Nelson Central School: Term 1

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24 th M a rch
Nelson Central School
2 010 Week l y N e ws l ett er
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te • What commitment is needed …
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and
Otherwise you can contact anyone of the current trustees to
family of Nelson Central School.
answer any questions.
We didn’t know it until after we went to print but Paravin
School trustees have a very important role in making sure
Singh was elected Deputy head Boy for 2010 at Nelson
every child achieves their potential at school. This
Intermediate. Congratulations Paravin – we are all very
opportunity only comes up every three years and is a
proud of you. Emma Halsey, Bria Scott and Paravin Singh
wonderful way for you to make a real difference to our
exemplify our motto – Aim High! Their achievements will
children, school, community and at the same time enriches
provide a beacon for all of our current students to follow.
your own personal development.
School Gala
Congratulations to the School Community Group for Holiday Programmes
Awesome Atawhai Activities @ 5 Todd Bush Rd Atawhai
organising another fantastic School Gala. Special thanks
from Tues 6th April until Fri 16th April 8.30am - 5pm
go to Julie Walker for coordinating this project. As we all
Many and varied activities.
know it is a hugely responsible job and takes a lot of
$26 per child per day $18 per half day
commitment and time … and at no time did Julie look
Oscar and Winz approved childcare service
stressed!! You will have to share your secret with everyone
Call 545 1223 or email
Julie so that the next organisers will step forward ready for
for an enrolment form.
next year. As with all successful leaders, there are many
See for programme details.
other people who support their efforts and I would like to
School will close on Thursday 1 April for Easter and the
acknowledge their efforts also.
school holidays. We will re-open on Monday 19 April at
Mega School Rewards Challenge 8:55 am.
We have a chance to win $5,000 worth of gift vouchers. Dr Paul Potaka
All we have to do is collect till receipts and packing slips PRINCIPAL
from Mitre 10 Mega dated between April 19th and 31st
May. If we can collect the highest number of receipts we
will win the first prize – second prize is quite good too -
$2,000 worth of vouchers. Pinecones for sale
In each store there will be a box so you can write When: Monday the 29th of March
NELSON CENTRAL SCHOOL on the back of your Where: Outside office
receipt and put it in the box. Time: 3pm - 3.20pm
Board of Trustees Elections Price: $3 for a full banana box
“Strong leaders make strong Schools”
Our Schools Trustee election date is 7 May 2010. Limit: Only 20 boxes so be in quick!!!
We are seeking nominations now and these close noon of
April 23rd, 2010.
Other key dates are:
Voting papers issued by 28 April.
Polls close noon May 7, 2010. On Thursday 1st April at lunchtime there will be Beef
Results declared May 13, 2010. Burgers and Sausage Sizzle on sale.
Boards take office 14 May. $3 for Beef Burgers, $1 for Sausage,
with optional salad & sauce.
We invite all parents to support this upcoming election and Order in front of the library before school.
to consider standing or putting prospective candidates Thank you, from the School Community Group
names forward for nomination. A pamphlet is available
from the school office which outlines more detailed
information for prospective trustees including:
THANKYOU to all that helped in any large or small
• What the role is…
• What skills are needed … way for the gala. You are all important !! What a
great day we had, and I’m sure it was enjoyed by all.
Our weekly newslett er is kindly
sponsored by –
We will give a full gala rundown in next weeks
THE DOCUMENT COMPANY newsletter (including pictures). Thanks again,
Julie Walker
7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson – Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2 – Fa x 0 3 5 4 8 4 4 8 3 – E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z
