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Blocks for Creative cell itself

4 blocks of Lumium
28 blocks of galgadorian
8 Pellets of RTG Fuel
16 Full resonant energy cell frames
16 Draconic Flux Capacitors
9 Quantam Solar Panels

Materials needed for Lumium Blocks (summation)

1) 36 Lumium Ingots (Using Alloy Smelter)
a) 27 Tin ingots
b) 9 Silver Ingots
c) 36 Glowstone Dust
Materials needed for Galgadorian Blocks (summation)
1) 252 Galgadorian Ingots
a) 252 Large Lumps of Galgador
i) 2268 Lumps of Galgador
(1) 3402 Glowstone Dust
(2) 1134 Diamond Blocks
(a) 10206 Daimonds
(3) 3402 Eyes of Galgador
(a) 13608 Magma Cream
(i) 13608 Blaze Powder
(ii) 13608 Slime Balls
(b) 6804 Fermented Spider Eyes
(i) 6804 Spider Eyes
(ii) 6804 Brown Mushrooms
(iii) 6804 Sugar
(c) 6804 Ghast Tears
(d) 3402 Eyes of Ender
(i) 3402 Eyes of ender
(ii) 3402 blaze Powder
(4) 2268 Stabalized Metals
(a) 2270 Iron Ingots
(b) 454 Hardened Mesh
(i) 2270 Iron Bars
1. 852 Iron Ingots
(ii) 1816 Refined Hardener
1. 1816 Raw Hardener
a. 908 Diamonds
b. 3632 Obsidian
(c) 1362 Refined Hardener
(i) 1362 Raw Hardener
1. 681 Diamonds
2. 2724 Obsidian

Materials needed for Pellets for RTG Fuel (summation)

1) 48 Dense Iron Plates
a) 432 Iron Plates
i) 864 Iron Ingots (If you are using forge Hammer; 432 iron ingots if using metal former)
2) 24 Plutonium
a) 216 Tiny piles of Plutonium (Uses Thermal Centrifuge to extract)
i) 216 Fuel Rods (Depleted Uranium?? IDK how to make, but Im assuming its from uranium
fuel rods. Made in canning machine)
(1) 216 Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel
(a) 1296 uranium 238 (made in Thermal Centrifuge. Also creates half of need tiny piles.
Look below for rest of info.)
(i) 324 Crushed Uranium Ore (Use macerator)
1. 162 Uranium Ore
(b) 648 Tiny piles of uranium 235 (Repeat Above recipe, you will have to make extra
Uranium than what is necessary. Sorry )
(2) 216 Empty Fuel Rods (Made in Metal Former)
(a) 216 Iron Plate
(i) 432 Iron Ingots (If you are using Metal Former, it is 216 iron ingots)
Materials needed for Full Resonant Energy Cell Frames (summation)
1) 16 Empty Resonant Energy Cell Frames
a) 64 Enderium Ingots (Use alloy smelter)
i) 64 Enderium Base
(1) 32 Tin Ingot
(2) 16 Silver Ingot
(3) 16 Shiny Ingots
ii) 32 Pyrotheum Dust
(1) 32 Pulverized coal (or something similar)
(2) 32 Sulfur
(3) 32 Blaze Powder
(4) 32 Electrotine (Comes from Electrotine Ore)
iii) 64 Ender Pearls
b) 64 Fused Quartz
i) 256 Nether Quartz
c) 16 Emeralds
2) 64,000 mB Destabilized Redstone (Use Magma Crucible)
a) 640 Redstone dust
Materials needed for Draconic Flux Capacitors (summation)
DO NOTE!!! The Ritual of Draconic Awakening is needed for this process
1) 64 Awakened Draconium Ingot
a) 8 Awakened Draconium Block
i) 2 Dragon Hearts
ii) 2 T.N.T
(1) 8 Sand
(2) 10 Gunpowder
iii) 4 Charged Draconium Blocks (Charge in Energy Infuser)
(1) 4 Draconium Blocks

