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Special Events, cont.

Thankoffering SundayNovember 22, 2015

Women are invited to bring their offering boxes (mites) and canned goods
to worship as they join with other women from Lutheran Churches around
the world to honor God and make a difference in Christs name.

Please have your Operation

Christmas Child Boxes at the church
by November 15th

Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Wednesday, November 25th, 7:00 p.m.,
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Marblehead
Join together in a unity of giving thanks at this ecumenical worship offered through our Danbury Ministerial. Youth
please note that this worship will be in place of our usual Wednesday gathering. All are invited to bring food items or
donations for the Danbury Food Pantry.

Traveling Christmas Party

Nov. 30Dec. 3
If you want to experience the true meaning of Christmas, consider helping us take Christmas joy into homes and
nursing care centers, as part of our Blessing Cup Team Ministry.
If you cannot go on the visits, but would like to contribute to the gift bags, please bring your gift items to either
church office by November 29th.
If you would like to participate, even for one of the days, or know of someone who would like a visit, please let
Pastor or Marge Bridgett know.

Dueling Pianos
Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 6, 12:00 p.m.
at the Victorian Inn
St. John women (WELCA) invite both congregations to
their annual Christmas Luncheon. Enjoy a jump-start to
the Christmas season with this festive meal, joyous
conversation, and fun time. Tickets are $13.00 each.
Reservations may be made by calling the church offices
or through Myra Prokop or Linda Merckens at St. John
and Louise Rogers at St. Paul.

Saturday, Nov. 7, 5 pm, at St. Marys

Hoping to have 2Lutheran Tables, so call
Linda Merckens if you would like a ticket
or 2. (419-707-2212). Cost is $25 each.
Cash Bar, Bingo, 50/50, food, fun

1st Sunday in Advent

November 29

Ottawa County Holiday Bureau, Church Collection Dates Suns. Nov. 15, 22, 29
Basic needs include baking supplies, beverages, cake mixes, cereal, condiments, cookies,
crackers, canned fruit and veg., gelatin, pudding, mac & cheese, noodles/pasta/rice, peanut
butter, jelly raisins, soups, spaghetti sauce, stuffing, sugar free items, snacks, paper products,
toothpaste, shampoo, soap, TP. Also toys, socks, hats, mittens. Watch for the mitten tree!

Congregational Meetings following Worship

Nov. 15th for St. Paul & Nov. 22nd for St. John
Help us consider Gods plan for our budgets and business for 2015

Wreaths Across America

We have a chance to participate in a national movement
to honor veterans by placing a wreath on each gravesite
in December, including St. Paul Cemetery. If you would
like to donate $10 for the cost of a wreath, please contact
Charlie Scott.

Advent Mid-week Worship

Meal at 6, Worship at 7
December 2rd at St. Paul, December 9th at St. John,
December 16th at St. Paul

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