Being Quasi-Physical

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9:10 am, Sunday, 3/21/2010 1st, 12 Ix/Jaguar, Shaman

More of Practice Knowing what you know
Vlogged on YouTube here

“I am the bridge, the focal point between heaven and earth.” This
came to me at 12:43 this ‘morning,’ and I rose up out of half-sleep
long enough to write it, to record, and thus keep it. Yesterday, from
another half-sleep nap I arose and wrote down “foci,” which was all I
could remember from what I knew, in that state, was a very special

Though not quite sure what’d going on—and not really needing to
know, anyway—I will journal it here, and see what arises, for often and
again I find out what I know just this way. That which was only
sensed, or only vaguely intuited, can come clear and surprise me right
here, in the journal. It’s uncanny.

What I sense, or seem to know, is that I am being tutored or taught on higher

dimensions. Now, this is not at all unusual, and I am sure it is quite true for all of
us. What is new, for me, is being almost or more consciously aware of it. For one
who doesn’t even retain conscious memory of dreams, this is new.

Who is teaching, or what is the method of it, I don’t see or know. I’m
just aware of two things: that I am being taught, that it is an activity
of Light, and then I bring back a sense or a snippet: what I retained.

It’s quite fun, too. There’s the sense of the depth of it, the meaning of
what I’m being given. Though what I bring back, what I write down is
just words, what I receive ‘over there’ is far more, has a depth to it, a
fond meaning. An understanding is given.

Now, if I let the mind have its say, here, it chimes in and states that I can’t be
very high in dimensions. Ooh, that’s rich, there, dear mind. And since
when and just what do YOU know of dimensions, eh? Ho ho. But do,
please, continue.

A somewhat chastened mind continues, and shares with me this. As long as

what I am experiencing and what I bring back is in words, then I must
not be very ‘high up.’ Well, wait, here, and hmmm. Maybe mind has
something, at that.

Maybe mind has learned its lessons, and realized that all language, spoken
language, is in symbols—the words and letters—and thus must be the
product of mind, of thought. And that is so; at least as far as I
know (which is not so far; don’t rely ;)

That bears pondering, so let me ponder...

To ponder, I center down, even deeper into heart, and just listen.
That’s my way. I put the idea or concept down, set my intent to
ponder it, and just drop down and be quiet...and just watch.

I don’t watch and wait, for to wait is to bring time in. There’s no time
in the Kingdom of Heart. So not to wait; just to be.

How does one just be? Well, trustingly. It is really quite simple, but I
suppose much goes into it, for you bring all you are to it. I Am my
awareness that all is Love, and I Am That; that’s part of it...that, and
the trust.

Yet, maybe, even more likely, I bring nothing at all to it. Rather, I find
all that, here, in the Kingdom of Heart. I don’t know. The nice thing,
though, is it doesn’t matter one bit. None of that counts, here; one
just is. One just be’s.

One need apply no thought to the subject at hand, either, for thought
will not help. It will but harm, actually. The heart has its own way of
pondering, and there’s something here that’s like thinking, only it’s
not. There’s a Higher Mind at work.

So, as I’m fond of saying, mind is one thing that must be checked at the door to
enter here, in this kingdom of the heart. This is no mere imagining, no fiction, no
con job; there really IS this kingdom, I assure you, and the portal’s found in
the heart...well, the central chest area, anyway.

Further, it is other dimensions and awarenesses we contact, we

enter, here, when we go within. Though at first it may seem subtle, if
you’re open, an explorer, you’ll soon see what I mean. Soon, you’ll
have no doubt at all...IF you persist.

It may not come right away, and the more of you you squander in
technological doings the less likely you’re to be found in your
heart. For those things are inimical, are hostile to heart; actually, to
your entire biological and electronic being.

Did you know YOU are electronic? That you have your own frequency and
frequencies, your own electrical charge and magnetism, yourself? Well, it’s true.
And today’s technological devices seem somehow designed to throw us off, to
short-circuit our ability to attune. Nuff said.

Okay, what comes of the pondering is that it’s not ripe, yet. When the
‘answer’ comes, it simply arises. There’s no prodding and searching
around needed. So I’ll close, then, with Love, and “Good day.”




12:13 pm, 3/21 3rd -

12:44 pm, 3/21 4th - TRIPPIN TO THE VOID

2:48 pm, 3/21 5th - ANDROMEDAN VISITATION — BOTH

5:26 pm, 3/21 6th -



quasi-physical half-sleep journal state sense tutored dimensions

Source God Spirit dreams teaching Light Love understanding mind
"Higher Mind" heart belief thought ponder concept wait "Kingdom of
Heart" trustingly nothing portal awareness enlighten awaken
technological electronic biological frequency short-circuit attune ripe

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