(a) 36 Draconium Ingots

iv) 16 Draconic Core
(1) 16 Diamonds
(2) 64 Gold Ingots
(3) 64 Draconium Ingots
2) 16 Awakened Core
a) 64 Wyvern Core
i) 256 Draconic Core
(1) 256 Diamonds
(2) 1024 Gold Ingots
(3) 1024 Draconium Ingots
ii) 64 Fluxed Electrom Ingot
(1) 32 Pyrotheum Dust
(a) 32 Pulverized coal (or something similar)
(b) 32 Sulfur
(c) 32 Blaze Powder
(d) 32 Electrotine (Comes from Electrotine Ore)
(2) 64 Fluxed Electrum Blend
(a) 64 Electrum Blend
(i) 32 Gold Dust
1. 32 Gold Ingots
(ii) 32 Silver Dust
1. 32 Silver Ingots
(b) 12,800 mB Destabilized Redstone
(i) 128 Redstone Dust
iii) 64 Nether Star
iv) 64 Vibrant Alloy
(1) 64 Energetic Alloy
(a) 64 Redstone Dust
(b) 64 Gold Ingots
(c) 64 Glowstone Dust
(2) 64 Ender Pearls
v) 64 Manasteel Ingot (Use Mana Infusion)
(1) 64 Iron Ingots
vi) 64 Thaumium Ingot (Use Thaumcraft)
b) 16 Awakened Draconium Block
i) 4 Dragon Hearts
ii) 4 T.N.T
(1) 16 Sand
(2) 20 Gunpowder
iii) 4 Charged Draconium Blocks (Charge in Energy Infuser)
(1) 8 Draconium Blocks
(a) 72 Draconium Ingots
c) 16 Iridium Ingot (use Induction Smelter)
i) 8 Iridium Ore
ii) 8 Sand
d) 16 Bedrockium Ingot
i) 16 MOX Nuclear Fuel
(1) 96 Uranium 238
(2) 48 Plutonium (Reference above)
e) 16 Terrasteel Ingot (use terrestrial amalgamation plate)

(1) 16 Manasteel (Use Mana Infusion)

(a) 16 Iron Ingots
(2) 16 Mana Pearls (use Mana Infusion)
(a) 16 Ender Pearls
(3) 16 Mana Diamonds (use mana infusion)
(a) 16 Diamonds
f) 16 Void Metal Ingot (Reference Thaumcraft)
3) 48 Draconic Energy Core
a) 48 Awakened Core
i) 192 Wyvern Core
(1) 768Draconic Core
(a) 768 Diamonds
(b) 3072 Gold Ingots
(c) 3072 Draconium Ingots
(2) 192 Fluxed Electrom Ingot
(a) 96 Pyrotheum Dust
(i) 96 Pulverized coal (or something similar)
(ii) 96 Sulfur
(iii) 96 Blaze Powder
(iv) 96 Electrotine (Comes from Electrotine Ore)
(b) 192 Fluxed Electrum Blend
(i) 64 Electrum Blend
1. 96 Gold Dust
a. 96 Gold Ingots
2. 96 Silver Dust
a. 96 Silver Ingots
(ii) 12,800 mB Destabilized Redstone
1. 384 Redstone Dust
(3) 192 Nether Star
(4) 192 Vibrant Alloy
(a) 64 Energetic Alloy
(i) 192 Redstone Dust
(ii) 192 Gold Ingots
(iii) 192 Glowstone Dust
(b) 192 Ender Pearls
(5) 192 Manasteel Ingot (Use Mana Infusion)
(a) 192 Iron Ingots
(6) 192 Thaumium Ingot (Use Thaumcraft)
ii) 48 Awakened Draconium Block
(1) 12 Dragon Hearts
(2) 12 T.N.T
(a) 48 Sand
(b) 60 Gunpowder
(3) 12Charged Draconium Blocks (Charge in Energy Infuser)
(a) 24 Draconium Blocks
(i) 216 Draconium Ingots
iii) 48 Iridium Ingot (use Induction Smelter)
(1) 24 Iridium ore
(2) 24 Sand
iv) 48 Bedrockium Ingot
(1) 48 MOX Nuclear Fuel

