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A quarterly publication

Issue 23, Volume 1

November 2015-January 2016 Cheshvan-Shevat 5776

Its getting cold outside but its
starting to sizzle at Sinai!

See pages 18 &19 for celebrating

Chanukah at Sinai!

In this issue
Shabbat/Holiday Schedule

Rabbis Corner

Cantors Notes



Presidents Message,
Membership Committee

High Holy Days

LDor Va Dor

Lifelong Jewish Learning


Shabbat Experiences


Whats Happening




Women of Sinai


Brit Nashim, Brotherhood


Israel Committee


Social Action Committee




Scene at Sinai


Supporting Sinai




In the Sinai Family




Those We Remember


Rabbi David B. Cohen Cantor Lauren Phillips Rabbi Emeritus Jay R. Brickman
Director of Youth Education Barb Shimansky, MSW Director of Administration Karen Lancina Program Coordinator Jen Friedman
Assistant to Rabbi and Cantor Karen Hintz School Administrator Jeri Danz Bookkeeper Ilene Wasserman Sinai News Nicole Sether
Congregation Sinai 8223 N. Port Washington Road Fox Point, WI 53217
414.352.2970 414.352.0944 (fax)

Page 2

November-January Shabbat & Holiday Service Schedule

Shabbat Chayei Sara
Genesis 23:1 - 25:18
Nov 6
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Shabbat Vayechi
Genesis 47:28 - 50:26
Dec 25
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Nov 7

Dec 26

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Shabbat Toldot
Genesis 25:19 - 28:9
Nov 13
Rockin Shabbat 6:15 pm

Shabbat Shemot
Exodus 1:1 - 6:1
January 1

Nov 14

January 2

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Nora Frank Bat Mitzvah 10 am

Shabbat Vayetzei
Genesis 28:10 - 32:3
Nov 20
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Nov 21

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Shabbat Vayishlach
Genesis 32:4 - 36:43
Nov 27
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Nov 28

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Shabbat Vaera
Exodus 6:2 - 9:35
January 8
January 9
Shabbat Bo
Exodus 10:1 - 13:16
January 15
January 16

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Benji Lookatch Bar Mitzvah 10 am

Shabbat Vayeshev
Genesis 37:1 - 40:23
Dec 4
Interreligious Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Shabbat Beshalach
Exodus 13:17 - 17:16
January 22
Rockin Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Dec 5

January 23

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat RUACH 10 am

Shabbat Miketz
Genesis 41:1 - 44:17
Dec 11
Chanukah Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Dec 12

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Shabbat Yitro
Exodus 18:1 - 20:23
January 29
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
January 30

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Ella & Eve DeToro Bnot Mitzvah 10 am

Shabbat Vayigash
Genesis 44:18 - 47:27
Dec 18
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Dec 19

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Chanukah Blessings
Candles are added to the Chanukiyah from right to left but are kindled from left to right. The newest candle is lit first.
Light the Shamash first and use it to kindle the rest of the Chanukah lights. Say or sing:

Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tsivanu l'hadlik ner shel Chanukah.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to kindle the Hanukkah lights.

Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, she-asah nisim laavoteinu v'imoteinu bayamim hahaeim baz'man hazeh.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who performed wonderous deeds for our ancestors in days of old at this season.
For first night only:

Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, shehecheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higianu laz'man hazeh.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this season.

Page 3

Rabbis Corner
The oldest prayer book extant is the Seder Rav Amram, which dates back to the ninth century c.e. Remarkably,
it contains the same prayers in the same order as the prayer
books we use today. It also includes explanations of the
prayers and their customs.
A survey of prayer books created since that time
reveals that, while the order and Hebrew of the prayers remains relatively unchanged, the commentary and art and,
even later, translations differ immensely. Each reflects the
age and location of its origin, as well as the prevailing customs of that place and time.
So its no surprise that the reform movement produces a new siddur every twenty five to thirty years. You may
recall the Union Prayerbook, a small format siddur that was
written in the nineteen twenties and revised in the nineteen
fifties. It was replaced in nineteen seventy-five by Shaarey
Tefilah, The Gates of Prayer. Ten years ago, or so, after several years of piloting various iterations of a new text, we
adopted the new reform
siddur, Mishkan Tefilah,
which we continue to use
on Shabbat and festivals.
This year, the
reform movement published a new Machzor
(High Holy Day prayer
book) to replace the red

Gates of Repentance. While we

havent formally piloted the new
machzor in the way we did with
the new siddur, we did use it for
the second day of Rosh HaShanah
services. The response was generally positive. People felt the wording was not as stilted as the older
Machzor, though some missed
that aspect. People appreciated
that transliteration of the Hebrew
prayers into English letters was carried throughout.
The Ritual Committee will be studying the new
Machzor this year and will make a determination and recommendation to the Board of Trustees as to how we should
move forward. Over the course of the year, we will offer several learning sessions for you to get to experience the new
Machzor. Well be interested in your response.
This year, we received the most superlative expressions of gratitude for the High Holy Day services the music,
the choir, the prayers, the participation of some of our members who are professional musicians, the sermons, etc. We,
too, felt a special spirit this year.
We look forward to your participation as we address
the question of the new Machzor in Sinais future.
Rabbi David B. Cohen

Cantors Notes
A Virtual Chanukah Travelogue
As the chill of winter sets in, its fun to fantasize
about visiting warm climates and exotic destinations. Here in
Wisconsin, we dream of a white Chanukah (or in many cases, we wish for the opposite). Other Jewish communities celebrate the Festival of Lights in the
heat of summer (Australia) or even in constant
darkness (Alaska).
Here are nine places around the world (one
for each night, plus a shamash) that offer unique
traditions that you and your family can use to
spice up your Chanukah celebrations:
In their cooking, Cubans use plantains
much in the same way we use potatoes: Mashing
them, baking them, and frying them. Because of this, it
should not come as a surprise that Jews in Cuba make fried
plantains, otherwise known as tostones or patacones, for
their Chanukah celebrations. To try a version of this recipe
at home, visit
The Jews of Aleppo were descendants of Sephardic
Jews expelled from Spain in 1492. When they finally found a

safe haven in Syria, they vowed to light an additional shamash (helper candle) on Chanukah as a sign of thanks. Todays Syria is a much different country. This Chanukah, consider adopting the Syrian Jewish tradition of lighting an additional shamash in solidarity with the
refugees who are fleeing Syria in droves in
search of shelter and peace.
In the wine-making region of Avignon in
the south of France, it is customary to end the
Shabbat that falls during Chanukah by opening a
new bottle or cask of wine. After Havdalah, Jews
would travel around the neighborhood to various
homes, tasting the wines and toasting the holiday. This is a fantastic way to build community and to celebrate the holiday with family and friends.
In Spanish, Chanukah is known as Januca or Lucenarias the feast of lights. Mexican children play a game
called toma todo (winner takes all), which is similar to the
version of dreidel that we play except for the fact that the top
has six sides instead of four. The toma toda dreidel is known
as a pirinola. For a true multi-cultural experience, Mexican

Page 4

Cantors Notes (continued)

Jews often break a dreidel-shaped piata filled with Chanukah trinkets and treats.
On Tisha BAv, we read the book of Lamentations,
often in complete darkness. There is an Italian custom of
saving the candle that was used to help us read on Tisha
BAv to help us light the menorah during Chanukah. On Tisha
BAv, we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple. On Chanukah, we celebrate its rededication. Using the same candle
for both occasions connects the two events. On Tisha BAv
we are sad, but on Chanukah we rejoice as we rekindle this
same light as the Shamash for our festival of freedom.
While Jews no longer live in Kurdistan, many Kurdish Jews
still observe two unusual Chanukah customs. The first is similar to the giving of Chanukah gelt, but with a twist: A week
before the holiday, children lock the doors to their room.
Their parents must give them coins in order to gain entry.
The second custom was developed by Jews too poor to afford
a hanukkiah. They used eggshells as cups for wicks and oil,
lighting the required number of cracked shells every night.
Get creative and find other ways in which you can repurpose
every day objects as a sign of light and hope on Chanukah!
Jews in Morocco extended the joy of Chanukah into
a ninth day, which became known as the day of the Shamash. On that day, the children would go from house to
house and collect leftover Chanukah candles. Then, they
would make a giant bonfire, dance and sing around it, and
also jump and leap over it. It was believed that jumping over
the fire could bring good luck. Single women would jump over
the fire in the hopes of getting married. Married women
struggling to conceive would jump over the fire in the hopes
of being blessed with a child. (An aside: Another fun way to
repurpose extra Chanukah candles is to take three candles
and soak them in hot water. Then, twist the softened wax
together for an instant miniature havdalah candle!)
The seventh day of Chanukah coincides with Rosh
Chodesh Tevet the beginning of the Hebrew month of Tevet
which has become a holiday within a holiday for Tunisian
Jews. Known as Chag haBanot (Festival of the Daughters),

girls and women celebrate the courageous act of Yehudit,

the Jewish woman who saved the Jewish nation by killing the
general sent by Antiochus, the evil ruler of the Syrian-Greek
Empire. Women would not do any work on this day. They
would visit one another and eat doughnuts and honey cookies. The holiday was particularly special for young women
engaged to be married in the coming year.
Milwaukee, WI the Shamash
As Dorothy said when she clicked her heels three
times, theres no place like home. We hope that you will
join us for Chanukah celebrations here at Congregation Sinai.
We are especially excited to welcome the triumphant return of Kol Simcha, our band of youth and teens,
who will join us for Shabbat services on Friday, December
11th. Please contact Cantor Phillips at if you have children in grades
four and up who might be interested in playing with us. All
instruments and vocalists welcome!
Shabbat Chanukah on December 11th will also feature a latke dinner at 5:15 PM along with an opportunity to
wrap the gifts given through our Mitzvah Menorah project.
During services, we will welcome the newest students and
families to our religious school with a special Consecration
ceremony. Chanukah means dedication in Hebrew, and at
Sinai we use the holiday as an opportunity to kindle the first
flames of Jewish learning.
Services will be followed by a sufganiyot (jelly donut) oneg. There will be something for everyone, and many
opportunities to celebrate the themes of the season: Eating,
rejoicing, singing, dancing, and giving.
On Saturday December 12th, young adults in their
20s and 30s are invited to join Sinai in the City for Havdalukkah. Well follow the French tradition of opening new bottles of wine and greeting friends as a way of bringing the joy
of Shabbat into the coming week. Well also have a cook-off
for the best latke recipes. Watch your eNews for more details.
Chag urim sameach -- may your Chanukah celebrations be
joyful and sweet.
Cantor Lauren Phillips

While Orthodox Jews do not condone the practice of abortion, they do not equate it with murder.
In Jewish teaching, the soul enters the body at the moment of birth. For a child to be born with an incurable, crippling disease or to be born into a family where he or she is unwanted, is a fate more serious
than never being born. The challenge that God poses on this and other matters of faith is whether we
can live in civility and peace with those whose theological views differ from our own.
Rabbi Jay R. Brickman

