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Cinderella drama script..

Once upon a time, there was a very preety lady, named Cinderella. She lived with her stepfamily, but, she pretended like a servant by her own stepfamily.
Alice: Cinderella Cinderella. Cinderella!!
Cinderella: Wait, what do you want?
Alice : I want you to cook for me some delicious food because im starving to dead.
Julie: No!! My torn shoes need to be sew.
Alice: Food, food is more importing!
Julie: Nah, my shoes are.
Alice: Food, food, food!!
Julie: Shoes, shoes and my shoes are more importing!
Cinderella : May I say something?
Julie n Alice: What?
Cinderella: Theres a rat in your gown, Julie. (pointing to Julies gown)
Julie n Alice: Arghhhhh!! Kill that! Kill that pesticide..! MOM! Help us!
Cinderella: Wait let me handle it.
Julie n Alice : Kill it now! Hurry!
Stepmother: What on earth is happen? Oh my, you guys are interrecpting my precious naptime! You know.
Julie n Alice: Its Cinderella fault! Cinderella fault!
Cinderella: What?
Stepmother: Nevermind, wheres that nuinsance rats?
Cinderella: It run away.
Julie n Alice : Seriously!!?
Cinderella: Yep. And it because I let it away. Hohohoo!!
Stepmother: What did you say? Now, Cinderella you cook the dinner and sew Julies torn shoes. As for the punishment, no dinner for you tonight.
Cinderella: Whatt!! Hurmm, okay mom.
Its usually happen everyday. Cinderella will get a punishment from her stepmother and her stepsisters although she do not do anything wrong. Her
stepsisters and her stepmother, jelous of her beautiful face and all- know Cinderella, so they only do like that to her. On the other side, in the castle, lived a
charming prince, that named, Prince Bill. His parents, the King and the Queen always despite him to get married because his age will be 25 next week. However,
Prince Bill feel that his still young and wanna enjoy himself before get to married.
King: Bill, what do you want? Do you want this country to become bad?
Prince Bill: No dad. But I wanna to enjoy myself first. When the time to marry comes, Ill marry.
Queen: when will it come, Bill? We become more older not younger and you regenation your dad and I. As for me, I wanna to have some grandchild and a
charming, daughter-in-law.
Prince Bill: I know mom,dad. But im still confusing.
Queen: I will give you 6 days, before your birthday, to think about it. Do you understand?
Prince Bill: Yes mom. Thank you too.
After almost a week, figuring about it, Prince Bill make a decision. He will find a wife to give birth to his child soon.
Prince Bill: Mom, dad. I make a decision, I think I will get marry.
Queen: Really? To who?
Prince Bill: Urmm, about that, I donno. I dont even have a girlfriend.
King: Nevermind son. Ahhhhhaaahh! I have an idea. How about on your birthday party tomorrow, you find a girl that you think her special and get marry to her.
Queen: That is a not bad idea.
Prince Bill: Alright, Ill agree.

That evening, all the guards, made an annocemount to all the girls in the kingdom by the television and the radio. To everyone, especially the girls, you
all are allow to attend the princes birthday party. The party is address to the castle and the time is anytime for tomorrow. Wear your best dress and prepare
yourself for tomorrow. Last but not least, the prince want to find himself a wife at the party. Maybe one of the lucky you, will be select. Thats all and good evening.
Julie: Do you listen that Alice,mom?
Alice: Yes! Ahhh, mother can we go? Can we go?
Stepmother: Of course my dear.
Alice: Lets go shopping now, mother!
Julie: Can we mother ?
Stepmother: Alright. Lets go. Cinderellaa!!!!
Cinderella: Yes mom?
Stepmother: You know your daily routine right? Cook the dinner, clean the stable, wipe the window and other right?
Cinderella: Yes mother. I will do it now.
Stepmother: Good, now lock the door, I wanna go shopping with my daughters.
Cinderella: Aii.. Aiii chip. (Cinderella salute) good bye. Have a nice trip.
The next day.
Alice: Mommy, lets go to the party! Its now 3 p.m.
Stepmother : Okay. Cinderella!! Dress they upby 4.
Cinderella: Okay, mom. Here Alice, Julie. I will make you look like a charming princess.
Julie n Alice: Really! Lets go! Hurry up, Cinderella!
After a hour later.
Julie n Alice: Hurrayy!! We look very beautiful like a princess!
Stepmother: You all very preety although without make up.
Julie n Alice: Auwww so sweet!
Cinderella: Urmm, may I join you guys to the party?
Alice: No!
Julie : No way! You will receive a attencion from the prince.
Stepmother: Erghh, you know, Cinde. You dont have any good dress and also many house chores that you must do. Im sorry.
Cinderella: But
Stepmother: I say no, no! Now wipe the window.
Cinderella : Okay, mom.
Stepmother: Good! Lets go kid!
Julie n Alice: Yeaayy.
After Julie,Alice and the stepmother left, Cinderella cried all by herself.
Fairy good mother: Why are you crying?
Cinderella: Argghhh, a ghost! Who are you?
Fairy good mother: Im not. Im a fairy good mother. I can fullfish all your wish?!
Cinderella : Really? Urmm, I dont have any money to pay you.
Fairy good mother: what do you think im? Dear, its free. The wishes are all free.
Cinderella: Seriously? Thank you. (Cinderella hug the fat old fairy) Urmmm. I just want to attend the prince birthday party. Some fine dress and a transport will be.
I dont mind if it just a trishaw .
Fairy good mother: You are kind heart, Cinderella. Other people that I met, always want a nonsence wish like a rich handsome husband bla bla bla. Alright with the
power that given to me, babebdbauiuea.
And, the ugly and torn Cinderellas dress turn into a beautiful fine gown. Cinderellas slippers turn into a glass heel. The old untidy Cinderella turn into a preety
neet lady.

