Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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A critical column by Daniel Da Silva … p.6 Preview for the big show on Thursday … p.5
thegazette ... taking a stab at it since 1906


USC backs student businesses with incubator campus
New centre visit stirs
plans to turn
‘eureka’ moment controversy
By Evan Lewis
into action Gazette Staff

By Meagan Kashty Best-selling author and conserva-

Gazette Staff tive pundit Ann Coulter made her
first appearance at Western yester-
Ivey and business students won’t be day, entering to a standing ovation
the only people able to put their in the packed North Campus Build-
business ideas into action. ing auditorium.
The University Students’ Coun- Over the course of the hour-long
cil has started the USC Student speech, Coulter lived up to her rep-
Entrepreneurship Centre – an incu- utation as an outspoken writer.
bator intended to help students Among her controversial state-
learn how to start a business. ments in recent years, Coulter has
“When you’re in class and have claimed Jews “need to be perfected”
that ‘eureka’ moment, a lot of stu- as Christians and referred to Bar-
dents don’t realize you can take rack Obama’s autobiography
these ideas and turn it into a busi- Dreams from My Father as “a dime-
ness,” Sacha Kumar, USC vice-pres- store Mein Kampf.”
ident finance, said. “We want to be When the doors to NCB opened,
there to mentor them, to foster that hundreds were lined up outside.
entrepreneurial spirit, and give Coulter’s speech focused on what
them the tools they need to start she perceives to be a double stan-
their own business.” dard applied to Republicans regard-
The centre would accept appli- Corey Stanford/Gazette ing political correctness, media
cations from students, help them DON’T COUNT YOUR EGGS BEFORE THEY HATCH. The University Students’ Council’s Student Entrepreneur- bias, and Canadian hate speech law.
write a business plan and pair them ship Centre hopes to hatch business ideas into profitable ventures. After the speech, the floor was
with coaches from different busi- opened up for a question and
ness sectors. Kumar expected the answer period in which Coulter
selection process to be prepared in workforce,” Dan Moulton, presi- and get the word out, but they said start their own companies when fielded questions from fans and
the next couple of months so dent of OUSA, said. no because it was too corporate they were unable to find jobs else- critics.
recruitment selection can start in However, while Western is jump- and too commercial.” where. One attendee, who identified
September. ing on the innovation bandwagon, Had an incubator been in place “The recession really struck in herself as a 17-year-old Muslim,
“It’s something the USC has the move may be too little too late when Gould decided to start his the fall of 2008 and 2009, so addi- asked Coulter what method of
been talking about for […] two or for some students. company, he felt he would have tional funding was made available transportation she should use — a
three years now. It’s been passed on Alex Gould, a fourth-year media, been able to form stronger ties with during this time,” Rob Crabtree, reference to a statement Coulter
from VP-finance to VP-finance,” theory and production student, the London community, leading team co-ordinator of youth part- made in 2003 suggesting Muslims
Kumar said. started his own company when he the company to have greater local nerships, said. should stay off planes and instead
University students across the realized he didn’t have the experi- success as opposed to commuting Crabtree headed Summer Com- use “flying carpets.”
province should expect to see sim- ence employers wanted. to Toronto to conduct business. pany, a program allowing students “What mode of transportation?”
ilar incubators being developed at “I was thinking that if I started “[An incubator] would have between the ages of 15 and 29 to scoffed Coulter. “Take a camel.”
their campuses. The Ontario Uni- this company, not only could I help been great. The University should start and operate their own busi- Coulter didn’t back off com-
versity Student Alliance chose to my peers build their own portfolio, be able to build these relationships nesses for the summer months. ments she made about Canada,
support student incubators as part but also help small businesses as with their undergrads now, and the Crabtree noted he has seen growing including a statement from 2004
of their Student Success and the well,” Gould said. city should be getting involved,” success with the program, which when she said Canada “better hope
future of Quality Education Policy Unfortunately, according to Gould said. “I was fortunate to have has grown an average of 16 per cent the United States doesn’t roll over
Paper. Gould, he received little to no different sources and ways to net- per year over its ten year run. one night and crush them” and
“[Incubators] provide meaning- encouragement from the Universi- work, but some other students “The brunt of the impact of the “they are lucky we allow them to
ful opportunities for university stu- ty. aren’t as lucky.” recession is over […] we’re hoping exist on the same continent.”
dents to develop skills, enhance “Our faculty and our university A student incubator may also regardless of [the recession], there Coulter responded to a question
learning and gain experience, all of administration almost went against have been more beneficial a few will always be students who want to about the statement with a smile.
which allow them to move on to starting our company,” Gould said. years back, when the recession hit start their own businesses,” Kumar “I read the transcript again last
higher levels of education or the “I sent FIMS our press release to try and some students were forced to said. night. It’s hilarious. I may post the
whole thing to my web page.”
Coulter’s visit was not without

University investigating student election opposition. There was a last minute

frenzy before the event began when
a group of protestors tried to mis-
By Cheryl Stone ombudsperson to review YFS’s Stevens, the unsuccessful presi- committee. direct registered guests from NCB.
Gazette Staff election processes. dential candidate who lead the However, Stevens felt this An hour before the doors opened, a
According to a press release New York slate, said. action was not appropriate. phony email circulated claiming
York University has launched an from Shoukri, the administration “I think the accusations and “[By] overturning the disquali- the event had been relocated to a
investigation into the election of its received a “significant” number of allegations [against the CRO] are fications on appeal, the elections venue downtown.
student government after several complaints from the New York frivolous,” Jeremy Salter, executive committee recognized, by its own Earlier in the day, protestors set
complaints were brought to the slate of candidates after 16 of 21 director of YFS, responded. He admission, that these demerit up a blog, “Countering Coulter,”
attention of administration. were disqualified from the run- explained this was the CRO’s sec- points should not have been inviting people to express their
A series of candidate disquali- ning. There were also complaints ond year in the position and felt assigned to the New York slate. opinions about Coulter.
fications occurred in York’s recent raised regarding the independence demerit points were handed out However, it only made this deci- “Ann Coulter laughs in the face
election of the York Federation of of the chief returning officer. fairly to both slates. sion once it had results from each of democracy, I thank the creators
Students. In response to the com- “Right now, because the The decision to disqualify race,” Stevens said. “We believe of this blog for trying to restore it,”
plaints, Mamdouh Shoukri, presi- incumbents get to hire the CRO, members of New York were these factors significantly detract wrote one anonymous poster, who
dent and vice-chancellor of York we believe it is impossible for [a appealed by the slate and eventu-
University, called for the university fair] election to take place,” Fraser ally overturned by the elections PLEASE SEE INVESTIGATION P2 PLEASE SEE COULTER’S P3
P2 ➤ news theGazette • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2010


Corey Stanford/Gazette
HABITAT IN THE HOUSE. Habitat for Humanity set up a mock house in the University Community Centre yes-
terday. The house was made of bricks with negative words written on them, which students could cover up with
positive words by making a donation.