Principa l: tumuaki @t Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho BO T Cha irma n: Geof f Cl ark 545 8010 W ebsite: www.nel so ncent
It is not too late to register for the 2010 season. The Giggling Pony
There are limited spaces available in most grades. Horse & Pony Riding Programmes
First game starts Saturday 24 April
• Supervision and tui tion by New Zealand
If you are aged 5 -12
qualified and registered teac hers
years and would like to
play football • All levels of experience ca tered for
or would like more • Pick up/ drop off service available: Nelson,
information, Richmond, Brightwater and Wakefield.
please contact Cost per child:
Sonia Malpas $40 per half-day (weekends only- 3 hours)
Ph 545 0494 $30 individual tui tion (1 hour)
Retold stories of Ranginui and Papatuanuku $7 pick-up (mini mum 3 c hildren)
by Te Pouahi 17. $50 Full day progra mmes (available during school
holidays- 5 hours)
Many years ago, Rangi the sky fa ther d rifted down to
Phone Kirsten or Gordon : 541 9145
Papa the ea rth mother. Their c hildren, Tanemahuta, God
of forest, Tangaroa, God of sea, Ronga ma tane, God of
un-cultiva ted food, Tuma tauenga, God of war, Tawhirima tea, God
of wind, talked about how they could sepa ra te thei r parents.
Tawhirima tea din’t want to separa te their parents, he vowed to
rage war on anyone who tried to separa te his pa rents. First
Tuma tauenga tried to kill his parents but he couldn’t. Nex t
Tangaroa tried to separa te them but he failed. Haumia Tiketike
tried, but he couldn’t. Rongoma tane tried but he had littl e success.
Tanemahuta slowly walked towards them and lay down on his
mother and put his feet on hi s father. Rangi slowly rose up above
Papa then with one final thrust, Rangi soa red, up and up and up.
Tawhirima tea roared around blowing down trees, plants and making
waves arch and crash! Luckily Papa came to the rescue, she
sna tched her son’s and kept them inside her. Only Tuma tauenga ca me out and walked about and his footsteps
made huge c rashesd . Meanwhile Rangi was crying and Tanemahuta was worried tha t soon all the land would be
covered by the sea, so he turned his mother over. Tanemahuta looked up a t hi s father and thought how sad he
looked so he put the sun on Rangi’s back and the moon on his f ront, he puts stars on hi m also. This was how the
world was created . Hattie
Once there was a sky fa ther gazing down on an earth mother.
They were together with their children in the middle, there was
no light. Their c hildren wanted to separa te their parents
because i t was too tight for them. Their children’s na mes were,
Tangaroa, God of sea, Tanema huta, God of the forest,
Rongoma tane, God of uncultiva ted foods, Tuma tauenga, God of
war, Tawhirima tea, God of wind. God of war said “we must kill
our mother and fa ther” God of forest did not agree, he said “we
must separa te our mother and fa ther” Everybody tried but they
all failed. The god of wind, he did not want hi s parents to be
separa ted. The God of the forest tried, he succeeded. Then he
made the world and tha t i s why we are living here on this planet today and tha t is how earth, was made. Luci
Long, long ago there was a happy couple, their na mes were,
Papatuanuku and Ranginui. They had lots of c hildren called
Tanemahuta, the God of the forest, Tangaroa, the God of sea,
Rongoma tane, the God of unculti va ted food, Tuma tauenga, the
God of war, Tawhirima tea, God of wind, Haumia tiketike, God of
cultiva ted foods, Ruaumoko God of earthquakes and wild fire.
They were ti red tha t they couldn’t see light and sun so they ca me
together to separa te their parents. All of them failed but
Tanemahuta tried, he placed his feet on his Dad and his back on
his Mum. His Dad got raised up high above. As Tanemahuta
pushed them apart, they were shrieking and crying, and tha t was
how earth was crea ted. Luis
Easter holiday programme 2010
Highlights include high ropes challenges a t Whenua -i ti,
rock climbing, an Easter sca venger hunt, learning to
make Mexican food, a visit from the Makos and hip hop
For more info or to book please phone (03) 548 3099
ext 717 (af ter hours) or 027 335 6904 or email More info and enrol ment forms
also available at:

