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A colorless aluminum salt, soluble in

water which is used in paper industry,
tanning and water purification.
2. As water boils, the temperature
a. increases
b. remains constant at 100C until all
is changed to vapor
c. ???
d. ???
3. Saltwater boils at
a. slightly higher than 100C
b. 100C
c. slightly lower than 100C
d. ???
4. Steps in the formation of PVC
a. calcium carbide -- vinyl chloride -PVC
b. calcium carbide -- acetylene -- vinyl
chloride -- PVC
c. ???
d. ???
5. Buffer solution resists changes in
acidity. If an acid is added to a buffer
solution, the ______ remains the same
a. pH
b. concentration
c. ???
d. ???
Refer to handbook for nos. 6-8
6. specific volume of compressed air
at 150 bars and 160K
7. viscosity of compressed air at 125
bars and 200K
8. the temperature of compressed air
with a specific enthalpy of 50.05 kJ/kg
and 70 bars
a. 150K
b. nearly 160K

9. An ideal gas in a piston at 5,000

psia expands isothermally against a
resisting pressure of 500 psia until its
volume is doubled. Find the work
10. Jellies and paints are examples of
a. gel
b. emulsion
c. sol
d. ???
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Practice Exams ChE - 5
1. Which is not a derivative of
a. phenanthnene
b. ethylbromide
c. anthrocene
d. ???
2. Which determines the
characteristics of a hydrocarbon?
a. number of carbon atoms
b. types of carbon bonds
c. number of hydrogen atoms
d. ???
3. 41.6 g of aluminum is mixed with
HCl. The hydrogen gas liberated from
this reaction is passed with copper
oxide. How much copper is formed
from this reaction?
4. A 32 g of compound X is mixed with
450 g CCl4. Find the molecular weight
of the compound if the boiling point
rise is 6.210C. K6 = 5.03
for nos. 5-7
For the synthesis of ammonia

N2 + H2 = NH3
Percent Yield of Ammonia (by volume)
Temperature 30 atm 100 atm 200 atm
200C............67.6 %...81.5%.....90.0%
5. What is the partial pressure of
ammonia at 30 atm, 400C?
6. What is the pressure exerted by
nitrogen at 100 atm, 200C?
7. What is the Kp at 30 atm, 400C?
8. Gave the name oxygen
a. Priestly
b. Scheele
c. ???
d. ???
9. Discovered water by exploding H2
+ O2
a. Lewis
b. Lavoisier
c. Scavendish
d. Usey
10. The most important component of
a. ???
b. ???
c. uranium
d. ???
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Practice Exams ChE - 4
1. What is the molarity of KH(IO3)2
with mass of 2.5 grams and volume of
500 ml?

2. What expressions of concentration

are independent of temperature?
a. molality and mole fraction
b. molarity and normality
c. molarity and mole fraction
d. ???
3. Which will dissolve fastest in coffee?
a. lump sugar in hot coffee
b. granular sugar in hot coffee
c. granular sugar in cold coffee
d. lump sugar in cold coffee
4. How many milliliters of 6.0M HCl is
needed to prepare 250ml of 1.2M HCl?
5. 184 g of ethanol is mixed with 1gmol glycerol. What is the vapor
pressure of the resulting solution if the
vapor pressure of ethanol at the
working temperature is 200 mmHg?
Assume that glycerol is nonvolatile.
6. How much heat is required to raise
4000g of methanol from 2 to 220C.
(Cp of methanol is 0.6 cal/g0C)
7. At equilibrium, a 1-L PCl5 is found to
contain (in mole/L)
PCl5 = 7.05
PCl3 = 0.54
Cl2 = 0.54
Find the equilibrium constant.
8. What is the color of nickel chloride?
a. white
b. yellow
c. ???
d. green
9. What is the molecular weight of
ammonium perchlorate?

10. Naming:
H2C = C - C = C
a. isoamylene
b. isoprene
c. ???
d. ???
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Practice Exams ChE - 3
1. A barometer is a ___________
a. sealed-end manometer
b. open-ended manometer
c. ???
d. ???
2. A carbonyl compound is
a. One carbon and one oxygen
bounded by a double bond.
b. One carbon and one oxygen
bounded by a single bond.
c. One carbon and two oxygen
bounded by one single and one double
d. One carbon and two oxygen
bounded by two double bonds.
3. Water flows down at 1000 gal/min.
If 80% of the energy produced can
light 100 75-W bulbs for 60 seconds,
what is the height of the pipe through
with the water flows?
a. 49.73 ft.
b. ???
c. ???
d. ???
4. The best indicator to be used in the
filtration of a weak acid by a strong
base is
a. phenolphthalein

b. methyl orange
c. ???
d. ???
5. It required 82 ml of H2SO4 to
neutralize 12.0g NaOH. What is the
molarity of the H2SO4?
6. A 620 mg ideal gas occupies 175 cc
at STP. What is the molecular weight of
the ideal gas?
a. 79
b. ???
c. ???
d. ???
7. A 0.1 M acetic acid is found to
contain 1.32 x 10-3 mol/L of H+ at
equilibrium. What is the ionization
8. A 2-L flask is filled with 0.2 mol of
HI. It is allowed to reach equilibrium at
high temperature. If at equilibrium the
flask was found to contain 0.078M HI,
what is the Kc?
9. The percentage abundance of Xe in
the atmosphere (% volume) is
a. 1.4 x 10-4
b. 8.0 x 10-6
c. 1.32%
d. 0.93%
10. Brix scale is used for
a. sugar solutions
b. LPG
c. petroleum
d. water
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Practice Exams ChE - 2

1. The first step in precipitation is the

formulation of _________.
a. nuclei
b. ???
c. ???
d. ???

6. The electrons of metals are free to

move in a solid. This explains why
a. metals are unstable
b. metals can be easily molded
c. metals have high reflectivity
d. metals have high conductivity

2. Cr(NH3)5SO4Cl represent ________

a. 27 c.
b. 12
c. ???
d. ???

7. A 4.256 grams compound is

dissolved in 100 grams toluene. What
is the molecular weight (MW) of the
compound if the vapor pressure of the
solution in 28.209? The vapor pressure
of toluene at the working temperature
is 28.829 mmHg. Assume that the
compound is a nonvolatile, nondissociating solute.

3. The mass contribution of an

electron in an atom is
a. 1/1,837 that of the proton
b. equal to that of a proton
c. equal to that of the neutron
d. ???
4. An atom is __________
a. Electrically positive spherical
species with a neutral center and
negatively charged electron.
b. An electrically positive spherical
species with a positive center and
negatively charged electron
c. An electrically neutral spherical
species with a neutral center and
negatively charged electron.
d. An electrically negative spherical
species with a positively charged
center and negatively charged
5. Along a row in the periodic table
elements have the same
a. energy
b. configuration
c. size
d. ???

8. A flue gas is analyzed to contain

(dry basis): 11.6% CO2, 6.8% O2,
0.5% CO and leaves the boiler at
5380K. The inlet air is at 2870K and
the fuel contains 29.4% C. What is the
amount of heat carried by the flue gas
per kg of fuel burnt? The mean heat
capacity of the flue gas is 1.005 kJ/kg
9. Which of the following represents
a. ethanol ---> ethanaldehyde
b. acetylene ---> ethylene
c. ???
d. ???
10. What are the products of
destructive distillation?
a. coal tar, coal gas, ammonia
b. coal gas, ammonia, graphite
c. ???
d. ???
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Practice Exams ChE - 1

1. Which of the following is insoluble in

a. aluminum sodium silicate
b. aluminum sulfate
c. ammonium oxalate
d. ammonium bromide
2. A compound is found to contain by
mass: 22.79% C, 1.42% H and 75.9%
Br. What is the molecular formula of
the compound if its molecular weight
is 422?
a. C4H6Br4
b. C2H3Br2
c. ???
d. ???
3. Defines a base as a compound that
dissolves in water to produce OH- is
a. Arrhenius
b. Bronsted-Lowry
c. Lewis
d. ???
4. Defines an acid as a compound that
dissolves in water to produce H+ ions
a. Arrhenius
b. Bronsted-Lowry
c. Lewis
d. ???
5. One gmole of a species is that
weight of the species equal to its
a. molecular weight
b. atomic mass
c. ???
d. ???
6. Arrange Ca, Be and Mg according to
increasing size
a. Ca < Mg < Be
b. Be < Mg < Ca

c. Ca < Be < Mg
d. Mg < Ca < Be
7. Arrange Ca, Be and Mg according to
increasing ionization energy
a. Be < Mg < Ca
b. Mg < Ca < Be
c. Ca < Mg < Be
d. Ca < Be < Mg
8. Arrange Ca, Be and Mg according to
increasing electron affinity
a. Mg < Ca < Be
c. Ca < Be < Mg
c. Be < Mg < Ca
d. Ca < Mg < Be
9. 19.6 grams of Carbon Disulfide is
reacted with excess oxygen to form
carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
What is the amount of sulfur dioxide
a. 32 grams
b. ???
c. ???
d. ???
10. The ionization constant of NH4 OH
is 1.8 x 10-5. What is the formality of a
solution of NH4OH which is 1.3%
a. 0.10
b. ???
c. ???
d. ???

