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The First Church of Jesus Christ

From the Bishop
Volume 4, Issue 11


November 2015

Inside this issue:

From the Bishop

The Gospel of
Jesus Christ

Cypress Bible



EVERYONE. In a few days
after you receive this news
letter, we will once again
celebrate the Thanksgiving
holiday. Most think it is a
time when families gather
together and eat. Some will
think only of a turkey, while
others will think of football,
while a few may be thankful
for another year to be alive.
Let us reflect back on the
early Thanksgiving when
people would gather together and be thankful to God
for allowing them to be in a
place of religious freedom.
A place where they could
worship God as they wanted
to, thankful where they
could attend the church of

their choice. Let me encourfreedoms are being eroded

age everyone to give thanks,
and washed away by the
not only once a year, but
everyday because of a Savior
that loved us enough to send
His Spirit to fill us and keep
us from harm. Be thankful
for a Savior that took the
stripes upon His back for the
healing of our physical bodies. Be thankful for a Savior
who loved us enough to give
His life on a cruel cross for
the saving of our souls. Be
thankful because when all You are the Light of the World
we had to look forward to
was death, He came and
flood of evil and of evil peooffered us eternal life. Let's
ple. Let us give thanks while
make Him the number one
we still are able.
thing in our lives. Be thankLOVE YOU ALL -- BISHOP
ful for our everyday needs
that He meets and the air we
breath. In our country our

Standing On the Shoulders of Giants

Remember them that had the

Bishop H.E. Honea


rule over you, men that spake

unto you the word of God; and
considering the issue of their life,
imitate their faith Heb 13:7
Bishop H.E. Honea was a man of
deep, abiding faith in God and
love for people. He went home to
be with the Lord on June 10,
2009 leaving behind an impressive legacy of life and ministry.
Born Oct. 30, 1939. He was saved

and called to preach in April

1953, filled with the Holy Ghost
in 1955 and baptized in Name of
Jesus Christ in 1958. He preached
in 32 states, 3 foreign countries
and pastored in 4 states. Ordained Bishop in 1965, Bishop
Honea ordained 120 ministers
and 32 surrendered to preach
under his ministry. Bishop Honea
pastored the Tullahoma Church
for 46 years and founded the First

Church of Jesus Christ Organization in 1965, and the Banner of

Love in 1966. He will be remembered as a tenderhearted, loving
and forgiving man of faith whose
life passion was the Kingdom of
God. We do well to follow his

Page 2

Banner of Love


I. The Power of the Gospel, Romans 1:16-17
A. The power of God unto salvation.
B. We receive this saving power by faith.
1.Present faith.
2.Continuous faitha relationship, a way of life.
II. Salvation by Grace through Faith, Ephesians 2:8-10
A. Salvation originates in Gods grace, Titus 2:11.
1.Unmerited favor, undeserved blessing, free gift, Gods
work in us.
2.We do not earn, merit, deserve, or buy salvation.
B. We receive salvation through faith.
1.Our positive response to Gods grace.
2.True faith means trust, reliance, commitment.
3.It is more than mental assent or verbal profession.
4.Jesus said, Follow me, Matthew 4:19.
5.The power of salvation is in the object of our faith (God
and His Word), not in our faith itself, for false religionists
have faith and yet are not saved.
C. Good works are the result of true faith.
III. Obedient Faith
A. Obedience to the gospel is necessary to salvation, John
14:15; Romans 6:17; Hebrews 5:9; 11:7-8.
B. Those who do not obey the gospel will receive eternal
judgment, II Thessalonians 1:8;
I Peter 4:17.
C. Saving faith includes obedience, Romans 1:5; 10:16;
1.If we truly believe God we will believe His Word.
2.If we truly believe His Word we will act upon it.
3.Only he who believes is obedient; only he who is obedient believes.
4.Faith is real only in the act of obedience.
5.Examples of insufficient faith, Matthew 7:21-27; John
2:23-25; 12:42-43; James 2:19.
D. Definition of saving faith.
1.Accepting the gospel of Jesus as the sole means of salvation.
2.Applying the gospel personally by obedience.
IV. The Gospel, I Corinthians 15:1-4
A. The bad news: our need for the gospel.
1.All humans are sinners, Romans 3:10, 23.
2.The wages of sin is death, Romans 6:23.

