Fort Wayne Sentinel Alaskan Dinosaur

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tflcDeaaiy pinaraupDinin^neaptfieNoptfi by a long, narrow pass, through

•which ran a stream of warm water!
The temperature of the water
aroused the superstitions of the
Eskimo band, but they were despfr-
ate and continued ahead. When
they reached the plateau they found
it to be marshy land. In the middle
of it was a large lake, from which
clouds of steam were issuing.
Game abounded on the water-
heated land. The Eskimos obtained
food enough for a fine repast and


The Tj!"U!m>?n:irus Skeleton as

Xoftntrd Shows Animal's Attitude
in Attack,

Folks- up in Fairbanks, Alaska,

•who are accustomed to cold ohi'.ls
traversing their backs, got a series
of unusual)' heavy ones the o t h r r
day wli£U\ a party of Eskimos ca:i:i'
trekking into tho town and told a
story of a, gigantic beast which, they
said, was.Jiving up near the north
The story might have been cata-
logued along with the. regular list.
of Eskimo fairy talrs were it not.
for tho fact that the description. Tho Tyrannosainii Preyed on All Living Things.
given of the monster tallies in ev-
ery detail with that of the dinosaur. the vegetarian type even larger than two hooks in the spare time allowea •
a huge creature of prehistoric times the tyrannosaurus for them to prey j in three days; it painted and erected
which scientists always contended on, but no match for them in | its scenery in less than twelve hours.
strength or ferocity. Long before the time of starting a
passed off the face of tho earth
more than a, million years ago. "None of them had much intelli- great queue assembled. The colonels
But if the story of the Eskimos gence and it is probable the method and officers of tho battalions repre-
has any semblance of truth in ir. of fighting of the tyrannosaurus was sented honored the production by
to make a wild rush, hit or miss, their presence; also tho matrons
members o£ the dinosaur family arc:
living in a strange northern land., and grab what it encountered." and nursing staff of the hospitals,
believed to be the new continent dis- This is certainly the fashion of at- and over 1,000 men gained admis-
covered by Viljalmar Ste.tanssrm. sion. Tho doors and windows of the
' Furthermore, the section in which hut were opened so that the crowd
they are making their abode is outside could hear. Yet during this
' ' warm, devoid of snow and gets its
temperate conditions from hot wa-
ter springs and a huge lake of steam-
ing warm water.
Sounds weird, doesn't it? But
there are queerer things right now vYT
- fin Yellowstone National Park.
Therefore, the story of the "warm .
country near the north pole" and of
the "big demons" said to be living This Skeleton of a Tjannosahrns Came From Hell Creek Beds, Montana, and It Is Known That All That Fart of the Country Had a Tropical Climate and Was Covered with Tropical Vegetation.
•"111 it cannot be branded as "impossi- piece of flesh, which was the story then had .their first comfortable PLATEAU A ed it and returned to Thetis Island, tack told about by the Eskimo, but growing excitement we were shut-
ble " of 'the "big demon." sleep since they had been carried where they told their wonderful
GRAVEYARD. Dr._ Matthew smiled when reminded ting out the thought that any one
1>AS KUfG The old Eskimo said that more away from Thetis Island. After story. Then, to silence all' doubt- of it
All of the remaining Eskimos still of our company of actors and stage
OF BEASTS. than a year ago he and about fifty many hours their leader was ers, they produced the piece of hide
believed that they were laboring At any rate, the story of "the hands might be called on duty a.ny
Among those who heard the tales others were living on Thetis Island, aroused by peculiar whining noises.
under some sort of a spell; that the and flesh which had been, taken from "great demon" is being told in all the minute, for most of them were stand-
.of the Eskimos was Henry C. Coe, off the northern extremity of- Alas- He peered over a rocky formation on the dead "demon."
monster was not real, • that their igloos of northern Alaska these days, ing by waiting to go to the firing line.
Jr.., son of Henry C. Coe, a fa- ka. One day his son and eleven which they had been sleeping and "And so me make him demon skin
: companions had not been killed but and Eskimo mothers are saying to __. The curtains were drawn and, in-
mous New York • physician. The other men of the tribe went on a fish- there, according to the story he told the good luck giver for tribe, and it
would be restored to them by their their youngsters who" insist on go- stead of the usual respectful silence
.story soon found its way to New ing expedition which carried them his father, and which the father re- bring plenty of luck," concluded the
"god of fate" as soon as they left ing out when the ice isn't any too that greets the opening of a scene in
•York-and then to the American Mu- over the ice of the Arctic ocean. peated at Fairbanks, he saw a mon- old Eskimo who told the'story at
the land of the hot water. So they solid in the Arctic ocean: . Hamlet, there were yells of full-
•;seum of Natural History. OfficialsThere was a sudden breaking up of ster fully fifty feet in length, with Fairbanks.
crawled down from their rock em- "Be careful, oh, little child. The . throated applause.
of that- great institution declared,the ice—one ot those catastrophes a huge head, a long neck and a long >.ow, what do scientists say of it
