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AUXILIARY BENEFIT BALL FEBRUARY 13 The 14th Annual College Benefit Ball
Donora Medical Student (this year known as the Valentine Benefit
Ball), sponsored by the Auxiliary to the
Awarded Patent on Device Polk County Society of Osteopathic Physi-
(Eugene Rongaus is a sophomore student) cians and Surgeons, will be held at the Sav-
The following article appeared recently in ery Hotel in Des Moines, Saturday, Feb-
a Donora, Pennsylvania newspaper: ruary 13, 1960.
"A medical stu- Mrs. Wesley W. Glantz, publicity chair-
lent from Donora man, has announced that the changes made
has been awarded a last year in the arrangements for this event
U. S. patent on a were so successful that they are being re-
levice he conceived peated this year. Dinner will be served this
while serving with year from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., and dancing
the army in Korea. from 9:30 to 12:30 to the music of The
He is Eugene Ron- Esquire's Orchestra.
gaus, and has titled
his new invention Mrs. Myron S. Magen, ticket chairman,
'Aiming Stake has stated that letters and tickets have been
Mrs. Harkness (seated left) visited the mailed to all osteopathic physicians in Iowa.
Lighting Device." It College to review the history and purposes
s used in achieving Mrs. Magen requests that reservations and
of the last thirteen benefits with student checks be mailed to Mrs. Cecil C. Looney,
.ring at night. The leaders, Mrs. Roslyn Kule, president of the
army has long used aiming stakes for ac- 3960-74th Street, Des Moines, Iowa, not
Student Wives Club; (standing left to right) later than February 8, 1960.
curacy, however, the devices were not too Mr. John Nelson, Des Moines, Iowa, presi-
effective at night since they could not be dent of the Student Council; Thomas Ko- The proceeds from past benefits have
illuminated without attracting aircraft. van, Detroit, Michigan, secretary-treasurer purchased many needed items for the hos-
Rongaus' invention overcomes this short- of Sigma Sigma Phi; and Harry Davis, pital such as floor tiling, steam table, plas-
coming with a cylindrical tube attached to Poland, Ohio, president of the Inter-Fra- tic bassinets for the nursery, resuscitator-
a deflecting device. An electrical bulb inside ternity Council. incubator, cabinets to provide individual
is clearly visible to the gun emplacement, Mrs. Kule will be in charge of student bath care for the new-born, bedside tables,
but cannot be seen by aircraft. ticket sales, assisted by Messers Nelson, a Heidbrink Anesthesia machine for the
Rongaus applied for the patent in 1957. Kovan and Davis. obstetrical department, and completely re-
It was granted earlier this month." decorated and refurnished the reception
room in the hospital. In 1957, the proceeds
were used to purchase an Addressograph
Machine for the College. Proceeds from the
Calendar of Events event held on Saturday, January 31, 1959, in
February 10-Convocation 10:00 a.m.-Dr. the amount of $989.50 were placed in the
John R. Pike, Albany, New York Endowment Fund of the College.
February 13-Valentine Benefit Ball Assisting Mrs. Stuart F. Harkness, gen-
March 6-7-8-Post Graduate Course in eral chairman, is Mrs. Robert Kramer, sec-
Orthopedics retary, and Mrs. Cecil C. Looney, treasurer.
Other committee chairman in addition to
March 9-Convocation 9:00 a.m.-Dr. Alan Mrs. Wesley W. Glantz and Mrs. Myron S.
M. Potts, president of Michigan Society Magen are Mrs. Lloyd W. Ficke, decora-
of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons tions and Mrs. Richard H. Borman, prizes.
March 21-Kansas College Visitation Com-
April 8-Pacemaker Ball
April 4-Public Health Banquet College Visitors
April 15-18 (inclusive)-Easter recess Dr. Robert Stein and Mr. Dick Sims of
April 26-Alumni Banquet-Child Health Doctors Hospital in Columbus, Ohio visited
Conference, Kansas City, Missouri with students in the College on December
May-Students Day (date to be announced) 3 and 4.
June 2-3-4-Aumni Refresher Course On December 3 they were guests of the
Dr. Emil Braunschweig (left) class of Polk County Society of Osteopathic Physi-
June 2-Alumni Banquet Honoring Grad- '37, El Cajon, California, presents Presi-
uating Class of 1960 cians and Surgeons and the Iowa Society
dent McLaughlin with a check for $500.00, of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons at a
June 3-Graduation thus becoming a Charter Member of the Buffet Dinner given for Senior students
June 4-Meeting of the Board of Trustees recently formed "500 Club." from the Des Moines Public Schools fol-
and the members of the Corporation of The presentation was made during Dr. lowing an Open House at the College of
the College Braunschweig's annual visit to the College. Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery.


At the November meeting of the Student March 6-8, 1960
Wives Club of COMS we were privileged Sunday, March 6, 1960
to have as our guests Dr. and Mrs. Toriello. 8:00 a.m. Registration College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery
They showed films of their 1958 trip to 8:45 a.m. Welcome Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president
Europe and the World's Fair. The films
were beautiful, indeed, and everyone en- Morning Session
Harold E. Clybourne, D.O., Moderator
The December meeting featured a "Gift 9:00 a.m. First Aid and Emergency Treatment
Shop Show." Items from many countries 9:45 a.m. Immediate versus Delayed Management
were displayed and a profile given about 10:30 a.m. Recess
each article and the country it represented. 10:45 a.m. Principles of Splints and Traction Procedures
12:00 noon Lunch
The annual Christmas Dance was held at
the Val Air Ballroom on December 4. Both Afternoon Session
students and faculty members attended. The REHABILITATION FOLLOWING INJURIES
highlight of the evening was the drawing Chester H. Lyon, D.O., Moderator
for door prizes. All the ladies received 2:00 p.m. Active versus Passive Exercise
beautiful fern and holly corsages. A pro- 2:45 p.m. Physical Medicine
fit of $100.00 was realized. Mrs. Samuel 3:30 p.m. Coffee Break
Kligerman and Mrs. William Silverstone 3:45 p.m. X-ray Diagnosis of Traumatic Disabilities
were co-chairmen of this successful event. 5:00 p.m. Dinner
Evening Session
Henry J. Ketman, D.O., Moderator
7:00 p.m. Bring your own X-ray films of problem cases
Monday, March 7, 1960
Morning Session
John M. Wright, D.O., Moderator
9:00 a.m. Shoulder Girdle
9:45 a.m. Elbow
10:30 a.m. Recess
10:45 a.m. Fractures of Humerus, Radius and Ulna
12:00 noon Lunch
Mrs. Pat Walker, wife of junior student Afternoon Session
John A. Walker, Jackson, Michigan, pre-
sents check representing the proceeds of the UPPER EXTREMITY (continued)
Christmas Dance to President McLaughlin. Frederick J. Auwers, D.O., Moderator
2:00 p.m. Colle's Fractures
December 13 found the Student Wives 2:45 p.m. Wrist and Hand Injuries
entertaining their children at the annual 3:30 p.m. Recess
Christmas party. This year it was under 3:45 p.m. Cervical and Thoracic Spine Injuries
the chairmanship of Mrs. David O'Mara and Evening Session
held at the PSG House. The children par-
ticipated in organized group games and BANQUET
were served punch and cookies. Santa Claus Dean Shumaker, presiding
was on hand to distribute gifts to each 7:00 p.m. Hotel Savery-Des Moines Room
child. Tuesday, March 8, 1960
At our January meeting our guest speaker Morning Session
was Dr. William Strong. His topic was LOWER EXTREMITY
"Osteopathy Now and in The Future." A Robert Friedman, D.O., Moderator
question and answer period followed his 9:00 a.m. Low Back Problems
most stimulating speech. We were all very 9:45 a.m. Pelvis and Hip
sorry to learn of the resignation of our 10:30 a.m. Recess
10:45 a.m. Upper and Lower Leg Fractures
president, Mrs. James Leach, due to cir- 12:00 noon Lunch
cumstances beyond her control. However,
Mrs. Sheldon Kule, our 1st vice president, Afternoon Session
has accepted the president's position and LOWER EXTREMITY (continued)
we will all give her our full support. Richard H. Borman, D.O., Moderator
March 4th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the Stu- 2:00 p.m. Knee Injuries
dent Wives Club will have a rummage sale 2:45 p.m. Ankle and Foot
at the Rummage Center on 2nd Avenue. 3:30 p.m. Recess
Clothing, dishes, furniture, etc., will be sold. 3:45 p.m. Plaster of Paris Clinic
We urge everyone to contribute to this
worthwhile project. Tuition $50.00 ($10.00 deposit with application). Deadline, February 20, 1960

Alumni News N. I. H. Official Visits tere

MICHIGAN Dr. Murray Goldstein of the United States Public Health Service visited the college
Members of the Michigan Alumni Asso- on November 23 and 24th. Dr. Goldstein who holds the rank of Medical Director, is
ciation have elected James T. Haffenden, the Assistant Chief - Research Grants, Review Branch. Currently he is the only osteo-
Battle Creek, as their new president for the pathic physician holding a permanent commission on active duty with the Public Health
1959-60 year. Other new officers are Lee J. Service. A 1950 graduate of the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Dr.
Walker, Grand Rapids, vice-president, and Goldstein interned and served a residency in Internal Medicine at Still Osteopathic
Ralph E. Hinz, St. Clair Shores, secretary- Hospital.
treasurer. The election was held at the close
of the alumni banquet during the Michigan Dr. Goldstein was invited to the college by the President's Committee on Develop-
State Convention in Grand Rapids. Forty- ment, to explain the role of the federal government in medical education. In addition,
six alumni were present. The oldest was Dr. Dr. Goldstein discussed the Research Grants Program of the National Institute's of
Howard W. Sechrist of Detroit, Class of '24 Health and their impact on medical research. Another purpose of Dr. Goldstein's visit
was to interest students in the public health service as a career. Dr. Goldstein met with
In a letter to the College, Dr. Haffenden members of the board of trustees of the college and also addressed an all-student
requested that it should be mentioned that convocation, in addition to holding meetings with members of the student body.
everyone attending the alumni banquet en-
joyed getting together and getting ac-
quainted with the graduates of the school
located throughout the State of Michigan.
He also wanted it mentioned that the pro-
gram was very informative and gave each
one of those present a word picture of the
situation of the College at the present time
and the hopes for the future.
Representing the college were: President
McLaughlin Dean Shumaker, and Wendell
R. Fuller, College registrar and alumni ex-
Members of the Oklahoma Association The picture on the left above shows Dr. Goldstein meeting with the members of the
have elected Dr. Charles W. Ball, of Black- President's Development Committee. (Left to Right)-Dr. J. R. McNerney, member of
well, as president and Thomas L. Wilson, the board of trustees of the college, Dr. William B. Strong, medical director, Dr. Gold-
of Tulsa, secretary-treasurer. The election stein, Dr. Myron S. Magen, chairman of the committee and chairman of the department
took place at the annual alumni luncheon of pediatric, Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of the college, Dr. Wilford Nusser,
held during the Oklahoma Osteopathic Con- head of the department of psychology.
vention. Dr. Edward A. Felmlee of Tulsa
The picture on the right above shows Dr. Goldstein in one of his meetings with
was in charge of the luncheon meeting.
members of the student body.
President McLaughlin and Dean Shumaker
represented the College.
Dr. Paul E. Kimberly of St. Petersburg, L. 0. G. P.S.G.
Florida, informs us that he has been re- The annual senior banquet was held at Dr. Harold E. Higley, department of psy-
elected chairman of the Florida Alumni the Sylvan Restaurant on December 12. Dr. chiatry, as the guest speaker at our No-
William B. Strong, medical director, repre- vember work-night. Dr. Higley's topic was
Association and that Dr. Eugene Keig, also "The Problems Confronted by Married
sented the administration of the College.
of St. Petersburg, has been re-elected sec- Out-of-town guests included national LOG Students While Attending Professional
retary-treasurer. Dr. Kimberly also sent officers Dr. Alex Maron of Ashbury Park, School."
alumni dues for the following: Edwin C. New Jersey, president; Dr. Herman Kohn Rushing ended with a jazz concert at the
Brookman, St. Petersburg; Gordon R. Fis- of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, president- fraternity house which was followed by a
elect; and Dr. Aaron Feinstein of Philadel- buffet dinner. New pledges welcomed to the
cher, Pinellas Park; Charles U. Gnau, Fort phia, Pennsylvania, executive-secretary. fraternity include: Donald Beaver, Petos-
Myers; Howard E. Hattesen, Miami Shores; Following the talk by Dr. Maron, certifi- key, Michigan; Herbert Bez, Detroit, Mich-
Calvin J. Houpt, Starke; Eugene R. Keig, cates and keys were awarded to Sandy Kush- igan; Jerry Freiberg, St. Clairsville, Ohio;
St. Petersburg; Paul E. Kimberly, St. Pet- ner of Detroit, Michigan, past-president and Monroe Harris, Flushing, New York; Rob-
ersburg; John J. Latini, North Miami; Don- to Ralph Levy of Brooklyn, New York. ert Heidepriem, Flint, Michigan; Charles
ald T. Leigh, Coral Gables; John P. Nunley, Senior students receiving fraternity keys Johnson, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin; Robert
Oklawaha; Talmage T. Spence, West Palm were: Richard Brown, Detroit, Michigan; Kapanjie, Clifton, New Jersey; Patrick Mc-
Beach. Stephen Chankin, Philadelphia, Penna.; Mil- Caffery, Wichita, Kansas; Norman Rose,
ton Fields, Detroit, Michigan; Bunny Gold- Brooklyn, New York; Michael Roth, Sharps-
DUES RECEIVED man, Detroit, Mich.; Vick Gordon, Detroit, ville, Pennsylvania; F a b i o u s Russell,
Alumni dues have been received from the Mich.; Sheldon Kaftan, Detroit, Mich.; Sam
following: L. A. Nowlin, Phoenix, Arizona. Youngstown, Ohio; William Stanley, Jr.,
Kligerman, Elkins Park, Penna.; Tom Ko- Birmingham, Michigan; Harry Stenzel, De-
From the State of Iowa, John M. Lyle of van, Detroit, Mich.; Sander Kushner, De- troit, Mich , James Young, Seattle,
Colfax, Dorothy V. Mullen of Ellsworth troit, Mich.; Ralph Levy, Brooklyn, New Washington
and Teddy R. Fredericks of Thompson. A. York; Herbert Micklin, Brooklyn, N. Y.;
Those brotners losing their single status
P. Warthman, Detroit, Michigan; Paul W. Frank Roth, Detroit, Mich.; Larry Rubin- are Harvey Ring of Ann Arbor, Michigan,
Panakos, Dayton, Ohio; M. W. Myers, Hud- off, Detroit, Michigan; Fred Seligman, To- who was married to Vicky Wasserman of
son, South Dakota; L. V. Cradit, Amarillo, ledo, Ohio: Jerry Thurer, Brooklyn, New Flint, Michigan on December 1, and Earl
York. Scheidler who will marry Gladys Smith on
Texas; L. S. Parkhurst, Kirkland, Washing-
New little ones in the fraternity family December 26th in Dayton, Ohio. Arnold
ton; and Ralph E. Davis, Milwaukee, Wis- are daughters to Ed Blumberg and Walt Aaron and Iris Breitberg have announced
consin. Siporin, both of Detroit, Michigan. wedding plans for next summer.


Trustees Approve Club Plans Morehouse Library

Members of the College board of trustees approved three Club Plans at their No- Memorial Fund
vember meeting. Mrs. Mary Belle Kenderdine, college li-
Designed to strengthen the financial situation of the College, the plans were sub- brarian, states that 58 books costing $555.00
mitted to the board members by Dr. Charles L. Naylor, Ravenna, Ohio, president of the have been purchased for the College library
National Alumni Association and other members of the executive committee on Novem- from the Dr. P. Ralph Morehouse Library
ber 17. These proposals were approved by the members of the House of Delegates of Memorial Fund. This fund, which was ini-
the alumni association during the national A.O.A. convention in Chicago, July 1958. tiated by members of the Michigan Osteo-
pathic Association, was established in mem-
500 CLUB ory of Dr. Morehouse who was killed in
an automobile accident in Albion, Michigan,
Financial support to the College-$500.00 Annually Christmas Eve, 1958.
Amounts accruing to the College from your Society dues will be credited to the above total:
A graduate of the class of '35, Dr.
If Dues support is $150.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $29.17
Morehouse served 'the Michigan Associa-
If Dues support is $100.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $33.34 tion as its secretary-treasurer for 12 years
If Dues support is $50.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $37.50 and as technical editor of the Michigan
Osteopathic Bulletin for 10 years. He was
350 Club also a delegate of the National Alumni Asso-
Financial support to the College-$350.00 Annually ciation of the College.
Amounts accruing to the College from your Society dues will be credited to the above total: The books purchased from this fund have
If- Dues ssupport is $150 00-per ye.ary-,n hly._ontriution would- be:$16.67 been carefully selected by members of the
If Dues support is $100.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $20.84 faculty. A record is on file in the library
If Dues support is $50.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $25.00 showing the name of the book, the author,
250 Club the company from which the book was
purchased, and the purchase price. A com-
Financial support to the College-$250.00 Annually
plete record of the above is sent each year
Amounts accruing to the College from your Society dues will be credited to the above total:
to the Michigan Association.
If Dues support is $150.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $8.34
If Dues support is $100.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $12.50 At this time of the year, it is only fitting
If Dues support is $50.00 per year-monthly contribution would be $16.67 that we again seek contributions in order
that we might insure the perpetuation of
College and Alumni Association agree as follows: this fund. Contributions can be sent to Dr.
1. To cooperate in maintaining the present high level of osteopathic education and W. Clemens Andreen, of Andreen Clinic,
service. 1475 Ford Avenue, Wyandotte, Michigan, or
2. To devote every possible energy to further planning and development of under- Mr. Wendell R. Fuller, alumni secretary-
graduate and graduate educational and research programs. treasurer, College of Osteopathic Medicine
3. To place 20% of my annual contribution into a Development Expansion Fund. and Surgery, 722 6th Ave., Des Moines 9,
a. Purchase of land for the college. Iowa. Make checks payable to National
b. New building construction. Alumni Association of the College. It is
c. Remodelling and repair of old buildings. suggested that the notation Morehouse Li-
d. Purchase of equipment and new facilities. brary Memorial Fund be made in the lower
4. To provide paid-up membership in the National Alumni Association of the College left-hand corner of your check. Contribu-
of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. tions to this fund will be acknowledged.
5. To provide a copy of the Pacemaker (Year Book) in which my name will be listed
as a sponsor of the Year Book.
7. To provide paid registration at the annual spring refresher course at the time of
Commencement. Memorial Fund For
8. To provide an annual physical examination in the Still Osteopathic Clinic.
9. To provide courtesy staff membership in the Still Osteopathic Hospital. Library
10. To provide a bibliography in any professional subject from the College Library. Dr. J. Paul Leonard, secretary, the Amer-
11. To provide a certificate of membership in the club that I join. ican Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics,
12. To provide complete annual reports on the affairs of the College. has notified President McLaughlin that the
college will receive a gift of $1,000.00 to be
NOTE: The benefits listed are neither accumulative nor transferable. used to purchase Orthopedic texts for the
college library.
The gift is to be named "The Warren G.
I. T. S. Bradford Memorial Library Fund" in mem-
ald Andrysiak, Wyandotte, Michigan; Har- ory of the late Dr. Warren G. Bradford,
The annual Christmas dinner was held orthopedic surgeon of Dayton, Ohio.
in the Arbor Room of the Kirkwood Hotel, vey A. Bergren, Muskegon, Michigan;
Friday, December 11. William S. Strong, Thomas DeResta, Lawrence, Massachusetts; Dr. Richard H. Borman of Des Moines,
D.O., medical director of the college, was Sheridan Thiringer, Spokane, Washington;
a member of the academy and a member of
the after-dinner speaker. Dr. Strong inter- John Edleman, Grand Rapids, Michigan;
Robert Leonard, Ferndale, Michigan; Law- the teaching staff of this institution, has
preted the philosophy, development, and
direction of the osteopathic branch of med- rence Baker, Des Moines, Iowa; Richard been named local chairman of the library
icine, with special emphasis on the progress Reel, Mount Ayr, Iowa; Val Rongaus and fund.
we will have to make in order to furnish Eugene Rongaus of Donora, Pennsylvania;
our share of the physicians America will Richard Clarke, Pasco, Washington; Thomas Mrs. Kenderdine, college librarian, and
need for the future. Lavaty, Dearborn, Michigan; Oscar Gutier- Dr. Borman are now in the process of com-
On the night before Thanksgiving, we rez, San Antonio, Texas; Chester Christian- piling a list of orthopedic books from which
held a "Beatnik" party at Avon Lake to son, Tipton, Iowa; Victor Jurczenko, Phila- the final selection will be made. It is esti-
welcome the new pledge class. Honored that delphia, Pennsylvania; Emanuel Kourakis, mated that the purchases probably will be
evening were the following pledges: Don- Chicago, Illinois. made over a three or four year period..

(Continued from Page 1)
Alumni Executive Committee Meets
The annual payroll of the college and its
hospital and clinic is $611,000.00 he said.
He estimated expenditures here, including
those by the college's students and their
families, exceed 1/2 million dollars a year.

Plans for the expansion call for a hos-

pital and clinic building, a dormitory, mar-
ried students' housing, a playground and
parking areas.
In describing the events leading to the
above newspaper story, Mr. Karl Greenlee,
secretary of the College board of trustees
had this to say,
"On Friday, December 4, 1959, Mr. Han-
nan and I appeared before the Urban Re-
newal Committee and presented the pro-
posed plans for expansion of the College
"The reception by that committee was
very favorable and encouraging to us. Your
representatives of the board off trustees Alumni representatives on the board of trustees of the College and other members of
did not commit the College or alumni to the executive committee of the National Alumni Association, met with President McLaugh-
anything except an opportunity. We were lin, and Mr. Karl Greenlee, secretary of the board of trustees on November 17. (Left to
informed that if we expected to be con- Right)-Dr. Paul Rutter, Medford, Oregon, (board member); Mr. Greenlee; Dr. W. J.
sidered as a part of this portion of the Ur- Blackler, Grand Rapids, Michigan, (board member); Dr. Paul E. Dunbar, Pudcah, Ken-
ban Renewal Program, it was necessary tucky, delegate-at-large of the alumni association; Dr. Walter B. Goff, Dunbar, West
that we make application at this time. In Virginia, (board member); Dr. W. Clemens Andreen, Wyandotte, Michigan, president-
addition the necessity that we soon consider elect of the alumni association; President McLaughlin; and Dr. Charles L. Naylor, Ra-
the possibility of expanding the facilities of venna, Ohio, president of the National Alumni Association.
the College to provide room for additional
students as another factor in our presenting
future plans at this time. THREE CLUB PLANS APPROVED
"While the Board has not made a com-
mitment to any program, we do feel that GRADUATION WEEK ACTIVITIES PLANNED
some plan very similar to this would be
exactly what the profession should work to One of the most profitable meetings of tion of these clubs by the executive commit-
achieve. the executive committee of the National tee of the National Alumni Association is
"We are well aware that an undertaking Alumni Association was held at the College to me a most positive action on the part of
of such magnitude cannot be accomplished on November 17. The activation of three the alumni association. The formal acti-
without the continued hard work and sup- new clubs-the 250 Club-the 350 Club-- vation of these clubs, which are designed
port of the loyal alumni; however, that will and the 500 Club-was proposed to the Col- to strengthen the financial situation of the
not be nearly enough, because it will be lege board of trustees. This proposal was College through personal contributions
necessary to enlist the help of the general enthusiastically accepted by the board. Ma- from our alumni, will, of course, be a step
public if we expect to carry out anything terial regarding the three new clubs will be in the right direction toward building a
such as this plan." sent to each one of our graduates begin- greater College. The initiation of plans
ning in January, 1960. designed to make graduation week a week
Neurosurgeon Here Graduation Week not only for members of the graduating
January 4 In addition to the new club plans which class of 1960, but one for the alumni and
are explained on the next page, steps were friends of the institution, will certainly be
Dr. Raymond Ruberg of Philadelphia,
good news for all of our alumni.
Pennsylvania, chairman of the department taken to make arrangements for gradua-
of neuro-surgery of the hospitals of the tion week at the College. Preliminary ar- "The members of the board of trustees
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy and rangements call for a spring refresher join with me in thanking these men the
Metropolitan Hospital, will visit the College course under the direction of Dr. William B. members of the executive committee for
for a few days beginning January 4, 1960. Strong, a banquet honoring the alumni as taking time from their practice and from
While at the College, Dr. Ruberg will well as the members of the graduating class their families, to come to the College at va-
perform several neuro-surgical procedures, of 1960, and other events to be announced rious times throughout the year at their
hold a clinic for neurological consultation, in the near future. Graduating classes to be own expense to meet with us to help us
and deliver lectures to the undergraduate honored in addition to the class of 1935 will build a bigger and better college."
students. He will also be the guest speaker be announced in January. Local arrange-
(For other activities of November 17,
at the monthly meeting of the Polk County ments for alumni activities will be under
don't fail to read your letter from Dr.
Society of Osteopathic Physicians and the direction of Dr. Bryce E. Wilson of Des
Charles L. Naylor, alumni president of Ra-
Surgeons. Moines, Iowa, president of the Iowa Alum-
venna, Ohio, and for other news of the Col-
ni Association.
Physicians wishing to consult with Dr. lege not printed in the Log Book, be sure
Ruberg regarding patients should contact Positive Action and read your letter from President Mc-
Dr. William B. Strong, medical director of Commenting on the events of the day, Laughlin. Both letters make interesting
the College. President McLaughlin stated: "The forma- reading.)

"We, theClass
o 1960 dCedi-
Students Honor Dr. Enzmann P. G. Course
cate this book
to Ernst V. Enz-
In Orthopedics
mann, Ph.D., in A three-day post-graduate course "Orth-
appreciation of opedics for the Family Physician" is sched-
his outstanding uled to be held at the 'College on March
representation 6, 7, 8, in 1960.
of those who This course will be sponsored jointly by
teach." With the College of Osteopathic Medicine and
these swords Surgery, The American Osteopathic Acad-
Donald G. Beck- emy of Orthopedics, and the American Col-
man of Lake lege of General Practitioners in Osteopathic
City, Iowa, sen- Medicine and Surgery.
ior student and The program will be open to all osteo-
associate editor pathic physicians and will be directed pri-
of the yearbook, marily toward office orthopedic diagnosis
presented the and procedures. A banquet is planned for
first copy of the the final evening at which time diplomas
1960 Pacemaker will be awarded to those completing the
to Dr. Enzmann course. Osteopathic physicians in Iowa and
during an all- adjoining states are encouraged to plan
b ~tl l bu v1Vu_
l now to attend.
cation held in the Moingmona Lodge Room on November 23rd.
As if by a pre-arranged signal, the entire student body and faculty rose to their
feet to give Dr. Enzmann the greatest ovation that has ever been accorded a member $1;0.00 Gift
of the faculty of this institution. A check for $100.00 was sent to the Col-
A secret had been well kept for over a year. Only the members of the yearbook staff lege by Dr. H. K. Rydell, (class of 1907),
knew that the second yearbook to be published by the students of the College in over 4374 Dart Avenue, Minneapolis, Minne-
twenty years would be dedicated to one of the most beloved instructors of the institution. sota. The check was given to Dr. Rydeli
Following the convocation, Dr. Enzmann, too surprised to speak after the formal by one of his patients who stated that the
presentation, stated that he was, of course, greatly surprised, but very proud. "One money was to be used by the College where-
can never forget such an honor bestowed upon him by his students," stated Dr. Enzmann. ever it was needed.
John Nelson, (right), Des Moines, Iowa, sophomore student and president of the
Student Council, presided.

Atlas Club tin. The exchange of gifts was the high- ... 1 12 ., 0f
light of the evening. It usually represents
Our thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ket- the sentiment of the giver for the person Published 'Monthly by
man for the beautiful kitchen range. The who is to receive the gift. The food was the THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
range and our new kitchen cafe curtains best in the fraternity's history-but then MEDICINE AND SURGERY
add a touch of home. so were so many other things.
On Sunday, November 29, the pledges Vol. 37 Number 10
The curtain of life is drawing to a close
were welcomed to the fraternity house by on another year. To some, 1959 brought its Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
the active members. Refreshments were provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
served and ideas freely exchanged. share of sorrow; but, by and large, the ma- authorized Feb 3, 1923.
Our annual Christmas party was held at jority of us saw some ray of sunlight shin-
Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
the fraternity house on December 12 and ing in our direction. With faith and hope, at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
included all the trimmings. This brings to we look forward to a new year, knowing of August 24, 1912.
mind the beautifully decorated tree which that each one must radiate his own bit of
was meticulously trimmed by Ralph Mar- brightness if there is to be sunlight in life. WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue


* College Seeks More Land

* Post Graduate Program Announced
* Dr. William B, Strong Joins Faculty
* Alumni Officers Meet
* Club Plans Approved
* N.I.H. Official Visits Here
* Dr. Ernst V. Enzmann Honored

BOARD APPROVES "PLAN FOR PROGRESS" The Board of Trustee of the College has approved the first report of the President's
Committee On Development. The report repro duced through the use of College facilities, was
Hospital Facilities submitted to the Board on January 19, 1960.
Survey Made Members of the committee, in addition to Myron S. Magen, D.O. the chairman, are: Jo-
Charles U. LeTourneau, M.D., renowned seph R. McNerney, D.O. (board member); Wilford L. Nusser, Ph.D. (faculty member), and
William B. Strong, D.O. (medical director). Ex-officio members include President McLaugh-
authority in the hospital field was in Des lin and Dean John B. Shumaker.
Moines recently to survey the osteopathic
hospital facilities. He was invited to make The seventy page report including charts and graphs in color, covered: No. 1. The ob-
jectives of the research program and its value in education, No. 2. Sources of research
the survey at the request of the Polk County funds; No. 3. Problems in medical education; No. 4. Medical students; No. 5. Curriculum;
Society of Osteopathic Physicians and Sur- No. 6. New developments in medical schools; No. 7. The utilization of research grants; No.
geons in cooperation with Des Moines Gen- 8. Proposed development plan for the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery and
eral Hospital and Wilden Osteopathic Hos- eight recommendations.
pital. This report has been presented by the committee to the Board of Trustees (See picture
Dr. LeTourneau's written report will be below) and to the officers of the Polk County Society of Osteopathic Physicians and Sur-
discussed in detail at the March meeting of geons, and representatives of the Des Moines General Hospital, North Central Iowa Hos-
the Polk County Society of Osteopathic pital Corporation, and Wilden Osteopathic Hospital. (See picture onpage 2).
Physicians and Surgeons held at the East In the near future the report will be presented to the members of the student body by
Des Moines Club on Wednesday evening, classes. The report will be presented to the members of the Polk County Society of Oste-
March 9. opathic Physicians and Surgeons at their regular monthly meeting on March 9, at the
East Des Moines Club.

