Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love Among Age Groups Approval Sheet

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Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love Among Age Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor
of Science in Psychology, this thesis entitled “Validating Robert
Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love Among Age Groups” is
submitted by Joanne Alcazar, Jenn Krystel Alano and Gemmarie Dote
A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the and is hereby recommended for pre-oral examination.
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Miriam Grace Aquino- Malabanan, M.S.
Thesis Adviser
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the degree Bachelor of Science in Psychology Defended in a pre- oral examination before a duly constituted
panel with a grade of ______________.

Prof. Miriam Grace Aquino- Malabanan, M.S. ______________________

Jenn Krystel Alano Prof. Elna R. Lopez, MA
Joanne Alcazar
Gemmare Dote
2010 _____________________ ______________________
Dr. Marian C. De Mesa,RGC Prof. Cipriano R. Magnaye

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

Dr. Amada G. Banaag
Dean, College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Running Head: Triangular Theory of Love
Triangular Theory of Love 1 Triangular Theory of Love 2

their own decisions, they must complete the negotiation of autonomy

Validating Robert Sternberg’s
begun in adolescence & redefine their relationships with their parents.
Triangular Theory of Love Among Age
Groups Unless young adults can resolve conflicts in the new relationships they
Prof. Miriam Grace Aquino-Malabanan develop with friends, colleagues, & partners. They may also perhaps
Jenn Krystel Alano
Joanne Alcazar for the first time encounter peer of diverse ethnic groups; & they need
Gemmarie Dote
to become aware of how intercultural differences shape perceptions
Lyceum of the Philippines University
and attitudes (Papalia, ,2004).

How could one say that one likes somebody? Liking is admiring,
Young adulthood typically is a time of dramatic change in
adoring, appreciating and approving something or someone or can be
personal relationship as people establish, renegotiate, or cement
simply defined as being attracted to something or somebody. Attraction
bonds based on friendship, love, & sexuality. How do young adults
can be then an interpersonal attraction or a physical attraction.
enter into relationships? What skills are necessary for healthy
Interpersonal attraction is the attraction between people which leads to
relationships in young adulthood?
friendships and romantic relationships. The study of interpersonal
Lambeth & Halleth (2002) says as young adults enter college or
attraction is a major area of research in social psychology.
the workplace & as they take responsibility for themselves & make
Interpersonal attraction is related to how much we like, love, dislike, or

hate someone. It can be viewed as a force acting

Triangular Theory of Love 3 Triangular Theory of Love 4

between two people that tends to draw them together and resist their attraction and chemistry present between us and there comes love

separation. When measuring interpersonal attraction, one must refer to (

the qualities of the attracted as well as the qualities of the attractor to

Most people like love stories, including their own. In a sense,
achieve predictive accuracy. It is suggested that to determine
says Robert J. Sternberg (1995), love is a story. The lovers are its
attraction, personality and situation must be taken into account.
authors, & the kind of story the makeup reflects their personalities, &
Repulsion is also a factor in the process of interpersonal attraction,
their feelings about the relationship. Love “stories” also differs
one's conception of "attraction" to another can vary from extreme
historically & across cultures. Thinking of love as a story may help us
attraction to extreme repulsion. Definitely before being in a relationship
see how people select & mix the elements of the “plot” (Papalia,,
there is a courtship that is surely involve and the basis of any
courtship, date or relationship is basically physical attraction. If you are
One reason person date different person is to find the ideal-
not attracted to someone and they are not attracted to you, you have
partner who best matches the traits on our ideal-partner schema list.
just become friends. Whatever happens afterwards, it is likely to stay
Ideal- partner schema is a mental list that includes characteristics,
that way. They must be both physically attracted on some level to
facts, values, or beliefs about people, events, or objects (Plotnik,
make things work. Yes, Spiritual attraction, deep respect and
friendship all do play a part in the longer term but in the first few
Fisher (2002) says that when a person become passionately
minutes of meeting we instantly recognize whether there is an
attracted to a person, our brain’s reward or pleasure center is activated
Triangular Theory of Love 5 Triangular Theory of Love 6

and we lose the ability to rationally decide whether a person really has
emotional reactions while companionate love involves trusting and
the traits on our list. In through euphoric, rose-colored lenses that
tender feelings for someone whose life is closely bound up with one’s
make disagreeable traits temporally disappear. However such traits will
reappear when the euphoric state fades, as it always does.
For example, when people fall madly in love, it is usually
According to Marquis (2003) after Mr. or Ms. Right is chosen,
passionate love. When mature couples talk about enjoying others’
the couple is ready to make a commitment, such as getting married or
company it’s usually companionate love, which may or may not involve
living together (Plotnik, 2006).
sexual behaviors. Thus, love is more complex than many think. One of
Previous researchers had thought love too mysterious for
the better known theories of love is Robert Sternberg’s (1999)
scientific study, but current researchers have begun to classify love
triangular theory of love.
into various components. As a starting point, researchers distinguish
This study validates Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of
between passionate & companionate love says Hatfield & Rapson
Love among age groups (adolescents/young adulthood, adulthood &
mid-life). This also differentiate how views of love differ among the
Passionate love involves continuously thinking about the loved
three age groups.
one and is accompanied by warm sexual feelings and powerful
It helps to come up with possible ways on managing time in

people’s particular field and their life as lovers and the possible things

to do to struggle conflicts in a relationship.