Investigation results will not affect

outcome of student election
CONTINUED FROM P1 from the confidence that students Stevens still supports the review.
can have in the fairness of the elec- “The New York slate is very
tion process.” happy about the decision of the
LET’S GET MOVING! Stevens argued this situation has
been going on for several years.
York administration to launch an
investigation into the 2010 YFS
“Problems of this nature have election,” Stevens said. “We believe
been common at York in recent this is a positive step towards ensur-
years, and as long as the incum- ing that York students will have fair
bents get to hire the CRO we believe and transparent elections.”
When Only A Truck Will Do this situation will not improve.” YFS’s support is still needed in
Pickup, Cargo Vans & 16ft Cube Vans – automatic Salter responded it was common order for the ombudsperson to go
for the slate with the fewest seats to through with an investigation.
21 years old with
a valid G License.
BOOK complain about the process. “The York Federation of Stu-
Some restrictions apply
NOW! This year’s election results will
remain as is, no matter the out-
dents has not decided if we’re going
to participate in the review,” Salter
come of the investigation; however, said.
519.455.8296 From Coulter to Cancer He believes if we applied what
71 Clarke Rd (N. of Gore) Western’s speakers list just keeps we know now, we can cut cancer in

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who hope to decrease the number
prevent cancer. of cases of cancer through knowl-
edge and action.
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sion of the C2CC is to fundamental-
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Cloudy periods
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theGazette • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2010 news ➤ P3


Brett Higgs/Gazette
COMING SOON TO A CAMPUS NEAR YOU: THE COULTERGEIST. On Monday hundreds gathered at the North Campus Building auditorium to watch Ann Coulter give a speech and answer
questions. Many more students and Londoners were denied entrance because the event was beyond capacity.

Coulter’s comments met with

cheers and criticism
CONTINUED FROM P1 whole commission is complete B.S.”
Coulter’s appearance was orga- I think I’m a victim of
signed with the name “Voting nized by the Campus Coalition for
Woman.” Democracy, the International Free a hate crime. Either
The controversy extended Press Society of Canada, and the
beyond the Western gates. Coulter Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute.
what he did to me
promised the audience she would “Not only did we fill up an was a hate crime or
file a complaint with the Canadian auditorium, but the majority of
Human Rights Commission over a the people there were very favor- that whole commis-
letter she received from François able to what Ann was saying – they
Houle, provost and vice-president were laughing they were cheering, sion is complete B.S.
academic at the University of they gave her a standing ovation – — Ann Coulter
Ottawa, which advised her to brush and I thought free speech pre- in response to François Houle,
up on Canadian hate speech laws vailed last night.” provost and vice-president academic at
before arriving in Canada. According to Andrew Lawton, the University of Ottawa, who advised
“I think I’m a victim of a hate vice-president external affairs for Coulter to brush up on Canadian hate
crime,” Coulter said. “Either what he the Campus Coalition for Democ- speech laws before arriving in Canada
did to me was a hate crime or that racy, the event was a success.

Brett Higgs/Gazette
Email #1 Subject: Ann Coulter’s London stop has moved to Centennial Hall
From: Coulter Canada IPFS Canada <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar. 2010 5:01 p.m.
Due to an overwhelming stream of last minute registrants, IFPS Canada and Campus Coalition for Democracy have moved the Ann Coul-
ter event to a larger venue. Ann Coulter and Ezra Levant will now be speaking at Centennial Hall, 550 Wellington Street.”
From: Coulter in Canada IFPS-Canada <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar. 2010 5:07 p.m.
Please disregard the message regarding a change of venue for the Coulter event. The Location remains at the University of Western Ontario. %RRN<RXU0RYLQJ9HKLFOH1RZ
From: Coulter Canada IPFS Canada <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar. 2010 5:23 p.m.
Please disregard the last message that asked you to disregard the message previous to that regarding the change of venue.
The location remains at Centennial Hall.
Excerpts from a series of emails sent to people who registered for the event. :RQGHUODQG5G1

Student sues Ryerson for $10 million

following charge of academic offence BOOK BY
MAR 30
By Kaleigh Rogers discussions regarding suspicion of there is a process by which a dean’s
Gazette Staff academic misconduct. decision can be appealed to the
This, according to Avenir, makes senate review board,” Jarrett
Creeping one student’s Facebook the Code “internally contradictory,” explained.
group may end up costing Ryerson thereby breaching the school’s con- He added Western’s policy is
University $10 million. tract with its students and causing similar to that of Ryerson’s in
After facing expulsion in 2008 significant emotional and/or men- regards to a student’s right to legal
for a Facebook study group, Chris tal stress. representation.
Avenir, a third-year engineering The group Avenir created — “There’s no provision that allows
student, filed a lawsuit against the called “The Dungeon/Mastering for a lawyer, until you get to the sen-
University for refusing his right to Chemistry Solutions” — allowed ate review board of academics. At
legal counsel during the prelimi- students to exchange work and that point, they are entitled to have
nary hearing. solutions for problems assigned in legal counsel with them,” he
Since the lawsuit is still in court,
neither Avenir nor his lawyer, John
their chemistry lab. However, their
professor had previously instructed
Avenir told The Toronto Star the
When in England, it’s probably you who’s
Adair, were able to comment. How- students to do all their work inde- size of the lawsuit would force the driving on the wrong side of the road.
ever, according to Avenir’s state- pendently, leading to Avenir’s aca- University to take the issue seriously.
ment of claim, he is alleging the demic offence. “The ultimate goal is to have the
school has a contradictory Code of Stephen Jarrett, Western’s legal policy changed,” he said. Save $100 on anyÒ^\]iid:jgdeZ
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P4 ➤ opinions theGazette • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2010

thegazette Volume 103, issue 95

“Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too.”

Ryan Hendrick Carly Conway Jaela Bernstien

Editor-In-Chief Deputy Editor Managing Editor

Editor -
Deputy -
Managing -
website at
University Community Centre Rm. 263
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7
Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580
Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579

The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council.