Practice Exams ChE - 18

1. A uniform current deposits 0.6332

grams of Ag in 90 minutes. The 45.2
mL volume of H2 at 25 degC and 740
mm measured over water it would
liberate in 60 minutes is
a. 50.8 mL
b. 60.2 mL
c. 30.5 mL
d. 45.2 mL
e. None of the above

c. n-hexane
d. cyclohexane
e. isohexane
6. Thermolar solubility of salt AB2 with
Ksp = 10^-12 is
a. 6.29 x 10^5
b. 1 x 10^4
c. 3.16 x 10^ 4
d. 7.93 x 10^5
e. 2 x 10^3

2. A compound has the following

percent composition: Na-19.3%, S26.9%, O-53.8%. Its molecular mass is
238. Derive its molecular formula.
a. NaSO4
b. Na2SO4
c. Na2S2O8
d. Na2SO3
e. NaSO3

7. A 0.2 molal solution of KCl freezes

at 0.680 degC. The osmotic P at 0
degC is
a. 7.3 atm
b. 6.5 atm
c. 8.2 atm
d. 5.6 atm
e. none of the above

3. In the flow processes, neglecting KE

and PE changes, the expansion -? PV
a. heat transfer
b. shaft work
c. closed system work
d. enthalpy change
e. none of the above

8. Which of the following aqueous salt

solution will have a pH below neutral
a. NaACO
b. Na2CO3
c. Na2S
d. KCl
e. none of the above

4. If 0.680 gram of an unknown acid,

H2B, required 25 mL of 0.125 N NaOH,
the equivalent weight of the acid is
a. 229.8
b. 459.6
c. 435.2
d. 217.6
e. 333

9. For HOAc, the melting point at 1

atm is 16.61 degC. Delta Hf = 2800
cal/mol, Delta Vf = 9.614 cal/mol.
What is the melting point at 11 atm?
a. 16.61 degC
b. 17.24 degC
c. 9.02 degC
d. 16.85 degC
e. none of the above

5. From which of the given alkanes

should be easiest to prepare a single
pure monochloro product?
a. n-butane
b. isobutene

10. In following pair of elements, the

pair belonging to metalloids is
a. B and C
b. Ca and Mg

c. P and S
d. As and Te
e. K and Sr
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Practice Exams ChE - 17
1. In the titration of water sample
using double indicator, the volume of
standard acid required for the methyl
orange end point is equal to the
volume required for the
phenolphthalein end point. The
impurity (ies) is
a. NaOH only
b. Na2CO3 only
c. NaHCO3 only
d. Na2CO3 and NaOH
e. Na2CO3 and NaHCO3
2. If equal volumes of saturated silver
chloride and silver bromide solution
are mixed
a. silver chloride will precipitate
b. silver bromide will precipitate
c. silver chloride and silver bromide
will precipitate
d. there will be no precipitate
e. none of the above
3. 3000 cfm of 65 degF air is required
to maintain a house at 76 degF. 25%
of the air entering the air conditioner
is from outside at 90 degF and the
remainder is recycled from inside at
76 degF. Determine the rating in tons
of airconditions. (Assume sensible
heat changes only and ignore
a. 3.95
b. 9.8
c. 2.68
d. 4.05

e. none of the above

4. Which of the following gases has
lifting power?
a. nitrogen
b. oxygen
c. sulfur trioxide
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
5. The relative abundance of 2
naturally occurring isotopes of boron
of atomic weights 11.009 and 10.01 is
80.80% and 19.80% respectively.
Calculate the relative average atomic
weight of boron.
a. 19.5
b. 10.81
c. 10.00
d. 11.4
e. 11.00
6. A solution of a weak acid and its salt
which resists appreciable change In pH
value is called
a. normal solution
b. colloidal solution
c. neutral solution
d. buffer solution
e. molal solution
7. Ideally, in a chromatographic
technique, the individual compound in
a sample will
a. leave the adsorbent on a different
physical state than in which they
entered it
b. become separated from each other
as they pass through the adsorbent
c. become bonded to one another
d. attach irreversibly to the adsorbent
e. none of the above

8. The atom with the highest first

ionization energy is
a. sodium
b. phosphorus
c. chlorine
d. aluminum
e. potassium
9. If the repulsive forces are dominant,
the compressibility factor, z, is
a. greater than 1
b. less than 1
c. equal to one
d. cannot be determined
e. none of the above
10. 10.5 L of N2 at 75 degC and 760
mmHg are bubbled through an
aqueous solution of a non-volatile
solute, whereby the solution loses
0.2455 grams in weight. If the total P
above the solution is 760 monthly,
what is the mole fraction of the solute
in the solvent?
a. 0.982
b. 0.018
c. 0.653
d. 0.347
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 16

a. 6.37
b. 5.62
c. 6.88
d. 5.12
e. 7.3
3. For all spontaneously occurring
processes in an isolated system, which
expression best describes dS?
a. dS = dQ/T
b. dS = 0
c. dS > 0
d. dS < 0
e. none of the above
4. The total number of possible
structures corresponding to the
formula C4H7Br is
a. 6
b. 7
c. 9
d. 10
e. 12
5. Which of the following quantum
numbers for electrons could not occur?
a. 3, 2, 2, +1/2
b. 3, 0, -1, +1/2
c. 1, 0, 0, -1/2
d. 2, 1, -1, +1/2
e. 4, 0, 0, -1/2

1. Mathematically, a thermodynamic
property is
a. A point function
b. A path function
c. Exact differential
d. Discontinuous
e. None of the above

6. Ortho and para orienting

substituents enhances the rate of
electrophilic substitution reactions
except in the case of
a. methyl group
b. hydroxyl group
c. carboxyl group
d. amino group
e. ethyl group

2. The pH of a 0.10 M ammonium

chloride solution is

7. Equilibrium conditions exist in all

except which of the following?

a. in a reversible process
b. in processes where driving forces
are infinitesimal
c. in a steady state flow process
d. when nothing can occur without an
effect on the system
e. none of the above
8. What volume of 0.56 N HCl must be
added to 1 L of a 0.10 N HCl in order
to obtain a solution that is 0.15 N as
an acid?
a. 132 mL
b. 122 mL
c. 120 mL
d. 130 mL
e. 125 mL
9. Which of the following statements is
a. Galvanic cells can be used in
rechargeable batteries only when the
overall reaction is reversible.
b. Na+ his above Mg2+ in the
standard reduction potentials. This
means that Na+ will reduce Mg2+ to
c. Cell diagrams generally give the
cathode first.
d. In the electrolysis of CuSO4, one
Faraday of electricity is required to
produce 1 mole copper
e. None of the above.
10. During the adiabatic expansion of
an ideal gas, work is done by the
system and its delta U
a. decreases
b. increases
c. does not change
d. all of these
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 15
1. Given the equilibrium reaction at
250 ?C and 1 atm, PCl5 (g) <-> PCl3
(g) + Cl2 (g). The density was found to
be 4.4 g/L. The fraction of PCl5
dissociates is
a. 0.81
b. 0.093
c. 0.103
d. 0.42
e. none of the above
2. The solubility product constant is
a. for all soluble compounds
b. for all insoluble salts
c. only of saturated solutions
d. only for fairly insoluble electrolytes
e. only for fairly soluble electrolytes
3. 55,000 gallons of water passes
through a heat exchanger and absorbs
28,000,000 Btu. The exit temperature
is 110 degF. The entrance water
temperature is nearest to
a. 49
b. 56
c. 68
d. 73
e. none of the above
4. If 5.0 grams of KMnO4 are dissolved
in 1 L solution, the normality when
used for titration in acid medium is
a. 0.0316
b. 0.2215
c. 0.1582
d. 0.0949
e. 0.4469
5. The maximum thermal efficiency
that can be obtained in an ideal

reversible heat engine operating

between 300 degC and 100 degC is
a. 0.67
b. 0.35
c. 0.54
d. 0.82
e. none of the above
6. Which of the following statements is
not correct?
a. The absolute temperature of a gas
is directly proportional to its volume at
constant P.
b. Nitrogen will diffuse faster than
oxygen gas at fixed T & P.
c. The product of P & V of a fixed
amount of gas is constant.
d. Most gases are cold during a free
adiabatic expansion.
e. None of the above
7. A compound whose molecules are
not associated by H-bonding is
a. CH3OH
b. CH3NH2
c. (CH3)3N
8. The most probable valence of an
element with an electronic
configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
a. +1
b. +2
c. +3
d. 2
e. 1
9. The process that has no heat
transfer is called
a. isentropic
b. isothermal
c. quasistatic

d. polytropic
e. none of the above
10. A 1.0 gram sample of impure
K2CO3 is taken for analysis. The
solution of the dissolved sample
required 58.10 mL of 0.14 N HCl.
However, 0.65 mL of NaOH was
needed for back titration (1 mL of HCl
is equivalent to 2.60 mL NaOH).
Calculate the purity of the sample
expressed as % K2O.
a. 38.14%
b. 40.23%
c. 34.4%
d. 42.1%
e. 36.7%
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Practice Exams ChE - 14
1. A carnot engine with thermal
efficiency of 40% rejects 3000 KJ at a
temperature of 1200 degC. The
combustion of 1 L gasoline (sp. gr. =
0.8, cv = 46.8 KJ/g) furnishes heat to
the engine. The maximum work done
by the engine is
a. 5000 KJ
b. 3000 KJ
c. 2000 KJ
d. 10,000 KJ
e. none of the above
2. The percent sulfur in barium sulfate
a. 34.30
b. 13.74
c. 58.85
d. 65.70
e. 76

