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Page of Pentacles

Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC
C. A. 5-10282 132nd Street
B. C. Surrey, British Columbia
V3T 3T7 #42 March 2010 c.e.
Starfall Paganfest:
CWA Religious Retreat in Works!
Canada Day weekend (2-4 July inclusive) near scheduled, but if we end up with enough children and
Vernon, about a 5 hour drive from the Lower parents, something in the model of the Gathering will
Mainland, 8 hours from Edmonton, nearest airport is be established, where all parents take a turn
Kelowna. Although all of the details and a notice will organizing/supervising children’s activities.
be sent out to all members and friends of CWABC Disabled accommodation is limited, though we can
about it, here are preliminary plans: improve that a bit. And they would need some
Members of CWABC and our Alberta sister instruction around special dietary needs, although the
church will get priority in registration and a break on North Okanagan Temple has used the site and found
the price. The early members-only registration the owners open and accommodating.
(through April) will cost about $125 for the weekend Pre-registration packages will be prepared when
details are finalized and heading out in a couple of
(camping or cabins, food included). If you have been
weeks to members and will be available through our
coming out to our circles for a while and have never website at that time. Suggestions can be sent to the
joined, or have let your membership lapse, this is a Page of Pentacles.
really good time to sign up. Contact our Festival Organizer, Sable, for more
After the initial members only registration is over details:
the early-bird fee of $150 kicks in and lasts through
May. The last-minute registration fee will be $200
and will be subject to availability – first postmarked,
first served. $90 for Elders (65 plus) and children
Second Vancouver Pagan Craft Fair
(under 16), regardless of when they register, under 5 and Eightfold Way Workshop
free, children only with parents or guardians. The
As a follow-up to the very successful pre-Yule
space can accommodate 60 and that will be our cap.
Craft Fair in Vancouver, a pre-Beltane one is in the
Veners will be charged $10 per table.
works. It will be on the 24th of April. Details to be
Yes, we intend to make a small amount of money
announced - save up for this one, since there are some
on this, to put toward future events.
serious artisans and artists in the community and they
This event is family-friendly and based in our brought some lovely stuff last time.
versions of Wicca. We assume that most of the
workshops and rituals will be presented by CWA Sable / Diane, the North Okanagan Temple
members but we welcome anyone who wishes to Priestess, will be travelling down to the Vancouver
offer a workshop or ritual to do so. A place to area for the Craft Fair with much neat stuff from her
describe what you’d like to do, along with the time store. She has a series of workshops on Wiccan
slots you’d be available in, will be included in your Magic(k) and the Vancouver-Burnaby Temple will host
registration package. Site is discreetly wet; this site her presentation of one or possibly two of the eight on
is also used as a treatment centre so let’s keep it low the 25th. Charge for members $10, for non-members
$20. An announcement will be sent out to all members
key. People will be required to volunteer an hour or
and friends of the V-B Temple.
so of their time helping set up or clean-up, or with
serving meals or that sort of thing. Clothing optional, Her workshops are part of an initiative of the
Temple of Aphrodite, walking in the woods; vendors Board and the church to share our knowledge more
welcome! At this time there is no formal childcare widely and encourage exchange between our Temples.