Keeping an
After the arrival and departure of divisive right–wing fig-
ure Ann Coulter on Monday, debates have sparked across
campus as to how Western should treat her visit.
Ann Coulter brings backlash,
A speaker coming to Western can often bring mixed
emotions. While many of the major selections of the past freedom of speech questions
years have been remarkable — Romeo Dallaire stands out
as a prime example — there is always the risk that the To the editor: opinions of Coulter, or the ways in which
chosen speaker won’t accurately reflect the perceptions Walking around campus the day Ann she articulates her opinions, those who “We know he was serious because
of the student population. Coulter came to Western, I heard many want to hear her have the option, and Obama was using his white voice.”
There have been comments indicating the Univer- comments made about the event those who have no interest can stay — on diction
sity Students’ Council’s choices of speakers in past throughout the halls. “The school better away. That being said, I welcome all lib-
“eighty per cent of Germans
years speak primarily to a liberal ideology. With speak- not be funding this event” ... “I do not see erals at conservative events on campus. favoured Obama over McCain and
ers normally charging a hefty premium for their why Coulter should be allowed to say her Coulter welcomed anyone to come and we all know how good Germans
appearance, it follows that they should have a broad views on campus.” As well, later in the listen to her speech as well as opened up are at choosing leaders.”
appeal. afternoon I received an anonymous the floor from any audience members; — on Germany
However, it should be noted while the higher–profile hoax email stating that the event had she took questions from many people “In America, everybody wants to
speakers may be perceived to have a specific ideological changed location so that people would with opposite views. be black.”
slant, many of the speakers brought in by the campus at not attend at the correct place. Western needs to become a place — on feminists and homosexuals claiming
large cover a wide range of the political spectrum. Nor- I have many problems with all these that better opens up dialogue between their civil rights are being violated
mally such speakers aren’t noticed by the campus com- things, all which end with the ability to people all along the political spectrum.
“Americans wait in line everyday in
munity either due to a lack of profile on their part or lack express ones views on Western campus. Allowing people who disagree to stand emergency rooms waiting for ille-
of advertisement for the event. It has been evident in my last four up and defend their arguments is a gal aliens to get treated.”
Even Coulter, firebrand that she is, likely could thank years at Western that anything liberal is true political discussion. Trying to stop — on immigrants receiving healthcare
her celebrity status for the number of attendees at her taken as the ideal or “correct way of a speaker from coming onto a Univer-
“Diversity has never been a
talk. It should be kept in mind that while lesser-known thinking.” We have had many speakers sity campus, in my opinion, is absurd. strength.”
speakers may draw a smaller audience, this audience has over the years, including this week’s As much as I may not agree with liber- — on Diversity
an active interest in the topic at hand. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has had the al views, listening to a different opin-
Nonetheless, the University and the USC continue to ability to speak about their interests on ion can only enhance my opinions. “Every time we talk about ‘bring-
ing people together’ either my
actively promote the celebrity speakers who draw larger campus. There has been no backlash Trying to stifle and protest a speaker
taxes go up or my trade centre
crowds. This speaks both to the persona of the USC as well against liberal speakers or this week’s that has an alternative view only goes down.”
as the general student population. While students some- event but when a campus club brings a diminishes my ideal of a post-sec- — on the Democrats ideals of
times shy away from controversy, they are ultimately right-wing speaker to campus, people ondary education. “bringing people together”
more likely to attend an event where contentious issues have a huge problem with this. —Amy Willms
“I’m not talking about extremes,
will be discussed. Whether or not you agree with the Political Science IV
I’m talking about liberals and
But to address the ideological slant, many may forget conservatives.”
Huron University College’s speaker series last year, which — on extreme viewpoints
featured a wide variety of speakers from the Conservative
“You can have a left foot and a
Party of Canada. This is only one example of many times
right foot, you can’t have a middle
where the University and its affiliates have attempted to foot.”
appease all students. — contradicting herself a few minutes
Students do sometimes take a stance and play the later on extreme viewpoints
“safe card,” arguing when a speaker makes them
“American Liberals would love to
uncomfortable, they, as a result, do not feel safe on cam- shut down speech the way you do
pus. This can put the USC in a tough spot. Is it better to in Canada.”
have speakers who push the boundaries, or ones who — on free speech in Canada
play it safe?
“Massachusetts is the Soviet Union
Speakers should be brought in to talk about issues that
in the U.S. New Jersey is more like
are unresolved, and to incite debate. If a student has a Mao’s China.”
problem with the range of speakers being brought in, they — on “Liberal States”
should address the problem with the USC, and maybe
“What mode of Transportation?
recommend one of their own.
Take a camel.”
In the end, while Coulter crosses the line, there’s no response to a 17-year old Muslim
harm in listening to someone’s opinions. Either your student. The question was regarding
viewpoints will be strengthened, or your own beliefs will what mode of transportation Coulter
be challenged for the better. suggests Muslims who are
—The Gazette editorial board denied are travel should use.

Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are decided upon

by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the
Section Editors 2009-2010 e-mail Gazette Staff 2009-2010
editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each News Senior News - Elana Abramovitch, Ryan Abreu, Fadesola Adedayo,
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All articles, letters, photographs, graphics, illustrations and cartoons Nicole Gibillini Brett Higgs Hetherman, Elton Hobson, Eliot Hong, Alan Hudes, Elena
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• Please recycle this newspaper • Arden Zwelling Stuart Thompson Diana Watson Jaymin Proulx, Kaleigh Rogers, Cali Travis, Drew Whitson


By Lauren Pelley in Luke’s VW Rabbit, with

Gazette Staff Macbooks and matching
red jumpsuits in tow.
There is something magical—mys- Tweets soon came in directing “[Luke] was
tical even — about the road trip. the two to various restaurants and looking for
It’s the stuff of Kerouac, not to men- motels. The pair landed a spot co- something dif-
tion countless movies. Less a vaca- hosting a show on a local commu- ferent,” Alex
tion and more a travelogue of grow- nity radio station and before they says. “Basically
ing up and finding yourself, the left, were also featured on CBC and he came to me
road trip is where the old adage CityTV. with this idea
rings true –– that it’s about the jour- But the question on everyone’s that we could
ney, not the destination. mind is why they’re doing it. Some turn this into a
But ol’ Jack Kerouac could never have dubbed the duo’s trip an social media
have envisioned a journey like this. experiment in social media, or the experiment.”
Last weekend, two Canadian manifestation of a quarter-life cri- Though
friends set out on a modern road sis. Really, it’s a bit of both. their journey
trip with no planned route, no list “We got this idea back in Sep- is just beginning, Alex and
of what to see or do, and only one tember. I had planned on going on Luke are eager to see where it
goal in mind: to travel through a trip –– maybe going to Europe,” takes them.
North America. Alex says. But Europe didn’t really “I’m looking forward to the
Their compass? Me and you. fit the bill in the end. What Alex unexpected the most,” Alex
Alex and Luke’s journey –– how- really craved was a road trip says.
ever long it takes –– is being docu- through her home continent, hav- “I’m more looking forward
mented online through the pair’s ing already studied abroad after to the roadside diner by
website and social media accounts. completing her undergrad here at the side of the road in
“We’re traveling through every Western. Utah versus the Empire
state, province and territory, com- Yet with no car and no travel State Building,” Luke
pletely based on followers’ sugges- buddy, Alex’s idea threatened to adds.
tions and votes,” explains one half fizzle. What she did have, howev- In the end, Alex says
of the duo, Luke Vigeant. er, was a hefty insurance cheque that’s really what their
That’s where their audience from the unfortunate-turned- whole trip is about –– build-
comes in. In the first round of vot- awesome situation of having her ing relationships online and
ing, followers chose the next direc- house burn down. She then put building relationships offline.
tion for the pair after they left the bug in Luke’s ear about her Because, really, isn’t it all
Toronto last Saturday. road trip idea, and he jumped at the same at the end of the day?
After an overwhelming vote for the chance to join her –– despite Want in on the adventure?
the two to head North, Alex and having a high-paying job and the Follow Alex and Luke online at
Luke –– her full name is Alex Sabine potential to climb the corporate, or their Twitter
–– were swiftly off to Collingwood ladder. account, @alexandluke.
Photo Illustration by Lauren Pelley/Gazette

