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Issue 1,100 Wednesday 24 March 2010 FREE


told not to
raise taxes


SIX people were hauled away by
police yesterday in the biggest ever

insider trading sting seen in the UK.
Senior executives at Deutsche Bank BY DAVID CROW
and Exane BNP Paribas and a trader at ALISTAIR Darling should not
hedge fund Moore Capital were announce any new tax rises in today’s
arrested as the Serious Organised Budget, according to our panel of City
Crime Agency stormed offices across and business professionals.
the City. A further three men arrest- And he should cut spending across
ed are not thought to be City workers. all government departments, instead
Among those arrested were Julian of “ring-fencing” areas like education
Rifat, a London-based equity execu- and health.
tion trader at Moore Capital and Clive Sixty-nine per cent of panelists were
Roberts, who is head of European against any new taxation, although 30
sales trading at Exane, which is part per cent thought Darling should raise
owned by BNP Paribas. The Deutsche taxes.
executive arrested was Martyn The City A.M./PHI Panel, which has
Dodgson, a managing director in the been specially recruited in conjunc-
corporate broking department. tion with to repre-
Dodgson previously worked at sent London’s financial community,
Lehman Brothers. was also asked whether the chancellor
Deutsche, Exane and Moore con- Margaret Cole of the FSA is in charge of the crackdown. Traders at Deutsche, Exane BNP Paribas and Moore Capital have been arrested. should protect some departments.
firmed their employees were The vast majority (75 per cent) said
involved. It is believed that all those ring raked in has not been revealed a separate incident, an employee of “The employee has been placed on the axe should fall on all areas, while
implicated were trading on personal but is speculated it will total millions the firm was fined £52,000 in 2008 administrative leave pending comple- 25 per cent thought some depart-
accounts. given the scale of the operation – for insider dealing. tion of the investigation.” ments should escape reductions.
The operation is the result of three described by the FSA as “sophisticated A Moore spokesman said: Moore is a leading light of the Of those panelists that thought
years’ investigation by 143 FSA and long-running”. “Representatives of the FSA were at hedge fund world. It is run by its some areas should be spared cuts, 65
enforcement officers, headed up by The FSA alleges those arrested our London office to serve a search founder Louis Bacon and star trader per cent said that spending on health
Margaret Cole. Documents and com- passed inside information to traders, warrant for documents relating to an Greg Coffey. Neither have been impli- should be ring-fenced.
puters have been seized from the either directly or via middleman, to employee of Moore Europe. The inves- cated in the ring. Fifty six-per cent said spending on
homes and offices of the men make “significant profits”. tigation concerns possible insider The raids come just weeks after for- education should be shielded from
involved, including residential Rumours have been circling in the dealing and the investigation of the mer Cazenove banker Malcolm cuts, while 53 per cent said cuts at the
addresses in Oxfordshire. City for weeks about a possible insid- employee does not involve any of the Calvert was jailed for 21 months after Ministry of Defence should be avoided.
The amount the insider trading er trading swoop involving Moore. In funds managed by Moore Capital. an insider trading trial. BUDGET CHECKLIST: P6-7

FTSE 100 ▲5,673.63 +29.09 DOW ▲10,888.83 +102.94 NASDAQ ▲2,415.24 +19.84 £/$ 1.50 t-0.01 £/¤ 1.11 unc ¤/$ 1.35 unc Certified Distribution
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2 News CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Don’t expect miracles from Darling NEWS | IN BRIEF

Eat chewing over sale
Eat sandwich chain owner Penta Capital
is in early stage talks with a single party
what won’t be said and the measures Treasury itself says that taxable each year from 2010 to 2013. This is to sell at least part of the business,
that have already been agreed that are income elasticity – the percentage despite the fact that Britain already which provides a popular eating spot for
proving most dangerous. Take nation- change in taxable income declared by has the equal third-highest tax compo- City workers. The chain, which was set
al insurance contributions (NICs), individuals for each 1 per cent nent for petrol and the highest tax up 14 years ago by Niall and Faith
which are being hiked substantially. A decrease in post-tax income – is 0.35 component for diesel in the EU. MacArthur then sold to Penta, now has
paper by Andrew Lilico and Hiba per cent. This means that a £1bn tax Motorists are taxed at a far higher rate more than 100 outlets.
Sameen of Policy Exchange shows that hike would in fact yield just £650m. than the cost of maintaining the road
NICs are the most damaging possible Sinclair highlights research by HMRC network and the greenhouse gas emis- Daimler charged with bribery
EDITOR’S LETTER tax to increase. The move will substan- which has suggested the negative sions from road transport can justify, Daimler was charged yesterday by US
tially reduce growth and employment. effect on reported income may be even so any further taxes on motorists prosecutors with bribing foreign officials
ALLISTER HEATH Lilico and Sameen also report that larger than the usual estimates, which announced today would make the tax in order to win business deals.
each percentage point rise in the total rely on evidence from the 1980s when system even less fair and unnecessarily
THERE is just one thing going for tax rate will cause a fall of between capital and high-earning labour were a hike the cost of conducting business.
Alistair Darling today and that is low
expectations. Nobody is anticipating
0.05 and 0.2 percentage points in the
growth rate of the economy, according
lot less mobile – and they imply poten-
tial losses of revenue as high as £4.5bn
It will be worth bearing all of this in
mind when the Chancellor gets up to ELECTION2010
any miracles from the Chancellor, for to academic studies. in 2010/11. Darling’s decision to phase deliver his speech this afternoon. All of
whom this will probably be the last Other tax hikes are just as badly out high earners’ personal allowances the focus will be on Darling’s headline- Tory lead increases by 1 point
Budget, regardless of the outcome of thought-through. The Centre for and cut their pension relief will mod- grabbing initiatives, from more bank The Conservative lead in the upcoming
the general election. His growth fore- Economics and Business Research has erate this; but it is clear that the new accounts for the poor to green invest- election remains at four points,
casts will be too optimistic once suggested that the 50p rate will lose top rate of tax – which kicks in next ment funds, and on his dubious esti- according to the YouGov/Sun daily
again, he won’t be open enough the government £800m a year and cost month – will hurt the economy with- mates for the budget deficit, national poll. The Tories are on 37 per cent (up
about the looming tax hikes and 140,000 jobs over time. However, a new out yielding much, if any, revenue. debt and GDP growth. Yet the real one per cent), Labour is on 33 per
spending cuts – but then we are book – How to cut public spending In the 2009 Budget, the government story is the cumulative errors made by cent (up one per cent) and the Liberal
already unofficially in the middle of (and still win an election), edited by set out plans to increase fuel duty by the government over the past 13 years Democrats are on 18 per cent (down
an election campaign. The bigger Matthew Sinclair and published by 2p per litre in September 2009 – from – today’s announcement is merely the two per cent). There has been little
problem for Britain is not so much the BiteBack – calculates that the effect 54.19 pence per litre to 56.19 pence per bitter icing on a very nasty cake. impact from the fake lobbying sting.
policies to be announced today – it is may be even more disastrous. The litre – and then by another 1p per litre

2nd Floor
14-16 Dowgate Hill
London EC4R 2SU
McCall leaves
the Guardian
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7248 1729
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor Ben Griffiths
Night Editor Katie Hope
MEDIA lost its chairman, finance director

Associate Editor David Crow

Features Editor Jeremy Hazlehurst BY MARK SHAPLAND and chief executive last year. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s debt crisis has forced new rules Picture: REUTERS
Art Director Darren Soulsby Carolyn McCall said: “I am proud to

CDS market opening up

Pictures Alice Hepple EASYJET last night unveiled Carolyn become the chief executive of a com-
McCall as its new chief executive, pany that has achieved so much in
Commercial replacing Andy Harrison who stands the past 15 years, not least a leading
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery down in June. presence on Europe’s most popular
Deputy Sales Director Harry Owen The decision by McCall, currently routes.”
Head of Distribution Nick Owen head of Guardian Media Group McCall was described by
(GMG), shocked the media world. Management Today as “one of the FINANCIAL SERVICES will lead the way, announcing yester-

Distribution helpline Her move comes after GMG posted toughest operators to have risen day that it plans to give regulators
If you have any comments about the distribution BY MARK SHAPLAND
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email pre-tax losses of £90m in the year to through the Guardian Media Group’s direct access to credit default swap March 2009, compared with a profit ranks.” McCall fought off Carl Leaver, THE Greek debt crisis and the role information held in its warehouse,
of £306m the previous year. The former international director of played by Goldman Sachs has forced including data specific to a trade
Editorial Statement paper is the process of cutting 150 Marks and Spencer, to the top job. legislators internationally to work on counterparty’s positions.
This newspaper adheres to the system of jobs in a restructuring overseen by new rules to regulate the $450 tril- The DTCC holds data on around
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints McCall. Carolyn McCall fought lion (£299 trillion) privately traded 2.3m credit default swap contracts
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the McCall was responsible for the derivatives markets. from trade counterparties located in
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s off Carl Leaver, former
Guardian moving from a broadsheet Governments want regulators to 52 countries, it said in a release.
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at
format to the Berliner, as well as sell- international director have access to trade information in “It is a bedrock principle of the
ing a vast chunk of the group’s of Marks and Spencer the markets, including positions held Warehouse that all interested regula-
Printed by Newsfax International,
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, regional newspapers. to get the job by large counterparties. tors should have unfettered access to
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS EasyJet is also struggling having Depository Trust & Clearing (DTCC) Warehouse information,” it said.


An overhaul for the rules governing
888 Holdings took a near 30 per cent today in a move to stop couples squab- “LIARS’ LOANS” RECESSION General Motors appears to be making
hit on poker revenues last year, but bling over which country’s court The Financial Services Authority is Dai-Ichi Mutual Life in Japan is to progress in the first quarter, benefit-
the online gambling operator said it should handle their split. The rules, facing fierce objections from some of launch the world's biggest public ing from savings won in bankruptcy
was confident of tapping into its well however, will apply to only 10 of the Britain’s biggest lenders over propos- offering since the Great Recession, court, an improving economy and
of social players and predicted a EU’s 27 countries, including France, als to ban self-certified mortgages. raising $11bn (£7.3bn) in the latest firmer pricing. At the same time, the
return to poker growth in the second Italy and Spain, highlighting the The City watchdog said that large sign of returning confidence in global US’s largest car maker has seen sales
half of 2010. Poker was the weak link resistance to handing over such a del- banks and building societies had markets. It is the largest share offer in rise and is on track to produce 75 per
in results for the year to December 31 icate dossier to Brussels. opposed a ban on the so-called liars’ Japan since 1998 and the largest cent more vehicles in the first quarter
that saw revenues fall 4 per cent to loans that allow borrowers to state worldwide since the Visa’s $20bn sale in North America than a year ago.
$246.7m (£164m) and pre-tax profit IBM FACES EU ANTITRUST COMPLAINT their own income without documen- in March 2008 Some analysts believe GM could come
decline 31 per cent to $27.6m. Poker OVER “TYING” CLAIMS tary proof, because it would be unfair close to breaking even in the first
revenues fell from $71.6m to $51.6m. Antitrust problems for IBM mounted on the self-employed and could lead FRANCE DITCHES CARBON TAX AS three months of the year – a mile-
on Tuesday when a fresh complaint to an increase in mortgage fraud. SOCIAL PROTESTS MOUNT stone after years of major losses.
RANDOM HOUSE FEARS IPAD PRICE about its business practices was filed France is facing its own “spring of dis-
WAR with Europe’s top competition regula- TIME WARNER LEADS PACK IN RACE content” as strikes shut schools, DIAGEO PULLS OUT RÖKK IN VODKA
Random House, the world’s largest tor. The new complaint comes from FOR MGM courts, railways and metro services, WARS
book publisher by sales, could keep TurboHercules, a French company, Time Warner emerged yesterday as and trade unions vowed mass protests Diageo PLC plans to unveil a Swedish
its books from Apple’s iPad when it which is accusing the US group of the front-runner in the race to buy across the country. President Nicolas vodka in the US this summer in a
goes on sale next month, as the refusing to allow customers to run the struggling Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sarkozy scrapped the country’s pro- direct assault on Constellation
Bertelsmann unit fears the effects of IBM’s mainframe operating systems film studio — but, in the best tradi- posed carbon tax and reshuffled his Brand’s Svedka, a fast-growing “cheap
the tablet device on the pricing of on anything other than IBM main- tion of James Bond, the plot was not cabinet in populist tilt after suffering chic” brand that has stolen market
electronic books. frame hardware. quite as simple as it seemed. a crushing electoral defeat. share from Diageo’s Smirnoff.
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 News 3

Boots refuses

to back Hewitt
British Gas after lobbygate


set to strike
ALLIANCE Boots is refusing to back
special consultant Patricia Hewitt,
after she was sensationally suspended
from the Labour Party over the cash
for lobbying scandal.
A spokesperson for the leading

INDUSTRIAL ACTION GMB has given management a pharmacy chain said her contract was
BY EMMA SADOWSKI week to respond to the threatened “still in place” and that it was being
walk out, while a spokesperson from “reviewed regularly”, but she would
NETWORK Rail and British Gas British Gas said: “We have robust con- not confirm that the former health
joined the ranks of British Airways tingency plans in place to make sure secretary’s job was safe.
(BA) yesterday after staff at the two our service to customers is unaffect- She added: “Hewitt has not under-
companies voted in favour of a strike ed, and we remain committed to taken lobbying activities on behalf of
action. talking with the GMB.” the business and it was never intend-
Network Rail sat down with the The news comes days after BA ed for her to create a direct access
Rail, Maritime & Transport (RMT) cabin crew concluded the first of two point to governments.”
union yesterday to come to an agree- walkout periods on Monday, with the But Hewitt’s job at BT, where she
ment over a proposal by the rail oper- second to start 27 March. earns £75,000 a year as a non-execu-
ator to cut 1,500 maintenance jobs. The airline said it plans to operate tive director, is not under threat.
Maintenance and signal staff voted 70 per cent of its long haul and 55 Sources at BT said that the lobbying
to launch an industrial action should per cent of its short haul flights from scandal was a matter for Hewitt and
Network Rail follow through with its Heathrow during the four day strike. the Labour Party, and that she would
proposed cuts, deeming it unsafe. BA and Unite, the union represent- remain on the telecom firm’s board.
“There is already a shortage of staff ing the striking cabin crew, have yet “The company is happy with her
and to be axing maintenance posts to come to an agreement. performance as a non-executive direc-
and lumping extra work onto sig- tor,” a BT spokesman said.
nallers under these circumstances is FAST FACTS | STRIKE ACTIONS Private equity firm Cinven, which
a reckless gamble with rail safety,” specialises in buying healthcare com-
said Bob Crow, RMT general secretary. panies, also employs Hewitt as an
● 3,700 British Gas engineers voted on strike.
Similarly, British Gas engineers JON Corzine, a one-time Goldman Sachs chair and former New Jersey governor, was yes- adviser. It refused to comment.
yesterday voted 82 per cent in favor of ● 20,000 Network Rail staff voted on strike. terday named as the new chief executive officer of MF Global Holdings, a futures and Hewitt was suspended from the
strike action over “macho manage- options broker that has lost money for the last four quarters. MF Global shares soared Labour Party after being secretly
ment bullying” according to trade ● 12,000 BA staff voted on a strike. nine per cent on the news that Corzine, 63, would replace Bernard Dan. Corzine will filmed apparently offering access to
union, GMB. start the new role immediately. Picture: REUTERS ministers in exchange for cash.
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 Focus on L&G 5

L&G looks to
Chief executive Tim
Breedon has ruled
out any large
acquisitions. He
says L&G prefers
start-ups overseas,

new climes as
which are not
dependent on other
people’s legacies.
Although L&G has
seen a sales dip, it
boosted profits by

profit returns
slashing £69m of
annual expenses.

