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Team I(M)Perfect


Phase 4: Emerging identities

Digital content and strategies for brand

Step 2: Consider the use of digital content and strategies for capturing and shaping the organizations identity.
Specify opportunities and/or risks brought by digital content and strategies for brand-building based on the
five key activities

Team I(M)Perfect



Diagnose Thai
society (its
social acceptance/life

- a special field on BACC's website
for BACC'S Research Center linked to
a separate Facebook Page; this will
include :
call for papers/conferences for
artists/academics on certain
subjects regarding Thai
video streaming for conferences
or round tables
published articles or interviews
with the possibility to comment
upon them;
on Facebook page: periodically
calls for research proposals from
the public (polls, debates)
- Develop a public humanities
project (Co-Creating History)* by
creating a crowd-sourced digital
collection of documents, letters,
memories, photos or interviews regarding
a certain historical event from Thailand
(no older than 70-100 years). This project
should include precise directions of how
the crowd can contribute to the project:
by adding a document/photo/letter etc or
by transcribing/editing the documents
into digital form
*project proposal inspired by Letters of 1916, the
first public humanities project in Ireland (crowd-

- accessibility
-direct engagement of
the public/community in
the research area by cocreating content
-making research more
fun and accessible for
Thai community
-collaboration with
academic world and
other institutions
interested in research
and education
(=>networking, fusion)

- not being able to implement a
proper methodology of gathering
data&interpret it;
-loss of control of the information
provided by the crowd- the
difficulty to manage proposals
from the public
-subjectivity, information
errors=> like in the case of
- for the project Co-creating
History is difficult to reach elder
audiences that can provide
important documents/information
due to the fact that they might
not have access to digital tools.

Team I(M)Perfect


sourced digital collection of letters written around

the time of the Easter Rising -1 November 1915
31 October 1916). More details here:

Create a platform
for dialog (around
between artists,
cultural managers,
stakeholders and
Bangkok community
(potential audiences)

video streaming for conferences

or round tables
on Facebook page: periodically
calls for debate proposals from
the public
a youtube channel with keynotes
of different speakers (artists, art
managers) regarding upcoming
events of BACC (if, for example
they are trying to promote a
young artist's exhibition, an
academic/art critic should have a
keynote about the context in
which the artist is creating, his or
her style and related national and
international artists )
on the same youtube channel:
crashed courses about visual
culture, photo, architecture,
theatre and performing arts: these
courses are presented in a funny
and accessible way, with an ironic
and gritty touch that can attract
young audiences. Here is an
example of crashed course:
a special field on BACC'S site:
Know our artists/artist from BACC
where artists that

- accessibility
-engagement of the
public/community in the
Thai Arts&Culture area
-doing education in a
emancipated manner
(by including everybody
and putting the equal
sign between artists
and audiences)=>
opennes, networking
-creating a strong
community (=>fusion,
- helping artist's reach
their audiences

- too much information on the

website or in Social Media could
distract and lose focus;
-some may think that the staff of
BACC are patronizing their
audiences with their focus on
education- this might cause
disengagement of the educated
-by creating a channel where
organization, artist's and
audiences keep in touch it's
possible that the discussions
deviate to a negative path; it's
impossible to manage what
people might say-they might
offend each other=> this could
affect BACC's image and identity
-to much exposure for artists; -irresponsible use of digital toolsthe organization cannot teach
responsibility in the digital era,
it's up to each of us to realize the
power of words, once they are
sent in this medium they can be
augmented, misinterpreted,

Team I(M)Perfect


context-freed etc, like in the case

of the story from It takes a
village to find a
We have to remember that
especially in this digital turn, like
Marshall McLuhan stated couple
of decades ago, The medium is
the message( McLuhan,

exhibited/performed at BACC are

presented and linked to their
Social profiles (Facebook, Twitter
a channel on Facebook with
where the public can ask
questions to artists or can reach
them to criticize/congratulate

Understanding Media: The Extensions of


Create and
implement social
inclusion programs
for the most
oppressed social
categories from
Bangkok (identifying
and reaching them
using the information
provided from the
first activity- the
diagnosis of Thai