Dance Force demonstrates COOKING WITH GRACE

Simple savoury soup

the medium is the message By Grace Davis
Gazette Staff
• 1 onion, diced
By Nicole Gibillini director Jassy Eteli, have been the reality,” she adds. • 3 garlic cloves
Gazette Staff creative minds behind Dance The teams have been attending I don’t know about you, but I find • Olive oil
Force this year. practice every Sunday since Sep- that sweet and savoury is the best • 2 ½ cups vegetable broth (you can use
Media is fast-paced, ever-chang- Third-year media, information tember, and the dancers had taste combination. Recently, I had bouillon cubes which are found in the soup
ing and diverse. It’s also the theme and technoculture student Emma extended rehearsal hours this past an awesome pumpkin coconut or spices aisle at the grocery store)
of the UWO Dance Force’s annual Sampson is part of the Core Team. week. soup at a quaint Thai restaurant in • 1 14 ounce can coconut milk (found in
year-end performance. “I’m really impressed with this “Everyone affiliated with Bloor West Village. I enjoyed it so the international foods aisle or by the spices
The show will run twice this year’s theme of ‘Mise en Scène’ or Dance Force has worked so hard much I went home to look up or baking sections)
weekend at the Althouse Theatre, ‘The Medium is the Message,’” she over the past eight months, and recipes and experiment until I • 1 15 ounce can pumpkin (also typically
Thursday and Friday night. says. “Our medium is dance.” we can’t wait to show everyone found the perfect combination. I found in the baking section – get the one
This year’s Dance Force presi- The name of the show comes what we have come up with this love any kind of squash soup, but that you can use for baking pies)
dent, Stephanie Mortimer, from a Marshall McLuhan quota- year,” Sampson says. the great thing about this recipe is • 1 tsp curry (add more or less to taste)
promises the show offers some- tion describing how information “I think that it’s really impor- that it uses canned pumpkin, so • 1/2 tsp ground ginger or shredded ginger
thing for everyone — even if they gains significance through the way tant to support the arts both at there’s no strenuous work of cut- root
have no interest in dance. it is portrayed. Western and in the London com- ting up a thick pumpkin. Preparation:
“The show isn’t simply a dance “Each piece focuses in on one munity. Even if you know nothing I know pumpkin and coconut 1. In a large pot, sauté the onions and garlic
recital. There is a message and of the many aspects of our lives about dance, this year’s theme milk aren’t exactly things the aver- in the olive oil until the onions turn soft.
theme running throughout the that are influenced by the media offers something for everyone. age student has lying around the 2. If using bouillon cubes, boil about three
show, so even those with little to in some way, ranging from money The music choices are awesome,” house, but I encourage you to go cups of water in the kettle then add the
no knowledge of dance will be and fame to more personal issues she adds. out and buy them specifically for water to the pot along with one or two
entertained by the overall direc- such as addiction and illness,” Tickets can be purchased in the this soup. It’s delicious and very bouillon cubes.
tive of the show,” she says. Mortimer explains. booth set up in the University easy to make. 3. Shake the can of coconut milk before you
There are five teams that “Media is something that Community Centre atrium today I’ve used both regular coconut open the can, then add it to the pot with
make up Dance Force: Recre- everyone can relate to. Portraying and tomorrow. They are also avail- milk and light coconut milk the pumpkin – whisk until smooth.
ation 1, Recreation 2, Advanced it through dance shows how able at Infosource or through before, and I found the regular 4. Add the rest of the spices, stir to combine.
Recreation, Performance Com- media overlaps and how it Dance Force members. Tickets are milk made it a better texture – 5. Simmer over low heat for at least fifteen
pany and Core. They explore a impacts our daily lives. The Dance $10 for students, $15 for Adults, or light milk didn’t blend quite as minutes, stirring occasionally.
variety of genres including tap, Force Show ‘Mise en Scène’ $20 at the door. The show is at the nicely. I spent about $8.00 on the batch and I got
jazz, contemporary, lyrical, ballet explores a story of our interpreta- Althouse Theatre on Western Road. It makes a fairly large batch, so around 5 large servings.
and hip-hop. tion of media and how it changes Doors are at 6:45p.m. and the show I divvy it up and freeze portions See for
Mortimer along with artistic our thoughts, movements and starts at 7p.m.. afterwards. Enjoy! this recipe and others.

All-star Seedhouse skates against Canada’s best

Third-year Mustangs forward Ellie Seedhouse was named
to the OUA all-stars team, which took on Canada’s
Under–18 women’s national team last night. Seedhouse,
who finished third in OUA scoring with 32 points, was
named a first-team all-star earlier in the season. The
game was an exhibition game for the Under-18 team
before they head off to world championships in Chicago.

NCAA plans to ruin March Madness “THIS IS WAY TOO COMPLICATED.”

of 65. Maybe 96 teams? Wouldn’t ate more upsets and Cinderella sto-
you like to add a 17-16 North Car- ries on the first weekend of play.
Da Silva olina to the field? Why not the pow- On the surface it makes sense
Bullet erhouses from William & Mary, that by adding more teams, you will
Coastal Carolina and Jackson State? get more upsets and more unex-
Daniel Da Silva If I’m sounding a little crazy, for- pected runs to the Sweet Sixteen.
Sports Editor give me. I’m merely channeling the But consider how they intend to
insanity of the NCAA because they add these 32 extra teams. Seeds one
What’s not to like about March? You are actually planning on expanding through eight in each region will get
get to drink on St. Patrick’s Day the tournament — likely after their a first–round bye. That leaves seeds
before enjoying the greatest basket- current television contract with nine through 24 to play off against
ball tournament on Earth while CBS expires in 2013. each other on the Tuesday and
recovering from your hangover. As the old saying goes, “If it ain’t Wednesday of the “opening week-
There’s nothing like watching 16 broke, don’t fix it.” So why would end.” The rest of the tournament
college basketball games a day on the NCAA try manipulate its mar- resumes as it exists now.
the opening weekend of March quee event? In other words, the NCAA would
Madness. It’s amazing. It comes down to two reasons: force all the lower seeds to play three What a regional bracket would look like in a
Actually, it’s so amazing that we The first is the NCAA thinks by
96-team tournament.
should add more teams to the field adding 32 extra teams they can cre- PLEASE SEE STORY P7

