Coastal Futures 2016 Booking Form

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Coastal Futures 2016 - Review and Future Trends - January 20th & 21st

Booking Form
The Venue: The venue is the Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, in the University of London, Thornhaugh
Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG. This is a comfortable, tiered lecture theatre with all the
modern AV aids and professional projectionists.
The Organiser: This will be the 23rd in this series of meetings organised by Dr Bob Earll of
Communications and Management for Sustainability (CMS).
The Conference Fees
This is a two day conference. The fee is intended for individuals attending for all or part of the two
days; it cannot be transferred or split between staff. There is no single day rate because these rates
are similar to those charged by other one day conferences.
The conference fee is:
Group rate* for 3 or more booking together
Specified Agency Rate**
Concession rate***
Full time postgraduate students




186.00 each
186.00 each

*Group rates: This rate is for groups booking and paying together
** Specified Agency Rate Individuals booking from these agencies should book using this rate: Cefas, The Crown Estate,
Natural England, Defra, Environment Agency, IFCAs, JNCC, Natural Resources Wales and MMO

***Our aim is to make the conferences as inclusive as possible. The concession rate applies to individuals and
organisations that clearly work from limited budgets in the academic, NGO and charity sectors. We will review this on a
case by case basis and place individuals and organisations on a register for future reference. Please contact us first by email
to before booking if you think you qualify.

Students should book individually.

The fee includes refreshments and food and all documentation including conference delegate notes; delegates with special
dietary requirements or other needs should make this clear upon booking
Payment by credit card may be made online using Eventbrite
Cheques made payable to CMS should be sent with completed booking form to: CMS, Candle Cottage,
Kempley, Glos GL18 2BU
We can invoice you but please return the booking form first
We accept BACS payments
Confirmation of registration will be acknowledged on receipt of booking form
Receipts will be issued on payment
Payment should be completed BEFORE the event; otherwise entry may be refused
Refunds (less 50 administration charge) will only be issued for cancellation more than fifteen working days
before the meeting; substitutes are permitted
Further details from Bob Earll: Please email us if you need any further information
Phone / Fax 01531 890415 FAQs - Joining details maps, directions and hotels, programme are online at

Coastal Futures 2016 - Review and Future Trends - January 20th & 21st

Booking Form
[BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE the email and twitter details will go in the delegate list and on your badge to
facilitate networking]

Email Address __________________________________ TWITTER address___________________________________________

It is essential for pre and post-conference (outputs) communication to have delegates email address
Telephone / Fax _____________________________________________________
I am/am not* content for my Email address to be included on the CMS Emailing System
Please register _______place / s

Total amount__________________ Your ref. / order number _________________

I will be attending on: (please tick days) Weds 20th Jan ________________

Thurs 21st Jan ____________________

I wish to pay by BACS*/Credit Card*/Cheque*(please delete)

To pay by credit card please book and pay online or phone CMS on 01531 890415
Please return completed booking forms to: CMS, Candle Cottage, Kempley, Glos GL18 2BU
Cheques should be made payable to CMS
Tel/fax 01531 890415
VAT No: 742 4367 34

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