- in the previous assignment for this

activity we had a proposal for a program
of creative writing workshops- Share
your story that leads to public lectures
as results of workshops. This could be
published on the website and linked to
Facebook, where people could comment
upon and share their related experiences

-creating awareness
about social exclusion

-building a strong
community by offering
the chance of
- a forum/news feed on the site/facebook
where the people from the community
can inform BACC about social exclusion
cases, discriminations or panoramas of
poor areas of city, by posting photos or
sharing stories, or even propose projects
that will improve the situation

- for the program Share your

story- it's almost impossible to
avoid trolls or people mocking
about the stories shared=> that
leads to discrimination, in
contradiction with BACC's vision
and values: How they can
manage with this type of risk?
-for the interactive news
feed/forum the main problem is
the risk of misrepresentation of
those who the public identifies as
an oppressed- can lead to
discrimination, in post-colonial
perspective. Those identified as
an oppressed category are
qualified like that by those who

Team I(M)Perfect


are telling their stories (by photos

or in writing), but what about
their voices? How can we
empower them?=> also an
important issue for BACC's

programs for
children and
youngsters in order
to introduce art in
their live, foster their
interest regarding
arts& encourage

-short visual attractive presentations of

educational programs (inspired by videogames/RPG, trending cartoons or TV
Shows) for children and youngsters
gathered on Youtube or Vimeo and
delivered via Facebook or announced on
short Tweets;
-smartphone and tablets app for children
activities (drawing evenining, photo
workshop) with a playful design and short
and concrete information regarding the
hours, the place and what should they
expect from that experience);
-develop a game for smartphones and
tablets for children, using BACC as
interface: for example, the model could
be Find a treasure at BACC, using the
space of BACC as a labyrinth for finding
treasures (=exhibitions/cultural
activities). The principle should be
learning about art by playing.

-learning by playing-an
important tool for those
who are in charge of
educational programs
for children and
- engage young
audiences by
speaking their
-making learning about
art an interactive thing
for children, developing
their curiosity and
creativity (=>openness,

- this kind of usage of digital tools

exclude children and youngsters
that don't own
smartphones/tablets due to the
economic factor; from this reason,
BACC should think about offline
engaging programs that provides
art education for this niche,
otherwise BACC's identity could
suffer, they might be accused of
socio-economic exclusion (and
this could lead to several
consequences due to the fact that
they are supported by the
government/public funding)
-to much immersion of children in
video games and apps used for
promotion of educational
programs might lead to a lack of
interest for the activities of BACC
that presume real presence,
interaction and sociability.

Team I(M)Perfect

Raise private
sponsorships in
order to engage
corporate audiences


- The programADOPT a cause * that we

proposed at assignment 4 could be a
field on the website dedicated to
Mecenas and sponsors; it could be very
well emproved in a crowd-founding page
for corporates (but not exclusively) that
contains information about each of
causes that needs support, the target
amount of money and some rewards for
each stage of sponsorship;** short
Tweets about the evolution of
sponsorship in order to keep everybody
-another program that we proposed at
the previous assignment was Photo
contests for corporations with
tax/donation for participation (best office
selfie, best team building picture etc)=>
could benefit a lot if their are promoted
online also, using Social Media; so, in
order to link different types of audiences
sector/stakeholders/community of
Bangkok), the prizes should be decided
by the public (number of Likes/photo)
*encourages sponsorships from private sector for
activities from no. 3,4,6
**For example: if you donate 10 $ for this cause, we
will mention you in a comment on Twitter/Facebook
and we will recognize your support in public, if you

-cooperation, cocreating projects

-linkage between
different types of
-engage private sector
into BACC's
activities=> promotion
and exposure for both
sides (=>networking)

-too much exposure for important

blic authorities might lead to
Social Media attacks/vendettas
from the community=> some
sponsors might dropout their
-BACC'S might lose focus on who
their are promoting within these
activities; it occurs the risk of
receiving sponsorship from firms
or corporation that promotes
opposite values than BACC (=>
an important issue for brand
identity and its co-creation by
digital content)

Team I(M)Perfect


donate 1000 $ all our promoting materials will

contain your name, you will receive a special VIP
card that allows you to... etc)

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