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Lesson One: Understanding parameters

Understanding parameters
All CNC users will eventually have to become familiar with parameters. Though they
are not even mentioned in most basic CNC courses, and though most CNC people would
agree that the control of parameters is more the responsibility of a service or maintenance
person than a CNC programmer, setup person, or operator, there are many parameters
that affect the way CNC programs are executed. Every CNC person should, at the very
least, be aware of their existence. Better yet, they should be on the constant lookout for
machine behavior that is affected by parameter settings.
Throughout this class, well be mentioning times when a parameter may be affecting the
manner in which the CNC control behaves relative to a given CNC feature.
Unfortunately, parameter numbers vary from one control model to another. It will be up
to you to find the parameter/s in question.
Generally speaking, those parameters that affect the way program functions behave will
be discussed in Fanucs Operators Manual right in the discussion of the CNC feature.
For example, those parameters that are related to cutter radius compensation will be
presented during the discussion of how cutter radius compensation is used.
There are two basic types of parameters. Like tool offsets, all parameters are numbered.
And parameters are always referred to by their numbers. With most controls, there are
well over one thousand parameter functions. Parameter number 201 (below), for
example, is used to determine program transfer condition.
Eight bit binary type
Each eight bit parameters can control up to eight individual functions. Each digit of the
parameter is called a bit. Bit numbering is a little unusual, and follows binary structure.
The right most bit is bit number zero and numbers ascend from right to left. The left
most bit is bit number seven. (Note that bit number five is the sixth bit from the right.)
The drawing shows an example.

201: Transfer condition




NCR 0: The EOB code used in output is LF, CR, CR

1: LF only
ASC 0: The code used for data output is ISO
SB2 0: The number of stop bits is one
1: two
Drawing of eight bit binary parameter

Lesson One: Understanding parameters

Each bit of this parameter type will control an individual function, and contains a zero or
a one. Zero is used to represent off, no, or some negative condition. One is used to
represent on, yes, or some positive condition. The parameter documentation will
commonly use three character abbreviations for each bit name and specify exactly what
will happen if the bit is set to a one or a zero.
Some of the bits of eight bit binary parameters may not be used. If there is no
documentation for them in the Fanuc manual, it is probably because they are unused. In
the example above, for instance, bits three through seven are unused.
Changing eight bit binary parameters
You must be very careful when changing eight bit binary parameters. Again, theyre just
a string of ones and zeros and not easy to memorize. Always begin by writing down
the entire parameter (all seven bits). Then, underneath, rewrite the parameter including
your change (commonly only one bit will change). With this technique, youll always be
able to set the parameter back to its original value (youll remember its original value)
should you need to.
Whole number type
Many parameters need to specify more than but one of two possibilities (0 or 1). They
will contain actual values. One turning center parameter, for example, specifies the
minimum depth of cut for the G76 threading cycle.
Note that, with most controls, parameters do not allow decimal points to be included in
the value for the parameter, so a fixed format must be used for decimal entries. If
working with a four place fixed decimal format, for example, the value 0050 will be
0.005 inch.
How parameters can affect machine behavior
Again, parameters affect hundreds (actually more like thousands) of things about the way
a CNC machine behaves. Admittedly, many of these things are not related to machine
usage (programming, setup, and operation). Here is a list of but some of the major
categories of functions that parameters affect.
Reader/puncher interface
Axis control
Coordinate system
Stroke limit
Pitch error compensation
Spindle control
Tool offset
Canned cycle
Rigid tapping
Uni-direction positioning

Lesson One: Understanding parameters

Polar coordinate interpolation

Index table indexing
Custom macro
Skip functions
Graphic display
Tool life management
Look ahead