Gazette Marketplace
Housing Housing Housing Housing Housing
$425/ROOM ALL-INCLUSIVE 4 bedroom house! 2 BEDROOM AT 229 Riverside Drive, available Feb. 3 BDRM TOWNHOUSES and apartments. These 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses, apart- 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units
Steps away from the #2 bus line (10 min. from UWO), 1st/May 1st, $850 inclusive, 2 bedrooms at 337 units are just steps from campus at the corner of Sar- ments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand are modern, clean and close to campus. Get every-
walking distance to downtown and shopping, on-site Wharncliffe North, available May 1st. Both locations nia and Western road, right next to Perth and Essex new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open con- thing you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking,
laundry and parking. Call/email Tim 905-751-6404, close to campus, parking, laundry on-site, hardwood residence. These units all have spacious bedrooms cept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full time floors, ceramics, controlled entry. 519-852-2674. and common areas. All come with free parking, main- for high speed internet! Located in great student areas. maintenance. Bedrooms are network for internet. Call
2 BEDROOM HOUSE with hardwood floors through- tenance and full-time property management. Call Act fast- these won’t last. For more information call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505.
1 BDRM APTS. All Victorian, some Richmond/Huron
out. This house has a massive living room and kitchen, Zach anytime at 519-854-0505. Zach at 519-854-0505.
area, bright, attractive,quiet, renovated, some with gas 5 AND 4 Bedroom houses and apartments right on
fireplaces, oak floors, high ceilings, eat-in kitchens, ap- and 2 good size bedrooms. Also has a lawn and 2 3 BED 2 bath lower apartment in a house. Full kitchen, 4 BDRM HOME with gigantic deck, behind the Ceeps, major bus route. Great locations. Huge rooms and
pliances, large bay windows, parking, laundry, utilities decks. All 5 appliances and free parking. Close to cam- big bedrooms, private laundry, 15 min. walk to UWO. beautiful floors, modern kitchen, great room sizes. Sur- closets. All new appliances including washer/dryer and
included. May 1st. $569-629. 519-679-8323. pus and steps to groceries. Call Zach at 5198540505. $415/room/month all-inclusive. Call 519-432-5123 or rounded by student homes, great area with a great at- dishwasher. Call John at 519-859-5563 anytime. email mosphere. Steps from Richmond row. Refer a friend
1 MONTH FREE rental! 1 bedroom $395+: 1061 Tal- for $100. Call Dustin 519-495-7903. 5 BD HOUSE $495/room all-inclusive! LCD TV in each
2 BEDROOM, PRIME locations and top condition, 3 BED BEAUTIFUL full house in heart of downtown room, washer/dryer, dishwasher, Wi-Fi included, park-
bot. Share w/4 students (girls), excellent condition,
close to campus and downtown, on LTC bus routes. on John St. Steps from the bars, stores and restau- 4 BDRM HOMES around the university in various lo-
laundry, parking, 3 min. from campus. Already at bridge ing, A/C. Why fight over bills with your roommates in
Hassle-free living. See us first! Refer a friend for $100. rants. Garage, laundry machines, dishwasher, spare cations. Well maintained, many newly renovated with
in front of Elgin/Medsyd. From May 1st. rle- old houses? Call Omar: 519-615-4444, officemajes-
Rides available to view. Call us today at 519-495-7903. room are some of the many features included. Call new kitchens and bathrooms. These are some of the, 416-299-3818.
2 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE, $660 plus $80 utility now as this one will go fast. (519) 859-5563 or email best student rentals available. Call to view, rides avail-
1&3 BEDROOMS, 795 Richmond Street, 2&3 bed- able. Refer a friend for $100. Call 519-495-7903 5 BDRM HOUSE $495/room all-inclusive! LCD TV in
package that includes heat, hydro, water, internet,
rooms at 255 Sydenham Street, 3 bedrooms at 375 each room, washer/dryer, dishwasher, Wi-Fi included,
home phone, long distance. Free uncovered parking, 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Live on Rich- 4 BDRM HOUSE, $340/month/bdrm, Utilities includ-
Wharncliffe North. Close to campus, parking & laun- mond, near the gates, just south of Masonville or right parking, A/C. Ceramic tiles, 10 min. walk to campus.
newer building, on-site management, close to Western ed, Close to UWO/downtown. 5 appliances, 1.5 baths,
dry on site. Available May 1st. Call 519-852-2674. and bus routes, steps from Richmond St. For more in- downtown. With a variety of options for you, we can Call Omar: 519-615-4444,
parking, close to bus. Call Rich or Tara, 519-686-6006.
1,2,3,4,5,6 APARTMENTS, HOMES and townhomes formation please call 519.858.2525 or go to meet any student’s needs. Most units are newly built 4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These 4 5 BDRMS. LIVE steps from campus in a 5 bedroom
for rent. The large new red brick buildings adjacent to and come with all 5 appliances. Call Zach at 519-854- bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 washrooms apartment or townhouse. Live in style in a modern
campus and downtown. Really large bedrooms and 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS- Fully furnished condo. 0505 anytime to view. for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright and have building, all built within the last few years. Huge kitch-
closets, all appliances, high speed networking, well Near UWO, Sherwood Forest Mall, bus route. 5 appli- 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 602 Middlewoods Cres. Hard- huge closets. Free parking and property management. ens come with tons of cupboards and counter space,
maintained. Many to choose from, All price ranges. ances, Wi-Fi, parking, BBQ. Shared living space. Sep- wood floors, 2 full bathrooms, 6 appliances, A/C, free Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505. and centre island eating areas. Spacious bedrooms
Call Jon any time 519-852-7993. tember 1st or earlier. $450/month including utilities. parking and more. Near UWO, mall, and bus stops. and huge closets. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505
519-474-4281, $425/room inclusive, flexible leases. Call Sama 519- and view one of these units before they are gone!
1,2,3,4,5,6 BEDROOM LUXURY homes and apart- 4 BED TOWN house, absolutely new! This town house
2 ROOMMATES WANTED to share a 6 bedroom 520-7510 or email has an open concept living space with 2 full bath- 5 BED FULL house in great location steps from cam-
ments available downtown. Situated right in the heart
of the action. Call to view, these don’t last. Best loca- house with 4 girls going into 3rd year. 2.5 bathrooms, 3 BEDROOM LUXURY beside rec centre. billiards, rooms, private deck, washer & dryer, and parking! pus. This house has two full washrooms and large
tions in London, rides available. Refer a friend for washer/dryer, 2 kitchens, 10 min. walk from campus. bar, 52” TV, 3 full marble bathrooms, fireplace, large Available immediately or May 1st. $375 a room and bedrooms. Laundry machines, dishwasher, massive
$100. Call 519-645-7368 or Jamie 519-860-5777. Females preferred. Call 226-678-0799. rooms, 1 kitchens, dishwasher, laundry rooms, bas- utilities. For viewing and questions, please call 519- backyard, garage, large driveway, and much more.
2+3 BDRM LOCATED 369 Hollywood Cres., hard- ketball net, parking, enormous backyard, $400, 416- 319-9057, Samuel. Only $354pp. Call John at (519) 859-5563 any time or
2 BDRM BASEMENT apartment, very large, 835-5293,
wood floors, laundry, all appliances, all-inclusive, avail- 4 BEDROOM 3-FLOOR townhouse. Very clean and email
bright, clean and quiet. Good for studying. 3 minute
walk to campus, private entrance, washer/dryer, AC, able May 1st. 2 bdrm located 54 Gunn Street: laundry, 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE 5 appliances, new win- newly renovated. $375 plus utilities or $435 inclusive. 5 BEDROOM HOME, 1150 Richmond Street. Located
parking, all-inclusive available May 1st. 226-268-3549. dows, doors, very clean, sliding doors, well-main- Large common room, 3 bathrooms, laundry. 5 minute across from Gates. Walk to class, spacious, laundry
parking, tv/cable, utilities included. Available May 1st.
2,3,4 BEDROOMS available at Varsity Commons, tained, bus route, parking, ceramic floors bus to campus, near shopping and downtown. Can be on site. Call 519-852-2674.
London’s best student community for fall 2009. Enjoy Wharncliffe/Oxford area. May and August availability. fully furnished. Call Joseph at Summit Properties 519-
2 BDRM STUDENT Renters. Stop throwing your par- 5 BEDROOM HOUSE $495/room all-inclusive! LCD
great amenities such as our cardio centre, movie the- $400 inclusive 519-701-0958 671-2671.
ents money away on rent. Western students put thou- TV in each room, washer/dryer, dishwasher, Wi-Fi in-
atre, and game room. Free uncovered parking, on-site 3 BEDROOM UNITS. 468 Castlegrove. Newly reno- 4 BEDROOM HOUSE Stained glass windows, 6 appli- cluded, parking, A/C. Newly renovated Victorian house
sands of dollars each year into the pockets of vated, great new appliances, spacious rooms! Walk
management. For more information please call ances, large rooms. Sitting, dining, and living rooms, 3 right across St. Joseph’s Hospital. Call Omar: 519-615-
landlords. You and your parents can save on these ex- or direct bus to classes, laundry. Great neighbourhood,
519.858.2525 or go to full baths, well-maintained, bus route, parking. $425- 4444,
penses by getting you access to investment proper- close amenities, great value at $450/room! Call: Pat
2,3,4 BEDROOMS available at Varsity Commons lo- 450/room (utilities included). Lovely home. Pat 519-
ties. Call 519-495-7903. 519-870-9941 5 BEDROOM HOUSE $529/room all-inclusive! LCD
cated at 75 Ann St. just steps from Richmond Row. En- 701-0958.
2 BED NEWLY renovated unit at amazing price. Only TV in each room. Private patio for 15+ people! Wash-
joy great amenities such as our cardio centre, 24 hour 3 BR IDEAL location for UWO and Fanshawe. 2 loca- 4 BEDROOM LOFT Apartment, downtown, steps to
$400pp plus electric. Located right on the edge of er/dryer, dishwasher, Wi-Fi included, parking, A/C.
laundry facility and game room. On-site management. tions with great bus service. Close to entertainment, Richmond Row and all the Action! This one is luxuri-
downtown. Stainless steel appliances, free parking, Beautiful hardwood/cerarmic floors. Call Omar: 519-
For more information please call 519.858.2525 or go to shopping and campus. Very spacious. Only $425 in- ous, 5 appliances, open concept Call Dustin 519-495-
laundry and fenced in yard. Call John at (519) 859- clusive. Andy Scott has all details. 519-657-7000 or 615-4444, 7903
5563 any time or email 519-282-2873. 5 BEDROOM HOUSE $540/room all-inclusive! LCD
3 AND 4 bedroom apartments and townhomes. These 4 BEDROOM LUXURY beside rec centre. billiards,
2 BED TOWNHOUSE- absolutely new! Large bed- 3&4 BDRM. APARTMENTS and townhomes. These TV in each room. 2 full bath, marble tile, open-concept
are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spa- bar, 52” TV, 3 full marble bathrooms, fireplace, large
rooms with open-concept living space! Parking, laun- are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spa- kitchen. Washer/dryer, dishwasher, Wi-Fi included,
cious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very rooms, 1 kitchens, dishwasher, laundry rooms, bas-
dry. $450+ per person. Call Sam 519-319-9057 for cious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very parking for four cars, A/C. Call Omar: 519-615-4444,
clean and well maintained. For more information or ketball net, parking, enormous backyard, $400, 416-
viewing and questions. showing please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993 clean and well maintained. For more information or
showing please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on
4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. 10
3,4 BEDROOM apartments available at Varsity Com- all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free
minute walk to campus, right on major bus route to
mons, London’s best Student Community. Enjoy great maintenance and full time property management.