Triangular Theory of Love 7 Triangular Theory of Love 8

Objectives of the Study components: intimacy which encompasses feelings of closeness,

This study entitled “Validating Robert Sternberg’s Triangular connectedness, and bondedness; passion which encompasses drives

Theory of Love Across Age Groups” has the following objectives: that lead to romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation;

define deeper liking and attraction; 2. to determine the differences on and commitment which encompasses, in the short term, the decision to

the views of love between the three different age groups; 3. to remain with another, and in the long term, the shared achievements

determine whether the participants love style or relationship is on and plans made with than

passion, intimacy or commitment; 4. to correlate the love styles and the other(

demographic profiles of the participants; and 5. to be able to know how

The “amount” of love one experiences depends on the absolute
participants who are in a relationship able to manage his/her time in
strength of these three components; the “type” of love one experiences
their studies& chosen fields.
depends on their strengths relative to each other. Different stages and
Theoretical Basis
types of love can be explained as different combinations of these three
This study is supported by the triangular theory of love. The
elements; for example, the relative emphasis of each component
triangular theory of love is a theory of love developed by psychologist
changes over time as an adult romantic relationship develops. A
Robert Sternberg (Diessner,, 2004). The theory characterizes
relationship based on a single element is less likely to survive than one
love within the context of interpersonal relationships by three different
based on two or three elements (Plotnik, 2006).
Triangular Theory of Love 9 Triangular Theory of Love 10

Review of Literature
Conceptual Framework
In order to have a clearer understanding on the idea of love and
Profile Intimacy the triangular theory of love, the researchers included the following
- Sex
- Age Passion studies and researches regarding love and the triangular theory of
- Social Economic
Status love.
-Length of time being Commitment
involve in a certain Liking and Attraction
relationship with an
opposite sex We cannot all be beautiful film stars, but when two such people

become a couple they do illustrate several of the determinants of

This framework shows how sex, age, social economic status,
interpersonal attraction that apply even to us ordinary mortals; physical
and length of time being involve in a certain relationship with an
attractiveness, proximity, familiarity, and similarity. To most of us there
opposite sex of the participants or their demographic profile is
is something mildly undemocratic about the possibility that a person’s
correlated with the love style or the level of intimacy, passion and
physical appearance is a factor over which we have little control, and
commitment being the three components of the triangular theory of
hence, it seems unfair to use it as a criterion for liking someone. In
love by Robert Sternberg.
fact, surveys conducted over a span of several decades have shown

that people do not rank physical attractiveness as very important in

their liking of other people (Atkinson,, 2000).

Triangular Theory of Love 11 Triangular Theory of Love 12

Liking is the due to attraction. Attraction can either be an

On the other hand, physical attraction is the perception of the
interpersonal attraction or a physical attraction. Interpersonal attraction
physical traits of an individual human person as aesthetically pleasing
is the attraction between people which leads to friendships and
or beautiful, and can include various implications such as sexual
romantic relationships. The study of interpersonal attraction is a major
attractiveness and physique. What is considered physically attractive is
area of research in social psychology. Interpersonal attraction is
dependent on three factors: universal perceptions common to all
related to how much we like, love, dislike, or hate someone. It can be
human cultures, cultural and social aspects and individual subjective
viewed as a force acting between two people that tends to draw them
preferences. Despite universally held perceptions of beauty in both
together and resist their separation. When measuring interpersonal
sexes, males tend to place significantly higher value on physical
attraction, one must refer to the qualities of the attracted as well as the
appearance in a partner than women do. This can be explained by
qualities of the attractor to achieve predictive accuracy. It is suggested
evolutionary psychology as a consequence of ancestral humans who
that to determine attraction, personality and situation must be taken
selected partners based on secondary sexual characteristics, as well
into account. Repulsion is also a factor in the process of interpersonal
as general indicators of fitness (for example, symmetrical features)
attraction, one's conception of "attraction" to another can vary from
enjoying greater reproductive success as a result of higher fertility in
extreme attraction to extreme repulsion (http://
those partners, although a male's ability to provide resources for attraction).
offspring was likely signaled less by physical features. This is because