(a) 288 Uranium 238

(b) 144 Plutonium (Reference above)
v) 48 Terrasteel Ingot (use terrestrial amalgamation plate)
(1) 48 Manasteel (Use Mana Infusion)
(a) 48 Iron Ingots
(2) 48 Mana Pearls (use Mana Infusion)
(a) 48 Ender Pearls
(3) 48 Mana Diamonds (use mana infusion)
(a) 48 Diamonds
vi) 48 Void Metal Ingot (Thaumcraft is weird)
b) 248,832 mB Molten Draconium
i) 1728 Draconium Ingot
4) 16 Wyvern Flux Capacitor
a) 64 Draconium Ingots
b) 64 Wyvern Energy Cores
i) 64 Wyvern Cores
(1) 256 Draconic Core
(a) 256 Diamonds
(b) 1024 Gold Ingots
(c) 1024 Draconium Ingots
(2) 64 Fluxed Electrom Ingot
(a) 32 Pyrotheum Dust
(i) 32 Pulverized coal (or something similar)
(ii) 32 Sulfur
(iii) 32 Blaze Powder
(iv) 32 Electrotine (Comes from Electrotine Ore)
(b) 64 Fluxed Electrum Blend
(i) 64 Electrum Blend
1. 32 Gold Dust
a. 32 Gold Ingots
2. 32 Silver Dust
a. 32 Silver Ingots
(ii) 12,800 mB Destabilized Redstone
1. 128 Redstone Dust
(3) 64 Nether Star
(4) 64 Vibrant Alloy
(a) 64 Energetic Alloy
(i) 64 Redstone Dust
(ii) 64 Gold Ingots
(iii) 64 Glowstone Dust
(b) 64 Ender Pearls
(5) 64 Manasteel Ingot (Use Mana Infusion)
(a) 64 Iron Ingots
(6) 64 Thaumium Ingot (Use Thaumcraft)
ii) 460,800 mB of Destabilized Redstone
(1) 4608 Redstone Dust
c) 16 Wyvern Core
i) 64 Draconic Core
(1) 64 Diamonds
(2) 256 Gold Ingots
(3) 256 Draconium Ingots

ii) 16 Fluxed Electrom Ingot

(1) 8 Pyrotheum Dust
(a) 8 Pulverized coal (or something similar)
(b) 8 Sulfur
(c) 8 Blaze Powder
(d) 8 Electrotine (Comes from Electrotine Ore)
(2) 16 Fluxed Electrum Blend
(a) 16 Electrum Blend
(i) 8 Gold Dust
1. 8 Gold Ingots
(ii) 8 Silver Dust
1. 8 Silver Ingots
(b) 3,200 mB Destabilized Redstone
(i) 32 Redstone Dust
iii) 16 Nether Star
iv) 16 Vibrant Alloy
(1) 16 Energetic Alloy
(a) 16 Redstone Dust
(b) 16 Gold Ingots
(c) 16 Glowstone Dust
(2) 16 Ender Pearls
v) 16 Manasteel Ingot (Use Mana Infusion)
(1) 16 Iron Ingots
vi) 16 Thaumium Ingot (Use Thaumcraft)

Materials needed for Quantam Solar Panels (summation)

1) 72 Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels
a) 72 Lapis Blocks
i) 648 Lapis
b) 216 Coal Chunks
i) 1728 Compressed Coal Balls
(1) 1728 Coal Balls
(a) 13,824 Coal dust (or something of that sort)
(b) 1728 Flint
ii) 216 Obsidian
c) 144 Enriched Sunnarium Alloy
i) 576 Enriched Sunnarium
(1) 4608 Irradiant Uranium (use assembly table)
(a) 4608 Uranium Ingots
(b) 4608 Glowstone
(i) 18,432 Glowstone Dust
(2) 576 Sunnarium (Use Molecular Transformer)
(a) 576 Glowstone
(i) 2304 Glowstone Dust
ii) 144 Sunnarium Alloy
(1) 144 Sunnarium (use Moleculare Transformer)
(a) 144 Glowstone Blocks
(i) 576 Glowstone Dust

(2) 1152 Iridium Reinforced Plate

(a) 4608 Iridium Ore
(b) 4608 Advanced Alloy
(i) 4608 Mixed Metal Ingot
1. 6912 Iron Plates
a. 13,824 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
2. 6912 Bronze Plates
a. 13,824 Bronze Ingots (Half if using metal former)
3. 6912 Tin Plates
a. 13,824 Tin Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(c) 1152 Diamonds
d) 72 Advanced Solar Panels
i) 216 Irradiant Glass Pane
(1) 216 Reinforced Glass
(a) 217 Glass (yes it is 217)
(b) 62 Advanced Alloy
(i) 62 Mixed Metal Ingots
1. 93 Iron Plate
a. 186 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
2. 93 Bronze Plate
a. 186 Bronze Ingots (Half if using metal former)
3. 93 Tin Plate
a. 186 Tin Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(2) 72 Irradiant Uranium (Use Assembly Table)
(a) 72 Uranium Ingots
(b) 72 Glowstone
(i) 288 Glowstone Dust
(3) 36 Glowstone Dust
ii) 144 Advanced Alloy
(1) 144 Mixed Metal Ingots
(a) 216 Iron Plates
(i) 432 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(b) 216 Bronze Plates
(i) 432 Bronze Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(c) 216 Tin Plates
(i) 432 Tin Ingots (Half if using metal former)
iii) 144 Advanced Circuits
(1) 576 Redstone Chipsets (Assembly Table)
(a) 576 Redstone Dust
(2) 288 Intricate Circuit Boards (Make in Carpenter)
(a) 1728 Redstone Dust
(b) 864 Gold Ingots
(3) 288 Basic Capacitors
(a) 1152 Signalum Nuggets
(i) 128 Signalum Ingots (Use Alloy Smelter)
1. 32 Silver Ingots
2. 96 Copper Ingots
3. 320 Redstone Dust
(b) 576 Redstone Chipsets (Assembly Table)
(i) 576 Redstone Dust
(c) 288 Lapis Electron Tubes (Use Thermonic Fabricator)