Board of Directors Minutes
CWABC Board of Directors Meeting Okanagan Temple.
February 16th, 2010
Temple Representatives:
Call to order 7:10 – all present save Kam Abbott,
who joined us a few minutes later a. Nanaimo. 30-odd in attendance at Nanaimo
Sabbat, 5 in Courtney and will be doing one
Opening Prayer, Sam Wagar to the Great Mother and there for Ostara as well. 15 showed up for a
All-Father film showing at coffee night. Wedding coming
up in April, Wicca 101 starting. Roxanne
Accepting Minutes of last meeting motion Morrison / drumming up membership and reactivating
McRoy accepted lapsed members.
b. Vancouver-Burnaby. Shift to Full Moons
Reports from the Officers: happened and attendance at rituals – 9 on 9
January, 4 on 29th. Pagan Singles group has
a. Chair – nothing to report been unsuccessful, in part because of
b. Vice-Chair. Discussion of the potential organizational glitches.
festival on Canada Day weekend and we can c. North Okanagan. Imbolc was well-advertised
hope to bring a few people from the CWA- but poorly attended, Shanna’s first
Alberta down to meet us as well. The Priestessing role. Wedding March 29th by
location of the Vernon Temple’s recent Sable, Mike also doing one in April, finally
retreat would be ideal for us, rates are doing a Wicca 101 but waiting on getting
reasonable - $1500 for the entire weekend registration numbers up. Ostara on 19th.
and it accommodates 60 people, 30 indoors Pagan Pride – a collaborative effort of Store/
roughly. Kitchen buffet style dining, Temple/Pagan Pride to be mutually beneficial,
entertainment room. It is near Vernon. maybe a Witch’s Ball at Beltaine.
c. Secretary. Reports to various governments
well underway Moved to accept reports McRoy / B. Curiston.
d. Treasurer. Still slow going. The last 6 years Accepted.
of Income Tax returns must be filed because
we are not at present a charity or pending, Items from the Floor
although were still non-profit so we are not
going to have to pay (likely). No reports were a. Non-profit information line re GST/HST 1-
filed with GST for the past two years so 800-959-6287 and a discussion group being
those must also be done, and should result, in set up for that
the positive side, in some rebate cash into our b. Some discussion of the controversy around
bank account. polyamorous marriages and the church’
e. Communications. Why haven’t we been position on them. The matter was referred to
using the websites and discussion groups? the Carrot and Stick Committee – Sable was
Please post writing, reports and so on to the instructed to come up with an opinion on the
website! 292 unique visitors to website in matter which the Board could discuss and
January, 170 to this point in February, 153 present to the members at the Annual
reads to the Page of Pentacles. So the General Meeting for their decision. The
website is beginning to do its job of outreach, matter is before the courts now and it will
and would be improved by more content. likely be several years before the Supreme
f. Membership. Membership is stable at 30-odd. Court renders an opinion on the polygamy
South Okanagan is officially defunct and law. The Chair stated that there would be no
closing down in April, however, it is their further posts made on BC Pagans regarding
intention to join with Vernon to form an this issue.

is expected that those members will first approach the
Carrot and Stick is also planning the retreat and is Officer and offer assistance. If they are not able to
scheduled to meet on the 1st of March. assist or if the person approached refuses their offer,
the Chair has the authority to reassign responsibilities,
c. Treasurer talked with the person at Charities with the support of a majority vote of the members of
appeals and they expect to have the final the Board.
decision by the end of March. In the event that an Officer refuses to step aside
d. Policy on Board Members Responsibilities from their responsibilities on the request of the Board
presented by Secretary. Motion to adopt or to transfer their files and duties to their successor,
Morrison / Kimber, adopted. a vote of two-thirds of the Board can remove them
d. Next Board meeting, March 16th, 7 pm from the Board. An Officer will be given two clear
warnings by majority vote of the Board prior to a vote
Closing Prayer McRoy, adjourn to remove them.
In the case of an emergency or an Officer no
Policy on Board Member Accountability longer being qualified for membership in our church
(Adopted 16th February 2010) yet refusing to voluntarily resign, the Chair may
suspend them for a period of two weeks until a Board
Members of the Board of Directors are meeting can vote on suspension or removal. If the
accountable to the Board and to the members for the Chair thus acts, her or his membership must also be
work that they are entrusted to perform. voted on during the same Board meeting.
All of these motions of censure or votes to
If a member of the Board is unable to perform the suspend and all of the debate on them will occur in
tasks of the office that they have been entrusted with camera.
they may voluntarily: If a majority of the Board comes to be composed
of interim and appointed members it must call a
1. Step aside from the position for a Special General Meeting to elect a new Board within
specific period of time with the approval of three months of that time and all positions will be up
the Chair, who then has the option of for election.
appointing any other member of the church to In all cases of suspension or removal, interim and
fill in on an interim basis, such temporary appointed Officers will only serve until the next
appointment to be ratified by a majority vote Annual General Meeting of the members, at which
of the Board. time their successor shall be elected. This is true even
2. Resign from the position if they were appointed in the first year of a two-year
permanently but remain a member without term.
portfolio and act to assist other members of
the Board, with their position being filled on
an interim basis to fill out the period until the
next AGM as above. Temple Reports
3. Resign from the Board, in which Vancouver-Burnaby Temple
case their position would be filled as above
for the period prior to the next AGM. Dear sisters and brothers,
In all cases, the work performed by an Officer is The past couple of months have been busy, with
the property of CWA-BC and all files plus work in the first two meetings of the Pagan Singles group
progress must be handed over to whoever replaces a (which were flops but we’ll try one more time this
person in their position upon their resignation. It is month), and two Full Moon Temple meetings, on the
expected that they will brief their replacement and 9th and 29th of January and the 5th of March with
work with them for a short period of time to bring eight, four, and seven people in attendance,
them up to speed on the tasks at hand. respectively.
If, in the opinion of some members of the Board, Because of the Olympics turning our region upside
an Officer is not performing their duties adequately, it down there was no Temple Open Circle in February.