Inence and crept away from the god of fate may frown, and then the •Hamlet was embarrassed by the
after hearing of tie "northern of the far north which are the tall. Its hind legs were large and all? Dr. W. D. Matthews of the - wind will blow and you will be car- theers of the gods at the splendid
monster," that the description fitted plateau. But in the snowy wastes
dread of every arctic explorer. powerful; its forward ones were American Museum of Natural His- ried to the land of the great demon."
P in every detail that of the tyranno- food became scarce and finally they fresh colors in the scenery, for many
On a huge floe tho twelve Eski- short. tory made this declaration: And straightway the "boy" runs . of these men had not seen stage col-
gaurus, a gigantic flesh-eating rep- were compelled by hunger to return.
mos were carried out to sea. They FDTD BOILDTQ "There is no possibility of the race into the'igloo, crying lustily, for aH
a tile of the cretaceous age, who in This time the "demon" was not in ors since they left home, and for the
had a few fish with them. They LAKE. of dinosaurs or any other creatures the Eskimo children believe the "de-
his. time was the "king of beasts." sight The Eskimos killed what timo being Hamlet's scenery out-
also had a flremaking machine, but of that period existing on earth to- mon over the water" isn't a living - shone Hamlet. Before the play was
* The tyrannosaurus was a member Now, the Eskimo never had seen game they wanted and stocked up
very little else. They devoured the day. There may be parts of the thing, but a ghost, and can travel
of-the dinosaur family. A skeleton a kangaroo, but his description of with plenty of food. Some of it they half through we breathed easily and
fish raw and remained huddled to- earth where the mammoth or the anywhere in any length of time.
of one just has been mounted in the the arctic demon fitted that of a kan- "cached" on the rock stretch on knew tho experiment to be justified.
gether on the floe, fearful lest it mastodon could exist, but not so the Se'lah!
American Museum. It is forty-eight garoo, except in the respective sizes which they had slept. Then they The life behind the scenes was dis-
should split up again and hurl them great dinosaurs." (Copyright, 1915.) ! , «tinctly of the emergency type. A
feet in length and eighteen feet of the two creatures. proceeded to explore the plateau. It
into tho icy water. For many days Asked concerning the character- — q • j jcareless gunner smudged out of ex-
<= Mfh. Also it has a head like a bar- The panic-stricken Eskimo arous- seemed to be an "animal graveyard."
they drifted in the Arctic ocean. istics of the beapt, and especially the
' rel, and double rows of long, sharp ed a companion and pointed toward Bones lay on all sides. ' Evidently English Tommies Welcome Hamlet istence a whole tower of Elsinore
The days stretched out into weeks, the beast. 1 tyrranosaurus, his remarks sounded
£ teeth. While officials of the Amer- the "demon" had more ot its kind, on tho Firing Line. with his shirt sleeve. Men accus-
and the little band had given itself remarkably like the description giv-
ican Museum expressed themselves "The gods may have cursed us," for in every direction were huge Recently "Hamlet", was performed tomed for many months to obey snd-
up for lost when far off through en by the Eskimo. .
as. being more than doubtful as to said the companion. "They led us three-toed marks which could have by soldiers of the British expedi- . denly found themselves in command.
the northern mist land was sighted. "It was the largest of flesh-eating
the truth of the story told by the to a warm place with plenty of food • been made by nothing but a monster tionary force within a few hours' One was told to stitch up a hole in
The floe drifted in that direction. monsters of the cretaceous period,
."Eskimos, they still, figuratively and then they made our minds work of the species that had devoured distance of the firing line. An offi- silk hoss with a darning needle, an-
The Eskimos saw not only land, the wrong way. We are seeing what tha two men. which means that it lived three-or other wanted a belt. "Give 'him a
speaking, "held an ace in the hole" cer ot high standing who saw the
but mountain ranges—2 strange, is not, my brother." four million years ago," said Dr. puttee." "My face is too white for
,by quoting from "Hamlet:" During one of the hunts by the play hit off the situation:. "Our men
new country to them. Making their This is according to the tale of Matthew, "and it preyed on alrtiving the footlights." "Here, stick o n .
Eskimos they came upon the dead do not live'by bully beef alone; they
way ashore they found signs of things! even the other dinosaurs,
"There are more things in heaven
game—of the musk ox, the arctic fox
the old Eskimo. The two men then body of a "demon." From it they
whether flesh-eating or vegetarians." need some food for the mind, and • some red distemper," and I believe
and earth, Horatio, aroused the other members of their cut a huge section of skin and flesh, there is nothing better for them the red distemper is still "stuck on."
Than thy philosophy ever dreamed and reindeer. Having their own party. All agreed that some 200 Concerning its fighting qualities
to take with them as proof of their than the great thoughts of our great 0-
of." primitive weapons with them, they yards from them there flopped about and methods he said:
