Juufuku out the door

Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Asumu Mizono heads out as well
Kazuma Kuwabara pokes his head through the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buuuuubs...
Henry Plinkett: I guess I ll have to find an old man voice to use so Jason doesn
t finger me out.
Tsubasa Juufuku locks the door behind her and heads to the 7/11...!
Henry Plinkett: What should it be, I only get to decide this once.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: No, no, no!
Kazuma Kuwabara: What, you don t wanna train, now?
The 7-11 is quiet as usual. There s only one other customer, browsing the snack
7-11 Guy: Tum te tum...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Humph!
Landlord puts a hand to his chin as he thinks
Kazuma Kuwabara: Awww, c mon.....I m free for a while!
Landlord: How s your Sean Connery accent?
Tsubasa Juufuku casual wave for the 7/11 guy as she goes to the snack aisle
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Hmph.
Asumu Mizono is lookin for dill pickle chips
Shun Akiyama: (Let s see... instant noodles, instant noodles, pork rinds,ketchup
chips... Ah, here we go!)
Shun Akiyama goes to grab the last bag of dill pickle chips
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon....Don t ya wanna win Wrestlepalooza...?
Henry Plinkett: Let s see...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ............
Henry Plinkett tries it
Kazuma Kuwabara: And get that shiny gold belt?...
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 9
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...................................
Asumu Mizono looks up at Akiyama
Henry Plinkett: Shaken, not sturred.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And AAAAAAALL that priiiize money?
Landlord: ...Oh, dear.
Shun Akiyama: ...? Ah, excuse me.
Henry Plinkett: Yeah, that s pretty bad.
Shun Akiyama maneuvers around her
Shun Akiyama has got the last bag in his hand...
Asumu Mizono the disappointment is real

Shun Akiyama goes to pay

Tsubasa Juufuku looks as well
Tsubasa Juufuku whispers to Asumu
Henry Plinkett: Hrm...
Tsubasa Juufuku: What bad luck...
Henry Plinkett: I could just try my senile old man voice.
Landlord: Lemme hear that one.
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 12
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Money, money, money...
Henry Plinkett: My grandkids never call...
Landlord laughs
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ya ain t gonna win if ya don t traaaain....
Asumu Mizono: Must I live in a world without Dilll pickle chips?
Henry Plinkett: That works.
Shun Akiyama: ...?
Shun Akiyama looks back
Tsubasa Juufuku chuckles a little
Shun Akiyama then at the bag of chips in his hand
Henry Plinkett: Alright, let s head out.
Shun Akiyama turns back to buy them
Asumu Mizono didn t mean for him to hear that.
The transaction is made...
eldritch s.: he s going to toss them to her
Asumu Mizono: Grr....
eldritch s.: calling it right now
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well, there has to be something else, right?
Shun Akiyama turns back
Asumu Mizono: Sir!
Shun Akiyama: Yeah?
eldritch s.: Hey KId.
Shun Akiyama offers her the bag
Asumu Mizono: ...
Space (GM): seer you re a goddamn psychic
eldritch s.: fuck he didn t do it
he didn t say
the line
i was hoping for
Asumu Mizono: I was going to give you the money for them...
Henry Plinkett: Alright,, Kuwabara, we re goin.

Tsubasa Juufuku looks at the other snacks on offer

Shun Akiyama: Oh, it s no problem. I ll just get something else.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: .......................................
Asumu Mizono: Th-thank you...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ready to go?
Shun Akiyama smiles as he goes to peruse the snacks
Neco-Arc Bubbles: .................Humph.
Asumu Mizono god she seems genuinely happy about this.
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles to Asumu
eldritch s.: he had the audacity to buy another brand of chips
he will regret that purchase
Shun Akiyama pauses for a moment, looking back
Henry Plinkett pets George
Shun Akiyama: ...Hey-- not that it s any of my business, but do you kids got an
adult with you? It s not a good idea to be walking around this part of town, wha
t with the murders and all.
George rolls over
Asumu Mizono: Uh,,,no sir.
Tsubasa Juufuku: We know.
Henry Plinkett: Hey, George.
You coming?
George: Alright, well, be careful.
Henry Plinkett: jesus christ
Space (GM): oh no
Shun Akiyama: Alright, well, be careful.
Shun Akiyama goes to buy some beef jerky
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Well.....Ooookay, then.....
Henry Plinkett: shun should have said arf
George pants
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thanks, sir.
Kazuma Kuwabara sloooooowly turns to head back into the kitchen
Asumu Mizono: We will. Thank you.
Henry Plinkett: Come on George, let s get the mob off our asses.
Landlord: Hey, are we going?
Henry Plinkett: Yeah.
Henry Plinkett opens the door
Tsubasa Juufuku gets one of dem big multipacks of cheese and onion
Tsubasa Juufuku chips
Space (GM): they just sell cheese and onions together
Asumu Mizono has started to eat the chips already.
Space (GM): oh
they start exiting... better hurry kuwabara
Tsubasa Juufuku goes up to pay
7-11 Guy: Ayo!
eldritch s.: i still imagine him sound like duncan from d4
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yo. Just on a snack run!

Kazuma Kuwabara: Ohp-...Guys, wait up!

eldritch s.: avant-garde!!!!!!~
Kazuma Kuwabara follows the homeless bums
7-11 Guy: Nice, dude, nice.
Tsubasa Juufuku she quickly grabs a pack of sodas as well and pays up
7-11 Guy: Okay, you kids have a good one!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thank you!
eldritch s.:
Landlord: Alright, it s just on this way.
Asumu Mizono: You ready Tsubasa?
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yep- lets head back
Tsubasa Juufuku she goes to leave
Tsubasa Juufuku taking her items with her of course
Asumu Mizono follows after Tsubasa munching on them chips
theyr etunr with little incident
Tsubasa Juufuku puts some of the items on the side
Landlord: i hope seer did not died
eldritch s.: i was watching the lcip i linked
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sure was nice of that guy to give you those chips, huh?
Landlord leads on
Asumu Mizono: Yeah it was!
I forgot to get his name...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- we never know. Might see him again.
I just think its good that there are people like that out there.
Asumu Mizono nods
Landlord: Ah, here it is.
Henry Plinkett: I m pretty sure we went a lot farther than we had to
Landlord: It s the scenic route, old man.
Henry Plinkett: Isn t this that really flamboyant fashion boutique>
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ah well.
Landlord: Yeah, it is.
Asumu Mizono: Yeah?
Henry Plinkett: Is the moneylender in there or are you just coming out of the cl
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, its nothing- just my overactive imagination...
Landlord heads into an alley next to the boutique
where there are some stairs
Henry Plinkett: see no stairs
This the place?
Asumu Mizono: What is it?
Landlord: Yeah. You two head on in - I ll keep an eye out for your dog.
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Hey, Kuwabars!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah?
Henry Plinkett: Come on.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m standin right here, you don t gotta shout....

Henry Plinkett: He have a moneylender to meet.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Right, gotcha!
Henry Plinkett: Maybe he can be a connection.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Think its weird that he specifically warned us about this part
of town?
Henry Plinkett heads up/down the stairs
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s be sure ta ask im!
Kazuma Kuwabara follows behind
Asumu Mizono: ...Was it?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know. But- it makes me think he s involved in some shad
y business, maybe...
Y know- criminals with a good heart- warning the young to not involve themselves
Shun Akiyama is enjoying a bag of beef jerky in his office
Asumu Mizono: I think you re right.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Things likeShun Akiyama: --!
Henry Plinkett: Hello.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al Capone.
With his- soup kitchens and that.
Shun Akiyama quickly gets his feet off his desk when they come in
Asumu Mizono: That its your imagination.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You the money guy?
Henry Plinkett: I hear you make the best loans in Japan.
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, that s right. Ah, why don t you guys take a seat...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- y never know... Organized crime tends to like to remain h
Shun Akiyama gestures to a set of chairs
Henry Plinkett sits own
Kazuma Kuwabara takes a seat as well
Shun Akiyama: Alright, let s just get down to business here. How much do you nee
Asumu Mizono: I ll bevieve it when I see it.
Henry Plinkett: I need as much as you are willing to loan.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, its just a feeling anyway.
Tsubasa Juufuku thinks for a moment
Shun Akiyama: That s pretty, ah... I m gonna need some more specifics, old man.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm... I think it might be time for me to go for a trance, mayb
e. Try and figure out where we might go...
Henry Plinkett: There are people who very badly need me dead.
Asumu Mizono: If you feel like it.
Henry Plinkett: I know a lot about them.
It would take an exorbitant amount to shake them off.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Can you stay around a bit and help me to calm down if something
goes awry? Or maybe if I m able to, I could like- describe what I m seeing and
you could write it down?
Shun Akiyama: Ah.
Alright -- let me back up here. My name s Shun Akiyama. What about you two?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Name s Kuwabara!
Azureberry J.: Hahaha fuck my internet cut out.
Henry Plinkett: Call me Henry Plinkett.
MrEForEccentric: Oh dear

Azureberry J.: Hokay its back now.

Shun Akiyama: Kuwabara and Plinkett. Nice to meet you guys. I ve got a question
- why not just go to the police? Depending on who these people are, they re just
as likely to take your money and shoot you.
eldritch s.: nice office
Shun Akiyama: Which would, of course, be bad for both of us.
Shun Akiyama scratches the bridge of his nose
Henry Plinkett: ,,, Because If I told them the whole story, or if they find out.
I d be sent to prison, too.
Shun Akiyama: Fair enough. What about you, kid? What s your stake in this?
MrEForEccentric: Were you able to see my response, jam?
eldritch s.: kuwabara pulls out a dagger
and stabs gein
Azureberry J.: Nope.
MrEForEccentric: I ll just copy-paste
Mask de Bara: IT WAS ME MENDER
Tsubasa Juufuku: Can you stay around a bit and help me to calm down if something
goes awry? Or maybe if I m able to, I could like- describe what I m seeing and
you could write it down?
Mask de Bara: EVERYONE
Asumu Mizono: I had planned on it.
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thanks- I ll just go get the stuff I need.
Tsubasa Juufuku she starts to prepare for trance-time
Tsubasa Juufuku get dem herbs
Space (GM): d-duff
eldritch s.: fakwes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh?
Azureberry J.: Dat green urb mahn.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh....I just tagged along.
Shun Akiyama: You just tagged along? No reason for it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: He s livin with me, cause they burned his house down.
Shun Akiyama low whistle
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Weeeeel, now that I THINK about it.....
I AM lookin for somebody...
eldritch s.: I doubt he d know about Roa.
Henry Plinkett: me say this
Shun Akiyama: Who?
Tsubasa Juufuku sets it down, and takes out her wooden implement for causing com
bustion, and starts to burn it- taking in the fumes, which to Asumu, again just
smells nice- but to Tsubasa it is definitely putting her into a trance
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Ah, well, worth a shot.
See- I m looking for the guy who killed somebody I knew!....
Asumu Mizono waits patiently
Shun Akiyama: Well, ah... good luck with that, kid.
Henry Plinkett: High schooler.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to get deep in the trance...

Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 9
Shun Akiyama: Mr. Plinkett, is there any way you re going to be able to repay th
is loan?
MrEForEccentric: 9s
My luck is not good
Henry Plinkett: Probably not.
I m willing to do what you want me to do.
Tsubasa slips into semi-unconsciousness as the trance begins.
...The temple. Someone is standing there.
But it isn t the temple, not anymore, it s a field stretching on to the horizon
Tsubasa Juufuku due to semi-unconsciousness is probably unable to relay
Shun Akiyama: Well, at least you re honest.
eldritch s.: mr plinkett, your credit score is the worst thing i ve seen in my e
ntire life
Tsubasa Juufuku but at least she s sitting upright whilst in the trance
Tsubasa Juufuku
Henry Plinkett:
He s talking to
maybe you just

she looks around the field and at the person

It s this, or die and have everyone around me murdered by mobste
someone. His words... they re faint. They re hard to pick up. Or
can t hear them well. Maybe you re the one that s faint.

Tsubasa Juufuku she tries to walk closer to try and get a clearer grasp
Shun Akiyama: Alright, let s see...
Shun Akiyama gets out a binder, flipping it open
eldritch s.: it s empty
he s just doing it for show
Shun Akiyama starts doing some quick math
Tsubasa Juufuku would she recognize the man? or should I roll for that
eldritch s.: i thought that said quick meth
roll to get a clear grasp, not to recognize the man
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 2
MrEForEccentric: Mother-of...
eldritch s.: tsubasa has a seizure
MrEForEccentric: Mind is supposed to be the thing she s good at, dammit
Deze rolls
Metal. Metal is scraping on metal. The sound fills your head. Metal. Metal. Meta
l. The man is made of blades and his soul is made of blades and this world is ma
de of steel.

Shun Akiyama: Okay... how s five million yen sound?

Tsubasa Juufuku is confused by this message a little- and the scraping is distre
ssing her, visibly
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa?
eldritch s.: 8214.9100 US Dollar
None of this is real. This didn t happen here, this couldn t have happened here,
and the man speaks to someone in front of him as he plots his demise.
eldritch s.: that s one million yen
in dollars
Space (GM): it says here
eldritch s.: 41074.5500 US Dollar
Space (GM): that 5 million yen is like 40,000 dollar
eldritch s.: you know gein isn t poor
he has a good deal of money
Tsubasa Juufuku confusion, and distress, she tries to see if she recognizes the
person the man s talking to
eldritch s.: that s a relatively pissy little loan to buy off the mob
Space (GM): these damn exchange rates let me find a good number
Tsubasa Juufuku just hoping she can grasp onto something from this
eldritch s.: remember how little the yen is worth
Tsubasa Juufuku she doesn t seem to respond to you, Asumu
Asumu Mizono: Mmm...
Space (GM): 30 million yen
eldritch s.: 246447.3000 US Dollar
Golden hair. He is dressed in black and glaring with hateful eyes at the one who
se body is made of steel. They are going to kill each other.
eldritch s.: could not more obviously be gil
Henry Plinkett: ... Alright.
Space (GM): yes that was the intent
Fawkes M. (GM): Ain t no such thing as enuff swords in stock
Shun Akiyama looks him over, considering something
Shun Akiyama opens a desk drawer
eldritch s.: he pulls out a gun
Tsubasa Juufuku she doesn t understand the context of this, and she doesn t know
how it relates to her situation at hand- she tries to look away from the scene
for something else to try and grip herself to the reality she s trying to look a
Shun Akiyama: Tell me about yourself, Mr. Plinkett.
eldritch s.: "kill the drug dealer"
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 17
MrEForEccentric: FInally a good roll
Henry Plinkett: Like what?
It fades. The illusion fades. The temple... the temple, something else happened
here, there s four of them. An emperor and an inventor and a wildman and a warri

or and... what else did they do? They...

Shun Akiyama: I ve got to know you re a good guy before I just hand out thirty m
illion yen, right?
Mac D.: orgu
Tsubasa Juufuku she thinks she recognizes that, but what did they do indeed, she
tries to dig at it before it fades
Henry Plinkett: Ask Kuwabara, he d probably be able to answer that better than I
In the past. Before this. A restaurant. That... the boy. No. Not a boy, a monste
r, a monster in the shape of a man, in the shape of a child.
Henry Plinkett: For all you know, I could be totally full of it,
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t worry, he d definitely use all the money the way he said
he would!
His eyes. They gouged out his eyes, but he would have slit their throats and eli
minated their existence with his knife. He s returned. He s still here. He s in
the guise of... of a...
A child.
The vision fades.
Shun Akiyama: Oh?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sure, Gramps is grumpy, an a jackass, an crazy, an he smells
weird, an he fakes heart attacks fer attention........
Henry Plinkett: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku finally she thinks, she knows something, she has clues
Kazuma Kuwabara: But I never saw him be greedy with money!
Tsubasa Juufuku and lets it fade a little before thinking- whether she could try
and determine the gender of the child
Henry Plinkett crosses his legs
There s something wet. Under your eye.
Asumu - Tsubasa s eye is bleeding.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ..?
Shun Akiyama: Heh!
Tsubasa Juufuku she tries to wipe it in the dream
Asumu Mizono shakes Tsubasa
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa!
Shun Akiyama: Alright, you re going to be this guy s lookout.
Shun Akiyama sets one of those cheap disposable cameras on the desk in front of
eldritch s.: "take a picture of the body"
The trance ends.
Tsubasa Juufuku she blinks
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wha- what?
Tsubasa Juufuku looks worried but somehow content
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait, huh?
Asumu Mizono: Your eye.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at the camera
Tsubasa Juufuku touches it to see
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yea-h I was just about to...
Shun Akiyama: You re gonna follow him around town. You re not gonna talk to him,

you re not gonna make eye contact with him, nothing. Just follow him around and
take pictures of him.
Asumu Mizono: Are you feeling okay?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uhhh.....
eldritch s.: Don t question it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- I think so... it was just- really confusing and rough for
a moment there but...
Henry Plinkett: me say this
Tsubasa Juufuku: Okay- I m not sure if the first part was even of my world, but
I ve got something about the killer- Roa...
I think its Roa, at least...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, but- uh....How long s this gonna take? I gotta be somewhe
re at midnight....
Shun Akiyama: Mr. Plinkett, you re gonna be a good Samaritan today. Go on out an
d help out anyone who needs a hand, no matter how hard it looks.
Asumu Mizono: You think?
Shun Akiyama: It s gonna be until you run out of film.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m almost certain
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ve got at least two things- that I can recall.
Henry Plinkett stands up
Henry Plinkett: Thank you.
Asumu Mizono: And that was?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I saw those lost servants dealing with him in a restaurant- in
the past.
Shun Akiyama: No problem. Gimme a call when you re out of film, and I ll come ta
ke a look.
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Tsubasa Juufuku: They had removed his eyes and cut his throat. But they did it b
ecause he had a knife that could end their existences... probably some sort of m
ystical eye...
And the other thing is- thatKazuma Kuwabara: Well, uh....Okay, then!
Henry Plinkett walks out
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- I know its Roa because the dream gave me the premonition
of it being a monster that hides in people- hides in disguises...
And- this time around, its - a child again.
He s a child.
So he is one of our fellow students, not a teacher...
I don t- know gender, though...
I was going to try and determine that before- my eye...
Asumu Mizono: Wait I think Miss Tohsaka said that.
Kazuma Kuwabara follows
eldritch s.: this gives me deja vu
Space (GM): did he forget that camera
Kazuma Kuwabara no
Space (GM): he h e he
Tsubasa Juufuku: As in- the gender?
eldritch s.: Alright.
Landlord is sitting on the steps with George
Henry Plinkett: fuck
Landlord: How d it go?

Asumu Mizono: No. She said it might be a student...

Henry Plinkett: He said I have to be a good Samaritan.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well
At least we kind of know for certain it is a student...
Kazuma Kuwabara: We gotta start lookin for people who need help!
Henry Plinkett: Kuwabara s going to be taking pictures of me helping people.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not a teacher.
Henry Plinkett: I can t look at him, talk to him, or do any of that.
Landlord: ...Heh!
Asumu Mizono sighs and leans back in her chair
Henry Plinkett: So if he starts dicking around with cats I m realying on you to
make sure he pays attention
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- I hope that mystic eye thing isn t common to all his itera
tions. We might have a big problem on our hands if it is...
Henry Plinkett: Alright, let s go help some people.
Asumu Mizono: Yes...we would.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-Hey!...
I got stake in this too, y know....
Henry Plinkett: You can t talk to me.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh- yeah, right...
Henry Plinkett begins walking back out onto the street
Henry Plinkett: This is going to be fun.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I wish I had time to learn some more magecraft with mom outside
of- permonitions, now...
Landlord: Good luck out there!
Henry Plinkett nods to him
Kazuma Kuwabara follows Gein, a fair distance away
Henry Plinkett looks around for those in need
Tsubasa Juufuku: It d be pretty useful, probably
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 5
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- well- it seems I didn t have a very informative trance thi
s time around.
There is a man selling corn dogs on the street.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Nothing concrete on where to go- except well- we definitely kno
w its a student.
Henry Plinkett walks to the corn dog man
Henry Plinkett: Do you need any help?
Kazuma Kuwabara takes a position for a SNAPSHOT
Asumu Mizono: If its a student then...we go to the school.
Corn Dog Man: You wanna buy a corndog? Fresh from the US of A!
Tsubasa Juufuku: The other part was just... weird. I didn t recognize either of
the people, it didn t feel real, and I heard the scraping of metal against metal
in my head... I couldn t think of how it would connect to us.

Henry Plinkett: Sure, how much?

Tsubasa Juufuku: Two men staring each other down with the intent to kill, in a f
Corn Dog Man: 150 yen, a steal!
Henry Plinkett: That really is a steal...
Henry Plinkett buys one
Kazuma Kuwabara CLICK
Asumu Mizono: I idea what that would be. Sounds like an anime.
eldritch s.: he s giving this man patronage
Corn Dog Man: Have a good one!
Henry Plinkett: You too, buddy.
Henry Plinkett looks around for a homeless bum
Mac D.: he finds a mirror
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 8
Tsubasa Juufuku: Maybe. I d hate it if my trances started giving me what I ll be
watching on TV instead of actual clues...
There is a man in a nice business suit and a toupee.
Henry Plinkett: Hey there.
Asumu Mizono: Well...there might be something at the shcool. Since you know. The
killer is posing as a student.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Donald Trump: Get out of my face, I m busy!
Henry Plinkett: fuck you
Tsubasa Juufuku: It d be a question of determining which class they re in...
Suited Man is not actually donald trump
Henry Plinkett: I d just like to tell you your toupee looks liek shit, and you s
hould just admit you re bald.
Asumu Mizono: Lets go see if we can get in.
Suited Man: Wh--!?
Tsubasa Juufuku nods, with a smile
Tsubasa Juufuku: LetsAnd
Kazuma Kuwabara: plinkett this isn t being a good samaritan at all
Tsubasa Juufuku: I had a thought...
Asumu Mizono: ?
Henry Plinkett: It is incredibly obvious, and it makes you look worse. Bald isn
t bad anymore.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ............
Suited Man: ......
Landlord: rolling 1d20
= 20
Tsubasa Juufuku: Should we try to find a guy from our class and see if the shoe
prints between his uniform and ours- are at all distinguishable? Because- I mean
- if we can determine gender, we can narrow things down a bit more.

Suited Man: ...Yeah. Yeah, you re right!

Kazuma Kuwabara: ................
The suited man rips off his toupee and throws it to the ground, stomping on it
Kazuma Kuwabara
Asumu Mizono: Yeah.
Suited Man: I don t need to be worried about what people think of my male patter
n baldness! I m gonna go shave my head!
Henry Plinkett: That s the stuff.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Record what the shoe prints look like... meet up with Rin and t
hose Lost Servants. See which one they might recognize as being there?
The man bows to him in appreciateion, and goes off on his way
Henry Plinkett looks for someone who looks like they d like a good corndog
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 5
these rolls
gein isn t good at being nice
Asumu Mizono nods
Golden Wolf watches Gein from a nearby roof
Golden Wolf: ....
Asumu Mizono: Sure sounds like a good idea.
Henry Plinkett looks at the Wolf
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Henry Plinkett: Hey!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Who to bother at this time, though?
Henry Plinkett holds up the corndog
Golden Wolf: ...
Henry Plinkett tosses it up
Golden Wolf leaps down from the roof
Golden Wolf ohp
Henry Plinkett: ohp
Golden Wolf catches it with a powerful bite
Henry Plinkett: oh also
Golden Wolf looks down at Gein, its glittering green eyes holding some measure o
f intellect, and even -- appreciation
Henry Plinkett: he removd the stick
before he threw it up
MrEForEccentric: Replaced it with razor blades
Henry Plinkett gives it the humbs up
this is a kodak moment kuwabara
eldritch s.: kuwabara is busy trying on the toupee

Kazuma Kuwabara CUHHHHLICK

The wolf silently pads off
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Was that...?
Henry Plinkett shrugs
Henry Plinkett picks up the toupee, dusts it off
Henry Plinkett now has a toupee and a stick
= 18
And a

Plinkett marches forth

Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

s a kid crossing a busy road

speeding car

Henry Plinkett is there a light

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Henry Plinkett steps in front of the car, waving his arms
Henry Plinkett: SLOW DOWN, DICKHEAD!
Golden Wolf: rolling 1d20
= 10
The car veers to the right, narrowly missing Gein
Asumu Mizono: There s...Gunther...but he doesn t wear the uniform. And Kuwabara.
He s probably out in the streets somewhere.
Kazuma Kuwabara click
Henry Plinkett flips the driver off
Tsubasa Juufuku: It d be a bit difficult to search the whole place for Kuwabara.
Hmm... its probably our best bet of someone who d actually allow us to get a s
hoe print
Henry Plinkett is the kid okay
The kid has successfully crossed
Henry Plinkett: ranku awp
Henry Plinkett let s luck take him to the next situation
Henry Plinkett: rolling 1d20
= 13
Kazuma Kuwabara tactical espionage operations
MrEForEccentric: Deduct points for swearing in front of a kid, and flipping off
the driver

Asumu Mizono: There are a lot of girls in our school now that I think about it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, there are aren t there?
There is a teenage girl, looking very worried
Yukika Saegusa: U-uhm...
Azureberry J.: Jam is gonna be right back.
Henry Plinkett , the scary old fucker, walks up to her
MrEForEccentric: Aight
Henry Plinkett: What s bothering you, kid?
Yukika Saegusa: A-aah! Here, take my money!
Henry Plinkett: What?
Yukika Saegusa throws her wallet at him
Henry Plinkett: I don t want your money.
Yukika Saegusa: ...T-then, what do you...?
She takes a fearful step back
Henry Plinkett: ... I just wanted to help you out.
You seemed nervous.
Yukika Saegusa: Oh.
Henry Plinkett hands her the wallet back
Yukika Saegusa: ...I-I m lost, mister Old Man!
She quickly snatches up the wallet
Kazuma Kuwabara CLICK
Henry Plinkett: Where are you trying to go?
Yukika Saegusa: I don t know... I was following my friends, but I lost them in t
he crowd.
Henry Plinkett: Well where were they going?
Yukika Saegusa: I-I think they were gonna get something to eat!
Yukika Saegusa clutches a hand to her chest.
Henry Plinkett: Are you having a heart attack?
Yukika Saegusa: N-no...
Henry Plinkett: Good.
MrEForEccentric: Gein s go-to for any situation involving chests- heart attacks
He d be good at Death Note
Henry Plinkett: Do your friends have cellphones.
i am kira
MrEForEccentric: He just says that to her
Yukika Saegusa: Y-yes!
She nods.
Henry Plinkett: Do you have their numbers?
Yukika Saegusa: Yeah, I do... w-why do you ask?
Henry Plinkett: You could call them and ask them where they are.
Yukika Saegusa: ...Oh! R-right!
Promptly, she does just that.
eldritch s.: jason is on the other end
Kazuma Kuwabara c l i c k
eldritch s.: "Sorry, I m too busy trying to kill an old man, Yukika."
Yukika Saegusa: Okay, I know where they are now... t-thank you, Mister OldMan!
She runs off.
Henry Plinkett: Don t me- Oh.
Henry Plinkett sighs
Henry Plinkett keeps walking
MrEForEccentric: Where have I seen that name before...
Henry Plinkett: rolling 1d20

= 3
Kazuma Kuwabara steeealth
eldritch s.: if he rolls a one does he run into jason
Space (GM):
MrEForEccentric: Ah yes
eldritch s.: what quirky individual does he meet now
Azureberry J.: Back
Two bearded men are marvelling at a map. Seems they re lost, as well..
Paul: How DID this happen? We ve been here a million times....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm... There is that- transfer guy, right? Rich guy.
Jack: Look- as I said- if we had just taken a left hereJack points
Jack: And thereJack points again
Jack: I m sure we would ve gotten there.
Paul: Well, maybe if we retrace our steps....
Azureberry J.: Oh yeah. Leo.
Asumu Mizono said that
Jack: We ve done that a lot too... hrmm... European maps are so much simpler...
Asumu Mizono: We should see if we could find him. It can t be that hard.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- that s what I think too.
Paul: Hrm....
Tsubasa Juufuku: He owns a company right?
We could probably check that gym he owns
Asumu Mizono: Yeah, he owns the gym where Master Blackmoore trains.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: We could certainly check there.
Space (GM): seer...?
Asumu Mizono gets up.
Asumu Mizono: Lets go then.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods, getting up as well
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- lets!
Tsubasa Juufuku she grabs a spare paint can, some sort of tester pot, and some p
Tsubasa Juufuku: For the shoe-printing.
Asumu Mizono: Right.
Asumu Mizono out the door she goes.
Tsubasa Juufuku she follows locking the door behind her
Tsubasa Juufuku to the gym!
eldritch s.: sorry i was visiting my dog
Azureberry J.: doge
The gym is quiet, save for the sound of a single treadmill...
Henry Plinkett: Hey there.
You two need help?
Jack looks around
Asumu Mizono: ...I was hoping Master Blackmoore would be here.

Jack: Yes- we re just a little lost.

Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Same...
Asumu Mizono looks over at Caren
Henry Plinkett: Where are you heading to?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Or Leo maybe...
Caren Hortensia looks back at the two of them
Caren Hortensia walking on the treadmill
eldritch s.: if she in like a tracksuit
with the sweat band and that stupid shit
or is she in priest robes
she is wearing workout clothes
eldritch s.: imagine
Asumu Mizono can only remember her for the depressing speech but gives a wave an
eldritch s.: kotomine
on the treadmill
in any getup
Tsubasa Juufuku she waves as well
Caren Hortensia: Are you two looking for someone? Mr. Blackmore is out right now
eldritch s.: olive tree
gein asked where they re heading to
Asumu Mizono: We are look for Leo actually.
MrEForEccentric: I saw- give me a moment...!
eldritch s.: no
where is duff, also
Jack: We re trying to get here.
Caren Hortensia: Leo?
Jack points on the map
Tsubasa Juufuku: The owner of this place.
eldritch s.: O Dabby s Gaybar and Grill?
Henry Plinkett: me ask this
Caren Hortensia: I m afraid I don t know who he is.
Caren Hortensia is looking at Tsubasa like the token
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ah- well... do you know how long Master Blackmore is out for...
Jack: Yes- around that area.
I understand that s the local landmark there...
Henry Plinkett: Oh, alright, I think remember how to get to that part of town...
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Henry Plinkett gives them directions
Paul: ...Ah.....Thanks!

Kazuma Kuwabara click

Jack nods
Jack: Thank you.
Henry Plinkett: No problem.
Jack: Lets get along, then.
Paul: Right.
Jack heads off in that direction
Paul: Thanks again, sir!
Paul follows
Henry Plinkett: Don t mention it.
Caren Hortensia: No, I don t.
eldritch s.: i just can t get over
the mental image
of kotomine on a treadmill
MrEForEccentric: "Rejoice, Shirou- in your FITNESS"
eldritch s.: and he s like wearing legwarmers
and a one-piece spandex getup
MrEForEccentric: "I know that my wedeemer wlives... to work on these calves"
eldritch s. goes on his merry way
Henry Plinkett: fuck ME
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Henry Plinkett: rolling 1d20
= 2
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- thanks anyway...
Henry Plinkett: i am so going to meat jason on this walk
i just know it
Asumu Mizono: Yeah, thanks.
Well. Should we wait here or...?
Gein has chanced his way into the bad part of town.
Asumu Mizono: It might be best to just wait here.
Henry Plinkett: what are theboundries of the bad part
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah.
Thug: Hey there, old-timer... you lost?
Henry Plinkett puts on his senile old man voice
Tsubasa Juufuku: Shame I didn t bring my exercise gear...
Henry Plinkett: O-oh yes... I thought I was headed t-t-to find me tapioca... it
keeps ya regular, you know...
The two thugs grin at each other. One of them rests a baseball bat on his should
er, while the other one flicks out a butterfly knife.
Thug: Why don t you hand over your wallet, Gramps? We ll keep it safe for ya.
Henry Plinkett: O-oh, you will?
One of the thugs approaches him
Henry Plinkett: Such fine young gentleman...
Henry Plinkett points
Asumu Mizono: Yeah.
Henry Plinkett: Oh, look, a police officer...! Hello sir!

Asumu Mizono has a seat somewhere.

Tsubasa Juufuku sits down as well
Thug: --?!
they both look
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- we can t be waiting long, right?
Caren Hortensia: ....
Caren Hortensia is walking on the treadmill
= 10

Plinkett grabs one and tries to throw him at the other thug
Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn

Eh-- hey!!
Mizono: Probably not.
Plinkett: gein the unstoppable is only good against jason

Kazuma Kuwabara WHAT A SCOOP click click click

Henry Plinkett: can this be increased
because he had him distracted
Caren Hortensia: i ll allow it
Henry Plinkett: thanks caren
The thug, caught unawares, is flung into his counterpart
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku so begins the wait
Space (GM): roll fo rinitiative
well actually no
Henry Plinkett: rolling 1d20
= 10
Space (GM): you go first
since they re btoh unawares
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling 1d20
= 20
Henry Plinkett summons a big thick bone from his RM
MrEForEccentric: Look at that Tsubasa initiative
Thug: W-what the hell??
Space (GM): good job tsubasa
MrEForEccentric: Even though she isn t there, she s going first
Henry Plinkett goes to club one of them in the head with it
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn

= 5
i like how ever since that brawn got plus one it s been worse
The thug grabs the bone, wrenching it out of his hand
Thug: You ll pay for this, old man--!
The thug swings the bone down at Gein s head, like a club
Henry Plinkett tries jumping back
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 7
oh now the fun begins
Gein sees stars for a moment as the bone-club connects with his skull
Henry Plinkett: i guess it make sense
MrEForEccentric: just like how when I went for a +0 finesse instead of a minus 1
brawn that Tsubasa failed
Henry Plinkett: he s probably winded from yesterday
Space (GM): rolling 0d8 + 3 for damage
= 3
MrEForEccentric: 0d8
Space (GM): gein rolls 0d8 and these are street thugs
Henry Plinkett: all the sheets have been a bit fucked i notice
Space (GM): it s only fair
Henry Plinkett: Ow.
Thug: Man -- what the hell is he? C mon, let s get outta here-Other Thug: Shut the fuck up!
Henry Plinkett kicks Other Thug in the dick
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 6
Space (GM): what the hell
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 6
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn

= 18
look at that
two exactly the same
6+6 = 12
12 +6 = 18
Other Thug bats away the kick, with his bat
Other Thug: You re dead meat!
He swings his bat for Gein s ribcage
Henry Plinkett: I know you are but what am I?
Henry Plinkett tries grabbing the bat
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 7
look at that
a success
who would have believed
that i could just
Henry Plinkett: roll a twenty
just like that
MrEForEccentric: I know what you feel
the bat swings right past his hand, impacting his gut
Henry Plinkett: OUGH.
Space (GM): sure do hope kuwabara intervenes...
Henry Plinkett: ... You know, some help would be great right now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shhh! We can t talk to each other!
Space (GM): oh my god
Henry Plinkett: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh- I meanThug: Help? W-what the hell?!! Are you a... he s a fuckin magus, man!
Fuck this!
Kazuma Kuwabara: HEY, PUNKS.
The thug scampers off
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Henry Plinkett summons a human scull from his RM
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, you better walk away!
Other Thug: ...
Henry Plinkett goes to hit him in the head with it
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn

= 4
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 1d20
= 1
Henry Plinkett: incredible
Mac D.: well he s goin last
Azureberry J.: These dice man.
MrEForEccentric: These dice are biased
Henry Plinkett: gein is still a injured,
The thug shoves him back, scowling
MrEForEccentric: That Tsubasa initiative
She isn t there but she got a 20
Thug: You think that fuckin mystic shit
MrEForEccentric: Natural 20
Azureberry J.: rolling 3d20
= 36
Just for the halibut
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Mac D.: these dice are sexist
Thug swings his bat for the hand holding

burnt, tired old man

scares me, asshole?

the sull

Henry Plinkett goes to clamp the mouth of the scull onto the bat
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 7
Mac D.: rip geins hands
Azureberry J.: Not.
A single
The skull is broken, and so is Gein s hand
Henry Plinkett: all of the good luck went to yesterday
You fucking little prick.
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches the THUG, cracking his knuckles and flashing his deli
nquent face
Kazuma Kuwabara: This how you get off, punk? Beatin old men?
Pick on a man with some upper body strength, Chump! Kazuma Kuwabara s on the sce
Thug: The fuck?!
Kazuma Kuwabara is making an attempt to intimidate

Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 19
Space (GM): brawn roll
Mac D.: shhh
shhhhh can you hear it
Henry Plinkett: impressive
Mac D.: put your ear to my chest can you hear it
that is how much
i hate each and every single one of you
Thug: Get the fuck outta here if you don t wanna die!
eldritch s.:
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
MrEForEccentric: Well- he is only a delinquent
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, uh....Guess you wanna fight, then! Okay, I getcha!
Space (GM): the hardest fight in the whole game
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s go, you n me!
Space (GM): i can already tell
Henry Plinkett goes to karate chop him in the throat with his non-broken hand
Space (GM): we are not going to have as much trouble
with anyone besides this guy
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 17
Mac D.: i think the computer noticed we noticed it was cheating
now it s trying to SAVE FACE
Henry Plinkett: i had a feeling about this roll
i knew it would be the one
Mac D.: have those feelings more often
rolling 0d8 + 0 for damage
= 0
Thug makes a wheezing sound as Gein karate-chops him in the windpipe.
Henry Plinkett: no fuck yo
Mac D.: agreed, fuck you
Henry Plinkett: i am not rolling zero d8
his brawn is +1
Space (GM): yeah fuck that hold on
rolling 1d8 + 1 for damage
= 9
Mac D.: he is decapitated
Space (GM): he only had 5 health

The thug goes down, struggling to breathe

Henry Plinkett: ...
Azureberry J.: How do you do the thing where it hilights the die that matters.
Henry Plinkett tries hefting him onto his shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Well hey, nice shot!
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 14
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Space (GM): you use the roll buttons in the character sheet
Henry Plinkett: Let s get you to a doctor, you piece of shit.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....What re you doin ?
Gein hefts him up just fine.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Oh- uhHenry Plinkett begins heading to the hospital
Kazuma Kuwabara fumbles for the camera before looking up and CLICK
Azureberry J.: Oh right.
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 11
After a brief jaunt to the hospital, Gein s hand is now in a cast, and he s band
aged where he took a baseball bat.
Kazuma Kuwabara checks the camera for the amount of film left
Henry Plinkett: Well, no more flipping drivers off for me
The camera ran out of film two pictures ago.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Oh! Uh....Looks like we re done!
Asumu Mizono the wait is real
Caren Hortensia continues her walk
Tsubasa Juufuku waiting intensifies
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Think the others are okay?
Asumu Mizono: Hope so.
Caren Hortensia: oh i see mobile on the tumblr
should i invite
Azureberry J.: Yes Caren
Fawkes M. (GM): Already did
Caren Hortensia: disgusting
Tsubasa Juufuku: They can t have gotten into too much trouble, right?
Asumu Mizono: Sankyu fox.
Mobile L.: Babeep

Azureberry J.: Yeah.

Caren Hortensia: ...Who are you looking for?
Mobile L.: Sorry for taking, frenz, my dear sister just returned home
Space (GM): hows she doin
Azureberry J.: Whoops.
Asumu Mizono: Yeah.
Mobile L.: She s doing GUD
She went to a picnic thing and met a cool veteran lady
Azureberry J.: Hallo Mobi.
Space (GM): oo
Mobile L.: Ayyy, lmao
Tsubasa Juufuku looks to Caren
Space (GM): where is... gunther
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- just some schoolmates of ours.
Or Blackmore.
Caren Hortensia: I see.
Dan Blackmore speak of the devil
Dan Blackmore: ..Mm? Oh, it s you two again...
Tsubasa Juufuku nods to the motherfuckin Blackmore
Asumu Mizono: Oh Master Blackmore.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- you wouldn t happen to know where Leo would be...?
Dan Blackmore: Are you hear for lessons--?
No, I m afraid not.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh. Well... I would be here for lessons, but I don t have my k
Ah wellTsubasa Juufuku looks to Asumu
Tsubasa Juufuku: Should we go and find Kuwabara?
Dan Blackmore: (stay for a lesson and great prizes will be yours)
Mac D.: i think seer s dead
Asumu Mizono: I guess we could look for him later.
We re already here.
Dan Blackmore: Very good!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right.
I guess we ll have a lesson then!
Dan Blackmore: Now-- both of you, enter the arena.
Tsubasa Juufuku removes jacket, enters arena
Dan Blackmore: Let s start with the fundamentals. Today, I m going to teach you
two about grappling...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I thought the fundamentals were strikes?
Dan Blackmore: Not in any proper martial art that you d care to name.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Karate?
Dan Blackmore: Feh.
Mobile L.: Uhp, soz again, still kinda catching up
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ah- wellYour lesson...
Asumu Mizono enters the arena.
Mobile L.: Young Icy just loves the campus
The training begins.
Mobile L.: Uhhhhhm, hokay, lemme think of a spot

You think you ve learned a bit more about throws.

Space (GM): alright let s see
both of you
add +1 to a stat of your choice
MrEForEccentric: Free choice?
Space (GM): yes
MrEForEccentric: Mind
Azureberry J.: Quick question tho. I have mind +2.
Space (GM): o?
MrEForEccentric: Wait wha
Azureberry J.: I m not sure if I should have that
Mobile L.: Should we say he s still passed-out at the diner?
Space (GM): na you ought to have mind 0
@mobile: wwwwerks for me
MrEForEccentric: I now have- Brawn -1, Mind 1, rest 0
Mobile L.: Yeyeyey
Azureberry J.: Then I guess I ll go with Finesse.
Space (GM): fox can you do... the rani
or are you the busy
Henry Plinkett: mother came home
Tsubasa Juufuku: Phew- hat was pretty good.
I think I learned a bit.
Fawkes M. (GM): Where do you desire the Rani to be the dropped?
Dan Blackmore: Very good.
Space (GM): she s already in the diner with the gunth
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Let s head back to Mr. Moneybags.
Azureberry J. has taken off her tie
Rani V is reporting for doody
Dan Blackmore: I must ask... are either of you interested in professional wrestl
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right- yeah!
Asumu Mizono did that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....You remember where that is?
Gunther sleeps off those several hours he lost insomnia-watching Corner Gas reru
Henry Plinkett: I hope you got that last picture.
Asumu Mizono: I know...Kuwabara is.
Tsubasa Juufuku: As in- participating or...?
Henry Plinkett: That was a good one.
Yeah, it s by that one really, really gay store.
Dan Blackmore: There is a very large wrestling event coming up soon - open to th
e public, in fact. I am not young enough to enter, but I can still sponsor one e
Henry Plinkett: Just a block down.
Rani V remains still as a statue by Gunther
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh...
Asumu Mizono: I m more interested in the martial art to be honest.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m only interested for self-defense reasons.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uhh...Yeah, I got it! Don t worry!
Gunther sloooooowly begins to rouse
Kazuma Kuwabara: Anyway, let s get moving!
Henry Plinkett: ALright.

Dan Blackmore: I see... very well.

Henry Plinkett walks down the street
Tsubasa Juufuku: Maybe Kuwabara?
Rani V: .......
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m sure he d love to be sponsored by you- and enter a wrestlin
g tournament!
MrEForEccentric: Sudden shouting
Mobile L.: Danvros
Tsubasa Juufuku: We can carry the message on from you, too.
Henry Plinkett takes a seat
Gunther lifts his head, swiftly realizing that he s at a place other than HOME,
then noticing Rani
Shun Akiyama looks up as the two strange people enter
Asumu Mizono: You re a wrestiler aren t Master Blackmore?
Rani V: .............
Shun Akiyama: --Ah. Pretty fast.
Rani V just looks back
Henry Plinkett: I broke my hand doing this.
Dan Blackmore: I would appreciate that, yes... in my younger days, I was.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, there was a lot of people who needed help!
Kazuma Kuwabara HANDS him the CAMERA
Gunther: ...Heh. If nothing else, you do keep your word.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Shun Akiyama takes it, looking through the pictures
Henry Plinkett still has a stick and a toupee
Shun Akiyama: Tell me about these.
Rani V: How have I kept my word?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Great- let me just get my jacket back on...
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Gunther sits up, reaching under the Bangs of Void and rubbing his eyes
Fawkes M. (GM): Hang on, gotta do a quick thing
Henry Plinkett: I don t know what pictures he took.
So I ll let him explain.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, lessie...
He bought a corndog from a street vendor.....
eldritch s.: corn dog vendor, toupee, wolf,
Shun Akiyama: I see, I see...
eldritch s.: lost girl
Kazuma Kuwabara: Convinced a guy to not be worried about bein bald...
Fed a hungry dog....
eldritch s.: lost servants
Shun Akiyama: lost lost servants
Kazuma Kuwabara: And helped some lost people find their way!

eldritch s.: actually he didn t get them uggers

Tsubasa Juufuku gets her jacket
Henry Plinkett: Huh?
What about the guy who broke my
Gunther: You agreed to watch me
Shun Akiyama: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, yeah! Some
Shun Akiyama: Aah...

on and exits the ring

sleep, and you followed through.
crooks beat him up!

Gunther reaches down for his discarded Crocs

Henry Plinkett: ... You didn t take the pictures, did you?
Asumu Mizono: Thank you for the lesson, Master Blackmore.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I did! But....
Asumu Mizono hops out of the ring
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, thank you- Master Dan!
Kazuma Kuwabara: We kinda ran outta film after the two big guys, and I forgot to
Henry Plinkett: ...
Dan Blackmore: You two are welcome. Stay safe, would you? After the murders...
God. I still can t believe it. Who would do such a... a vile thing? And to child
Henry Plinkett: If my word on this is important, I did take the crook to the hos
pital after he broke my hand and tried to kill us.
Tsubasa Juufuku frowns a little
Asumu Mizono: We will sir.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Y-yeah....
Rani V: Is that bad?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh! Right, yeah, he did!
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, I believe you. Alright.
Shun Akiyama sets the camera back down
Gunther: It could go either way, really.
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa s feels get worse as more and more people don t mention
that her mom died too
Dan Blackmore: ...Very good.
Mac D.: a darkness grows withi her
eldritch s.: mommy issues
Rani V: How do I know which way it goes?
Gunther pops his Crocs back on and dons his sweater
Tsubasa Juufuku: Don t worry- we ll keep safe.
Gunther: I suppose that will come with experience and effort on your part.
eldritch s.: the name for the genderflipepd oedipus complex is actually the elec
tra complex
Gunther: ...My friends have not come here, have they.
eldritch s.: where the girl wishes to kill her mother and do the thing with her
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Isn t it supposed to grow out of penis envy or some shit
Rani V: No. There was no staff that came here, either.
Shun Akiyama: Meet me at the top of the WeissCorp building at ten o clock tonigh
t, alright?
eldritch s.: knowing freud: probably
MrEForEccentric: Like- "Dammit mom, why d you remove my dick"
Gunther: ...Hm. Alright.

Henry Plinkett: Alright.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh....Okay...
Henry Plinkett: ... How am I supposed to ge there?
Gunther gets out his FONE and checks for TEXTS
Shun Akiyama shrugs
Shun Akiyama: Take an elevator?
Rani V: ...Why are you looking at that digital device?
Shun Akiyama: They have stairs, too.
Gunther: I m seeing if anyone has any messages for me.
Do you not have one.
Henry Plinkett: I thought they were really secretive.
Do they just let people onto the roof?
Shun Akiyama: I ve gotten up there just fine before.
Rani V: No.
Asumu Mizono goes ahead and exits the gym.
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Tsubasa Juufuku follows Asumu
Gunther: Figures.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- where should we go now?
Space (GM): phonecll
Rani V: ...That is a figure?
Gunther: ...It s yet another Japanese idiom.
Rani V: I see.
Why do people use idioms?
eldritch s.: me when shitty rolls
Asumu Mizono: Don t know.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm...
Asumu Mizono: Let s walk around some.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- see what we come across.
Asumu Mizono starts a-walkin
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: shizuru kuwabara s char sheet has not text
Mac D.: neither does yuuka
eldritch s.: i didn t even know
Gunther: To express things figuratively in an evocative and entertaining manner.
Space (GM): i never got to makinga d escription
eldritch s.: yuuka had one
only duff sees it
Gunther: It would be fortuitous to read up on them, assuming you care enough to.
Tsubasa Juufuku the walken
Shun Akiyama: Well, it s been a pleasure doing business with you guys. Hopefully
everything turns up, and hopefully they don t try to burn my office down for ge
tting involved.
eldritch s.: You might want to keep an eye out for that.
Rani V: But if I do not read about them, I will never understand their meaning.
Henry Plinkett: If you see anyone come by wearing shades.
WIth long brown hair
And generally a fucked up face
He s serious trouble.
Gunther: Well then, there you go. You still have some time to catch up, I guess.

Gunther flips through his phone contacts for Kuwabara

Shun Akiyama: Alright, I ll keep an eye out for this guy.
Henry Plinkett: Good.
See you tonight.
Rani V: Was that an idiom?
Gunther: Yes, it was.
Henry Plinkett stands up
Henry Plinkett: Pompadour.
as the girls walk, they notice...
dickmaster_420_69: hello. can you talk right now
Rani V: ...I see.
eldritch s.: duffman
Some guy sitting on the steps of some building. With Gein s dog...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...??
Gunther: ...Are there books or computers where you re housed?
Tsubasa Juufuku guarded look
Rani V: Yes.
eldritch s.: does gein s dog scare children
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Landlord gives them a light wave when he notices them looking
Asumu Mizono: ....
Gunther: Then you can t say you re without resources, can you?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at his phone
MrEForEccentric: No, Tsubasa is scared of landlords
smilebomb: yea??
dickmaster_420_69: good, hi. has anything of note happened
Henry Plinkett looks at the boxes around the room
Tsubasa Juufuku: Do you- know the guy who owns that dog?
smilebomb: oh well
Henry Plinkett: what are those
smilebomb: we re tryin 2 get emone from this loan shark
Asumu Mizono: Its...its uh...the teacher s dog.
Rani V: They are not my resources.
dickmaster_420_69: really, why
Landlord: Who s asking?
Gunther: Oh? Whose are they.
smilebomb: to pay off the mob so they don t kill gramps
Tsubasa Juufuku: His students?
Rani V: They are the resources of the owners of the house.
Landlord: Your teacher s fine. I m just watching his dog while he s on vacation.
dickmaster_420_69: I see. is it going well thus far
Tsubasa Juufuku: He s taking a vacation...?
eldritch s.:
s/d/d6/Demon_Dog.jpg gein s dog
Gunther: Are you permitted to use them?
Landlord: Yeah. He figured he d finally cash in his vacation days.
Mobile L.: Spooky pupper
But good pupper
Asumu Mizono: He wasn t at school today....
Space (GM): (there wasn t school today)
eldritch s.: there was no school this fine day
Rani V: As of this moment, I am not.
Azureberry J.: Oh welp.

Gunther: ...Troubling.
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s- odd. He didn t inform us...
smilebomb: well we gotta meet him on a building tonight
and then later im goin to a bar
dickmaster_420_69: oh. would you need me to come
Henry Plinkett: Who are you texting?
Rani V: Why is it troubling?
Landlord: He called the school and everything.
Gunther: It certainly doesn t help with your current plight of ignorance.
Rani V: ...Ah.
How do I gain other resources?
Gunther: Is there a television?
smilebomb: i think it ll b ok
dickmaster_420_69: alright. if you have any concerns, call or text me
Henry Plinkett: Who is "dickmaster_420_69"?
dickmaster_420_69 literally just texted that image
Rani V: Yes.
Gunther: A lot can be gleaned just from watching television.
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s a bit sudden.
Landlord shrugs
Landlord scratches George behind the ears
Rani V: Should I do that when I have the chance?
Gunther: Perhaps.
Gunther is still perched atop the bar like a fat, awful bird
Asumu Mizono: He...maybe just forgot.
Henry Plinkett: Kuwabara.
Henry Plinkett claps at him
Rani V: ...Why are you not sitting down?
Landlord shrugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Why are you sitting out here, then?
Gunther: ...I don t rightly know.
Rani V: Is it for entertainment?
Gunther: Probably not. Perhaps I needed to stretch my legs.
Landlord: I m taking George here for a walk.
Asumu Mizono: Right...George...
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Right...
Rani V: I see.
Why are you not stretching your legs, then?
Gunther: Perhaps I have vestigial reservations about doing such a thing in the p
resence of... another human.
Gunther troubling pause there where the ellipses is
Gunther HMMMMM
Rani V: Why?
Henry Plinkett steps out of hte office
Gunther: Some things are socially acceptable to do in public, some aren t. It s
often arbitrary.
It also varies culturally.
Landlord: ...Ah.

Rani V: Are we in public?

Gunther: ...Technically.
Gunther walks along the bar top like a fuckin


Henry Plinkett he girls look at this creepy old man

Rani V: Even if this restaurant is closed and locked?
Gunther: As long as we have each other, I suppose this is still "public". We are
not family, and we are not friends.
Asumu Mizono looks over at Plinkett
Gunther takes out another rubber band
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Gunther draws a bead on the target
Henry Plinkett is old
Rani V: ...We are not?
Gunther the target being the dartboard
Tsubasa Juufuku tries to see if she recognizes him a little on facial structure
Henry Plinkett has a hand in a cast
Gunther: No. We only just met.
Landlord: How d it go?
Asumu Mizono also does this
Gunther: This is definitely still "public".
Henry Plinkett: We have to be there at ten o clock.
Gunther aiiiiiiims
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 17
Gunther pew, shootan the rubber band at the dartboard
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 10
Henry Plinkett: And by there, I mean at the top of the Weisscorp building.
Mobile L.: Mind or finesse?
Henry Plinkett: But we got a loan of thirty million yen.
Asumu thinks, hey look, a white old gaijin man
Rani V: No, that is not what I meant.
Tsubasa thinks, hey look, Gein in a fake beard

Landlord: Think that ll be enough?

Mobile L.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 10
Henry Plinkett: It ll bring them to the table.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh. So, a vacation, huh?
Tsubasa Juufuku just looks at him straight
Henry Plinkett: I ll hand over all my money if I have tAsumu Mizono: ...?
Gunther: Then what was it.
Henry Plinkett: ... Is the beard that fake?
The rubber band hits right on the "4" area of the dartboard
Landlord rubs his jaw
Rani V: Are we friends?
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, its pretty good.
Gunther: ...No. Did you assume so.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was just looking at your facial structure.
Henry Plinkett: Unfortunately, I m unwilling to get plastic surgery.
Gunther sighs quietly and digs another out of his pocket, AIMING AGAIN
Rani V: No. I was simply wondering.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Takes more than a beard to fool some people.
Asumu Mizono: ...Teacher?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Gunther: Hm. It would take time and perhaps a miracle for that to change.
Henry Plinkett: Call me Henry Plinkett.
is Gunther distracted at all due to this questioning
Asumu Mizono does not want to admit it was convincing to her.
Mobile L.: hold on, brb
Rani V: How do you start a miracle?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right, Mr. Plinkett.
Henry Plinkett: Yesterday, the shooter.
He was after me.
I d rather not go into the details, but the police are not an option.
And he will stop at nothing to kill me.
He s burned down my house.
Leaving me, and my friend here, homeless.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Thorough...
Henry Plinkett: I m staying with Pompadour here.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara?
Henry Plinkett: And I m going to be on vacation until I can get this man to leav
e me alone.
Gunther would prolly be a bit distracted, yeah
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I get it.
Henry Plinkett: Until then, I m probably not going to be much help in tracking d
own Roa.

Gunther: ...That really depends on the miracle required.

Henry Plinkett: Unless Roa is in with the mob.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well...
I don t know.
Asumu Mizono: Oh boy...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I have had some thoughts...
Rani V: What is the easiest one to start?
roll finesse again
Tsubasa Juufuku: But not necessarily the mob being with Roa...
Henry Plinkett: It was a joke.
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 8
...There are too many to properly describe.
rrrrrrrrrright on the edge of the dartboard
Rani V: But you do not know the easiest miracle?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I might have had a prophetic dream last night. Can t say for su
re yet... the Church might be behind some things.
Gunther exhales and produces another rubber band
Henry Plinkett: Please, don t beat up any priests without me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- if you want to beat up a priest, the one who conducted th
e funeral s at Blackmore s gym still, probably.
Gunther: I am neither an encyclopedia, nor a Bible, nor the Vedas.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Probably best not to let them know an Oracle told you...
Henry Plinkett: Probably.
Rani V: ...I see. That was another idiom?
Tsubasa Juufuku: And she was in said dream- discussing this conspiracy.
Gunther c mon goddamnit, pretend like this is a blast of magic and the target is
an enemy of the Glazkov family.........
Asumu Mizono: I don t think we should jump to conclusions based on just the visi
Gunther: Yes.
Henry Plinkett: It s magic.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods to both of them
Henry Plinkett: Oh, about the gunman.
He might try to get at you to get to him.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- I am taking it with a grain of salt, but its
Henry Plinkett: *me
Tsubasa Juufuku: also
Henry Plinkett: His name is Jason Artimminer.
He s a big meaty, scarred, bike looking prick with shades.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I think... I ve seen that look before.
Henry Plinkett: He s bad news.
He got up and ran off after I shot him in the legs with a shotgun.

still a pos

Rani V nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I figure anyone that walks into a school with a shotgun is bad
roll SPIRIT this time
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 5
Henry Plinkett: The man s magic,
Tsubasa Juufuku: Can t exactly be an ordinary mob hit, then, can it?
Asumu Mizono: Does he know you?
Henry Plinkett: Like I said, why he s after me doesn t affect yu.
Yes he does.
He doesn t like being called No-Dick, remember that.
Tsubasa Juufuku: What about small-dick?
Henry Plinkett: No-Dick Jones was his old nickname.
The rubber-band doesn t even close the distance to the dartboard
Tsubasa Juufuku: I figure I might get brownie points and maybe a few seconds to
run if I imply that he at least has one.
Gunther slowly paces to the other side of the bar
Tsubasa Juufuku: Rather than none.
Which he probably doesn t.
Henry Plinkett chuckles
Henry Plinkett: He d probably appreciate that.
Before he burns your house down.
Gunther gets out one last rubber band
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- I ve always got mom s place.
Good thing about living away from home early.
Henry Plinkett: That s true.
do it
do it
eldritch s.: believe in the me
that believes in you
pierce the heavens
Asumu Mizono: I say we don t do anything too out there right now.
eldritch s.: with your rubber band
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah
Gunther runs toward the end of the bar, eyes locked on the target, and tries to
fire/come to a good halt right when he s within range
Henry Plinkett: I sort of have to, but when I can go back to being normal, you b
et I ll do it.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: One more thing...
Roll finess

Tsubasa Juufuku: If there s any of us he s going after

Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 11
Tsubasa Juufuku: It might be Kuwabara.
I saw him in a vision before.
Mobile L.: Just barely...
eldritch s.:
The shot flies high...!
Henry Plinkett nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: You were there too.
Only to arc downward and then hit the bullseye!
Henry Plinkett: I bet I was.
Was I having a heart attack?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I can t remember.
Gunther comes to a halt at the very edge of the bar, watching as his shot finall
y hits
...Hm. Heh...

Rani V: ....
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- the future can be changed so, it might not necessarily pla
y out precisely as my vision had... but its likely very similar.
Rani V has been silently watching
Henry Plinkett: Yeah.
So good luck, with whatever
Gunther: ...I m done here now.
Henry Plinkett: You re doing.
Gunther hops down from the bar
Henry Plinkett: I ll probably be working again within the week, if they take the
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: So- the top of Weisscorp?
Asumu Mizono also nods
Rani V: You are?
Henry Plinkett: Just clear all of that from your head.
Gunther: Yes.
Henry Plinkett: I have a bad feeling about it.
Gunther is already headed for the door
Henry Plinkett: But I have to go.
Don t get yourselves involved.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mention it because we re looking for Leo. Or Kuwabara.
We need their shoes.

School ones.
Henry Plinkett: Oh, those.
We figured out what happened with that.
Kuwabara left the prints.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh.
Were there any else?
Henry Plinkett: When you found the body.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Rani V: You are leaving?
Gunther: Yes.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- there goes that way of figuring out the gender of Roa...
Henry Plinkett: Rin s going to try and ead the police off of the trail.
Of the boots.
Because then Kuwabara would be a suspect.
Rani V: OK.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Space (GM): back
Gunther pushes the door, not even bothering with a goodbye
Rani V: .....
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was a bit worried that he d end up a suspect considering he b
eat up the corpse a bit...
Rani V just stays in the diner
Asumu Mizono: We re back to square one then.
Tsubasa Juufuku: And was getting his finger-prints on it...
Gunther steps out and yo, what time is it?
Henry Plinkett: Well.
Asumu Mizono: I still think we should just go look around the school.
Henry Plinkett: A bigger suspect.
Probably the right call.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah
I did a trance recently that confirms its a student.
So we can rule out the teachers.
Henry Plinkett: That s good.
Keep us updated.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Only problem is it d be a lot better if we could focus on the s
taff faculty considering there s less of them than there are students...
Asumu Mizono: There s no point in wishing for something that s not there.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know. Still- its a student. Its a start.
Landlord has been quiet
Tsubasa Juufuku: Maybe we could look and see if anyone has a knife...
Gunther like is it the evening yet?
Space (GM): i d say it s gettoing pretty dark
Mobile L.: A ight
Landlord: ...You oughta find the motive.
Gunther sighs
Gunther just kinda starts walking, looking to see if anyone he recognizes is coi
ncidentally out walkin at nite
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m not sure what the motive would be. Urameshi and my mom were

Well, Gunther sees someone he doesn t recognize...

Gunther: ?
Gunther INSPECT...
Space (GM): curses, brb
Asumu Mizono: If you re not sure of the motivation we need to look for it.
Landlord: It might not be something obvious. But everyone has a reason for doing
the things they do.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm...
A young boy, looking to be even younger than Gunther, is walking down the road a
lone, trying to balance on the road line like a tightrope.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I- have ideas of why someone might want my mom out of the pictu
re, but I can t think why they d want Urameshi dead too... Unless that one was f
or fun, and my mom was business.
Gunther passively observes this unassuming lad
Young Boy has got his arms out, like an airplane, for extra balance
Young Boy wobbles
Landlord: That s a worrying thought.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah...
Young Boy stops, looking back
Young Boy: Hello.
Young Boy has a smile on his face
Tsubasa Juufuku: same night...
Gunther: ...Hm. Hello.
Gunther does not return the smile because he s SOULLESS
Young Boy approaches, unfazed by the no-soul
Young Boy: It s nice out here at night. Don t you agree?
Gunther: ...Yes. Definitely less likely to sunburn under the moon.
Landlord: If you have ideas on why they do it, then do you have any ideas on who
they were?
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa. You never really talked abotu your mom.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know who my mom would have made specific enemies with..
Tsubasa Juufuku nods to Asumu
Tsubasa Juufuku: We- never really saw eye-to-eye exactly.
Asumu Mizono: I mean.
I know it might not be the best subject now but..
Young Boy: Maybe you ll get a moonburn!
Gunther: ...Heh, perhaps. And, of course, there is the risk of becoming a werewo
lf, but they say that s increasingly unlikely thanks to vaccinations.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- I know.
My mom s an Oracle. Like I am. Its the female line that produces oracles, usual
ly... males don t tend to become oracles at all.
She- wanted me to follow in her footsteps.
Young Boy: Did you get your shots?
Landlord: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Be a pure- oracle like she was.
Take up the family business- exacting money, or power, in return for giving pred

ictions of the future.