Page 5

Presidents Message
I am happy to report that our new voluntary dues
structure appears to be meeting with your acceptance. We
had a net increase on a member-to-member basis over last
year. Although the increase was small, I feel it
showed a positive commitment by our Sinai families. I hope it felt better to you to be committing
an amount that came from your heart and your
individual financial situation instead of off a chart
relating to your income.
Now the challenge is to continue that
trend of support and get ourselves on solid financial ground that can sustain us in to the future.
Over the upcoming months we will be working on
a plan to increase our income approximately 10%
over a three-year period. I envision this coming
from increased membership, generosity of our
members and our commitment to make Sinai your
Jewish home.
One of the interesting benefits of being president of
a congregation is that you feel an obligation to attend as
many of the congregational events as possible. Guess what?
When you attend more often, you get more from it. Kate and

I attended the Sukkot BBQ and Simchat Torah. We went

there expecting a hot dog and potato chips with a little indigestion on the side and instead were treated to a fantastic
dinner with gourmet delights from the Israel Committee and Mitbach Sinai and grilling by the Brotherhood. This was followed by Simchat Torah services that was so wonderful to see so many families being a part of our Sinai community.
Our LDor Va Dor celebration honoring Dr.
Jay Larkey, Lois Malawsky, Dr. Marvin Lauwasser,
Marlene Lauwasser, Tedd Lookatch and Julie
Lookatch was a wonderful event that brought
many people from the community into our home
to honor these six deserving recipients.
I continue to be honored to be your president and encourage all of my Sinai family to attend as much of Sinai as you can. You will reap
the benefits.
Chip Mann
October 19, 2015

Membership Committee
Wed like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new member families! We know
that you will find a warm and welcoming home here at Sinai! It is our hope that our new
member families will make an easy and comfortable transition into our Sinai community.
We have an exciting year planned at Sinai. We strive to offer a variety of learning, spiritual, activism, social, adult and family opportunities for all ages and interests.
Please take the time to find your interest and join us. Is there a particular group you
would like to see addressed at Sinai? We would like to help make that happen. Let us
We are looking for Sinai Ambassadors to assist in welcoming and integrating new
and current members into congregational activities, committees and groups. Help members find meaningful connections to synagogue and work in membership retention. Be a
mentor! This is not a large time commitment, yet an important part of the success of our
community. Please let us know if you would like to join us!
As always, help us perpetuate our beautiful community. When you are worshipping in Shabbat Services, walking through the halls during religious school at pick up,
taking a class, enjoying a Brotherhood Coffee, or having a meal at a congregational dinner say hello to someone you may not know and start a conversation. Making connections is what makes Sinai so special and unique.

Welcome New Members who

recently joined our congregation!
Robin Berk
James Berzowski & Robin Wyman
Jestin Charusch
Marc & Wendy Cohen
Mark Colarusso & Jennifer Herzog
Phillipe Cooper
Derek Goodman
Hannah Greenstein
Shana Harvey
Marc & Jennifer Jacobs
Leandrea & John Lamberton
Ruth Lebed
Theodore & Jennifer Levin
Lois LeVine
Oren Sadoff
Miriam Sadoff
Daniel & Jennifer Saper
Gabriel & Alicia Ziskin

Page 6

High Holy Days

Thank you to all who make our High Holy Days possible!*
Music and Sound
Karen Horwitz, accompanist
Richard Hynson, conductor
Steve Colburn, musician
Stefanie Jacob, musician
Scott Tisdel, musician
Bob Radke, sound
Adam Butlein and Techteriors,
internet streaming

Noah Borkin
Krista Brookman
Jacob Burnham
Tori Cayle
Ariel Cobb
Ariel Cohn
Benji Cohn
Ethan Ellerbrock
Jordan Ellerbrock
Sammy Fielkow
Ilana Friedman
Seth Friedman
Jenni Goldbaum
Gordy Goldbaum
Maya Goldbaum
Jayson Goldbaum
Jen Halaska
Ariana Halaska
Hannah Halaska
Adam Hool
Bailey Kramer
Josh Lookatch
Ryan Maxon
Lia Oren
Nick Padway
Monica Parkes
Josh Parkes
Jonathan Parkes
Sandy Saltzstein
Aviva Silverman
Autumn Stelzer
Sydney Stelzer
Jack Styler
Sarai Tenorio
Jill Weinshel
Zach Yopps

Marc Cohen
Sarah Hwang
Kyle Kolberg
Ydelle Litwack
Julie Lookatch
Bobbi Rector
Jan Rosenberg
Kerry Saver
Jim Stillman
Chelsea Wegrzniak
Nathan Wesselowski
Rebecca Whitney
Phyllis Wiggins
Torah and Haftorah Readers
Rabbi Jay Brickman
Michelle Silverman
Bobbi Rector
Michael Hool, Head Usher
Scott Arbit
Seth Broidy
David Cobb
Mitch Colton
BJ Cohn
Dan Elias
Janet Fine
Michael Friedman
Mark Glass
Larry Glusman
Rob Golub
Marc Kartman
Avi Lank
Marlene Lauwasser
Tedd Lookatch
Alan Mendeloff
John Pereles
Jim Phillips
Michael Primakow
Jeff Teplin
Mike Weinshel

Shofar Blowers
Jerry Salinsky
Jim Salinsky
Shofar Blowing Contest
Marc and Jared Cayle
High Holy Day Food Drive
Ella & Eve DeToro
Bima honors
Joan Becker Friedman
Jay Brickman
Ellis Bromberg
Jayne Butlein
Eric Butlein
Shari Cayle
Marc Cayle
Brian Cayle
Elyse Cohn
Mitch Colton

Youth Programming
Andrea Bernstein - Co-Chair
Judy Flegel - Co-Chair
Ellie Bakalinsky

Dan Elias
Carrie Ellerbrock
Judy Flegel
Jim Flesch
Ellen Flesch
Ari Friedman
Larry Glussman
Rob Golub
Toots Hassel
Michael Hool
Stefani Jacob
Terry Jacobs
Lori Jacobson
Elana Kahn Oren
Marc Kartman
Mari Katz
Jody Kaufman Loewenstein
Judi Ketten
Bill Kravit
Steve Kravit
Marlene Lauwasser
Patti Levy
Paul Loewenstein
Julie Lookatch
Tedd Lookatch
Lucia Lozano
Lois Malawsky
Chip Mann
John Pereles
Sheryl Primakow
Bobbi Rector
Gillian Rodger
Lauri Roth
Jim Salinsky
Jerry Salinsky
Lori Salinsky
Judy Salinsky
Michelle Silverman
Susan Solvang
Jim Stillman
Susan Stuckert - Coordinator
Carmel Sweet
Julie Turetsky
Laura Waisbren
Mike Weinshel
Jill Weinshel
Deborah Wilk
Doron Zehavi
Hank Borkovitz
Marian Brill
Toby Colton
Dan and Lisa Elias
Janet Fine
Sharon Goldstein

Jody Holman
Stefanie Jacob
Mari Katz
Jan Letven and Lorin Stein
Sheri Levin
Sue LeVine
Julie Lookatch
Kate Mann
Dorothy Meyers
Sue Pereles
Judith Ross
Lauri Roth
Sandy Saltzstein
Carol Schatz
Doje Sherman
Judy Shor - Coordinator
Sheila Smith
Pam Stein
Laura Waisbren
Merle Wasserman
Phyllis Wiggins
Ari Friedman
Sinai Staff
Karen Lancina,
Director of Administration
Jen Friedman,
Program Coordinator
Barbara Shimansky,
Director of Youth Education
Karen Hintz,
Executive Secretary
Jeri Danz,
School Administrator
Ilene Wasserman,
Jeff Yost,
Nicole Sether,
Sinai News Editor
Tracey Hassinger,
Kitchen Coordinator
Tashlich Bakers
Linda Cayle - Coordinator
Jenni Goldbaum
Jen Friedman
Larry and Annie Golding
Michelle Silverman
Al and Dorothy Meyers
Shari Cayle
Women of Sinai

*Please accept our apologies if your name was accidently omitted.

Congratulations to our
Shofar Blowing Contest

Pre-School - 1st Grade

1st Judah Primakow
2nd Deva Crouse
3rd Zachary Fine

2nd - 3rd Grade

1st Reese Bean
2nd Justin Sanger
3rd Seth Banks

4th Grade and up

1st Nason Lancina
2nd Lydia Lancina
3rd Abigail Blumin

Page 7

LDor Va Dor at Sinai

Dear Sinai Community:
On Saturday, October 17th, the first LDor Va Dor
(From Generation to Generation) Honoring was held at Congregation Sinai. The room was full of friends and family
expressing love and support for three couples: Dr. Jay
Larkey and Lois Malawsky, Dr. Marvin and Marlene Lauwasser, and Julie and Tedd Lookatch. Three generations of Jewish leadership were represented and honored for social action (Keter Tikkun Olam), exemplary leadership (Keter Malchut), and community engagement and involvement (Keter
Kehillah) respectively.
What a wonderful evening! A night filled with good
company lead by Rabbi Cohen, good food and wine, excellent introductions of and wonderful heartfelt speeches by
our honorees. Beautiful words sung by Cantor Phillips accompanied by Karen Horwitz.

Thank you to all who attended and shared the evening with the honorees. Thank you to all our volunteers for
making the evening run smoothly: Barbara Federlin, Joe
Glassman, Annie and Larry Golding, Michael Hool, Sandy
Saltzstein, Shana Harvey, Phyllis Wiggins, Lydia Lancina, Michael Hansen, Donna Davidoff, Rachel Eixenberger, and Aggie Goldenholz. Special thanks to everyone in the Sinai office
because without your knowledge of the answer to who,
what, when, and where this event would not have been
possible!! An extra special shout out to our dynamic duo of
Administrators!! Next time you see Jen or Karen thank them
for the great job they do at Sinai.
See you at the next LDor Va Dor (From Generation to Generation Honoring) .
Thank you again,
Shelly Seesel

The L'Dor Va Dor Fund (From Generation To Generation)

has been established through generous donations in honor of the 2015 Designated Honorees:
Dr. Jay Larkey and Lois Malawsky, Dr. Marvin and Marlene Lauwasser, and Julie and Tedd Lookatch.
The Fund will be used exclusively to recognize, encourage and develop congregants in future leadership roles within Sinai
and the Jewish Community at large.
Thank you to those who made contributions to the LDor Va Dor Fund. For a complete listing please see Page 35.

Page 8

Lifelong Jewish Learning

MCRC Shabbat!

In the Rabbis Study

Sunday, December 6

Metropolitan Council of
Reform Congregations

10:00 AM
Rabbi Cohen welcomes writer and congregant,
Lauren Fox, whose third major novel, Days of Awe, was
recently published by Alfred A. Knopf. A Milwaukee native, Fox is published widely in opinion pieces in the New York Times and
elsewhere. Join us for a fun, informal conversation about writing, publishing and life and a sampling of the critical reception for Day of Awe:
"The hands of time stop for no one, not even Lauren Fox. With each
new novel, the characters of this irrepressibly comedic chronicler of friendship, marriage and romantic foibles among white Milwaukeean Generation
X-ers advance and mature in concert with their author. And yet her prose
remains as fresh as if it spritzed from the wordsmiths fountain of youth.
With Days of Awe, however, Foxs insouciance is tempered by an omnipresent awareness of 'that cold lick of
mortality...' The fearlessness with which Fox frees her
women to behave badly heightens both the credibility
and the pleasure of her fiction." Jan Stuart, Boston
An immensely gifted writer a writer adept at
capturing the sad-funny mess that happens to be one womans life
Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times


the Date!