3. Which of the following is incorrectly

a. p-chloro aniline
b. 3-methyl pentane
c. methylbenzene
d. ethyl benzene
e. 2-ethyl butane
4. In the reaction H2O2 + KI -> KOH +
I2, hydrogen peroxide acts as:
a. catalyst
b. oxidizing agent
c. solvent
d. reducing agent
e. none of the above
5. The Volhard method, a volumetric
technique for the determination of
silver, uses which of the following
a. Eosin
b. Fluorescein
c. Ferric Alum
d. Potassium Chromate
e. Ferroin
6. The proper sequence of steps for
the conversion of benzene to 3-nitro
toluene is:
a. nitration, then Friedel Crafts
b. Friedel Crafts Alkylation, then
c. Simultaneous nitration and
d. Any order will do
e. None of the above
7. The state of a thermodynamic
system is always defined by its
a. absolute temperature
b. process
c. degrees of freedom
d. nature

e. none of the above

8. Following Markonikoff rule, when 1
butene is reacted with HOCl, the main
product is:
a. n-butane
b. 1-chloro-2-butanol
c. 2-butanol
d. 2-chloro-3-butanol
e. 2-chloro butane
9. Equation of state for a single
component can be any of the following
a. ideal gas law
b. Z=PVm/RT
c. Any relationship interrelating 3 or
more state functions
d. A mathematical expression defining
a path between states
e. None of the above
10. The percent of MnO2 (MW=86.94)
in a 0.5 gram sample, which after
addition of 50.0 mL of 0.1 N ferrous
sulfate solution required 16.0 mL 0.08
N potassium dichromate for back
a. 16.17
b. 32.34
c. 48.51
d. 64.68
e. 40
1. If a man touches two metals w/c
were kept together at room
temperature, why would one metal
feel colder than the other?
a. one has high heat transfer
b. one has a lower temperature
c. one has a high thermal conductivity
d. ???

2. What is the center of the circle

defined by the equation x2 + y2 - 4x +
8y = 5?
a. (-2,4)
b. (2,-4)
c. ???
d. none of these

a. expense of training sales

b. expenses of training plant personnel
even if insured before start-up
c. costs associated with starting a new
d. Profit loss due to timing

3. A 1-Newton load is applied at the

midpoint of a rope attached to 2 posts.
If the load caused the rope to sag, the
rope can be brought back to the initial
position if
a. the tension on the rope is increased
by 1 Newton
b. this is not possible
c. the tension on the rope is increased
by 2 Newtons
d. the tension on the rope is increased
by 3 Newtons

2. All are methods for evaluating

inventory except
b. net present value
d. market value

4. An unbiased coin is tossed 6 times.

What is the probability of getting
exactly 3 heads?
a. ???
b. ???
c. none of these
d. 5/16

4. What is the length of the base of a

triangle whose area is 1/3 and height
is 4/5?

5. A expects to be paid P6 per month

for every P5 borrowed. What is the
effective annual interest?
a. none of these
b. 240%
c. 79.2%
d. 792%
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Practice Exams ChE - 10
1. Which of the following is considered
a start-up cost?

3. Which is not considered a variable

operating cost?
a. administrative cost
b. cost of scrap
c. none of the above

6. The force exerted in dragging a

marble block 1 ft-square and 1/2 ft
thick is
a. least when it is dragged from one of
the edges
b. least when it is dragged vertically
(1/2 ft-thick surface on the floor)
c. same regardless of which face is on
the floor
7. A plane is moving horizontally at a
speed of 120 kph dropped two bombs
at a 2-sec. interval. What is the
position of the second bomb from the
first at the time of impact of the first
to ground?
a. 117 m horizontally ahead of the first

b. 117 m horizontally behind the first

c. directly above the first bomb
8. Sound wave does not travel in
a. hot air
b. compressed air
c. soft
d. vacuum
9. Two sound waves produce a beat if
they have
a. same frequency
b. slightly different frequencies
c. same amplitudes
d. slightly different amplitudes
10. This law states that the current
through a metal conductor is
proportional to the potential difference
between its ends.
a. Ohms Law
b. Kirchoffs Second Law
c. Kirchoffs First Law
d. Coulombs Law
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Practice Exams ChE - 9
1. A deposits P1000 per month in a
bank giving 6% interest compounded
monthly for 2 years. He stopped
making deposits and withdrawals for 5
years. What is the amount of money in
the bank after 7 years?
a. 34,304
b. 50,2xx
c. ???
d. none of these
2. A balloon moves vertically at 50 kph
in still air. What is the velocity of the

balloon in air moving horizontally at

40 kph?
a. 90 kph
b. 65 kph
c. 40 kph
d. none of these
3. What force is needed to move a
block weighing 100 kg if the
coefficient of friction is 0.3?
a. 294 N
b. ???
c. ???
d. none of these
4. A 3-g bullet moving at 3 km/s hits a
4 kg lump of clay. What is the final
velocity of the composite?
a. 2.2 m/s
b. ???
c. ???
d.none of these
5. The resultant of force A(8 lb) and
force B(13 lb) is 5 lb. What is the angle
between A and B?
a. 0 deg
b. 180 deg
c. 90 deg
d. 45 deg
6. The elastic limit of a rod is 2.6 x 104
lb/in2. What is the weight of a load
that a 2-inch rod can carry within this
elastic limit?
a. 8.16 x 104 lb
b. ???
c. ???
d. ???
7. Project A costs 5.5 M while Project B
costs 8.5 M. If the projects have
earnings of 1.8 M and 2.4 M

respectively for ten years, which of the

projects is viable at a MARR of 25%?
a. A only
b. Both A & B
c. B only
d. none of these
8. Which of the following is a more
modern measure of profitability?
a. capital cost
b. cash flow
c. profit
d. sales volume
9. In choosing between 2 alternative
equipment, which of the following is
not considered?
a. operating cost
b. machine reliability
c. none of the above
10. Which of the following is not
considered a long-term debt?
a. debentures
b. bonds
c. retained earnings
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Practice Exams ChE - 8
1. Find the volume of the curves y=x2
and y=1 rotated around the y-axis
a. 2 pi
b. pi/2
c. pi
d. none of these
2. Find the lim......t- 4
a. 1/2
b. ???
c. ???

d. none of these
3 Evaluate: F(x)dx - G(x)dx
a. [F(x)+G(x)] dx
b. 2F(x)dx
c. [F(x)+G(x)] dx
d. ???
4. What is the relative maximum of y
= 3x^3 + 4x + 7?
a. 0
b. 7/4
c. does not exist
d. 2/3
5. The distance of a body from its
initial position is given by s=t+10t. If
the body has moved 39 meters from
the initial position, find the time
a. 9
b. ???
c. ???
d. none of these
6. A box contains 3 white, 7 blue, 2
red, and 9 green balls. What is the
probability getting either white or
a. 4/7
b. ???
c. ???
d. none of these
7. Two cars leave the same point at 9
am. One car headed west at 60 kph
while the other car headed south at 80
kph. What is the distance between the
two cars at 10 am of the same day?
a. 80km
b. 100km
c. ???
d. none of these

8. Two cars of equal weight moving at

the same direction collided. What is
the final velocity of the wreckage if
one car travels at 100kph and the
other at 80kph?
a. 80
b. 180
c. 90
d. none of these

2. The probability of getting heads or

tails in an unbiased toss coin is 1/2. If
a coin is tossed thrice what is the
probability of getting a tail on the third
a. 1/8
b. ???
c. 1/2
d. none of these

9. Two cars A & B are moving in

opposite direction at a velocity of
100kph and 80 kph respectively. What
is the final velocity of the wreckage
when the cars collided head-on?
a. 10kph at the direction of A
b. 20 kph at the direction of A
c. 20 kph at the direction of B
d. 10 kph at the direction of B

3. The probability of a couple having a

child with curly hair is 1/4, with thick
lips is 1/3 and with both
characteristics, 1/6. What is the
probability of having two consecutive
children with curly hair and thick lips if
the two events are mutually exclusive?
a. 1/6
b. 25/144
c. ???
d. none of these

10. What fraction of an iceberg is

immersed in sea-water?
Hint: density of iceberg=0.92 g/cc
density of sea-water=1.03 g/cc
a. ???
b. 11%
c. ???
d. none of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 7
1. The probability of getting heads or
tails in an unbiased toss coin is 1/2. If
a coin is tossed 2 times, what is the
probability of getting 2 consecutive
a. 1/2
b. ???
c. 1/4
d. none of these

4. The probability that a good

component is obtained from a sample
No. of good components in sample probability
0 - 1/35
1 - 10/35
2 - 20/35
3 - 4/35
If a sample of 3 is taken infinite times,
what is the average no. of good
components in the sample?
a. 1.5
b. 1.77
c. 2.0
d. none of these
5. A box contains 5 red, 3 green, 2
white balls. What is the probability of
not getting a white ball?
a. 0.2

b. ???
c. 0.8
d. none of these
6. Solve the differential equation:
dy = x^3 + 2x + 10
7. Find dy for y = x
8. Given F(x) = x+1 find dy
9. Evaluate: 6x (x + 2x) dx
10. Find dy given y= (y-7)
1. If the roots of the equation are zero,
then they are classified as
a. conditional solution
b. extraneous roots
c. hypergolic solution
d. trivial solution
e. none of the above
2. The sum of the interior angles of a
polygon is 2700 degrees. How many
sides are there?
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
e. none of the above
3. The volume of a sphere is
increasing at the rate of 6 cm^3/hr. At
what rate is its surface area increasing
when radius is 40 cm?
a. 0.4 sqcm/hr
b. 0.3 sqcm/hr
c. 0.2 sqcm/hr
d. 0.9 sqcm/hr