Dr. Le Tourneau, (left) visits with Mr. A.

C. Parmenter. administrator of Still Osteo-
pathic Hospital.
Dr. LeTourneau is a professional advisor
and counselor to hospitals all over the
world. He is, in addition, the editorial di-
rector of Hospital Management, a journal
for administrators and department heads
in hospitals and the director of the pro-
gram in hospital administration at North- LEFT TO RIGHT: Myron S. Magen, D.O. (D.C.); J. R. McNerney, D.O. (B.M.); Wil-
western University in Chicago. He holds a liam B. Strong, D.O. (D.C.); President McLaughlin; Wendell R. Fuller (director of public
degree in medicine from McGill University relations and registrar); Wilford L. Nusser, Ph.D. (D.C.); E. Lynn Baldwin, chief,
in Montreal and also boasts of degrees in Medical Photography Department; Dean Shumaker; A. C. Parmenter (administrator,
law, liberal arts and hospital administra- Still Osteopathic Hospital); Mrs. Jeanine Swenson (secretary to the president); and
tion. board members Mr. Karl Greenlee, Mr. Ted Flynn, Mr. J. R. Astley, and Mr. H. L.
Doctor LeTourneau began his hospital
career in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Legend: (B.M.) Board Member; (D.C.) Member of the Development Committee.
Corps where he served with distinction dur- (Continued on Page 2)
ing World War II. He was decorated by
King George VI with the Order of the Brit- recruited by the late Dr. Malcolm T. Mac- magazine. He is a Fellow of the American
ish Empire and retired from the Canadian Eachern for service as a consultant in the College of Hospital Administrators. Dr.
Army with the rank of Colonel at the end hospital field. Immediately prior to his LeTourneau compiled ten years of research
of the war. Subsequently he was superin- present activities, Doctor LeTourneau serv- into the duties and responsibilities of the
tendent of Queen Mary Veterans' Hospital ed as assistant director of the American hospital trustee and authored the book, Hos-
in Montreal from which position he was Hospital Association and editor of Trustee pital Trusteeship. ::-

Dr. Mori Appointed PROGRESS

To Faculty (Continued from Page 1)
The latest addition to the basic science
faculty was announced by the administra-
tion early this month. Dr. Kanaka Mori
from the University of Montreal, P.Q., Can-
ada, assumed his duties as assistant profes-
sor in chemistry.
Dr. Mori has an
extensive b a ck-
ground in educa-
tion and in re-
search. He was born
in Tokyo, Japan,
February 4, 1925.
He attended Tokyo
University where
he majored in bio-
chemistry, minor-
ed in physiology
and received his
V.M.D. degree in March, 1948 and his M.D.
degree in March of 1950.
He was appointed assistant professor at
Tottori University, Tottori, Japan, in July
of 1950 and remained there until May of LEFT TO RIGHT: Wilford L. Nusser, Ph.D. (D.C.); Paul E. Terrell, D.O. (P.C.);
1956. Dr. Mori was an Invited Research Henry J. Ketman, D.O. (P.C.); Carl C. Waterbury, D.O. (P.C.); J. R, McNerney, D.O.
Fellow to the Faculty of Medicine of Tokyo B.M.); Alixe Nuzum (administrator of Des Moines General Hospital); Walter E.
University from May of 1956, and served
for one year in this capacity. In October Heinlen, D.O., president of the North Central Iowa Hospital Corporation; Myron S.
of 1957 he accepted a position as chief Magen, D.O. (D.C.); President McLaughlin; Ralph A. Gaudio, D.O. (P.C.); Cecil C.
biochemist at the University of Montreal, Looney (College accountant); Richard A. Borman, D.O. (P.C.); Edward F. Leininger,
and in 1959 served as a resident histolog- D.O. (Des Moines General Hospital); William B. Strong, D.O. D.C.); and Milton J.
ical and pathological chemist at the Insti- Dakovich, D.O. (P.C.).
tute of Gerontology Notre-Dame de la
Merci Hospital, a 500 bed hospital in Mon- Legend: (B.M.) Board Member; (D.C.) Member of the Development Committee;
treal, Canada. (P.C.) Member of the Polk County Osteopathic Society Executive Committee.
Dr. Mori is currently a member of the
New York Academy of Sciences, the Amer-
ican Gerontology Society, and the Montreal
Biochemical Society. To date Dr. Mori has
44 publications to his credit, including books,
reviews and experimental reports. His book, Attend Association Meetings
was published in Tokyo in 1958. Dr. Mori Wilford L. Nus- Mr. E. Lynn
speaks Japanese, English, French and Ger- ser, Ph. D. head of Baldwin, chief of
man. the Department of the Medical Pho-
Physiology at the tography Depart-
College, attended ment, and Dr. Wil-
the annual meet-
ing of the-Ameri- ford Nusser, head
of the Physiology
ATLAS can A s s o ciation
Department of
for the Advance-
With the turning of the calendar, we ment of Science C 0 M S, attended
look back on many interesting happenings in Chicago, Illi- the winter meeting
at the fraternity house, such as the dis- nois, December 26- of the Upper Mid-
appearing TV set and the accidental fur- 31, 1959. west Chapter of
nace installation. It was estimated that there were 6,000 the Biological Pho-
scientists representing 101 different local tographic Association, January 9-10, held
Toward the end of 1959 President James and/or national scientific organizations.
Jackson stepped down and handed the at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.
They listened to presentations in 21 differ-
reigns to Harry Davis of Poland, Ohio. To ent fields of science ranging from mathe- The scientific program consisted of five
James we say Thank You for your untiring matics to dentistry.
efforts on behalf of the fraternity, and to papers from faculty members of the depart-
Harry we say Best Wishes for a successful Dr. Nusser thought that one of the more ments of Engineering, Botany, Zoology and
term as president. interesting sessions was the "Symposium Entomology, and Biochemistry and Bio-
on Aging." A total of 17 papers was pre- physics. The general theme of the program
We are very proud that Atlas made sented during the two days utilized for the
Christmas time more enjoyable for some symposium. Dr. Nusser stated that the list was the use of photography as a research
fourteen boys and girls at the Children's of world renown scientists presenting tool. Among the techniques used by the re-
Home in Des Moines. Fourteen study lamps papers testified to the importance attached searchers at the University and discussed
were purchased and installed for every desk to this specific problem.
inthe home and also favorite presents were at the meeting were high speed and time
given to each child. The privilege of seeing Other interesting presentations ranged lapse cinematography, electron and light
their happy faces and the receipt of per- from studies of marine life on the ocean
floor to the psychological problems of hu- microscopy, as well as more conventional
sonal letters made our holiday season one
of the best ever. man space travel. techniques.

Speaks To Curriculum Study Recorder Appointed

Study Group During the Convention of the American
Association of Osteopathic Colleges in Colo-
Mrs. Frances N. Lynn, secretary to the
registrar since September, 1957, has been
Dr. Bernard Kay, resident in pediatrics, rado Springs, December 10-13, it was pro- appointed recorder. Her appointment will
was selected as the first speaker for the posed that the Deans of the Osteopathic enable the registrar, Mr. Wendell R. Fuller,
1e w 1 y organized Colleges should meet periodically to con- to devote more time to public relations,
Aoore Pre - School sider the revision and modernization of the alumni, and development activities.
Study Group. This curriculum in the six osteopathic colleges. As recorder, in addition to being assis-
s one of several The pharmaceutical house of Smith, Kline tant to the regis-
similar groups in the and French in Philadelphia have contributed trar, Mrs. Lynn
city of Des Moines, money to the Osteopathic Foundation to- will be responsible
sponsored by the ward the support and further development for the keeping of
Parent - Teacher of Osteopathic education and research. academic, attend-
Association's and The board of directors of the Osteo- ance, and student
composed of moth- pathic Foundation approved the recommen- records, as well as
ers with pre-schoool dation of the Osteopathic Foundation Com- the supervision of
g e children. Dr. mittee on Scholarships and Fellowships in certain detail
Kay addressed the order that this grant be used to support work.
group and showed films regarding the such a project by the Deans of the colleges. Mrs. Lynn has a
growth and development of an infant. A varied background
It is expected that this will not only in administrative
question and answer period followed his strengthen the curriculum of our six osteo- work. While in
presentation. Congratulations to Dr. Kay.
It was reported that his presentation was pathic colleges, -but-will- at- the same-time California, she attended the Hollywood Sec-
well received. serve to more nearly unify all curriculum retarial School, was employed in the Story
in the Osteopathic Profession. Department at the Paramount-Lasky Stu-
Faculty and staff personnel of the College
give of their time to appear before groups dio, and also worked at the University of
to discuss any phase of a health program. California in Los Angeles as secretary to
Assistant Professor Ruth Atkinson, Head
S. S. P. of the Department of Women's Physical
P. S. G. New officers for the second half of the Education. Before coming to the College,
Our newly elected president, John Waite, school year are: she worked in an insurance office and also
of Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, and Vice- served as branch office manager of the
President Keith Simpson of Marietta, Ohio, President, Stephen Chankin. Philadelphia, Farmers Home Administration, USDA.
have announced that one of their major pro- Pa.; vice-president, Sander Kushner, De-
troit, Michigan; sec.-treas., Thomas Kovan, Mrs. Lynn is the wife of Mr. H. A. Lynn,
jects for the coming semester will be achiev- principal of the Newton Community High
ing better relations within the school and Detroit, Michigan; secretary, Frank Roth,
Detroit, Michigan; sgt. at arms, Richard School, Newton, Iowa. She has two mar-
the community. ried daughters, Mrs. Richard Breckenridge,
Brown, Detroit, Michigan.
Before forgetting the old year of 1959, Lawndale, California, and Mrs. W. W. Van
we would like to mention that we are proud The fraternity wishes to announce the Wyngarden, Newton, Iowa. Her son, James,
of our brothers for purchasing and donating pledging of: is a senior at Cornell College, Mount Ver-
to one of the welfare homes, toys for the Harry Davis, Youngstown, Ohio; Arthur non, Iowa.
children. We also want to extend best wishes Griswold, Des Moines, Iowa; Donald Tur-
to brother Earl Scheidler on his marriage, ner, Dayton, Ohio; John Ferris, Detroit,
December 26, and to say congratulations to Michigan; Sidney Grobman, Philadelphia,
James Hicks and his wife, Sue, on the birth Pa.; Earl Scheidler, Cincinnati, Ohio; James
of their daughter, Rebecca, born December Leach, Valley View, Texas; Norman Sher-
18th. bin, Detroit, Michigan. Wives Club President
All of us are proud of the fact that our Roslyn Kule (Mrs. Sheldon) is the new
queen of last year's Pacemaker Ball, Belin- Initiation of our new members will be held
in February. We plan to hold at least one president of the C.O.M.S. Student Wives
da Blanchard Ferris, made her television Club. Mrs. Kule assumed the presidency in
debut on the Pat Boone Show on January more fraternity function before June.
December of 1959, stepping up from the
14th. We are proud to announce the Christmas position of first vice president to take the
Seal Party sponsoredby our fraternity and place of Mrs. James Leach who was forced
Calendar of Events the Student Council, held in December at to retire because of a severe illness.
the PSG House netted over $500.00 for the
March 6-7-8 Post Graduate Course in Osteopathic Foundation. Mrs. Kule is from
Orthopedics Syracuse, New
March 9 Convocation 9:00 a.m. Dr. Alan York. She has been
M. Potts, president of Michigan Society married since 1957
of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons February Convocation and has a 13 month
old child, Leslie
March 21 Kansas College Visitation Com- At the all-school convocation February
mittee Howard. Before the
10, Dr. John R. Pike of Albany, New York, birth of her son,
April 4 Public Health Banquet spoke about the basic science and practice Mrs. Kule worked
April 8 Pacemaker Ball boards in New York, and the State's poten- in the psychiatric
April 15-18 (inclusive) Easter recess tial for practice. division of Broad-
April 25-Alumni Banquet-Child Health The convocation was held in room 202 lawns Hospital in
Conference, Kansas City, Missouri of college building because of the raging Des Moines.
May-Students Day (date to be announced) snowstorm which was responsible for the Some of the Wives Club plans for the
absence of many members of the student remainder of the year are as follows: On
June 1 Wives Club Banquet body and faculty. Dr. Pike, who was intro-
June 2-3-4 Alumni Refresher Course March 1, they will entertain the Polk
duced by Dr. W. B. Strong, met that after- County Auxiliary with a fashion show at
June 2-Alumni Banquet Honoring Grad- noon with several students to discuss fur- the new YMCA building. March 4 is the
uating Class of 1960 ther the need for osteopathic physicians in date of the annual rummage sale. In May
June 3-Graduation New York, and to answer any questions. they will entertain at the banquet of the
June 4-Meeting of the Board of Trustees The student body appreciates the efforts Iowa State Osteopathic Convention and on
and the members of the Corporation of exerted by these men who come to the June 1 will hold the senior banquet at the
the College College with information of vital interest. Des Moines Golf and- Country Club.

L. . G. I. T. S.
On February 3, L.O.G. and Atlas frater-
nities jointly sponsored a work night which
Another successful worknight was held
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1960, the topic, "Un-
7X£ Iog ! I00
concerned the problems of setting up a wed Mothers-the Physician's Role." Mr.
practice. Representatives of Mead Johnson Arthur Marck, of the Iowa Lutheran Wel- Published Monthly by
and Company presented the program after fare Society, and Dr. M. S. Magen were THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
which refreshments were served. the speakers. We are planning a series of MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Congratulations to: programs on vital subjects such as this and
urge everyone to participate. Vol 38 Number 1
Sanford Berlin and Dave O'Mara on
their recent election as vice president We extend hearty congratulations to: Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
and treasurer, respectively, of the Fresh- President Jim Leach, recipient of a $300.00 authorized Feb. 3, 1923.
man class. scholarship.
Sophomore Eugene Rongaus, awarded a Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
Mandy Much, Freshman student council at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
representative. patent on his "artillery aiming stake of August 24, 1912.
lighting device."
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kovan on the birth of
a baby boy. Freshman Tony Bergren and Larry Bak- WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
er, on the birth of their children.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Oster for their new JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor
Initiation will be held in February for
baby girl. the finest group of pledges we have had in
Mrs. Sheldon Kule, new president of the a great while, and we wish to acclaim that
Wives' Club. -publicly.

Graduation Week Activities

Honoring graduates of the classes of 1900-1905-1910-
Student \ Nives Club Banquet, June 1
Refresher Cours;e June 2-3-4
Banquet honoring alumni and the graduating class of 1960,
June 2. Graduation, June 3

Entered as

J, o SI oo Second-Class Matter
At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue




Orthopedics For The Fam ily Physician

Fifty osteopathic physicians from Iowa, lege of General Practitioners in Osteo- Moines; Dr. Chester H. Lyon, Los Angeles,
Minnesota, Colorado, South Dakota, Mis- pathic Medicine and Surgery, and the Col- Cal., and Dr. Jack M. Wright, Toledo, Ohio.
souri, and Ohio attended a 3-day post- lege of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. LOCAL COMMITTEE
graduate course in "Orthopedics for the Dr. Richard H. Borman, Regional Chair- Richard H. Borman, D.O., Regional
Family Physician" held March 6-7-8 at the man, A.O.A.O., presided during the course Chairman, A.O.A.O.
and the following physicians served as in- Jean F. LeRoque. D.O., Vice-President
college. structors: Dr. Frederick J. Auwers, Day- and Chairman, Midwest Section, A.C.G.P.
The course was sponsored by the Ameri- ton, Ohio; Dr. James C. Bolin, Kansas City, Harold C. Higley, D.O., Faculty Chair-
can Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics, Mo.; Dr. Arthur Simon, Dr. T. Bruce man in Postgraduate Education, C.O.M.S.
the Midwest Section of the American Col- Farmer and Dr. Henry J. Ketman, Des (List of physicians attending on page 2)

Lecturers for the course, left to right: Dr. Russell J. Brown, Westminster, Colo- Dr. Auwers demonstrates a casting pro-
Drs. Auwers, Wright, Lyon, Borman, and rado, receives Certificate of Attendance from cedure on Gene Messenger, employee of Still
Bolin. Dr. John B. Shumaker, dean, C.O.M.S. Osteopathic Hospital.

President Represents for use in the classroom will be reported

each six months by the member nations to
Chamber Official
U. S. In Paris the F.A.I., and a bibliography will be com- Addresses Students
piled and -distributed in the proper lang-
Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of the uages to all members of the F.A.I. Mr. Frank DePuydt, immediate past-pres-
College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surg- Provisions were also made for the ex- ident of the Greater Des Moines Chamber
ery, flew to Paris, France early this month change of scholars and teachers of Avia- of Commerce, was the speaker at a recent
to represent the United States in the fifty- tion between the member nations. student convocation.
third general conference of the Federation
Aeronautique Internationale held March Annual election of officers was held, After his introduction by Dean Shumaker,
2-4 at the Aero Club of France in Paris. with Gilbert Salomon of France elected Mr. DePuydt spoke on the Chamber of
President, and Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin of Commerce-how it functions, the part phy-
This is the fifth time Dr. McLaughlin, the United States, Vice President. sicians should play, and some of its recent
an officer in the air force eight years, has accomplishments in Des Moines, which in-
been the U. S. representative to the meet-
ing of the international commission on aero- A Valuable Record for clude approval of the new throughway
across the city, the urban renewal program,
nautical education. State Organizations and solution of the bus strike.
Reports on the Aviation Education de- Our college librarian has been binding Mr. DePuydt further emphasized the im-
velopments in the respective countries were the publications of the various state organi- portance of each student becoming active
given by representatives from a number of zations and placing them upon our library in a chamber as soon as possible after be-
the member nations. The eighteen na- shelves. This makes a permanent record ginning his practice.
tions reporting were as follows: Belgium, of the activities of the state and is used
British Empire, Canada, Denmark, France, by students and doctors alike, when they
Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Luxemburg, wish information as to what the state is sary before binding the material and so the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Swe- doing or whether any inducements are being librarian is asking that our library receive
den, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, and the offered to new doctors to locate in the
state. Here they find a reliable answer to each issue as it is published. We know
United States.
their questions. that you will want to cooperate in this;
All new publications which are suitable A complete file of the journals is neces- enterprise.

Chief of Nursing Attend Postgraduate Dr. Hohn '55 Joins Staff

Services Appointed Course Dr. Gerald Hohn has been appointed as-
Osteopathic physicians in attendance for sistant clinical supervisor of Still Osteo-
Mrs. Shirley Eulberg assumed her duties pathic Clinic, a position in which he will
as Chief of the Nursing Service at Still the postgraduate course "Orthopedics for
the Family Physician" were: function until June, 1960, when he will en-
Osteopathic Hospital on February 1. ter a one year residency in pediatrics.
Russell J. Brown, Westminster, Colo-
A native of Iowa, rado; Dr. Hohn, a native of Detroit, Michigan,
she was born in From Iowa-Joseph B. Baker, Green- graduated from Wayne University with a
Stratford and re- field; L. D. Barry, Williams; Harlan H. B.S. degree in 1951. While attending
mained there until Bobenhouse, Earlham; Conrad E. Burns, D.M.S.C.O.S. he was affiliated with Phi
s he entered St. Adair; C. J. Cooper, Davenport; Oliver Sigma Gamma fraternity. After intership
Luke's School of Doll, Knoxville; John C. Edgerton, Man- at Grand Rapids, Michigan, Dr. Hohn prac-
Nursing in Chi- ning; Gordon L. Elliott, West Des Moines; ticed for two and a half years in Daven-
cago. Following H. C. Furness, Blue Grass; Ralph A. Gau- port, Iowa. He then entered a residency
her graduation in dio, Des Moines; David H. Grau, Musca- training program in pediatrics in Dallas,
1937, she remained tine; Joseph A. Herman, Des Moines; El- Texas, and is completing this training at
at St. Luke's for win S. Honsinger, Ames; W. J. Huls, Dav- C.O.M.S.
one year as a sur- enport; G. Keigh Howland, Lenox; Robert
gical nurse. In F. Herrick, Clinton; George C. Keays, An-
1938 she went to Ada, Okahoma, for six keny; Jean F. LeRoque, Des Moines; Paul
months as operating room supervisor, and O'Shana, Carlisle; J. W. Peterson, Water-
then returned to St. Luke's as night surgi- loo; G. P. Peterson, Des Moines; H. M.
cal and O.B. supervisor until 1941 when she Perryman, Pleasantville; R. A. Regier, Po-
was appointed day supervisor. cahontas; C. R. Reynolds, Fairfield; Sara
In February 1942 she was appointed E. Sutton, Renwick; F. D. Sutter, Ames;
a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army and C. E. Worster, Des Moines.
and trained with the Northwestern Univer- Raymond D. Forsyth, Detroit, Michigan;
sity Unit for Army Nursing Service. She Lionel A. Gatien, Southgate, Michigan; Dale
spent three years abroad serving in North Dodson, Northfield, Minnesota; M. W. My-
Africa and Italy and attained the rank of ers, Hudson, South Dakota; O. C. Jungman,
captain. Scotland, South Dakota; M. L. Sanfelippo,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
After leaving the army in 1946 Mrs. Eul- Residents attending from Des Moines
iberg lived in California until she returned were:
to Des Moines in 1947. Since that time John B. Farnham, Lee F. Ghormley, San-
she has been employed at Iowa Methodist ford S. Herr.
Hospital as supervisor and instructor of
non-professional personnel.
Mrs. Eulberg says that in the 2 months
The National Defense
she has been here she feels she has been Education Act
"welcomed with open arms". Her desire is Nearly one and one-half years ago, Con-
the attainment of a good nursing service gress passed the N.D.E.A., thus making it
possible for thousands of students to attend
.and the only immediate problem is the school on money borrowed at a very low
ever existant need for professional nurses- rate of interest. By this Act, students have
a problem, she says, which is by no means been enabled to borrow money from a col-
unique to this hospital, but is universal. lege student loan fund which is composed
of funds contributed by the government
Mrs. Eulberg has a twelve-year-old daugh- and the college in the ratio of 9 to 1. Pictured are Dr. Hohn with his wife,
ter and they live at 4925 Franklin, Des Prior to this Act, the College had no Mary Catherine, Randal, 4; Michael, 3;
LMoines. student loan fund. Immediately upon estab- Tamara, 2; and Stephen, 6 Months.
lishment of our eligibility, a determined
Attends Inauguration effort was made to create a fund which
Fletcher C. Sharp, D.O., '17, of High could be combined with government funds
for student loan purposes under the pro-
L. O. G.
Point, North Carolina represented the Col- "Let There Be Spring" was the appro-
lege at the inauguration of Dr. Wendell M. visions of the Act.
In the short space of one year, by per- priate title given to the L.O.G. freshmen
Patton as President of High Point College, party, which was open to the entire school.
High Point, North Carolina, February 6, sonal contact and restricted publicity, a
total of $3,634 has been raised by con- The music of Jack Oates provided a very
1960. enjoyable evening for all who attended.
tribution. More than 71 doctors have par-
ticipated. The fund has benefited from The annual pledge induction dinner is
Calendar of Events memorial contributions, individual students, planned for April 23. This promises to be
April 4-Public Health Banquet faculty members, businessmen, auxiliary the biggest one of them all.
April 8-Pacemaker Ball and other individuals totaling one hundred
have created this reserve fund. Congratulations to Carl Boris on his
April 15-18 (inclusive)-Easter recess The College has received from the gov- recent marriage; Sally Katz, wife of
April 25-Alumni Banquet-Child Health ernment the sum of $12,932. To this has freshman Norman Katz, on being chosen
Conference, Kansas City, Missouri been added money from the college reserve L.O.G. candidate for the "Pacemaker
May 11-Students Day fund to comprise a total of $16,895, which Queen".
June 1-Wives Club Banquet has been loaned to worthy and needy stu-
June 2-3-4-Alumni Refresher Course The reserve fund has been reduced to the generosity of the many contributors.
June 2-Alumni Banquet Honoring Grad- $2,124. It is held in escrow, awaiting the It has been clearly demonstrated that peo-
uating Class of 1960 receipt of additional government funds in ple are interested in the cause of education
June 3-Graduation the near future. and are willing and happy to do something
June 4-Meeting of the Board of Trustees It is estimated that the reserve fund about it, even if they may be limited in
and the members of the Corporation of the will be exhausted within two more years,
whereupon further contributions will be their way.

Valentine Ball Raises Valentine Ball Committee

One thousand dollars was raised in the
annual Valentine Ball, sponsored by the
Auxiliary to the Polk County Society of
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons and
held February 13 at the Hotel Savery in
Des Moines.
Proceeds will go to the College of
Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery.
Mrs. Stuart Harkness was general chair-
man of the event. Assisting her were Mes-
dames Joseph McNerney, president of the
auxiliary, Robert Kreamer and Cecil Loon-
Mrs. Myron Magen was ticket chairman.

Dr. Magen Addresses

Dr. Myron S. Magen, chairman of the Left to right, standing: Mrs. Robert Glantz, Mrs. Stuart F. Harkness. Seated,
Kreamer, Mrs. Ralph Gaudio, Mrs. Myron Left to right: Mrs. Richard Borman, Mrs.
department of pediatrics, C.O.M.S., spoke Cecil Looney, Mrs. Lloyd Ficke.
before the Des Moines Rotary Club at a Magen, Mrs. J. R. McNerney, Mrs. W. H.
luncheon at Hotel Fort Des Moines, March
17. June 1-2-3-4
The timely topic of "Federal Aid for Classes to be honored:
Medical Schools" was supplemented with 1900 - 1905 - 1910 - 1915 - 1920 - 1925 - 1930 - 1935
slide charts and graphs by Dr. Magen in 1940 - 1945 - 1950 - 1955 - 1960
pointing up the need to have 10,000 grad-
uates from medical schools by 1975 in order June 1-Student Wives Club Banquet honoring wives of graduating seniors.
to adequately care for the expanding pop- Awarding of the degree P.H.T.-Pushed Husband Through.
ulation. Des Moines Golf and Country Club. 6:30 p.m.
June 2-3-Refresher Course (see program below)
Medical graduates now total about 7,000 June 2-Alumni Banquet, Hotel Savery, honoring graduating Class of 1960.
annually from the 84 colleges of medicine Awards to Seniors-Induction of seniors into National Alumni Association.
and the six colleges of osteopathic medicine. 6:30 p.m.
June 3-Graduation St. John's Lutheran Church, 6th & Keo. 8:00 p.m.
11-Ounce Baby Dies June 4 Meeting with the officers of the Board of Trustees of the College, 9:00 a.m.
Smallest Infant Lived 28 Hours Meeting with the officers of the National Alumni Association. 10:30 a.m.
An 11/2-ounce baby boy died here early Refresher Course Program
Monday about 28 hours after his birth at Recent Advances in Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery
Still Osteopathic Hospital. JUNE 2- 3
The infant was believed to be the small- Thursday, June 2
est ever to survive birth. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Advances in Pharmacotherapy
Friday, June 3
The child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mor- 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon Recent Advances in the Management of Medical Disorders
ris Vermeulen of 6003 Winona Ave. at 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Recent Advances in Surgery. A Panel Discussion
11:22 p.m. Saturday. It died at 3:16 a.m.
Monday. Some of the topics to be discussed during the two day session are: The Use of
Adrenal Hormones in Pediatrics; Changing Concepts in Pre-anesthetic Medication;
Mrs. Vermeulen, mother of three other Midline vs. Mediolateral Episiotomy; Diagnostic Techniques Utilizing Radiation;
children, was reported doing well. What's New in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Measurable Factors in Manipulation and
The American Medical Association lists Physical Medicine; Prophylatic and Therapeutic Use of Antibiotics in the Neonatal
a 12-ounce girl that died in Chicago 54 Period; Discography in the Diagnosis of Low Back Disorders; and Therapeutics in
hours after its birth last year, and Jac- Surgery.
queline Benson, 22, of Palatine, Ill., who
weighed 12 ounces at birth, as the previ-
ous smallest babies. P.S. A. Dr. Boatman Heads
The resident pediatrician at the hospital Psi Sigma Alpha has elected new offi- Basic Sciences
said the child started breathing about two cers for the last half of this school year. Dr. Lawrence C. Boatman, '33, of Santa
minutes after birth and was well-formed They are: President, Sander A. Kushner, Fe, New Mexico was recently re-elected
despite the fact he was three months pre- Detroit, Michigan; Vice-president, Harvey president of the American Association of
mature. Micklin, Brooklyn, New York; Treasurer, Basic Science Boards. He is the first prac-
Frank Roth, Detroit, Michigan; Secretary, ticing physician to be elected to this office,
Dr. Madelene M. Donnelly of the Iowa Fred Seligman, Toledo, Ohio; Parliamen-
Division of Maternal and Child Health, said and is also serving as vice-president of the
tarian, Gerald Thurer, Brooklyn, New New Mexico Basic Science Board.
statistics show any infant under two York.
pounds, four ounces has about one chance Merlyn McLaughlin speaking on "Progress
in 10 of living. Monthly dinners are held with guest lec-
tures presenting topics of vital interest to at C.O.M.S."
Dr. Bernard Kay, '57, was the pediatric the senior students. In January, Dr. John This month, Dr. Carl Waterbury will be
resident. P. Schwartz, Jr. addressed the group on the speaker at our initiation dinner to be
(Reprinted from the Des Moines Tribune, "How to Open an Office Practice". Feb- held at the famous Breese House in Ank-
Des Moines, Iowa, February 8, 1960.) ruary's meeting was highlighted by Dr. eny.

