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NOV DEC 2015

Moses answered the pe
ople, Do not be afraid
. Stand firm
and you will see the de
liverance the Lord will
ing you today.
The Egyptians you see
today you will never se
e again.
The Lord will fight for
you; you need only to
be still. Exodus 14:13-14

"for you need only to be still"... as if!

"For you need only to be still" are probably some of the hardest words for someone like me
to hear. I move, I 'fix' things, I plan, I meet people, I create things, I dream, I organise, I make
things happen! That's what I like doing, that's what I am good at, so for even a short time to
not do that is very uncomfortable indeed.
But God is God and I am not and I have now come to the understanding, albeit under duress,
that this is what God needs to do with me; to cause me to be still! I feel like my faith is as
strong as it has even been and I pray you hear this without me coming across as arrogant
but understanding that it is a genuine feeling of security and peace that I have. But when it
comes to my calling and ministry and the project I run I find myself asking more questions
than ever before; are we where we need to be? Are we listening enough? Is there something
significant we need to be doing?
We've worked, we've made plans, we've tried different things and so all that appears to
remain is 'to do nothing'!!
I wonder whether Moses was aware of the enormity of the task ahead as he prepared
to lead the Israelites across the Red Sea. Maybe in these times of uncertainty,
with potentially a huge task ahead, what we actually need to do is nothing.
It almost goes against everything we know and for someone like me who
seems to be hard-wired to 'do' it is a massive, massive challenge.
But I trust God, I really do and He has always been present on my journey,
so I must now do the unthinkable, and 'be still!'
It is already uncomfortable but I shall let you know how it goes,
because as the passage above says, the Lord fights for me and the
Lord will bring deliverance.
Enough said!

G od a t wo r k :
Claire has been putting together Youth Alpha to run at More? and this has been
really well received and supported by some local churches
We give thanks for some new donations this month. God is good
We had a superb time at our Fundraising Fish and Chip Quiz Night. Give thanks for
everyone who came and supported us. It was a lot of fun and we gained some new
I have preached at two of our supporting churches this term and found both to be
utterly welcoming and hugely supportive of our ministry. Thank you Christ Church
St Albans, Homewood Rd URC and Thirlmere for your prayers and partnership
Fuel Harpenden in September had over 50 young people, we give thanks for the
growth of Fuel and for the youth groups it encourages
Give thanks for a few new people thinking about getting involved with
volunteering for the267project, whether that is at one event or thinking about being
a trustee and helping with ongoing support
Plans for a January Fundraising auction night are coming
together so we give thanks for YWAM Harpenden allowing
us to use their Chapel
We also want to give thanks for all those people who
continuously pray for us, give to us monthly and attend
our events. We know that without them we wouldnt be
here and God that uses you all to further His ministry
through us
I give thanks for the opportunity to get involved with
Youthwork the Conference in a greater way. Pray for us
as we work out what this might look like but also pray
for wisdom, insight and discernment as we chat to
people at the conference

h November
Forest Tow
Saturday 19t
n Church,
h March
Lyon Way,
Saturday 9th
St Albans,
5.30pm - 8.0
and book
07789 815
(doors ope
n 5.15pm)

Saturday 28t

X:site The

X:site Harpenden was a blast with 85 kids attending.

It was loud, slightly chaotic but we had a superb time
and got to chat about the story of Zacchaeus with everyone

Place of the

X:site is a
event suppor
local churche
ted and run
s in partne
rship with
Scripture Uni



Office 20720
T 01908 856000 9 Queensway Bletchle
y, Milton Keynes,
F 01908 856111
E info@scriptureu MK2 2EB
213422 United

Charity no.