Gunther: Very recently, yes. I had to convince my poor mother it wouldn t give m
e some neurological malady, but then we had a run-in with a rabid skunk, and wel
l, I suppose the rest is history.
Tsubasa Juufuku: So- I wasn t exactly keen on that...
I learnt the lessons of course- and I used it for my own purposes.
But I couldn t really take it much more and well- that s how I got my apartment.
I asked for it, because I wanted space.
Young Boy: Hehe, that s good!
Gunther grins
Gunther: Yes. In fact, they let me take the cone off yesterday since I was behav
ing myself so well.
Young Boy: ........
gah wrong one...
Landlord: ...
Asumu Mizono: Right...
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: So...
I can only assume...
Young Boy: Are you going to bite me?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Either my mom made an enemy, or... someone knew about her being
an oracle. And didn t want someone who could predict their plan, an experienced
Oracle, being in the picture... And they also assumed that someone might go to
her for advice.
Gunther: For all I know, you could have a squirt-bottle.
Landlord: Do you know of anybody who would have asked your mother for advice?
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs, and shakes her head a little
Young Boy: I see. Yes, you d better play it safe.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I didn t really keep track of clients...
Gunther smirk-nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I d probably recognize them if I saw them.
Gunther: Of course. If Mother got wind of anything bad, I d have to sleep outsid
Landlord: Did your mother keep any lists?
Asumu Mizono: Yeah that s what I was gonna say.
Henry Plinkett: i atee some shitty pizza what has happened
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... That s- a good question. I still have a key to my parent s
Young Boy: I like sleeping outside. Especially when the moon is out.
Space (GM): landlord asumu and tsubasa are detective-ing it out
Tsubasa Juufuku: Crime scene might be cleared by now... maybe.
Gunther: Hm, I suppose that s a decent point... Your parents are alright with th
Gunther likes this effing kid already
Asumu Mizono: Let s head to your parent s house.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku: I can pick up extra herbs too.
Henry Plinkett: I ll be heading to that building.
God knows It s going to be a long ride up.
Tsubasa Juufuku nods
Tsubasa Juufuku looks to Landlord
Tsubasa Juufuku: No offense but... could you stick with Plinkett?

I don t want to bring someone I barely know into my parents place...

eldritch s.: "No offense, but you gross me out."
MrEForEccentric: Its the face
Landlord: Don t worry about it.
eldritch s.: is duff alive
Mobile L.: poor landlord-kun...
eldritch s.: i don t think he is
Mobile L.: it s been eighty-four years...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Thanks.
I ll- see you around then, Plinkett.
eldritch s.: You too.
Henry Plinkett: sure
Young Boy: They probably would be, yes.
Tsubasa Juufuku motions Asumu to follow
Tsubasa Juufuku waving off
Asumu Mizono: Thank you for your help Mister um...?
Landlord: My name s-Gunther: That helps, then... What s your name?
Henry Plinkett: Come on!
Henry Plinkett begins walking
MrEForEccentric: He will forever be Landlord guy
Henry Plinkett: ... I wish ny segway hadn t melted in the fire...
Mobile L.: it is a mystery
Tsubasa Juufuku lead to the House de Juufuku
Asumu Mizono follows along
Young Boy: My name s Lugh. What s yours?
Space (GM): sadly there is no map for the
juufuku residence, as i did not anticipate people going there
allow me to hastily get
Gunther: Gnther Glazkov. Good to meet you, Lugh.
Henry Plinkett walks into White-Corp (as weiss means white in german)
Gunther smile-nod
Mobile L.: Want me to BS one?
MrEForEccentric: Make sure there s a greenhouse
Henry Plinkett: now space s expertly made plan
all comes
Space (GM): ifn you could
Henry Plinkett: tumbling down
tumbling down
Space (GM): i am multitasking so hard
Henry Plinkett: tumbling down
MrEForEccentric: Well you can have a night/day
Since well
Mobile L.: A ight. How beeg?
MrEForEccentric: Its 4am
Space (GM): however you feel
Henry Plinkett:
Space (GM): ah good olive go to slepe
Mobile L.: Yay, now maybe it won t be shite
MrEForEccentric: Cliffhanger of the Juufuku residence
Weed pending

eldritch s.: i like all of the little plot threads that are trailing along
Mobile L.: Me too
Makes it feel lively
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa literally opens the door into the house and its a deep
pit into the abyss
Space (GM): it s fun to just fucking throw everything in at once but man is it t
Mobile L.: She just smiles and drops backwards into the blackness
MrEForEccentric: "Don t worry I do this all the time"
eldritch s. looks for the elevator
Mobile L.: You re doing the Lord s work
Henry Plinkett: fuck
MrEForEccentric: But yes
I sleep
MrEForEccentric: G night
Henry Plinkett: bebe
look i drew the elevator
Mobile L.: Beautiful
Azureberry J.: Mobile could BS a map between now and the next session. If she fe
els like it. I m cool with waiting.
Mobile L.: Yeh, I def could
Space (GM): i m taking a short breather while i set this up
Mobile L.: Koolio
Just let us know when you re ready
Meanwhile, I will butcher a pre-existing floorplan for my DARK PURPOSES
Henry Plinkett: if space has a nervous breakdown
by the end of this
we will have done our duty as players
Mobile L.: #endspacessanity
Lugh: Yes, it s good to meet you too.
Space (GM): i can t help but feel like
i m forgetting or missing something
Azureberry J.: Did you remember?
What the Doormouse said?
Henry Plinkett is walking int oweisscorp
Gunther: Hm. Have you lived here long?
Gunther kno he gaijin
Mobile L.: Soz, am mapping a little bit
aaaa i killed it
Space (GM): aaa
Lugh: No, I haven t.
Weisscorp is fairly empty, as is befitting this time of night.
Mobile L.
hristmas-I-Killed-It-150x150.jpg oh wait nvm
Gunther: Ah. Where are you from?
Henry Plinkett looks around for the elevator
Lugh: Far away from here. In Europe.
Gunther: ...Mm. I am also European. Your Japanese is very good.
Lugh: Thank you! Yours is, as well.
Right up there.
Space (GM): allow me to apologize for suddenly being not especially on top of th
Mobile L.: Nah, s cool

I feel ya hard
Mobile L. has the hawthorne flashbacks
Mobile L. brr...
Gunther: Hm, good...
Henry Plinkett begins walking
Henry Plinkett presses the up button
Gunther almost doesn t want to do this, but covertly tries to discern if this la
d is MAGIC or any shit
The elevator dings lightly.
roll mind gunth
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 18
(From Space (GM)): i am going to whisper this to you
(From Space (GM)): to give you and you alone a sense of this
Gunther oooooh...?
(From Space (GM)): 1. holy shit
(From Space (GM)): 2. hooooOOOLLLY shit
(To Space): oh mai gah
Henry Plinkett: ...
(From Space (GM)): hhh hh O L Y FCUKFING SHIT
Henry Plinkett is it open
(From Space (GM)): that should give ou an impression
(To Space): it s a goddamn good thing Gunther is stoic
(From Space (GM)): yes absolutely
eldritch s.: "Well, gunther, this kid is the anti christ"
After a short time, the elevator door opens.
Henry Plinkett steps in
Gunther: ...Hm.
Henry Plinkett presses the roof button
The elevator begins to smoothly glide upward.
Gunther: ...Do you go to school here? I just recently had to go back.
Henry Plinkett waits
Lugh: No, I don t. I don t think I would go to school where you do, anyways.
~elevator music~
Henry Plinkett: brb
Gunther: Ah. Yes, I am in high school now. You would have a bit to go before the
n, were you schooled.
What do you think of Japan?
Lugh: There are more people than I m used to. But they are kind.
Gunther: That always helps. Fuyuki houses a pleasant sort, I suppose.
Not that I have done much traveling elsewhere, aside from Russia and Sweden
...I do prefer Japan.

Lugh: You do?

Why is that?
Gunther: It s just more interesting, and not as quiet. Russia is also rather liv
ely, but parts of it are dangerous and underdeveloped. Japan has all sorts of cr
azy people without being as dangerous. Sweden is just boring.
Lugh: I see...
Lugh nods in understanding
Gunther: ...Plus, there isn t anything as nasty as lutefisk in Japan. Heh.
Lugh: That s kind of sad, though. When you think about it, that s kind of sad.
Gunther: ...Hm. How so?
Lugh: If someone wants something like that, they should be able to try it at lea
st once.
Gunther: ...Hm. I suppose that s true. You really haven t lived until you ve bee
n in the same room as a opened can of lutefisk.
Gunther quietly chuckles JUST THANKING ABOUT IT,,,,,,
Lugh smiles at him
Lugh: I think that I like you.
Gunther: Is that so?
Gunther smiles back
Lugh: Yeah. You are... you hide, but you do not hide.
Gunther: ...Hm. Do not most do the same at some point?
Gunther genuinely intrigued
Lugh: No. Some people hide all their lives. What they hide is something they don
t want to ever be found. You re different.
I don t think you care about hiding, but if it makes you laugh, then you ll do i
Gunther legit, warm smile
Gunther: ...I suppose I should be glad, then. My efforts are not in vain. This s
entiment is appreciated.
Lugh: Good!
But... I think I have to go now.
Gunther: ...Ah. That is fine. Be careful.
Lugh: I will. I don t have to be careful, but I will.
Goodbye, Gunther!
Gunther: ...Heh, hm. Goodbye, Lugh.
Gunther actually waves
Lugh waves back, smiling as he runs off
Gunther watches him as he goes
Gunther is now kind of sleepy again, but vaguely contented
Space (GM): friendship
Mobile L.: Weird euro bros
Rani V: I gotta wonder
What does Gunther think of Rani, exactly?
Mobile L.: A strange mingling of muted disgust, pity and apathy
She genuinely makes him uncomfortable
But at the same time he kinda hopes she stops being so horrible
Fawkes M. (GM): What exactly does he find so horrible about her?
Mobile L.: And thinks maybe the seeds of doubt he planted will at least smooth h

er out and make her stop asking the goddamn questions

Fawkes M. (GM): But the questions will help her learn...\
Mobile L.: She s an emotionless fuck who doesn t know anything and is utterly un
responsive to humor
Yep, and that s his aim. If she learns, maybe she will grow some semblance of a
personality and stop being a hideous cock
To clarify, he would have received her much better had he not been left alone wi
th her
Fawkes M. (GM): Because she left on her own volition?
Mobile L.: Not quite. If there was another person there, she would have served a
s an unwitting prop to his doofy pranks and he would have been able to glean som
e semblance of positivity from her existance.
Instead, he is left alone with her and forced to contemplate the gaping vacuum t
hat lurks within him even still
She can t validate him in any way, not even by being made the butt of a joke
Fawkes M. (GM): Ah
Mobile L.: So right now, he s kinda just like "Please, get to where you can vali
date me even a little bit"
Fawkes M. (GM): Elicit one laugh
Mobile L.: Yes
Like, if someone else was there and he fed her misinformation about pinball, it
woulda been all "hurr durr, lookit this dumb spastic" and there would have been
payoff, at least
Hope any of that makes since
Fawkes M. (GM): It does
Like, somebody could ve laughed at her cluelessness
Mobile L.: Yep, exactly. And he kept it up in faint hopes that someone would wal
k in and see
Space (GM): no payoff
Mobile L.: Yep. Plus, if a grail war starts up, she s probably his enemy
Lugh: what about me
Mobile L.: He quite likes Lugh
(To GM): and is fucking really intimidated/awed by him
(From Lugh): eehe he he
(To GM): He respects him already and hopes to be on his good side
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Daaang
(From Lugh): i know this is probs too early to ask but what do you think he is
Fawkes M. (GM): Mobile nooo
Lugh: and i just sent her a message too
Space (GM): well i llw ait for seer
Mobile L.: He just thinks Lugh is a good, innocent little weirdo who isn t afrai
d to ave a giggle about corny rabies jokes
Sometimes, this is the best audience
Sometimes you don t have to debase yourself so much
Just a little bit
and aaaa my connection, fuck
Space (GM): did you get my whisper
(To Space): Some fucked up vampire god who is maybe good
(From Space (GM)): do you mind spoilers
Mobile L.: Ah m here
(To Space): Spoil me
(From Space (GM)): i was taken a bit off-guard when you mentioned werewolves, li
ke oh god did she read up on minor nasuverse characters when i wasn t looking
(To Space): Oh jebus, that was 500% unintentional
(To Space): ahahahah
(From Space (GM)): he he hehhe
(To Space): Is he GOOD, or EEVIL
(From Space (GM)): he doesn t think in those terms
(To Space): ooooooooh
(To Space): This is a most ideal alliance, then

(From Space (GM)): well i ll just saythis, the whole pure and innocent shtick he
has going on is not an act
(To Space): awwww, oh my god
(To Space): Gnther is pretty confident Lugh is trustworthy, but he will be taking
pains to make sure he is as positive an influence to the lad as possible
(To Space): is he the roof wolf
(From Space (GM)): that s probably the responsible thing to do
(From Space (GM)): he is yes
(To Space): hehehehehehehe...
(To Space): Yeah, Gnther at this point considers Lugh the opposite of Rani
(From Space (GM)): he very much enjoyed that corn dog
(To Space): awww, pupper
(From Space (GM)): well i am glad this character has left a good impression, his
wiki page has no backstory so i had to bullshit something up
(From Space (GM)): *personality
(To Space): I think you did a good job. He a cutie patootie
(From Space (GM)): c:
(To Space): Lookin at his wiki page and awww, why is he an antagonist in that ga
me? he just a lil puuuuppy
(From Space (GM)): it s all touko s fault
(To Space): damn you, Touko...
(To Space):
(From Space (GM)): could u please transparent-ify an image for me, i m having di
(To Space): Yas, I ll do my best
(From Space (GM)):
(To Space): It may come out a lil messy, but I ll extract it as well as I can
(From Space (GM)): thank yew
Henry Plinkett: hell
Space (GM): hell 2 yu
Mobile L.: welqum 2 dai
Space (GM): mobile and i are frantically getting this together, please hold
Mobile L.: I am sooooooo clooooooose
Henry Plinkett: what
Mobile L.: Almost there...........
Space (GM): frantic portrait making
Mobile L.: It actually came out pretty goddamn clean
Henry Plinkett: i understand that things are going to go sour then
Space (GM): ...........................................m.......maybe
Henry Plinkett: because how i see it
the additional presence of anyone but the moneyman
is a bad thing
Mobile L.: honey you ve got a big storm comin
Henry Plinkett: and means things are goign to get really shitty
(To Space): hhhhhh
Space (GM): mobile your a champ
(To Space): aaaa fuck that hair bit, should I fix?
eldritch s.: i have fun with gein and his quest for not dying
(From Space (GM)): if you desire it
(To Space):
Mobile L.: Hoof
eldritch s.: so far things he lost:
Mobile L.: Gein-sama is great at not dying
eldritch s.: use of his hand for now
his house
his posessions
probably most of his money is goign too
Mobile L.: The Mender train don t stop here, tho
Space (GM): this is a good picture i m very gladfox found it

eldritch s.: imagine if he just got shot here and died

Mobile L.: Bad end
eldritch s.: fell off the roof
i have to make a new char
Mobile L.: Would had to do a (Dojo Guy) dojo
eldritch s.: ecept
no one
runs the dojos now
Mobile L.: he he he, mine could theoretically come back if such a thing happened
The door slides open.
eldritch s.: its like if you took the replacable trait in adeva
Mobile L.: ;)
Henry Plinkett steps out
Mobile L.: I actually was gonna SCHEME with Olive tomorrow
Henry Plinkett feels like he should have a briefcase full of money
Henry Plinkett or a cigarette
Mobile L.: Awwww yeah, I was hoping we d see our friend the starry tower map
Gein sees blood.
Henry Plinkett or his shades
Henry Plinkett: ...!
... No...
Henry Plinkett rushes past the bend, summoning a bone from his RM
Akiyama is lying there, clutching his gut as blood seeps from it
Shun Akiyama: Shit...
Henry Plinkett: Who did this.
Coghlain whistles
Coghlain: Man... quite a lot of cash you ve got here.
Henry Plinkett looks up at him
Coghlain is kneeling down on the roof, going through a suitcase full of money
Henry Plinkett does he recognize Coghlain from his mob days or is this just some
he has no idea who this kid is
Henry Plinkett: Listen here, you little degenerate.
You re going to hand that over, right now.
You don t know who I am.
You don t know what I ve done.
And you don t know what I m capable of doing to survive.
Coghlain: Lessee... wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Henry Plinkett: Give me that fucking brief case, or I ll cut your throat.
Mobile L.: Headcanon voice for Gein has abruptly switched to Walter White
Coghlain: Oh, you want it?
Coghlain snaps it shut
Henry Plinkett: I m not playing around, punk.
Coghlain: Heh. Sorry about your friend there, by the way.
Coghlain gestures to Akiyama with a red knife
Henry Plinkett: And you re going to find that out when I snap that neck of your

likes a twig.
Coghlain: Oh? Yeah, no, I guess you d be pretty mad about this whole deal...
Coghlain thinks on that for a second, then shrugs
Coghlain: Ain t nothing to it. I got paid a lot more than this to hunt you down,
so you re wrong if you thought you coud buy me off.
Henry Plinkett: I didn t.
But before this continues, there s one thing I d like to know.
How did the mob find me?
Or, really, how the fuck did it take you bunch of retards that long to figure it
out, I wasn t even using an alias.
Fucking ametuer.
(From Coghlain): could you soundcloud a song
(To Space): shur thing
Coghlain is just watching him, with a light smile on his face
(From Coghlain):
Henry Plinkett: And I suppose now you re going to kill the helpless old man too.
Because that s the kind of scum-sucking pile of shit that you are.
You re real big man, beating and kill people who can t fight back.
Coghlain: I wouldn t really call any guy with a Reality Marble helpless.
Henry Plinkett: Peh.
Like it s done me any good.
How do you know all this?
(To Space):
er-hq Hope it finished processing
Coghlain: They told me everything when they hired me. Wouldn t do for someone ch
arging the rates I do to go in blind, would it? I die, that s just a wasted inve
Henry Plinkett throws the bone at his head while he s talking
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 6
Mobile L.: :<
Coghlain cuts it lightning-fast with that red knife of his
Fawkes M. (GM): Increased it woulda been a crit
Henry Plinkett: well
he was talking
Space (GM): but i m still biding time while i sat him out
Henry Plinkett: wow
Mobile L.: gein, pls b careful...
Henry Plinkett: The last piece of trash they sent after me couldn t accomplish t
Immediatley, I congratulate you for standing head and shoulder above the competi
Coghlain: It s not so hard. I met the other guy.
Coghlain hurls the suitcase at Gein s head
Henry Plinkett tries stepping to the side

Henry Plinkett: actually

Henry Plinkett tries catching it
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 2
Space (GM): two
Mobile L.: :<
Henry Plinkett: look at these rolls
Space (GM): two ones
Henry Plinkett: i m on fire
Mobile L.: g-gein...
Henry Plinkett: there goes his other hand
Mobile L.: mender-sama...
the suitcase collides into his gut, knocking the wind out of him as Coghlain lea
ps off of the roof
Space (GM): rooolll initiative
Henry Plinkett: rolling 1d20
= 3
disco inferno
Coghlain: rolling 1d20
= 7
Henry Plinkett: Ough....
Mobile L.: Dammit I was PRAYING too...
Henry Plinkett: Hehahah...
Coghlain brings his dagger down for Gein
Henry Plinkett: We used to call him.. No-Dick Jason, you know.
Henry Plinkett dodges to the left
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 16
Mobile L.: :)
brb, doges
Gein sidesteps with surprising accuracy as Coghlain lands on the ground
Coghlain: Yeah? He seems like he d fuckin hate that.
Guy s real wound up, you feel me?
Henry Plinkett grabs the case and tries beating him over the head with it
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn

= 6
He was always a real dickhead.
Coghlain rolls to the left, right past him
Coghlain stabs at Gein s ankle
Coghlain: Yeah, no kiddin-!
Henry Plinkett tries kicking him in the face so the knife doesn t connect
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 16
Coghlain: Fuh-!
Coghlain takes a boot to his face
Coghlain: rolling 1d8 + 1 for damage
= 8
Henry Plinkett: I remember the time he got pants d infront of Don Bodicci.
Fucking hilarious.
Took his underwear off, too.
The Don got to see the infamous No-Dick.
Coghlain crashes into the railing
Henry Plinkett summons a bone, snaps it in half, leaving a jagged edge, and trie
s ramming it into his chest
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 5
he can t attack
but the defence
Coghlain shoves Gein past him as he approaches
Coghlain: Did he laugh? I bet he laughed.
Mobile L.: c mon Gein ol buddy YOU CAN DO IIIIIIIT
Coghlain drives his dagger towards Gein s back
Henry Plinkett moves quickly to the side

Henry Plinkett: Don laughed.

No-Dick didn t.
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 6
Fawkes M. (GM): Ooooof
The knife plunges into his back, red-hot, before Coughlain rips it out again
Coghlain: rolling 1d8 + 1 for damage
= 6
Henry Plinkett: Mrgm...
what do i only have 10 hp
i thought i had twenty
Coghlain: oh i forgot to heal you after th thug fight
here lemme just...
Mobile L.: Coghlain is at least that honorable
Henry Plinkett spins around and tries to bean him in the head with his cast
Mobile L.: thank u coghlain
Henry Plinkett: No-Dick killed the guy, I think.
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 8
i don t even mind
Coghlain does a sick matrix-dodge
Coghlain: I guess he had to do it, huh? Otherwise he d be a goddam laughingstock
Coghlain reels back, before driving a lightning-fast kick to Gein s gut
Henry Plinkett jumps back
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 5
Yeah, he s still hilarious, t-OUGH
Coghlain kicks him into the railing
Coghlain: rolling 1d8 + 1 for damage

= 5
Sorry, did I interrupt you?
Henry Plinkett: ... It s fine, it s just gonna happen.
Henry Plinkett summons another bone to throw at him
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 5
Coghlain cuts that one, too
Henry Plinkett: i think every attack roll i ve made has failed
Coghlain: Hoo. Sorry, pal. I m real good with that kinda thing, if you get my dr
Henry Plinkett: I imagine that s why they hired you.
Coghlain tosses his knife into the air behind him, kicking it with his heel at G
Henry Plinkett tries ducking the knife
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse
= 7
like ethan mars
just get the shit kicked out of him
Mobile L.: :c
The knife plunges into him
Henry Plinkett: Gah, fuck!
Coghlain: rolling 1d8 + 1 for damage
= 8
Henry Plinkett: Not bad.
Better than No-Dick.
Mobile L.: PRAYING
Henry Plinkett: Fucking shithead, he couldn t even touch me...
Coghlain: Sorry about this. Nothing personal, same as with your pal back there.
Henry Plinkett: I understand.
And I hope you understand... this may be traumatic, but I hope you understand
Henry Plinkett tries sucking Coghlain into his RM
Coghlain: Eh--?!
Henry Plinkett: Goodbye.
The dark void of Gein s still yet to be named Reality Marble envelops Coghlain.
Henry Plinkett holds it outside of the railing

Henry Plinkett ejects him from it

Henry Plinkett: Sorry it couldn t be quick.
Coghlain says nothing as he falls
Henry Plinkett tucks the squirrel scull back into his pocket
Henry Plinkett leans against the railing
Mobile L.:
Henry Plinkett: ... Gah...
Fucking asshole...
Henry Plinkett looks at the Moneylender
Shun Akiyama: What... the hell was that?...
Shun Akiyama coughs up blood
Henry Plinkett: An assassin.
I guess thy had more than one.
Good for them, this one wasn t shitty as his job.
Henry Plinkett lurches off of the railing
Henry Plinkett picks up the case
Shun Akiyama tries sitting up, winces
Henry Plinkett puts the handle in his mouth
Henry Plinkett says to him with it in his mouth
Henry Plinkett: Come on, let s get you a doctor.
Henry Plinkett offers him his good hand
Shun Akiyama takes it, unsteadily getting to his feet
Henry Plinkett nods to him, limping to the elevators
Shun Akiyama follows
Henry Plinkett: You may want to stay with me for a while.
Shun Akiyama stumbles, leaning against a wall for a moment
Shun Akiyama sets off after him, leaving a smear of blood on the wall
Henry Plinkett summons the elevator
Mobile L.: Aww c:
Henry Plinkett: presumably its still there
unless clara got out of work late or somet
aye, it s still there
Henry Plinkett steps in
Shun Akiyama steps in after
Henry Plinkett: I have a friend who can patch us up for a bit.
Mobile L.: (It opens to a shocked Clara)
Henry Plinkett: Going to the hospital with these fucking idiots on the loose is
too risky.
Clara Testarossa: o_O

Henry Plinkett: is she truly there

i would lose my shit if she was
Clara Testarossa: Nah
Henry Plinkett clicks the ground floor button
Shun Akiyama: unfortunte
Henry Plinkett: Can t imagine being the janitor for this place.
Shun Akiyama leans against the elevator wall
Shun Akiyama: Heh... you don t think people get into knife fights too often up h
Henry Plinkett: I d hope not.
But who knows with these corporate types.
Shun Akiyama chuckles at that, before wincing suddenly
Henry Plinkett: Teachers aren t expect to get into too many knife fights.
Maybe one or two.
I wonder how he knew you were coming.
Or that I was coming.
Clearly, I picked a shitty disguise.
Shun Akiyama: He followed me. I guess he must ve seen you enter or something. Yo
u, ah... weren t hanging around Sky Finance too long, right?
Henry Plinkett: ... Shit.
The kids held me up.
When we get the bottom, I want to make sure the fall killed him.
Shun Akiyama: ...Ah, god.
Henry Plinkett: Last one ran away after I shot him in the legs with a shotgun.
So you never know.
Shun Akiyama: Magic?
Henry Plinkett: Magic.
Shun Akiyama: Shit.
Henry Plinkett: You can say that again.
Oh, when we get to where we re staying.
I know it s hard, try not to get blood on anything. It s tenuous as it is.
Henry Plinkett heads out and looks for the body
roll mind
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 10
gein is used to dealing
with dea bodies
does that give him some bonus
i d say an increased works in this circumstance
Mobile L.: B)
Henry Plinkett: what does he see
Did you drive here?
Shun Akiyama: I walked.
Henry Plinkett: Damn.
what does the old man see
There s like, a minor indentation in the ground where he would have landed.

Henry Plinkett: See that.

Just walked it off.
Shun Akiyama: Shit...
Shun Akiyama looks back up at him
Henry Plinkett: Asphalt Angels.
I like Snow Angels better.
Shun Akiyama: Those kids... you gotta tell them.
Henry Plinkett: I guess we ve got a walk ahead of us.
Keep an eye out.
We re not out of the woods.
And keep your head down.
Shun Akiyama: Right... I m in no shape for fighting, so the most I ll do is be a
Henry Plinkett calls Tomoe as they walk
Henry Plinkett speaks very quietly
Tomoe Takatsuki: Hello?
Henry Plinkett: Tomoe.
They found me again, kicked the shit out of me and a moneylender.
This guy, survived a fall from the top of the Weisscorp building.
Blue hair.
Red knife.
Henry Plinkett: Young.
How s Kuzuki doing?
Tomoe Takatsuki: U-uhm...
He is in the hosptial.
Henry Plinkett: Good.
Mobile L.: Did Tomoe ever see herself in this line of work?
Henry Plinkett: Keep an eye out.
Good luck
Henry Plinkett hangs up
Space (GM): she never saw herself in a line of work after she died
Mobile L.: Life s little miracles
Henry Plinkett slinks to Kuwabara s
Shun Akiyama: ...Man. He could follow the trail of blood all the way here.
Henry Plinkett: Shit
Henry Plinkett stops
Henry Plinkett: ...
You re right.
We can t go there like this.
Henry Plinkett looks for an alleyway
There s one - right over there
Henry Plinkett slinks into it, ready to have to fight for his life agai
Shun Akiyama weakly follows
Henry Plinkett: Just don t go to sleep.
You ve lost al ot of blood.
Gunther fuckin fell asleep in the streets, for what it s worth, but they don t

gotta encounter him or nothin

Shun Akiyama: Yeah.
Henry Plinkett calls his Landlord
Shun Akiyama leans against a wall
Gunther something smells like blood
Gunther: ?
Landlord: Yes?
Henry Plinkett: Ambushed at deal.
New guy.
Blue hair.
Gunther stirs immediately and starts SNIFFAN
Henry Plinkett: Red knife.
He s young.
Roll for bloodhound
Henry Plinkett: We re leaving blood everywhere, so we can t head back to Kuwabar
a s.
We re holed up in some shit alley...
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 6
Henry Plinkett: I think we might bleed out...
Mobile L.: gdamnit
Henry Plinkett: The fucker survived a fall off the top of that fucking roof.
Landlord: Do you need me to come out there?
Henry Plinkett: I m not sure you should risk it.
We might just bleed out and spare you the trouble.
Landlord: I ve got the first aid kit right here.
Henry Plinkett: Think about it.
Gunther... you could probably just follow the blood on the ground as well
Henry Plinkett: If I die, they ll stop all of this insanity.
Gunther ...OHHHHH, eheheheh...
Gunther FOLLOW
Gunther trying to walk quietly
Henry Plinkett: And there are worse ways to go, I guess.
I m old.
I was probably going soo anyway.
Gunther also avoiding stepping in the blood
Henry Plinkett listens for anyone coming
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 11
Landlord: The hell are you smoking?
Gunther probably aided in stelf-matters by his Crocs a lil bit
Landlord: Listen -- if you die here, then that guy s gonna still be looking for
you. And if he stabbed Akiyama, then he s sure as hell not gonna mind stabbing a
nyone else that s close to you to lure you out.
Henry Plinkett: ...
Gunther is he close?
Henry Plinkett: I guess you re right...
Landlord: rolling 1d20
= 16
rght near the alley...
Henry Plinkett: Alright, we re in that shitty alley by [ADDRESS]
Henry Plinkett listens for anyone coming
Gunther peeeeeeers in, trying not to be seen yet
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Gunther is not sure wtf and is ready for another dead body at this point
He hears the foot steps... of gunth
Landlord: On my way.
Henry Plinkett has summoned another bone
Henry Plinkett can t see him well in the dark
Henry Plinkett: You back the fuck off!
Gunther: ...Mister Mender?
Henry Plinkett: ... Gunther?
Gunther: Yes. What happened?
Henry Plinkett waves him in, rapidly
Gunther approaches
Shun Akiyama: ...?
Henry Plinkett: Keep your voice down.
Shun Akiyama clutching his bloody wound
Gunther: Right... Hm.
Gunther takes off his jacket
Henry Plinkett: Yesterday, remember the guman at your school.
Gunther: Yes. Did he return.
Henry Plinkett: No,
But another one hired by the same guys did.

Gunther assesses the wounds, about to rip the jacket into bits for binding
Henry Plinkett: He and I were tryign to bribe his bosses into not killing me.
Getting money together.
He ambushed us.
[describes him again]
Survived falling off the Weisscorp roof.
they both look fairly fucked up
Gunther: ...Troubling. Very troubling.
Gunther RRRRRRRIPs it into good-sized pieces for bandaging
Gunther goes to bind Akiyama s wounds first
Henry Plinkett: My house is burnt down.
Shun Akiyama shakes his head
Henry Plinkett: You need it.
Shun Akiyama: Your friend s old. He needs it more than I do.
Henry Plinkett: I ll get by.
Gunther: I intend to treat you both, sir.
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, yeah...
Gunther tries to do it quickly, moving on to Gein
Gunther: Kuwabara informed me of the burning, but not this incident.
Henry Plinkett: If I die, I have a piece of paper in my wallet with all the info
rmation you need to add my money to the bribe.
Henry Plinkett: It might be enough to get them to stop in case they can t confir
m I m dead.
Gunther: ...Understood. Do you still intend to stay with Kuwabara.
Henry Plinkett: Yes, we just need to stop bleeding so we don t lead them there.
Gunther: Understood.
Shun Akiyama: ...
Gunther trying to make the dressings tight
Gunther so fuckin


Gunther so fuckin gaijin

Shun Akiyama: So... how many kids do you got working for you, old man?
Henry Plinkett: I ve just had a shit kicking today.
As many as would go into my van.
Gunther knows this probably wouldn t be possible, but tries his best to retrieve
any kind of healing spells at all from what shards of magic-lesson memories he
retains after all the deaths
Space (GM): i-i want to ask
is coghlain s deal too obvious
Henry Plinkett: he s a servant
roll minde gunth
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 11
Gunther vaguely remembers something for stopping bleeding
Henry Plinkett: i m infamously unintelligent about picking up on these things so
who knows
Space (GM): interesting...
Henry Plinkett: Well I have a class, but four kids who knew outside of school we
*knew me
Gunther raises a hand
Gunther: Upphr bldningen.
Henry Plinkett: This is Gunther.
Gunther magick...?
Shun Akiyama: Have you been seen with them?
Shun Akiyama nods
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Shun Akiyama: Hello, Gunther-...?
Shun Akiyama looks down at his wound
Shun Akiyama: Huh... bleeding s stopped.
Gunther: ...Hm. Good.
Henry Plinkett: I have been.
Gunther: And hello.
Shun Akiyama: Are they all magic?
Gunther: I believe it is just me.
Henry Plinkett: Kuwabara isn t, far as I know Mizono isn t either. Tsubasa, she
s an oracle, but that s not much in regards to self-defence.
Shun Akiyama: Ah...
Gunther runs a hand through his bangs
Shun Akiyama: ...Well, like it or not, I guess I m roped in here as much as you
guys are.
Henry Plinkett: Yeah.
Oh, something you should know.
In addition to helping me escape mobsters, there s also a murder we re looking i
Gunther: Yes.
Henry Plinkett: Committed by a magical vampire who possessed the body of an unkn
own high schooler.
Shun Akiyama: ...
Gunther: A terribly unfortunate collusion of circumstances.
Henry Plinkett: Who is seeking revenge on the Lost Servants, and has murdered a
teenage boy and one of my student s mother.
Shun Akiyama: Jesus...
Why s he looking for them?
I mean, if he killed the two of them... that doesn t make sense at all.
Gunther reaches down into his pants pocket and retrieves a rumpled notepad
Henry Plinkett: The first one was to send a message.
Wrote Charlemagne in his blood.
Gunther jots something down on it
Shun Akiyama: ...
Henry Plinkett: Second one?
I have no idea.

Shun Akiyama leans his head back

Henry Plinkett: As Gunther said.
It s a terribly unfortunate collusion of circumstances.
To make one big, fucked up mess.
Gunther stuffs it back into his pocket
Shun Akiyama: With you guys in the crossfire...
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
We have some friends, though.
Shun Akiyama: Yeah?
Gunther nods and kinda looks at the sky
Henry Plinkett: The Lost Servants who are here, along with Rin Tohsaka.
Shun Akiyama whistles
Shun Akiyama: How d you manage that?
Henry Plinkett: They re participating in the investigation.
Gunther: A fortunate collusion of circumstances.

Shun Akiyama: Yeah, no kidding...

They all hear rapid footsteps.
Gunther: !
Henry Plinkett: They went to the same resteraunt after the funHenry Plinkett has the bone up
Henry Plinkett: It might be my Landlord.
Gunther steps to meat-shield Gein and Shun
Henry Plinkett: Shh.
Henry Plinkett: In here.
Landlord arrives, holding a first-aid kit and out of breath
Landlord: I got here as soon as I could.
Gunther gives a small nod
Henry Plinkett: Gunther stopped the bleeding.
Sorry to have called you.
Gunther: It would probably be wise to clean up the remaining blood.
Landlord: Goddammit, Gein...
Landlord gets out some bandages
Henry Plinkett: Henry.
Shun Akiyama: Gein, huh?
Henry Plinkett: God damn it...
Henry Plinkett: Gein Mender.
Gunther looks in the first-aid kit for disinfectant
Henry Plinkett: Gunth, in public, please call me Henry Plinkett.
Gunther: Noted.
There it is
Shun Akiyama: Well, nice to meet you. Heh heh...
Henry Plinkett: Oh, I suppose...
Landlord is doing various bandage-related activities
Henry Plinkett: Sky Finances is probably going to be gone in the morning.

Gunther GRABES it and tries to get the blud cleaned up and shit generally disinf
ected so they don t get cheeto-AIDS from his jacket
Henry Plinkett: Either ransacked or lit on fire.
Or lit on fire and then ransacked.
Or vice versa.
Shun Akiyama: ...Heh... I never did lock the safe.
Oh, well.
Henry Plinkett: At least I used an alias.
Gunther: Perhaps they ll get a wild hair and bulldoze it. Heh...
Henry Plinkett: And, at least we have the money.
Henry Plinkett pats the case
Gunther disinfeeeeectan
Henry Plinkett: Ow.
Landlord: ...Alright. So the Kuwabara household is gonna get another new residen
Gunther: I would suggest my family s mansion as an alternate safehouse, but I im
agine Father and Mother would have their reservations about this, especially con
sidering Franz.
Henry Plinkett: Yes, it will be.
Gunther, if we ever need to fall back, I ll be counting on your mansion.
Shun Akiyama: If there s no room, I can just stay on the streets for a while.
Henry Plinkett: It s fine, we have two chairs and a couch.
And a floor.
Shun Akiyama: Ah, good.
Gunther: Very well. I will propose it and phrase it in a way that does not arous
e Father s ire.
...Heh... He is very funny when he gets cross, though.
Henry Plinkett: Good, because he seemed... irritable.
Gunther: Father is an emotional man.
Especially now that he is having an extramarital affair.
Henry Plinkett: ...
Shun Akiyama: ...
Gunther: Eheheh... He doesn t even know I know...
Landlord: ...
Henry Plinkett: I would imagine.
Shun Akiyama: ...If, ah, there s anything else, we ought to get going.
a wolf howls, off in the distance.
Gunther: ...Yes, anyway. We ought to.

Henry Plinkett: That s great.
Just absolutely great.
Gunther starts to help GEIN and FRIEND up
Shun Akiyama gets to his feat
Shun Akiyama: *feet
Henry Plinkett gets up and begins limping to the Kuwabara hosuehold
Landlord: Come on. Through the alleys.
Gunther: Father and Mother will be informed, but I will get to that tomorrow. Bo
thering them now would make it less likely to happen.
the Akiyama follows
Gunther takin

ze route

Henry Plinkett nods to Gunth

Gunther gently walks them over to some furniture

Shun Akiyama collapses on the couch
Henry Plinkett: but vwhere iz ze zizter
in due time
Gunther immediately goes to the fridge to look for sources of IRON
Henry Plinkett: Oh, don t touch the yogurt!
Landlord sits down, scratching George
Gunther: Noted.
Henry Plinkett: Or we ll be kicked out.
Gunther: ...Heh. She is particular.
ground beef
Henry Plinkett: And possibly murdered, I don t know.
Gunther grabes both these things
Gunther is the beef cooked?
Shizuru Kuwabara enters from the front door
Gunther gets a frying pan
Henry Plinkett: Hello.
Gunther inserts beef
Shizuru Kuwabara blinks
Henry Plinkett: We have one new guest.
And a visitor.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Henry Plinkett gestures to the wounds
Henry Plinkett: It s been a really long night
Shun Akiyama: Henry, show the woman the briefcase.
Henry Plinkett opens the briefcase
Gunther hums "Livin in the Sunlight, Lovin in the Moonlight" as he tries to ge
t the ground beef edible
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Just don t make a mess.
Shizuru Kuwabara heads to her room
Henry Plinkett snaps it shut
Mobile L.: I am giggling
Space (GM): shizuru works really weird hours
do a cooking roll, gunther
Mobile L.: Poor gurl
Gunther: (whish stat)
Space (GM): spirit, to infuse it with the heart of food
Gunther: hmmmm hmm hmmm... jaaaast tek it from me, i jussas... hmmm hmmm any dau
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit

= 4
Henry Plinkett: gein made a great omelette
gunth made a literal piece of shit
he burns the beef
it is on fire in the skillet
Gunther: hmmm hmmm what i liiiek yas what i liek n hw i laaaaaave it
Henry Plinkett turns on the tv
Gunther: ...Bork bork bork!
professional wrestling is on
Henry Plinkett puts the remote on the table
Gunther turns it off and blows on it
Henry Plinkett begins humming along too
Shun Akiyama: You know, I used to bet on pro wrestling. Made a tidy sum off of i
t, too.
Gunther puts the cold-ass tofu on it
Space (GM): oh my god gunther
Henry Plinkett: So did I.
I lost a kidney.
And then won it back.
Gunther: haven gaddalat, i dun need a lot, kaffesonly a daim
Shun Akiyama: Ah.
Henry Plinkett continues to hum along
Space (GM): so
i want to know
how did you guys
like that session
Gunther: leevin in d sunlit, lavin in d munlit, havin a wunderfl tiem
Space (GM): and how things are developing
Mobile L.: This was my fave yet
eldritch s.: it s always fun to have gein do shit
Space (GM): i introduced more stuff than i expected
Gunther brings the inedible slop to his injured friends
Coghlain: fun fact me and fox made this dude up on the spot when we needed someo
ne to ambush the meetup
Mobile L.: I am very excite about things to come
Space (GM): i just want to say
he s in the other character tab
not necessarily the enemy tab...
eldritch s.: i noticed
before you even said that
Space (GM): c:
Mobile L.: He seemed pretty chill
Henry Plinkett eats the slop, content to be alive

Gunther: It has iron.

Do you need water?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Shun Akiyama doesn t really care and eats the slop
Gunther nods and goes to grab that
Landlord: So... what s going to be our next move? You guys are running out of le
Gunther will probably not manage to burn the water or anything
roll spirit
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 7
he grabs asparagus water
Space (GM):
Gunther takey, now humming "Tiptoe Through the Tulips"
Henry Plinkett: I need to find a way to get the mob onto the table.
Mobile L.: Ahahahaha
Henry Plinkett grabs it
Henry Plinkett is about to drink it
Henry Plinkett before looking it
Henry Plinkett: ... What the fuck is this?
Shun Akiyama drinks it and doesn t even give a fuck
Gunther: tiiipt, tru d grden, tru d ...
...It probably also has iron.
Shun Akiyama: I doubt the mob has any higher-ups in Fuyuki, come to think of it.
Maybe that No-Dick guy is your best bet, but from the way I heard it you two do
n t really get along.
Henry Plinkett: No, we really don t.
But the other guy might just be willing to listen to reason.
Henry Plinkett just decides to drink it, gagging a bit
Gunther: ...annif i kiis yew, in d grden, in d mnligkght, wuld you par n me...
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, good luck with that. He had the money right there, didn t he
Gunther fuckin Swenglish
Henry Plinkett: He thought we were bribing him.
I want to bribe his higher-ups.
He ll probably be too busy trying to kill me.
Shun Akiyama: Maybe if you two can just manage to sit down for a nice cup of tea
...Hell, you two were pretty chatty when you were trying to kill each other. Sus
s out a deal the next time that happens.
Henry Plinkett: Maybe.

Henry Plinkett gestures to landlord

Henry Plinkett: Do you have anybody who might be able to get the Mob to the tabl
Gunther: hmm hmm tpt, tru d tulipz wiv miiiiiiii
Landlord: Sorry, old man. The mob isn t exactly the group I m in with, if you ge
t my meaning.
George howls along with Gunther
Henry Plinkett: You don t know anyone who could know someone?
Gunther: ...Eheh. You should be on American Idol, George.
George: Arf!
Henry Plinkett begins whistling Jeepers Creepers
Gunther pats the doge for his comedy prowess
George howls along to that
Shizuru Kuwabara: Shut that mutt up!!
Henry Plinkett stops
Gunther: jppers crppers, wher u get dose...
Landlord: Ah... that one s pretty sketchy. We could go to the head of the Fujimu
ra Group, Raiga Fujimura, but... he s getting long in the tooth. Real long in th
e tooth.
I think he s even older than you.
Henry Plinkett: Hah! Fat chance.
Well, it s worth a shot.
Shun Akiyama: Make sure you don t piss this guy off, so we don t have two organi
zed crime groups out for our blood.
Henry Plinkett: No promises.
I just have a way with people.
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, no kidding.
Henry Plinkett: Like the time I nearly got murdered by some psycho bitch over ic
e cream...
Space (GM): is this a good end point
Henry Plinkett: yes
Space (GM): good
i like how this is shaping up
eldritch s.: so let me ask
Space (GM): at first i had no idea how this conspiracy and shit would work out
but a theme is beginning to form
eldritch s.: who has the theme song of dahlia hawthrone
Space (GM): well i just picked it because it sounded romantic
i really do not think it sounds super menacing
eldritch s.: to me it hides just
that hidden
sinister undercurrent
Yuuka: damn
eldritch s.: there is something to me in it that is mysterious
and menacing
Yuuka: yes that is true
i think it sounds more lik
Space (GM): idk
eldritch s.: not like a menace of
immediate peril
but just a bit more quiet
not like even as intimidating as damon gant s theme

Space (GM): yes

eldritch s.: death of xxxxxxx
Mobile L.: This is fuckin fabulous so far
Space (GM): tonight, xxxxxxx dies
Fawkes M. (GM): Where s this from?
Space (GM): @mobile: i m glad
@fox: i forget
@mobile: i ask you
for your impressions
and thoughts, or theories
on characters
Space (GM): and stuff
ditto seer
olive had a really good one over skype
Mobile L.: I think the mob and the vampires are def in cahoots
That can t be a coincidence
Also, not theory-related, but I was very pleased with being able to have Gnther f
inally magic something
Space (GM): the 1st instance
mobile i will say something about putting the cart before the horse to be crypti
c and mysterious
Mobile L.: king_harkinian_hrrrrm.wav
eldritch s.: the hitman is very clrealy a servant
no idea what jason s deal is
evidently magic
Mobile L.: Also, I am stoked to see Lugh s involvement
He adorbs
Coghlain: im a very casually dressed servant
Lugh: :3
Mobile L.: Rani s as well
Rani V: :|
Mobile L.: I fear Gnther s compulsive prodding may backfire somehow
Rani V: she snaps and goes on a kill rampage
Space (GM): hey fox i must ask
where d you get the pic for coghlain
Mobile L.: it is a mystery
Space (GM): he gone...
Mobile L.: RIP
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: Yus
But I ll probs be sleeping soon
aaa fuck it s 1:30 already, piss
Space (GM): :c...
duff said he d be here inna bit
MrEForEccentric: It is 2:17 am here so I will sleep if that is ok
Space (GM): yes no worries m8
MrEForEccentric: Thank ye
Space (GM): i wait for the fox
Mac D.: hog
Space (GM): wanna see gunther s new look
since he had to tear up his hoodie
Mac D.: fashion god
Space (GM): i want that shirt
i m not brave enough to wear it
either of those shirts
but i want them
Mac D.: if i saw you wearing either of those in public i would powerbomb you thr

ough a table
Space (GM): i d look good doing it
eldritch s.: what is this
Space (GM): he had to destroy his hoodie for bandages
eldritch s.: i like his outfit
Space (GM): he has style
eldritch s.: but no grace
Space (GM): this homunculus has a funny face
eldritch s.: i notice things about the shirt
one, the image on it isn t distorted by the curvature of his stomach
and the patterns on his arms are perfect continuations of the patterns on the sh
irt proper, no distorution there, either
like rocko s shirt in rocko s modern life
Space (GM): well you see there s a reason for that
eldritch s.: i know there is
Space (GM): that shirt is actually a powerful Mystic Code, passed down the Glazk
nov family line for generations
eldritch s.: what does it do
Space (GM): it blinds his opponents ofc
eldritch s.: there are two gunthers
one with gein and the gang
one in the washroom
also what does shizuru kuwabara do for a living
Space (GM): duff you know yu yu hakusho, what does she do
eldritch s.: i will bet you duff is playing a video game
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: she s a beautician
Space (GM): thank you duff
Coghlain: this is the guy who stabbed akiyama btw duff
Mac D.: he looks like a jackass made of swords
Coghlain: that s mean
eldritch s.: also what is a beautician
Coghlain: like a hairdresser/manicurist/etc
eldritch s.: surly beautician
Coghlain: yes
the gang is all holy roman empire
duff seer come
Mac D.: ye
Fawkes M. (GM): Sear?
eldritch s.: die
It s 1 AM at the Kuwabara household...
Landlord is petting George
Henry Plinkett is old
Shun Akiyama has kicked his feet up on the armrests of the couch
Henry Plinkett checks his watch
Shun Akiyama: ....
Henry Plinkett rubs his temple
Henry Plinkett: I don t know what to do next.
I suppose we could visit old man Fujimura, but that s about it.
Shun Akiyama: At this hour?
Henry Plinkett: What happens if that plan fails?
No, not right now.

Kazuma Kuwabara SWINGS open the door

Henry Plinkett makes a shush gesture, pointing to his sister s room
Shun Akiyama starts
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! You guys are...?
Landlord looks up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, geez-....
Kazuma Kuwabara lowers his voice
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara notices Akiyama on his couch
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh? What s he doin here?
Henry Plinkett: This is the moneylender.
Shun Akiyama: Yo. (coughs)
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh, yeah, I know.
Henry Plinkett pats the case of money
Shun Akiyama has a makeshift bandaging job where he got stabbed
Henry Plinkett: We were ambushed.
He s staying here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Aw, nuts, another one??
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Didja tell Sis?
Henry Plinkett: [description goes here]
Shun Akiyama: Yup. Paid her, too.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aw, good....Was worried for a sec, there....
So you got the money, Gramps?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
We re going to try and talk to the Mob through Old Man Fujimura.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who?
Henry Plinkett: A man who is older than me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....And he ain t dead?
Henry Plinkett: I am pretty sure he isn t dead.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wow, he must be prehistoric.
Shun Akiyama: Hopefully he isn t dead.
Henry Plinkett: He probably wouldn t like to be told that.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Anyway! I checked out that bar Flat-Top told us about!
Henry Plinkett: How did that go?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You wouldn t believe what happened!
Henry Plinkett: What happened?
Kazuma Kuwabara begins spinning his yarn......
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, so I started out by kicking down the front door and st
ridin in! Let em know I wasn t a guy to be MESSED with...
I muscle my way past this crowd o meatheads and tough guys up to the barkeep. T
hen I tells him. "I ll take a beer. A ROOT beer. Cause I m underage, and teen d
rinkin s not cool, yo."
Henry Plinkett: and that s it
Shun Akiyama: no me ad duff are plotting
Kazuma Kuwabara: So I m drinkin my root beer, eyein up the local thuggery, who
s all just baskin in awe at my total masculinity.
Space (GM): seer i m fucking crying holy shit
that s the best
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then I turn back to the barkeep and go, "I m lookin for a cert

ain somebody." Barkeep gives me these shifty eyes and says "Who s the Somebody?"
And I go "Guy named ROA," and the whole bar just goes DEAD QUIET.
And then this one guy in a snazzy-ass suit and an eyepatch stands up and is all
like "We don t TALK about Roa round these parts" and then he draws a SAMURAI SW
He comes at me with this high-flyin jump kick but I use my lightnin fast refle
xes ta backflip around him and chop him in the neck like POW!
Then we have this sick duel with a ton o high flyin ninja moves like PSHOOOO,
Course I m gettin the upper hand, thanks to my extensive martial arts trainin
and sweet muscles, but then he backs up and sics his squadron of Genome Superso
ldiers on me!
They all had five-five-sixers and pineapples and they were just openin fire all
Kazuma Kuwabara: But luckily I had my secret weapon, Bubbles!
So I tell Bubbles to go into Destructor Mode and she starts flyin around on her
rocket feet and shootin laser eyes and rocket fists at all the soldiers!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yep! Yep! Yep!
Kazuma Kuwabara: And in the chaos I manage to get my hands on the suit guy and h
it him with a world-shaking BARA BUSTER!
Ya probably felt a quake....yehup, that was me...
Anyway, I take a pair o sunglasses off the severed heads o one of the soldiers
and go "Time to cough up the info..."
And the guy s all "UHHHH NO SPARE ME" and gives me some deets on this Roa guy!
And then I came runnin back here, and here we are!
Henry Plinkett: You re right.
I did not believe that/
Shun Akiyama: ...
Landlord: ...
George: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Psh, whatever Gramps, you weren t there.
Henry Plinkett: That was, quite possibly, the biggest load of bullshit you have
ever tried to pass in your life.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Psh! Psh! Psh!
Henry Plinkett: And I was there for "Da Book."
Kazuma Kuwabara: You want what I learned bout Roa or not?
Henry Plinkett: Sure.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So, this suited guy I was talkin said there s a Roa workin fo
r some big corporation!
Henry Plinkett: Do you really think, a thousand year old magical, reinarnating v
ampire, would work for a company under his real name>
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uhh....You know anybody ELSE named Roa?
Henry Plinkett: It can t be an uncommon nickname.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Nope, nope, nope!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Have YOU heard it?
Henry Plinkett: No.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I sure dunno any Roas!
Henry Plinkett: I suppose, using his real name, it might be trying to lure the L
ost Servants into a fight.
For revenge.
Kazuma Kuwabara: The who?
Henry Plinkett: Jesus Fucking Christ.
Have you not
watched the news, even once?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Uhhhh.....
Henry Plinkett: Read a history book?
Payed attention in class?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
.....Are they........a band?

Henry Plinkett: Paid attention to anything Rin Tohsaka said?

Kazuma Kuwabara: That s the lady from the mansion, right?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I don t remember anythin about any servants...
Henry Plinkett holds his face in his hands
Henry Plinkett: I fucking quit.
I can take being burned, stabbed, and beaten.
But I m not playing this game tonight.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........????
Landlord: I guess it s time for a history lesson, huh?
Henry Plinkett: He still thinks magic is fake.
Shun Akiyama looks at Kuwabara
Shun Akiyama: ...Yeah, that sounds about right.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-...Hey! What s that s posed to mean???
Shun Akiyama: Don t worry about it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........Huh?....
Shun Akiyama leans back on the sofa
Henry Plinkett: Do thye have a magic channel?
Or anything that can help prove to Kuwabara that magic exists.
And help him catch up on basic history.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You mean, like a channel for magician acts or somethin ?
Henry Plinkett just stands up
Henry Plinkett and walks into the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Gramps?
Henry Plinkett tries finding the strongest drink in the house
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Uhh.....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Akiyama and the Landlord
Henry Plinkett: rolling 1d20
= 14
Shun Akiyama shrugs
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...So, anyway, what do we do now, start lookin up businesses?
Henry Plinkett: if i rolled twenty he would have found cocaine
Landlord grabs the remote and starts channel surfing
Henry Plinkett: or absinthe
Henry finds rum
Henry Plinkett pours himself a glass
Henry Plinkett has been clean for ten years
Henry Plinkett walks back out
Henry Plinkett sits down with his glass of rum
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......??
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Bubbles, confused
Neco-Arc Bubbles has seated herself on top of George, watching TV

Landlord: Lessee here...

Kazuma Kuwabara scratches his head
Landlord has found a televised MTG tournament on ESPN
Landlord: Nope.
Landlord switches the channel
Henry Plinkett is so close to downing the whole glass
Landlord has found a rerun of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Landlord: Nope.
Henry Plinkett: Maybe I should have gotten some drain cleaner...
Landlord switches the channel
Landlord has found a televised Vegas magic show
Landlord: Nope.
Henry Plinkett: ...
Landlord: Here, Gein.
Landlord tosses him the remote
Henry Plinkett sets the glass down to free up his good hand
Henry Plinkett begins flipping through the channels
Henry Plinkett: rolling 1d20
= 19
He finds the late night infomercial channel
for various magical artifacts
Henry Plinkett: Look at that, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Henry Plinkett: Looooook at that.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the screen
Or at least magical items claiming to be real magical artifacts
that s probably not the real Durandal
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What, some auction for old museum stuff?
Henry Plinkett: They re selling a chunk of the Holy Grail.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Rrrrright....
Henry Plinkett: Magic is real.
I m not going to tell you again.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y know these auctions are bogus, right Gramps?
Henry Plinkett: If I have to put someone into a very nasty place to prove that,
I will.
something interesting on the screen
a new item from Weisscorp
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
You remember that Clara Testarossa lady on the field trip?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s that....?
Henry Plinkett: yes
yes I DO
There she is, being hailed as a "Modern-Day Magician", who can command magic at
her disposal - just like you!
With the help of these certified Mystic Codes - now for sale.

Henry Plinkett: I thought she had too nice of a face to be a drone.

Liar, too.
of note - this is being broadcast from Dresden, Germany
as it says in the corner of the screen rigth there
Henry Plinkett: Also.
Henry Plinkett clears his throat
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Huh? Huh, huh?
Henry Plinkett: You remember me, don t you?
Neco-Arc Bubbles nods
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Gein.
Henry Plinkett: From all those years ago.
Neco-Arc Bubbles nods nods nods
Neco-Arc Bubbles puts on a fedora and a tie
Henry Plinkett: Then you know that I m magic.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Gein, gein, gein! Grrrr!
Henry Plinkett nods
Neco-Arc Bubbles makes a scowly face and waves her arms around
eldritch s.: it s like a photorealistic version of gein s face
Henry Plinkett: Please tell Kuwabara that magic is r- wait a minute.
Mac D.:
Henry Plinkett: How are you okay with believeing in a god dam talking catm but n
ot magic?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m lookin at the talking cat!
eldritch s.: that was art
Space (GM): duff you re a hero
Henry Plinkett pulls out the scull
Henry Plinkett: Bubbles, do you want to see something scary?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you gonna do the dissapearin french fry act again?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Henry Plinkett sucks Bubbles into his RM for a few seconds
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...!
Henry Plinkett: Disappearing cat.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!?!
Hey, what-...Where d you put Bubbles!?
Henry Plinkett: It s a secret.
Kazuma Kuwabara: This ain t funny, Gramps!
Henry Plinkett: Before you ask, you can t go there.
Henry Plinkett ejects Bubbles
Neco-Arc Bubbles is sent flying into Kuwabara
Neco-Arc Bubbles: AAAAA
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!?
Kazuma Kuwabara attempts to catch
Neco-Arc Bubbles: brawn motehrfucker
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 39
Kuwabara catches her by the foot just before she d go flying out the window
Neco-Arc Bubbles: @_@...
Henry Plinkett: Magic.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Bubbles
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bubs, what d Gramps do to you???
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Ooooooogh...
Henry Plinkett: She consented.
Shun Akiyama: ...What kind of magic is that, if you don t mind?
Henry Plinkett: She specifically said she would like to see something scary.
Shun Akiyama sits up, wincing slightly
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, Bubs, talk to e!
Henry Plinkett shrugs
Henry Plinkett: Squirrel magic.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: C-closer...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara leans in
Henry Plinkett: I have no formal training.
Shun Akiyama: Squirrel magic?
Henry Plinkett: I don t know the actual name.
Could be rectal magic for all I know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Shun Akiyama: How d you get it?
Shun Akiyama lies back down
Kazuma Kuwabara: Bones?.....You mean the skull?
Henry Plinkett: Always had it.
The skull, however, is from my pet squirrel.
eldritch s.: death
Neco-Arc Bubbles: @_@...........................
Shun Akiyama: Is it just for show?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
eldritch s.: The skull?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein, frowning
Henry Plinkett: me say
It helps me focus.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, don t use my cats for any more o your magic tricks, Gramp
s! That was not cool!
Henry Plinkett: She said she wanted to see something scary,
Kazuma Kuwabara: Next time you bully my cats, yer outta here!
Neco-Arc Bubbles buries her face into Kuwabara s shoulder, hugging him tightly
Kazuma Kuwabara pets her
Henry Plinkett: ... I ve never been in there.
What s it like?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: B-bones... bones, bones bones bones bones bones...
Henry Plinkett: I figured.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re freakin her out! Quit it!
Henry Plinkett: ...

Henry Plinkett places his hands in his pocket

Henry Plinkett: It s the only thing I can do.
Shun Akiyama: ...So! Anyone hungry?
Shun Akiyama gets up, clutching his side
Henry Plinkett: I m not, using this thing nauseates me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then quit doin it! Specially in my house to my cats!
Shun Akiyama: Well, I am. Are there any good places to eat around here?
Henry Plinkett: Oh, you probably shouldn t leave for now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, well, there s Lumpy s...
Henry Plinkett: Especially at two in the morning.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Ohh, yeah, weren t you stabbed?
Henry Plinkett: I ll cook something up.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You can cook, Gramps?
Henry Plinkett: I live alone, don t I?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I always figured you ate puddin or tapioca or somethin ...
Henry Plinkett searches the fridge for components
Shun Akiyama: Nah, that s... I like going for walks late at night. Helps clear m
y head.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y know....Old people foods.
But ya got stabbed!
Space (GM): this is me trying to move the action to lumpy s
Henry Plinkett: Someone keep an eye on him, I don t want him getting stabbed aga
it s
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, alright....I ll walk with ya, then.
Henry Plinkett: two in the morning
Space (GM): yes
Henry Plinkett: and the mob is hunting for them
Shun Akiyama: Alright, let s get going.
Space (GM): yes
Henry Plinkett: why would this seem like a good idea
Space (GM): it wouldn t
Henry Plinkett: did you expect me to sign onto this
Space (GM): protect the kuwabara and akiyama
Mac D.: you don t HAAAAAVE to
you could have him stay here
and cook
Henry Plinkett: but space wants me to go
Mac D.: with only the landlord for company
Henry Plinkett: to lumpy s
Mac D.: space can gein stay here and cook like a lonely old man who doesn t get
Space (GM): he can if he wants to
Henry Plinkett: he ll get some with shizuru
Mac D.: is bubbles still glued to kuwabara
Space (GM): why do yu ask
Mac D.: juuuust wonderin
Space (GM): perhaps she is
Henry Plinkett: look you dicks, at how funny i am
Mac D.: HWELL then
Space (GM): but perhasp not
Mac D.: are kuwabara and akiyama goin to lummpys or not
Henry Plinkett: ... You know what.
I don t trust you to keep him safe.
I ll come with you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What? Hey I can totally fight off bad guys!

Henry Plinkett: I m sure you can.

But I HAVE done so, twice.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s THAT s posed to mean??
Henry Plinkett: I m saying I ve beaten people off twice this week and I m not le
tting people die on my watch,.
Now let s go to Lumpy s/
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hmph....
Kazuma Kuwabara OUT THE DOOR
Shun Akiyama: That s the spirit...
Space (GM): Henry Plinkett: I m saying I ve beaten people off twice this week
Henry Plinkett heads out
Lumpy s is surprisingly quiet tonight. By surprising, I mean that it s 2 AM.
There s literally only two other people, not including the lady at the counter.
Henry Plinkett: Why is Lumpy s open at two in the morning?
Shun Akiyama: Don t ask me, I ve never been here.
Henry Plinkett: And other than you, who eats at two in the morning?
these two apparently
Henry Plinkett shakes his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Henry Plinkett puts on his doddering old man facade
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at the counter
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Oh, hey! Yumizuka!
Rin Tohsaka look over at the entering party
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh! Hey, Kuwabara.
Henry Plinkett: C mon kiddies... I wan mah breakfast...
Rin Tohsaka quickly stops holding Clara s hand
Henry Plinkett: Before the Narhwals take it...
Shun Akiyama: ...Geez...
Clara Testarossa also retracts her hand, looking aside
Kazuma Kuwabara walks over
Shun Akiyama: Hey, can me and my grandpa here get something to eat?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Didn t know you worked this late!
Henry Plinkett: Ah want a malt, like they used to have in my childhood!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Oh, y know...
Henry Plinkett: Thoss were tah days, when I would werk in the sahlt mines day an
d night...
Rin Tohsaka: ......
(I think those are the ones I told you about.)
(The guy with the pompadour is at least.)
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Erm, we don t have malts on our Midnight Menu, but I could
make you one.
Henry Plinkett hops onto the seat
Henry Plinkett claps
Henry Plinkett: Yay...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y know?....
Clara Testarossa: (Do you know who the others are? They don t look like high-sch
Rin Tohsaka: (We could ask...)
Satsuki Yumizuka: (Kuwabara) ...Remember what I told you in the rally?

Shun Akiyama: Gimme a duck burger, thanks.