4. What horizontal force P can be

applied to a 100 kg block in a level
surface with a coefficient of friction of
0.20 that will cause an acceleration of
2.5 m/s^2?
a. 446.2 N
b. 224.5 N
c. 53.8 N
d. 343.5 N
e. none of the above
5. An object falls from a height of 92 m
and strikes the ground with a speed of
19 m/s. What is the acceleration?
a. 1.96 m/s^2
b. 9.81 m/s^2
c. x + y = 3
d. 3x + 4y = -3
e. 2y 33 x = 11
6. A cable weighing 60 N, is
suspended between 2 supports on the
same level at 300 m apart. The sag is
60.0 m. Compute the distance of the
lowest point of the cable from the
ground level.
a. 188.2 m
b. 196.8 m
c. 205.5 m
d. 200.5 m
e. none of the above
7. The volume of any solid of
revolution is equal to the generating
area times the circumference of the
circle described by the centroid of the
area. This is known as
a. 1st Proposition of Pappus
b. 2nd Proposition of Pappus
c. Simpsons rule
d. Cavaliers principle
8. The curve represented by the
equation r = 6 is

a. a circle
b. parabola
c. ellipse
d. line
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 25
1. The cost of a product is a function
of the quantity x of the product is
given by the relation C(x) = x^2 40000x + 50. Find the quantity for
which the cost is minimum.
a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 15000
d. 3000
e. none of the above
2. When all odd numbers from 1 to
101 is added, what will be the sum?
a. 2500
b. 2601
c. 2510
d. 5601
e. none of the above
3. If y = x/2 + [sin(2x)]/4; find x for
which dy/dx = 0.
a. Pi/4
b. Pi/2
c. Pi/3
d. Pi/6
e. Pi/12
4. Which of the following is not
a. 2m^2 + mn + 3n^2
b. x^2 x + 12
c. s^12 1

d. t^2 + 25
e. none of the above
5. A tank contains 100 gal water. A salt
solution containing 2 lb salt per gal
flows in at a rate of 3 gpm and wellstirred tank flows out at the same rate.
The concentration of the solution
inside the tank after 1 hr is
a. 11 lb/gal
b. 1.18 lb/gal
c. 1.18 lb
d. 1.8 lb/gal
e. none of the above
6. 75 students went to SM West where
they could watch 3 films (A, B, & C).
20 of them watched all 3 films. 55 of
them watched at least 2 films.
Because it was QC day, each film cost
only P5.00 per head. If the total
receipt was P700, how many students
did not watch any movie?
a. 9
b. 11
c. 10
d. 12
e. none of the above
7. What is the value of x for which y =
2x^3 3x^2 36x +25 will have an
inflection point?
a. 1/3
d. 1/5
e. 2/3
8. A steel rod is stretched between 2
rigid walls and carries a tensile load of
5000 N at 20 degC. What T will the
stress be zero? The cross-sectional
area is 150 mm2.
a. 34.2 degC

b. 45.5 degC
c. 30.0 degC
d. 42.9 degC
e. none of the above
9. The locus of a point that move so
that its distance from fixed point and
fixed line is always equal is known as:
a. parabola
b. hyperbola
c. ellipse
d. circle
10. The area of a triangle are formed
by points A(4,-3), B(7,4), C(-3,6) is
a. 28 sq units
b. 38 sq units
c. 48 sq units
d. 58 sq units
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 24
1. A series of equal quarterly receipts
of P1000 extends over a period of 5
yrs. What is the present worth of this
quarterly payment series at i=8%,
compounded continuously?
a. 16,351
b. 15,971
c. 6,320
d. 15,345
e. none of the above
2. Lines drawn from the focus to any
point of an ellipse are called the focal
radii of the ellipse. Find the equation
of the focal radii drawn to the point
(2,3) one the ellipse 3x^2 + 4y^2 =

a. 3x 4y = 6
b. x - 4y = -8
c. 4 - 4y = -10
d. 3x - 3x = -3
e. 3x - 4y = -6
3. Is the graphical visualization of the
moment equation plotted on M-x axis
a. Maxwell diagram
b. Force-body diagram
c. Shear diagram
d. Moment diagram
e. none of the above
4. A housewife bought a brand new
washing machine costing P12,000 if
paid in cash. However, she can
purchase it on installment basis to be
paid within 5 years. If money is worth
8% compounded annually, what is her
yearly amortization if all payment are
to be made at the beginning of each
a. 2782.55
b. 2400.00
c. 2872.58
d. 2827.55
e. none of the above
5. The curve represented by the
equation r = 6 is
a. a circle
b. parabola
c. ellipse
d. line
e. none of the above
6. If the 1st and 4th terms of a
harmonic progression are 1/3 and 1/9,
respectively, find the 8th term.
a. 1/17
b. 1/11
c. 1/14
d. 1/13

e. 1/19
7. A 0.3 kg mass attached to a 1.5 m
long string is whirled around a
horizontal circle at a speed of 6 m/s.
Considering a centripetal acceleration,
what is the tension in the string?
a. 7.2 N
b. 720 N
c. 24 N
d. 240 N
e. none of the above
8. To raise money for your business,
you need to borrow P20,000 from a
local bank. If the bank asks you to
repay the loan in 5 equal annual
installments of P5548.19, determine
the banks annual interest rate on this
loan transaction.
a. 11 %
b. 12 %
c. 4.5 %
d. 27.74%
e. none of the above
9. A cast iron column supports an axial
compressive load of 250 kN.
Determine the inside diameter of the
column if its outside diameter is 200
mm and the limiting compressive
stress is 50 Mpa.
a. 150 mm
b. 183.4 mm
c. 253.34 mm
d. 143.2 mm
e. none of the above
10. Super Ferry allowed A kg of
baggage for free with additional
charge for baggage in excess of the
limit. The combined weight of the
baggages of passengers on one
particular trip was 105 kg. One

passenger paid P100 extra while the

other paid P150 extra. A 3rd
passenger in the same trip has 105 kg
baggage and was charged P650 extra.
Find A in kg.
a. 40
b. 60
c. 50
d. 70
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 23
1. What is the area of a rhombus
whose diagonals are 10 cm and 16 cm
a. 160 sq cm
b. 80 sq cm
c. 100 sq cm
d. 120 sq cm
e. none of the above
2. In two years, Ara will be as old as
Rico is now. In 26 years, Rico will be
twice as old as Ara is now. How old is
Ara now?
a. 27
b. 28
c. 29
d. 30
e. 40
3. (x^2 + 3y)dx xdy = 0 is
a. linear in x
b. non-linear in y
c. linear in y
d. variable separable
e. none of the above

4. A sequence of numbers where

every term is obtained by adding all
the preceding terms such as 1, 5, 14
and 30 is called
a. Triangular number
b. Eulers number
c. Pyramidal number
d. Tetrahedral number
e. none of the above
5. It is caused by forces acting along
or parallel to the area resisting the
a. shearing stress
b. bearing stress
c. tensile stress
d. bending stress
e. none of the above
6. What is the future worth of an equal
quarterly payment series of P2,500 for
10 years if the interest rate is 9%
compounded monthly?
a. F=P158,653
b. F=P154,718
c. F=P151,930
d. F=P160,058
e. none of the above
7. A kite at a height of 60 ft is moving
horizontally at a rate of 5 ft/s away
from a boy who flies it. How fast is the
cord being released when 100 ft are
a. 6 ft/s
b. 8 ft/s
c. 2 ft/s
d. 4 ft/s
e. none of the above
8. Find the total water pressure on a
vertical circular gate 2.0 m in
diameter, with its top 3.5 meters
below the water surface.

a. 169.5 kN
b. 107.9 kN
c. 138.7 kN
d. 186.5 kN
e. none of the above
9. Find the area of a circle whose
equation is: x^2 + y^2 + 4x + 6y 23
= 0.
a. 36 pi
b. 30 pi
c. 40 pi
d. 45 pi
e. none of the above
10. A car dries off a horizontal
embankment and land 11 m from the
edge of the embankment in a field
that is 3 m lower than the
embankment. With what speed was
the car traveling when it left the
a. 15 m/s
b. 14.1 m/s
c. 14.1 m/s
d. 13.99 m/s
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 22
1. Find the equation of the line passing
through (-1,2) and (3,5).
a. 2x - 5y - 12 = 0
b. x + y = 7
c. 3x - 11 = 2y
d. 3x - 4y + 11 = 0
e. 3x - 4y - 11 = 0
2. The square of the sum of two
positive numbers is 45 and their

product is 6. the sum of their squares

a. 44
b. 33
c. 22
d. 55
e. none of the above
3. You have been offered a credit card
by an oil company that charges
interest at 1.8% / month compounded
monthly. What is the effective annual
interest rate that this oil company
a. 21.6 %
b. 23.87 %
c. 22.34 %
d. 18 %
e. none of the above
4. A machine purchased for P45,000
had a depreciable life for 4 years. It
will have n expected salvage value of
P5,000 at the end of the depreciable
life. Using the straight line method,
what is the book value at the end year
a. 27,500
b. 35,000
c. 20,000
d. 25,000
e. none of the above
5. A 100 ohm resistor, a 0.0001F
capacitor and a 0.1H inductor are
connected in series to a 120-V rms
generator. If the generator frequency
is 60Hz, find the impedance and
effective current.
a. 101 ohm, 1.19 A
b. 105 ohm, 1.5 A
c. 111 ohm, 1.8 A
d. 116 ohm, 2.15 A
e. none of the above