After a period of sleep through the Yule madness the ritual.
period a private coven run by the Temple clergy is We are celebrating the Ordination of Ivannia on
again accepting applications for members. Contact March 7. Ivannia will be a great asset to the for more information. Other organization. She is a strong individual and brings a
covens including Temple members and friends are touch of her Costa Rican heritage to her rituals. It is
encouraged to contact him for inclusion in our listings. quite remarkable that all the “original” group from
Sam attended a community potluck organized by before CWA days has gone on or is presently
local Druid Ian on the 23rd of January which was a lot undertaking the training for clergy. Congratulations
of fun. About thirty people of all ages showed up for Ivannia!
good food and camaraderie. Ian is talking about We are sorry to be losing Ali who has managed
organizing another one for later in the spring. the Nanaimo membership lists for the past few years.
There was a Special General Meeting of the We hope her forthcoming move goes smoothly and
Gathering for Life on Earth Society to deal with the she settles quickly in her new home. Membership
doubling of the rental costs of the venue. The Board reports to the CWA Board will be passed over to
had scouted out several possible locations which met Roxanne.
a lengthy list of criteria and the members present We have recently changed the format of our
decided to go with Zajac Camp near Mission. The monthly coffee nights. After a brief social period, we
cost will be $335 per adult, $90 per child. are showing a movie. We started with ‘The Burning . Times’ and we had a lively discussion afterwards. We
Planning is also well underway for the 6th annual will continue with ‘The Goddess Remembered’ on
Canadian National Pagan Conference in Guelph, March 10. We have quite a collection of short movies
Ontario – Sam is on the Board and the co-ordinator and documentaries to show during the months we are
of the academic stream . indoors.
Our Open Circle on the 5th of March, delayed Speaking of coffee nights— there is now a
because of the Olympics, was the first Priestessing monthly coffee meeting in Ladysmith. Anyone
role for our new Maiden, and she revelled in the interested can get more information from Heatherly.
opportunity to Draw her Matron, Hecate, and bless us Hopefully the dates will be posted on the Temple
in Her Name. And Legba made an appearance (as website calendar.
we requested - and let me tell you, a Vodoun God and Several people in the Courtenay area asked us if
a bottle of rum, makes for a more than usually we could do some rituals up their way. Our first visit
entertaining circle!). The circle was about choices was at Imbolc and we will return for Ostara on
and following through on them. March 21. The feedback was very positive and we
Temple Open Circles will happen on March 26th have been asked about bringing some of our different
and April 30th at the community meeting room in programs up to share with them.
Metrotown Mall above the Sears store. Our Introduction to Wicca classes started in
February with an excellent turnout of 18 people. The
That’s it for this issue, course material is changing and growing as we go
Blessed be, along. Our aim is to cover the basics and give people
Sam Wagar an idea of who we are and what we do so that they
Priest, Van-Burnaby are able to make an informed decision as to whether
or not Wicca is the path for them. The graduation
class will be in April.
Nanaimo Temple of the Green Cauldron The Temple will be hosting Nanaimo Pagan Pride
Day once again this year. The event takes place on
Spring is bringing changes and an increase in August 28 in Departure Bay. We will be fund-raising
activities for our Temple. Luckily, we have many for Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. We are
people willing to lend a helping hand! presently getting some of the paperwork done but will
soon be out in full force with fund-raising events.
I would like to start by saying “thank you” to We were sorry to learn that Millizza’s Cave had
Devon for sponsoring Ostara’s ritual. The sponsorship closed. Many of us were regular shoppers in this
of a Sabbat has been a boon for the Temple and fantastic rock and crystal store and appreciated
covers rental, altar supplies, and any special needs for

Laura’s help and knowledge. We have learned that
with groups around the province and grow from the
Lobelia’s Lair will now be carrying a selection of Lower Mainland to the Okanagan and the Island, it
crystals so we will not have to travel far for supplies. was a jump we hadn’t planned but it worked out very
Nanaimo’s Temple rep position is being taken over well for us.
by Heatherly. She will sit in with me this next month
and get caught up on what the job entails and meet The second thing, probably the most important
the CWA Board. I have enjoyed the experience but thing, is this: we are making history. A hundred years
feel it is time to move on to other things. from now, the things that we do today will be history,
In closing, I would like to say thank you to all the outcomes to that point will be known as we don’t
those people who support the Temple of the Green know them now. But we are not powerless – we are
the ones, together, that are doing this. Our church will
Cauldron. You have helped in creating a strong base
exist, or not, in twenty years, in fifty or a hundred
for us to grow on and we couldn’t have come this far years, because we acted today, here and now, to
without you! make that real. History does not happen TO us, it
happens THROUGH us.
Sally Kimber
CWA Nanaimo So, what do YOU want to see in twenty years,
what do you want your grandchildren to have in a
hundred years? We can do this thing together, and I
really think that we should.