I. T. S. P. S. G.
On March 18th an old friend and men-
tor, M. D. Cramer, D.O., conducted a
We wish to extend an invitation to the
alumni of P.S.G. to visit the fraternity 11 , o S300I
worknight on "The Management of Ath- house when they are in Des Moines, espec-
letic Injuries." The worknight was open, ially during the special homecoming pro- Published 'Monthly by
and followed by a party for members and gram to be held in June. THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
their ladies. Weather being agreeable a Dr. Stuart Harkness gave a spirited off- MEDICINE AND SURGERY
good attendance heard an old master dis- the-shoulder discussion on points of interest
cuss his field. in practice to students attending a work- Vol. 38 Number 2
Now is the time to consider just what night last month. In March, Dr. Harry Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
you would most like to see improved on Elmets will discuss "Allergic Emergencies," provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
authorized Feb 3, 1923.
campus. I.T.S. will select its spring work complete with anecdotes, as is his custom.
project by vote right after pledge induc- For April, we have scheduled Dr. William Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
tion: start now to choose the best thing Strong, and his subject is to be announced. at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
of August 24, 1912.
we can do. Congratulations to: elected freshman
Our college has a proud new name: The class president, Mike Roth; new P.S.A.
members, Dale Gierthy, Stan Lubeck, 'Ollie WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surg-
ery. Let's keep it before the public, by Popa, and Don Turner; new S.S.P. mem- JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor
word and deed. bers, John Ferris, Earl Sheidler, and Don
We are pleased to announce that our Turner; also to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mul-
candidate for Queen of the Pacemaker Ball
is lovely Helga Jurczenko, wife of fresh-
lens, on the birth of their son.
The date of our pledge party is April
Notify Log Book
man, Victor Jurczenko. 30; it promises to be a good one! of Addresses Change

Graduation Week Activities

Honoring graduates of the classes of 1900-1905-1910-
Student \ Vives Club Banquet, June 1
Refresher Cours;e June 2-3-4
Banquet honoring alumni and the graduating class of 1960,
June 2. Graduation, June 3

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
z7E o
vooIk At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue



I V n2 It 0



The profession's first public health banquet was held at the Hotel Savery, April 4,
Banquet Guests 1960. The banquet, sponsored by the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery
and the Polk County Society of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, featured an
address by Dr. Morris Thompson, president of the Kirksville College of Osteopathy
and Surgery.
On this page appears a newspaper account of Dr. Thompson's message, with pic-
tures of some of the guests attending this historic event and the committee members
responsible for its success.
------------------------------ ,,,
f{^ »^j iP~Yfvysvffr iQjC?1

Cites Need of Medical Men

By 1975 the nation must be graduating
3,600 more osteopathic and medical physi-
cians a year to hold
the present ratio of
physicians to popu-
lation, an osteo-
pathic college
president said
Monday night.
Dr. M o r r i s
Left to Right- Thompson, presi-
Dr. Galen S. Young, President, American dent of Kirksville
Osteopathic Association. (Mo.) College of
Osteo pathy and Left to Right--
Dr. Morris Thompson, President, Kirksville Surgery, address- Dr. Ralph A. Gaudio, President of the Polk
College of Osteopathy and Surgery. ed a public health County Society of Osteopathic Physicians
banquet at Hotel and Surgeons.
Dr. Edmund G. Zimmerer, Commissioner of
Savery. Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, President of the
Health, State of Iowa. ponsored by the Col- College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery.
The Honorable Herschel C. Loveless, lege of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Dr. Jean F. LeRoque, President-Elect of
Governor, State of Iowa. Des Moines, and the Polk County Society The Iowa Society of Osteopathic Physicians
of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. and Surgeons.
Dr. Thompson was a member of the sur- Dr. Richard H. Borman, Chairman, Health,
geon general's consultant group on medical Education and Welfare Committee of the
education. Polk County Society of Osteopathic Physi-
He said that group recommended 50 per sians and Surgeons.
cent federal grants for enlarging and im-
proving plants of osteopathic and medical
schools and establishing new ones.
But both the initiative and the first 50
per cent must properly come from com-
munities and states, he said.
"A further great challenge to the nation
lies in the fact that even our present ca-
pacity for teaching medical manpower is
not being fully utilized," Dr. Thompson
"Young men and women of the proper
age group are now applying to osteopathic
and medical schools at the lowest rate in
Left to Right- the past decade.
"Illness and accident are taking a toll
Rheinhold Carlson, mayor of the City of of this nation's human resources which it
Des Moines. cannot afford, and unless comprehensive
Daniel E. Hannan, Chairman, Board of measures are taken to increase our supply Back Row, Left to Right:
Trustees, C.O.M.S. of health manpower this toll will grow Dr. William B. Strong, Dr. Frew W. Tente,
Dwight Adams, Executive Director, United rather than diminish." Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, Wendell R. Ful-
Community Services. Among those at the banquet were Dr. ler, Dr. John C. Agnew.
Edwin F. Kingery, Executive Secretary, Galen Young, president, and Dr. True B. Front Row Left to Right:
Polk County Medical Society. Eveleth, executive secretary, both of the Dr. Vern J. Wilson, Dr. Harry A. Bar-
Dr. True B. Eveleth, Executive Secretary, American Osteopathic Association. quist, Dr. Richard H. Borman, Dr. Mary
(Reprinted from Des Moines "Register and Tribune",
American Osteopathic Association. Tuesday, April 5, 1960.) E. Golden, Dr. Harry B. Elmets.

Student Coaches Champs

Alumni Activities Paul Glassman, junior student from De-
troit, Michigan, recently led the Salvation
Army "Biddy Basketball" team represent-
June 1-2-3-4 ing Des Moines to the Iowa State Cham-
Classes to be honored: pionship. Des Moines defeated Waterloo
1900 - 1905 - 1910 - 1915 - 1920 - 1925 - 1930 - 1935
1940 - 1945 - 1950 - 1955 - 1960
June 1-Student Wives Club Banquet honoring wives of graduating seniors.
Awarding of the degree P.H.T.-Pushed Husband Through.
Des Moines Golf and Country Club. 6:30 p.m.
June 2-3-Refresher Course (see program below)
June 2-Alumni Banquet, Hotel Savery, honoring graduating Class of 1960.
Awards to Seniors Induction of seniors into National Alumni Association.
6:30 p.m.
June 3-Graduation-St. John's Lutheran Church, 6th & Keo. 8:00 p.m.
June 4- Meeting with the officers of the Board of Trustees of the College, 9:00 a.m.
Meeting with the officers of the National Alumni Association. 10:30 a.m.

Refresher Course Program

RECENT ADVANCES IN OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY. 30-19 earning the right to represent Iowa
June 1-2 in the international "Biddy Basketball"
finals to be held in Bridgeport, Conn.,
Thursday, June 2 in April. At the International finals the
boys will be playing against teams from all
ADVANCES IN PHARMACOTHERAPY. over the world. Their first opponent will
Registration at the College beginning at 8:15 a. m. be Puerto Rico, whose team has finished
third the last three years. "Biddy Basket-
ball" is a special program sponsored by
9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. Pharmacodynamics of Present Day Drugs the Salvation Army allowing only players
Byrl E. Benton, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmacy who are less than 13 years of age and
Dean, College of Pharmacy
Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa under 5' 6" in height. A special court,
rules, basketballs and baskets are also used.
10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Coffee Break We congratulate Mr. Glassman for his
10:15 a.m. - 11:06 a.m. Collagen Diseases team's fine record and wish them continued
William B. Strong, D.O., FACOI (certified) success.
Professor, Osteopathic Medicine
11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. The Use of Adrenal Hormones in Pediatrics
Myron S. Magen, D.O. (certified)
Dr. Miroyiannis Honored
Associate Professor, Pediatrics Dr. Stanley Mi-
royiannis, Chair-
LUNCH man of the Depart-
1:00 p.m.- 1:45 p.m. Prophylactic and Therapeutic Use of Antibiotics in the ment of Anatomy,
Neonatal Period C.O.M.S., was re-
Carl C. Waterbury, D.O., (certified, Sg.), Des Moines, Iowa cently informed of
h i s election to
1:45 p.m.- 2:30 p.m. Therapeutics in Use Today membership in the
Bryce E. Wilson, D.O., Lecturer, Urology Society of Sys-
2:30 p.m.- 2:45 p.m. Coffee Break temic Zoology. The
2:45 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. Psychotropic Drugs -Harold E. Higley, D.O. (certified) announcement dat-
Associate Professor, Psychiatry ed Dr, Miroyannis'
election March 31,
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Reception honoring Merlyn McLaughlin, Ph.D., president of 1960, and admitted
the College, in the Des Moines Room of Hotel Savery. Re- him as the 1,331 member in the world to
]~~~~; fception arranged by the Polk County Society of Osteopathic this exclusive organization.
Physicians and Surgeons.
7:30 p.m. Banquet
Terrace Room, Hotel Savery.
Objectives of Council
On Development
Friday, June 3 The following objectives are those set
ADVANCES IN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL TECHNIQUE. forth by the Council on Development of the
A.O.A. for the decade of 1960-1970:
9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs Increased support for osteopathic col-
Stuart F. Harkness, D.O., FACOI (certified) leges.
Lecturer, Osteopathic Medicine Development of public understanding of
9:50 a.m.-10:40 a.m. Measurable Factors in Manipulation and Physical Medicine the profession.
Byron E. Laycock, D.O., (certified) Recruitment of qualified students.
Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Increase the size, number and quality of
10:40 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Coffee Break osteopathic hospitals.
11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. Diagnostic Techniques Utilizing Radiation Obtain funds for clinical facilities, facul-
Henry J. Ketman, D.O. (certified) ties, and research.
Associate Professor, Diagnostic Radiology Obtain funds for another college.
LUNCH (Dr. William B. Strong, Medical Director
of Still Clinic, is the chairman of this com-
(Continued on Page 4) mittee.)

A New Advance With Pacemaker Ball

The annual Pacemaker Ball, sponsored by
A New Book Sigma Sigma Phi, honorary service frater-
The increasing acceptance of osteopathic nity, was held at the Val Air Ballroom Fri-
philosophies in every quarter, especially day, April 8, 1960. The proceeds of this
since the close of World War II, has been year's gala student event will be used in
both gratifying and noteworthy, clearly the establishment of a "Student Scholarship-
reflecting well-merited and growing recog- Loan Fund.".
nition by the public at large of the basic Pacemaker Queen for 1960 is Vicki Ring,
concepts of the profession as both valid and wife of senior student Harvey Ring, and rep-
effective in every aspect of therapy. resentative of P.S.G. fraternity. Other can-
didates for queen were:
In particular, the great American press Helga Jurczenko, I.T.S.
has largely come to a rapidly developing Sally Katz, L.O.G.
appreciation of the true nature and efficacy Lynette Chinowth, Atlas.
of osteopathy, obviously a matter of prime Raffle tickets were sold and a score of
importance to all. Certainly, a good case door prizes distributed by President Mc-
in point is an announcement just released Laughlin who drew the winner's numbers.
by Crown Publishers, Inc., of New York,
which is currently offering a full-sized, According to some of the more experi-
hard-cover volume written with an osteo- enced, this was the finest Pacemaker Ball
pathic-medical background, by an osteo- ever to be held since its initiation several
pathic physician as co-author, and directed years ago, and much of the credit goes to television personality, has just awarded the
expressly to the general reader. As such, junior student Earl Scheidler, S.S.P's- Pace-
the venture unquestionably represents a maker Ball chairman.
milestone in the publishing industry-a gen-
uine contribution to public welfare as well
as to the rising tide of public understanding
of osteopathy.
It bears a provocative apt title: YOUR
ACHING BACK And What To Do About It.
YOUR ACHING BACK was written by Da-
vid Shuman, D.O., an outstanding Pennsyl-
vania practitioner, and George R. Staab, a
veteran Philadelphia newspaperman and
holder of a 1959 Journalism Award of the
American Osteopathic Association for re-
porting of osteopathic medicine.
Done in a relaxed yet serious vein, sin-
cere yet informal and even occasionally
humorous where humor is warranted, this President McLaughlin draws names in
book presents one of the most searching raffle. Pictured at right is Earl Sheidler,
and comprehensive discussions of the low Pacemaker Ball chairman.
back problem available in popular print.
It is based on Dr. Shuman's 25 years of
research and practice in the low back field,
Academic Achievement
%aA axs
& s IIUa na'CfLLbMWs
Preceding the convocation highlighting
well supported by an extensive and author- Queen candidates who are, left to right: Dr. Phil Russell of Texas, held early this
itative bibliography. month, Psi Sigma Alpha honorary frater-
Lynette Chinowth, Atlas; Helga Jurczenko,
An appendix, "For Doctors Only," can I.T.S.; Sally Katz, L.O.G.; and Vicki Ring, nity awarded certificates of scholarship to
conceivably be read with profit by any phy- P.S.G. the member of each class, sophomore, junior
sician regardless of the inescapable and not and senior, who maintained the highest
entirely undesirable controversial aspects of scholastic record throughout the preceding
some of the technological views expressed. Student Council year. Receiving the awards, presented by
PSA president Sander Kushner, were:
Besides containing a helpful index, the Within the past two months, the student
book is generously illustrated, including a council has been in contact with the other Sophomore-James Grekin, Detroit, Mich-
number of clear, practical renditions of some igan.
osteopathic colleges and personnel of the Junior-Sidney Weinstein, Philadelphia,
highly interesting, new and effective tech- A.O.A. regarding the possible formation of
niques. Pennsylvania.
a "Student A.O.A." or some similar organi- Senior-Samuel Kligerman, Elkins Park,
YOUR ACHING BACK is plainly a read- zation for the purpose of unifying the Pennsylvania.
able book with an appeal far beyond mere students of our profession and the correla- The social fraternity who achieved the
topical interest. It should go a long way tion of our activity toward common goals. highest collective grade point during the
towards providing the public not only with We would appreciate comments from the preceding academic year was Lambda Omi-
a much better understanding of this vital readers of the LOG BOOK concerning such cron Gamma. Norman Sherbin, president
aspect of good health, but also a far greater an organization. of L.O.G. received the award.
grasp of the role of the osteopathic physi- A suggestion box has been installed and Stephen Chankin, senior student and
cian in American medicine. written application will be reviewed by the president of Sigma Sigma Phi Honorary
student council and faculty members. Those Service Fraternity, explained the functions
suggestions considered worthy will be acted of S.S.P. and the requirements for member-
on insofar as is possible. Received thus far,
1958-9 Osteon and currently being studied, are suggestions
ship. Chankin announced that a "Student
Scholarship-Loan Fund" has been estab-
for a student lounge, alteration in the stu-
Wins Award dent health program, and the posting of
lished by S.S.P. anad will be available to
C.O.M.S. students for the forthcoming fall
A First Place Certificate was won by quiet zone signs in the area of Still Hospital, term.
the 1958-9 Osteon, yearbook of the Chicago across the street from the college. The president of the senior class, Richard
College of Osteopathy student body, in a Intramural activity continues in the form Brown, participated in the assembly by pre-
competition among college annuals held at of weekly bowling and a softball program is senting three new lecterns to Dr. Merlyn
Columbia University in New York City by being set up and will start as soon as McLaughlin, college president, on behalf
the Scholastic Press Association. weather permits. of the class of 1960.
- . .

(Continued from Page 2)

Z7I, /oi
Published Monthly by
W. Clemens Andreen, D.O.
Wyandotte, Michigan
Changing Concepts in Pre-anesthetic Medication Vol. 38 Number 2
Joseph E. Prior, D. O., Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
Cardiac Resuscitation authorized Feb 3, 1923.
Ronald K. Woods, D.O., Lecturer, General Surgery
Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
Parallel Forceps at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
of August 24, 1912.
Elizabeth A. Burrows, D.O., Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
What's New in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
Raymond B. Juni, D.O. (certified)
Associate Professor, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor
Discography in Low Back Disorders
Richard H. Borman, D.O., Lecturer, Orthopedic Surgery
Food and snacks arranged' for by the Polk County Osteopathic Office Assistants' Asso-
Notify Log Book
ciation. of Address Change

Graduation Week Activities

Honoring graduates of the classes of 1900- 1905-1910-
1915-1920-1925-1930-1935-1940-1945-1950-1955 - 1960.
Student Wives Club Banquet, June 1
Refresher Course June 2-3-4
Banquet honoring alumni and the graduating class of 1960,
June 2. Graduation, June 3

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
IJ£ Jlro !3ooI At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue






Herbert E. Evans
Commencement Speaker 1960 Senior Class
Herbert E. Evans, Columbus, Ohio, will Beckman, Donald G ....... Dayton, Iowa Lavendusky, William L... Henryetta, Okla.
deliver the sixty-first annual graduation Berkowitz, Marvin, Selle Harbor, New York Lee, Timmie, C. T....... Honolulu, Hawaii
address at North High School, Des Moines,
Brown, Richard M ....... Deroit, Michigan Levy, Ralph .......... Brooklyn, New York
Friday, June 3rd at 8 P.M.
Cesnac, Winston, B. P., Soufriere, St. Lucia Livonia, Robert ........ Detroit, Michigan
Chankin, Stephen .... Philadelphia, Penna. Lossos, Samuel ...... Brooklyn, New York
Cotney, Richard F.......Tulsa, Oklahoma Martinho, Antone ...... Wilmington, Dela.
Crosby, Allan R. .. Minneapolis, Minnesota Micklin, Harvey G...Brooklyn, New York
Faymore, Leonard. .Wilkes Barre, Penna. Mullens, Lester G ...... Youngstown, Ohio
Fields, Milton, ......... Detroit, Michigan Raedy, John H.. .Richmond Hill, New York
Ginkel, Ludwig F... San Diego, California Ring, Harvey VV..........Flint, Michigan
Goble, Victor A ........... Ravenna, Ohio Roberts, Carl S ........... Starke, Florida
Goldman, Lawrence...... Detroit, Michigan Roth, Frank ............ Detroit, Michigan
Gordon, Victor C ...... Detroit, Michigan Schulman, Delores......Detroit, Michigan
Grace, John M ...... Brokfield, New York Seligman, Fred M.......-.....Toledo, Ohio
Henn, Thomas W. ...... Des Moines, Iowa Siegel, Howard F ....... Bronx, New York
Hicks, James A .... Signal Mountain, Tenn. Slocum, Robert E ....... Des Moines, Iowa
Jackson, James ......... Sprague, Darwin C........ Lake Lucerne,
Detroit, Michigan
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Mr. Evans, until August 1, 1952, was Vice Kafton, Sheldon N ..... Detroit, Michigan
President - Personnel of the Farm Bureau
Strickman, Ronald...Brooklyn, New York
Klingerman, Samuel..Elkins Park, Penna.
Insurance Companies (now Nationwide In- Truan, Philip B....... Knoxville, Tennessee
surance Companies) and affiliated organiza- Knable, John W ........ Youngstown, Ohio
Vermillion, Richard E ...... Newton, Iowa
tions, and was first connected with these Kovan, Thomas ......... Detroit, Michigan
Companies in October of 1942. On May 1, Waite, John G ....... Bridgeville, Penna.
1951, Mr. Evans became Vice President- Kushner, Sander A. .... Detroit, Michigan Weiner, Theodore ....... Detroit, Michigan
General Mianager of the Peoples Broadcast-
LaCasse, Joseph D. .. Detroit, Michigan Wick, Henry O .... Janesville, Wisconsin
ing Corporation. As of Augut 1, 1952, Mr.
Evans resigned as Vice President of the Lackey, Myron V ....... Detroit, Michigan Yarolin, Edward J ..... New Milford, Ohio
Farm Bureau Insurance Companies to de-
vote all of his time to the expansion of the President in charge of Personnel and Public Mr. Evans speaks and lectures at colleges,
activities of the Peoples Broadcasting Cor- Relations. Prior to that time, he spent six- universities and business organizations. In
poration, which organization is wholly teen years on the staff of Columbia Univer- June of 1957, he was presented with the
owned by the Nationwide Mutual Insurance sity as counsellor to students. honorary degree of Doctor of Literature
Company, and which operates Radio Sta- Mr. Evans is a member of the Board of from Kirksville College, Kirksville, Missouri,
tions WRFD in Worthington (Columbus), Governors of Franklin University, Colum- In June of 1958, he was awarded the honor-
Ohio; WTTM in Trenton, New Jersey; bus, Ohio; a corporator of Springfield Col- ary degree of Doctor of Business Adminis-
WMMN in Fairmont, West Virginia, WGAR lege, Springfield, Massachusetts; a member tration from Yankton College, Yankton,
in Cleveland, Ohio; WNAX in Yankton, of the Board of Directors of Doctors Hos- South Dakota. He is also a member of the
South Dakota; and Television Station KVTV pital, Columbus, Ohio; a member of the Board of Trustees of Yankton College. On
in Sioux City, Iowa. National Board and National Council of the June 1, 1959, Mr. Evans was awarded the
YMCA; a member of the National Council honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities
On April 3, 1959, Mr. Evans was elected of the USO; and Vice President and Direc- from Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa.
President of the Peoples Broadcasting Cor- tor of the Cleveland Browns Professional Mr. Evans was accredited as a corres-
poration. Football Team. Mr. Evans is also a member pondent to the United Nations covering the
For five years previous to Mr. Evans' of the board of the Radio Advertising Bu- Geneva, Switzerland meeting on the peace-
affiliation with the Farm Bureau Insur- reau, and is on the board of the All-Industry ful uses of atomic energy in August of 1955
ance Companies, he was Vice President of Radio Music License Committee. He is vice and 1958. He has also been named United
the Consumer Distribution Corporation of president of the Peoples Travel Service of States Radio and Television Industry repre-
New York, which was organized by the Columbus, Ohio, and is Chairman of the sentative to the Inter-American Association
late Edward A. Filene, merchant and phil- Board of Trustees of the National Osteo- of Broadcasters and is a member of its
anthropist of Boston. Mr. Evans was Vice pathic Foundation. Directive Board.

I. T. S.
Alumni Activities Beta Chapter is proud to announce our
new officers, elected at the first May meet-
June 2-3-4 President ............. John W. Nelson '62
Refresher Course Program Des Moines, Iowa
Vice-President .... Eugene E. Rongaus '62
Classes to be honored: Donora, Pa.
1900 - 1905 - 1910 - 1915 - 1920 - 1925 - 1930 - 1935 Secretary ................ Carl W. Otte '62
Clarinda, Iowa
1940 - 1945 - 1950 - 1955 - 1960 Treasurer .......... Oscar E. Gutierrez '63
June 2 - 3 San Antonio, Texas
Corresponding Sec'y.Elwyn D. Crawford '62
THEME Reading, Mich.
June 2 - 9:00 a.m. Advances in Pharmacotherapy Pasco, Wash.
Editor ............... Richard H. Reel '63
6:30 p.m. Reception honoring Merlyn McLaughlin, Ph.D., presi- Les Moines, Iowa
dent of the College, in the Des Moines Room of Hotel
Savery. Reception arranged by the Polk County Society Our hearty congratulations to these men
of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. and sincere thanks to outgoing President
James Leach and his slate of officers who
7:30 p.m. Banquet, Terrace Room, Hotel Savery. conscientiously have lead us the past year.
The annual senior banquet, honoring the
June 3 - 9:00 a.m. Advances in Medical and Surgical Technique. I.T.S. June grads, will be held at the Casa
1:00 p.m. Panel-Moderator, W. Clemens Andreen, D.O., Wyan- Loma Lounge, Sunday, May 22, beginning
at 7:00 P.M. Social chairman Robert Lowry
dotte, Michigan. has worked commendably during his office
8:00 p.m. Graduation- North High School. and from all indications this banquet, the
last function he will arrange, promises to
June 4,1960 be by far our nicest. Seniors to be honored
June 4 - 9:00 a.m. Meeting with the officers of the Board of Trustees of Donald G. Beckman, Dayton, Iowa; Allan
the College. R. Crosby, Minneapolis, Minn.; Ludwig F.
Ginkle, San Diego, Calif.; Victor A. Goble,
10:30 a.m. Meeting with the officers of the National Alumni As- Ravenna, Ohio; Thomas W. Henn, Des
sociation. Moines, Iowa; Robert E. Slocum, Des
Moines, Iowa; Darwin C. Sprague, Lake
Lucerne, Chagrin Falls, Ohio; Richard E.
Alumni Groups Elects Student Council Holds Vermillion, Newton, Iowa; Theadore Weiner,
Detroit, Mich.; Henry 0. Wick, Janesville,
Officers Skip Day Wisconsin.
Wednesday, May 11, (a perfect day) was
President-Harry F. Talbot, D.O., '50,
San Diego.
the date and Birdland Park, Des Moines,
the place of the 1960 skip day. Activities
Secretary-Treasurer - Richard L. Pascoe, included golf, tennis, softball and chowing. The annual meeting of the Federation of
D.O., '48, San Diego. American Societies for Experimental Bi-
Freshman Chet Christianson was golf ology, held in Chicago last month was
Minnesota medalist at the Grandview course with an attended by Dean Shumaker and Dr. Wil-
President- Dale Dodson, D.O., '51, impressive 76 for the long 18 holes, barely ford Nusser of C.O.M.S. This is the largest
Northfield. edging stalwart Fred Carpenter, junior, who annual gathering of research men in the
Secretary-Treasurer - William J. Don- \w:s one stroke higher with his 77. I.T.S.
country, with some 12,000 scientists and
kers, D.O., '51, Faribault. retired the Inter-fraternity golf trophy by scores of other non-professional persons
scoring low gross for the third straight present.
New Mexico year. Incidentally, a course record was
President- Lawrence C. Boatman, D.O., broken and a trophy won by Sherry Thir-
'33, Santa Fe. inger, freshman, who turned in a 64 for 18!
Secretary-Treasurer - Maxine Seablom- Not bad for your third time out, even with Faculty Serves at Picnic
Carter, D.O., '42, Albuquerque. a handicap of 88 and Sherry improved by
Ohio 31 strokes on the back NINE!
President- Francis C. Ayers, D.O., '45, Rich Perry, to keep the freshmen topside
Amanda. in tennis, upset junior Earl Scheidler who
President-Elect- William C. Rankin, Jr., was favored, and the sophomores, class of
D.O., '56, Marietta. '62, gained revenge in softball by trouncing
Vice-President- William P. Williams, the juniors, class of '61 and last year's
champs, 22 - 9.
D.O., '58, Milan.
Secretary-Treasurer -Thomas A. Thes- The strenuous activities were followed
ing, D.O., '58, Centerville. by a picnic dinner for all athletes, their
families and friends, served graciously by
Texas members of the college faculty. The student
President -Dwight H. Heaberlin, D.O., council thanks all those representatives who Left to Right, front row: Drs. Nusser,
'55, Dallas. were a part of this successful day, especially Fitz, Poundstone, Hohn, Juni.
Secretary-Treasurer - G. LeRoy Howe, junior student John Ferris, skip day com- Back row: Students, Stenzel, Bez, and
Jr., D.O., '58, Dallas. mittee chairman. Dr. Hsie.

