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Brandon Burgess

Figured World: A figured world is a formation that varies in size, but is made up
of a certain set of rules that describe what behavior is appropriate or normal to be

Commented [1]: I think that you should put the

Definition of Figured world with the rest of your
definitions, that way I think you won't confuse your
readers and they will have an easier time
understanding, and not going all over the place.

seen in that world.

The figured world I am observing is Big Seans music career from the beginning of his
fame until now. The figured world that I chose is a type of business. He creates music
for his fans and gets paid from it when they buy CDs, or download it from online music
stores such as iTunes. The various activities that take place are studio sessions where

Commented [2]: What are the exact years. When did

Big Sean first debut? How long has he been in the
game so far?
Commented [3]: I like that you are talking about one
artist rather then moving between several. It makes the
writing much easier to follow.

all of the recording takes place, concerts where fans come out to listen to him perform
his music live, and world tours that also take place so that fans across the globe get the
same chance to see him as we do in the U.S. It is appropriate for Big Sean to take
photographs with his fans after concerts. It is also appropriate for him to give out
autographs for his fans that ask for one. You should expect to see him on stage
performing in front of large crowds and maybe even getting a little nervous before a
big show. Some forms of communication that we can expect to see from him are
verbal, interviews, and over the phone. He may text, tweet or update a status on
Facebook. He uploads pictures on his Instagram account mainly of his life, but
occasionally includes a picture of him and a fan. He also communicates with a few
select people through his music. His famous song I Dont Fuck With You is directed
towards an ex of his. A loud volume is not considered a distraction and is to be
expected in this career. It would be inappropriate for him to deny a fan a picture or an
autograph if they were to ask for one. The community of practice in this figured world

Commented [4]: elaborate on this statement. This is a

very genuine statement that can be talked about how
he loves his fans. Sean can be pictured as a great
person although he makes records like "I don't F**k
with you".

would be his team and family that support him fully. They all work together to support
him and help him become bigger to reach greater heights of fame. His fans would not
be a community of practice. Even though they are all interested in his music, they do

Commented [5]: Im slightly confused. Does your

community of practice do anything besides being a
moral support? What do they all do as a whole to
become a whole.

not learn from each other or teach anything new about his music or his life.

Domain: A domain is the subject that a group of people are all interested in. They commit
to that interest which in turn means they commit to that domain. Someone on the outside
could be interested in the subject but that doesnt automatically mean that they are
committed to the domain. Even though someone is interested in the same thing, if they do
not take to the time and effort to work together with people of the same interest and learn
from them and possibly teach them something new they cannot be a part of the community.
Seans family, friends, and producers share the same domain because they all want him to be
bigger and better than what he is. They work hard along with him to get his music just right,
promote it, and make sure that it sells. They are not doing it for themselves but actually for Sean
because they share the same interest of him becoming Finally Famous. One of Seans fans would

Commented [6]: Great showing the support of the

family. support is a really big part of making it in the
music industry. It can be very difficult to get your
products out if your family and friends do not help you

not be considered to share that domain. They are interested in his music and talent for their
entertainment purposes only. His fans do not work with him to produce his music or critique his
lyrics. If they do critique his lyrics it is highly unlikely he will ever see/hear the comments that
are being made.

Communities of Practice: The community is the area that the group not only works
together; but also learn from each other. If the people in the group arent teaching and
learning from each other then it is not considered a community. Employees at my job learn

Commented [7]: I agree that they do not help produce

his music. But i would possibly add that they
themselves have their own way of helping. Fans are
the reason he is where he is.

something new each day. There is always someone who doesnt know how to do something
and someone that does will show them. There is both teaching and learning going on, and
we all share a common goal or interest; so my workplace is considered a community.
Seans community of practice are his recording studios and the stages that he performs on. His
life is all about music. While in the studio songs are recorded and played over and over again
until they are perfect. He may have 14 different versions of the same song and is getting
feedback on all of them from the other people in the community because they all share the same
common goal of making good music.