March 11, 2016 at 7:30 PM

hosted by Congregation Sinai!

Guest Speaker: Mordecai Lee PhD

Professor of Urban Planning,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mordecai Lee is a former member of
the Wisconsin State Assembly and Wisconsin
State Senate, as well as a former Executive
Director of the Milwaukee Jewish Council. A
frequent commentator on governmental affairs locally, regionally and nationally, Professor Lee is a cogent observer of the American
political scene as seen through a Jewish

Join us and experience the ruach (spirit) of all

of our synagogues praying
together (and all of our cantors singing!) plus the timely and insightful words of
Dr. Mordecai Lee.

Torah to Go!

Judaism is centered on the home, not just in the synagogue. Accordingly, wed like to offer a new format for
adult learning, Torah to Go. The idea is simple: you and your friends hand pick a topic for an evening of study and conversation. Then peruse the available dates and choose which dates might work best. Then call or email Karen Hintz (414-352-2970 and give her three of the available dates in order of preference. Youll then hear back from us
to confirm the date and topic. Invite your friends and voila! Torah to Go! Youll experience the richness and rewards of informal
Jewish learning in the comfort of your own home.
Trembling Before God: A Film Screening and Discussion of Homosexuality in Traditional Jewish Life
What do Gershwin and Rogers & Hammerstein Have to do With Jewish Music?
Cutting Edge Sanctuary Music Today and Tomorrow Post Cards From the Edge: How Israels Musical Idiom Was Formed

Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life (or How to Finally, Really Grow Up)
- Forgive and Forget?
- Embracing the New Interfaith Couple
- Can Israel Be Both Jewish and Democratic? An Open Conversation
- People of the Books
- Ethics of Our Ancestors Ethics for Our Times
These are a sample of the topics offered. For more information, go to our website.

Page 9

Lifelong Jewish Learning

Ongoing Adult Learning
Lunch & Learn
Rambams Shmoneh Perakim:
Day: Mondays
Time: 12:00 PM
Facilitator: Rabbi David B. Cohen
RAMBAMs Shmoneh Perakim: Maimonides
Commentary on Pirke Avot, Sayings of
our Ancestors

A Modern Rabbis
Approach to the Bible
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 9:30 AM
Facilitator: Rabbi Jay Brickman
Rabbi Brickman is a trained Jungian, a
philosopher, and a practitioner of Tai Chi.
If you havent studied with him now is the time!

Join us on Mondays at noon for sixty

fast-paced minutes of learning. Our
text will be Maimonides commentary
on Pirke Avot. Living in Cairo, Egypt in
the 12th century, RAMBAM reads the
rabbis collection of Wisdom Literature
and aphorisms with the eye of an
Aristotelian philosopher, endeavoring to find structure
and a set of core principles that comprise all of Judaism.
Cost: Members - free
Non-members - $54
To register:

Kuzari: Arguments in Defense of

Judaism with Rabbi Jay Brickman
Day: Mondays
Time: 4:00 5:15 pm
Facilitator: Rabbi Jay Brickman
The Kuzari is a defense of classical Jewsh
theology written by Judah HaLevi, an outstanding poet-philosophy who lived in 12th
Century Spain.
Class will read the Kuzari in Hebrew and in English (Reading
knowledge of Hebrew is required). The class will meet at the
home of Rabbi & Mrs. Jay R Brickman.
RSVP to Karen Hintz at (414) 352-2970.

Shabbat Morning Torah Study

Day: Saturdays
Time: 8:00 AM
Facilitator: Rabbi Jay Brickman
Verse by verse, line by line, word by word, the
Torah comes alive!

Page 10

Lifelong Jewish Learning

20s and 30s!
Young adults and grad students - 20s and
30s, singles, couples, married - all are welcome!

Members and

What does it mean to be a young, professional Jewish adult in 2015? Are

you looking for a point of entry into metropolitan Jewry? Do you have a
child or know someone affiliated or unaffiliated - that is looking to meet
other young Jewish professionals? Look no further.
Join Cantor Lauren Phillips for a unique alternative Shabbat and Holiday experience downtown for
young professionals. Well utilize media, music, current topics, and alternative venues to worship,
share, and get to know each other. This is a chance to meet like-minded Jewish adults to
schmooze, eat, share in a little Torah and a lot of conversation! Come be a part of Judaism in a
meaningful way that is relevant to you and your life.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Havdalukkah - a Latka Cook Off
7:00 PM @ Park Lafayette Towers
Join us for a Chanukah experience!
Well have a little
cook off dinner,
Chanukah inspired
cocktails, Havdallah!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Tu B Shabbat Dinner!
Time TBD

Sinai in the City

is the recipient of
the Union of Reform
Judaism Belin
Outreach Award!

RSVP by December 9th at:

Sponsored by Sinai in the City and YJAM

Save the

Well gather and drink wines from

Israel while toasting the 7 species!

RSVP by Feb 2 to:

Know someone who might be interested in

Sinai in the City?
Please contact Cantor Lauren Phillips

Well make the outreach!

Follow us on Facebook at

Page 11

Lifelong Jewish Learning

Itsy Bitsy Sinai - Ages 0-4
We value every member at Congregation Sinai even our youngest! Our
preschool age program (birth-4) is called Itsy Bitsy Sinai. It includes
Sunday morning fun with Rabbi David and Cantor Lauren.
Activities will include:
Craft & holiday projects
We want to make coming to synagogue something that our youngest children look forward to a
place of joy and laughter and fun. We strive to help parents connect to others with similar aged
children, to develop bonds that will enable them to share their Jewish journeys together.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

10:15 AM
Explore the holiday of Tu BShevat! We will
plant, taste the food of Israel and learn
and sing about this tasty holiday!

RSVP to:

Itsy Bitsy Sinai and Chanukah!

Join us for a fun filled
Chanukah experience at
Sinai for every member
of our congregation!

Friday, December 11, 2015

RSVP to:

See pages 18-19 for details!

Page 12

Lifelong Jewish Learning

School News
I have invited two of our CoSY teens to be guest
columnists for this edition of the Sinai News. You have all
heard me talk about summer opportunities for our youth;
now you can hear about two of these directly from teens who
experienced them!
Maya Goldbaum, CoSY President:
I had the amazing opportunity to spend
this past summer with NFTY in Israel in the Jewish homeland with other teens from across the
country, none of whom I had met before arriving
at the airport. We traveled through Israel on a one
month journey from Eilat to the Kineret. We began
the trip in the Negev desert, just as our ancestors
had. For the first two weeks, we followed the Torah, going to the hometown of Abraham, looking
at the idols that he chose not to believe in and
learning about our earliest Jewish ancestors. We
wandered through the desert as Moses and Miriam had before us. We spent our first Shabbat in the desert, singing
familiar melodies in an unfamiliar country, surrounded by
new best friends whom we had met only days before. Leaving the desert, we headed to Jerusalem. Once we arrived,
the counselors blindfolded us and had us hold hands, then
led us off the bus to an overlook where the entire city was
revealed to us. We continued on, experiencing the Torah as
if we were part of it. While learning about the tragic history of
the Zealots, we woke up at 3:00 AM and hiked to the top of
Masada. When we arrived, we watched the sunrise while
singing Modeh Ani and dancing. At the Kotel, we talked
about the destruction of the temples and put our own
thoughts and prayers into writing in the wall. We then headed up towards the Kinaret and went on a four day choice
trip. I chose the Tikkun Olam option, repairing the world. We
volunteered at food pantries, picked crops, helped out at a
school for kids with cerebral palsy, and assisted at a factory
for disabled adults. It was a great experience to really make
a difference in a community that we care so deeply about.
For the last two weeks of the trip, we focused on modern
day Israeli conflicts and the creation of our Jewish state.
Eight Israelis joined us to help us get a different point of
view on life in Israel as a teen. We spent a week traveling
and enjoying the Northern part of Israel as a larger group.
During this time, we also had the opportunity to meet Arab
Israeli teens and have a chance to talk about what their everyday life is like. Meeting Jewish teens outside of the Americans that were part of the NFTY program helped me to better understand how complicated and amazing life in Israel
can be. This once in a lifetime experience gave me life-long

friendships, memories, a deeper connection to Judaism, and

a new perspective on Israeli culture.
Aviva Silverman, CoSY Religious & Cultural Vice President:
This past summer, I was part of a unit at Camp
OSRUI called Chalutzim. Chalutzim is a seven
week Hebrew immersion program. It was the best
experience of my life. I expanded my Hebrew vocabulary, made incredible bonds with my Israeli
counselors, and made the best memories. During
the day except for Friday and Saturday, I had a 1
hour Hebrew class, twice a day. We played Hebrew games with our counselors and we even
watched two movies in Hebrew! It was a great way
to learn the language, and have fun at the same
time! Another great part about Chalutzim was that
most of our counselors were Israeli. They could
teach us about their experiences in Israel and
their culture, while at the same time, being our best friends
and helping us with anything we needed. I came back home
with at least twenty new friends from Israel that I can contact
any time for advice or just to say hello. Another amazing thing
about Chalutzim was that I met more Jewish teens my age.
When I came home from the best summer of my life, I came
back with my favorite memories and even more best friends
than I could ask for, who were like strangers to me at the
very beginning of camp. I love all of them like they are my
own family. We have had so many experiences together that
it is hard not to feel that way. For example, in the middle of
our camp session, we all went on a three day canoeing trip.
We were put in groups of three and thrown onto a canoe together, most of us not knowing our other canoeing partners.
We set off on the three day journey and came back closer
than ever. One of my favorite memories from the trip was the
second day of canoeing. There was a beautiful sunset over
the river and our whole unit was sitting together, singing, and
roasting marshmallows. It is a moment I will remember for
the rest of my life. Overall, this past summer taught me a
beautiful language, it gave me friendships with incredible
people, and it gave me memories that will stay with me for a
If you would like to learn more about these or the
many additional summer opportunities for youth in the Reform Movement, please contact me (Barb) at any time! If you
want to do some online exploring of options for your child
(ren) ages pre-K to post-college, visit

Questions about any of our youth group programming?

Contact Barb Shimansky at:

Barb Shimansky, MSW

Director of Youth Education

Page 13

Lifelong Jewish Learning

School News
Registration is now open for the
Sinai Family Retreat!
Please join us Nov. 20
-22 at OSRUI as we explore
the theme Ohev vMachabayd Zeh et Zeh: Loving and
Honoring Others. Pricing:
$165 per adult, $77.50 per
youth age 2 and above. Prices apply to the first four
members of a nuclear family; additional children are
free! Scholarship assistance is available.
To register, please email Jeri Danz at: with the number of
adults and children who will be attending; your reservation will be confirmed upon receipt of your $100
deposit. The remainder of your fee will be billed and
can be paid off throughout the year with your Sinai
statement. You MUST register by November 6th!!
Questions? Contact Barb at:

School Closings
There will be no Sunday, Mitkadem, or
Kulanu classes during the following dates:

Thanksgiving break: November 24 - 29

Winter break: December 22 January 3

Join us for Chanukah Shabbat!