take a tour
campus and downtown. Great location. Three floors,
amenities such as our cardio centre, movie theatre and two full washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All new Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call
fun events. From $485 inclusive per room. For more appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Zach at 519-854-0505,
information please call 519.858.2525 or go to Call John at 519-859-5563 with questions or to book a 5 BEDROOM Town Home living at Varsity Mills. Amen- tour or email ities include: on-site laundry and air conditioning. From

today 4 BDRM APARTMENT in house at corner of John and

Talbot downtown. Brand new with stainless steel appli-
ances, large bedrooms and deck. Reduced summer
4 BEDROOM, PRIME locations and condition, close
to campus and downtown, on LTC bus routes. Don’t
wait - these units go fast! Rides available to view. Ref-
$495 per room plus $85 utility package (including long
distance in Canada). All students. 1 Beaufort St., easy
walk to class and bus routes, roommate matching
rent or first month free! Call 519- er a friend for $100. Call now, 519-495-7903. services available. For more information, please call
643-6014, 519.858.2525 or go to
4 BEDROOM, VERY close to campus and only $334
a person a month. Open concept. Free parking, grass 5 BEDROOM, PRIME locations and condition, down-
cutting, snow removal and full time property manage- town and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. See us first!
Looking for ment. This unit will rent quickly. Call Zach for a tour
Rides available to view. Refer a Friend Program. Call
Dustin 519-495-7903.
full time summer
ts are
and long term sales positions
our apartmen Excellent compensation
Please call:
Prime Rentals!
cozier than an igloo
(519) 645-6662
for interview
- Free Rides - - Refer A Friend Program -
75 Ann St | 519.858.2525 1 Beaufort St | 519.858.2525
Contact us today! 519-495-7903

theGazette • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2010 sports ➤ P7
CONTINUED FROM P6 more dominant schools. That’s the the teams from major conferences.
magic of watching Northern Iowa If the televised games of these
times in six days, with little time to knock-off Kansas. major conference teams will be
prepare for the top quality teams. worth very little in terms of the bas-
Look at this year’s tournament “If it’s going to be an expe- ketball season, how exactly will rat-
darlings: Northern Iowa University, ings be driven up?
Cornell University and St. Mary’s rience in which, sure, the Also, keep in mind the majority
University. Those teams pulled off Southern Conference reg- of viewers have to skip some work
massive upsets by beating Kansas, or school just to watch those crucial
ular season winner goes [to
Wisconsin and Villanova respec- Friday and Saturday games.
tively in the second round. the tournament] but then Nobody, other than the fans of
But if those three underdogs had the ninth-place finisher in the schools involved, watches the
to play an extra game at the begin- play-in game between the 64th and
ning of the week they would have to
the SEC, ACC or Big East 65th teams in the tournament. With
mentally and physically prepare for goes in those additional that in mind, it seems unlikely
two other teams before taking on slots. I don’t think that’s fair many viewers will tune in for what
those top-ranked teams. Do you amounts to 32 play-in games.
really think they would have been to the mid-major and low- It’s amazing that the NCAA could
capable of pulling off those same major programs.” consider such a terrible decision, let
upsets in the proposed 96-team for- alone go ahead with it. But I sup-
—Bob McKillop
mat? Davidson College head coach pose this is the same organization
Also, I don’t think it’s too much Source: Associated Press that defends the Bowl Champi-
of a stretch to say the majority of onship Series to determine a college
these 32 extra teams would be The second — and likely, real — football champion, so they’re prob-
teams that currently play in the reason the NCAA wants to do this is ably beyond help.
National Invitation Tournament. because with a proper revenue So enjoy filling out your brackets
Considering half of the NIT field are sharing system in place they think and watching the tournament this Associated Press
terrible teams from the major con- they’ll make a lot more money. year, and maybe even the next. WHY ARE THE WHITE GUYS ALWAYS ON THE BENCH AT THE END OF
ferences, it defeats the purpose of Unfortunately, there are major Treasure it as much as you can, THE GAME? In the biggest upset of the opening weekend of March Mad-
adding more upsets. Fans want problems with that theory. The because thanks to a few greedy, ness, Northern Iowa Panthers knocked off the top seed, Kansas Jay-
mid-major teams they’ve never change would effectively devalue misguided businessmen, it’ll soon hawks. With the NCAA planning on expanding the tournament to 96
seen before to pull off upsets over the regular season, especially for be gone. teams, upsets like these will be few and far between.