Cinderella: Wow! Is this me?

Fairy good mother: Yes, that you, honey. Beoyuiyipoeqq.
An old bicycle by the bungalow turn into a white limousine. And a driver with it too!!
Fairy good mother: Honey, you can make a move now, but remember the curse will end at the 12 p.m. I will do the rest. Have a safe journey.
Cinderella: Thank you!
At the castle.
Prince Bill: Mom,dad, theres no beautiful princess like what I dreamt. Im so disappointed.
Queen: Wait,son. Maybe they do not arrived yet.
A beautiful young lady steps in the castle. All the gentleman go near her. And all the girls get jeoulsy to her including her stepsisters and her stepmother. They dont
relive that the lady is their servant, Cinderella!!
Prince Bill stunted. It the first time that Prince Bill see a very beautiful lady.
Prince Bill: May I have your dance?
Cinderella: Of course. I will glad to.
They dance and dance until the clock reach 12. They be all the people attention.
Cinderella: Oh noo.. its 12 oclock. I go to go. Goodbye and thanks for the lovely dance.
Prince Bill: Waiitt.
On the stairs , Cinderella jump down but she left her glass shoes.
Cinderella: Arghh, let it be.
Cinderella hurridly jump into the limosine and luckily on the time, when she reach her house, the fine dress and the limosine disappeared.
And the next day in the news, the radio and the television,they wanna to find Cinderella the girl who dance with the prince.
Some guard from the castle will go to every girls house to give chance for the girls to try the glass shoes that the prince found at the stairs last night.
And the guards arrived at the Cinderellas house lastly. Julie and Alice try the shoes but their feet is to big for the shoes. The guards all are very disappointing but
Cinderella offer herself to try for the shoes. Although her stepsisters and her stepmother dont allow her, she quickly grabe the shoes and put it on her feet. She then
get another pair of shoes and show them to the guards. They all shocked especially her step family.
Cinderella: im the one who dance with the prince last night.
Julie n Alice: It cant be!
Then Cinderella follow the guards and meet the prince.
Prince Bill: Heyy, you the one who dance with me last night, do you?
Cinderella: I am, but how do you recognize me?
Prince Bill: Well it because of love. Since that night, I fall for you. Will you be my wife?
Cinderella: Of course. Im really glad to be your princess.
They married and lived happily ever after. The queen wish, to have a preety daughter in law and to have cute grandchilds have become full fish because after a year
Cinderellas marriage, they are bless by a twin.


Once upon a time, there was a pretty lady. Her named Cinderella. She lived with her
steps family. But, her steps family pretended her like a servant.

Alice : Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella!