Friday, December 11th
6:15 PM
All Sunday classes will have a role in
helping to lead our service, and we will
officially welcome our newest learners
into our Youth Education Program through the
ceremony of Consecration. You won't want to miss it!
See pages 18 & 19 for details.

NFTY Event!
Join us at an upcoming event with the North American
Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY)! All NFTY-Northern
regional events are open to Sinai members in grades 9-12.
NFTY-Northern Winter Kallah (with the Chicago Area
region): Dec. 18-20 at OSRUI in Oconomowoc, WI
For information contact Barb Shimansky at:

Go Pack Go!
Attention Families!!

Packer Party!
Join CoSY as we cheer on the
Packers to victory on Sunday,
November 15th! We will watch
the noon game together at
Sinai; lunch and snacks for our
indoor tailgate will be
Please RSVP with the number
of kids and adults attending
to Jeri Danz at:
by Wednesday, November 11th.

Join us for our annual

Pancake Breakfast
on Sunday, January 10th
at 9:30 AM!
Followed by our
second all-school
family learning day
of the year!

Page 14

Lifelong Jewish Learning

On the Road Together:
Voices in Harmony
December 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
812 N. Jackson St., Milwaukee
The Jewish Community Chorale, the
Archdiocesan Choir and leaders of musical prayer
from the Jewish and Catholic community will
celebrate in song those texts in sacred scripture that
we hold in common, the Psalms and the exultant
word Hallelujah -- Alleluia.
A reception will follow in the Cathedral
Atrium. Cantor Phillips will be participating in this
concert along with the other Milwaukee community
For more information contact Judi Longdin at
(414)769-3483 or

January 21, 2016 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Helpers needed to serve lunch to our seniors.
Interested in doing a Mitzvah? Contact Jen Friedman at
The word KOACH means strength in Hebrew, The widely popular
adult program brings together everyone from
Milwaukee area newcomers, to semi-retired and retirees, to members of synagogues, and the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish
Community Center.
Strength is an appropriate word because KOACH reflects the vigor
of this region's Jewish community by representing the J and six
Milwaukee synagogues including:
Congregation Beth Israel Ner Tamid, Congregation
Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun, Temple Menorah, Congregation Shalom
and Congregation Sinai. In this unique partnership, programs rotate monthly between the J and the
synagogues. The program provides a delicious lunch and a stimulating and entertaining program designed for this
special audience.

Young-at-Hearts Senior Singles Group

Young-at-Hearts is a social group for those looking to connect and make new
friends in a social setting. This is not a grief group, or matchmaking group, but a
social group intended to bring together people who may be divorced, lost a spouse
or just want to regain the fun in life! Young-at-Hearts conducts monthly meetings
and then often go to lunch together at Maxfields. Outings and activities include:
card games, lunches, dinners, sporting events, mah jongg, theater etc.
Young-at-Hearts is open to all Jewish seniors in the community. Meetings are
held at Congregation Shalom, 7630 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Fox Point.

Next meetings:

Dates: Wednesdays: November 11, December 9, January 13

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am followed by lunch at Maxfields
To sign up for a meeting contact Jen Friedman at or call 352-2970.

Page 15

Shabbat Experiences
Social Action Shabbat
Friday, February 5, 2016, 6:15 PM
Dr. Magda Peck will speak on Health and PovertyDisparities in Health Care Delivery
In 2006, the city of Milwaukee ranked worse
than any Wisconsin county for health outcomes and worse than all but 1 county for
health determinants.

We have moved to the point that your race

and your zip code in Wisconsin now say a great deal about, not only
the quality of your life, but possibly how long your life actually will
be. (Lois Quinn, senior scientist with the Employment and Training
Institute at UWM)

Dr. Magda G. Peck: From March 2012 though June 2015, Dr. Peck served
as Professor and Founding Dean of the University of WisconsinMilwaukees Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health. She came with a vision of Milwaukee becoming one of the healthiest cities in the nation in
one generation. Dr. Peck is a longstanding leader and persistent champion for the publics health. Her portfolio over three decades encompasses
scholarship for women and children, advocacy for social and environmental justice, and leadership development for systems change.

Rockin' Shabbat!
Friday, November 13th

6:15 pm: Rockin' Shabbat Service

Join us for Rockin' Shabbat filled with song and
music. Invite your friends to see the band!
You won't want to miss this Shabbat experience.
Great for all ages!

Shabbat of Spirit
Oct 31, Dec 5, Feb 6, April 30
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Join Rabbi Cohen and Cantor Phillips for a special series of Shabbat morning prayer experiences. Drawing from mindfulness practices
such as meditation, movement and yoga well
explore Shabbat and prayer from a new and
different perspective. The earliest Hasids
(early 19th century) were explorers of mysticism and made use of multiple mindfulness
modalities to reach their spiritual goals.
We will meet in Worship and Learning Center.
Dress is informal wear comfortable

Page 16

Whats Happening

Friday, January 22nd

6:15 pm: Rockin' Shabbat Shira Service
7:15 pm: Potluck Dinner
Join us for Rockin' Shabbat celebrating the song of the sea! You won't want to miss this Shabbat experience.
Great for all ages! Stay for a delicious meal made by friends! Conversation for adults, with activities for kids! This
will allow for a leisurely dinner for all. Feel free to bring a bottle of wine to share!

Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 20th at:
Potluck Dinner by last name:
A-J Main Dish

K-R Side Dish/Salad/Vegetable

S-Z Dessert/Fruit

Please plan your dish for a minimum of 12. In accordance with our Sinai food policy, please do not mix milk and
meat in the same dish. No pork or shellfish.

Mitzvah Day
Mitzvah Day was a tremendous success! Over 170 congregants came out to volunteer at The Community Advocates
Milwaukee Womens Center, Robyns Nest, the Jewish Community Food Pantry, the Ronald McDonald House, and Milwaukee
Riverkeeper. Volunteers at Sinai prepared placement bags for babies entering foster care for Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin. Brit Nashim and volunteers created over 30 fleece blankets to be given to families at Community Advocates Milwaukee
Womens Center this holiday season. Thank you to all who donated items to Mitzvah Day!
As one congregant said, Thank you so much for coordinating this absolutely wonderful day. I so enjoyed my time
prepping and serving dinner at Ronald McDonald House. I look forward to it in the spring or even if you are interested in just
volunteering together. I loved it.

Page 17

Whats Happening
Youth & Family Programming

Sinai Youth & Family Programming 2015-2016

Weekly Shabbat: We welcome everyone to experience Shabbat at Congregation Sinai. Family Friendly Friday Shabbat services
are at 6:15 PM weekly during the year and 6:00 PM during the summer months when we are outdoors. We have 5:15 PM
musical unplugged services and 6:15 PM Rockin services. All Shabbat services last approximately one hour please visit
the website for updates.
Tefillah: All religious school Sunday mornings begin at 9:30 AM with a VERY family friendly 25 minute service, with song and a
Dvar of the weekly Torah portion. All ages are welcome to come experience this beautiful way to start the day.
High Holy Days: Interested in sharing a holy day experience? Wed love for you to join us! Give us a call for some
complimentary seats for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Friday 13
Sunday 15
Friday 11
Sunday 10
Friday 22
Friday 19
Friday 18
Sunday 20
Wed. 23
Friday 15

6:15 PM
10:15 AM

Rockin Family Shabbat

Itsy Bitsy Sinai story, song, crafts ages 0-4

5:15-6:15 PM
6:15-7:00 PM

Chanukah Latka Dinner w/ Chanukiyah Contest & Mitzvah Menorah wrapping

Chanukah Shabbat, Consecration, the Kol Simcha Youth Band and with school
participation followed by Sufganiot Oneg

9:30 AM
10:15 AM
6:15 PM
7:15 PM

Pancake Breakfast
Itsy Bitsy Sinai story, song, crafts - ages 0-4
Rockin Family Shabbat
Potluck Dinner

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

Friday Night Lights Family Shabbat Unplugged Service with special guests
Marc and Wendy Cohen
Congregational Dinner

6:15 PM
10:15 AM
4:30 PM
6:30 PM

Rockin Family Shabbat

Itsy Bitsy Sinai story, song, crafts - ages 0-4
Purim Carnival (come in costume!)
Family Megillah reading & Hamentashen

5:15 PM

Friday Night Lights Family Shabbat Unplugged Service with special guests
Marc and Wendy Cohen
Congregational Dinner

6:00 PM
Friday 13
Sunday 22

6:15 PM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM

Shabbat Unplugged & Teacher Appreciation with school participation with guests
Marc and Wendy Cohen
Itsy Bitsy Sinai story, song, crafts-ages 0-4
Year End Family Picnic

For information on any of our programming or to RSVP for an event at Congregation Sinai, please contact:
Jen Friedman Program Coordinator 414-352-2970 or
Visit our website at

Page 18


Celebrate Chanukah at Sinai

Latka Dinner!
Enjoy delicious Chanukah foods!
Latkas and Sufganiyot for all!

Friday, December 11th

5:15 pm
Congregation Sinai
Mitzvah Menorah wrapping
8th Annual Design-Your-Own Chanukiyah Contest
Yummy Latka Dinner and Sufganiyot for Oneg following services
Bring your friends!

Register by December 10th at
Early Bird Costs (by Dec. 7)
$10 adults/ $12 non-member adults
$7 children 4-12
$9 non-member children
$5 adults 55 and up
Children 3 and under FREE

Post Deadline Costs (by Dec. 10)

$12 adults/ $14 non-member adults
$8 children 4-12
$10 non-member children
$7 adults 55 and up
Children 3 and under FREE

Day of/Walk in Costs

$15 adults/ $16 non-member adults
$10 children 4-12
$12 non-member children
$10 adults 55 and up
Children 3 and under FREE

Chanukah Shabbat Service with

Featuring Sinais Kol Simcha Band
and our School!
Friday, December 11th
6:15 PM

Join us for a fantastic celebratory Shabbat

featuring our Sinai youth band - Kol Simcha and
our Religious School! Have a little dinner with
us before (see above) and a delicious
Sufganiyot Oneg to follow!

Page 19

4th Annual Mitzvah Menorah!
Beginning November 15th we will display the Mitzvah Menorah. Take some candles
for your family and purchase toys for Tikun Ha-Ir. Toys will be distributed to Cathedral
Center, Casa Maria, Milwaukee Womens Shelter, and Hope House.
Bring your decorated candle card back to Sinai with your unwrapped gifts for children and teens living in homeless shelters this holiday season to the December 11th
Latka Dinner or before. We will be wrapping gifts at the dinner.
Purchasing for ages 2 - teen
No stuffed animals
No gift cards or cash
Picture books and games are welcome!
Items should be portable

8th Annual Design-Your-Own Chanukiyah Contest

Bring your Chanukiyah to Sinai on Friday, December 11th, to the Latka Dinner to be
displayed in the Foyer.
It must have 9 candle holders (one for each night of Chanukah and a shamash).
It must be useable in some way and made by your family (parents - that means
kids should be primarily involved).
One entry per family please!
All Chanukiyot will be judged by a Panel of Experts and family prizes will be
awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!


Shaina has shopped for Chanukah Chazerai!

Wrapping paper, candles, dreidels, and gelt, oh my!
Skip Walgreens and buy it at Sinai!