the most prominent indicator of fertility in women is youth, while the

Triangular Theory of Love 13 Triangular Theory of Love 14

traits in a man that enhance reproductive success are proxies for his
in the longer term but in the first few minutes of meeting we instantly
ability to accrue resources and protect. There appear to be universal
recognize whether there is an attraction and chemistry present
standards regarding attractiveness both within and across cultures and
between us (http://
ethnic groups. Physical attractiveness can have a significant effect
Differences on the Views of Love Between Different Age Groups
how people are judged, in terms of employment or social opportunities,
Young adulthood is typically is a time of dramatic change in
friendship, sexual behavior, and marriage. In many cases, humans
personal relationships as people establish, renegotiate, or cement
attribute positive characteristics, such as intelligence and honesty, to
bonds based on friendship, love, & sexuality. How do young adults
attractive people without consciously realizing it. In certain instances,
enter into relationships? What skills are necessary for healthy
physical attractiveness is distinct from sexual attraction; humans may
relationships in young adulthood?
regard the young as attractive for various reasons, for example, but
According to Lambeth & Halleth (2002), as young adults enter
without sexual attraction. The basis of any courtship, date or
college or the workplace and as they take responsibility for themselves
relationship is basic physical attraction. If you are not attracted to
& make their own decisions, they must complete the negotiation of
someone and they are not attracted to you, you have just become
autonomy begun in adolescence & redefine their relationships with
friends. Whatever happens afterwards, it is likely to stay that way. You
their parents. Unless young adults can resolve conflicts in the new
both must be physically attracted on some level to make things work.
relationships they develop with friends, colleagues, & partners. They
Yes, spiritual attraction, deep respect and friendship all do play a part
may also perhaps for the first time encounter peers of diverse ethnic
Triangular Theory of Love 15 Triangular Theory of Love 16

include more frequent fellatio but less frequent cunnilingus than longer
groups; & they need to become aware of how intercultural differences
term dating relationships.
shape perceptions and attitudes (Atkinson,, 2000).
The ability to enter and sustain an intimate heterosexual
As cited in the article “What’s Love Got to Do with It? Sexual
relationship with another person is a major criterion of adult
Behaviors of Opposite-Sex Couples Through Emerging Adulthood”
adjustment. Yet little is known about the factors that foster (or hinder)
long-term relationships during emerging adulthood provide an
this ability. Similarly, it remains to be fully understood how intimate
opportunity for individuals to explore their sexuality in the context of
romantic relationships develop over time, especially during the
their feelings of love for and perceptions of being loved by their
formative adolescent years (Seiffge-Krenke, 2003).
partner. Important emotional developments occur in the first 3–4
In the investigation by Reedy, Birren and Schaie (1981),
months of a relationship between young adults. For example, during
emotional security was the most important factor in love at all ages.
that period, college couples show increases in their love for each other
Sexual intimacy was more important in early adulthood, while affection
and their provision of rewards and participation in behaviors to
and loyalty were more important in the love relationships of older
maintain the relationship. The first few months during which young
adults. Young adult lovers also rated communication as more
adults date and are in love also are a period of self-discovery that may
important in love than their older counterparts (Santrock, 2002).
lead to greater feelings of ability and self-worth.6 Furthermore, sexual
Harvey & Weber (2002) says that some relationships never
behaviors change as relationships progress through the early months.
progress much beyond the attraction stage. But some relationships
For example, dating relationships of less than one month’s duration
Triangular Theory of Love 17 Triangular Theory of Love 18

deepen to friendship and perhaps to love of its guises (Santrock, beauty. In J. David Velleman’s provocative and ingeniously argued

2003). In many studies it has been revealed that love is an important proposal, the reason for love is the beloved’s bare

predictor of happiness, satisfaction, and positive emotions. It is Kantian personhood, her capacity for rational choiceand valuation.1

believed that various acts, such as kissing, sex, emotional contacts, But no such nonrelational feature works. To appreciate just one

and companionship exchanged in love relationships contribute to difficulty, observe that whatever nonrelational feature one selects as

happiness (Kim & Hatfield, 2004). the reason for love will be one that another person could, or actually

Defining Relationships does, possess. The claim that nonrelational features are reasons for

According to Kolodny (2003), at first glance, love seems to be a love implies, absurdly, that insofar as one’s love for (say) Jane is

psychological state for which there are normative reasons: a state that, responsive to its reasons, it will accept any relevantly similar person as

if all goes well, is an appropriate or fitting response to something a replacement.

independent of itself. Love for one’s parent, child, or friend is fitting, The word ‘love’, in ordinary usage, attaches both to more and to

one wants to say, if anything is. On reflection, however, it is elusive less than the kind of psychological syndrome with which I am

what reasons for love might be. It is natural to assume that they would concerned. On the one hand, I understand love exclusively as a state

be nonrelational features of the person one loves, something about her that involves caring about a person. However, it is perfectly correct

in her own right. According to the “quality theory,” for example, reasons English to say that someone “loves” something that is not a person, or

for love are the beloved’s personal attributes, such as her wit and “loves” a person in a way that does not involve caring about him. This
Triangular Theory of Love 19 Triangular Theory of Love 20

is the sense in which ‘love’, in ordinary usage, attaches to more than love consists in motivations as well as emotions, and if there are

the psychological state with which I am concerned. My narrowed focus reasons for motivations in general, then this would be a further reason

is, I hope, acceptable. The species of love that involves caring for for thinking that there are reasons for love. Despite these

another person is the species that most attracts the interest of moral considerations, there is a particular misconception that often causes

philosophers. people to recoil from the idea that there are reasons for love. “While