Henry Plinkett: Remember the klondike...?
Shun Akiyama sits down
Satsuki Yumizuka: Alright... what would you like, sir?
Henry Plinkett: Those were the days...
Satsuki Yumizuka: (to Shun)
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uhhh....
Henry Plinkett: he jyst said, fool
Kazuma Kuwabara: Rally.....You mean that lousy concert?
Shun Akiyama: i just said, fool
Clara Testarossa: (Wouldn t that seem suspicious?)
Shun Akiyama: You bet, gramps.
Henry Plinkett: My favorite bit was when the men dug in a river.
Rin Tohsaka: (We re the only people here. Who cares?)
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Yeah, that. What would you like?
Henry Plinkett: There s gold in these hills!
Kazuma Kuwabara: What DID you say....I forget, that night got pretty crazy!...
Satsuki Yumizuka: That I m...
Satsuki Yumizuka notices Clara over at the booths
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...never mind. Do you want something to eat?
Henry Plinkett: Are you going to take me back to the home>
They re never on time with my pills...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh....Sure! How bout some fries?
Shun Akiyama leans back
Clara Testarossa: (...Alright. I remember him from the tour, so...)
Shun Akiyama: You know, you can drop the act. I doubt she cares.
Fawkes M. (GM): BRB, gotta do a thing
Henry Plinkett mutters "It would be weird if I stopped now"
Rin Tohsaka: (Let s both go over there.)
Rin Tohsaka gets up
Rin Tohsaka: nooo
Henry Plinkett: Hehehoo.
Shun Akiyama: It s weird anyways, old man.... alright, you have your fun.
Henry Plinkett: It s not fun if you don t participate.
I worked hard on that act.
Shun Akiyama: You re coming on way too strong with it.
Henry Plinkett: Huh.
Maybe that s why no one believes my fake heart attacks.
Shun Akiyama: It probably is.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s cause you do em all the time!
Henry Plinkett: Do you have any advice for faking a heart attack?
Shh, the grown-ups are talking.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey!...
Shun Akiyama: Well, have you ever had a heart attack?
Henry Plinkett: No.
Shun Akiyama: It s not like your heart seizes up, one of the warning signs is so
mething like a sharp pain in your left arm. Along with shortness of breath. That
kind of thing.
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
In that case...
I think I m having one right nHenry Plinkett falls out of his chair

Shun Akiyama raises an eyebrow

Henry Plinkett goes limp, his tongue rolls out
Shun Akiyama: Way too strong there.
Henry Plinkett: Shut up;
Henry Plinkett stands up
Henry Plinkett: Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...E?
Colonel Volgin: Kuwabara, Kuwabara!
Henry Plinkett: Fake a heart attack.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-Huh? What for??
Satsuki Yumizuka had since gone back to work on the foodstuffs
Henry Plinkett: You always say I m bad at it.
You do it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well I dunno how to fake a heart attack either!
Henry Plinkett: Exactly.
Clara Testarossa also gets up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Whatcha mean "Exactly?"
Henry Plinkett: Exactly.
Clara Testarossa puts some bills onto the tab before following Rin
Rin Tohsaka smiles
Rin Tohsaka: Excuse me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Rin
Henry Plinkett turns in his seat
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, hey! It s you!
Henry Plinkett: Hello there.
Rin Tohsaka: Can we sit here?
Henry Plinkett: Go ahead.
Rin Tohsaka smiles, taking a seat
Clara Testarossa looks at Gein - how close does Henry Plinkett look compared to
the grumpy teach from the tour?
Clara Testarossa also takes a seat
Shun Akiyama gives them a light wave
Henry Plinkett wars his hair different, no shades, beard, a bit more of a steely
Kazuma Kuwabara taps his hands on the counter, bored
Shun Akiyama wonders when the food will arrive
Rin Tohsaka: I don t think we ve been introduced. I know Kuwabara over there, bu
t not you two.
Clara Testarossa looks from Gein to Kuwabara
Clara Testarossa: You were on the tour, right?
Henry Plinkett: We have been introduced.
Yes, I was on the tour.

you know
wasn t clara in germany on that live television broadcast like 30 min ago
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Mm?
Henry Plinkett: It s me, Gein Mender.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh! Yeah, I remember you from the.......Hey, wait a sec....
Rin Tohsaka: ...Ah!
Clara Testarossa: You look a lot different.
Henry Plinkett: It s my clever disguise.
Clara Testarossa turns to Kuwabara
Henry Plinkett: It s a long story.
Rin Tohsaka: Why are you in disguise?
Henry Plinkett: Hitmen.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Huh...That s weird....I think I saw you on TV...
Clara Testarossa: ...I m not that photogenic, am I?
Henry Plinkett: I am reasonably certain not thirty minutes ago I saw you conduct
ing a live broadcast from Dresden.
Or, at least featuring in it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, it can t be you, anyway!
It was a live show, like half an hour ago...
Henry Plinkett: If you say.
Clara Testarossa: It probably wasn t me. I mean...
Clara Testarossa looks over at Rin
Rin Tohsaka: She has one of those faces.
Henry Plinkett: did they mention her by name
Space (GM): yes
Henry Plinkett: Clara Testarossa, selling Weisscorp Mystic Codes on a broadcast
in Dresden.
Rin Tohsaka: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, yeah! That s what they said her name was?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Clara Testarossa: .....That can t be right.
Henry Plinkett: I know what I saw.
I m not senile yet, and I m pretty sure neither is Kuwabara.
Clara Testarossa: Are you sure that it was a live broadcast?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sure was.
Henry Plinkett: Certain.
They were selling a fake Durendal, too.
Clara Testarossa: A live broadcast, from Germany, to Japan? It d be more plausib
le if it was a rerun.
Rin Tohsaka: A... fake Durandal?
Rin Tohsaka looks at Clara for a second
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Let me ask you this.
Have you ever conducted a broadcast from Dresden, wherein you helped market Weis
scorp Mystic Codes?
*participated in a broadcast from Dresden

Testarossa nods
Testarossa: Once. But, they told me that the footage would never air.
Plinkett: It aired.
Testarossa: ...Mm.
Plinkett: Whether or not is it a live broadcast, they marketed it as one.

Henry Plinkett tries to recall if there were ANY differences in he appearence in

the broadcast

Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 15
Henry Plinkett: And when as this filmed?
Rin Tohsaka: ...So, have you found anything new regarding the murders?
Clara Testarossa: A month or two before the new office opened.
Henry Plinkett adjusts his fake beard
Henry Plinkett: No.
Clara Testarossa looks back at Rin, then back at Gein
Henry Plinkett: Odd, then, that in one or two months there was zero change in yo
ur appearence.
Same hair length, some clothes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Rin Tohsaka: Could I ask why you re being so pushy about this?
Clara Testarossa: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, it IS super weird....
Henry Plinkett: I m curious. My life is in mortal peril every day and I don t li
ke leaving questions answered if I die.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka looks back at Clara for a second
Clara Testarossa: ...There are more important questions than who cuts my hair, a
ren t there?
Henry Plinkett: look at kuwabara
over in his little area
That s not the question.
Space (GM): he d rather flirt with the waitress
speaking of waitresses
Satsuki Yumizuka comes back with food in tow
Shun Akiyama: Ah, there we go...
Satsuki Yumizuka: One duck burger, one large fries... and one malt!
Henry Plinkett: Thank you, Satsuki.
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, thanks.
Shun Akiyama takes up his burg
Henry Plinkett eats bits of his malt
Satsuki Yumizuka: Mm!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah- Hey, thanks!
Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at Rin and Clara
Henry Plinkett: When I say mortal peril.
Kazuma Kuwabara digs into his fries
Satsuki Yumizuka: Do you two need anything else?
Rin Tohsaka: I really shouldn t...
Henry Plinkett: I do literally mean I was nearly murdered with a knife, along wi
th my friend here, ontop of the Weisscrop building.

Clara Testarossa shakes her head

Clara Testarossa: ...Wait.
Did you say the Weisscorp building?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Rin Tohsaka: ...?
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, I was giving him a loan up there. You don t mind, right?
Henry Plinkett: If you got there, you will see the indent in the ground where my
attacker fell, and then stood up.
And walks off.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Who was it?
Clara Testarossa: ...How... how did you get up there?
Henry Plinkett: Some blue haired prick with a red knife.
The elevator.
Sounded irish.
Clara Testarossa: I... we locked the door!
Rin Tohsaka: ...A red knife...
Henry Plinkett: Wasn t locked for me.
Clara Testarossa: .........
Clara Testarossa looks over at Shun
Clara Testarossa: ...How did you get in?
Henry Plinkett: So if tomorrow, there is a good deal of blood on the roof, that
is why.
Shun Akiyama: The door s always been unlocked whenever I tried going up there.
Clara Testarossa: .....
Who was the man, again?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Musta been ghosts.
Kazuma Kuwabara NOM NOM
Henry Plinkett: Blue-haired irish prick, with a red knife.
Space (GM): duff roll mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20 -1
= 35
Yusuke Urameshi: KUWABARA!!
Yusuke Urameshi is screaming into his ear
Clara Testarossa: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!!!!!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara fucking chokes on a fry and falls to the floor
Clara Testarossa curses under her breath
Henry Plinkett: ...
Rin Tohsaka: ?!
Clara Testarossa: --?!
Rin Tohsaka: Kuwabara??
Henry Plinkett: Is that your fake heart attack?
Kazuma Kuwabara: HGCK-!!!
Henry Plinkett: That s terrible.
Yusuke Urameshi: Geez, I ve been yellin at you for ages... what re you doing ly

ing there for, get up!

Satsuki Yumizuka: He s choking! Somebody-Satsuki Yumizuka runs around the counter
Shun Akiyama hoists Kuwabara up
Shun Akiyama attempt operation - heimlich manouvre
Henry Plinkett: Does anyone know the Heimlich.
Kazuma Kuwabara spits up that fry
Shun Akiyama: You okay there?
Henry Plinkett: Remember, if he s making noise, you don t do it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: GUH....HUH.....HUH.....
Rin Tohsaka: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up towards Uramehi, turning white as snow
Satsuki Yumizuka exhales a sigh of relief
Yusuke Urameshi: What s that look for??
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...G-....G-....G-g-g-g-g-g--g
Henry Plinkett tries to scan the resteraunt for the missing piece to the Clara p
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20
= 27
Kazuma Kuwabara: GAAAAH!!!
Henry Plinkett isn t good at puzzles
Kazuma Kuwabara runs fleeing into the bathroom
The high score of the pinball machine is at 8 million points, with the initials
of ASS
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Eh?? Hey, get back here!
Henry Plinkett: ... Hey!
Yusuke Urameshi runs after him
*8 billion
Henry Plinkett: Who put ASS on the pinball machine?!
Everyone feels a spooky chill as Yusuke runs through them
Yusuke Urameshi: C mon, get back out here! We ve got a mystery to solve!
Clara Testarossa: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara is hiding in a cubicle
Yusuke Urameshi shoves a ghostly arm through the cubicle
Kazuma Kuwabara: OKAY.....Okay....Just-.....Just DEEP breaths.....It was just aAIIIIEEEE!
Rin Tohsaka: ...Brr.
Kazuma Kuwabara kicks at the arm
Henry Plinkett: Who got 8 billion points and put ASS on the machine?

Shun Akiyama quietly enjoys the burger

Shun Akiyama: ...Very nice. Satsuki, was it?
Yusuke Urameshi grabs him by the lapel
Yusuke Urameshi: C mon!!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Mm.
Henry Plinkett: I m sorry, that bugs me.
Henry Plinkett walks over to it
Shun Akiyama gets out his wallet
Shun Akiyama: How much for the whole ensemble?
Henry Plinkett intends to beat the pinball score
Rin Tohsaka: ...Do you think he s okay?
Henry Plinkett begins playing pinball
Clara Testarossa: ...I think so.
Yusuke Urameshi: Join the dead? What the hell are you going on about now, Kuwaba
roll finesse
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Eh!?
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20
= 23
Satsuki Yumizuka: Um... that ll be... 6500 yen.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You mean-.....You re not here ta drag me to the Underworld???
Yusuke Urameshi: Uh, no?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .............
.....Okay, Okay, I get it.....
Shun Akiyama pays, along with a 23% tip
Kazuma Kuwabara: This is a nightmare!
Lemie go, Urameshi, I gotta pinch myself!
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka gets up, going over to the bathroom
Well, Gein - you got a score of about 40000 before your first ball failed.
Rin Tohsaka knock knock
Rin Tohsaka: Kuwabara? You okay in there?
Kazuma Kuwabara: OCCUPIED!
Yusuke Urameshi sighs in irritation
Yusuke Urameshi pinches Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Rin Tohsaka knock knock knock
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow- Hey!!!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Thanks!

Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his cheek, scowling

Kazuma Kuwabara: What s the big idea, you-....
Satsuki Yumizuka goes to collect the money over at Rin and Clara s table
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait a minute.....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at hi
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait.....If you re here, and I m awake, then......
.....That means everything ELSE musta been a nightmare!!
Yusuke Urameshi: Kuwabara, what the hell are you going on about?
Space (GM): i m still proud
Kazuma Kuwabara belts out a laugh and wipes his forehead
Space (GM): of urameshi s ghostly effect
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ahh, geez! That was a hell of a dream!
You were murdered n everythin !
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Yusuke Urameshi is just looking at him
Clara Testarossa goes and approaches the pinballin Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got me sentimental and everythin , you shitty bastard!
Kazuma Kuwabara throws a dig at his arm
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
It goes through
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......................
Yusuke Urameshi whacks him on the head
Kazuma Kuwabara throws another dig
Yusuke Urameshi: Kuwabara, you dope!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...............................................................
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at his hand
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Urameshi
Kazuma Kuwabara tries climbing out of the cubicle
Yusuke Urameshi face-palms
Kazuma Kuwabara: I DIDN T KILL YOU MAN, I SWEAR!
Yusuke Urameshi: I know you didn t kill me!!!
Rin Tohsaka: ...Um... Kuwabara?
Rin Tohsaka knock knock knock knock
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Y-....You do?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks toward the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: I said occupied!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Yusuke
Rin Tohsaka: Kuwabara, I can hear you talking out here!! Open up!!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: What part o "occupied" do you not get!?

Yusuke Urameshi: Who s she?

Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, some lady we asked for help in findin who killed ya.
....Wait, the hell am I doin !?
You re a ghost!!!!*
Fawkes M. (GM): Yusuke: "i know who killed me"
Yusuke Urameshi: Oh my god Kuwabara would you listen to me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I can t believe it!!! Does this mean there s a real afterlife!?
Yusuke Urameshi: How the hell am I supposed to know? I m just a ghost!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I mean, I always suspected ghosts were real, cause I saw all t
hose television shows, but I never thought....
Fawkes M. (GM): Spooky scary Seer
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait.....If you re here with me, you can tell me about the guy
who killed ya!
Yusuke Urameshi: That s the whole idea! Now c mon, go outside so I can talk to y
ou without leaning through a bathroom door. It s giving me goosebumps.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, alright!....
Kazuma Kuwabara exits the cubicle and leans on the wall, exhaling
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Hoo!...That was the scariest moment o my life!
Rin Tohsaka knock knock knock knock
Kazuma Kuwabara: Still occupied!!
Space (GM): i think we should wait for seer
Satsuki Yumizuka walks up to Rin and the bathroom
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Is he alright?
Fawkes M. (GM): Yeah, we oughta
Rin Tohsaka: He s... I ll tell you later.
Space (GM): how do yall like this session
Mac D.: i diggit
Fawkes M. (GM): Finally, I have an excuse to use this song
Space (GM): i liked the story
with the draws
i was wondering when you would roll a success on the ghost detection duff
Fawkes M. (GM): The only thing that Clara cares about is
Mac D.: imagine if i never did
the whole sessions
the whole game
Clara Testarossa: who the FUCK broke into company property?
Space (GM): you roll it at the very end
Clara Testarossa: You roll it in Another Heaven
Space (GM): von belger sees ghost urameshi
Henry Plinkett turns to her
Henry Plinkett: Yes?
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey, cool.
You wanna know what the scariest moment of my life was?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Uhhh.....
Yusuke Urameshi: Getting killed.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, that was probably pretty-....Hey!
Quit changin the subject! I m tryin to avenge yer death here!
Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah, well, you re doing a pretty crappy job of it.
eldritch s.: nettric steps out from one of the cubicles
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well maybe if you TOLD me crap already!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
eldritch s.: slowly calpping

Satsuki Yumizuka looks back at the bathroom door

Space (GM): amazing
eldritch s.: satsuki was nettric
Yusuke Urameshi: Like what?
Yusuke Urameshi folds his arms
Clara Testarossa: ...The man that interrupted your deal - what was his name?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Like, idunno....What the guy LOOKED like!?
Henry Plinkett: Didn t say.
Yusuke Urameshi: He gouged out my eyes. That hurt.
Henry Plinkett: He was hired by the American Mob.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well I mean- before that!
Yusuke Urameshi: It was dark!
Clara Testarossa: ...That figures.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you tellin me you didn t even see his face!?
Henry Plinkett: He was out to kill me, specifically.
Yusuke Urameshi: I bet I could pick him out of a lineup.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh that s great! Lemmie go and grab all the ZERO suspects we go
Henry Plinkett: Wouldn t take thrity million yen as a bribe.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey, it s not my fault you suck at detective work!
Clara Testarossa: ...Mm. That s definitely Coghlain.
Henry Plinkett: Who?
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and grumbles
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s just great.....You re as useless dead as you were alive!
eldritch s.: oh shit did i say that out loud
as in
Clara Testarossa: If he s the man that you re talking about, then I used to know
eldritch s.: clara said that
fuck the lack of quotes destroyed the joke
Space (GM): hehe
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey!
Henry Plinkett: Tell me about him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t you have ANYTHING you can tell me? Did he SAY anythin ?
Yusuke Urameshi: No, it came outta nowhere!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, that s just dandy!
NOW what!?
Yusuke Urameshi: I dunno!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man, I don t even feel like avengin yer death anymore, this wh
ole ghost thing has just been a huge letdown!
Clara Testarossa: He s a traveler, who was born in Ireland. He s what they call
a "troubleshooter".
Henry Plinkett: In that he finds trouble and shoots it?
Clara Testarossa: Exactly.
Henry Plinkett: Yeah, he nearly cut me and my friend up a few hours ago.
Yusuke Urameshi: A letdown? Five minutes ago, you were screaming your head off
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well....Ya caught me off guard, shaddup!
Clara Testarossa: Then whoever s paying him is paying thirty-million-and-one yen
Henry Plinkett: So how does a traveler from Ireland survive a fall from the roof
of a building?
Yusuke Urameshi: What were you expecting?
Clara Testarossa: He s a magus - very good at runes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Idunno.....At first I thought you were some kinda vengeful phan
Then I thought you were gonna be like a helpful spirit guide!
Henry Plinkett: Is there any way I can stop him from killing me?



But no, you re the same dumbass chump, just dead!

I d be plenty helpful if I wasn t saddled with you, ya schmuck!
You wanna go!?
C mon, right here, right now

Kuwabara: Hyaaaa!!

Kazuma Kuwabara throws a PUNCH

goes right through
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
...Aw, come on! That s cheating!
Yusuke Urameshi: Too bad!
Yusuke Urameshi whack
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...OW! That s double cheating!?
Yusuke Urameshi: You started it!
Kazuma Kuwabara: How come I can t hit you, but you get to hit me!?
Clara Testarossa: I don t know if Weisscorp will be willing to pay more than his
Yusuke Urameshi: Don t ask me! I didn t make the rules!
Clara Testarossa: Again, mind you.
Rin Tohsaka knock knock knock knock
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, whatever! Why don tcha piss off back to heaven or whereve
r ya came from so I can live my life!
Yusuke Urameshi: I thought you were trying to avenge me!
Henry Plinkett: Anyway that would actually work, then?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well I don t FEEL like avengin ya anymore!
So go on! Ascend up into the great beyond!
Yusuke Urameshi: Too bad! You don t get to back out from avenging someone s deat
h just because you don t FEEL like it!
Kazuma Kuwabara: What-....You can t FORCE me to do it!
Clara Testarossa: Well, when we first met, he was trying to sabotage Weisscorp s
London cell. We had to pay him off to make him stop - and he not only obliged,
but made our other assailants stop as well.
Yusuke Urameshi: I ll haunt you if you don t!
Henry Plinkett: How much would he charge his employers, typically?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why don t you go solve your OWN murder, chump!?
Only reason I was doin it was cause I thought your dumb ass was un-ghostified!
Yusuke Urameshi: I can t, you re the only one I can talk to!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ahhhh, so what!? You can walk through walls, do some snooping!
Clara Testarossa: Usually at least three million American dollars. If he s feeli
ng generous.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You ll find out eventually, right! You got all the time in the
Henry Plinkett: ...
Well, I m not going to be able to outpay that/
The most I could pay him now... one million.
And that would bankrupt me.
If the Mob sees a point in sinking that much money, I doubt I ll be able to diss
uade them.
Yusuke Urameshi: What the hell am I supposed to do ifI can t tell anyone?
Clara Testarossa: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Idunno.....Feel good about yourself?
Yusuke Urameshi whack
Clara Testarossa puts a hand to her chin in thought
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow!
Well you can hit ME just fine! What s stoppin you from hitting him!

Yusuke Urameshi: You re the only one I can do anything to!

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait, huh?
Yusuke Urameshi goes outside the bathroom
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Hey, where re you?
-Walks over and opens the bathroom door
Rin Tohsaka: Ah... there you are.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Kuwabara?
Yusuke Urameshi is waving her hand right through Rin
Henry Plinkett: ...
Yusuke Urameshi staring dead on at Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What the-!?
Yusuke Urameshi: *his hand
Clara Testarossa: ...I think I have an idea.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, nuts! How come you can only hit ME!?
Henry Plinkett: What is it?
Yusuke Urameshi: Hell if I know!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, that s just great!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Kuwabara?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shh! I m talkin to Urameshi!
Satsuki Yumizuka looks over at Rin
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Rin Tohsaka looks back
Rin Tohsaka: ....
Clara Testarossa: Just... just trust me with this.
Yusuke Urameshi: They can t see me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, crap!
Henry Plinkett: Trsut you with that?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Kuwabara, look. I m still really bummed that Urameshi was k
illed, but...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now I got ghostly dead weight!
Shhh! Gimmie a sec, Yumizuka!
Rin Tohsaka: ...He, um... Satsuki, you might... hold on a moment.
Clara Testarossa: We were once friends. I think I can... talk something out with
Yusuke Urameshi: Geez...
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
So.....You can t touch or be seen by anybody but me, yeah?
Yusuke Urameshi: Um, yeah?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....That gives me an idea!
I ll use ya as a tool in solvin the mystery o your murder!
Henry Plinkett: Really?
I hope so.
Clara Testarossa nods
Clara Testarossa: At the very least... I can try.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Thus provin once and for all that Kazuma Kuwabara the best the
re is!!
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
I appreciate it.

Yusuke Urameshi: ....

Yusuke Urameshi facepalms
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright- Listen.....You can do recon, Urameshi!
You can go anywhere totally unseen by anybody!
Clara Testarossa nods again
You still got two more balls in the
Kazuma Kuwabara: So I need ya to go
And a score of 40,000
Henry Plinkett: Ask Rin to give you
Kazuma Kuwabara: And then come find
I call this operation.........Ghost
Clara Testarossa: Alright.
Henry Plinkett: I have to clean the

pinball machine, Gein

out there and start gatherin intel!
my number so you can call me about the resul
me, and tell me whatever you found out!
profanity from this family establishment...

Henry Plinkett goes at it again

Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20
= 38
Clara Testarossa glances back at Rin - seeing that she s talking, she decides to
just watch Gein
Good, good - rackin up the points, breaking 500,000 right now...
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20
= 38
Score s rocketing higher - roll spirit for the all-or-nothing extra ball maneuve
Rin Tohsaka: ...Um, Kuwabara.
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20 + -1
= 34
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hang on- I m plannin !
Henry Plinkett: wizard
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright. You got it, Urameshi?
The cutesy sparkle sound effects from the magical girl-themed pinball machine pl
ay as Gein s points skyrocket!
Henry Plinkett grunts
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20

= 33
Keep up that finesse
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20
= 10
Ball 2 gets flushed down eventually - but you had a very good show of 1,356,432,
596 points.
Clara Testarossa: ...Not bad.
Henry Plinkett: I need to beat ASS...
One more ball, seven billion points to go between you and ASS...
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20
= 39
Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah, of course I got it. Where the hell am I supposed to be lo
oking, anyways?
You get the all-or-nothing extra ball ramp a lot earlier than before - roll spir
Henry Plinkett: rolling 3d20 + -1
= 22
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh....
Henry Plinkett: Shit!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Try big business buildings!
Well, good news - you got third place on the leaderboard.
Input your three initials.
Henry Plinkett enters HRP
On the leaderboard:
1st: ASS
2nd: CNT
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Yeah, alright.
3rd: HRP
Yusuke Urameshi starts walking
Henry Plinkett: These people are disgusting.

Yusuke Urameshi stops, like walking into an invisible wall

Yusuke Urameshi: Ow!
Henry Plinkett: Kids eat here.
Clara Testarossa: Would kids understand it any more than they would graffiti?
Henry Plinkett: Yes, because it s plain text.
Good thing this doesn t allow for four letters.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
eldritch s.: is CNT Clara N. Tessanova
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....What re you doin , Urameshi? Get goin !
Clara Testarossa: If management isn t doing anything about it, then it shouldn t
be too big a deal.
Fawkes M. (GM): No, it just lost its U
eldritch s.: I suppose.
Henry Plinkett: whatever
eldritch s.: i like my version better
Yusuke Urameshi: I can t!
Clara Testarossa: Who knows
Maybe it s me
Kazuma Kuwabara: What do ya mean you
can t??
What is it, a ghostproof wall?
Henry Plinkett shrugs
Clara Testarossa: You did pretty well, either way.
Henry Plinkett: Yeah. I guess I did.
Clara Testarossa: Did you use to play this a lot?
Henry Plinkett: Back in the US, yeah.
I used to kick the shit out of Jason in pinball all the time... good times...
Clara Testarossa: Jason? Was he a friend of yours?
Henry Plinkett: Jason? God no, I hated Jason.
Yusuke Urameshi: I dunno, come over here!
Henry Plinkett: And I still hate Jason.
Especially now that he tried to kill me.
Clara Testarossa: ...Do you think that he was the one who hired Coghlain?
Kazuma Kuwabara walks past Rin and Satsuki over to where Yusuke is standing
Henry Plinkett: Nah, I knew things the Mob REALLY did not want gtting out.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, what izzit?
Henry Plinkett: He s here to kill me too.
A goon.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ......
Satsuki Yumizuka tries to see if she and Rin are in a respectable whisperable di
Clara Testarossa: Another one?
Henry Plinkett: Yeah.
Clara Testarossa: I would have thought that a magus-for-hire would have been eno
Henry Plinkett: Well Jason tried killing me at the school and I kicked the shit
out of him.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...?
Yusuke Urameshi takes a step forward
Henry Plinkett: Granted, I think he;s magic too.
Glowing yellow eyes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
....Well? What was the big deal?
Henry Plinkett: And running after having his kneecaps shot with a shotgun.

Clara Testarossa: ...Yellow, hm?

Kazuma Kuwabara: Quit screwin around and get goin , or we re never gonna solve
Clara Testarossa: Where was this attack?
Henry Plinkett: At the high school
Walked into the hallway with a shotgun.
I took it from him.
Shot him in the legs, and he ran off.
Clara Testarossa: During the daytime?
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Hold on, Kuwabara!
Yusuke Urameshi runs out, and smaks right into an invisible wall
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....NOW what??
Kazuma Kuwabara walks towards the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: What is that, some kinda mime act?
Yusuke Urameshi: Ah, hell...
Kuwabara, look at this. I can only go this far away from you.
Clara Testarossa: So, he couldn t have been a vampire...
Henry Plinkett: I doubt it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What? For real?
Kazuma Kuwabara takes a biiiiig step back
Yusuke Urameshi is yanked towards him
Clara Testarossa: For now, I ll just try to talk down Coghlain. Best-case scenar
io, we only have one troubleshooter on each side.
Yusuke Urameshi: Ow, hey!
Henry Plinkett: That sounds much better.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Heh!
.....Wait....If you can t go that far away from me....Does this mean Operation G
host Recon is a no-go???
Clara Testarossa nods
Yusuke Urameshi: Not unless you re coming with!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Aw, come on!
You re the worst ghost EVER!
Clara Testarossa: ...Coghlain s a friend. And if I m going to take a side on thi
s, I don t want to be on the opposite side of at least one friend.
Henry Plinkett: Meh.
If he keeps coming after me I m fucked either.
*either way
Clara Testarossa: If I know him well enough, then I should be able to at least e
rr him a bit.
Henry Plinkett: It s be appreciated.
Clara Testarossa: ...How recent was this?
Henry Plinkett: Tonight.
A few hours ago.
And Jason did it a day ago.
Yusuke Urameshi: Shut up, Kuwabara!
Clara Testarossa: Only this recently?
Kazuma Kuwabara: You shut up!
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Kuwabara.
Clara Testarossa: ...The mob is after you only for secrets, right?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Names, faces, that sort of thing.

Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Rin

Clara Testarossa: Mm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What???
Clara Testarossa: Sorry if I m asking a lot of questions, but - did Coghlain att
ack you only after you disguised yourself?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Rin Tohsaka: You re upsetting Satsuki.
Clara Testarossa: Then here s to hoping that his intuition is better than the mo
b s.
Satsuki Yumizuka: .......
Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Satsuki
eldritch s.: the steam has run out
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Kuwabara, I...
Satsuki Yumizuka is having a hard time articulating things
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......S-....Sorry, Yumizuka, I was just....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Yusuke again
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi! Come tug on my face!
Satsuki Yumizuka: .........
Yusuke Urameshi the major tug
Kazuma Kuwabara is his stretchy face visible to others
it IS
Kazuma Kuwabara points at THE FACE
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Schee? Loog!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Is... is that...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Leggo, Urameschi!
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
Satsuki Yumizuka slowly walks towards them
Yusuke Urameshi lets go
Yusuke Urameshi looks back at Satsuki
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara s face snaps back and his rubs his cheek tenderly
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...See? He s here!
Satsuki Yumizuka: R... really?
Satsuki Yumizuka tries moving her hand through the area that Yusuke was
Kazuma Kuwabara nods
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m the only person he can touch, tho.....Fer...some reason.
She feels a chill, and that s it.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...You re... sure it s really him, and not just some...
Satsuki Yumizuka shudders a bit
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...magic bug?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What? Naw, Yumizuka! He ain t magic, he s just a ghost!
Urameshi, you got anythin you wanna say to her?
Yusuke Urameshi: ...

...Satsuki... sorry for worrying you.

Kazuma Kuwabara looks at her
Kazuma Kuwabara: He says he s sorry for worryin you.
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka smiles a bit, suppressing emotion
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I m not the only one he should apologize to, right?
Space (GM): isn t it sad sacchin
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Ah, man, do I gotta walk all over town with this guy?
Yusuke Urameshi whack
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow- Hey!!
Satsuki Yumizuka: Heh... well, maybe! If... if that s what it takes...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....?
Space (GM):
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yumizuka?
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka: It s...
Satsuki Yumizuka wipes her eyes with her sleeve
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...It s really him, right? I just... really want to make sure.
Yusuke Urameshi: It s me, Satsuki. It really is.
Fawkes M. (GM): Refresh your pages
Kazuma Kuwabara: He says it really is.
Space (GM): dear god
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
I... I need to go... check on that duck burger.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Hey.
Satsuki Yumizuka turns around, but stops
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Satsuki...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Urameshi.
Yusuke Urameshi takes a step forward
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....How bout you tell me somethin she knows only you d say?
Yusuke Urameshi: I...
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, ya punk.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...You remember when I came here for lunch, back in July? I got
the Red-Hot Burger... y know, the one on the menu with the warning sign next to
it. You told me it was a bad idea, but I said I could handle it. So I tried it
anyways, and... heh, you couldn t bring me the water fast enough...
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeesh, that s a mouthful....
Kazuma Kuwabara relays the story back to her
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
.....Heh, that s... that s something that you told me never to tell anyone...
Satsuki Yumizuka gives a grin
Satsuki Yumizuka: Especially not Kuwabara...
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t ever lettin you live that down by the way, Urameshi.
Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah, well, I m just gonna have to live with it.

Or... you know what I mean.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, yeah, I getcha....
Satsuki Yumizuka: It really is you, then...
Satsuki Yumizuka tries to reach for the ghost s general area again
Yusuke Urameshi steps closer
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Mm.
Satsuki Yumizuka wipes her eyes again
eldritch s.: roa crashes this sensitive moment
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Satsuki Yumizuka: IT WAS ME
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara sniffles a little and wipes his own eyes
eldritch s.: roa kills ghost urameshi
Mr. Mayor: not on my watch boy
Souichirou Kuzuki: NOT ON MY WATCH
Satsuki Yumizuka: So... I guess you re...
Satsuki Yumizuka turns to Kuwabara
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...I guess he s back?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....I guess so.....In a way....Ahhh, dammit!....
Kazuma Kuwabara EYE WIPING
eldritch s.: what stake does the mayor have in this
Satsuki Yumizuka had managed to pull some napkins from the nearby booth
Mr. Mayor: i am the fucking mayor of this city
you think i m going to stand by and let crime happen in MY CITY
Souichirou Kuzuki: THESE GUYS ARE ON MY TURF
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Hey. Cheer up, will ya? Look, you re crying in front of Sats
Yusuke Urameshi smiles
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t cryin


Kazuma Kuwabara SNIFFLE

Kazuma Kuwabara: Must be....friggin allergic to ghosts!...
Satsuki Yumizuka: Well, if you need em...
Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah, must be.
Satsuki Yumizuka walks up, giving half the napkins to Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buuuhuhuhuhuhuh!....
Kazuma Kuwabara takes them and blows his nose
Satsuki Yumizuka takes to dabbing her eyes with the rest
Mac D.: what s rin been doing this whole time
Fawkes M. (GM): Dunking her head into that cooler behind her, probably
Rin Tohsaka: i ve been letting them have their moment of course
Mac D.: well rin seems like a good time to CUT IN
eldritch s.: before roa does
Fawkes M. (GM): We need more coal
To make steam
Rin Tohsaka: ...

Rin Tohsaka approaches

Rin Tohsaka: If it really is his ghost, then - I think we ve got our best lead y
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Huh?
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Rin
Clara Testarossa takes a seat back at one of the bar s seats
Rin Tohsaka: Well - I d figure that he knows who killed him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh...
He doesn t know jack, actually.
Rin Tohsaka: ...He... he doesn t.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nope.
I told him he s useless!
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Not... not even their face?
Kazuma Kuwabara: He said it was dark
eldritch s.: "oh i remember his face"
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Then he cut out his eyes anyway, so....
eldritch s.: "i just don t remember him in general"
Rin Tohsaka: If he didn t see him, did he hear him?
... Was it a him?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nope, killer didn t say anything, either!
He s just as clueless as the rest of us....And he s the guy who died!
Rin Tohsaka: ...Geez...
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Yusuke Urameshi sticks his ghost-hands in his ghost-pockets
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
...Did... did the killer have all their limbs?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Satsuki
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh? What do you mean?
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Like, if it was dark, and all he could see before... all he
could see was a silhouette...
Rin Tohsaka: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara: D you know anybody missin limbs?
Satsuki Yumizuka: What if the silhouette itself was different?
Yusuke Urameshi: Er-- yeah. Two arms, two legs...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi says he had both arms and legs, so....
Satsuki Yumizuka: ...Mm.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...He was a little bit shorter than me.
...Or her. I don t really know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....He says the killer was shorter than he was!
Rin Tohsaka: How tall is he?
Kazuma Kuwabara: About......this tall?
Kazuma Kuwabara puts a hand right at the top of Yusuke s ghost head
Rin Tohsaka: Hm...
Rin Tohsaka puts a hand to her chin
Satsuki Yumizuka: .....
Space (GM): is yusuke relatively short
or is it just that kuwabara s relatively tall
Mac D.: yusuke s 5 8
kuwabara s 6 3
akiyama s just been eating this whole time
Clara Testarossa: I m drinking his milkshake

Shun Akiyama: damn good burger

Clara Testarossa: I DRINK IT UP
Space (GM): is this a good stopping point
seer s vanished
Satsuki Yumizuka: I d say so
Clara Testarossa: So do I
Fawkes M. (GM): And I
Mac D.: ye
Space (GM): do we a rabbit
Fawkes M. (GM): I m gonna head to phone soon
Mac D.: i m gonna be headin to sleep
Space (GM): aw... ok
Mac D.: nite nite
Space (GM): cya
i know it sounds cheesy but i always like to picture a cool credits sequence
whenever a session ends
Fawkes M. (GM): Credits are cool
Openings are cooler, though
Space (GM): yeah that s true
Fawkes M. (GM): We should use this at some point
Space (GM): it could be the 2nd opening later on
no it s not opening
it starts like a good opening and moves to fight music
Fawkes M. (GM): Exactly
This song gave me a City Rising idea for whatever reason
Space (GM): o?
Fawkes M. (GM): Shirou didn t blow up the Azoth Sword against Sakura
He instead gave it to Christina after his breakup with Rin
She keeps it
And in the end of Toshi s route she gives it to him
Space (GM): good
i like
Fawkes M. (GM): Now
I migrate to phone
Space (GM): ye
Fawkes M. (GM): See you on Skype?
Space (GM): yee
Mobile L.: Beeeeeep
it urameshi?????
Space (GM): it IS
first i must ask
were you there when gein fought the assassin on the roof
Mobile L.: I don t think so? I mean, I recall when he fought him inside the buil
ding and saved the yakuza guy.
Space (GM): oh that there is what i meant
yea i remember now
Mobile L.: Ah. Then yas.
Space (GM): okay lsessee
so gein and landlord and akiyama were resting at the kuwabaa house
when kuwabara bursts in the door
and tells them what his investigation has uncoverred
Mobile L.: Like the Kool-Aid man, I imagine
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: Ooooh, graphics!
and sound...?
oh my godddddd

Space (GM): duff is great

Mobile L.: He is literally Kuwabara
Bara buster
Fuckin Jesus, that s amazing
That s so fuckin amazing
i love duff
Space (GM): that s the true story of what went down that day
Mobile L.: Totes
Space (GM): alright so after that
they proved magic was real to kuwabara
by going onto the tv infomercial channel, where they were selling magic products
selling new WeissCorp gadgets was one Clara Testarossa
Mobile L.: Muthafuckin miracles
Space (GM): but the show was being broadcast live from germany
after that akiyama was hungry so they went to lumpy s
rin and clara were the only ones there because it was 2 am
gein confronted clara about weirdly being in two places at once, and never got a
conclusive answer
Mobile L.: Oooooh...?
Space (GM): he then went to play the pinball to knock off the top score of A.S.S
., as it s lewd
Mobile L.: Aww, damn
Space (GM): then he talked with clara about the assassin dude
clara wanted to know why they were at the top of the weisscorp building
Shun Akiyama: it was already unlocked
Mobile L.: Faaaaaascinating...
Space (GM): so then they got to talking about the assassn dude some more, and cl
ara actually knew him personally
his name is coghlain, and he s irish + skilled at rune magic
he is a troubleshooter for hire
meaning he finds trouble and shoots it
Mobile L.: Eheh
Space (GM): buying him out is not an option as his prices are way too high, but
clara has a plan for that
and THEN
finally saw the ghost dude screaming into his ear
after some complications they got everything sorted out
Mobile L.: Yayyyyy, Urameshi lives (sorta)
Space (GM): yusuke doesn t know who killed him, as it was dark and he got his ey
es gouged out
but what he DOES know, he knows that the killer was shorter than him
then him, satsuki, and kuwabara had a very touching and heartfelt sad moment tog
Mobile L.: Awwww
Fug, that might be worth waiting for the archives to load
Space (GM): i ll put on the music
Mobile L.: A ight. It ll prolly take five-ish minutes before it unfreezes
Space (GM): good
Mobile L.: See you on the other side...
Space (GM): fare well...
Mobile L.: Awwwwww
That was adorbs
Space (GM): wasnt it
Mobile L.: Eehee
Space (GM): next sesh will be i think asumu an tsubasa
so they dont falll 2 behind
Mobile L.: Koolio
When d you think we can do it?

Space (GM): do ya got the map

if so, today
Mobile L.: I have the house and most of the greenhouse, just need to add the fur
niture and shit
Space (GM): good, good
Mobile L.: I think I can get it done pretty friggin soon
Space (GM): if it s not too much could you make it smoke-y
i could just describe it as such
Mobile L.: I could def make it smokey
I still have that fog, after all
Space (GM): oooo
Mobile L.: Should I make a Snoop Dogg sprite to go with? :B
Space (GM): 420 blaze it
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): a shame there are no gifs allowed on roll20
Mobile L.: Truly a shame
MrEForEccentric: Yayo
I must ask Mobile which is supposed to be Tsubasa s old room in her mind
eldritch s.: don t mind me
MrEForEccentric: Oh hi
eldritch s.: i see a disco inferno
Space (GM): burning down the house
MrEForEccentric: Why would they torch her house
eldritch s.: for warmth
Space (GM): that s all just weedsmoke
MrEForEccentric: It isn t weed tho....
Space (GM): kush
eldritch s.: iti s a kind of herv
you ignite
MrEForEccentric: Yes it is
eldritch s.: and them sends you into a trance state
MrEForEccentric: Only Oracles
eldritch s.: remarkably similar to weed
Space (GM): i found us
MrEForEccentric: Which one am I
eldritch s.: i am the closest thing besides jam approaching a minority so i am t
he black man, also he s the only male who is not wearing some abominable ponytal
Space (GM): that s olive
eldritch s.: oh and fawkes, i suppose
not enough people
MrEForEccentric: Not enough people indeed
Space (GM): jam s gotta get dinner and he ll be here
Fawkes M. (GM): Mind, I am of the multitask
Mobile L.: Hi, I mma have to go for an errand soon
But it ll be quick, or so I hope
MrEForEccentric: Aight cool
Space (GM): jam s not here yet you could probs go now
MrEForEccentric: Mobile I must ask which room is in your mind Tsubasa s old room
Mobile L.: Ah. I gotta wait for it, is the thing
I was thinking it d have been the green one with the blue bed
The red one, I though, was for her parents
Space (GM): ooh, hok
MrEForEccentric: I see

Yes I thought it might have been that way.

Mobile L.: Sorry for milking the "mansion with four visible rooms" template so h
It s just tough to draw up a good floorplan
MrEForEccentric: It is understandable Mobile
I too understand the difficulties of floorplanning
Is the front door to the north
Mobile L.: Yep
The greenhouse is in the back, kinda-sorta adjacent to the house
MrEForEccentric: Yee
The smoke is weed isn t it
Mobile L.: Yep
Shoulda tinted it green :P
Uhp, aaaaand I m gone. Back soon, homos
MrEForEccentric: Fair well
Space (GM): must dinner brb
Azureberry J.: Wheeee
Space (GM): hallope
MrEForEccentric: Hoorah
Azureberry J.: Hi hi. Y all ready?
Fawkes M. (GM): I yam
MrEForEccentric: Give me a moment, I ll be right back
Space (GM):
remember this
MrEForEccentric: back
Space (GM): because across town, at that exact same moment...
Asumu and Tsubasa were going to Tsubasa s mother s house.
Tsubasa Juufuku indeed, Tsubasa knew the way pretty well
Asumu Mizono was following along.
Mobile L.: Regreso y finalmente, estoy aqu
Space (GM): just in time
Along the way, the two of them spot something
Azureberry J.: Much thank mobile.
Mobile L.: De nada
A bloodied, limping man making his way down the street
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...?
Asumu Mizono looks over at the man.
Coghlain he stops
Coghlain and collapses right as he passes Tsubasa s mom s house
Tsubasa Juufuku blinks
Tsubasa Juufuku: Should we...?
Asumu Mizono Asumu is already running over to the man.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- wait!
Tsubasa Juufuku runs after her
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa! Call an ambulance!
Tsubasa Juufuku she gets out her phone
Coghlain: Hhh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Take him inside for now!
Tsubasa Juufuku points to her mom s house

Tsubasa Juufuku: That is the place!

Coghlain: N... no cops.
Coghlain grabs at a bit of fencing to try and pull himself up
Coghlain: Ggghhhh...
Asumu Mizono: What? Hey you re really hurt you shouldn t move!
Coghlain: I ll make it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... We ll talk about this inside.
Asumu Mizono: ....
Tsubasa Juufuku she gets out her keys to open up her mom s place
Asumu Mizono Asumu tries to drag the man inside.
Coghlain: I can walk, I can walk...
Coghlain limps inside
A thick, foggy haze lingers in the air, smelling faintly of incense.
Coghlain limps over to the couch
Coghlain and crashes on it
Tsubasa Juufuku sniffs it a little
Tsubasa Juufuku she hopes this isn t the familiar smell she knows
Mobile L.:
It s exactly that smell
Tsubasa Juufuku she immediately covers her mouth and nose
Asumu Mizono: Hey Tsubasa where s the first aid kit?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kitchen- I have to check the greenhouse!
Tsubasa Juufuku said through muffled hand
Tsubasa Juufuku she runs to the greenhouse
Asumu Mizono goes to the kitchen, and starts looking in cabinets.
There s plenty of plants out there...
roll mind Asumu
Tsubasa Juufuku she looks around, trying to see if she can spot a fire
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 9
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 13
There s no fire to be found there

Asumu finds old bay seasoning

Asumu Mizono: Ugh...
Asumu Mizono goes back to Coglihain.
Tsubasa Juufuku seems confused and enters back in the kitchen
Tsubasa Juufuku she goes to Asumu
Tsubasa Juufuku: Try to keep him stable- I have to find out why the herb is in t
he air here.
I don t want to trance accidentally.
Coghlain has passed out again
Tsubasa Juufuku looks inside her old room first
It is, indeed, her old room
Asumu Mizono nods to Tsubasa and checks Cog s wounds.
well no it s exactly the same
Tsubasa Juufuku thinks "Nothing s different in here which means... it must be my
mom s room."
Tsubasa Juufuku which is exactly where she goes to check next
alright roll mind asumu
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 9
Azureberry J.:
MrEForEccentric: I know the feeling
Those goddamn tens
Well his feet are looking kinda fucked up
Tsubasa Juufuku open the door, walk in
eldritch s.: snoop dog is in there
"I m an oracle too, Tsubasa!"
MrEForEccentric: "Why the fuck aren t you predicting the future right now"
eldritch s.: "Snoop dog always is predicting the future."
This room is where the haze is concentrated.
Mobile L.: "i see... blazin it in your future"
Asumu Mizono: ....There is no way its just his feet. I ll just ask.
Asumu Mizono tries to gently wake him.
eldritch s.: roll for how gentle you are
she starts punching him in the face
Tsubasa Juufuku she tries to see through the haze to gather where the source is
There are some slow-burners currently blazing it, and they ve been going for...
a really long time it seems

Coghlain: Ngn...
Mobile L.: (finds her mom s skeleton blazin it)
Coghlain cracks open one eye
Mobile L.: "ayy lmao"
eldritch s.: the skeleton has a joint
Tsubasa Juufuku she goes over and extinguishes them
eldritch s.: one that has been recently lit oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Asumu Mizono: Hey. Can you ell me where you got hurt?
eldritch s.: spoooooooky ghoooooooost jooooooooint
roll mind Tsubasa
Mobile L.:
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 3
Coghlain: Ah... everywhere.
MrEForEccentric: Can it be increased since this is her house
Or at least her old house
She d have some familiarity with it
eldritch s.: they remodelled
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): how would it being her house make her better at holding her breath
MrEForEccentric: o
I thought you meant in regards to finding it to extinguish
Ms. Juufuku is sitting on her bed
Ms. Juufuku: Hello again, sweetie.
Asumu Mizono takes off his top
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!?!??
Tsubasa Juufuku momentarily forgets the haze
Coghlain 1. abs
Coghlain 2. he has a shoulder tattoo of a wolf and the words


Coghlain 3. he s
Space (GM): i forget seer how did gein fuqq him up
Ms. Juufuku: Oh... oh, I m sorry. But I m not real, dear.
eldritch s.: he threw him from the top of a giant building
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I figured, mom. I m not that dumb... this is the haze, righ
eldritch s.: i think that s the only hit he landed
Space (GM): hahahahahhahahahah
Mobile L.: Poor Gein
He s got a lot of bruising, and a lot of what looks to be blunt force trauma
Ms. Juufuku: Figured that one too, did you?
Come here. Sit next to me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Okay...

Asumu Mizono don t staaaare

Tsubasa Juufuku sits down next to her
Asumu Mizono: I-I ll be right back.
eldritch s.: "Come, dear. Blaze it as they say, with your mother."
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... This is an oracle s haze. But why isn t it like the others?
Asumu Mizono goes to get Ice from the kitchen.
Ms. Juufuku: Why are you asking me?
Coghlain lies back
Asumu Mizono: (which doesn t exist....) Sorry Mobile you you still did great.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know. Aren t oracles- I don t know- supposed to be able
to know these things from their visions?
Coghlain: kitchn rite here
Ms. Juufuku: I m a hallucination, Tsubasa.
Azureberry J.: The compoper threw me off.
Tsubasa Juufuku: But this- still- okay. Do you have anything for me...?
Mobile L.: (pretend 4 me that the fridge is against the far wall) ;)
This is my excuse whenever I can t fit all the furniture in
Ms. Juufuku: Is it a prophesy you want?
Azureberry J.: Kaaaay.
eldritch s.: why is the computer in the kitchen
ms juufuku was a freak
she had it coming
Mobile L.: I couldn t fit it on any of the other hard surfaces :P
I ve seen it happen before, like at my grandparents old house (except it was mo
re in the dining room)
Tsubasa Juufuku: It d make sense? Considering this is the herb that we use to se
e the future? Or- I don t know. Information- that s what I want. Do- you as a ha
llucination know what my mother knows, or what I think my mother knows?
eldritch s.: old
Mobile L.: I shit you not, they forget how to use a computer every three months
Poor Mom and Dad have to re-teach them
Ms. Juufuku: That s all just perspective, dear.
Asumu Mizono: .me sopce does she get the ice?
aye you do not ned to roll 4 ice
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Do the vague visions ever stop or is this just a recurring
Ms. Juufuku: They re always going to be vague. It s your job to interpret them.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Asumu Mizono grabs towels and starts making some makeshit ice-packs.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, that s what you always said...
eldritch s.: makeshit
Tsubasa Juufuku: So- do you know where I d find mom s list of clients? Or- maybe
you know who killed- you? What they looked like?
Asumu Mizono the shittiest.
Asumu Mizono goes back and puts them on Cog s bruises.
Ms. Juufuku: Tsubasa... who killed me isn t important. There s more to it than j
Coghlain winces slightly
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wait- wait- what do you mean? Is this like that dream?
There s something bigger, right...?

Coghlain: Gah, that smarts....

Asumu Mizono: You d rather swell up?
Ms. Juufuku: There s always something bigger.
Coghlain: No, I m just a complaining type of guy, heh...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well... finding out who killed you is still important to me...
but- you know there s something bigger. Or you re reminding me of that... can yo
u tell me whether my dreams are becoming prophetic...?
Asumu Mizono sighs.
Asumu Mizono: name s Asumu Mizono.
Coghlain: Coghlain. Pleased to meetcha..
Ms. Juufuku frowns slightly
Ms. Juufuku: Are they?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... You don t know either...
Asumu Mizono: What happened to you?
Coghlain: Fell off a skyscraper. How bout you?
Asumu Mizono: Wh--ah...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... So- would you know where my mom s records are?
Coghlain: Heh!
Ms. Juufuku: Of course I would, Tsubasa.
Asumu Mizono: Its not funny.
Ms. Juufuku looks kind of hurt
Coghlain: What? Never seen an extreme base-jumper before?
Asumu Mizono: No.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sorry- its just- I don t know what you d even know at this poi
I m still confused by this vision, mom...
Or hallucination.
Coghlain: Well, now you have.
Coghlain grins
Asumu Mizono closes her eyes.
Asumu Mizono: Do you have someone that usually takes care of you?
Ms. Juufuku: You need to learn to stop questioning it, Tsubasa. It won t do you
any good.
Coghlain: Oh, yeah.
His name s Coghlain.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Asumu Mizono gives him a look.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Fine. Can you- point me to them then?
Asumu Mizono: I meant as in a doctor since apparently cops are out of the questi
eldritch s.: roa
Coghlain: Yeah, that s what I mean too. I ll walk it off.
Mobile L.: He gonna stab them with a dilda
Ms. Juufuku: They re in the desk drawer, dear.
Asumu Mizono: You ll walk off--nevermind.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right. Did- you have a book on Oracles...?
Ms. Juufuku: No. Why would I?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just because without you here... I still need to learn somehow.
Ms. Juufuku: I learned everything I needed to know from my mother.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I thought our family would at least have some sort of written r
Mobile L.: go way, Kotomine

Ms. Juufuku: You may not know everything I had, but it s going to have to be eno
ugh. You re resourceful.
Coghlain smiles, closing his eyes
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Coghlain: So, is there a reason this pad s covered in smoke?
Tsubasa Juufuku: But what about that family legacy you always said about? Likehow am I going to learn the rest without you here?
Ms. Juufuku: I don t think you will.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Well... do you have anything else for me?
Like- anything pressing?
Ms. Juufuku: ...Well, there is one way, I suppose.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Do I have to book a flight to Greece? I heard shit s going
down in Greece. And I don t think a girl as young as me shouldn t be sightseeing
in the middle of an economic shitstorm.
Ms. Juufuku: No, no, no...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh, thank god.
What is the way...?
Ms. Juufuku smiles
Ms. Juufuku: Did you think you were the only oracle in Fuyuki?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I had my suspicions... Also there was you.
Emphasis on was.
Ms. Juufuku: Who are you suspicious of, dear?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I don t have a suspect yet. I just- had a feeling that ther
e might have been one... I mean- unless it was one of your clients... someone ha
d to know you were an oracle. So they could take you out of the picture. Because
you- the real you- would know about something going down...
And could- stop it somehow.
Ms. Juufuku laughs
Ms. Juufuku: You ve been watching too many movies.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- it s a valid suspicion!
Mobile L.: where Coghlain go
Coghlain: where ASUMU go
eldritch s.: same place mizono went
Ms. Juufuku: You always did have your head in the clouds.
Mobile L.: Hers was the last post in the chain, I think. But Jam has gone quiet.
eldritch s.: no it wasn t
Mobile L.: Oop, a ight
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Geez, my own hallucination of my dead mom is telling me my
heads in the clouds. Is that supposed to be me saying that to me?
Mobile L.: I imagine Miz Juufuku as sounding like Miss Frizzle from The Magic Sc
I am honestly not sure why
Ms. Juufuku: You tell me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Isn t that kind of like me saying to tell that to me?
Ms. Juufuku smiles
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... So- what do I do to find that oracle?
Have I met them?
Ms. Juufuku shrugs
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... okay.
So, I ll- get the records from your clients. But- you d only put down names, rig
ht? Or would you put down what you told them too?
Ms. Juufuku: Why would I put that down?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I don t know- future reference?

Ms. Juufuku: How old did you think I was, Tsubasa? I wasn t going senile.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- I was just hoping that things would be a little easier for
your wannabe detective daughter to cross-check and narrow down the list of all
your clients.
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): I need advice
Ms. Juufuku: Sorry to disappoint you.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: It s fine.
Tsubasa Juufuku she goes over to the desk and collects the records
Tsubasa Juufuku: You re not real-mom anyhow.
(To Fawkes M.): I ll do my best. What about?
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): I m not sure if I should move this zombie bash in the FG
forward while Jam is AFK - I ve got Space, Chris, Bcom, and Box all accounted fo
r but Mordred s in the middle of being attacked
She s gone
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku puts the records in her jacket
(To Fawkes M.): Hm... Will this leave everyone else hung up for a long time?
Tsubasa Juufuku and goes over to put out the insense
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): It seems to be doing so right now
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Who left these burning?
Asumu Mizono: This is a magus workshop
(To Fawkes M.): Oop, there s the man! Nvm
(From Fawkes M. (GM)): Perfecto
(To Fawkes M.): I love when things like these resolve themselves
Coghlain: I guess that means no fire alarms, huh?
Asumu Mizono: Think so.
Tsubasa Juufuku she puts out the slow-burners
Azureberry J.: Just posted.
Coghlain: That s a shame... hope you got the fire department on speed dial.
Asumu Mizono: I thought you said no cops.
Tsubasa Juufuku she exits her mom s room
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right- it should clear soon.
Coghlain: Heh.
Open a window, why don t you?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll open the greenhouse door...
Tsubasa Juufuku goes to do that
Asumu Mizono: Sure.
Asumu Mizono goes to open the window.
Tsubasa Juufuku opens out the greenhouse door
Tsubasa Juufuku she comes back
Tsubasa Juufuku: Anyway- it should clear.
The slow-burner has stopped.
Space (GM): are you guys losing steam
cause i m losing it hardcore
Azureberry J.: If you ain t feelin it we could do it another time. I was gonna g
o for coffee cuz it has been long day for me.

Space (GM): go get coffee

MrEForEccentric: I do need to get up early-ish. But I m not entirely out of stea
Space (GM): go to bed
Azureberry J.: Kay. Imma see youu guys in a few minutes.
Space (GM): fare well...
i will be playing some CK2 if you need me
fox can t make it i don t think
and duff is away, and olive is quiet
eldritch s.: unfortunate
for some reason i want gein to at some point
despite (or perhaps because) him being american, to at some point get into a sui
t of samurai armor and fight with a katana, because just imgine that mental imag
e of a fat old man fighting in samurai armor
Raiga Fujimura: good
Brutal Knight: damn we don t have an npc for him made yet
eldritch s.: hector
Brutal Knight: i don t know what you mean
eldritch s.: the song
Carefree Warrior: no idea what you re speaking of
eldritch s.: incredible dynamite
Coghlain: i believe you
i wannaa do a thing
but no one s on or around
eldritch s.: this is the choice of steins gate
Coghlain: what do we do
eldritch s.: that s a fine question
MrEForEccentric: Ha-haaaaa
Space (GM): jams on a way
MrEForEccentric: Good
You know- despite how much I managed to mess up the preparation
This biscuit cake is nice
Space (GM): good
MrEForEccentric: Nice frozen treat
It is now Tsubasa s canon favorite desert
Come on jam
Space (GM): where he
MrEForEccentric: Who nose
Space (GM): gretings
Narrator: When we last left our heroes...
They had opened a window.
Coghlain coughs
Coghlain: Man... I don t even think that s doing anything.
Asumu Mizono: Ugh....what is with this stuff?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- someone went in my mom s room and left it on a slow burn.
But- hey- it isn t that bad.
Getting used to the smell...
Coghlain: I dunno about you, but it s making my eyes water.
Coghlain tries to sit up
Asumu Mizono: were in there a while Tsubasa.
Coghlain: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse

= 9
Coghlain winces in pain
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah... had a vision of my mom. Talking to me.
You know what this stuff does.
Asumu Mizono: ...Are you okay? Because last time your eye started bleeding.
Coghlain: ...?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I m fine, I m fine.
It was- surreal.
But that s visions in general...
Coghlain: Sorry, what s that about visions?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... With respect, I d rather not go into detail with someone I
hardly know.
Coghlain: Geez... talk about hospitality.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hospitality doesn t mean the host spills their guts.
Asumu Mizono: Can...we not argue here.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sorry. Still on edge a little.
Coghlain: Ouch... bad choice of words, kid. I m dying here, didn t you notice?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I thought you said you could walk it off?
Coghlain: Sure, but I m still dying.
Coghlain grins
Tsubasa Juufuku: Besides, metaphors are metaphors.
Tsubasa Juufuku shrugs
Asumu Mizono sighs
Coghlain: Heh heheh...
Coghlain coughs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Still... its about the best we can do here. Just let you- blee
d there on my parents couch.
Well- lie at least.
Asumu Mizono: Do have an apartment or something?
Coghlain: Hey, now, it s not that I don t appreciate it... but I oughta take my
I have my car.
Tsubasa Juufuku: D you need us to take you to your car, or what...?
Coghlain: Do you mind carrying a grown man three miles from here in the dead of
Cause if you do, then, ah... heh heh.
Coghlain tries pushing himself up again
Coghlain: I ll make it. Thanks for the help, you two, uh...
Asumu Mizono: Let s not do that and probably get jumped by the serial killer.
Coghlain: Serial killer?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Three miles?
Coghlain: No, no, back up, what s that about a serial killer?
Asumu Mizono: Well.
I guess you can t call it Serial Killer yet.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I think you can...
Asumu Mizono: Well....someone s killed one of our classmates. And other people..
Tsubasa Juufuku: Including my mom.
Asumu Mizono: Yeah...sorry.
Coghlain: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- they re- out there. Targeting weak people, probably...

Asumu Mizono: I wouldn t call the guy that got killed weak...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Relatively speaking.
Coghlain starts limping out
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- stop.
Asumu Mizono: Hey! Uh...
Coghlain leans against the wall, bleeding a little on it
Coghlain: Yeah?
Asumu Mizono: You re not in any position to go anywhere.
Tsubasa Juufuku: You- should probably stay the night here. You re not limping th
ree miles in the dead of night.
Coghlain: Sure I am. Just watch.
Well, maybe not if there s a serial killer wandering around. Just take my word f
or it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not without dying.
Coghlain: You really worry this much about some random asshole you found on the
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know I made a reference to spilling guts, but I do have some
Asumu Mizono: What kinda people would we be if we just you know. Left you to die
Coghlain: Listen... no offense to your friend, but I think I can handle some ser
ial killer.
Coghlain goes to open the door
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... We- believe its no ordinary serial killer.
Coghlain: Mm?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Besides- do you really think you re in top form when you have t
o lean against a wall, getting blood on it mind you, when standing still?
And yeah- supernatural.
Azureberry J.: You read the book right? The Gayest mage this side of los angelos
Asumu Mizono said that.
Coghlain looks at both of them funny
Coghlain: The what in the where?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Have- you been living under a rock?
Coghlain: No, I ve been living in my car.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ha-ha. Basically magic is real. That was the memo.
That you seem to have missed.
Asumu Mizono: I think.
Coghlain: I don t believe it.
Asumu Mizono: It doesn t matter. Either someone s trying to imitate the book, or
the actually killer form book is back on the loose.
Coghlain: Does he have a gun?
Tsubasa Juufuku: He has a knife that can cut reality.
Coghlain: Oh, man.
You kids take care now.
Coghlain goes to leave this place
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Well- it was your choice, man.
the irishman staggers off into the night, bloodied and limping
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Do you know how to clean up blood, Asumu? I don t want my d
ad freaking out when he gets back from vacation... on top of the whole- mom s de
Asumu Mizono: ....We can t just leave him.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Yeah- I know.

Asumu Mizono: Then worry about the blood later, I m going after him.
Tsubasa Juufuku: We should- at least accompany him- not necessarily hold him.
YeahGood idea.
He can t have gone far.
Asumu Mizono goes to do just that.
Tsubasa Juufuku looks around for a moment, and sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku muttering
Tsubasa Juufuku: Going to be more difficult when its dry...
Tsubasa Juufuku then follows
MrEForEccentric: They go outside and he s just already dead
Like- "Three miles huh"
He s already out of sight.
Tsubasa Juufuku: He s- fast for a guy that s limping...
both of yon fuckers, roll mind
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 9
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 4
Azureberry J.: These dice man.
MrEForEccentric: These dice like to mess up
maybe you, the players, will notice something...
MrEForEccentric: We notice a blood trail
we, you say
jam do you notice a blood trail
Azureberry J.: Well sure.
MrEForEccentric: Coghlain is just spilling jam as he walks
Azureberry J.: Of course. I could just. Turn Asumu s head a few degrees....
MrEForEccentric: If only Tsubasa wasn t side-glancing in the direction
Should we have them find it anyway then?
roll once more
MrEForEccentric: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 13

Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 12
yah so he s
been dripping blood
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!
Tsubasa Juufuku points at it
Tsubasa Juufuku: A trail.
Asumu Mizono starts following it.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts to follow it
asumu walks backwards on her hands
Space (GM): *i said that
that is not an Official Gm Action
As they round the corner...
They hear something.
Azureberry J. stops and listens.
A struggle, that is to say...
Tsubasa Juufuku looks around the corner just peering out
Coghlain is there, clutching his side and panting heavily
In a pitched knife-fight with some assailant
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!
???: Fuh--!
Coghlain: Haa--!!
Tsubasa Juufuku whispers
Tsubasa Juufuku: Its a knife-fight.
Coghlain slams into the brick
Coghlain: Oh, fuck this...
his red knife starts glowing, as though on fire
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...?
Asumu Mizono looks.
Asumu Mizono: Wha-Tsubasa Juufuku: Shh- don t want to interrupt.
Coghlain: Scan-Coghlain lunges for the assailant
???: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 17
he jukes out of the way, small and nimble on his feet
Coghlain: Bolg!

the knife curves, at a completely impossible angle

Tsubasa Juufuku: ...!?
piercing the assailant in the heart
Coghlain shoves him off the edge of his knife
Leonardo B. Harway hits the ground with a wet thud
Asumu Mizono: Knew it.
Coghlain: Haah... haah...
Coghlain slumps back against the wall
Tsubasa Juufuku gasps
Asumu Mizono: ....!
Coghlain looks over at them
Coghlain: ...Shit. What the hell are you two doing? Following me?
Asumu Mizono can t really say anything.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Well- we weren t going to let you go out alone.
Asumu Mizono is completely in "Holy shit" mode.
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- mind explaining why you stabbed a student?
With a- magic dagger?
Coghlain: And now you both saw me kill a... fuck off. He came at me with a knife
, it s self-defense.
Coghlain gestures with the bloody blade, to the knife in Leo s hand
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Do you know why he came at you...?
Asumu Mizono walks over to Leo s corpse.
Asumu Mizono: Was...was it Leo?
I don t...
it s Leo, absolutely
Coghlain: How the fuck am I supposed to know?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- did he yell anything at you before trying to stab you, or
Coghlain: Why would he yell something?
Coghlain shoves himself off the wall, limping away
Tsubasa Juufuku: Battlecry or- something.
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa.
Coghlain: You ve watched too many goddamn movies... fucking hell.
Tsubasa Juufuku: WellTsubasa Juufuku sighs
Coghlain: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 13
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku looks to Asumu
Tsubasa Juufuku: Do you think Leo was the serial killer?

