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Death Penalty Opponents Split Over Taking Issue to Supreme Court - The New York Times

11/3/15, 5:36 PM


Death Penalty Opponents Split Over Taking

Issue to Supreme Court

NOV. 3, 2015

WASHINGTON In the long legal struggle against the death penalty, the future
has in some ways never looked brighter.
In a passionate dissent in June, Justice Stephen G. Breyer invited a major
challenge to the constitutionality of capital punishment. This fall, Justice Antonin
Scalia all but predicted that the courts more liberal justices would strike down the
death penalty.
But lawyers and activists opposed to the death penalty, acutely conscious of
what is at stake, are bitterly divided about how to proceed. Some say it is
imperative to bring a major case to the court as soon as practicable. Others worry
that haste may result in a losing decision that could entrench capital punishment
for years.
If you dont go now, theres a real possibility you have blood on your hands,
said Robert J. Smith, a fellow at Harvard Law Schools Charles Hamilton Houston
Institute. His scholarship was cited in Justice Breyers dissent from a decision
upholding the use of an execution drug that three death row inmates argued risked
causing excruciating pain.
But others are wary. There are reasons to be cautious about pushing the court
to a decision too early, said Jordan M. Steiker, a law professor at the University of

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Death Penalty Opponents Split Over Taking Issue to Supreme Court - The New York Times

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The divide is partly generational. Many veteran litigators have suffered
stinging setbacks in the Supreme Court, and they favor an incremental strategy.
They would continue to chip away at the death penalty in the courts, seek state-bystate abolition and try to move public opinion.
Some younger lawyers and activists urge a bolder course: to ask the Supreme
Court to end capital punishment nationwide right away.
Though Justice Breyers dissent was joined only by Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, the more aggressive advocates are confident they can persuade five
justices to do away with a punishment explicitly contemplated in the Fifth and 14th
Amendments, which call for grand juries in federal cases involving a capital or
other infamous crime and say that no person may be deprived of life, liberty or
property, without due process of law. That means picking up the votes of not only
the rest of the courts liberal wing Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan
but also, crucially, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy.
Evan J. Mandery, the author of A Wild Justice, a history of the last major
challenges to the death penalty in the 1970s, said there were good arguments on
both sides of whether to mount such an effort.
Its a very complicated gamble, he said. The fear is that if you push and you
lose, you could end up worse off.
All concerned agree that much has changed since the Supreme Court
reinstated the death penalty in 1976, four years after it had effectively struck it
down. Last year, only seven states carried out executions. Nineteen states and the
District of Columbia have abolished the death penalty entirely, seven of them in the
last decade.
Governors and courts have imposed moratoriums in others, and the number of
death sentences and executions continues to drop. The Supreme Court itself has
barred the execution of juvenile offenders, people with intellectual disabilities and

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Death Penalty Opponents Split Over Taking Issue to Supreme Court - The New York Times

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those convicted of crimes against individuals other than murder in the last decade.
The more cautious, step-by-step approach would ask the court to further
narrow the availability of the death penalty by, for instance, forbidding the
execution of mentally ill people and of accomplices who did not kill anyone. The
more assertive one would introduce a broad case aimed at the death penalty itself.
Both sides look to history for instruction, but they draw different lessons.
Justice Breyer, for his part, has told friends that his dissent was partly inspired
by a similar one a half-century before. The earlier dissent, by Justice Arthur J.
Goldberg, helped create the modern movement for the abolition of the death
penalty and led to a four-year moratorium on executions.
The 1963 dissent, in Rudolph v. Alabama, was drafted by a law clerk, Alan M.
Dershowitz, who would go on to become a law professor at Harvard and a
prominent litigator. A young Stephen G. Breyer began his own clerkship with
Justice Goldberg the year after.
Collecting data on national and international practice, Justice Goldbergs
dissent urged the court to hear a case on whether the death penalty for rape
violated the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
The goal was to ask litigators to start raising challenges to the death penalty,
Professor Dershowitz said. It was an invitation to litigation. It was not a common
tactic back then, and we were much criticized for it.
The dissent spurred the creation of capital litigation projects at the NAACP
Legal Defense and Educational Fund and at the American Civil Liberties Union.
Justice Breyers dissent was far more elaborate. It was 46 pages long, included
charts and maps, and set out in detail the argument that the death penalty violated
the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unusual punishments.
Professor Dershowitz said he was delighted that another former clerk of
Justice Goldbergs was carrying on his old bosss project.

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Death Penalty Opponents Split Over Taking Issue to Supreme Court - The New York Times

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The goal in both cases is to encourage the court to play a more active role and
to encourage litigants, he said.
But opinions vary about the correct reading of the aftermath of the Goldberg
dissent. Some veteran opponents of the death penalty noted that it took nine years
of methodical litigation after the 1963 dissent before the Supreme Court effectively
struck down the death penalty in 1972 in Furman v. Georgia. Even then, they said,
the effort in the end yielded only a relatively brief moratorium.
Sherrilyn Ifill, the president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational
Fund, which has long played a central role in the fight against the death penalty,
chose her words carefully in response to questions about her groups current
There is something undoubtedly powerful in having a Supreme Court justice
lay out the brief for the unconstitutionality of the death penalty and to issue the
challenge, she said. But it is Justice Kennedy and not Justice Breyer, she said,
whose vote will be crucial.
Litigators who work in cases in states committed to the death penalty said they
were not counting on a general reprieve from the Supreme Court.
The Breyer dissent was a dissent that two justices signed, said David R. Dow,
a law professor at the University of Houston and the founder of the Texas
Innocence Network.
I dont get too excited about two justices, he added. The Breyer dissent
means so little in terms of the imminent demise of the death penalty that I
wouldnt spend any time on it.
On the other side of the debate is the Eighth Amendment Project, a new group
seeking prompt action.
We certainly have a feeling were getting close, said Henderson Hill, the
groups executive director. Were getting warm.

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He said he understood why some were skeptical. Lawyers are by their nature
cautious, he said. When youve been part of the killing fields of Texas, you have to
concentrate on your clients and you dont have the luxury of thinking, What if?
Mr. Hill said one case from Texas might serve as the right vehicle to mount a
broad challenge. It concerns Julius Murphy, who was convicted of robbing and
killing a stranded motorist. Among his lawyers is Neal K. Katyal, a prominent
Supreme Court litigator and a former law clerk to Justice Breyer.
After Justice Breyers dissenting opinion, Mr. Katyal said, the time to test
his views in the crucible of argument before the full court has come.
In a brief to Texas highest court for criminal matters, Mr. Katyals law firm
devoted a substantial passage to a direct attack on the death penalty, echoing the
themes in Justice Breyers dissent. Should the Texas court rule against Mr.
Murphy, an appeal to the Supreme Court seems inevitable.
In the meantime, the Eighth Amendment Project is hard at work identifying
other cases that could serve as vehicles to end the death penalty, ideally ones
involving impulsive crimes, intellectual disability and claims of innocence. Among
cases the group hopes to avoid are ones arising from killings of police officers,
murders for hire and torture.
Whatever the eventual case, the group wants to have dozens of friend-of-thecourt briefs ready for filing.
Professor Dershowitz said a vigorous litigation strategy was the right
Justice Breyer would not have written this dissent if he did not think this was
a good time to bring cases to the attention of the court, he said. Now its up to
litigants to figure out the right case.

2015 The New York Times Company

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