At least three kinds of consideration suggest that there are there may be certain explanatory reasons why one comes to love

reasons for love, so understood. First, from the first-person perspective people,” they observe, “one does not weigh reasons for loving

of someone who loves, the constitutive emotions and motivations of someone and then decide whether or not to do so. One just finds that

love make reflexive sense. That is, they seem appropriate to the one loves or that one does not. Furthermore, to suggest that there are

person who experiences them. Second, from the third-person reasons for love is to imply that people in certain situations should be

perspective of an adviser or critic, we often find love or its absence blamed for loving or not loving. This is cruel and absurd.” Both

inappropriate. Third, it is plausible that love consists in certain kinds of observations are true. One does not decide to love on the basis of

psychological states, and there may be reasons to believe that states considering reasons, and one should not be blamed for loving or failing

of those kinds are, in general, responses to reasons. Some believe to love. This much follows from the fact that one cannot decide to love

that there are reasons for love, for example, because they believe that at all. Love is nonvoluntary.6 But it does not follow that there cannot be

love is an emotion and that all emotions are responses to reasons.5 If

Triangular Theory of Love 21 Triangular Theory of Love 22

involved person to scale down, but that advice is hard to follow

normative reasons for love, that love cannot be assessed as
(Trotter, 1985).
appropriate or inappropriate to its object.
Do you think expert lovers more attuned to the love around
The best single predictor of happiness in a relationship is not
them? Do those who read romantic novels watch romantic movies, and
how you feel about the other person but the difference between how
who have had long term romantic relationships have a special
you would ideally like the other person to feel about you and how you
perceptual acuity for love? When we are in love, are our senses more
think he or she actually feels about you. "In other words," Sternberg
attuned to the love cues manifest by lovers? One could argue so.
says, "relationships tend to go bad when there is a mismatch between
Generally, one of the important determinants of how accurately people
what you want from the other person and what you think you are
make judgments is their experience and knowledge with the given
getting." Were you ever the over involved person in a relationship?
domain, and how frequently they tend to think about the subject matter
That can be very dissatisfying. What usually happens is that the more
(Aloni & Bernieri, 2004).
involved person tries to think up schemes to get the other person up to
When one is asked to list important components of a healthy
his or her level of involvement. But the other person usually sees
romantic relationship, intimacy, passion, and commitment intuitively
what's going on and backs off. That just makes the over involved
come to mind. These three variables are believed to be implicit in
person try harder and the other person back off more until it tears the
people’s theories of love and ontologically pre-suppose a Neoclassical
relationship apart. The good advice in such a situation is for the over
structure linking affect (intimacy), motivation (passion), and cognition
Triangular Theory of Love 23 Triangular Theory of Love 24

(commitment) to a conceptual model of love called the Triangular theories was that of Freud (1922), which explicated love in terms of

Theory of Love. The Triangular Theory of Love posits that intimacy, striving for an ego ideal. A later, related view was that of Reik (1944),

passion, and commitment are necessary elements toward attaining which explained love in terms of a search for salvation. Maslow (1962)

consummate, or complete love. Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, suggested that Deficiency love (D-love) might have the properties that

connectedness, and bondedness that one feels in a Freud and Reik talked about, but that a higher form of love, Being love

relationship.Passion represents the drives that lead to romance, (B-love), was possible for people who were self-actualized and could

physical attraction and sexual activity. Commitment, in the short term, love others for themselves rather than to remedy their own

involves the decision that one loves another person. In the long term, deficiencies. Whereas these earlier theories were in the province of

commitment involves a decision to maintain that love (Madey & clinical psychology, some more recent theories of love have derived

Rodgers, 2009). more from the province of social/personality psychology. One of the

Lovers can often be elusive, but in being so, they mirror the more well-known social/personality theories is that of Lee (1977), who

phenomenon of love itself. Few psychological constructs are more has proposed that love is not a single thing at all, but rather, an entity

elusive than the construct of love.But the elusiveness of love, like that needing to be understood in terms of people's individual `styles' of

of lovers, has not discouraged people altogether: several psychologists loving but not all social psychological theories, of course, take a

have proposed to capture the essence of love through a diverse range stylistic point of view (Sternberg, 1997).

of theories of the phenomenon. One of the earliest psychological

Triangular Theory of Love 25 Triangular Theory of Love 26

Determining the “type” & “amount” of love through Robert

relationship. The quality of a relationship is represented by the relative
Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love
magnitude of each component (Hasserbrauck & Buhl, 1996).
As an abstract concept, love is typically taken to represent a
Sternberg grounds this theory historically and rationally as well
range of human emotions, from simple feelings of pleasure to
as psychometrically and empirically. According to Stemberg the
overwhelming and ineffable attraction towards another person. It is not
intimacy component refers to a sense of bonding and close, connected
surprising; therefore, that discourse on love has long been the
feelings in loving relationships. Thus this component focuses on the
preserve of poets and songwriters, although it is increasingly falling
emotions that comprise the experience of warmth in a loving
within the purview of the psychological sciences (Ahmetoglu,,
relationship. Stemberg and Grajek's cluster analysis of various love
scales indicated that intimacy included such factors as desire to
One of the social psychological theories is the Triangular Theory
promote the beloved's welfare, sharing with the beloved, mutual
of Love by Robert Sternberg. This theory allows a categorization of
understanding, high regard and intimate communication. "In general,
love relationships according to three orthogonal dimensions: intimacy,
the intimacy component might be viewed as largely, but not
passion, and decision or commitment. These dimensions are to
exclusively, deriving from emotional investment in the relationship. The
represent the emotional, motivational & cognitive components of love
triangular theory's passion component refers to "the drives that lead to
relationships. Each dimension contributes to the quantity of love in a
romance, physical attraction, sexual consummation, and the like in a