Commented [8]: who are Sean's producers? what

types of feedback do they give? How does Sean
change little things to make the records different?

Practices of the Community: The practice is the activity that everyone in the group does

Commented [9]: I think you did a very good job with

your definitions. Really good thoughts were put into

together. They teach one another and learn from each other, even if they are not together
every day. It is what really brings everyone together to feel like they are a part of
something bigger than just themselves; a community.
The practice that everyone does together is listening to Seans music and telling him what sounds
good, bad and what also could be better. They may suggest lyrics to use or punch lines for a
certain song but at the same time understand that he is the artist so if he does not agree then that
is perfectly fine. Still, everyone contributes to the music that he makes in one way or another so
this activity of giving feedback and making suggestions brings everyone together in the
Artifacts: Artifacts are certain items that have a special meaning within a figured world
and the community. It can also be feelings or ideas that have specific meaning within the

Seans studios: Sean starts out with a home studio while in high school but by the time he is
famous he has moved up to a professional quality studio and has professionals producing his
music for him.
Seans dry erase board: this board is significant because for each album it tells the order of the
songs that will be on the album. When making an album or a project you want to tell a story with
each song, but also you want the songs in order to tell a story of their own. This is very important
so that the order is not messed up and is perfect.
Actors: Actors in a community have a specific purpose or meaning that contributes to the
overall goal. Actors can vary in age, size and gender but no matter the variances they get
their job to help out the community which shares the same goals.
Seans Mother: She is a very influential woman to Sean because before he was famous she still
always supported him and the decisions he made. When he decided to drop out of school to
follow his dreams of being an artist she stood behind him. She knew that not every day would
you get a call from Kanye West telling you that youre going to be the next big thing.
Seans Father: His father was not always around for his mother but he was always around for
Sean. Whenever he needed help with something or advice on a subject, he was there to help. His
father gave him advice on his music, money and women. He told him not to make the same
mistakes that he made with Seans mother. He would put up money along with Seans mother to
fly him and his friend out to Chicago every week to record in a recording studio they were
introduced to by Kanye West.
The Observation:
Before Fame: Big Sean is seen freestyling at his high school with a group of friends. They hold
different rap battles each day after class lets out. He and his friends have a music group that they

Commented [10]: I kind of didn't understand the

outline of your Observation. Is this just 1 documentary
or Episodes, It doesn't really follow the timing format for
the observations.
Commented [11]: This is great. I myself am not
familiar with when he got famous though. Could you
possinbly ellaborate on the time?

put together called S.O.S. Every Friday they would go down to the radio station in Detroit,
Michigan and perform on air for their city. One Friday, one of the DJs mentioned to him that
Kanye West was right down the hall. He also suggested that Sean go say whats up to him.
When Sean saw Kanye he asked if he could freestyle for him. Kanye replied that he was in a rush
but Big Sean pleaded with him and finally Kanye said alright, you got 16 meaning 16 bars or
lines to rap. Big Sean rapped about 100 bars, which is the equivalent to a 2 to 3 minute song. He
was only allowed to keep going after the first 16 because Kanye and his entourage that he was
with liked Seans lyrics so much they decided to not stop him. Sean thanks Kanye after he tells
him how good his lyrics were. Kanye and his manager share a brief look with each other
indicating that they both thought the lyrics were good. Knowing that they could not leave such a
talented person empty-handed, they both invited Sean and his friend to Kanyes listening party
later that night. They told him it was at a secret location but he could come out and have a good
time. Sean was super excited as he thanked them while they left the recording studio. A few
moments later he realizes that he never got the actual address of the party. He runs around the
radio station asking everyone if anyone knew where the party was going to be held. All replied
its a secret location; how would we know? As Sean walks to his car to go home he is stopped
by a man he does not recognize. The man asks him arent you the dude that just rapped for
Kanye? Sean replied yes. The man asks him if he is going to the listening party but Sean tells
him that he does not have the address of the party. The man pulls a piece of paper out of his
pocket which has the address on it and gives it to Sean. Sean considers this man his guardian
angel. At the listening party Kanye introduces Big Sean to everyone that came out and lets them
all know that Sean had the courage to rap for him today. He tells them that even though he is one
of the toughest critics in the game, Sean can really rap. Sean feels excited to have all eyes on him