Sunday, November 15th & Sunday, November 22nd: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Monday, November 16th - Friday, November 20th: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Cash or checks only

Page 20

Sinai Committees
Women of Sinai
Look for your Women of Sinai Membership Mailing to arrive in your mailbox and inbox soon!
$36 Annual Membership or $72 to be recognized as a Woman of Valor
Contact Julie at or 414-379-7878
Women of Sinai Brightens the
High Holiday Bimah
One of the functions of our sisterhood,
is to support the congregation as needs
arise. This year, for the High Holy Days,
Women of Sinai sponsored the flower
arrangements on the Bimah so that we
could continue to enhance our services
with fresh flowers during this special
time of the year. Last year, we purchased a new catering refrigerator for
the Sinai kitchen when the old one was
beyond repair. Thank you to all of our
members who pay their sisterhood
dues each year so that we can continue
to support the synagogue in these important ways.

A big Todah Rabah to Judy Shor for
coordinating our congregations Breakthe-Fast meal again this year!! Special
thanks to everyone who cooked and
baked, or donated:*
Hank Borkovitz
Marian Brill
Toby Colton
Dan and Lisa Elias
Janet Fine
Sharon Goldstein
Jody Holman
Stefanie Jacob
Mari Katz
Jan Letven and Lorin Stein
Sheri Levin
Sue LeVine
Julie Lookatch
Kate Mann
Dorothy Meyers
Sue Pereles
Judith Ross
Lauri Roth
Sandy Saltzstein

Carol Schatz
Doje Sherman
Judy Shor - Coordinator
Sheila Smith
Pam Stein
Laura Waisbren
Merle Wasserman
Phyllis Wiggins

*Please accept our apologies if your name was accidently omitted.

Page 21

Sinai Committees
Brit Nashim
Join Us: Become a Member of B'rit Nashim in 5776
B'rit Nashim (Covenant of Women) is a group of Sinai women who meet once a month for programs of personal interest and Jewish content. The purposes of the group
are: to build a community of women within the larger community of Congregation Sinai, to share interests, and
to strengthen our connections to Judaism.
Some highlights from last year included:
Making lasagnas and donating them to Pathfinders
Youth Homeless Shelter.
Creating and leading the Erev Sukkot Service for Congregation Sinai.
An Evening with Cantor Lauren Phillips discussing The
History of The Bat Mitzvah.
A speaker from the local organization: "Common
A Presentation by B'rit Nashim member Phyllis Wiggins
describing her experiences as a Red Cross Volunteer.
Discussion of the Book: "Once We Were Brothers by
Ronald Balson.

A fabulous offsite Shabbat retreat with the topic

of "Happiness and Judaism"
Most important of all,
we have the opportunity to
make connections with other
women at Sinai.
Each fall, Brit Nashim welcomes new members. This brings wonderful new energy and input to our
covenant. We invite you to join us. We meet the second
Monday of most months. Potential members are invited to
our Membership Recruitment meeting on:
Monday, November 9th at 6:00 PM
If you have any questions or want additional information AND/OR have an interest, but cannot attend the
Membership Recruitment meeting, be sure to let one of us
know: Toby Colton at 351-5205 or
or Joanne Roberts at 351-6486 or

Sunday, November 8, 2015
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Avi Lank

Sunday, January 17, 2016


The Man Who Painted the Universe: The Story of

a Planetarium in the Heart of the North
Woods by Ron Legro (Author), Avi Lank (Author)
The Man Who Painted the Universe: The Story
of a Planetarium in the Heart of the North
Woods introduces readers to the mild-mannered
astronomy enthusiast whose creativity, ingenuity, fervor, and endurance realized a dream of galactic proportions. The story of this stargazer
from Wisconsins North Woods so inspired
two newspapermen, authors Ron Legro and
Avi Lank, that they sought to document the
story of the Kovac Planetarium for a new
generation of stargazers and dreamers.

We live in a time of national polarization, and

the inherent clash of values, that often prompts
legislative and judicial responses that we may
not understand or accept. Can Jewish values
play a relevant role in this debate? Rabbi Dena
Feingold of Beth Hillel Temple in Kenosha, WI
believes that answers to contemporary problems are
found in the ancient texts of
our ancestors. Wisconsins
first female rabbi is active in the interfaith community of Kenosha and often
speaks on local, statewide and national
issues. Dont miss this important discussion!

Acheinu (Mens Spirituality Group)

Sunday, November 8th, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Sunday, December 6th, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Sunday, January 10th, 10:30 AM (following Pancake Breakfast)
Join Joe Glassman, Mitch Colton, & Rabbi David B. Cohen to share nosh & discuss
spiritual & practical matters concerning God, work, family & more.
Acheinu is sponsored by Sinais Brotherhood.

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Rabbi Dena Feingold

Page 22

Sinai Committees
Israel Committee

Unetane Tokef
A 52-minute documentary by Yehuda Yaniv
Thursday, November 12th, 7:00 PM
At Congregation Sinai with a talk back following the film
The film follows the process of composing the song/piut/prayer "Unetane Tokef" by the
late Israeli composer Yair Rosenblum while living in kibbutz Beit Hashita in northern Israel. Eleven of the kibbutz members were killed in the Yom- Kippur war, more than in any other kibbutz.
The musician wrote it in their memory. A legend has it that the words were written in the 13th
century by Rabbi Amnon from Magenza in Germany, while being tortured to death for his belief. The ancient words get a completely new meaning when talking about the dead soldiers. Thanks to the film and the song, "Unetane Tokef" has become a
symbol for Israeli and Jewish identity.
The kibbutz has developed an unparalleled way of remembrance and preservation of the memory. Author and Psychologist Prof. Amia Lieblich, who wrote a book on this kibbutz, also participates in trying to understand how Israelis deal with
death so much a part of life in here.
The film was broadcasted more than 15 times on Israeli TV. The song "Unetane Tokef" has become a part of the Yom
Kippur service in numerous synagogues in Israel and abroad. The film and the song became subjects of studies and part of a
canon created during the years since its first showing.
Sponsored by the Israel Committee and the Congregation Sinai Choir

Social Action Committee

Join Congregation Sinai and Tikkun Ha-Ir of Milwaukee for an interactive experience & discussion

Poverty Simulation: Food For Today

Sunday, November 22nd, 10:00 AM - Noon

Presented by the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee. Rabbi David Cohen will present the
Jewish perspective.
In 2013, in Milwaukee County, 21.6% of all people, 32.5% of all children, and 10.7% of seniors
were living in poverty.
Food for Today is a 90-minute, interactive hunger simulation that reproduces the challenges that
confront low-income individuals and families struggling to feed themselves and their families.
It is designed to help people gain a greater understanding of hunger and the complex issues that impact those living
in poverty. During this facilitated role play, program participants assume the roles of a cross section of community residents,
some middle-class, others struggling with extreme needs and poverty. The community resident roles in the simulation are of
differing ages, family size and marital and immigration status. Using their community residents income and the available community resources (grocery store, food pantry, farmers market, social service agency, WIC clinic, corner store, 211), each participant seeks to secure enough food to feed themselves and their families a nutritious diet through each of three simulated
A Program of the Hunger Task Force, Co-sponsored by Congregation Sinai & Tikkun Ha-Ir of Milwaukee

Page 23

Sinai Committees
Social Action Committee
Help Nourish Homeless Youth
On Tuesday, June 23rd, over 25 young people
(including some tiny tots) enjoyed first and second helpings
of lasagna, chicken, bread, salad, cookies, festive vegan
mini cupcakes, and took trail mix to go, courtesy of a devoted group of Sinai members.
A small but vital way you and your family can alleviate young peoples daily struggle with hunger is to provide
meals at Pathfinders drop-in center. Meals can be premade or cooked on site in Pathfinders state-of-the-art kitchen, and volunteers are always invited to break bread with
visiting youth. What a delicious activity to strengthen ties
within our congregation and feed our citys most vulnerable.
If you are interested in engaging in this culinary
mitzvah, please email Shana Harvey: Donations of gently-used youthappropriate clothing,
shoes, and new
(unused) hygiene products are always welcome additions to our
Pathfinders barrel.

Idea for Greening your Sinai Event

Did you know that Sinai owns six,
re-usable, vinyl, white, rectangular table
cloths? They are a year old now and are holding
up beautifully. If you are planning an event at
Sinai and will be using rectangular buffet tables
for serving food - please be sure to request the
vinyl table cloths instead of renting linen or
supplying disposable table covers!
Lets work together to keep our landfill
contributions to a minimum!

Our Sinai entry hall barrel holds items

collected for Pathfinders.

Please donate!
*Gently used or
new clothing

Your contributions make a

difference: Much of the financial
support for our efforts comes
through the

Sinai Tzedakah Fund

Please consider this Fund when
making your next contribution in
honor or memory of someone.

Page 24

Sinai Committees
Social Action Committee
New Sanctuary Prayer Vigil at Congregation Sinai

Protest and Nosh!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM

Congregation Sinai has the distinction of being the first
Jewish congregation in Milwaukee to join the New Sanctuary
Movement (NSM). The New Sanctuary Movement supports individuals and communities faced with the threat of deportation,
providing legal, economic and emotional as well as spiritual
support. Part of the work of the New Sanctuary Movement involves monthly prayer vigils for the community in general. On
December 1 at 7:00 PM, Sinai will host the monthly prayer vigil. Rabbi Cohen and Barb Shimansky will be coordinating the
prayer vigil with our teen education Kulanu program, so that
our young people will get to meet and talk to immigrant young
people involved in the NSM. All are welcome to come to this
special evening of prayer and companionship. Light refreshments will be served at an oneg following the service.

As part of our
ongoing participation
in the New Sanctuary
Movement, the portion of Voces de la Frontera that supports immigrants contending with deportation for themselves or their families, the Social Action Committee plans
to have a presence at regular protest/ vigils at the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) building on 310 E
Knapp Street. The vigils take place at noon. Afterwards, we
will adjourn to a local lunch venue for conversation. All are
welcome to join us!

The dates for the vigils are as follows:

November 5th
December 3rd

Support Milwaukee New Sanctuary Movement

Immigration issues are at the forefront of current events these days. How often do we stop to consider the practical,
day-to-day struggle of an undocumented person living in Milwaukee?
Becoming involved in the Milwaukee New Sanctuary Movement is a beautiful way to promote justice. If you would like
to support immigrants on their journey to citizenship and be part of a compassionate interfaith community, contact Shana Harvey:
Milwaukee New Sanctuary Movement is part of Voces de la Frontera. Find them on Facebook or at

Sinai Brick Campaign Continues

Brick Campaign Continues
Is your family represented?
The bricks have been installed, shrubs and a
tree planted, and the Meditation Space was
dedicated on a beautiful fall day. Our campaign
continues so that bricks donated to Sinai
represent events and people within our
community. Parents. Children. Family.
Community. Life Cycle Events. Visit the space.
Read the bricks. Whats missing? One created
by you and your family if you havent created
one, or more, yet.
Order forms available in the Sinai lobby.
Four sizes available: 4x8($60), 8x8($120),
12x12($180), and 8x16($360).
Any questions?
Contact Shelly Seesel at:
Visit the website:
Easy to use and you can see what your brick will
look like when engraved.

