Mes Enfants

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À mes chers enfants.

To my darling children.
Happening upon the eternal word of our God, I thought of you; of how you shall fill
my heart with the Joy of Jesus Christ, being children not my own, but dedicated to the
faultless care and love of your Eternal Father; I pray you look out, as He provides for the
little birds, my little darlings, even greater is his love for you! I need not tell you my own love
is less grand, and remarkably so; should there be times when needed is my embrace, I will no
doubt fail you, though veritably, it is my prayer now, as you are only of our Creator’s
marvelous imagination, that He shall not neglect to love you in His most sufficient capacity.
My Loves, I share with you now, indeed, it is only ever He who is sufficient; and faith, do
have that He is, eternally.
Having already alluded to His word, that which is essential, is essentiality, and
denotatively, simply “is”, I devine you may be interested to know the passage that thus

Psalm 15, of David. (The Authorised Version)

1Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?

Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
2He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness,
and speaketh the truth in his heart.
3He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour,
nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
4In whose eyes a vile person is contemned;
but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt,
and changeth not.
5He that putteth not out his money to usury,
nor taketh reward against the innocent.
He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

Ou, en le Français (La Sainte Bible, version Louis Segond; 1910)

«  O Éternel! qui séjournera dans ta tente? Qui demeurera sur ta montagne sainte?»

Who shall dwell in His tent, on His holy mount? I shall, and you, my darling children,
whom I will endeavour to raise in fear of the Lord, we shall dwell in his house.
Our Lord is. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is incarnate in the life
of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and King.
My dears, can you imagine, little you of minute stature and jeune, being welcomed to
the court of a great king, adorned in gold and precious jewels, dressed in rich purple that
elaborately, abundantly spills onto a cold marble floor imagine his columbine crown, the
purity of gold melting into the luminescence of his visage. The air about Him is sweeter than
honey, gently spiced with myrrh, it is true. One breath before Him, and you will be
intoxicated, captured by the furiously beautiful the glory of His being. He is our Brother, our
Saviour, our very Life; despite our insult. We are vivacious to insult His love; yet, chers, His
copious grace does take us in its hands, to stand before the Father, the Almighty High King
of all, YHWH. Mes petits, He has saved you, that you may never know the destruction of sin,
that is, death; but have life, his exceeding life, sa belle, seule vie. C’est la seule vie. Avec tout
mon cœur, je prie, vous êtes au courant de l’amour de l’Éternel.
It is true of both your father and I, that indeed our greatest success, our greatest
blessing is you. You are the quiver of our bow, the greatest of our investments. In saying so,
any plea had by you, consider granted.

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