Four issues, thousands of readers, for $29.40

(based on 30 words)
Call 519-661-3579 or email
Housing Housing Services Upcoming Events For Sale
5 BEDROOM, 3-FLOOR townhouse in all-student NO.1 ALL BEST locations in student housing. 2-7 SEEK HELP NOW. Don’t let little problems grow into DO YOU WANT to get off antidepressants? Join XBOX CONTROLLER? NEED a coffee maker? A
area near UWO. $385 plus utilities or $435 includes bedroom units in the best students areas around cam- big problems. If you aren’t sure how, ask the Ombuds- Bethany Butzer, Ph.D. for a 3-hour presentation cover- deep fryer? Flatscreen tv? Ipod dock? Get these and
all utilities. Large common room, 3 bathrooms, laun- pus and downtown. Houses/apartments and town- person in UCC-251, or call 519-661-3573. This service ing a 5-step method to get off antidepressants for
dry, fully renovated, clean and comfortable. 5 minute houses available. All in great shape and include is free and confidential. good. Email for hundreds of other things for as little as 1 penny! Go to
bus ride to campus, near shopping and downtown. dishwasher and washer/dryer. Call John anytime at WRITING AND EDITING professionals available to more information. for amazing deals.
Can be fully furnished. Call Joseph at Summit Proper- (519) 859-5563 or email help you craft your assignments into perfect form. For
ties 519-671-2671. for more info. help today call 1-888-345-8295 or email us at custo-
6 BDRM. #1 Redbrick rentals. Newly built red bricks in NO.1 AMAZING HOMES outside the gates. These
homes are in great student areas, very well maintained Visit our website: www.custo-
all the best student areas around campus and down-
town! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spa- and spacious. All types of configurations, please call WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD
cious rooms with massive closets. Networked for and get to see a few options instead of just one home. THAT SELLS
Internet and parking included. These ones always go Refer a friend for $100. Call 519-495-7903. Employment 1. Use a KEYWORD. This immedi-
fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 NO.1 HOMES AND condos, quiet areas, great newly ately tells the reader exactly what it

1/2 O FF
or email renovated homes in high end areas. These are defi- 20 POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Will train. Must enjoy is you have to sell. *
nitely not your typical student homes. Be the envy of all working with the public and have a desire to learn and
6 BED HOUSE in incredible location near front gates 2. Make your description CLEAR and
1st 2 MONTHS!
on Richmond. Only $354pp including heat! Large your friends. Refer a friend for $100 Call 519-645-7368 earn above average income. Email resume to
or Dustin 519-495-7903., 519-868-3079. FACTUAL. State the year, make,
rooms, two full washrooms, laundry, free parking, dish-
washer, sun room and more. Call John at (519) 859- NO.1 LOCATIONS downtown. Luxury homes behind UNEMPLOYED? GOOD ATTITUDE and work ethic? model, color, size, and tell what con- *selected units

5563 anytime or email the Ceeps. Different types of apartments and homes. Now hiring: Full-time customer service and sales. dition the item is. Also state the spe- NO set-up, deposit, or ADMIN fee
These go very fast! Come check them out now and Training provided. Call for interview 519-645-6662. cial features.
6 BEDROOM MODERN town house, by the Rich-
mond Gates. This redbrick house has a lawn and park-
save yourself the hassle of house hunting. Refer a WORK IN THE Endless Mountain region of Pennsyl- 519-473-7867
friend for $100. Call 519-495-7903 vania this summer. Staff needed for summer camp. 3. State the PRICE. Successful Clas- 5 Minutes from Campus

ing lot. Call Zach anytime 5198540505. SPACIOUS HOUSE FOR rent (Oxford West): open- Sports - Waterfront - Arts - Counselors sified advertisers have learned that 556 Wonderland Rd., North
concept, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, renovated base- Apply at CanadianCampStaff.Com
6 BEDROOM OLD Victorian home downtown behind the price in an ad helps increase the Between Riverside and Oxford
ment, large dining and family rooms, huge backyard,
the Ceeps. Newly renovated, new appliances, hard- chances for results.
wood floors, 3 bathrooms, great porch to hang out on,
big rooms and huge common area. Refer a friend for
short trip to UWO. $2000/month (+utilities). Call Steve
at 519-204-5332.
$100. Call Dustin 519-495-7903 SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION? Participants
6 BEDROOM, PRIME locations and top condition, Services needed for research at UWO examining brain and
downtown and close to campus, on LTC bus routes. cognitive processes underlying depression. Involves
See us first! Rides available to view. Refer a friend for GOING TO ST. Catharines? Do the Shuffle! 2.5 hours questionnaires, interview, and MRI. If interested please
$100. Call 519-495-7903. or less...only $29 until April 4th. contact Steve: 519-685-8500 x36565; email sgree-
Brand new vans. Fun times! Reserve now for Easter.
6, 7 BDRM houses downtown and near campus.

Huge houses with lots of common area and spacious
bedrooms. Places include new appliances, free park-
ing, and full time property management. Great prices.
Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505.
HOW TO PLAY Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1
7 BDRM. #1 Redbrick rentals. Newly built red bricks in through 9. Solving time is typically from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and
all the best student areas around campus and down- experience. The Gazette publishes Sudoku puzzles with varying degrees of difficulty.
town! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spa-

Free pi off
cious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Frosh, Soph, Senior, Grad Student
Internet and parking included. These ones always go
and dro PRIME RENTALS Today’s difficulty level: SOPH
fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563
or email
7 BEDROOM HOUSE (Castlegrove area) Available For solution, turn to page 2

519 933-9331
May 1st. 10 minute walk to Alumni Hall. All new appli-
ances, 4 bathrooms, 3 showers, 2 common areas,
A/C, utilities included, big deck, garage, parking 4 cars,
plasma tv, fireplace, modern and clean, quiet neigh- CALL
bourhood. $430/month. 519-859-1166.