and to be cheered for. For the time, Sean and his friend enjoy the party. Later that night, Kanye
sits them down and tells them that they are not really looking for any new artist at the moment.
He does, however, want to hook them up with a few producers that he knows and says will help
them out more in the game. Sean still takes this as a blessing and thanks Kanye for it. He and his
friend return home after the party and discuss the nights events. A few days later Big Sean
received a phone call from a private number. When he answered he was surprised to find out that
Kanye West was on the other line. Kanye told him that they were ready to do something serious
with him and wanted to sign him and get a deal going. Sean talked about it with his mother and
she told him not every day do you have someone like Kanye West call you personally to tell you
that you are going to be the next big thing. After that conversation with his mother, Sean did not
go to school the next day. He gave up on the scholarships for college that he was trying to attain.
Finally he was introduced to the team that is known as G.O.O.D. Music. In October, Big Sean
was signed to G.O.O.D. Music. He knew from then on, he was Finally Famous.

Hall of Fame: Sean is starting his new album Hall of Fame but is having some trouble. He
knows that he wants to take it entirely to another plateau, or another level. He currently has 269
days until the projected release date for the album. He states a lot of ideas start as mumbles
literally mumbles. Sean is freestyling in his studio with his producer and getting feedback while
working on the new songs for his album. He is recording over and over again to get everything
perfect. He is now at a point where he has 310 days until the release date. It has been pushed
back because he is a perfectionist. He has his close friends, girlfriend, and producers in the studio
to get their feedback. He believes that he needs some time outside of his studio and decides to go
to his home studio for a bit so he can relax at home. He has 298 days left to finish the album.

Commented [12]: No criticism here. I truly like the

layout of this section. Well thought out!

Sean finds out that his mom has breast cancer and is going through a lot at home and decides to
make a song talking about it for his album. The song is to tell her that everything will be alright.
His mom is crying and describing how it started in her breast and spread to her spine and might
make her blind. It is as if her entire world is ablaze. In his studio, Sean has a huge dry erase
board with giant letters at the top that read **DO NOT ERASE**. This board contains his
track list, which is the order that the songs will go in on the album. He taps on the board as he
thinks about the order they will be in. 396 days until HoF (Hall of Fame). J. Cole and Big Sean
are in the studio talking about one of Seans songs that J. Cole had cried over. Sean adds some
lights to his studio to get himself into a better mood when recording so that he can be more
focused. Seans producer tells him that Common is next door, so Sean decides to invite him over
to get feedback from him since he looks up to Common. Sean is getting frustrated and decides to
give himself a break. He takes a trip to Paris to clear his mind and see things as he says will
allow you to be more creative. Another break is soon taken so that he can do interviews and
photoshoots for magazine covers. Sean is seen play fighting his dad after one of his concerts. His
father has been a big inspiration in his life and has offered him many tips on the subjects of
money, friends, and women. The album now has 446 days until its release date. Sean remembers
a small necklace he had as a little kid and how much it meant to him. He ends up making a song
called First Chain so that people can relate to something special that they had before. Sean
realizes towards the end of the album that there are not many people from Detroit that have a
platform to be heard. He feels that he has a responsibility to deliver information that needs
attention. With all the help that Sean gets from his friends, family, and producer, the album
finally drops and its a hit. He calls the album Hall of Fame because he wants to be remembered
and set in stone. Hall of Fame is not just a place, but also a state of mind.