Flint TMen Visit College National Alumni Dues Child Health Conference
Have Been Received from A scientific exhibit was presented by the
College at the recent National Osteopathic
the Following: Child Health Conference at Kansas City,
ARIZONA: Elisha Kirk, Tucson; Sherman
Missouri, April 25, 26, and 27, 1960. The
W. Meyer, Phoenix. CALIFORNIA: L. R.
exhibit, designed by Mr. Lynn Baldwin of
Chapman, Vista; R. L. DeFord, Long Beach;
Lester Fagen, Los Angeles; Harry F. Tal- the Department of Medical Illustration and
bot, Jr., San Diego. COLORADO: Jennie Dr. Bernard Kay of the Department of Pe-
Ione Clark, Denver; Louis Hasbrouck, Dove diatrics was devoted to the New Born. In
Creek; Walter C. Mill, Denver; C. M. Par- two sections, one devoted to the normal
kinson, Denver. FLORIDA: Sidney Adler, newborn, the other to the abnormal, the
Hallandale; GEORGIA: W. C. Holloway, exhibit consisted of a series of color photo-
Thomasville. INDIANA: Milton C. Ham- graphs with explanatory comments below
mer, Indianapolis; Julius Nesbitt, South the pictures. It was well received and will
Bend. IOWA: Joseph Baker, Greenfield; again be shown at the A.O.A. convention
ictured with a group of upperclassmen Glen E. Bigsby, West Des Moines; G. J. in Kansas City in July.
are Drs. E. George Sexton and Ralph John- Cooper, Davenport; V. A. Englund, Des
son, from the Flint Osteopathic Hospital Moines; D. V. Goode, Bondurant; Howard
who visited the college early in May. A. Graney, Des Moines; R. L. Gustafson,
Dallas Center; W. E. Heinlen, Des Moines;
W. W. Kiehlbaugh, Earling; T. C. Kaper,
Greenfield; James D. Lott, Clarion; Martha
Attend Meetings B. Morrison, Shenandoah; Herbert Rosen,
Recently attending the Linn County Os- Runnells; John P. Schwartz, Des Moines;
teopathic Society Meeting was Dr. Byron H. E. Wing, Ottumwa. KANSAS: E. F.
Laycock, C.O.M.S., principle speaker of the Stark, Abilene. MARYLAND: Murray Gold-
evening. Dr. Laycock conducted the semi- stein, Bethesda. MASSACHUSSETTS:
nar-type meeting, attended by all the osteo- Ward C. Bryant, Greenfield; J. Philip Gurka,
pathic physicians in the area, on "Cervice- Lawrence. MICHIGAN: W. Clemens An-
dorsal and Brachial Trajectory." dreen, Wyandotte; Scott Fisher, Detroit;
: * * Clifford M. Millard, Hillsdale; J. B. Miller, Pictured above at the exhibit from
Dean Shumaker, Dr. Prior, and Dr. Lay- Flint; Robert P. Ogden, Inkster; Jack W. C.O.M.S. are Dr. Arnold Melnick, left, of
cock were present March 26-27 at the A.O.A. Pearl, Oak Park; Edward E. Rugenstein, Philadelphia, Pa., and Dr. Harold Finkel, of
office in Chicago for a meeting of the Roseville; Howard Sechrist, Detroit; John Ephrata, Pa.
"Committee on Ways of Improving the W. Slater, Detroit.
Teaching of Osteopathic Principles and MINNESOTA: Dale Dodson, Northfield; Dr. Myron Magen of the Department of
Manipulative Techniques." H. K. Rydell, Minneapolis. MISSOURI: Pediatrics participated in the Child Health
Edward Lake, Potosi; Russell W. Watts, Conference program. He presented a paper
S. Louis. NEBRASKA: Earl A. Purtzer, on "Acute and Chronic Diarrhea." In ad-
L. 0. G. Scottsbluff. NEW JERSEY: Allan M. Lans, dition, Dr. Magen took part in the panel
discussions and clinical presentations.
L.O.G. fraternity recently sponsored two Bergenfield. OKLAHOMA: Edward Felm-
very interesting and informative work- lee, Tulsa; Roy Honeywell, Beggs; Ivan On Monday evening a banquet was held
E. Penquite, Sapulpa. OHIO: Robert C. for the alumni. Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin,
nights. The first, was concerned with the
Bennington, Powell; James F. Brown, Ak- president, Mr. Wendell Fuller, registrar,
management of the cardiac patient in work,
ron; J. W. Clark, Delphos; J. E. Dunham, and Dr. Magen presented the report of the
stress and pregnancy. The second, which
Akron; Ervin Emory, Medwar; Boris Fiy- Development Committee. Dr. McLaughlin
was presented by L.O.G. and ATLAS fra-
alko, North Olmsted; Carl B. Gephart, Day- then led the discussion regarding the cur-
ternities and Meade-Johnson and Co., was
the second in a series dealing with the ton; Keigo Hase, Cleveland; C. L. Naylor, rent and future plans for the College.
problems of setting up a practice Ravenna; J. C. Robertson, Johnstown; Tom Dr. Magen is in charge of procuring
L. Sefton, Dayton; Bill Stoerkel, Columbus; scientific exhibits for the combined Pedi-
At a recent award convocation, the fra-
ternity was honored for having the highest Thomas Thesing, Centerville. OREGON: atrics-Gynecology Convention, Las Vegas,
scholastic average for 1958-59. Three L.O.G. Vernon E. Hall, Estacoda; Bertha Rocine, Nevada, February 7-8-9, 1961.
members, Jim Grekin, Sid Wernstein, and Portland. SOUTH DAKOTA: James F.
Sam Kligerman, received individual awards Cheney, Sioux Falls; L. A. Deitrick, Bison.
for their scholastic achievement. TEXAS: T. D. Crews and W. L. Crews,
Gonzales. WEST VIRGINIA: Walter B.
Newly initiated members of L.O.G. fra-
Goff, Dunbar; WISCONSIN: I. J. Ansfield,
ternity are: Sanford Berlin, Donald Bern-
Milwaukee; Leon Gilman, Milwaukee; W.
stein, Joe Doctor, Arnold Gilner, Norman
L. Johnson, Mt. Hope; Robert J. Smick,
Katz, Jerald Kramer, Stuart Megdall, Dave
O'Mara, Jerome Sitner, Nelson Sklar, Ger-
ald Sussman, Howard Waranker, and Ray
Failer. ATLAS
Fifteen needy children were the guests On April 23 we held the drawing for
of L.O.G. at the Shrine Circus. This was a our annual raffle. A good time was had Shown here are some of the physicians
pledge project and all concerned had an attending the Child Health Conference.
by all at the party preceding the drawing.
enjoyable time. Congratulations to the five lucky winners. tial helm this semester and steered the good
The new fraternity officers for the com- Congratulations to Phil Naples on his ship ATLAS through a very successful 18
ing year are: Jim Grekin, President; Leon recent pinning to Mary Anne Tolan. Lots weeks.
Rosky, Vice President; Alan Belkin, Treas- of luck Phil.
urer; Murray Hurwitz, Recording Secretary; Thought for today: Will Ralph Martin
We are all looking forward to our next be able to make it to school Monday after
Irwin Eisenberg, Corresponding Secretary;
meeting on May 19 at which time elections the stag held in his honor on Friday?
and Bob Cohen, Sgt. at Arms.
will be held. The present administration That's it till next time. Hope to see you
Congratulations to Sandy Kushner and has done a commendable job. A big thanks all at the Atlas-Log worknight sponsored
Irwin Eisenberg who are proud new papas. to Nick Rimedio, who handled the presiden- by Meade-Johnson Drug Company.

Lynn Baldwin Cited Pacemaker Convocation

Mr. Lynn Baldwin, chief of the Medical Held z ~o 0 0oo
Illustration Laboratory of C.O.M.S., at- An all-school convocation was held Fri-
tended the second annual sectional meeting Published Mlonthly by
day, May 6, for the purpose of creating
of the Biological Photographic Association student interest in participating in the ad- THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, last month vertising program from the yearbook. Pace- MEDICINE AND SURGERY
and presented a paper entitled "Photomur- maker business manager, Neil Purtell, junior Vol. 38 Number 2
als For the Biological Photographer." Mr. student from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ex- Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
Balwin contributed four photographs to the plained the new program to the students provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
authorized Feb 3, 1923.
scientific photographic exhibit, was awarded with reinforcement from co-editors Richard
a certificate of merit for a photograph in Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
Rhodes and Donald Turner. The yearbook at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
the clinical division, and was made general staff spends many extra hours outside their of August 24, 1912.
chairman of the third annual meeting of allotted study time working for the college
this organization which will be held in Des annual-this we acknowledge with appreci-
Moines in 1962. ation. JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor

Graduation Week Activities

Honoring graduates of the classes of 1900- 1905-1910-
Student Wives Club Banquet, June 1
Refresher Course June 2-3-4
Banquet honoring alumni and the graduating class of 1960,
June 2. Graduation, June 3

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
£IO9 a00( At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue


*o 1960 SENIORS


GO LE E GR D000S rN do,*


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ART CENTRE HOSPITAL, Detroit, Dr. Harvey V. Ring Dr. Samuel Kligerman
Michigan Dr. Ralph Levy
Dr. Victor C. Gordon Flint, Michigan MONTE SANO HOSPITAL,
.RrSheldon N. Kaftan Dr. Milton Fields Los Angeles, California
LOS ANGELES COUNTY HOSPITAL, Dr. Carl S. Roberts, Jr. Dr. Timmie C. T. Lee
Los Angeles, California Dr. Malcolm L. Rubinoff
Dr. Delores Schulman FOREST HILL HOSPITAL, Cleveland, PITAL, Muskegon, Michigan
Dr. Howard F. Siegel Ohio Dr. James Jackson
BRENTWOOD HOSPITAL, Cleveland, Dr. Theodore E. Weiner Dr. Robert Livonia
City, Michigan PITAL, St. Louis, Missouri
Dr. John W. Knable Dr. Myron V. Lackey Dr. James T. Hicks
CIVIC CENTER HOSPITAL, Oakland, Dr. Philip B. Truan
California Dr. John G. Waite OKLAHOMA OSTEOPATHIC HO.S-
Dr. Ludwig F. Ginkel PITAL, Tulsa, Oklahoma
GRANDVIEW HOSPITAL, Dayton, Ohio Dr. William L. L avendusky
Dr. Edward J. Yarolin
Dr. Lester G. iMullens Dr. Dawin C. Sprague
Dr. Robert E. Slocum Wisconsin Pontiac, Michigan
DETROIT OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, Dr. Allan R. Crosby Dr. Samuel Lossos
Detroit, Michigan Dr. Henry 0. Wick, Jr.
Dr. Harvey G. Micklin Battle Creek, Michigan Downey, California
Dr. Fred iM. Seligman Dr. Winston B. P. Cenac Dr. Marvin Berkowitz
DOCTORS HOSPITAL, Columbus, Ohio HOSPITAL, Lancaster, PITAL, Trenton, Michigan
Dr. Stephen S. Chankin Pennsylvania Dr. Joseph D. LaCasse
Dr. James D. Payne Dr. Leonard F. Faymore Internships, Continued on pag 5


The annual alumni and senior class banquet was held at the Savery Hotel, Thurs-
day evening, June 2.
Preceding the banquet was a reception honoring Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, Presi-
dent of the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery.
A representative of the classes of 1900-05-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55 were among
the 300 persons honoring the members of the 1960 graduating class.
Awards were made as follows:
The Alumni Plaque to Dr. Jean F. LeRoque of Des Moines, Iowa, for his out-
standing leadership in the National Alumni Association during the years
1949-1955, and 1957-1958.
Special student awards went to Henry O. Wick, Jr., of Janesville, Wisconsin,
for his contribution to Iowa Tau Sigma Fraternity and the student body of the
College during his four years at the College.
The Williams Key was awarded to Sander A. Kushner of Detroit, Michigan,
the Lambda Omicron Gamma award, to the senior who contributed most to
the fraternity during his four years at the College of Osteopathic Medicine
and Surgery.
The Lawrence Award to Ralph Levy, Brooklyn, New York, to the senior who
assisted members of the freshman class the most during the past year.
Student Council Merit Awards were presented to the following seven seniors
for their outstanding service to the student body during the four years at the
Donald G. Beckman .................................. Dayton, Iowa Dr. Jean F. LeRoque, left, of Des Moines,
Richard M. Brown ................................ Detroit, Michigan past president of the National Alumni As-
Stephen S. Chankin ........................ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sociation, C.O.M.S., is honored for his out-
Thomas Kovan . ................................... Detroit, Michigan standing service (plaque pictured below)
by Dr. Charles L. Naylor of Ravenna, Ohio,
Sander A. Kushner . ................................. Detroit, Michigan president of the National Alumni Associa-
William L. Lavendusky, Jr ..................... Henryetta, Oklahoma tion.
Philip B. Truan ... ............................ Knoxville, Tennessee
Dr. Louis Kester Award to Donald L. Turner, Dayton, Ohio in recognition of
his scholarship, leadership and interest in his chosen profession in Osteopathy.
Paul T. Rutter Award to Richard E. Vermillion, Newton, Iowa, in recognition
of his superior interest and ability in Osteopathic Technique.
Dr. E. V. Enzmann, Associate Professor, Histology and Embryology, rank was
changed to Professor Emeritus. Dr. Enzmann has been with the College since
October, 1949 and will remain as Research Associate in the Department of

Receive Special Awards

Reception Held For

The Polk County Society of Osteopathic
Physicians and Surgeons held a reception
honoring Merlyn McLaughlin, Ph.D., presi-
dent of the College of Osteopathic Medicine
and Surgery on Thursday, June 8, in the
Des Moines Room of the Hotel Savery. Dr.
Harry Elmets, a member of the Health,
Education and Welfare Committee of the
Left to right: Graduating seniors, Richard E. Vermillion, Henry O. Wick, Jr., Sander Polk County Society of Osteopathic Physi-
A. Kushner; Dr. Jean F. LeRoque; graduating senior, Ralph Levy; and junior student, cians and Surgeons was in charge of the
Donald L. Turner. arrangements for the reception.

Senior Facts Fraternities Award Seniors Student Council Alumni Dues Received Schwartz, Oklahoma City. OHIO: Paul M.
Fifty-two graduates (there were 61 in ATLAS CLUB Caris, Greenville; A. W. Conway, Dayton;
this class when they entered C.O.M.S. on James Jackson ........................... Detroit, Michigan The Student Council has recently adopted ARIZONA: W. R. Hildebrand, Parker. George Evans, Norwalk; Arnold S. Miller,
September 6, 1956, as freshmen). IOTA TAU SIGMA a program in which all alumni and pros- CALIFORNIA: Howard Crum, Orange- Warren; John S. Molea, Columbus.
Donald G. Beckman ........................... Dayton, Iowa pective students who live in the home-town vale; Paul R. Kohlmeyer, Pasadena. CAN- PENNSYLVANIA: Irving Epstein,
Average age is thirty. Ages range from Allan R. Crosby ........................... Minneapolis, Minn. areas of the present Freshman and Soph- Al)A: G. G. Elliott, Toronto. FLORIDA: Philadelphia; Robert H. Gillon, Philadel-
23 to 38. Ludwig F. Ginkel ........................... San Diega, Calif. omore classes will be contacted. Interviews George P. Evans, Largo; Thomas F. Hard- phia; Watson Gutowski, King of Prussia.
Victor A. Goble ........................... Ravenna, Ohio will be conducted during the coming sum- in, Jacksonville; T. T. Spence, West Palm RHODE ISLAND: Berton J. Kessler,
Thirty-four are married. (Length of time Edwin N. Running ...................................... Oelwein, Ohio mer vacation and results compiled and Beach. IDAHO: Andrew McCauley, Idaho Providence. SOUTH DAKOTA: D. A.
married-from 2 days to 12 years-aver- Robert E. Slocum ........................... Des Moines, Iowa presented to the Administration, Student Falls. INDIANA: W. E. Doberenz, Elk- Jungman, Scotland. TEXAS: Dwight W.
age of years married 6.) Dawin C. Sprague ................ Lake Lucerne, Chagrin Falls, Ohio Council and Classes. hart. IOWA: Bert Adams, Ames; R. B. Heaberlin, Dallas. VERMONT: Raymond
Richard E. Vermillion ........................... Newton, Iowa This is an activity of the newly instituted Anderson, Sioux City; Geogia Chalfont, L. Martin, Monteplier. WASHINGTON:
Twenty have children (grand total of Theodore E. Weiner .............................. Detroit, Michigan Student Council Public Relations Commit- Oskaloosa; James M. Dockum, Monroe; A. E. Borchardt, Sunnyside; D. D. Clarke,
32), ranging in ages of 3 days (time of Henry 0. W ick .............................. Janesville, W isconsin tee. Other plans by this committee call for Thomas Griffin, Des Moines; H. L. Gul- Colville. WISCONSIN: M. B. Landis, But-
graduation) to age 9 years. (Average age LAMBDA OMICRON GAMMA an annual Student-Faculty Dinner to be den, Ames; Don R. Hickey, Bayard; Henry ler.
of children 2 years., Richard M. Brown ........................... Detr Michigan held during the coming School year, a Stu- J. Ketman, Des Moines; Faye Kimberly,
Stephen Chankin .............................. Philade ,, Penna. dent Speakers Bureau, an informative Col- Des Moines; Jean F. LeRoque, Des Moines;
Thirty-six have Baccalaureate degrees. Milton Fields ........................... Detroit, Michigan lege Convocation Lecture Series and a gen- Fred A. Martin, Fonda; R. C. McLaughlin,
(None have less than 3 years pre-profes- Lawrence Goldman .............................. Detroit, Michigan eralized program to increase the Des Des Moines; Edward R. Minnick, Des
Moines; H. M. Perryman, Pleasantville;
Journal Editor Dies
sional education.) Victor C. Gordon ........................... Detroit, Michigan Moines community's awareness of COMS.
Sheldon N. Kafton ........................... Detroit, Michigan Edwin L. Ramsey, Des Moines; Charles Dr. Raymond P. Keesecker, of Chicago,
Chairman is Raymond Failer, Flint, Mich-
Nineteen are veterans: 11 Army, 5 Navy, Samuel Kligerman .............................. Elkins Park, Penna. igan; Vice-Chairman, Sanford Berlin, De- D. Schultz, Davenport; Daniel J. Slevin, Ill., editor of the AOA Journal, died re-
1 Air oxr-a 2e arines. - Thomas Kovan ........................... Detroit, Michigan Des Moines; Anna L. Slocum, Des Moines; cently at the age of 68.
troit, Michigan; Carolyn Stocksdale, West
Sander A. ;Kushner .............................. Detroit, Michigan Carrollton, Ohio. J. F. Steckler, Eldora; F. D. Sutter, Ames; Dr. Keesecker had been editor of the
Two graduating seniors are sons of Ralph Levy ........................... Brooklyn, New York Sara E. Sutton, Renwick; Fred W. Tente, Journal and other AOA publications since
D.O.'s: Dr. Robert E. Slocum, son of Dr. Harvey G. Micklin .............................. Brooklyn, New York Des Moines; Robert F. Weissinger, Des 1951. He practiced in Cleveland, Ohio, 27
Anna L. Slocum, Des Moines, Iowa; and Frank Roth ........................... Detroit, Michigan Moines; G. A. Whetstine, Wilton Junction. years as a general practitioner and then
Dr. Dawin Sprague, son of Dr. Homer R. Malcolm Rubinoff ........................... Detroit, Michigan "P. H. T." Banquet MICHIGAN: W. J. Blackler, Grand as a specialist in anesthesia and radiology.
Sprague, West Lake, Ohio. Fred M. Seligman ........................... Toledo, Ohio
Gerald Thurer ........................... Brooklyn, New York Rapids; Joseph Cullen, Detroit; Leonard
Home States represented-16. California J. I)eLooff, Cedarville; Verne H. Dier-
1, Delaware 1, Florida 1, Hawaii 1, Iowa
5, Massachusetts 1, Michigan 15, Minnesota
1, New York 9, Ohio 6, Oklahoma 2, Penn-
Richard F. Coatney ...........................
Leonard F. Faymore ..........................
John M. Grace ....................
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Wilkes-Barre, Penna.
....... Brooklyn, New York
dorff, Trenton; Lyle L. Fettig, Novi; R. E.
Hover, Burr Oak; Neil R. Kitchen, De-
troit; T. Roy Massin, Mount Clemens; (C7^ 09o f/Sk
sylvania 4, Tennessee 2, West Virginia 1, Stanley Ozog, Detroit; F. E. Schaeffer, De-
James A. Hicks ............................ Signal Mountain, Tenn. troit; Michael Schmid, Muskegon; George Pablislicd Monthly by
Wisconsin 1. John W. Knable (Past President) .................. Youngstown, Ohio H. Voyzey, Kalamazoo; Paul P. Walter, THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
Joseph D. LaCasse ................................ Detroit, Michigan Lincoln Park; Norman B. Welch, Detroit;
Foreign Countries-West Indies 1. Myron V. Lackey ............................... Detroit, Michigan MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Clarence Wilson, Flint.
I William L. Lavendusky ............................ Henryetta, Okla.
Fifty-two will intern starting on or about Antone Martinho ............................ Wilmington, Delaware MINNESOTA: G. A. Stohlberg, Min- Vol. 38 Number a
July 1. Location by states of internships: Lester G. Mullens ................................ Youngstown, Ohio neapolis. MISSOURI: Forest Barnes,
California 5, Colorado 2, Iowa 3, Michigan James D. Payne ................................ Philippi, W . Virginia Kansas City; L. E. Stiles, Carl Junction. Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917,
26, Missouri 1, Ohio 7, Oklahoma 2, John H. Ready ................................ Richmond Hill, N. Y. Mrs. Edward R. Minnick, Wives Club spon- NEBRASKA: Angela M. McCreary, authorized Feb 3, 1923.
Pennsylvania 3, Texas 1, Wisconsin 2. Harvey V. Ring ........................... Flint, Michigan sor, receives an appreciative token at the Omaha. NEW JERSEY: Philip A. Di-
Carl S. Roberts ........................... Starke, Florida "Pushing Hubby Through Banquet" for her Salvo, Fair Lawn; Harold S. Powell, Black- Entered as second class matter, February 3. 1923,
at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
Forty mothers and 31 fathers of grad- Ronald Strickman .............................. Brooklyn, New York devoted service to the student wives. Mak- wood. NEW MEXICO: F. E. Toland, Por- of August 24. 1912.
uating seniors attended the graduation John G. Waite (Past President) ................ .. Bridgeville, Penna. ing presentation is Mrs. Stan Abrams, wife tales. NEW YORK: Jack Roth, Bronx.
ceremony. Edward J. Yarolin .............................. New Milford, Ohio of senior student Stan Abrams, left. At OKLAHOMA: Paul F. Benien, Tulsa; WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
PSI SIGMA ALPHA right is 'author Henry G. Felson, banquet Robert J. Haas, Crescent; C. D. Heasley,
speaker. Tulsa; Ivan E. Penquite, Sapulpa; KM J. JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor
Donald G. Beckman ........................... Dayton, Iowa
Thomas W. Henn ................................ Des Moines, Iowa
INTERNSHIPS Samuel Kligerman ................................
Thomas Kovan ..................................
Elkins Park, Pa.
Detroit, Michigan
(Continued from Page 1) John W . Knable .................................. Youngstown, Ohio
Sander A. Kushner ................................ Detroit, Michigan
ROCKY MOUNTAIN OSTEOPATHIC Ralph Levy .................................... Brooklyn, New York
HOSPITAL, Denver, Colorado Samuel Lossos ................................ Brooklyn, New York
Dr. Donald Glen Beckman Harvey G. Micklin ............................ Brooklyn, New York Entered as
Dr. Edwin N. Running, Jr. James Payne ................................ Philippi, W est Virginia Second-Class Matter
Saginaw, Michigan
John Raedy ..............................
Carl Roberts ......................................
Richmond Hill, New York
Starke, Florida 94SS zo9 Book At Des Moines, Iowa
Frank Roth ...................................... Detroit, Michigan
Dr. John M. Grace Howard Siegel .................................... Bronx, New York
Dr. John H. Raedy Brooklyn, New York
722 Sixth Avenue
Ronald Strickman ..............................
Dr. Ronald Strickman Gerald Thurer .Detroit, Michigan DES MOINES 9, IOWA
WILDEN OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, Fred Seligm an ........................................ .' do, Ohio
Des Moines, Iowa SIGMA SIGMA PHI
Dr. Richard F. Coatney Donald Beckman .................. ........... ........ L^ y-on, Iowa
Dr. Thomas W. Henn Richard M. Brown ................................ Detroit, Michigan
Dr. Richard E. Vermillion Stephen Chankin ............................... Philadelphia, Penna. * SENIORS ANNOUNCE INTERNSHIPS
Victor A. Goble ............................ .......... Ravenna, Ohio * ALUMNI - SENIOR BANQUET
ZIEGER OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, Thomas Kovan .................................... Detroit, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan Sander A. Kushner .Detroit, Michigan * RECEPTION HELD FOR PRESIDENT
Dr. Richard M. Brown William L. Lavendu'sky ............................. Henryetta, Okla. * ALUMNI DUES RECEIVED
Dr. Thomas Kovan John H. Raedy ................................ Richmond Hill, N. Y.
Dr. Sander A. Kushner Frank Roth ...................................... Detroit, Michigan
Dr. Frank Roth Robert Slocum ........ ................. .......... Des Moines, Iowa

Alumni Activities therapy, Advances in Medical and Surgical

Reception Honoring President
Technique, and panel discussions on a va- Seniors Honored...
At Graduation riety of timely subjects.
An alumni banquet and program, held in
A "refresher Course" for Alumni was honor of the grladuating seniors Thursday
held at the college on June 2 and 3. The evening, June 2, in the Terrace Room of
program, coolrdinated by i)r. Harold E. the Savery, was arrangeed by Mr. Wendlll(
Higley, D.O., associate professor of psy- I. Fuller, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
chiatry, included Advances in Pharmaco- of the National Alumni Association.

Richard M3. Brown, president of the senior

I Ladies of the receiling line at the recep-
tion for President McLaughlin. left to right:
Mesdames Richard Brown. lMerlyn Mc-
class, receives al award presented by Mal-
colm Rubinoff on behalf of the senior class. Laughlin, Richard Iormanl. I'aul Terrell. and
Daniel Hannan.

Honors Conferred
I)r. Henry Ketman, chairman of the l)epartment of Radiology, C.().M.S., addrrssrs
alumni during a session of the alumni refresher course. At Graduation Ceremonies

)r. Henry 0. Wick, Jr., left is shown

receiving the first award presented by Iota
Tan Sigma fraternity for outstanding con-
tribution to the student body and to I.T.S.
Eugene Rongaus, Vice-lresident of the fra-
ternity, makes the presentation.

At Alumni Luncheon
Residents and Interns, Still Osteopathic Hospital
Pictured with the commencement speaker,
Dr. Herbert E. Evans. left. is Marion E.
Wallace, past president of the board of trus-
tees. C.O.M.S., both of whom received the
degree, Doctor of Humanities.

From Right: Dr. Myron S. Magen, Chair-

man of Department of Pediatrics, ('.O.M.S.,
I)r. Merlyn S. McLaughlin, President, C.O.
M.S.; Dr. Bryce E. Wilson, 'resident,
Iowa Alumni Association; and Dr. Sarah E.
Sutton, Secretary, Iowa Alumni Association.

Osteopathic representatives attending the course on

Health Mobilization at Battle ('reek, Michigan, May 8-13.
Health Services Aspects of Office Assistants
Miss Jan T)Davis, Office Assistant to Dr.
Ist row: Dr. Robert J. Kromer, Sandusky, Ohio; Ir. Floyd E. Smith, Flint, Michigan; HI. J. Ketman at Still Hospital was elected
Dr. John W. Campbell, Davenport, Iowa; Dr. William Kuchera, Albert Lea, Minne- President of the Polk County Society of
sota; Dr. Richard W. Adams, Chesaning, Michigan. Osteopathic Office Assistants during the bus-
iness meeting Wednesday evening, May 18,
2nd row: Otha Linton, Chicago; Dr. Walter Parsons, Orlando, Florida; Dr. G. Stevens held at the College Clinic. Other officers
McDaniel, East Greenwich, Rhode Island; Ir. Arthur H. Witthohn, G(rand Rapids, elected were Izetta Kahley, President-Elect; l)r. Ernest V. Enzmann is promoted to
Michigan; Dr. Ronald Woods, Des Moines, Iowa; Dr. W. Fulton Abercrombie, Wash- Dorothy Stahl, Vice-President; Marilyn Mer- Left to right, Front row: J. Wakefield (I); L. Ghormley (R); S. Herr (R): B. Kay Professor Emeritus by Dr. Merlyn Mc-
ington, D. C., course director. cier, Secretary and Irma Myers, Treasurer. (R); back row: .D. Rose (R); E. Ware (I); H. ('hambers (I). Laughlin at the graduation ceremonies.
i-I1EI/1 liE% I



I _ __I_ _ _ _ _ _L_ L _ _ C _ I


Two new board members were added to
the College Board of Trustees during the
annual meeting of the members of the cor-
poration at the Des Moines Club, Saturday,
June 4.
Newly elected were Mr. J. D. Armstrong,
Ames, president of Armstrong Construction
Company; and Leonard G. Howell, Des
Moines, former city manager-and now
general manager of Weitz Company, Inc.
Re-elected to the board of trustees were
Harold L. Calkins, Des Moines, president,
H. L. Calkins Real Estate Company; Ted
Flynn, Des Moines (vice-chairman of the
board), Ted Flynn Insurance Agency; Dan-
iel E. Hannan, Des Moines (chairman of
the board), Attorney; and Dr. Paul T. Rut-
ter of Medford, Oregon (representative from
the National Alumni Association).
Other board members include Mr. J. R.
Astley (treasurer), vice-president, Valley
National Bank; Mr. Karl B. Greenlee (secre-
Boarld Members
Iftary), administrator, Wilden Osteopathic
Hospital; J. R. McNerney, D.O., West Des
Fro:nt Row, Left to Right: Mr. Roy L. Swarzman, Dr. W. J. Blackler, President Moines; Mr. Roy L. Swarman, general
Merlyn L McLaughlin, Dr. J. R. McNerney, Mr. Marion E. Wallace. agent Equitabl Life ssurance Society of
Stainding, Left to Right: Mr. Karl E. Greenlee, Mr. Daniel E. Hannan, Mr. Ted Flynn, the United States; and Mr. Marion E. Wal-
Mr. J. R. Astley, Mr. Leonard P. Howell (new board member), Mr. J. D. Armstrong lace president, Stoner-McCray System-all
(new board member). (Board members not shown in above picture: Mr. Harold L. of Des Moins. Oters include . Black
Calkins , Des Moines; Dr. Walter B. Goff, Dunbar, West Virginia; Dr. Don R. Hickey, ler D., Grand Rapids, Mihi and Wal-
-Bayard Iowa; and Dr. Paul T. Rutter, Medford, Oregon.) ter B. Goff, D.O., Dunbar, West Virginia-
hnfth rpnr spr' t
nf fh nn Alumni
f, inoal
REGISTRATION Mr. W. K. Niemann, agency manager,
Bankers Life Company, Des Moines, was
September 6, 7, 8 elected a member of the corporation. Re-
elected members of the corporation were:
Tuesday, September 6 Dr. Roger B. Anderson, Sioux City; Dr.
8:00 a.m. ............................................. Freshman Orientation Howard Dolyak, Stuart, Iowa; Dr. H. L.
3:30 p.m ............................................ Freshman Registration Gulden, Ames; Dr. George W. Sutton, Mount
Pleasant; and Dr. Mary E. Golden, Dr. Jean
Wednesday, September 7 F. LeRoque, Dr. John Q. A. Mattern, Dr.
8:00 a.m .............................................. Junior Registration Gustaf P. Peterson, all of Des Moines.
8:90 a.m. .................................. Freshman Physical Examination Other members of the corporation are:
Dr. V. E. Goode, Bondurant; Dr. James G.
Thursday, September 8 Lott, Clarion; Mr. John R. Hansen, Man-
9:00 a.m . ........................................... Sophomore Registration ning; Dr. Paul O'Shana, Carlisle; Dr. C. R.
9:00 a.m .......................... First Half Freshman Library Orientation Reynolds, Fairfield; and Dr. Richard C. Rog-
10:00 a.m ......................... Second Half Freshman Library Orientation ers, Eldora. Corporation members from Des
Moines are: Dr. Harry A. Barquist, Dr.
Friday, September 9 Ralph E. Gaudio, Dr. Howard A. Graney,
8:00 a.m .. ................................................... Classes Begin Dr. Stuart F. Harkness, Dr. Ruth M. Paul,
Dr. Fred W. Tente, Dr. Carl Waterbury,
I _ and Dr. Bryce E. Wilson.


