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: KAMIS, 12 MARET 2015



: 90 MENIT



: 10.00 11.30 WIB


Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan untuk pilihan ganda dan uraian
Isilah identitas dengan lengkap dan jelas : Nama, Nomor peseta, Madrasah Asal, Tanggal ulangan, jam ke, dan
tanda tangan
Pergunakan pensil 2B untuk mengisi lembar jawaban
Apabila ada kekeliruan pengisian pilihan jawaban, perbaiki dengan cara menghapus dan menggantinya dengan
pilihan yang baru
Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah
Awali dengan membaca Basmallah dan akhiri dengan Hamdallah

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat, dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban pada huruf A, B, C, D,
atau E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !
Listening section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts
to this section with special direction for each part
Part I
Questions 1 to 4
ln this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions andthe dialogues will be
spoken twice. They will not beprinted in your test book, so you must listencarefully to understand what the speakers
aresaying. After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one
would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample
You will hear:

: We are almost out of cereal.

: I know. I will go to the grocery store to buy some more. I will also get some milk, bread and fruit.
: Would you get me some instant noodles?
: Sure.

Narrator : What does the man want the woman to buy?

A. Fruit.
B. Milk.
C. Bread.
D. Noodles.
E. Cereal
The best answer to this question is "Noodles". Therefore you should choose answer (D).
1. A.

Shopping at a grocery store.

Going to a grocery store.
Following directions.
Giving directions to the man.
Walking down Maple street.

2. A.

In the morning.
In the afternoon.
In the evening.
At noon.
At midnight.

3. A.

Expressing hope.
Expressing pride.
Expressing satisfaction.
Showing happiness.
Asking for an apology.

4. A. Buying a book.
B. Celebrating a birthday.
C. Getting a beautiful book.
D. Giving a birthday present.
E. Thanking the man for his gift.
Part II
Questions 5 to 7
ln this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also
spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each
Now listen to a sample question.
Man : May I taste the caramel pudding you just made?
Woman : Of course you may. How does it taste?
Narrator : What is the most appropriate response for the man to reply?
A. It is very expensive, I think.
B. Its very delicious. I really enjoy the taste.

C. I think I will cook it myself.

D. I dont think Ill come with you.
E. I dont think so.
Narrator :
The best answer to the question "lts very delicious. I really enjoy the taste." is choice B. Therefore, you should choose
answer B.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III
Questions 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or monologues will
be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers
are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide
which one would be the most suitable response with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.

8. A.





9. A.






11. A





Part IV
Questions 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear some monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in
your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear the monologue and
the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you
have heard.
12. A. Rail services.
B. Christmas holiday.
C. Airports.
D. Snowfalls.
E. Snowstorms.
13. A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

14. A. Snakes.
B. Anacondas.
C. Kinds of snakes.
Dear Travis
D. What an anaconda
E. Another name for an anaconda.
I hope my letter finds you fully recovered from your depression. We must
learn to fight such a state of mind because they are unhealthy and the aim of the life
15. A. 10 20.
is to be happy always under any circumstances God places in.
B. 10 30.
C. 20 30. Your summer vacations are beginning next month. I extend an invitation to
D. 20you visit my hometown.
E. 30 40.
Let me know when you fix your dates for the journey. I shall come to pick
This text is
question 16 and 17
So cheers up and no more of those and no more of those thoughts that take
away that beautiful smile of yours.
With love,

E. Six.

16. The letter is about . . .

A. Postponing the promise from a friend.
B. Inviting to come to Ivans hometown.
C. Giving tips to a friend to be happy.
D. Asking for permission to come
E. Inviting to go to Ivans house.
17. Let me know when you fix your dates for the journey. The word fix means . . .
A. Set
B. Think
C. Mend
D. Repair
E. Stop off.
This text is for question 18 and 19

Do you feel that you perfume gives a long-lasting fragrance?