Commented [13]: Great use of pathos. Big Sean uses

inspiration from his mothers struggles to help him make
this album. I can only imagine what he's going through
as an artist right now. He can stay strong snd use this
situation in s good way.

Paradise: Sean walks into a building where a few workers are building his new studio. This is
signifying that he is moving up in his career; moving to a bigger and better studio to produce his
music. He thinks that this is going to be the perfect room to work in. Sean has new producers and
is in his studio freestyling to begin his new album Dark Sky Paradise. He is doing more
mumbling than actually producing words and does not really know what to rap about. Sean is
once again seen putting together the track list for the order of the new songs on his new album.
Jhene Aiko is a big influence for Sean and she tells him that some of his lyrics in a song are lame
and convinces him to make them better, which he does for her. Sean starts to write an extended
version for his song Paradise. He is in the studio just yelling off ideas with friends. Finally it
all comes together for the extended version of the song and everyone loves it. DJ Khaled is
speaking to Sean about the quality of his music and says that he likes them all. Sean then plays a
song for his mother to hear and she says that it is phenomenal. The song is One Man Can
Change the World and it is about his father and his life when he was younger. Seans father has
not always been in his mothers life but has always remained a part of Seans life. Sean is happy
with the album after all of the recording he went through and is thankful for the support of his

The Interview:

Describe how you became interested in producing music?

It all started when I was five, and I took piano lessons. Ive been in love with music ever since.
When I hit the 3rd grade I tried out for chorus. I was the youngest boy in there to make it after

tryouts. All of my friends made fun of me but I did not care. The following year I joined the
band. It was an extensive work load juggling the band and the chorus; but I made it work. When
I switched schools in the middle of the 7th grade. In the middle of the 7th grade I continued with
my musical escapades. By the time I got to high school I was writing lyrics in my composition
notebook. By Junior year I was freestyling on the bus with all of my associates and I met a nice
young fellow whose name was Brandon Burgess. When I met up with him it has been music ever
since. Staying up all night, making instrumentals, and the continuation of writing lyrics in my

Commented [14]: I think you could give some

background on the person you interviewed. I started
reading and felt very lost. I think if you talk about what
the person does a little first then it will help readers
have a better grasp.

composition notebook. By the end of my senior year I had a legitimate home studio. From high
school until now I have grown as a musical entrepreneur.


Tell me what stands out to you about Big Sean that doesn't with other artists.

Big Sean has his own style and lingo that he portrays with his music artistry. His image is like no
one others. Boii, Do it, Finally Famous and Lil Bitch are a few examples of his lingo.
His favorite clothing styles are 10 Deep, Billionaire Boys Club, and Bape.


Tell me what you like about the story of Big Sean becoming Finally Famous!

The ambition! It teaches people that if you work hard enough you can make any of your wildest
dreams and fantasies come true. It tells you that no matter how many times people try to put you
down you always stand tall, trust in what you believe in, and have faith in your abilities. So dont
let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Unless its your mom!

Commented [15]: I understand that he has different

lingo. But besides this what makes him different? In
your eyes how is he standing out exactly?


How has Big Sean impacted your look on your own music?

In comparison, an opinion based assumption, Big Sean would be considered a better artist than
me; and not because of his strong lyricism but because he is Finally Famous! But, he has helped
me grow into a better artist by listening to strong metaphors and punch lines and onomatopoeias.


Give me one song of Big Sean's that is important to you and why?

Once Bitten, Twice Shy because the lyrics really speak to me. If you listen to the song he says
I know we made mistakes before and I can relate to that, and I know a lot of other people can
relate to that as well. Because I mean, come one, we all make mistakes. We all go through the
best of times and the worst of times, and there is no turning back. So we just have to face reality
and let those mistakes teach you instead of break you; because in this world we rarely get second
chances. But we cant let those mistakes lay dormant in our minds and manifest. Let bygones be
bygones, and live and let go.

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