astounding experience. Then, over writers." The play was performed Couldn't Stop Crying.
managed to get food enough to keep in the marshy land a tremendous HAD LITTLE
near the edge of the hot water lake, in costume, with scenery painted in A benevolent old man, seeing a lit-
Now for the tale of the Eskimos. them alive, and at the same time beast, which paused now and then INTELLIGENCE.
they saw a liv,e "demon" pursuing a camp, and with not a word mis- tle tot weeping, went up to it and
Several weeks ago a straggling wandered inland, hoping to find hu- to utter a peculiar whining sound musk ox. It ran with a motion "Their battles were mighty, and a " placed or forgotten in the render- said: "Now, be a good boy and stop
band of them trailed into Fairbanks. man beings. —the noise that had attracted the which the Eskimos described as a fight between two of the tyranno- ing. your crying."
A grizzled old mac led them. He For many days, they said, they attention of the Eskimo leader. "tumbling rush." Without diCfi- . saurus type must have been a fear- Four scenes were chosen—the - "I can't," sobbed the child.
carried a piece of frozen flesh about tracked through the mountainous Being superstitious in the ex- culty it overtook the panic-stricken some spectacle. The evidences are ghost scene, the room in the castle "But why can't you?"
a foot square. His band had skins country. Finally they reached the treme, the Eskimos decided finally musk ox and, as it had done with that they fought usually over some where Hamlet decides on revenge, "I can't!"
to trade, and one o£ the white men top of a particularly high ridge and that the god of fortune had blessed the two men, bowled the animal over, conquered and fallan animal. Our the great soliloquy, and tho grave- "Well, here's a penny; tell m«
•who was dickering with them asked there surveyed their surroundings. them with comfort and then cursed with its bulky tail, then ate It. specimen, which is the only one yard. The cast was chosen on the why you can't be a 'good boy and
That they intended doing with the To their great joy they saw far off them with false vision. To pro- That sight was too much for the mounted, is forty-seven and a half spot, neighboring towns and libra- stop crying."
piece of frozen flesh. The old man in the distance a land which to pitiate the god they told off two of little Eskimo band. They had seen feet long, eighteen and a half feet ries were scoured for copies of the "Cause I'm a girl!"
irew back in apparent alarm. them appeared to have fertility in it of their number to approach the enough. They voted to go back to high, as posed, and I may say the play, as there was no time to send
'Him great luck-giver," he said. They began tho journey toward it monster and speak to it in the hope the land of snow and ice and take no pose was selected for the mounting to England. Luck turned our way,
"We no sell him." But when they reached the bottom it would vanish. ^The two young chances in the "domain of tha de- after a very careful study of the A Baseball Term,
copies were secured, and in a town
'Ugh! Far, far up," was the of the ridge ibe land was no longer Eskimos started off reluctantly. mon." way the bones ought to be put to- He— "One out, and all the bases
close by was a branch of a Paris
somewhat mystic reply. "No flesh, in sight. Another observation As they advanced toward the "de- So with the food they had gether and the animal's habits as full; here's where we work the
theatrical cpstumer. Horatio looked
no bird that flies, no anything. showed that the seemingly fertile mon"" it turned, eyed them for only "cached" they made their way off wo know them. more like Henry Vin. on the Field squeeze!
Him come from big demon. Big country was on a plateau, which a few moments and charged. The the fertile plateau, put back into the "This skeleton," continued the doc- She—Oh, Harry, it's so publio
of Cloth of Gold than the friend of
t. flenion kill two of our tribe. Kim made it invisible from the base of men easily dodged it, whereupon it snowy mountains, wandered till the tor, "came frorao Hell Creek beds, here; I wish you wouldn't, please.
Hamlet, while Hamlet's costume re-
,/ c bring great luck." tho mountains. So they journey to- turned, made a second charge, gave midnight sun disappeared and finally Montana, and it is known that all minded one more of Mme. Tussaud's
SWEPT TO ward the plateau. To their amaze- its tail a tremendous alligator-like reached tho ocean. There, footsore that part of the country was in the TVonld Hel
than of Sir> J. Forbes-Robertson, but
BTBA5GE LA5I). ment, the snow became softer and twitch and felled the Eskimos. Then and heartsick, they put themselves time that these monsters lived close on active service one cannot be par-
It -was with difficulty and much finally disappeared entirely as they it deliberately hopped up to the pros- Jinks—Would you marry a girt a*
on an ice floe and prayed to the "god to sea level, had a tropical climate ticular. pretty as a picutre?
* patience that the trader got from the neared it trate and unconscious pair and de- of fate" to blow them hack-to their and was covered with tropical vege- The company got itself together in Binks—Yes, if she had a gooi
* Eskimos the story of the frozen The high, flat land was reached voured them. land. After many -weeks they reach- tation. There were huge animals of an hour; it learned its parts from frame.

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