Volume 4, Issue 11

Page 3

3.Gods law requires a blood sacrifice to atone for sin, Hebrews 9:22.
4.The blood of animals could not take away our sins, Hebrew 10:4.
B. The good news: statement of the gospel.
1.Jesus died for our sins, paying the penalty for us.
2.He was buried in the tomb (finality of death, reality of resurrection).
3.He arose again on the third day, winning victory for us.
4.Summary: Jesus is our perfect sacrifice of atonement to
take away our sins, Matthew 26:28.
V. Our Response to the Gospel, Acts 2:37-39
(Background: Acts 1:1-15; 2:1-47)
A. The message of all the apostles, Acts 2:14, 37-38.
a. Death to sin, Romans 6:2.
b. Definition: turn from sin to God.
c. Confession of sin to God, decision to forsake sin, and
godly sorrow for sin, Proverbs 28:13; II Corinthians
2.Water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.
a. Burial with Jesus Christ, Romans 6:4.
b. For the remission of sins, Acts 2:38.
c. By immersion in water, Matthew 3:16; Acts 8:38.
d. By invoking the name of Jesus, Acts 2:38; 8:16; 10:48;
19:5; 22:16.
e. Rebaptism if necessary, Acts 19:1-5.
3.The gift of the Holy Spirit.
a. Resurrection (new life) in Christ, Romans 8:2, 9-10.
b. Part of salvation, John 3:3, 5; I Corinthians 12:13.
c. Speaking in tongues is the initial evidence, Acts 2:4;
10:46; 19:6. See also Acts 8:5-20; 9:17-18; I Corinthians 14:18.
d. Can receive various spiritual gifts, including tongues,
subsequent to this experience, I Corinthians 12, 14.
B. This experience is for everyone today, Acts 2:38-39.
C. Jesus taught this experience and linked it to saving
faith, Mark 1:15; 16:16; John 7:38-39; see also Acts 11:15-17.
D. How to receive Gods saving grace, to exercise saving
faith, to obey the gospel, to apply the gospel personally.
1.We die with Jesus by repentance.
2.We are buried with Jesus by water baptism in His name.
3.We are resurrected with Jesus by the gift of the Holy Spirit,
which we receive by:
a. Repentance of all sin.
b. Opening our heart in faith.
E. We should receive everything the Lord has for us today.

Through its' Apostolic curriculum and home Bible College

correspondence program, Cypress Bible Institute seeks to:
1. Help students have the ability to rightly divide the Scriptures.
2. Impart the Oneness message of Acts 2:38 for Bible salvation.
3. Prepare our students for the specific local and foreign
ministries to which they have been called.


One WorldOne Word

With Home Study Courses, CBI is truly a College-WithoutWalls.

--Building Next Generation Leaders
"Remember all the people who are depending on you to be
in a place where you hear God; they will either live or die,
according to your ability to hear God. If you don't see the
power of your presence, you will never understand the
tragedy caused by your absence"

First Church of Jesus Christ

National Headquarters
1100 Lincoln Street
Tullahoma, TN 37388

Larry L Yates, ThD, PhD

Adjunct Professor/ Advisor

Phone: 931-247-5559



T H E F C J C . W E E B LY . C O M

Please use the information below to contact us:

Contact Information:
Phone: (903) 963-7863 Fax: (903) 963-5493
Administration Center
P.O. Box 1536 Van, TX 75790

Organizational Officers
National Chairman
Bishop Charles Bogue
175 Nemoe Road
Plainville, GA 30733

CBI President: Dr. Donald Vestal

Executive Board

Bishop Charles Bogue

Evangelists Available

Bishop Edward Burchett

Joshua Lester

Bishop James C. Taylor

1023 Sparks AVE

Elder Harold Moon

DeWitt, Arkansas 72042

Assistant Chairman

Home and Foreign missions



Bishop James C. Taylor

Elder Harold Moon


1100 Lincoln Street


Tullahoma, TN 37388

Foreign Ministers


Bishop Clifford McIntosh

Secretary and Treasurer

Misty Gardens PO Box 9405

Elder Harold Moon

Nassau, Bahamas

274 Carter Blake Road


Tullahoma, TN 37388

Bishop John Campbell

Orange Hill District
Darliston P.O.
Westmoreland, Jamaica, W.I.

Dr. Larry Yates
PO Box 1624
Tullahoma, TN 37388

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