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There is no single definition for online learning. It includes learning with the assistance of
the Internet and a personal computer. The term e-learning, or electronic learning, often is
used interchangeably with online learning.
Frostburg's online learning can consist of both real-time interactions, such as in Collaborate,
as well as interactions, which occur over extended periods of time, such as email or an online
discussion board. Your courses will be broken up into modules that contain the learning
content and activities you will have to complete. Each module usually begins with text
readings, PowerPoint, and lectures that provide the information you will need to complete the
assignments. The learning activities will vary each module and might include discussions,
scenarios, simulations, projects, or papers.
The important benefit of online learning is that it can span time and distance. One do not have
to be in the same place as ones teacher to obtain course related information. Even if you are
attending a traditional course, when the instructor uses Blackboard, you can have anywhere,
anytime access to your course documents along with consistent interaction with your
classmates and teacher.
Instructional strategies & their role in online learning:
The strategies involved in online learning are;
Students can collect message from one or more threads in the discussion board to
review and evaluate their ideas and those of their classmates.
Students can use electric board to document their thoughts and refer them as the
Can refer back to past-performance with grade book
Self-directed learning:
Students can use their personal calendar to schedule and organise learning tasks.
Course maps assists students in finding course resources and activities they wish to

Students can bookmark links to course pages that are of interest to them in My
Instructors can hold virtual office hours to provide direction to students using the
virtual classroom.
E-mail or private chat allows the instructor to give individual feedback on a students
Students can submit their work and get feedback from the instructor via e-mail.

Students can contribute their idea in groups.
Students can submit their papers or other individual projects to the instructor using
Modelling and Explaining:
Instructors can use whiteboard in the virtual classroom to model thought process of
Learning units can provide structural explanations and templates to help students to
achieve learning goals.
Instructors can group students with similar learning styles.
Instructors can use V-group to create student-to-student teaching terms.
Problem Solving:
Instructors can create group pages where teams of students discuss, exchange
knowledge etc.
Presentations allow students to demonstrate the results of problem solving
individually or in collaboration with peers.

Where Does Online Learning Fit in Education?

Customarily, online learning falls under the broader category of distance education. Distance
education is defined by the United States Distance Learning Association as an "education
program whereby students may complete all or part of an educational program in a
geographical location apart from the institution hosting the program; the final award given is
equivalent in standard and content to an award program completed on campus." Typically,
students and teachers reside in different locations; a physical classroom is not necessary.
Therefore the teaching and learning process relies on the Internet and a personal computer.
Evolution of Distance Learning:
Whether you recognize it or not, students and teachers have benefited from the flexibility of
distance learning for decades. Many of us may recall our first distance learning experiences
involving television as the instructional medium. For instance, Sesame Street has been a
powerful means of teaching us social, mathematical, and speaking skills for over forty years.
In the past decade, with increasingly widespread access to computers and the Internet, online
learning has become a consistent presence at all levels of education.
As businesses, school districts, colleges and universities have become "wired," online
learning has evolved beyond pure distance learning. The ability for learners to extend
communication and access resources outside of their school or work environments, allows
them to supplement - and sometimes fully replace - activities once reserved for the traditional
classroom or workplace.
How to Create a email ID on Gmail
Electronic mail, most commonly referred to as email or e-mail since approximately 1993, is
a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern
email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Some early email systems
required that the author and the recipient both be online at the same time, in common with
instant messaging. Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model. Email
servers accept, forward, deliver, and store messages. Neither the users nor their computers are
required to be online simultaneously; they need connect only briefly, typically to an email
server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages
Here we will see how to create a new Email id or how to create a gmail ID , as we are using
Gmail for a new ID.
1. Open web browser.
2. Open .