6. The major and minor axis of an

ellipse measures 10 and 8 units
respectively. The distance between the
foci is
a. 3
b. 6
c. 5
d. 7
e. none of the above
7. When 0.0019448 is corrected to 3
significant figures, it becomes
a. 0.00190
b. 0.002
c. 0.00194
d. 0.00195
e. none of the above
8. How many sides has a polygon if
the sum of interior angles is 2520??
a. 12
b. 15
c. 16
d. 14
e. none of the above
9. It is a stress that acts tangent to the
surface of the cylinder.
a. longitudinal stress
b. bearing stress
c. tangential stress
d. shearing stress
e. none of the above
10. Mixtures of oxygen and helium can
be tolerated by divers. What
proportion should oxygen be if the
diver works 5.0 m below the surface
and the partial pressure of oxygen
should be 0.30 atm?
a. 5.12 %
b. 4.88 %
c. 6.00 %

d. 5.86 %
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 21
1. A body whose temperature is 180
degF is immersed in a liquid which is
kept at a constant temperature of 60
degF. In one minute, the temperature
of the immersed body is 120 degF. The
time it will take the bodys
temperature to decrease to 90 degF is
a. 2 min
b. 3 min
c. 1.5 min
d. 2 hrs
e. none of the above
2. A line 2x + ky - 11 = 0 is
perpendicular to 5x - 3y + 4 = 0. The
value of k is
a. 4/3
b. 3/5
c. 5/12
d. 10/3
e. none of the above
3. The area in the second quadrant of
the circle x^2 + y^2 = 36 is revolved
about the line y + 10 = 0. What is the
volume generated?
a. 2208.53
b. 2218.33
c. 2228.83
d. 2233.43
4. It measures the resistance to
twisting the member.
a. force
b. shear

c. torque
d. stress
e. none of the above
5. Find the area of the triangle whose
vertices lie at the points (4,1), (6,2)
and (2,5).
a. 4
b. 6
c. 5
d. 7
e. none of the above
6. A series of equal semi-annual
payments of P1000 for 3 years is
equivalent to what present amount at
an interest rate of 12% compounded
annually? (All answers are rounded to
the nearest peso).
a. 4944
b. 4500
c. 4804
d. 5401
e. none of the above
7. In a pile of logs, each layer contains
1 more log than the layer above and
the top layer contains 1 log. If there
are 171 logs, how many layers are
a. 20
b. 16
c. 18
d. 14
e. none of the above
8. The driver of a car traveling at 24
m/s sees a cow on the road. Calculate
the stopping distance if the drivers
reaction time before applying the
brakes is 0.75 sec and the cars
deceleration after the brakes are
applied is 3.6 m^2/s.
a. 89.0 m

b. 85.5 m
c. 93.0 m
d. 98.0 m
e. none of the above
9. A garden hose with a crosssectional area of 2 sq cm has flow of
200 cm^3/s. What I the average
velocity of water?
a. 1.5 m/s
b. 2.5 m/s
c. 2.0 m/s
d. 1.0 m/s
e. none of the above
10. A series of equal quarterly
deposits of P1000 extends over a
period of 3 years. What is the future
worth of this quarterly deposit series
at % interest compounded monthly?
a. 13,160
b. 13,615
c. 12,590
d. 13,112
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 20
1. A water tank is 8m in diameter and
12m high. If the tank is completely
filled, determine the minimum
thickness of the tank plating if the
stress is limited to 40 MPa.
a. 12.5 mm
b. 13.7 mm
c. 11.8 mm
d. 14.1 mm
e. none of the above

2. Which of the following is not a unit

of work?
a. Joules
b. KWatt-hr
c. Erg
d. Slug
e. none of the above
3. A debt of P5000 with 12% interest
compounded semi-annually is to be
amortized by equal semi-annual
payments over the next 3 yrs; the first
due is 6 months. What will be the
semi-annual payment?
a. 1006.82
b. 1061.81
c. 1016.82
d. 1826.82
e. none of the above
4. How many diagonals does a tensided convex polygon have?
a. 45
b. 40
c. 35
d. 30
e. none of the above
5. It is defined as the summation of
moments taken about an axis passing
through the centroid of the crosssection of all loads and reactions
applied to the portion of the beam on
either side of the cross-section.
a. bending moment
b. shear
c. deformation
d. elongation
e. none of the above
6. The cost C of a product is a function
of the quantity x of the product: C(x) =
x^2 4000x +50 . Find the quantity
for which the cost is minimum.

a. 3000
b. 1000
c. 2000
d. 1500
7. You obtained a loan of P20000 to
finance the purchase of an
automobile. Based on monthly
compounding for 24 months, the endof-the month equal payment was
figured out to be P922.90.
Immediately after making the 12th
payment, you decide you want to pay
off the loan in lump sum. The size of
this lump sum amount is nearest to
which of the following:
a. 10,498
b. 12,044
c. 11,075
d. 12,546
e. none of the above
8. The length of the sides of a triangle
are 12, 15, 18. A circle tangent to the
longest and shortest side has its
center on the remaining side. Find the
distance from the center of the circle
to the midpoint of the side where the
center of the circle lies.
a. 2.3
b. 1.5
c. 3.4
d. 4.6
e. none of the above
9. It is the highest ordinate on the
stress-strain curve.
a. Ultimate strength
b. Yield strength
c. Rupture point
d. Proportional limit
e. none of the above

10. If you invest P2000 today in a

saving account at an interest rate of
12% compounded annually, how much
principal and interest would you
accumulate in & years?
a. 4242
b. 2300
c. 4422
d. 1400
e. none of the above
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Practice Exams ChE - 19
1. In a group of 40 executives 27
prefer to drink San Miguel beer while
25 Beer na Beer. How many prefer to
drink both?
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13
e. none of the above
2. In how many ways can a committee
of three consisting of two Chemical
Engineers and one Mechanical
Engineer can be formed from four
Chemical Engineers and 3 Mechanical
a. 18
b. 32
c. 64
d. none of the above
3. He is the scientist that introduced a
constant of proportionality in 1807
commonly known as modulus of
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Thomas Young

c. Albert Einstein
d. Ferdinand Singer
e. none of the above
4. Which of the following statements is
a. If two investors are considering the
same project, the payback period will
be longer for the investor with the
higher MARR.
b. If you were to consider the cost of
funds in payback period calculation,
you would have to wait longer as you
increase the interest rate.
c. Considering the cost of funds in a
payback calculation is equivalent to
finding the time period when the
project balance becomes zero.
d. The simplicity of the payback period
methods is one of its most appealing
qualities even though it fails to
measure project profitability.
e. none of the above
5. If the moment of inertia of a circle is
500 m^4, its are is nearest to:
a. 74 sqm
b. 80 sqm
c. 76 sqm
d. 78 sqm
e. 98 sqm
6. How many signals each consisting
of 6 flags hang in a vertical line can be
formed from 4 identical red flags and 2
identical blue flags?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
e. none of the above
7. What part of 90% alcohol must be
removed and replaced by an equal

amount of pure alcohol to make a 95%

alcohol solution?
a. 5% or less
b. 5%
c. between 5% and 10%
d. 50%
e. none of the above
8. Water is pouring into a conical
vessel 15 cm deep and having a
radius of 3.75 cm across the top. If the
rate at which the water rises is 2 cm/s,
how fast is the water flowing into the
conical vessel when the water is 4 cm
a. 4.57 cu. m/s
b. 6.28 cu. m/s
c. 2.37 cu. m/s
d. 5.73 cu. m/s
9. A hot air balloon rising straight up
from a level field is tracked by a range
finder 5000 ft from the point of lift off.
At the moment, the range finders
elevation angle is 45 ?. The angle is
increasing at a rate of 0.14 rad/min.
How fast is the balloon rising?
a. 120 ft/min
b. 160 ft/min
c. 130 ft/min
d. 140 ft/min
e. none of the above
10. It is the surface generated by
moving a straight line (called
generator) which is always parallel to
a fixed line and which always intersect
at a fixed plane curve is:
a. cylindrical surface
b. paraboloid
c. locus of a point
d. spherical surface

1. A solution of 30% by weight

Na2CO3 in water is cooled to 20 degC.
10% of the water in the solution is
evaporated. If the solubility of Na2CO3
is 21.5 grams for 100 grams of H2O,
how much Na2CO310H2O crystals in
grams can be crystallized out of the
solution for every kilogram of original

b. impermeable clay
c. ???
d. ???

