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Creating, sending, and

Healing Energy, Love, Light

Written by Maureen Delaney and Tami MacDowell



Creating an Angelic Sphere of Light is a process that will allow you to
create a Sphere to contain Healing Energy, Love, Light, Protection, or
Attunements. This Sphere of Angelic Love and Light can be sent to a recipient,
and the energy it contains will remain within the Sphere, until the recipient calls
the Sphere and receives it.
There are no time constraints, no rushing to be ready at a certain time to
receive or send an attunement or energy. Once an Angelic Sphere of Light has
been created it is carried to its intention it remains with the intended until the
intended is prepared to receive it. This allows the intended to mentally and
spiritually prepare to receive the intention.


You need only prepare your Angelic Sphere of Light once. Once it is
prepared it will remain in your Heart Chakra. From then on, when you wish to
prepare an Angelic Sphere of Light to send energy or an attunement, you need
only touch your heart, and the Sphere will respond and emerge.
 Sit comfortably and visualize yourself surrounded by a golden mist.
Watch the mist swirl around you. As you watch you begin to make out
shapes. They are magnificent; their beauty is like nothing you have
seen before. You can hear whispering within the mists. You can
barely make out the words. You feel a light touch on your arm, the
same on your leg, a whisper of a kiss on your cheek. Your Angels
have joined you within the golden mist.
 Bring your palms together in front of you, not quite touching. Sweep
them away from each other and then together again, not quite
touching. Feel the energy that is contained within the span of your
palms. Now begin to mold this energy into a sphere. Ask your Angels
to help with this. Allow your Angels to help mold the Sphere, using the
golden mist. Watch as your Angels smooth the Sphere into a golden
globe. Feel this golden energy sphere you are holding. You can
expand it or contract it. It will hold whatever you ask it to hold.
 Ask your Angels to position the sphere above your Crown Chakra.
Gather in the energies of the sphere through your Crown Chakra.
Watch as the golden sphere merges with your Crown Chakra and see
the violet colors of the Crown Chakra merge with the golden hues of
the sphere. This is the Chakra of knowingness and wisdom. Feel the
sphere swell with knowledge and wisdom.

 Bring the sphere down through your Brow or Third Eye Chakra. Feel
the sphere assuming the indigo color of the Brow Chakra. Feel the
understanding and belief, the clairvoyance of the Brow Chakra merge
with the sphere and watch the colors swirl and dance.
 Gathering the sphere still further, feel the sphere enter your Throat
Chakra. The blue color of the Throat Chakra is drawn within the
sphere now and you feel the freedom of communication and identity
unite within the sphere.
 Feel your Angels guiding the sphere into your Heart Chakra. This is
where your Angelic Sphere of Light will reside after it completes its
journey of merging with all seven chakras. Notice the green color
merging within the sphere. Experience the balance of the Heart
Chakra, three chakras above, three chakras below. Within this
balance is love, pure and unconditional. Take a moment to sit with this
love permeating your being.
 Your Solar Plexus Chakra is accepting the sphere now. Yellows mold
within the colors contained within. Feel inside this chakra the tides of
change. Know that you embrace the change. The raw energy within
this chakra will be gathered and changed into energy you can mold
and use. Watch the colors contained by the sphere swirl and merge
 The sphere is entering your Sacral Chakra now. This chakra is
sometimes called the Sacred Chakra. Pleasure, sensuality and
uncontained joy are coursing through the sphere. Feel the orange of
this chakra ignite and restore any impotence you feel.
 As the sphere enters your Root Chakra you feel it ground you. This is
the chakra that sustains us. As the red of this chakra enters the
sphere you feel the power of the Root Chakra swell and fill you with
 Now feel your Angelic Sphere of Light move again, from the Root
Chakra, back through the Sacral Chakra, passing through the Solar
Plexus Chakra to the Heart Chakra. Hold it gently in the Heart Chakra.
Feel the fit of your Angelic Sphere of Light within your Heart Chakra.
Here it will remain. All you need to do to create an Angelic Sphere of
Light is to touch your Heart Chakra with love. Your Angelic Sphere of
Light will come forth immediately and you can infuse your Sphere with
any energy or attunement that you create.


You will use your Angelic Sphere of Light to send energy, healing, love,
light, protection or attunements to another. Once prepared for the recipient, your
higher self, your Angels and your intent will carry the sphere to the receiver.
 Sit quietly and meditate with your Angels. Feel the golden mist
surround you. Ask your guides, Angels, or any spirits that you work
with to join you.
 Touch your Heart Chakra to call forth an Angelic Sphere of Light.
 Accept the Sphere within your hands and feel the pulse and love
contained within. Mold the sphere to whatever size that you feel
guided to do. If you feel guided to give the Sphere a color, by all
means do so.
 Your higher self will work to prepare the energy or attunement that will
fill the sphere. Feel the energy building and growing. Release the
energy or attunement either with your breath or your hands to the
Angelic Sphere of Light. Feel the sphere filling, filling, filling with the
energy or attunement. Feel it grow, feel the heart of the sphere
beating with the energy. State the recipients name out loud. Ask that
their higher self accept the Angelic Sphere of Light and the energy or
attunement contained within. Blow your breath of life into the sphere
and ask your Angels and guides to carry the sphere to its destination.
Watch as the sphere leaves you through the golden mist and begins its
journey to the recipient.
 The Angelic Sphere of Light will remain with the recipient until the
recipient gathers the energy of the sphere to them. They will receive
the energy or attunement you have placed within the sphere as their
higher self connects with the sphere.

You may want to instruct your recipient to prepare to receive the energy or
attunement. Explain that the Angelic Sphere of Light will be available to them at
any time. The recipient may want to prepare and surround themselves with a
golden mist, or prepare in any way that is comfortable to them. To receive the
Angelic Sphere of Light, the recipient asks to receive the energy or attunement
that was prepared for them by________ (your name).
Perhaps one of the most miraculous aspects of the Angelic Spheres of Light is
they are available to the recipient for as long as the recipient accesses them.
Another gift that the Angels empowered the Spheres with is their ability to morph.
They change their outward appearance completely.

One very effective transformation the Angelic Spheres of Light have made is in
the form of a Treasure Chest. The Angelic Spheres of Light have become
Treasure Chests that are sent to recipients that have expressed not only their
desire to be healed, but see themselves as healed. The Treasure Chests have
also been sent containing attunements.
Recipients have described opening the Treasure Chests and receiving the gifts
contained within the chests. After a time, they re-open the chest and continue
gathering in gifts of healing and attunements.
One healer reports using a little horn attached to the Treasure Chest to
announce its arrival to the recipient.
The possibilities of the form, shape, and sound your Angelic Sphere of Light
assumes are limitless. Allow your Angels to help you mold your angelic Sphere
of Light. They will help you mold the perfect Angelic Sphere of Light for your
The Angels have given us a truly amazing gift.

The term Angelic Spheres of Light and this manual are copyrighted. They
remain the property of the authors. This manual may be freely distributed
however it must remain in .pdf format. You may not sell the manual or receive
any compensation from its distribution. The Angels have shared this gift with us
and the authors wish to share this gift with everyone!

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