INSURANCE L&G’s existing tie-ups with local

BY OLIVER SHAH lenders in India and the Gulf.
But in a thinly-veiled dig at rival
LEGAL & General is casting its eyes to Prudential, which is planning a

Good news, but uncertainties persist

emerging markets for more joint ven- $35.5bn (£23.6bn) merger with
tures after a forecast-smashing set of American International Assurance in
final results saw the insurer swing the Far East, Breedon ruled out any
back into the black. large acquisitions.
The group delighted investors with “What we don’t need to do is trans-
a surprise 33 per cent boost to its final formational M&A. We like start-ups LEGAL & GENERAL was in a bullish the dividend. Unfortunately, those ANALYSIS l Legal & General
dividend, which brought the total overseas because you know what mood yesterday, charging back into hopes are likely to remain just that. 90 p 85.10
payout to 3.84p. Higher mortality you’re getting, and we don’t like the black with a £1.2bn pre-tax profit L&G will hoard capital as long as 23 Mar
rates and a pick-up in performance at other people’s legacies,” he said. under IFRS standards thanks to a uncertainty over the new Solvency II 85
L&G’s fund management division L&G saw sales fall seven per cent in barnstorming performance at its UK standards remains.
helped produce a £1.2bn pre-tax prof- 2009, but cut annual expenses by risk business. And new business figures for 80
it under IFRS accounting, an improve- £69m. Breedon said the company Worries over capital levels were 2009, which were released last
ment on last year’s £2.2bn loss. would continue its transformation also eased, after net cash generation month, were weak, with sales falling 75
Chief executive Tim Breedon told into a lower-cost, capital-light model. rose 118 per cent to £699m, ahead of seven per cent to £1.4bn on an annu-
reporters the boom in the company’s the £450m target announced at the al premium equivalent basis. 70
cash generation, which more than FAST FACTS | LEGAL & GENERAL start of 2009. The insurance giant Yesterday’s better-than-expected
doubled to £699m, would help fund also managed to bring in £69m of figures are welcome. But with all the 13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar
more bancassurance joint ventures ● L&G’s investment management arm is the annualised cost savings, compared to uncertainties, it is unclear that the
overseas. Breedon said there was no biggest institutional shareholder in the UK, with expectations of £50m. insurer can keep busting expecta-
focus on a specific region but “we’re Having finished the year with a tions. Investors would be wise to use
looking for bancassurance in any
market we can make money in”.
£175bn of assets in index tracking funds.
● The company slashed its dividend by 50 per £3.1bn capital surplus, investors are
now hoping for much faster hikes in
any meaningful strength in the
share price as a selling opportunity.
cent during the financial crisis in 2008. Analysis by David Crow
He hopes to repeat the success of
6 Focus on the Budget CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Darling prepares for

last throw of the dice
David Crow identifies fall, but there is unlikely to be any detail
on cuts in today’s Budget. Instead,
per cent levy on individual bank bonuses
above £25,000. The measure is likely to
Darling will try to reassure the markets end on 5 April 2010.
the things to look out by announcing which departments will l Dividends potentially liable to the
bear the brunt of initial cuts. higher rate of tax will be taxed at 42.5
for in today’s Budget l There are unlikely to be any pre-elec- per cent. The dividend trust rate will be
tion “giveaways”, although the chancel- increased to 42.5 per cent, and the gen-
lor will announce a handful of measures eral trust rate of tax will be increased
PUBLIC to stem unemployment and boost green
from 40 per cent to 50 per cent.
l Personal allowances will be with-
FINANCES/ECONOMICS l Darling will confirm plans to freeze
public sector pay for the highest earners.
drawn for those with adjusted net
income above £100,000, reducing by £1
l Darling is expected to stand by his for every £2 of income above £100,000.
growth forecasts of between 1 and 1.5 l From April 2012, the starting point
per cent this for year. In 2011, he
expects the economy to grow between
BANKS for the 40 per cent income tax rate is
likely to be frozen for one year at
3.25 and 3.75 per cent. l In the pre-Budget report, the chan- £43,000.
l Public sector net borrowing will come cellor lowered his estimate of the total
in around £10bn lower than the chancel- taxpayer loss from the bank bailout
lor’s £178bn forecast, although it is still
expected to be at a post-war high of
from £50bn to £10bn. He will confirm
this, as well as backing for a global
around 12 per cent of GDP.
l The chancellor is likely to forecast a
bank levy to help repair public finances. INSURANCE
1.75 per cent rise in CPI inflation in l All employer, employee and self-
2010, falling to 1.6 per cent in 2011. INCOME TAX employed rates of national insurance
(NI) to rise by a further 0.5 per cent
cellor has said he is unlikely to announce
further rises in the Budget.
reduced rate of corporation tax of 10 per
cent for income derived from patents.
l All income tax bands expected to be from April 2011. Starting point from l The chancellor is unlikely to announce
PUBLIC SPENDING frozen meaning a higher-rate taxpayer which NI is payable to be raised. any changes in the headline rate of cor-

l As set out in December’s pre-Budget

earning more than £43,875 will pay an
additional £489 in tax.
poration tax.
l He is expected to reaffirm plans to
report, total public spending will rise by
£31bn this year, a 2.2 per cent rise in
l A new additional rate of income tax
at 50 per cent will be announced for
BUSINESS reform the controlled foreign company
real terms. those on incomes over £150,000. l VAT returned to 17.5 per cent on 1 l A “patent box” for UK companies is l In the pre-Budget report, Darling said
l From 2011, total public spending will l There are no plans to extend the 50 January from 15 per cent, and the chan- likely to be announced, applying a the basic state pension would rise by 2.5

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CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 Focus on the Budget 7

Alistair Darling is unlikely to give much

detail on spending cuts
Picture: PA

l Darling is likely to restrict tax relief on

pensions savings from April 2011 for
people with gross incomes of over
£150,000. THURSDAY’S

l Government contributions to public
service pensions will be capped.
l Individual inheritance tax allowance is
likely to be frozen at £325,000 for the
next year.
l Alcohol duty is expected to rise by
five per cent, under the existing duty
escalator system that imposes rises of
two per cent above inflation.
l Darling is likely to hike duty on ciga-
rettes, cigars and tobacco, citing the
cost to the health service.

l Darling is expected to announce a
crackdown on offshore tax evasion that
would see the maximum penalty double
to 200 per cent of total tax owed.
per cent, but earnings-based top-ups l He will also outline new measures to
and a reward for delaying drawing the reduce tax avoidance schemes.
state pension will be frozen. Some
expect Darling to announce a pension
tax credit to compensate those who
have lost out.
l For those earning over £130,000, l The government will unveil a new
employer pension contributions are like- £2bn investment fund to finance green
ly to be included in definition of tax projects such as wind farms and high-
income relating to pensions tax relief. speed railways.


BUDGET TODAY? Interviews by Ally Bacon


“The Budget will be predictable. I’m expect-
ing no surprises, no headlines will be made
of it. It is, after all, two months until the
general election.”


“Alistair Darling will be safe and pre-
dictable so that Labour will be re-elected. I
don’t expect the market to react at all to
what he has to say.”


“I’ve given up worrying! Our man in Number
11 will look for election votes, giving the
public sector the votes without a doubt. He
needs to cut public spending and I can’t
see him kicking back civil servants.”


“It will be very safe, but the government
needs to find the money somewhere. I doubt
it will be through the tax route, more likely it
will be VAT possibly, or through a curtail-
ment of allowances.”


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CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 News 9

Volkswagen set to raise £4bn CRAIG COBEN

for Nordea, Aegon, AP Møller
Maersk, Swedbank, Infineon, Alpha
Bank and PKO BP in 2009 alone.
He has worked on jumbo privatisa-
tions for France Telecom, Brisa Auto-
estradas de Portugal, EADS, Petrol
AUTOMOTIVE Shares in VW dropped fast, trading the transaction. Offisi, Hellenic Telecom, GALP and

BY DAVID HELLIER 4.7 per cent lower at €69.50 on the The offer is open to European and Israeli Oil Refineries Limited, as well
back of the news, although VW had US investors. It is not being mixed as significant IPOs and convertible
GERMAN car giant Volkswagen (VW) flagged as early as December its plans with a bond issue, as some expected. THE Merrill team on the VW issue is and exchangeable bond offerings in
is issuing 65m new preferred shares, for a placement in the first half of Major shareholders including headed by Craig Coben, who joined over a dozen jurisdictions.
or roughly half of its authorised capi- this year. Porsche SE, VW’s home state of Lower the bank in 2005 and is now head of Coben graduated from Yale
tal, in a stock offering worth around Finance chief Hans Dieter Poetsch Saxony and Qatar’s sovereign wealth equity capital markets for Europe, University and Harvard Law School in
£4.04bn. said this month he expected to raise fund have all agreed to assign and Middle East and Africa (EMEA). the US before practising law until
Europe’s largest carmaker said yes- about £4bn in fresh equity in order to transfer their subscription rights to Coben, who is joined on this deal by 1997.
terday that the pre-placement of the protect its credit ratings and replace the syndicate banks, VW said. Stefan Albrecht and Oliver Holborn, Coben is active in a wide range of
non-voting stock had already begun funds used to buy half of Porsche’s Global coordinators on the deal are has led some of the most important public service activities and serves on
for institutional investors. sports car business at the end of last BoA Merrill Lynch, which is joint and innovative equity and equity- the board of govenors of Tower
Subscriptions for the new shares are year. global coordinator and joint linked offerings in EMEA in recent Hamlets College.
expected to run from 31 March to 13 “There’s been some sizeable inter- bookrunner, JP Morgan, Citigroup, years, including jumbo capital-raisings David Hellier
April. est in this deal,” said a source close to Deutsche Bank and HSBC.

Pru seeking
Sky worried shareholder
despite likely liaison boss
revenue boost

PRUDENTIAL is hunting for a new
director of investor relations (IR) at
time when a series of tumultuous
MEDIA League games – it would generate a exchanges have strained the rapport

BY STEVE DINNEEN staggering £720m a year in revenue. between shareholders and company
This would more than absorb any management, City A.M. has learned.
BSKYB could generate additional rev- dip in revenue caused by a decrease Headhunter Taylor Bennett has
enue of more than £700m if it is in the wholesale price it could charge been hired to find a replacement for
allowed to sell Premier League foot- its rivals. This is actually likely to BSkyB chief executive Jeremy Darroch is worried Picture: Micha Theiner/CITY A.M. Matt Lilley, who will move over to
ball through Freeview. increase as more Virgin subscribers focus on business strategy. Although
In a move described by Sky as a and new BT customers take advan- ANALYSIS l How Ofcom’s ruling tomorrow could affect Sky the search began six months ago, pre-
“sop”, Ofcom is likely to allow the tage of the lower prices. dating Prudential’s $35.5bn (£23.6bn)
broadcaster to go ahead with a proj- One industry source told City A.M. Revenue bid for American International
ect dreamed up in 2007 codenamed Sky is not worried about short term Assurance, the incoming IR boss will
“Picnic”. This would involve setting revenue, but is concerned about
it could have to guide investors through a
up a subscription channel for rivals chipping away at its subscrip- earn if record-breaking rights issue and the
Premier League football that viewers tion base. He said firms such as Virgin Annual it hits Increased ambitious Asian deal.
can access through a set-top box with- and BT could conceivably be in a posi- revenue its 2007 annual With its IR operation in flux,
out subscribing to a cable or satellite tion to make a joint bid for rights to earned by target revenue Prudential has temporarily merged
provider. screen Premier League matches if Sky from of 4m investor work with its communica-
The move will coincide with an they are able to ramp up their sub- wholesaling Amount Sky Picnic tions team. The makeshift arrange-
expected announcement tomorrow scriber bases over the next five years.
Sky Sports could lose subscribers ment is understood to be the reason
that Ofcom will slash the amount Sky A Sky spokesman said: “We would several shareholder meetings were
can charge its rivals to screen its pre- have loved to offer Sky Sports on digi- to Virgin if forced botched when the AIA deal was first
mium content by up to a third. tal terrestrial TV three years ago. It’s to drop announced, irritating fund managers
Sky has previously said it could disappointing that viewers have its prices who complained about rushed ses-
attract an additional 4m viewers if it missed out because of Ofcom’s by a sions and late scheduling.
is allowed to go ahead with Picnic. If bureaucratic logjam. If it was decided third The Holborn-based insurer is said

£200m £66m £720m £534m

it charges £15 a month for the serv- that Picnic could go ahead, we would to have interviewed around six candi-
ice – the minimum price it is likely to need to consider whether it still made dates for the job, which comes with a
cost BT and Virgin screen Premier sense as a business opportunity.” pay package of up to £250,000.
The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

CITY TAKES “Osborne’s

only been
AN OUTSIDE seen to drink
water at
PUNT ON events –
THE BUBBLY though the
City hopes
AMUSED ripples radiated from the City
yesterday following this column’s specula- he’ll choose
tion as to what tipple George Osborne –
likely to be the country’s next chancellor if HARD SPIRITS champagne”
the Tories win the election – might drink Flying the flag for Blighty this week has
if he ends up presenting the next Budget. been William Chase (above), the founder
It seems most readers agreed with The of posh snack brand Tyrrells – who netted
Capitalist’s prediction that Osborne would an award at San Francisco’s World Spirits
stick to boring old H2O, despite his tradi- Competition for producing the world’s
tional entitlement to something stronger Our money’s on water for Osborne’s tipple – though the City’s gunning for champers Pictures: REX best vodka. Chase tells me his aim is now
while he presents his speech. (The current to make the finest gin in the world, too,
run of austerity started with Gordon “Given Osborne’s well-documented lik- hell”, which he recently used to describe a out of his farm’s organic apples. Now
Brown as chancellor, who drank Highland ing for hanging out with Rothschilds and drubbing he received from Number 10. that’s the kind of ambition The Capitalist
spring water in comparison to his kicking back on billionaires’ yachts – not Nothing like reopening old wounds, eh? would be happy to drink to…
Conservative predecessor Ken Clarke’s to mention his Bullingdon Club history –
preference for a tot of Scotch whisky.) the smart money’s got to be on the bub-
“I’ve only ever seen George drink water
at events,” mused one reader, racking his
bly,” he chuckles.
Only time will tell.
Musical chairs over at financial PR agency To a glitzy do last night at the
brains. “But if he were to drink, my money Buchanan, part of the WPP group, where Institute of Contemporary Arts, where
would be on him being a G&T man…” Bobby Morse has replaced the long-serving Veuve Clicquot champagne unveiled its
“Definitely gin and tonic when he’s off
duty, but I can hardly see him harking
HELL FIRE Richard Oldworth as senior partner. 2010 business woman of the year.
Speaking of the Budget this morning, the You’d have thought Oldworth, now Wresting the crown from last year’s
back to the old school by knocking back spread betters – as usual – are having a executive chairman, would relish the winner, Random House chief Gail Rebuck,
an alcoholic drink in the chamber,” field day by putting out markets on chance to put his feet up a bit, but he was Laura Tenison (right), founder of preg-
another scribbled in. incumbent chancellor Alistair Darling’s insists he’ll still be as hands-on as ever nancy and baby retail group JoJo Maman
The Tories themselves are keeping very every miniscule tic. with his big-name clients, including inter- Bébé – also commended by the judges for
quiet on the matter, though yet another For those punters looking for truly long dealer broker BGC Partners. her innovative social responsibility pro-
interested party suggests a new tipple odds, Extrabet is offering 100/1 on Darling “No, I won’t be spending any more time grammes, including working with a
entirely – champagne. trotting out the phrase “the forces of on the golf course,” he laughs, ruefully. Mozambique infant mortality charity.

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and the freshest seafood including world famous
Atlantic lobster. Halifax, the largest city in the
region and Nova Scotia’s capital, is rich in culture
and refreshingly cosmopolitan and only 45 minutes
from the rocky shores of Peggy’s Cove, one of
the most photographed sites in Canada. At only
6 hours from the UK, it’s closer than you think.