loving relationship". Stemberg focuses on sexual desire as central to

Triangular Theory of Love 27 Triangular Theory of Love 28

this component, but he also acknowledges that a variety of needs, without passion or commitment; "infatuation" is passion without

ranging from self-actualization to self-esteem to dominance/submission intimacy or commitment; "empty love" is commitment without passion

are likely to influence passion. In particular, Stemberg considers that or intimacy; "romantic love" is a combination of intimacy and passion

the passion component is largely - but not exclusively - derived "from sans commitment; "companionate love" results from intimacy

motivational involvement in the relationship". The decision/commitment combined with commitment but without passion; "fatuous (stupid) love"

component is structured temporally and consists of two facets, one in is the combination of passion and commitment but lacking intimacy;

the present and one in the future. In present time (the short term) the "consummate love" comes from all three components being active in

issue is the decision to love someone or not. In regard to future time the relationship; and "non love" is when all three components are

(the long term) the issue is to maintain commitment to the beloved. absent (Diessner,, 2004).

Sternberg, at least in his early work on this theory, considered that the Managing Time Between Chosen Fields and Interpersonal

decision/commitment component was cognitive in nature, stating that Relationships with the Opposite Sex

this "component thus includes within its purview the cognitive elements
According to Steca and Roth Different stages of life present
that are involved" in making a decision to be in, and to stay in, a loving
particular challenges and demands in order to promote successful
relationship. Based on these three components of love, eight possible
functioning and well-being. Age changes in the psychological and
types of love come into focus, creating a classification system for the
social realms do not represent lock-step stages through which
various kinds of love relationships. A "liking" type of love is intimacy
Triangular Theory of Love 29 Triangular Theory of Love 30

everyone must inevitably pass as part of a preordained developmental the course of their lives and negotiating new roles outside the family

trajectory, as there are a large variety of pathways and, at any given while maintaining rewarding and supportive ties within it, it is important

point, people widely differ in how successfully they manage their lives to identify the personal characteristics that are conducive to rewarding

in the contexts in which they live. Over recent years, much theorizing relationships with one-self and others. The beliefs young people hold

and research has been devoted to major personal and social about their capabilities to manage important life domains and to

determinants governing successful transition to adulthood across produce specific results by their own actions are crucial to cope

socio-economic conditions, as well as across cultural contexts. In most effectively with the external world through the life cycle. It is likely that

western countries, social changes have required prolonged education the more the transition to adulthood allows choices among a variety of

and led to individuals' delayed entrance into the work force. Thus, paths, the more its success depends on the capacity of young people

youths tend to rely on their parents for financial support and delay to select goals, paths, and activities that maximize the consistency of

traditional social role transitions associated with becoming financially their talents with the opportunities and obligations set by the

independent, leaving home, and forming a family. Yet, prolonged time environment. The more young people feel equipped to effectively

to acquire skills and competences necessary for employment and lack manage their emotions and interpersonal relationships, the more they

of financial independence are not incompatible with numerous societal can expect to be engaged in rewarding relations with others, to cope

invitations to take proactive roles in the area of civic, economic, and properly with uncertainties, and to be resilient in the face of adversities.

political participation. As young people play an active role in charting This is particularly true in societies that value individual freedom and
Triangular Theory of Love 31 Triangular Theory of Love 32

control and that allow a higher degree of latitude for individual's talents passion and commitment being the three components of the triangular

and choices; it's less obvious in societies where the full expression of theory of love by Robert Sternberg. Topics covered in this chapter are

individual potentials are inhibited by a variety of socio-structural (a) research design, (b) participants, (c) instrument of the study, (d)

constraints. data collection procedures, (e) data analysis. The method used to

Which actions are most important and helpful will vary from analyze and understand this study will be discussed in this chapter.

person to person and from relationship to relationship. But Sternberg Research Design

feels it is important to consider the triangle of love as it is expressed A qualitative/quantitative research design was chosen for this

through action because action has so many effects on a relationship study. Qualitative research is defined as processes used to make

(Trotter, 1985). sense of data that are represented by words or pictures and not by

Method numbers while quantitative approach gives emphasis on numbers. This

The purpose of this study was to validate Robert Sternberg’s study explored how love differs among age groups and how sex, age,

Triangular Theory of Love. Specifically, the intent of this study was to social economic status, and length of time being involve in a certain

know how love differs among age groups and how sex, age, social relationship with an opposite sex of the participants or their

economic status, and length of time being involve in a certain demographic profile affect their level of intimacy, passion and

relationship with an opposite sex of the participants or their commitment being the three components of the triangular theory of

demographic profile affect their love style or their level of intimacy, love by Robert Sternberg.
Triangular Theory of Love 33 Triangular Theory of Love 34

