S - Ut 250 Mpa

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2. a) Density The density of the bone should not change much.

It will always be
the same amount of mass, occupying approximately the same volume. This does
not depend on strain rate.
Modulus, Strength The modulus and strength should both actually increase for this
loading situation. As can be seen on slide 43 of the bone mechanics lecture,
strength and modulus increase with strain rate, at least in cortical bone.
Age This male is relatively young, and is just achieving peak bone mass. This is
good, as bone density is close to its peak then. The higher bone density of a young
man also means that the strength and modulus would be higher.
Gender Because the person in the crash is male, bone density is also higher than
average, which means strength and stiffness are also higher. Females tend to have
lower bone density, especially after menopause.
Activity level This is one area in which the young man would not excel.
Dynamically loading the bone in the direction in which it is being loaded would have
remodeled the bone and shaped it to suit these situations. Density, strength, and
modulus are all lower because of this.
Loading rate The high loading rate actually tends to increase the strength and
modulus, but not the density of the cortical bone.
Bone anisotropy Bone anisotropy is good in this situation. Because our femurs are
regularly loaded in the longitudinal directions, I would expect the trabeculae in the
bone to be somewhat oriented longitudinally. This means that the strength and
stiffness in that direction are higher. Density would be unchanged by anisotropy.
Conclusions: Although this person is in danger, they are better off than many others
would be. Their age and gender help them a lot, although they would have a better
chance if they had dynamically loaded the bone by exercising. In terms of strength,
I would guess that the example from slide 43 is close to correct. They use the data
from that table, which I think is more relevant than others from the slides, because
the strain rate is so high. The other method we could use would be to use the
graphs to find the approximate bone density from his age. Then, the bone density
could be compared with another chart to find the strength. However, this method
takes into account the strain rate, which I think would be one of the biggest factors.
S_ut ~ 250 MPa
b) Density, Modulus, Strength Density shouldnt change, for the same reason as
last time. In addition, because this happens at fairly low strain rates, I would not
expect the modulus or strength to be affected by it.
Age Because this woman has passed menopause, her bone density is significantly
lower than many other peoples, contributing to low strength and modulus. She is
probably at the lowest bone mass she has ever been in her life.
Gender Because she is female, bone density is also significantly lower than
average. This means a lower strength and modulus.
Activity level Although it is good that she exercises regularly, depending on the
way she is active would determine whether or not this is helpful. My guess is that
the femur is typically loaded longitudinally, giving it strength in that direction.

However, because the bone is being loaded transversely, I dont think that this will
end up helping as much as it would if it were being loaded longitudinally. I believe
that it would still help, and overall bone mass would be higher, but not as
significantly as it could.
Loading rate I believe that the loading rate is relatively small, meaning it would
not induce much of a change in density, strength, or modulus.
Bone anisotropy Again, the trabeculae alignment give the bone strength
longitudinally, but in this case it is not being loaded this way. I dont think this would
help density, stiffness, or strength in this case.
Conclusions: Unfortunately, because of the way the bone is getting loaded, along
with this persons age and gender, the strength of the bone is significantly lower
than normal. Using the table estimating her bone density from her age, we can see
that a typical bone density for someone her age is about .3 g/cc (slide 38). This
corresponds to a tensile strength of around 4 MPa (slide 20). However, this is just
the tensile strength. The shear strength is typically lower, though I am not sure by
how much for bone.
3. As a novice typist, we would not expect this person to have been using the
muscles of their fingers more than normal (assuming they dont also do other
activities requiring the fingers to be exercised). This means that the fast twitch
muscle fibers have not been stimulated, and will have atrophied. However, slow
twitch fibers would still have been activated. As the person continues to type, the
skeletal muscle of the fingers would change, as more fast twitch fibers are
activated. The muscle would go from a type I slow twitch to a type II fast twitch.
Muscle mass may also increase due to these exercises.
4. a) To get the composite moment of inertia, I would start by making a simplified
model of the motorbike and rider, assuming or obtaining with software any angles I
might need. I would then get the height and weight of the rider, as well as the
dimensions and weight of the motorbike. Then using a table like Table 3.9.2 in the
book, I could segment the rider and find the mass of each segment. I might also add
the mass of heavier equipment at each segment, like adding the mass of the helmet
to the head. I would also then be able to find the location of each segments center
of mass. At this point I would also follow a similar process for the bike. I might split it
up into sections of wheels, engine, and chassis, then try and obtain the mass of
each segment by either weighing each part or making some assumptions about
shapes, getting the density of the materials, and finding the weight that way. I
would then try and get the bike segments center of mass locations by again
making assumptions about the shape of each segment. These center of mass
locations for the bike and body would give me the overall center of mass of the
system. After I had done this, I would use the Zatsiorsky table, or a similar one, to
compute each segments moment of inertia about its own centroid. Which moment
of inertia that I compute here would depend on which axis of rotation I am looking
at. Finally, I would use the parallel axis theorem, along with the distances between
the axis of rotation and each segment, to get the total moment of inertia.
b) The three axes are drawn on the picture. Now, the e1 axis looks to me like it has
the smallest moment of inertia, as much of the mass is close together around it.
Axis e3 looks like it has the highest moment of inertia, having more mass further

away from it. This would mean that axis e2, which is the superior-inferior axis of the
rider is the unstable axis of rotation.
6. I imagined a situation in which an arm muscle is being contracted by lifting
something heavy. With a slower movement, actin and myosin have more time to
attach, leading to more attachments, and a greater capability for force. In contrast,
a faster movement leaves less time for cross-bridges to form, meaning there are
less actin-myosin pairs and less potential for force. EMG measures the action
potential of a muscle. There are several reasons it could be different. First, EMG is
plotted with time, so a faster velocity means a shorter EMG time, which would
change the graph. Second, because less sarcomeres are being activated, a faster
muscle response would have less action potentials to measure, for the reasons
described above.

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