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The Verb GET part 1 CAE Advanced

The verb GET - Part 1/2

The verb GET is one of the most common verbs in English and can be used in so many different
ways that it can be confusing at times.
USE # 1
Get + noun / pronoun can mean receive, bring, fetch, obtain, buy, or catch, and with to + a place it
means arrive at / arrive in.
1. I got an email from Marc today.
2. If you're going to the bookstore, could you get me this book?
3. When do you think we'll get to Cancun?
4. Let's not bother with a taxi we can get the bus.
USE # 2
We use get + adjective or comparative adjective to mean become.
Now compare be + adjective and get + adjective in these examples:
a) It's dark. It's getting dark.
b) I'm used to the climate in Argentina now. I'm getting used to the climate in Argentina.


We'd better go home. It's getting dark.

I seem to have got forgetful recently.
The traffic gets worse in the city every day.
I don't think my sister will ever get used to living on her own.

USE # 3
We can use get + object + infinitive to mean make somebody do something or persuade somebody
to do something.
1. We need to get someone to fix the fridge. It's not working properly.
2. Could you get Ann to finish the report? I'm too busy to do it.

USE # 4
In informal spoken English we sometimes use get (+ object + past participle) instead of have (+
object + past participle) to say that you ask or pay another person to do something for you.

The Verb GET part 1 CAE Advanced

1. I'm going to get my hair cut next week.
2. Tom needs to get his passport renewed it runs out next month.
USE # 5
We can use get (+ past participle) instead of be to make a passive structure. This is more informal
than using be.
1. Did you know Dan got sacked last week?
2. My son got caught driving at 150 km/h.

USE # 6
Get can also mean score or achieve a point / goal.
1. Freddy got 85 marks in our OM Personal FCE examination.
2. Last Sunday the Argentinian team got 4 goals.

The Verb GET part 1 CAE Advanced

ACTIVITY 1: Choose the right preposition for in each sentence. Then check the correct answers.

At last my sister has got her ex-boyfriend and she's started

going out again.


It's a tiny island so you can use bikes to get .


We got with not doing the homework because the

teacher forgot to take it in!


They've got really with the project so they'll have to work late
until they finish it.


Ryan is trying to get . of going on holiday with his in-laws by

saying he's busy.


Bill stopped reading the bad news in the paper because he says it gets him

ACTIVITY 2: Rewrite the highlighted phrases using GET. Then check the answers.
1. We arrived at the theatre too late to see the show.
2. Can you persuade Paul to look at my computer?
3. I'll never become accustomed to eating raw fish.
4. Poor old Mr Dessy was made redundant last week.
5. We're having our roof repaired next month.
6. I can't make the kids eat their dinner.
7. Public transport in my town is improving.

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