Following the spirit of positive psychology, this and females participants whose are qualified for the 3 groups. The first

phenomenological study was guided by the following research group are the 4th yr. students, the second group are the college

question: 1. how many participants are currently in a relationship; 2. students and the last group are those who are already working.225 is

what is the deeper meaning of liking and attraction; 3. how love differs the approximate number of participants having these numbers divided

among age group (adolescents, adult, mid-life); 4. what is the effect of into 3 or having each age group 75 participants each. 25 participants

the demographic profiles (gender, age, social economic status, length for each age group were selected to be interviewed and 20 participants

of time being involved in a relationship with the opposite sex of the for each group are asked to write an anecdote on their views of love.

participants or their demographic profile affect their love style or their All participants are assessed individually in their schools, place of work

level of intimacy, passion and commitment being the three components and even at their homes depending upon their choices and availability.

of the triangular theory of love by Robert Sternberg; and do Instrument of the Study

participants who are in a relationship were able to manage their time in The researchers made use of both standardized test and an open

their particular fields and dating? ended questionnaire. Open ended questions are used for the

Participants assessment of qualitative measurement and a standardized test based

Participants who were selected for interviewing were those who are on Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love is used for the

engaged in a relationship in a year and longer. This consists of males assessment of quantitative measurement. The standardized test came

from an internet site This test will be

Triangular Theory of Love 35 Triangular Theory of Love 36

administer through giving of questionnaires and then the researchers age groups, adolescents or those high school students, adult or the

will be the one to answer it online. In the end of the online test results college students and mid-life or the working age. This study is also a

will appear and having all the answers scored by the computer level of study with a quantitative approach; the researchers interviewed the

intimacy, passion and commitment will then appear through sample using open-ended questions to 25 participants for each age

percentages of each component. Also, a survey for their definition of group, a survey for the definition of liking and attraction, and by asking

liking and attraction is given to have a deeper definition of these two 20 participants from each age group to write an anecdote on their

terms. In determining the views of love between the three age groups, views of love. The researchers were confident that by using both

20 participants from each age group are asked to write an anecdote on approach, they will see the effect of the demographic profiles (gender,

their views of love. age, social economic status, length of time being involved in a

The authors of this research study themselves were also the relationship with the opposite sex of the participants or their

interviewer, and as such, their presence during the interview proper demographic profile affect their level of intimacy, passion and

may have had an unintended influence on the answers given by each commitment being the three components of the triangular theory of

participant of this study. love by Robert Sternberg.

Collection of Data Interviews took place within the months of April and May, 2010.

Data collection involved a one-time administration of the on-line Subjects were interviewed face to face for approximately half hour to

test based on Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of love to the three one hour in length. At all times subjects were free to not to answer or
Triangular Theory of Love 37 Triangular Theory of Love 38

discuss the questions they weren’t comfortable with. Each interview After all responses were coded and categories identified, each

was tape recorded, having the written consent with the participant’s interview was reviewed to assure that there was an accurate

attached signature for the researcher to do so. The time of the assessment.

interview was set based on the participant’s/interviewee’s availability. References

Analysis of Data Ahmetoglu, Gorkan, Swami, Viren, Chamorro-Premuzic Tomas.2009.

The Relationship Between Dimensions of Love, Personality
The analysis phase of this quantitative and qualitative study is and Relationship Length. Department of Psychology,
University of Westminster, London, UK.
the most difficult part. The challenge is to use the collected data to find
Aloni, Maya, Berneiri, Frank J.2004. Is Love Blind? The Effects of
patterns that are explanatory and yet rich in description, et. al. Experience and Infatuation on the Perception of Love.
Oregon State University, Corvallis
Information gathered from interviews was examined. Data was
Atkinzon, Rita L. 2000. Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology
reduced through identification of recurring words and phrases or (13th ed). Wadsworth Group Thomson Learning, Inc.

coding from within. Data were categorized based upon the Diessnet, Rhett, Frost, Nellie, Smith, Titus. Describing the Neoclassi-
cal Psyche Embedded in Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of
demographic profiles of the participants, the age group where they love. Lewis- Clark State College, Lewiston, ID, USA.

belong and the result of the test Hassebrauck, Manfred, Buhl, Thomas, 1996. Three- Dimensional
Love. Oho- Selz Institute, University of Manheim, Germany.
conducted to each participant. Also they were categorized through the
Kaestle, Christine Elizabeth, Halpenn, Carolyn Tucker. What’s Love
likeness of the answer of each participant to one another’s answer. Got To Do With It?Sexual Behaviors of Opposite- Sex
Couples Through Emerging Adulthood.
Triangular Theory of Love 39 Triangular Theory of Love iii

Kim, Jungsik, Hatfield, Elaine. 2004. Love Types and Subjective Sternberg, Robert J. 1997. Construct Validation of a Triangular
Being: Across- Cultural Study. USA. Love Scale. Department of Psychology, Yale University, USA.

Kolodny, Niko. 2003. Love as Valuing a Relationship. Trotter, Robert J. 1986. The Three Faces of Love. Houston, Texas.

