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Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Characters

Bird Side

Qui-Gon JinnLightsaber, Single-Swipe

Qui-Gon Jinn features a single swipe of a lightsaber. While not the most powerful, it is effective enough to slice
through chains and wooden blocks with ease.

(Young) Obi-Wan Kenobi

Young Obi-Wan Kenob (Young)i is strong with the Force. His ability features a single strong push directed by the user.

YodaLightsaber Spin
Yoda features a lightsaber spin attack, causing him to pinball around the level for several seconds. The ability must
be activated manually before contact.

Jar Jar BinksTongue Swing

Jar Jar Binks can use his tongue to grab nearby objects and swing via his tongue. Aiming his tongue is done
manually by the user, as is releasing his tongue upon a second tap/click.

Anakin Skywalker, Episode I (Podracer)Podracer

Anakin features a aloud racer, which can be directed in a relatively straight line toward a user-selected direction.
Anakin himself will trail behind, swinging into blocks.

Captain Panaka Blaster, Two Triple-Shots

Captain Panaka carries a special laser blaster which fires a spray of three lasers at a time. He fires twice in quick
succession, for a total of six lasers.

Padme Amidala Gravity Push

Padme Amidala features a tractor beam capable of pushing large objects. The direction of the beam is usercontrolled with nearly-unlimited range.

Anakin, Episode II (Padawan)Lightsaber, Single-Swipe

Anakin now wields a basic, single-swipe lightsaber while he assumes his role as a Jedi Apprentice. He is not
particularly powerful, but can still slice through wooden blocks cleanly.

Jedi YounglingTriple Split

As is to be expected, the Blue Bird assumes the role of a Jedi Initiate. While Force-sensitive, Jedi Youngling can only
attack by splitting into three Younglings.

Mace WinduBoomerang Lightsaber

Mace Windu wields a boomerang lightsaber capable of slicing through large quantities of chains and blocks. It has an
extremely far range and is only destructible by permanent items, such as land.

Chewbacca (*)Earthquake
Our fantastically fuzzy friend Chewbacca is as massive as ever. Plow your way through any structure using his huge
frame, in what we call an Earthquake Attack.

R2-D2Electric Shock
Beep boop! Our friendly droid R2-D2 features his patented ability to shock any nearby enemies with electricity.

C-3POSplit Apart
Invaluable in his friendship, partially because he is made of gold, C-3PO has the ability of breaking into fragments at
your command. Each piece has capable to doing some damage to any block or enemy it touches.

Princess Leia (T)Gravity Pull

Princess Leia, similar to Padme Amidala, features a tractor beam. However, Leia's beam will pull at objects instead of
pushing them. Makes you wonder if the two gals are related...

Luke Skywalker (Pilot) (T)Lightsaber, Single-Swipe

Our young hero from the original trilogy, Luke Skywalker wields a basic lightsaber capable of a single swipe.

Luke Skywalker (Endor) (T)Lightsaber, Double-Swipe

As his Jedi training progresses, Luke Skywalker is now capable of two swipes with his lightsaber. I'm no
mathematian, but that seems like double the power!

Luke (Jedi) (T)Lightsaber, Triple-Swipe

With his training complete courtesy of Master Yoda, the full Jedi Luke Skywalker now swipes his lightsaber an
unprecedented three times in quick succession!

Han Solo (T)Blaster, Three Single-Shots

Han Solo wields a simple laser blaster. With it, he is capable of taking three quick shots wherever the user aims.

Silver C-3PO (*)Split Apart

Just like his golden equivalent, Silver C-3PO breaks apart into pieces, each if which can pop enemies and topple

Kit Fisto (T)Lightsaber Spin

Kit Fisto features a lightsaber spin, though far less extreme than Yoda or Droideka.

Carbonite Han Solo (T)Freezing

When Han Solo is frozen in Carbonite, his blaster is rendered useless. Instead, this character turns every block in its
immediate vicinity into ice.

Lando Calrissian (T)Blaster, One Triple-Shot

Lando yields a blaster capable of a single triple-shot.

Wicket the Ewok (T)Three Triple-Splits

Three Ewoks are launched from the slinghsot, each with the capability of splitting into three more!

Ezra BridgerLaser Gun

Shoots one laser beam, that is deflected by metal

Sabine WrenSticky Bombs

She will place three sticky bombs on the surfaces she hits

Chopper (T)Thruster Fire

Spews fire from his thrusters

Hera SyndullaHoming Cannon

She will drop a blaster cannon that will shoot visible targets

Kanan Jarrus (T)Laser Gun

Kanan Jarrus possess a massive laser gun that penetrates everything

Garazeb Zeb Orrelios (T)Hulk Smash and Boom!

With a huge force Zeb will smash right thru just about anything, getting

(Old) Obi-Wan Kenobi Directional Force Push

Old Obi-Wan Kenobi is strong with the Force. His ability features a single strong push directed by the user.

Rebel Pilot
As is to be expected, the Blue Bird assumes the role of a Rebel Initiate. While Force-sensitive, Rebel Pilot can only
attack by splitting into three Pilots.

Pork Side

Darth SidiousForce Lightning

Darth Sidious, aka Emperor Palpatine, can conjure and direct lightning. It is particularly effective against metallic
objects, such as chains. It has little effect on wood, however.

Jango FettSingle Missile

Jango Fett features a single missile that can be aimed wherever the user pleases. Be aware that both Jango and the
missile are metallic, and thus heavily effected by magnets.

Battle DroidBlaster, Three Single-Shots

The Battle Droid carries a simple laser blaster capable of taking three quick shots wherever the user aims.

Darth MaulDouble Lightsaber

Darth Maul features his patented double-ended lightsaber, able to reduce most blocks to rubble in a single spin.