President Addresses Iowa Alumni Profession to Receive

NEW YORK-Osteopathic colleges and
researchers will receive $1,000,000.00 from
the Rockefeller family, it was announced
here June 21.
Osteopathic Principles Professorship
The Kirksville College of Osteopathy and
Surgery will receive $500,000.00 from Mrs.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to endow and
support a professorship of osteopathic prin-
ciples and practice. The foundation for re-
search of the New York Academy of Osteo-
pathy will receive another $500,000.00 from
the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to be used
for research seminars and curriculum en-
richment at the six osteopathic colleges.
"This action by the -Rockefeller B-rothers
Fund and Mrs. Rockefele,r Jr., gives evi-
Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president, COMS, is shown addressing an alumni luncheon dence of the long continuing interest of our
held during the Iowa State Convention. family in the field of osteopathy," said
Laurance S. Rockefeller, president of the
fund. "It is our hope that through this pro-
gram the doctors of osteopathy of the fu-
National YMCA Board Member Honored ture will be enabled to increase still further
Public Health and that new avenues of
cooperation with colleagues in other
branches of medicine will be opened."
Personal Physician
The Kirksville professorship will be a
memorial to Dr. Perrin T. Wilson of Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts, past president of the
American Osteopathic Association and Mrs.
Rockefeller's personal physician. Dr. W.
Kenneth Riland of New York City is presi-
dent of the foundation for research of the
New York Academy of Osteopathy.
AOA Grateful
"We are grateful for this display of con-
fidence by a family which has achieved the
respect of our nation for its numerous and
thoughtful contributions to the betterment
of society," said AOA president Dr. Gay-
land S. Young of Chester, Pennsylvania.
"The problem of adequate support for re-
search into the underlying causes of health
.....L. . cuuva was LtaKen irum a luncneon nela at the new YMCA, in honor of and disease has been a pressing one for the
Dr. Herbert Evans, a member of the National Board of the National Council of six osteopathic colleges. As private insti-
the YMCA, and 1960 commencement speaker. tutions they have been caught up in the
universal struggle to maintain standards of
instruction in medicine and surgery despite
rising costs. The availability of these funds
New Faculty Member his M.A. degree in 1953 from Columbia will permit the advancement of projects
Mark Goldie, Ph.D., Assistant Professor University in New York, majoring in Zo- vital to a better understanding of the way
of Zoology, Louisiana State Universitv. ology; and in 1957, his Ph.D. degree from the human body functions. With this help
Baton Rouge, Louisi- the University of Connecticut, majoring we will be better able to serve the people
ana, will join the fac- in Zoology. of America," said Dr. Young.
ulty on September His experience includes: Research Fel- The Kirksville grant was announced by
1, 1960, as Assistant lowship, Predoctoral, National Cancer In- President Mlorris Thompson in May as an
Professor in Anat- stitute, United States Public Health Serv-
omy. Dr. Goldie will anonymous gift. Mrs. Rockefeller declared
ice, University of Connecticut, 1955 to 1957; her gift at the same time the announcement
work in the areas of Research Associate, in Biochemistry, Insti-
Embryology and His- was made of the contribution from the
tute of Living, Hartford, Connecticut, Sep- Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
tology and will also tember 1957 to August 1958; Biology In-
do research. structor, Brown University, Providence, Enables Greater Contribution to Health
Dr. Goldie was born Rhode Island, September 1958 to 1959.
in Hartford, Connec- Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of the
ticut. He received his Dr. Goldie is married, has five children, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surg-
B.S. degree in 1950 writes and reads French and German and ery, on being informed of these grants
irom tne university of Connecticut, major- is a member of the American Institute of stated, "Private philanthropy has been the
ing in Zoology with a minor in Chemistry; Biological Sciences, Sigma Xi. (Continued on Page 3)
- - I - 1 __-Il d·LIIIII II_- - - a-I l1ls141 ·1111 ill Il II I sl I

Miss Lunsford Welcomed It's Been A $3,900 Awarded to

More than seventy representatives from
forty-eight voluntary and official health
Long, Long, Time Students, Faculty
agencies were guests at a "get-acquainted"
coffee-break held in the Library of the Col- Two students and two faculty members
lege on Tuesday afternoon, June 28th. The of C.O.M.S. have received $3,900 in scholar-
occasion honored Miss Alvira Lunsford re- ships, fellowships and other grants. This is
cently appointed to the staff of the College
part of a grand total of $39,500 awarded to
as Health Educator.
osteopathic students and faculty across the
Officials of the College have long recog-
nized the possibilities for a cooperative pro- country according to Dr. John W. Mulford
gram with other health agencies. During the of Cincinnati, chairman of the AQA com-
past year the College has been developing mittee on educational grants. The "funds
an expansion program and adding to its
were provided during the year by pharma-
facilities and staff in order to help existing
organizations provide a more complete pub- ceutical houses, industrial firms, and memo-
lic health service in Des Moines and other rial funds.
Iowa communities.
A $1500 grant from the Burroughs Well-
Richard M. Brown (center), 1960 senior come company was awarded to Dr. Sanford
class president welcomed the Alumni to the Herr of Johnston, Iowa, resident in internal
graduation activities. The two gentlemen medicine at StilL Osteopathic Hospital and
above represented the classes of 1900 and associated with the faculty of C.O.M.S., for
work in internal medicine.
Left: Albert F. Steffen, 1910, Long
Beach, California. Right: W. H. Albert- Dr. Gerald J. Hohn, of Des Moines, Iowa,
son, 1900, Austin, Minnesota. Dr. Brown is received a $1,000 fellowship from Mead,
interning in Zieger Osteopathic Hospital Johnson and Company for study in pediat-
located in his home town of Detroit, Mich- rics. Dr. Hohn is a pediatric resident at
Still Osteopathic Hospital and also associ-
ated with the faculty of C.O.M.S.
AHA Lists Four More
Open Staff Hospitals
Pictured above at a coffee-break held in CHICAGO -Four additional hospitals
honor of Miss Alvira Lunsford, new Health with osteopathic doctors on their staffs
Educator for the college, are left to right- were listed during May by the American
Miss Lunsford; Dr. Edmund G. Zimmerer, Hospital Association.
Commissioner, Iowa State Department of Newly listed are: South Coast Com-
Health; K.E.Hartoft, Director of Personnel, munity Hospital, South Laguna, Califor-
Iowa State Department of Health and Miss nia; Boone County Hospital, Boone, Iowa;
Hortense Minson, Administrative Assistant, Boone County Hospital, Columbia, Missou-
Iowa State Department of Health. ri; and Ogallala Community Hospital,
Miss Lunsford, a graduate of Simpson Ogallala, Nebraska.
College, Indianola, Iowa, served as a Health Mary Greeley Hospital, Ames, Iowa, last
Educator for the Iowa State Department of January became the first hospital with
Health for five years. Prior to that she D.O.'s on its staff to be listed by the AHA. Dr. Sanford Herr Dr. Gerald J. Hohn
was Publicity and Education Director for The new listings follow AHA policy laid
the Polk County Tuberculosis and Health down in August, 1959, under which these
Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Before en- hospitals may be listed provided that gen-
tering military service during World War eral supervision of all clinical work is made
II, where she served as a Postal Officer by medical doctors.
in the Army Air Corps, Miss Lunsford was
a Director of Health and Physical Education
in the Ames High School, Ames, Iowa.
Wendell R. Fuller, director of the De-
Notify Log Book
nartment of Public Relations, served as host
for the coffee-break. Assisting him as host-
of Address Change
esses were Mrs. Ralph Gaudio, Mrs. Robert --- V*^*hhl^*
---- ^^^^^hh ^h ^<^>^^^^^^S^^
Kreamer, and Mrs. J. R. McNerney of the
Auxiliary to the Polk County Society of
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. 7th Annual John W. Nelson John B. Dolven
Polk County Clinical John W. Nelson, junior student from Des
$1,000,000 Award Conference Moines, Iowa, has been awarded a $1,000
scholarship by the Pfizer Foundation, the
(Continued from Page 2) "NEUROLOGICAL
first ward of its kind received by a student
means of keeping the osteopathic profession PROBLEMS IN
in the forefront of medical advancement. of this college.
This expression of interest in furthering GENERAL PRACTICE"
John B. Dolven, sophomore student from
the educational and research potential of
the six osteopathic colleges will in the years October 19, 1960 Hawley, Minnesota, has received a $400 Rus-
to come enable our graduates to make a sell C. McCaughan memorial scholarship,
greater contribution to the health care of Savery Hotel Des Moines, Iowa a grant given to osteopathic college soph-
the peoples of this nation." S^*H ^>^^h >^SI ^SW \l^H^<-----l V^ W«^ V
C^hWl omores.

Dr. Hewitt Returns positions Dr. Hewitt continued to be en- Alumni Dues Received
gaged in research and teaching, as he had ARIZONA: L. A. Nowlin, Phoenix. CAL-
William F. Hewitt, PhD., assumed pro- been at COMS. The stimulating difference IFORNIA: J. P. Hutchins, Wilmington;
fessional duties as Professor of Pharma- was that the audiences were patients, phy-
cology at COMS on July 1, 1960, after an sicians, research scientists and industrial Herman Mirkin, Chino; A. F. Steffen,
absence of 3 years from the college. executives instead of medical students. Long Beach. FLORIDA: Stewart W.
Dr. Hewitt received his A.B. degree from The background of experience in the Woofenden, Lake Worth. IOWA: H. A.
Princeton University in 1935, his M.Sc. pharmaceutical industry should be helpful Barquist, Des Moines; Paul E. Eggleston,
degree from unicago in Dr. Hewitt's major responsibilites here: Winterset; Mary E. Golden, Des Moines;
University in 1937, teaching pharmacology, and promoting
clinical and basic-science research (as ex- Marvin L. Hodson, Jewell; K. George Shi-
and his Ph.D. degree
(physiology) f r o m ecutive Secretary of the Research Commit- moda, Marshalltown. MICHIGAN: Bern-
Chicago U n i versity tee of the Faculty). While Dr. Nusser is ard Dash, Southfield; Chase E. Mathews,
in 1942. He served absent on leave for postgarduate study, Dr. Detroit; John N. Olszewski, Warren; Con-
as associate professor Hewitt will serve as Acting Department
Head in physiology. rad R. Pearl, Detroit; John N. Secor,
in physiology and act-
ing head of the De- The Hewitts have four daughters, are Rockwood; William H. Stoler, Detroit.
partment of Physiolo- members of The Religious Society of MINNESOTA: John H. Voss, Albert Lea.
gy of the College of Friends (Quakers) and are interested in OHIO: Donald King, Norwalk; Robert L.
Osteopathic Physici- reading and discussion, having served as Kirk, Smithville; J. E. Miller, Dayton; Ro-
ans and Surgeons, discussion leaders for the Great Books bert A. Sybert, Ravenna. OREGON:
Los Angeles, Califor- Foundation .... .... .....- Aloys J. Daack, Portland. VERMONT:
Raymond L. Martin,' Mon "tp
nia, until 1946 when
he became head of the
Department of Literature Research for Alumni Groups Elect If you want the Log Book mailed to
Smith, Kline and French Laboratories of
Philadelphia, Penn. From 1948 until 1952, Officers anyone-just send us the address.
Dr. Hewitt was assistant professor of phy- OREGON
siology, College of Medicine, Howard Uni- Dr. Scott Heatherington, Gladstone
versity, Washington, D.C. In 1952, Dr. President
Hewitt was appointed chairman of the De-
partments of Physiology and Pharmacolo- Dr. Norman A. Bomengen, Portland
gy of the College of Osteopathic Medicine Secretary
and Surgery, Des Moines, and served in WASHINGTON Published Monthly by
this capacity until April of 1957. Dr. Herbert G. Harris, Seattle
In the spring of 1957 Dr. Hewitt became
Associate Director of Technical Informa- MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Dr. Herbert G. Harris, Seatle
tion in the research laboratories of Mead Secretary
Johnson & Company (Evansville, Indiana), Vol. 38 Number 4
and later was medical and technical writer IOWA
Dr. Howard Dolyak, Stuart Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
for the Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Di- provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
vision of the Company. President authorized Feb 3, 1923.

He returns to the College from Plough, Dr. H. L. Gulden, Ames Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
Inc. (Memphis, Tennessee), where he was Vice President at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
of August 24, 1912.
pharmacologist in the Research and De- Dr. Paul G. Hutson, Des Moines
velopment Department, responsible for the Secretary
development of new ethical pharmaceutical Dr. Joe B. Baker, Greenfield WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
specialties. In both of these drug-industry Treasurer JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
I" I z~o 4 00ol At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue



-- I --

ASSOCIATION MEETS Interest in alumni activities reached an
all-time high in recent years during the
Sixty-Fourth Annual American Osteopathic
Association Convention held in Kansas
City, Missouri. Dr. Charles L. Naylor of
Ravenna, Ohio, president of the National
Alumni Association for the past two years
commented as follows: "When we were
reorganizing the Alumni Association three
years ago six people made up the House of
Delegates,two years ago there were ten
people, last year there were twelve, and
I'm very happy to say that today there
were thirty-five of our graduates who met
at a breakfast meeting to discuss the pres-
ent and the future of our national organi-
zation and our College. It is very signifi-
cant to note that during this reorganiza-
tion period we have developed an excellent
constitution and by-laws. We asked the
College Board of Trustees to permit us to
nominate three of our representatives to
serve on Ithe Board of Trustees. As you
know, this was granted to us and now we
have three representatives on the College
Board of Trustees instead of one as we
Officers of The National Alumni Association and college board members pose for had for so many years. At your sugges-
the photographers following the annual alumni banquet in the Muehlebach Hotel, Wed- tion, your Executive Committee presented
nesday evening, June 20. to the College Board of Trustees three club
Left to right: J. R. Forbes, Phoenix, Arizona, president-elect; Charles L. Naylor, plans, namely: the 500 Club, 350 Club,
Ravenna, Ohio, immediate past president; W. Clemens Andreen, Wyandotte, Michigan,
president; Dale Dodson, Northfield, Minnesota, nominee to the College Board of Trus- and the 250 Club. The Board, of course,
tees, to replace Dr. W. J. Blackler, Grand Rapids, Michigan, effective June, 1961. was unanimous in its approval of these
plans and they are now a reality. At this
Paul T. Rutter, Medford, Oregon, Member of College Board of Trustees; Paul E.
Dunbar, Paducah, Kentucky, Delegate-at-Large. time there are six members in the 500 Club,
Other members not shown above: 0. 0. Wentling, Erie, Pennsylvania, vice president; two members in the 350 Club, and seven-
C, M. Parkinson, Denver. Colorado, Delegate-at-Large; Stanley J. Sulkowski, Kansas teen members in the 250 Club. We feel
that greater emphasis should be placed -on
City, Missouri, Delegate-at-Large; Walter B. Goff, Dunbar, West Virginia, College
Board Member; W. J. Blackler, Grand Rapids, Michigan, College Board Member. adding more members to these three Club
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----- plans. As you know, funds received

i through this program will be used for a
greater faculty program, expanded facili-
REGISTRATION ties, improved curriculum, and increased
enrollment. It is to be noted that 20% of
September 6, 7, 8 the annual contribution from an individual
to one of these Club plans goes into a de-
Tuesday, September 6 velopment expansion fund which is a re-
8:00 a.m . .................................. Freshman Orientation stricted fund that can be used only for the
3:30 p.m ........................................... . Freshman Registration purchase of land for the College, new
building construction, remodeling and re-
Wednesday, September 7 pair of old buildings, or the purchase of
8:00 a.m. . . ................................. Junior Registration equipment and new facilities.
8:90 a.m. .................................. Freshman Physical Examination "During this year we have heard much
about the proposed expansion program, and
Thursday, September 8 I know that we will hear more in the
9:00 a.m............................................. Sophomore Registration months ahead. Of course, this is great
news for all of us. We are on our way,
9:00 a.m ......................... First Half Freshman Library Orientation but it is going to take a lot of planning on
10:00 a.m. ......................... Second Half Freshman Library Orientation the part of the Board of Trustees and the
administration of the College, and a lot of
Friday, September 9 cooperation on the part of every graduate
8:00 a.m ................................................... . . Classes Begin ALUMNI-
I-- II (Continued on Page 2)
g~ g BOOK

ALUMNI . , the Alumni Association would be of great

(Continued from Page One)
of our College if we are to succeed and to
Banquet Speakers service to the College if they would seek
out and send outstanding students in their
area to the College. He also reminded
bring about the realization of our dreams those assembled that great progress at the
for a bigger and better College."
College depended upon the full support of
Seventy-five persons attended the An- every graduate in a united cooperative ef-
nual Alumni Banquet on Wednesday eve- fort.
ning, July 20, in the Tearoom of the Hotel
Muehlebach. The theme of the evening was Newly installed President Dr. W. Clem-
"The Present Projected into the Future" ens Andreen also noted the progress being
with much emphasis on the fact that these made in reorganization of the National
are "The Progressive '60's, Our Years of Alumni Association and commented brief-
Opportunities". Those in attendance will
long remember the presentations of the
several speakers. From the time of the
opening remarks of outgoing President
Naylor until the aceptance of the presiden- Daniel E. Haanna John B. Shumak-
cy by the new president, Dr. W. Clemens chairman of the Col- er, Ph.D., described
Andreen of Wyandotte, Michigan, the pro- lege Board of Trus- the educational pro-
gram moved along rapidly. Mr. Daniel E. tees, speaks on gram for the forth-
Hannan, Chairman of the College Board of events of the past c o m i n g academic
Trustees, reviewed the past year touching year with special year and announced
on some of the activities of the Board, the emphasis on pro- new faculty person-
administration, and the financial situation gress. nel.
of the College at the present time. "This
past year was a very good year," he stated,
"but this is only the beginning." He
praised the work of the Board members
and the members of the administration for H E
the performance of their duties. Dr. John E A
B. Shumaker, Dean of the College, spoke R
on some of the progressive changes to be
made in the curriculum, the number of new
faculty to be recruited before school opens R
in the fall, and projected the student en- 0 0
rollments for the future. Dr. William B. F Merlyn McLaughlin, Ph.D., president,
G COMS, proposed plans for the future of
Strong, Medical Director, spoke of the
R COMS, including possible re-location and
many changes 'that were taking place in 0
the Clinic and the Hospital: Changes that E P new college facilities.
would bring about an expansion of the S P
services to the students as teaching units, $ W. Cl emens An-
0 ly on remarks 'made by representatives of
services to the community and to the Osteo- I dreen, D.O)., new pres- R the College relative to their plans for the
pathic Profession in general. "In order to V ident of the national T future-not only in the training of more
do the job that must be done we need more E aalumni association, U osteopathic physicians, but in the far-
supervisory personnel," he stated. "This shown heire making N sightedness of the Board and administra-
is a challenging position for any Osteo- his accept;ance speech, I tion in preparing for a proposed college
pathic Physician." Mr. Wendell R. Fuller, 6 asked for 100%o sup- T expansion program. "During the last
Registrar, reviewed important events lead- 0 port for the college I three years," stated Dr. Andreen, "we have
ing up to the present time-starting with program. E become a better informed alumni than ever
the arrival of Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin as S S before in our history. By our growing in-
the new president, Dr. William B.-Strong terest- aTd participation in the )Colle pro-
as the Medical Director, and continuation grams we can expect to be the best in-
of the Benefit Ball of the Auxiliary to the formed Alumni Association of any college
Polk County Society of Osteopathic Physi- in the land. If we, as graduates of the
cians and Surgeons, the renewed activity College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surg-
on the part of the Polk County Society of ery, want to see these changes that have
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in been projected here this evening, we must
putting on the first Annual Public Health give our personal wholehearted support to
Banquet in cooperation with the College, in this program and encourage other gradu-
the city of Des Moines and also for spon- ates of our institution to do the same. As
soring a reception for President McLaugh- has been stated before, these are the years
lin at the time of the Annual Alumni- of decision and with these decisions go
Senior Banquet at the Savery Hotel in Des great responsibilities. These are "The
Moines on June 2. Progressive '60's, The Years of Opportuni-
William B. Strong, Jean F. LeRoque, ties." The 'time has arrived when we are
Dr. McLaughlin reviewed briefly his first D.O., medical direc- D.O., immediate past
year as president of the institution, and called upon to participate and to contrib-
tor, COMS, reviewed president of t h e
through the use of maps of the urban re- proposed clin i c a 1 alumni association, ute to this great program. Unless our ans-
development area in Des Moines, pointed and hospital teach- presented new mem- wer is a wholehearted 'yes', we cannot suc-
out the different sites for a possible new ing programs. bers of the official ceed."
college development. In his discussion he family of the nation- Thus ended another Annual Meeting of
brought out the need for a new Clinic, new al alumni associa-
the National Alumni Association of the
Hospital, new class rooms, and student tion.
College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surg-
housing. Dr. McLaughlin pointed out that ery.

Alumni Active At Convention

Members of The National Alumni Asso-
ciation visit the exhibit of The National
Biological Photographers Association which
was under the supervision of Mr. E. Lynn
Baldwin, chief of medical photography and
illustration, COMS.

Executive committee members of the National Alumni Association met the night
before the House of Delegates meeting on Wednesday morning, July 20.
Left to right: W. R. Fuller, Des Moines, Iowa, executive secretary-treasurer; Dr. W.
Clemens Andreen, Wyandotte, Michigan, president-elect; Dr. Paul T. Rutter, Medford,
Oregon, member of the College Board of Trustees; Dr. Jean F. LeRoque, Des Moines,
Oregon; Paul E. Dunbar, Paducah, Ken- Iowa, immediate past president; Dr. Paul Ei. Dunbar, Paducah, Kentucky, Delegate-at-
tucky; Ralph C. Blackwell, Troy, Missouri. Large; Dr. Charles L. Naylor, Ravenna, Ohio, president.

Faculty Appointments
Sandra C. Jellinghaus of Wilmington,
Delaware, and Harold Collins, of Krebs,
Oklahoma, will join the college faculty on
September 1.
Miss Jellinghaus has been appointed in-
structor in biochemistry and research. A
graduate of the Connecticut College for
Women at New London, Connecticut, she
received her A.B. degree in 1957. She re-
ceived her A.B. degree in 1957. She re-
ceived her M.S. degree from the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia in
1960 and was an assistant instructor in bio-
chemistry there from 1957 to 1959. She is
- __I_
__I __ t, 0tw. __ *xr.
with the members ot the House of Delegates. Thirty-five representatives voiced approval a mmeber of01 igma XA, honorary science
of the starting of the "500 - 350 - 250 Club Plan" program and urged an all-out effort society.
for building this program. Final approval for the revised Constitution and By-Laws Mr. Collins has
was voted. Printed copies will be distributed to alumni in the fall. been appointed an
instructor in anat-
Dr. Elmets presented papers at the gen- omy. He is a grad-
i mt. se Cited
Dr. Elmets
..... CtedAssociation
of the American Osteopathic
e eral session convention and at the American
uate of the Uni-
versity of Okla-
Osteopathic College of Dematology's annual homa, Norman,
meeting. Okla., and received
During the A.O.A. convention, Dr. Elmets his B.S. degree in
was elected a trustee of the American Oste- 1957 and his M.S.
opathic College of Dermatology, and elected degree in 1960. He
to a three year term on the Board. He will reads and writes
also serve as chairman ot the examination German, is unmarried and a member of the
committee. Presbyterian church.

Dr. Harry B. Elmets (right) lecturer in Dr. ~:narles L. INaylor, Ravenna, unio, outgoing president ot the National Alumni
osteopathic medicine reviews a paper with Association gives his farewell address after presiding over the annual alumni banquet
Dr. Paul Courtney, St. Louis, Missouri, on Wednesday, July 20, at the Hotel Muehlebach in Kansas City, Missouri. Dr. Naylor
president-elect of the American Osteopathic thanked the membership for their support and urger greater support for Dr. Andreen,
College of Dermatology. the new president, and the college program.

COMS President Honored WVh i e attending Students Manage

the Annual Conven-
tion of the A.O.A.
in Kansas City, in
July, Merlyn Mc-
Laughlin, PhD.,
president of the Col-
lege of Osteopathic
Medicine and Surg-
ery, was awarded
an honorary mem-
bership in the Sig-
ma Sigma Phi (a
National Osteopa-
t hic Fraternity).
This award was
made at the annual
banquet on Thurs-
day evening.
President Mc-
Laughlin was also Senior students Fred Carpenter, Newton,
appointed to the Os- Iowa, and Hugh Grover, Flint, Michigan,
teopathic Progress hold sick call for members of the 389th
Fund Committee by Engineering Battalion at Fort Des Moines.
Dr. Roy Harvey, Sick call was held each morning at 6:45
new President of during the two week reserve training pro-
the A.O.A. and was gram in July for 750 officers and men.
elected v i c e-presi- Carpenter and Grover were on call round
Students at Convention dent of the Flying Osteopathic Physicians the clock each day.

New Delegate
Dr. Stanley J. Sul- JIA - /i o B0ooIa
kowski, Kansas City,
Missouri, newly elect- Published Monthly by
of the National Alum- MEDICINE AND SURGERY
ni Association. Dr.
Vol. 38 Number 5
Sulkowski represents
the Midwest ar e a Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
Among several ;UIvlS students attending which includes the authorized Feb 3, 1923.
the convention were, left to right, while states of:
visiting a booth in the exhibit hall, James Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
R. Leach, senior, Valley View, Texas; Pfizer Arkansas, Illinois, at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
of August 24, 1912.
representative; John W. Nelson, junior, Des Indiana, Iowa, Kan-
Moines, Iowa; and Carl W. Otte, Clarinda, sas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebras-
Iowa. Nelson is the recipient of a Pfizer ka, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
Foundation scholarship. and Wisconsin. JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
Ch£ j Bo00 At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue



ALUMNI BANQUET 12 0 Ke-.3 kl r R:oad
bP1 ,, II_ _1 ______ __ _ ___ I --a

College Welcomes 71 Freshmen

Row 1, Left to Right: James Reuter, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Grant R. Born, Jr., Detroit, Michigan
Stephen A. Isaacson, Brooklyn, New York Wilbur Franklin, Jr., Des Moines, Iowa Ronald J. Stewart, Detroit, Michigan
Burton A. Eisenberg, Oak Park, Michigan Samuel Williams, Clinton, Iowa Saul Bresalier, Brooklyn, New York
Jim L. Johnston, Canton, Ohio Stanley Sacks, New York, New York Row 6 Let t Right:
Ronald Zarzycki, Dearborn, Michigan Ronald R. Ganelli, Brooklyn, New York
Lionel Katchem etroit,
, Michigan Charles Gilman, Detroit, Michigan Robert Sims, Detroit, Michigan
Ronald E. Wolf, Dayton, Ohio Phoenix ArizonaLouis Ricci, New York, New York
Max E. Robins, Detroit, Michigan Anthony Slomony, Colunbus, Ohio Allen Waldman, Detroit, Michigan
Louie Hood, Montgomery, AlabamaAnthony Salomony, C Herbert Gearhart, Hopkinton, Iowa
Charles L. Pigneri, West Des Moines, Iowa Row 4, Left to Right: Douglas A. Dunham, Akron, Ohio
Ambrose W. Wotorson, Monrovia, Liberia Vernice Strickland, Stark, Florida
Paul A. Lippman, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Randall . illis, Springfield, OhioFrancis W. O'Connor, Brockton, Mass-achu-
vania Allen Birrer, Camden, New Jerseyn, ass
Dean R. Nickel, Lakewood, Ohio
Row 2, Left to Right: Richard M. Touma, Port Huron, Michigan William V. Utter, Kansas City, Missouri
Norman A. Klegon, Detroit, Michigan George Gustavson, Gibraltar, Michigan Gary D. Garrett, Flint, Michigan
David M. Mac, Detroit, Michigan Richard J. Zimmer, Algonac, Michigan Ben Raines, Kansas City, Missouri
Patrick K. McClellan, Leadville, Colorado Louis Fortuna, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Harvey Blum, New York, New York
Herbert Greenbaum, New Milford, New Nadeem M. Hether, Flint, Michigan Chorde W. Davidson, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Jersey F. Leith Mitchell, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Benjamin Kohl, Ventnor City, New Jersey Alfred W. Driscoll, Cleveland, Ohio Not Pictured:
J. Barry Rubin, Detroit, Michigan Willis B. Anderson, Jr., Birmingham, Mich-
Howard L. Dubin, Detroit, Michigan Row 5, Left to Right:
Thomas M. Di Resta, Lawrence, Massachu- James F. Hogan, Merrill, Michigan Henry Gonte, Detroit, Michigan
setts Harold Steinbaum, Jackson Hts., New York Stanley Halprin, Detroit, Michigan
Richard Lane, Houston, Texas Robert A. Komer, Detroit, Michigan Richard C. Harrison, St. Petersburg, Flori-
John A. Zuransky, Dedham, Massachusetts Rodney Shaw, Detroit, Michigan da
Row 3, Left to Right: Robert Verona, Detroit, Michigan Albert T. Luster, South Bend, Indiana
Frederick Green, Alva, Oklahoma Bernard Schwartz, Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
Kent D. Rens, Orange City, Iowa Carl P. Deyhle, Camden, New Jersey
Edmund F. Volk, Jr., Akron, Ohio vania
Kenneth E. Neff, Detroit Michigan John M. Vargo, Aurora, Illinois


Picture No. 1. Dr. William B. Strong, Picture Nol 4. Dr. Jean F. LeRoque of -~~~~~~~~ -

