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Month in Holland
November 2015

*Practice beginning sounds& rhyming
*Read every night with your child

This Months Focus

Our theme will continue to be Five Senses

Each week this month we will be learning a new letter!
The letters are: T, I, U, and C
**Have your child bring in (Tues-Fri) an item from
your house that begins with the letter sound of
the week**

*Scholastic orders are due online by 11/09

*Check the snack calendar for your day!
AM count: 21 PM count: 17

Wish List
*Dress up clothes
*Action Figures
*Holiday stickers
*Little People



*I can discriminate rhyming from non-rhyming

*I can produce oral rhymes from choices
*I can clap syllables
*I can make a personal connection to a text
*I understand how print works: I can point to the
picture. I can point to the words.
*I recognize the difference between letters and
other symbols.

*I engage in writing for a variety of purposes
*I can use pictures to tell a story
*I can label pictures using scribbles or letter-like
forms to represent words or ideas
*I can write the letters Tt, Ii, Uu, and Cc.

*I can build sets to 5 and match a numeral to a set
*I can describe, reproduce, and extend a pattern
*I can subitize 1-5


Upcoming Events
*November 20th NO SCHOOL
*November 26th NO SCHOOL
*November 27th NO SCHOOL

*I can identify the 5 senses and use describing

Happy Birthday!
Reed-November 2nd
Christianna-November 17th
Kiara-November 18th
Journey-November 23rd
Maya-November 24th
Stella-November 26th
Trent-November 29th

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