Madey, Scott F., Rodgers, Lindsey. 2009. The Effect of Attachment Appendix A
And Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love on Relationship CONSENT FORM
Satisfaction. Shippesburg University of Pennsylvania.

I, the undersigned……. (First name and surname)………living

Papalia, Diane 2004. Human Development. (9th ed). McGraw- at…….. (Address)…..agree to take part in the study entitled, Robert
Hill Companies, Inc. Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love Among Age Groups. I Confirm
that I have had time to really carefully and understand the subject
Plotnik, Rod. 2006. Introduction to Psychgology. (7th ed). information sheet provided for this study and I have had the
Wadsworth Thomson Learning, Inc. opportunity to discuss the study and ask questions and I am satisfied
with the answer and explanation that I have been provided.
Santrock, John W. 2002. A Topical Approach To Life Span
I understand that my participation is voluntary and I am free to
Development. McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc.
withdraw at any time giving any reason and without my medical care or
legal rights affected. I agree that my anonymous personal data may be
Santrock, John W. 2003. Psychology 7. McGraw-Hill Companies
transferred and processed under the responsibility of the researchers.

Seiffge-Krenke, Inge. 2003. Testing Theories of Romantic

Development from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: __________________________
Evidence of a Developmental Sequence. Johannes Signature of the Participant/ Date
Guttenberg- University of Mainz, Germany.

Steca, Patrizia, Roth, Erik. Young Adults’ Life Satisfaction: The

Role of Sel-Regulatory Efficacy Beliefs in Managing Affects and
Realtionships Across Time and Across Cultures. University of ___________________________
Milan. Signature of the Researcher/ Date
Triangular Theory of Love iv Triangular Theory of Love v

Appendix B
Information about who you are will not be shared with anyone
LETTER OF CONSENT else. Agreeing to be interviewed for this study is completely voluntary.
There are no direct personal benefits to you. If you decide not to
This is an invitation asking for your participation in a research participate, that decision will not affect any other benefits from any
study entitled “Validating Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of other source. You may stop the interview at any time and decline to
Love”. The purpose of this study is to find the find the differences continue. Your participation will end when the interview is complete.
between views of love of the three age groups: young adulthood,
adulthood and mid-life.This is a chance for you to share your wisdom, There is no expected risk to you. However, the information you
knowledge, and insight and experience about love. Joanne Alcazar, agree to share during the interview will be used to increase our
Jenn Krystel Alano and Gemmarie Dote, 3rd year BS Psychology knowledge of defining love. The information you share may benefit
students will be conducting this study as part of their course. others as we discover how love differs among age groups.

As part of the study set of personal information and If you have any questions about this research project, please
demographic profile will be asked. Also a questionnaire will be given contact:
for you to answer. The interview and the rest of the said method will be
conducted for approximately an hour. This will be held at a time and Joanne Alcazar 09198731731
place that is convenient to you, the participant. Jenn Krystel Alano 09297540661
Gemmarie Dote 09303651550
Any information that you share during the interview will be used
for the purpose of this study only. Some of this information may be
quoted anonymously (with no names or other identifying information) in Signature______________________
the final study report so that participants’ insights can be expressed in Date__________________________
their own words.
Appendix C
All information that you share during the interview will be treated
with complete confidentiality and anonymity. No information that might Information Form:
identify you as an individual, such as your name, is needed. Only
Joanne Alcazar, Jenn Krystel Alano and Gemmarie Dote who Name (optional):
interviewed you will know your identity. Gender:
Social Economic Status:
Triangular Theory of Love vi o a person or thing that attracts or is intended to attract
Triangular Theory of Love vii
Length of time being involve in a relationship with an opposite sex:
( please shade your relationship length) o the feeling of liking someone, especially in a sexual way
o 1-2 yrs.
o 3-4 yrs. Appendix E
o 5-6 yrs.

Appendix D In this section we are asking you to shade the circle that
corresponds to your answer in pure honesty.
Shade the circle that corresponds to your definition.
1. I am actively supportive of his/her well being.
Liking is…

o finding him/her pleasing

o finding him/her agreeable
o finding him/ her attractive Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
o you are fond of being with him/her
o wishing you have him/her
o wanting him/her 2. I have a warm relationship with him/her.
o adoring him/her
o being in love with him/her
o feeling of attachment
Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
Attraction is…

o feeling that leads to friendships and romantic relationships. 3. I am able to count on him/her in times of need.
o it is how much we like, love, dislike, or hate someone
o arousing someone’s liking or interest
o a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts people Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
o the force by which one person attracts another
4. He/ She is able to count on me in times of need. 8. I communicate well with him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

9. I value him/ her greatly in my life.

Triangular Theory of Love viii Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

5. I am willing to share myself and my possessions with him/her.

10. I feel close to him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

6. I receive considerable emotional support from him/her.

11. I have comfortable relationship with him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

7. I give considerable emotional support to him/her.

Triangular Theory of Love ix

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
12. I feel that I really understand him/her. Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

17. I find myself thinking about him/her frequently during the day.

13. I feel that he/she really understands me.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

18. My relationship with him/her is very romantic.

14. I feel that I can really trust him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always Triangular Theory of Love x