Cinderella : Wait, Im coming. Why do you call me?
Alice : look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.
Julie : no, no, no, Cinderella. Im hungry now, cook some food first.
Alice : Julie, the floor is dirty.
Julie : Alice, Im hungry
Alice : I dont care, the floor is dirty
Cinderella : May I say some things?
Steps sister : NO!!
Step mother : Whats happen in here?
Step sister : No, mom. No thing.
Julie : Look at that, thats rat, rat
Step mother : Kill it now!
Cinderella : Dont touch it. Let it go away
Step mother : Cinderella, are you sure.
Cinderella : Im sure mom. If we let it go, it wont come back to here.
Step mother : What do you talking about? I wouldnt say it. I would say are you sure
want to get new punish?
Cinderella : a, a, a
Step mother : Okay, let it go away. Then clean the floor and cook some food quickly. And
you cant dinner tonight
Cinderella : okay, mom.
It usually happen everyday. Cinderella got big punishes everyday. One day, in the other
side, in the castle, there was a charming prince. His named Prince. His parents wanted
him to marry quickly, But he always disagree.
King : Prince, What do you want? You want to this country be bad?
Prince : No, dad. But I want to enjoy with my life now. And if my time to marry comes, Ill
marry, dad.
Queen : When will it come? Prince, your father has been old, and you are the
regeneration of your dad.
King : Your mom rights, Prince
Prince : I have known it, dad. But Im still confusing about it.
King : Actually, it is easy for you, Prince.
Prince : Okay. But give me time to think about it again, please.
Queen : Two weeks for you, Prince. After this, no time for you anymore and we need your
answer on time. Do you understand?
Prince : Thanks, mom and dad.
After two weeks, Prince had found his answer. He had been ready to married. And his
parents had found a way to find Princes wife.
Prince : Dad, I agree with you. I agree to marry. But.
Queen : Why? What is wrong?
Prince : No. every things is rights. I just want to say I dont know with whom I have to
marry, mom
King : hahaha, dont be nervous. We have thought it. We will make a party for all
ladies in this country. Then, you can choose one of them to be your wife.

Queen : Thats right. Do you agree about it?

Prince ; I agree, mom
After that, the Castle Guard spread that party to all houses in that country. Every lady
could come to that party, then, the Guard had come to the Cinderellas house.
The Guard 1 : Attention, for all ladies in this country. Prince invited you to come to his
dance party. Every lady can come. That party will be at Saturday night this week. Thanks
for your attention.
Cinderella wanted to come to that party. Unluckily, her step mother didnt give her
permission to go there and always gave her heavy tasks and punishes.
At the time for party, Cinderella felt very sad. She wanted come there, but she couldnt
do it. Her step mother didnt let her went there.
Cinderella : Mom, I have finished to wish the dashes and clean the floor.
Step mother : Alright, now, clean the window.
Cinderella : But I have done last three hours, mom
Step mother : Oh, DO IT AGAIN!!
Cinderella felt very sad by do the task. Suddenly, a kind fairy came to her. The Fairy
wanted to help Cinderella.
Cinderella : Oh, God. I want to come to that party. But I cant. I have to finish it first. Hey,
what is that? W-who a-are y-you?
Fairy : Dont be afraid. Im just a fairy. I come to help you.
Cinderella : Thank you.
Fairy : Now, wish your face.
Cinderella ; Okay
Fairy : Then, this
Fairy : Now, you can go there. But, remember, my magic just can until twelve oclock this
midnight. So, you have to go home before the bells ring.
Cinderella : Okay, Miss. But how about my task and punishes?
Fairy : Dont worry. I will have done when you go.
Cinderella1 : Thank you.
Fairy : Youre welcome. Lets wear it! Im in here. Then, you can go there.
Cinderella went to the party. In that party, the Prince bored. All ladies invited Prince to
dance with them. But the Prince didnt want to do it. Then, When Cinderella came lately;
the Prince surprised with her and felt falling in love to her. But, no one knew if she was
Cinderella, except Cinderella, God and the Fairy. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She
looked like a beautiful Princess from the Castle in other Country.
Alice : Will you dance with me?
Prince : Im sorry, but I cant. Thanks for your invitation.
Alice : Dont worry. I can dance with my friends.

Julie : Look at me! He will dance with me!.

Alice : Thats impossible. Im more beautiful than you, but he didnt want with me.
Julie : What do you say? You are more beautiful than me. I think Im prettier than you. So,
look at me carefully!!
Julie : excuse me, Charming Prince, Will you dance with me?
Prince : Im sorry, but I cant. Thanks for your invitation.
Julie : But why are you feeling you cant? Maybe I can help you?
Prince : Thanks, but, I cant dance now. Thanks for your Participations.
Julie : Youre welcome.
Alice : Look at your self. Prince didnt want with you!
Julie : But I can talk with him longer than you!
Alice : Yes, But he just say Thanks, Im sorry, then thanks again!
Julie : SHUT UP!
Cinderella : Sorry, Im late.
The Guard 2 : Dont worry. Come on, lets in to the party room
Cinderella : Thank you.
The Guard 2 : Youre welcome.
Prince : Oh, God. Thanks. You give me a pretty woman.
Prince : Hi, lady. Will you dance with me?
Cinderella : Sure
Cinderella and the prince danced romantically and her step sister was jealous to them.
Suddenly, the bell rang.
Alice : Look at that. Actually, we can like that with the Prince
Julie : What do you say, we, I think it just me?
Alice : huh, look at your self. You are ugly.
Julie : But Im more beautiful than you.
Alice : It is wrong!!!
Julie ; No it is true.
Alice : No
Julie : Look at that.
King : Look at your son. I feel he is falling in love with her lady.
Queen : What do you say my son. He is your son.
King : No, mom. Hes yours.
Queen : yours, dad.
King : Not mine. He is yours, mom.
Queen : Okay, dad. I lose. How about us?
King : That sounds good.
Prince : Lady, you look beautiful. May I ask some things?
Cinderella : Sure.
Prince : May I know your name
Cinderella : Of course. My name is.