7 BEDROOM HOUSE for only $400 a bedroom a
computer program at:

month. This huge house has 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms,

4 washrooms and a huge backyard! Steps from the
front gates. Call
Zach at 5198540505. UD
For Solution, tips and

7 BEDROOM LUXURY beside rec centre. billiards,

bar, 52” TV, 3 full marble bathrooms, fireplace, large EC
rooms, 2 kitchens, dishwasher, laundry rooms, bas- IA
ketball net, parking, enormous backyard, $400, 416-
7 BEDROOM STUDENT renters. Stop throwing your
parents’ money away on rent. Western Students put
thousands of dollars each year into the pockets of
Short and long term
landlords. You and your parents can save on these ex- self storage solutions.
penses by getting you access to investment proper-
ties. Call 519-495-7903.
8 BEDROOM, PRIME locations and condition, down- Q 24 HOUR ACCESS
town and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. These large Q SAFE & SECURE
properties go fast so call Dustin 519-495-7903.
CHEAPSIDE AND ADELAIDE area, close to shop-
ping, bus at door. Two bedroom, two bathroom house. Q MOVING SUPPLIES
Nice yard, parking. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, and
A/C. $750+utilities. Call Patty or Charlie 519-472-6711. 300 Marconi Gate QLondon
ELEGANT CONDO FOR rent: two-storey, 3 bedroom
plus, 3.5 bathrooms, renovated basement, office room,
next door to Masonville Mall. $1900/month (+utilities).
519 455 1000 JUMBO XX-LARGE WINGS *Contact our office for further details

ONLY 49¢
Price is negotiable. Call Frank at 519-666-0885.
NO. 1 STUDENT Housing in London. 2-7 bdrms. Pop-

ular redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses
in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances,
huge rooms and closets and are networked for inter- Restrictions Apply, 5pm to Close WEDNESDAYS • Bowling• Billiards
• Wood oven cuisine

net. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve ba-
sis. Zach 519-854-0505 Adelaide & Oxford 519-645-7164 Wonderland & Southdale 519-685-1390
P8 ➤ advertisement theGazette • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2010

ARTS THEATRE ARTS SPECIAL EVENTS March 31 – Local Album of the Year con-
Natural. Disaster Pride and Prejudice, 1 and 7:30 pm Natural. Disaster London Auto Expo cert, London Music Club, Tickets are $5
McIntosh Gallery, UWO $28.35 to $54. 60 McIntosh Gallery, UWO Western Fairgrounds available at Grooves, Infosource, CHRW
Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St. studios and London Music Club
USC Speakers’ Series presents: THURSDAY, MARCH 25 Finally Famous Pride and Prejudice, 2 pm
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
ARTS Ceeps, 671 Richmond St. $28.35 to $54. 60
– “Our Environmental Destiny”
Natural. Disaster LIVE MUSIC Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St.
Doors open 6:15 pm; speech to commence
7:05 pm, $15 +tax for students; $30 +tax McIntosh Gallery, UWO CHRW and Oh! MONDAY, MARCH 29
for non-students CLUB EVENT Present Bruce Peninsula, CLUBBING
Tickets available at InfoSource The Gertrudes and Alanna Gurr
A Night for Peace featuring Ed Karaoke Night
Alumni Hall, UWO 10 pm, FREE
Kashi, 6 pm Molly Bloom’s, 700 Richmond St.
Wave, UCC, UWO April 2 - London Arts & Crafts Spring
Presented by Amnesty International at SPORTS Show & Sale, Western Fairgrounds
UWO, Suggested donation $3
3M Centre 3250, UWO SPECIAL EVENTS Live Racing, 3:35 pm April 8 – Last Lecture, Great Hall, UWO
Western Fairgrounds April 16-18 – London Artists’ Studio Tour
CLUBBING London Auto Expo
Karaoke Night Western Fairgrounds ARTS
The Wit’s End Pub, 235 North Centre Rd. Natural. Disaster Hi Students! If you have an upcoming event and
McIntosh Gallery, UWO would like your student-run event to be listed,
FILM Live Racing, 7:05 pm
please send an email to For
Western Fairgrounds SPORTS
Domestic Arrivals, 7:30 pm next week’s publication we will need the
$10, Museum London, 421 Ridout St. London Knights vs. Guelph Storm, 7 pm London Knights, 3:35 pm information by Monday, March 29 at 8:30 am.
2010 Playoffs Round 1 Game 5, $15 students Western Fairgrounds
John Labatt Centre, 99 Dundas St.
Blue Rodeo, 7:30 pm, $48.25 London Knights vs. Guelph Storm, 7 pm
John Labatt Centre, 99 Dundas St. THEATRE 2010 Playoffs Round 1 Game 7
Pride and Prejudice, 8 pm $15 students, John Labatt Centre, 99 Dundas
Carol Welsman, 8 pm
$30 advance/ $35 at door $28.35 to $54. 60 THEATRE
Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St.
Pride and Prejudice, 7:30 pm
SPORTS SATURDAY, MARCH 27 $28.35 to $54. 60
Live Racing, 3:35 pm ARTS Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St.
Western Fairgrounds Natural. Disaster
Monday & Tuesday STUDENT CLUB EVENTS McIntosh Gallery, UWO
49¢ Wing Night
A Night for Peace featuring Ed LIVE MUSIC
Mexican Night Kashi, 6 pm
Billy Talent, 6:45 pm
Buy 1 Get 2nd half price Presented by Amnesty International at
$41.25 to $49.25
Thursday UWO, Suggested donation $3
Texas Night Ribs John Labatt Centre, 99 Dundas St.
3M Centre 3250, UWO
1/2 rack $9.99 The Prime Time Band, 8 pm
Sunday Backpacking Latin America
$22, Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St.
All You Can Eat Present by SUR LA (Students United in Rep-
Sunday Brunch
(excludes Byron location)
resentation of Latin America)
10 am to 5 pm UCC. Backpacking Latin SPECIAL EVENTS
America will promote socially conscious London Auto Expo
travel and volunteer work in Latin America. Western Fairgrounds
Events include entering a draw to win a THEATRE
$400 flight ticket discount, courtesy of Travel
Pride and Prejudice, 2 and 8 pm
Cuts, live musical performances, Capoeira
$28.35 to $54. 60
(traditional Brazilian Martial Arts), art ex-
Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St.
1290 Byron Baseline Rd. W. hibits and more!
(at Boler Rd., Byron) • 519-471-7098
685 Adelaide St. N. London
(near Oxford St.) • 519-679-1888 Pride and Prejudice, 7:30 pm ARTS
1225 Wonderland Rd. N. London $28.35 to $54. 60 Natural. Disaster
519-657-0597 Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St. McIntosh Gallery, UWO

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Rib &
39¢ Wing Ladies Karaoke
after 7PM Night Night Night

Friday & Saturday Sunday

It’s The After 10PM - Dance Kids Under 10 Eat Free, Brunch
Place To Be! to Live Music or DJ Menu, $10 Pitchers after 8PM

235 North Centre Rd (corner of Richmond & North Centre Rd.) 519-850-9487

Molly Bloom’s 30¢

Irish Pub Monday &
Domino’s Sunday and Monday
it’s London’s best KARAOKE
Accepts Prize giveaways!
Western Drop by, have some fun!

One North & U.W.O. Meal 519-675-1212

join us on
Cards 672-3030 700 Richmond St. at the tracks
: The Ceeps 1673 Richmond St. N

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