1459 per person

Whale Watching, Nova Scotia

The holiday for whale watchers
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Photo Credit: Nova Scotia Tourism
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 News 11

Coventry and Stroud join

The merger will be effective as of 1 member-focused approach to a wider

September and no branches or agen- membership.”
BY CAITLIN NOLAN cies of either company will close as a Stroud & Swindon chief executive
BRITAIN’S third-largest building soci- result. No redundancies are expected John Sutherland said: “In considering
ety Coventry Building yesterday because of the merger. a number of options, we believe that
announced a merger deal with On the merger, Coventry chief Coventry Building Society’s commit-
Stroud & Swindon Building Society, a executive David Stewart said: “I ment to long term member value,
move that will create a combined believe that the merger with Stroud fairness, strategic prudence and local
business with an overall asset size of & Swindon Building Society will help communities, provides Stroud &
£21bn. Total combined membership us build on recent successes and Swindon members with the best pos-
Stroud & Swindon chief executive John Sutherland is positive on the future outlook will reach approximately 1.5m. bring the benefits of our prudent and sible future.”

F&C tables   !*,(!(,(!%,(

RAB bullish
C-Quadrat "*/ ("% 
*! )* '( **"% %  ("% '' &( *! "!&% (&$ "*/ %. as clients
€55m offer come back

F&C Asset Management, the London HEDGE fund firm RAB Capital yester-
fund manager, has officially made an day confirmed clients are returning
offer for Austria’s C-Quadrat. to its funds that were battered by the
The offer, submitted to the credit crisis, after it swung to a loss in
Austrian Takeover Commission, 2009 and cut its dividend.
stands at €12.50 (£11.20) per share – RAB, which specialises in energy
valuing C-Quadrat at €54.5m overall. and commodities funds and is also
It is understood C-Quadrat well-known for its failed bet on bank
founders Alexander Schultz and Northern Rock, yesterday reported a
Thomas Reiss intend to keep a stake loss before tax and exceptional items
in the fund business. of £6.9m, compared with a profit of
The takeover would give F&C Asset £3.8m in 2008.
Management a greater presence in Assets under management recov-
Central Europe and it said the deal ered to $1.35bn at the end of 2009
was part of the company’s strategy to from a low of $1.26bn at mid-year as
“buy specialist businesses to do things clients returned to its funds in the
we currently don’t.” second half. But that was still far
F&C plans to expand via acquisi- below the more than $7bn assets
tions and said it would look at further under management in December
deals on top of its takeover of C- 2007.
Quadrat. RAB’s inflows come as investors
If the deal goes through, F&C’s slowly return to the $1.6 trillion
ownership will enable C-Quadrat to hedge fund industry, which suffered
develop into the British markets or big losses in 2008 but recouped much
the US. Leo Willert, head of trading at of that last year. According to Hedge
C-Quadrat subsidiary ARTS said: “We Fund Research, clients reinvested a
are really looking forward to this. The net $13.8bn into hedge funds in the
fantasy is that we could get into new fourth quarter.
markets and trade new universes.” “We’re seeing generally a lot more
Under current legislation EU-regu- interest from investors,” RAB chief
lated funds cannot invest in the UK’s executive Stephen Couttie said. He
open-ended investment companies added that assets had changed little
and unit trusts and US funds. since December, as client inflows bal-
“We could start with a UK open- anced out previously demanded out-
ended investment company and deal flows.
with these … or go to America and
build a trust there and trade the ‘no-
'$ "# (" -"*! %(/ ANALYSIS l RAB Capital
load, no-transaction fee’ funds there. I 21 p
think we have 1,500 of these no trans- 20 23 Mar
action fee funds in our database,"
Willert added.

C-Quadrat is principally focused on

investors in Austria and Germany,
with some funds registered in 17
Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the
Czech Republic, the latter countries 16
mostly with savings plans than lump 15
sums. 13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar

315p is too low, says Gulfsands Petroleum Pearl nearing bond deal
Shares in the group closed down In a note to investors, analyst house it issued would be reduced by 15 per

BY HARRY BANKS 3.5p yesterday at 326.5p. Fox-Davies Capital called the 315p cent – lower than the 25 per cent orig-
In a separate statement, Oil India offer very well pitched as a first offer PHOENIX Group, the fund manager inally envisaged.
GULFSANDS Petroleum said yester- and Indian Oil Corporation con- saying it may eventually lead to nego- and insurer formerly known as Pearl, Phoenix, founded by Pizza Express
day that a rebuffed preliminary bid firmed that they had made a joint tiations. said yesterday it had moved closer to a entrepreneur Hugh Osmond, said the
approach received on 18 March was approach for the company. However Fox questioned the likeli- deal with bondholders who have been new proposal was drawn up in “sub-
at 315p per share. However the statement did not pro- hood of an offer as high as 400p. holding out against the company’s stantive and positive” discussions
The board said it was unanimous- vide any details beyond saying that There have been suggestions that efforts to negotiate a cut in its debt. with a group of investors holding
ly of the view that the proposal is the approach was for an all-cash offer. the Chinese oil and gas giant Phoenix is seeking the approval of about two thirds of the bonds.
wholly inadequate, highly condition- There have been suggestions that a Sinochem has already approached its banks and of the Financial Services The proposal would also need to
al and materially undervalues the take-out price of 400p might be neces- Gulfsands but has also been rebuffed Authority for a fresh proposal, under win a majority vote of all bondholders
company. sary to get a board recommendation. by the board. which the face value of a £500m bond before gaining final approval.
12 Retail News CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Imperial sees volumes fall
Carpetright profit
slump blamed on
Imperial Tobacco, the world’s fourth-
biggest cigarette maker, said yesterday
its half-year cigarette volumes will be
down around four per cent as it report-
ed trading in line with its expectations.

pre-election jitters
Imperial, with cigarette brands including
Lambert & Butler, West and Gauloises,
said the half-year dip was due to a sup-
ply chain disruption in the Middle East
and also market weakness in some east-
ern european countries, the United
States and Spain. Despite the downturn,
Imperial has been able to raise cigarette RETAIL clearly impacted sales we would nor-

prices in a number of markets since last BY JOHN DUNNE mally expect to recover these once con-
September to help offset the impact of ditions returned to normal.
increasing leaf costs, it said. Imperial is CARPETRIGHT has blamed uncertain- “The fact that this has not happened
the number two cigarette maker in ty caused by the general election and is a reflection of the consumer envi-
Europe after Philip Morris International. fears over tax rises for its profit warn- ronment, characterised by caution
ing yesterday. over the forthcoming general election,
Nintendo develops 3-D console The company, which is regarded as a confirmed prospective increases in
Nintendo is planning a 3D version of its bellwether of UK high street trade, said taxation and the continued uncertain-
popular DS handheld games console. its profits for the year to 1 May would ty over the economic outlook.”
The 3DS would hit shops sometime be below forecasts. Prior to the update
before next March. Players will not need analysts were forecasting a consensus ANALYSIS l Carpetright
to wear special 3D glasses to enjoy the pre-tax profit of £36.3m up from 1,000 p
games, the company said. More details £17.2m the previous year. 23 Mar
about the console will be given at E3, Carpetright said sales at UK and
the annual video games expo which Ireland stores open over a year
takes place in June. The Japanese increased 1.4 per cent in the seven
games giant is planning to cash in on the weeks to 20 March. But the company’s 900
popularity of 3-D technology and con- share price tumbled after its bleak
tent, like that used in the blockbuster POTTERY manufacturer Portmeirion’s acquisition of brands Spode and Royal Worcester trading update, closing 10.9 per cent 850
Avatar. Rival Sony plans to launch 3-D from administrators last year helped the company to increase its full year profit more lower at 825p.
games and TVs later this year as it also than threefold to £3.7m. Portmeirion chairman, Dick Steele, said: “This has transformed Finance director Neil Page said: 800
harnesses the technology. the group.” “While the bad weather in January 13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar

A great rate Halfords beefs up

guaranteed its profit forecasts
RETAIL car parts and bicycles – said it had proposition and provides a further

2 year BY JOHN DUNNE “sufficient headroom” in its

finances to make another acquisi-
opportunity for future growth.”
However, the company’s seven
HALFORDS expects to beat full- tion this year if the right opportu- stores in Poland and the Czech
Fixed Rate Bond year profit forecasts after a surge
in demand for car parts during
nity arose.
Dubbing the company’s per-
Republic have been struggling and
will close.

3.50 %
recent bad weather and its acquisi- formance as “terrific” chief execu- Meanwhile like-for-like cycle
tion of Nationwide Autocentres. tive officer David Wild said the sales also disappointed, increasing
The company said its pre-tax Nationwide Autocentres car serv- by just 1.9 per cent.
profit for the year ending in icing business would be re-brand-
Gross p.a./ AER March would be around £116m – ed as Halfords and its current 224 ANALYSIS l Halfords 476.60
23 Mar
fixed until above analysts forecasts of outlets eventually doubled. 500 p
01/05/12 £112.7m. The expansion will kick-off with 480
Sales at shops in the UK and the 80 new outlets already 460
For deposits of £10,000 to £2 million, Ireland were up 0.8 per cent in the planned over the next three years.
or £1 to £9,999 at 3.00% gross p.a./AER fixed. 11 weeks to 19 March, with a 13 He added: “Our car mainte-
per cent rise in sales of car mainte- nance category has performed 420
You can access your money early but will need
to close your account, subject to a closure nance products, mainly caused by particularly well. The acquisition 400
charge equivalent to 120 days’ interest. the impact of the prolonged win- of Nationwide Autocentres, com- 380
ter on vehicles. pleted during the quarter, logical-
Halfords – which specialises in ly extends our successful service 13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar

Limited ANALYSIS l Halfords

Pre-tax annual profit forecast raised to
offer £114-£116m
Monthly interest option
also available. 224 the number of Nationwide Autocentres
Halfords acquired
Call 0800 068 1780† or visit branch
to book an appointment with a Financial Advisor 80 the number of new Nationwide
Autocentres planned over the next three years
The Santander Group has more than 150 years’ experience in banking,
and more branches worldwide than any other international bank. 13 % the rise in sales of car maintenance
products in the 11 weeks to 19 March

0.8 % - the rise in overall sales in the UK

Gross /AER rates based on funds deposited by 01.05.10. On maturity, we will transfer the balance to another account. The and Ireland in the 11 weeks to 19 March
Fixed Rate Bond is a strictly limited offer and we may withdraw or change products, rates or offers at any time.
AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be if we paid interest and added it to your
account each year. The gross rate is the interest rate we pay before income tax is taken off. Interest paid annually or monthly.
Interest will be paid net of income tax at the rate determined by HM Revenue & Customs, or, subject to the required 7 the number of loss-making stores the
registration, gross. †Representatives can book appointments at the customer’s local branch but do not have access to any
customer details and are unable to provide product information. Calls are recorded and may be monitored for security,
company is closing in central Europe
quality control and training purposes. Alliance & Leicester plc. Registered office: Carlton Park, Narborough, Leicester
LE19 0AL. Company number 3263713. Registered in England. Alliance & Leicester plc is authorised and regulated by the Chief executive David
Financial Services Authority except for its consumer credit products for which Alliance & Leicester plc is licensed and Wild said Nationwide
regulated by the Office of Fair Trading. Our FSA register number is 189099. Details correct as at 18/03/10. Santander and
the flame logo are registered trademarks. SA0258.2/JW 03/10 Autocentres will be
re-branded as Halfords
14 News CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Babcock seals VT Group deal Shell and China National

735p per share, Lester gave a personal the nuclear space, the company will
Petroleum sign gas deal

pledge that VT employees leaving the be a challenge to the likes of Serco.
BY OLIVER SHAH company would be given help with It is understood approval from the
VT GROUP, the engineering services their CVs and introduced to other UK authorities is imminent as the tie- company has clinched in China.

company, is bracing itself for job cuts local companies. up already has the backing of the An industry official familiar with
at its Southampton headquarters “I spoke to them, explained it like it Ministry of Defence. The merger will ROYAL Dutch Shell and China the project said the block would like-
after being acquired by Babcock is and said the deal won’t go through also need the green light from National Petroleum Corp have signed ly produce 2-3bn cubic metres (bcm)
International for £1.3bn yesterday. until the summer,” Lester said. Brussels and the US, although VT is a 30-year deal to develop natural gas of gas a year, with Shell taking a larg-
Chief executive Paul Lester told City The chief, who will himself leave au fait with the process after offload- in China, a day after launching a joint er share in the contract for undertak-
A.M. there would be inevitable “casu- with a shares and pay package worth ing its shipbuilding arm last year. The takeover bid for Australian gas pro- ing all the exploration risks.
alties” among VT’s head office staff, £5m, has also promised Babcock boss deal is expected to complete in July. ducer Arrow Energy The deal to tap tight gas, contained
but redundancies would affect a frac- Peter Rogers he will stay on and work Babcock has lined up £1bn financ- The two firms will jointly develop in rock that must be broken before it
tion of the merged group’s 27,000- “flat out” to integrate the businesses ing to pay for the takeover, it emerged tight gas deposits in the 4,000 square can flow easily to production wells, is
strong workforce. Job losses are before moving on. last night. The sum is made up of a kilometre Jinqiu block in central the latest example of an oil major
expected to be in the low hundreds. The fused entity will almost cer- bridge loan of £400m and a backstop Sichuan province, Shell said yester- seeking out previously uneconomic
On a bittersweet day after recom- tainly enter the FTSE 100. With sales facility of £600m. The loan is under- day. It is the second major gas produc- deposits. Analysts said the deal was
mending Babcock’s raised offer of of £3bn and a stronger presence in written by Lloyds and JPMorgan. tion contract the Anglo-Dutch part of a broader CNPC/ Shell alliance.

ANALYSIS l Consumer Price Inflation (%y/y)

Inflation dips
Source: Capital Economics
5 Core CPI

for first time


in five months 0


ly believe it will fall back sharply later

this year. -2
BY RHIAN NICHOLSON 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
Jonathan Loynes, chief European
INTERACTIVE INVESTOR economist at Capital Economics, says
THE headline rate of inflation slowed
in February for the first time since
there is nothing in the figures to sug-
gest that the Monetary Policy
September, raising hopes that infla-
tion has now peaked.
Committee needs to think about
tightening policy.
Utility price cuts and a slower rise “Looking ahead, inflation may stay
in food prices helped to send the
Consumer Prices Index (CPI) back
close to current levels over the next
few months, perhaps triggering

“ “
down to three per cent in February, another letter from Mervyn King to
official data published yesterday the chancellor. But it should fall back
revealed. sharply later this year and in 2011 as Assuming no significant “We expect inflation to be sta-
In January, it soared to a 14-month the vast amount of spare capacity in impact from Budget decisions, CPI ble in the coming months, not least
high of 3.5 per cent – well above the the economy keeps core price pres- inflation is projected to fluctuate in a due to the the rising impact of petrol
Bank of England’s two per cent medi- sures subdued,” he said.
um-term target. Howard Archer, chief UK and 3.0-3.25 per cent range until mid-year prices. We expect the downward tra-
Economists said last month’s larg- European economist at IHS Global before declining modestly during the jectory to continue so inflation ends

” ”
er-than-expected fall confirms that Insight, believes CPI could rise fur-
underlying prices in the UK economy ther in the short term although it second half, remaining well 2010 above target, before falling
remain fairly subdued. may be back under the Bank’s two above the two per cent target. below two per cent in 2011.
Opinion is divided over whether per cent target by the end of the year.
inflation will stay steady or rise in the “Given that oil prices bottomed out
short term, but economists universal- early in 2009 and then firmed, base HETAL MEHTA | E&Y ITEM CLUB

effects will become more favourable.
Governor of the Bank Meanwhile, underlying price pres-
of England Mervyn sures should be contained by substan- As the year progresses, and the pace of recovery remains slow, the margin of spare capacity in
tial excess capacity, likely bumpy and
King will be saved gradual recovery, wage moderation the economy will remain significant. This will drag CPI inflation back down towards the two per cent tar-

more letter writing by amid high unemployment and job get by the end of the year. With this in mind, there is no reason for the Bank of England to alter its
slowing inflation. insecurity, and the need for retailers
to price competitively,” he said. monetary policy stance and we expect interest rates to stay on hold until the end of the year.