Medical Director of the College of Osto- Des Moines, president of the Iowa Society
pathic Medicine and Surgery anld trustee
of the American Osteopathic Associatioa
off Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons,
brings greetings from his group as well as
the National Alumni Association of the
Post Doctoral
extends greetings to the incoming fresh-
men on behalf of the American Osteopathiic
College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur-
gery. Program
Association. Dr. Strong has been reap-
pointed to two committees of the American Picture No. 5. Dr. the
oin president
president of
of the Polk
Moines, Polk County
County SoSo-
Osteopathic Association-Chairman of the ciety of Osteopathic Physicians and Sur- November 10-11-12, 1960
Council on Development and representative geons, welcomes the freshmen on behalf of
Savery Hotel Des Moines, Iowa
to the National Health Council. his organization.
Picture No. 6. Dr. Howard Dolyak of Speakers of national reputation head-
Picture No. 2. President McLaughlin and Stuart, Iowa, president of the Iowa State ed by Dr. James L. Goddard, Civil Air
Dean Shumaker visit with the incoming Alumni Association of C.O.M.S., brings Surgeon and Chief Medical Officer of
freshmen on coffee break during freshman greetings from the Alumni in the state of
orientation program. Reading left to right: Iowa. the Federal Aviation Agency.
Dean Shumaker; Dean Nickel of Lakewood,
Picture No. 7. Freshmen students begin A program of interest for all osteo-
Ohio; Herbert Greenbaum of New Milford, their registration for the fall term, immedi-
N. J.; President McLaughlin; and Burton pathic physician-a must for one inter-
ately following the orientation program.
Eisenberg of Oak Park, Michigan. Shown collecting tuition are members of ested in qualifying as an aviation medi-
the business office-Mrs. Opal Andrew, Mrs. cal examiner. Check your mail for de-
Picture No, 3. Miss Evelyn Norman, sec- Juanita Gray, and Cecil C. Looney, busi- tails on this most important program.
retary to Dean Shumaker, serves coffee and ness officer.
doughnuts during coffee break. Freshmen Cosponsored by the College of Osteo-
students are Henry Gonte of Detroit, Mich- Picture No. 8. Dr. Stuart F. Harkness of pathic Medicine and Surgery and the
igan; Ambrose W. Wotorson of Liberia; Des Moines was on hand for his annual
visit with incoming students regarding the Flying Osteopathic Physicians Associa-
and Louie W. Hood of Montgomery, Ala- importance of the Basic Sciences to the tion.
bama. Clinical Years.
-- ____

Fall-1960 Beta Chapter begins a new academic year
Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Unclass. Total with a new slate of well-chosen officers.
They are:
Number of Students 71 68 62 69 13 283
President-John W. Nelson, Des Moines,
Women 0 2 0 1 0 3 Iowa
States represented 16 13 10 17 5 27 Vice-President-Eugene E. Rongaus, Don-
Colleges represented 46 39 32 38 13 114 ora, Penr--'.vania
Degrees-A.B., B.A., B.S. 40 46 41 50 10 187 Secretary- Al W. Otte, Clarinda, Iowa
Married 28 37 34 39 9 147 Treasurer--vcar E. Gutierrez, San An-
Veterans 13 21 22 24 4 84 tonio, Texas
Enrolled under G. I. Bill 4 3 3 7 0 17 Historian-Richard W. Clarke, Pasco,
Foreign Countries 1 1 0 2 1 4 Washington
Corres. Secretary-Elwyn D. Crawford,
Members of the student body came from 27 states: Michigan 101, Ohio 36, Pennsyl- Reading, Michigan
vania 31, New York 28, Iowa 24, New Jersey 10, Texas 7, Illinois 4, Arizona 3, Cali-
fornia 3, Colorado 3, Florida 3, Massachusetts 3, Washington 3, Wisconsin 3, Kentucky I.F.C. Representative-Thomas E. Cham-
2, Missouri 2, North Dakota 2, Oklahoma 2, Alabama 1, Hawaii 1, Indiana 1, Kansas 1, bers, Owensboro, Kentucky
Nebraska 1, New Mexico 1, South Dakota 1, West Virginia 1. Editor-Richard H. Reel, Mount Ayr,
Foreign countries represented-India 1, Iran 2, Liberia 1, and Puerto Rico 1.
Our first social function was a worknight
Colleges and universities represented by 7 or more students are: Wayne State Univer- held at the Casa Loma Lounge, Wednesday,
sity, Detroit, Michaigan, 40; University of Detroit, Michigan, 19; Youngstown Univer- Sept. 21, by Dr. Milton J. Dakovich, speak-
sity, Youngstown, Ohio, 14; Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 13; Drake ing on "The Osteopathic Physician and Pro-
University, Des Moines, Iowa, 12; Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, gress of the Profession." This program was
10; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 10; Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, very well attended and the information ap-
Michigan, 9; Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, Brooklyn, New York, 7; The State Univer- preciated, particularly by the new freshmen.
sity of Rutgers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 7; State University of Iowa, Iowa City,
Iowa, 7; University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, 7. The I.F.C. has assigned weekend dates to
each fraternity for 'rushing,' and the Chap-
It is interesting to note that 187 members of the student body have received their ter plans to hold a number of delightful
Baccalaureate degrees. programs and parties, all under the compe-
Total Total tent directionship of Social Chairman Wil-
Year Enrollment Degrees Year Enrollment Degrees liam D. Chambers.
1950 299 127 1956 227 160 We look forward to this year with en-
1951 281 154 1957 249 thusiasm and high aspirations, knowing that
185 we have as fine a group of men as are gath-
1952 258 155 1958 265 181 ered in any professional college in the coun-
1953 249 182 1959 270 189 try. Greetings to I.T.S. Alumni everywhere
1954 232 162 1960 283 187 and we cordially invite you to join us for
1955 233 175 any or all of our fraternity functions.

Atlas Program for the Deaf New Internal Medicine

The Atlas fraternity wishes to commend
the college on its progressive new look tak- "Few persons realize the tremendous need Resident
ing shape. The newly formed biochemistry for more instruction in the language used - _ XTZ--
by the totally deaf-the sign language," Dr. Don K a y,
offices and research lab on the main floor C.O.M.S., 1959, is
and the new paneled offices on the second Leland Ahern, director of the Polk County
Welfare Department said during a recent the new Internal
floor of the college building were a welcome Medicine Resident
sight on returning from summer vacation. discussion with him concerning the ways
our college and clinic facilities might be at Still Hospital.
Atlas has elected the following officers While attend i n g
for this year: of help to that department.
C.O.M.S. he war;
President: David Uiselt, Wheatland, Pa. "Language", Mr. Ahern pointed out, "is a associated w i th
Vice President: Anthony Elisco, New Cas- means of communication-be it oral, sign L.O.G. fraternity
tle, Pa. or a combination of both. The totally deaf and P.S.A. He grad-
Secretary: John Block, Flint, Mich. person lives in a narrow world because few uated from Mich-
Treasurer: Herbert Kaufman, Youngs- others know the sign language." igan State Univers-
town, Ohio. ity in 1954 and
The fraternity is looking forward to a As a result of this conference the College
will, as a part of its public service program, served his intern-
good professional and social calendar this shin at Art Ce.ntre
year which should be of interest to all mem- provide class room facilities for the Friends
of the Deaf, Inc., to conduct a six-week Hospital in Detroit, Michigan.
class of instruction in sign language and Residing with him at 716 Sandahl, Des
finger spelling beginning on Thursday, Oc- Moines, are his wife, Beverly and two child-
Recent Visitors tober 13th. Classes will meet each Thursday ren, Andria Gayl, 6, and Reid Scott, 2.
Dr. John E. Hodges, '51, Laurens, Iowa evening in Room 304 (entrance on Center Dr. Kay plans to locate in Detroit, Mich-
Dr. Eugene R. Keig, '33, St. Petersburg, street) from 7:00- 8:30 p.m. igan upon completion of his residency.
The classes will be open to any normal not only will enlighten those who study the
Dr. Edgar Kornhauser, '51, Youngstown,
Ohio hearing, hard-of-hearing or totally deaf sign language but will benefit and open a
person. The college's student doctors are new, wide horizon for a large segment of
Dr. Lee C. Moore, '52, Pasadena, Califor- urged to attend as preparation for serving
nia our population.
their future deaf patients.
Dr. Wm. C. Rankin, Jr., '56, Marietta, There is no charge for attending the
Ohio Mr. Ahern said that many persons study classes. Advanced registration for student
Dr. Charles L. Ballinger, Coral Gables, German, French, or Spanish in order to doctors and other college personnel may be
Florida communicate with natives of those counties. made through Alvira Lunsford, Health Edu-
Dr. Jack M. Wright, Toledo, Ohio Learning to "talk" with the totally deaf cator.

Alumni pictured below are members of the "500" Club (members contribute $500.00 to the
College each year); the "350" Club, (members contribute $350.00 to the College each year); and
the "250" Club, (members contribute $250.00 to the College each year). The + indicates the
individual is contributing more than $250.00 each year.

"500" "500" "500"

lr. Ermil Biraunschweig, '37 Dr. W. Clemens Andreen, '35 Dr. Walter B. Goff, '44
El Cajon, California Wyandotte, Michigan Dunbar, West Virginia

"'2 5" 4-
"250" +

Dr. Bryce E. Wilson, '49 Dr. 0 0. Wentling, '42 Dr. Jean F. Le Roque, '40
Des Moines, Iowa Erie, Pennsylvania Des Moines, Iowa

"250" 4~
qp7, ()II

Dr. T. P. McWilliams, '43 Dr. Charles L. Naylor, '33 Dr. W. J. Blackler, '48
Bayard, Iowa Ravenna, 'Ohio Grand Rapids, Michigan

Freshmen Orientation Charles Parker President Receives

The annual Freshmen Orientation pro-
gram was held in Room 305 of the Clinic
Cancer Victim National Honor
Building on Tuesday, September 6, 1960. Mr. Charles L. Parker, Chief of Custo- Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of the
President Merlyn McLaughlin and Dean dial Services of COMS, passed away at the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur-
John B. Shumaker opened the program age of 59 in Still Osteopathic Hospital on gery and a Lt. Colonel in the United States
by formally welcoming the students to the Monday, September 12, 1960, a victim of Air Force Reserve, was presented with the
College after which members of the Col- cancer. W. A. Wheatley Trophy at a luncheon hon-
lege faculty spoke to the students. Known by the graduates of the last 32 oring him on Friday, September 23, at the
fourth annual aerospace education seminar
Byron E. Laycock, D.O., Lecturer in Oste- in San Francisco, California. The seminar
opathic Medicine and Rehabilitation, spoke was a part of the 1960 National Convention
on "Osteopathic Technique in Osteopathic and Aerospace Panorama of the Air Force
Medicine". Dr. Stuart F. Harkness, Lectur- Association.
er in Osteopathic Medicine spoke on "The
Relationship of the Basic Sciences to the The W. A. Wheatley Trophy, the highest
Clinical Years". Mrs. Marybelle Kender- such award given in the United States, was
dine, Associate Professor, spoke on "Your presented to Dr. McLaughlin in recognition
College Library". Dr. William B. Strong, of his outstanding contributions in the field
Medical Director and a trustee of the Amer- of aerospace education. Recipients are se-
ican Osteopathic Association, spoke on lected by the University Aviation Associa-
"Your American Osteopathic Association". tion.
Organization representatives on hand to Dr. McLaughlin served for several years
greet the students were: Dr. Jean F. Le- as liaison officer between the United States
Roque of Des Moines, president of the Iowa Air Force Headquarters and 187 educational
Society of Osteopathic Physicians and Sur- institutions having Air Force ROTC units.
geons and representatives of the National He was assigned Chief of the Liaison Di-
Alumni Association; Dr. Paul E. Terrell of vision for the Reserve Forces, USAF, and
Des Moines, president of the Polk County later Commander of the Iowa Air Reserve
Society of Osteopathic Physicians and Sur- Center in Des Moines. During this assign-
geons; and Dr. Howard Dolyak, Stuart, ment he established a new Center and de-
Iowa, president of the Iowa Alumni Associa- veloped reserve training programs through-
tion of C.O.M.S. years as "Charlie", "Parker", or "Deacon", out Iowa, Northern Missouri, Western Illi-
Organization representatives were: Harry he had undergone surgery last March. nois and Southern Wisconsin.
Davis, president, Interfraternity Council; Pallbearers from the College were: Troy He was the United States representative
John W. Nelson, president of the Student Hamilton (custodial services), Dr. Henry J. for the education to the Federation Aero-
Council; Sidney Grobman, president of Psi Ketman (radiologist), Cecil C. Looney (bus- nautique Internationale at The Hague,
Sigma Alpha, honorary scholastic frater- iness officer), Leonard Madison (custodial Netherlands in 1953; Istanbul, Turkey, in
nity; and Donald Turner, president of Sig- services), Al C. Parmenter (hospital admin- 1954, and San Francisco, California, in
ma Sigma Phi, service fraternity. istrator), and Dr. John B. Shumaker (dean). 1957. He was also the United States repre-
Other speakers were: Mr. Cecil C. Looney, Burial was in Glendale Cemetery, Des sentative for education to the Federation
business officer, and Mr. Allan Pickett, Moines. Aeronautique Internationale Aviation Edu-
Blue Cross-Blue Shield representative. Charlie is survived by his wife Theresa cation Commission at Las Vegas, New Mex-
Wendell R. Fuller, Registrar, was chair- and daughter Charlene, age 13. ico in 1959, and at Paris, France, in 1960.
man of the program assisted by John W. Returning alumni always inquired about Dr. McLaughlin was elected President of
Nelson, president of the Student Council. Charlie and few left the premises without the College of Osteopathic Medicine and
Mr. Fuller spoke to the students on Regis- saying hello. Through the years he was a Surgery in August, 1959.
tration and Regulations. most popular and faithful employee. His
Hostesses for the coffee breaks were: Miss passing is a great loss to this institution.
Janet Davis, secretary to Dr. Henry J. Ket- He will be missed by all of us. Research in Anatomy
man and president of the Polk County So- Over the past summer the Department
ciety of Osteopathic Office Assistants; Mrs. of Anatomy, C.O.M.S. carried on a number
Frances Lynn, Recorder and secretary to
Wendell R. Fuller, Registrar; Miss Evelyn
Aviation Medical of research projects in areas of recent
vital interest to all the medical sciences.
Norman, secretary to Dean Shumaker; and
Miss Dorothy Stahl, surgical secretary, and
Examiner They were:
vice president of the Polk County Society The Administrator of the Federal Avia- 1. The uses of oxadine dyes on neural
of Osteopathic Office Assistants. tion Agency of Washington, D. C. and the tissues; neural staining with Celestine-Blue
Regional Medical Officer for Civil Aeronau- B, a supravital staining which stains nuclei
tics, Charles W. McMillian, M.D. of Kansas blue to black in 3-5 minutes and also stains
Enter Private Practice City, Missouri, announced theappointment metachromatic substances.
Raymond B. Juni, D.O., Associate Pro- of J. B. Baker, D.O. of Greenfield, Iowa, as
designated Aviation Medical Examiner for 2. Evaluation of the Acridine Orange-a
fessor in E.E.N.T., to private practice in cytological screening technique.
Phoeniz, Arizona. A graduate of the Phila- the Federal Government.
delphia College of Osteopathy, Class of '38, As of July 1, 1960, Dr. Baker will be in 3. Extrauterine pregnancy-ectopic ges-
Dr. Juni joined the College faculty in 1950. charge of all physical examinations for priv- tation of a human foetus.
* * ate and commercial pilot's license, for this The team involved was Rex E. Ollom,
Edward R. Minnick, D.O., Associate Pro- area. Assistant Instructor in Anatomy, of New
fessor in Osteopathic Medicine to private Dr. Baker is at present serving as Presi- Braunfels, Texas, Hugh L. Grover of Flint,
practice in Wayne, Michigan. Dr. Minnick dent of the Iowa Flying Osteopathic Physi- Michigan, A. Robert Dzmura, Assistant In-
joined the College faculty following his cians Association and President of the Adair structor in Anatomy, of Clairton, Pa. These
graduation in 1948. He will be associated County Pilots Association. men were under the direction of Dr. Stan-
with Edward C. Reuter, COMS '51. In accepting the appointment as designa- ley D. Miroyiannis, Ph.D., Chairman of the
* * e
ted Medical Examiner, Dr. Baker becomes Department of Anatomy.
Burton E. Poundstone, D.O., Associate one of the first osteopathic physicians in
Professor in Proctology, to private practice Ollom and Grover worked under a Na-
the United States to receive this honor, and tional Institute of Health Research grant
in Des Moines. A 1933 graduate he joined he is among the first 100 physicians to re-
ihe College faculty in 1948. and Dzmura under the Reynolds Tobacco
ceive the appointment. grant.


. If you are not already acquainted with
VV IVY UbiL U J pUi3 IA'tL the new officers at this time, I would like
Fall Semester to help you meet them. Roz Kule is our
The Student Wives' Club opened its fall most able President. Connie Diamond and
semester activities with an informal get-to- Ruth Ann Chambers are first and second
gether for the freshmen and new wives at Vice Presidents, respectively. The office of
the home of Mrs. H. E. Higley. It was an Secretary is held by Harriet Brooks and
enjoyable evening for all who attended as it Treasurer is held by Sue Eisenberg. Help-
enabled everyone to get acquainted once ing the officers and sponsoring the Wives'
again for the new semester. The Student Club are Mrs. . Higley and Mrs. L.
Wives were very anxious to meet the
freshmen and the new wives. Here's hoping everyone has a very enjoy-
On Oct. 4th at the Art Center, the Stu- able and successful year.
dent Wives' Club will honor the freshmen
and new wives with a tea. Along with the
tea there will be a short business meeting.
Dr. Miroyiannis Cited
lrp ..
i ....
11 llll ..... 1, , 1:_lke- 1-a -1-+I Dr. Stanley D. Miroyiannis, Chairman of
-Dr. Charles L. Naylor, '33, Ravenna, Ohio, Lne evuenng w ue inlgn-igniCeu uy ine the Department of Anatomy, C.O.M.S., be-
n(ew president-elect of the American Osteo- appearance of Mrs. Francis Warner, Stu- came a Fellow of the Academy of Zoology,
P.athic Association. Immediate past-presi- dent Wives' advisor. an international organization. This is the
d(ent (two one year terms) of the National Mrs. Warner is from Bloomington. Indi- fourth fellowship that Dr. Miroyiannis
AJumni Association of C.O.M.S., he has ana. She was a charter member of the In- holds. The others are:
een staun i Ch -ar l -supporte and O.P.F.
. diana' Osteopathic Auxiliary and w as its
c(ontributor. Dr. Naylor is one of the Char- first president. Wives' Club is sure to bene- Feitow of the American Associti on for
tesr Members of the "250" Club. fit from her visit. the Advlanceimeznt of Science;
Fellow of the Iowa Academy of Science;
7tlh Annual Polk County Clinical Conference and
The 7th Annual Polk County Clinical Conference sponsored by the Polk County Fellow of the American Medical Writers'
Society of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons will be held at the Savery Hotel in Association.
Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday, October 26, 1960. The theme of this year's conference
is "Neurological Problems in Practice."
Des Moines Room £
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.-Dr. Nelson D. King, Kirksville, Missouri
"Convulsive Disorders" and "Space Occupying Lesions in PuJblished Monthlyi b?)
9:50 a.nm. -10:35 a.m.-Dr. Wm. F. Quinlivan, Dayton, Ohio
"Diagnosis of Neuro Surgical Problems and Their Treat- MEDICINE AND SURGERY
10:35 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Coffee Vol. 38 Number 6
11:00 a.m - 11:45 a.m.-Dr. E. Kani, Detroit, Michigan
Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
"Cerebral Angiography" provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917
11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.-Lunch-Des Moines Room authorized Feb 3, 1923.
1:30 p:m: - 4:30 p.m.-Panel "Neurological Problems in Practice"
Entered as second class matter. February 3. 1923.
Dr. M. Dakovich (Moderator), Dr. E. Kani, Dr. Nelson D. at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
King, Dr. Wm. F. Quinlivan of August 24, 1912.
5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.-Social Hour
West Rooms C and D WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
Send reservations to: Dr. Milton J. Dakovich, Chairman, Clinical Conference, 2628
Beaver Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. Registration Fee of $12.50 includes lunch. JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor

Entered as
fmo"7p Lo ok Second-Class Matter
At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue





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Faculty Members
Present Programs
Four members of the faculty at COMS
presented a program for members of the
Minnesota State Osteopathic Association
Convention, held September 23 and 24 at
the Saint James Hotel in Redwing, Minne-
sota. Those speaking were:
Dr. Richard Borman, Dept. of Ortho-
Dr. Harold Higley, Dept. of Psychiatry
Dr. Henry Ketman, Dept. of Radiology
Dr. Joseph McNerney, Dept. of Medicine
** * * *

Participating in the program of the Ne-

braska Osteopathic Association Convention
at the Hotel Cornhusker in Lincoln, Sep-
tember 26 and 27 were Merlyn McLaughlin,
President, COMS, who delivered the banquet
address; Dr. Byron E. Laycock, Dept. of
Physical Medicine; and Dr. William B.
Strong, Dept. of Medicine and Medical Di-
rector, COMS.

Attend Civil Defense

Mr. A. C. Parmenter, administrator of
Still Osteopathic Hospital, and Dr. Ronald
K.-Woods, Chairman, Department of Surg-
ery, C.O.M.S., attended the Ninth Annual
Conference of the U.S.C.D. held Septem-
ber 21 and 23 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Mr. Parmenter served as a representative
for the American 'Osteopathic Hospital As-
sociation. They said it couldn't be done-but the students did it, painted the outside of
Speakers for this intensive program were Still Clinic and now you would hardly believe it is the same building! It was a mon-
from the Department of Civil Defense and strous job, requiring all kinds of equipment most of us had never heard of, but good
the U.S.P.H.S. These men report that fortune sent us Mr. Glen Lambi, a professional painter and decorator in Des Moines
since disaster doesn't show partiality, the and a long-time friend of the Clinic and Hospital. Mr. Lambi volunteered equipment
Osteopathic profession and its affiliate or-
ganizations must cooperate with all existing and supervision for the project and with the help of some thirty or more students gave
health agencies in promoting the cause of the clinic its new face. This required two Saturdays, working from 7 A.M. until
civil defense. late afternoon, plus a few hours to finish up another day, and a job it was: ladders 40
feet into the stratosphere, scraping, wire-brushing, then painting (by brush) over 8,000
square feet of "ill brick." The city noticed our effort also, since both television sta-
C.O.M.S. Alumni tions and the newspaper carried it in picture story. Our results were splendid-come
Group Forms and see for yourself.
An Alumni Association was formed in
the State of Nebraska on the 26th of Sep-
tember, 1960, with Doctor Earl Purtzer,
President, and Doctor Angla McCreary,
Secretary. Classes of: 1901-06-11-16-21-26-31-36-41-46-51-56

Student Council Activities

1st Postdoctoral Course The Annual Welcome dance was held
October 19th at the Val-Air ballroom.
In Aviation Medicine Don Hoy's nine piece band played from
9 to 12 P.M.
Savery Hotel, Des Moines, Iowa November 9-10-11
Work on the student A.O.A. is moving
Presented by: Federal Aviation Agency; Flying Osteopathic Physicians Associa- forward thanks to the energy of Ed Blum-
tion; College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. berg and a few interested students.
1115 Conference Critique The Student Council's new advisor is Dr.
Program... Dr. Joseph B. Baker Erle W. Fitz, Department of Psychiatry,
NOVEMBER 9-Morning Session 1200 Luncheon-Mr. Leslie L. Thomason C.O.M.S., an the meetings are approximate-
ly every other Monday at 1:00 P.M.
0845 Introduction-Dr. Roy J. Harvey NOVEMBER 11-Afternoon Session
0900 Welcome The Honorable Reinhold 1330 Tower to Pilot-How to Improve The Intramural Sports Program has be-
0. Carlson, Mayor, City of Des Your Communications-F.A.A. gun with football practice scheduled every
Moines, Iowa Staff Sunday morning. Plans for basketball and
0915 The Medical Program of the Fed- 1415 Questions bowling will be forthcoming.
eral Aviation Agency-Dr. J. L. 1500 Visit to Airport Tower The results of the summer work of the
Goddard Public Relations Committee have been sub-
0945 Questions mitted and are being tabulated.
1030 Coffee Lecturers ... Our thanks to Bob Leonard, '63, Detroit,
1100 The Medical Certification Process-
Dr. James Britton DR. JOSEPH B. BAKER, Chairman Mich., for his work on the Student Locker
Iowa Chapter, Flying Osteopathic
1140 Questions Physicians Association assignments.
1215 Luncheon Greenfield, Iowa
NOVEMBER 9-Afternoon Session Medical Certification Division
1400 Visual Standards for Airmen- Bureau of Aviation Medicine
Federal Aviation Agency Student Council Officers
Dr. William Hart Washington, D. C.
1445 Questions DR. ROBERT T. CLARK,
1515 Demonstration of Horizontal Prism Federal Aviation Agency
Washington, D. C.
Bar and Maddox Rod-Dr. William
Civil Air Surgeon
1545 Questions Bureau of Aviation Medicine
1700 Adjourn Federal Aviation Agency
Washington, D. C.
Federal Aviation Agency
0900 Medical Aspects of Aircraft Washington, D. C.
Accidents-Dr. Carl Wilbur
1000 Questions DR. ROY J. HARVEY, President
American Osteopathic Association
1030 Coffee Midland, Michigan
1100 Aviation Physiology- DR. JOHN E. SMITH, Chief
Dr. Robert T. Clark Research Requirements Section
Bureau of Aviation Medicine
1200 Questions Federal Aviation Agency
1215 Luncheon Washington, D. C.
MR. LESLIE THOMASON, Director First Row: Left, Richard D. Mackay, '62
NOVEMBER 10-Afternoon Session Air Age Education & Training President, East Lansing, Mich.; R. Keith
1400 Research in Aviation Medicine Cessna Aircraft Corp.
Wichita, Kansas Simpson, '62, Vice-president, Marietta, Ohio.
Dr. John E. Smith
1500 Questions DR. CARL WILBUR, Chief Second Row: Left, Donald R. Beaver, '63,
Accident Studies Branch
1545 Coffee Bureau of Aviation Medicine Treasurer, Detroit, Mich.; Charles F. John-
1615 Problems in Medical Certification- Federal Aviation Agency son, '63, Secretary, Spencer, Iowa.
Washington, D. C.
Case Conference--FA.A. Staff
NOVEMBER 11-Morning Session College of Osteopathic Medicine & Surgery
Des Moines, Iowa
Don't Forget...
0900 Cardiovascular Evaluation Your Donations For
1000 Questions DR. W. W. KIEHLBAUGH, President OSTEOPATHIC
Flying Osteopathic Physicians Association
1045 Coffee Earling, Iowa CHRISTMAS SEALS
Provide loans for students
and grants for research.
Post Doctoral Course in Aviation Medicine
Alumni Dues Received
Name (please print) JULIUS L. ABRAMSOHN, '52
Guthrie Center, Iowa
A ddress ...----- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please enroll me in the first annual post doctoral course in aviation medicine, to be held 5435 Woodward Avenue
at the Saery Hotel, Des Moines, Iowa, November 9-10-11, 1960
Detroit 2, Michigan
I enclose a check for $35.00, full enrollment fee.
Make checks payable to: College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. HENRY W. HARNISH, '59
Send to: Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, 722 755 W. 11th Street
6th Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Tulsa 7, Oklahoma

Alumni and one faculty member pictured below are members of the "250" Club
(members contribute $250.00 to the College each year). There are two other clubs, the
$500.00 and the $350.00. The + indicates that the individual is contributing more than
$250.00 each year.
250 250+ 250

Joseph W. Clark, D.O. '27 J. P. Schwartz, D.O., '19 Irwin Z. Phillips, D.O., '54
214 W. Second Des Moines General Hospital 17710 W. McNichols Road
Delphos, Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Michigan

250+ 250 250

Sara E. Sutton, D.O., '53 Elizabeth A. Burrows, D.O., COPS '41 Beryl Freeman, D.O., '39
Box 85 College of Osteopathic Medicine & Surgery 901 Equitable Building
Renwick, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa

250 250 250+

T. Bruce Farmer, D.O., '35 Fergus Mayer, D.O., '51 J. R. McNerney, D.O., '37
Wilden Osteopathic Hospital Wilden Osteopathic Hospital 324 W. Fifth Street
Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa West Des Moines, Iowa
- --- --
L _ - ,, ·-

C.O.M.S. Presents appear in the Des Moines Register and

Bacteriology Research
Pre-Natal Clinic Senior Student Doctors Davis, Tolan, As part of the active research program
We are now well into the fifth session of Henry, Grobman, Naples, Walker, J. Leach, of the Department of Bacteriology, Sidney
Ferris Gardner, Wright, Eichorst and M. Grobman, '61, Philadelphia, Pa., and
a semi-annual educational program for ex- Thomas E. Chambers, '62, Owensboro, Ky.,
pectant and experienced mothers and fath- Rhodes have been discussing the following have been doing extensive original work on
ers. This year's increased clinic registra- subjects: Conception, Pre-Natal Care, Lying- 23 types of the Staphylococcus phage. The
tion reflects the co-operation of Sigma Sig- in Period, Delivery, After Care of Mother program is under the supervision of Dr.
ma Phi, Miss Alvira Lunsford, Health Edu- and Baby and Hypnosis. Jen-Yah Hsie, Chairman of the Department
of Bacteriology, and has been underway
cator, and the Departments of Pediatirics Every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m., on since June, 1959. This particular program
and Obstetrics. the third floor of the clinic building, thirty has been greatly aided by part-time grants
or more people gather to participate in this to the Department from the National Insti-
On September 20th, Dr. Gerald Hohn, program designed to allay the fears of tute of Health Fellowship.
Resident in the Pediatrics Department and childbirth. When the formal explanations
are over we adjourn for coffee, doughnuts Results were presented by Thomas E.
Harry Davis, President of Sigma Sigma Phi, Chambers, as co-author with Sidney Grob-
and a question and answer period, where
were guests on the Mary Jane Chinn tele- supplemental information is added by Dr. man and Dr. Hsie, to the annual meeting
vision show on KRNT. Weekly reminders E. A. Burrows, the Obstetrical Instructor. of the North Central Branch of the Ameri-
can Bacteriological Society at Ames, Iowa
on October 1, 1960 in a paper entitled:
"Studies on the Various Types of Staphy-
lococcus Phag'e".
A paper entitled: 'The Effect of Restrict-
ed Air Flow and Temperature on the
Growth of Fungi" was presented by Miss
Kathryn Chisholm, Instructor in Micro-
biology, to this regional meeting.