3. Go to "Create An Account".

4. Fill all the details.

5. Click on "Next" button.

6. Now you need to fill you phone number for confirmation.

7. Now after entering you cell phone number you have two option for confirmation a
SMS or a Vocie call you can select any one . I have selected SMS.
8. Now you will Get a Voice call or SMS As per your selection . I got SMS and now you
need to enter the same Code in box .
9. then click on continue button.
10. Now almost your ID is created , now if you want you can add a picture of you or
which represent you .
11. for adding picture click on "add profile photo " button.

12. after adding your photo, Click on "Next Step" button.

13. now Click on "Continue to Gmail" button.

14. Now creation of gmail id is completed you got your id.

Creating of Blog:

Go to

Click where it says Create Your Blog Now

Fill in a user name. This can be anything you want its what youll use to sign
in to your blog.

Select a password. This must be at least 6 characters long. Try to use a

combination of numbers and letters, and think of something that others will not
be able to easily guess.

Select a display name. This will be used to sign your blog posts, so choose
something that will protect your identity! We recommend that you refrain from
using your first and last name, or, if you can be easily located with your first
name, choose a name that is somewhat disguising.

Enter an e-mail address. Youll need this to register, and later on you can
change your preferences so this wont appear on your blog in clear sight of
visitors. Consider setting up a separate e-mail account for your blog this helps
protect you from online predators.

Read the terms of service, then click the box indicating you have done so.

Click continue

Give your blog a title. This is what will show at the top of your blog page

Choose a web address for your blog space. This will display in the address
bar as

Choose a template. Select from the templates the way youd like your blog to
look. Dont like anything you see? Just select one to get started well show you
how you can change or customize it later if you want.

How to Start a Blog on Blogger

Blogger is an online service owned by Google that publishes single or multi-user blogs
created entirely by the user. The service has quickly become the preferred choice of many
novice bloggers and is one of the easiest methods of creating and publishing a blog for free. If
you are unfamiliar with the service, this article will teach you how to set up an account and
create a blog on


Navigate to using your web browser of choice.


Sign in using your Google Account to get started.

If you do not have a Google Account, click Get Started to create one.

Enter a Display Name to be used to sign your blog posts and click Continue.
5. 5
Click Create Your Blog Now


Select a Blog title and an available URL for your blog. You can check if the
URL you are considering is available by clicking "Check Availability"(if it is
unavailable try adding more letters and don't use things like hyphens,under scores,
colons etc).

Enter the word verification and click continue.

Choose a starter template, which will act as the basic design/layout of your blog.


Click Start Blogging

You can create new blog posts, edit posts, and edit pages from under the
Posting tab.


<a href="
ale=1.0947368&" ><img
ale=1.0947368&" border="0"
The title of your post goes in the text box next to Title.


The body of your post will get entered into the Compose text editor, where you
will also be able to access basic text editor functions such as font size, text color,
the ability to insert links.


You can also use the Edit HTML tab to insert your post in HTML format, if
you prefer.

The Post Options section located underneath the Compose text editor will
allow you to enable reader comments, HTML settings, and post the time and

You can now either select Save Now to save your post, Preview to preview
your post before publishing to your blog, or Publish Post to publish your post
directly to your newly created blog.


If you wish to change the design of your blog from the starter template you
selected when initially creating your blog, you can do so under the Design tab.

From within the Design Tab you will be able to edit Page Elements, HTML,
and change your template with Temple Designer.


If you want to adjust other settings such as who is able to view, contribute to, or
comment on your blog etc, click the Settings tab.
19. 19
You can adjust publishing, comments, archiving, permissions, and all other
settings from within the sub-tabs located under the main Settings tab.

Posting on blog

Click on Start Posting once your blog has been created.

Create a title for your first posting and write your first post in the text

Click Publish Post Publishing your post will make it live on your blog
and visible on the Web.

Each time you add a new post to your blog, you have to publish it before it goes
up on the Web.


In a way this is helpful schools and instructors are using such a wide variety of
technologies and techniques these days, that its hard to capture all of the
possibilities with a single description. The lack of an accepted standard can result
in confusion, however, if the experience you have in an online class is different
than what you were expecting when you enrolled.

REFERENCE: Resources

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