High street shows continuing signs of US home sales dip amid

growth with positive outlook for Easter fragile market recovery
sales volumes in the first half of said: “The prospects for retail sales drop to a 5m-unit pace. Compared to


BY JESSICA MEAD March were higher when compared this year are challenging with infla- February last year, home sales were
against the same period in 2009. And tion at a higher average than last year SALES of previously owned US homes seven per cent higher.
THE UK high street has been unable a net 14 per cent think that sales will and GDP growth remaining weak fell slightly in February, according to Home sales surged on the back of
to sustain its strong February sales be higher in April than they were a but, broadly speaking, the consumer a trade group report yesterday that an $8,000 (£5,300) tax credit for first-
growth this month, but the year ago. has been resilient.” underscored the fragile nature of the time buyers, but have faltered in
Confederation of British Industry’s Grocers and durable household He added: “The surprising signs of housing market’s recovery. recent months, raising worries of a
(CBI) monthly distributive trades sur- goods retailers reported very strong a stabilisation in the labour market The National Association of relapse in the sector that largely trig-
vey showed UK retailers still experi- annual sales growth while clothing might be exaggerating the improve- Realtors said sales fell 0.6 per cent gered the recession.
enced an increase in sales volumes. shops and furniture and carpet ment in underlying conditions but in month-on-month to an annual rate of Even though the popular tax credit
Encouragingly, the CBI also said retailers continued to see sales the short term they are helping to 5.02m units, the third straight month has been extended and expanded,
that retailers are expecting a similar growth, albeit at a much slower pace support consumer confidence which of declines in sales. January’s sales sales have stayed subdued and hopes
pace of growth over the Easter period. than in February. will provide a further support for were unrevised at 5.05m units. of a bounce back before the April
A net 13 per cent of retailers said that Brian Hilliard at Societe Generale retail sales.” February sales were expected to deadline are fading.
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 News 15

Google’s move in China boosts its popularity

silence over its long-standing dispute fits from issuing strategic decisions, its operations from mainland China 19 of March, recording a high of +18.
with the Chinese Government over and software, “in beta”. to Hong-Kong. As millions of Irish Guinness normally sells one million
censorship. The publishing agreement means people around the world prepared to pints per week, but this rises to five
YouGov’s BrandIndex provides a that Google will scan up to a million toast their patron saint, Guinness million on St Patrick’s Day alone.
measure of consumer sentiment for books from the national libraries in recorded a rise of three points for Stephan Shakespeare is co-founder and
different brands. The “Buzz” is a Florence and Rome, as well as provid- both its buzz score between the 3 and co-chief executive of YouGov.
measure of the relative amount of ing the libraries with digital copies of
consumers who have heard some- the books for their own websites. ANALYSIS l Google Buzz ANALYSIS l Google Reputation
BRANDINDEX thing positive or negative about the Meanwhile, in the days following 27 54


After the 10 of March, the day the
Schmidt’s announcement
“something will happen soon”, the
that 26 53
publishing agreement was increased speculation that Google 52

OOGLE’S BrandIndex “Buzz” announced, and the same day Eric would close its site fed its 24
scores have soared this month Schmidt announced that “something “Reputation” score, growing from +50 23
following the announcement of will happen soon” with regard to its points on the 16 March to a high of 50
a major publishing deal with dispute with the Chinese govern- +54 on 22 March. The decision to
the Italian government and the deci- ment, Google’s Buzz score rose from leave China was eventually con- 21 49
sion by Google chief executive Eric +23 points to a high of +26 points by firmed yesterday, when Schmidt 20 48
Schmidt to break the company’s 17 March. It seems that Google bene- announced that Google was shifting 10 Mar 12 Mar 14 Mar 16 Mar 18 Mar 16 Mar 18 Mar 20 Mar 22 Mar


the world’s largest

ruling to hurt
cruise operator,
yesterday posted
lower quarterly
earnings due to
higher fuel costs
but said prices for

brand owners
its cruises were
rebounding. The
Miami-based firm
posted net income
of $175m (£116m),
or 22 cents per
share, for the fiscal
first quarter, down
a right to advertise counterfeit from $260m, or 33

BY STEVE DINNEEN goods. We work collaboratively with cents per share, a
brand owners to better identify and year earlier.
JUST hours after its acrimonious exit deal with counterfeiters. Some com- Revenue for the
from China, Google won a landmark panies want to limit choice for users group, with ships
ruling that allows it to continue sell- by... controlling and restricting the like Ecstasy (pic-
ing search terms such as “fake Louis amount of information that users tured) rose to
Vuitton”. may see.” $3.1bn from
A number of firms had hoped a The court confirmed Google has $2.9bn.
decision from the European Court of not infringed trade mark law by Picture: REUTERS
Justice (ECJ) would stop the web allowing advertisers to bid for key-
giant from selling its trademarks to words corresponding to their com-

Ofcom allows competitors access to

firms they say are cashing in on petitors’ trade marks. This is
their brands. important because it is a fundamen-
Google makes a significant pro- tal principle behind the free flow of
portion of its £16bn advertising rev- information over the internet.

BT’s new internet fibre lines and ducts

enue through its AdWords software, Linklaters partner Marianne
which allows firms to purchase key Schaffner, said: “Today’s ruling by
search terms. Louis Vuitton, among the European Court of Justice is like-
others, had argued that boot-leggers ly to make life more difficult for
are snapping up search terms to sell brand owners. It means they will
fake goods. have to sue all the advertisers using
The court said individual adver- keywords, which is likely to lead to a pose allowing competitors to have their own fibre because the regulator

tisers who buy the terms will be multiplication of cases.” access to new fibre lines laid by BT, at believes there is available capacity.
liable for trademark infringement AdWords adverts appear to the RIVAL Internet service providers will a price set by the former state monop- The two proposals are designed to
and brands will have to sue them right of a regular Google search and have access to BT's new fibre lines via oly in order to enable a fair rate of increase competition within the nas-
directly. can generate huge numbers of clicks. a so-called virtual network or they return. cent superfast broadband market,
A Google spokesman welcomed Many brands spend vast amounts could lay their own fibre in the tele- And Internet service providers who which requires a fibre network.
the verdict, saying it was a victory of money buying up “rogue” search com firm’s ducts under new propos- want even more control of the system “Super-fast broadband is starting to

for freedom of information. He said: terms to stop them falling into the als from the regulator. could access BT’s underground ducts be a reality in the UK,” Ofcom chief
“This case is not about us arguing for hands of bootleggers. Ofcom said yesterday it would pro- and overhead telegraph poles to lay executive Ed Richards said.

Freesat joint venture between ITV and NEWS | IN BRIEF

BBC reaches the one million sales mark E&Y defends itself against US court report
Partners at Ernst & Young (E&Y) have criticised the MORE NEWS
US court commissioned report out earlier this month
on their role as auditor of Lehman Brothers. In a let- ONLINE AT
ter to clients, the accounting giant criticised claims
in the report that E&Y was aware of the “Repo 105”
Jazeera News along with 151 other important distribution platform for transactions that were allegedly used to shift $50bn

BY ALLY BACON channels and radio stations. ITV, providing our audiences with (£33.2bn) worth of debt off its balance sheet. el
SIC av
IC TTrrav
Emma Scott, managing director of next generation free HD services and Lehman’s bankruptcy was caused by a collapse in its www

FREESAT, the joint venture between Freesat commented: “Hitting one mil- the capability for further develop- liquidity......It was not caused by accounting issues or ASIA/FAR AFRICA/
ITV and BBC, announced yesterday lion sales is a significant milestone ment. We’re confident Freesat will disclosure issues,” said the letter.
Auckland £440 Cairo £265
that the subscription-free satellite for Freesat and gives us a great foun- continue to go from strength to Bangkok £339 Cape Town £498
service had reached the one million dation for further growth, specifical- strength.” Ambrian Capital swings from loss to profit Beijing £210
Bombay/Delhi £135
sales mark, after just 18 months in ly with the millions of UK homes that Mark Thompson, director-general British investment bank and broker Ambrian Capital CHC/WLG £590 Jo’Burg £209
business. have HD TVs but no HD service.” of the BBC added in a statement yes- swung to a full-year profit yesterday. For the year Manila £260 Los Angeles £419
Malaysia £260 New Yoork £125
The 250,000 additional sales since John Cresswell, interim chief exec- terday: “The development of Freesat ended 31 December, the firm posted pre-tax profit Nepal £269 Sao Paulo £329
November means Freesat now holds utive of ITV said yesterday: “We’re has extended the choices available to before items of £4m, compared with a loss of Perth £330 Toronto £389
Syd/Mel £319 Tokyo £499
30 per cent of the market for all set delighted with Freesat’s success – a viewers in allowing them to receive £16.3m a year ago. Net tangible asset value rose 7.2
top boxes sold in the UK. million sales in less than two years is all of the BBC’s digital channels per cent to 31.18p per share. Revenue rose 82 per JO’BURG £275 020 7586 1234
Freesat is host to BBC HD and Al a terrific achievement. Freesat is an including BBC HD. cent to £17.5m. Baggage allowance: 60kg
16 News CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Aberdeen to focus on growth Unrest builds at Delta as

FUND MANAGEMENT cycle where we are very well placed to also saw net inflows of £1.5bn.
funds slam US takeover

enjoy strong organic growth,” finance “We are slightly disappointed that
BY HARRY BANKS director Bill Rattray said. net redemptions in fixed income
ABERDEEN Asset Management, the “We have always felt that there was have not trended down, although ENGINEERING One said Valmont’s offer needed to

acquisitive UK fund manager, has a right time in the cycle to be acquir- management indicated that redemp- be north of 210p, adding: “A takeover
called time on takeovers and will ing – that’s when organic growth was tions in February were lower than in DELTA, the engineered steel firm, offer should provide a premium – not
focus on building through organic weaker. Right at the moment we’ve January,” said Gurjit Kambo, analyst faces a growing revolt from its share- be at a discount.”
growth, its finance director said yes- built the business, added further at Numis Securities, which retained a holders after long-only fund man- A second fund manager described
terday. diversity so we don’t really need “buy” rating on the stock. agers added to criticism of a takeover Delta’s early acceptance of the offer
The fund manager has made 17 acquisitions to keep growth going,” Rattray said revenue margins attempt by Valmont of the US. as “a strategic mistake”.
acquisitions since 2001 – the most he said. earned on the inflows were higher Several well-known institutions The long-only investors join hedge
recent being the January purchase of In a trading update yesterday, than those lost on outflows, pushing have told Delta chairman Steven fund Crystal Amber, which wrote a
RBS’s non core fund assets – to Aberdeen said investors pulled out a up fee income by around £18m per Marshall they want to force up letter of complaint to Delta earlier
become one of Britain’s largest fund net £3.6bn in the five months to the year. “Outflows are beginning to slow Valmont’s offer of 185p per share, this week, in demanding the rein-
managers, with assets under manage- end of February, with fixed income down and inflows are picking up, but which values the British company at statement of the 2009 dividend.
ment of £161bn. haemorrhaging a net £6.5bn. Equities it’s difficult to call a turning point,” close to £300m. Delta ended the day Valmont plans to scrap the 4.8p final
“We have got to the stage in the pulled in a net £4.8bn, while property he said. at 191.75p yesterday. payout as part of its takeover.

Dubai World
ANALYSIS l 3i 292.40 ANALYSIS l Amlin 398.00 ANALYSIS l Babcock
p 23 March p 23 March p 560.00
300 430 620 22 March

close to deal 280






with creditors 3I
13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar

Evolution Securities reiterates its “buy” rat-


13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar

Execution Noble reiterates its “buy” status


13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar

Seymour Pierce says Babcock’s decision to

ing on 3i ahead of today’s pre-close trading on Amlin noting that it has no exposure to buy VT group for £1.3bn is a sensible move
FINANCIAL SERVICES over three to five years with the prin-

cipal discounted, and another with update. It cut its net asset value forecast windstorm Xynthia as a key positive. It also which makes strategic sense. It says the
BY HARRY BANKS from 330p to 320p to account for the fail- praises its substantial amount of reinsur- acquisition will cement Babcock’s position
repayment over seven to nine years
DEBT-LADEN Dubai World will pres- with no discount. ure of British Seafood Holdings, but says ance cover, no further incremental expo- in UK defence outsourcing. It says it will
ent plans to restructure its $26bn The eventual proposal will centre this is the only cloud on what should have sure to the Chilean earthquake and also help expand its US presence, and
(£17.3bn)debt pile to creditors this on the extension of maturities with
week, with details emerging as soon low or zero interest, and the option of
been a strong year. It expects recovering structure of its retro-reinsurance cover if expects cost synergies of £58m. Seymour
as today, sources familiar with the an early exit at a discount or eventual company earnings to boost 3i overall. further large losses occur during 2010. reiterates its “buy” recommendation.
talks said yesterday. repayment over a longer period of
The conglomerate, which has been time. To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to
locked in talks with its creditors, will A Dubai government spokes-
discuss how it plans to repay its com- woman said yesterday that meetings

ANZ poaches Citi’s Asia regional boss

mitments with an informal bank with the core creditor committee,
panel, which represents 97 creditors known as CoCom, were part of “an
to the state-owned conglomerate, in ongoing dialogue related to the
Dubai . restructuring process”.
“People will be looking for any- The spokeswoman said Dubai
thing not already priced in (the mar- remains on track to present a formal
ket) such as a government guarantee,” proposal to creditors in March. The BANKING spearhead its focus on the East. Smith, speaking in Perth recently,

said Robert McKinnon, ASAS Capital’s panel includes Standard Chartered, Over the past year, ANZ has marked- warned of lingering volatility in the
chief investment officer. HSBC, Lloyds, Royal Bank of Scotland, MARK Robinson, the chief executive of ly increased its business and trade markets, and anaemic growth in
The debt is linked mainly to Dubai Emirates NBD and Abu Dhabi Citigroup’s South Asia division, is leav- activity in the Asia-Pacific region, advanced economies.
World’s property units, Nakheel and Commercial Bank, which, combined, ing the bank after serving just over a revamping the company logo to He predicted Asia’s strength would
Limitless World. The company are believed to have two-thirds of the year in the role. He has been recruited include a lotus flower reflecting this cause a “fundamental shift in the
ringfenced other key assets, such as total exposure. Dubai said in by ANZ as chief executive of South and shift. The outlook for the Asian region, world’s economic and political tecton-
ports operator DP World, from the November it would ask creditors to Southeast Asia which has been ampli- where ANZ is currently rolling out its ic plates”.
restructuring. delay repayment on $26bn in debt fying its activity in the region. super-regional strategy and where it Earlier this month, ANZ was given
A final proposal on the debt could linked to its flagship conglomerate ANZ said the appointment of aims to earn 20 per cent of its profits in-principle approval for a foreign
involve tranches with different repay- Dubai World, sending shockwaves Robinson, with his previous experi- by 2012, was said to be optimistic. banking licence in India, one of its
ment profiles, one with a repayment through markets. ence in Asian markets, would help to ANZ Bank chief executive Mike high priority areas.