If you dont think so, try Bluz perfume. You ll get confident with the
freshness of Bluz fragrance. With only one squeeze, you will have
long-lasting protection. This 35 ml-sized bottle body mist cologne is
available at any store, at an affordable price. Try it now!

18. What is the advertisement about?

A. An affordable-priced bottle.


The fresh scent of a jasmine.

The availability of a perfume
A long-lasting fragrance perfume.
The protection of a body mist cologne.

19. What effect will you get if you use the perfume?

You will feel confident.

You will get free of charge.
You will get healthy and fresh.
You will get the new fragrance.
You will have long-lasting freshness.

This text is for questions number 20 and 21

Social Media-A good thing or a Bad Thing

Social media is a good thing or a bad thing? That is the most frequently asked question today. Well, there
are always two sides of everything; it depends on our perspective on how we perceive it. The same goes for social
media, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the
According to new psychological research, people who spend too much time on social media network share
likely to show signs of other behavioral problems. Excessive use of net working sites such as face book, can lead to
poor academic grades and anti-social behavior. The negative effects of excessive use of social net working sites are
especially seen in teens who can become depressed and aggressive.
The same study also finds some positive aspects in using social networking sites. The biggest positive
social effect networking has on young adults is helping them communicate better with each other. Sites like face
book help adults to understand each other and helps promote communication, which in turn helps some young
adults get out of their anti-social tendencies. In the long-run, the confidence gained by communication with people
will become beneficial in the classroom and the work place.
We have mentioned a few negative and positive points of social media, but it doesnt explain that social
media is good or a bad thing. It stands somewhere in between. You will remain wary in spite of these examples that
either social media is a good or bad thing for society.
20. The topic of the text is about . . .
A. The
on social media.
B. Arguments for social media.
C. Pro and cons of social media.
D. Arguments against of social media.
E. Explanation about social media is important.
Rcycling Glass Bottles
21. What is the conclusion of the writer?
A. Giving
made mainly of silica sand. The sand is melted in a furnace, at a very high
negative glass
and positive
bottles of
in a very similar way, but cost less and use up fewer natural
Separating the bad and good impact of social media.
D. Giving
theory begins
of bad when
and good
bottles and jars to a bottles bank. Next, the bottles and
of social
jars are taken by lorry to the recycling plant. At the plant, bottle
tops and
lids are removed. After that, the glass
is crushed into small pieces.
This text is for
23 and glass
24. is then sent by lorry to a bottle factory. Here, it is mixed with a small amount of
silica sand. It is than melted in a furnace, at a lower temperature than new glass.
Finally, the hot liquid glass is drawn out of the furnace and fed into machinery that makes it into
Recycled glass is as pure and as strong as new glass. Glass can be recycled many times without losing
its quality.
Taken from:<16mei2013>)

22. The topic of the text is . . .

A. Recycle and reuse.
B. What recycle glass is.
C. The pure of recycle glass.
D. Where we can recycle the glass.
E. How to and why recycle glass.
23. Why is recycled glass cheap? Because . . .
A. The recycled is from people.
B. Recycled is not as strong as the new glass.
C. The new glass is hard to find in the village.
D. The new form of the recycled glass needs a lot of energy.
E. The recycled glass is made by using the same way with the new glass.
24. Where can you melt the crushed glass with the mixing silica?
A. In the lorry.
B. In the factory.
C. In the furnace.
D. In the big bottle.
E. Into special machine.
This text is for question 25, 26, and 27

As the national exam is an annual activity organized by Education and Culture Ministry, it can be
prepared for as early as possible. It is very difficult to understand why the implementation of this years exam
was so chaotic.
I think it was caused by poor management within the central committee, so the minister should be
responsible for its implementation. In an era where all activities can be supported by advanced technology, 11
provinces had to delay the exam due to the failure in the distribution of exam materials.
The quality of education reflects the progress of the nation. Therefore, the ministry needs to
thoroughly assess its failure.
Taken from:
25. The topic of the text is about . . .
The description of national exam.
The argument about national exam.