2. Air is passed through a membrane

to separate O2 from N2. The final
product is found to contain 15% O2
and 85% N2. Find the percentage of
O2 in the remaining air if only 30% of
air passed through the membrane.
a. 51%
b. 15%
c. ???
d. 26.3%

7. The mole fraction of a substance in

the liquid phase is 0.20. If its vapor
pressure is one-half the total pressure,
what is its mole fraction in the vapor
a. 0.10
b. 0.50
c. 0.20
d. 0.70

3. A solution containing equimolal O2

and N2 is passed though a membrane
to separate O2 from N2. The final
product is found to contain 45% O2
and 55% N2. Find the percentage of
O2 remaining if only 205 of the
original solution passed through the
a. 51%
b. 15%
c. 50%
d. 45%
4. The equipment that uses the
principle that water cools when some
of it is evaporated.
a. evaporator
b. humidifier
d. dryer
5. The lowermost layer of a landfill
a. ???

6. Prandtl number is
a. force/area
b. work/momentum
c. dimensionless
d. ???

8. How many per hour of H2O flows

through a 3-inch Sch. 40 steel pipe
with an average velocity of 8cm/sec?
a. 17,150
b. 21,500
c. 36,000
d. 72,300
9. Water at a rate of 0.80 kg/sec is
heated from 35?C to 45?C in a 2.5 cm
diameter tube whose surface is
maintained at 90?C. The required
length of tube, in meters, to
accomplish the heating is:
a. 3.6
b. 1.0
c. 2.1
d. 2.7
10. The vapor and liquid in the
separator for flash distillation are
a. in equilibrium
b. replenished

c. of equal composition
d. below the boiling point of the
11. Small ponds, less than 1 meter
deep, whose oxygen supply primarily
comes from photosynthetic activity
a. facultative ponds
b. anaerobic ponds
c. aerated lagoons
d. aerobic ponds
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Practice Exams ChE - 12
1. Black Ash is treated with H2O to
extract the Na2CO3 that it contains.
The composition of black ash is
analyzed to be :
Na2CO3 - 42%
other soluble substances - 6%
Insoluble substances - 52%
The composition of the residue is:
Na2CO3 - 4%
Insoluble solids - 85%
other soluble solids - 0.5%
H2O - 10.5%
What is the amount of Na2CO3 in the
extract per 200 lb. of black ash ?
a. 791
b. ???
c. ???
d. ???
2. A composite wall consists of a 2
corkboard (inner), 6 concrete and 3
wood (outer). The thermal conductivity
of the materials are 0.025, 0.8 and
0.065 Btw/ ft-hr-degF. The temperature
of the inner surface of the wall is 40
degF while the outer surface of the

composite wall is 78 degF. What is the

temperature between cork and
concrete and concrete-wood.
a. ???
b. 62, 69
c. ???
d. ???
3. A composite wall consists of W1
(outer layer) and W2 (inner layer). W1
and W2 are both 5 thick. The thermal
conductivity of W1 is 1 Btw/ft-hr-degF
while that of W2 is 0.1 Btw/ft-hr-degF.
The temperature of the outer layer is
500 degF while that of the inner layer
is 1500 degF. Find qTOTAL in Btw/hrft2.
4. Water flowing at 0.8 kg/sec is to be
heated from 5 degC to 45 degC. If the
outer surface temperature of the 2.5
cm thick pipe to which it flows is to be
kept at 90 degC, what should be the
length of the pipe ?
a. 1m
b. 2.1 m
c. ???
d. 2.7 m
5. The problem encountered in the use
of percolation filters is:
a. channeling
b. caking
c. ???
d. ???
6. The process of using water to
extract the juice from sugar cane is
a. Salvation
b. Maceration
c. Hydrolysis
d. Liquefaction

7. Ethane is produced by reacting

ethylene with hydrogen. Given the
following data, find the heat of this
reaction :

b. mechanical defoamers only

c. antifoaming agents only
d. mechanical defoamers and
antifoaming agents

Heat of combustion
Ethane = -670,000
Ethylene = -600,000
Hydrogen = -120,000

1. The over-all heat transfer coefficient

of the above cooler is Btu/hr-ft^2-degF
a. 91
b. 102
c. 85
d. 200
e. none of these

a. -50,000
b. -60,000
c. 50,000
d. 60,000
8. The chemical name of Wintergreen
oil is
a. benzyl acetate
b. methyl silicilate
c. linalyl acetate
d. ???
9. What is the relative humidity of air
at 80 degF with a moisture content of
0.018 pounds H2O per pound of dry
air ?
a. 68%
b. 82%
c. ???
d. ???
10. The advantage of packed columns
over plate columns is
a. less back pressure
b. less problem with channeling
c. higher temperature
d. more contact between vapor and
liquid phases
11. One of the problems encountered
in permutation process is foaming.
Which of the following are used to
prevent foaming in fermenters?
a. ???

2. Which of the following does not

affect the amount of dissolve oxygen
in water?
a. heat
b. chlorides
c. dissolved minerals
d. bio-degradable organics
e. none
3. In binary distillation, the first
component to condense in the
distillate flask will be
a. the one with the lower melting point
b. the one with the higher melting
c. the one with the lower boiling point
d. the one with the higher boiling point
e. none of these
4. The Reynolds number of a cylinder
settling through a liquid is 1.0. The
estimated drag coefficient for the
cylinder is
a. 10
b. 3
c. 20
d. 1
e. none of these

5. The coal analysis which is based on

the volatilization characteristics of the
fuel is
a. proximate
b. modified
c. ultimate
d. elemental
e. none of these
6. One metric ton per hour of palay is
to be dried in a tunnel dryer from
180% moisture to 10% moisture dry
basis. How much water must be
a. 3,400 lb
b. 3,400 lb/h
c. 110,000 lb/h
d. 2 metric ton/h
e. 1,214 lb/h
7. The capacity of rotary vacuum filter
(Ve=0) is 10 L/h. What will be the new
capacity if the fraction submerged in
the slurry is increased by 20%
maintaining speed and pressure?
a. 12
b. 10.95
c. 15.5
d. 13
e. none of these
8. To have a more accurate value of
the boiling point of liquid is a
distillation process, the thermometer
bulb should be placed
a. just above the liquid surface
b. in boiling the boiling liquid itself
c. in the receiving flask
d. outside the distillation apparatus
e. none of the above
9. A single stage extraction is
performed in which 400 kg of a
solution containing 35wt.% acetic acid

in water is contacted with 400 kg of

pure isopropyl ether. The % HOAc in
the extract layer is
a. 11%
b. 86%
c. 72%
d. 3%
e. none of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 35
1. A furnace with glass float (s.g. =
2.165) gives a reading of 5 L/min for
water flowing at a T=30 degC. If
C2H5OH is flowing through the same
flow meter, what will be the actual
flow rate if the reading is 5 L/min?
a. 3.6
b. 7.0
c. 6.2
d. 7.8
e. none of these
2. A certain substance A is mixed with
equal amounts of B and C. After 1000
seconds of A has reacted. How
much will be unreacted after 2000
seconds, if the reaction is 2nd order
with respect to A?
a. 0.25 CAo
b. 1/3 CAo
c. 0.38 CAo
d. 0
e. none of these
3. The Buckingham Pi Theorem is
applied to
a. Pressure-velocity relationships in
compressible flow
b. Heat transfer by natural convection

c. Dimensional analysis of a physical

d. Stability of control systems
e. None of these
4. The pipe size of a pneumatic
conveyor to convey plastic pellets with
bulk density of 30 lb/ft^3 using a
blower with a capacity of 600 ft^3/min
is ____ inches.
a. 3
b. 5
c. 8
d. 2
e. none of these
5. Crystals of Na2CO3.10 H2O are
dropped into a saturated solution of
Na2CO3 in H2O at 100 degC, what %
of the Na2CO3 is in the Na2CO3.10
Data at 100 degC = saturated solution
is 31.2 % Na2CO3
Mw Na2CO3 = 106
6. A flotation modifier which assists in
selectivity (sharpness of separation) or
stop unwanted mineral from floating is
a. depressants
b. activators
c. alkalinity regulators
d. promoter
e. none
7. A cash flow refers to
a. the flow of money through a
b. the sum of positive and negative
movements of cash
c. the rate of cash deposits and
withdrawal in a bank
d. the assets and liabilities of a
e. none of these

8. A pipe conducting superheated

steam is lagged with several layers of
insulation. The rate of radial heat flow:
a. decreases from inside to outside
b. increases from inside to outside
c. equal to each other
d. varies across each layer
e. none of these
a. Sedimentation
b. Precipitation
c. Cooling
d. Activated Sludge Process
e. Chlorination
is a physical method of water
10. The degrees of freedom associated
with a humidification process is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. none of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 34
1. In a batch process, 10,000 lbs of
205 solution of acetone in water are
distilled. Water residue contains 50 lb
acetone, while the distillate contains
10% water. What is the total weight of
the distillate?
a. 6,584
b. 1,486
c. 2,167

d. 3,958
e. none of these
2. A laboratory leaf filter is run at
constant rate. The initial pressure after
30 minutes is 65 psig during which 5
ft^3 of filtrate is collected. The
resistance of the filter medium in
terms of ft3 of filtrate is:
a. 0.42
b. 0.95
c. 2
d. 3
e. none of these
3. A plate and frame press delivers 50
liters of filtrate in one hour at a
constant pressure of 50 psig. The
washing time at constant pressure of
20 psig using 10 liters of wash water is
a. 1.6
b. 3.2
c. 4
d. 2.5
e. none of these
4. From what mineral is radium
a. limestone
b. rutile
c. pitch blende
d. hematite
e. none of these
5. In gas absorption, if the mass
transfer coefficient in the liquid phase
is very much greater than the mass
transfer coefficient in the gas phase,
which of the following is not true?
a. Liquid film resistance is negligible.
b. Mass transfer operation is controlled
by the gas phase resistance.