Blessed Be

Making History Sam Wagar, servant of Klio, Muse of History

With this issue of Page of Pentacles we mark the

6th year since our little church was founded. Now, six
years doesn’t seem like that long a time – I have
underwear older than that – but just consider that
covens seem to last about six months, that public
Open Circles seem to last a year or so on average Lovely Hecate of the roads and crossroads I
before the Priestesses or Priests in charge get tired invoke;
of them, that we’ve already accomplished quite a in heaven, on earth, and in the sea, saffron-
few things. And we’re already being run by people cloaked,
who weren’t founding members, with new leaders tomb -spirit revelling in the souls of the dead,
and organizers coming up in all of our Temples. daughter of Perses, haunting deserted places,
delighting in deer,
But what will CWABC look like in ten years? In nocturnal, dog-loving, monstrous queen,
twenty years? In fifty years? Will it be here for our devouring wild beasts, ungirt, of repelling
children and grandchildren to take it over, to serve countenance,
their communities and the Gods in their ways? you, herder of bulls, queen and mistress of the
whole world
From quite a few years of studying history I’ve leader, nymph, mountain-roaming nurturer of
learned a few things that I’d like to pass along: youth,
maiden, I beseech to come to these holy rites,
One thing is that there’s a lot of chance and ever with joyous heart and ever favouring the
randomness involved in history – you can plan all oxherd.
you want and prepare, but you can’t prepare for the
things that you don’t expect. And sometimes
something you don’t expect changes everything for { Apostolos N. Athanassakis “The Orphic
the better and opens up new opportunities for Hymns: Text, Translation and Notes”
(Scholars’ Press/ Society of Biblical Literature,
personal and organizational growth. You have to be
1988) – translation of a c 250 c.e. Orphic hymn
ready to take a chance, and have to keep enough in }
reserve so that you can jump into the unknown and
trust in yourself. When we decided to connect up

Membership requirements: Although there are many Goddesses and Gods and
many Paths to their worship, our path does not
CWA is not a coven or an association of covens involve;
and so we do not require training or Initiation of a/ animal sacrifice,
people who wish to be members. We do not expect b/ any coercive activities,
“perfect love and perfect trust” but a much more c/ charging fees for teaching the Craft beyond the
normal level of trust and mutual respect of our recovery of costs, or for Initiation. (Members of
potential members. groups may reasonably be expected to share in the
expenses of events sponsored by the group, or agreed
Potential members must be legal adults, must to as part of its obligations as members of this
attend at least three of our Open Circles over the Society, and voluntary donations will be accepted).
course of a year, sign the attendance book at each of d/ malfeasance,
them, signify in writing that they agree with our e/ breaking Priestly confidentiality, subject to the
statement of beliefs and our ethic statement (below) law,
and pay our annual membership fee (currently $25). f/ oath-breaking.
This membership is a joint membership with the
national Congregationalist Witchcraft Association. People who wish to become further involved in
our church need not be members to volunteer for
Only voting members may vote or be elected to committees (although nonmembers cannot vote) or to
congregational councils or the provincial council, may attend basic Religious Education classes (which will
vote to confirm a clergy person for ordination, or train be taught by members and clergy). Just contact the
for our clergy. Secretary of CWA as a whole or your local
congregation’s lay clergy or congregation council
Clergy training takes a minimum of one further
year, regardless of the amount of previous training or
experience which a person may have.

CWA Statement of Beliefs: The Secretary of CWABC for 2009-10 is Sam

Wagar and he’s at
The members of this Society believe:
a/ that the divine is multifaceted and that it is
appropriate to Name and worship a variety of
Goddesses and Gods in a variety of different ways,
b/ that the divine is primarily immanent,
c/ that there are a variety of guardian spirits and
levels of divinity,
d/ that we generally shape our liturgy and theology
around the worship of the Goddess or the Goddess
and the Old Gods,
e/ that the divine is ever-present and ever-active in
the world,
f/ that we can through petition, action, and ritual,
cause change in the world in accord with our Wills.

Every woman and every man is an embodiment of


All acts of love and pleasure are acts of praise of

the Goddess. This specifically includes all non-
coercive sexual orientations.

An ye harm none, do what ye will.

Statement of Ethics:
All members of this Society must bind themselves
by agreement with the following:

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