Asumu Mizono: It couldn t have been.

He had no reason to.
He s right here.
Coghlain left you guys with corpse duty it seems
Tsubasa Juufuku: With a knife... after seemingly attacking a guy for no reasonif we re to believe him.
And... he s dumped us with a corpse.
Azureberry J.: I cannot remember if Rin left away to contact her.
Space (GM): not with asumu and tsubasa i don t think
i know that gein and kuwabara had to just visit her at home
MrEForEccentric: They just show up with Leo s corpse like
"The fuck do we do rin"
Asumu Mizono: I...I don t have Me. Tohsaka s number..I don t-I should have asked.
We can t move it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: No, that d incriminate us with fingerprints...
And we can t just stand by it until daylight...
Asumu Mizono: You have your cellphone right....just call the cops.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Rin probably has connections with the police, yeah.
Tsubasa Juufuku she takes out her phone
Tsubasa Juufuku call 911
Asumu Mizono: Goddamit, Leo.
Dispatcher: 911, what is your emegrncye?
Space (GM): feck
Tsubasa Juufuku: I d like to get through to police please.
Urgent information regarding one of their cases.
Dispatcher: Ma am, you re supposed to call the police number for that. You call
911 for emergencies.
Is this a prank call?
Tsubasa Juufuku: No! I don t know the police number off the top of my head! Just
patch me through!
Dispatcher: I don t want to hear it. You re lucky we don t have you arrested for
misusing 911...
Asumu Mizono grabs the phone.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- there s a dead body here- butTsubasa Juufuku phone grabbed
Azureberry J.: We just saw someone get killed! Please get SOMEONE out here.
Asumu Mizono totes screamed that.
There s silence on the line.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Preferably someone investigating the serial killer!
Dispatcher: I m sending an officer. Stay where you are, he ll teach you about wh
at it means to respect a public utility...
The dspatcher hangs up.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Fucking- night shift...
Asumu Mizono: Whatever.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I hope that guy gets fired. Who the hell prank calls at thi
s hour? About something so specific?
Blood pools out from under Leo s corpse.
Asumu Mizono just stands there silent.
Right to the heart. He probably didn t even have a chance to realize it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...

Tsubasa Juufuku sighs

Tsubasa Juufuku: This- probably isn t the end, if it is the serial killer...
It seems- remarkably too- sudden.
Asumu Mizono: Will you... please shut up for a second Tsubasa.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Okay.
Touko Aozaki gets out of the car, smoking a cigarette
Touko Aozaki: ...What the hell is this?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not-a-prank-call.
Asumu Mizono is starting to tear up.
Touko Aozaki: That s...
Touko Aozaki takes her cigarette out of her mouth, peering over at the corpse
Touko Aozaki: ...
Touko Aozaki taps some ashes off of her cig
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
Touko Aozaki: You two... you ought to come with us.
Get in the car.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Touko Aozaki looks over at Daisuke
Asumu Mizono: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes, yes..
Officer Daisuke is getting out the handcuffs
Asumu Mizono in she goes.
Touko Aozaki exhales, smoking
Space (GM): oh dear
Tsubasa Juufuku hesitantly walks
Officer Daisuke cuffs them both
Officer Daisuke: You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and w
ill be used against you in a court of law...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I called because I thought it d be connected to the serial kill
er case...
Touko Aozaki: It is.
Touko Aozaki gets in the car
Tsubasa Juufuku head hung low
Touko Aozaki flicks the cigarette out of the window as she shuts the door
Touko Aozaki: Looks like we cracked this case wide open.
Touko Aozaki starts driving off to the station...
Space (GM): this seems a good spot for tonight
Tsubasa Juufuku: No- this isn t the end. It can t be.
Space (GM): since we don t have a jail map
Asumu Mizono: Tsubasa...just...please. You re making it worse.
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ugh...

Officer Daisuke is taking a note of what they re saying

Space (GM): that was a bit short admttedly
what d you guys think
MrEForEccentric: Tsubaka.
Azureberry J.: Twas fun.
MrEForEccentric: Is good
I needed it to be short after all
Space (GM): very good
i wonder how our intrepid heroes will get outta this one
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa has her alibis
Mostly- "My mom died and there are witnesses that say I was in my apartment at t
he time."
As well as the whole- why would Tsubasa have motives to kill her mother.
Space (GM): why would she kill leo
do you expect us to believe some blue-haired irish hobo killed him in self defen
MrEForEccentric: Well she could say that forensically, its clear of her touch
The forensics will clear their name
Azureberry J.: This would be a good excuse for Phoenix Wright to show up.
MrEForEccentric: Also- hypothetically, the reason Tsubasa could have for killing
Leo is the fact she thinks he s a rich douche
So the only motive is not liking a rich guy
eldritch s.: that s not much of a reason
MrEForEccentric: Yes
She hasn t had the time to formulate a plan involving his business and his last
will and testament
That would require getting to know the asshat
Azureberry J.: I know what we should do.
Find out NEXT TIME on DRAGON BA--Fate/Hollow Night.
Space (GM): indeed
MrEForEccentric: By the end of this I think Tsubasa is going to despise police
Space (GM): they re in the harways pocket you know
i don t think
it s a spoiler to say now that
MrEForEccentric: The award did say great detective or master criminal
Space (GM): the cops knew
the whole time
MrEForEccentric: Who the serial killer was
Space (GM): yes
MrEForEccentric: Asshole cops
Azureberry J.: Asumu s gonna freak out a bit more before getting her shit togeth
She liked Leo.
Space (GM): set the police on fire
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa is going to have a crisis of trust in the authorities.
Well- more than she already had when it became personal.
Azureberry J.: That is one solution.
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Azureberry J.: While you re here.
Have you been playing Fate/Grand Order?
MrEForEccentric: I have not
Azureberry J.: You should like.
Do it mang.
MrEForEccentric: I am aware of the Artemis
I still stalk that fate rp group
I know what you folk are up to
Azureberry J.: Stalker.

MrEForEccentric: but yes

I find it
Satisfying that Tsubasa is more and more becoming parallel to Sherlock Holmes
Or Moriarty
that s her karma meter
Space (GM): she ends up careening off a waterfall
MrEForEccentric: Her karma meter is basically
Is she more Holmes or Moriarty
Space (GM): whats it at r/n
MrEForEccentric: Probably like- just barely in the middle, starting to drift to
Space (GM): holmes reveals
MrEForEccentric: Still with some of the Holmes
Space (GM): moriarty conceals
MrEForEccentric: Well she s finding that trying to work with the police has gott
en her nowhere
And locked up
Not that Holmes did much alongside the police, as a vigilante.
Azureberry J.: Well Imma catch you folks on the flip flop.
MrEForEccentric: Or rather- private detective
Fare well
But at least Holmes kept the police in the loop- kinda.
And informed them of things they needed to know
Space (GM): c ya
MrEForEccentric: But yeah
Tsubasa s Karma is atLovechild of Holmes and Moriarty
Space (GM): mmm, yaoi
MrEForEccentric: Don t you know hate = love
Space (GM): sleep now
MrEForEccentric: Yes
I shall
Space (GM): nitenite
hey SEER
eldritch s.: what
Mask de Bara: which one o you mooks ratted me out
Space (GM): tell duff what happened
Mac D.: more DEATH i see
space you have this unhealthy obsession with murdering people in your age group
Space (GM): i will become god of this new world
eldritch s.: oh yes
these two dickheads
and blue irish motherfucker
turns out leo was roa
blue irish fucker saved them by killing leo
eldritch s.: police arrested them
because he owns their asses
and blue irish fucker is gone
Mac D.: ohhhh nnnnnoooooo
eldritch s.: roa was a shitty villain
Space (GM): he fucked up stealinga knife and theen died
eldritch s.: no here s the full list of accomplishments:
killed a defenceless teenage boy
fucked up stealing a knife

the legendary immortal vampire, roa

the mafia so far is a more credible threat than he is
Space (GM): than he was
the threat isn t him specifically
eldritch s.: no that s still the case
Space (GM): it s his money
eldritch s.: because he s dead
the mafia is still more dangerous than a dead shitty vampire
Space (GM): they tend not to fuck around
eldritch s.: so are they still on his payroll from beyond the grave
and did they know he killed urameshi
Space (GM): not his payroll specifically
but his family s
i think
i m not entirely sure yet if they know he was the serial killer or not
eldritch s.: technically
in leo s body
he didn t qualify
he killed one person
Space (GM): one confirmed kill
eldritch s.: also technically
unless shiki had been killing people for over a month
he didn t count either
Space (GM): spree killer
eldritch s.: yesa
roa himself, however
is a serial killer
Space (GM): yessz
eldritch s.: but his hosts appear to have a tendency towards spree killing
Mac D.: if i have to hear that siren one more fucking minute
eldritch s.: thank you
Space (GM): i forgot it was on because i m muted
what if
eldritch s.: wow
Space (GM): another enemy the party has
is baby roa
eldritch s.: kuwabara punts the baby into a woodchipper
Space (GM): just has woodchippers lying around
eldritch s.: roa should possess a do
Space (GM): and theres a creepy doll
that always follows you
it s got a ruined eye
that s always
eldritch s.: gein
just the mental image
of gein holdign the doll
and then having the shit kicked out of him
Space (GM): in his samurai suit
eldritch s.: i m here
Mac D.: ye
Mobile L.: Rang a dang dang
Duff, I am really really fucking late, but your Vocaroo was a religious experien
Space (GM): it was great
lemme just staple this and i m ready to start
Mac D.: ohohohoh
Mobile L.: Are you sure you re not really Kuwabara?

Mac D.: if only

Mobile L.: I shall consider you close enough
Oh BTW, Adeva maybe this weekend, so prepare your rear-ends
eldritch s.: my anus is ready for freud
eldritch s.: olive payed money
to get schnazzy pizzaz
and polish
and special effects, so i heard
Mobile L.: He shilled the bux and got us FIYAHHHHH
Mac D.: bah gawd
Space (GM): the fire is sick
Mobile L.: It will literally burn your asscheeks
(From Space (GM)): niko knocks on their door, telling them to check the news
(From Space (GM)): something like that?
(To Space): Sounds like a capital idea. Would he know it s Roa?
(From Space (GM)): there d just be news that they finally found the serial kille
r, and he s claaimed his final victim
(From Space (GM)): no word who it is
(To Space): Ah, cool. Sounds gud
Sunlight filters in through the windows of the Kuwabara house. It s a new day...
Gunther snuck home in the night, got a change of clothes, then came back and fuc
kin fell asleep in the bathtub
Kazuma Kuwabara snores loudly in his bed
Shun Akiyama is entered a state of deep slumber
Landlord snores quietly
(To Space): Interrupting Niko now?
(From Landlord): do eet
(From Landlord): wait no
(From Landlord): wait 4 seer
(To Space): Roger doger
(To Space): where heeeeeeeee
Space (GM): seer...?
Mac D.: i think he s dead
Space (GM): be pate shin
Mobile L.: :,c
eldritch s.: feeling vaguely queasy
Space (GM): oh dear
do you got any idea why
Mac D.: wanna head to bed?
Mobile L.: Aww dude, that sucks. You gonna be okay?
eldritch s.: no i ll keep going
Mac D.: don t kill yourself seer
eldritch s.: i m not sleeping at 6:52, you sick fuck
Henry Plinkett is slumped over in his chair
Mobile L.: If you feel like taking a break or anything, feel free. Get better so
on, bruv
(To Space): Hokey, now?
(From Space (GM)): du eet
Henry Plinkett cracks an eye open, flinching
Niko knocks on the door exactly six times
Kazuma Kuwabara: Zzzzzz............

Henry Plinkett wipes the sweat from his forehead, and stands up, peering through
the peephole in the door
Niko skinny, tall gaijin with very neat hair, looks like he REALLY wants to tell
someone sum
Niko: ...Ah, hello? Isis now a bad time? This is rather important!
Henry Plinkett opens the door a crack, peering out
Henry Plinkett: No solicitors.
Niko: ...Oh, sir, begging your pardon, but this is... Do I have the wrong residen
ce? I... I cannot, I remember the address perfectly, I can see it before me even
Niko is maybe a lil


Niko oh wait wasn t he at the funeral...?

Niko if very quiet
Henry Plinkett: ... Are you with Tohsaka?
Niko: ...Yessir, I am. If... If I may not come in, I must at least implore of yo
u, please, turn on the news at this moment. There sthere is a development.
Henry Plinkett opens the door and tries quickly pulling it in before shuttign it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ZZzzzzz....
Niko: ???
Henry Plinkett: *pulling him in
Niko oh doy
Niko: !!! Whuh!
Niko veeeeery lightweight
Henry Plinkett locks it behind him
Henry Plinkett: Mobsters after me, keeping a low profile.
Niko: ...Heavens. Well, if anyone tries anything...
Niko sizzles a little
Niko: ...But yes, yes, yes, the news, sir!
Landlord zzzzzzzz....
Henry Plinkett: ... Tesla?
Shun Akiyama snores as well
Niko: At your service, Mister...?
George barks quietly in his sleep
Henry Plinkett: Mender, but until the mob s done running around, please call me
Gunther passed the fuqq out in the bathtub
Niko: ...Ah! Of course, Mister Plinkett.
Niko smiles and winks
Niko: ...The television, at once!
Henry Plinkett switches it on
Mac D.: hhheheheheheheh.....
Henry Plinkett: i didn t kill those kids
it s the morning news!
Niko: ...Shall we wake the others? It s dreadfully late.

Henry Plinkett checks the time on his watch

Kazuma Kuwabara: Zzzz.......
Henry Plinkett: it s 3:33 AM
Newscaster: And in more positive news, police have finally apprehended the spree
killer who s been terrorizing Fuyuki these past few months.
it is 6:30 am
Henry Plinkett blanches
Henry Plinkett: What the fuck?
Henry Plinkett: wait
Mobile L.: brb, blood moon
Newscaster: The killers, whose names are as of yet unreleased by police to prote
ct their identities, have murdered at least seventeen victims: including two loc
al high school students.
the school pictures of Urameshi and Leo appear on the screen
the Dead: that s true
eldritch s.: Killers?
the Dead: i think the newsman fucked up
Henry Plinkett: fuck
newsman is a fucking idiot
Space (GM): better wake up kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Henry Plinkett: Tesla, I need you to wake up the kids here, one s in the far bed
room, the other... the bathroom? I don t know.
Space (GM): now while we await mobile
Henry Plinkett claps in the Landlord s face
Space (GM):
Landlord: Aah, just a few more minutes...
Landlord shoves his arm away
Henry Plinkett: It s about the serial killer!
Landlord: The what-now?
Landlord immediately wakes up
Henry Plinkett points at the tv as he claps in Shun s face
Broadcaster: Prominent local leaders have described these killings as barbaric
and a blight on society at large. The district attorney plans to push for a l
ife sentence, with no possibility of parole.
And now the weather!
Shun Akiyama: Hey, hey, I m up...
Shun Akiyama sits up slowly
Landlord: So they... caught the guy?
Henry Plinkett: He said killers
Space (GM): hogey now lettuce wait for mobile
Landlord: but i was asleep when they said that
Henry Plinkett: i know
Landlord: oh that was in-character

Henry Plinkett: don t jizz on my puppies please

Mobile L.: Hup hup, Ah m back
Space (GM): how was it
Mobile L.: There was very loud Spanish-language religious revival going on in ad
dition to the amazing blood moon
Space (GM): ooh
Mobile L.: It s still happening, but I opted to go back in, as I couldn t make o
ut what they were saying anymore
I think they did an exorcism at one point, or at least shouted down the Devil
It was cool
Space (GM): that sounds p rad yes
seer and duff are you here
Mobile L.: Oh god, please tell me I didn t kill them
Space (GM): seer is hear
Henry Plinkett: niko needs to get kuwa and gunth
Mobile L.: A ight
hang on one sec, need to make Dad a work lunch
Niko: Children? Chiiiiiildreeeeeen!
Niko tall, eccentric gaijin causing a gaijin racket
Neco-Arc Bubbles: aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Neco-Arc Bubbles pshooooooos in to attack the intruder
Niko: ...Oh! Oh, a little kitty caAAAAAAA!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: rolling 3d20+1
= 34
Niko: N-nice kitty! Nice kitty!
Neco-Arc Bubbles slams into the wall right by him
Neco-Arc Bubbles has her head stuck
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Mmf! Mmmmmmmmffffff!!!
Niko: ...Oh... Goodness...
Niko goes to yank her out
Neco-Arc Bubbles: roll something 4 itte
Niko: ...Are you quite alright, little dear?
Niko finesse for JOSTLE
Niko: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 2 for Finesse
= 20
Space (GM): i ll approve of this
Neco-Arc Bubbles is fuckin YANKED out of the wall with great force

Neco-Arc Bubbles: AaaaAAAAAAA

Niko: ...There. It sit s alright, I mean you no harm.
I am merely come here to inform your friends of some happenings.
Niko pat pat...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...Hap-pennings?
Niko: Yes, ah... news.
It s... It s dreadfully important, else I would not have shown.
Space (GM): i think duff s aseleep
Mobile L.: :c
Space (GM): w...wanna rabbit
Mobile L.: Shur
Space (GM): lemme just get a food
Mobile L.: A ight
If he re-shows, can we cocktinue?
Space (GM): absolootly
Mobile L.: Kool
Space (GM):
Mobile L.: ... :,c
Mac D.: i m already here loser
eldritch s.: ah
my fellow member of the aryan brotherhood
Mac D.: heil
eldritch s.: hello space
Space (GM): hello zepp
eldritch s.: i m sad kiriyama was neither the origami killer or jigsaw
i m drowsy, fuck off
Space (GM): are you ok seer
Mac D.: drunk again i see
eldritch s.: i m fine
that was the death of XXXXXX
six letters
Mac D.: fine with a few more drinks am i right
Mobile L.: Bup
eldritch s.: deidre, sakura in danger
Mac D.: mobiiil
Space (GM): mobile
Mobile L.: Whazzup homeos
Space (GM): let s continue where we left off
eldritch s.: he avoids the topic
Mac D.: where DID we leave off
eldritch s.: it s one of them
Mac D.: it s been so long
eldritch s.: mark my words
Space (GM): remember when you fell asleep while we were rping duff
Mobile L.: They were watching the NOOZ and Castlah had to wake Kuwabara and Gunt
h up
Space (GM): yes
Mac D.: oh yus
Time unpauses
Mobile L.: But Castlah got distracted by a little kitty cat
Niko: ...Oh...! Yes, yes, yes, err...
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yes, yes, yes...
Kazuma Kuwabara: -SNRT-....Whuh?...

Neco-Arc Bubbles: Yeah! News, news, news!

Niko some fuckin gaijin broke in your crib again, Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uuugh....I m up, I m up...!
Kazuma Kuwabara groggily flops his way out the bed and to his feet, not even bot
hering to change out of his pajamas
Kazuma Kuwabara rubs his eyes drowsily
Henry Plinkett is a bit spaced out
Kazuma Kuwabara: What kinda news is so important when it s still dark out?....
Niko runs into the bathroom to grab-drag my other PC
Landlord: ...Oi. Hey.
Kazuma Kuwabara shuffles to the teevee center
Niko: It pertains to the killings!
Landlord leans over, snapping his fingers in Gein s face
Henry Plinkett is having the thousand yard stare
Henry Plinkett: ... What...?
Where was I, again...?
Shun Akiyama gives a lazy wave to Kuwabara and the squad
Shun Akiyama: Yo.
Kazuma Kuwabara lazywaves back
Landlord: C mon, Gein. You re not senile yet.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey....-YAWN-...So whassup?
Niko dumps Gnther on the carpet
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, hey gunth....
Gunther snoooooooreeeee
Henry Plinkett: I think I might be getting there, though...
Kazuma Kuwabara lazywaves to the unconscious gunther
Henry Plinkett: George, wake Gunth up.
George: Arf!
George trots over
Henry Plinkett: And don t tear his throat out.
George licks Gunther s face with that disgusting tongue
George just generally slobbering all over him
Gunther: ...Mrrrghhh... whaaaaaat...?
Gunther lifts his head
Space (GM): guys
tell duff that i m enkidu
Henry Plinkett: I can t for the life of me remember what just happened in the pa
st few minutes...
eldritch s.: no
Gunther: ...Eheheheheheh what is even happening.
Mobile L.: he enkidu bruh
Mac D.: seer gets it
i don t believe you

eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: I
eldritch s.:
please stand

will the real enkidu please stand up

don t believe myself, but it s true!
please stand up

Gunther is wearing A NEW OUTFIT

Landlord: The news... they caught the killer.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....Okay? So what d you pull me outta bed for then?
Wait, wha!?
Gunther: ...Oh...?!
Landlord gestures to the television, which is now blaring sports news
Gunther quickly sits up
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the hell!? You sure!?
Gunther: ...Oh...?
Henry Plinkett: Wrong channel.
Henry Plinkett flips through them
It s too late... the news hour is over
Henry Plinkett: Motherfucker.
Niko: Quickly, quickly, quickly, before we miss i... oh damnation.
Henry Plinkett: Piece of shit public television!
Niko: ...Who here owns a smartphone?
Kazuma Kuwabara: So who was it!? Who was the guy!?
Henry Plinkett: He does!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh?
Henry Plinkett points at Kuwabara
Shun Akiyama: Oh, yeah, I...-Shun Akiyama looks over at Kuwabara
Niko: Quickly, my lad, Google it!
Henry Plinkett: Yeah, look it up on bing!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh.... Kay? What do I search?
Niko: ...B-Bing...?
Henry Plinkett: Yeah, Bing.
Niko winces a bit
Landlord: Don t yo guys use Yahoo?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll look it up on Yahoo!
Henry Plinkett: It s what they use on MGunther: Can we just do the search.
Henry Plinkett: What?
Landlord: This kid. I like this kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Actually, hang on, I got a better idea....
Henry Plinkett: Yahoo?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Go Daddy......Dot....Com
Henry Plinkett: Only yahoos use yahoo.
Niko: ...Oh god...
Henry Plinkett: No just look it up on bing God damn it!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, what am I typin in?
Gunther tries not to snicker
Shun Akiyama: What does that make you, old man? A bing?
Niko: Ahhh, errm... "Fuyuki City"... "Killer"... "caught"
Henry Plinkett: At least I m not a Yahoo.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright...

Kazuma Kuwabara tippity typity

Gunther: ...Eheheh. You are a huge Bing, Mr. Plinkett.
A binger Bing than Crosby.
Henry Plinkett: And you re a big Google who mocks old men.
The twin serial killers terrorizing the town, they ve been caught red-handed ove
r the corpse of their latest victim... one Leonardo B. Harwey.
Gunther: True.
Space (GM): character page is fucked, lemme refresh
Henry Plinkett snaps his fingers
Henry Plinkett: Right, I remeber!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, damn! How is itHenry Plinkett: I keep forgetting...
Gunther: ...Oh?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait....TWIN killers?
Gunther: ...Oh?!
Niko: Two...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I thought the killer was one guy named Roa!
Niko: But... There was only one set of footprints, was there not...?
The killers were two high-school aged girls. Their names have been withheld unti
l trial...
Niko: And yes, unless he had an accomplice...
Henry Plinkett: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: The hell??
Henry Plinkett: Those were Kuwabara s.
Neco-Arc Bubbles is peering over Kuwabara s shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t no girl, either!
Henry Plinkett: There s something fishy about this.
The police always fuck it up, in novels, in tv, and in real life, too.
Niko: ...Seriously?
Officer Daisuke: the fuck did you call me
Henry Plinkett: Of course! Tried saying Pee Wee Herman wacked it in public, can
you believe that?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, crap! How re we gonna set the record straight?
Shun Akiyama: He did, though.
Gunther: Pee Wee did nothing wrong.
Henry Plinkett: Prove it.
Gunther >:|
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Who! Who, who, who?
Neco-Arc Bubbles shaking Kuwabara s ear
Neco-Arc Bubbles pointing to the phone screen
Henry Plinkett: Do you like watching Pee Wee Herman touch himself, you sicko?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow- Ow-, hey, ow!!
They don t say who it is, quit shoutin !
Gunther: ...Harwey was the one killed...?
Henry Plinkett: Oh shit.
Not Harway.
Why this class?
Gunther: A pity. I liked him, I think.
Henry Plinkett: How many people in the world are there and they keep killing peo
ple in our fucking class!
Gunther: Are we cursed, Mr. Plinkett.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait...Wasn t he supposed to be one of the new kids

Landlord: Why the hell would they kill him? His family s got money. More than we
ll ever see in our lives.
Henry Plinkett: Yeah.
Gunther: Yes. The upper-class twit.
Henry Plinkett: Envy.
He s rich.
They re likely not.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi wasn t rich...So why d he kill HIM?
Gunther: ...Mm...
Henry Plinkett: Not the same killer.
Gunther sits on the floor and thinks
Landlord: No, listen -- money means that they can track down whoever did this.
Niko: ...Is this a copycat killing, then? Is Roa still at large?
Henry Plinkett: Roa isn t two people.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now hang on! Did they catch the girls in the acT?
George tilts his head at Niko
George looks familiar
Henry Plinkett: I d believe that they didn t do it.
Niko ...n-nice doggy...?
Henry Plinkett: Hey...
The article says that they were standing right above the corpse, with blood-spat
terings on them
Henry Plinkett: Where was this?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then who else woulda killed Urameshi except the same guy who ki
lled the new kid?...
Henry Plinkett: Where was the body found.
I want to see it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: How long ago was this...?
This was just last night. And the body... by now it s in the city morgue.
Henry Plinkett: How about you tell me.
Gunther s shirt says the following, and I feel the need to point this out: "Ham
berger Friend. I feel happiness when I eat a him"
Kazuma Kuwabara: Says here it was last night....Body s probably been taken off t
he street by now!
Niko: ...This does not add up...
Henry Plinkett: We ll head to the hospital.
Now, first...
When s the meeting with Fujimura?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait, hang on! How re we gonna get into the morgue?
Henry Plinkett: Quietly.
Shun Akiyama: The Fujimura Group building s under renovation. I d have to ask ar
ound to see where they re staying until then.
Kazuma Kuwabara: We can t just walk up and go, "Hey, show us a dead body!"
Henry Plinkett: Do that.
Gunther: Then we will say nothing.
Henry Plinkett: We have a morgue to break into!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
...Oh, geez....THIS again??
Gunther cracks his knuckles
Landlord: Look - as long as everyone going looks official, no one s gonna stop a
nd ask.
Take it from me.

Henry Plinkett: We re vigilante detectives, it s part of the trade.

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Henry Plinkett: Oh...
Niko: ...Ahh... You are certain about this, sir?
Kazuma Kuwabara grumbles
Henry Plinkett: Of course.
I have a plan.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Least there probably won t be any guys with guns this time..
Henry Plinkett: Do you have any writing utensils, anyone at all?
Niko: ...Would you need a diversion? I am, of course, terribly famous these days
Henry Plinkett: And some contruction paper, or t least some paper with tooth?
Niko: ...Oh, hm, I may have a pen in my pocket, let me see...
Kazuma Kuwabara: There re some pencils in the kitchen.
Niko pats around
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Notebook! Notebook! Notebook!
Niko: Aha!
Neco-Arc Bubbles fishes around in her pockets
Henry Plinkett: I m going to make myself a fake PI card.
Niko produces an old-timey fountain pen
Niko: ...Eh...?!
Mac D.: bubbles pulls out a notebook as big as her from one of her tiny pockets
Neco-Arc Bubbles pulls out a notebook about as big as she is
Space (GM): duff called it
Mobile L.: Duff is prophet
Mac D.: AM I NOT
Mobile L.: Glory be
Neco-Arc Bubbles holds it out to Gein, standing on her tip-toes to reach
Henry Plinkett: Are there any trenchcoats in this place?
Henry Plinkett takes it
Henry Plinkett: Thanks.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....I don t think we got any....
It s empty on the inside, except for the inside cover
Gunther: ...Are we going to stack on top of one another?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I guess you could ask Sis, buuuut....
property of stephanie karloman, please return if found
Gunther: Can I be the head?
Henry Plinkett takes the pen and begins scratching together a fake PI cards
Mobile L.: steph nooooo...!
Henry Plinkett: I am not supporting your fat ass!
trenchcoats... they beckon
Gunther: Eheheheheheh...
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse

= 4
Landlord: Buuut...?
Henry Plinkett: oh god
the licence
Mobile L.: Cobrastan
it s SHIT
Kazuma Kuwabara: What? Ain t no way I m wakin her up!
looks hastily cut out
Luckily, she s already out of the house...
Henry Plinkett: oh no it s the cobrastan investigator s licence
not colored, just paper
Henry Plinkett: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: And even with her gone, ain t know way I m sneakin
om, either!
Henry Plinkett: It ll do.

into her ro

Niko looks VERY UNSURE

George whines, looking at the badge
Henry Plinkett: In all likelyhood, Mr. Tesla, we ll need you to distract them.
This is just an extra layer of misdirection.
Niko: I can certainly oblige, Mr. Plinkett!
Niko beams electrically
Henry Plinkett: Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What could he do? Picket the hospital?
Henry Plinkett hands him the shitty licence
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Henry Plinkett: Get the trenchoat
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at it
Henry Plinkett: you re the fake PI.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-...ME?
Niko: Three words, young man: unannounced public seminar!~
Gunther: You are the most hard-boiled, Kuwabara.
Henry Plinkett: You re goign to distract whoever isn t distracted.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, true, but I am NOT wearing Sis s trenchcoat!
Henry Plinkett: I ll get it
Gunther: It s not crossdressing if you say "no homo".
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ain t gonna WEAR it either!
Henry Plinkett: But you re wearing it or I m shoving my fake beard down your thr
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got any idea what she s gonna do if she finds out I ve been
messing up her clothes!?
Bubbles, remember that time you put one of her socks on yer head??
Gunther: I could press it afterward.
She would never notice.
Neco-Arc Bubbles shivers
Kazuma Kuwabara: You obviously don t know my Sis!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ........
Gunther: ...Might I take on the PI role.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...No way, Jose ! I m the hardboiled one, here!
I ll a trenchcoat-less detective!
Henry Plinkett: Doesn t exist.
Gunther: Those are rarer than hens teeth.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What?!
Niko looks bewildered at this back-and-forth
Shun Akiyama: It s like a uniform, or a badge of office.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Henry Plinkett walks past them, heading for Shizuru s room
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Alright, fine! But you re scrubbin it CLEAN when we get b
ack, Gunth!
Gunther: She will never notice a thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Be careful, Gramps!
Henry Plinkett just walks in
Kazuma Kuwabara: I said be careful!
Henry Plinkett: I am careful.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Be carfuller
Niko: ...Mm, now what to speak on that will hold attentions...?
Henry Plinkett: It s literally my middle name.
Kazuma Kuwabara: !
Neco-Arc Evolution: Ohh... ohh, my...!
Neco-Arc Evolution is going through a drawer
Henry Plinkett: HEY.
Neco-Arc Evolution: E-eh?!
Henry Plinkett: ASSHOLE.
Neco-Arc Evolution looks up, clutching a pair of... socks
Henry Plinkett: What the fuck are you doing?
Mobile L.: gdi Evo
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Neco-Arc Evolution: I-- I m-- I m... I m not going through her sock drawer! I sw
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s going on!?
Henry Plinkett: You sick fucker.
Get me her trenchcoat.
Or you re going in the bone-pit.
Neco-Arc Evolution takes a snapshot of him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Who else is in there?? Evo, izzat you!?
Henry Plinkett: ...
Neco-Arc Evolution: H-ha! I-I ve-- I ve got... KUWABARA HE S GONNA EAT ME
Henry Plinkett: Give me the camera too.
Kazuma Kuwabara: GOOD!
Neco-Arc Evolution: KUWABARA HELP
Gunther: ...Eheheheheh...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, then! Come out here so I can kick your ass!
Niko: ...Wh... Hm...?
Neco-Arc Bubbles tugs on Kuwabara s ear insistently
Henry Plinkett: I m going to fucking kill you if I don t get that camera and I m
not going to feel bad about it.
Neco-Arc Evolution slams the sock drawer shut, with him inside
Henry Plinkett walks over
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Bubbles

Niko: ...I... am going to take my planning outside, I believe, eheh...

Kazuma Kuwabara: What izzit?
Henry Plinkett tries sealing it shut somehow
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Save! Save! Save!
Neco-Arc Evolution how
Henry Plinkett: hm
i have it
Bring me some tape!
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way am I setting foot in that room! Gotta have an alibi!
Henry Plinkett: I m going to trap this little shit in here unless he gives me th
e camera!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: SssssaaaAAAAAVE
Neco-Arc Bubbles tUG
Gunther has his ear pressed to the wall and is grinning madly
Gunther: ...Tape, you said? Eheh...
Henry Plinkett: Here that, asshole.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow! Hey!
Gunther GRABE
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, alright, FINE!
Gunther ENTEr
Kazuma Kuwabara slowly, nervously enters the room
Henry Plinkett: Give me the camera or I m keeping you in here until you suffocat
Henry Plinkett takes the tap
Henry Plinkett: Thanks.
Kazuma Kuwabara is being VERY careful not to step on anything or trip over anyth
ing or touch anything
Henry Plinkett: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: A-Alright....Everybody outta the way!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: save save sAVE
Henry Plinkett opens the drawer and tries tying him up with tape
Gunther muttley_snickering.wav
Well.. that s strange.
The drawer... it s only got socks in it.
Henry Plinkett shuts the drawer, going to grab the trenchcoat
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
George is lying on the floor inside shizuru s room

Henry Plinkett: BuKazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!

Henry Plinkett: Oh.
George is one of those dogs that sheds
Kazuma Kuwabara sees George
Henry Plinkett: George, shoo!
George lifts his head up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Crap, crap, crap, Crap, get the dog outta here!!
Henry Plinkett trhows the tape out of the room
Henry Plinkett: Go get it!
George looks over at the tape sleepily
George: ...
George puts his head back down on his paws
Gunther: Ehehehehheh...! Here...
Henry Plinkett runs out of the room with the trenchcoat
Gunther tries to grab the doge
George growls without moving when Gunther gets close
Gunther still snickering like an idiot
George: rrrrrrrr...
Henry Plinkett: GEORGE, COME!
Gunther: ...Don t be that way.
George gets up promptly, walking over
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara SIGH of relief
George stops to shake himself before exiting the room
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
George as dogs do
Henry Plinkett: George!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, dog!!
Gunther gets down on his knees and starts collecting hairs, individually
Kazuma Kuwabara: Crap, crap crap crap!
Space (GM): roll finesse
Henry Plinkett: Don t go in there George.
George: Ruff!
Henry Plinkett: It s a bad room.
Kazuma Kuwabara bends down and starts trying to pick up the dog hairs


Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse

= 21
George nods
Mobile L.: hhhhh
Gunther gets fuckin every single hair before Kuwabara s very eyes
Mac D.: never in this world has there been a greater molester of dog follicles
Henry Plinkett: he makes it too clean
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Nice goin , Gunth...
Mobile L.: The Hairman
Henry Plinkett: she can tell someone s been in there
Gunther: Heh. Thank you.
Gunther carries the hairs out
Kazuma Kuwabara gets back up, looking around
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....Evo, where the hell are ya!?
Gunther throws the hairs out the door, right into Castlah s face
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at Bubbles
Gunther shuts the door
Neco-Arc Bubbles pouting, looking away
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara carefully tiptoes to the drawer, opening it up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Evo?
it s empty
besides socks
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gunther: ...Should we eat.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Did he get out somehow..?
Henry Plinkett: He s hiding!
Probably was going to jack off in the socks, or somethign fucked!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Hmm.....
Kazuma Kuwabara thinking face
Henry Plinkett: Where s his porn collection, I m going to burn it!
Shun Akiyama: Well... I ll just be, ah... figuring out this whole Fujimura Group
deal. See you guys later.
Shun Akiyama awkwardly absconds
Mobile L.: Taking up the mantle
Henry Plinkett: Good luck, pal.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!

Kazuma Kuwabara gets INSPIRATION
Gunther: ...We should eat.
Henry Plinkett: tesla gets a war flashback
Gunther goes into the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Ah, nuts! I ve dropped all my pictures of Dynamite RIN on th
e floor!
Niko: ...aaaaaaaaaaaa...
Henry Plinkett: George.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: ...?
Henry Plinkett: You know that gross cat, the one with the camera?
Neco-Arc Evolution: D-DYNAMITE RIN?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: AHA!
George: Ruff!
George nods
Henry Plinkett: Sniff his porn out for me.
Neco-Arc Evolution: A-aagh!
Henry Plinkett: I m going to hold it hostage.
Gunther rifles through the refrigerator
Neco-Arc Evolution crawls into the paneling
Kazuma Kuwabara gives CHASE
Gunther finds...
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mere, you little-!
Neco-Arc Evolution: rolling 3d20
= 25
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 39
A mouldy cream cheese carton.
George: Ruff!
Gunther eats it
George starts sniffing it out
George: rolling 3d20

= 39
George starts barking at
George the microwave
Henry Plinkett: Gunth, don t touch the yogurt.
Henry Plinkett opens the microwave.
Neco-Arc Evolution is caught by the shoe
Gunther: ...Thiff iff cream cheedge.
Neco-Arc Evolution but slips out of it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Henry Plinkett: Okay, but don t touch the yogurt.
It s an empty microwave
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, Evo!
But, behind...
Henry Plinkett peers behind it, expecting cockroaches
Gunther nod nod nod, and eats the rest of that disgusting shit
Kazuma Kuwabara: If I ever catch you in Sis s room again, there s gonna be hell
to pay!!
there are many candid photographs of sakura matou
not sakura tohsaka
sakura matou
Niko: ...aaaaa... aaa... aaaaaaaa...
Henry Plinkett: Good boy, George!
George pants, wagging his tail
Henry Plinkett grabs them
George which hits Gunther s leg a lot
Henry Plinkett pets George
Gunther: ...Mfffhehehehehmmmffrghhh.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Mean... mean, mean.
Henry Plinkett grabs his lighter
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Alright...
Henry Plinkett holds the lighter in one hand and the pictures in the other
Henry Plinkett: Bring him out@
Kazuma Kuwabara makes his way out of the room, making ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN he has
left it exactly as he entered it
Gunther scrapes the last of the mold into his mouth and chunks the container
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Henry Plinkett: Hey, you fucking cat!
Space (GM): gunth roll spirit
Henry Plinkett: Give me the photo!
Kazuma Kuwabara: The hell re you guys tryin to do to the microwave!?
Neco-Arc Bubbles: M-me?!
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit

= 2
Henry Plinkett: Or it burns!
No, not you.
Mobile L.: RIP
Henry Plinkett: The disgusting pervert.
Gunther gets violently ill on Gein s shoes.
Henry Plinkett: A- Jesus Christ!
Gunther: blerrgghhhhhhhhhh
Neco-Arc Bubbles gasps, pointing shakily at the ruined shoes
Henry Plinkett: What the fuck kind of cream cheese did you eat!?
Gunther: .........
George: ...?
Gunther: ...hehhh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
George starts licking it up
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...Eeeew, Gunth!
Aw, that s nasty!
Gunther: ...there w-was some... mold on iblerrghhhhhhhhhhhh
Kazuma Kuwabara: Go to the toilet, man!
Henry Plinkett: I know you can hear me you fucking c- God fucking Damn it.
Neco-Arc Evolution: pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!
Henry Plinkett: I burn it in three seconds you piece of shit.
Neco-Arc Evolution is somewhere in this very room... roll mind, gein!
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 15
Gunther runs off to the bathroom, trying not to laugh/vomit at once and choke up
Neco-Arc Evolution: haha! i ve got backups, old man!
he s in the tomato basket
Gunther, roll spirit once more
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 14
Henry Plinkett throws the lighter at the basket before charging it
Gunther manages to hold it in until he gets to the toilet
Neco-Arc Evolution: --!?

Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Gunther: hrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Henry Plinkett: GIVE IT.
Gunther: ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Neco-Arc Evolution: O-okay, okay!
Gunther: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhokay there
Neco-Arc Evolution throws a roll of film at Gein
Henry Plinkett goes to grab him instead
Neco-Arc Bubbles: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 16
Gunther flushes it and washes his face
Neco-Arc Bubbles jumps to catch it but fails, colliding into Gein s face
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 7
Neco-Arc Evolution takes advantage of this distraction to RUN
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Aw, no you don t!
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Ooof!
Kazuma Kuwabara chases Evo
Gunther you look like crap
Neco-Arc Evolution rushes into the bathroom
Gunther thinks maybe this would aid in the diversion, somehow
Neco-Arc Evolution slams the door shut behind him and locks it
Neco-Arc Evolution: O-oh... oh, maaan...
Gunther: ...Hhhhey guys, I
Kazuma Kuwabara runs up to the bathroom door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunth, quick! Nab the cat!
Neco-Arc Evolution: ...?
Neco-Arc Evolution slooowly looks up at Gunther
Neco-Arc Evolution: ....................................

Gunther POUNCE
Neco-Arc Evolution: --!!!!
Finesse, yo
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 11
Neco-Arc Evolution: Aaa-!!!!
Neco-Arc Evolution is grrabbed by a zombie
Gunther: ...I have... the cat...
Neco-Arc Evolution: L-leggo!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Awesome! Now bring him out so I can clobber him!
Gunther delivers him hence
Kazuma Kuwabara takes CAT
Gunther: ...Guys... So I look like shit now.
Space (GM): seer are you alive
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunth
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Geez, what happened to you?
Neco-Arc Evolution struggles in vain
Neco-Arc Evolution: Let gooooo of meeeeee...!!
Gunther: I ate moldy food. But this is beside the point.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Evo
Gunther: We re going to a hospital.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way, chump! What d I tell you about going into Sis s room!?
Neco-Arc Evolution: Don t do it when she s in there !
Henry Plinkett: i had a pgonecall
Kazuma Kuwabara gives him SUCH A NOOGIE
Henry Plinkett: Hol him over the toiler.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Don t do it at all!
Space (GM): welcome to te land of the living
Neco-Arc Evolution: AAAAAAAAAAUGH
Neco-Arc Bubbles is woozy from colliding into Gein s face
Gunther: ...Would a second scene being made be overmuch.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now this kitchen better be spotless by the time I get back, got
Henry Plinkett picks her up, holding her carefully in arms
Neco-Arc Bubbles: Okay, okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Just don t let him burn my stash.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Oooogh...
Mobile L.: bubbles why
Neco-Arc Evolution: @_@
Henry Plinkett: Gunth.
Space (GM): fug
swap those
Henry Plinkett: Hold him over the toilet.

Gunther: ...Give me the cat, Kuwabara.

Kazuma Kuwabara: I ll make sure he does that and MORE if I ever catch you sneaki
n into her room again, got it!?
Henry Plinkett: Give him the cat.
Neco-Arc Evolution: They re gonna waterboard me kuwabara
Henry Plinkett: No.
Neco-Arc Evolution: With toilet water
Henry Plinkett: No.
That s not what I want.
Neco-Arc Evolution: He lies
Kazuma Kuwabara: I think Evo s learned his lesson, guys....
Kazuma Kuwabara gives him such a look
Neco-Arc Evolution: Y-yes! Yeah! U-uh huh, uh huh!
Henry Plinkett: If you ever try to blackmail me again.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Never ever! No siree, never!!!
Henry Plinkett: I m going to break that camera and force every piece down your l
ittle fuckign throat.
Neco-Arc Evolution: AAAAAAAAAUGH
Kazuma Kuwabara sets evo down on the table
Henry Plinkett throws the pictures on the floor
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, now get to scrubbin that puke!
Gunther: And I will waterboard you while he does that.
Gitmo style.
...But guys.
Henry Plinkett: No, the people at Gitmo will envy you.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
Gunther: ...I look like shit and we are going to a hospital.
Neco-Arc Evolution: :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Gunther: How can we use this present fact.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Henry Plinkett: Alright.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....-DINGHenry Plinkett: We say.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, yeah!
Neco-Arc Evolution goes to snatch up his pictures
Neco-Arc Evolution and reluctantly gets a paper towel
Henry Plinkett: You ate some pills.
No, actually, I think.
George assists him in cleaning the vomit
Kazuma Kuwabara: Am I still a detective?
Henry Plinkett: You already have grounds for going to the hospital.
We have three layers of misdirection!
Everyone will be distracted.
Gunther: I ate moldy food and then I took the pills.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, and you re gonna be the one to sneak in?
Henry Plinkett: Yes.

Kazuma Kuwabara: You?

Henry Plinkett: Yes.
Gunther: Because I could not live with myself.
Kazuma Kuwabara: The hundred-something year old man?
Henry Plinkett: You re really pissing me off.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Remember the LAST time you tried sneaking around?
Space (GM):
Gunther: And also I think I am having a heart attack, but I am just histrionic a
nd they have to discern this.
Henry Plinkett: I remember defeating terrorists.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I remember gettin shot at by terrorists till the cops showed u
Henry Plinkett: We re going.
Henry Plinkett tosses him the coat
Kazuma Kuwabara catches it
Gunther: And I cannot the, uhhh... Jap-a-nese.
Henry Plinkett: Wait.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re just gonna get shot at again!
Henry Plinkett: Evo.
Gunther: This will be... hrrrfff... perfect...
Henry Plinkett: Clean my shoes.
And quick.
Neco-Arc Evolution: Y-yes, sir...
Neco-Arc Evolution goes to clean em
Neco-Arc Evolution: rolling 3d20
= 31
Neco-Arc Evolution does a shit job of it, but is not like intentionally oding so
Niko: ...Are... are we getting close, gentlemen...? aaaa...
Neco-Arc Evolution: *doing
Henry Plinkett: Thanks.
Henry Plinkett sets Bubbles down on the table
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright,,,,,
Kazuma Kuwabara dramatically dons the trenchcoat
Henry Plinkett: Hey, buddy.
Neco-Arc Bubbles: wuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s do this thing!
Henry Plinkett: I need your shoes.
Landlord has been quietly reading a book and trying to ignore the noise
Landlord: Go ahead and take em.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Till Gramps get caught and ends up in jail, that is....
they re by the door, as is proper in a japaese hosuehold
Henry Plinkett just takes the shoes

Henry Plinkett puts them on

Henry Plinkett tosses the vomit-y pair outside
Gunther: Hoooooospitallll...
Henry Plinkett: There, public property now.
Kazuma Kuwabara follows suit, putting on his own shoos
Niko: ?
Henry Plinkett: Alright, let s head out.
Long story.
Niko: ...Yes, yes, yes, of course. We are off!
Gunther prepares his performance
Henry Plinkett begins heading to the hospital
Gunther and Niko DO the FOLLOW thing
It s a lovely day in Fuyuki city.
(To Space): Ey yo, should I lend you the map from AdEVA, of the infirmary
Henry Plinkett: where s the hospital
(From Landlord): holy shit i d pay you
Kazuma Kuwabara tries detective faces as he walks
Kazuma Kuwabara:
How s this look?
Space (GM): you ll get there eventually
(To Space): One momento
Henry Plinkett: no an answer
Space (GM): keep walking
Henry Plinkett: You look constipated.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ahhh, what do you know?
Henry Plinkett: I know what a conspitated man looks like.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You don t know what a detective looks like!
Henry Plinkett: I ve met a few.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, right....Just like those wizards you met, too?
Gunther giggles incessantly atb Kuwabara s face and tries not to vomit again
Lugh: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Lugh is just standing in the middle of the street, looking troubled and uncertai
Henry Plinkett: Detective Karling, he was pretty big, guy from C...
It s a kid.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh....Kid?
Kazuma Kuwabara tries getting his attention
(To Space):
Lugh is looking down at this exact point
Gunther: !
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
(From Lugh): your lifesaver
Gunther: ...Hey. Lugh.
Kazuma Kuwabara walks over and peeks over his shoulder

Henry Plinkett looks at it too

Kazuma Kuwabara: What re ya lookin at?
You know this guy, Gunth?
Lugh: ...Something is wrong... something is wrong, I can smell it.
Gunther: We met recently. He is just great.
Lugh: You feel it too, don t you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh! Cool!
...Huh? Feel what?
Gunther looks like he feels -something-...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Actually, now that you mention it.....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around for Yusuke s Ghost
Henry Plinkett just looks at the spot
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Yusuke Urameshi: ...uwabara! Kuwabara!!
Sheesh, I nearly lost you again...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Oh! Hey, there you are!
Gunther tries to use MAGIC GEIGER COUNTER on this spot
It is just the pavement, evidently he was lost in thought
Kazuma Kuwabara: I was wonderin where you went. Thought for a sec I dreamed you
roll minde gunth
Henry Plinkett: I just see pavement.
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 8
Nothing in that spot, certainly.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guess if I m not lookin for ya, I can t hear ya....Man, you re
WAY better as a ghost!
Lugh: ...I need to go. Sorry.
Lugh starts off quickly
Henry Plinkett: Huh?
Gunther: ...Mm. Alright. Goodbye...

Lugh then starts running

Henry Plinkett: Where are you parents?

Henry Plinkett runs after him
Gunther looks down
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Lugh then turns into a golden wolf and bounds onto a rooftop
Lugh um
Gunther: ...Gein.
Henry Plinkett: NO GOOD CUh,
Gunther: !
...Of course.
Kazuma Kuwabara watches Plinkett run off, just after Lugh goes wolf
Golden Wolf runs away
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hey! Where re you goin ???
Yusuke Urameshi: Huh? I m not goin anywhere, Kuwabara?
Yusuke Urameshi tries to look around him
Niko: ???
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shh, Urameshi! I m tryin to talk to Gramps!
Niko: Um.
(From Yusuke Urameshi): you can have niko roll to detect shenanigans if you so d
Kazuma Kuwabara holds a finger up to thin air as far as Niko sees
Henry Plinkett: A kid.
Just turned into.
A wolf.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Henry Plinkett: And flew away.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....You feelin alright, Gramps?
Henry Plinkett: The same wolf I gave a corndog!
Gunther: ...Mr. Plinkett. He is trustworthy.
Space (GM): minde roll
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, good thing we re headed to a hospital anyway...
Niko: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 7
Henry Plinkett: on whose part
Space (GM): niko
Henry Plinkett: Don t make fun of me!
See that apartment there, Niko? It s had its electricity shut off.
Henry Plinkett: Remember!
You took a photo of it!
The wolf!

Niko: ...Good god!

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Oh, right! The wolf, yeah! I remember
Kazuma Kuwabara: But the wolf wasn t that kid!
Yusuke Urameshi: What wolf??
Yusuke Urameshi stands on his toptoes
Gunther: ...Yes he was, Kuwabara.
Henry Plinkett: It sure as hell was!
Gunther: That boy is...

Henry Plinkett: He s a werewofl!

Gunther: ...A potentially powerful ally.
They probably just didn t pay their bill... but can you really risk that
Henry Plinkett: Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon guys, can we save the silly stuff for later? We gotta get
to that hospital!
Henry Plinkett: Yes!
We re burning daylight.
Niko: ...I will also mention this to the City!
...Oh, right, right, right!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi, disappear again! I can t be talkin to you out in pub
lic, or folks ll think I m nuts!
Gunther: ...If we see him again, let me speak to him.
I would like to know what it is he felt.
Gunther sounds especially serious
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..The Kid? Yeah, sure.
C mon, we gotta hustle!
Yusuke Urameshi: Kuwabara, they can t see me!
Gunther hup hup, hospital
Henry Plinkett begins walking to the hoppital
Henry Plinkett:
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! So I can t be talkin to ya in public!
...Man, what a dump.
Mobile L.: frig I couldn t make the Vocaroo out
They arrive in the hospital parking lot...
Space (GM): -serbian accent- i will ALSO report this to the city
Mobile L.: Oh. Ahahahaha
Now I geddit
ilu Eldy
There seems to be a crowd gathering...
Henry Plinkett: This...
Gunther hunches over like he is IN PAIN
Henry Plinkett: What s going on here?
eldritch s.:
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..?
Gunther: aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches crowd
Gunther: I hyeve... such the pains...
Great Luvia folds her arms, laughing
Great Luvia: Fufufufufufufu!

eldritch s.: the best part i

because of the bad mic
half of what tesla says
Great Luvia: I, the Great Luvia...
Great Luvia poses
eldritch s.: sounds like gibberish
as if he was just speaking serbian
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Niko: dengerous end shyeet
Great Luvia: Promise fully to put every single one of my opponents into this hos
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hang on a sec! Is that-!?
Great Luvia: Fufufufufufufu!!
Charles: Please, see some level of reason.
Gunther: aaaaaa end theese meeserable exeestance of mine, pelease...
Charles: There are wounded here, we must keep quiet.
Kazuma Kuwabara hops onto a car to see
Kazuma Kuwabara: Holy crap, it IS!!
Gunther staggers about comically
Gunther: i ken see jeezus...
Paul: Um...Yeah. So please, Miss....
Great Luvia: Old man! Are you blind? Why, I ll suplex you into a car if you don
t shut up! Fufufufu! No one can challenge the Great Luvia in the ring!
Carefree Warrior: It s kayfabe.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s the Great Luviaaaaa!!!!
Guys can you believe this!?!
Charles: It is loud.
Kazuma Kuwabara is looking around for Gein and Gunther
Charles: It harms my ears.
Henry Plinkett is hiding behind a van
Gunther: peleese to put the bullet into me....
Carefree Warrior: She s putting on a show. It s just acting.
Paul: Hey, come on, you don t have to get violent....
Gunther is getting into character
Great Luvia laughs, flexing
7-11 Guy: S-she s... she s so beautiful!
Charles: I understand that.
7-11 Guy falls to the ground in awe
7-11 Guy: Great Luvia! You re... just so great
Charles: But, perhaps you presence will lift the spirits of the sickly.
Gunther: Hyeh... hyello...? The-the pains...
Yusuke Urameshi: The Great Luvia? That washed-up old hasbeen?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi, I thought you were huge into Luvia!
Niko clears his throat and steps FORTH
Mac D.:
Carefree Warrior: Well, too bad I can t stick around and watch. Nice talking to
you, sir.

Carefree Warrior heads off

Mobile L.: oh mai gah, hold on a sec
Yusuke Urameshi: No way!
Space (GM): don t forget the finnish accent
Yusuke Urameshi: Sure, she was good back in the day, but there are way better he
els out there!
Great Luvia stops dead
Charles: You too, young ma- Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, don t trash talk the classics!
Great Luvia: ....I heard that.
Great Luvia stomps over
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....WhGreat Luvia: Who?! Who dares mock the Great Luvia?!
Yusuke Urameshi: See, watch this.
I do, you dumb old hag!
Charles goes to help him up
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
7-11 Guy: Oogh... L-luvia...?
Charles: Take my hand, son.
Great Luvia: ...
Great Luvia steps over
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Wh-Great Luvia: HaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Great Luvia suplexes a ghost
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Woah, wait, can she actual....!?!?!?
Yusuke Urameshi: AUGH
7-11 Guy reaches shakily up to take it
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are you serious!?
7-11 Guy: Th... this calloused old hand...
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): brb
Paul is standing next to Blackmore, watching this dumb bullshit
Niko: ...Paul? Charles? I did not, ah... expect you to be here...
Paul: ...?
Oh! Niko!
Where ve you been?
Charles: te accent
Mobile L.: is that what how finnish
Mobile L.: very naice
Charles: I did not expect to be here either/
Yusuke Urameshi: x_x.......
Great Luvia: Fufufuufufufufufu!
Niko: Yes, hello! I have, ah, been a bit busy. What are you gentlemen here for?
Great Luvia: That is what happens to all who dare defy the Great Luvia!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I KNEW you were great, Luvia!!
Charles presumablly helps the guy up
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well, I mean, maybe not as great as Dynamite RIN, but still

7-11 Guy is shakly helped to his feet

The world falls silent.
Golden Wolf: ...
Henry Plinkett is crafty
Great Luvia: ...
Henry Plinkett tries sneaking by all of this
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Great Luvia slooowly turns to look at Kuwabara
Great Luvia: What.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......-GULPFade to black...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I, uh....
Henry Plinkett: what
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait hang on don t cut out now!!!!
Space (GM): while i set up the infirmary
i ve reached my step count for my phone walking app
by shifting my leg slightly
Henry Plinkett: ahahaha
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): sakura and the great luvia team up to be mean to rin
Mobile L.: Poor Rin
IDK if that even how Finnish people sound
I almost had her say "ja"
Space (GM): i think it is
eldritch s.: i have a question
Kuwabara nurses a bloody nose, while Urameshi s ghost-wrist is ghost-sprained.
eldritch s.: what does gein sound like to everyoone
Gunther s lying on the cold hard ground.
Mac D.:
Henry Plinkett: Fucking idiots ruined my whole plan...
Space (GM): not quite a stereotypical curmudgeonly old man
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....owwww.....
Yusuke Urameshi: Uughh.
Gunther: ...the pains... m-mther, is thet you...?
The nurse pokes her head out from the door.
Henry Plinkett tries to think of a way he could sneak into the morgue with what
he has around him
Yusuke Urameshi: roll mind gein
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 15
Mech-Hisui: Beep-boop. Who is. The most grievously injured. Beep.
Gunther: ...aaaaaaa... AAAAAAAAA... I... I hyeve seen Gt hyimself... hrrrrrk...
Kazuma Kuwabara points to Gunther while nursing his nose
Let s see... you re in a bathroom. You could say you re trying to keep a urine s

ample cold or something...?

Mech-Hisui: Very well. Boop-beep.
Mech-Hisui starts dragging Gunther away
Henry Plinkett tries to find a cup
Mech-Hisui: Are you his friend, pompadour lad?
Gunther: AAAAAAAAAAA! AAAaaaaaaAAaaaa hyelp me Jeezus... hyelp me, Life Alerts..
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yea-..ow...
There s one in the trash, thankfully.
Henry Plinkett takes it
Mech-Hisui: Don t worry. We only make glue out of the... hopeless cases.
Henry Plinkett a few minutes later has a full cup
Mech-Hisui: Humor quota achieved. Back to work.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......?...
Henry Plinkett pats his hair down, puts on his reading glasses
Mech-Hisui drags him off and props him on a table
Henry Plinkett shoves his fake beard into his pocket
Mech-Hisui: What seems to, beep, be the problem, boop.
Gunther: Eef... hrrrrghhh... eef ever I see de mtherland again... I will tell the
m... to put on de rafts, like in old days...
Yusuke Urameshi: ...The hell was that? She suplexed me!
Henry Plinkett takes the cup and walks up to the morgue
Gunther: ...mther... I am skyeered...
Space (GM): roll mind gein
Henry Plinkett messes his hair up again on the way there
Gunther: hold me...
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 5
People give you some weird looks in the hallway, specifically one man in a labco
Gunther: tell me I will... hrrrrfff... be the stronk ploughman... like fmther...
Henry Plinkett stops the labcoat man
Henry Plinkett: Hey, you don t know me, but I m the new guy here...
I got jumped on my way to work.
The Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma: I see.
Henry Plinkett: And I need to keep this urine sample cold, but I don t have any
of my shit and the guys in charge of the freezer hate me.
Mech-Hisui: Where does it hurt.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: You totally deserved it!
Henry Plinkett: Could you help me get to the morgue?

Yusuke Urameshi: I did not!

The Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma: Uhh... I don t work here, but I guess I could
look around for you.
Gunther: ...e-everywhere, mther... expecially een...
Henry Plinkett: Oh.
Henry Plinkett: I just figured.
With the.
Lab coat.
Gunther: my soulllll... hrrrrfffff...
The Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma: Listen well, old man. The lab coat is the mad
scientist s badge of office!
The Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma poses dramatically.
Henry Plinkett: Okay.
Do you mind if I wear it on my way there?
Gunther tries to vomit again to demonstrate the DEPTHS of his AGONY
The Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma: Without this lab coat I m no different from th
-Henry Plinkett: It s cold, I don t want to freeze in there/
The Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma: What?! No, get your own!
Henry Plinkett sighs
He runs off, ducking behind a corner
Henry Plinkett: Where did you get iAnd flips out his phone
Henry Plinkett: ... Fucking cunt.
The Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma: It s me. An agent of the vast conspiracy is fo
llowing me... yes, he wants to steal my labcoat. I ve already taken evasive mane
uvers. I ll keep you posted.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You so did! You called her a hag!
He runs off.
Henry Plinkett keeps walking to the morgue
Gunth roll spirit
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 11
Gunther vomits in the nice nursebot s face.
The morgue s right over there! The guard s too busy reading his magazine to even
notice you...
Henry Plinkett walks into the morgue
Gunther: ...ohhhh... ohhh Gt, mther, now... now you halso will hyeve de... de drop
Mech-Hisui: B-beep, beep, beepbeepbeepbepBOOP
Mech-Hisui shuts down.
Yusuke Urameshi: I didn t think she d hear me!
Gunther: ...I hyeve... disgraced thees famil oh.

Mac D.:

The morgue s a morgue, much like the one in the film re-animator
Many of the dead bodies.
Henry Plinkett looks for the body of Leonard Harway
roll mind to search
Mobile L.: Beautiful, Duff :,)
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, right! Like thatSpace (GM): duff
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait....
Space (GM): mobile
you re both wonderful
Kazuma Kuwabara: How DID she hear you?
Gunther gets up and peers out to see if there is anyone to distract
Henry Plinkett:
Mobile L.: :)
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 11
Nnnope, nobody. Well, besides Fonzie over there.
Henry Plinkett: Wait. Fonzie?
Gunther: ...I think I short-circuited the nurse.
Using the card catalogue (how do they organize morgues) Gein finds his corpse pr
etty easily.
Henry Plinkett: oh
i thought you meant e found dead fonzie
Fonzie: Thankfully, I m alive and well!
Mobile L.: eyy
Space (GM) as Fonzie motorcycles off
Henry Plinkett pulls the tarp off
nude teenage boy
Henry Plinkett: :)
alright roll mind to perform your examination
Mobile L. calls the cops
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 2
Mobile L.: Gein no
Henry Plinkett: i m going to call
multiated his victims

that s pretty distinctive

Well let s see, Gein. There s a knife wound on his chest. It s still bleeding, e
ven though the body is cold.
Space (GM): his murder wasn t offscreen
Henry Plinkett: i don t give a shit
Henry Plinkett: Hm.
Space (GM): mom is making me eat bran twigs
Henry Plinkett touches the blood
Mobile L.: Be brave
Gunther ducks back into the room
Yusuke Urameshi: How d she suplex me??
Henry Plinkett: is it warm
Mac D.:
Kazuma Kuwabara: That ain t important right now! How d she HEAR you??/
Blood. Hope this is not Chris s blood...
Space (GM):
duff waits
Henry Plinkett washes the blood off in the urine
Mobile L.: Holy shit Duff was Tom Waits this whole time
How did we not know
Henry Plinkett: Now..
bodily fluids: the rp
Henry Plinkett texts Gunth
Yusuke Urameshi: C mon, you try suplexing me!
Henry Plinkett: actually
Gunther looks at all the medical equipment
Henry Plinkett: i don t jaeve
the number
Henry Plinkett texts Kuwabara
Henry Plinkett "in morgue. examining body."
It all looks pretty hi-tech...
Gunther roll mind.
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 6
Henry Plinkett: duff
Mobile L.: He s waitsing again
Henry Plinkett: vocaroos at the expsense of the common good
Gunther doesn t hear the footsteps until they re nearly right behind him.
Gunther: ?
Gunther hunches over again and makes pain noises
Gunther: *aaaaaa... so coldt... so coldt, like the Siberian Hyalps...

Jason Artimenner: Cut the bullshit, kiddo.