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Victoria Bates

Berwin Leighton Paisner Commerzbank as chief operating offi- Cookson Group

Ernst & Young The law firm has hired Matthew Kellett cer of the commercial real estate divi- The materials science group has hired
Dawn Aloof has joined EY from rival as a partner in its structured finance sion. Jeff Harris, the chairman of Filtrona, to
PricewaterhouseCoopers, to lead its Europe, and tax division. He was also formerly head of finance, its board as a non-executive director,
Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA) finan- Kellett was previously a banking controlling and tax at Eurohypo and effective from April.
cial services transaction integration practice. partner at Linklaters, leading the finan- held a number of positions at Deutsche Harris will assume the chairmanship
Aloof also previously spent 15 years at cial structuring practice before joining Bank. of the firm at the close of its AGM on
Barclays, where she was responsible for clients’ AIG Financial Products. 13 May. He has also previously held
global operating strategy, planning and M&A More recently, he spent four years at DTZ board positions at Bunzl, Associated
operations. She is joined by four ex-PwC col- the Royal Bank of Scotland as UK head David Schaefer has been appointed as British Foods and Anzag.
leagues: Ari Constantinou, David Brayley, of financial structuring, with primary head of the real estate advisory firm’s
Michael Wada and Phil Anderson. responsibility for the bank’s capital, tax investment management division in the Tunstall Heathcare
efficient investment and fundraising Asia-Pacific region. The telehealthcare group, which
Premier Asset Management Investment Management between business. Schaefer, who also takes on the role employs over 1,000 people and oper-
The asset manager has appointed 1996 and 2009, where he managed of the group’s global head of institution- ates in 30 countries worldwide, has
Simon King as senior investment man- and co-managed a series of successful Treveria Asset Management al capital, was most recently a manag- appointed Gil Baldwin as its new chief
ager for UK equities, tasked with run- multi-cap long/short and long only high The German retail-focused real estate ing director and head of the executive.
ning its £61m Premier UK Thematic performance portfolios. investment firm has appointed Dr Asia-Pacific operations at Citi Property Baldwin previously spent four years
Fund and its Premier Smaller Prior to that, he was in the UK small- Bernhard Fuhrmann as its new chief Investors. at Aviva, as managing director of its
Companies Fund. er companies team at NatWest financial officer. He has also worked as head of Asian health business. Prior to that, he was
King formerly worked at Gartmore Investment Management. Fuhrmann, 46, previously worked at property at Macquarie Bank. operations director at Norwich Union.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career updates and pictures to
Markets&Investment 17

LONDON’S TOP 250 Trade these shares from £1.50 with Interactive Investor -
Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292.40 +1.00 314.80 152.41 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .483.10 +3.10 492.00 219.00 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1505.00 +29.00 1563.00 325.50 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1132.00* +7.00 1178.00 633.50
3i Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . .106.40 +1.40 109.70 80.00 Dana Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . .1212.00 +24.00 1549.00 968.50 Kesa Electricals . . . . . . . . . . . . .124.30* –2.10 162.00 87.50 Scot. & Sthrn Energy. . . . . . . . .1090.00* –5.00 1206.00 357.50
A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .966.50 +3.00 976.50 614.00 Davis Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409.40 +1.90 438.00 248.00 .LQJÀVKHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227.00 –6.00 249.10 134.20 Scottish Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . .469.70 +1.20 475.50 341.00
Aberdeen Asset Man . . . . . . . . . .126.70 –2.30 155.60 111.00 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .944.50 +4.50 1041.00 808.50 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147.00 –2.60 213.49 114.60 Scottish Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . .598.00 +5.50 599.50 330.00
Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1327.00* +42.00 1336.00 825.00 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72.65 –0.10 99.50 40.75 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .458.30* –1.70 540.00 416.70 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317.00 — 403.10 250.00
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.00 –0.80 128.80 75.25 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1310.00 –12.00 1418.00 631.00 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .674.50* +2.50 743.50 401.75
Afren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96.20 +0.70 111.00 24.75 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .144.10 –0.90 148.00 82.00 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85.10 +3.80 94.40 36.10 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .602.50* +10.00 606.00 341.50
Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1196.00 +26.00 1203.00 467.25 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102.00* +2.00 1106.00 735.50 Liberty International . . . . . . . . . .489.30 +6.80 580.00 330.25 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1188.00 –10.00 1223.00 921.00
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .341.50* +1.90 342.20 252.50 Dimension Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94.35 +0.50 98.80 38.75 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .63.00 +1.90 83.23 37.16 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .371.70 –1.10 426.50 219.00
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .763.00 +2.50 879.50 511.00 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .358.80 –1.10 559.50 357.60 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126.90 +1.10 136.80 61.50 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1478.00* –3.00 1487.00 778.00
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398.00* –9.50 428.50 291.00 DSG Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33.97 –1.21 39.75 13.47 London Stock Exchange . . . . . . .734.50 –1.00 949.50 500.00 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119.90 +0.90 173.00 82.25
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2717.50 +33.50 2962.00 1078.00 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363.00* –2.00 438.40 202.00 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2032.00 +50.00 2198.00 950.00 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .672.00 –6.00 700.00 412.00
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1012.00 +12.00 1054.00 474.00 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .453.50 +4.70 454.90 260.00 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242.70 –0.10 373.60 195.60 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139.00 +12.00 1156.00 646.50
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .419.60* +11.10 458.40 156.62 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .395.10* +1.30 412.40 283.75 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .356.20 +1.20 412.70 258.00 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1655.00 +5.00 1716.00 1068.00
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231.50 +5.00 235.00 99.00 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .213.00 –1.30 217.40 118.50 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313.50* +3.60 314.40 122.50 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .817.50 –2.00 845.00 376.75
Arriva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .716.50 +0.50 726.50 361.00 Enterprise Inns . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124.90 +2.40 192.75 54.50 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220.50* +3.50 221.50 78.00 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1363.00 –18.00 1410.00 749.50
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262.80* +5.70 311.20 142.25 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . . 1194.00 +44.00 1200.00 403.00 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .945.00 +13.00 964.00 586.00 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121.40* +1.30 126.30 46.00
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2969.00 –1.00 3136.00 2237.00 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .650.00 +3.50 656.00 421.25 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .408.40 +6.50 434.80 171.25
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .623.00 –1.00 679.00 480.00 F&C Comm Prop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89.25* –1.75 96.80 73.50 Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .498.50 –4.00 539.00 280.00 Sports Direct Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . .107.10 +1.20 134.00 55.25
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1810.00 –3.00 1841.00 1121.00 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340.60 +30.20 342.50 53.00 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .447.50* +3.90 466.00 165.50 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .788.00 –10.50 808.50 422.75
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189.00 +7.00 1211.00 510.00 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375.90 –0.10 448.80 248.75 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245.50 +1.90 250.30 113.25 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .250.00* +1.10 296.90 142.75
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .401.60 +2.30 474.00 202.50 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .288.30* +1.00 292.50 208.50 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .291.10 –1.00 310.60 219.25 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187.00* +0.10 196.10 114.75
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .560.00 +27.50 660.50 381.25 Forth Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1374.00 –23.00 1413.00 870.00 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224.30 +0.80 281.70 170.50 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1785.50* +29.50 1799.00 798.00
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380.20 –8.60 400.00 294.20 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .839.50 +9.50 935.00 403.00 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .476.00 +4.00 488.00 143.50 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205.90* –0.10 237.00 155.90
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285.00 +2.80 330.94 243.40 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263.20 +1.30 285.70 184.50 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307.10* +1.80 308.30 209.00 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .431.10 –2.10 453.30 191.00
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357.90 +4.30 390.00 109.00 Gartmore Gp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196.70 –1.30 230.00 181.00 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .294.70 –0.10 306.30 233.50 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .452.70 +3.90 481.40 239.75
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . .124.60 +0.30 193.31 54.26 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .462.00 –3.70 472.00 370.00 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .864.00 +0.50 873.00 555.50 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38.29 –0.57 54.90 19.50
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195.10* +3.10 196.90 78.25 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135.50 +4.50 138.40 43.20 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .220.00 — 254.52 78.45 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415.50 +0.50 444.50 191.25
Beazley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108.00* –0.80 122.00 86.00 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . .1284.50* –9.50 1347.00 982.00 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .641.00 +2.00 685.50 511.00 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .571.50 +7.00 575.00 271.75
Bellway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .719.50 –16.50 927.50 591.50 Go-Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1408.00* –23.00 1577.00 1014.00 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2078.00 +1.00 2139.00 1230.00 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434.50 –2.20 442.00 311.80
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .824.50 –6.50 1071.00 716.50 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .300.00* +4.00 307.40 172.47 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .272.00 –1.00 295.70 203.00
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1175.50 –5.00 1248.00 969.00 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .436.10 +2.80 547.45 349.69 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.40 –0.30 127.20 45.10 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255.80* +5.90 303.50 191.90
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2236.50* +35.00 2254.00 1274.50 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .476.60 –7.30 497.00 280.00 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318.40 +3.40 339.70 213.30 Tomkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232.00 +4.90 233.40 113.50
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .600.50* +4.50 604.00 312.75 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .259.40 –1.40 266.70 149.00 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1006.00 +10.00 1009.00 574.00 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .795.50 +4.50 888.00 319.82
BlueBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366.90* +0.70 393.00 115.00 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380.70* –2.70 460.30 237.75 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .526.00* +5.50 558.00 390.75 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304.20* +9.50 306.10 215.50
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44.00 — 49.50 22.50 Hansen Trans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92.15 –2.85 172.50 78.00 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .446.00 –10.70 534.50 325.25 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357.10 +0.30 436.20 190.25
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .634.60 +4.80 640.10 426.50 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .340.20* –8.90 354.90 193.00 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1228.00 +42.00 1244.00 514.00 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1256.00 +17.00 1375.00 714.00
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .759.50 –5.00 831.60 709.00 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105.90* –0.10 115.10 69.25 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155.00* +39.00 1343.00 406.75 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .84.25* +0.85 84.60 55.25
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247.50 +6.50 249.00 117.30 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144.60 +1.90 146.90 74.50 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215.10 –1.10 224.90 115.50 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1541.00 +6.00 1546.00 1058.00
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2256.00* –11.50 2335.50 1481.00 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .540.00 +4.00 630.00 295.00 Premier Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33.00 +0.09 47.00 27.25 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1909.00 –31.00 2024.00 1229.00
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .438.40 –0.10 451.80 338.25 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .613.00 +13.50 626.50 341.25 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1175.00 +6.00 1431.00 771.01 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .545.50 –7.50 566.50 429.00
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .462.30 –0.80 532.00 342.75 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338.80* –1.70 369.30 279.50 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .869.50 –1.00 986.00 763.00 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .536.50 +0.50 541.50 364.75
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434.90 –3.10 453.40 216.00 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . .283.00 +9.00 370.60 168.25 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .522.00 –4.50 665.00 302.00 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2704.00 +72.00 2967.00 628.50
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219.30 –5.20 275.80 185.00 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275.00 –6.90 336.50 211.00 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268.80* +8.70 294.00 148.25
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .589.50 +1.00 605.50 409.25 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1757.00* +3.00 1801.00 960.50 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141.50 +0.80 179.10 121.30 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .876.00 –3.00 902.50 475.50
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124.10 +1.50 151.00 72.50 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .675.80* –2.30 766.80 364.25 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .4912.00 +58.00 5450.00 2760.00 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148.50 +0.60 152.70 111.20
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .735.00 +0.50 738.00 473.00 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .636.00* –0.50 659.50 374.50 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3590.00* +12.00 3620.00 2453.00 VT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .721.50 +31.50 731.00 412.75
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .713.50 +3.50 718.00 263.00 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378.50 –2.90 478.30 272.25 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .505.00 +3.50 547.00 403.75 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .946.50 +3.00 956.00 399.50
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408.90 +30.10 425.10 306.80 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413.10 +1.70 433.10 165.25 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108.10 +7.60 120.50 58.75 Wellstream Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .601.50 +18.50 702.00 419.75
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1631.00* +1.00 1759.00 1257.00 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .666.00 +18.50 669.50 245.00 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129.20 +0.30 135.00 42.75 Wetherspoon(J.D.) . . . . . . . . . . .502.00* –2.50 551.00 348.00
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .769.50 +13.00 791.00 608.00 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .2041.00 –9.00 2159.00 1412.00 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77.40 +3.35 112.00 67.90 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .461.30 –4.10 551.00 340.00
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320.30 –2.50 326.50 230.50 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.00 +0.33 36.74 11.08 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293.80 –0.20 306.10 222.50 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1528.00 — 1560.00 757.00
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2700.00 +57.00 2757.00 1431.00 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375.10 +1.80 389.40 216.00 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .645.00 –2.50 692.50 245.00 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202.50* +2.90 243.25 160.50
Carphone Warehouse . . . . . . . . .190.50* +0.10 216.10 114.00 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .778.00* +6.00 793.00 452.50 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3823.00* +93.00 3849.50 1727.38 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475.40* +5.00 480.90 310.50
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359.80* +2.80 374.80 284.75 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . .1040.00 +21.00 1043.00 497.00 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . .1064.00* –4.00 1119.00 812.50 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1594.00 +8.00 1691.00 907.03
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .291.10 +2.10 300.00 212.50 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .272.40 –1.10 332.00 113.67 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .612.00 +13.50 614.50 279.00
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .753.00 +5.00 797.00 395.25 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1464.00 +9.00 1482.00 870.00 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1433.00 +2.00 1465.00 764.50 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .377.70* +4.50 391.50 215.75
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3344.00* +8.00 3489.00 1794.00 Intl Personal Fin . . . . . . . . . . . . .233.00 +1.50 242.40 58.25 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .44.06 +0.28 58.25 23.00 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .644.00* +4.00 671.00 371.75
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .782.00 –0.50 806.50 535.00 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325.70 +2.10 353.60 198.10 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .1939.50 +9.50 1973.00 1403.00 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1161.50 +20.50 1302.50 424.25
Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261.90 +3.70 263.00 163.90 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .346.30 +3.90 347.30 158.00 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .1850.00 +6.00 1897.00 1368.00 Yell Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39.41 +1.70 86.00 12.00
COLT Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133.00 –0.50 144.20 83.00 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .558.50 +6.50 562.50 250.00 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127.50* +0.80 142.00 113.10 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .518.00 +11.00 521.50 282.50 ITV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54.20 +0.50 59.65 19.00 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1942.00 –9.00 1963.00 985.50
Cookson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .555.00 +16.00 558.00 202.75 Jardine Lloyd Thompson. . . . . . .555.50 +9.00 558.00 391.25 Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246.30 –0.80 250.40 164.30 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .919.50 –12.50 948.00 498.50 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . . .1748.00 +3.00 1780.00 1015.00 Sainsbury(J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328.10 –1.10 373.00 298.75
CSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .463.00 +4.00 524.00 223.75 JPMorgan Emerg Mkts . . . . . . . .521.00 +4.00 527.00 307.75 Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1400.00* +2.00 1418.00 727.50

FTSE 100 peaks at 21-month Caterpillar leads as

high led by banks and energy US stocks move up
after the oil explorer accompanied maker SAB Miller fell 0.5 per cent. S&P 500’s best-performing sector,
THELONDON full-year results with upbeat com-
ments on its operations in India and
Home improvement retailers fell
sharply. Home Retail and Kingfisher THENEW YORK with the S&P materials sector also
lending support. Both indexes ended

REPORT Greenland, prompting BofA Merrill

Lynch to hike its net asset value.
Other energy stocks rallied as
were off 2.5 and 2.6 per cent respec-
tively, with traders citing the profit
warning issued by mid-cap floor cov-
REPORT slightly above 1 per cent.
Semiconductor stocks were also
strong performers, lifting the Nasdaq.
crude prices rose to around $82 a bar- erings retailer Carpetright as a cata- The Philadelphia semiconductor