Page 25

Sinai Committees
Would you like to get more involved at Sinai?
Give back with your time, energy and ideas to other congregants?
We are looking for members to step in and run with our Chesed initiatives. Help us
take our existing running programs (soup delivery, Chesed phone calls and notes of
thought, caring visits) and make it your own. You could add new programs you
always wanted, change how we run the current ones, invite friends or members to
offer new services for our congregants through Acts of Loving Kindness.
Please contact Karen Lancina at or
(414) 352-2970 if you'd be interested.

Chesed has opportunities to connect with our Sinai community in small and
easy ways. Please consider including your name on our:
*Funeral House Watch
When there is a death in the Sinai
community, we offer house watching
during the funeral. We will email our list of
house watching volunteers to see if someone is available to help. Interested?
Please contact Karen Lancina at

*Making Soup and Delivery

When Sinai is notified of an illness, we like to bring soup
to our congregant. We are always appreciative of
members who come to Sinai to pick up our new quart
containers, fill with soup, and bring the quarts back to the
synagogue freezer, ready to deliver to a congregant in
need. Would you like to make or deliver some soup?
Contact Jill Weinshel at

*Sacred Aging
Sally Moskol is using her skills,
knowledge and experience to
create meaningful programs for
our older congregants.
Please contact her at if you
would like to be a part of this
engaging group.

*Caring Connections
Consider adding your name to this
group of members. When we are
notified of a member needing a
phone call, a connection, or a
helping hand, we will email the
request to see if someone is
available to make that contact.

Page 26

Scene at Sinai

Sukkah Builders!
60th Anniversary Brick Dedication

CoSY leads High Holy Day Youth Programming Services

Shofar blowing contest

Soup making on Rosh Hashanah

Reading Torah on Simchat Torah

Enjoying the Sukkot BBQ!

Page 27

Supporting Sinai

Support Sinai While Shopping at SENDIKS!

Purchase your Scrip card at times that are convenient!
Scrip cards can ALWAYS be
purchased during regular Sinai office hours.
What is Scrip?
Scrip means substitute money. Through Sendiks Food Market Scrip
program 5% of what you pay for your Scrip card is donated to Sinai.

Shaina Shops!

Where will you be in 100 years?

Create a Jewish Legacy
We created a Jewish legacy because meeting the needs of our children and
our family have limited our immediate giving. But a promise for the future is a
good way for us to give back and to help ensure the future of organizations that
have given so much to our family.
JULIE & TEDD LOOKATCH, Congregation Sinai and Wisconsin Region BBYO

Such gorgeous Shofarot, challah

plates, mezuzahs, Bnei Mitzvah
gifts, Kiddush cups and jewelry! Im
telling you there is no better place to
shop for that perfect piece of Judaica (as if you
would go anywhere else knowing your
purchase is a mitzvah at Congregation Sinai)!
Come by and see what my Shaina has done!
Oh, and if you know any nice boysmy Shaina
is quite the catch!
-Your Bubbe

For more information about Create a Jewish Legacy, contact the Jewish
Community Foundation: (414) 390-5725 or
Jody Kaufman Loewenstein, Program Chair Jane Chernof, Program Coordinator
Create a Jewish Legacy is a program of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation and is funded in
part by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and four generous local funders.

Sponsor an Oneg or Bima Flowers

If you are looking for a wonderful way to honor or
remember someone, or recognize a special occasion, you
can do so by sponsoring Shabbat Bima Flowers or an Oneg
Shabbat after a Friday night service
Congregation Sinai typically provides these items for
Friday evenings when there is no Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Simply
let us know that you would like to sponsor and we will do the
rest. All sponsorships will be acknowledged in the Sinai
Shabbat Pamphlet and the Sinai News. We will also send a

note of congratulations or thanks to the

honorees. The cost of sponsoring Bima
flowers is $80.00 and an Oneg Shabbat is
Please email Jen Friedman at or call
(414) 352-2970.


No Religious School


Family Retreat
Religious School 9:30 am
Food for Today
Program 10 am


Religious School 9:30 am

Itsy Bitsy Sinai 10:30 am
Packer Party 12 pm


Acheinu 8:30 am
Religious School 9:30 am
Brotherhood Coffee 10 am

Daylight Savings Ends

Religious School 9:30 am
Bnei Mitzvah Family
Education #1 10 am
CoSY Board Meeting 12 pm


Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm


Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm

Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am


No Mitkadem
No Kulanu
Rethinking Modern
Judaism 7:30 pm



Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am


Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am
Young at Hearts
(@ Cong. Shalom) 10 am

Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm
Rethinking Modern
Judaism 7:30 pm


Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm

Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm
Rethinking Modern
Judaism 7:30 pm




Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am


Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm
Rethinking Modern
Judaism 7:30 pm

Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm
Brit Nashim Open
Meeting 6 pm


Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm
Executive Committee
Meeting 7 pm


Office Closed
No Mitkadem


Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Board Meeting 7 pm


Finance Committee
Meeting 7:30 am
Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Documentary Unetane Tokef
Film 7 pm


Mitkadem 4:15 pm

November 2015


Office Closed
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm


Family Retreat
Through the Eyes of
Women 9:30 am
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm


Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Social Action Committee
Meeting 12 pm
Rockin Shabbat 6:15 pm


Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am


Family Retreat
Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Nora Frank Bat
Mitzvah 10 am


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am


No Religious School


Religious School 9:30 am


Chanukah 8th Candle

Religious School 9:30 am
Itsy Bitsy Sinai 10:15 am


Chanukah 1st Candle

Acheinu 8:30 am
Religious School 9:30 am
In the Rabbis Study 10 am
CoSY Board Meeting 12 pm

Office Closed
No Mitkadem
No Kulanu


Office Closed
No Lunch & Learn
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm



No Mitkadem
No Kulanu

Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm




Office Closed
No Bible Study w/ Rabbi


Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am

Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am


Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm

Chanukah 4th Candle

Bible Study w/ Rabbi
Brickman 9:30 am
Young at Hearts
(@ Cong. Shalom) 10 am

Chanukah 3rd Candle

Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm


Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am
WOS Wine, Women &
Paint 7 pm


Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm
New Sanctuary Prayer Vigil 7 pm

Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm



Chanukah 2nd Candle

Lunch & Learn with Rabbi
Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm
Executive Committee
Meeting 7 pm


Office Closed
No Mitkadem


No Mitkadem


Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Board Meeting 7 pm


Chanukah 5th Candle

Finance Committee
Meeting 7:30 am
Mitkadem 4:15 pm


Mitkadem 4:15 pm

December 2015


Office Closed
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm


Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm


Chanukah 6th Candle

Through the Eyes of
Women 9:30 am
Social Action Committee
Meeting 12 pm
Chanukah Latka Dinner 5:15 pm
Chanukah Shabbat
Service 6:15 pm


Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Interreligious Shabbat
Service 6:15 pm


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am


Chanukah 7th Candle

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Sinai in the City 7 pm
(@ Lafayette Towers)


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Rauch 10 am


Religious School 9:30 am

7th Grade Brunch 10:30 am
CoSY Board Meeting 12 pm


Erev Tu BShevat
Religious School 9:30 am
In the Rabbis Study 10 am


Religious School 9:30 am

Brotherhood Coffee 10 am


Religious School 9:30 am

Back to School Pancake
Breakfast9:30 am
Itsy Bitsy Sinai 10:15 am
Acheinu 10:30 am


No Religious School

Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu (@ CBI) 6:45 pm


Tu BShevat
Lunch & Learn with Rabbi
Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm



Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm


Martin Luther King, Jr Day

Lunch & Learn with Rabbi
Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm

Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm

Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm
Brit Nashim 7:15 pm




Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Kulanu 6:45 pm
Social Action Film 7 pm


Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

Cohen 12 pm
Kuzari w/Rabbi Brickman 4 pm
Executive Committee
Meeting 7 pm


Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am


Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am


Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am
Young at Hearts
(@ Cong. Shalom) 10 am


Bible Study w/ Rabbi

Brickman 9:30 am


Mitkadem 4:15 pm


KOACH Luncheon 11 am
Mitkadem 4:15 pm
Board Meeting 7 pm


Finance Committee
Meeting 7:30 am
Mitkadem 4:15 pm


Mitkadem 4:15 pm

January 2016



Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm


Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Rockin Shabbat 6:15 pm
Congregational Potluck 7:15 pm


Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Through the Eyes of

Women 9:30 am
Social Action Committee
Meeting 12 pm
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm

Office Closed
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Ella & Eve DeToro Bnot
Mitzvah 10 am


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Benji Lookatch Bat
Mitzvah 10 am

Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am


Torah Study 8 am
Morning Minyan 9:30 am

Page 31

In the Sinai Family

Bnei Mitzvah Bios
Nora Frank
Nora Frank celebrates becoming a Bat Mitzvah on November 14th, 2015. Nora is the
daughter of Jennifer Frank and Jeffrey Frank, sister of Eli, granddaughter of Vincent and Lois
Koehler, Liliana Frank and the late Eugene and Nancy Frank and the great-niece of Bernice Fagan.
Nora's Torah portion is T'oldot in the book of Genesis. She is a 7th grader at Shorewood
Intermediate School and enjoys reading, playing the violin, playing tennis and learning French.
Nora and her parents thank Rabbi Cohen, Cantor Phillips and Marilyn Kraar for their time
and patience preparing her for this special day.

Benjamin Tate Lookatch

Benjamin Tate Lookatch will celebrate becoming Bar Mitzvah on January 16, 2016. He is the
son of Julie and Tedd Lookatch, brother of Noah and Josh Lookatch, and grandson of Chia and Gordon Lookatch and Karen and Irv Partenheimer.
Benji is a 7th grader at Lake Shore Middle School and a camper at Camp Interlaken JCC. He
is a percussionist in his school band and in Sinai's Kol Simcha Youth Band. Benji also enjoys working
with lighting, photography and digital music.
Since Benji's Bar Mitzvah falls near Tu B'Shevat, his Bar Mitzvah project will be a campaign
to raise funds to replace and maintain the aging trees in Sinai's beautiful backyard, so that this space
can be enjoyed for generations to come.
Benji and his family would like to thank Cantor Phillips and Rabbi Cohen for all of their help
in preparing for this special day and his future as an adult member of our community. Special thanks
also to all of the religious school teachers at Sinai, especially Mitkadem Teacher, Denelle Carriger
and Madrich, Aaron Holman.

All members of Congregation Sinai are

invited to support our Bnei Mitzvah
students by attending the service at
10:00 AM on Shabbat.

Life Cycle Events

If you learn of any events - births, engagements, marriages, ordinations - that should be included in
our In the Sinai Family page, please notify the Sinai office at or
(414) 352-2970.
When there is a death in our immediate family, please notify the synagogue office, even if the
funeral is out of town. The clergy and the Sinai community would like the opportunity to express
sympathy for your loss.

Page 32

In the Sinai Family

Mazel Tov to:

Condolences to:

Rob Golub on his new position as the Editor of the Wisconsin

Jewish Chronicle.

Morton Blutstein on the death of his wife,

Barbara Barbie Blutstein.

Bill & Idy Goodman on the birth of their granddaughter,

Audrey Rachel OBrien.
Cantor Lauren Phillips on her engagement to Dan Fogelman.