C. The identification on national exam.

D. The explanation about national exam.
E. The pro and cons about national exam.
26. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
A. The thesis of the arguments.
B. The ministry should change the exam.
C. The national exam should be prepared well.
D. The failure of the national exam needed to be evaluated.
E. The reason why quality of the last national exam was bad.
27. I think it was caused by poor management . . . (paragraph 2). It refers to . . .
A. The national exam
B. The minister of education.
C. The committee of the national exam.
D. The chaos of national exam implementation.
E. The failure of the committee of national exam.

This text is for questions 28, 29

Drivers get tips if tourists shop at market
BY NUR AMINAH ON 2013-04-04
Singakerta customary village administrators have implemented a unique policy. They are tipping
drivers who manage to bring tourists to Singakerta market in Ubud.
The policy, agreed during a meeting at the customary village last month, was taken in a bid to attract
more visitors to the market.
The market used to host a large number of souvenir and handicraft traders relocated there due to
major renovation being carried out at the main Ubud market in downtown Ubud. Despite the presence of
these traders, the market failed to attract many tourists. Now, these traders have returned to the brand new
Ubud main market and Singakerta village administrators fear that the number of visitors to their market will
further decrease.
( Taken from :<1may2013>)

28. The newsworthy event of the text is . . .

A. Trading a market which uses a policy.
B. Attracting new customers by a new policy.
C. Creating a new unique policy to the driver.
D. Giving a tip to the driver who bring customers.
E. Meeting with the new administrators who give them a policy

29. The reason why the administrator uses a policy is . . .

A. To gather all the driver.
B. To create a new market
C. To attract more tourists.
D. To gather all the tourist guide.
E. To get more money from the driver.
30. The market used to host a large number of souvenir and handicraft traders ...
The word traders has the similar meaning with . . .
A. Buyer
B. Seller
C. Retailer
D. Customer

E. Officer

This text is for question 31 and 32.

Sultan Agung of Mataram or Sultan Agung Anyokro Kusumo or Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo
was the Sultan of Mataram in Central Java from 1613-1645. He commissioned the building of the Karta
Palace in 1614, and the Royal Graveyard of Imogiri.
Sultan Agung (literally, Great Sultan or Majestic Sultan) is subject of a substantial amount of
literature due to his legacy as a Javanese ruler, a fighter of Dutch colonialists (In the form of the Dutch East
India Company), and his existence within a cultural framework where myth and magic are well intertwined
with verifiable historical events and personages.
Agung was responsible for the great expansion and lasting historical legacy of Mataram due to
extensive military conquests during his long reign.
31. The pupose of the tex is . . .
A. Explanation of Sultan Agung.
B. The memory of Sultan Agung.
C. The biography of Sultan Agung.
D. The story of the Javanese ruler.
The Last Samurai
E. The tell processes of Sultan Agung ruled Mataram.
Set in 19th century Japan, The Last Samurai focuses on an embittered U.S. Civil War veteran, Nathan
32. . . . due to extensive military conquests during his long reign. The synonym of reign is . . .
Algren (Tom Cruise), who has dragged his world-weary, alcoholic body across the Pacific to help train the
A. Period of time.
Japanese Army to overcome rebellious samurai warriors, who are fighting against the introduction of Western
B. Period of influence.
ways that are sweeping aside Japanese tradition. Algren has no commitment to the cause; hes there purely for
C. Period of memory.
the money, and because he has nothing else to do other than drink to obscure terrible flashbacks to war time
D. Short term memory.
atrocities, memories of post-Civil War battles against American Indians.
E. Long term memory.
The Last Samurai is a war movie, no doubt about it. There are several large battle scenes that are stirring
and brutal. Yet the heart of the film is less about war than it is about recovering from the damage of war, as
This text is for questions 33,34, and 35
Algren without even knowing hes doing it seeks redemption and a return to honour in his own life. The film
parallels the fate of the samurai to that of American Indians, taking a slightly subversive slap at American
capitalist imperialism (which remains that nations primary motivation in dealing with the rest of the world).
Visually attractive, this film is a huge success because its midsection set in the samurai village is
intelligent, gentle and patiently treated. Algren cleans up his act and learns the way of the samurai gradually,
theres no magical transformation here, so its utterly believable that a burnt-out American drunk could be
transformed into an honourable samurai warrior.
Great to look at and respectful of its subject matter, The Last Samurai is an epic with excitement, brains and
( 2007)

