Unit 23 Overview PDF

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The aim of this unit is to enable learners to develop their techniques for both solo and group
performance, from practice through to performance.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
1 Know effective instrumental or vocal technique through a structured practice routine
2 Be able to apply effective instrumental or vocal technique in solo performance
3 Be able to apply effective instrumental or vocal technique in group performance.
EVIDENCE: WORD DOCUMENT relating to preparation for BOTH the Freshers gig and solo/audition
Work on ways to improve your performance techniques, these include the accuracy, fluency, and
dexterity of your voice or instrument. These things plus the tone, timing and rhythmic control of your
playing must be self-assessed and a plan in place to improve, a record of which will be logged in your
Project Diary.
'A major portion of evidence required will be generated by the maintenance of a practice diary. This
should include an evaluation of learners abilities at the start of the unit, the setting of measurable
targets for completion by the end of the unit, and periodic reviews of progress against these targets.
Supporting this, further evidence will contain materials demonstrating practical
performance activities, especially as they show improvement over time.'
Keep a diary with a weekly heading List all the things you practised and rehearsed this week to
help improve your technique.
Assess your technical, physical and mental ability.
Technical Skills:
Rhythmic accuracy; technical security; dynamic control; intonation; articulation; knowledge of chords
Physical Skills:
Stamina; exercise; posture; breathing; healthy eating; knowledge of injury
Mental Skills:
Resilience; relaxation; concentration; enjoyment; confidence; determination; positive thinking
Set at least two SMART targets with strategies to help you improve:
What specifically will I achieve?
How will I measure it?
What steps do I need to succeed?
Will this help my overall playing in the long run?
When will I achieve it?

Assess how successfully you achieved your goals.

How did you deal with the challenges you faced when preparing pieces for the freshers gig and how
did working towards the gig improve your performance techniques?
How did you deal with the challenges you faced when preparing your solo pieces and how did
working on them improve your performance techniques?

P1 identify an effective strategy

M1 describe an effective strategy

D1 explain an effective strategy

for technical improvement

for technical improvement

for technical improvement

through a structured practice

through a structured practice

through a structured practice




For P1, it would be sufficient for learners to operate to a structured routine and achieve progress as a
result. Learners will identify what they have done in their routine and how it has affected their
technical skill.
Eg: 'On Tuesday morning I practised the guitar solo for the song 'Figure it Out' by Royal
Blood. In the afternoon we rehearsed the song as a whole band and because of my earlier
work I was able to play the solo correctly and the song sounded better'.
A requirement for M1 would be an obvious and evidenced refinement of the strategy over time and a
corresponding accomplished level of tone production, timing, mechanical skill and phrasing. Learners
would also need to describe how their practice using specific exercises has led to the skill
improvement. Referring particular studies to particular sections of the performance pieces may help
to illustrate this.
Eg: 'On Tuesday morning I practised the guitar solo for the song 'Figure it Out' by Royal
Blood. At first the solo was too fast for me to play accurately and I found some of the phrasing
difficult to achieve. I practised the song at a slower tempo along with a metronome. Over time
I set the metronome to higher and higher speeds until I was able to play the solo correctly at
full speed. When we next rehearsed the song as a full band the solo fit in perfectly.'
D1 learners would use a higher level of analysis of their strategy for technical improvement. Learners
would need to comment on why they chose specific exercises for specific aspects of their study and
perhaps comment on other exercises that they may have tried. They may also refer to anything that
they changed during their practice routine. For example, they may provide details of some elements
that proved more difficult to master than others.
Eg: 'On Tuesday morning I practised the guitar solo for the song 'Figure it Out' by Royal
Blood. At first the solo was too fast for me to play accurately and I found some of the phrasing
difficult to achieve. Because this was an issue with the speed of the piece I decided to
practise the solo at a slower tempo along with a metronome. Over time I set the metronome to
higher and higher speeds until I was able to play the solo correctly at full speed. I also
recorded myself playing the rhythm guitar part for the song at a slightly slower pace so that I
could practise along with myself and make sure that the solo sat with the underlying chords
properly. When we next rehearsed the song as a full band the solo fit in perfectly. Because
the song was in quite a high key for our singer to comfortably reach we discussed changing
the key of the song. This created new challenges as I now had to transpose the solo I had
learnt to the new key.'


At the end of the process you will be asked to perform three contrasting solo pieces in front of your
peers in the venue.

P2 perform as a soloist

M2 perform as a soloist showing

D2 perform as a soloist, with

competently with minor

confidence and technical

technical skill, confidence,

technical errors that do not


musicality and a sense of

detract from the overall

interpretive style

You will perform as part of an ensemble for the freshers gig.
Have you got video evidence of taking part in preparation and performance for the freshers gig?
P3 perform an individual part as
a member of a group with

M3 perform an individual part as D3 perform an individual part

a member of a group, with
as a member of a group,

minor technical errors that do

technical competence and

showing technical skill,

not detract from the overall


confidence, a sense of


ensemble and interpretive


For P2 and P3, a musician should execute appropriate repertoire confidently and competently,
demonstrating the practical application of technical learning, although there may be minor errors as
long as they do not detract from the performance.
A requirement for M2 and M3 performance will include technical competence, which will result in a
satisfying performance. There will be no noticeable errors in a merit performance.
For D2 and D3, a musician will demonstrate a true command of instrument or voice, ability to make
adaptation within the performance as a soloist, with technical confidence and technical skill,
musicality, a sense of interpretive style and ensemble.

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