RITAIN’S top share index rose rel. BP and Royal Dutch Shell firmed lyst. S stocks rallied yesterday, led by index rose 2.3 per cent, while Intel
0.5 per cent yesterday, hitting a 0.8 and 0.5 per cent respectively. Kingfisher reports full-year results the tech, industrial and materi- gained 1.9 per cent to $22.67
fresh 21-month closing high, Banks bounced back from on Thursday. als sectors, driving the Dow and Integrated Silicon Solution surged
led by commodity, enErgy and Monday's losses, when fears resur- BAE Systems was another big faller, the S&P 500 to 18-month highs. 14.6 per cent to $8.58 a day after it
banking stocks as fears over mone- faced over Greece’s and Dubai’s debt. losing 2.2 per cent after broker Signs of improved demand in the raised its second-quarter revenue and
tary tightening effects ebbed. Barclays, Standard Chartered, Royal Bernstein downgraded the defence semiconductor industry and a bro- earnings outlook.
The FTSE 100 index ended 29.09 Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking stock, the day after US firm General ker’s positive commentary on According to Stifel Nicolaus, which
points higher at 5,673.63, after hit- Group were up 0.6 to 3.1 per cent. Dynamics beat BAE to a UK tank Caterpillar lifted blue chips, while cited a media report, Taiwan
ting an intra-day high of 5,695.94. It Debt-laden Dubai World will pres- building contract. tech bellwethers Apple and Cisco hit Semiconductor Manufacturing fore-
was the highest close since June 19 ent plans to restructure its $26bn British retail sales growth slowed 52-week highs, indicating increased cast full-year revenue growth of 22
2008. debt pile to creditors this week, more than expected in March, accord- optimism among investors. Kraft, a per cent, compared with a previous
Miners added the most points to sources familiar with the talks said. ing to industry figures, while annual Dow component, also hit a 52-week expectation of 18 per cent. The com-
the index as metal prices rebounded, Life insurer Legal and General was consumer price inflation slowed last high. pany’s US-listed stock rose 0.9 per cent
having been hit by worries that mon- up 4.7 per cent after it posted profits month for the first time since Caterpillar led the Dow industrials to $10.27 on the New York Stock
etary tightening in China and India ahead of analysts’ expectations. September. higher after Wells Fargo raised price Exchange.
could weigh on global demand. As the appetite for risk spread targets on the company's stock on The Dow Jones industrial average
“Investors have shrugged aside the among investors, perceived defensive ANALYSIS l FTSE100 5,673.63 expectations for strong longer-term rose 102.94 points, or 0.95 per cent, to
monetary tightening concerns for stocks were the main drag on the 5,700 23 Mar growth. The stock climbed 4.1 per 10,888.83. The Standard & Poor’s 500
now, buying back in on the previous FTSE 100. Imperial Tobacco, the 5,600 cent to $62.41. Index gained 8.36 points, or 0.72 per
session's dips, while the bullish corpo- world’s fourth-biggest cigarette “Industrials have been among the cent, to 1,174.17. The Nasdaq
rate data has also given the market a maker, shed 0.4 per cent after it said best performers so far this year, so Composite Index shot up 19.84
lift,” said Jimmy Yates, head of equi- its half-year cigarette volumes will be 5,400 they’re getting a lot of the momen- points, or 0.83 per cent, to 2,415.24.
ties at CMC Markets. down around four per cent. British 5,300 tum money,” said John Massey, portfo- The Nasdaq Composite Index
Eurasian Natural Resources, American Tobacco fell 0.5 per cent. lio manager at SunAmerica Asset ended at its highest level since 18
Lonmin, Rio Tinto and Vedanta Drugmakers GlaxoSmithKline and Management in Jersey City, New August, 2008, or about a month
Resources gained 2.4 to 3.8 per cent. Shire fell 0.7 and 0.2 per cent respec- 5,100 Jersey. “I think it’s clear we're on an before Lehman Brothers collapsed
Cairn Energy was the top FTSE 100 tively, while consumer goods giant 5,000 upward path.” during the credit crisis. The Dow
gainer, up 8 per cent to a year high Unilever shed 1.6 per cent and drinks 13 Jan 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar The S&P industrials sector was the chalked up its 10th day of gains.
18 Investment | Foreign Exchange CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

LIFTS LOONIE Indian rate hike sets the
scene for the rest of Asia
S THE first quarter of 2010 draws to a
close, some currencies are enjoying a safe-
ty premium due to their superior fiscal
and trade balance position. In Europe, the
Swiss economy is currently running both a fiscal
and trade balance surplus and it stands in sharp
contrast to the much larger Eurozone economy.
The single currency bloc is plagued by fiscal
deficit problems among its southern member
states and a deteriorating current account bal-
ance. Little wonder then, that euro-Swiss franc
is trading near all-time lows in the SFr1.4300s,
well below the SFr1.5000 level that only a few
months ago was considered to be an ironclad
support level.
In North America, the Canadian economy’s
balance sheet position is far superior to that of
its neighbour to the south. Not only has
Canadian trade returned to surplus in 2010
after recording its first deficit in decades in
2009, but the Canadian budget gap is minor
relative to that of the US. In 2010 the
Canadian fiscal deficit is projected to decrease
to Ca$49.2bn, staying below 4 per cent of GDP.
Contrast that with the US budget deficit, which
is expected to exceed $1 trillion – or approxi-
mately 10 per cent of GDP.
Ironically enough, both the Swissie and the
Loonie (Canadian dollar) carry very low yields
of only 25 basis points. Both the Swiss National
Bank (SNB) and the Bank of Canada (BOC)
have tried everything in their power to dilute
the value of their respective currencies as
authorities in both countries are increasingly
concerned about the competitive positions of
their export sectors.
The SNB has intervened in the market on
numerous occasions as it tried to maintain The recent move by India (RBI) was made between meetings
and it delivered an increase in both its
RBI. As a result, the expectation is for
another 25 basis points in April and the
euro-Swissie above SFr1.5000, but has since
given up on its targets and is now simply con- the central bank will benchmark repo rate to 5 per cent and
its reverse repo rate, which now stands
repo rate to hit 6 per cent by the end of
the year.
tent at managing the decline in the pair in an at 3.5 per cent. The Indian rupee has been strengthen-
orderly fashion. support the rupee, While the hike was not scheduled, it ing against the US dollar since early
Meanwhile, the Canadian officials are loathe did not come as much of a surprise to February and the rate hike should be
to see the Loonie reach parity with the dollar, says Jessica Mead the markets, given the emerging infla- supportive of further appreciation. The
but they may have to become resigned to such tion problem that the Indian authorities pair is currently trading at around
a possibility. Last week’s Canadian inflation are trying to tackle. Indeed, the RBI cited R45.49 but the support level of 45.25 –

numbers soared to 0.7 per cent from 0.1 per O FAR this year, the markets have in its accompanying statement recent the January low – is currently being eyed
cent the month prior, putting strong pressure been concentrating on the developments in inflation – an annu- by the market. A break through here
on the BOC to begin raising rates in the near prospect of monetary policy tight- alised 9.9 per cent in February – as a would put the September 2008 low of
future. If the BOC starts to tighten by the sum- ening in China and what that will source of growing concern and noted 45.24 in focus and a potential test of 44.
mertime, then US dollar-Canadian dollar seeing mean for global recovery. But while the that anchoring inflation expectations
parity becomes a foregone conclusion. Asian powerhouse has been slowly tight- and containing overall inflation have OVERSEAS INVESTMENT
ening here and there in an effort to cool become imperative. The rupee is expected to continue to
Boris Schlossberg and Kathy Lien are directors its economy down, it was India that bit Further rate hikes are also in the off- strengthen and the latest hike should
of currency research at GFT. Read commentary the bullet and hiked rates by 25 basis ing, with analysts sceptical that one rate also attract more foreign inflows into
at or e-mail points late last Friday. rise will be enough to bring inflation India, which has already received $3.5bn The decision by the Reserve Bank of down to the 5-6 per cent desired by the in overseas investment since the start of
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 Investment | Foreign Exchange 19


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Tightening in India this year and is expected to continue global recovery has stepped up inflation- The Tipster the global economic recovery and since an
could spread to receiving investment at a similar pace. ary pressures and led to a repricing of aggressive sell-off in October 2008, the rand
the rest of Asia. Prompted by improved government the rates outlook in a number of Asian Sterling under has fought back with conviction. With the
finances, the rating agency Standard & countries. Indeed, BNP Paribas currency World Cup closing in, the rand is likely to con-
Picture: REX Poor recently updated its outlook on strategists reckon that China’s situation pressure ahead tinue to be buoyant in the medium term. But
India’s sovereign debt, which is rated at
BBB-, to stable from negative. This should
is not that different to India’s, leaving
markets wondering when China will
of the Budget euro-rand is trading at interesting levels.
Technically, the euro is expected to be sup-
also encourage further capital inflows increase its rates. This will have an ported around the R9.70-R9.90 level for a
into the country. Foreign exchange impact on the G10 currencies. short term retracement. Longer-term traders

traders could therefore look to short dol- They say: “Asia’s inflation rates have NSURPRISINGLY, it is sterling that will should look to buy rands at higher levels
lar-rupee using any rebounds to take out increased sharply requiring monetary be in focus today with the Budget against the euro. FairFx is offering a spot price
positions. policy responses. The RBI increased rates scheduled to follow Prime Minister’s of R9.9083.
in an emergency move on Friday, causing Questions this afternoon. This will keep The Australian dollar-New Zealand dollar
CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS the Australian dollar to fall back. China the pressure on sterling against the dollar but has struggled to make new ground beyond
But the Indian rate hike has wider impli- is the next on the agenda to hike rates. the pound will remain susceptible to sharp ral- the NZ$1.3000 mark as the clash of the high-
cations for the currency markets beyond Rate hikes dampen domestic demand lies while it stays above the key Fibonacci tech- rate currencies continues. Historically this
the rupee. The sense of urgency in India and hence will work against commodi- nical support level of $1.4850. FX traders level has proved too much for the Aussie and
to raise rates has sparked speculation ties.” should look to sell rallies back towards $1.5120 it has fallen back to lower levels on several
that other Asian currencies may also However, they highlight that the looking for any moves down to $1.4850. CMC occasions. It looks like history might be
start to tighten policy in the coming impact of dampened monetary expan- Markets currently offers a spread of three repeating itself. Capital Spreads quotes a
months. This should ultimately be sup- sion in Asia on Asian currency reserve basis points on sterling-US dollar. price of NZ$1.2960-NZ$1.2972.
portive of emerging market currencies growth will be more important. “We Commodity currencies have benefited from Jessica Mead
in the region, which will benefit from expect currency reserve growth to
favourable interest rate differentials decline, which in turn will reduce dollar
attracting speculative hot money into liquidity and hence support the dollar,”
the region. they add.
Phil McHugh, corporate dealer at Therefore, foreign exchange traders
Currencies Direct, says that the Indian could look to go short on the dollar-
decision has put the cat among the rupee pair. If you are concerned about
pigeons and that many Asian indices trading the rupee, you could also take
dropped across the board in response, out bearish positions on commodity cur-
although the rupee has remained largely rencies such as the Australian dollar.
stable in the immediate aftermath. These currencies will struggle to make
Emerging Asian markets have not ground against the US dollar if emerging
raised interest rates for some time, but markets lose their voracious appetite for
the region’s rapid recovery from the raw materials.

ANALYSIS l Core wholesale prices inflation in India

Source: BNP Paribas

% change quarterly
15 six months

95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09

FOREX FLASH Jessica Mead


Japanese households are choosing to send
their savings overseas at the fastest pace
since 2007 as they seek out higher yielding
assets. With benchmark interest rates only
0.1 per cent in the Asian country, investors
are choosing to buy Chinese stocks and
Brazilian bonds to gain exposure to high-
yielding emerging market assets. Currency
strategists consequently expect the yen to
fall 8 per cent against the greenback by the
end of this year.


The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, Charles Evans, yesterday said that
the US central bank is likely to maintain an
accommodative interest rate stance for at Bank president Philipp Hildebrand said the Federal Reserve’s
least six months. He said: “I would expect it central bank was ready to act decisively to Charles Evans
will hold for the next three or four meetings, counter excessive franc gains after the cur-
that’s about six months,” adding that he rency rose to a 10-year high against the euro. Picture: REUTERS
would not be surprised if it continued into
The euro weakened against the US dollar
UBS RAISES ITS SWISS FRANC FORECAST yesterday after a Greek report said the coun-
Swiss bank UBS has raised its forecast for try was not optimistic about receiving aid
the euro-Swiss franc currency pair, predicting from Eurozone members at a European sum-
that one euro will cost SFr 1.40 in three mit later this week. The publication sparked
months time, compared to SFr 1.45. The renewed concerns about Greece’s sovereign
change came just hours after Swiss National debt problems.
20 Investment | ISAs CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Whatever you fancy

in the long-term,
there’s an ISA for it
If you are looking for But every new year there brings a new
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Solar power,
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Advisors recommend buying into a
you’re spoiled for range of sectors in order to avoid the pit-
falls of fad investment
investment choice, Martin Bamford, managing director
of Informed Choice, says: “Longer invest-
writes Karen Attwood ment terms and higher risk profiles
should translate into equity focused ISA
portfolios, although diversification

ITH tax hikes on the horizon across the different asset classes But for the long term he says care, financial and leisure sectors,” he
as the general election looms, remains important to manage shorter “investors should pick sector themes says. He also recommends oil and energy.
sheltering more cash in an ISA term risks.” that will stand the test of time”. “As global oil supplies continue to
is a sensible move. The invest- There is still so much uncertainty “Some themes we are considering for dwindle, and demand for oil picks up as
ment choices you make will depend on around that it is unclear which sectors our clients include those that should world economies come out of recession,
how long you wish to invest and how “will be the top performers over the benefit from the demographic changes the oil price has potential to be pushed
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Title First name Surname “Other similar income funds are Artemis multi-manager funds such as Jupiter Merlin
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Please return this coupon to F&C, FREEPOST RLRY-LYSR-KYBU, Clandeboye Business Park, these sorts of dividends are likely to increase.” term tactical decisions if things change in the
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CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 Investment | ISAs 21

longer term. He tips the IM WHEB ANALYSIS l Performance of JP Morgan’s Natural Resources fund
Sustainability, managed by Clare Brook,
who previously managed Jupiter Ecology. %
The fund invests in three themes; cli-
mate, water and demographics. 80
Many investors got their fingers burnt
when the technology bubble burst and
may have been put off the sector for 60
good but given that technology touches
all aspects of our lives, it is still a sector
to keep an eye on. One fund that has had 40
a consistently good record is Axa
Framlington Global Technology Fund for
those wishing to dip their toe in the sec- 20
tor again.
Smaller companies offer an opportuni-
ty for investors to get in early with a firm
that may turn out to be heading for the
FTSE 100 Index. If you wish to stay local,
the Investec UK Smaller Companies Fund -20
is one for consistency of performance
and if you wish to get exposure in
America, take a look at Schroder US -40
0-12 12-24 24-36 36-48 48-60
Smaller Companies Fund. months months months months months

Certainly, natural resources has name funds to consider are JPMorgan

been one of the most lucrative invest- Natural Resources (see right) and
ment areas in the past few years driven BlackRock Gold and General.
by strong performances in oil and met- Bamford says we can also expect to
als such as gold and copper. As there is see growing demand for renewable
a finite supply of such resources, prices and green energy, so companies in this
should be driven up over time. Big sector should also benefit over the

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22 Investment CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Easing central
banks’ inflation
targets would
be a mistake
Changing the primary goal of monetary policy
now risks institutions’ hard-earned credibility
more). It would also result in more
room to make cuts because interest
rates end up higher if there’s a higher
target inflation rate.
Also higher inflation means wage
growth can take place without impact-
ing productivity; workers are happier
accepting a 4 per cent salary rise when
inflation is 5 per cent than a 1 per cent
MOORAD CHOUDHRY rise when inflation is 1 per cent.
Again, it looks an easy win: the south-