But do note that some of these functions are related to machine usage:
Coordinate system
Tool offset
Canned cycle
Rigid tapping
Uni-direction positioning
Polar coordinate interpolation
Custom macro
Graphic display
Tool life management
Machine tool builders strive to initially set parameters properly or at least in a way that
makes their machines usable. But it is not uncommon for end users to disagree with the
way certain parameters are set.
A specific example
With machining center controls, a parameter controls the retract amount for the G73 chipbreaking peck drilling cycle. As you know, G73 will break chips at specified peck
amounts (specified by the Q word) as it drills holes. Chips are broken by the tools slight
retract from the hole. And again, this retract amount is set by a parameter. An
appropriate retract should be just enough to break the chip (from 0.003 to 0.005 inch is
acceptable). If this parameter is set to too large an amount, cycle time will suffer, since
after every retract, the tool must feed back to the point that it is machining. Weve seen
machine tool builders initially set this parameter to 0.100 inch. If the peck drill amount
(Q word in G73) is set to 0.1, this actually doubles the length of time it should take to
machine a hole!
This is but one of the countless times when parameter settings affect the way your
machines function. Throughout this course, well be exposing you to more. But
regardless of how many parameters we describe, youve got to be prepared for more.
Truly, any time you see a machine that is behaving in a manner that you dont like or
agree with, you should consider the possibility that a parameter is affecting the function
in question. The first place to look will always be in the Fanuc Operators Manual (or
your control manufacturers manual) in the section that describes the function you

Lesson One: Understanding parameters

It is not unusual for two identical machines with identical controls to behave dramatically
differently due to parameter settings. Consider, for example, having two identical
machining centers with identical controls that have the G73 retract parameter set
differently. Say that one has the parameter appropriately set to 0.005 inch. The other has
the parameter set to 0.100 inch. If you run the same program on both machines, and
assuming youve used G73 to machine at least some holes, one machine will take (much)
longer to execute the program than the other!
Importance of backing up parameters
Parameters are volatile. Like CNC programs and tool offsets, they are backed up by a
battery when the power is turned off. But the day will eventually come when that battery
will go dead. Most controls will sound an alarm as the battery starts to deteriorate, but
you must be prepared for the worst. If the machine is off for a long period of time with a
failing battery (say a two week shutdown), it is possible that you will not get any warning
prior to the battery failing. Any data retained by the battery (including parameters) will
be lost!
All current model controls allow you to back up your parameters using standard
distributive numerical control (DNC) devices, using the same techniques you do for
transferring CNC programs. Consult your control manufacturers operation manual to
find the procedure to back up parameters.
We cannot overstress the importance of maintaining a backup copy of parameters.
According to Fanuc USA, the largest single source of machine downtime is when a
machine failure occurs that causes parameters to be lost, yet the CNC user has not
maintained a backup copy of parameters. Much time is wasted while trial-and-error
techniques are used to manually enter parameter data. BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR
PARAMETERS! Also remember to update your backup copy when you make parameter
changes. As the CNC user, you - and you alone - are responsible for maintaining the
backup copy of your parameters.
Changing parameters
As stated, most CNC people regard parameters as the responsibility of service or
maintenance people. But again, there are many parameters that affect the way that CNC
programs behave making them of important concern to CNC programmers, setup
people, and operator. Fanuc safeguards parameters from accidental modification. That
is, there is a special procedure required to change them.
With older controls (like the 6TB and 6MB), an actual toggle switch (labeled pwe for
parameter write enable) must be turned on in order to change parameters. This toggle
switch is within the (locked) CNC control panel box. So you have to open the door (with
a key), find the pwe switch and turn it on.
Newer controls allow you to activate the parameter write enable function from the
display screen in the SETTING mode. Youll commonly find the pwe function on the
last page of the setting display. In the manual data input (MDI) mode, setting pwe to a
one (1) will activate the parameter write enable function.
As soon as parameter write enable is turned on, the control will go into an alarm state
(alarm number 100). The only thing youll be allowed to do with the control is change

Lesson One: Understanding parameters

parameters. After selecting the parameter page (from the alarm page), search to the
parameter you wish to change. Type the change from the keyboard and press input and
the parameter will change (as stated earlier, be sure you write down the value of any
parameter before you change it especially with eight bit binary parameters). Turn off
the parameter write enable function (by turning off the switch or by setting pwe on the
setting page back to a zero). Finally, press the reset button to clear the alarm.

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