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First we will have to understand what is negativity and how its influences us. There
are things which are tangible and things which are not tangible. If we see at ourselves the
brain is tangible the mind is not tangible. So negative thoughts are not tangible and
we cant know how they are affecting us and how we cant protect ourselves from them or how
to avoid them. When someone attacks us physically we stop them physically by force or any
method we think appropriate at that time so likewise when we are attacked psychically then
our only protection is that we protect ourselves from the power of our minds an that is using
the right side of the brain psychic will fight psychic. But the most effective way is that we are
always shield ourselves or psychic use protection.
First we will have to understand these things I am talking about as common man is not aware
of these subtle things or realms at all in all his life and suffers.

The subtle, unseen realm tuned into by intuition that picks up thoughts, feelings and
atmospheres from outside oneself. Being psychic means that you are in contact with this
realm. That is that the one who is psychic uses his right side of the brain more. So it points at
the sixth sense also this means we have to become aware this inherent ability of ours so make
use of it in the first place.
Making a shield around your Aura or making a safe space around your body. Screening out
unwanted thoughts, feeling and vibrations from, and preventing energy loss to, other people or
places. Psychic protection is very important for us as it keeps out the unwanted energies and
the emotions, which are not ours but still, affect us even.
You will be wondering why would I need Psychic protection so the thing is that every place
has a memory and if at some time there was a fight or lets say you enter your house and go to
your drawing room and sits there but feels ill at ease there and some feeling of dread.

Your wife enters and says it was a bad day as her brother came and they had a fight here in the
drawing room and then click you get it why you were feeling down when you sat there.
So that place had the memory of the fight and in the room the energies were disturbed and in
affect they disturbed the persons Aura. We will see in another example that in the office you
enter into your superiors office and at entering you feel fear and frustration getting into you
and you sit there the superior sees you and then set his eyes on you and you feel weak and he
says in a harsh voice what took you so long.
You say well I did not took long and he says ok never mind it lets talk business and afterwards
you come to know that your superior had been talking to big boss and the big boss said some
harsh things to him about the work not being satisfactory. So when you entered the room you
also felt that thing and he projected all his anger on you and how was it projected well by the
aura of his to yours because you were not expecting.
It so this means we must have our guards always on so avoid that kind of thing, but this is not
possible to be on guard always as there are other things going on in the mind. So that is
exactly this Reiki is for Its Symbol you will draw on your body when going out and you will
be protected.
We come to another question after all this is that what is an AURA.
An Aura is a multi-layered, luminous subtle energy filed that surrounds your physical body. It
has Seven layers and it extends 8 meters from the physical body normally.
Layer 1: physical body
Layer 2: etheric body, brings together all bottom chakras; acupuncture meridians are the
energetic lines of this body
Layer 3: inner astral body, around the heart: link between soul and matter and silver cord
Layer 4: psychic body, ego, has to be dominated
Layer 5: spiritual body, brings together all top chakras: each thought draws a line of energy in
this body
Layer 6: divine body, spiritual potential is linked with the quality and quantity of energy of
this body

Layer 7: outer astral body, in contact with exterior macrocosm

As we have now seen what Aura is and what are its layers we can now see how others aura
influence our Auras and in effect our physical bodies are affected.
Then comes the chakras and they are also important as they generate the power needed for the
body and the Aura so if they are in power so the Aura is.
Each chakra is related to the Endocrine system.
The Root chakra, the red correlates the ovaries or testes.
The Navel chakra, the orange relates to the lyden gland.
The Solar plexus chakra, yellow relates to the adrenal glands.
The heart chakra, green relates to the thymus.
The throat chakra relates to the thyroid gland.
The Pituitary and the pineal glands relate to the colors of indigo, which is the brow.
chakra and violet which is the crown charka.

So now you know about the Aura and the chakras and can now know their influence on us so
people have problems mainly in the Counseling and Healing, and are susceptible to picking up
negative energies or thought forms from the clients. We need a quick way to release them or
a form of protection, which will prevent them from attaching in the first place.

An entity or object that exists on the lower astral and which was brought into being by the
power of thought, or of belief. Concentration on an idea or a fear can produce a thought form.
From which we have to protect ourselves.
People who draw in energy from other people to feed their own energy. Vampirism is sucking
or leeching energy from another person. This can happen on a psychic, emotional or mental
Someone who absorbs, and is harmed by, energy, emotions, feelings and impressions from
another person or place.
The intentional or unintentional focusing or harnessing of psychic or mental energies to bring
harm to another person.
Another person or being, alive or dead, adversely influencing someone through an auric
attachment. Thought forms can attach psychically to people or objects.
Another reason for us to feel drained on being to some places for some time is that there is
Geopathic Stress on that place and we must avoid those places.
Geopathic stress is created by electro-magnetic radiation, ley lines, underground streams and
such like. It is often known as sick building syndrome. It can adversely affect the immune
system as well as the bodys innate psychic protection. It may attract non-physical entitiesghosts or hold impressions of previous events.