19. I find him/her to be very personally attractive.

15. I share deeply personal information with him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

20. I idealize him/her.

16. Just seeing him/her excites me.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
21. I cannot imagine another person making me happy as he/she
Triangular Theory of Love xi

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

25. There is something almost “magical” about my relationship with

22. I would rather be with him/her than anyone else.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

26. I adore him/her.

23. There is nothing more important to me than my relationship with

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

27. I cannot imagine life without him/her.

24. I especially like physical contact with him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

28. My relationship with him/her is passionate.
Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

29. When I see romantic movies and read romantic books, I think of
33. I would not let other people come between me and him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

30. I fantasize about him/her.

34. I have confidence in the stability of my relationship with him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

35. I could not let anything get in the way of my commitment to

Triangular Theory of Love xii

31. I know that I care about him/her. Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always 36. I expect my love for him/her to last for the rest of my life.

32. I am committed to maintaining my relationship with him/her. Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

41. I view my relationship with him/her as permanent.

Triangular Theory of Love xiii

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

37. I will always feel a strong responsibility from him/her

42. I view my relationship with him/her as a good decision.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

A Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

38. I view my commitment to him/her as solid one.

43. I feel a sense of responsibility towards him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

39. I cannot imagine ending my relationship with him/her. Triangular Theory of Love xiv

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always

44. I plan to continue my relationship with him/her.

40. I am certain of my love for him/her.

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
2. The first time you saw your partner; did you instantly develop a
liking for him/her? Why?
45. Even if is hard to deal with him/her, I remain committed to our
relationship. Triangular Theory of Love xv

3. Are you physically or interpersonally attracted to him/her? Why?

Almost Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Almost Always
4. How long have you been in a romantic/ intimate relationship?

Appendix F 5. What do you think is the strong foundation of your relationship

that keeps it lasting?
Open- Ended Questionnaire
6. With the problems that you have encountered, how did you
Please Note: struggle with these?
This is a qualitative study.
Open-ended questions will be used to guide the interview. 7. Have you thought about splitting up, and if so, what prompted
you those thoughts?
Follow-up questions may be asked as needed to insure understanding.
8. Are you into studies or already working?

1. Are you in a relationship?


Follow- up: If you’re a student..

• How long have you been in that relationship?

• How do you manage your time doing school works and

spending your time with your partner?
• How do you consider your relationship with him or her?
Are you serious or you’re considering it as just a fling? • Are there times your partner got jealous with your
classmates? If yes, how do you deal with it?
• Do you have your parents’ blessings or permission to Appendix G
involve yourself in such commitment?
Alcazar, Joanne K.
Follow-up: #264 Brgy. Pook, Agoncillo, Batangas
Mobile no. 09198731731
• If you don’t have, how do you keep it as a secret?
Do you have any plans of telling it to them?
• If you have their permission, how were you able to 2011 Lyceum of the Philippines-Batangas
Capitol Site, Batangas City
get it? How did you tell them that their
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
son/daughter is already in love?
2007 Our Lady of Caysasay Academy
Taal, Batangas
Triangular Theory of Love xvi
2003 Agoncillo Institute of Science and
If you’re working.. Technology
Agoncillo, Batangas
Triangular Theory of Love xvii
• How do you manage your time performing your job and
your time for your partner? PERSONAL DATA
• Are there times your partner got jealous with your Date of Birth : October 30, 1990
colleagues? If yes, how do you deal with it? Place of Birth : Pook, Agoncillo, Batangas
Civil Status : Single
• If time will comes and you will have to choose between Nationality : Filipino
your job and your partner? What/ whom will you choose? Weight : 52 kgs.
Height : 5’4”
Religion : Roman Catholic
Ethnicity : Tagalog
9. Is there anything else would you like me to know about your
relationship, or any questions you wish I had asked? Alano, Jenn Krystel D.
# 228 Brgy, Soloc, Lobo, Batangas
Mobile no. 09297540661
2007 Jaybanga, National High School
EDUCATION Jaybanga, Lobo, Batangas
2011 Lyceum of the Philippines-Batangas
Capitol Site, Batangas City 2003 Jaybanga Elementary School
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Jaybanga, Lobo, Batangas

2007 Malabrigo,National, High School PERSONAL DATA

Malabrigo,Lobo, Batangas
Date of Birth : November 20, 1990
2003 Soloc, Elementary Shool Place of Birth : Jaybanga, Lobo, Batangas
Soloc, Lobo, Batangas Civil Status : Single
PERSONAL DATA Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Date of Birth : January 3, 1992 Weight : 46 kgs.
Place of Birth : Soloc Lobo, Batangas Height : 5’3”
Civil Status : Single Religion : Born Again
Nationality : Filipino Ethnicity : Tagalog
Triangular Theory of Love xviii

Weight : 45 kgs.
Height : 5’5”
Religion : Roman Catholic
Ethnicity : Tagalog

Dote, Gemmarie A.
Balete, Batangas City
Mobile no. 09303651550

2011 Lyceum of the Philippines-Batangas
Capitol Site, Batangas City
Bachelor of Science in Psychology

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