33. The text above is . . .

A. Narrative
B. Explanation
C. Review
D. Discussion
E. Recount.

34. What does the movie tell about?

A. The samurai war in Japan.
B. The westernization of Japan.
C. The expansion of America in Japan.
D. The Kastumoto transformation from Samurai to Western way of life
E. The Algren transformation from an American drunker to an Honorable samurai warrior.
35. What is the genre of the movie?
A. drama
B. action
C. horror
D. comedy
E. animated science fiction
36. The best arrangement of this story is .

Sure enough, when he arrived home, his wife was using a new pail. However
she was not contented and wanted a new house. The fisherman hurried back to
the sea. Again, the gold fish granted his request and told him to return home.
Again the fishermans wife was not satisfied. She then wanted to be a wealthy
lady. The fisherman returned to the sea for the third time and again his wifes
wish was granted .She wore beautiful clothes and expensive jewels.

When he reached home, he told his wife about the goldfish. She was
furious on learning that her husband had been so silly. She showed him a broken
wooden pail and told him to ask the gold fish for a new one. The sea was calm
when the fisherman reached there. When the goldfish learnt of his wifes request,
it surely granted it.

Long ago, there lived an old couple by the sea. The old man was a fisherman
and his wife was a weaver. Once, the old man caught a goldfish which could
talk. Promising that it will repay him, the goldfish begged for its release. Without
any condition, the fisherman let it go.

When the fisherman went home, all the riches had disappeared. He saw his
wife sitting outside their hut, holding the broken wooden pail and looking very

The fisherman thought that his wife should be satisfied now that she had
become rich. However, he was mistaken. A few days later, his wife commanded
him to ask the goldfish to make her a queen. Moreover, she wanted the goldfish
to serve her as well.

Before the trembling fisherman could speak to the gold fish, it asked him to
return home to tell his wife that greed does not pay.
(English Practice: Primary 4: 1996)



This text is for question 37.

Announcing a new club
There will be a meeting for all those interested in becoming charter members of the first New
England Camera and Image Collectors Society.
DATE : Sunday, June 2, 2013
TIME : 13.00
PLACE :Central Libraray
At this time plans will be made for future events. Bring your trade items for a swap session.
Heres chance for all you New Englanders to have your own club, so lets all support it! See you
For further information, call: GWEN: 024751582
Taken from:<14mei2013>

37. This announcement is made to . . .

A. To give new news.


Report a problem.
Announce a new club.
Give information of the club.
Issue of a secret announcement.

This text is for question 38, 39, and 40, complete the tex with the suitable words!

People use their teeth to bite and (38) . . .food, they are the first step in the digestion of food. The
long, sharp canine teeth tear up food (like meat). The wide, flat molars (39) . . . and mash up food.
While we can chew food, the tongue pushes the food to the teeth and saliva helps digestion and
wets the food. Teeth also helps digestion and wets the food. Teeth also help us (40) . . . certain
Taken from :
http://www. subjets/anatomy/teeth/toothanathomy.shtml<7mei2013>

38. A. sip
B. lick
C. taste
D. chew
E. digest
39. A. dry
B. bite
C. grind
D. smash
E. grease
40. A. lie
B. say
C. tell
D. spell
E. speak

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