Energy, thoughts or feelings from another person passing through the bodys natural defenses
and causing harm or energy depletion.
Well these are the things which have to known to be effective against psychic attacks and to
protect oneself from subtle things so when you will use the symbol of the Negative Entities
clearing Reiki you will Create a Dustbin dimension which is an area, inner or outer, that is
vibrating at a rate that swallows up negative energy and transmutes it into positive energy.
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki has 5 levels and 1 symbol which is always used and in the
first 4 levels the Negative Entities or energy already present in the person are taken out and
then in the 5th level the Symbol is put into the Aura and then one can use it and must use it on
all the seven chakras and then the aura before starting out the Day.
It will clear the blockages in the energy body and will clear out the negative debris in the
Level 2
It will clear out the other levels of the aura to make them more vibrant and energetic
Level 3
It will clear out the negative things from the Seven Chakras so the energy the positive energy
can move more freely.
Level 4
In this level the other person receiving the attunement comes to the practitioner level and he
can heal others and also take out the negative things attached to the persons aura or
atmosphere. He will use the symbol to do that so symbol will be given to him but he can do it
without the symbol.
Level 5
In this level the person is now Master/ Teacher and can pass on the attunements and the
symbol will truly help him to give the attunements further to others and he will use to clear
spaces and peoples auras and chakras and end negativity from there y the use of the symbol
he can even trap the demons and then they cant harm others.
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki is for clearing spaces and to be free of negative things
forever as they cant return and to free the people who are possessed of anything negative and

to take out negative things out from the aura and to protect it from further attacks and if some
negativity comes up then can clear it by the symbol and be free of it again.

This is the symbol for Negative Entities clearing reiki and it is made like the outer circle first
clockwise and we start coming inwards all circles made clockwise and then the last innermost circle
with leaks is made anticlockwise. The name of the symbol is KHANNASUKA and we say it nine
times and it is activated.
We visualize it in the Aura of the person we are healing if the symptoms are that he is possessed or
negative entities have influenced him a lot and or are a victim of Psychic Attacks. For ourselves we
will visualize it in our aura and then will say its name 9 times and it will be activated and then we
will be protected all day and at night will have to make it again. When we think we are a victim of
Psychic attack we will give ourselves healing on the heart area and all the negativity will get out
which have accumulated.

Sometimes we suppress our anger also and this also creates negativity in our Aura and to release that
also it is very helpful and if we are using it every day then negativity cannot accumulate in the Aura
or in the chakras To visualize this symbol on all the chakras is a very good practice when you are
going to bed. If there is some negative Entity some place take a bottle make this symbol on the bottle
and then sit in meditative posture and visualize the entity coming into the bottle and keep on
chanting the name of the symbol and then after 5 minutes close the lid of the bottle and the entity
will be trapped in the bottle.
To clear Houses from negative entities use this symbol and chant this name of the symbol for 5
minutes and left they will leave after some time. Make this symbol on a piece of paper and then have
it in your wallet or your pocket and it will protect you from Psychic Attacks or Psychic leeching by

The Attunement for this system can be given at a distance and hands on also.
If you are giving a hands on Attunement you only need 15 minutes just visualize this symbol on the
chakras of the person and in his aura and let it stay there and let energy run through your hands to
him, your hands must be placed on his shoulders.

After the remote attunement, the time is 40 minutes and then visualize this symbol on all his chakras
and his aura and you will say I ask my higher self to Attune this name to Negative Entities
Clearing Reiki (Whatever level you are attuning student to).
The person receiving it will say I ask my Higher Self to Attune me to Negative Entities Clearing
Reiki Level one by teachers Name with Thanks.
Then wait 40 minutes and the attunement is complete. If you have a black candle light it and let it
burn until the attunement is complete the candle will transmute all and any negative energies around
you into LIGHT.
(Please Note: When using candles NEVER leave them unattended and always keep them in a
suitable container)

Ok I wish you great success with this system and pure happiness in life and to be of great service to
mankind and always have them first. Good wishes.
Master/Teacher Ali Afnan. (Founder)

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