in England

The trustees continue to be a real source of energy, wisdom and support. I thank
God for each and every one of them and for the unique perspective and gifting they
each bring
In October we had breakfast with youth leaders, childrens leaders and some
church leaders. It was a great time and we also had a brilliant open discussion about
some of the challenges we face

and Wales

O u r p r a y e r r equests :
Youth Alpha starts at More? on
the 2nd November. Pray for good
numbers, great conversations and
for the final planning that needs to
be done
This year has been an amazing year
with so much to give thanks for. But as
we come to the end of this calendar
year we find ourselves in need of
additional financial support. Pray for
continued trust in God but also that
individuals and churches will be
prompted and inspired to give to us

to life

Is there

02 Nov : Life
09 Nov : Jesus
16 Nov : The cro
23 Nov : Faith
how do I pray
30 Nov : Why
d my bible
and how do I rea
07 Dec : Why
a at More?
Youth Alph
at The Merch

7pm 9pm
Company, St
Tea and Coffee
is run by
13-19. This even
Aimed at ages
in partnership with

15 19


ha 2015

More Alp

ndd 1



We pray for one of our trustees who is currently unwell and is receiving treatment.
Pray for peace, healing and the closeness of God
Our New Years Houseparty is only 2 months away!! Pray for people to sign up,
planning to happen and for God to be preparing us all for what he is going to do
X:site St Albans launches on November 28th. Pray for continued interest and
support from local churches, pray for all of us who have an area of responsibility, pray
for kids to come and pray that God will use this bit of ministry to support and grow
childrens work in our churches
Pray for our Consultancy Surgery at Youth the Conference
Pray for some clear time this term and next term to continue my book writing.
I have found this such a great time and want to give quality time to doing it
Pray for my preaching visit to Markyate Baptist Church on 29th November
Pray for Claire, Tracy and I as we work together in the office. We thank God for the
strong relationships we have and for how w ell we work with each other
There are exciting times ahead with God opening lots of doors and growing many
parts of our ministry. We pray for all the resources we need to continue and we pray
for wisdom and insight so that we know where we need to put our energies

If you would like to volunteer or spend a

Year Out with the267project then drop us
an email

NOV DEC 2015

Prayer diary
Monday 2nd November Youth Alpha @
More? Week 1 at The Merchant

Sunday 29th November Mike preaching

at Markyate Baptist Church

Tuesday 3rd November FUEL Team

Training, 4.30pm 8.00pm at High St
Methodist, Harpenden

Monday 30th November Youth Alpha @

More? Week 5 at The Merchant

Thursday 5th November Youth and

Childrens leaders Breakfast: 9.30am at St
Helens Rectory, Wheathampstead
Monday 9th November Youth Alpha @
More? Week 2 at The Merchant
Tuesday 10th November
Trustees Meeting
Wednesday 11th November
Parish Workers Lunch Broxbourne
Wednesday 11th November
X:site St Albans Team Meeting: 7.30pm at
Forest Town Church
Friday 13th Sunday 15th November
Youthwork the Conference in Swindon
Monday 16th November Youth Alpha @
More? Week 3 at The Merchant

Thursday 3rd December - Youth and

Childrens leaders Breakfast: 9.30am at
Markyate Baptist Church
Monday 7th December Youth Alpha @
More? Week 6 at The Merchant
Sunday 13th December FUEL United
event at Christ Church St Albans
Monday 14th December More?
Christmas Caf, 7pm9pm at The Merchant
Saturday 19th December Christmas
Fundraising (for 267) Craft and Cake
Afternoon, 1.30pm-5.00pm at
High Street Methodist Church, Harpenden
Future Dates:
Youth Alpha @ More? - All are welcome.
Email Claire for more info Claire@

Tuesday 17th November

X:site Training Evening, 7.30pm at
High St Methodist, Harpenden

New Years Houseparty Weds 30th

Dec Saturday 2nd Jan. This is for 1418s, email Mike for more info director@

Sunday 22nd November

FUEL Harpenden, 7.00pm at
High St Methodist, Harpenden

Saturday 16th January Wine Tasting

Fundraising Evening with food, music and
an auction. 7.00pm at The Oval, Harpenden

Monday 23rd November Youth Alpha @

More? Week 4 at The Merchant
Tuesday 24th November TTS:
the art of mentoring, 7.45pm-9.30pm at
High St Methodist, Harpenden
Saturday 28th November
X:site St Albans Launch event, 5.30pm at
Forest Town Church

Encouraging and equipping

your youthwork

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