8:30a m until 6:00pm

(or half day until 3:00pm)


Nelson Central School participates in the Future Ferns
Netball competition at Saxton Field, Stoke during term 2 &
3. Girls in years 4 - 6 are able to play. Year 4 & 5
children will play on Wednesday afternoons with the first
round starting around 3.40pm. They have a 10 minute skill
and drill session followed by a game. The competition will
Hardball Cricket Reports start Wednesday 12th May. Year 6 children will play on
Saturday mornings at 9am. Competition will start on
Central played Birchwood A.
Saturday 8th May. Year 6 play a game only, they do not
Ba tting first Central made 140 runs. Nic C made 50 no -a
have skills and drills session.
grea t effort - and Thomas Z 25 no and David Z 15 no.
Information received has these years subs at $40 per
Birchwood A made 41.
player. This covers both terms 2 and 3.
Albie M took 5 wickets -a wonderful effort- and David Z
took 3 wickets. We will need parents/caregivers to coach our year 4/5
teams. We are pleased to advise Gaye Evans has once
Central / St Joe’s versus Motueka again offered her services to the school and will coach
Motueka batted first making 45 runs & we were grea t in our year 6 team. She will run a practice after school on
the field. Wednesday 3.15pm to 4pm. All year 6 girls interested
Our tea m made 75 with Toby Brown top scoring with 15 please attend.
runs & Registration forms are located on the sports
Abel Johnston was our best bowler with 1 wicket for no noticeboard between rooms 2 and 3. Please complete
runs. and return with fee by Thursday 1 st April.
P O Box 3226, 30 McPherson Street, Richmond - Tel. 543-8222 or Fax. 543-8223
Mobile: (027) 230-8343 email:
ACTIVITY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fr iday
Juniors 11 to 17 yrs
Cost $45 Term
Juniors 14-17 yrs Juniors 6 aside
Age Groups: 8 Age Groups: 8 to 14
CRICKET 6&8 aside
aside yrs
Cost $65 Term Cost $65 Term
Junior Strikers
Teen Triples Bumper Strikers
TENPIN Doubles : 3.45pm
3.45pm : 2 games (5-9 year olds)
BOWLING 2 games
$70 term pp $45 Term
$70 term pp
APRIL 2010
WINZ Subs idy Available – CY F Approved – Daily act ivit ies include free tenpin bowling, free minigolf,
indoor playground …
Tel. 543-8222 or Register on line –
SPORTS RES ULTS - Week ended 28th March Nelson Comb ined Schools Swimming Sport s
Mini Soccer Result s 2010
Cent ral Rovers - bye Congratulations to the following year 5/6 swimme rs
Cent ral Pant hers 10 v Victory Makos 0 who were placed in the finals of the Nelson Co mbined
Player of the day: Lennard room 14 Schools Swimming Sports held at Hampden Street
16/3/10 v Victory Phoenix won 6-1. Pool:
Player of the day: Fisher room 14 . Freestyle Girls 9 and under: Grace M room 1, - 2nd
Cent ral Stars v Nayland Panthers. place.
Cent ral Strikers 3 v Enner Glynn Cougars 0. 3 Lengths Freestyle Girls Open: Lucy D, room 15 - 2 nd
Volleyball place.
Cent ral Servers 65 v Nayland Funky Monkeys 32. Relay Girls 10+: Central - 3 rd place ( Evie W room 2,
Rippa Rugby Angel G room 7, Joey V room 2, Lucy D room 15)
Cent ral 11 v HSS Blues 7. Relay Boys 9 and under: Central - 3 rd place (Thomas Z
Incrediball Cricket room 1, Callum M room 8, Sam H room 2, David Z
Cent ral Stars v Mapua 2. Central won 40-16. room 7)
Players of the day: Joe P room 1, Frances S room1, Jack E Relay Boys 10+: Central – 3 rd place (Ben R room 7,
room 3 Neihana B room 15, Nic C room 1, Quinn C room 7)
Hardball Cricket
Cent ral v Birchwood A. Central made 140 runs, Birchwood SCHOOL HOLIDA Y BASKETBALL COACHING
Cent ral/St Josephs v Motueka. Central made 75 runs, Monday 12 April to Wednesday 14 April
Motueka 45 runs.
A few of the fico finance Nelson Giants a re available
See match reports
Softball during the holidays, so we will be running three coaching
Cent ral/Hampden St Bombers 0 v Royal Rascals 10. sessions for Years 3 & 4, Years 5 & 6 and Years 7 & 8. A
grea t opportuni ty to get those basketball skills back on
Ta sman Rugby League
Junior Rugby League Term 2 : Years 1 – 6 track before the Miniball and Intermedia te Basketball
Tas man Rugby League will be running a 7 week season starts or to just develop ball handling skills.
modified game tournament for years 1-6 at Tahunanui
Each session will be for 1 ½ hours on each of the 3
fields on Wednesdays. This w ill start on Wednesday
28t h April and end on Wednesday 9t h June. A one day days for:
round robin tournament will be held on Saturday 19t h Years 3 & 4 9am – 10.30am Cost: $40.00
June, in conjunction with players from the N.Z. Each session will be for 2 hours on each of the 3
Warriors. School teams w ill be picked up from school days for:
by bus from 12.45pm and taken to the playing fie lds
Years 5 & 6 10.30am – 12.30pm
and returned to school before 3pm. Games will start at
1.30pm. There will be no cost to play this term. Years 7 & 8 1pm – 3pm Cost: $45.00


A game for boys and girls BASKETBALL
Players – Minimum 8 maximum 11 Small Ferns & Li ttle Giants Basketball is an after sc hool,
The game is of 6 tack les
skill based basketball progra m d esigned for Years 1 & 2
2 x 15 minute halves (this may vary)
Played on s maller field and Years 3 & 4 as an introduc tion to basketball and a
Mouth guards and shoes compulsory pathway to miniball. The progra m is based on FU N but
Parents are welcome to game day incorpora tes ba sic ball and co-ordination skills. Players
Trained first aiders on s ite need no experienc e. The lessons a re taken by
Refs and supervis ion supplied by Tas man Rugby
experienced staff on Mondays and will run for 8 weeks
League. Tas man Rugby League welcomes any parents
who would like to offer their services to assist with of Term 2, 2010 a t Jack Robins Stadium, 104 Neale Ave,
coaching. Please contact them directly. Stoke.
If int erest ed please record name on t he regist ration DAY: Monday
sheet and t ake a permission form ho me. These are GROUP: Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4
on t he sport s not iceboard located bet ween rooms 2 TIME: 3.30 – 4.15 4.15 – 5pm
and 3.
DATES: 26 April – 21 June COST: $40.00
For furt her informat ion cont act Tasma n Rugby
League: Ph: Mike Sharp 021 141 6856 For more informa tion please contac t:
Andrew Samuels 0272490739 tas Dallas Ward Work: 547 6419 Mobile: 0272976017
Saxton Sport s Holiday Programme Email: nnbasketball@x
12t h t o 16t h April Forms available from sports noticeboard located
8.30a m – 3.30pm between rooms 2 and 3
Ages 8-112 y ears
Suburbs Foot ball Pavilio n, Saxton Fie ld
Kiwi Cricket - Last Round Date: 27 March 2010
Offering a ra nge of differe nt sport ing experiences Incrediball Grade
such a s: Ground 5 Central Stars v Nayland Hot Shots
golf, t ouch, soccer, basket ball, t ennis
For more info, ph : 547 5689 Little League SOFTBALL - Round 6
www.nelso Sat 27.03 Enner Glynn v Central/Hampden Bombers

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