...ees that you... Jeezus...?
Jason Artimenner: You re here with that old man and the rest of his gang of cree
ps. Aren t you?
Henry Plinkett: How the fuck does a wound keep bleeding...
How much blood did he have...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, fine!
Henry Plinkett: i texted you
Kazuma Kuwabara tries gettin urameshi INNALOCK
Even without that, the wound would have coagulated probs
Henry Plinkett "in morgue. examining body"
Gunther: ...pleese permeet me to liff a frtnacht longer, o Jeezus... I... hrrrghh
... mst be stronk... for grndfmther...
Kuwabara s phone vibrattes as he phases right through Urameshi
Mac D.:
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara CHECK FONE
Jason Artimenner: Cut the crap, kid, or it won t be pretty.
in morgue. examining body
Gunther: ...Who wants to know.
Kazuma Kuwabara texts back
smilebomb: wow u actully did it????
Mobile L.: Don t hurt your voice being beautiful
smilebomb: anything weird about the body?
Jason Artimenner: Someone who ll spatter your brains all over the linoleum if yo
u don t tell me.
Space (GM): duff you re womdrous
Mac D.: i killed my throat doing that
Henry Plinkett:
Gunther looks entirely unafraid, even if he does look like shit
Henry Plinkett "get in here."
smilebomb: uhhhh
i dunno how 2 get there?????????????//
Mobile L.: Poor Jason
Jason Artimenner: Last chance.
Henry Plinkett "find a map they re on the wall"
smilebomb: ok ok!
Kazuma Kuwabara searches for map
Gunther looks to see if he has WEPON
Henry Plinkett covers the dick with the tarp
on zhe wall
Mac D.: let
*let s do requests cuz why not
Kazuma Kuwabara lookit der map
Jason Artimenner is levelling a sawed-off shotgun at gunther s face
Henry Plinkett: i request we keep rping

Space (GM): i have one

Mac D.: we can do both you buffoon
Mobile L.: Somebody to Love
Mac D.: ahhh i don t got that shit memorized
eldritch s.: is no-dick jason going to do it
Space (GM): "Take it from me,
little buddy. I m nineteen and I ve already wasted my entire life."
Gunther tries to knee no-dick Jason in the gut and take his gun
Space (GM): roll finesse
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 10
Mobile L.: shitfug
Mac D.:
Mobile L.: Perf
Space (GM): best burgerpants
Gunther knees Jason in the dick
Jason Artimenner: Ghck-!
Jason Artimenner reflexively pulls the trigger
Gunther: ?!
Jason Artimenner: rolling 1d8 + 2 for damage
= 10
eldritch s. continues to puzzle over the body
yeah everyone heard that probs
eldritch s.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 5
Henry Plinkett: hey
can i
Henry Plinkett: and dead bodies
Space (GM): increase the increase
Henry Plinkett: can i just get an increased roll
well then the rolls 19
Gunther fights like a fucking animal even though he has been shot
Jason Artimenner: Fucking kid!

You see this?

Gunther: You do not understand what you just did...
Jason Artimenner points to a scar on his face
Jason Artimenner: I went through a goddam windshield at 40 miles an hour
Gunther: I don t give a shit.
Jason Artimenner: I don t give a fuck!
Gunther SWINGS at his face
Space (GM): hey kuwabaraaaaaaa
seer what was the gein try to do
Henry Plinkett: examine the body further
Mobile L.: BRB, must deliver tea, please tell me what how roll when I get back
Space (GM): fuckin perfect holy shit
Kazuma Kuwabara is LOOKING AT DER MAP
Kazuma Kuwabara:
The corpse is unmarred. Nearly unblemished. He had a Magic Crest on the undersid
e of his left arm. Had being the operative word.
Space (GM): maybe kuwabara heard the gunshot
over here
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
What the-!?
Kazuma Kuwabara heads towards the sound of GUNSHOT
Space (GM): mobile has to brb so duff i have request
Henry Plinkett: ...
Roa didn t do this.
Mobile L.: Hokay back
For a sec
Henry Plinkett: These police officers are fucking idiots.
yeah, someone carved his crest off with a knife
Mobile L.: Hokay back
For a sec
Henry Plinkett: ...
Or delibrate.
Henry Plinkett how would i know a crest is there
Henry Plinkett: was
a faint, magical residue
Mac D.:
KUWbARA that asshole shot gunther
Space (GM): roll brawn
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Space (GM): napstablook
Gunther: ...RUN, Kuwabara, I implore you.
Space (GM): hey duff i have a request
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 13
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunther!!
Mac D.: yes ask
Henry Plinkett throws the tarp back over the body
Gunther: Kuwabara.
Henry Plinkett: Stole his magic crest...
Space (GM):
Henry Plinkett: Fucking wizards.
Gunther fuckin kidneypunches him, and he doubles over
Jason Artimenner: FFfff-c
rolling 0d8 + 0 for damage
= 0
oh excuse me
rolling 1d8 + 0 for damage
= 4
Mobile L.: ...e-eh...??
Mac D.:
Jason Artimenner:
Gunther tries to bring him completely to the ground
Henry Plinkett walks out of the morgue
Gunther by socking him in the goddamn face
Henry Plinkett texts Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara is moving in to H E L P
Henry Plinkett "Nevermind, where are you."
Space (GM): hold that thought gunth
its kuwabaras turn
Mobile L.: Just as well, BRB once more
Henry Plinkett: space
if you make another request
i ll hurt you
Space (GM): i m done with them
duff doesn t put his full heart into mine...
Henry Plinkett: you know why
Mac D.:
Space (GM): it s kuwabara s turn you angry man
Mobile L.: bek
Mac D.: was waitin for mobile
Mobile L.: Nah, G, it s all you
Oop, oh wait, hurf
Kazuma Kuwabara picks up the slack for Gunther in the face-socking department
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20

= 40
Space (GM): kuwabaras arm shoots all the way over like plastic man
Mac D.: he moved over ther you fucker
Mobile L.: No, he does the rocket fist that flies off
Kuwabara rushes over, socking Jason in the face while he s distracted -- knockin
g off his glasses!
Mobile L.: Boosh
Space (GM): rocket peace
Space (GM): rolling 1d8 + 0 for damage
= 6
Mac D.: any requests mobi
Gunther clutches his wound with one hand
Henry Plinkett texted kuwabar
Mobile L.: Hmm, lemme thank
Kazuma Kuwabara is busy saving his broski s LIFE
Henry Plinkett is currently waiting a small distance from the morgue, holding a
plastic cup of his own piss and some lood
Mobile L.: Your rendition of what a male Illya would sound like
Jason Artimenner: Piece of SHIT!
Gein would definitely hear such things
Henry Plinkett: No-Dick.
Henry Plinkett begins creeping over to the direction
Mac D.:
Jason Artimenner s eyes flash YELLOW
Mobile L.: oh mai gah wonderful
Space (GM): holy
Gunther looks utterly unfased
Jason Artimenner: NULLIFICATION!
Henry Plinkett sneaks into the room, tries creeping behind Jason
everything goes all photonegative
Gunther: ?...!...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
The robot nurse starts sparking
Henry Plinkett: sneaking noises
Yusuke Urameshi: *Ku--ara! Wha--?!
Your connection to Urameshi is fading.
Gunther: ................
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Roll finesse old snake
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi!?
Henry Plinkett:
Mobile L.: Metal Gein Solid

Henry Plinkett:

rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 10
Mobile L.: tens...
Greek Judas
Jason Artimenner whips around, screaming in pain and anger, as he fires the seco
nd barrel of his shotgun at Gein - roll to dodge!
Henry Plinkett: HEY, NO-DICK!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Henry Plinkett flings his cup of piss into his face, trying to throw off his ai
Kazuma Kuwabara looks in the direction he s shootan
Gunther: Mister Plinkett, you should also leave.
Gunther feels something... eating away at the very core of his being.
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 5
Gunther: ...hehhh...?
Henry Plinkett: no FUCK YOU
Mobile L.: Increase for piss
Space (GM): house rule: always increase for piss
Gunther grits his teeth and tries to fight it
Jason Artimenner: FUCK!
Henry Plinkett: urination fetish
The shot goes wide
Space (GM): do you want gein to live seer
Mac D.:
Henry Plinkett: eh
Mobile L.: Canon Gein
Space (GM): no that s seer
Mobile L.: Still canon Gein
Space (GM): @seer: he he
Henry Plinkett: gein said that too
Space (GM): gogunthgo
Gunther tries to knock him to the ground and curbstomp his face, American Histor
y X-style
Gunther: Hrrrrrrrghhh...
Mobile L.: Bran?
Henry Plinkett: what is jason thinking
right now
Space (GM): brawn
Henry Plinkett: what is he thinking

Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 10
Jason Artimenner: "fucking CUNTS"
Mobile L.: tens.
Henry Plinkett: You like that, No-Dick!?
Gunther s strength ebbs as he pounds his fists on Jason s leather jacket.
Gunther: ...Mm...
Jason Artimenner: Piece a SHIT!
Gunther puts a hand in his right pocket
Gunther clutches something tightly
Space (GM): ku bara
Kazuma Kuwabara: Raaah!
Gunther: ...Ehehh... hrrrk... Heh...
Good one... Mister Plinkett...
Kazuma Kuwabara tries to tackle Jason and wrestle his gun away from him
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 27
Mac D.: kuwabara really needs to hit the gyme
Mobile L.: Never skip arm day
eldritch s.: OOHHH
Mobile L.: Urameshi sure doesn t
eldritch s.: I VE GOT A
Jason Artimenner catches him with his arm, throwing him off into the wall with s
urprising strength
Jason Artimenner: rolling 1d8
= 4
Gunther: ...Run... Please get out of here...
Henry Plinkett: Keep your eyes on the prize, you lowlife pigfucker!
Gunther: Both of you...
Jason Artimenner whips back to point the gun at Gein, pulling the trigger

it s out
Jason Artimenner: FUCK!
Jason Artimenner flings it aside, pulling a knife out
Mobile L.: Jason is having a rough time
Space (GM): he s gonna have a bad time
Henry Plinkett: play the song
Kazuma Kuwabara: Agh-!!
Kazuma Kuwabara clutches his arm
Henry Plinkett summons a bone from his RM and goes to slam it over his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...How s he so strong!?....
Gein feels a sharp pain in his arm.
Space (GM): Try as he might to pull something from his Reality Marble... it isn
t manifesting!
Gunther: ...Just run...
Kazuma Kuwabara is focused on his hurt arm and does not notice Henry pull a bomb
out of SPACe
Henry Plinkett goes to punch him
As if it s Nullified...
Kazuma Kuwabara oh well what do u no
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 17
Gein shocks him clean in the fucking jaw
Space (GM): rolling 1d8 + 1 for damage
= 6
Jason Artimenner: I m not A COWARD!
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 6
Mobile L.: shitdick
Gunther falls over, convulsing in pain
Henry Plinkett: YOU RE A PUSSY!!

Gunther: ...........
Gunther still has the one hand in his pocket
Kazuma Kuwabara: See you block this!!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs up to do a jump kick into jason s FAYUSS
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 24
Jason Artimenner: Go to HELL, OLD MAN! You need these fuckin spastics to kick m
y ass, is that it?!
Jason Artimenner grabs Kuwabara by the leg...
Using the momentum to swing him around at Gein!
Gunther: ...K... Kuwa...
Henry Plinkett charges him, trying to knock the wind from him while he exposes s
Mobile L.: Swooce
Henry Plinkett: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 21
Space (GM): fuck yes holy shit
double twenties
Mobile L.: Jeezus Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: WOOOHAAAOOAH!
Mac D.: rolling 3d20
= 19
An audible CRACK comes from Jason s ribcage as Gein plows into him, bowling him
Mac D.: rolling 3d20

= 30
Gunther: ...Hehh...
Space (GM): rolling 5d8 + 1 for damage
= 33
Henry Plinkett: And guess what, No-Dick.
Jason Artimenner is gasping for air
Henry Plinkett: Look nice and close.
Jason Artimenner: F-fuck you...
Henry Plinkett gouges his eyes
screams in pain
Gunther: ........
The pressure lessens from Gunther, until it s gone completely.
Gunther tries to get back on his feet
Jason Artimenner: A-aaah! AAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!
Mac D.:
Kazuma Kuwabara
Henry Plinkett:
Space (GM): big
Mobile L.: That

is knocked the fuggout on the floor

is the realest thing I have heard all night

Gunther roll for geddup?

Henry Plinkett stands up
Yusuke Urameshi: ...u-wabara!
no roll needed
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Muh...?
Gunther rises
Henry Plinkett: Always a pathetic piece of shit.
Jason Artimenner lies there, blood pooling from his eyesockets
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at Uramooshi
Henry Plinkett spits on him
Yusuke Urameshi: You kicked his ass, now get up!
Gunther: ...Should I kill him?
Henry Plinkett: Do it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Right! Right, yeah...

Gunther is still BLEEDING a LOT

Henry Plinkett stops
Kazuma Kuwabara stumbles to his feet
Henry Plinkett: Wait.
Henry Plinkett looks at his hands for a second
he s losing a LOT of blood
Henry Plinkett: No.
Space (GM): seer draw the blood pool would you
Henry Plinkett: Stop, stop this, fucking stop!
Gunther: ?
Jason Artimenner: Hhh.... hhh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh? Gramps?...
Gunther: ...Oh...
Henry Plinkett: No!
Jason Artimenner: Old man...
Henry Plinkett: FUCKING NO!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at him and his GRISLY WORK
Jason Artimenner: How s it feel?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?!
Henry Plinkett: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Jason Artimenner grins painfully
Gunther: ...Wh...
Jason Artimenner and breathes out
is dead.
Space (GM): narrator s dead
Henry Plinkett trembles
Space (GM): game over
Henry Plinkett: NO!
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Jesus.
Yusuke Urameshi really doesn t wanna look at this
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........
Yusuke Urameshi considering
Henry Plinkett: NO! JESUS CHRIST!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Henry Plinkett is having a total fucking breakdown
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
(From Space (GM)): good idea for tesla to just come in and see this now y/n?
Kazuma Kuwabara is now convinced that Gramps was probably a psycho from the mob
Gein Mender: Nothing...
(To Space): Oohoohoo, sure
Gein Mender: Nothing s fucking changed...
Gunther seems not to notice and goes to find something to stitch himself with


Niko: ...Alright! I think I ha

Gein Mender keeps backing away
Yusuke Urameshi: ...We better get outta here, Kuwabara.
Niko: ...Gentlemen...?
Yusuke Urameshi: And fast.
Gein Mender grabs a bunch of random pill bottles and shoves them into his pocket
Gein Mender: G-GET AWAY FROM ME!
Tesla sees:
Niko: Gentleme
Beat up teen-agers.
Gein Mender sprints away, trying to get away from everyone
A busted robo-nurse.
A guy who got his eyes fuckin gouged out
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 16
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps!!
And a crazy old man with blood on his hands.
Kazuma Kuwabara tries going after him
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 29
Niko: ...Gentlemen...!
Gein Mender:
Yeah Gein fuckin gets clear
Kazuma Kuwabara:
Gunther faints for convenience s sake
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps! Graaaamps!
Kazuma Kuwabara eventually loses sight of him
Gein Mender keeps sprinting
Gein Mender holds up in some fucking alley
Niko: ...SIR...?!
Space (GM): holy shit
Gein Mender: can we change his face back to its original

Space (GM): that s a good gein voice

Mobile L.: Beautimous
Space (GM): yes
did you have it saved or did i
Gein Mender: well i cant
Niko: ...Whatwhat...?!
Gein Mender: my computer
you recall
Mobile L.: Hold up, I can geddit
Gein Mender: also i think you did space
Space (GM): lifesaver
Mac D.: is it over or
Space (GM): here we are
i dunno is this a good stopping point
Gein Mender is hold up in that alley
Mac D.: well i mean if we can do more
Gein Mender contemplating just taking all those pill bottles and killing himself
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): you could go after gein in trying to save him or talk him down or su
Gein Mender hurridly texts Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!?
Kazuma Kuwabara checks fone
Gunther gurgles on his own blood
Niko: What... What exactly happened...?
Where is Mister Plinkett...?
Space (GM): don t mind me
just moving around maps
Gein Mender "Body unharmed except for wound that kept bleeding despite being day
old. Magic porrbably. Soome ass cuttof his magic creast, wizzard hting ask Tess
la. prrrbably bullshit"
Gein Mender "not roa did porbably"
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dammit, Gramps!
Gein Mender "goddbeu"
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at Tesla and the DYING GUNTHER
Kazuma Kuwabara: Crap, Crap!!!!
Gein Mender: wong face on map
Niko: ...Wh... Oh shit, hold on a moment...!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Go find a doctor for him!
Niko goes to do the FAMOUS HEALS on my other PC
Kazuma Kuwabara runs out before Niko does the healing
Gein Mender begins identifying the pills he stole
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 6
Niko: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 11
Mac D.: i do adore the perfect timings for all these occurences of kuwabara miss
ing magic
Mobile L.: deek
It s a thing of beauty
They re just some... antidepressants, painkillers, killers, you killed him
Kazuma Kuwabara is running out that hospital door in search of Old Fucks
Niko is too freaked to do it as competently as he s used to. Gunther is stabiliz
ed, somewhat.
Yusuke Urameshi: Come on, come on, where s...
...This way!
Gein Mender: It didn t change.
Yusuke Urameshi rushes down an alley
Niko: ...Do not leave us, little lad...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!!
Kazuma Kuwabara follows Urameshi
Gein Mender: I m still the same piece of shit I ve always been.
Yusuke Urameshi: rolling 1d8 + 3 for damage
= 10
Mac D.: yusuke successfully kills gein
Space (GM): oh useful
Niko runs to go after Kuwabara and Gein
Space (GM): that actually heals gunth fully
Yusuke Urameshi: He s back here!
Mobile L.: gj Niko
Kazuma Kuwabara rounds the corner
Niko: Wait, wait, please...!
Gein Mender uncaps the painkillers
Space (GM): he walks into a building
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps!
Gein Mender: Kids like you souldn t deal with people like me.
Niko: Mister Plinkett!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps, what re you doing!?
Gein Mender: I m dealing with the last dirtbag from the Mob here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What-!?
Gein Mender trembles as he holds the bottle

Kazuma Kuwabara notices dem peelz

Niko: ...Mister Plinkett, you mustn t...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Gein Mender: You can t stop me.
Niko: Put it down and talk to us.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Like hell I can t!
Kazuma Kuwabara runs over to tackle him
Yusuke Urameshi: ...
Gein Mender tries to chug the pills before he can
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 51
Gunther: ! Hhh... Kuwabara...?
Mac D.: choo choo
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 7
Gunther reflexively removes the stack of papers from his pocket
Kuwabara collides into him, knocking the bottle out of his hands and into a sewe
r grate.
Gunther: ...Kuwabara...? Mister Plinkett?
Gein Mender: pennywise the clown ods on the painkillers
Just you, the busted nurse, and the dead body.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Rrgh-...You stupid old bastard!
Space (GM): "Everything floats down here...-scarfs 20 ibuprofen-"
Gein Mender: ...
You couldn t just let me do it.
Gunther stuffs the papers back in his pocket and runs outta the hospital
Gein Mender: Why?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Why would I just let you kill yourself, dumbass!?
Gunther zips up his hoodie so the blood doesn t show so much
Gein Mender: Why not?
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the hell do you MEAN "Why not!?"
Gein Mender: Do you know how many people I ve fucking killed?
Gunther sees someone as he heads out
Gunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: No! I don t! And I don t wanna know!
Gein Mender: Do you not know how many bodies I ve chopped up and dumped into a p

ocket dimension?
Dan Blackmore is walking out of the hospital, from the main entrance
Gein Mender: I m an evil person, you fucking dumbass!
Kazuma Kuwabara: So what!?
Niko: ...Mister Plinkett... What you did back there is not the same, you were...
You were protecting those children...
Gein Mender: I gouged a man s fucking eyes out!
Gunther looks at Dan, trying not to look like he just almost died
Gein Mender: I deserve to die!
Dan Blackmore stops, looking back
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, that was kinda messed up! But you saved Gunth s life!!
Dan Blackmore: ...Oh?
The hospital... it was empty, was it not?
Gein Mender: If I had just let him shoot me when he first showed up, no one woul
d have been in danger.
Gunther: ...I had food poisoning...
Kazuma Kuwabara: What the hell are you talking about!?
We woulda lost our English teacher!
Gein Mender: If I had just killed myself efore I came here, everyone would have
been better off!
Niko: Mister Plinkett...
Kazuma Kuwabara: That lady who wrote that piece o crap book woulda lost her num
ber one fan!
I woulda lost another friend!!
Gein Mender: ...
Dan Blackmore: I see.
Are you well?
Gein Mender: The world wants me dead.
Niko: ...Evidently, I am now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Screw the world!
Gunther: whoosp I said that haha
Space (GM): brb brushin teeth
Gein Mender: I know that if the Maguses knew about my abilities, they d kill me.
Cut me open to find out how I work.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Screw whatever those nerds are!
Gein Mender: And what did I use that fucking ower for?
...Mister Plinkett.
For what it is worth.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Niko, finally realizing he s there
Niko: Some of my dearest friends have pasts about as checkered.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Wait, what about Gunth!?
Niko: Human beings are capable of immense cruelty, yet all the same, they can ch
Dan Blackmore: ...Your name... it was Gunther, wasn t it?
Niko: ...Oh. I stabilized him. Shall I fetch him?
Kazuma Kuwabara: He s okay?
Gunther: Yes.
Niko nod nod nod
Kazuma Kuwabara sighs in relief

Dan Blackmore: A pleasure, Gunther. And I am... deeply sorry.

Gunther: ...Oh. Goodbye, then.
Gunther shrugs and KEEPS RUNNING
Kazuma Kuwabara: Great...
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Gunther: Kuwabara, Mister Plinkett...
Niko: ...Oh. There he is!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Now-..!?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Gunth! You re walkin around!?
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: Yes. Tesla must have healed me.
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: ...Are you two unharmed?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Idunno what a "Tesla" is, but it sounds like some potent stuff.
Yeah, I m good.
Gunther: ...Eheh... That man over there is Tesla.
Kazuma Kuwabara: This dumb old piece a shit, on the other hand!
Gein Mender: ... Why do I deserve to live...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Gein
Niko: Yes...
Kazuma Kuwabara misses that last bit
Gein Mender: ... I m just trash....
Gunther: ...Mister Plinkett...
Gein Mender: Stop calling me that.
It s done.
...Mister Mender.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps...
Gein Mender sits down
Gunther: Is something bothering your psyche?
Gein Mender: I m old. When you re old, there s always something bothering you.
Gunther: ...Mm... Are you disturbed because of what you did.
Gein Mender: Yes.
Gunther: ...Death is death, Mister Mender. It is not some sort of unspeakable ev
il. It is a natural process.
Like sleeping.
And you happened to cause it just then, and maybe other instances, but what more
are you than a conduit for a natural process? Why must it be so unspeakable?
Gein Mender stands
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...That s, uh...
Gein Mender turns away from them
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...That s pretty creepy stuff, Gutnh.
Gein Mender opens his arms
Gunther: ...Is it.
Gein Mender summons just a torrent of bones from his RM
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, you re kinda skeevin me out!

Kazuma Kuwabara is looking at gunth and not the BONZ

Gunther: ?
Gunther sees the boneshower
Gein Mender: This is what is in my Reality Marble.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Gein Mender: Twenty years worth of human remains.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at where he s looking
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Woah, what the-...Where d all the skeletons come from!?
Gein Mender: I put them there.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Woah....
Kazuma Kuwabara assumes he means he hid them in this alley
Gein Mender siphons them back in
Gunther: ...Yes, Mister Mender, this is a lot of skeletons.
...But they would have lost their flesh anyway.
Gein Mender: Not when they did.
And their killers could have been punished.
Instead I hid their carcasses.
And I got away with it.
Gein Mender: What good is a world where people like me can get away with it?
Niko decides to speak up so the creepy fuck he just saved doesn t creep everyone
Niko: ...Sir. That... Yes, what you did was awful, but...
Gein Mender: "i wish i hadn t aved gunther"
"*the child"
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Mac D.: oh by the way
Niko: ...What you did back there was not the same.
Mac D.: did the trenchcoat survive the tussel
Gein Mender: oh sit
did it
You re right.
J-Jason, he was a piece of shit.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Dan Blackmore: rolling 1d20
= 9
Niko: ...I am certain he was, what with how hehe shot a child of... How old are y
ou, son...?
Gunther: I m
Gein Mender: H-He....
the trenchcoat is a little bloodstained and frayed
Kazuma Kuwabara has yet to notice
Gein Mender: I shouldn t fucking kill myself... just because.
I killed Jason...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!

Gein Mender: Jesus Christ, not over fucking Jason.

Niko: ...Yes. Yes, sir, yes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So quit havin those dumbass thoughts!
Gein Mender: I fucking hated Jason, the fucking cunt!
Gunther: He would have killed me.
Gein Mender: Jason was an asshole.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, screw that guy!
Gunther: He was going to shoot me either way.
Gein Mender: Alright.
I m not going to do it.
Gunther: ...Good.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Good!
Gunther: But.
Space (GM): hey mobile
Gunther: Next time something of the sort happens, please heed my word and let me
take care of it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But, uh....maybe less of the eye stuff from now on?
Mobile L.: Yis?
Gein Mender: Yes...
Gein Mender begins picking up the pill bottles
Space (GM): did you get any time to work on the maps or did my image-hunt pester
ing not help in that respect
Gunther: There could have been three casualties.
Gein Mender: Here, you and your sister can have some stolen medication to repay
for the coat.
Space (GM): i love gein
Mobile L.: Eheh, the image hunt kinda ate it, yep :P
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Repay for....!?!?!??!!?
Space (GM): no worries there
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down
Mobile L.: Maana
Mac D.: record scratch music
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Kazuma Kuwabara there is the look
Kazuma Kuwabara of absolute horror
Space (GM): luckily i already have a prison map
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....OH
Gein Mender: I think I need to sit down on a chair rather tan in some scummy fOh.
Niko: ...O-oh...?
Pigeons fly away from the roof in terror
Gein Mender: The meds will probably help.
Gunther: ...Oh.
Kazuma Kuwabara is PANICKING
Gein Mender: Let s blame the cat.
Gunther: ...Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: The cat.

Kazuma Kuwabara: CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!

Gunther: Let me see the coat.
Gein Mender: That s creepy.
Gunther: Shhh... Shhhh, let me see the coat...
Gein Mender: If you don t calm down I m going to chug every pill I have.
Gunther: Shhh. Give me the coat.
Kazuma Kuwabara: GIVE EM TO ME, I LL TAKE EM!
Gein Mender: No gKazuma Kuwabara is currently panicking and not particularly paying attention to
guarding the coat
Gein Mender clutches his chest
Gunther just takes the coat off of Kuwabara
Gein Mender falls over
Kazuma Kuwabara: OH, SCREW YOU, OLD MAN!
Gein Mender: HRRK-!
Space (GM): he actully has a heart attack
Gunther uses STRUCTURAL GRIP or whatever else he knows to try and see the damage
Niko: ...O-oh my God, is he...!?
Niko rushes in to DEFIB
Niko lights up scarily
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 8
Mac D.: it s these little moments that let you know everyone is going to be okay
Gein Mender: I M FAKING.
Gein Mender: I was trying to get him to stop panicing!
Space (GM): i m doing math homework, gm in my stead
Gein Mender: Ten nine eight seven six five four three two one.
Niko: SIR THAT IS NO... oh.

...Phew, eheheh, you rather scared me...


Gunther: ...aaaaaaa oh god....
Gunther slumps over from AIDS PAIN
Gunther: ...aaaaa oh thank god
Gunther unslumps
Gunther: Farewell, brothers, I must go and face my destiny.
YOU SHALL NEVER RRRRING... the belllsssssssssssssss.
Gein Mender: urgh
Gunther: Yes...
Gunther: By the power of Kirei Kotomine, be vanquished! HYAAAAAAAA
Gein Mender: urgh
Space (GM): back
Niko: oh what a world... oh what a world...
Mr. Mayor: oh good my throat was giving out
Niko: rosebud...
Mr. Mayor: time to go back to mayoring
Niko: thank you mayor-sama
Space (GM): do you guys feel like tbus is a good safe stoppin point
Mobile L.: Yas
Mac D.: the three of them screaming in horror and agony
Mobile L.: Just as it should be
Space (GM): thoughts, comments, concerns on this session
Mac D.: i hope the next session isn t five months away
Space (GM): remember to like and subscribe for more sessions like this
Mobile L.: I sort of almost wanted Gnther to die so the resurrection could be a t
Space (GM): i wasn t pulling any punches with gunther and i do not think i will
hope u dont miiiind
Mobile L.: I don t mind a bit
Was the void thing gonna eat his soul or what?
Space (GM): lemme explain
Mobile L. expectant pose
Space (GM): alright
Gein Mender: gein s rolls against jason were solid gold
Space (GM): his [ability] was called the Mystic Eyes of Nullification
Mac D.:
Gein Mender: gein just increases rolls against jason
Space (GM): he nullified any magic in the radius
which included the robot
gein s reality marble

gunther s soul
and urameshi
duffs a hero
Space (GM): oh right i gotta play the ED
Mobile L.: Kuwabaraaaaaaaa...!
Would it have killed him if left on?
Mac D.: i would assume
Mobile L.: Metal
Space (GM): urameshi too
Mobile L.: Bless you, Duff
Space (GM): @seer: yeah i absolutely was not expecting jason to die so soon
Mac D.: ohhhh nnnoooo
Space (GM): but in all honesty
i like this
Mobile L.: Poor Gein
Space (GM): duff your voice
Mobile L.: I m glad he s not Plinkett anymore
Space (GM): i play the ED now
yeah gein s back to alive
what ll be the party s goals for next session
Mobile L.: Fix that damn coat with homunculus sorceries
Mac D.: i assume try to clean up first
Gein Mender: why did you dislike plinkett
Space (GM): oh btw
Mobile L.: He s not as sugoii as Gein
Space (GM): that thing with great luvia
Mac D.: also do they think that jason was the killer
Space (GM): that s
well i came up with it on the spot but it s a plot hook
for professional wrestling arc
Mac D.: oh HO
Mobile L.: ayy lmao
Space (GM): i just
love my avatar
look at that littleskeleton
Mac D.: i am well known for my collection of MeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMES
Space (GM): wrong skeleton chump
Mac D.: your a chump
Space (GM): no
Mac D.: who wants to do summore vocaroo reqs
Gein Mender: i m just kind of
shocked that all those rolls went the way they did
Space (GM): they never
go that way
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): count your bless
Gein Mender: it was jason
gein always beats jason
Space (GM): let s all go to another heaven
so we don t kill the chatlog here
Mac D.: kk
Space (GM): good to hear this song again
been too long
Mac D.: is olive unconscious
Space (GM): 3 am there
he is
Mac D.: what shall we do then
Space (GM): summoned mobile
note that this does not preclude the party from visiting the police station

that if they get close to the prisoners we ll have tos top
Neco-Arc Evolution: MY TIME IS UP MY TIME IS NOW
Space (GM): holy shit
look at his bag
it s phantasmoon
Mobile L.: Hallo
Space (GM): i ve changed this to the Neco-Arc Cena roll0
Mobile L.: He s beautiful...
Neco-Arc Evolution: the same reason y all love me is the reason y all condemn me
Gunther: i am your flea
Neco-Arc Evolution: i ll crush you
Space (GM): so
is everyone here or is it just mobile
Mobile L.: Hurf, had to relocate
eldritch s.: i jsut returned back to this thing
expanded thepage
and there was a beep
so loud
it nearly defened me
Mobile L.: Oh gawd, I am so sorry
duff pls be wake
eldritch s.: god damn it
Space (GM): i ll hassle him over skype
Mobile L.: pls be wake... :,(
eldritch s.: space
find the loudest
most unpleasant soundbytes
the most startling things you can get
try to wake him up
Mac D.: wat u want
eldritch s.: there he is
Mac D.: thanks for that now what do you want
Space (GM): i spent too much effort finding this screaming man awolnation sail
you re all going to listen to it for a bit
eldritch s.: good thing i turned thie volume way down
Mobile L.: 2bad4u I am in another room without headphones and shit s muted
Space (GM): that s unfortunate, i like this
Mobile L.: We must MAKE HASTE
Space (GM): let me set up something
eldritch s.: it makes me sad ramuf refuses to comment on roussaeu
Mobile L.: I think you have broken his pedestal
eldritch s.: hey remember tom mulcair
Mobile L.: gawd wow though, who even writes shit on their ass
eldritch s.: you know they used to call him angry tom
because while a quebec politican
he was really
really fucking angry
Space (GM): pain in the ass to move maps around in this institution, my apologie
eldritch s.: to the point where he called an old woman a cunt
Mobile L.: Oh fuck
@Space: b strang
eldritch s.: so that nice
smiling mulcair he acts as when he s speaking

is an attempt at a rebrand
Mobile L.: Gawd, wow
y-you re not shirou, get lost...!
eldritch s.:
The party ducks into the nearby 7-11 to rest and recuperate.
Niko is no longer afraid of the HORRIBLE GERMS and is just a little... sad about
something he maybe remembers...
Gein Mender walks in
Gein Mender: Hey, I remember you.
Kazuma Kuwabara follows quickly behind
7-11 Guy: ...Eh?
Gunther s eyes just dart to the Icee machine or whatever
7-11 Guy looks up from his magazine
Machine s busted...
Gunther d-damn....!
Yusuke Urameshi: ...?
Gein Mender: Does anyone want anything?
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey... Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What is it, Urameshi...?
Gunther: Maybe a hotdog.
Yusuke Urameshi: This icee machine... something s funny about it.
Niko: ...Oh, I m... quite alright, but thank you...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at said icee machine
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....What is it?
Yusuke Urameshi: Check out the ecto-cooler... uh, flavor thing. Look.
It s completely empty... but it gives Kuwabara a funny feeling.
Mobile L.: The dickle
7-11 Guy: Hotdogs, eh? Back over there.
Gein Mender: I ll take two hotdogs.
Gunther: Yes.
7-11 Guy: Sorry, they don t let me over the counter after you--know-what.
Haha, I didn t even touch those girls, man!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Uh?...
Gein Mender: Go grab the Frankfurt... What?
Yusuke Urameshi: I think... there was a ghost in here.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wait, what!?
Gunther: ...Hhhhhhehhhehh... M kay.
Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah! A ghost!
Kazuma Kuwabara: There s more ghosts!?
7-11 Guy: Oh, there s relish and mustard if you need it. No ketchup, there s a l
abor shortage and the tomato farmers are on strike.
Gunther: I ll be... good and gentle on those big, juicy wieners... eheheheheh...
Kazuma Kuwabara: You re a handful as it is!
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey, don t blame me for that! I didn t ask to be killed.

Gunther goes to put his hands on the big meat

Gunther the large sausages
Gein Mender: No, about the girls.
Gunther the swords of pork
The meat... it s day-old.
Niko: :,c
7-11 Guy: Oh, I don t know what you mean, sir.
Gein Mender: The ones you didn t touch.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, yeah....So, what, can you track it s ectoplasmic trail or
Gunther: ...Mm. Mister Mender, this meat looks a touch... aged for your tastes.
I think the sausages are not as vital as once they were.
Gunther chokes back the terrible, insipid giggles
7-11 Guy: I don t touch lots of girls! Man!... I wish I had a girlfriend.
Yusuke Urameshi: I don t think that s a thing?
Gein Mender: Well why d they say you couldn t come out from the counter?
Gein Mender looks at Gunth
Gein Mender: Don t make it weird.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well how the heck can you tell there s a ghost in the machine??
Gunther: ...Do you still want the wiener if it s old.
7-11 Guy: Listen, if I say that, I m gonna lose my job!
Gein Mender: Yes, it s all lips and assholes.
Gunther: Heh. Very well.
Gein Mender looks at the 7-11 guy
Yusuke Urameshi: Uhh, you can obviously tell it was there too!! Besides, look, i
t s empty!
Gein Mender: If I gave you a piece of paper, could you write it?
Gunther: On your sausage, Mister Mender, would you like any condom...
7-11 Guy: ...Heh! I like the way you think, old man. You re a real clever old ma
n, yeah.
Gunther: ...-ents?
Gein Mender takes out a notepad and pen and hands them to him
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, so.....Maybe it gave me a funny feeling! But what s it be
ing empty gotta do with it??
Gein Mender: Yeah, sure
Yusuke Urameshi: I guess the ghost busted out???
Gein Mender: Just put a bit of everything on them.
7-11 Guy starts scrawling
You got relish, mustard, shallots, mayo, those little spicy peppers...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yer tellin me a ghost was trapped in a slushie machine!
Niko: ... , , ...! ...
Yusuke Urameshi: That s what I just said!
oi, niko
Kazuma Kuwabara: I know! It _still_ sounds dumb!
Gunther: Alright. One exotic, aged hotdog, coming up. Eheheheh...!
Niko: ?
That magazine there... Rin s on the front cover.

Gein Mender waits

Niko: ...Oh...?
7-11 Guy slides it over with a smug smirk on his face, roll mind to decipher his
Niko A CLOSTER INSPEPTION, trying not to think of how Shirou wanted to date her.
.. Sh-Shirou...!
Gunther COVERS the big meat thing with all manner of sloppy additives
eldritch s.: tom mulcair: "J ai hte de te voir en prison, vieille plotte".
It literally means: "Can t wait to see you in prison, old cunt".
that s what he said
Mobile L.: Was he gonna eat her?
eldritch s.: he got sued for that
Space (GM): rolling 1d20
= 16
eldritch s.: and then made his party pay for it
Mobile L.: Ah gahd
It s an issue of "Magic Monthly"
She s interviewed in it, and gives some tips to wannabe magi
eldritch s.: oh at some point he also climbed over some chairs in the HOC becaus
e he got really fucking mad
Niko: ...Hm. Hmm...
Niko takes it
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 15
Namely, don t do it , your family is not magically capable,
god don t try a fireball
Oh gein reads it easily

for the love of

Gunther hands the GIANT WEINER SAUSAGE to Gein

Gein Mender grabs Gunth s sausage
Gunther: Take, eat. This is my sausage.
Gunther goddamnit kid, don t fucking go THERE
Niko: ...Excuse me, Mister Cashier?
Gein Mender: His name s Monji Gatou.
Yusuke Urameshi: I m a ghost, Kuwabara! How is it dumb? It d be more dumb if the
re s more than one ghos!
Gein Mender: Well, that all sounds like a legitimate understandin7-11 Guy: Oh-- yes?
Gein Mender: You know, I could go to jail if you said that in front of somebody
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright then, genius! So how do we FIND this other ghost??
Niko: I would like to purchase this publication, please?
Space (GM): gaijin pedo

Gunther: Yes.
7-11 Guy: Oh-- that ll be [yen].
Gein Mender forks over the cash and bites into the hot dog
Gunther: I m not foolhardy, Mister Mender, I m just crass.
Yusuke Urameshi: Oh, c mon! I died and now all of a sudden I m the ghost expert?
Gein Mender: how does it taste
Space (GM): rolling 1d20
= 8
Gein Mender: i think they say that in mgs
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yes!
Space (GM): it s a week old
Gunther also eats his own weenis dawg, which only has one onion on it
Space (GM): the condiments are stale
the mayo is suspicious
Gein Mender: did they say that in mgs
Space (GM): they say that in mgs yes
Gein Mender: what song played
play that
Niko: Yes, of course. Here you are.
Gein Mender: also is the mayo semen or something
Space (GM): im to lazy to find snake eater, imagine it
that d be insane
what do You think it is seer
Gein Mender: what the fuck is suspicious mayo
7-11 Guy takes the money, counting on his fingers
7-11 Guy: ...Yeah, that ll do it!
Gunther doesn t really give a shit about the mayo
eldritch s.:
Gunther or anything else
Space (GM): runny goat cheese
Niko: Thank you, sir.
Niko nods
Gein Mender eats it, savouring this cheap parody of American cusine
Yusuke Urameshi: That s stupid!
Niko returns to his sad memory corner
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yer stupid!
Gein Mender this is the American legacy, a cheap hotdog
Gunther: ...Are they like this over there, Mister Mender?
Gein Mender made with sausages, which are commonly associated with Germany
Gein Mender what the fuck
Gein Mender chews
Gein Mender: No.

Yusuke Urameshi: No, you re stupid!

Gunther: Better or worse?
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, yyyyyeeeeeerrrrrr stupid!
Gein Mender: They re not made with rancid goat-cheese.
And they have ketchup.
Yusuke Urameshi: Ask the old man over there what s more likely, me being the onl
y ghost, or there being more than one!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Fine!
Hey, Gramps!
Gein Mender: What?
Gunther: ...Hm. Perhaps the rancid goat-cheese thing might become a trend over t
here, like pocky.
Gein Mender: Over my dead body.
Gein Mender: Which means it s happening soon.
Gunther: Mmmwellllf... (gulp) If it s any comfort, at least you still lack a lut
efisk equivalent.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Which is dumber? Urameshi being the only ghost, or there bein
a buncha ghosts?
Gein Mender: We- Wait, what?
What the fuck did you just say?
Gunther: ...Ghosts? Here? And what of, common decency?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh...which is dumber?

Yusuke Urameshi folds his arms, smiling

Gein Mender: No, did you just say Urameshi is a ghost?
7-11 Guy: Y know, ghosts are real.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh, yeah!
7-11 Guy: I saw it in the newspaper.
Gein Mender: You believe in Urameshi being a ghost.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, duh.
I can see Urameshi s ghost, Gramps!
Niko: ... , . ,
7-11 Guy: This house, out in the woods around Fuyuki... no, this mansion... it s
huanted by the ghost of a family, and a little kid too!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait, huh?
Gein Mender stuffs the wiener in his mouth
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at 7-11 Guy
Gunther: Mm. That s real nice.
Kazuma Kuwabara: For real?
Gein Mender summons a bone out of thin aor
Gein Mender: MGGHCK
Kazuma Kuwabara once again misses Gein summoning the bone
Gunther: ...Kuwabara does not think ghosts are magical?
7-11 Guy: Yeah, for real!
Gein Mender swallows the dog
7-11 Guy: It s called the Einzbern manor ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh...Do they come around and haunt yer snack machines someti
Niko: ... , . , ...
Gein Mender: Well, if there s one ghost, who the hell is there to say aren t mor

7-11 Guy: Oh, absolutely! Ever since we got that ecto-cooler flavor...
Yusuke Urameshi: Ha!
Gein Mender: Ecto-Cooler?
Gunther approaches the slurpee machine
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh....
Kazuma Kuwabara puts on his THINKING FAC
Space (GM): roll mind
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 10
7-11 Guy: Yeah, ecto-cooler! Y know, as a promotion for Ghostbusters Three!
Mobile L.: TENS
There s a faint hint of... something. A ghost? Who knows... maybe it s Urameshi.
Maybe someone cast a hex on the machine. Maybe it s because they give the ectocooler flavor trace amounts of uranium to give it that nice green glow.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y know....If I can see and talk ta Urameshi s ghost....Maybe I
can see and talk ta other ghosts too!
Like some kinda....ghost whisperer!
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms
Kazuma Kuwabara: That settles it! Let s head for that mansion!
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: Wait, what?
Ghostbusters three?
7-11 Guy: Yeah!! It s coming out in theaters next month!
Gein Mender: Great Scott!
Gunther: ...Wait, Kuwabara. Could you try to ghost-whisper this machine?
7-11 Guy: ...Eh? That s Back to the Future, old man!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe the spirits o the dead can provide some intel on this my
Gein Mender: Come on, kids, I ve got the one-hundred twenty-one gigawatts I need
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunth, it s just a slushie machine.
Gein Mender: I know.
7-11 Guy: Old man, do you even know the eighties?!
Gein Mender: At least I don t grope women!
7-11 Guy: Hey!! Don t walk away from me, old man!!!
Gunther: Eheh. Slow down, Doc.
7-11 Guy: You...
Gunther: ...Kuwabara, really. Come look.
7-11 Guy: Bastard, bastard, bastard!
Gunther: I seriously think there is something up with it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: The slushie machine?
Gein Mender pops back in
Gunther nod nod nod

Gein Mender: Normally people follow me when I make a flashy exit.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh... yeah, there was a ghost in there.
Emphasis on "was!"
Yusuke Urameshi: ....
Gunther: 6.5/10, needs more screaming and jumping.
The papers in front of Niko flutter a bit
Gein Mender: Where s the Ghost?
As though there was a breeze
Gunther: ...Come oooooooon, just give it a looooooooook..
Gein Mender examines it throroughly
Niko: !?
7-11 Guy: ...Hey!
Old man!
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 7
7-11 Guy: Are you afraid of no ghost?!?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, alright, fine!
ecto-cooler flavor is empty
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches the slushie machine and gives it another looksie
Gein Mender: No.
Niko: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 3 for Mind
= 16
Gein Mender: I m afraid, however...
Yusuke Urameshi: OooOOoOoOOoooOOO...
Gein Mender: You re out of ecto-cooler.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 28
Mac D.: increased roll from THE TICKLE
Yusuke Urameshi is waggling his fingers right behind Niko, which he can totally
figure out
7-11 Guy: No crap, huh?!

Niko: ?!
Who s there?!
Niko totally got SPOOPED
Gein Mender: No crap, that s right.
Because you re out.
Kuwabara there was definitely something spooky in here... but what was it? That.
...Is a mystery. A spooky mystery.
A spooky, ghostly mystery.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....See? Toldja, haunted
Yusuke Urameshi: Hehehehe!
Just the wind, Niko...
Kazuma Kuwabara: And I m willin ta BET my bottom dollar that we ll find more gh
osts at that spooky mansion he talked about!
7-11 Guy: The hell s your problem, gramps?? Got a stick up your ass???
Gein Mender: No, can t say that s a passion of mine.
Gunther: Hm.
Gein Mender adjusts his shades
Niko shivers a bit and mutters something about a "Shirou"
Gein Mender puffs his chest out a bit
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey! Mister Clerk!
Gein Mender: Though, I m a frOh, this should e good.
Space (GM): poor niko
7-11 Guy: Eh???
Listen, tell your grandpops here to back off!
Mobile L.: eez sed about the pehst
Gein Mender: What?
I m not even close to you.
Gunther watches quietly, smiling a bit
Kazuma Kuwabara: Quit cryin and give us directions to that haunted mansion!
7-11 Guy: No! Why the hell should I help you guys? You re all assholes!
Space (GM): Diplomacy might be needed here...
Gein Mender steps closer to the counter
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps, didja buy something?
Gein Mender: I did.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That means we re customers!
Gein Mender: And listen here, punk.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And you gotta help the customer!
Gein Mender: You give us the info.
7-11 Guy: Only on 7-11 related matters!
7-11 Guy folds his arms, resolute
Niko: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yer slushie machine was haunted!
By a ghost!
Gein Mender: ...
Niko looks up from his sad spoop and sees this thing happening
Kazuma Kuwabara: And since we re lookin for ghosts, ergo, this is now a 7-11 ma
Gunther: He s right.
7-11 Guy: What, do you expect I have the authority to pay some kind of amateur G

hostbusters gang? This isn t-- It-- Amateur Ghostbuster Hour!!

Gein Mender: Listen.
I know you like magic
If you tell us where it is.
Niko: ...Ahh... Gentlemen, what seems to be the commotion...?
Gein Mender: I ll show you a magic trick.
Niko ahahaha you awkward, electric fuck
Space (GM):
7-11 Guy: ...What kinda magic trick.
Mac D.: FUCK i love doctor pepper
Niko hears a whisper... indistinct.
Space (GM): i want a soda...
Niko: ?!?
Gein Mender: No, you tell me the info first.
Niko: ...Whwhhhh...???
Niko is fuckin Luigi from Luigi s Mansion r/n
Space (GM): maaaaaarioooooooooo
7-11 Guy: No way, old man!
Gein Mender: Okay, fine.
Here s a sneak peak.
Gein Mender summons the tire iron from nowhere
Gunther seems very satisfied with himself, watching this all unfold
7-11 Guy: ...
Niko hears a ghostly cackling.
Niko: ?!?!?!?!?
Gein Mender: Where is it?
Niko: Wh-who goes there?!?
Mobile L.: it fax
7-11 Guy: I-it s-- it s in the forest! You d better take a tai cab to-- the old
Einzbern manor Tel them that!
7-11 Guy wow unintentionally useless
Gein Mender puts it aay
Gein Mender: And now, for the trick..
Gein Mender reaches out to touch his face
Gein Mender touches his nose
Kazuma Kuwabara is busy watching the panicking niko
Gein Mender pulls his hand away
Gein Mender: Got your nose.
7-11 Guy: ....
Gunther: ...Pfffffhehehehehehe...
7-11 Guy: (i m gonna hit the fUCKING SILENT ALARM)
7-11 Guy is just standing there with this forced grin on his face
7-11 Guy trembling in rage

Niko vurry scurr

Gein Mender has a smug smirk
Niko werry spook
Gein Mender: I win.
Mac D.: is every silent alarm loud as fuck
Gunther: Keheheheheheheh!
Space (GM): did you ever play the simpsons hit and run
Gein Mender: no
Mac D.: no
Space (GM): wow what the fuck
well there s a silent alarm, labelled silent alarm
when you hit it
fucking alarm klaxons go off, red lights flash, and a voice blares out "SILENT A
that was such a good game
Gein Mender: the silent alarm in still night did that
Mobile L.: Brilliant
Fawkes M. (GM): We had one?
Gein Mender: yes
in the store
7-11 Guy: (Bastard, bastard, bastard, bastard, bastard, bastard......)
Gein Mender: when rider was looking for mr. archer
Fawkes M. (GM): Ah, yes
Gunther: Eheheheheh, ehhhhhehehehhhhheehheheheehehehehe...!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back and notices Gein has RETRIEVED THE INGO
Kazuma Kuwabara: You ready, Gramps?
Gein Mender: Oh yes.
I m ready.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, let s go!
Kazuma Kuwabara heads OOOUT THE DOOR
Gunther: Hhhhhhehehehhhhheheheheheheheheh...
Yusuke Urameshi follows, making spooky noises in Niko s ear
Gunther just chortling at your misfortune, Guy...
Gein Mender: i have sins of the fater playing
and the wailing woman made that o much better
Niko is now crying a little bit
Gein Mender:
Alright... time to head on over there, eh?
Niko: ...uhhhhhhhhhh...
Kazuma Kuwabara yes
Gunther YEAS
Niko m-maybe...?
Gein Mender: So, about the kid.
He had a magic crest, they carved it off.
how will thou arrive there
Kazuma Kuwabara taxi like the douchebag said
Niko: ...H-he did...?

Gein Mender: He was stabbed in the chest, but it hadn t stopped bleeding.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Magic Crest?
Gunther: ...Odd...
Kazuma Kuwabara: What is that, some kinda tattoo?
Gein Mender: It s a wizard thing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, a nerd tattoo?
Better hail a cab...
Gein Mender: A magic wizard tattoo.
Kazuma Kuwabara: They carved off some kid s tattoo? That s messed up!
Gunther tries to draw upon his WEIRD MAGIC REPOSITORY in his brain meats for thi
ngs about not stopping bleeding
Kazuma Kuwabara is hailing said cab
Space (GM): gunther mind kuwabara spirit
Gein Mender: Otherwise he was in perfect condition.
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 40
Gein Mender: Other than the whole dead part.
Niko sniffles
Gein Mender: I don t think Roa did it, it just doesn t seem right,
Well. In a lot of old myths, one of the properties for heroic weapons that leg
ends would wield... the most common one is a weapon that inflicts wounds that n
ever heal.
Yeah Kuwabara hails a cab
Kazuma Kuwabara: C mon, guys!
Kazuma Kuwabara gets IN THE CAR
Gein Mender climbs in
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s the name o the place again?....Enzburn Manor, or someth
Gunther: ...Well. It could be hemophilia, or...
Niko: E-Einzbern...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right, yeah!
Einzbern Manor, on the double!
Cabbie: What the hell is an Einzbern?
Space (GM): rolling 1d20
= 7
Kazuma Kuwabara: Idunno, that s just the name of the friggin manor!

Gein Mender: Eiznbern.

Gunther: ...Perhaps the injury was inflicted with what is known as a "heroic wea
Gein Mender: It s a scary mansion in the fucking woods!
Niko.... aid these poor souls
Niko don t think about the little girl
Gein Mender: What is that about a haroic weapon?
Niko: ...S-sir, I can give you an exact location. You just have to [DIRECTIONS]
Cabbie: ...Eh.
Mac D.: i laugh thinking about the escapades of our heroes from an outside persp
He shrugs and starts driving.
Gunther: The wounds it would inflict, allegedly, do not heal.
Mac D.: just a rowdy bunch of assholes yelling at everybody
Niko is experienced with taxis
Mobile L.: Just like last party
Gein Mender: fat hitler
Mobile L.: Seig heil
Gein Mender: ...
Niko aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Gein Mender: What does a ghost have to do with anything?
Gunther: ...You mean our present diversion?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Gunther: ...I would not be the one to know. Any word on the Fujimura matter?
Gein Mender: Akiyama s looking for him.
Gunther: Will you be contacted when he is found?
Gein Mender: ...
I don t know.
Gunther: ...Mm. I guess we hope so.
Shun Akiyama: Hellooooooooo?
Don t think i ll find him in here...
Mobile L.: shun no
Gunther: ...I suppose we are not under a time crunch.
Gein Mender: Well, the sooner this shit is over, the better.
Gunther: Perhaps this venture will lead to something fortuitous.
And if it does not, I suppose we still have Tesla with us.
Niko trying not to cry...
Cabbie: Alright. This is as far as I m gonna go.
The edge of the woods
Niko looks to see if this is the correct woods
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....Guess we ll walk the rest o the ay.
Gein Mender: That was about are useful as a shit flavourd lollipop.
This place brings back memories.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You got money, right Gramps?
Niko cannot make the cries stop
Gein Mender tosses him the money and gets out

Niko sobs pitifully into his kerchief

Paul: what a lovely family photo
Gunther slips outta the vickle
Kazuma Kuwabara GEEEEEETS out
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! Time to find a mansion!
Niko: the horror... the horror...
Gunther: Mm...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, mustached guy! Ya know the way, right?
Niko nod nod nod... trying to quell the tears
Niko: Y-yes, yes... yes... This way...
That s where you parked the van.
The van...
Kazuma Kuwabara folloooows
Niko: ..........
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What s up?
Is it still at the bottom of the Fuyuki River?
Niko cry 2: cry harder
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What the-....Hey, what s with the waterworks??
Niko Kuwabara, have you ever seen an old dude have war flashbacks
Space (GM): archer s not actually there
but i m amused by his icon being there
Fawkes M. (GM): Niko Kuwabara
Kazuma Kuwabara no i m he s in high school the fuck do you take him for
That s where the arrow hit the tree. You can still see the mark.
Niko: ...II m f-fine... do not... mind me... g-gentlemen...
Fawkes M. (GM): This is nostalgic
Space (GM): it really is, isn t it?
Niko starts to pray or something, in Serbian
Mobile L.: it s like we re back home...
Gunther side-glances Kuwabara
I wonder if anyone s been in these woods since it happened.
Gunther: ...I think he is just kooky, maybe.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe, but I hate seein old dudes cry...
Probably not.
Gunther: It will run its course.
Gein Mender remembers
Niko just sort of whimpers now
Gein Mender he read about this in the novel
Gein Mender: ...
Niko sniffle...
Gein Mender: it s D
Niko: aaaa no why this
Niko more Serb prays

You don t want to go that way.

That s the way to the old abandoned shack.
Mac D.: the one that blew up
Fawkes M. (GM): Special sauce
Niko: ...................
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Pops?
A sign lies in the grass, fallen from its post.
Einzbern Manor - Keep Out
Niko sputters pitifully on his own tears and hurries towards the manor
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Hey, wait up!
Kazuma Kuwabara folloooows
Niko therapy didn t... talk about this...
Gein Mender: You can stop.
Niko: ...I... II must accompany you...
Gein Mender: I read about this all, myself.
I understand that this must be hard for you.
I think I can infer where the place is from hereon out.
Yusuke Urameshi: ...What do you think his deal is?
Gein Mender: You don t need to go in.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Dunno, man......Guess the forest makes him sad?
Yusuke Urameshi is feeling kinda bad for spooking the poor Serbian fuck
Yusuke Urameshi: Man...
Niko: I... I can m-manage... I am a H-Heroic Spirit... Pl-please...

...If... If you h-have any troubles, just... call out the w-window or... or some
thing... okay...?
Gein Mender: Sure.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Will do! Go find a place to siddown!
Gein Mender keeps walking
Kazuma Kuwabara walks along with him
Niko: I will be here... I will be listening... Be careful... g-gentlemen...
Niko slumps against a tree and just sobs ingloriously
Kazuma Kuwabara: Psh! Don t worry about it! I m the Ghost Whisperer....
Gunther is indifferent to the mad Serb s pain
The party arrives in what looks to be a large clearing - with the Einzbern manor
at the center.
Manor is a misnomer...
Gunther studies its architecture, comparing it to his own awful magus nest
No, this is a castle.
Space (GM):

Kazuma Kuwabara looks upon it s MMMMAGNIFICENCE
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Woah.....
Yusuke Urameshi: It s huge...
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: ... What a dump.
Kazuma Kuwabara: A castle this big oughta be fulla ghosts!
Gunther: Or so we assume.
Gein Mender: I bet it smells like mothballs and ass.
Gunther: Or blood.
Gein Mender walks up to the door and knocks briefly
There s no answer.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gramps, the house is like a million years old!
Gein Mender opens the door
Gein Mender: Have to make sure.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No one s gonna live here but ghosts!
Kazuma Kuwabara peeeeks in from behind Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......S-So.....
.....Who s goin in first?
mind yo
Gunther nonchalantly strolls in
Gein Mender: Are you serious?
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Urameshi floats on in
Gein Mender: You re so gung-ho to come here, talkign to ghosts, and you re getti
ng cold feet?
Hands in his pockets like he don t give a fuck
Yusuke Urameshi: What are you, chicken?
This place...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, come on! I wasn t expecting some kinda freaky castle!
What if there s like.....traps?
Y know, like old man-seeking missiles!
We gotta make sure...
Mobile L.: ahahaha
Its magical energy reeks of Dead Apostles - even if they were only here once, ma
ny years ago... acts of great evil were committed here.
Gein Mender sighs
Gein Mender walks in
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
....Alright, then! Looks like the coast is clear!
Kazuma Kuwabara makes his way in after everyone else

Gunther: ...Just stay close to me. Whatever happened here was awful, but it is l
ong gone.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....Now we just gotta figure out how to find the ghosts.
Gunther looks to Gein
Gunther: Dead Apostles.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hey!
Found one!
Gein Mender begins whistling the star spangelled banner to himself. nodding
Kazuma Kuwabara: WH-WHERE!?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Yusuke Urameshi: Over here!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Over where!?
Yusuke Urameshi points at himself
Yusuke Urameshi: Right here!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Oh, ha ha! Real funny, Urameshi!
Gunther: ...Mm. These stairs have seen better days.
Gein Mender surveys the area with his overwatch, trying to see any blood or bodi
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 8
Yusuke Urameshi cracks up
Gein doesn t see any of that stuff.
Sibyl: Yeah, it s pretty run down. Real shame.
Gunther: !
Sibyl casually struts down another flight of stairs
Gein Mender keeps whistling
Kazuma Kuwabara: BWUH!
Kazuma Kuwabara turns at the sign of SIBYL
Yusuke Urameshi: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: A-A ghost!
Yusuke Urameshi looks up
Gein Mender: Hey there.
Sibyl smiles
Sibyl: Afternoon.
Gunther oh look, Sibyl, it s that guy who probably was making non-existent eyes
at you in Lumpy s
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi, quick! Talk ghost to it!

Gein Mender: What re you doing here?

Yusuke Urameshi: That s not a ghost, Kuwabara!
Gunther: It s just a lady, Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...It s not?
Gein Mender:
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Had me goin there!
Sibyl: Oh, I just moved in here a few days ago.
Gunther: ...Hm. An interesting choice in real estate.
Gein Mender: Is that why there s no blood?
Kazuma Kuwabara: live here?
Space (GM): damn
Gein Mender: what is that suppoed to mean
Space (GM): i meant to whisper that
Mac D.: a hollow voice intones
Mobile L.: It s the GHOASTS
Narrator: A hollow voice intones, "yes."
Sibyl: What do you mean?
Narrator: (there is no actual hollow voice)
Space (GM): even though it s a
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, Lady! If you live here, where do the ghosts hang out??
Sibyl: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!
Gein Mender: Yes, we re here hunting ghosts.
Kazuma Kuwabara: There s rumors this place is haunted!
Gein Mender: I know the history, I m surprised the bodies have been cleaned up.
Kazuma Kuwabara: And I, Kazuma Kuwabara, intrepid ghost whisperer, am tryin to
track em down!
Gunther is a paranoid fuck and decides to do another MAGICDAR sweep to make sure
there s no Dead Apostles currently here
Gein Mender: Kuwabara, shut up.
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 7
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-Hey!
Space (GM): ...hollow night
Mobile L.: y-you...
Gein Mender: that was such an obvious joke
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender: You have not fooled anyone at all.
Yusuke Urameshi: Oh, yeah! You re a real Scooby Doo, Kuwabara!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, can it, both o you!
Gunther would wish he could hear Urameshi, if only he knew
eldritch s.: shaggy was the coward, you diiot
Space (GM): this show was so good
what s new, scooby doo
Mobile L.: Hey, Scoob was a scaredy cat too

eldritch s.: he was also dog

is he calling kuwabara a furry
Mobile L.: Space, meh roll
Space (GM): i think fox is handeling that
Mobile L.: Ah, kay
Sibyl: May as well. I don t think this place is haunted, but...
Yusuke Urameshi cracks up again
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, that s the spirit!
.....Get it?
Gunther: Eheheh.
Nice, nice.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hah, c mon, that was horrible!
There s nothing overtly vampiric you can currently detect, Gunther. Seems like i
t s fine, but... how can you be certain nothing s further down?
Gein Mender: I hope you don t mind us breaking in your house like this.
Gein Mender: I knocked.
Sibyl shrugs
Gunther will be making REGULAR SWEEPS
Sibyl: I haven t fixed the lock, so it s my fault.
Gunther of the premises
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..So, uh....You don t mind if we look around for ghosts?
Gein Mender: So what kind of state did you find the place in>
Gunther just hopes that if something goes weirdly, he can remember the spells an
d how to actually make them happen
Sibyl: Sure, I wouldn t mind.
Gunther contemplates sliding down the bannister
Kazuma Kuwabara: Awesome, thanks!
C mon, Gunth!
Sibyl: @Gein: Just general disrepair. Didn t find anything like bodies so far.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You comin too, Gramps, or are just gonna keep hittin on the l
Gunther: Where do we intend to look.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Uh....Good question....
What s the scariest room in this house?
Yusuke Urameshi hovers forward
Yusuke Urameshi looks around
Yusuke Urameshi: ...

Urameshi shuts his eyes

Urameshi: ....Nnnnope.
Kuwabara: ...?
Urameshi: Not feeling it.
Kuwabara: Eh?

Gunther tries to slide down from the low middle

Kazuma Kuwabara: What re you talkin bout?
Yusuke Urameshi opens an eye
Yusuke Urameshi: I m saying I m the only ghost here.

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Like, in this room?

Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 18
Yusuke Urameshi: No, here. This whole place.
Gunther fuckin nails it
Kazuma Kuwabara: The whole house??
Gunther: HUP!

Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah, the whole house.

Sibyl raises an eyebrow
Gunther: ...Did anyone see that.
Mac D.: too bad kuwabara wasn t lookin
Yusuke Urameshi wasn t looking either
Sibyl: Who re you talking to?
Kazuma Kuwabara: No way! Let me try!
Gunther: ...Did...
Sibyl was not, either
Kazuma Kuwabara closes his eyes, puts his fingers to his temples, and attempts t
Gein Mender: Ghosts, I think.
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 31
Gunther sighs
Space (GM): increased, but also -1
Kuwabara! You re detecting [Three] magical beings here...
In this very room!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hah! Shows what you know! I sense at LEAST two other ghosts!
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Wait, what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Leave this to the professionals, Urameshi.
Kazuma Kuwabara struts around, looking around the mansion
Gunther: Really, where.
Yusuke Urameshi: I m a ghost!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I ve sensed yer presence, ghosts! Time ta reveal yerselves!
Mobile L.: Poor Yusuke

Gunther oOoOoOoOoOoO... the aura...