Gregg (Susan) Herman, Meredith (William) Feldman, Elizabeth (Jerry)

Feldman, Daniel (Lihi) and Joshua (Aviva) Herman, Aden, Sophie and
Macabee Rodrigues Pereira and Eytan Feldman on the death of
Evelyn (Gruenberg) Herman.

Rebecca Stillman on qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

Muriel Silbar on the death of her sister, Gloria Lempke.

Mimi Schechter and David Weissman on the birth of their grandson,

Max Wurzel Weissman.

Brian (Debra Altshul) Stark on the death of his father, Henry Stark.

Betsy & Gerry Feldman and Gregg & Sue Herman on the birth of
their daughter and granddaughter, Shira Eliana Feldman.

Laura (Charles), Harry, Julie and Sam Waisbren on the death of their
mother and grandmother, Phyllis Rubin.
Harriet Weiss on the death of her husband, Howard Weiss.

Bob & Felice Leib on the birth of their grandson, Jonathan Leo Leib.
Keith Roberts on his retirement from Master Card International.
Rebecca and Michel Chagall on the birth of their son,
Ariel Mayer Chagall.
Dorothy and Al Meyers on the birth of their great-grandson,
Ilan Chaim.
Lex Rofes for being accepted to The Renewal Movement's
Rabbinical School, Aleph! Wishing Lex great success in his career
path and Mazel Tov to his mom, Ruth Lebed.
Lauri and Rob Roth on the birth of their grandson, Alex Roth, son of
Brandon and Amanda Roth.

Donations received from 7/2/15-10/15/15
Adult Learning Fund
In Honor of David Weissman & Mimi
Schechters grandson Max Wurzel
Edith Gilman
In Honor of Lois Malawsky & Jay Larkey
Jack & Audrey Keyes
Builders and Founders
In Honor of Marvin & Marlene Lauwasser
Howard & Wendy Allenberg
Building Fund
In Memory of Thomas Hassel
In Memory of Beverly Hassel-Manburg
Toots Hassel
In Memory of Charlotte Schwartz
Herb Bratt
In Memory of Jeffrey C. Siegel
Joan Lubar

Tzedakah Fund
In Memory of Rose Adler
Richard & Elyce Lernor

Speedy Recovery to Bill Goodman

Marv & Marlene Lauwasser
Jeff & Ilene Wasserman

In Memory of Kenneth Allschwang

Allan & Shari Luck

In Honor of Bill & Idy Goodmans New

Granddaughter-Audrey Rachel OBrien
Edith Gilman

In Memory of Barbara Blutstein

Marv & Marlene Lauwasser
In Memory of Rose Bradbury
In Memory of Jack Brandes
In Memory of Molly Schwartz
Theodore Bradbury

In Memory of Rose Hoffman

Edith Gilman
In Memory of Foster J. Jacobson
In Memory of Jay Schmidt
Marc & Lori Jacobson

In Memory of Rosalee Bratt

Jay Larkey & Lois Malawsky

In Memory of Sara Kaplan

The Schermer Family

Thank you for Break-the-Fast

Gloria Krasno

In Memory of Geraldine Gerri Kay

Bill & Idy Goodman & Family

In Memory of John Feldman

In Memory of Fanny Mossman
Anna M. Tepps

In Honor of Jay Larkey & Lois Malawsky

In Honor of Marvin & Marlene Lauwasser
Allan & Shari Luck

Page 33

In Memory of Goldene Strauss
Timmy & Danielle Strauss
In Memory of Howard B. Tepps
Anna M. Tepps &
Jacqueline Royter
Rabbis Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation
Family of Evelyn Herman
Stanley Jolton
Paul Loewenstein &
Jody Kaufman Loewenstein
In Appreciation for Wonderful High Holy Day
Marv & Marlene Lauwasser
In Memory of Bessie Becker
Margery Becker
In Memory of Barbara Blutstein
Stanley Jolton
In Memory of Rose Bradbury
In Memory of Jack Brandes
In Memory of Molly Schwartz
Theodore Bradbury
In Memory of Rosalee Bratt
Jeremy & Terri Reiskin
Barbara Shafton
In Memory of Andrew Cherniack
Gerry & Marcia Cherniack
Mary Cherniack
In Memory of Carl O. Diamond
Joni Ansfield
In Honor of Birth of Jonathan Leo Leib
Bob & Felice Leib
In Memory of Lottie Lubar
Sheldon & Marianne Lubar
In Memory of Mary MacGillis Capelli
Paul A. Capelli
Larry & Anne Golding
In Memory of Charlotte Rabenn
Tom & Andi Rabenn & Family
In Memory of Jonathan David Resek
In Memory of Michael Shapiro
Ron & Beth Shapiro
In Memory of Sara Shafton
Barbara Shafton & Family
In Memory of Janet Shlimovitz
Jack Shlimovitz
In Memory of H. Alan Stein
Judie Leventhal
Cantors Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation
Family of Rosalee Bratt
Family of Evelyn Herman

For Enhancing Services with Her Beautiful

Marv & Marlene Lauwasser
In Memory of Barbie Blutstein
Toots Hassel
Speedy Recovery to Gloria Golding
In Memory of Phyllis Holzman Bernstein
James & Deborah Gollin
In Memory of Joseph Sherman
Doje Sherman
Floral and Oneg Fund
In Honor of Marian Brills Birthday
Margie Becker
In Memory of Gregory Cheplin
In Memory of Ben Feld
Muriel Silbar
In Memory of Sadye Gumbiner
Nita Soref

In Honor of Jay Larkey & Lois Malawsky

In Memory of Munsey Mandel
In Memory of Phyllis Rubin
In Memory of Selma Zeiger
Michael & Judi Ketten
In Memory of Freda Levine
Tom St. John & Micaela Levine
In Honor of Rob & Lauri Roths new
grandson-Alex Roth
Jeff & Ilene Wasserman
In Memory of Goldene Strauss
Richard Strauss & Cheryl Oxman
Music Fund
In Memory & Appreciation of Joe Aaron
In Memory of David Colburn
Stephen Colburn & Marlee Sabo
In Memory of Albert Cherniack
Gerry Cherniack & Family

In Memory of Edward Rosenberg

Gerry & Marcia Cherniack

In Honor of Stephen Colburns Outstanding

Addition to the High Holy Days Services
In Honor of Cantor Lauren Phillips
Marv & Marlene Lauwasser

In Memory of Phyllis Rubin

Richard & Susan Stuckert

In Memory of Beryl Levine

Edith Gilman

In Memory of Esther Smith

George Lipschultz

In Memory of Melvin Orenstein

Brad & Holly Schlossmann

In Memory of Florence Waxman

The Waxman Family

In Memory of Ida Rugowitz

Howard & Harriet Weiss

Chesed (Caring) Fund

In Memory of Kenneth Allschwang
BJ & Elyse Cohn & Family

Jacob M. Fine & Family Library &

Technology Fund
In Memory of Ishmael Bratt
Herb Bratt

In Memory of Dr. Abram Levine

Joan Levine

Speedy complete return to good health of

Bill Goodman
Edith Gilman
In Memory of Myne Minnie Hootkin
Timmy, Danielle, Justin, &
Riley Strauss
In Memory of James J. Katz
Mari Katz & Bill Kravit & Family

In Memory of Shirley B. Levin

Herb & Rosalee Bratt
In Memory of Robert W. Mann
Audrey Mann
In memory of Fanny Padway
Helen Padway

In Memory of Doris Kliegman

Jim Berzowski & Robin Wyman

Passport to Israel Fund

In Memory of Nat Goldsmith
Lloyd & Sheri Levin

In Memory of Racine Meyerowitz

Al & Dorothy Meyers

In Memory of Sherwin J. Kader

Gary & Rona Wolfe

Ketten/ Miringoff Simcha (Celebrations)

In Memory of Gale Anixter
In Memory of Simon Arenzon
In Memory of Barbara Blutstein
In Memory of Nena Dyhr
In Honor of Marvin & Marlene Lauwasser
In Honor of Tedd & Julie Lookatch

Landscape Fund
In Memory of Mary Flesch
Jim & Ellen Flesch
In Memory of Sam Rosenbloom
Bill & Caroline Schulhof & Family
In Memory of Harold Stemerman
Ariel & Barbara Friedlander

Page 34

Lieberman Memorial Arts Fund
In Honor of Joan Liebermans New
Lynne B. Lewin
In Honor of Mike & Jill Weinshels 10th
Wedding Anniversary
Joan Lieberman

In Memory of Beatrice Segal

Ann Martin
In Memory of Jeffrey C. Siegel
David & Madeleine Lubar
In Memory of Arthur Zechman
Neal & Sue Zechman

Robert Grant Marks Youth Fund

In Honor of Jerry & Ellin Levys 60th Wedding
In Memory of Dr. Jerome Marks
In Memory of Robert Grant Marks
Jerry & Brynn Bloch

Barbara Eiseman Memorial Fund

In Honor of Ramona Tenorio
Gloria Krasno

Congregation Sinai Operating Fund

In Memory of Simon Arenzon
Ritz Holman LLP

In Memory of Victor Salinsky

Jerry & Judy Salinsky

In Memory of Rosalee Bratt

Jacob I. Corre
Howard & Eileen Dubner
Gonzalez, Saggio, & Harlan LLP
Donald L. Grande
Daniel & Caroline Katz
Sydney & Rosilyn Koritzinsky
Ed & Nancy Leeb
Nick & Janet Padway
Bill & Caroline Schulhof
Jimmy & Francine Schulhof
Stanley & Barbara Weiss
Neal & Sue Zechman

Prayer Book Fund

In Memory of Rosalee Bratt
Maureen Eichenbaum

In Memory of Lowell Grossman

Linda Grossman
In Memory of Evelyn Herman
Sunny Willenson
In Honor of Jerry & Nancy Kordes 50th
Wedding Anniversary
Gerald & Brynn Bloch
In Memory of Joseph Lauwasser
Marvin & Marlene Lauwasser
In Honor of Allan & Sharon Lucks
Grandsons Bar Mitzvah
Richard & Elyce Lernor
In memory of Katherine Gollin Miller
Jim & Deborah Gollin
In Memory of Sylvia Mintz
Doje Sherman
Thank You for Torah Honor on Rosh
Terry Jacobs
In Memory of Phyllis Rubin
Robert & Susan Gruenberg
Rob & Lauri Roth
Brian & Wendy Sobelman
In Honor of Bill & Caroline Schulhofs 45th
Wedding Anniversary
Howard & Eileen Dubner

Dick Kaeppel Youth Engagement Fund

In Memory of Russell S. Fisher
Ann Abele

In Memory of Aaron James Carr Thomas

In Memory of Charles Wiggins
Phyllis Wiggins
LDor VaDor Fund
In Honor of Jay Larkey & Lois Malawsky
Herbert Bratt
Margery Becker
Suzy Ettinger
Joan and Mike Friedman
Idy and Bill Goodman
Julie Gorens-Winston and
Jimmy Winston
Linda Gorens-Levey and
Mike Levey
Nancy Gorens-Edelman and
Bob Edelman
Seema Gorens
Rosalie Gellman and Stan Jolton
Bobbi and Elliott Katz and
Stifel Nicolaus
Sheri and Lloyd Levin
Lynne Lewin
Jody Kaufman Loewenstein
and Paul Loewenstein
Joan Lieberman
Shari and Allan Luck
Dorothy and Al Meyers
Shelly and Dick Seesel
Naomi and Mort Soifer
Susan and Richard Stuckert
In Honor of Marvin & Marlene Lauwasser
Rachael and Marty Badt
Sheldon Bankier
Margery Becker
Elyse and BJ Cohn
Suzy Ettinger
Ellen and Jim Flesch
Joan and Mike Friedman
Rosalie Gellman and Stan Jolton