c. Solute in the gas mixture is very

soluble in the liquid.
d. The liquid film resistance controls
the rate of mass transfer.
e. None of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 33
1. Pig iron is product in a blast furnace
from hematic ore containing 80%
Fe2O3. The pig iron produced is 96%
Fe. The slag contains 10% of iron
present in the ore. How many tons of
pig iron produced per 500 tons of ore?
a. 450
b. 156
c. 353
d. 272
e. none of these
2. If pressure on the fluid in the
reaction line drops, some liquids
flashes into vapor. This flashing is
a. diffusion
b. vaporization
c. boiling
d. cavitation
e. none of the above
3. A glass sphere having a diameter at
1.554 x 10^-4 m in water at 293.2 K
and the slurry contains 60% wt. solids.
The density of the glass sphere is
2467 kg/m^3. The settling velocity of
the glass sphere is
a. 3.05 x 10^-3 m/s
b. 0.205 m/s
c. 1.525 x 10^-3 m/s
d. 5.125 x 10^-4 m/s

e. none of the above

4. A solution is prepared at 20 degC
containing 7.8% wt. benzene in nonsoluble oil (MW =922). Vapor pressure
of benzene at 20 degC is 75 mm Hg.
What is the equilibrium pressure of
benzene vapor in mm Hg above the
a. Allosteric enzymes
b. Isoenzymes
c. Identical enzymes
d. Endoenzymes
e. Exoenzymes are represented with
sigmoidal curves.
6. Humid air at temperature 600 degF
and a total pressure of 1 atm passed
through a dehumidifier at the rate of
1000 cfm. If the partial pressure of
water vapor in air is reduced from 44
mmHg to 10 mmHg. How many
pounds of water are removed per
a. 81.4
b. 65.2
c. 45.4
d. 76.3
e. none of these

a. the greater the efficiency

b. the lower its efficiency
c. efficiency does not depend on the
surface area of the column
d. the faster the distillation will
e. none of these
9. The pipe size of a pneumatic
conveyor to convey plastic pellets with
bulk density of 30 lb/ft^3 using a
blower with a capacity of 600 ft^3/min
is ____ inches.
a. 3
b. 5
c. 8
d. 2
e. none of these

7. ___________ is normally used to

determine the quality of combustion
a. Stoichiometry
b. Orsat analysis
c. Gravimetric analysis
d. Material Balance
e. None of these

10. A furnace has an area of 1000 ft^2

exposed to the surroundings. The
furnace is made of 6 inch thick
insulating bricks with a thermal
conductivity of 0.15 Btu/h-ft^2(F/ft).
The change in temperature across the
brick is 150 degF. How much fuel is
required in lb/day t heat the furnace if
the fuel has a heating value of 15,000
a. 342
b. 26
c. 72
d. 610
e. none of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 32

8. The greater the surface area of the

packing of the fractionating or
absorption column,

1. A gaseous mixture containing 50%

mol H2 and 50% mol acetaldehyde is
initially contained in a rigid vessel at 1

atm. The formation of ethanol occurs.

After a time, it was noted hat the
pressure had dropped to 700 mmHg.
Calculate the degree of completion of
the reaction.
a. 15.8%
b. 17.2%
c. 7.8%
d. 9.2%
e. none of the above
2. In rebuilding a heat exchanger, the
12 BWG copper tubes are being
replaced by aluminum tubes. To
provide equal heat transfer rate after
the rebuilding of the heat exchanger,
what should be the thickness of the
aluminum in inches, if the outer
diameter is maintained at 2 inches?
Note: Use the properties of materials
at 100 degC.
a. 0.085
b. 2.062
c. 0.109
d. 0.153
e. none of the above
3. A three effect evaporator uses
original steam at a saturation pressure
of 174.4 kPa gage. The total boiling
point rise is 8.3 degK in the first effect,
13.9 degK in the second effect and
22.2 degK in the third effect. The
limiting pressure which must be
maintained in the vapor space of the
third effect pressure in order for the
evaporator to operate is:
a. 60.2 kPa
b. 58.5 kPa
c. 68.7 kPa
d. 50.7 kPa
e. none of the above

4. Poor performance in large packed

towers is due mainly to:
a. channeling
b. inefficient heat transfer
c. cavitation
d. flashing
e. none of the above
5. Tertiary treatment of wastewater
includes the following operation
a. adsorption
b. ion-exchange
c. disinfection
d. reverse osmosis
e. filtration
6. Dehydroginase is a(n)
a. oxidase
b. reductase
c. lyase
d. ligase
e. transferase
7. For turbulent flow of a fluid in a
pipe, all are true except:
a. The average velocity will be nearly
the same as at the pipe center.
b. Energy lost due to turbulence and
friction varies with K.E.
c. Pipe resistance affects the .
d. Reynolds number < 2,000
e. Flow of gases and low viscosity
liquids is usually turbulent.
8. For the completely corrosion
resistant stainless steel the minimum
% of Cr in the alloy required is:
a. 1.1%
b. 3.2%
c. 8.3%
d. 11%
e. none of the above

a. ADP
b. ATP
c. NAD
d. UDP
e. CDP
is the hydrogen carrier in metabolic
10. In case of a straight or concave
down operating line and a straight or
concave down equilibrium line, the
maximum liquid rate is that at which
a. The operating line just touches the
equilibrium line at the bottom of the
b. The operating line just touches the
equilibrium line on the top of the
c. The operating line intersects the
equilibrium line at the middle of the
d. The slope of the operating line is
smaller that of the equilibrium line.
e. None of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 31
1. The enthalpy content of air at 150F
and 20% RH is
a. 74.8 Btu/lb d.a.
b. 74 Btu/lb d.a.
c. 78 Btu/lb d.a.
d. 71 Btu/lb d.a.
e. none of these
2. A binary azeotrope contains X% - wt
A (MW = 100) and Y% - wt B (MW =
200). Express mol fraction of A in
terms of X,

a. (X+150)/2
b. 200X/(X+100)
c. X/150
d. 2X/(X+1)
e. none of these
3. In ____ distillation the vapor
generated by boiling the liquid
withdrawn from contact with the liquid
and condensed as fast as it is formed
a. multi-stages
b. fractional
c. differential
d. flash
e. none of these
4. Two very large walls are at constant
temperatures of 600F and 900F.
Assuming that the walls behave like
black bodies, how much heat in Btu/hr
ft^2 must be removed from the colder
wall to maintain a constant
a. 8,956
b. 34,10
c. 3,734
d. 12,625
e. none of these
5. For a gas diffusing in a stagnant
layer of another gas, the concentration
decreases ___ along the diffusion path
a. linearly
b. geometrically
c. proportionally
d. logarithmically
e. none of these
6. States that the energy is
proportional to the new surface
a. Pittingers law
b. Kicks law
c. Bond law

d. Energy law
e. none
7. An act for regulation, protection of
trademarks, tradenames and service
a. RA 1752
b. RA 166
c. RA 318
d. RA 6969
e. none of these
8. Cavitation is the result of:
a. static pressure in a fluid becoming
less than fluid vapor pressure
b. rivets under impact load
c. exposure of concrete to salt water
d. heat treatment of a low carbon steel
e. improper welding technique
9. a. Lactobacilli
b. Saccharomyces cenerisiae
c. Penicillum chrysogenum
d. Saccharomyces griseus
e. Acetobacter
is used to bring about fermentation of
10. The standard equipment
recommended for automatically
carrying out sieve test procedures with
accuracy and dependability is
a. End-Shak Sieve Shaker
b. Braum Sieve Shaker
c. Ro-tap Shaker
d. Dynamic Sieve Shaker
e. None of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 30

1. NaOH is produced by reacting 20%

aqueous solution of Na2CO3 and 25%
Ca(OH)2CaCO3 is precipitated as the
solution of NaOH is produced. The
precipitate is made up of 94% CaCO3,
5% H2O and 1% NaOH. The number of
grams of NaOH formed per 100g
precipitate is
a. 28.9
b. 75.2
c. 98.7
d. 21.2
e. none of these
2. A viscous solution containing
particles with density = 1461 kg/m^3
is to be clarified by centrifugation. The
solution density = 801 kg/m^3 and
viscosity = 100 cp. The centrifuge has
a bowl with r2 = 0.0225 m, r1 =
0.00716 m and height, b = 0.1970 m.
The critical particle diameter of the
largest particles is the air stream of N
= 23,000 rev/min and flow rate q =
0.002832 m^3/hr is
a. 0.746 m
b. 0.476 x 10-6
c. 4.076 x 10-5
d. 0.736 x 10-6
e. none of these
3. The fixed cost for a steam line per
meter of pipe is 350x +18; P/year and
the cost for loss of heat from the pipe
per meter is 1.6/x; P/year, where x is
the thickness of insulation in meters.
The optimum thickness of the
insulation is
a. 0.068 m
b. 0.68 m
c. 0.088 m
d. 0.072 m
e. none of these