(i) 144 Redstone Dust

(ii) 360 Lapis
(4) 144 Electronic circuits
(a) 864 Insulated Copper Cable
(i) 864 Copper Cable (Use metal Former)
1. 288 Copper
(ii) 864 Rubber
(b) 288 Redstone Dust
(c) 144 Iron Plates
(i) 288 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
iv) 72 Solar Panels
(1) 216 Coal Dust (Or something of that sort)
(2) 216 Glass
(3) 144 Electronic Circuits
(a) 864 Insulated Copper Cable
(i) 864 Copper Cable (Use metal Former)
1. 288 Copper
(ii) 864 Rubber
(b) 288 Redstone Dust
(c) 144 Iron Plates
(i) 288 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(4) 72 Generators
(a) 72 RE- Batteries
(i) 72 Insulated Tin Cables
1. 72 Tin Cable (Use Metal Former)
a. 24 Tin Ingots
2. 72 Rubber
(ii) 288 Tin Item Casings (Use a Metal Former)
1. 144 Tin Plates
a. 288 Tin Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(iii) 144 Electrotine (Get from Electrotine Ore)
(b) 216 Iron Plates
(i) 432 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(c) 72 Iron Furnaces
(i) 360 Iron Plates
1. 720 Iron Ingots(Half if using metal former)
(ii) 72 Furnaces
1. 576 Compressed Cobblestone
a. 5184 Cobblestone
v) 72 Irradiant Reinforced Plate
(1) 288 Redstone Dust
(2) 144 Lapis
(3) 72 Diamonds
(4) 72 Sunnarium Pieces (Use Molecular Transformer)
(a) 72 Glowstone Dust
(5) 72 Reinforced Iridium-iron Plate
(a) 288 Advanced Alloy
(i) 288 Mixed Metal Ingots
1. 432 Iron Plates
a. 864 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
2. 432 Bronze Plates

a. 864 Bronze Ingots (Half if using metal former)

3. 432 Tin Plates
a. 864 Tin Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(b) 288 Carbon Plates
(i) 288 Raw Carbon Mesh
1. 576 Raw Carbon Fibre
a. 2304 Coal Dust (Or something of that sort)
(c) 72 Iridium-Iron Plate
(i) 576 Iron Ingots
(ii) 72 Iridium Ingots
2) 9 Quantum Cores
a) 36 Enriched Sunnarium Alloy
i) 144 Enriched Sunnarium
(1) 1152 Irradiant Uranium (use assembly table)
(a) 1152 Uranium Ingots
(b) 1152 Glowstone
(i) 4608 Glowstone Dust
(2) 144 Sunnarium (Use Molecular Transformer)
(a) 144 Glowstone
(i) 576 Glowstone Dust
ii) 36 Sunnarium Alloy
(1) 36 Sunnarium (use Moleculare Transformer)
(a) 36 Glowstone Blocks
(i) 144 Glowstone Dust
(2) 288 Iridium Reinforced Plate
(a) 1152 Iridium Ore
(b) 1152 Advanced Alloy
(i) 1152 Mixed Metal Ingot
1. 1728 Iron Plates
a. 3456 Iron Ingots (Half if using metal former)
2. 1728 Bronze Plates
a. 3456 Bronze Ingots (Half if using metal former)
3. 1728 Tin Plates
a. 3456 Tin Ingots (Half if using metal former)
(c) 288 Diamonds
b) 36 Nether Stars
c) 9 Eyes Of Ender
i) 9 Ender Pearls
ii) 9 Blaze Powder

Good Luck

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