Deborah and Jim Gollin

Idy and Bill Goodman
Linda Leshin
Sheri and Lloyd Levin
Jody Kaufman Loewenstein and
Paul Loewenstein
Chia and Gordon Lookatch
Shari and Allan Luck
Rachael and David Marks
Jennifer and Steve Moglowsky
Dorothy and Al Meyers
Sheryl and Mike Primakow
Shelly and Dick Seesel
Leila Silverberg
Naomi and Mort Soifer
Susan and Richard Stuckert
In Honor of Tedd & Julie Lookatch
Rachael and Marty Badt
Sheldon Bankier
Margery Becker
Elyse and BJ Cohn
Charles Eiseman
Joan and Mike Friedman
Idy and Bill Goodman
Becca and Mike Guralnick
Linda Leshin
Barbara and Michael Levin
Sheri and Lloyd Levin
Jody Kaufman Loewenstein and
Paul Loewenstein
Chia and Gordon Lookatch
John Krahn
Rachael and David Marks
Dorothy and Al Meyers
Fran and Alan Mintz
Karen and Irving Partenheimer
Mikelene Ray
Gail and Alan Ruderman
Sheryl and Jon Rubin
Shelly and Dick Seesel
Naomi and Mort Soifer
Contributions have also been made to the
LDor Va Dor Fund by
Dr. Jay Larkey and Lois Malawsky
Dr. Marvin and Marlene Lauwasser
Tedd and Julie Lookatch

Those making donations will receive

recognition for their generosity in the Sinai
News. Those honored or the family of someone remembered will receive notice in the
mail from Congregation Sinai.

Page 35

Those We Remember
November Yarhzeits
November 6, 2015
William Cobb
Bernice Cohen
Howard G. Gordon
Charlotte Grabin
Marvin Heifetz
Margaret Peggy Juda
Edward LeVine
Dorothy Lubotsky
Harry Luck
Edith Meyer
Lillian Peck
Frances Perlstein
J. Neil Raudarbaugh
Herbert Polacheck
Anna Rosenberg
Samuel D. Saffro
Emily F. Seesel
Ann Shafton

Richard Teweles
November 13, 2015
Dr. Saul B. Arbit
Lee Cherniack
Ateret Cohn
Sarah Fleder
Bertha I. Goldberger
Melvin E. Goldberger
Golda Gutman
Bertheld Hefter
Jean Heilbronner
John Joseph Higgins
Joseph Hoffman
Miriam Hool
Madelain Julius
Mary Kaufman
Arthur Koven
Norman Leib
Marilyn L. Look

Zelda Margolin
Jack L. Meyer
Harold Nemson
Kenneth Ross
Betty Schapiro
Howard James Seesel, Jr.
Anna Sherman
Beverly Stix
November 20, 2015
Rose Ashley
Fanny Barco
Sigmund Brachman
Herbert Danto
Shirley Glick
Bessie Greenfield
Nancy Hindin
Carol Ikenn
Meyer Lebed

Mildred Levy
Mollie Lipshultz
Dr. Philip Charles Merker
Dorothy Pollak
Peter Pumpian
Morris Resnick
Abraham Schwedelson
Alfred Shovers
Edward Stillman
Cecilia Warschauer
Joann Weber
Michael Weinberg
Bessie Weiss
John Wyman
November 27, 2015
Loretta Cohn
Helen Z. Cook
Joseph Falk

Bertha Feld
Helen W. Fisher
George Grabin
Harry Hillman
Samuel Joseph Janis
Herbert Kahn
Joshua Kestelman
Samuel Levy
Samuel Lipshultz
Arnold Miller
Lottie Neubauer
William A. Padway
Kisa Peskina
Gussie Seldin
Julia E. Siegel
Rita Teplin
Irene Warschauer
Richard T. Werner
Ardis J. Zarem

December Yarhzeits
December 4, 2015
Lillian Beckerman
Dorothy Brickman
Ann Eckman
Dr. Louis Abels Eisenberg
Fred Feld
Michael Fleysh
Sylvia Kripke
Janette Manheim
Mae Miles
Joanne Mendeloff Misaqi
Beatrice Muchin
Carl Muller
Sharon Newman
Mark Roth
Lew Sangor
Nathan Shlimovitz

Dr. John David Silbar

Elayne Staller
Phyllis Stielow
December 11, 2015
Sidney Atinsky
Allan Bein
Jack Blutstein
Aaron C. Cherniack
Michael Cobb
David Cooper
Florence Frank
Mildred Glassman
Ruth Diamond Goldmann
Pauline Goldstein
Duane Hill
Lena Brown Jacobs

Dr. David E. Davidoff

Eliezer Hersch Elath
Toni Ettenheim
Jack Freeman
Arthur Goldstein
Emanuel Mannie Hassel
Ian Ikenn
Laurie Ikenn
Julius J. Kripke
Stanley M. Ottenstein
Zelma Ottenstein
Judith Kerns Pence
Joan Prince
Arthur Roth
Anita Feld Silbar
Bess Urich
Ann Urkofsky

Judi Kahn
Barbara F. K. Kaplan
Arthur Levin
Laurence Luff
Edwin Ted Ostermann
Alvin Phillips
Ethel Sedlet
Alan Shor
Anders Solvang
Marian Stark
Ruthe Stein
Sadie Stern
Delbert Wile
December 18, 2015
Aaron L. Bram
Rose Cooper

December 25, 2015

Lawrence Ball
Michael Bankier
Beatrice R. Brill
Benjamin Fagan
Ruth Gordon
Erich Gutman
Bessie Kahn
Anne Klein
Manuel Padway
Bertha Royter
Sylvia Katz Seidman
Esther Soifer
Rabbi Cary David Yales

January Yarhzeits
January 1, 2016
Avrum Adadi
Max Adler
Doris Axelman
Jack Barnow
Stuart Berman
Rifka Charney
Sidney Cohen
Charley Coplin
Leo Diamond
Lenore M. Feldman
Manley Frisch
Julia D. Hirsh
Barney Hool
Anna Hurvitz
George Jagiello
Phyllis Jagiello
Eva Kaplan
Max Laserson
Clara Lebow
Charlotte Lerner
Sandy Paset
Blanche Stern Polacheck
Allen S. Rieselbach
Roberta Rosenberg
Elizabeth Weber

January 8, 2016
Shirley Aaron
Edythe Axelman
Ida Cohen Bremer
Helen Cobb
Phillip Diamond
Linda Dinkes
Florence F. Eiseman
Minna Regina Feld
Sam Gordon
Nancy Kaplan
Hirsh J. Kravit
Frances J. Lipshultz
Alma Meissner
Dorothy Shensa Miller
David Miringoff
Robert Schlossmann
Saul Siegel
Jack Silver
Erin W. Sklore
Milton Strauss
Perry Urich
Bertha Whiteman

January 15, 2016

Betsy Bell
James Bern
Alice Coplin
Leon A. Dolnick
Nancy Frank
Arthur Friedman
William Grodin
Elaine L. Holman
Joseph G. Kahn
Bruce Klein
Dorothy Laserson
Max Luck
Lilian Oddy
Dr. David S. Paset
Jean Polacheck
Albert Razeper
Roger V. Resek
Abraham Rice
Audrey Ross
Bernard Schlossmann
Vita Serak
Ralph Sherman
Claire Stein
Anne Tobias
Jay Werber

January 22, 2016

Mildred Belzer
Marjorie Elkind
Milton Aaron Epstein
Alan I. Ettinger
Samuel Fensin
Gloria Fishkin
Janet Fishman
Pamela J. Green
Dorothy Hindin
Janice Weiss Kahn
Rosemary Kealy
Edwin Kliegman
Lee Mishlove
Gerald Muchin
Reuben Reuter
Rebecca Schwartz
Milton Smuckler
Donald S. Taitelman
Marcus Taitelman
Blair Bud Temkin
Ruth Yotter Thomas
Burton Bud Armin Waisbren
Sybil Weinstein
Merle G. Werner
Nannette Winter

January 29, 2016

Margaret Adelstein
Rae Blutstein
Lawrence A. Brill
Anna Chutkow
Dodie Freschl
Max Gumbiner
Claribel S. Hamilton
Dorothy Heilbronner
Yetta Herman
Walter George Hoar
David Jacobs
Louis Jacobs
Rony Klein
Saul Aaron Levine
Michael Myron Lewis
Margery Melcher
Benjamin Baki Eiseman Muchin
William Orenstein
Jessie Rosenfield
Harlow Sanderson
Elliot H. Shafton
Beverly E. Shapson
Jane Shlimovitz
Jeanne Stark
Harry Stein

Congregation Sinai
8223 N. Port Washington Road, Fox Point, WI 53217
Member of the Union for Reform Judaism

Board of Trustees, 2015-2016

Chip Mann, President
Larry Glusman, Vice President
Mike Weinshel, Treasurer
Judy Flegel, Secretary
Dan Elias, Past President
Marc Kartman, Past President
Judi Ketten, Past President
Andrea Bernstein, Youth Education
Mitch Colton, Brotherhood
Jenni Goldbaum, Membership
Bill Goodman, Membership
Robert Hieb
Michael Hool, Finance
Terry Jacobs, Fundraising
Steve Kravit
Marvin Lauwasser, Fundraising
Julie Lookatch, Vice President
Nick Padway
Sandy Saltzstein
Michelle Silverman, Vice President
Carmel Sweet
Phyllis Wiggins, Finance/Fundraising
Deborah Wilk

The form below may be used when submitting your donation. Those remembered will be promptly informed of your
thoughtfulness. Please return form to the Sinai office. Please make checks payable to Congregation Sinai.
Note: Suggested minimum donations is $10.00.

Adult Programming & Education Fund

Andy Brickman Museum & Ritual Fund
Barbara Eiseman Memorial Fund for Spiritual Growth
Congregation Sinai Building Fund
Cantors Discretionary Fund
Chesed (Caring) Fund
Congregation Sinai Endowment (@ the Jewish Community Foundation)
Congregation Sinai Operating Fund
Floral & Oneg Fund
Jacob M. Fine & Family Library & Technology Fund
Janet Greenebaum Scholarship Fund
Landscape Fund

LDor Va Dor (From Generation to Generation) Fund

Lieberman Memorial Arts Fund
Ketten/Miringoff Simcha (Celebrations) Fund
Music Fund
Passport to Israel Fund
Prayerbook Fund
Rabbis Discretionary Fund
Robert Grant Marks Youth Fund
Tzedakah Fund
Dick Kaeppel Youth Engagement Scholarship Fund
School Scholarship Fund

Enclosed is a $________________ contribution

In honor of In memory of Other


Send acknowledgement card to:

City:___________________ State:_____ Zip:________

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Do not include my contribution in the Sinai News.

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