OVEREIGN debt has replaced the ern Eurozone could raise productivity
bank crisis as the biggest worry and competitiveness without budget
for investors. The problems in and wage cuts if inflation was running
Greece have served to focus atten- at 5 per cent instead of at 1 per cent.
tion on the budget deficits of the entire The upside looks great, especially as it
southern Eurozone. gets governments out of a bind. And
And last week the head of sovereign governments ultimately set inflation
risk at Moody’s, talking about the situa- targets for their central banks, so it
tion in the US and UK, said: “We expect would be easy to set the target higher.
the situation to further deteriorate in However if they did that, it would be
terms of the key ratings metrics before a mistake. One can never quote profes-
they start stabilising”. In other words, sor Milton Friedman often enough, and
these countries may face a downgrade inflation isn’t a free lunch. There are
of their AAA status. As a warning, this costs as well as benefits associated with
statement is even less than a shot it.
across the bows, more simply a reitera- In the first place there is no tap that
tion of the obvious: that given the cur- can be turned on to start inflation
rent state of the economy, it will be rolling. It isn’t something that can be
some time before public finances are engineered with any precision, and
back at “healthy” levels. there is no guarantee that a tolerable 4
Resumption of sustained economic per cent level won’t turn into a painful
growth would help immensely, because 8 per cent shortly after.
that would generate higher tax rev- Secondly, to have any real benefit for
enues. Bear in mind that the debt-to- government deficits, the public debt
GDP ratio, a number so beloved of the needs to be long-dated, thus enabling
media, is not the metric that ratings inflation to erode its value over time. A
agencies care about most. What they quick look at the chart shows that only
consider first and foremost is the level the UK’s debt is sufficiently long to ben-
of annual debt servicing costs as a per- efit from this.
centage of government revenue. Rising
tax receipts will, everything else being GENUINE HARDSHIP
equal, assuage the rating agencies’ wor- There’s more. Public sector liabilities,
ries. including salaries and pensions, are
There is however another way to invariably index-linked. Higher infla-
address the problem, and that is to tion will be a shot in the foot as it will
inflate it away. High inflation erodes result in higher public spending. In the
the value of debt (for both governments private sector, there is the genuine
as well as individuals) so over time hardship of long-term savers (such as
would reduce its real amount. There is the retired) who would see the value of
also evidence that higher inflation their savings eroded, while younger
enables economies to regain competi- people, who are more likely to be bor- Once you turn on the But to start allowing for higher infla- tained. Central banks of the world
tiveness, as it acts in a similar way to a rowers, will see their interest costs rise. inflation tap, it can be tion would be to open Pandora’s box: unite: you have nothing to lose except
currency devaluation. And finally there is possibly the hard to turn off. we simply don’t know where it will end. your credibility.
biggest danger of all: credibility risk. And in the meantime investors every- Professor Moorad Choudhry is a visiting
UNDER ATTACK Central banks build reputations over Picture: GETTY where would get unfairly punished. It is professor at London Metropolitan Business
Might governments be tempted to time, and a reputation for credibility is vital that a low inflation target is main- School.
adjust policy and allow for a “little” the hardest-earned. Moving from a 2 per
inflation? Now could be the time, cent target to a higher one is, at least in
ANALYSIS l Sovereign debt, weighted-average years to maturity
because the concept of inflation target- the medium-term, bound to have a neg-
ing has come under attack in some ative impact on the reputation of the United States Source: Bloomberg
quarters and the consensus behind it central bank. Consequently investors Japan
may be breaking down. A recent high- will demand a higher risk premium for Germany
profile paper from IMF economists holding that country’s debt. Again, the
Olivier Blanchard, Giovanni end result is higher interest costs.
Dell’Ariccia and Paulo Mauro has con- Investors, and the market as a whole, Spain
cluded that low inflation does more need to keep governments on their toes Ireland
harm to an economy than good. and insist that inflation targeting France
Some level of inflation, let us say 4 remains in place and stays at a low Italy
per cent instead of the targeted 2 per level. By all means add productivity and Greece
cent, would enable central banks to employment targets, and add asset
respond more proactively to economic prices to the consumer prices index’s
crises (read: reduce rates quicker and by (CPI) basket of “goods”. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 Investment 23

The budget is Darling’s last chance

to convince voters and markets


ORE than one budget is expect-
ed this year, and there is a good
chance that tomorrow’s will be
superseded by another once the
election has been fought and won. But
that doesn’t detract from the fact that
there is still an awful lot riding on chan-
cellor Alistair Darling’s words this week.
Firstly, the budget provides the govern-
ment with a make-or-break opportunity
to set out its stall to the electorate ahead
of the general election. Opinion polls
continue to point to a hung parliament
but there is a chance Labour could
remain in power in a coalition with the
Liberal Democrats – although tomorrow
is likely to be Darling’s last budget as
Second, Darling must try to achieve
voter support while also managing to
convince both the credit rating agencies
and the financial markets that the budg-
et deficit will be cut drastically over the
medium term. The market would cer-
tainly favour a government which leapt
head first into a programme of spending
But Labour could still outline an auster-
ity plan for the medium term without
necessarily contradicting its stance that
too much austerity too soon would endan-
ger the recovery. Either way, the market is
demanding firmer detail tomorrow on ling and extra spending would not be ing the deficit and weaken the position Cutting the deficit is chance that a Labour/Lib Dem alliance
exactly how the government intends to welcomed by investors. of the pound. the name of the game. could be leading the country for the next
meet its pledge of halving the huge budg- As budget deficits and debt levels are Recent weeks have been volatile for five years, reassuring words on deficit
et deficit within four years. generally measured as ratios to GDP, the sterling. Weakness in cable is correlated Picture: GETTY reduction tomorrow could bring some
The release of better-than-expected pub- chancellor’s forecasts for growth are a with the fear that the general election near-term support for the pound. That
lic finances data for February will have crucial element of the budget. It is very (expected on 6 May) will provide a hung said, in the absence of clear evidence that
put a spring back in Darling’s step. With likely that the necessary dose of austerity parliament. The optimal outcome from the government is committed to tackling
just one month to go until the end of the will weigh on growth at least over the the election, at least as far as the markets the budget deficit, cable could still shift
fiscal year, they suggest that he will be next couple of years. The Bloomberg sur- are concerned, would be a clear majority significantly lower.
able to announce that public sector bor- vey of market economists points to for the Conservative party because a Email Jane Foley with your comments at
rowing this year is likely to be between £5- growth at a moderate 2.05 per cent in quicker resolution to the deficit is seen as Read daily market
£10bn less than the forecast £177.6bn. 2011. A downward revision to the govern- more likely. commentary and analysis from Jane Foley and
ment’s 2011 growth projection of 2.50 But if we assume that a hung parlia- the global research team at
SHOCKING CONDITION per cent would protect the chancellor’s ment is largely priced in and there is a
In essence this is good news, but it credibility even though it would need to
requires qualification. The February be balanced with more austerity meas-
numbers may be better than expected ures to achieve the aim of having the TECHNICAL VIEW | STERLING-US DOLLAR
but they are a far cry from good data. In budget deficit/GDP ratio in four years.
the fiscal year to February, net borrowing Last May, ratings agency Standard & Overall, the technical outlook for sterling continues to ing. A daily close below there would suggest the correc-
hit £131.9bn – compared to £66.5bn at Poor’s warned that it had revised the point lower. However, sterling has likely entered a tion is over. Prices will be adjusting directly lower and
the same stage last year – meaning that UK’s debt rating outlook to negative from fourth wave consolidation phase and may see a choppy, target the $1.4300-$1.4500 area initially. For the
public finances are still in a shocking stable. This threat has been largely counter-trend correction higher over the next several potential rebound, sterling-US dollar should not see
condition. In recent days the government shrugged off by the government as unre- weeks. Wave three finished at nearly exactly 1.618 beyond the 13 October low of $1.5709 if the down
has been keen to stress that it won’t use alistic. However, a failure in this week’s times the distance of wave one, highlighting the pre- move is to continue. Intervening resistance comes in at
the improvement to announce some pre- budget to map out a credible plan to ferred wave count. Also limiting the near-term down- 1.5300 from the Ichimoku Kijun line.
election sweeteners. The huge UK fiscal tackle the deficit would bring a rating side, cable has held the long-term trend line support Brian Dolan, chief currency strategist, Gain Capital-
deficit (around 12.9 per cent of GDP) is downgrade closer. This would inevitably from early 2009, which is currently at $1.4900 and ris-
already a nasty thorn in the side of ster- push up gilt yields, raise the cost of fund-

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Forex and other leveraged products involve significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. UK is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
24 CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

| Motoring WORDS BY


PRICE: £21,930
0-62MPH: 8.6 secs
TOP SPEED: 140 mph

CO2 G/KM: 172

VW’s sports coupe has brought

some much-needed style to the
dull, dependable old Passat

OMEHOW the Passat CC had passed
me by, until I overtook one on the
motorway recently and found
myself doing a double take on what
must surely be one of the most surprising-
ly stylish cars for sale in the UK.
Fast forward to this test drive. Firstly,
despite its CC name, a Coupé Convertible it
is not. There is no clever folding tin top
here – in this case CC rather uniquely
stands for Comfort Coupé. It’s a name that, car is going to have rather more in com- that you’ll have to get the GT or GT V6. ments which felt well-built and robust,
teamed with the Passat badge, suggests the mon with its practical, dependable and The CC has a similar side profile to the albeit let down in a couple of places by
somewhat dull namesake than the slicker, Mercedes Benz CLS. That includes the rear some poor metal impersonations, in the
sports coupé that it actually is. door rake that stoops so low even my doors in particular. A Park Assist system
Up close, the four-door, four-seater CC diminutive wife had to crane not to knock that allowed me to reverse using a rear
really is quite a stunner. One can’t help herself out while getting into the back (her mounted video camera and sensor alarms
thinking there must have been a moment chief complaint about the otherwise much- was extremely useful, not least because the
when VW’s talented if conservative Passat admired – by her – CLS). In fact at around corners are very difficult to see in this car.
designers may have taken a look at the £21,000 you could call the CC a sensible Despite the rake of the roof, sitting in
final mock up for their Comfort Coupé man’s CLS. the rear is surprisingly comfortable for
and remarked “blimey, that’s gone well”. On the roads the car feels far pokier than two, if not three for anyone under about
Just to say it’s more stylish than the regu- one would expect. The 1.8 litre TSI engine six feet tall. There is no rear bench here.
lar Passat is doing it a disservice; all the delivers 160ps and achieves 0-62mph in Instead, two seats, lounge chair-style are
corners are smoothed out, the roof rakes just 8.6 seconds. The engine sounds meaty divided by a very useful clutter cubby with
low and the car is considerably more mus- enough, and on the motorway the CC is sliding door lid. No doubt, this will be deal
The facts: cular, as if the standard Passat had been
going to the gym.
satisfyingly comfortable and suitably
quiet. Sadly, in the bends there’s a far soft-
breaker for some. This is no VW Phaeton
and the provision of four seats instead of
you can afford a Mercedes It’s so stylish in fact that, at the week-
end, I spotted two Passat CCs in the high
er ride that its sports coupé looks belie.
Our Passat CC came with the addition of
five seems a naive mistake.
But the boot is a revelation. Despite its
street in Knutsford, Cheshire – a town that Adaptive Chassis Control (ACC) that allows low Coupé form and a short boot section
The figures: is the northwest of England’s equivalent of
Monaco in terms of car ownership, albeit
you to tweak the suspension and steering
depending on your mood. The ACC system
VW has managed to increase the amount
of luggage space available compared to with more black pudding and greater rain-
fall. The Passat CC is classy enough that it
has three modes – comfort, normal and
sport. I found the comfort setting too soft
the regular Passat. We managed two large
suitcases and the required assorted baby
didn’t seem too out of place nestled even on the motorway, while the sport set- paraphernalia with room to spare, con-
For more information on our tailor-made between Bentleys and Porsches. It’s an eco- ting – which reduces body roll and is firming that the Passat CC is an entertain-
packages or to book a test drive, visit us online. nomical choice for any motoring stylista undoubtedly useful for short periods on ing, sportier and engaging option, even for
who struggles to get excited about an the twistiest of roads – became uncomfort- dads, and without compromising on
everyday saloon but who is, nevertheless, able over time. In the end I chose to drive space. Unless you need five seats of course.
restricted by some very real world practical on the normal setting almost entirely, sug-
considerations when purchasing a car.
With a nice, wide aggressive stance its
gesting that, for me, the additional £720
for the ACC option would have been THE VERDICT
look promises motoring high jinks. It’s unnecessary, with this engine at least. DESIGN hhhh
broader and lower than the regular saloon, Inside the CC, the ambience is one of PERFORMANCE hhh
but sadly this engine fails to deliver quite conservative luxury, a combination of PRACTICALITY hhh
as many thrills as its looks promises – for nappa leather and brushed aluminium ele- VALUE FOR MONEY hhh
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 Lifestyle | TV& Games 25


6pm BBC News
6.30pm BBC London News
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10.25pm Regional News company’s future plans. Last in 10pm ITV News at Ten 11pm Shameless help; Five News at 9
10.35pm Budget Statement by the series. 10.30pm London News 12am 4Music: The Album 9pm CHOICE NCIS
the Chancellor 10pm Rhod Gilbert’s Work 10.35pm FILM The Specialist: Chart Show Spotlight 10pm Law & Order: Criminal
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Draws a job in a hair and beauty salon. Sylvester Stallone. 1994. 12.35am Wakestock Music investigate the death of a ITV1, 7.30PM
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10 26 28 16 15 37 5
9 24 7
3 39
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 30 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 22 10
8 17
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 34 20
above or to the left of it. 35
You can only use the digits 1-9 20 4
    and you must not use the
9 38 16
12 14     
same digit twice in a block. 16
    The same digit may occur 6 13 
7 11 29
  more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a
17 23
    separate block.
9 13
23 9
15 22 12
1 Norwegian sea inlet (5) 1 Secures, fixes (7)
4 Mooring (5)
7 Lines on which musical
2 Transmitting live (2-3)
3 Colouring agent (3)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have notes are written (6)
    5 Rapture (7)
ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
L E 9 Psyche (4)
6 Jeer at (5)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters E 11 Giant (5)
8 Banded with pieces of
LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
I D 12 Breadwinner (6) contrasting colour (7)

SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.