(The bells rang)

Cinderella : Oh, sorry Prince. I must go home now.
Prince : No, lady. Stay in here, please.
Cinderella : Im sorry, Prince.
Prince : Lady, dont leaf me. Ladyladylady
Cinderella went home quickly. But the Prince felt sad. And luckily, Cinderellas glass shoe
left when she run away.
The Guard 2 : Dont be sad, Prince. You can get her. Look at that. Her shoe left. You can
find the owner.
Prince : Brilliant, Thank you. Stop this party and we will look for the owner tomorrow. Do
you understand?
The Guards : Yes, sir.
In the next day, Prince and his guards looked for the owner of that glass shoe. But, no
one can use that shoe. Then they came to the Cinderellas house.
The Guard 1 : Excuse me.excuse meexcuse me.
Step mother : waitwait Im coming. Oh, Prince why are you come here?
The Guard 2 : Prince will look for the owner of it. Prince will marry with the owner. Did
your daughter come to the party last night?
Step mother : Oh, yes. They came to that party
The Guard 1 : Call them now.
Step mother : Alice, Julie, come here!
Step Sister : Why do you call me, Mom? Oh, Prince.
The Guard 1 : Okay, try it.
Julie : Oh, yah. Im first, Alice.
(Julie couldnt use it)
Alice : Look at you. The princess is me.
(Alice couldnt use it, too.)
(Some thing felt in the kitchen)
Prince : What is that? Let me check it.
Prince : Hey, who are you?
Cinderella : Im Cinderella.
Prince : Who is she?
Step mother : A just a servant
Prince : Try it.
Step mother : But, Prince, she just a servant.
Prince : I dont care.
(Cinderella could use it)
The Guard 2 : Wonderful!!
The Guard 1 : Prince, she is your lady.
Prince : Cinderella, will you marry me?
Cinderella : Sure.
Prince : Okay. Lets we go to the castle!
Cinderella : yah, but.
Prince : hmm. Okay. If in your depend its good for you, why not?
Cinderella : Thanks, Prince.

Prince : Ill do anything for you.

Step mother : a., Cinderella. Now you can live happily with him and live in the castle.
So, were sorry for our pretended to you.
Alice : Yes, Cinderella. I and Julie are sorry, we have been jealous to you.
Cinderella : Dont worry. I have forgiven you in the first time. And I want you to live in the
castle with us.
Julie : Oh, Cinderella. You are a perfect lady. Thank you very much, Cinderella.
Cinderella : Youre Welcome.
Prince : Cinderella! Lets go.
Cinderella : Yes, Prince.
Cinderella and Prince went to the castle. Prince remembered, if he had found his lady, he
had to meet his parents with her lady before they married. So, Prince went to the castle
Prince : Dad, she is my lady. I will marry with her.
King : Who is she?
Prince : She is Cinderella. But.
Queen : why?
Prince : She just a servant.
King : What? She is a servant?
Prince : Sorry, mom, dad but I love her, mom and dad. I hope you agree with me?
King : Who have said we disagree? Im proud of you. You choose a lady from her heart
and you always believe yourself.
Queen : Yes, Prince. You are my best son.
King : Heyheyhey, Prince is my son.
Queen : I am his mother, dad. So, He is my son.
King : No, mom. He is my son.
Queen : Dad, why do you always disagree with me? Im sorry, I must go
King : Oh sorry, mom. Im just kidding mom. Dont go from here, mom.
Queen : Im really sorry, dad. But I must go to the toilet now.
Prince : So, dad. Do you agree with me?
King : Yes, of course.
Queen : Prince, you have to marry with her quickly. We hope next week you have been
ready to marry.
Prince : Thanks, dad, mom. Cinderella, do you agree with my parents?
Cinderella : Yes, Prince.
Finally, Cinderella and Prince married. Cinderellas steps family lived with them in the
castle. They didnt pretended Cinderella like a servant anymore. And they lived happily
ever after in the castle.

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