Gein Mender: Kuwabara, what in God s good name are you talking about?
Sibyl: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ya got paranormal activity in this house, Lady....
I can feel it! Feel it with my gift.
Gein Mender: Your eyes have bugged right out of your head, you look like you re
on meth.
Yusuke Urameshi: Hoooly crap.
Yusuke Urameshi facepalms
Gunther: ...Pfffeheheh.
Sibyl: ...Really, now?
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s right!
I got three pings on my spook radar!
Kazuma Kuwabara points to his head
Kazuma Kuwabara: The one up here!
Space (GM): holy shit
i was moving the map around
Kazuma Kuwabara: Now, I already know Urameshi s here....which leaves TWO more gh
osts in this place!
Space (GM): and for just a split second
i thought i saw iblis standing right behind sibyl
Mac D.: the iblis trigger
Sibyl: I KNOW.
Space (GM): chicken flower egg seed
Sibyl: Huh?
Mobile L.: [harpsichord intensifies]
Sibyl: Where re the others?
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s what I m here to find out!
Now, I can sense ghosts, but I don t know anythin about bustin em....So you ll
have to call some other pros for that problem!
Gunther yawns and leans on the bannister
eldritch s.:
Sibyl: Well, I guess it ll be a start, either way.
eldritch s.: hey you know space pointedo ut the spookies right
Sibyl: Finding em, I mean.
Space (GM): i did yes
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright! Now I m gonna try and pinpoint their exact locations..
Kazuma Kuwabara closes his eyes and holds out his hands, attempting to TRACK the
Gein Mender looks around the room, trying to glean something
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 9
Gunther sleeeeepy
Gein s insight fails.

Space (GM): he ll fall downt he stairs

Mobile L.: He has the professional lean
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 41
Kuwabara finds them exactly
Kazuma Kuwabara: Closer.....closer....
Kazuma Kuwabara approaches gunther
Gein Mender: how does insight fail
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......!!!
Gunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunth, move! It s right on top o you!
Gein Mender: how does one ntice aboslutely nothing about a room
Gunther sleepily ascends a step
Space (GM): oh i thought he was trying to glean something in specific
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, good!
Now for the other one.....
Kazuma Kuwabara slowly makes his way to Sybil
This place has been abandoned for fuggin.... like, literal years. There s rubble
Gein Mender: You might want to clean up
Sibyl: Yeah, I gotta get to-...?

Kuwabara waves his hands all up in Sibyl s face, eyes still closed
Kuwabara: Somewhere aroooound............
L.: Poor Kuwabara
Is it... right behind me?
Kuwabara: ...!!

Sibyl not flinching

Kazuma Kuwabara: No, it s where yer standin !!
Sibyl: Oh, um...
Gunther somehow manages to fall asleep leaning on the bannister
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s tryin ta possess ya!
Sibyl: How do I get rid of it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I dunno, call a priest?
Sibyl: ...Hm, alright. I ll try to hold on till then.
Gein Mender: I m old, is that close enough?
Gunther: Zzzzzzz...
Fawkes M. (GM): Y know, after a long-ass time
This feel refreshing
Kazuma Kuwabara: that we KNOW there s a ghost inside her, maybe we

could communicate to it!

Mobile L.: I bet it does, meng
Space (GM): mobile doesn t know that i switched the song to church on a hill
Mobile L.: gotta hel
Sibyl: I... think it has to possess me first.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, I m sensin it exactly where yer standin .
Sibyl is obviously just playing along, at least to Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: So it must have done it already!
Gunther: Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: But how do we talk to a ghost in a human body?...
Sibyl: But I don t feel any different, so maybe it hasn t taken effect?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well, maybe it s just tryin ta hide.
Mobile L.: meanwhile outside
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi, talk ghost to the lady!
Yusuke Urameshi: She s not a ghost, Kuwabara!
Kazuma Kuwabara: But there s a ghost IN her, dumbass!
Niko: ... ... ...!!!
Gein Mender is half-asleep exhausted from the day
Niko [the_blue_bus_is_calling_us.wav]
Space (GM): gouging a man s eyes out is hard work
Gunther: Zzz...
Sibyl turns to where Kuwabara is facing Urameshi s ghost
Gein Mender: he kicked the shit out of him
Sibyl: Hey, how you doing?
Gein Mender: god jason sucked at life
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Uh...
Uh, hi?
Mobile L.: Maybe if he had a dick
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi says hi.
Sibyl: Yeah, I m doing pretty good, too.
Sibyl smiles
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Ohhh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gettin any ghost feedback, Urameshi??
Yusuke Urameshi: Heh.
Uh, yeah! She s got... uh, ghost levels at fifty.
Gunther: ...Zzzzzheh... Zzzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh....Is that bad?
Yusuke Urameshi: There s fifty ghosts inside of her.
Sibyl: What s he saying?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi, quit playin dumb! I sensed ONE!
Oh, he s just bein a dumbass, again....
Yusuke Urameshi: No way! There s definitely fifty!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi, what d I say about leaving this to the pros???
Yusuke Urameshi: I m a ghost!
Mac D.: space do you think the others have lost steam and died
Space (GM): i think they have
Fawkes M. (GM): I think now might be a good time for me to migrate to phone
As I have to be up early
Space (GM): well i ll do a quick fade to black
Arguments continued in this vein for a while...
Sibyl made tea for everyone. It was nice.
Mobile L.: Yeh, I gotta sleep soon too

Mac D.: unfortunately the ghost could not be reasoned with. the mission was deem
ed a failure.
She went to Kotomine s church the next day.
Mobile L.: Damn ghosts
She left with twenty Black Keys and a picture of him shirtless.
Mobile L.: Ahahahaha
Space (GM): kotomine spooked her
Mobile L.: Fuck you, Kotomine
Shove it all up your ass, and all my FP too
Dildo-eating motherfucker
Niko the horror... the horror...
Space (GM): good session?
Mobile L.: Veddy good, I enjoyed
Fawkes M. (GM): I d say so
Mac D.: ye
Mobile L.: Nice mood-lift from last time s sads
Space (GM): im hype for another heaven
Mobile L.: Me 2
Space (GM): mobile did you see the spoiler dudes i forget
Mac D.: finding ways for kuwabara to disregard magic is getting more and more fu
Space (GM): i hope by the end
he thinks its all just tricks
all of it
the entire thing
Mobile L.: I was too busy (again) to map today, but I will seriously try tomorro
@Space: Yus
Space (GM): oh no worries
Mobile L.: I found old timey car sprites though
And old-style Japan buildings
Fawkes M. (GM): Many thanks
Mobile L.: No probski
Hokay, I gotta sleep now
Gein Mender: The Red Ensign carried by the 5th Canadian Infantry Battalion (West
ern Cavalry) at the Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917 survives to this day. The battl
e was the first instance in which all four divisions of the Canadian Expeditiona
ry Force fought together as a cohesive formation during the First World War, and
as such it is often viewed as a pivotal event in the emergence of Canadian nati
onal identity.[2][3]
i m going now
Fawkes M. (GM): Night, you two
Space (GM): nite nite
Fawkes M. (GM): I myself must depart
Mobile L.: G night
Fawkes M. (GM): Night
Mac D.: isn t this great space
now you can play another character in the EFFGEEEEEEEEE
Space (GM): no im gonna show you spoiler dudes
Mac D.: no i do not want to
Space (GM): just like how i do not want to fg with more than 1 dude
Space (GM): ;)
Mac D.: i GUESS this is where we GO OUR SEPARATE WAYS
Space (GM): hold on
Mac D.: no more spoilers
Space (GM): hooooooold on
Mac D.: nooo\

Space (GM): separate ways

Mac D.: hey by the way have you seen any of the one punch man anime yet
Space (GM): i saw a gif where speed of sound sonic got punched in the junk
Mac D.: dude fuck you go watch it
Space (GM): some day
i like the forest ambiancce
MrEForEccentric: What s going you guys
Space (GM): good day to you
eldritch s.: just fostering contempt for humanity
nothing new
MrEForEccentric: Oh good
eldritch s.: never do things for halloween
because everyone else will be doing so
and you get shafted
MrEForEccentric: It is unfortunate part of life
Space (GM): geez louise it took a while to find the prison map
eldritch s.: i m really salt about pumpnta clause right now
Space (GM): just do what i do and never fg
you migt be wondering
eldritch s.: it seems like you ve gone from falling out of love to the fg to jus
t hating it outright
Space (GM): why this modern prison has lantern lights and wooden beams
to which my answer is don t even worry about it
@seerr: oh i just play that up like i do all things
MrEForEccentric: Classy prison
Mac D.: any sign of mobile
Space (GM): shes on her way
Mac D.: and/or jam
eldritch s.: so how
Mac D.: you know this prison looks just a wee bit familliar......
eldritch s.: are
gein, funth, and kuwa
supposed to go from
castle von wolfenstein
to the prison
Mac D.: it ll be great
MrEForEccentric: Break your friends out of prison
Mac D.: i would assume their next course of action would be to inform the police
of the grave misunderstanding
Space (GM): or at least
to check the prison to see who it is
cause they on t know who was arreste yet, though it s certainly not hard to gue
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa removes a mask, revealing herself to be Light Yagami
Space (GM): whats her Moriarty Level
eldritch s.: 10/10
MrEForEccentric: I think it was good natured vigilante
eldritch s.: she transfors into an old man
and starts killing people
MrEForEccentric: SoOn the karma, at -10
out of 100
eldritch s.: no
10/10 i said
as the moriarty level
Space (GM): who is her holmes
eldritch s.:

MrEForEccentric: Ok
eldritch s.: she s more
inspector lestrade
Mobile L.: Broom broom
eldritch s.: who has an intllect to rival tsubasa
Space (GM): alright so i m gonna set a time here and i won t deviate from it
MrEForEccentric: Arnold Motherfucking Shales
Mobile L.: Poor girls
Space (GM): if jam is not here by like
twenty minutes from now
i think we ll be forging on without him
Mobile L.: Alas, alack
eldritch s.: no but in this isntance
who is her intellectual rival within the roll2
Space (GM): that s spoilers atm
MrEForEccentric: I don t think we ve met them
eldritch s.: i mean among the pcs
Space (GM): mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkuwabara
speaking of kuwabara i think that
MrEForEccentric: I d say Gein due to age
Space (GM): we can still do stuff with b-squad while a-squad is rotting away
just to set up
eldritch s.: so gein is the holmes in the fight scene
watch that fight
while picturing that
MrEForEccentric: He s beating up a teenage girl
And loses
eldritch s.: yea
MrEForEccentric: Gein loses the fight hten
eldritch s.: yes
where the fuck is gien
forgetting about me already
Space (GM): how d you get in here
Mobile L.: new phone who dis
MrEForEccentric: I will be playing the part of the houseplant in the corner
The party returns to Kuwabara s house after a long day of screwing around in the
Gein Mender: That was utterly useless.
Niko went home to dry his many tears
Gunther: At least the tea was decent.
Gein Mender: So.
Has Akiyama gotten back to you yet?
Kazuma Kuwabara: If only I were able to squeeze some info outta those ghosts!
Landlord: He hasn t, in fact.
Gunther: They were the strong silent type.
Landlord is frying up some shrimp wrapped in bacon
Kazuma Kuwabara: Tough bastards...
Gein Mender: You know Bacon gives you colon cancer, don t you?
Houseplant In The Corner photosynthesizes deeply
Yusuke Urameshi: You re a real ghostbuster, Kuwabara.
George: ....
Arf arf arf!

George is barking RIGHT at Urameshi

Gunther: Perhaps with time and practice, you will be able to intimidate them int
o squealing.
Landlord: Hey, old man, I don t need to worry about living dangerously when some
body firebombed my apartment complex. I m already way past that line.
Gein Mender: Oh.
About that.
He s dead now.
Landlord: No kidding? So they just won t send anyone else now, is that it?
Houseplant In The Corner has no mouth and cannot ask for water
Gein Mender: No, there s still that Irish prick running around, but I think the
German lady s going to ask him to stop/
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe.....
George grooooooooowls
Gein Mender: They might send someone else, which is why we still need to talk to
Fu- George?
Yusuke Urameshi: ...!!!!!
Gein Mender: George!
Gunther: ...Is George barking at your frienemy, Kuwabara.
Gein Mender: Stop that!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gein Mender: There s nothing there!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at George
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Urameshi
Yusuke Urameshi: Get this damn dog away from me!!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Naaaaah, that just sounds silly.
Gein Mender: George.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Just go invisible or somethin ! You can do that, right?
George: ARF! ARF!!!
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: George, sit!
George sits, still barking
Houseplant In The Corner had it the capability to feel emotions, it would feel f
Yusuke Urameshi: I m already invisible!
Gein Mender: Quiet!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Well turn more invisible! Like earlier today!
George clamps his mouth shut, making this weird whining noise
Gein Mender: That s a good boy.
Gein Mender pets him
Yusuke Urameshi throws his hands up in exasperation
George whines while wagging his tail
Gein Mender: ..
Gunther silently wonders if his HORRIBLE FAKE SOUL has a similar effect on Georg
Gein Mender: This plant looks drier than the Sahara.
Houseplant In The Corner slowly dies like disco

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Eh?

Kazuma Kuwabara looks over at the plant
Gein Mender: Water your plants!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, dang!
Gunther: ...Would it be cannibalism to give it the asparagus water?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Better get some water, yeah...
Kazuma Kuwabara goes to get a PITCHER OF WATER FROM THE SIIIINK
Houseplant In The Corner has no ethical quandaries about drinking the nutrients
of departed plants
Yusuke Urameshi: .........
Yusuke Urameshi moooves away from George
Kazuma Kuwabara grabs dat water and brings it oover
There s a knock on the door.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Here ya go, buddy.....
Kazuma Kuwabara WATERIN
Houseplant In The Corner feels refreshed
George immediately starts barking at the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Get the door, Gramps!
Houseplant In The Corner will remember this
Gunther SNEEPS A PEEP in to see who the frig is this
Gein Mender:
Gein Mender looks through the peepholr
Gein Mender:
Mobile L.: Fearsome wold
Rin Tohsaka is trying to peer through it in vain
Rin Tohsaka knocks again
Gein Mender opens it somewhat
Gein Mender: Hello.
Mobile L.: Why you were kill
Mac D.: any word from jam
Houseplant In The Corner "Who s this bitch" is what the plant would say if it ha
d a mind or a mouth
Rin Tohsaka: Oh-- uh, can I come inside?
There s something we need to discuss. Are all of -- uh, you guys -- here?
Space (GM): none at all
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hey, is that that lady from before, Gramps?
Mobile L.: :(
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa breaks out on her own, leaves Mizono behind
Space (GM): time to leave them all behind
MrEForEccentric: "Fuck da police" -Tsubasa 2015
Gunther peers soullessly on through at the Tohsaka gurl
Space (GM): oh good jam just came online i think
now we just need to pray for seer to return
Houseplant In The Corner prays deeply
Gein Mender: It s Rin Tohsaka, Kuwabara.

Gein Mender opens the door

Gein Mender: Come in.
Rin Tohsaka steps inside
Rin Tohsaka: Turn on the news. There s something you need to see.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Huh?....Uhhh, okay...
Gein Mender turns on the news
Kazuma Kuwabara sets the WATER down and goes to watch the teevee
Houseplant In The Corner gives praise to the water
eldritch s.: the news: "HOLY SHIT, TEENAGE GIRL BLOWS UP PRISON"
MrEForEccentric: Turns out it was Mizono that did i
eldritch s.: tsubasa was just the patsy
There s a breaking news report...
The city council... issued a new zoning ordinance lately. The ordinance is expec
ted to take place... this March.
eldritch s.: ...
Gunther: ...Boriiiiing.
Gein Mender: ... That s terrible...
Rin Tohsaka: ...Okay, forget the news.
Gunther: BRB
Gein Mender: There go property values...
Houseplant In The Corner is disappointed in the news network, silently
Space (GM): jam
*s not able to make it, so we ll just have to work this so that asumu isn t appe
Mac D.: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh
Gein Mender: she could bave been put in a different cell
Space (GM): yes that works
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa was acting shifty enough to be considered primary suspe
ct too
Rin Tohsaka: We found out who the two students they arrested are.
Gein Mender: Who were they?
Rin Tohsaka: Asumu Mizono, and Tsubasa Juufuku.
Gein Mender: They re not Roa, obviously.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!?
Wait, huh!?
Gein Mender: I did my own examnation on Harway s body.
Rin Tohsaka: What did you find out?
Yusuke Urameshi: .......
Yusuke Urameshi looks troubled
Gein Mender: Even IF they killed him, which they didn t, neither of them was Roa
He had a wound in the chest would not stop bleeding.
And he had a magic crest which had been sliced off.
Rin Tohsaka looks up at him
Gein Mender: Otherwise he was unharmed.
Rin Tohsaka: A magic crest?
Gein Mender: Yes.
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka puts
Tsubasa.... lies
Gein Mender: she
Tsubasa Juufuku:

a hand to her chin

on her prison bed, staring up at the ceiling.
strokes her beard

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Wh-...We gotta let em know there s been a mistake!

Tsubasa Juufuku largely thinking "This is bullshit."
Rin Tohsaka: Do we have any -- evidence? Any alibis?
Mobile L.: Bek, sorry
Rin Tohsaka: Our contact said they were caught red-handed over his corpse.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: You don t happen t still have that dude s eyes, do ya?
Tsubasa hears a pair of footsteps.
Gein Mender: I wouldn t know, except neither of the girls had any means of infli
cting that wound or knowing he had a magic creast.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Wait, what?
Gein Mender: Uh...
Rin Tohsaka: What eyes?
Gein Mender: No.
It s a long story.
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms
Tsubasa Juufuku perks up a little
Kazuma Kuwabara: Damn.....Then we got nothin !
Tsubasa Juufuku looks toward the bars
Kazuma Kuwabara: Are they......gonna be executed??
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka suspicious, but lets it slide
Gein Mender: just provided some evidence
Rin Tohsaka: The DA is pushing for the death penalty.
Officer Daisuke is leading someone to the prison cell
Gein Mender: Offing kids, they re just as bad as Roa.
Rabid animals.
Officer Daisuke: Hey, Juufuku! You re in luck! You just got yourself a new cellm
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wonderful.
Gein Mender: it s adolf itle
Mysterious Woman is shoved into the cell, which is locked behind her
Mysterious Woman: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... So, what re you in for?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...This-....This is bad! Seriously bad!!
Mysterious Woman coldly regards Tsubasa.
Gein Mender keeps an eye on the news while they talk
Mysterious Woman: Murder.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Same.
It s sports news now
Mysterious Woman says nothing
Rin Tohsaka: I think...
You all go down to the station.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... You actually do it, or are you wrongly convicted like me?
Gein Mender: Do you want us to...
Get them out?

Mysterious Woman says nothing

Rin Tohsaka: Legally.
Rin Tohsaka pauses
Rin Tohsaka: Preferably.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But how do we do that!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Not much of a talker, huh?
Gein Mender: I ll try.
Mysterious Woman: Don t have much to say.
Gunther: ...Is there bail.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s the bail for suspected murderers, like, a billion dollar
I don t got that kinda money!
Rin Tohsaka: I doubt the judge would even set bail for them.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Right... Name s Tsubasa. You?
Rin Tohsaka: I ll, ah... I don t have a cell phone, but Sakura does. You ll have
to call her.
Kazuma Kuwabara: So how do we get em out??
Gunther: ...Troubling.
Mysterious Woman: Ryougi Shiki.
Gunther was gonna tap into UNLIMITED BANK WORKS (i-if his parents were cool...)
Tsubasa Juufuku: Nice to meet you.
Tsubasa Juufuku breaks a smile a little
Tsubasa Juufuku clearly more than a little peeved at her situation
Stanislav Glazkov: WE ARE NOT.
Gein Mender: If we can t get them out legally, I ll do it the old fashioned way.
Mysterious Woman doesn t smile back
Tsubasa Juufuku sits up a little
Gunther: Dynamite?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Again!?
Rin Tohsaka: Just make sure they don t see your face.
See you around. Remember, call...
Rin Tohsaka writes something down
Rin Tohsaka: This number.
Rin Tohsaka tosses it to a chair
Kazuma Kuwabara: Hang on! I m not lettin Gramps try and be some sort o super s
py for a third time!
I ll do the sneakin around this time, if that s what we re doin !
Gunther: But it s worked so well in the past.
Rin Tohsaka: Don t do sneaking around as your first thing!
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gunth, this ain t no time for jokes.
Rin Tohsaka: Talk to them first. Bribe them if you have to. Cops don t make a lo
t of money.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Well. Uhm. How re we going to pass the time?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Do I look like I got that kinda money, Lady?
Gein Mender: Hey, it s worked every time.
Mysterious Woman leans back on her bed
Kazuma Kuwabara: No it hasn t! Someone s always gotten shot!
Gein Mender: You know, at this rate, I m going to spend all of my money on this.

Mysterious Woman: Donno. Wasn t planning on talking to some serial killer kid.
Gein Mender: And none of us have ever died.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I m not the serial killer.
Rin Tohsaka: ...Just handle it.
Rin Tohsaka exits
Kazuma Kuwabara: You might be suicidal, but not me!
Mysterious Woman: The pigs out in the front disagree.
Gein Mender: First thing.
We all need disguises to bribe the cops.
We re going to the yen-store.
Gunther tries to remember if he has any RICH KID ALLOWANCE lying around somewher
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s because they re pigs that decided to arrest the girls th
at reported the murder, despite the guy getting away.
Mysterious Woman: Oh, yeah?
Gunther: We should get balaclavas.
Gein Mender: And we ll need to buy some suitcaes and stuff them full of mid-low
currency denominations to think tehy re beign given ltos of money.
Tsubasa Juufuku: What kind of serial killer would I be, if I turned myself in, u
sing my cellphone?
Yusuke Urameshi: What, are we just gonna waltz right into the police station wea
ring balaclavas like some kind of bank robbers? We ll get shot for sure!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Can t we just give em money outta our pockets?
Gein Mender: No!
Mysterious Woman: They know what they re doing.
Gein Mender: We need to make them think we re giving them lots of money.
Tsubasa Juufuku: They clearly don t. I have no reason to kill my own mom.
Kazuma Kuwabara: But they re just gonna open up the suitcase and see that we did
n t give em squat...
Mysterious Woman: Aren t you the one who s supposed to be the detective?
Gein Mender: No, that s why there s going to be lots of individual bills.
It will give them the impression of lots of money.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What if they just look at the bills?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah. No-one believes me though.
Gein Mender: We ll make the first three high denominations.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Because they re pigs.
Gunther: Theoretically, we will be hiding out with them by the time they find ou
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Okay....Uh....
Mysterious Woman chuckles derisively
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was trying to help the investigation by calling up the body.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What if they just say no and throw us in jail?
Mysterious Woman: Haven t you figured out by now?
Gein Mender: That s was disguises and legs are for.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah, the cops were bought, right?
Gein Mender: But it would be hard to conceal briefcases.
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s what I m guessing.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Maybe......
Mysterious Woman: Obviously...
Gunther: ...Mister Mender. Your bone-thing.
Gein Mender: I think we ll actually need to bribe them with large amounts of mon

Kazuma Kuwabara: But where re we gonna get that kinda money?
Gein Mender: Fuck.
I have a lot in the bank.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Which is a real downer on my ever-so-wonderful view on law enfo
rcement before... think these days, I d rather see justice done by someone else.
Gein Mender: But first, how will we diguise ourselves...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ohhhh, right, mob money...
Mysterious Woman: Don t be ridiculous.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Certainly not by these dime-a-dozen "bribe one, get the departm
ent" cop deals.
Mysterious Woman: There isn t any such thing as justice.
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s one way to look at it.
Landlord: Listen You want my advice?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Sometimes I think Justice is made by society... but society som
etimes needs to change, right?
Gunther: What sort of person would a cop like to take a bribe from?
Gein Mender: SUre.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Okay, but maybe we ought have a backup plan in case they don t
take the bribe!
Landlord: Hats, sunglasses. Different clothes for sure. Maybe fake facial hair.
Mysterious Woman: Don t ask me. I don t care about any of that.
Gein Mender has an idea
Gunther: ...Mustaches...
Gein Mender: for his disguise
Tsubasa Juufuku: It was mostly rhetorical.
Yusuke Urameshi: Okay, here s a backup plan.
eldritch s.:
Mobile L.: :D
Tsubasa Juufuku: So. What s your story, anyway?
Yusuke Urameshi: You saw in the 7-11 how I could blow stuff around, right? If I
could just blow the keys off his belt...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi, don t be stupid!
Mysterious Woman is quiet for a moment, but decides screw it .
Mysterious Woman: I killed people. A lot of people.
Gein Mender: That sounds like a good idea, pal.
Mysterious Woman: You know. People they didn t want to bother arresting.
Kazuma Kuwabara: You can t knock keys off of a guy s pocket just by blowin on i
Tsubasa Juufuku: Like- vigilante stuff?
Yusuke Urameshi: Well, what s your backup plan?
Gein Mender rubs his hands together
Gein Mender: Hm...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uhhhh....
Mysterious Woman: Not really.
Gein Mender: Gunth.
Gunther: Hm?
Mysterious Woman: Hitman stuff. They payed me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Okay, we ll give it a shot!
Gein Mender: You have a backup plan?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Urameshi had an idea, guys!
Gunther: I am trying to formulate one.
Gein Mender: What s his idea?

Tsubasa Juufuku: And then you were no longer useful, so they put you away, huh?
Mysterious Woman: Right.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, so while you guys re busy tryin to bribe police...
Urameshi can try and get the key s off of the cop!
Gunther says as he tries to decide how to integrate mustaches into his disguise
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then I could sneak into the cells, and bust em out!
Space (GM): he constructs a suit made entirely of mustaches
Mobile L.: A zillion mustaches
Just like in kindergarten
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh, that s a bummer. You thinking of trying to get out of here
, by any chance?
Gunther: ...Hm. Are the keys generally easy to get?
Mysterious Woman: I could do it. It might end up killing you, but I could do it.
Gein Mender: It s worth a shot as plan B.
Plan C is improv.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Probably, if yer a ghost!
Tsubasa Juufuku: What s the probability of me dying?
Mysterious Woman: Come to think of it, that s probably why they put me in here w
ith you.
Mysterious Woman thinks on this
Mysterious Woman: ...Mm. It s likely, unless something distracts me or you get o
ut before I do.
Gein Mender: Alright, first, to buy our supploes!
Mysterious Woman: That s not going to happen.
Gein Mender: Come on!
Gunther: It s as good a shot as any.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Right! Let s do this!
Gein Mender heads out
Gein Mender: can we offscreen the collection of materials
Space (GM): yes of course
Tsubasa Juufuku: Your plan involves you taking me as a human shield doesn t it?
Space (GM): all of you roll for it
Mac D.: thank gaawd
3d20 or 1d20
Mobile L.: What stat
Gein Mender: rolling 1d20
= 19
Mobile L.: Oop, nvm
Mysterious Woman: It doesn t.
Mac D.: rolling 1d20
= 7
Space (GM): 1d20
Tsubasa Juufuku: Just killing me, then?
Gunther: rolling 1d20
= 16
Mobile L.: Poor Kuwabara
Gein Mender: gein becomes heisenberg
Mysterious Woman: You don t need to die for it.

Mask de Bara: what do you think of my disguise

Gunther: is perf, brah
Mysterious Woman: You re not involved in it at all.
Mobile L.:
Gein Mender: what
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hmm. Right. You wouldn t want to help me, would you? Is charity
like justice?
...Needs to cook.
Mobile L.: :) :) :) :) :) :)
Gein Mender puts on the black hat
Mysterious Woman: I ll just explain it.
Space (GM): get me a heisenberg token
Gein Mender makes himself look bald
Gein Mender:
crop it
Is a fuggin luchador.
Space (GM): mobile im busy gming could you do it for seer
Gein Mender sticks on the fake mustache
Tsubasa Juufuku: That d be great.
Space (GM): Gunther finds... he finds an interesting disguise.
It looks... very eighties.
Punther: ...This city...
Mask de Bara: What do ya guys think?
Punther: ...It s beautiful.
Gein Mender: what do i not get a disguise account
Space (GM): when mobile makes it
Mask de Bara FLEX
Punther: hold up it s uploadan
Mask de Bara: Yeah....think it suits me!
Heh. Quite.
Shiki Ryougi: I have an ability.
Shiki Ryougi: The mystic eyes of death perception.
Mask de Bara: Uh...You okay, dude?
Punther was careful not to let anyone see his eyes before he put on the shades a
nd headband
Shiki Ryougi: Every object has a line. A line where it is connected to Akasha,
the root.
Punther: ...Oh yes, just getting into character.
Shiki Ryougi: This is its line of death.
By severing its line of death, that object is irreparably killed.
Mobile L.: space I posted the thang
Shiki Ryougi: I can see those lines when my mystic eyes are activated.
Tsubasa Juufuku listens along
Tsubasa Juufuku: I see...

... Y-you re not- Roa, are you?

Gein Mender: space just refuses to give me the account
Shiki Ryougi: Who the fuck is Roa?
Space (GM): its uploading you impatient
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... He- has an ability like yours.
Mobile L.: space c mawwwn make it go FASTER
Tsubasa Juufuku: He s the serial killer.
A vampire that- jumps between bodies.
Gein just fuckin .
Looks like a completely different person.
Bohr: Alright kids.
Punther: ...Damn, Mister Mender.
You know that actor, Bryan Cranston?
Punther: Damn.
He looks like that guy.
Mysterious Woman: If I activated my eyes, I would be able to cut through these w
Bohr: Let s go.
Mysterious Woman: But I d see your death.
Bohr: We ve got business to do.
Mysterious Woman: And I d want to cut your line of death.
That s it.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I see.
Mask de Bara: Si!
Tsubasa Juufuku: What if i hid behind something?
Yusuke Urameshi: ...Holy shit.
Mask de Bara: Let s go, El Muchachos!
Bohr puts the money in the cases and crams them into his RM, sighing at Kuwabara
s disguise
Mysterious Woman: I d know you were hiding.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Right...
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Bohr assumes another man s walk and begins striding to the police station
Tsubasa Juufuku: I suppose, it s some of the same for me. I m an Oracle.
Punther follows Bohr on his Long Walk (not) Alone
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ve seen people s deaths.
Mask de Bara follows closely behind, hardcore salsa music blaring from behind hi
m somewhere
Tsubasa Juufuku: You know that Urameshi kid?
I saw his in one of my premonitions.
Mysterious Woman: Never heard of him.
Punther looks bizarrely FIRED UP and CYBERPUNK
Tsubasa Juufuku: He was one of the victims of the serial killer.
The party struts to the police station, getting a lot of weird looks.
Mysterious Woman: Ah.
Mac D.: this image needs to be immortalized in art
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I even saw my mom s death.
Mac D.: the three of them heroically walking to the police station
Bohr: older heisenberg
fatter protomen man
and lucahdor

Mysterious Woman says nothing

Mask de Bara: a feared criminal organization
Space (GM): gotta brb for like five seconds, conspire amongst yourselves
Mobile L.: To be fair, Panther s a bit chubs
Bohr: We re going to be calm about this.
No threats unless we have to.
Tsubasa Juufuku: She s the reason I want to take down the serial killer. But it
seems... the further in I go, the more shit I seem to uncover. That I just can t
Bohr: Try to keep cool.
Punther nod nod nods, his hair blowing DRAMAGICALLY in the wind
Tsubasa Juufuku: I had no idea the police were bought until they locked me away.
Mask de Bara: I can t stay cool, Mamasita.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: If I had known- I d never have called the authorities.
Mask de Bara: Cause I m brimming with LATINO HEAT.
Bohr: If I kick you in the balls, will that smother your latino heat?
Mask de Bara: Try it, Old Fart! I ll make you tap to the Bara Lock in two second
Punther: Calm yourself if for a moment, comrade. We must put on a mask for the M
an, but he will never quell THE FIRE THAT S INSIDE.
Bohr: I m not playing around here, two lives are at stake.
Mysterious Woman: What s your side of the story.
Bohr: And if you fuck it up by acting like a dickhead, I m going to throw you in
to a woodchipper.
Mask de Bara: At least we re tryin to get into character!
What kinda disguise is that? A dumb hat and shades?
The party arrives at the police station.
Punther s glasses gleam mysteriously
Mikiya Kokutou isdoing some paperwork
Mikiya Kokutou humming to himself
Tsubasa Juufuku: Me and Mizono- my friend- we were heading to my mom s place. My
mother was an oracle too, and- I just had to investigate any clue as to who kil
led her like... a client list. Or something. I needed to pick up some herbs for
my visions.
Mask de Bara notices Mikiya, and immediately folds his arms and tries looking as
intimidating as possible
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- we met this... Irish guy. Who was pretty beat up. And woun
Bohr: We re here about the your new prisoners.
Tsubasa Juufuku: So we... took him in, and like- gave him the medical attention
we couldMask de Bara: Mm.
Mikiya Kokutou starts
Mikiya Kokutou looks up
Mikiya Kokutou: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Before he went back into the night to get to his car.
Mysterious Woman boredly listens
Punther is also INTIMID8ING

Punther could almost imagine window after window opening above the street line.
Frightened face after frightened face leaning out into the bright glow of the st
reetlamps. Timid voice after timid voice telling him, speaking in unison.
Tsubasa Juufuku: We decided- we couldn t just let him go alone, cause- well- da
ngerous nights.
Bohr: We understand that a Harway was murdered.
Tsubasa Juufuku: So we followed him out.
Mikiya Kokutou: Well-Yes.
It was on the news and everything. Who are you people?
Tsubasa Juufuku: That s when we saw him meet the guy that I supposedly murdere
Punther ignored the voices. He thought perhaps he was the only one who hadn t tu
rned his back.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Harvey was- attacking first. With the knife. Irish guy was figh
ting in self defence.
Space (GM): mobile you re my hero
Tsubasa Juufuku: So- that knife fight led to Harvey dying.
Space (GM): harway
Bohr: We are people who feel eyr passionate about the Harways.
MrEForEccentric: He s harvey dammit
Mask de Bara: HM.
MrEForEccentric: (Yes I got it wrong)
Mask de Bara nods
Bohr produces a briefcase full of money
Bohr sets it on the desk
Bohr: You give us the killers, you won t see them again.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Irish guy slipped away... he didn t want to talk to the auhorit
Mikiya Kokutou: ...You re -- you re trying to bribe a cop?
This is illegal.
Tsubasa Juufuku: He refused an ambulance
Bohr smirks
Mask de Bara: ........
Bohr produces the second case
Tsubasa Juufuku: So- naturally...
We tried to call the cops. But- I didn t know the police station off the top of
my headMikiya Kokutou: You re saying you re... is this some kind of corporate thing? Ho
w am I supposed to know you re not with the killers?
Mobile L. should be feeling free. He wasn t. He was feeling something else. A wa
riness. A hesitation. That hesitation he d felt was the knowledge that he was be
ing watched. Watched when he kissed the girl at the bar goodbye. Watched when he
left his mother s house. Watched even now... Miles from the heart of the city.
Tsubasa Juufuku: So I tried to use the emergency service to connect me to the st
Bohr frowns
Mobile L.: oop fuck
Bohr an angry frown
Tsubasa Juufuku: So I could- like- report the body for the investigaion
Bohr: Mask.

Punther should be feeling free. He wasn t. He was

ness. A hesitation. That hesitation he d felt was
g watched. Watched when he kissed the girl at the
eft his mother s house. Watched even now... Miles
Bohr: Punth.
Punther: Mm?
Tsubasa Juufuku: It probably sounded like a prank
Bohr: Did you hear that?
Tsubasa Juufuku: So they sent officers to us.

feeling something else. A wari

the knowledge that he was bein
bar goodbye. Watched when he l
from the heart of the city.

Punther moseys on up CLOSER to the desk

Mask de Bara: .......
Mikiya Kokutou: .....
Tsubasa Juufuku: And- basically- they saw us next to the dead body
Bohr: He thinks we helped kill a Harway.
Tsubasa Juufuku: and decided we were guilty.
Mask de Bara: (....Urameshiiiiiii come ONNNNNNN........)
Punther: ...I m sorry. Could you repeat that for me.
Yusuke Urameshi: rolling 3d20
= 39
Bohr: This man thinks we helped kill a Harway.
Punther: ...Mm. Is that right...
Mysterious Woman: Easy to frame you two. What I heard was you were one of the pr
ime suspects in the first place.
Mikiya Kokutou: ....
Punther leans COOLLY against the cubicle wall, showing off his BULK and POSSIBLE
The cop s keys jangle.
Mask de Bara: .........
Bohr leans slightly forward to the cop
Mask de Bara eyes the keys
Space (GM): roll to intimidate a police officer when you do the intimidating
Mobile L.: whet stet
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 14
Space (GM): brawn
Bohr: Don t insult us.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes... I m not the best at explaining things. And I guess- I am
a bit forward about the investigation.But- can you blame me? The killer got my
mom. I can t really take that lying down.
Mask de Bara: (....Is that it!? Dammit, Urameshi!)

Mikiya Kokutou is looking very concerned

Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 14
Mikiya Kokutou: I-I can t really, erm...
Mikiya Kokutou licks his lips nervously
Touko Aozaki: Kokutou! I ll take it from here.
Mask de Bara: ...!
Mask de Bara looks overt at Touko
Touko Aozaki is standing there, smoking a cigarette
Mysterious Woman: Mm.
Bohr stares down Kokutou as he presumably leaves
Punther also does this... rrrrr
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Mikiya Kokutou is still sitting there, frozen
Mask de Bara: .....
Mikiya Kokutou looks between Touko and the party uncertainly
Mask de Bara clears his throat
Bohr turns to Touko
Bohr: We re close friends to the Harway family.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I have to know. Because there were two deaths the night my
mom died. Were you hired to kill Ms. Juufuku?
Touko Aozaki: Is that right?
Bohr: We d like to deal with the killers in our own style.
Touko Aozaki steps forward
Mask de Bara: ..............................................
Punther nod nod.
Touko Aozaki: Let me see what you re offering.
Bohr hands her the cases
Touko Aozaki looks down at them, not taking them as she smokes her cigarette
Mysterious Woman: No, I wasn t.
Punther B|
Bohr: i thought that said bj for am oment
i was really apalled
Mobile L.: ew no
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I wasn t going to hold it against you if you were.

Space (GM): oh no
Mask de Bara 8[
Tsubasa Juufuku: But- good. I guess.
Bohr keeps a stoney silence
Touko Aozaki: How much?
Bohr tries to recall how much he stuffed in there
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 12
Mysterious Woman: ...
Mask de Bara: .......
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
A good amount, though most of it is singles.
Bohr: [AMOUNT.]
If you take the money, you ll never here from us or them again.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Would you know of any other oracles, by any chance?
Touko Aozaki: Hehe...
Bohr: *hear
Touko Aozaki: In matters like this, it s best to be direct.
Let me make myself perfectly clear.
Mask de Bara is now sweating
Punther s eyebrow goes slightly up
Bohr stoneface
Bohr: rolling 3d20
= 42
Touko Aozaki moves to put out her cigarette in Bohr s face
Mysterious Woman: Besides you?
Bohr tries to grab it with two fingers before she does it in his face
Tsubasa Juufuku: Besides me.
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Finesse

= 6
Punther gives her a blank, yet spoopy look
Mac D.: here comes the pain
Mobile L.: ow gein
Mac D.: that s what he gets for trying to be cool
It burns.
Bohr scowls
Mobile L.: Roll for spoopy look also?
Mac D.: wow he took a cigarette burn to the face very well
Bohr was in the mob
Space (GM): communications have probabl broken down at this point
Mikiya Kokutou: ...!!!
Mikiya Kokutou goes for his gun
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......................................
MrEForEccentric: You can t buy cops already bought
Bohr punches her in the face
Bohr: Fucking whore.
Space (GM): roll
Punther ...Hooboy...
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 16
Mask de Bara turns and LEAPS over the chair at Kokutou, attempting to put him in
Mask de Bara: rolling 3d20
= 38
oh he just fuckin decks her
Punther goes to armbar the little dipstick before he can SHOOSH the GUN
Mikiya Kokutou: F-freez--!
bothayouse roll
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + for Finesse

= 12
Bohr: You picked the wrong day to PMS.
Mobile L.: Plus one, oop
Mysterious Woman: Nope.
Mac D.: d-do i have my plus one str yet....
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right, thanks for telling me anyway.
Mysterious Woman: nope
eldritch s.: just imagine
Mysterious Woman: Mm.
eldritch s.: decking a woman
Mac D.: go fuck yourself
eldritch s.: in the face
Mobile L.: I can imagine that easily
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Mikiya Kokutou gets his arm barred, dropping the gun
Mikiya Kokutou: Ack-!!
Punther: Get it, Bara.
Punther HOLD
Mask de Bara: What about the keys!?
Space (GM): sorry for beings poradic btw
got recruited into playing a platofrmer game with my cousin
Mac D.: stop bein sporadic damn you
Space (GM): multitasking is hard
Mac D.: then we can STOP N WAIT BOY
Space (GM): it ll probably go for 20 more minutes
wait or no
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... So, would you be willing to say who bought the cops?
Bohr lifts her by the collar
Tsubasa Juufuku: Or do you not know?
Mysterious Woman: I thought it was obvious.
Bohr: Now you listen to me.
We re getting those fucking kids.
Mac D.: they re ignoring you space
Tsubasa Juufuku: Harway?
Space (GM): i guess the answer s been decided
Mysterious Woman: Well, yeah.
Mask de Bara goes to grab dem keys and dem gun
Mikiya Kokutou: Gh-!
Tsubasa Juufuku: I was hoping it wasn t that obvious.
Mikiya Kokutou flails to deck Punther in the face
Bohr: And it s one thing to to say not.
It s another to shove a cigarette in my face, you filthy pig.
Punther tries to block it with his other arm and SUPERIOR HOMONCULUS STRENTH

Aozaki grins, her glasses leaning crookedly on her face

Aozaki: Hey.
You can t piss on hospitality, I WON T ALLOW IT!
Aozaki: Go to hell.

Touko Aozaki spits in his face

Mobile L.: ilu5ever
Mac D.: do i gotta roll for that or does he just take em
Space (GM): roll
Bohr punches her again
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 28
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 7
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 11
i can always punch women
Mobile L.: h-hold back the night...?
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... You know it just occurred to me. Why d you say I was the de
Mobile L.: this city........
He fuckin decks Punther right in the face, then in a flash grabs the gun
Pointing it at Kuwabara
Mikiya Kokutou: Hands in the air!
Mask de Bara: ....!!!
Touko Aozaki grins
eldritch s.: women and no-dick jason are weak to gein
Touko Aozaki s teeth are full of blood
Punther: brb
Mask de Bara shoots em right up
Bohr tries flinging Touko at the other cop
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn

= 12
MrEForEccentric: Girl Holmes though- Gein s weakness
Bohr: violence against women: the character
Touko Aozaki goes barreling over the desk, into Mask de Bara
Bohr: i said the other cop
Mac D.: yeah he won that roll
Bohr: i rolled a twleve
Mac D.: stop CHEATING
Space (GM): you see who s between the two of them
Bohr: she should hit the cop too
Mac D.: sounds like cheating
Space (GM): well yes
that was going to happen as a consequence
Mac D.: seer i think he s lying to save face
Space (GM): until you guys jumped on me for it
Mask de Bara: Bwuh!!
Bohr: space shared a letter with adolf
adolf hitler
Mac D.: spadolf
Bohr: spadolf hitlorr
MrEForEccentric: My poor casual prison conversation during a fight
The two of them just go careening into Mikiya there
Everyone gets bowled over, except for the Gunth
Mask de Bara: Guh!!
Mysterious Woman: Isn t that what you are?
Mac D.: do we wait for mob
Space (GM): yes
except for seer
Tsubasa Juufuku: Not officially. I don t even have a PI license yet... The close
st thing I have was that middle school award.
Space (GM): *not seer
Tsubasa Juufuku: Which also included criminal mastermind.
Space (GM): *olive
Mysterious Woman: They give that out in school?
Tsubasa Juufuku: It was one of those- end of year, joke awards.
Y know- like- "Most likely to be working at mcdonalds."
Bohr: no i m special
all of the people gein consitently wins against both lacked dics
Mobile L.: Sorry, I got called away to see old people dancing badly to polka
Bohr: however, they were both dick themselves
Mac D.: i read that as DLCs
Mobile L.: what i do
Mac D.: well
(From Mysterious Woman): do it
Mac D.: kuwabara and the two cops are currently bowled over each other
Bohr: gein just threw the lady cop at them
Mysterious Woman: wait wrong whisper
Punther goes to knock the scrawny one out with a left-hook to the head
Tsubasa Juufuku: I know the guy who won that award, anyway.
But that s unrelated.
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn

= 7
Mobile L.: ah fuck
Tsubasa Juufuku: Point is- not officially a detective...
Mikiya Kokutou ducks his head to the side, meaning Punther pounds his fist into
the floor
Mac D.: this rescue operation is going basically as expected
Mikiya Kokutou tries shoving Kuwabara off of him
Mikiya Kokutou: rolling 3d20-1
= 26
Mikiya Kokutou completely fails
Touko Aozaki just gets up off of them
Kazuma Kuwabara attempts to wrench the gun and keys off of Mikiya once more
Bohr: what did space say
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 10
Mask de Bara: rolling 3d20
= 33
Bohr: duff said sapce said mean things
Space (GM): i said to olive do it
Mobile L.: tens...
Mac D.: he said we all smell

Mikiya Kokutou weaves to the RIGHT this time

Gunther s hand hurts
Bohr tries to get the gun
MrEForEccentric: Oh, i did it alright -sunglassesBohr: what stat
but Kuwabara gets the gun and the keys from Mikiya while he s busy bobbing and w
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Bohr: oh
Mask de Bara: Yeah-!
Bohr: sorry i was al ittle distracted
Mikiya s face is just pounded into the dirt
Space (GM): don t worry i am too
Mask de Bara hops to his feet and tries making a break for the cells
Mikiya Kokutou: Ghh-!
Punther NOW FOR THE LADY..........
Touko Aozaki wipes some blood off of her face
Touko Aozaki and flings the coffeepot at Punther
Mask de Bara: rolling 3d20
= 33
Punther tries to tank it and knock her oot
Space (GM): thatd be two rolls
Mobile L.: What for tanking?
Space (GM): spirit i think
Mobile L.: d-damn...
Kuwabara gets the lock first time!
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit

= 4
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 7
Mobile L.: :,(
Bohr tries charging through the cubical wall to take down the ladycop
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 16
Mac D.: is it like a room with a bunch of cells or is it a single jaill cell
Mobile L.: Bohr is hero
Space (GM): room with many cells
Mobile L.: Play something from Beebeeb
Mac D.: ah ok so he got into the room with many cells?
The scalding, burning coffee just fuckin collides into Gunther s face
MrEForEccentric: sp-puh.......................................
Touko grins for like a split-second
Punther: HYRRRRGHHH...!
Before Bohrs just fuckin ploughs through
Bohr: now imagine heisenberg doing that
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright, uh....Yumuzuki!!
Mobile L.: Yussss
Mask de Bara: *Jufuuku
Mask de Bara is what he meant to shout out
Tsubasa Juufuku hears something
Bohr bursts through the wall and decks her again like a horrible old man
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh. I think that s the award-winner, right now...
Punther goes to tie up Wimpy while Heisenbohr kills the woman
Tsubasa Juufuku goes up to the bars, and looks out
Bohr: i m imagining like
what this would look like
Mask de Bara notices Tsubasa poking her head out
Bohr: in manga format
Mobile L.: Beautiful
Mask de Bara: ...!
There ya are!
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Or a Luchador.

Touko Aozaki just grins even more broadly

Mobile L.: Absolutely beautiful
Mask de Bara runs up to her
what is punther tying up wimpy with
Bohr: his instetines
rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 7
Mask de Bara: Alright, hang on! Lemmie just figure this out.......
Mysterious Woman: ...
Mask de Bara starts trying keys on the cell dor
Mask de Bara: rolling 3d20
= 46
Touko Aozaki: Ansuz.
Punther a shred of his bandanna
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Al right so, basically we re getting out of here.
Touko Aozaki fire erupts from Touko s hand
Tsubasa Juufuku: Right?
Mask de Bara: Yeah!
Bohr: -!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh that s absolutely wonderful.
Punther UHP
Tsubasa Juufuku: I knew I could count on delinquents.
Punther HOLDUP
Tsubasa Juufuku: Slightly.
He gets scorched deeply
Mask de Bara: Can this wait till we lose the cops!?
Mysterious Woman: ...What the fuck is this?
Tsubasa Juufuku to shiki
Mask de Bara: Shh! Yer wreckin
Tsubasa Juufuku: My friends.

my concentration...

Mysterious Woman gets up

Bohr summons the third briefcase he took and goes to slam it on her head
Mysterious Woman: Hurry up and get her out of here. I ll find my own way.
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn

= 11
Tsubasa Juufuku: Good luck.
Bohr just starts
Mercilessly beating her
Punther: Blixt ...Oh.
Mysterious Woman: Hurry up and get lost, kid.
Space (GM): brb
Mac D.: i rolled a 14 beeee tee dubs....
Punther BAK 2 TYAN
Tsubasa Juufuku: Right, right.
Space (GM): did punther roll already
Mobile L.: He stopped short because he saw Gein had it
Oh, you mean for the tie? Nope
Kuwabara finds the key, eventually.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Aha!
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 7
Mask de Bara UNLOCK DOR
Mobile L.: deek
Mikiya Kokutou spring-kicks him in the gut
Tsubasa Juufuku smiles
Punther: !!!
Bohr: FUCK! YOU!
Touko Aozaki keeps crookedly grinning at him
Mask de Bara: Alright....We gotta get movin before the Gunth and Gramps die!
Bohr: You re a worse fucking animal than the criminals!
Touko Aozaki even as her face is just getting bashed in
Punther tries to get his breff back and curb-stomp this nerd
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al right.
Lead the way.
Touko Aozaki says something with a mouthful of broken teeth
Mask de Bara starts heading BACK THE WAY HE CAME
Shiki Ryougi: ...
Tsubasa Juufuku runs after

Shiki Ryougi s eyes glow

Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Brawn
= 11
Shiki Ryougi cuts through the wall
Mikiya Kokutou s face is stomped into the floor
Bohr lightens up on the beating
Bohr doesn t want to kill her
Mask de Bara looks at the others committing police brutality on brutal police
Mask de Bara: Guys! I got her, let s go!!
Bohr: You fucking piece of human filth!
Tsubasa Juufuku glares at Touko
Touko Aozaki: Go on.
Do it!
Bohr: No.
Touko Aozaki: I ll kill you if you don t.
Mask de Bara: GraaaaAAAAAMPS! Come ON!
Touko Aozaki: I ll kill these kids!
I ll kill their whole fuckin families!
Bohr: No you won t, you spineless sack of shit.
Touko Aozaki: Heh.
Bohr begins walking away
Touko Aozaki

s left eye is swollen shut

Touko Aozaki pulls something out of her coat
Punther: (sporadic for a lil bit, got 2 dishes)
The party hears a gunshot as they exit the police station.
Bohr: wait
Mask de Bara: ...!!!
Bohr: no
i wasn t doing anything
Mask de Bara looks back at the sounds of gun
Bohr: because i thought someone else was about to
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... We need to go.
Bohr: but alright
No shit.
We take a roundabout way.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Where to?
Space (GM): guys which would be better

we just say they took asumu too

or kuwabara forgot her in the commotion
Let s see
Mac D.: just say they took asumu too
Some of you are kinda covered in blood
And looking pretty fucked in general, leaving a police station
Bohr good thing we re disguised
Bohr heads for an alley
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes... good thing you re all disguised and I m not.
Bohr sticks his hat on her face
Kazuma Kuwabara: Guess you gotta find a place to hide.....
Bohr: There.
Tsubasa Juufuku muffled under hat
Tsubasa Juufuku: No shit.
Mask de Bara: .....Aw, man....Sis is gonna be so mad...
Bohr heads for the alley
Mask de Bara follows
Tsubasa Juufuku follows
Bohr: Slimeball fucking cops...
Tsubasa Juufuku: No shit, they were bought.
Bohr: They re always disgusting pieces of shit...
Mac D.: how dare these disgusting policemen refuse our illegal bribe
Mobile L.: done with dishes
Tsubasa Juufuku: They had a hitman.
Bohr: No, tell me the whole story.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Harway.
Bohr: What happened to you yesterday?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I wanna know, too....
Bohr: Spare no detail.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll explain in full when we get to a safe spot
Space (GM): wait holy shit
Punther listens quietly, casually sloughing some dead skin from his face
Space (GM): click on a token
and press z
Bohr: huh
Mobile L.: DUN DUN DUN
Mac D.: beautiful
Space (GM): ok continue
MrEForEccentric: Now I can look upon Tsubasa in detail
Space (GM): i forget
Mask de Bara: Alright.....let s find a place to take off this stuff before we he
ad to my house!
Space (GM): was sky finance firebombed or just abandones
Bohr: jsut abandoned
Punther prolly looks like a fatter, less severely scarred Mello from Death Note
Bohr: i noted internally that i never noticed anything happening to it
Space (GM): good thank you seer
Tsubasa Juufuku: We can go by my place so I can pick up my shit.
Mask de Bara: Alright.....But let s be fast!
The cops re probably lookin for us!

Bohr: No, I want to hear what happened.

Tsubasa Juufuku: Later!
Mask de Bara: We can do that back at my place, Gramps!
Bohr: Fine.
Lead the way.
Tsubasa Juufuku starts heading for her place
Bohr: I have a better idea for where we can take these off, though, after we go
to your house.
Punther looks out for COPPERS
Kazuma Kuwabara follows close behind, keeping an eye out
Bohr: That Sky-Finance place, it s fairly hidden.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- I just need to go here on the way.
Space (GM): roll punther
Mask de Bara: rolling 3d20
= 41
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + for Mind
= 7
Mobile L.: :<
Bohr: kuwabara rolled well
Punther doesn t notice anybody.
Mobile L.: Thenk jeysus
Mask de Bara: ...
Bohr: punther rolled poorly, hwoever
what does mask see
Space (GM): i told him
Mac D.: he s given everything he can
Punther hopes his burns don t make him recognizable after the disguise comes off
Bohr follows Tsubasa
Bohr wasn t injured excet for a minor burn lol
They make it to Tsubasa s home without incident.
Bohr: *except
Space (GM): i wouldn t call a fireball to the chest minor...
Bohr: oh right
Mask de Bara might have a bruise or two from having a policeman thrown at him
Bohr: i forgot
Punther just had a rough time of things
Space (GM): lotsa heat-based damage

punther coffee
bohr cig and flame
Mac D.: kuwabara sexy cop
Mobile L.: chuu~
Tsubasa Juufuku basically just runs into her room to pack all she can into a sui
tcase, just essentials
Space (GM): is that
Bohr as kicked a lot of ass todau and is getting tired
MrEForEccentric: Its bleach
Mac D.: for moonshine yes
Mobile L.: That or milk
Mac D.: tsubasa has a lot of vices
Bohr: i thought it was coca cola
Space (GM): yeah that s her minifridgdd
Mask de Bara is looking stressed the fuck out now that he s gone through two lif
e-threatening fiascos in the span of a day
Mask de Bara stands by the door, nervously tapping his foot and peeking out it f
Tsubasa Juufuku after she s done packing up clothes and her herbs, she looks at
her computer, and decides to open it up, and remove the hard-drive
Punther is sleepy and in moderate pain
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 10
MrEForEccentric: Fuckin ten
Mask de Bara: ....Geez, Gunth, how can you be so relaxed!?.....
Mobile L.: Greek Jusas
She s not certain of how good it went, but it s out anyway.
Punther: One becomes accustomed to such things after a busy life.
Tsubasa Juufuku she doesn t mind either way, and stashes the hardrive away
Mask de Bara: Accustomed to getting shot and beat up by police!?
Bohr could probably go to jail for a very long time
Punther: They weren t mortal wounds or anything.
Tsubasa Juufuku she comes out of her room with two suitcases and a carrier bag
Mask de Bara: You were shot!
eldritch s.: gunth: TIS BUT A FLESH WOUND
Mask de Bara: Okay, let s go find that finance place!
Bohr: Follow me.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I hope some of you can be cargo?
Punther: It hurt for a while, then it kind of petered out with the blood loss.
Bohr: Give it to me.
Mask de Bara: Yeah, yeah, give em here! Hurry!

Mask de Bara holds out his hands

Bohr: No, I ll keep them myself.
Tsubasa Juufuku hands one of her suitcases to Gein, and the carrier bag to Kuwab
Bohr puts it in his RM
Mask de Bara hefts it up
Bohr: like just immediatly and blatantly
Mask de Bara: Alright, let s move!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh wait- that s right.
Bohr: Kuwabara.
Punther doesn t offer to carry anything because he s a no-good bitch
Mask de Bara clearly really wants to go home
Tsubasa Juufuku: Lets just- put the stuff in there...
Bohr: Just give me the bag.
Mask de Bara: Shut up, Gramps! We ain t fightin over this!
Tsubasa Juufuku gives the other suitcase to gein
Mask de Bara is not looking at Gramps and is looking down the hall nervously
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kuwabara, give him the bag
Bohr in the RM it goes
Mask de Bara: Wh-...Hey!
Bohr: Just do it.
Punther scrapes more dead skin from his face
Tsubasa Juufuku: It ll be a lot easier to carry, and conceal this way
Mask de Bara: Alright, fine! Can we just go!?
Bohr puts it in his RM
Mask de Bara tosses him the bag at him without looking
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yes, yes we can.
Bohr: Yes.
Punther HEADS OAT, looking out for dirty pigs
Mask de Bara: This is way messed up.....Way messed up..!...
Tsubasa Juufuku: How do you think I feel?
Bohr heads to Sky Finance
Space (GM): rolling 1d20
= 12
Mask de Bara follows
Tsubasa Juufuku follows
Place looks like it was ditched in a hurry.
Mask de Bara: Alright...Alright....
Mac D.: btw does kuwabara still have gun

Bohr changes out of his disguise

Tsubasa Juufuku: You might want to give me a disguise, considering I m a recent
Mask de Bara takes off that fukken mask and puts his shirt back on, breaking kay
Gein Mender is now back
Tsubasa Juufuku: Same for Mizono.
Space (GM): depends on if he brought it or not
Kazuma Kuwabara: We ll work on it when we re safe, okay??
Punther turns away so nobody can see his eyes and takes off his shyet
Gunther bep
Mac D.: i would assume he either ditched it first-chance or just kinda forgot he
was carrying it
Gein Mender stuffs his former disguise and the other disguises into his RM
MrEForEccentric: Flip a coin
Mac D.: rolling 1d2
= 1
ditched the gun
Gein Mender: also i ll state this now
despite forgetting to mention it
gein took the briefcases too
Mac D.: gotta hang on to the MUN-AYYYYY
Gein Mender: no fingerprints for you
Space (GM): fine w/ me
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa as she is would not have ditched the gun
Space (GM): one of them has blood and some teeth
Gunther: Gein
Mobile L.: Oop
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....Anything in here we can use as a disguse for Juufuku
Kazuma Kuwabara looks about
Kazuma Kuwabara: rolling 3d20
= 41
Tsubasa Juufuku looks as well
Tsubasa Juufuku: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 13

Gein Mender: Alright, let s go.

I mean that was a good roll but I can t think of anything that you could use for
a disguise in a loan office
Gunther continues exfoliating his face
Gein Mender: let s say
he had like
a spare suit laying around
and maybe a toupee in case e started going bald or something
as in akiyama
MrEForEccentric: Yes, she will disguise as a man
Mac D.: he jury rigs something out of office supplies
Space (GM): akiyama isn t the toupee type but a spare suit would probs work
just undo the twintails
Mac D.: like macguyver
MrEForEccentric: Longhaired man in a suit
Gein Mender: Hold on...
Mobile L.: Shall I find a pic
Gein Mender: Nevermind..
MrEForEccentric: Yes, androgynous long haired man in a suit
Gein Mender was about to put his fake moustache on her
MrEForEccentric: Or an androgynous girl in a suit
Gein Mender: That would just look stupid...
Space (GM): hold on while i get my cousin ready for bed
pic finding tme
Mac D.:
Gein Mender: wrong haircolor
Tsubasa Juufuku: At least it s not a deerstalker...
Mac D.: that s what photoshop is for
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Gein Mender:
Mobile L.: sugoii
I mma shop that one duff found
Mac D.: or
Gein Mender: why not hitler
4cc474286592257f8d7.jpg?1604085 I do have this one too
Mobile L.: Use Olive s, GIMP is being a lil bitch
Mac D.: aiight
MrEForEccentric: Yeah, mine is more in-style
Mac D.: is she gonna stay in disguise when she gets back to kuwabara s place
Space (GM): just so you all know
Mobile L.: She d better
Space (GM): im jsut gonna use these as
their wrestling outfits
MrEForEccentric: She s probably going to keep the disguise
Mobile L.: B)
Mac D.: it s going to be beautiful
MrEForEccentric: For when she s out and about
Space (GM): come up with a name for this tsubasa
Mac D.: sabatusu
afrikaan emissary
Space (GM): you know the japanese pro wrestling scene is actually pretty big
MrEForEccentric: Charlotte Watson

Mac D.: oh yeah

they love wrestling in japan it s huge there
MrEForEccentric: She s going to put on her best Scottish accent when in disguise
Mac D.: Makoto Moriarty
Space (GM): but its a lot different from how it is in the us
MrEForEccentric: Speak purely in English
Space (GM): what name
MrEForEccentric: Charlotte Watson
Mac D.: does she sound like a japanese girl who doesn t actually know english tr
ying to speak english with a scottish accent
Mobile L.: She can be the good random English to Punther s Swenglish
Space (GM): oh my god
Gein Mender: remeber when gein spoke broken japanese
Mobile L.: It was sekushii
MrEForEccentric: She probably gets it mixed up with Gaelic
Space (GM): "OOOOK~! Have a heppy wrestle, laddies!"
Mac D.: no she keeps switching accents every time she talks
Mobile L.: Beautiful, just beautiful
Space (GM): "Konnichiwa, ya wee bogan!"
Mobile L.: Ahahahaha
MrEForEccentric: I m probably going to keep that in the background
Mac D.: alright space let s see that disguise
Gein Mender: Let\s go!
Kazuma Kuwabara nods
Gein Mender heads to his doom haus
Charlotte Watson stretches a little
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright everybody....Act natural....
Space (GM): rolling 1d20
= 10
Kazuma Kuwabara starts fuckin
back to his house

powerwalking like an obviously suspicious person

Charlotte Watson mutters a little

Charlotte Watson: Not bad...
Yuuka: ...Oh, hello!
Kazuma Kuwabara: GH-.....
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....H-.....H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-Heya, Yuuka!
Charlotte Watson "Shit", she nearly decided to just deck Yuuka in the face for a
KO, but she decided against it just in time
Gein Mender slaps Kuwabara on the shoulder
Kazuma Kuwabara: GH-!
Yuuka: Oh, it s all of you... who s your friend?
Is he American?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....U-Uh...Which friend!?
Charlotte Watson: Nae- I m Scottish.
Gein Mender keeps his hand on Kuwabara s shoulder
Yuuka: Oh, he s from Scotland...

Kazuma Kuwabara: YEAH! SCOTLAND!

Gein Mender: Oh, we ve just met, we re not friends yet, eh, no offense, Watson.
Gein Mender squeezes his shoulder
Charlotte Watson: Naht a problem.
Kazuma Kuwabara: A-A-A-And we re takin him to my house!
Charlotte Watson: Foreign exchange, ye see
Yuuka: I see...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Y-Ya know.....Sh-sh-sh-owin him around!
Gein Mender: Yes, they be just gotten here, and we re welcoming them to town, of
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah! Yeah, that!
Yuuka: ...Uhm.
Are you okay, Kuwabara-san?
Gein Mender leans into Yuuka and mutters
Gein Mender: He gets nervous around Scottish people.
Mac D.: gein no
Mobile L.: she s def...
Yuuka ooooohhhhh
Gein Mender: but she can read lips
Mac D.: but he leaned into her..........
Mobile L.: Gud
Yuuka nods with understanding
Mac D.: well ok....
Space (GM): not into her ear
Gein Mender: like closer towards her
Mac D.: gein leans sultrily and whispers weet nothings into yuuka s ear
Gein Mender: not like into her ear you sucik fuck
Yuuka: disgusting
Kazuma Kuwabara: S-....Ssssso.....
Yuuka: Don t worry, okay, Kaz?
Scottish people are just like anyone else.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Y-....Yeah!...What?
Yuuka: Well, it was nice talking to you all!
Yuuka goes off on her merry, hearing-impaired way
Gein Mender: Nice to see you too.
Charlotte Watson: Aye-aye, wee lass.
Kazuma Kuwabara: S-Seeya!
Gunther just quietly chuckles at the aftermath
Kazuma Kuwabara powerwalks home EVEN FASTER
Gein Mender: A job well-done.
Charlotte Watson looks at Gein
Charlotte Watson: Nervous around Scottish people? Really?
Gein Mender: She bought it.
And I knew she would.
Charlotte Watson: Because she s deaf?
Gunther: Xenophobia is a thing, you know.
Gein Mender: No, because she s innocent.
Kazuma Kuwabara shuts the door behind him, sweating like a pig and breathing hea
Kazuma Kuwabara: HAH...........HAH..........HAH.........