14 Painting, sculpture,
music, etc (4)
10 Device used to
propel a boat (3)

16 Make a pretence (4) 13 Candidate (7)

( ( : 6 7 2 , &
6 7 3 8 1 2 4 9 5 SUDOKU          19 Purging medicine (6) 15 Victory (7)
1 2 3 2 7 1         
7 ( 5 0
+ *
, 7 (
5 5
% 8 9 4 7 1 3 21 Get up (5) 17 Jarring (5)
6 1 2 8 5 6 9 7
( 0 2 7 ( ( 1 6 8 (
         22 Small bird (4) 18 (They) exist (3)
5 + $ 5 9 6 8 9 6 7 1

' , 5 ( & 7 , 2 1 7 8 4 9 6 1 3 2 23 Harm (6) 20 Tip at an angle (5)
% ( 9 0
1 7 5
3 8 9
2 , / ( ' 3 ( 6 7 2
1 9 3 5 9 3 The nine-letter word          25 Woolly ruminant 24 Be unwell (3)
* , 2 / $ 8
3 8 5 7 6 1 2 9 4          mammal (5)
8 5 6 : $ * 0 $ 1
was POSTDATED         
6 / $ < 6 1 ( 7 5 2 9 8 5 3
26 Asian water lily (5)
26 CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010

Franco 90
Att: 33,988
West Ham.....................(0) 1 Wolverhampton.............(1) 3
Doyle 28, Zubar 58
Jarvis 61
Tigers chief
urges salary
P W D L F A GD Pts
Man Utd 31 22 3 6 72 25 47 69
Arsenal 31 21 4 6 73 33 40 67
Chelsea 30 20 5 5 70 28 42 65
Tottenham 30 16 7 7 55 29 26 55
Man City 29 14 11 4 55 37 18 53
Liverpool 31 15 6 10 50 32 18 51
Aston Villa 29 13 11 5 41 24 17 50

cap overhaul
Everton 30 12 9 9 48 42 6 45
Birminghm 30 12 8 10 31 34 -3 44
Fulham 30 10 8 12 33 34 -1 38
Stoke 30 8 12 10 29 35 -6 36
Blackburn 30 9 8 13 32 49 -17 35
Sunderland 30 8 10 12 40 46 -6 34
Bolton 31 8 8 15 36 56 -20 32
Wolves 31 8 7 16 28 50 -22 31
Wigan 31 8 7 16 29 59 -30 31
West Ham 31 6 9 16 38 54 -16 27
Burnley 31 6 6 19 31 64 -33 24 Leicester who are affected but that

Hull 30 5 9 16 29 64 -35 24
the standards in the Guinness
Portsmouth 30 6 4 20 28 53 -25 13 BY JON COUCH
Premiership might go down,”
COCA-COLA CHAMPIONSHIP LEICESTER TIGERS director Peter Wheeler said. “We don’t want the
Blackpool......................(2) 5 Swansea.............................(0) 1
Bristol City ..................(2) 5 Barnsley..............................(2) 3 Wheeler last night called for a major league to become stagnant and see
Doncaster ....................(0) 0 Newcastle .........................(0) 1 review of the salary cap system in the world class players from Europe,
Ipswich..........................(0) 0 Plymouth ............................(1) 2 order to help English rugby compete or those who come into European
Middlesbrough..........(1) 2 Preston................................(0) 0
Nottm For......................(1) 2 Crystal Palace ................(0) 0 with Europe’s elite. rugby, going to the Top 14 or the
QPR....................................(1) 1 Derby ....................................(0) 1 The Guinness Premiership has suf- Magners League.”
Scunthorpe .................(3) 4 Peterboro ..........................(0) 0 fered from an exodus of players The introduction of Elite Player
COCA-COLA LEAGUE ONE heading for the bright lights and big Squads (EPS) payments to clubs who
Colchester ...................(2) 3 Brentford...........................(2) 3 wages of the French Top 14 league, provide players for England has eased
Southamptn ...............(2) 3 Hartlepool..........................(1) 2
Southend.......................(1) 3 Walsall.................................(0) 0 including the world’s best tight- the burden somewhat, but Wheeler
head prop Carl Hayman, who opted insists it is not the answer.
Accrington S..............(0) 0 Burton Albion..................(1) 2 to leave Newcastle for Toulon this “We get money for producing
Bradford........................(0) 0 Notts County...................(0) 0 week. international players but are not
Darlington ...................(0) 1 Aldershot...........................(2) 2 At the same time, Premiership allowed to spend it on the playing
Rotherham...................(1) 3 Macclesfield.....................(1) 1
clubs have slumped to their worst side because of the salary cap,” he
ACTIVE NATION SCOTTISH CUP SIXTH Heineken Cup performance for 13 said. “Wages are going up but the
Ross County................(0) 2 Hibernian...........................(0) 1 years with Northampton the only wage cap will be the same for the sec-
CLYDESDALE BANK PREMIER LEAGUE English side to reach the last eight. ond or third year running. Squads are
St Johnstne.................(1) 1 Falkirk...................................(1) 1 Premier Rugby is to review the reducing in size and that makes any
CRICKET £4m salary cap for the start of the injuries even harder to deal with,
SECOND TEST MATCH (Mirpur): Bangladesh 419 (Tamim
2011-12 campaign, but Tigers chief especially if you have players away on
Iqbal 85, Naeem Naeem Islam 59no, G P Swann 4-114) and Wheeler believes it should be made a international duty. The ambition of
172-6 (68.0 overs) (Tamim Iqbal 52) v England 496 (I R Bell priority in order to avoid another sea- our league has to be the best profes-
138, Shakib Al Hasan 4-124). son of mediocrity. sional league in world rugby and it
FIRST TEST MATCH (Wellington): Australia 459-5 dec. (M “The worry is that it is not just won’t be if that happens.” Hayman’s move to Toulon has reignited the salary cap debate. Picture: ACTION IMAGES
J Clarke 168, M J North 112no, S M Katich 79) and 106-0
(P J Hughes 86no) v New Zealand 157 (D E Bollinger 5-28)
and 407 (B B McCullum 104, T G McIntosh 83, D L Vettori
77, R J Harris 4-77). Australia won by 10 wickets.
(Football 7.45pm unless stated)
Tottenham v Fulham .................................................................................................. MINSTER LAW SOLICITORS TOUCHSTONE GROUP DANSKE BANK
Barclays Premier League
Aston Villa v Sunderland..........................................................................................
Blackburn v Birmingham (8pm)............................................................................
“I don’t think we were going to ever “England remain predictable and don’t “Johnson looks to have run out of ideas. We
Man City v Everton .................................................................................................... beat France, but it was a fairly good play with that dynamism or excite- went back to an old-fashioned
Portsmouth v Chelsea ..............................................................................................
Coca-Cola Championship: Cardiff v Sheff Utd, Leicester v performance and I felt we turned ment you see in the southern hemi- style of play and didn’t make
Reading, Sheff Wed v Watford, West Brom v Coventry.
Scottish Cup Sixth Round Replay: Dundee Utd v Rangers. the corner in many respects. The sphere. They’ll have to up their best use of the quality players
Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League
Kilmarnock v Hamilton, St Mirren v Celtic.
introductions of Ben Foden and game in Australia this summer. we have in the squad. I don’t
CRICKET Chris Ashton gave us Johnson should stay but think we are too far away from
Second Test Match—day 5 of 5: Bangladesh v England (Mirpur). impetus but Johnson how about teaming up having a decent side, but
needs to blood more with Lawrence it needs fresh ideas
email like these.” Dallaglio?” from a new manager.”

Bresnan issues warning as SPORT | IN BRIEF

Button’s eyeing Aussie success third-place finish in the Cheltenham Gold

England close in on victory

FORMULA ONE: World champion Jenson Cup last week.
Button says McLaren can close the gap Another Cheltenham big-hitter,
on their rivals at this weekend’s Albertas Run is, arguably, the most
Australian Grand Prix. notable scratching, while Madison du
Button could only finish seventh in the Berlais and Notre Pere remain at the
season-opening Bahrain Grand Prix a head of the weights with 11st 10lb.
fortnight ago, while team-mate Lewis
looking to polish off the four remain- and we are sniffing a result.” Hamilton was third. Hoy leads British assault

BY JON COUCH ing wickets in double-quick time to Debutant James Tredwell chipped But Button said: “It’s a low downforce CYCLING: Triple Olympic champion Sir
leave the tourists a modest run chase. in with a valuable 37, but it was the circuit which suits us. I’m excited – I Chris Hoy leads a team of 19 British rid-
ALL-ROUNDER Tim Bresnan has But while he accepts his side are in England bowling attack who were wouldn’t be if I didn’t think we'd have a ers as they look to reassert their global
warned against complacency despite a great position to complete a series credited with hauling the tourists good race. dominance at the World Track Cycling
England moving into a winning posi- whitewash, Bresnan warns it won’t be back into the game, and three crucial “Ferrari are quick and Red Bull are Championships in Denmark, starting
tion in the second Test against an easy to dislodge a resilient wickets in the final session turned very strong but we’ll be a lot closer.” today.
Bangladesh in Mirpur. Bangladesh tail. the Test on its head. Hoy missed the 2009 event through
Bresnan earlier nudged his way to a “They don’t play as many shots as Yet it could have even more con- Mon Mome leads the way injury but believes he is back to his best.
career-best 91 in only his second Test the top order so you get less chances,” vincing had Jonathan Trott, Matt RACING: Last year’s winner Mon Mome “I’ll do my best and I know when I’m
match to help the tourists to 496. the Yorkshire medium-pacer said. Prior and Tredwell not put down is among the 75 horses remaining in the at my best, there are not many people
And he also contributed with the “Some would argue the lower half catches to dismiss opener Tamim. John Smith’s Grand National after the who can beat me.”
ball as, despite a series of dropped is harder to get out than the top so Spinner Graeme Swann recovered latest entry stage. Britain dominated the medals at the
catches, the Tigers were left lagging we’ve still got a lot of hard work to do. from an earlier knock to take 2-38, The 10-year-old famously romped 2008 Beijing Olympics, but struggled to
on 172-6 – a lead of just 95. “We are in a great position. It has while Stuart Broad (2-37) claimed the home as a 100-1 shot last season but will replicate that form at last year’s World
Captain Alastair Cook will now be been slow but we accelerated today vital late wicket of Mushfiqur Rahim. be a front runner this year following his Championships in Hoy's absence.
CITYA.M. 24 MARCH 2010 Sport | Football 27

Horne named acting FA chief executive Broadcasters agree on an even

but permanent appointment put on ice split for World Cup schedule
WORLD CUP on Friday 11 June before ITV shows

England’s match against the United
Monday. But Triesman, who held an the World Cup we’d only do it by fail- THE BBC and ITV have confirmed an States the following day.

BY FRANK DALLERES emergency board meeting at ing to advertise and failing to find the even split of matches for this sum-
Wembley yesterday, says the search right candidates.” mer’s World Cup in South Africa. WHO HAS WHAT? | ENGLAND’S GROUP
CHAIRMAN Lord Triesman insists the for the organisation’s seventh chief Watmore had been in the job for While ITV will show two of
Football Association will not be executive in 11 years will take time. less than a year before quitting over England’s three group stage games, Saturday 12 June
rushed into appointing a new perma- “There’s no desire to spend a huge disagreements with senior figures on the BBC has first pick of last 16 and England v USA (ITV1, ko 3pm)
nent chief executive before this sum- amount of time on this but I want to the FA board. He is thought to have quarter-final ties. Both will then show
mer’s World Cup. make sure that when the board is been particularly angered by the leak- the final and any semi-final featuring Friday 18 June
Alex Horne, the erstwhile chief slightly reconfigured, as it is each ing of an email. Horne, expected to be Fabio Capello’s side. England v Algeria (ITV1, ko 7.30pm)
operating officer, was yesterday made summer, that it has the chief execu- in charge until the end of the year, The BBC kicks the tournament off Wednesday 23 June
acting chief executive after the shock tive that it wants,” he said. was acting chief executive in 2008 with coverage of the opening-day Slovenia v England (BBC1, ko 3pm)
resignation of Ian Watmore on “If we appointed a new CEO before after Brian Barwick’s departure. match between France and Uruguay

Ancelotti: Chelsea won’t sack me

Italian is confident but LUIZ FELIPE SCOLARI AVRAM GRANT
history suggests the
Blues boss is on thin ice,
writes Frank Dalleres

HELSEA manager Carlo
Ancelotti is convinced he will
still be in charge next season,
irrespective of whether the Hired to much fanfare in July 2008, the Handed the reins when Mourinho departed,
team’s Premier League and FA Cup World Cup-winning former Brazil coach was Grant exceeded expectations by keeping up
challenges flourish or flounder. It can- fired less than nine months later after form the hunt for league and European glory until
not have escaped the self-confessed slumped. Big Phil was still in the Champions the very end. Finishing runner-up in both was
fan of statistics, however, that Roman League, however, unlike Ancelotti. not enough, however, and he was fired.
Abramovich has dispensed with
coaches with better records than his. PLAYED WON DRAWN LOST WIN % PLAYED WON DRAWN LOST WIN %
Ancelotti takes his side to
Portsmouth tonight seeking a swift
CARLO ANCELOTTI 36 20 11 5 55.6 54 36 13 5 66.7
return to winning ways, having fol- PLAYED WON DRAWN LOST WIN %
lowed the hugely demoralising
Champions League exit to Inter Milan 46 30 9 7 65.2 JOSE MOURINHO CLAUDIO RANIERI
with a limp draw at Blackburn that
saw Chelsea slip out of the top two for
the first time since August. Suddenly could be the fifth Blues manager to better than those of Luiz Felipe
a trip to Fratton Park that seemed be sacked in six years. “First of all I Scolari and Claudio Ranieri, but
sure to yield three points looks alto- believe that we will do well this year,” Abramovich’s patience with either
gether trickier. he said. “However, my future will def- did not extend beyond a year. Avram
Momentum has fallen of a cliff just initely be at Chelsea next year, inde- Grant won a greater proportion of
as the season reaches its most decisive pendent of results.” games but was axed for failing to land
stage. Chelsea were title favourites Abramovich may be reluctant to a trophy, while Jose Mourinho also
before dropping 10 of the last 21 ditch Ancelotti after his first season, had a better ratio than Ancelotti and
points; even victory this evening in having identified the former AC won silverware, but was moved on for
their game in hand will not be Milan coach himself and lavished other reasons. The only man not Became club’s most successful boss in three- Abramovich inherited Ranieri on buying the
enough to hoist them back to the divi- him with a three-year contract sacked, Guus Hiddink, won 73 per year spell that included their first league club and gave him a season before controver-
sion’s summit. A draw would not thought to be worth £6.5m a year. The cent of games before walking away. titles for 50 years. Failure to repeat his 2004 sially showing him the door. That he led them
even put them back in front of former Italy midfielder has also large- Ancelotti says 21 points from the Champions League win with Porto dogged to the Champions League semi-finals and sec-
Arsenal and into second. ly succeeded in delivering the enter- last eight games will suffice. “I like him. Left in 2007 after rows with hierarchy. ond in the title was deemed insufficient.
If his team’s confidence has been taining style the Russian craves. statistics and I think that, in the past,
shaken by recent results, Ancelotti’s Yet survival at Stamford Bridge is with 86 points every team has won PLAYED WON DRAWN LOST WIN % PLAYED WON DRAWN LOST WIN %
seems intact, with the Italian yester- not earned by goals scored. the title,” he said. “I want to believe
day batting away suggestions he Ancelotti’s win percentage may be we can win the championship.” 185 124 40 21 66.7 199 107 46 46 53.8

Spurs land starlet Sandro Blame me: Zola tempts fate

in £10.5m summer deal above the drop zone. Guillermo
Council could join
WEST HAM 1 Franco responded late on but by then
the home crowd had either departed
PREMIER LEAGUE his full debut for Brazil in a World or turned against their team, with
club in stadium bid

TOTTENHAM last night confirmed a

Cup qualifier with Chile.
Spurs boss Harry Redknapp is
WOLVES 3 some singing: ‘You’re not fit to wear
the shirt’.
deal to sign Brazilian midfielder delighted with his new acquisition. Relegation would be a crippling WEST Ham are in talks with Newham
Sandro, subject to a medical. “He is an outstanding young play- blow to the already cash-strapped Council over making a joint bid to

The 21-year-old is due to arrive at er,” he said. “He is on the verge of the BY FRANK DALLERES club and pressure is mounting on occupy the Olympic Stadium in
White Hart Lane later this week with Brazilian team, he has already played owners David Sullivan and David Stratford after the 2012 Games.
a view to completing an estimated for Brazil and captained the Under- UNDER-FIRE manager Gianfranco Gold to change managers. If the two parties can reach an
£10.5m deal from Internacional. 18s, 19s and 21s. He is strong. He looks Zola urged fans to blame him, not the Zola said: “If they want to pick up agreement they will then submit a
Sandro will not join the club, how- a very, very good player so I am look- players, after furious West Ham sup- on somebody they must pick up on formal bid to the Olympic Park
ever, until the conclusion of the Copa ing forward to getting him here.” porters revolted during a defeat that me. Last year when we were playing Legacy Company.
Libertadores in August, while a work Sandro’s arrival casts further doubt pushed them closer to the drop. well, I took the compliments. I can Vice-chairman Karren Brady told
permit must also be granted. on the future of Wilson Palacios, who Goals from Kevin Doyle, Ronald take the criticism as well. City A.M. on Tuesday that the nearby
Sandro is a defensive midfielder has admitted he is using Spurs as a Zubar and Matt Jarvis lifted the visi- “I have to make sure the team react stadium represented “a once-in-a-life-
who has made 73 appearances for “stepping stone” for a dream move to tors to relative safety and left the in the right way. I have a long night in time opportunity”.
Inter, scoring three times, and made Real Madrid. Hammers dangling three points front of me to think about that.”

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