Count DookuBoomerang Lightsaber

Count Dooku's boomerang lightsaber is an extremely strong weapon. It is indestructible unless it contacts a
permanent structure such as the ground. It has exceptional range and is capable of detonating any TNT that stands
in its path.

DroidekaSpin Attack
Droideka can tuck into a tight ball, resulting in a spin attack capable of great destruction. Similar to Yoda, Droideka
can pinball around a level and topple many structures at once.

Zam Wesell Rope Swing

Zam Wesell has a grappling hook in her repertoire. This allows her to grab nearby objects and swing around them.
The user must tap-to-aim the initial firing of the rope swing, then may tap again to release Zam.

General Grievous (*)Quadruple Lightsaber!

Quite possibly the most powerful straight-attack character in the game, General Grievous features an unprecedented
quadruple lightsaber attack! No blocks stand in the way of this four-pronged fury.

Anakin, Episode III (Sith Apprentice) (*)Radial Force Push

The Force is strong with Anakin as he falls to the Pork Side. His ability pulls nearby objects closer temporarily before
launching them with great power in all directions.

Darth Vader (*)Radial Force Push

This is CNN. Oh wait, wrong voiceover line. Anyways, to avoid any spoilers, Darth Vader has an ability that bears an
uncanny resemblance to that of Anakin. We can just leave it at that, shall we?

Boba FettDouble Missile

Perhaps the most beloved member of the Pork Side, Boba Fett features a double missile attack. Be aware that
neither missile actually travels at the user-determined location. Rather, they travel approximately 10-15 degrees
above and below that line.

Biker Scout (*)Speeder Bike

The Biker Scout behaves similarly to Anakin with his Podracer. The Scout will follow behind the Speeder Bike, which
can be redirected toward any other location on-screen. The Scout will tail behind, knocking down structures as he

TIE Fighter Pilot (*)Blaster, Two Double-Shots

The TIE Fighter Pilot wields the most powerful blaster in the game. Capable of pulling the trigger twice in quick
succession, each pull fires a double-dose of laser glory.

Stormtrooper (*)Blaster, Five Scattered Shots

The Stormtrooper is the typical bad guy minion who is absolutely incapable of hitting anything it shoots at. A
Stormtrooper can five shots, but the shots are pretty scattered. Nonetheless, this can be useful if aiming for five
different targets, I suppose.

Red Battle Droid (*)Blaster, Three Single-Shots

Similar to its non-red equivalent, the Red Battle Droid fires three quick shots with its laser blaster, directed toward
wherever the user aims.

Hologram Darth Sidious (*)Invisibility + Force Lightning

Hologram Darth Sidious, like his non-hologram equivalent, uses lightning to heavily attack metallic objects. The
hologram effect allows him to pass through objects without touching them. Note that the hologram disappears after
the normal ability is activated.

Shadowtrooper (*)Invisibility + Blaster, Five Scattered Shots

The Shadowtrooper is a tweak of the Stormtrooper, as so fires five scattered shots. However, the Shadowtrooper can
pass through objects, just like Hologram Darth Sidious. Note that the hologram disappears after the normal ability is

Shocktrooper (T)Blaster, Two Triple-Shots

The Red Clone Trooper, aka Shocktrooper, wields a blaster capable of two shots of three blasts each.

Jabba the Hutt (T)Massive Bulk

Jabba the Hutt has been meaning to go on a diet, but sometimes the first step is the hardest: PUTTING DOWN THE
FORK! As he struggles, his massive bulk will throw blocks across the entire level.

Royal Guard (T)Spear

The Royal Guard carries a spear that allows him to grab onto a single item. The Guard will pull the item and hold on
for dear life.

Tusken Raider (T)Single Sniper Shot

The Tusken Raider is a classic baddy and an extraordinarily good shot. He takes a single shot anywhere on screen,
sniping that item despite any blocks between the character and the target.

The Inquisitor (T)Double Lightsaber

The Inquisitor has double-ended lightsaber, Spinning his way thru most blocks and debris.

Imperial Officer (T)Aimed Multi Shots

The Imperial Officer shoots like a maniac, machine-gun style and continuously or where ever you tap to aim until his
clip is empty or if he smashes into something.

AT-DP PilotLaser Gun

The AT-DP Pilot with a laser gun that is reflected by anything metal, he can do great damage when the angles are
just right.

Cikatro Vizago Three Shockwave Bombs

Cikatro Vizago carriers 3 shockwave bombs and will release them where ever the aiming point is. If the bombs
bounce just right he can damage an entire section.

Vizago DroidSplit Apart

He sacrifices himself and split himself into a lot of different pieces attacking from multiple points and doing damage to
anything it hits.

Agent KallusTwo Triple-Splits

Joined by two mini stormtroopers Agent Kallus engage the target, waiting for a surprise attack by splitting the Mini
stormtroopers in to a trio on demand. Creating a small army which he leads.

Non-Playable characters
Naboo Security Officers






Level P1-1, Naboo







Most levels in pork









First Appearance Escape to Tatooine















Battle of Naboo






Reward Chapter,Battle
of Naboo





Clone Trooper Pig


Shooting lasers


Level P4-4




Pig (Disguised as a


Rise of the Clones





Qui-Gon Jinn (Enemy)


Using Green Lightsaber


Level P2-20




Chicken (Dressed as
Qui-Gon Jinn)


Escape to Tatooine,Battle
of Naboo


Very Weak(in Escape to

Tatooine) Strong (in
Battle of Naboo)



Obi-Wan Kenobi (Enemy)


Using Force Push


Level P2-20




Greater Antillean


Escape to Tatooine,Rise
of the Clones





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