... 1 12 J~e0 oo
Publishled Monthly by

Vol. 38 Number /
Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917
authorized Feb 3, 1923.
These are the people responsible for the success of the prenatal clinic: First row,
from left: Floyd E. Henry, Des Moines; George Wright, Carlisle, Iowa; Sy Gardner, Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
Farmington, Mich.; Gerald Tolan, Green Bay, Wis.; Miss Alvira Lunsford, Health Edu- of August 24, 1912.
cator. Standing, from left: Dr. Elizabeth, Chairman, Dept. of OB-GYN; Harry Davis,
Youngstown, Ohio; John Walker, Jackson, Mich.; James Leach, Valley View, Texas; WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
Dr. Gerald Hohn, Resident in Pediatrics; John Ferris, Detroit, Mich.; Richard Rhodes,
East Liverpool, Ohio. All the above named students are seniors. JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor

Entered as
I7AE Joq
9 I0oo Second-Class Matter
At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue




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Dr. Mary E.Golden 71 D.0. s From 13 States
Faculty Additions (Pictures on Page 2)
Following the departure of Dr. R. B. Juni
in August of 1960, Drs. Fergus Mayer and
Passes Away Seventy-one osteopathic physicians from
Dr. Mary E. Golden '12, died of cancer 13 states attended the first Annual Post
Verne J. Wilson of Wilden Osteopathic Hos- on November 8 in Des Moines General Hos- Doctoral course in Aviation Medicine held
pital are voluntarily filling the Chair of at the Savery Hotel. November 9, 10, and 11.
Ophthalmology and Rhinalaryngology. In Born at Kellogg, This most successful course was presented
addition to their teaching duties they main- Iowa, in 1882, Dr. by the Federal Aviation Agency, Flying Os-
tain the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic Mary attended Bel- teopathic Physicians Association, and the
two afternoons weekly. levue College and College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur-
Drake University gery.
before enrolling in
Des Moines Still Course Lecturers
College of Osteopa- Lecturers for the course were Dr. James
thy. Britton, Chief of the Medical Certification
A member of the Division, Bureau of Aviation Medicine; Dr.
Robert T. Clark; Dr. J. L. Goddard, Civil
College faculty (Pro- Air Surgeon, Bureau of Aviation Medicine;
fessor of Pediatrics) Dr. William Hart; Dr. John E. Smith, Chief
from 1912 to 1944 in Research Requirements Section, Bureau of
addition to conducting a large general prac- Aviation Medicine; Dr. Carl Wilbur, Chief
tice, Dr. Golden was also active in organi- of the Accident Studies Branch, Bureau of
zational and civic groups. She was a past- Aviation Medicine-all of the Federal Avia-
president and trustee of the American Oste- tion Agency, Washington, D. C. Also ap-
opathic Association, the only woman to pearing on the program were Dr. Joseph B.
serve as president of the Iowa Society of Baker, Greenfield, Iowa, chairman of the
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, a Iowa Chapter, Flying Osteopathic Physi-
Dr. Mayer Dr. Wilson member of the College Board of Trustees cians Association; Mr. Leslie Thomason,
from 1944-1958, Chairman of the Des Wichita, Kansas, Director of Air Age Edu-
Dr. Mayer was born in Des Moines Gen- Moines Still College Foundation Fund Drive cation and Training, Cessna Aircraft Cor-
eral Hospital, September 10, 1921. A life in 1945-47, president of the National Asso- poration; Dr. Roy J. Harvey, Midland, Mich-
long resident of Des Moines, he graduated ciation of Osteopathic Women. igan, president of the American Osteopathic
from East High School in June, 1939. Fol- At various times Dr. Golden served as Association; Dr. Charles L. Naylor, Raven-
lowing service in the Army Air Corps from chairman of the women's department of the na, Ohio, president elect of the American
February 23, 1943 to October 30, 1945-he Greater Des Moines Chamber of Com- Osteopathic Association; and the Honorable
was a 1st Lieutenant at the time of sepa- merce. Reinhold 0. Carlson, mayor of the city of
ration from service-he attended Drake Uni- She often was a speaker before profes- Des Moines. The program chairman was
versity from the fall of 1945 through the sional and lay groups interested in health Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of the
spring of 1947. and was very active in the Big Sister move- College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur-
ment of the Y.W.C. A. gery, assisted by Dr. W. W. Kiehlbaugh,
Dr. Mayer entered Des Moines Still Col- Earling, Iowa, president of the Flying Oste-
lege of Osteopathy and Surgery on Septem- Services for Dr. Golden were held at opathic Physicians Association.
Westminster United Presbyterian Church,
ber 10, 1947. Following graduation in June, Friday, November 11. D.O.'s Attend
1951, he interned in Wilden Osteopathic
Osteopathic physicians in attendance were:
Hospital. He has taken post graduate train- E. E. Allaby and H. L. Sanders from Colo-
ing in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat each year Oklahoma Society Makes rado; Alfred J. Bennett from Florida; Rol-
since finishing his internship. At the pres- and G. Lentz and R. A. McBride from Illi-
ent time he is a candidate in the Osteopathic
Funds Available nois; Arthur E. Dannin and Paul G. Van-
The Tulsa District Osteopathic Society of dervort from Indiana; Robert N. Sampson
College of Ophthalmology and Otorhinola- Oklahoma has made its scholarship fund
ryngology. from Minnesota; Paul R. Reichstadt from
available for the 1960-61 school year, in Nebraska; C. W. Ball, Edward A. Felmlee,
One of the co-owners of Wilden Osteo- the form of two interest-free loans, one of William L. Lavendusky, Jr., and Thomas G.
pathic Hospital, he is associated with Dr. two hundred fifty and one of five hundred Wygant from Oklahoma; James W. Caton,
Verne J. Wilson in the specialty practice dollars. Any student from Oklahoma, now Richard J. Sievers, J. M. Woods, Jr. from
of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. He and Dr. at COMS, who has satisfactorily completed Ohio; Dwight W. Heaberlin from Texas;
Wilson are the local representatives of the one semester's work, may apply. The loan Glenn Hoberg and Virgil L. Sharp of Wis-
American Eye Bank. will be granted on the basis of financial consin.
need and potential of the student for the
(Continued on Page 5) profession. (Continued on Page 2)
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Aviation Medicine Course -'Most Successful'

1) Dr. James Britton, Chief of the Medical 6) Co-pilots attending the meeting have lunch Dr. Hsie Awarded
Certification Division, Bureau of Aviation with their hostess Dr. Dorothy V. Mullin
Medicine, Federal Aviation Agency, Wash- (right) of Ellsworth, Iowa, the only female Fellowship
ington, D.C., lectures to the group on the osteopathic physician registered for the Dr. Jen-yah Hsie, chairman of the de-
"subject; of "The Medical Certification courses. Left to right: Mesdames Walter H. partment of bacteriology, COMS, was re-
Prsubject The. Wehmeyer, Chaffee, Missouri; Arthur Dan-
~Pr~~ocessB".~ .nin, Frankfort, Indiana; James W. Caton, cently informed that he has been selected
McConnelsville, Uhio; t. t'.urlstiansen, as a fellow in the American Public Health
2) Dr. Alfred J. Bennett (left) of Tampa,
Tipton, Iowa; V. S. Sloan, Quasqueton, Association. We congratulate Dr. Hsie and
Florida, receives a Certificate of Attendance
Iowa; John E. Schildberg and Joseph B. all our faculty members who continue to
from Dr. John B. Shumaker, dean of the Baker, both of Greenfield, Iowa.
College at the end of the three-day course. honor themselves, our college, and our pro-
7) Aviation Medical Examiners attending the fession.
3) Mr. Leslie Thomason (left) Wichita,Kan- course pose for their official photograph.
sas, Director, Air Age Education and Train- Seated left to right: Drs. Alfred J. Bennett,
ing of the Cessna Aircraft Corporation, and Tampa, Florida; Joseph B. Baker, Green- (Continued from Page 1)
Mr. John E. Shildberg (center) of Green- field, Iowa; Don C. Ross, Detroit, Michigan. Bert R. Adams, James W. Allender, Roger
field, president of the Iowa Airport Owners Standing left to right: Drs. Peter J. Moor- Anderson, Clive R. Ayers, Joseph B. Baker,
Association visit with Mr. Ric Jorgensen, ton, Detroit, Michigan; W. W. Kiehlbaugh, C. P. Christianson, T. S. Clark, Milton J.
Special Agent, Bankers Life Insurance Com- Earling, Iowa; E. E. Allaby, Denver, Colo- Dakovich, H. L. Gulden, R. L. Gustafson,
pany and President of the Iowa Aero Space rado; and Homer Matz, Ash Grove, Mis- R. W. Gustafson, R. W. Jack, Carl G. John
Education Council-just before the Friday souri. son, W. W. Kiehlbaugh, Jean F. LeRoque,
luncheon meeting. Mr. Thomason was the W. J. Mack, F. A. Martin, R. M. Martin,
luncheon speaker. Fergus Mayer, J. R. McNerney, Dorothy V.
4) Lecturers from the Federal Aviation Dr. Wooliscroft- Mullin, R. A. Regier, C. R. Reynolds, Her-
bert Rosen, J. I. Royer, Vernon J. Sloan,
Agency, Washington, D.C., and the program
moderator confer before the opening of the Team Physician Richard F. Snyder, William B. Strong, Law-
Wednesday afternoon session. Left to right: Dr. Kenneth S. Wooliscroft, a graduate rence E. Urban, Robert F. Weissinger, Ho-
Drs. William Hart; Carl Wilbur; John E. of our Des Moines College in 1940, has been sea B. Willard, Ronald K. Woods, and C. E.
Smith; WW. W. Kiehlbaugh (Earling, Iowa), appointed Team Physician for the new Worster, all from Iowa.
program moderator; Robert T. Clark; J. L. Dallas, Texans Professional Football Team. Graham H. Chesnut, W. C. Herbold, Wil-
Goddard. Dr. Wooliscroft has traveled from coast liam D. Hospert, John Kalenak, George W.
to coast with the Dallas Texans this year, Kantzler, Clifford Lightstone, Peter J. Moro-
5) On hand to officially open the 1st Annual having accompanied them on all of their
Post Doctoral course in Aviation Medicine ton, 0. G. Neilson, Don C. Ross, David T.
trips, and has been on the sidelines ready
were Dr. Roy J. Harvey (left,), Midland, to attend any player's injury which he Salvati, Henry F. Tyson, and R. M. Woods
Michigan, president of the American Osteo- might have suffered in the game. from Michigan.
pathic Association; the Honorable Reinhold
0. Carlson (center), mayor of Des Moines; Dr. Wooliscroft specializes in Proctology H. P. Fowler, John W. Geiger, Homer F.
and Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of and Urology and has been an active member Matz, H. Vard Nelson, A. L. Pfauth, D. W.
the College of Osteopathic Medicine and of the Dallas Osteopathic Hospital for many Streitenberger, and W. H. Wehmeyer from
Surgery and program chairman. years. Missouri.

Board Member FACULTY ADDITIONS- Joy to the World

(Continued from Page 1)
Of The Month Dr. Mayer is married and has four chil-
The Lord Is Come!
Osteopathy was not a new field to Daniel As we approach Christmas Day in these
E. Hannan, present chairman, when he dren, Jeffrey 13, twin sons, Mark and Mar-
shall 8, and Mollie 6. He is a member of the troubled times, may we be reminded that
joined the Board of Trustees of the College this is a day of joy in commemoration of
of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Reorganized Latter Day Saints Church.
Dr. Wilson was born in Des Moines in the birth of the Christ Child-a day which
1957. "In fact," he said, "with my father can only be found in the countries believing
and an uncle both graduating from the Des 1912. Following his graduation from Roose-
velt High School in June, 1930, he attended in the One whose birth we will celebrate.
Moines college I literally grew up with the
profession." Drake University for two years, 1930-1932. As we prepare for this Holy Day, may
Following his graduation from Des we be mindful of the true significance of
Moines Still College of Osteopathy, he in- this great season of the year.
terned in McAllister Hospital, Houston, As citizens of this great nation, let us
Texas, and then spent two years in the give thanks for our liberty, democracy, free-
Reed and Husted Post Graduate College, dom. of religion, and our Free Country.
Denver, Colorado, preparing for his special-
ty of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. As osteopathic physicians, let us re-dedi-
cate ourselves to helping those who need us
In 1952 Dr. Wilson founded Wilden Osteo- and give thanks to Him that made possible
pathic Hospital, a ten-bed institution (he our many talents.
lived in one separate section and had his
office and hospital in the other). Today, May His blessings be on all of us now
there are 49 beds and 11 bassinets. and in. all years to come.
Each year Dr. Wilson takes time out from The officers of your National Alumni As-
a busy practice to attend post-graduate sociation wish you and yours a Very Merry
courses in his specialty. In 1951 he spent Christmas and a most Joyous New Year.
six months at the State Hospital in Lenz,
Austria, studying under Professor Raeger, W. Clemens Andreen, D.O.
an outstanding teacher in the field of Eye, President
Ear, Nose, and Throat. He is a member National Alumni Association.
of the Osteopathic College of Ophthalmology
and Otorhinolaryngology and received his
certification in 1951.
Dr. Wilson is married and has three chil- Sigma Sigma Phi
dren--a daughter Deborah now Mrs. Wil- The activities of Sigma Sigma Phi are
liam J. Fultz, Des Moines; David James, a many. The national fraternity has recent-
pre-medical student at Wentworth Military ly been expanded to six chapters by the
Academy in Missouri and a daughter Mollie addition of Zeta Chapter at Philadelphia
His father, Dr. Daniel Haann, was a Catherine, a senior in Roosevelt High School. this semester. The chapter at COMS is
graduate of the class of 1915, and his un- Dr. Wilson is a member of St. Mark's the Beta Chapter. The requirements for
cle, Dr. H. A. Graney, is presently a staff Episcopal CChurch, The Masonic Lodge and membership are scholarship, high moral
member at Des Moines General Hospital. the Shrine. character, and extracurricular service to
With such a background one might have the profession or to the college. Total mem-
expected young Daniel to consider a medi- bership is further limited to no more than
cal career, but he chose law for his pro- Alumni Officers 15% of the combined total of the members
of the third semester Sophomore class and
fession and is today a well-known attorney Oklahoma
and member of a Des Moines law firm. Junior and Senior classes, or no more than
Mr. Hannan is a graduate of the Univer- President-Dr. Ivan Penquite '37, Sapulpa. 40 members at any time.
sity of Notre Dame where he received an Secretary-Dr. Thomas L. Wilson, '27, Tulsa.
The pledges for this semester, all from
A.B. degree, Magna cum Laude, and Har- L1 - - the Junior class, are: Raymond Failer,
vard University where he was awarded the Thomas Chambers, Keith Simpson, Dick
LLB degree. Although he was interested MacKay, John Nelson, Earl Gonyaw, and
in all sports and participated in many, he
favored baseball and was a mie-ember of the
CALENDAR Eugene Rongaus.
university ball team at Notre Dame. Student Wives Club Benefit .... Dec. 9 Sigma Sigma Phi is also responsible for
During World War II, Captain Hannan the Pacemaker yearbook published by the
Christmas Vac.....Dec. 22-Jan 4, Inc.
served four years as a bomber pilot in the Senior class each year. This year the edi-
Spring Semester regis tors have been Don Turner and Richard
United States Air Force and was stationed
in the European theater. "Those four tration ............... January 20
Rhodes. Business manager has been Neil
years of military service," he reminisced, Fall semester closes .... January 21 Purtell. The co-editors for the 1962 year-
"were four of the most interesting years of Spring semester starts....January 24
my life." book are Earl Gonyaw and Richard Josof.
Easter vacation. March 30-Apr. 4, Inc. For the first time this year, SSP, through
Perhaps one of the most amusing inci-
dents Captain Hannan recalls was during Public Health Banquet..... April 10 its Student Loan Fund, presented Sopho-
a leave of absence when he returned home more students David J. O'Mara and James
Homecoming ........... June 1-2 Young with $250 loans. Loans are presented
to visit his family after flying on several
bomber missions and was "picked up" by Graduation .. ....... June 2 on the basis of scholarship, moral character,
a WAC MP (military police) for being out and need. Applications are available through
of uniform. He had forgotten to wear his -- -------- the Secretary-Treasurer of SSP and must
tie and before he could be released from be presented for consideration by August
his "arrest" he had to buy a regulation tie In spite of a busy career, Daniel Hannan 15th prior to the Sophomore year of the ap-
and put it on! finds time to actively participate in many plicant.
professional and civic organizations includ- Some of the other activities in which
Hannan is a native Iowan ,and married ing the Bar Associations, Knights of Co-
to a Des Moines girl, the former Jeanne Simga Sigma Phi is active are management
lumbus, Elks Lodge, the American Legion of the Pacemaker Ball and Christmas Seal
Gordon, Miss Iowa of 1945. They are the and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is also
parents of two boys, aged seven and nine; drive, ushering at the annual graduation
a member of the Des Moines Golf and exercise, and tours of the school for pros-
and one daughter, aged three. Country Club. pective students.

The D.O.'s below are giving the amount of money indicated to the college each year,
The plus (+) means even more is given.
"350" "250" "250"

"4250"2 + "500"

Top, Left: Neil R. Kitchen, '39,

18820 Woodward Ave., Detroit 3,
Center: Verne J. Wilson, '36, Wil-
den Osteopathic Hospital, East 14th
and Caapitol Avenue, Des Moines,
Right: Joseph H. Sage, '52, 44 Green
Road, North Madison, Ohio.

Bottom, Left: Erwin M. Iverson, '39,

304 West Hill St., Gallup, New Mexico.
Right: Edward A. Felmlee, '52, 819
South Denver, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

To All-lMerry Christmas, and

A Happy New Year!

Post Graduate Education A Child's Gift P.S.G.

When ten-year-old Diane Lewis, 1014
Supported By Creston, Des Moines, received a letter re-
The mansion at 3205 Grand once again
resounds with activity as Delta Chapter
E. R. Squibb & Sons cently from Dr. William Hewitt, acting head is well into another year. The officers for
Through the donations of E. R. Squibb of the department of Physiology and Pro- this year are:
& Sons the College of Osteopathic Med- fessor of Pharmacology at the College of President Floyd E. Henry, '61, Des
icine and Surgery has been able to pre- Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, it erased Moines, Iowa
sent, without cost to the associations, pro- much of the regret she felt after she had Vice President-Earl F. Gonyaw, '62,
grams in osteopathic medicine and sur- agreed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Algonac, Michigan
gery. This is a most worthwhile endeavor ert Lewis, to part with her pet dog, Skipper. Secretary-Dick Josof, '62, Berkley,
on the part of a great pharmaceutical house (Skipper had developed a tendency to bite Michigan
and will serve to provide the opportunity people and to keep him safely fenced in was Treasurer and House Manager--Herb M.
for post graduate education in many areas. becoming a problem.) Fichman, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.
The College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sergeant of Arms George Thompson,
Surgery is extremely grateful and honored Watertown, South Dakota
to be a part of this forward looking pro- Pledge Master-Rick F. Perry, '63, Still-
gram. water, Ohio
I.F.C. Representative - Keith Simpson,
On September 23 and 24 a program on '62, Marietta, Ohio
Geriatrics was presented to the Minnesota Our Freshman Welcome Dance was a
Osteopathic Association by a team from the merry occasion. The evening was concluded
College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur- with a series of songs led by Brother George
gery. The team was composed of Dr. Thompson.
Henry J. Ketman, Associate Professor of The Biochem Worknight given at the
Radiology, Dr. Joseph R. McNerney, Lec- house was very valuable as Dr. Hewitt aid-
turer in Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Richard The letter from Dr. Hewitt, quoted in part ed in solving some of the problems of the
H. Borman, Lecturer in Orthopedic Surgery here, reveals that Diane is perhaps one of many freshmen who were present.
and Dr. Harold E. Higley, Associate Profes- Iowa's youngest recent contributors to the Our second party of the year brought
sor in Psychiatry, all from the faculty of field of scientific research. Floyd Henry and Ken Neff to the key-
the College. "Dear Diane Lewis: board, while Jim Young and his trumpet
On September 26 and 27 another team Thank you very much for the gift of kept the music swinging. This event was
composed of Dr. Byron Laycock, Professor your dog, Skipper, yesterday. honored by the presence of Dr. Fitz, De-
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr. We appreciate what it means to you to partment of Psychiatry; Dr. Goldie, De-
Merlyn McLaughlin, President of C.O.M.S., part with your pet. My own girls have partment of Anatomy; and Dr. Hewitt,
and Dr. William B. Strong, Professor of had dogs and I know how much they Department of Chemophysiology.
Medicine of the College of Osteopathic Med- loved them. I'm sure Skipper is one of Congratulations to Brother Rick Perry
icine and Surgery. presented a program on the more lovable kind, because, for one of Fort Launderdale, Florida and Sally
a variety of subjects concerned with osteo- thing, he's so intelligent. Niffenegger of Whiting, Iowa on their re-
pathic medicine to the Nebraska Osteopathic We owe it to you to tell you how we cent engagement.
Association at the Hotel Cornhusker in Lin- hope to use Skipper. He will be used in
coln, Nebraska. medical research in a problem concerned
with prevention and care of blood dis-
Both of these programs were remarkably eases. We are studying how the kidneys
well attended and enthusiastically received. help control the redness of your blood.
The College of Osteopathic Medicine and The kidneys supply a chemical which is
Surgery has prepared many programs of carried in the blood stream to the inside
this type. Its expanding faculty will make of your long bones where red blood cells
possible a wide variety of presentations. are made.
(A red blood cell is a tiny doughnut-
shaped object. They are so tiny that
there are millions of them in every
Dr. Miroyiannis drop of blood. If you were to lay them
edge to edge, so as to make a sort of
Dr. Stanley D. Miroyiannis, Ph.D., pro- sidewalk, it would take about three
fessor of Anatomy and Chairman of the thousand of them to make one inch.)
department at COMS, has been called to First row, from left: D. Josof, F. Henry,
Skipper is behaving himself very well. H. Fichman, K. Simpson, E. Gonyaw.
participate in the new U. S. Army Reserve He hasn't bitten anyone or any other dog,
Affairs program. Back, from left: B. Miracle, G. Thomp-
and as far as I know he hasn't even son, R. Perry.
Dr. Miroyannis, who is a Lt. Colonel in growled at anyone. It's too bad he has to
the Medical Service Corps, has been asked be cooped up, but he will be let loose
to organize the medical and dental corps often for a run around to keep him heal-
of the newly formed U. S. Army Garrison thy. Attention Alumni
at Fort Des Moines. Someday, if you are interested, I'd be Start the New Year right. Attend
He is one of the 17 Lt. Colonels picked glad to show you around the college . . . the Alumni Luncheon Meeting on
where we keep animals . . . the class- Wednesday, January 25, 1961, during
to become a member of the U. S. Army rooms . . . and the Clinic where not-very- the annual convention of the Ameri-
Garrison, whose mission is to furnish, in sick-people come, and the Hospital where
the event of war or national emergency can Osteopathic Association in Miami
and at such other times as national security we try to help those who must be in bed. Beach, Florida.
It's very good to know that what you're
may require, units effectively organized,
trained and equipped in time of peace for doing helps people.
Thank you again. phasized that although the college's research
rapid mobilization, expansion and deploy-
ment for necessary replacement and expan- William F. Hewitt, Ph. D." departments have been the grateful recip-
sion of the Army and bring this unit to the ients of many gifts by individuals who
highest state of readiness. Because Diane and her fifth grade class- wanted to contribute toward their programs,
mates at Park Avenue School are studying the scarcity of experimental animals is of
Lt. Colonel Miroyiannis is an operations a project involving the various parts of the real concern. It is only through such experi-
and staff officer TNG and has served in human body they are all interested in her ments that the work in the fields of osteo-
various capacities in the U. S. Army and its gift to the college. pathic medical research may advance rap-
service schools and hospitals. When accepting Skipper Dr. Hewitt em- idly.

1903 Graduate Returns I.T.S.

"I'm impressed with today's students! The Beta Chapter of this beloved fraternity
questions they ask and the interest they show is pleased to announce to our alumni that
indicate they know what they want and where we are carrying on the tradition of 'Inde-
they're going," asserted Dr. W. R. Arnold, pendence, Truth, and Skill.' Both the pro-
Vancouver, Washington, after he lectured fessional and social calendars are filled
to Dr. Byron Laycock's classes in Osteo- for the balance of the year and we ap-
pathic Principles and Manipulative Tech- proach each activity with increasing en-
Dr. Arnold is Picturedaourth trom left.
niques on November 8 and 9. thusiasm.
Equally impressed were the students as Pledging took place last month and each
they listened and watched the tall 85-year This
year's cers L.O.G
for . fraternity
This year's officers for L.O.G. fraternity of the fraternities received many prospec-
old doctor demonstrate the techniques of the are: tive D.O.'s. More men selected I.T.S. than
"10-fingered osteopathy" he has used dur- President, James Grekin any other organization, and a new record
ing his 56 years of practice. Vice-President, Leon Rosky for number of applicants to this chapter
Dr. Arnold's visit to Des Moines and. the Treasurer, Alan Belkin has been established at 22-with more to
Recording Secretary, Murray Hurwitz come! We trust each will conduct himself
college was the first one since he graduated through this pledging as a "scholar and
Corresponding Secretary, Irwin Eisenberg
here in the class of 1903. Mrs. Arnold ac- Sergeant at Arms, Bob Cohen gentleman"-which thus will allow his elec-
companied him. on the trip. tion to join ranks with the finest men of the
Congratulations to the new L.O.G. mem- greatest profession in the world. This we
Born. in. Iowa in 1875, Dr. Arnold spent bei-s wlio were initiateid
1 last imornth. Tihey
believe ..
his boyhood on farms near Newton and are Julian Kutinsky, Jerome Kwartowitz,
Amnes and graduated from Grinnell college Harris Ross, Jerry Uzansky, and Gershon The pledges will be introduced in the
in 190.1 before enrolling in the Dr. S. S. Still Weiner. next edition of the Log Book and until
College of Osteopathy-as the college was The annual L.O.G. picnic, again this year, then, our heartiest wishes to everyone for
then. known. was a huge success. The turnout was ex- a happy holiday season!
When reminiscing about his days as a cellent, the food was palatable, and all who
were there had a fine time. The egg-
student here Dr. Arnold said one of the throwing contest this year was won by
things he enjoyed most was being a member Herb Goodwin and wife.
of the college football team. "Those were
the days when a player had to be rugged
The second L.O.G. affair this year was a
semi-formal dance held at the Jewish Com-
EJ2 101% BaC O
to play for thirty minute halves with no munity Center.
Published Monthly by
rest period or substitution of players," he Another rushing affair was the annual
L.O.G. stag which was held in November. THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
The first of many worknights that L.O.G. MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Dr. Arnold moved his office from down- presents throughout the year was on the
town Vancouver, where he has practiced subject of Osteology, after which refresh- Vol. 38 Number 7
since his graduation, to an office in his home ments were served.
about ten years ago. He still maintains an Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
active practice. Six men entered into the holy bonds of provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
matrimony during the past months. They authorized Feb- 3, 1923.
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold made the visit to were: Mo Belkin, Don Bernstein, Jerry
Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
Des Moines and the college after a personal Kwartowitz, Stuart Megdall, Sheldon Schore at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
invitation was extended to them by Dr. Mer- and Nelson Sklar. Also two men became en- of August 24, 1912.
lyn McLaughlin, president of COMS, when gaged-James Grekin and Jerry Sitner.
he addressed the Washington state osteo- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. L. So- WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
pathic association meetings early last sum- verinski who are now the parents of a JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor
mer. baby girl.