Gein Mender clutches his burned chest

Charlotte Watson: Right.
Gein Mender: Ow.
Fuck me, OW!
Kazuma Kuwabara wipes the sweat from his brow
Space (GM): btw
feel free to edt your wrestling personalities
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...This is....This is getting t be too much, man!
Space (GM): any time you like
Gunther: ...Let me get you some ice or something.
Gein Mender: I ve been waiting to say that this entire trip.
Mobile L.: :)
Space (GM): with the bio i mean
so they ain t empty and horrid
Gein Mender: Get me some oinment and a fucking doctor, Christ!
Gunther: Because I m... an ice guy.
The living room is empty.
Gunther: Heh.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....We gotta find you someplace to sleep, Juufuku...
Shizuru Kuwabara is sitting at the dining room table, her hands clasped as she s
mokes a cigarette in the dark.
Shizuru Kuwabara watches Gunther as he enters.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Gunther looks for the first-aids kit
Kazuma Kuwabara steps further into the house and towards the kitchen
Charlotte Watson nods
George is sleeping at her feet.
Charlotte Watson follows gingerly
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara sees Shizuru in the dark
Kazuma Kuwabara and stops
Kazuma Kuwabara on a dime
Shizuru Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!!!!!!!!!!!
Gein Mender grits his teeth and turns on the television
Gein Mender: I hope...
Shizuru Kuwabara: Do you have any idea what time it is?
Gein Mender: That lunatic didn t kill herself...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....O-Oh, uh!...It s, um.....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at the clock
So, the breaking news story
Gunther merrily looks about for AIDS the first
Aw, it s only, like, 5:45...

Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Uh....

The first aid kit is in... the bathroom
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....That time!
Gein Mender is watching the breaking news
Gunther grabe
Shizuru Kuwabara: It s five AM.
Gunther carry
eldritch s.: i think it would be fairer to jam
to have it that
Kazuma Kuwabara: R-Right! Super late! I oughta shove off to bed!
eldritch s.: mizono was in the pplace
and give him
a littler adventure
in getting out of the police station in chaoos
There was a fucking slaughter at the police department.
Space (GM): i think so too, what do you guys think
MrEForEccentric: I agree
Mobile L.: Yeah, he d enjoy that, I think
Shizuru Kuwabara: What the hell were you doing?
Gein Mender: Wow, what the fuck?
Space (GM): but gunther
Gein Mender: Gunth, look, the tv!
Space (GM): it was in the bathroom
Gein Mender: AHAHAHA
Space (GM): the landlord is a bit confused
Charlotte Watson: Mae plaine was laete?
Mobile L.: oh fuck how did I miss him
Whut d
Landlord: ..............
Landlord looks back at his newspaper
Every single officer was methodically killed
Gein Mender is pale
Some had signs of a struggle, some didn t - their throats merely slit from ear t
o ear
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: ... Roa?
One of them had her face bashed in, and a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uh......
Gein Mender: To... a whole police station...
Every single prisoner was gone without a trace.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........................
Gunther: ...Hm.
Gein Mender: Knives... and...
Shizuru Kuwabara: Spit it out!
Gein Mender: Just cut them up, these people had guns!
Gunther: Disturbing.
Charlotte Watson edges back towards Gein
Charlotte Watson: What s up?
Kazuma Kuwabara nervously looks back at Charlotte

Gunther: Everyone died.

Kazuma Kuwabara: .....!!!
Gein Mender: Everyone in the police station is dead.
All the prisoners are missing.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Shizuru
Kazuma Kuwabara: We were helpin out this guy!
He s, uh...He s another guy without a place to stay! And he s new in town! S-So.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Charlotte Watson: Och dear...
Kazuma Kuwabara: We, uh....We showed him around, a-and it turns out, he s a big
partier, so...
Shizuru Kuwabara: Are you drunk?
Gunther sprawls out on the couch
Charlotte Watson: I could sae who did it but- need a private place.
Gein Mender: You were in there longer than I was, do you have Gunther:
Gein Mender: This is a private place.
Charlotte Watson sticks a thumb to the kitchen
Gunther: Just speak quietly.
Charlotte Watson: Kuwabara s sis is in ere
Gein Mender: THey re not listening.
Gunther: Softly.
Charlotte Watson: Aight, fein.
Gein Mender: Like a baby s ass.
Charlotte Watson: Tha s disturbing
Gein Mender: turn off that fucking clock sound
Kazuma Kuwabara:!
Gein Mender: No.
Gein Mender points at the screen
Gunther: Heh.
Gein Mender: That s disturbing.
Gunther: Yes.
Charlotte Watson: Right... I shared my cell with a Hitman that the cops used.
Gein Mender: What.
Gunther: ...Oh...
Charlotte Watson: She has mystic eyes of death perception, like Roa
Gein Mender nearly has a real heart attack
Charlotte Watson: She s probably the one that killed the cops.
Gunther: ?
Shizuru Kuwabara: Don t you dare lie to me, Kazuma.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m tellin you, I ain t drunk!
Gein Mender: ...
The cops...
Shizuru Kuwabara: rolling 1d20
= 7
Gein Mender: used...
a Hitman?
Charlotte Watson: Yes.
Gunther: ...Good riddance?
Shizuru Kuwabara: Don t you dare lie to me!
Charlotte Watson: They were bought by Harway.

Gein Mender: With the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception...

Shizuru Kuwabara: God!
Gein Mender: How did he die?
Shizuru Kuwabara: How the hell was I supposed to know where you were?!
Charlotte Watson: Some Irish guy killed him with a magic knife.
Gein Mender: ...
Irish Guy.
Shizuru Kuwabara: You could have been - dead or kidnapped or -- or anything for
all I knew!
Gein Mender s face goes red as the veins of his neck bulge
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sis, I m serious, IGein Mender: ... Irish. Guy.
Charlotte Watson: Aye.
Gein Mender: Did he look like he just fell off a building?
Charlotte Watson: He was pretty wounded when me an Mizono found him, yeah. We h
elped him a little, and he got away.
Gein Mender: ...
Shizuru Kuwabara: For fuck s sake, Kaz! What am I supposed to do? Just sit here
and worry?!
Charlotte Watson: Wait- what?
Kazuma Kuwabara: I-...
Gunther: ...Mister Mender. Don t attract their attention.
George picks his head up from his slumber
Gein Mender: I was the one who threw him off the building in the fucking first p
Charlotte Watson: Well how were we supposed to know that! We were helping a stra
Gein Mender: He was hired by the mob to kill me!
Gein Mender: And he nearly did. along with an innocent civilian!
Charlotte Watson: Well- apparently Harway attacked him first.
George: What ll I do if you die, Kaz? God! What am I supposed to do then?
oh my god
Gein Mender: Explain exactly what happened with Harway!
eldritch s.: he s lost his mind
Kazuma Kuwabara: dog i am sorry
Mobile L.: george no
Kazuma Kuwabara: please forgive
George: never.
Mobile L.: ROOF ROOF, KAZ!
Kazuma Kuwabara: I m not gonna die, Sis!!
Charlotte Watson: We found him fighting the Irish guy.
Mobile L.: ROOF... ROOF...!
Charlotte Watson: And- it looked like he was going to win the knife fight
eldritch s.: WhGunther:
Shizuru Kuwabara: There s serial killers just running around town!
Gein Mender: What?
Shizuru Kuwabara: You know that! You damn well know that!
Charlotte Watson: But the Irish guy killed him.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I-I know, sis!
Charlotte Watson: And then left
Just- stab in the chest.
Gein Mender: ...

Gein Mender: He had a magic crest.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Do you want to end up like Yusuke? Is that it?
Gein Mender: And it ad been cut off his arm.
Kazuma Kuwabara: No, dammit!
Charlotte Watson: I didn t see him do anything like that.
Probably the cops.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Then why are you doing this?!
Gein Mender: Was his arm wounded?
It wasn t
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s something I just gotta do, alright!?!
Shizuru Kuwabara slams her hands on the table
Charlotte Watson: It was probably the cops.
Kazuma Kuwabara: -!!
Gunther: ...Troubling.
Charlotte Watson: Since- I only saw him do the stab in the chest
Shizuru Kuwabara: For fuck s sake!
Charlotte Watson: And we were around until the cops arrived that we called for
Trying to report the body for the investigation
Since- it seemed to be Roa
Gein Mender: WhGunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender is on the erge of having some kind of health issue
Shizuru Kuwabara: Say something, Kaz!
Charlotte Watson: An basically, the cops when they did arrivejust arrested us
Gein Mender is breathing vry heavily
Gein Mender red as a beet
Gunther: ...Mister Mender... Easy...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......I m not-.........I m not gonna die like that, sis.......
Gein Mender: Th-it -fuck-sa-I-it-YO-erhg...
Shizuru Kuwabara: How do you know that?
Gunther oh man...
Gein Mender begins to calm down
Space (GM): he has a stroke and dies
Charlotte Watson: I don t think that was any kind of language, sir.
Gunther: Mister Mender. Count backwards from ten.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I just-...!
Space (GM): seer then rolls up gein mender jr. his secret son who looks exactl
y like him
Mobile L.: No
Gein Mender: Ten... nine... eight... seven ... six... four ... FUCK!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I just know.....
Mobile L.: Keel Lorenz
Gein Mender: his cousin
who i acknowledged

Gunther gets up
Gein Mender: Five... four... three... two... one...
Gunther gently walks Mender to the couch
Gein Mender sits down
Gunther: ...Do you need water or anything.
Gein Mender takes out his cell
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...You re grounded. No more going out with your friends.
Gein Mender: Yes.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Understand?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Gein Mender: I need some water.
Gunther nods and goes to get it
Gein Mender: And a cranberry juice.
Charlotte Watson: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sis, c mon! I m not ten!....
Gunther nods again
Gein Mender: I don t want to piss blood right now.
Gein Mender hands Tsubasa his phone
Charlotte Watson: TMI, sir.
Gein Mender: Call Rin Tohsaka.
Charlotte Watson nods
Shizuru Kuwabara: Neither was Urameshi!
Gein Mender: Tell her everything you know about the police and Harway.
Gunther casually walks through the argument to get the things
There s a pounding on the door.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Would ya stop bringin him up!?
Gunther: !
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Shizuru Kuwabara: No, I won t!
Charlotte Watson starts to dial the Tohsaka hotline
Kazuma Kuwabara turns and looks at the pounding on the door
Shizuru Kuwabara: No, you look at me, Kaz!
Charlotte Watson when door
Kazuma Kuwabara: Gh-!!
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at her
Charlotte Watson: ??
Space (GM): it s the loan shark
Gein Mender: akiyama just kciks the doro down ontop of gunth
Gunther: It s the loan shark.
Gein Mender: Let him in.
Gunther does so
Shun Akiyama: I found out where Raiga Fujimura is!
Gein Mender: Sit down..

Gunther locks it behind him

Charlotte Watson: Who and the wha?
Shizuru Kuwabara: I won t change my mind on this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender: Don t speak loudly, or I ll have a heart attack.
Gunther goes back to getting old man Gein his liquids
Shun Akiyama: ...?
Alright, well listen...
Gein Mender shows off his burned chest
Gunther JOOZ
Shun Akiyama takes a seat
Shun Akiyama sops
Shun Akiyama: *stops
Gein Mender: sops
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Gunther WADUR
Charlotte Watson: Should I...
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Charlotte Watson points at phone
Charlotte Watson: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Watson needs a place t stay....
Gein Mender: Yes, call her.
He knows.
Shizuru Kuwabara: I don t care. We re out of space.
Gunther hands him the beverages
Gein Mender nods and drinks, mutterign thanks
Kazuma Kuwabara: Then s-...HE can sleep in my bed or whatever!
Charlotte Watson: Ah, okay.
Shun Akiyama: ...
Gunther nods back and sprawls out in the chair
Shizuru Kuwabara: For fuck s sake.
Charlotte Watson goes back to dialing Tohsaka hotline
Shun Akiyama: Well, he s...
Very seclusive, you understand.
And-- this is a but, this is just what I ve heard.
Kazuma Kuwabara: He NEEDS a place to stay!
Shizuru Kuwabara: I. Don t. Care.
Charlotte Watson ring ring ring ring ring, Tohsaka phone
It rings for three rings
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Who is it?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Well I do!
Charlotte Watson: Ey, it s Tsubasa. Could you find Rin for me?
Shun Akiyama: He s the man financing Slamageddon. Apparently, wrestling is a pas
sion of his.
Gein Mender: ...

Gunther would offer to house the "Scotsman" himself if he was listening in

Sakura Tohsaka: Get her yourself.
Gein Mender takes off his shades
Sakura Tohsaka hangs up
Gein Mender rubs his eyes
Gein Mender: ...
Charlotte Watson: ..
Gein, I think Rin s sister hung up on me.
Gunther: ...Mm.
Gein Mender: Are the only criminals in this city who aren;t fucking retards the
Give me the phone.
Charlotte Watson gives it to Gein
Shizuru Kuwabara: You re not giving up your bedroom for some Scottish fuck.
Are you gay?
Gunther watches Gein closely
Shizuru Kuwabara: Is that it?
Gein Mender dials the number
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wh-...NO!
He just needs a place t stay, dammit!
Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.
MrEForEccentric: Shizuru confirmed for racist against Scots
Sakura Tohsaka: Hello?
Mobile L.: And homophobic
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Shun Akiyama: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....S-Sorry, no cussing in the house, I forgot!
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Shizuru Kuwabara puts out her cigarette
Shizuru Kuwabara immediately lights another one
Gein Mender: Listen, Sakura, I NEED to talk to your sister, and I m on the verge
of having a heart attack, so as a fellow human being, please, please for the lo
ve of Christ just give her the phone.
Sakura Tohsaka: I m doing fine too, thanks for asking.
What s up?
Gunther starts to drift off, despite the pain
Gein Mender: I ve been burned, I ve just killed a man, narrowly averted having a
heart attack, had to examine the dead body of a teenager and will likely to jai
Sakura Tohsaka cuts him off mid-sentence
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Sakura Tohsaka: Haha, got you! This is my answering machine. Leave a message aft
er the beep!
Mobile L.: sakura u fucker
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit

= 17
that was to see
if he head
Gein just BARELY avoids having a heart attack
Gunther: Zzz...
Tsubasa Juufuku: No luck?
Gein Mender is about to break his pone by squeezing it
Mac D.: i want him to just die of anger
Charlotte Watson said that
Gein Mender is channeling Charlemagne
Mobile L.: Gein needs a hug
Shizuru Kuwabara: ....
Gein Mender leaves a message
Gein Mender: Please.
Or I will die and my ghost will HAUNT YOU FOR THE REST OF FUCKING ETERNITY!!!!!!
Gein Mender hangs up
Charlotte Watson: Have you considered marijuana, sir?
Gunther dreams of magus training drills and Key and Peele highlights
Gein Mender: Don t even play with me right now.
There is a very deliberate knocking on the door.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So-....Can he stay?
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Gein Mender presumably rubs the ointment Gunth apparently got all ever his burne
d chest while drinking the juice
Kazuma Kuwabara gives her the look
Kazuma Kuwabara she knows that look
Kazuma Kuwabara it s THAT look
Gunther pls don t beeb beeb,,, because,,, i,m sleep,,,
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...Fuck it. Fine. You re sleeping on the fucking kitchen floor
Gein Mender: *all over
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright!!
Gein Mender: Please get the door
Charlotte Watson: I ll get it.
Shun Akiyama nods and gets up
Gein Mender: wow

Shun Akiyama looks at her, and sits back down

Gein Mender: DENID
Gunther: Zzz...
Kazuma Kuwabara turns to re-enter the the living room, but stops
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Rin Tohsaka is standing there, one hand in her pocket
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...I ain t-....I ain t gonna die, Sis...
Charlotte Watson: Hey
Rin Tohsaka isn t smiling
Gein Mender: Ask her, she knows everything.
Space (GM): did she open the door
Gein Mender: did she
MrEForEccentric: Yes
I forgot to mention
Rin Tohsaka just steps inside
Rin Tohsaka: What.
Gein Mender: We didnt kill anyone.
Rin Tohsaka: The fuck.
Gein Mender: I swear, we didn t kill anyone.
Rin Tohsaka: Did you DO?!
Charlotte Watson: I can explainKazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 1
Gunther: ...mrrrghhh...?
Gein Mender: oh
Mobile L.: fuk
Kazuma Kuwabara turns and sees the angry Rin oh god why are there SO MANY ANGRY
Gein feels a stabbing pain in his left arm
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...!!
Gein Mender: I DIDN T K-URGH!
Gein Mender gapes
Gunther: ?
Kazuma Kuwabara hurriedly walks over
Gein Mender tries standing up
Kazuma Kuwabara: What s goin on!?
Rin Tohsaka: Nobody move. None of you move.
Charlotte Watson: It wasn t usKazuma Kuwabara: ...!
Kazuma Kuwabara hands up reflexively

Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit

= 7
Mobile L.: pls don t kill gein...
He collapses.
Gunther: ...Mister Mender...?
Gunther disobeys orders and gets up to CZECH and see if this is reel o no
Rin Tohsaka scowls
Rin Tohsaka: Explain it already.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender is slightly twitching and making strained pleas
Charlotte Watson: I shared my cell with a hitman that was working for the police
- they were bought by the Harway family. They re corrput enough to have a Hitman
that has mystic eyes of death perception, and they locked her away. She s not R
Shun Akiyama just immediately went to Gein s side
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 9
Shun Akiyama: Easy, easy...
Mobile L.: f u c k
Charlotte Watson: It sounds like utter BS, but it s true.
Gein Mender chokes out
Gein Mender: Fuck you I m having a heart attack.
Mac D.: and so gein mender passed away
The Glazkov family is not known for unstable hearts.
Gunther maybe a weak lightning spell...?
Rin Tohsaka: So what did all of you do? Did you just - slaughter the entire stat
ion trying to get them out?!
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..What-!? No!
Charlotte Watson: No- the hitman probably did!
Space (GM): roll mind
Gunther: Blixtar!
Kazuma Kuwabara: We just got em out and ran!
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind

= 15
Rin Tohsaka: And where s your friend? There were five of you!
Gein s heart starts back up with applied electricity
Gein Mender: HAUGH!!!
Mac D.: is she referring to asumu
Charlotte Watson: ... Where is Mizono, Kuwabara?
Gein Mender thrashes, probably punching Akiyama in the face
Space (GM): yes
Gunther: Mister Mender... Hey... Easy...
Shun Akiyama: -!
Mac D.: can we say she followed them home
Shun Akiyama clutches a bloody nose, falling back
Space (GM): no didn t you hear what we were gonna do
Gein Mender clutches his chest
Mac D.: i think i miiiiissed it?
Gunther runs to get the aspirin
Space (GM): jam would get a solo session escaping prison in the midst of the cha
Gein Mender is really fucking mad, this is visible on his face
Mac D.: ohh ok
Gein Mender like his eyes would be shooting fire if they could
Kazuma Kuwabara: Mizono?? She-.....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks around
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......Oh, crap!
Gunther does he find the aspirin
Charlotte Watson: ... We left her in prison, I guess
Gein Mender is just filled with utter wordless rage
aye, he do
Charlotte Watson: But there s no trace of the prisoners.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!!!!!
Rin Tohsaka: There s no trace of the prisoners.
Gein Mender takes the Asprin
Gunther: Chew it.
Gein Mender chews it
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait, does-....Does that mean she got out??
Charlotte Watson: She s definitely out there somewhere.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh...Oh, good!.....

Rin Tohsaka: There are three options.

One, this is all your fault. You killed all of the cops, took her, and hid your
friend to do god-knows-what.
Charlotte Watson: Mizono wouldn t have killed the entire police station. It was
probably Shiki Ryougi. That s the name of the Hitman.
Gunther tries to recall any healing spells that would maybe do anything with int
ernal maladies or IDK wtf
Kazuma Kuwabara: We didn t do that!!!
Rin Tohsaka: Two, someone came in after you did whatever the hell you did, kille
d all the police officers, and took her.
Gunther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 12
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, crap.....
Rin Tohsaka: Three... it was Ryougi.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......Wait, who?
Charlotte Watson: Ryougi said that- she couldn t control wanting to cut the deat
h strings of things when her eyes were active.
Gunther remembers a spell to numb the afflicted to pain.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh??
Charlotte Watson: She probably got out- and killed all the cops... when all the
cops were dead, the prisoners then got out probably.
Gein Mender sits up
Gein Mender: Now...
Rin Tohsaka: How d they get out?
Gein Mender: Listn to me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Oh, geez....
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Gunther stands by to steady him
Charlotte Watson: I m not sure- maybe in the chaos, something happened.
Gein Mender: Stop chewing us out for three fucking seconds and listen.
Charlotte Watson: I know Shiki said she could cut a wall down.
That wall was cut down- was in my cell.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Charlotte Watson: I know she can do this because I asked her how she planned to
escape- and whether she d help me.
She said, that I d most likely die
Unless she was distracted, or I got out first
Both of which are unlikely...
Gunther uhp did the spell back there, lol just pretend he said something in russ
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...U-Uh....
Charlotte Watson: So presumably... were the bodies of the cops... on the other s
ide of a broken wall?
Rin Tohsaka: No. That cell was along the outside wall.
Gein Mender: The police here hired Hitmen.... they were owned by... Harway...

Charlotte Watson: Huh...
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Charlotte Watson: Then... I guess it might not have been Shiki
Gein Mender: Who could take... Coghlain in a knife fight...
Gunther just standing by Gein, watching him for further signs of malady
Charlotte Watson: Unless she came back...
Gein Mender: Had a magic crest, which someone sliced off after he died...
Charlotte Watson: I ll be honest, I thought it might ve been Shiki.
Gein Mender points at Tsuabasa
Kazuma Kuwabara iiiiis COMPLETELY lost
Gein Mender: You...
MrEForEccentric: Here s a thing- does Rin know she s Tsubasa
Gein Mender: You said... you thought it was Harwya...
Charlotte Watson nods
Charlotte Watson: Yeah- it was Leo.
The Irish guy only stabbed him in the chest
Space (GM): it s not a super hard leap to make after spending this long talking
about stuff only she would know
Charlotte Watson: Someone else had to have removed the magic crest after we were
MrEForEccentric: True
Gein Mender: Thought... Harway was Roa, you...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..??????
Gein Mender: And...
Police.... Woman was a Magus...
Charlotte Watson: ... Maybe Harway was just crazy. Not necessarily Roa... or at
least- part of Roa s schemes.
Gein Mender: No one takes...
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Gein Mender: That Irish cunt...
in a knife fight...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..........
Gein Mender: If they re not dangerous...
Rin Tohsaka: Tomorrow, we look for your friend. Alright?
Charlotte Watson: ... If it was Roa. He could ve ended the fight in an instant,
right, Rin?
And- yeah, of course.
Gunther is silently like "why the fuck has no one noticed Gein had a 4reel heart
attack except me*
Kazuma Kuwabara: R-...Right, yeah!
Rin Tohsaka: I don t know anymore.
Gein Mender: No.... only with his old body...
That s when he had the eyes.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That I understand! We gotta find Mizono.....
Charlotte Watson: Oh- and I m Charlotte, now.
Rin Tohsaka starts for the door
Rin Tohsaka: Nice to meet you.
Charlotte Watson: I m Scottish.

Rin Tohsaka looks back

Gein Mender holds Gunther s hand
Rin Tohsaka: Sorry for losing my temper.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....S-...S okay...
Charlotte Watson: It s fine- uhm.
Kazuma Kuwabara finally puts his hands down
Gein Mender is just disoriented and distressed
Gunther grips it firmly, but not like in a concerned way
Rin Tohsaka: ...
Rin Tohsaka leaves
Charlotte Watson: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Charlotte Watson: SoShizuru Kuwabara: ...
Charlotte Watson looks back at Shun
Kazuma Kuwabara turns to and notices Shizuru standing RIGHT THERE
Charlotte Watson: Wrestling...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....-!
Shizuru Kuwabara: I want all of you out of my house right now.
Gein Mender: Thank you... Gunther...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ah, crap...!?
Gunther nods slightly
Gein Mender: You re the only one here who isn t a total piece of shit...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sis, what-!?
Shizuru Kuwabara: I don t know what the hell you re up to, but you re not stayin
g here.
Gunther: I doubt that highly, Mister Mender.

Kazuma Kuwabara: Sis, it s okay! They re not gonnaGunther gets out his phone with the other hand
Gein Mender looks at her
Gunther begins to dial... FATHER...
Gein Mender the rage returns
Shizuru Kuwabara: Kazuma, I m done playing games.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Gunther: Shhhh. Shhh shh shhh.
Gein Mender is going to burn this bridge
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Okay, look-...
Look, I ll tell the truth, okay? Don t-...Don t kick em out, please!
Gein Mender is huffing and puffing

Gunther father... c mon...

Gunther squeezes Gein s hand a bit tighter
Stanislav Glazkov: YES. WHO IS.
Gein Mender: gein will die from rage if this keeps up
Gunther: [It s me, Father.]
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa calls dibs on his RM
Shizuru Kuwabara: Stop it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: WhShizuru Kuwabara: I said you re grounded, and I meant it.
Gunther Shizuru that gaijin pigfucker is saying shit in some evil Western tongue
Shizuru Kuwabara: You re not helping them anymore.
Kazuma Kuwabara: What are you-!?
Gein Mender it begins
Gunther: SHHHHH.
Shizuru Kuwabara is too pissed to give a fuck
Gein Mender fucking rumps up
Gein Mender: *jumps
Charlotte Watson facepalms
Shizuru Kuwabara: It s already spent.
Gunther: [I can... explain in a moment, Father...]
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sis, they need a place to stay! Gramps

house got blown up, and

Gein Mender begins howling and screaming and dwearing

Shizuru Kuwabara: I want them OUT!
Gein Mender: *swearing
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!!
Charlotte Watson: If it wasn t going to be place number 1 in the search, it d be
number 2 but... there is my mom s place...
Shun Akiyama tries holding Gein back as well
Shun Akiyama: Easy, easy--!!
Gein Mender tries to resist the restraining attempts
Gunther just ditches Gein off to Shun and runs outside with the phone
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 7
Kazuma Kuwabara: S-Sis, I promise I ll explain...!
as the protagonist of a Yakuza game Akiyama is strong enough to hold off an elde
Shizuru Kuwabara: I don t CARE!

Do you want to be with them so badly? Is that it?

Gunther: [...Do you recall the aforementioned murder case?]
Kazuma Kuwabara: They could die if we kick em out!!
Shun Akiyama: Old man, this isn t helping!
Gunther sighs quietly when he hears Gein lose his shit
Charlotte Watson: Should we uhm... chloroform...
Shizuru Kuwabara: Listen.
Gunther: [...This is not the case. There were complications, corruptions. These
complications have...]
Shizuru Kuwabara: Either you stay here and give up whatever the hell this is.
Or you just-Just go with them.
You just leave.
Gein Mender: let go of me!!!
Shizuru Kuwabara: Is that what you want?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....!
Gunther: [...Caused me to ask something I would not normally even dream of askin
Kazuma Kuwabara: S-...Sis, what...?
Shun Akiyama: Easy! You want another heart attack, man?!
Stanislav Glazkov: [...]
Shizuru Kuwabara: You heard me, Kazuma.
Shizuru Kuwabara doesn t even look angry anymore
Shizuru Kuwabara just
Shizuru Kuwabara sad
Shizuru Kuwabara and tired
Shun Akiyama: Come on-- kid, don t just stand there, help me calm him down!
Charlotte Watson feels like an awkward japanese girl pretending to be a scottish
Gein Mender probably needs chlorofrm
Shun Akiyama he says to the scot
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Why can t you just.....
Gunther: [...There are people involved who are in present need of a place to sta
y, four of them. I would be willing to house them all in my room.]
Shizuru Kuwabara: I m not budging.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Shizuru Kuwabara: If that s what you want, pack your bag.
Charlotte Watson: Uh- uhm
Charlotte Watson goes to Gein
Stanislav Glazkov: [...]

Stanislav Glazkov: [Gunther.]
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s....That s not what I want!....I just don t want
Charlotte Watson: Please- try to calm down, sir.
Stanislav Glazkov: [Family comes first.]
[You know that.]
[I have told you that.]
Gunther: [...I am well aware, Father...]
Shizuru Kuwabara: It s your choice, Kazuma.

em all

Gein Mender has just completely become unhinged

Gein Mender is out of touch with reality
Mac D.: i can t take this scene seriously with that god damn music
Charlotte Watson: Count backwards from ten.
Stanislav Glazkov: [Then why have you forgotten.]
Mac D.: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara: those were my ellipses
Gein Mender: FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gunther: [...I am incapable of forgetting, Father. You know this. Listen to me.]
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara just looks
Kazuma Kuwabara torn up
Gunther inhales as he tries to find a way to frame this
Gein Mender: gein has been screaming in his ear according to the map
Mobile L.: My heart sank a bit when Stan dropped his caps
MrEForEccentric: Meanwhile
The Landlord is just going
"Dafuq" whilst on the toilet
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Gein Mender is slowly burning out
Gein Mender just utterly exhausted
Stanislav Glazkov: [Why are you doing this?]
Shizuru Kuwabara smokes
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara goes through a variety of emotions and visible thoughts before s
ucking it up
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....J-.....Just keep my stuff.
Gein Mender: Five.
Charlotte Watson: That s better, sir.

Gein Mender: Alright.

Let me go.
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Shizuru Kuwabara coughs
Shizuru Kuwabara takes her cigarette out of her mouth, still coughing
Shun Akiyama: ...
Shun Akiyama lets go
Charlotte Watson: ... Listen. How plausible is it, Gein... to stay in my mother
s place? You know criminal underworld stuff better than me.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?....
Space (GM): her place is filled with dank weed smoke
Gein Mender: Uh, that doesnt seem bad.
Gunther: [...Out of concern for our present circumstances. The forces involved a
re... troubling, and I fear they could endanger our way of life. These people ar
e vital to the investigation.]
MrEForEccentric: What- still
Space (GM): there d have to be a weedless map because i couldn t take it srsly o
that slow burner keeps burning
Mobile L.: erryday
MrEForEccentric: She put it out tho
Space (GM): it s just that smoky because there was n one around to turn it off
its residual
Charlotte Watson: It might still be a little... smoky.
Gein Mender: I don t care.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: I just need to lie the fuck down and sleep.
Stanislav Glazkov: [Tell me how.]
Gein Mender: It s Six fucking AM.
Charlotte Watson: There s space and my father won t be back from Business for an
other few months...
Shizuru Kuwabara wipes her eyes
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
Gein Mender: I wake up at six.
Shizuru Kuwabara stares Kuwabara in the face.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Kazuma Kuwabara is trying very hard to look stony
Space (GM): did anyone tell tsubasa s dad
that his wife is dead
is he just on business not even knowing
he returns after the roll20 is done
fuyuki is on fire
Mac D.: man what a party HE S gonna come home to
Space (GM): "honey, i m home"
MrEForEccentric: Lets say yes
Gein Mender: "hm, te old wifey s not calling me, she s being a bitch again"
Shizuru Kuwabara is, too
Gunther: [...Dead Apostles. Police corruption. Something is very wrong, Father..
. I would not say this without cause.]
Shizuru Kuwabara: Well, what are you waiting for?
Stanislav Glazkov: [...Dead Apostles.]

MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa s dad has to appear in the epilogue like- "The fuck hap
pened, Tsubasa?"
Stanislav Glazkov sighs over the phone
Mac D.: ....N-...Nothin , I guess.
Kazuma Kuwabara: said me
Gein Mender: That sounds good.
Stanislav Glazkov: [...You said you would house them all in your room?]
Gunther: [Yes. Sleep is no object.]
Gein Mender: Oh, also, Ms. Kuwabara, I was serious. The cat does sexual things t
o your socks, goodbye.
Gein Mender walks outside
Stanislav Glazkov: [There is no need for that.]
[We are Glazkovs.]
Charlotte Watson follows
Gunther is still babbling in Russian on the phone
Stanislav Glazkov: [We show our guests proper hospitality.]
Charlotte Watson: Did you really have to say that?
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Guess I m goin then.
eldritch s.: stanislav turns into walder freyt
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...Yeah.
Gunther looks at Mender with very heavily muted concern
Kazuma Kuwabara turns
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....See ya.
Shizuru Kuwabara: Bye.
Gunther smiles
Gunther: [...Thank you, Father. You will not regret this, I promise you.]
Kazuma Kuwabara quietly walks out the door
Stanislav Glazkov: [Bah. Already you get far too sentimental. What are they teac
hing you?]
Stanislav Glazkov he says, but not without some humor
Shun Akiyama wordlessly follows
George silently walks past Shizuru
MrEForEccentric: So has she just decided that the landlord is cool and he s stay
Gunther: [...Heh. The humans are rubbing off on me too hard. I need another two
weeks alone with Key and Peele.]
MrEForEccentric: All this time
Shizuru Kuwabara waits until they re all gone
Shizuru Kuwabara: ...
MrEForEccentric: He s been in the bathroom
Kazuma Kuwabara puts his hands in his pockets and walks down the steps, out into
the parking lot
Shizuru Kuwabara starts sobbing

Landlord: ...
Gunther gee Gunther looks REAL happy about whatever he s saying on the fone guys
The bathroom door creaks
Landlord: I-is it safe to come out?
Kazuma Kuwabara just stands there
Charlotte Watson looks at Gunther
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at the night sky
Charlotte Watson: What s up?
The sun s rising.
Gunther hols up a finger
Kazuma Kuwabara trying not to completely melt into a screaming sobbing mess
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Hey..............Would ya look at that............
Gunther placid, calm Russo-Swede
Shun Akiyama: ...
Landlord wordlessly joins them a few moments later
Gunther afraid of nothing, troubled by nothing
Charlotte Watson: ....?
Gunther: [...When should I bring them over?]
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..............
Stanislav Glazkov: [Now. Whenever. It makes no difference.]
Shun Akiyama: ...
Nice sunrise.
Gunther: [...Very well. I will see you soon.]
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..........yeah
Kazuma Kuwabara said very strained
Charlotte Watson: ...
Stanislav Glazkov: [Yes.]
Charlotte Watson sighs
Stanislav Glazkov hangs up
...You can stay at my place.
Father allows it.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Landlord: All five of us?
And the dog?
Gein Mender: Alright.
Gunther: ...Five...?
Gein Mender: Six.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Landlord: ...
Charlotte Watson: That s a better bet than my mom s place...
Shun Akiyama: ...
Gunther: ...Kuwabara...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Charlotte Watson silently hopes that they haven t already decided to torch her m

om s place, because that d be more shit to explain to dad

Gein Mender pats him on the shoulder
Gein Mender: Come on.
Let s go.
Gunther: ...Hopefully Father will not make too much a scene about the extra addi
I have my ways of twisting his arm.
Follow me.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down, shaking all over and tears pouring down his face
Charlotte Watson: Al right.
Gein Mender keeps him moving silent
Charlotte Watson follows
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Y-.....Yeah!......Gotta get
Gein Mender: *moving, silent

goin !.....

Gunther frowns just very slightly

Gunther: ...Mm.
The party walks on, their backs to the rising sun.
Space (GM): call it?
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Gein Mender: we will have our revenge against japan
Mac D.: i can still go......
i can still FIGHT.....
eldritch s.: it s a good spot to end it though
MrEForEccentric: It s 4:34 am
Space (GM): sleep olive
eldritch s.: gein continues violence against dickless people
Space (GM): so how was that guys?
MrEForEccentric: 4:34 am
MrEForEccentric: Yes
is goo
Mobile L.: It was
MrEForEccentric: *good
Mobile L.: :,)
Space (GM): i wanna hear your thoughts before i reveal mine
Mac D.: i hope we can keep going tomorrow
Mobile L.: This is the Very Special Episode
eldritch s.: gein had a real heart attavk
Mobile L.: me 2
MrEForEccentric: I can t go too late tomorrow I thiiink
Mac D.: we can start ealier
s p a c e
Space (GM): i ll be taking a long car drive home
eldritch s.: the fellowship is coming together again
Space (GM): god willing
Mobile L.: Will Stan object to the extries?
Space (GM): well
gonna have to get jam back in
MrEForEccentric: I have writing week next week but I don t know whether it appli

es to lectures
Space (GM): no i don t think he will
Mobile L.: Yay Stan
Space (GM): my thoughts:
Mobile L.: A real Russian hero
Mac D.: tomorrow could also just be them fuckin around the stan house
MrEForEccentric: I m trying to find a picture for Tsubasa s dad
Space (GM): 1. i really am happy with how everything is coming together
none of this is planned at all i hope you know
the most planning that s done up next is
and some stuff past that
eldritch s.: how is sak going to take
that message
Space (GM): i still made a wrestling bracket i think
eldritch s.: gein left her
Space (GM): she s gonna be scared of gein i think
Mobile L.: Poor Sakura
Space (GM): 2. i like hearing th in-character theorizing
do you guys have any theories
Mac D.: notyet
Mobile L.: The cops are in with the vampires
eldritch s.: i m generally on the same page as gein
MrEForEccentric: I think Roa s not dead
Mac D.: kuwabara just knows he s a vagrant now and that shit s still not done
eldritch s.: the priest and the evil buddhist, however
they re still a thing
i didn t forget
Space (GM): i think that all of you are half-right in some way
except for duff he s fully right
seer s fully right about those two
783b462866a2b26d77f.jpg?1603450 I found Tsubasa s dad
(To Space): I think poor Dane Tesla is in the vampurrs too
Space (GM): course the cops are a non-entity now
Mac D.: tsubasa s dad avin a nap
eldritch s.: were they meant to die
(From Space (GM)): yeah, but which vampires
Space (GM): no
i figured they d be antagonists
Mac D.: dreaming of coming home to his darling wife
(To Space): !!!
eldritch s.: so who among them
were assholes
MrEForEccentric: He was going to surprise his wife with the kitten they always w
Mac D.: was it planned that cop lady was a psycho
eldritch s.: and how big of assholes were the assholes
Space (GM): touko was the only asshole and i tried to play her as she is in kara
no kyoukai, with the only differences being
1. more antagonistic
2. not on your side
the other cops were honest decent people
Mac D.: i feel bad for wimpy cop dying
Space (GM): and might not even have known about it
Mac D.: WAIT
Space (GM): there were more than 3 cops anyhow

yeah that s a good question

eldritch s.: he come back
Mac D.: he s now on a whirlwind tour of revenge against mask de bara
eldritch s.: finds the predinct a flaming ruin
Space (GM): 3. thought:
eldritch s.: "... :("
Space (GM): i need to just
Mac D.: the mad luchador who butchered his comrades
Space (GM): set a day aside
add dudes to your journal that you met
write bios
and organize the songs
eldritch s.: it alayus pleases me
when gein
Space (GM): can you guys help me by writing bios for any dudes that you have
eldritch s.: does well in a fight
Mask de Bara: so at last you ve found me daisuke
MrEForEccentric: Please add Tsubasa s dad, Space
Space (GM): will do
MrEForEccentric: I have his name
Space (GM): what s his name
eldritch s.: Sugar Daddy
MrEForEccentric: Kenshin
eldritch s.: Sugar Daddy Kenshin
MrEForEccentric: He gives the Japan
Mac D.: gaaawd i wanna do MORE
eldritch s.: Special K
Space (GM): i do too
but this is a good place to call it
Mac D.: it hurts having such a wildly sporadic schedule
eldritch s.: but it s taken off hasn t it
Space (GM): well now that we re going hopefully the momentum train can keep goin
Mobile L.: I am still reeling from the feelings :,)
Space (GM): did you guys think Gein was gonna bite it
Mobile L.: I wanted a sesh like this
With a mushy end
@Space: I wanted to prevent that
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa s Mom is Tsubame
Space (GM): you did
Mobile L.: :)
eldritch s.: gein dies from rage
after killing a man and beating the shit out of a woman
Mobile L.: God fuckin damn it, I need to have Gunth do something morally corrup
t to balance things out
Mac D.: he just explodes
eldritch s.: like the death star
Space (GM): so i
Mac D.: same effect
Space (GM): have a favor to ask
Mobile L.: Yis?
MrEForEccentric: Yees
Space (GM): well hold on
eldritch s.: gunth has his faace burned off
Kenshin Juufuku: lemme see if fox can come so we all can recap him directly
eldritch s.: by the searing hot rage
Mobile L.: Hotter than coffee
Tsubasa Juufuku: Dad, I have so much to explain
Kenshin Juufuku: Hold on, I have to take this call...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Goddammit, dad

eldritch s.: speaking of hot coffee
that was
an unfortunate
eldritch s.: just in the choice of words
Mobile L.: Eehee
Kenshin Juufuku: updated jason s bio
MrEForEccentric: I think- Tsubasa will probably contact her dad if we do a fucka
round session
Since a lot of shit has gone down
Kenshin Juufuku: touko and mikaya got updated
eldritch s.: imagine
MrEForEccentric: And now that she s on the run- she should probably inform dear
Fawkes M. (GM): Hello, fuckers
eldritch s.: him getting that phonecall
Space (GM): please recap this man
a lot of shit happened
Mobile L.: Wrote the Punther bio
eldritch s.: and her father has a heart attack
Mac D.: gein sperged out and murdered a policewoman
Mobile L.: So they found out the gurls was in prison
eldritch s.: hey
no he didn;t
Mac D.: and now everyone is homeless
Fawkes M. (GM): Charlie Mk. II
Mobile L.: And they went to bust em out
Fawkes M. (GM): Thanks, Duff
eldritch s.: *had a smoking problem, space
Mobile L.: So they put on disguises, which will later be the wrasslesonas
And they went to try and bribe the cops
The cops wouldn t have it, though, so they had to beat the shit outta them
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa talked to Shiki in the meantime
Space (GM): yeah shiki ryougi was arrested too
eldritch s.: for murder
Mobile L.: I gotta drop my capping here, sadly, because I must sleep
Space (GM): she was the cop s hitman
night mobile
they hired her to kill people they didn t want to or couldn t arrest
Mobile L.: Please pick up the torch and run swiftly and heroically to the finish
eldritch s.: gein continued his trend of beating up dickless people, kuwabara se
t free tsubasa
Mobile L.: G night all
Space (GM): also all the cops were in the pocket of roa
Mask de Bara: tsubasa don t look at my bare chest
eldritch s.: took them back
Space (GM): yeah gein just beat the shit out of touko
eldritch s.: they got out
Space (GM): they tied up mikiya
eldritch s.: touko shot herself
Space (GM): toukou shot herself in the head when they elft
Fawkes M. (GM): Wow
Tsubasa Juufuku: I do what I want
Fawkes M. (GM): That s pretty dang

eldritch s.: they went home

let s see
on the news, the station wasj ust like
Mask de Bara: tsubasa comooooooon
eldritch s.: all the prisonrs missing
they find out they didn t take mizono out with them
Charlotte Watson: Oh also, Tsubasa s disguise is a Scottish guy called Charlotte
Fawkes M. (GM): Manly
eldritch s.: gein has a heart attack
a real one
Tsubasa Juufuku: I do what I want
eldritch s.: because in comes in
and they set all the facts straight
shizurue hear this
Space (GM): rin comes in
eldritch s.: "no get the fuck out of my house"
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa dresses as a man now
as part of a disguise sinceeldritch s.: they re going to gunth s parents hoe
MrEForEccentric: Y know- jailbird
eldritch s.: it was very tragic
also te disguise
comes from
akiyama s office
in sky finance
MrEForEccentric: Wait
Does Akiyama recognize this
Like"are you wearing my shit"
eldritch s.: like his actual shit
Space (GM): he has other priorities
eldritch s.: just smeared it on herself
let s see what else happened
Mac D.: shizuru and kuwabara had some FAMILIAL DISPUTES
MrEForEccentric: She decided she had to smell of man
Mac D.: and now kuwabara is a disowned vagrant
Space (GM): she gave an ultimatum
"they all have to go, i m not keeping them anymore"
"you can stay here and give up on your quest or whatever the fuck"
"or you can go with them"
Mac D.: kuwabara chose his duty as a man
eldritch s.: i just can t get over how gein nearly beat a woman to death with a
briefcase full of money he tried to bribe her with
and then calls her a disgusting pig
Fawkes M. (GM): Classy
eldritch s.: she shoved a cigarette in his face to start the fight and then lit
him on fire with magic
gunth got his face burned with coffeee
MrEForEccentric: Also Tsubasa s parents have names now
eldritch s.: sakura got a nightmarish message from gein on her answering machine
MrEForEccentric: And her dad has an actual character now
He is still in the dark, on his business trip
Mac D.: kuwabara went in shirtless and got off easy
Fawkes M. (GM): Business trips are so easy
eldritch s.: gein found out how harway died
tsbuasa and mizono

eldritch s.: and rin got all the deets the party had to give
oh also raiga fujimiura is holding a wrestling tournament
Space (GM): i m making tournament brackets
Fawkes M. (GM): As a yakuza boss, he has zero fucks to give
eldritch s.: and the landlord used the toilet while everyone screamed and had he
art attacks
MrEForEccentric: I think Tsubasa would probably go- "I ll keep off-stage, yo" an
d likePretend to be a blogger
A groupie
eldritch s.: oh space
when she calms down
will shizuru
on the info
gein gave her
eldritch s.: about her socks
MrEForEccentric: Since it s gonna be hard for Tsubasa to keep her disguise as a
In wrestling
eldritch s.: the amazing breasted man
Space (GM): yes of course she will
Mac D.: we re gonna need a lot of duct tape
MrEForEccentric: the amazing breasted underage man
eldritch s.: what s she going to do
MrEForEccentric: Take pictures
eldritch s.: no i mean shizuru
Fawkes M. (GM): She must flinch for every dick kick
eldritch s.: you know i hear
going for a woman s crotch is actually quite damaging
MrEForEccentric: Yeah
Crotch shots are painful for anyone
eldritch s.: i was tempted to have gein do it
i thought
"no, he has some standards"
MrEForEccentric: But yeah
eldritch s.: "he ll deck a woman in the face and beat her with a briefcase, but
will not punch her in the vag"
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa wouldn t go for wrestling
Fawkes M. (GM): Hey, if Rin and Luvia can do it
eldritch s.: but not disguised as en
Space (GM): listen
MrEForEccentric: Rin and Luvia aren t pretending to be men
Space (GM): more partymembers in the wrestling arena
more chances of getting to raiga
Fawkes M. (GM): Why s she doing this Samus Aran ploy, anyway?
MrEForEccentric: Because she s wearing men s clothing
eldritch s.: jailbird
MrEForEccentric: That too
eldritch s.: only had a man s suit
Fawkes M. (GM): So was Saber in Zero
eldritch s.: well saber can FUCK OFF
Space (GM): guys
MrEForEccentric: She basically took a route that was open from wearing men s clo
thing as a disguise- and was further removed from her old self

eldritch s.: what

MrEForEccentric: So wait- would there be a women s tournament
Or is it a unisex tournament
eldritch s.: who has the highest bodycount in this game so far of the people we
Space (GM):
eldritch s.: coghlain - 1
Space (GM): gein - 1
eldritch s.: no-dick - 0
Space (GM): roa - a lot
it s unisex
Fawkes M. (GM): Cactus Bubbles
eldritch s.: in the context of ths plot only, hwoever
Fawkes M. (GM): I feel sorry for Kuwabara already
Mac D.: kuwabara s is like negative numbers
eldritch s.: roa - 1
MrEForEccentric: Ok
Mac D.: he keeps getting his ass kicked in every fight
Space (GM): roa s killed people offscreen
ditto some other serial killers
no npcs
eldritch s.: fucking monji gatou
Space (GM): that you know
monji gatou - 0
Fawkes M. (GM): A hundred quartz on Cactus Bubbles
eldritch s.: more like monji gatou - -1
shiki - a good amount
Space (GM): looking at the tourney brackets
who will you bet will wine ach fight
maybe i ll let you guys gamble on fights
that d be cool
MrEForEccentric: Inb4 Tsubasa accidentally kills Monji
"Shit, I have to have ANOTHER disguise"
eldritch s.: rin is going to beat mizono
gamble with what
Space (GM): dash
eldritch s.: what
Fawkes M. (GM): Dough
Space (GM): bucks
mad moneys
eldritch s.: you re stupid
Fawkes M. (GM): Is Bohr boring?
eldritch s.: Niels Bohr
its a joke because he looks like heisenberg
MrEForEccentric: I bet that Dynamite Rin will take it all
eldritch s.: anothr famous physicist
Fawkes M. (GM): He gets everyone else kneecapped and wins by default
Because Heisenberg
eldritch s.: yes
he is the one who knocks
i m going to have him reference that line at some point
MrEForEccentric: Wait- why isn t Ajax taking part
Space (GM): oh shit
MrEForEccentric: Wrestling is his game
Space (GM): would he have
oh shiit
MrEForEccentric: Greek Wrestling s a big part of his shi

Fawkes M. (GM): RIP Monji

MrEForEccentric: Ajax vs Tsubasa, oh dear RIP
RIP Tsubasa
This is kind of why I m saying thateldritch s.: monji just gets rejected on the spot
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa wouldn t really take part
Mac D.: but ask yourself this
how would a greek wrestler fare
Space (GM): time to remake my brackets
Space (GM): what would ajax have as a wrestling name
woud he just call himself
and be the straightest straight man
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Fawkes M. (GM): inb4 Ajax is a jobber
He really needs the money
MrEForEccentric: But yeahReplace Tsubasa with Ajax
eldritch s.: ajax tried to prop up te greek eceonomy
with his personal funds
and ran out
which is why they defaulted
MrEForEccentric: No, he spent all his money on ridiculously expensive polo shirt
He needs more
eldritch s.: holy shit
the fucking
polo shirt and slacks
Fawkes M. (GM): His Reality Marble glitched up and the island disappeared
eldritch s.: the fucking pricetag
Fawkes M. (GM): He needs to build a new one
Out of polo shirts
eldritch s.: ye
out of poloshirts
Unlimited Poloshirt Works
MrEForEccentric: He needs to build a boat out of polo shirts so him and Teucer d
on t have to fight in just water
eldritch s.: Gate of Polo Shirts
he just fires soggy polo shirts at people
Fawkes M. (GM): But a boat has shitty leg room
MrEForEccentric: A new T-Shirt cannon
Fawkes M. (GM): And Teucer s probably drowned by now
Space (GM): still here
eldritch s.: and they go so fast they just like rip people s heads off
Space (GM): just making new brackets
MrEForEccentric: He s good at swimming
Fawkes M. (GM): But is he good at avoiding MAN-EATING DOLPHINS?
MrEForEccentric: Yes
eldritch s.: man-eating dolphins wearing khakis and poloshirts
Fawkes M. (GM): "Hey, my island!"
MrEForEccentric: But in reality, Ajax probably joined the tournament to see how
strong wrestling has become
He s there for the fun
Fawkes M. (GM): He s got Servant-class strength
eldritch s.: man-eating dolphins wearing khakis and poloshirts, with FRICKIN LA
SERBEAMS attatched to their heads
MrEForEccentric: Then he gouges out their eyes because the standards are differe

nt back from his place

Fawkes M. (GM): He has
Paul: Oh, you re going
Jack: Yes.
Paul: Oooh, what s the
Jack: I m going to see

to be very very ginger

to a tournament, Ajax?
what passes for wrestling in this age.

Charles is off baking cookies

Paul: Wrestling? Hey, that sounds like fun!
Jack: And test my mettle against them.
eldritch s.: also space
Paul: Can anyone join?
Jack shrugs
Jack: I think it d be unfair if more than one servant joined.
eldritch s.:
Jack: Still- I do have experience in wrestling regardless.
Paul: Well, I don t think anybody will mind if I just hold back a little....
Jack: Lets keep it better safe than sorry, Paul.
Paul: ....Well, alright, then....
Derby McGraw: Two hours later...
Jack: You are a giant in a human form, after all.
Paul: Hey Ajax, I joined that wrestling thing!
Jack: Youwhat
Souichirou Kuzuki: Hey, so... exactly what the heck happened to me after I got s
Paul: This is gonna be fun!
eldritch s.: he went to the hospital
gein hasn t called tomoe
or clara
Jack: You must hold back. A lot.
eldritch s.: also space are you here
Clara Testarossa: I m busy negotiating with a locksmith.
ng.png Greek wrestling
Clara Testarossa: Speaking of that... what exactly is going on with Coghlain?
Space (GM): yes
was finishing thsi up
i just want you all to remember
Space (GM): matches are not simply judged by victory
but by stage presence
Fawkes M. (GM): Gunther wins
MrEForEccentric: Stage presence of Ajax- turning up as if it was Ancient Greece
Fawkes M. (GM): Does a leather thong scream face or heel?
MrEForEccentric: Probably heel
Poor Mech-hisui
poor anyone facing him
Space (GM): monji is gonna die
Fawkes M. (GM): Ajax and Hisui have an unfair advantage
Whoever wins automatically gets their match against Monji
Paul: i get to start at the semifinals
Fawkes M. (GM): True
MrEForEccentric: Well if we recall
The onlyone
to beat Tsubasa in wrestling
was Asumu

Space (GM): it took a lot of setting up

to a. get cactus and mask fighting
Fawkes M. (GM): She beats Ajax
Space (GM): and b. to get rin in the smifinals
really this is
Fawkes M. (GM): But at what Luvian cost?
Space (GM): pretty much anyone s game
except for mech-hisui
i think she ll lose
Fawkes M. (GM): Rin s too face to win
MrEForEccentric: She has to contend with Ajax who is pretty much going pillar-ma
n in his attire
Fawkes M. (GM): WHAMMU
MrEForEccentric: Yes
eldritch s.: duff sleep now
MrEForEccentric: Yed
eldritch s.: you re both nazis
MrEForEccentric: how wude
I shall sleep
G night
Space (GM): nite olive
oh he left
eldritch s.: ponr literally lying around his roon
Space (GM): yes
eldritch s.: wow
starts off with great luvi
Fawkes M. (GM): Kneecap
eldritch s.: hey
let s just
hope for a repeat
of wat happened with touko
Space (GM): yeah let s hope she shoots herself
eldritch s.: the best outcome
Space (GM): i added new songs to another heaen wanna hear em
eldritch s.: no
because i hate you
Space (GM): come with me to another heaven
eldritch s.: i m just kind of
gein is still alive
he s just an old man
Space (GM): we can talk there so we dont fill up the chatlog here
more than it already is
Monji Gatou: I m Monji Gatou! Remember my name!
Bohr: 24601
Clara Testarossa: Your time is up and your parole s begun
Charles: you know what that means
Monji Gatou: YES
Ciel: It means I m freeeeeeeee!
Sakura Tohsaka: ...NO.
Touko Aozaki: Follow to the letter your itenerary
Caren Hortensia: It warns you re a dangerous nun
Charles: 666666
you gun
Touko Aozaki shoots
Shiki Ryougi: alright let s see

i think that s all the npcs here that we can update

time to start adding another heaven bios
Mac D.: oh hey wsup
Charles: nothing
Mac D.: i missed u
Space (GM): i missed me too
holy shit
Mac D.: he was fairly gung ho about his character
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa is already at home it seems, the room s a mess
Fawkes M. (GM): Too much drinking
MrEForEccentric: Jailbreaks really get to a girl
Mac D.: this is what magic weed does to you
MrEForEccentric: Yes
Mac D.: do we have confirmation of a jam a mobile and a seer yet
Space (GM): not yet
Mac D.: do you intend to simul-gm
Space (GM): we ll see
but i think olive that maybe you should sleep if you are feeling tired
hail, hal
mobile still hasn t responded to my pm
i think she s being industrious for nanowrimo
MrEForEccentric: I m not feeling that tired yet
just of concern
Space (GM): alright well lemme just set shit up
Azureberry J.: Herro.
eldritch s.: look at mama glaznkcdivjffodivich
Space (GM): alright so jam
eldritch s.: she looks so "meh" about this
Space (GM): while asumu and tsubasa were in prison, some other stuff happened
do any of you guys feel up to recapping while i set stuff up, solely to buy time
for mobile
eldritch s.: uh
where to start
Space (GM): with tesla showing up at kuwabara house
MrEForEccentric: I am currently doing draws
eldritch s.: well
tesla points at the news
"yo bitch"
Azureberry J.: Tesla has the homo sex with Gein Got it.
eldritch s.: its airring the story
Space (GM): it was pretty sugoi
eldritch s.: mizono and tsubuaasa having murdered harway
and blaming all the murders on them
but it doesn t name them
Azureberry J.: If only Asumu had run.
eldritch s.: the a-team head off to the hospital to perform an examination on ha
rway s body because they smell bullshit
gein kills no-dick jason artimenner and has a breakdown after no-dick shoots gun
ther, nearlyk ills himself
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa has stepped towards being Moriarty on her Holmes-Moriar
ty karma meter
eldritch s.: they go back home, rin tell the that tsubasa and mizono are in jail
they get mad
go to the station in disguise to get them out
try bringinb the cops
it fails
turns into a messy fight

eldritch s.: tsubasa and mizono were in different cell

Space (GM): dont forget ryougi shiki
Azureberry J.: Well I know how Asumu s gonna react.
Space (GM): kuwabara, beign the one with the keys
got tsubasa
and forgot asumu
MrEForEccentric: Yes
They forgot Asumu
Space (GM): shiki, who was tsubasa s cellmate
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa probably thought Asumu was already gone and dealt with
Space (GM): told how the police used her as a hired killer to eliminate the peop
le they couldn t or wouldn t arrest
and also how the cops were in the pocket of the harways
she then absconded
Asumu Mizono: Yay.
Space (GM): the party, after a bit of a fuss
is now hiding out at gunthers
their next plan is
a. find out where asumu is
b. join the upcoming slamageddon
duff are you there
Mac D.: ye
Space (GM): tell about slamageddon
MrEForEccentric: Oh also Tsubasa has adopted a new persona
Because she considers herself on the run
Space (GM):
Mac D.: she s incognito
Azureberry J.: Or wait I think Asumu wanted to go to that.
MrEForEccentric: She is a Scottish man by Charlotte Watson
Space (GM): when the time is right
devise a wrestling name/find a wrestling image for asumu
Azureberry J.: Wel okay.
I think I have finally kicked this cold.
Space (GM): did the orange juice help
Azureberry J.: I got oranges.
eldritch s.: did oj simpson help
Azureberry J.: I just killed all the oranges.
We wrote a book about it.
eldritch s.: so what is it we re waiting for
Mac D.: mobile i would assume
Space (GM): me to get my computer plugged in
Mac D.: oh that too
Azureberry J.: Space.
eldritch s.: mobile isn t essential personnel to mizono s misadventure
Space (GM): mobile hasnt responded to my pm so im assuming that gunther is busy
with other things
jes yam
*yes jam
Azureberry J.: Why did you not join the Fate RP? Its going well unlike ALL the o
ther ones.
Space (GM): no good master ideas, only good servant idea was remaking paris
Azureberry J.: Ooooh
Space (GM): i might signup with him if signups ever reopen?
i m gonna schizo this, prepare for weirdly ominous music at the breakfast table
Azureberry J.: We may be in need of Servants soon.
Space (GM): good
Azureberry J.: Like half the players aren t posting.
Mac D.: glorious
eldritch s.: that doesn t sound like it s going well then

It s morning in the Glazkov household. Breakfast time.

Franz is surfing the web on his computer.
Stanislav is eying Kuwabara from across the table.
Azureberry J.: On the contrary. I m certain its the only reason the plot is actu
ally moving.
Olivia picks at her scrambled eggs, watching Gein dsdainfully.
Kazuma Kuwabara is sitting down, head flat on the coffee table in abject sorrow
Gunther is currently out getting more groceries.
Gein Mender doesn t give a shit
well not meanwhile
Gein Mender: before
like some time before yeah
Gein Mender: the previous day
Stanislav Glazkov: ...BOY.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...-!!
Kazuma Kuwabara sits up
Kazuma Kuwabara: M up, M up!
Asumu rots away in her prison cell. A few minutes ago, the sound of violence and
some gunshots came from the police station.
Charlotte Watson is still asleep
Kuwabara ran in, broke Tsubasa out, and left... completely forgetting Asumu.
Space (GM): reminder that the party got there at like 6 am
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara blinks sleepily and yawns
Olivia Glazkov: ...Naas tu finally meet tha new peeople.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Sorry, Mister Glazkov...
Asumu Mizono couldn t bring herself to move. It was half out of fear, half out o
f the fact that she was near just giving up. She was a criminal now, what did it
matter. Still....something told her she should get up.
Footsteps echo down the halls of the prison.
Asumu Mizono walks over to the bars, languidly.
Officer Daisuke hurries past, holding a gun in his left hand
Officer Daisuke: ...?
Officer Daisuke looks back at Asumu, then back over his shoulder
Officer Daisuke: ...Heh. Shit, kid. You re in for a world of hurt.
Asumu Mizono gives him a rather grim look. Like she almost doesn t care.
Officer Daisuke: Alright, alright. Yeesh.
Officer Daisuke thinks about something, for like a half second
Asumu Mizono: Are you gonna shoot me?
Officer Daisuke after deliberating only mildly, fishes through his pocket for so
Officer Daisuke: Nope, I ll leave that to the other guys.

Charlotte Watson still extremely sleepy

Officer Daisuke tosses a key through the bars of her cell.
Officer Daisuke: You d better get outta here.
Space (GM): i hope olive and duff didn t die
Asumu Mizono looks down at the key.
MrEForEccentric: Sorry
Just distracted
Asumu Mizono stares at it for a looong moment before picking it up.
Officer Daisuke: There you go. My good deed for the day. Take care!
Officer Daisuke starts off running again
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...R-Right, yeah......
Kazuma Kuwabara s pompadour droops
Franz Glazkov knocks on the door to Gunther s room
Franz Glazkov: Ey. Gunth.
Stanislav Glazkov: ...
Asumu Mizono goes to put her hand through the bars and unlock the door.
Charlotte Watson stirs a little
Charlotte Watson: Nyeuh...?
The door swings wide open, clattering loudly against the bars.
Franz Glazkov: Wake. Is breakfast time.
Charlotte Watson slowly gets up
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Charlotte Watson hasn t even unpacked yet
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....N-...No.
Charlotte Watson goes to the door
Charlotte Watson opens it
Charlotte Watson: Breakfast?
Stanislav Glazkov: BETTER TELL THEM, BOY.
Asumu Mizono Hesitates for a moment. Jailbreak, ontop of murder. What a wonderfu
l concept.
Franz Glazkov s eyes widen
Franz Glazkov: Woah!
...Heh. Gunth is.... get lucky?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I, uh...I can t.
Charlotte Watson: ... No, no Gunth is not.
Asumu Mizono takes several deep breaths and just starts to gun it down the hall.
Franz Glazkov: Oh?
Franz Glazkov pokes his head into the room
Franz Glazkov: ...Ah. Is empty.
Charlotte Watson shrugs

Charlotte Watson: I m just one of the refugees.