4. a. Pyschrophile
b. Thermophile
c. Halophile
d. Osmophile
e. Microaerophile
is a heat-loving organism
5. 2320 g of tetra-methanol
cyclopentane is detonated in the
absence of air in a 1000 L closed
bomb. The temperature in the bomb if
the pressure rises to 300 kPa is
a. 425 K
b. 365 K
c. 285 K
d. 345 K
e. none of these
6. The temperature of a certain
material is 0C. If the temperature of
another material is 1/3 hotter than the
first, its temperature is
a. 0C
b. 91C
c. 182C
d. 33.3C
e. none of these
7. A contract is made between a buyer
and a paper manufacturer for paper
containing 5% moisture at P450/tonne
FOB on specifications that price
adjustment will be made if the quality
is different. How much should the
buyer pay for 1 tonne of paper with
8% moisture content? Freight cost is
a. 458
b. 434.16
c. 405
d. 424.26
e. none of these

8. An axial flow propeller pump with a

total developed head of 20 feet will
have a capacity, in gal/min of:
a. 7000
b. 8500
c. 4000
d. 2000
e. none of these
9. A membrane required** process
where the component from a liquid
phase, which is heated, permeates
through the membrane and is
removed under low pressure
a. reverse osmosis
b. dialysis
c. pervaporation
d. micro-filtrate
e. none of these
10. Which is the indicator of sewage
a. coliform
b. salmonella typhora
c. streptococci
d. staphylococcus aureus
e. bacilli
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Practice Exams ChE - 29
1. If CA is plotted versus time and a
straight line is observed, the reactions
is said to be
a. 1st order
b. 2nd order
c. zero
d. fractional order
e. none of these

2. The order of magnitude of

diffusivities of gases is
a. 10^-5 m^2/s
b. 10^-3 m^2/s
c. 10^-9 m^2/s
d. 10^-14 m^2/s
f. none of these
3. Heat-loving organisms that exist at
minimum temperature range of 2545C to optimum temperature range
of 50-55C and maximum temperature
range of 60-85C
a. psycrophiles
b. mesophiles
c. thermophiles
d. chromagenes
e. none of these
4. The pressure drop of the fluid
flowing through a conduit is
a. zero as the velocity is constant
b. not affected by flow regime
c. not affected by conduit material
d. much higher during turbulent flow
e. none of these
5. a. papase
b. pepsin
c. bromelin
d. lipase
e. hydrase
is derived from papaya as natural
meat tenderizer.
6. The source that gives the highest
percentage of CO and NOx emission to
the atmosphere is:
a. transportation facilities
b. stationary sources
c. industrial plants excluding
stationary sources therein

d. natural sources such as fires and

volcanic eruptions
e. crushing of cemented roads
7. The US standard sieve series
equivalent to 24 mesh Tyler standard
is ___ microns
a. 606
b. 400
c. 805
d. 707
e. none of these
8. A slurry of flaked soybeans
weighing 100 kg contains 75 kg inert
solids and 25 kg solution with 10% oil
and 90% weight solvent hexane. This
slurry is contacted with 100 kg pure
hexane in a single stage so that the
value of retention for the outlet
underflow is 1.5 kg of insoluble solid
per kg solvent in the adhering
solution. What is the composition of
underflow leaving the extraction stage
in percent by weight oil?
a. 1.5
b. 2.3
c. 0.3
d. 0.8
e. none of these
9. The amount of radiation emitted in
all directions and overall wavelengths
by a perfect emitter is proportional to
the fourth power of the absolute
temperature of the emitter. This is the
statement of:
a. Stefan-Boltzman law
b. Kirchoffs law
c. Weins law
d. Plancks law
e. None of these

10. In the removal of a solute from a

water phase by liquid extraction using
a membrane, it is advantageous to
a. polymer membrane
b. any porous membrane
c. hydrophobic membrane
d. asymmetric membrane
e. none of these
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Practice Exams ChE - 28
1. A 300 cu. ft. reactor, initially full of
air needs to be purged of its O2
content. N2, containing 15% O2 is
blown into the reaction while an
equivalent amount is purged. If the
concentration of the O2 must be
brought to less than 1% in 24 hours, at
what rate must the N2 enter the
a. 78.2
b. 40
c. 23.4
d. 6.9
e. none of these
2. A berl saddle is used
a. so that one can easily ride a horse
b. to resolve a personal problem
c. to increase mass transfer rate
d. to increase heat transfer rate
e. none of these
3. Secondary air pollutants, also called
photochemical smog, are the result of
the synergestic reaction of primary air
pollutants in the presence of UV
radiation. Which of the following is not
a photochemical smog?

a. peroxy acetylnitrate
b. benzopyrene
c. aldehydes
d. hydrocarbons
e. none of these
4. XF = 0.45
XP = 0.65
XR = 0.75
P = 8.33 tons/hr
The effectiveness of the screen is:
a. 60.8%
b. 55.6%
c. 52.8%
d. 62.8%
e. none of these
5. The orifice coefficient Co is always
determined experimentally. If NRe at
the orifice is above 30,000 and the
ratio of the orifice diameter to the
diameter of the conduit is less than
about ___, the value of Co is
approximately 0.61
c. 1
e. none of these
6. A block of wood floats in water with
6 inches projecting above the water
surface. If the same block were placed
in alcohol of specific gravity of 0.82,
the block would project 4 inches above
the surface of the alcohol. The specific
gravity of the wood block is
a. 0.8
b. 0.9
c. 0.6
d. 0.7
e. none of these

7. The increase in the power

requirement of a centrifugal pump
when the speed is increased by 20% is
a. 100%
b. 73%
c. 44%
d. 14.5%
e. none of these
8. What would be the thickness
required of a welded cone head with
maximum inside diameter of 48
inches, half an apex angle of 30,
double-welded butt joints with no
radiography employed, P = 500 psi
and S=12,500 lb/sq. in.?
a. 1.16 in
b. 1.12 in
c. 1.5 in
d. 0.98 in
e. none of these
9. The adsorbent used in the
purification of hydrocarbon products is
a. alumina
b. bone char
c. fullers earth
d. silica gel
e. none of these
10. 90% of the NH3 entering an NH3oxidation unit is converted to HNO3
and 10% NH3 is due to conversion
losses, NO in the stack gases &
miscellaneous losses. The kg of NH3
necessary to produce 60000 kg of 62
wt % NH3 is:
a. 11 150
b. 12 000
c. 12 150
d. 11 000
e. none of these

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Practice Exams ChE - 27
1. An adiabatic tunnel dryer handles
100 kg of banana chips per batch,
reducing the moisture content from
50% to 12% wet basis. Drying takes
10 hours to complete by blowing air at
82C and 5% RH. The air leaves the
dryer saturated. Assuming that the
rate of drying is constant, the volume
of air blown is
a. 7840 m^3/hr
b. 222 m^3/hr
c. 250 m^3/hr
d. 7000 m^3/hr
2. A solution containing equimolal O2
and N2 is passed through a membrane
to separate O2 from N2. The final
product is found to contain 45% O2
and 55%N2. Find the percentage O2
remaining if only 20% of the original
solution passed through the
a. 51%
b. 15%
c. 50%
d. 45%
3. An aqueous solution is absorbing
NH3 from an air-NH3 mixture. The air
1 inch above the water surface
contains 40% of NH3, while the air at
the water surface is 0%. The total
pressure of the system is 400 mm Hg
and the temperature is 85F. The rate
of absorption of NH3 across the ft2
of water surface us
a. 0.0155 lbmols/hr

b. 0.0155 lbmols/hr
c. 0.00774 lbmols/hr
d. 0.00774 kg/hr
e. none of these
4. The point at which a distinct break
in the curve during the FRP occurs
a. equilibrium moisture content
b. free moisture content
c. critical moisture content
d. second critical moisture content
e. none of these
5. The spectral distribution of a perfect
emitter has a maximum and the
corresponding wavelength depends on
the temperature. The maximum
spectral emissive power is displaced
to shorter wavelengths with increasing
temperature. These statements refer
a. Stefan Boltzmann law
b. Kirchoffs law
c. Wiens law
d. Plancks law
e. none of these
6. The osmotic pressure of a solution
containing 0.10 gmol NaCl/1000 g
water at 25C is
a. 2.44 atm
b. 1.22 atm
c. 4.88 atm
d. none of these
7. The equivalent of 45Tw in the
Baum scale is
a. 28.32
b. 32.48
c. 26.63
d. 42.56

e. none of these
8. The solubilities of NaNO3 at 40C
and 10C are 51.4% by weight and
44.5% by weight respectively. How
many grams of NaNO3 may be
crystallized from a 10 kg solution
initially saturated at 40C, if the
temperature of the solution is lowered
to 10C?
a. 6900
b. 4089
c. 3897
d. 1243
e. none of these
9. A 2nd order reaction involving 2
reactants initially present at 0.10
mol/L is found to be 20% complete in
40 minutes when the reaction
temperature is 25C and 40%
complete in 35 minutes when the
reaction temperature is 50C. The
frequency factor for this reaction is
a. 1.12 x 10^5 L/mol-min
b. 1.12 x 10^5 cal/gmol
c. 1.12 x 10^6 L/mol-min
d. 9 x 10^4 L/mol-min
e. none of these
10. If 20% of pulverized limestone is
retained by a 150 mesh screen from
an original uniform size of 35 mesh,
the energy required in Kw to process 1
ton/hr is
a. 6.25
b. 2.65
c. 8.3
d. 3.8
e. none of these

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