Bus5348 - Project Management: Assoc. Prof. Ebru Canan-Sokullu Bahçeşehir University Fall 2015-2016

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Assoc. Prof. Ebru Canan-Sokullu

Baheehir University
Fall 2015-2016

0 212 381 0434
Wednesday 20:00-22:00

This course provides an integrated introduction to project management (PM). Students will learn all
of the fundamental aspects of modern PM, both managerial and technical. This course will examine
concepts, techniques, and tools available to project managers for organizing, planning, and
controlling projects. It aims to help students develop skills for the managerial, cultural, and social
aspects of PM, and an understanding of the critical role of work breakdown structures and networks
in planning, scheduling, and estimating the status of projects. This course intends to (i) understand
the growing need for better project management, especially for information technology projects (ii)
explain what a project is providing examples of projects from various sectors (iii) describe what
project management is and discuss key elements of the project management framework (iv) examine
recent trends in project management research. Its overall objective is to equip candidate leaders or
project team members with certain skills for an effective formal project management and to enable
them to overcome the triple constraints of project management: scope, time and cost.

- Midterm will be via itslearning platform

% 30

(Nov 25, 2015)

Application exercise (drafting a project proposal)

% 30 (Dec 30, 2015)
- This will be an individual (not a team) assignment.
- Works from other authors must be correctly cited and referenced
- Details of the study will be shared by the instructor by Week 3
Final exam
% 40 (Final Exam week Jan 9-10, 2015)
- Final exam will be conducted at Baheehir University Beikta Campus


All of the work students do in this course is expected to be his/her own, done exclusively for this
course. Instances of suspected cheating or plagiarism (using somebody elses ideas without proper
attribution) will be dealt with in accordance with the universitys policy of academic honesty. If the
student has any questions about this matter, please do not hesitate to ask the instructor.

Maylor, H. (2003) Project Management Prentice Hall
Gray, C. F. and E. W. Larson (2008) Project Management: The Managerial Process McGraw-Hill
Mingus, N. (2002) Teach Yourself Project Management in 24 hours Alpha

Week 1 (Sept 30, 2015)
Week 2 (Oct 7, 2015)
Week 3 (Oct 14, 2015)
Week 4 (Oct 21, 2015)

Introduction to the course

Project organization strategy and project selection
Organisation strategy: structure and culture
Project Charter

Week 5 (Oct 28, 2015)

Republic Day No Class

Week 6 (Nov 4, 2015)

Week 7 (Nov 11, 2015)
Week 8 (Nov 18, 2015)

Project definition and scope management

Time planning
Cost and quality planning

Week 9


Week 10 (Dec 2, 2015)

Week 11 (Dec 9, 2015)
Week 12 (Dec 16, 2015)
Week 13 (Dec 23, 2015)

Cost and quality planning

Managing Interorganisational relations
Risk Management
Supply ChainManagement

Week 14 (Dec 30, 2015)

Problem solving and leadership

(Nov 25, 2015)

Submit: Application exercise (drafting a project proposal)

Week 15 (Jan 3, 2015)


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