Franz Glazkov: ...Refugee?
Charlotte Watson: Uhm... ddeana?
Stanislav Glazkov: WHY?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....They re, uh...
Asumu runs and runs, until she bursts into the main police station area
Charlotte Watson: ... Well- uhWhen she arrives, she sees a fairly horrifying site
Charlotte Watson points to Kuwabara
Stanislav Glazkov: sight
Charlotte Watson: I came with him.
Franz Glazkov: ...Oh.
So you are... friend of.
Gein Mender: My name is Gein Mender.
Charlotte Watson: Yes.
Gein Mender: It s nice to meet you, too.
the priest
The cubicle wall is knocked over.
Gein Mender: having sex
with the cop
that s disgusting
The detective there...
eldritch s.: she s a stain on the church
Her face is nearly bashed in. And she has a gunshot wound to the head.
MrEForEccentric: Space you have given me Rin s house
eldritch s.: why
are we
rin s mansion
we were in the right map before
That priest there... she s got the cop tied up with some kind of red cloth.
Olivia Glazkov: Olivia, daahling.
I see.
Space (GM): wtf
eldritch s.: eh
Franz Glazkov: I see.
there we go
Charlotte Watson: Yes- so- breakfast?
Gein Mender: You have a very nice house, Olivia.
Souren Araya: The detective?
Caren Hortensia: Dead.
They killed him before we got here.
Gein Mender: her
Caren Hortensia slits the throat of the police officer, who s currently tied-up
Caren Hortensia: yes her
Gein Mender: fucking amatuer
Caren Hortensia wraps up the red cloth around her arm
Franz Glazkov: Yes.
Asumu Mizono stared, trying to get her breathing under control.
eldritch s.: so i was right when i said they were evil
Olivia Glazkov: Thaank yew! Is nahss.
eldritch s.: where s my money
Stanislav Glazkov: ....

MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa called it before you did, Seer

Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
MrEForEccentric: Premonitions~
He s not very close to the door. Maybe if you hurry, you could run...? No, he d
definitely notice you.
Charlotte Watson: What s up for breakfast, then?
Stanislav Glazkov: .........
Franz Glazkov: Uh-- er, uh...
Food. To eat.
Yum yum, good.
Charlotte Watson: ... Oh right- language barrier. I keep forgetting...Sprechen e
in banana?
Azureberry J. tries to see if either of them has a gun.
Space (GM): roll mind
just so i can get in the rolling of the dice
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 5
Not that you can see, but you can t really be certain.
Franz Glazkov: Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..............................
Stanislav Glazkov: ...................................
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....They re dead, okay??
Stanislav Glazkov: I SEE.
Charlotte Watson: Huhmm...
Stanislav Glazkov pats him firmly on the shoulder
Stanislav Glazkov: IS NO LOSS.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...O-Oh, uh....Sorry to hear that....
Charlotte Watson tries to consult her journal to see if she took any notes of wh
at nationality Gunther is, and then whether she bothered to get common phrases i
n it
Space (GM): roll mind
Charlotte Watson: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Mind
= 8
he s like, polish or something
MrEForEccentric: it s a hungarian phrase book
Space (GM): my hovercarft is full of eels
Asumu Mizono Asumu throws the key as she can at one of them while making a dash
for the door.
Charlotte Watson clears her throat and tries it
Space (GM): roll finesse asumu...!

Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse

= 14
Charlotte Watson: My helicopter likes to dice babies!
Stanislav Glazkov laughs boldly
Charlotte Watson horrible pronunciation
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Franz Glazkov stares blankly
Kazuma Kuwabara discomfort
Asumu pelts Souren in the back of the head with a key
He whirls around immediately to grab her, but she ducks under him at literally t
he last second--!
She s out the dor!
Charlotte Watson: Uhm... Poland is full of phallus?
Franz Glazkov: Do not, er. Understand your language.
Asumu Mizono Just keeps running.
Charlotte Watson: Oh- huh... I thought... it s Polish right?
Derby McGraw: roll finesse once more
Franz Glazkov: Do not speak the Polish?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Uhh....If ya say so!....
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Finesse
= 11
Charlotte Watson: Oh.
What do you speak?
Franz Glazkov: Russian.
Charlotte Watson: Ah...
Asumu just fucking sprints for dear life.
After, like, five minutes...
Charlotte Watson wonders whether she was high when she tried to find out Gunther
s nationality
She thinks she s in the clear.
Franz Glazkov: ...
Charlotte Watson: I thought... Gunther was polish.
Stanislav Glazkov: OH... I AM OF LIKING YOU, BOY.
Franz Glazkov: No.
Charlotte Watson: Well.

Charlotte Watson gets out a pen

Charlotte Watson crosses out something in her journal
Charlotte Watson and then proceeds to leave the phrases in case she meets polish
Charlotte Watson: I have been corrected.
Asumu Mizono decides to hide in an ally while keeping a lookout for anyone possi
bly chasing her.
Franz Glazkov: Yes.
Alright, Asumu...
You re alone, maybe wanted by the police, maybe wanted by some fuckin hitmen or
some shit...
What do?
Charlotte Watson: I just need to get changed so...
Charlotte Watson slowly closes the door
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Er....Thanks?
Franz Glazkov: W-wait! What about breakfast?
Stanislav Glazkov: BOY. HAVE YOU ATED YET.
Charlotte Watson: I m still wearing last night s clothes? So... I will be out in
a moment.
Franz Glazkov: Oh... yes.
Franz Glazkov stands there awkwardly
Charlotte Watson close the door
Charlotte Watson in his face
Franz Glazkov: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh! Uh...No, sir!
Franz Glazkov exhales deeply
Tsubasa Juufuku changes into her not-alter-ego
Asumu Mizono Asumu desides she needs to go home. Wait no that s a bad idea.
Tsubasa Juufuku she leaves after a moment
Asumu Mizono Tsubasa s mom s house.
Space (GM): seer...?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Al rightKazuma Kuwabara: O-Okay, okay!
Tsubasa Juufuku she heads over to breakfast
Kazuma Kuwabara gets up and heads to BREKFEST
The two meet along the way
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Oh, uh...You changed back.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Well- yeah.
I don t really intend to keep wearing men s clothes all the time...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Right-...Right, duh....
Asumu makes her way over there, with some amount of haste.
Kazuma Kuwabara still looks sad
...God... what time is it? The sun s rising.

Tsubasa Juufuku pats him on the shoulder

The house is still super smoky.
Asumu Mizono: Goddamn Magic weed.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey- it s okay. Sometimes.. families just go through this, y kn
It smells worse than normal weed, somehow.
MrEForEccentric: Tsubasa gets offended somehow
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Asumu Mizono covers her nose, and attempts to find a phone.
There s one over there.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mean... we kind of did need a new place, Kuwabara... We proba
bly aren t going to be able to fit everyone in your house by the end of this.
Asumu Mizono picks up the receiver to see if it works.
Asumu Mizono: Please...please...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ........
Dial tone... who you gonna call?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Right...
Asumu Mizono calls Gein.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I mean- where was I going to sleep, anyway?
Space (GM): now we wait for seer
except for duff and olive you can keep goin
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Was gonna give you my bed...
Gein Mender: what did i miss
Space (GM): asumu made her way to tsubasa s old house
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Huh. Where- were you going to sleep then?
Space (GM): and is calling gein on the phone
Gein Mender: what did olivia sau
Kazuma Kuwabara: In the kitchen. We had some extra blankets....
Gein Mender picks up the phone
Gein Mender: What is it?
Who is this?
No solicitors!
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Y know- I would ve been happy to sleep in the kitchen, Kuwa
Asumu Mizono: Te-teacher!
Olivia Glazkov: ...?
Gein Mender: Who the he- Mizono!
Where are you?
Kazuma Kuwabara: Nuh uh. A Kuwabara never lets a guest sleep on the floor!
Asumu Mizono: I m in Tsusbasa s old house. Kinda broke back in.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Well- thanks for the thought.
Gein Mender: Right, well...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Right...
Gein Mender: We re all gathered in Gunther s home, stay there, I m coming to get
Kazuma Kuwabara still looks sad
Asumu Mizono: Okay. Th-they killed everyone. At the station.
Gein Mender: We ll talk later.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Lets- get breakfast, yeah?
Asumu Mizono: ...Okay.
Gein Mender hangs up

Olivia Glazkov: Back soon, huuh?

MrEForEccentric: Does Gein even know where Tsubasa s mom s place is
Gein Mender: Yes.
no her old place
she said
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Right..Breakfast.
Asumu Mizono finds a nice wall to sits against.
Kazuma Kuwabara into the kitchen
Gein Mender: as in her house, i assume
MrEForEccentric: That is her old place
Gein Mender: oh well then
Gein Mender calls again
Asumu Mizono picks up the phone.
Tsubasa Juufuku follows Kuwabara
Gein Mender: What is the adress?
Gein Mender stands up, walking into this area here
Asumu Mizono gives addess
Gein Mender quickly throws on his disguise
Bohr: Alright, I ll be there in a few minutes.
Bohr hands up
Bohr starts off, looking like a man who is very obviously not to be fucked with.
Eventually, he arrives at the chosen address.
Bohr is the man who knocks
Bohr knocks
Space (GM): mobiles comin
Mac D.: eeeee
Asumu Mizono: W-ho s there!?
Bohr: Niels Bohr/
Tsubasa Juufuku eatin

of the breakfast

Asumu Mizono looks out the window at him.

Bohr pulls down his shades and winks
Asumu Mizono well just peaks.
Kazuma Kuwabara num....num....num...num.....
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I should probably get more men s clothing.
Space (GM):
Asumu Mizono opens the door and runs out.
Tsubasa Juufuku: I can t wear the same suit day-in-day out...
Asumu Mizono: Lets go now!
Bohr: No. no.
Get back inside.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I guess.....We re gonna have to go shoppin .

Asumu Mizono catches her breath, and slowly backs up inside.

Bohr: We need to get you a disguise.
Bohr steps in, covering his nose
Asumu Mizono: Alright...
Bohr: Christ, it smells like the sixties in here...
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah. Like... at least a wardrobe s worth for me.
Mac D.: i like how gein went out in public in the disguise that s meant to be hi
s criminal identitiy
Bohr: ;)
Tsubasa Juufuku: Maybe like some- purple polo shirt, and khakhis
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....You got money?
Gein Mender takes off his disguise
Gein Mender: Alright, now...
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... I have my dad s credit card that I use in emergencies.
Asumu Mizono: I...think Ms. Juufuku should have something.
Tsubasa Juufuku: This classifies as an emergency, right?
Gein Mender: We need to find you some new clothes.
Yes, go look...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Yeah, I d say so.
Asumu Mizono heads into Tsubasa s moms room, and looks for clothes.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah- so.
I should...
Really call him, shouldn t i?
she shall find...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Where is he?
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t think he even knows of mom s death, yet... he s in Amer
ica on a business trip.
well it s up to your discretion, just find a good pic to use as a faceclaim and
i got no qualsm
Gein Mender is busy trying not to get high
Mobile L.: hello friends i am here
Space (GM): roll spirit
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh...Yeesh....
Space (GM): hailo mobile
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 8
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yeah, you oughta give him a call...
Gein Mender: a repeat of the peyote incident incoming
Kuwabara and Tsubasa see Gunther arriving back to the mansion, with a bunch of g
Feels violntly ill.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks up at Gunther

Tsubasa Juufuku nods

Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah.
Gein Mender tries to find an appropriate place to vomit violently on
Not high.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..Oh...Hey, Gunth...
Tsubasa Juufuku: I ll- try and get his cell.
But like he s gonna barf
The potted plant, there!
Gein Mender: the vase
Gunther: I return. Are you settling in well.
Tsubasa Juufuku excuses herself
Kazuma Kuwabara is looking decidedly Un-Kuwabara, Gunth
Tsubasa Juufuku to go into Gunther s room again
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Yeah, it s-...S nice place.
Gein Mender vomits in the vase
Tsubasa Juufuku get out her cell
Gein Mender: hopefully it s not an urn or tat would be unfortunate
Gunther: Mm...

Tsubasa Juufuku call BANK OF DAD

Space (GM): reminds me of juno
Gunther sets down his nasty unhealthy food payload
Gein Mender: what does
Space (GM): vomiting into an urn
Ring, ring, ring.
Gein Mender: juno had ellen page didn t it
Gunther: ...Would talking about what happened help at all.
Kenshin Juufuku picks up on the fourth ring
Kenshin Juufuku: Yes?
Kenshin Juufuku yawns deeply
Space (GM): yes it did
Tsubasa Juufuku: Hey, dad- uh- important news.
Mobile L.: [evil david cage face]
Kazuma Kuwabara: What happened with what....
Gein Mender looks at the vomit filled vase
Kazuma Kuwabara is half-heartedly stabbing at breakfast food with a forke
Tsubasa Juufuku: I don t know how up-to-date you are on the news over here...
Kenshin Juufuku: Oh? Are you doing well in school?
Asumu Mizono:
48eb5161367c16e.jpg?633077 Let s say this. She had a lot of hair under her hat.
Gein Mender tries dragging it to the kitchen sink so he can wash it out
Kenshin Juufuku: You know we both worry about you, dear.
Space (GM): want me to crop i
Azureberry J.: Yrs.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Oh. Well- yeah- of course- like always but, dadMobile L.: goff

Azureberry J.: *Yes

Space (GM): Oh-- my train s here! Hold on...
???: wtf
Kenshin Juufuku: Oh-- my train, etc etc!
Gunther: ...Back there. If it would not help, then you don t have to talk about
Kenshin Juufuku: Hold on a second, dear, I ll call you back lat-The signal cuts out
Tsubasa Juufuku: Dad...
Gein Mender is busy washing out the vase
Tsubasa Juufuku sighs
Tsubasa Juufuku: Signal...
Kenshin Juufuku: roll spirit, gein
Tsubasa Juufuku just sits up against the wall
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...You were there, man.
Azureberry J.: Well brb. I ll only take a few seconds.
Kenshin Juufuku: no worries
Gunther: I was outside and arranging this.
For whatever the last part of it was.
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + -1 for Spirit
= 11
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......
Gein manages to get most of the gross barf out
Gunther and also stopping Gein from dying, eheheh
Gein Mender puts the vase back
Tsubasa Juufuku just waits patiently, sighing
Tsubasa Juufuku staring at her phone
Gunther: ...If the prying is causing you distress, Kuwabara, then I recant and a
Gunther is very bad at this
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Don t worry bout it. It s no big deal, anyway.....
Miss_Sleuth texts Kuwabara
Miss_Sleuth: Lost signal to dad. He doesn t know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Miss_Sleuth: Awkward bomb will go off.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down at his phone and texts back
smilebomb: whyr u txtin me i m in the other room
Gein Mender fucking hates weed
Gein Mender hacks and coughs
Miss_Sleuth: Because I can t be bothered to leave this room, and I m waiting for
dad to all back.

Gein Mender: Where the fuck is a narc when you need on- Oh.
Gunther: ...It will be difficult. It will likely get more difficult. We have bar
ely scratched the surface, but...
Azureberry J.: Back.
Asumu Mizono heads out of the room.
Gein Mender: her eyes magically changed color
Space (GM): its contacts
Gein Mender: Alright, you need an alias...
Gunther: ...For what it is worth, I plan to do everything in my power to ensure
your safety throughout this entire ordeal.
Miss_Sleuth: how s breakfast?
Secret Asumu: Um...what about....Alice? Is that fine?
Gein Mender: Alice what?
Secret Asumu: Alice......
Gein Mender: Alice Um.
MrEForEccentric: Duff why die
Secret Asumu: I don t want to be named "Um".
MrEForEccentric: choose life
Gein Mender: Pick a name.
Or I ll pick for you.
Space (GM):
Secret Asumu: Okay uh.... Boyce?
Gein Mender: Alice Boyce.
Where is Alice from, that s a fairly Gaijin name.
Secret Asumu: Texas, I think.
Gein Mender: Can you speak English?
I teach it.
But are you confident.
That you can pretend to be Texan.
Secret Asumu: Its just the first thing that popped into my head.
Mac D.: sorry i was invaded in dank souls
MrEForEccentric: Did you choose life
smilebomb: don t b lazy!
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: C mon, give it a shot.
Miss_Sleuth: Aw, but I like how dark Gunther keeps this place makes me sleepy.
Gein Mender: Do your best try at being Texan.
Miss_Sleuth puts a lot of bed emoticons at the end of it
Alice Boyce does a Texan accent.
Gein Mender: what does that sound like in japanese i wonder
Azureberry J.: Probably shold roll mind?
Space (GM): roll mind
smilebomb: is he callin back or what??
Azureberry J.: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 11
eldritch s.: despite dubya being from Tennessee, i m imagining him speaking japa

picture that
Miss_Sleuth: He said he d call back later.
smilebomb: then get out here and wait for him to call back
Mobile L.: i tried to chatlog
i failed...
Miss_Sleuth: I hope that means- "When I have signal" so... al right
it s passable engrish, which is really all it needs to be, you could probably sa
y you are texan and people would buy it
Tsubasa Juufuku gets up
Tsubasa Juufuku and heads back to the kitchen
Kazuma Kuwabara puts his phone away
eldritch s.: That s okay.
Gein Mender: It s okay.
It will fool most people.
Azureberry J.: Okay...
Tsubasa Juufuku goes back to her food, with a sigh
eldritch s.: imagine what that would even sound like
Asumu Mizono confidence +1
Gunther goddamn humans and their complex emotions
eldritch s.: the japanese person s engrish impersonation of a texan
Kazuma Kuwabara half-hearted nums
Gein Mender: Alright, let s go.
Gunther: ...Can I get you anything to drink.
Gein Mender: I m going to be sick if I have to stay here any longer.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Do you have any tea?
Gein Mender: Well.
Even more sick.
Alice Boyce: Please.
Alice Boyce starts heading for the door.
Gein Mender leaves this doom haus and returns to the home of the Glaznosnlwskdjd
MrEForEccentric: Poor Juufukus
Gunther: Yes. One moment.
They eventually arrive back at the Guntherpad
Gein Mender: it s their fault
Gunther retreats to the UNSEEN KITCHEN AREA to get TEAS
Gein Mender: for living in a doom haus
Mobile L.: murder house
MrEForEccentric: I don t think Tsubame planned to be killed whilst burning some
of that herb
Gein Mender: im not disguised
Stanislav Glazkov: ...ECH?
Gunther returns with some really strong, lemony shit
Tsubasa Juufuku does not complain
Gein Mender: My apologies, Mr. Glazkov.

Alice Boyce: H-hello...

Tsubasa Juufuku: Thank you.
Olivia Glazkov: Ooooh!
Gein Mender: We lost her in the confusion yesterday.
Olivia Glazkov: A new freend fer Fraaaaanz?
Gein Mender: I m sure Fran would get along very well with hAlice Boyce: Franz?
Franz Glazkov: WHAT IS IT MOTHER
Gunther: ...Ahahah... Hey... Hey, you guys, watch this.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks at Gunther
eldritch s.: what if he sai something like
Tsubasa Juufuku: Huh?
Tsubasa Juufuku drinks her tea
Franz Glazkov irritatedly exits his room
Gunther ushers them to the doorway to show them FRANZ GETTIN HUMILIATED
Franz Glazkov stops when he sees Alice
Franz Glazkov: ...Uh.
Tsubasa Juufuku watches
Alice Boyce: ....
Gunther grins shit-eatingly
Olivia Glazkov: Iis the new frien, Franz!
Girl, what s is your name?
Alice Boyce looks at Gein, and whipsers soemthing.
Gein Mender: You can use your real one here.
Gunther :D
Alice Boyce nods.
Alice Boyce: My name s Asumu Mizono.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...?
Gein Mender: the dog is watching corner gas
Kazuma Kuwabara: Wait, that s Mizono!?
Tsubasa Juufuku: Yeah
Franz Glazkov: A...Asumu... from school?!
Gunther: ...Mother is doing the thing... Eheheheheh... Oh, uh, and yes.
Gein Mender: A clever disguise.
Kazuma Kuwabara: I didn t even recognize her!
Olivia Glazkov: Ooooooooh!~
Tsubasa Juufuku: Wait- what thing.
Olivia Glazkov: You two know each ooder?!
Olivia Glazkov has her hands clasped together
Alice Boyce: Hi...guys. Hehe.
Olivia Glazkov and stars in her eyes

Olivia Glazkov: Fraaaaaanz!~

Gunther: watch though... it s beautiful...
Franz Glazkov blushes furiously
Franz Glazkov: I-I-I-Kazuma Kuwabara: Mizono, you got so much hair!
Gunther >:D
Franz Glazkov: I have to play CALLING OF DUTY!
Tsubasa Juufuku just like
Franz Glazkov rushes back to his room and locks the door
Gein Mender is just kind of awkwardly standing
Tsubasa Juufuku eyebrows
Gunther: ...Eheheheheheheheh! Ahahahahahahaha! Oh God, oh God...
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh...What was his deal?
Olivia Glazkov: I theenk he laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiks yew!
Tsubasa Juufuku: Ooo-kay.
eldritch s.: franz develops carpal tunnel
Tsubasa Juufuku just drinks her tea
Alice Boyce: I usually keep it under my hat....
Gunther: Eheheheh... Franz cannot talk to women. Ever.
Alice Boyce: Um...Calling of Duty?
Gein Mender: It s a game.
Kazuma Kuwabara: How??
Tsubasa Juufuku: Good thing I was dressed as a man earlier, then.
Tsubasa Juufuku sip
Olivia Glazkov: Ohh... he plays on the compoter all the time.. Isnice.
Gunther: He just really sucks at a lot of things, and that is one of them.
I dunno, Tsubasa...
eldritch s.: do they have like an
He was looking at you kinda funny...
eldritch s.: uncle who is like
russian borat
Mac D.: franz is masterrace
Mobile L.: Yus
Space (GM): yes
Gunther: PC 4lyfe
Tsubasa Juufuku figured that was the whole- "There s something not quite right w
ith the outfit"
Alice Boyce: I don t...think I can play a game right now....
Landlord pokes his head in from the kitchen
Landlord: Yo!
We re out of eggs.
Tsubasa Juufuku: Right
Alice Boyce she didn t hear your question Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....?
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Landlord
Gunther: ...I think you will all like it here. Hardly ever a boring day.
Landlord: There s, ah--

Landlord points back to the kitchen

Landlord: No eggs.
Alice Boyce: So...this is your House Gunther?
Azureberry J.: WAIT
Tsubasa Juufuku: Kind of gathered.
Azureberry J.: I must say something.
Gunther: No, it s the Japanese Emperor s Palace.
...Pff, yes. Welcome.
Azureberry J.: When I started under tale Sans reminded someone. It was fucking G
Mobile L.: Oh gawd
Space (GM): thats
100 percent on the spot
*on the dot
Mobile L.: Oh lord
eldritch s.: i had that in mind for a while
also what is uncle borat named
Mobile L.: I m gonna sue that dumb bitch Toby Fox for all he s worth
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Oh, uh....
Mobile L.: Hmmm
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Kazuma Kuwabara looks back at Asumu
Kazuma Kuwabara: So, Mizono! You re okay!
Mobile L.: Uncle Korky or some shit
Tsubasa Juufuku slowly sips her tea
Azureberry J.: Thank you Gunther.
Alice Boyce said that.
Gunther: youre welcom jam-kun
Gunther nods
Alice Boyce: And...I m not sure Kuwabara.
Space (GM): hey mobile
Gunther: But you should probably thank Father and Mother, since it is technicall
y their place.
Mobile L.: Ye?
Alice Boyce: Right....
Tsubasa Juufuku: What happened?
Space (GM): not to rush you, but as a way to see how far we could potentially ge
Alice Boyce: ...
Space (GM): ist wrestle map reddy?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....Yer...Not sure?
Ya look okay...
Mobile L.: Nnnnotyet. Hain t had the time, unfortunately.
Space (GM): oh no worries
Alice Boyce her hands shake nervoously for moment.
Mobile L.: Wish I d have had the foresight to bring my laptop to the grandparent
Tsubasa Juufuku: ...
eldritch s.:
Tsubasa Juufuku: Y know you could probably use some sleep first
Gein Mender scratches the back of his neck

Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Mizono? What s up?..

Gunther: ...Can I get either of you food or anything.
Stanislav Glazkov: HOLD.
Gunther looks at FATHERRR
Alice Boyce: ....
Gunther tries not to laff
Gein Mender: If we are, I d be delighted to have you sit in on it.
Gunther: ...Ehhm. I could translate.
Stanislav Glazkov cups his hands around his mouth
Everyone starts filing into the living room
Tsubasa Juufuku looks at her phone worriedly
Kazuma Kuwabara winces at the decibel level
Franz Glazkov does so grudgingly
Gein Mender: yeah even random civilians
Kazuma Kuwabara: Ow-!...
Gein Mender: people from the street
Alice Boyce: I....
Gunther gives Franz such a grin
Space (GM): souren shows up
Gein Mender: shinji rises from the grave
George shows up, even
Mobile L.: Ecen D
Alice Boyce: ...Hey...its you.
Gein Mender: sakura comes
sakura and napstablook are like peas in a pod
Alice Boyce looking at Chips Dude.
Mac D.: dog but no cats..........................
Sakura Tohsaka: i call it dapperohsaka
Mac D.: kuwabara made himself sad again
Azureberry J. forgot his name.
Tsubasa Juufuku: ... Oh wait- that is the same guy...
Tsubasa Juufuku completely forgot about what chips guy looked like
Space (GM): what chips guy
Tsubasa Juufuku akiyama
Space (GM): oh right
Shun Akiyama: Oh-- hey there.
Azureberry J.: Asumu did not forger.
Shun Akiyama light salute, leans aains tth ewall
Shun Akiyama: against the wall
Alice Boyce: you remember me?
Gein Mender: anus the e-wall

Gunther stands there, watching Father carefully

Alice Boyce she puts on her hat.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Stanislav Glazkov folds his arms, listenign
Tsubasa Juufuku just leans against the wall and listens in
Gein Mender: Right...
Gunther, how much have you told your family?
Gunther: I had informed them of the murders before the Harway involvement came u
p, then I vaguely spoke of the police thing and other such matters on the phone.
There are many holes.
Gein Mender: Should we just start from the, well, start of all of this?
MrEForEccentric: I have te sleep
Tsubasa would give her info
It s 3:20 am
Alice Boyce is slightly taken aback by Gunther being eloquent.
MrEForEccentric: She is the relevant
Gunther: It would be fortuitous, yes.
Stanislav Glazkov: START AT BEGIN.
Gunther the queen s japanese, buh gaw
Gunther there s no queen of japan but whatevs
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....
Gein Mender: Now, a whiteboard and marker would be nice, but let s handle this c
ompletely chronogically...
Gunther: ...Are you following Father, Mother?
Gein Mender: Are we including the mafia stuff?
Olivia Glazkov: Ooh, my Japaneese ees MUCH bettar!
Space (GM): ok what the heckle
Mobile L.: Eh?
Space (GM): did that HURMPH INCLUDE IT
show up as olivia or stan
Mobile L.: Olivia
Gein Mender: olivia
Space (GM): i switched to stan
Space (GM): thats bizarre
Mobile L.: Glazkov fusion dance
Gein Mender: Alright, then...
Gunther is prepared to provide Swedish/Russian footnotes if needed
Gein Mender: First thing is, just from the timeline, I did work with the mafia.
I quit and moved here to get away.
Five years after this, there was, of course, the insanity with the Lost Servants
Stanislav Glazkov nods
Gein Mender: During which they, in addition to killing the vampire D, also confr
onted an immortal Dead Apostle by the name of Roa.
Who steals the bodies of the young to live forever.
They killed him.

He found a new body.

Move to modern day.
Roa is now old enough to kill, which he begins to do, killing a student of mine
and a friend of ours, Yusuke Urameshi.
Gein Mender: He did this to provoke the Lost Servants into a fight.
Gunther nod nod
Kazuma Kuwabara: .........
Gein Mender: We are contacted by Rin Tohsaka to get involved with the investigat
ion they were doing into Roa, as all signs pointed to him being in the class I t
During this timeframe, the mob sent at least two people to kill me, Jason Artimi
nner and an Irish hired killer named Coghlain.
My absences from teaching were caused by the firebombing of my home and attempts
to keep them from killing me, which got mixed into the murder investigation.
The firebombing left my Landlord there and I homeless, so Kuwabara offered us a
place to stay.
Alice Boyce: .............
Gein Mender: In attempting to keep the mob from killing me, Kuwabara and I dealt
with Akiyama here, who has given us quite a sum to try and bribe the mob with.
He too now has to stay in hiding.
Everyone listens intently, with faces ranging to boredness to incredulousness to
dead seriousness
Gunther does a quick "do mather and fmther" follow check
Shun Akiyama nods once to Gein
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Stanislav Glazkov dead fuckin seriousness, he gets it
Olivia Glazkov is a little overwhelmed
Gunther quicksteps over to her side
Gein Mender: Now, after that incident with Coghlain, which resulted in him falli
ng from the Weisscorp tower, and living, he ended up with Tsuasa and Mizono.
Gein Mender pats her shoulder
Gein Mender: They allegedly helped him back to his feet.
Alice Boyce isn t sure how to feel about that now.
Gein Mender: And Mizono, can you describe what happened afterwards, between him
and Harway?
Alice Boyce: Well...I mean as far as I can tell, Leo attacked him...and he used
magic to stab Leo. and Tsubasa got blamed for....
Gein Mender: Now...
This is speculation, but...
It may be possible that Leo Harway was Roa.
Stanislav Glazkov: Evidence?
Gein Mender: Which would explain his earlier fascination with a laser knife...
Olivia Glazkov: .....
Olivia Glazkov looks back at Gunther
Olivia Glazkov: ...
Alice Boyce: ....

Gein Mender: He took Coghlain in a knife fight, or a least stood on his own, as
far as I knew.
He was in the correct age range.
Coghlain s abilities with a knife are nothing to be sneezed at.
So I doubt any murderous punk could fight him like nothing.
Stanislav Glazkov: Continue.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..............................
Gein Mender: After this incident, the police took the girls to jail, as they wer
e bought out by the Harway family.
Gunther glances at Kuwabara, silently disappointed at his inability to cease the
Gein Mender: We learned about the murder, and examined the body of Leo by breaki
ng into the morgue...
Space (GM): gotta brb for a sec, but please continue
Gein Mender: The wound, day-old, had not stopped bleeding.
And someone between his death and the emergency room had sliced a magic creast o
ff of his arm.
Gunther was nearly murdered in the hospital by Jason, but he s dead now.
Rin Tohsaka contacted us again to inform us that the girls had taken the fall fo
r the killing, resulting in us breaking them out.
We forgot Mizono, sorry about that.
Gein Mender pats her on the shoulder again
Gunther nod nod nod, definitely nearly murder
Gunther: *murdered
Olivia Glazkov looks at Gunther, absolutely unable to hide her concern at this p
Gein Mender: Ah, and while in prison, Tsubasa had been put in the same cell as a
hired killer used by the police.
Alice Boyce frowns slightly.
Gein Mender: Who possessed the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
Gunther gawwwwd mother, you can just remake me, geesh...
Stanislav Glazkov: Bullshit!
Gunther: ?
Gein Mender: I m telling you the truth.
Stanislav Glazkov: The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception? He is obviously a liar,
this hitman.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...
Gein Mender: They put her in the cell in hopes that she would, in trying to brea
k out by slicing through the walls, kill Tsubasa as well.
Stanislav Glazkov: ...
What the hell.
Gunther nods gravely
Gein Mender: Now, this story only gets worse.
As when we leave...
And watch the news.
The entire station...
All the prisoners missing.
Gein Mender: Which leads me to ask Mizono...
What the hell happened?
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....

Alice Boyce wasn t looking forward to this.

Alice Boyce takes a breath.
Alice Boyce: kind of...lied there in my cell. Until one of the offic
ers came by.
He gave me a key and ran away.
Alice Boyce: So I left my cell and ran.
The--the preist with the white hair...and and someone else they were killing eve
Gein Mender starts
Gein Mender: Wait.
Gunther: ...Really?
Gein Mender: We thought the hitwoman was the killer...
Gunther: ...This... changes some things...
Kazuma Kuwabara: .......!
Wait-....A white-haired priest?
Gein Mender: Was the priest a woman?
Alice Boyce: I don t know who that is but...the other person had a heavy black c
oat--and long brown hair that covered his face partially.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Did she have an eyepatch??
Alice Boyce: was the one who did...Urameshi s funeral.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ..!
Gein Mender: Our local Catholic priest is a mass murderer.
Kazuma Kuwabara looks down
Gunther looks at Olivia like WELP
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....No way....Right under our noses..!
Alice Boyce: The--the dectives face...I...I just stared.
Gein Mender: Oh.
Olivia Glazkov has a grave look
Alice Boyce: She--they--!
Stanislav Glazkov: ...
Gein Mender: ... I did that.
Gunther: ...Did Tsubasa not have a premonition of her, the priest. Doing somethi
ng heinous.
Alice Boyce: What!?
Mobile L.: brb
Gein Mender: She tried to roast me alive with magic.
And was going to do it to Gunther and Kuwabara.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Wait....One o Juufuku s hallucinations predicted that??
Alice Boyce shaky breaths.
Gein Mender: ...
Did she?
Not doen yet!
Alice Boyce: So...anywyay...
I...sort of threw the key at them and ran. And I went to Ms. Juufuku s house and
called Gein.

Gein Mender nods

Gein Mender: Now...
Eh, while all this awas happening.
Akiyama here was finding Raiga Fujimura so I could use his connections to try an
d have the Mob stop trying to kill me.
Gunther I -TOLD- YOU, DAWG
Gein Mender: Fujimura is a recluse, but is holding a wrestling tournament that I
suppose will be the only way to speak to him.
Shun Akiyama: Yeah. The old fogey s big on professional wrestling.
Gein Mender: And that s how we go to where we are now.
Stanislav Glazkov: ...
Gein Mender: As Kuwabara s sister didn t want this in her home.
Olivia Glazkov: ...
Olivia Glazkov covers her hand with her mouth
Gein Mender pats him on the shoulder
Stanislav Glazkov: First things first.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ......
Kazuma Kuwabara folds his arms and looks at the floor
Stanislav Glazkov: The mob.
Gein Mender: Yes.
Alice Boyce: So,,,.I think Master Blackmore was telling about that tornament.
Gunther: ...The dojo man?
Alice Boyce nods
Gein Mender: ... Not the dojo guy...
Alice Boyce: I know he s a Harway but....
Gein Mender: Well, an affiliate.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....So...What now?
Alice Boyce: I think...I we should get some rest maybe.
Gein Mender: Well, things to do:
I need to sign up for the tournament.
I m going to talk to that old man.
We need to talk to Rin immediatly about the priest.
Gunther: Yes. You have her number?
Gein Mender wips out his phone
Gein Mender dials the number
It rings for a bit.
Gein Mender: I need to call her, or you ll never get through.
Kazuma Kuwabara: .....Wait....We re going into Slamageddon?
Gein Mender nods
Sakura Tohsaka: Seriously? What do you want?
Kazuma Kuwabara just
Kazuma Kuwabara IMMEDIATELY perks the fuck up
Gein Mender: How are you doing, Sakura?

Gunther :)
Gunther: ...Hey. We already have aliases, don t we.
Kazuma Kuwabara: That s right!
Gein Mender recalls the messaging machine s first words, is trying to be wily
Kazuma Kuwabara: Holy crap, I m gonna be in Slamageddon!
Sakura Tohsaka: Screw you, that s how I m doing.
Gunther: Heh. Dreams do come true, no?
Gein Mender: The Catholic priest here is incredibly dangerous, and I d like to t
alk to your sister about how dangerous.
Sorry for screaming that message, I was actually having a heart attack at the ti
Sakura Tohsaka: Oh.
...Whatever. You mean Kotomine s daughter?
Gein Mender: ... The white haired one with the eyepathc?
Sakura Tohsaka: Well, yeah, of course.
I thought you knew?
Olivia Glazkov: ...
Gein Mender: It s news to me.
Olivia Glazkov: [Gunther.]
Kazuma Kuwabara looks stooooked
Sakura Tohsaka: Wow. You really are a stupid old man, huh.
Gein Mender: ...
Kazuma Kuwabara: Man, what s my character gonna be?? I gotta right something dow
Gein Mender: Can you let the senile old man talk to your sister now?
Sakura Tohsaka: I dunno. Why can t you just tell me?
Gunther: [...Mother?]
Olivia Glazkov: [You need to be careful. Do you understand?]
Gein Mender: Because I want to make absolutely certain she gets the message in t
he exact words I give it.
Olivia Glazkov: [Your first priority is your family. Always remember that.]
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah, yeah, I ll remember.
Gein Mender: ...
Do you watch the news?
Sakura Tohsaka: Nope.
Gein Mender: Well, the entire police station was murdered.
Sakura Tohsaka: That sucks.
Gein Mender: Tell her the priest and some guy with long brown hair did it.
Sakura Tohsaka: Kk.
Sakura Tohsaka actually says that
Gein Mender: ... Alright
Gunther: [...I am incapable of forgetting this, Mother. I will treat this matter
with the same severity and care as I would a Grail War.]
Gein Mender: Have a nice day.
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah, screw you too, old man.
Gein Mender hangs u
Olivia Glazkov: ...
Olivia Glazkov nods
Stanislav Glazkov: What did she say?
Gein Mender nearly has a rage attack before settling down
Gein Mender: It was her sister.
Alice Boyce: Oh...

Gein Mender: She refused to put Rin through.

Gunther: [...And if it comes to it... Death is no object.]
Gein Mender: But says she ll relay the message.
Who knows if she ll get it.
Olivia Glazkov: [Of course.]
Gein Mender: If I have to I ll go to her house myself...
Stanislav Glazkov: We will wait and see.
Gein Mender: I suppose we wil- Oh, wait.
Gein Mender calls her again
Ring, ring, ring.
Sakura Tohsaka: What is it now?
Gunther: [Heh. Just be sure you two don t drive yourselves batty reviving me. I
ll do my best to keep that minimal.]
Sakura Tohsaka: I m busy.
Olivia Glazkov: [Yes. Do that.]
Gein Mender: Oh, tell Rin or someone involved in the murder investigation that w
e;ve changed our location to [ADDRESS.]
Sakura Tohsaka: Mmmmkay.
Sakura Tohsaka hangs up
Gunther obedient nod
Gein Mender: Thank yI m going to slap her.
Gein Mender puts his phone away
Mobile L.: no gein, you kill anything dickless...
Gein Mender: let s see if he has the power to do it, even if he doesn;t
Alice Boyce: She s not going to help is she?
Gunther ah fuck I missed duff back there sheyit
Gein Mender: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 18
he doesqq have the power
Space (GM): he just backhands her
through the phone line
Mobile L.: Don t do it, dawg
Gein Mender MERCY > SPARE
Mobile L.: Communications with the Tohsaka household are compromised entirely
Gein Mender: Right, so first we sign up for the wrstling tourney.
Mobile L.: Rejoice, Emiya Shirou
Alice Boyce: Okay.
Gein Mender: Then we speak to the Lost Servants about the priest.
Actually... I have some more calls to make.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright!
Where do we sign up??
Gein Mender: You all play around here for a bit, don t drink the stuff under the
sink while I m gone...
Stanislav Glazkov: Yes, do not.

That is where I stash my liquor! Aha!

Gein Mender dials up Tomoe
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright...Alright....Hmmmm....
Kazuma Kuwabara seems to be thinkan
It doesn t ring.
Gunther: ...So whatever the hell I am, Latin luchador... a terrifying take on Br
yan Cranston the world was not ready for...
Gein Mender: ...
Tomoe Takatsuki: ...
Gein Mender: Hello?
Tomoe Takatsuki: Yes?
Alice Boyce finds somewhere to sit.
Gein Mender: Tomoe, it s me, Gein, how have things been since I called last time
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...What kinda wrestler am I?...A babyface?......No, no, that s
not me....
Alice Boyce heavy sigh.
Tomoe Takatsuki: Good enough.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....I m a renegade! A heel!....
Tomoe Takatsuki: Souichirou is back at work, and they have hired a substitute.
Gunther: Hm, yes. I think I will probably be the babyface, then.
Some sort of justice ally or whatever, something unrealistic like that.
Space (GM): i like how
in this roll20
even the screwaround sessions have purpose
Fawkes M. (GM): No such thing as true filler
Mobile L.: Nothing is unimportant, and all is remembered
Fawkes M. (GM): Plus, Gein s testimony recapped me
Space (GM): the last testimony of gein mender
Mobile L.: shit i wanna read that fuckin chatlog
Oh hey
A thought
Is clearing the chatlog a thing?
Stanislav Glazkov: Do we know who the opponents will be?
Space (GM): it is yes
Mobile L.: What if
Space (GM): want me to do it after this session?
Mobile L.: I went in
And copied all the shit and put it somewhere
Space (GM): ooh
Fawkes M. (GM): Thank you
Space (GM): yeah do it
Mobile L.: And then you did the cleary thing
Space (GM): after this ones over ofc
Mobile L.: Do not clear it until I have it all copied and stored
I am a sap and I like to look back on moments
Fawkes M. (GM): Same here
Mobile L.: It makes my heart warm
Space (GM): continue quickly with the rolling playing
Fawkes M. (GM): I haven t bookmarked Arturia s first moments in the FG yet
And I oughta
Gunther: Oh, I have no idea. Large, muscular men, probably.
Stanislav Glazkov: Is a way or place to check?
Mobile L.: Save the momants
Stanislav Glazkov: The in-terenet?

Kazuma Kuwabara: I wonder if Luvia s gonna be there...!

Olivia Glazkov: Ooh!
The Grate Luvia?!
Gunther: ...Hm. Could you check to see, Kuwabara, Google-ways.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah!!
Alice Boyce: Guys...
Olivia Glazkov has stars in her eyes again
Gunther: ...Hm?
Olivia Glazkov: The reigning champion, and Scandanavian too!
Kazuma Kuwabara: She punched me in the face the other day, it was awesome!
Gunther looks at Asumu
Olivia Glazkov: Oh my goood!
Gein Mender: What s the substitue like?
eldritch s.: you know the fins during ww2 apparently considered the germans puss
ies with no appetite for war
because they allied with the axis againt the russians
Gunther: Yes. It was downright nordic. She looked like a valkyrie.
Or Bjork, or something.
eldritch s.: so they could have independence
Mobile L.: Huh
Great Luvia: sounds about right
eldritch s.: the fins don t fuck around
Tomoe Takatsuki: He is a good man. Issei Ryuudou. From what I have heard, he is
local to this area.
Mobile L.: jam did you died
Azureberry J.: I did died. What happen?
Gein Mender: Is Kuzuki doing alright?
Mobile L.: They were talking of wrassles, and Gunth was gonna respond to Asumu s
Tomoe Takatsuki: He is fine. He laughs it off. He jokes that he will no longer b
e able to perform his hobby of hunting. I see him, and he is dealing with the pa
in as well as he can.
Gein Mender: That s good.
Well, uh...
Some news...
The guy who shot him, he s dead now.
Alice Boyce: We can t we aren t really doing this for fun..
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh.
That is good.
Gunther: There is a purpose to our madness, dear Asumu. This is how we get to th
e elusive Raiga Fujimura.
Gein Mender: Also, uh...
Well, all the police are dead...
Gunther: Into his... dojo, or what have you.

Gein Mender: And, eh, keep this hush hush... but...

Tomoe Takatsuki: Yes. I saw the-Yes?
Gunther: ...There is a pun in that, somewhere, I... Ngh, I just know it...
Alice Boyce: ...............................
Kazuma Kuwabara: ...Huh? Oh, yeah! Totally!
Gein Mender: They were all killed by the Catholic priest chick and some asshole
with brown hair.
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s all to get to that Raiga guy!
Tomoe Takatsuki: Oh.
Gein Mender: So, er, keep safe, Tomoe
Gunther: ...Do you have reservations about wrestling, Asumu.

Tomoe Takatsuki: Yes, I will.

Thank you, Mender-sama.
Gein Mender: No problem.
Gein Mender hangs up
Alice Boyce: No. I have reservations about watching people get killed.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
...Elaborate further?
Stanislav Glazkov: Ey. Professional wrestling is very safe enterprise.
Are nurses and safety guards.
Alice Boyce: ..,sorry I m just kinda stressed out right now.
Kazuma Kuwabara: ....
Gunther: ...That is understandable. Would you like to rest? We have beds.
Alice Boyce: Yeah.
Gein Mender walks back in
Alice Boyce looks at Gein
Gunther: Should I take you to one.
Gein Mender: ...
Gunther: ...And yes, wrestling is probably very safe.
Father knows these things.
Gein Mender: I hope everyone feels up for wrestling.
And likely seeing an old man receive yet more beatings.
Gein Mender: At least you can t bring knives to a wrestling mathc,
Mask de Bara I LIE, I CHEAT, I STEAL
Gein Mender: Or guns.
Well, that s not so bad.
Gunther: ...Will you be alright to wrestle in the wake of... you know.
Kazuma Kuwabara: Let s do it!
Gein Mender: No-Dic- Jason had a gun, and he was pathetic.
I ll be fine.
Gunther: ...Very well. I will be monitoring you, just to be sure.
Alice Boyce: I ll be going to.
Gein Mender runs around the corner
Gein Mender throws on his disguise
Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright....Where s my mask?
Gunther does an uncharacteristically Freddie Mercury-esque fist pump
Bohr presumably had modified it a bit so it s not completely recognizable to the
old disguise
Bohr: Oh, wait a minute...
Space (GM): now he s wearing spandex
Bohr unloads all of the bags, cases, and disguises from his RM behind the wall
Gunther SHOOPS through the curtain to his room DRAMAGICALLY...

Bohr hands the disguises back out

Kazuma Kuwabara: Alright!
Bohr: no he s shirtless
Gunther sheepishly shoops out to grab the disguise, hehs and SHOOPS BACK IN
Bohr: with spandex pants
Kazuma Kuwabara heads into the room and is erased. And in his place......
Bohr: hey bohr is pulling a reverse walter
he s wearing pants
Olivia Glazkov stares
Bohr: but no shirt
Mask de Bara cracks his knuckles
Stanislav Glazkov grins
Bohr presuably has slashmarks and burnmarks on his chest
Stanislav Glazkov: Horosho!
Bohr: i like stan
Mobile L.: Best dad
Mask de Bara: So where do we sign up for this?
Bohr: Akiyama?
Punther whoops me
Shun Akiyama: At the gym. You know -- the one Dan Blackmore runs. He s one of th
e officiators, I think.
Azureberry J.: Black Haired anime wrestlers are hard to find.
Mask de Bara: Then let s go, cabrons!
Mask de Bara walks out that door
Mask de Bara: ....!
Space (GM): just use alice as the wrassle
Mask de Bara inspirations
Mask de Bara walks back in and closes the door
Space (GM): or find me a pic and i ll photoshop it
Mask de Bara then KICKS the door open and stomps out
Bohr: Let s go then.
To victory or death, there will be no retreat!
Bohr charges out afterwards
Mask de Bara: GUNTH!

Punther: HOOO BABY

eldritch s.: that was a quote from cortez
Mask de Bara walks into the gym, BRIMMING with bravado
Dan Blackmore is seated at a table, with signup sheets by him
Mask de Bara POINTS at Dan
Dan Blackmore: Oh. It s -- already in your outfits, I see.
Mask de Bara: ANCIANO.
Dan Blackmore: Hello, Kuwabara.
Mask de Bara: ...!
Bohr signs up as Niels Bohr
Mask de Bara: (Mister Blackmore, yer killin kayfabe!)
Dan Blackmore: Thank you, good luck in the ring.
Azureberry J.: Let s...just...say she s in tights yeah.
Dan Blackmore: Oh. Yes.
Dan Blackmore is weary
Azureberry J.: Female wrestlers.
Mac D.: tights and a black feather boa
Punther: Greetings to you, good man of this nation... I come... to save you from
the coming storm, the rolling storm clouds of CONSUMERIST GREED and GOVERNMENT
CORRUPTION that have taken my fair land of America.
Mask de Bara walks up and signs up as the Feared MASK DE BARA
Bohr cracks his knuckles
Dan Blackmore just has that look on his face
Bohr: old man has seen some shit
Azureberry J.: WAIT
Azureberry J.: I have an idea.
Mobile L.: oo...?
Bohr: "AND SHIT"
Mask de Bara: So when s this thing start??
Dan Blackmore: Very soon, actually.
Mask de Bara: I m itchin to conquer the ring!
Dan Blackmore: We haven t gotten a whole lot of interest... maybe people have ju
st lost their taste for professional wrestling in these times.
eldritch s.: "in fact, it s already started - snaps kuwabara s neck-"
Mask de Bara: PENDEJOS.
Azureberry J.: Okay that bombed nevermind.
Space (GM): what was it
Punther: My good fellow citizen, you gotta feel the "and shit" from the very bot
tom of your goddamn soul if you wanna save the world.
Mask de Bara: This world is filled with spineless cowards, is why!
Dan Blackmore: Regardless, it s soon.
eldritch s.: You re the saviour of shit.
Bohr: tgftgfgft
Mask de Bara: ...Like, how soon?
Punther: I... am the savior of all that is good and pure...

Dan Blackmore: Within the week.

Mask de Bara: Oh...How many days?
Punther: ...Apple pie... Church camp... burgers...
...Fries... Chili fries... hotdogs... curly fries...
Dan Blackmore: What day is today?
Mask de Bara: Uhhh....
Mac D.: quick what day is it in universe
Punther: ...The baseballs... And our proudest baseketball team, with the most to
uchdowns, Shaquille O Woods very own Pittsburgh Pirates.
Bohr: it s hitle
Space (GM): friday
Bohr: supersaiyan hitler
Mask de Bara: ...Frrrriday?
Dan Blackmore: Ah.
It s on Sunday.
eldritch s.: "oh shit it was yesterday"
Mask de Bara: Oh...
...Guess we didn t have to dress up yet, huh?
Dan Blackmore: Just the first match, of course.
No, you-That was not necessary.
Dan Blackmore: But your effort is appreciated.
Mask de Bara: ....Guess I got a little too into it!....
Dan Blackmore: So you are all solo wrestlers? Tag teams aren t allowed, as you l
l see in the rules...
Do you have managers?
Bohr: I am alone, and I do not have a manager.
Punther: ...SOMETIMES. SOMETIMES you have to do the unnecessary things... Someti
mes... they are necessary... for freedom........
Punther wipes a tear from his face
Space (GM): see i m picturing punther speaking with panther s voice
and it s amazing
Dan Blackmore: Better get on that.
Azureberry J.: I have
found my werstle person.
Mask de Bara: ....Do we all gotta get a manager?
Azureberry J.: The Texas Ninja!
Space (GM): its speed of sound sonic
Mobile L.: Can we say he just has a strangely large vocal range and can do all t
he Panther stuff except the good singing?
Space (GM): lemme crop it
yes i am ok w this
Mac D.: what kind of redundant name is that
it s like saying "a round circle"
Dan Blackmore: If you want a shot at it, then yes.
You re not judged solely on who wins or loses the match.
Presence, in and out of the ring, counts just as much.
Mask de Bara: ...!
Punther: ...Oh... Oh my God, an actual ninja warrior from that great Lone Star s
tate of Cowboytown Texas

Bohr racks his brain for who he could turn to for guidance in showmanship
Mask de Bara: But who am I gonna get as a manager.....?
the Landlord...???

Mask de Bara gives this THOUGHT

Punther: I am gonna get very emotional... But it is okay to cry, even for men...
If the Liberty Bell in your heart has cracked... with passion.......
Mask de Bara: ....I can t use Urameshi, he s a ghost....
Bohr: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 1 for Brawn
= 20
Bohr thinks of
Mobile L.: whoa shit it did
Punther: ...My Mexican frienemy rival... could we...
manage one another...?
...His landlord.
Mask de Bara: ....Nah, that can t work....You can t have both a wrestler s licen
se and a manager s license!
eldritch s.:
Mask de Bara taps his foot
Bohr cracks a devilish smile
Mask de Bara: ...Who do I know who could do it...?
Punther: ...Damnation. But such is the price a man must pay...
Bohr calls up his landlord dramatically
Mask de Bara: rolling 3d20
= 45
eldritch s.: why the universe is really attuned today
Mobile L.: It s the freedom
The America spirit
Mask de Bara thinks, of course, of one Stanislav Glazkov.
Landlord: Gein? How s it going?
Bohr: You need to be my manager for Slamaggedon.
Punther RRRRACKS his brain for what who wrassle manage
Space (GM): hey jam
Mask de Bara: ...That s it!
Mask de Bara looks at Gunther

Mask de Bara: Gunth, what s your home phone number?

Azureberry J.: Wassup?
Space (GM): do you want me to
Azureberry J.: I got distracted.
Punther: ...Oh, it s [number]
Space (GM): keep this picture
on the left
Mask de Bara W-W-W-W-WHIPS out that cellphone and calls the home number
Space (GM): and replace the picture on the right w/ the ninja
or replace the picture on the left w/ the picture on the right
and use the ninja for wrassle
Landlord: Oh. Sure thing.
Punther: ...Or it would be... If my home wasn t destroyed in the cyberpunk apoca
lypse and sold to the MAN.
Azureberry J.: I don t really see her putting the hat back on.
Bohr: Excellent.
Punther: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + for Mind
= 10
Space (GM): very whel
Azureberry J.: Unless its a special occasion.
Bohr: It s on Sunday.
Mac D.: i like the idea that punther is a character gunther has played on occass
ion since childhood
which is why he s so good at getting into it
Landlord: I ll be there or I ll be square.
Punther thinks of one Sakura Tohsaka...
Landlord: gah fug
Bohr: We ll talk later.
Landlord: hold on
Bohr hangs up
Mobile L.: It s where his secret passions and feelings lie
Almost like some weird DID shit or something
Punther: Hey... MISTER BOHR. I have this burning desire DEEP WITHIN MY CHEST...
to speak to Sakura Tohsaka and can I have her phone number.
Stanislav Glazkov: HELLO?
Kazuma Kuwabara: It s me, Mister Glazkov!
Bohr give the number
Mask de Bara: Listen-...Every wrestler s gotta have a manager if they want to si
gn up!
Gunther briefly breaks kayfabe to call Sakura
Mask de Bara: I m supposed to be a bad guy, so I need somebody loud and scary to
be mine!
And you re the loudest, scariest guy I know!
Stanislav Glazkov: Ah! Hello, Kuwabara.
Are you registered?
Space (GM): gah fug
my connection
Azureberry J.: Mine too.

Mobile L.: I am cursed with a reliable connection in this most unreliable of tim
Mac D.: [muffled glazkov theme over the phone]
Stanislav Glazkov: I will take that as a personal compliment! Of course I will b
e your manager, boy!
Mask de Bara: Awesome! Thanks, Mister Glazkov!
Sakura Tohsaka: Who the fuck keeps calling me?
Paul: Language!
Sakura Tohsaka: Is this that old man again?
Gunther: Hello. Is this Sakura Tohsaka.
Sakura Tohsaka: Who s this?
Stanislav Glazkov: It is no problem, my boy!
Mask de Bara: Alright, the tournament s this Sunday!
Stanislav Glazkov: I ll be there or be square!
Gunther: Gnther Glazkov. I need a professional wrestling manager for... reasons p
ertaining to our current mission. Would you be open to managing me?
Stanislav Glazkov: Will you be cutting a promo?
Asumu Mizono: Uh...we need a manager?
Sakura Tohsaka: ...Wrestling?
Mask de Bara: Heck yeah! I gotta!
Gunther: Wrestling.
Dan Blackmore: It is very highly recommended.
Asumu Mizono: Um...
Sakura Tohsaka: ...
I ll do it.
Gunther smiles
Asumu Mizono tries to think of someone.
Gunther: Thank you, Miss Tohsaka. You will not regret this, I promise.
Space (GM): roll minde asumu
Sakura Tohsaka: I know I won t.
Knock em dead.
Paul: Who re you talking to, Sakura?
Sakura Tohsaka: No one!
Asumu Mizono: rolling {3d20dl1}dh1 + 0 for Mind
= 14
Gunther: My character is very well thought-out and will do interesting-ish thing
s, I think.
Asumu thinks of... maybe the chips guy, Akiyama.
Paul: Can I use the computer when you re done? I have to look for a manager on C
Gunther: I suppose we will see each other then or something.
Sakura Tohsaka: Yeah, sure-Wait, what??
Gunther: ...Hm?
eldritch s.: who will that b
i wonder
Mobile L.: Castlah
eldritch s.: who would answer a craiglist ad for that
Paul: Didn t I tell you? I m in that wrestling show Ajax joined!

Space (GM): castlah would

Sakura Tohsaka: Ajax joined?!
eldritch s.: D shows up
D: hey
Paul: He didn t tell you that, either?
eldritch s.: "NYEHEHEHEHEHE!"
Sakura Tohsaka: Holy shit.
Paul: Gosh, I have to spend more time with you...
Sakura Tohsaka: Sorry!!
Gunther: ...Miss Tohsaka...?
Sakura Tohsaka: Look, Gunner, I gotta go.
Sakura Tohsaka hangs up
Asumu Mizono: Yeah he ll do!
eldritch s.: D returns
Mask de Bara: Awwww Yeah!
Mask de Bara HIGH FIVE
Punther UP TOP
Punther BOOSH
Asumu Mizono: Um...Gunther?
Mask de Bara: That ain t Gunther, Seniorita!
eldritch s.: he just switched the cane in his hands
Mask de Bara: That s the Defender of America!
eldritch s.: did you see that epic action
Asumu Mizono: ....Punther.
Punther: YES, my dear lady friend...?
What can this servant of justice do for you?
eldritch s.: D: "PLAY ME OUT, SAM!"
Asumu Mizono: I need to use your phone.
Well I need you to call your house.
Punther: ...Oh, sure thing. BUT BE CAREFUL not to hold it... too close to your h
ead, because that s how BIG BUSINESS AND THE GOVERNMENT AND... the MAN get insid
e your head...
Punther hands her the double-edged sword
Asumu Mizono: I ll be careful.
eldritch s.: after d died
Asumu Mizono does the phoning.
eldritch s.: he literally became
the letter D
Mobile L.: He returned to the alphabet
Whence he came
eldritch s.: that is the true evil behind D
Mobile L.: Ashes to ashes, glyphs to glyphs
eldritch s.: the letter
you should have made that a wrestler space
you don t have my creative vision
Stanislav Glazkov: CH, GUNTHER?!
Azureberry J.: Aaaa this music.

Too Nostalgia!
Punther tonedeafly hums "Princes of the Universe" to himself
Asumu Mizono: Its me sir.
Space (GM): really
smile bomb is a pretty good
Asumu Mizono whispers her name.
Space (GM): song
for this roll20
Stanislav Glazkov: ...OH! You.
Mobile L.: It fits
Stanislav Glazkov: Yes, what is it?
eldritch s.: "wow this is a good song"
Punther feels so PUMPED that he decides to RUN OFF SOME PASSION on the treadmill
eldritch s.: "yeah it is - turns it off-"
Asumu Mizono: Could I speak to Akiyama please?
eldritch s.: you know the act 2 songs from the protomen are permanently associat
ed with happy wheels for me
because i would play them while playing happy wheels
Mobile L.: Oh gawd
"MY FATHER WORKED INTO HIS GRAVE" (kills an old man in a wheelchair)
eldritch s.: the wheelchair man is my favorite
Mobile L.: "I CAN ALMOST HEAR THE HOUNDS" (fat mart kart lady explodes)
Fawkes M. (GM): What happened to that game?
Stanislav Glazkov: Yes, yes.
Let me hand phone.
Niels Bohr goes back to the Glazkov s
Punther HERE FOR... huff... y-your love and i ll... make a... hrrrghhh... stand.
Shun Akiyama: Yeah?
Punther gets off that damn thing before it kills his heart AND AMERICAN SPIRIT
Punther: ...the pain...
Mobile L.: @Fox: It s still around, I think, just kinda fell into obscurity
Asumu Mizono: Um...Mister Akiyama? This is Asumu.
Shun Akiyama: Oh-- hey.
What s up?
Asumu Mizono: Would you mind....being my manager for the wrestling tournament?
Shun Akiyama: Uh... sure.
Fawkes M. (GM): Man, thinking about it makes me feel old
Asumu Mizono: Really?
Shun Akiyama: What the hell. Might as well try something new, right?
Mobile L.: Oh, same
Punther cannot help but break kayfabe and goes to sleep
Gein Mender: out of the main cast
Asumu Mizono: Thank you!
Gein Mender: who is what protomen character
Mobile L.: Wrasslesonas or no?
Gein Mender: no just legit
Space (GM): gein is light
Mobile L.: Hmm
Space (GM): kuwabara is joe
Shun Akiyama: Yeah, no problem.

Mobile L.: Closest thing I can think of for Gnther would be Dr Light s robot that
Wily fucked up
Gein Mender:
Asumu Mizono: I ll see you at when we get back I think. Thank you again.
Punther Zzz...
Gein Mender: why is gein light, to me that just seems peculiar
Fawkes M. (GM): He s the most likely to be Kira
Space (GM): a question
is this a good stopping point
Gein Mender: he s not kawaii
Fawkes M. (GM): Yes he is
Asumu Mizono hangs up.
Space (GM): yea so what d you all think of this sesh
Asumu Mizono is in a better mood now.
Mobile L.: T was good, and I love what you did with the Glazkov family
Gein Mender: i wanted violence
Mobile L.: Gein is Light because he s a sad old man
Space (GM): stan is probably the more moral of the two
between him and olivia
Mobile L.: Exactly as planned
Fawkes M. (GM): He made his homunculus child into a comedian
Space (GM): the reason for that probably isn t a spoiler
do you wanna hear it
Fawkes M. (GM): A nice step away from his Einzbern counterpart
Mobile L.: Yas
Space (GM): he told his wife that it was to obfuscate his true nature and be gen
erally disarming
but really
it was just so he had one thing, just this one thing, to make him human
Mobile L.: :,)
Stan is a good Russian man of morals and character
Gein Mender: i figured gunth being fucked up in most senses was because the comp
romise tried to have its cake and eat it too
and the result was just fucked up
Mobile L.: Olivia just straight up wanted a goddamn killing machine
Space (GM): yes to both of those tbh
Mobile L.: He s a sick amalgam of two things that should not be
Space (GM): you might have noticed
olivia doesn t give a fcuk about gunth
Gein Mender: then why was she concern
Mobile L.: Prolly about her Actual Son
And herself, and her humen family
And her priceless collection of Abba records
Space (GM): she was solely
concern about franz
Gein Mender: it s D in disguise
Space (GM): also jam are you still there, i just realized
Mobile L.: It delta
Azureberry J.: Am still here.
Space (GM): asumu is the only party member who hasnt rly had a family member sho
w up, besides gein

Mobile L.: Also holy fuck, I am watching the Sans fight because I am terrible, a
nd wow, y all were right
That is um
Space (GM): you can t understand how this feels
Azureberry J.: Asumu s mother and father are away on work thingies yeah.
Space (GM): oh hok
you dont mind?
Gein Mender: F, U, C, and K are all trying to visit D
Mobile L.: Go back to Wammy s House, ya freak letters
Azureberry J.: I don t really mind.
Fawkes M. (GM): And bring ; with you
Gein Mender: FUCK; D
Space (GM): hogey
Gein Mender: that fucking sentence
Mobile L.: Hold on
Gein Mender: i wonder
what family does gein have in america
Azureberry J.: Unless you would like her uncle or soemthing to show up.
Gein Mender: there s his half-brother, keel
Mobile L.:
Space (GM): i can work people in however if you got any ideas for anything
Mobile L.: Behold
Gein Mender: i think he mentioned his real brother who got married to a really u
gly woman due to a bet
Azureberry J.: I would imagine him being like a total deadbeat but is a profesio
nal interpreter.
Fawkes M. (GM): Goddammit, where s ;
Space (GM): most of this stuff is very loosely planned so it s no hassl
@mobile: holy shit
Mobile L.: He couldn t make it
Gein Mender: ; is a reject
Fawkes M. (GM): Noooo
Mobile L.: There is no dancing semicolon-sempai
Fawkes M. (GM): Why reject him?
He s a letter, just like the rest!
Mobile L.: He was gonna be the best
Gein Mender: he shit on the carpet last thanksgiving
Mobile L.: Lies and slander
Fawkes M. (GM): Goddammit
Space (GM): i must aske
when next can we meet
Gein Mender: the same thanksgiving whn gendo bludgeoned shinji with the turkey l
Space (GM): oh right
Gein Mender: i m good whenever
Fawkes M. (GM): I m good starting next weekend
Space (GM): also mobile i hate to ask to workload you more
but... but maybe like... a backstage area, for the pro wrestling...?
Mobile L.: Ooh yes
I can do
Space (GM): and alocker room and what have you...
Gein Mender: if you give a mouse a cookie
Mobile L.: No prob
HOKAY, chat log archive time is now, bizznatch
Fawkes M. (GM): So long, chat
Space (GM): tell me when i can safely DELETE

Fawkes M. (GM): Enjoy your new life

Mobile L.: Lemme grabe, and when I stop being dead, I will holla

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