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
a 00~ At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue


* Course In Aviation Medicine Held

® Dr. Mary E. Golden Passes Away
e Post GraduateEducationSupport
* 1903 Graduate Returns
_ _--_I -- L- --
College Benefit Ball February 4
S e seCsi Auxiliary Will Sponsor
~~~COMS S~eeks New Campus Site COMS
Seeks by
Annual Collge
the Auxiliary to the Polk
I County Society ot usteopatnlc rnysiciani
and Surgeons, will be held at the Savery
Hotel in Des Moines, Saturday, February
4, 1961.
Mrs. Robert Weissinger, publicity chair-
man, has announced that the changes made
last year in the arrangements for this event
were so successful that they are being re-
peated this year. Dinner will be served this
year from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., and
dancing from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. to the
music of The Velvetones featuring Speck
Mrs. Richard Kotz and Mrs. J. R. Mc-
Nerney, co-chairmen of ticket sales, state
that letters and tickets have been mailed to
all osteopathic physicians in Iowa. They re-
quest that reservations and checks be mailed
to Mrs. Henry J. Braunschweig, 1351 Col-
lege, Des Moines, Iowa not later than Jan-
uary 30, 1961.
The proceeds from past benefits have
purchased many needed items for the hos-
pital such as floor tiling, steam table, plas-
tic bassinets for the nursery, resuscitator-
incubator, cabinets to provide individual
bath care for the new-born, bedside tables,
a Heidbrink Anesthesia machine for the
obstetrical department, redecorating and re-
furnishing the reception room in the hos-
pital, an addressograph machine, and a con-
tribution of $989.50 to the College Endow-
ment Fund. Proceeds from last year's bene-
fit were used to purchase administrative
General chairman is Mrs. Myron S. Ma-
gen. Mesdames Gerald Hohn and Lee
Ghormley are in charge of prizes and Mrs.
Donald Kay is chairman of the decorating
Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of COMS has announced that the College is seek-
ing a 25 acre tract of land (area within the heavy black lines in the above diagram*)
on which to build a new campus. Specialists to Hold
Dr. McLaughlin and board members have had several meetings with the Appeals
Review Board of the Chamber of Commerce relative to a fund raising campaign in the
Combined Convention
city of Des Moines. (This board passes on requests for fund raising campaigns in Des The Third Annual Combined Convention
Moines). Meetings have also been held with Urban Renewal officials relative to the of the American College of Osteopathic Ob-
purchase of land through the Urban Renewal program. stetricians and Gynecologists -and the
American College of Osteopathic Pediatri-
Present plans call for the construction of three separate buildings to house the cians will be held at the Stardust Hotel,
college, clinic, and hospital, in addition to quarters for student housing. Las Vegas, Nevada on February 6-9, 1961.
*This area, a part of the Urban Renewal program, is bounded on the east by Keo- For further information, contact Dr. Ar-
sauqua, on the north by the new freeway now under construction (next to School Street), thur A. Speir, Box 66, Merrill, Michigan,
on the south by Center Street (12th to 15th) and on the west by 15th Street between Sec.-Treas., Combined Convention Commit-
Center Street and School Street. tee.

Board Member of the Wives Club Wives Aid Endowment

Month. The October meeting of the Student
When Ted Flynn, vice-chairman of the Wives Club was held at the Des Moines
COMS Board of Trustees, was a boy he Art Center in combination with a freshman
found his father's profession as a banker a tea. The Club was honored by the presence
most interesting one ... especially the in- of Mrs. Francis E. Warner of Indiana, past-
surance division where he spent much of his president of the A.A.O.A., and present ad-
spare time working in the office. All of visor to the student wives. Present also that
which makes it not at all surprising that evening were Mrs. Merlyn McLaughlin, wife
today he is the successful owner of his own of President McLaughlin, COMS; Mrs. Wil-
insurance agency. liam B. Strong, wife of Dr. Strong, Medical
Director, COMS; Mrs. R. H. Borman, presi-
dent of the Polk County Osteopathic Aux-
iliary and our sponsors Mrs. Lloyd Ficke
and Mrs. Harold Higley.
Our November meeting featured as guest
Mrs. Nadeen Gunson, chairman of the Youn-
kers Teen Board and Charm Clinic, who dis-
cussed some components of "charm," includ-
ing posture, clothing, carriage and makeup.
An important part of this meeting was the
collection of canned goods and dimes for
the Thanksgiving Basket which we give
annually to some needy family.
In December the wives found themselves Mrs. Neil Purtell, chairman of the Endow-
unusually busy. The regular meeting fea- ment Fund Committee of the Student Wives
tured a program on "Flower Arranging" by Club, is shown presenting a check for
Mrs. T. Yamamoto, a Japanese-born Amer- $172.66 to Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, presi-
ican citizen. We made plans for a Bake dent of the college. The check represents
Sale in January, to be directed by Mrs. proceeds from contributions made for the
Fred Khani, and a Rummage Sale which we fund during the last convention of the Iowa
will hold in April. Society of Osteopathic Physicians and
Surgeons. The Endowment Fund was estab-
December 15th found seven of our num- lished by the Student Wives in 1958.
ber with voices raised in Christmas carol
harmony at all three of the Osteopathic
Hospitals in the city. They were Mrs. Shel-
don Kule, president of the club, Mrs. Thomas
Meet At Clinical Conference
When tall, dark-haired Ted Flynn talks Lavaty, Mrs. Stuart Megdall, Mrs. Murray
about the marny changes and growth in the Hurwitz, Mrs. Chorde Davidson, Mrs.
insurance field during the past several Thomas DiResta and Mrs. Emanuel Kour-
years, he immediately impresses one with akis.
his deep and sincere interest in his work. Highlighting the Christmas Social Sea-
Born in Des Moines, Iowa, Ted Flynn was son for the College was the Wives Club-
graduated from the former Des Moines sonsored dance, "The Mistletoe Fantasy"
Catholic College. His career in insurance at the Hyperion Country Club. Music pro-
was interrupted by World War II when he vided by Keith Killinger and his orchestra
enlisted in the United States Air Force. added to a lovely and successful evening.
After a period of training in the states, We hope that the few who could not attend
Sergeant Flynn was stationed at the North- this year will make plans to join us next
west Field in Guam. Although he trained as time, and we wish to thank all the doctors
a gunner and flew on several bomber mis- and their wives who were present.
sions during the w1ar, most of his work was
with the Intelligence Unit. chairman of the Home Service Committee
After his discharge from military service for the American. Red Cross. He is also a Dr. Edward R. Minnick, (left) of Wayne,
in 1946, Mr. Flynn established his own in- Board Member of the South Side Community Michigan, renewed an acquaintance with Dr.
surance agency, with offices in a large House.
downtown Des Moines office building. He is Byron E. Laycock, professor of Osteopathic
a member of the National, Iowa and Des Included among the groups in which he Principles, COMS, at the Mid-year Clinical
Moines Associations of Insurance Agents, holds active membership are the American Conference of the American College of Gen-
and has served as both president and sec- Legion Argonne Post No. 60, Dowling Club, eral Practitioners in Osteopathic Medicine
tretary-treasurer of the Des Moines asso- Holy Name Society and the Des Moines and Surgery held November 18-20 in De-
ciation. Pioneer Club. troit, Michigan. Dr. Laycock appeared three
Mr. and Mrs. Flynn, the former Dorothy In spite of his many business and com- times on the program, making presenta-
Bolton of Creston, Iowa, are the parents of munity-wide duties, Ted Flynn still finds tions on "Low Back Therapeutics," "Cervi-
four children-two boys, Brian, aged 15; time for two of his favorite "recreational codorsal Techniques," and "Osteopathic
Thomas, aged 13, and two girls, Toni, aged activities"-reading and playing golf. Therapeutics."
21, and Anne, aged 18. When asked if he
- - - - - - -
has any particular hobbies, Mr. Flynn at - - I ·- C--- _ _

once proudly answered, "My only real hobby

is my family."
In addition to serving as a member of the
Board of Trustees for the College of Osteo-
HOMECOMING - JUNE 1, 2, 1961
pathic Medicine and Surgery since 1947, POSTDOCTORAL PROGRAM
Ted Flynn has been active in many com-
munity activities. He served as a member Classes of: 1901-06-11-16-21-26-31-36-41-46-51-56
of the Speakers Bureau for the Des Moines
Community Chest for several years, and as I --- - -- L-- ___ _ II _ _ _

Doctor Woods Receives "500" Club Member I. T. S.

Certification Greetings for the new year to our bro-
Dr. Ronald K. Woods of Des Moines has thers everywhere! Beta Chapter proudly
recently received his certification in general presents the men who are candidates for
surgerv by the American Osteonathic TBRard membership in Iota Tau Sigma:
Chorde W. Davidson, Tulsa, Oklahoma
of Surgery of the Thomas M. DiResta, Lawrence, Mass.
American O s t e o- Alfred W. Driscoll, Maple Heights, Ohio
pathic Association. Johnny Eloian, Phoenix, Arizona
Ronald R. Ganelli, Brooklyn, New York
Dr. Woods grad- Gary D. Garrett, Flint, Michigan
uated fromn C.O.M.S. Herbert Gearhart, Hopkinton, Iowa
in 1942, interned at Fredrick Green, Alva, Oklahoma
Richard C. Harrison, St. Petersburg, Fla.
Des Moines General. Nadeem M. Hether, Detroit, Michigan
Hospital, and subse- James F. Hogan, Merrill, Michigan
quently served a Louie W. Hood, Montgomery, Alabama
four-year residency David M. Mac, Amsterdam, New York
Patrick K. McClellan, Los Angeles, Calif.
in general surgery F. Leith Mitchell, Albuquerque, New M.
at De Mos ois Gen- Rex E. Ollom, New Braunfels, Texas
Dr. Woods eral.
g Dr. Woods has Charles L. Pigneri, West Des Moines, la.
been practicing in Des Moines, is on the Ben A. Raines, Kansas City, Missouri
staff of all three osteopathic hospitals in Val A. Rongaus, Donora, Pennsylvania
the city and is a member of the staff of 12 Vernice W. Strickland, Starke, Florida
county and community hospitals in central Edmund F. Volk, Jr., Akron, Ohio
Iowa. Samuel W. Williams, Jr., Clinton, Iowa
Since 1947 Dr. Woods has been acting Randall H. Willis, Springfield, Ohio
Dr. Milton R. Snow, Medford, Oregon, is Ronald E. Wolfe, Dayton, Ohio
chairman of the Department of Surgery at
C.O.M.S. He is currently teaching both ma- now a member of the "500" club. This means Richard J. Zimmer, Algonac, Michigan
jor and minor surgery and a three-part that Dr. Snow is giving $500 to the college John A. Zuransky, Dedham, Mass.
freshman course divided into disaster care each year. To accumulate a finer group of men in
and planning, first aid, and cancer orienta- any professional school would indeed be a
tion. He is a member of the AOA commit- difficult task. Competent leadershipr is
tee for disaster in medicine and is supervis- provided in. these elected pledge officers:
ing this committee in 8 midwestern states. Dr. Elmets onducs Clinic Leith Mitchell, president; Pat McClellan,
vice-president; and Ron Ganelli, sec-treas-
Dr. Harry B. Elmets, '46, voluntarily con- ure.
ducts a Dermatological Clinic in Still Clinic
Delta chapter welcomes its pledges of each Friday morning. Junior and senior stu- The annual Christmas Party was held at
1960: the Casa Loma Lounge, Sunday, Dec. 18.
dents in the clinic Highlighting the evening were the an-
Freshmen: make the appoint- nouncements of the selection of two honor-
Willis B. Anderson, Jr., Birmingham, ments for their pa- ary members to the fraternity, Dr. Eliza-
Michigan beth Burrows, chairman of the department
tients through the
Grant R. Born, Jr., Detroit, Michigan of OB-GYN, and Dr. Jen-yah Hsie, chair-
Douglas A. Dunham, Akron, Ohio chief clinic super-
visor and then assist man of the department of Microbiology.
Louis Fortuna, Philadelphia, Penn. President John W. Nelson awarded certifi-
Herbert Greenbaum, New Milford, N. J. Dr. Elmets. All
cates to both our new 'members' and told
George Gustavson, Gibralter, Michigan types of skin prob- them they had been selected by the fra-
Jim L. Johnston, Canton, Ohio lems are presented terity because they are outstanding indi-
Norman A. Klegon, Detroit, Michigan viduals.
during this morning
Robert A. Komer, Detroit, Michigan
Albert T. Luster, South Bend, Indiana c I n i c. Diagnostic A special award was presented to Mrs.
Dean R. Nickel, Lakewood, Ohio procedures in coop- Mary Hutton, an employee of the clinic.
Francis W. O'Connor, Boston, Mass. Dr. Elmets Mary has distinguished herself by keeping
eration w i th the our clinic sparkling and clean for so many
James Reuter, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan pathology and microbiology departments months . . . and never asking for, or com-
Louis P. Ricci, New York, N. Y. are carried out as well as surgical proced- plaining about, anything. We love this lady
Richard M. Touma, Port Huron, Michigan ures. and to humbly show it Beta Chapter gave
William V. Utter, Kansas City, Missouri her something she has never owned-a tele-
John M. Vargo, Aurora, Illinois Dr. Elmets was born in Des Moines, Iowa,
April 22, 1920. A graduate of Roosevelt vision set. Working together for the ad-
Ronald Zarzycki, Detroit, Michigan vancement of osteopathic medicine includes
High School in 1938, he attended the State
Sophomores: University of Iowa receiving a B. A. de- such activities as these and the men of
Harvey A. Bergren, Detroit, Michigan gree in 1942 before enrolling in Des Moines I. T. S. are thankful for the privilege we
John B. Dolnen, Minnesota Still College of Osteopathy & Surgery. After have of serving ourselves by serving others.
John K. Edleman, Grand Rapids, Michigan his graduation "With Distinction" from the
Joseph Stanley Johnson, Detroit, Mich. Other guests in attendance at the Christ-
College, he interned in Des Moines General mas Party were Dr. and Mrs. Donald Sloan,
Junior: Hospital. He has been head of the Depart- and Dr. and Mrs. Harold Dresser. Dr. Sloan
Alvin J. Burstein, Hempstead, N. Y. ment of Dermatology and a part-time fac- is our Chapter Advisor and we appreciate
New officers for the second half of this ulty member in the College since the fall his interest in us.
year are: of 1947. Certified by the American Osteo-
President-Donald L. Turner '61, Dayton, pathic Board of Dermatology, he is one of We have many plans-plans with attain-
,Ohio its trustees, chairman of its examining com- able goals-for the new year. All alumni
Sgt.-at-Arms-David B. Russack '62, mittee and a member of its credentials com- are welcome anytime, and we'd like to hear
Youngstown, Ohio mittee. He is a consultant in Dermatology from you.
We've added a few things to our home at to Des Moines General Hospital, Still Osteo-
3205 Grand; which include a new furnace, pathic Hospital, and Wilden Osteopathic three sons, Craig 11, Steven 9, and Doug-
new roof and some new livingroom furni- Hospital. las 3. He is a member of Temple Bnai
ture. Jeshurun, Masonic Lodge, Consistory and
Dr. Elmets and his wife Charlotte have Za-Ga-Zig Shrine.

Hospital Employee College Team Visits KCOS Recent Visitor to College

Retires President McLaughlin and five COMS
staff members visited the Kirksville College
of Osteopathy and Surgery recently and dis-
cussed ideas on research, administration,
fund raising, accounting, and other matters
of interest to COMS. Visitors, in addition to
President McLaughlin, were Doctors Mark
Goldie, William F. Hewitt, Myron S. Ma-
gen, J. R. MeNerney, and William B.
The group spent Wednesday, December
28, and the morning of Thursday, the 29th,
talking with President Thompson, Dean Dr. Robert J. McCollough, Tulsa, Okla-
Tilley, Dr. Denslow (Director of Research homa, was featured tat a December all-
Affairs), Dr. Korr (Chairman of the Di- school convocation. Dr. McCollough, past-
vision of Physiological Sciences), Dr. Sny- president of the AOA, told the students that
der (Chairman, Division of Anatomical Sci- this decade will represent "a tremendous era
ences), Louis W. Handley (Treasurer and of challenge for the Osteopathic Profession,
Business Manager), Francis M. Walter and that if we could pattern our lives on
(Assistant Dean and Registrar), and Pro- three P's, a 'Purpose,' a 'Plan,' and then
fessors Attebery (Surgery), Dun (Physiol- acquire the 'Power,' we could not help but
ogy), Gutensohn (Anatomy and Osteopathic succeed, individually and collectively."
Medicine), Hix (Pharmacology), King
(Pediatrics), Mace (Obstetrics and Gyne-
Mr. Bazil McDowell, maintenance super- cology), Thomas (Physiology), Umanzio
visor of Still Osteopathic Hospital proudly (Microbiology), Wright (Physiology) and
displays a watch that he received at a
party in his honor on the occasion of his
As a result of these conversations, Presi- E7' Lo
. 00
retirement. Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, presi- dent McLaughlin says, "We learned a great
dent of the College made the presentation. deal that will be definitely useful in our Published Monthly by
Employees of the College, Clinic, and Hos- plans for developing our own College in THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
pital presented Mr. McDowell with a tran- teaching, research and administration." MEDICINE AND SURGERY
sistor radio. The Kirksville staff members were most
cooperative, stating (in President Morris Vol. 38 Number 9
Thompson's words), "We have no secrets."
ALUMNI TO MEET The COMS visiting team was invited to Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
Luncheon and Business Meeting provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
attend President Thompson's annual "at authorized Feb 3, 1923.
12:00 Noon-4:00 P.M. home" Wednesday evening, where they met
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1961 many more of the Kirksville College family. Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
KCOS hospitality will be repaid when at the post fice at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA of August 24, 1912.
Kirksville staff members visit COMS in
Dr. Donald T. Leigh, 325 coming months. Plans for these visits, and
Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables for exchange of lecturers in certain subject WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
Frlorida is in charge of local areas, were among the topics discussed in
arrangements JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor

Entered as
Second-Class Matter
L'o9 , 000o
At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue



FEB. 1961
- - ·--- s---e - --
sl. -- - - -- -----. -----
p-- -.----

Educational Policies Comm ittee Formed Dr. Merlyn McLaughlin, president of the
College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur-
Plan Graduate Painters Rewarded gery, has announced the formation of a new
Educational Policies Committee.
Education Programs Duties
Two members of the Graduate Education Duties of this committee, among other
Commnittee (Dr. William B. Strong, medical things, will be to consider and recommend
director-seated left) and Committee Chair- action on:
man Dr. John B. Shumaker (standing left)
meet with President McLaughlin (standing 1. Professional and Clinical rank or titles.
right) and Dr. V. J. Wilson, chairman of 2. Promotions and Tenure. 3. Student stand-
the Health, Education and Welfare Com- ards, conduct and discipline. 4. Faculty
mittee of the Polk County Society of Osteo- needs and Faculty recruiting. 5. Develop-
pathic Physicians and Surgeons to plan for ment and conduct of all educational pro-
future programs in Graduate Education. grams. 6. Assigned responsibilities of indi-
(The Polk County Society is cooperating viduals or departments toward accomplish-
with the College in the presentation of ing all educational programs. 7. Require-
Graduate Education programs.) ments for facilities and equipment. 8. Rec-
ommendations of standing committees in the
College, Clinic, and Hospital. 9. Student
and Faculty Health programs. 10. Such
other problems as may be appropriate or
The students who participated in painting assigned by the President.
the college clinic building were rewarded for Members
their labors by a luncheon at the Des Moines Members of the committee are:
Club, sponsored by the College Board of John B. Shumaker, Dean, Chairman; Wil-
Trustees. liam F. Hewitt, Jr., Director of Research
Affairs; Stanley D. Miroyiannis, Elected Rep-
Representing the Board were Mr. Daniel resentative of the Preclinical Division 1960-
E. Hannan and Mr. Ted Flynn, both of whom 61; A. C. Parmenter, Administrator, Hos-
thanked the students for a job well done; pital and Clinics; Joseph E. Prior, Elected
and said that effort such as this was typical Representative of the Clinical Division 1960-
of the present-day high morale in our college. 61; William B. Strong, Medical Director.

Hannan Addresses Realtors

"If Des Moines were to lose the College The college is seeking to acquire a 25 acre
of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery the tract located near down-town Des Moines
economic impact would run into astronom- for a new college building, new clinic build-
ing and a new hospital, in addition to hous-
ical figures of loss," Daniel E. Hannan, chair- ing for students.
man of the Board of Trustees of COMS, told
the Des Moines Real Estate Board at its Mr. Hannan pointed out that late reports
from the United States Public Health Serv-
weekly luncheon meeting, Thursday, Jan-
When the above picture was taken this ice indicate that if we are to maintain the
uary 19, as he discussed the college's build- present ratio of M.D.'s and D.O.'s to the
group was planning for the Postdoctoral ing program.
program to be presented June 1-2, 1961, population we need to increase our facilities
during graduation week activities. "Details A recent survey, Mr. Hannan said, dis- to provide for at least 500 students. (Present
of this most interesting program will be closes that annual spending in Des Moines enrollment is 283.)
announced in the near future", stated Com- from the institution exceeds five million dol- "Right now, Mr. Hannan added, "our fu-
mittee Chairman Dr. Shumaker. lars. Many patients who are treated through ture looks good and we know that if the
Dr. Harold E. Higley, committee member, the clinics would necessarily have to require citizens of Des Moines will cooperate with
was not present for the meeting due to ill- services of tax supported institutions if the our program we can have one of the finest
ness. college clinics were not available. of medical centers."

Postdoctoral Course, Reception, Banquet
Classes to be honored: 1901-06-11-16-21-26-31-36-41-46-51-56 and 1961

itv Holds Civil Defense Drill

Left: Irictureo examining a -casuaty.i

.ac. a. I.tJ t .Ut.... ,.O .. .. --...- - -. '
various areas of the college according to the amines an injured student to determine
arriving at COMS on a stretcher borne by
nature of their injuries. Shown here are where in the college or hospital he should
city firemen are Dr. William Strong, third
Drs. E. F. Leininger, top; Thomas R. Grif- be sent for treatment.
from left, and Dr. Ronald K. Woods, right.
fith, middle; and Robert L. Pettit, right.
The city of Des Moines has held its first
city-wide disaster exercise. Participating in Students Tour - Chamber of Commerce
this event were the following hospitals:
Broadlawns County, Iowa Lutheran, Iowa
College Presents Convocation
Each year students from the local and
Methodist, M.ercy and Still Osteopathic Hos- surrounding high schools visit the College.
pital. The tours are conducted by junior and senior
PCOS Cooperates students. Demonstrations and lectures are
County Osteopathic Society provided by staff and faculty members and
The Polk
their assistants in all departments of the
combined their efforts with physicians from College and Clinic.
across the city, both medical and osteo-
pathic, students from C.O.M.S., the city
police and fire departments and the public
schools, to give Des Moines its first city
wide disaster exercise.
Mr. R'alph Scroggs of the Polk County
Red Cross Association instructed C.O.M.S.
freshmen students in the arts of stretcher
bearing and casualty handling prior to the Richard MacKay (left) class of '62, Lan-
exercise. The 'mock casualties handled by
sing, Michigan, president of the student
the college and hospital were 35 local high council; Mr. Neil Garrett (center) of Gibson,
school students who were "injured" in the Stewart and Garrett attorneys; and Dr. John
collapse of a set of bleachers which held B. Shumaker, dean of the College, discuss
them. The casualties were sorted and classi- Chamber of Commerce activities before con-
fied at the scene and then dispatched to vening an all student convocation.
various hospitals. Mr. A. C. Parrenter, Ad-
ministrator of Still Osteopathic Hospital, Mr. Garrett reviewed the past and pres-
was coordinator in charge of all the Polk ent growth and accomplishments of the
County hospitals. Regardless of its being Greater Des Moines Chamber of Commerce
the first disaster exercise, it was considered and the role of this organization in the fu-
a success and all parties functioned effi- ture development of Des Moines.
ciently and well. This program will be re- - - - - - --- - - --- -------------
peated sometime in the spring of 1961. Top Picture: Dr. Sanford S. Herr, resi-
Civil Defense Office Loan
dent in Internal Medicine explains the work- Bulletin
ing of the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope to stu-
The college has recently received a loan dents interested in science from North High C O M S BREAKS ALL-TIME
from the AOA via the Office of Civil and School.
Defense Mobilization of 250 transparencies RECORD IN CHRISTMAS SEAL
for civil defense educational purposes. The Bottom Picture: Dr. Myron S. Magen,
college will make 3 copies of these trans- Associate Professor in Pediatrics, discusses DRIVE AMONG COLLEGES! !
parencies to be distributed locally, regional- the different phases of clinical medicine and
the hospital with students from Lincoln STORY NEXT MONTH.
ly and nationally throughout the ostopathic
profession. High School. -- -- --

Board Member "500" Club Member Recent Visitors To College

The College of Osteopathic Medicine &
of the Month Surgery is pleased to announce the addition
The well-known adage, "it's the busy per- of a new member to our "500" Club. This
son who gets things done and always has means that the new member contributes
$500.00 to the college each year.
time for just one more job"-may well apply
to Marion E. Wallace, a member of the
Board of Trustees for the College of Osteo-
pathic Medicine and Surgery.
His present activities range from serving
as president of the Stoner-McCray System
of billboard advertising and the Stoner In-
vestment Company, both located in Des
Moines, Iowa to manager of three Iowa trom .Brentwood usteopathmc Hospital o0
farms and several Des Moines building prop- Ohio came a recent graduate of COMS, Dr.
Frank W. Myers, '59, to present the hos-
erties. A look at his slender, straight figure
pital intern program and to tell the junior
and his animated face convinces one that and senior students the advantages of a
he finds his many "jobs" an exhilarating practice in Ohio.

Dr. . A. uA. rtzer, S31,

Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

finest experiences I had to prepare me for

my present jobs."
He was married to Miss Zella Green in of Doctors Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, are
1919, lwhowas, at that timte, employed as pictured with a group of senior students as
a teacher in the Vinton Public Schools. they discuss internships in Columbus.
They were the parents of one daughter. Mrs.
Wallace passed away in ]1957.
Included, amrong the honors Mr. Wallace
has received. is the Doctor of Humanities
degree awarded him by the Colleg;e of Oste-
opathic Medicine and Surgery in June 1960.
Mr. Wallace holds active memrberships in.
the Rotary Club, which he served as presi-
Mlarion E.. Wallace dent during 1952-53; the Des Moines Adver-
tisiing Club and ( i-Chamber of Commer-ce. fHe
Born in Fairbury, Nebraska, he later
is also a member of the Chamber of Com-
moved. with his parents to a farm near Vin-
merce Committee of One-Hundred which was
ton, Iowa, where he stayed until his grad- aminers again this year sent Dr. M. E. Coy,
organized to develop a long-range planning
uation from high school. With a desire to Jackson, Tenn., to the college to explain the
program for the city of Des Moines. "We purpose and procedures of the National
attend college-and little money for expen-
ses-he took a job in a furniture store to feel," said, Mr. Wallace. "that Des Moines Boards. Dr. Coy visited each of the four
has a big future ahead--just as I feel that classes individually and spent much time
earn his way through school. with the students in small groups as shown
the College of Osteopathic Medicine and
However, those plans were changed when above.
Surgery is headed for a bigger and better
World War I started and young Marion at future."
once enlisted. He served as a 1st Sergeant
Mr. Wallace is a member of the Des
in the Medical Corps at Ft. Riley, Kansas, Easter Vacation. .. March 30-April 4, Inc.
Moines Central Presbyterian Church and is
where he was in charge of all records for Pacemaker Ball ....... ,.... April 8
presently serving as Clerk of the Session.
the Corps doctors. He was later transferred (Fort Des Moines Hotel)
Lest one get the idea that his life is all Public Health Banquet ......... April 10
to officers' training school and was com-
work and no play, it should be noted that (Savery Hotel)
missioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Quarter-
Mr. Wallace is a fishing enthusiast and dates Homecoming ..... ...... .June 1-2
master Corps and served in that capacity
it, along with working in his yards, as his (College)
until his discharge.
favorite form of recreation. Reception and Banquet.. . ....... June 1
Following his army service, Mr. Wallace (Savery Hotel)
In October 1959, Mr. Wallace was married
was offered a position with a small bank in Graduation . ..... ......
......... June 2
to Mrs. Florence Tomlinson Myers, a mem-
Illinois. "This," he says, "was one of the (North High School)
ber of the Des Moines City Council.

Freshmen Surprise Employees' Christmas Dr. Braunschweig

Dr. Miroviannis Party

Each year Dr. Emil Braunschweig '37

(left) El Cajon, California, makes his an-
Santa Claus draws the lucky number for nual pilgrimage to the college. After his
the door prizes during the annual employee customary tour of the institution and re-
Christitias party held in Reom 202 of the newal of acquaintances with members of
College. Assisting Santa is Mrs. Leah Snell the faculty, staff, and student body, he
(secretary to Dr. Harold E. Higley) and Mr. visits with the president of the College.
A. C. Parmenter, hospital administrator Before ending his visit, he always leaves a
and master of ceremonies. contribution to the College. At the end of
When Dr. Stanley D. Miroyiannis, chair-
Other members of the committee were his recent visit with President McLaughlin
man of the Department of Anatomy, COMS, regarding the "500" Club, the "350" Club
Jan Davis (radiology department) chair-
walked into the classroom to lecture to his man; Frances Lynn, recorder; Lynn Bald- and the "250" Club, Dr. Braunschweig once
freshmen students recently, he was greeted win, medical photographer; Hazel Thomas again became the first "500' Club member
by resounding "Happy Birthday!" After (surgical aide); Mary Lou Kinzle (secretary to pay his membership in full.
Frank O'Connor of Dorchester, Mass., pre- to the basic science faculty; and Willa
sented the good Doctor with a gift on behalf Tucker (clinic accounting office). The pro-
of the class (picture above) refreshments gram started off with a song-fest led by
were served. Joe Moore, well - known Des Moines man
and director of public relations for Flynn
Dairy. Assisting at the piano was Ev- Published 'Monthly by
CORRECTION PLEASE elyn Norman (secretary to the Dean). Dr. THE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC
In the January, 1961, issue of the Log Merlyn McLaughlin, president of the col-
lege, added a serious note with his wel- MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Book under the heading "Doctor Woods
Receives Certification" appeared this come to the staff and a short talk on the Number 10
observance of Christmas. Dr. Erle Fitz im- Vol. 38
statement "Since 1947, Dr. Woods has
been acting chairman of the Department personating Victor Borge delighted the audi- Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage
ence. After a few lively numbers by "THE provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
of Surgery at the College of Osteopathic authorized Feb 3, 1923.
Medicine and Surgery." The statement BOYS combo band and Betty Jo Moore (ac-
cordian), Mary Jacobs read the poem "The Entered as second class matter, February 3, 1923,
should have read "Since 1957, Dr. Woods at the post office at Des Moines, Iowa, under the Act
has been acting chairman of the Depart- Night Before Christmas" with slight varia- of August 24, 1912.
ment of Surgery at the College of Osteo- tions. The party ended with the serving of
refreshments and the distribution of many WENDELL R. FULLER, Editor
pathic Medicine and Surgery." JOHN W. NELSON, Associate Editor

Entered as
Second-Class Matter

ro, SIoo0 At Des Moines, Iowa

722 Sixth Avenue



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